HomeMy WebLinkAbout20200313INT to Staff 1-9.pdfPreston N. Carter, ISB No. 8462 Givens Pursley LLP 601 W. Bannock St. Boise,Idaho 83702 Telephone: (208) 388-1200 Facsimile: (208) 388-l 300 prestoncarter(@ givenspursley. com Attorneys for lntermountain Gas Company BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITES COMMISSION Rf;CEtVTO iil?{i l4$,R l3 PH lr: l+3 ri ,L-.-i.- ; r, i-,",i,ii'.,i1$Sl0li IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY FOR AUTHORITY TO REVISE ITS GENERAL SERVICE PROYISIONS RELATED TO TIIE INSTALLATION AND EXTENSION OF NATURAL GAS MAINS AND SERVICES CASE NO.INT.G.2O.Ol RESPONSE OF INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPAI\"Y TO FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF' ) ) ) ) ) ) ) Intermountain Gas Company, in response to the First Production Request of the Commission Staffto lntermountain Gas Company dated February 21,2020, submits the following information: REQUEST NO. 1: Page 14 of ExhibitNo.2 describes vested interest and deposit refunds. The Company explains that it will conduct annual reviews to determine if additional customers have connected to the main and turned on gas service. a. Please explain the processes the Company uses to manage and track refund eligibility. b. Please explain when the annual reviews will occur. c. Please explain why refunds are not issued immediately and a customer or developer must wait for an annual review. RESPONSE TO REQIIEST NO. 1: The processes outlined below will continue to be a work in progress as the Company 4.rsesses the available tools and personnel it has to review line extension contracts. RESPONSE OF IGC TO FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF TIIE COMMISSION STAFF, Page I a. For each main extension project with costs exceeding the allowable investment, the applicant will be required to sign a contract and make a payment to secure the main extension. This payment is potentially refundable if more service lines are installed on the main extension than originally included in the calculation of the upfront payment. The Accounting group will track all customer advances and will revietv themfor refund eligibility at the end of each of the first five years following the month in which the main extension project was completed. Each project will be tracked in an Excel spreadsheet maintained by the Accounting group. Additionally, the Company plans on modifying an existing software program to help track the number of service lines which are installed on a particular main extension. The Accounting group will use this program to determine when a vested interest or a deposit refund is due. b. Intermountain will conduct annual reviews at the end of each of thefirstfive years following the month in which the main extension project was completed. c. The Accounting group will oversee the tracking and potential refund of customer advances. This allows the Company to keep its internal controls strong by separating the refund process from the field employees that work with potential customers to extend the Company's mains and services. To avoid placing an undue burden on the Accounting group and to avoid adding personnel, the Accounting group will review each month all projects with an annual review date in that month. Record Lori Rlattner 208-177-6015 Sponsor/Preparer:JacobDarrineton. 208-377-6041 Location: 555 S Cole Rd. Boise. ID 83707 RESPONSE OF IGC TO FIRST PRODUCTION REQLIEST OF TIIE COMMISSION STAFF, Page2 REQUEST NO. 2: Page 11 of Exhibit No. 2 describes two tlpes of Line Extension Contracts (Type A and Type B). Please provide copies of Type A and Tlpe B contracts. Additionally, please provide a copy of the General Agreement. RESPONSE TO REQITEST NO.2: Please see thefollowingfiles included with this response: o PR l_2_Type A Controct - Deposit - Draft o PR 1_2_Type A Controct - Multiple Service Points - Droft o PR 7_2_Type A Controct - Single Seruice Point - Droft o PR 1_2_Type B Controct - Multiple Service Points - Droft o PR l_2_Type B Contract - Single Service Point - Drofi o PR 1_2_Generol Agreement - Droft Please note that these contracts were recently drafted to reflect the/iled tartffand are still being reviqned by the Company and the Company's legal department. These contracts are subject to change based on that revian as well as any revisions to the tariff resulting from this case. Record I-ori Blattner-208-377-601s SponsorlPreparer:JacobDarrinston. 208-377-6041 Location: 555 S Cole Rd. Boise. D 83707 RESPONSE OF IGC TO FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF TIIE COMMISSION STAFF, Page 3 REQUEST NO.3: Please provide all workpapers and assumptions used to determine the I 1.92% Construction Overhead Charge described in Section C, 5.3(c) of the Company's proposed tariff. Please describe the accounting treatrnent that will be applied to the 1192% Construction Overhead Charge. RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO.3: Please see the attachedfile labeled "PR l_3_IGC ES GA Rate Calc 2019" for the calculation of the I1.92% construction overhead rate. The construction overhead rate is the combination of Engineer and Supervision (ES) and General and Administrative (GA) overhead costs as a percentage of construction costs. ES consists of employees' time in preparation of work orders, mapping, determining feasibility, and other Engineering/construction based supervisory costs related to new construction which are not identified with a specific project, along with the associated payroll taxes and employee benefit costs. GA overhead consists of employees' time in processing A/P, A/R, receiving orders, and other administrativefunctions which are not identified with a specific project, along with the associated payroll taxes and employee benefit costs. Both ES & GA costs are accumulated in poolsfrom which a portion is capitalized to applicable work orders each month. The allocation of ES & GA costs to applicable work orders is based on the estimated construction overhead rate which is calculated each January by the Fixed Asset Accounting group and approved by the Controller. The process of capitalizing the ES & GA costs to applicable work orders is accomplished via a PowerPlan batch operation. The estimated construction overhead charges impact each of the Company's plant accounts. The rate is reviewed each quarter to determine if any adjustments should be made. In RESPONSE OF IGC TO FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAIF, Page4 December each year, the true constntction overhead rate is calculated and retroactively applied to adjust all current year construction overhead charges. Intermountain includes this rate in the project cost estimate used to calculate any advances requiredfor projects. The process of capitalizing ES and GA overhead costs to applicable work orders is not a new process introduced in this line extensionfiling. The construction overhead rate has only been included in the proposed line extension tariffto provide transparency in the way project costs are calculated. If the tariffis approved asfiled, customers would now be aware that the project cost consists of both direct project costs as well as the overhead necessary to construct the project. Record Inri Blattner-208-777-6015 Sponsor/Preparer:JacobDarrineton. 208-377-6041 Location: 555 S Cole Rd. Boise. ID 83707 RESPONSE OF IGC TO FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF TIIE COMMSSION STAFF, Page 5 REQUEST NO. 4: On page 7 of its Application, the Company states that it anticipates filing an annual tariffadvice. Please explain the following: a. How the Allowable lnvestment Factors will be updated. b. How the Construction Overhead Charge will be updated. RESPONSE TO REQITEST NO.4: a. Each year, the Company anticipates updating the inflationfoctors listed in Exhibit No. 4, page 4 to determine a new three-year compound inJlationfactor which is applied to the Service and Main line allowable investmentfactors on Exhibit No. 4, page l, lines 6 and 24. The Company also anticipates changing the depreciation lives on Exhibit No. 4, page 3, column (b) and the asset lives on Exhibit No. 4, page l, lines 9, 12, i,5, 27, 30, 33, and 36 each time the Company receives an Order updating its depreciation rates. Other aspects of the allowable investmentfactors calculation will be changed when the Company receives an Order in a general rate case. b. As part of its annual update, the Company will change the construction overhead charge listed in section 5.3(c) of Section C of the General Service Provisions to reJlect the curuently calculated rate used in the project costs estimates provided to line extension applicants. As mentioned in the response to Request No. 3 above, the construction overhead rate is calculated each January by the Fixed Asset Accounting group. Record Inri Rlatfner 20R-777-6015 Sponsor/Pre,parer:JacobDarrinston. 208-377-6041 Location: 555 S Cole Rd. Boise. ID 83707 RESPONSE OF IGC TO FIRST PRODUCTION REQLIEST OF TIIE COMMISSION STAFF, Page 6 REQUEST NO.5: Please provide workpapers showing how the refunds described on page 7 of the Company's Application will be computed. Please provide all workpapers in electonic format with links and formulae enabled. RESPONSE TO REQITEST NO.5: As stated on pdge 7 of the Company's Application, the proposed refundwill be calculoted as the dffirence between the original customer advance made by an applicant and the customer advance that would have been calculated under the Company's proposed tariff, less any refunds previously remitted. The attachedfile labeled "PR l_s_Customer Advance Refunds" shows the proposed refund calculationfor projects initiated between May 1, 2017 and November 30, 2019 which required a customer advance. After the tariffhas become effective, the Company proposes to use the same method outlined in these worlqapers to expand this spreadsheet and analyze all projects initiated between May I, 2017 and the effective date of the proposed turtff. Record Holder: Lori Blatrrer.208-377-6015 Sponsor/Preparer:JacobDarrinpton. 208-377-604ILocation: 555 S Cole Rd. Boise. ID 83707 RESPONSE OF IGC TO FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF, PaseT REQUEST NO. 6: Please describe the accounting ffeatnent that refunds proposed by the Company will receive. RESPONSE TO REQTTEST NO.6: All customer advances are tracked in FERC account 252 - Customer Advances for Constraction. This is a liability account. At the time an applicant makes a payment to the Companyfor a line extensionproject, the Company debits cash and credits the Customer Advances account. Wen refunds are issued to the applicant, the Company debits the Customer Advances account and credits cash. Record Inri Rlattner 208-177-6015 SponsorlPreparer:JacobDarrinston. 208-377-6041Location: 555 S Cole Rd. Boise. ID 83707 RESPONSE OF IGC TO FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF TIIE COMMISSION STAFF, Page 8 REQUEST NO. 7: Please provide the following: a. The numbers of Residential and Commercial customers who have hooked up since the May l, 2017 effective date of Order No. 33757. b. The numbers of Residential and Commercial customers who have paid an advance since the May 1,2017 effective date of Order No. 33757. c. If the proposed vested interest policies were in place since May 1, 2017, please provide estimates of the numbers of Residential and Commercial customers whom the Company expects could have received refunds. Please also provide the dollar value of refunds that the Company expects will be received by Residential and Commercial customers. RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO.7: a. From May 1, 2017 through December 31, 2019, 28,143 Residential and 2,007 Commercial customers hove hooked up to the Company's system. b. From May I, 2017 through November 30, 2019, 388 Residential and 65 Commercial customers/developments have paid a customer advance. c. The Company would like to make it clear that it does not intend to make the proposed vested interest policies retroactive to May l, 2017. The Company's carrent tariff and line extension contracts already providefor refunds to customersfor advances paid related to main lines. When customers not included in the original project calculation connect to a main within 5 years, the Company is currently refunding the original customer 1.5 times the revenue of the new customer up to the amount of the original customer advance. This results in a more generous refund than the new tariffproposes. The Company will honor all line extension contracts, which includes the Compony's current refund policy, entered into before the effective date of the proposed tariff. RESPONSE OF IGC TO FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF TIIE COMMISSION STAFF, Page 9 The attachedfile labeled "PR 1_7_Yested Interest Refund Estimate" attempts to determine the number of vested interest recipients and the total vested interest refund had the Company's proposed vested interest policy been in place since Mqt l, 2017. The Company estimates that 124 dffirent main extension projects would have vested interest refunds amounting to approximately $513K. The Company analyzed projects initiated between May I, 2017 and November 30, 2019. Based on available data, the Company attempted to isolate all main extension projects that had additional service lines not originally used in the allowance calculation. The refund calanlation is based on the annual therm usage estimate muhiplied by the Allowable Investment Factorfor Mains. Record T.ori Rleftner ?nR-?77-601 { Sponsor/Preparer:Jacob )oR-777-6041 Location:555 S Cole Rd-lD 8i707 RESPONSE OF IGC TO FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF TIIE COMMISSION STAFF, Page l0 REQUEST NO.8: Since May 1,2017, has the Company made any representations to Residential and Commercial customers who have paid a Service/IVlains extension advance that they might receive a refund? If so, please provide copies of any information about refunds that the Company has provided to its customers. RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO.8: The Company has not made any representations to Residential and Commercial customers that have paid a customer advance that they might receive a potential refund based on proposed chonges to the Company's line extension policy. Record Tnri Blattner 208-177-6015 Sponsor/Preparer:JacobDarrinston. 208-377-6041Location: 555 S Cole Rd. Boise. ID 83707 RESPONSE OF IGC TO FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF TIIE COMMISSION STAFF, Page I I REQUEST NO. 9: On page 3 of Exhibit 4, the Company shows the proxy calculation it used to determine the allocation of distribution related FERC accounts to the Residential and Commercial Classes. Please explain the steps that the Company is taking that will allow it to directly assign the costs of services and mains to each of the Company's classes in future updates to the Company's services and mains extension policies. RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO.9: The Company has begun internal conversations with its Fixed Asset Accounting group to identifu the possibilities and limitations of the Company's fixed asset system in direct assignment of service and moin costs to the Company's rate classes. Through these discussions, the Company has learned that its current Fixed Asset system is not capable of directly assigning main and service costs to each rate class. One of the biggest problems is that almost all distribution plant is or can be utilized by more than one rate class. Service lines, house meters, and regulators may be the only types of assets capable of being directly assigned to a rate class, however, the Company's curuent system only tracks these types of assets by size, vintage, and location at the district or total company level. Determining how to handle premises that switch rate classes would be an additional dfficulty in direct assignment of costs. Currently, thefixed asset records and the customer records are housed in separate computer programs. An information technologt solution to bridge the programs would be expensive, and a manual solution would require additional personnel to complete the added work. In Order No. 33757 in Case No. INT-G-16-02, the Commission "strongly encourage[d] the Company [...J to participate with Staffand other interested parties in determining the best way forward as it relates to class cost-of-service acquisition of appropriate cost causation and load data." As this case is wrapped up, the Company plans to begin those discussions related to RESPONSE OF IGC TO FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF TIIE COMMSSION STAFF, Page 12 class cost of service. The Company believes the issues raised in this question can be morefully addressed in these discussions. Record f nri Ellaffnpr )0**777-6015 Sponsor/?reparer:Jacoh f)arri 208-377-6041 Location:555 S Cole Rd ID 83707 Dated: March 13,2020 GTVENS PURSLEY LLP 2 2-A-- Preston N. Carter Attorneys for Intermountain Gas Company RESPONSE OF IGC TO FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF TIIE COMMISSION STAFF, Page 13 CERTIHCATE OF SERVICE I certiff that on Marc,h 13,2020, a tnre and correct copy of INTERMOLTNTAIN GAS coMpANy's RESPoNSE TO FIRST PRODUCTION REQLTEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF was served upon all parties of record in this proceeding via the manner indicated below: Commi$ion Strff Diane Hanian, Commission Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 11331 W. Chinden Blvd., Bldg.8, Suite 201-A Boise,lD 83714 Diane.holt@Fuc. idaho. gov Matt Hunter Deputy Auorney General Idatro Public Utilities Commission I l33l W. Chinden Blvd., Bldg. 8, Suite 201-A Boise,lD 83714 matt.hunter@.ouc. idaho. sov Electronic mail Electrcnic Mail Lori RESPONSE OF ICC TO FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF, Page 14