HomeMy WebLinkAbout20200414INT to ICL 1-17.pdfRESPONSE OF INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY TO FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE ICL – PAGE 1 Preston N. Carter, ISB No. 8462 Givens Pursley LLP 601 W. Bannock St. Boise, Idaho 83702 Telephone: (208) 388-1200 Facsimile: (208) 388-1300 prestoncarter@givenspursley.com Attorneys for Intermountain Gas Company BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION -2023 INTEGRATED CASE NO. INT-G-19-07 RESPONSE OF INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY TO FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE Intermountain Gas Company, in response to the First Production Request of the Idaho Conservation League to Intermountain Gas Company dated March 24, 2020, submits the information below. All files referenced in this document will be available to the parties via the Company’s SharePoint site. Confidential files will be placed in the CONFIDENTIAL Responses SharePoint folder and non-confidential files will be placed in the general Responses folder. Links to the site will be emailed to those on the certificate of service. REQUEST NO. 1: If not already provided, please provide electronic copies of all data requests received from and Company responses sent to any party in this proceeding. RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO. 1: The Company has provided all data request responses in this proceeding to the Idaho Conservation League (“ICL”). Record Holder: Lori Blattner, 208-377-6015 Sponsor/Preparer: Jacob Darrington, 208-377-6041 Location: 555 S Cole Rd, Boise, ID 83707 RECEIVED 2020 April 14,PM2:32 IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION RESPONSE OF INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY TO FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE ICL – PAGE 2 REQUEST NO. 2: Please provide a list of every individual and entity the Company contacted with its July 11, 2018 letter invitation to join the IRP advisory group. RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO. 2: The list of individuals invited to join the Intermountain Gas Resource Advisory Committee is submitted as “PR 1_2_IGRAC Invitation List”. For the complete list of individuals that accepted the invitation, please see Exhibit No. 1, Section A, Page 2 of Intermountain’s 2019 – 2023 Integrated Resource Plan. Record Holder: Lori Blattner, 208-377-6015 Sponsor/Preparer: Raycee Thompson, 208-377-6046 Location: 555 S Cole Rd, Boise, ID 83707 RESPONSE OF INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY TO FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE ICL – PAGE 3 REQUEST NO. 3: Please answer whether or not the Company facilitates remote participation in its IRP advisory group meetings? If not, please explain why not. RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO. 3: For committee members that were unable to attend the meetings in person a call-in option was provided. Record Holder: Lori Blattner, 208-377-6015 Sponsor/Preparer: Raycee Thompson, 208-377-6046 Location: 555 S Cole Rd, Boise, ID 83707 RESPONSE OF INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY TO FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE ICL – PAGE 4 REQUEST NO. 4: Please discuss in detail the Company’s basis for limiting its IRP planning period to 5 years. RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO. 4: In Order No. 27024, Case No. INT-G-97-02, the Commission approved Intermountain’s request to limit the forecasting horizon for Integrated Resource Plans to a period of five (5) years to more closely align the IRP with business planning practices. The five (5) year planning horizon, updated biennially, provides adequate time to act upon any capacity issues identified through the IRP process. Given the inherent inaccuracies in long-term forecasts, and the fact that five years provides sufficient time to act upon any capacity issues, a longer planning horizon would result in little to no additional benefit but would significantly increase the hours and potential consultant expenses necessary to complete the IRP. Record Holder: Lori Blattner, 208-377-6015 Sponsor/Preparer: Lori Blattner, 208-377-6015 Location: 555 S Cole Rd, Boise, ID 83707 RESPONSE OF INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY TO FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE ICL – PAGE 5 REQUEST NO. 6: At page 5, the Company states: “…according to the American Gas Association, households with natural gas versus all electric appliances produce 41% less greenhouse gas emissions.” a. Please provide the study that supports this statement. b. Please explain whether or not this statement is representative of the households in the Company’s service territory in Idaho. RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO. 6: a. This statement was included in a section of the IRP that is not required, but that was included to improve the readability of the document and set the stage for the current natural gas market. Please see the file labeled “PR 1_6_ea_2017-03”. b. This study is compiled by the American Gas Association. Idaho’s households would have been represented in the nation-wide study but were not separately studied. Record Holder: Lori Blattner, 208-377-6015 Sponsor/Preparer: Lori Blattner, 208-377-6015 Location: 555 S Cole Rd, Boise, ID 83707 RESPONSE OF INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY TO FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE ICL – PAGE 6 REQUEST NO. 7: At page 5, the Company states: “The Northwest Gas Association has reported that the direct use of natural gas is about 92% efficient.” a. Please provide this report. RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO. 7: a. This statement was included in a section of the IRP that is not required, but that was included to improve the readability of the document and set the stage for the current natural gas market. Please see the file labeled “PR 1_7_NWGA_FactsWEBF”. Record Holder: Lori Blattner, 208-377-6015 Sponsor/Preparer: Lori Blattner, 208-377-6015 Location: 555 S Cole Rd, Boise, ID 83707 RESPONSE OF INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY TO FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE ICL – PAGE 7 REQUEST NO. 8: At page 5, the Company states: “…the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) has reported that natural gas for electric generation has allowed U.S. power plants to achieve a 27-year low in emissions.” a. Please provide this report. RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO. 8: a. This statement was included in a section of the IRP that is not required, but that was included to improve the readability of the document and set the stage for the current natural gas market. Please see the file labeled “PR 1_8_EIA_Today in Energy”. Record Holder: Lori Blattner, 208-377-6015 Sponsor/Preparer: Lori Blattner, 208-377-6015 Location: 555 S Cole Rd, Boise, ID 83707 RESPONSE OF INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY TO FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE ICL – PAGE 8 REQUEST NO. 9: At page 6, the Company states: “As electric generating capacity becomes more constrained in the Pacific Northwest, additional peak generating capacity will primarily be natural gas fired.” a. Please provide the basis for this claim. RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO. 9: a. This statement was included in a section of the IRP that is not required, but that was included to improve the readability of the document and set the stage for the current natural gas market. The Idaho Energy Landscape discusses the use of natural gas for peak power production in Idaho and can be found here: https://oemr.idaho.gov/wp- content/uploads/FINAL-Energy-Landscape-2019-1.pdf Record Holder: Lori Blattner, 208-377-6015 Sponsor/Preparer: Lori Blattner, 208-377-6015 Location: 555 S Cole Rd, Boise, ID 83707 RESPONSE OF INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY TO FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE ICL – PAGE 9 REQUEST NO. 11: At page 62, the Company discusses how it forecasts the price of gas. a. Please provide the Company’s annual low, base, and high gas supply price forecast over the next 20 years. Please provide this information in a table that identifies the annual cost by year. b. Please provide the pricing forecast information and reports from the AECO, Rockies, and Sumas pricing points and the proprietary model that the Company used to forecast gas supply cost. c. Please explain how the Company evaluated the impacts to gas supply cost from the Canadian federal government’s Greenhouse Gas Pollution Pricing Act, which was assented to and commenced on June 21, 2018. RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO. 11: a. The Company’s annual low, base, and high 20-year gas supply price forecast used in the Company’s IRP filing is provided in the confidential file labeled “CONFIDENTIAL PR 1_11_Price Forecast". b. The Company has provided the forecast for the AECO, Rockies, and Sumas pricing points. The price forecast utilizes multiple outside sources to create the Company’s price forecast. The price forecast methodology is provided in the confidential file labeled “CONFIDENTIAL PR 1_11_Price Forecast Design Document”. Due to the utilization in the Company’s model of some outside sources that require their forecasts remain proprietary, Intermountain cannot provide a copy of the model. However, Intermountain is willing to set up a video call with interested parties to walk through the model and discuss the inputs and results. c. As mentioned in section VI of the “CONFIDENTIAL PR 1_11_Price Forecast Design Document” file, the Greenhouse Gas Pollution Pricing Act and the Canadian Federal Fuel Charge (CFFC) impact costs apply to direct sales of natural gas. Since Intermountain does not sell gas directly in Alberta or British Columbia, the CFFC is not applicable and therefore does not impact the price forecast. Record Holder: Lori Blattner, 208-377-6015 Sponsor/Preparer: Brian Robertson, 509-734-4546 Location: 555 S Cole Rd, Boise, ID 83707 RESPONSE OF INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY TO FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE ICL – PAGE 10 REQUEST NO. 12: At pages 61-62, the Company discusses the capacity release process. a. Please provide the amount, duration, and sale value of every capacity release successfully sold via pre-arranged deal with IGI Resources, Inc. (IGI) or via auction through an Electronic Bulletin Board (EBB) over the last three years; b. Please provide the amount and duration of excess capacity that was not successfully released via pre-arranged deal with IGI or via auction through an EBB over the last three years. RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO. 12: Pursuant to Intermountain’s Objection, please see the confidential information in the file labeled “CONFIDENTIAL PR 1_12_Capacity Releases” regarding capacity releases that were previously provided to Staff of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission during the most recent PGA process. Record Holder: Lori Blattner, 208-377-6015 Sponsor/Preparer: Jacob Darrington, 208-377-6041 Location: 555 S Cole Rd, Boise, ID 83707 RESPONSE OF INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY TO FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE ICL – PAGE 11 REQUEST NO. 13: At pages 82-83, the Company discusses Large Volume customer energy efficiency. a. Please provide the total number of large volume customers that have installed SCADA units for tracking hourly therm usage data. b. Please provide the percentage of the Company’s total large volume customers that have installed SCADA units. c. Please provide the total monthly page views of the Company’s Large Volume customer website over the last 3 years. RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO. 13: a. 110 large volume customers have installed SCADA units for tracking hourly therm usage data. b. About 84% of Intermountain’s large volume customers have installed SCADA units. c. The total annual page views for the Company’s Large Volume customer website are as follows: Intermountain Large Volume Customer Website Page View Count 2017 2018 2019 Record Holder: Lori Blattner, 208-377-6015 Sponsor/Preparer: Dave Swenson, 208-377-6118 Location: 555 S Cole Rd, Boise, ID 83707 RESPONSE OF INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY TO FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE ICL – PAGE 12 REQUEST NO. 14: Please provide a table comparing the Company’s annual conservation targets with the Company’s annual actuals, since the Company began implementing its conservation program. RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO. 14: Intermountain Gas Energy Efficiency Program – Therm Savings by Program Year Record Holder: Lori Blattner, 208-377-6015 Sponsor/Preparer: Kathy Wold, 208-377-6128 Location: 555 S Cole Rd, Boise, ID 83707 RESPONSE OF INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY TO FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE ICL – PAGE 13 REQUEST NO. 15: In the Company’s response to Staff’s Request No. 9, the Company states: “The proposed second LNG tank at the Rexburg LNG Facility will expand the storage capacity of the Facility, allowing the Company to maintain approximately two days of peak day storage onsite. The Company conservatively strives to maintain two days of onsite storage to meet core customer demands, while at the same time, reserving LNG trailers that will be called into service for LNG transfer from the Nampa LNG Plant.” a. Please provide the information and analysis the Company used to determine that maintaining two days of onsite LNG storage is the least cost, least risk of all available supply and demand side options to meet customer needs. RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO. 15: a. Maintaining two days of onsite storage at the Rexburg LNG Facility to meet a peak cold weather event on the Idaho Falls Lateral (IFL) is a balance of cost and risk weighed by Intermountain. At the time of initial design, it was decided that the Rexburg LNG Facility would be built with onsite storage to reduce its dependency on LNG trailers for immediate supply, and to allow each LNG trailer the freedom to transfer product into storage at a rapid rate and then leave the site, as opposed to leaving an LNG trailer on site at an additional hourly cost to connect directly to the vaporization facility without storage, and removing product directly from the LNG trailer into the Lateral at a rate dictated by customer demand at the time. The initial volume of onsite storage was determined by current and future demand, along with an industry standard storage tank design for satellite facilities. The initial facility design also allows for the potential expansion of two additional storage tanks of equal size. The desired requirement of two days peak onsite storage is a rule set by the Engineering department as it allows for Rexburg LNG to have enough supply to cover the peaking event planned for within the IRP, which is a needle peak event with a single peak day and relatively high heating degree days occurring on each side of the peak (derived from historical events as described within the IRP). The pre and post peak days utilize almost the same amount of LNG as the peak day itself, which equates to the two peak day onsite supply. Should an extended cold event occur, or the Operator controlled supply from Rexburg not be as perfectly precise as a modeled RESPONSE OF INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY TO FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE ICL – PAGE 14 prediction, then the LNG trailers in reserve can begin to supplement supply for Rexburg. Intermountain chose not to rely solely on LNG trailer supply to meet a peak event as highway and interstate transportation is not reliably open at all times throughout the winter. Record Holder: Lori Blattner, 208-377-6015 Sponsor/Preparer: Russ Nishikawa, 208-377-6038 Location: 555 S Cole Rd, Boise, ID 83707 RESPONSE OF INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY TO FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE ICL – PAGE 15 REQUEST NO. 16: At pages 67-71, the Company discusses Lost and Unaccounted For (LAUF) gas. a. Please provide the annual amount of Lost and Unaccounted For (LAUF) gas over the last 20 years. b. Please provide a comparison table, showing the annual amount of LAUF gas from representative gas companies in the Intermountain West. c. At page 68, the Company refers to “Dead Meters.” Please explain what dead meters are and explain why the Company identifies several hundred dead meters annually. Please provide the annual number of dead meters over the past 10 years. d. Please provide the annual amount of “found gas” that escaped from the Company system over the last 10 years. e. Please answer whether or not the Company subtracted LAUF gas and “found gas” from the Company’s load demand curves. RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO. 16: a. Pursuant to Intermountain’s Objection, annual LAUF data reported in Intermountain’s most recent PGA filing (INT-G-19-06) is included as “PR 1_16_INT-G-19-06 Workpaper No. 7”. b. Pursuant to Intermountain’s Objection, the Company does not have the requested table. However, information regarding the subject-matter of this request is publicly available at https://www.phmsa.dot.gov/data-and-statistics/pipeline/gas- distribution-gas-gathering-gas-transmission-hazardous-liquids. c. A dead meter is a meter with a measurement discrepancy. These meters are identified on a monthly basis by the Company’s billing department based on a report that monitors variances in usage. These meters are then pulled by service technicians for additional testing to determine the root cause of the error. The annual number of dead meters is as follows: Intermountain Dead Meter Count 2016 2017 2018 RESPONSE OF INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY TO FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE ICL – PAGE 16 d. Pursuant to Intermountain’s Objection, found gas data reported in Intermountain’s most recent PGA filing (INT-G-19-06) is included as “PR 1_16_INT-G-19-06 Workpaper No. 7”. e. Intermountain does not, and has no way to, forecast the amount of LAUF gas and found gas. Record Holder: Lori Blattner, 208-377-6015 Sponsor/Preparer: Raycee Thompson, 208-377-6046 Location: 555 S Cole Rd, Boise, ID 83707 RESPONSE OF INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY TO FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE ICL – PAGE 17 REQUEST NO. 17: In response to Staff’s Request No. 13, the Company provided the pipes targeted for replacement by length and pipe size. a. Please provide the annual amounts of at-risk pipe the Company has replaced since 2013 and annual cost associated with these replacements. b. Please provide the estimated date at which time all the at-risk pipe will be replaced. c. Please the information and analysis that supports the Company’s replacement rate for at-risk pipe. d. Please provide the estimated total cost to replace all the at-risk pipe. RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO. 17: a. The Company completed a program in 2017 which replaced a high-risk subset of 3.5” steel pipe (Thin-Skin). Between 2013 and 2017, the Company replaced roughly 16.2 miles of this type of pipe at an approximate cost of $5.65 million. Between 2013 and 2019, the Company replaced, as part of an ongoing program, roughly 66.2 miles of Aldyl-A pipe at an approximate cost of $8.52 million. b. Providing a meaningful estimated completion date for replacing all at-risk pipe is extremely difficult. Constrained annual budgets, contractor availability and cost, impacts to the public, and other considerations all affect the rate at which at-risk pipe can be replaced. It should be noted that risk is relative, and the replacement program targets areas of pipe with the highest relative risk as identified by the Company’s GIS-based risk model. This model is updated annually to reflect new information, and the replacement program priorities may be adjusted accordingly based on the results. c. Information including leak history and quantified relative risk are trended and reviewed annually as part of IGC’s DIMP Performance Management program. This data is considered when determining whether the replacement program is effectively reducing risk on the system or whether program changes are needed. Risk between distribution systems is relative and the Company’s DIMP model is used to target high-risk systems for replacement first. Budgets, availability of qualified contractors, and impacts to the public all affect the scopes of work and rate of replacing at-risk pipe. RESPONSE OF INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY TO FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE ICL – PAGE 18 d. Given the quantity of targeted pipe and the variability of pricing in replacing it, providing a meaningful estimated total cost would be purely speculative. Record Holder: Lori Blattner, 208-377-6015 Sponsor/Preparer: Jesse Volk, 218-770-8481 Location: 555 S Cole Rd, Boise, ID 83707 Dated: April 14, 2020 GIVENS PURSLEY LLP Preston N. Carter Attorneys for Intermountain Gas Company RESPONSE OF INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY TO FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE ICL – PAGE 19 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I certify that on April 14, 2020, a true and correct copy of INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY’S RESPONSE TO FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE IDAHO CONSERVATION LEAGUE was served upon all parties of record in this proceeding via the manner indicated below: Benjamin J. Otto Matt Nykiel 710 N. 6th Street Boise, ID 83702 botto@idahoconservation.org mnykiel@idahoconservation.org Commission Staff Diane Hanian, Commission Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 11331 W. Chinden Blvd., Bldg. 8, Suite 201-A Boise, ID 83714 Diane.Hanian@puc.idaho.gov John R. Hammond, Jr. Deputy Attorney General Idaho Public Utilities Commission 11331 W. Chinden Blvd., Bldg. 8, Suite 201-A Boise, ID 83714 john.hammond@puc.idaho.gov Electronic Mail Lori A. Blattner Name Company Roger Chase Bingham County Economic Development John Regetz Bannock County Economic Development Ed Vining Northwest Pipeline - Williams John Chatburn Idaho Office of Energy Resources Dave Dickerson Northwest Pipeline - Williams Dave Allred Northwest Pipeline - Williams Randy Thomas Amy's Kitchen Dale Nordstrom Micron Technology, Inc. April Rice State of Idaho Jan Rogers REDI of Eastern Idaho Dana Kirkham REDI of Eastern Idaho Kit Kamo Snake River Economic Development Alliance Tina Wilson Western Alliance For Economic Development Connie Stopher SEIDO (Southern Idaho Economic Development Organization) Steve Fultz Caldwell Economic Development Beth Ineck Nampa Economic Development Matt Hunte Pocatello/Chubbuck Chamber of Commerce Shawn Barigar Twin Falls Chamber of Commerce Ethan Mansfield Boise Valley Economic Partnership Scott Reese Bingham County Economic Development Eric Beck Chobani Garth Mickelson Chobani Charlie Howell Jerome County Katchy Roeme Jerome County Roger Morle Jerome County Terri Carlock Idaho Public Utilities Commission Intermountain Gas Resource Advisory Committee Invitation Mailing List Copyright © 2017 by the American Gas Association. All rights reserved EA 2017-03 July 11, 2017 AA CCOOMMPPAARRIISSOONN OOFF EENNEERRGGYY UUSSEE,, OOPPEERRAATTIINNGG CCOOSSTTSS,, AANNDD CCAARRBBOONN DDIIOOXXIIDDEE EEMMIISSSSIIOONNSS OOFF HHOOMMEE AAPPPPLLIIAANNCCEESS 22001166 UUPPDDAATTEE Introduction Natural gas, electricity, oil, and propane compete in the residential sector in a variety of applications – primarily space heating and water heating. Natural gas, electricity, and propane also compete in cooking and clothes drying applications. Choosing which energy to use has significant implications in terms of efficiency, economics, and the environment. While the ultimate energy choice is made by consumers and builders, this choice is also influenced by government policies. It is important that government policies and regulations that influence energy matters be based on accurate measurements of energy efficiency and environmental impacts. Most government policies and regulations that influence energy matters are “site-based” - that is, they only consider the impacts at the site where the energy is ultimately consumed. Site-based regulations, such as appliance efficiency standards and measurement, can lead to higher energy resource consumption as well as higher levels of pollution. A full-fuel-cycle analysis is more comprehensive. This method examines all impacts associated with energy use, including those from the extraction/production, conversion/generation, transmission, distribution, and ultimate energy consumption. Site energy analysis only takes into consideration the ultimate consumption stage. Significant energy is consumed, with resulting polluting emissions, during all stages of energy use. This view is supported by the National Academies’ report to the Department of Energy (DOE), “Review of Site (Point-of-Use) and Full-Fuel-Cycle Measurement Approaches to DOE/EERE Building Appliance Energy Efficiency Standards.”1 The report found that DOE should consider changing its measurement of appliance energy efficiency to one based on the full-fuel-cycle. This more accurate measurement would provide consumers with more complete information on energy use and environmental impacts. 1 National Academies, http://www8.nationalacademies.org/onpinews/newsitem.aspx?RecordID=12670 2 The purpose of this analysis is to compare the relative impacts associated with residential appliances powered by natural gas, electricity, oil, and propane. Consideration is given not only to impacts at the point of ultimate energy consumption -- i.e., the home -- but also to those impacts associated with the production, conversion, transmission, and distribution of energy to the household. For example, energy is used and lost in the generation of electricity and in the processing required for crude oil and natural gas. Summary of Results The use of natural gas rather than electricity, oil, or propane in residential applications, when evaluated on a full-fuel-cycle basis, results in significant reductions in energy consumption, consumer energy bills, and air pollutant emissions. Natural Gas Use Results in Less Total Energy Consumption ➢ Although electric appliances (e.g., space heaters, water heaters, stoves and clothes dryers) may consume less site energy than their natural gas counterparts, this disadvantage is more than offset by the greater energy efficiency of the overall natural gas production/delivery system. ▪ In a typical residential application, a natural gas home requires about one-quarter less total energy on a full-fuel-cycle basis than is required for a comparable all-electric home (see Exhibit I) for those appliances. ▪ This energy efficiency advantage of natural gas-based homes stems from the fact that less than ten percent of the natural gas energy produced is used or lost from the point of production to the residence. In contrast, almost 70 percent of the energy produced to satisfy the electricity needs of consumers is used or lost in the process of energy production, conversion, transmission, and distribution. ➢ A typical natural gas furnace consumes about the same site energy as a comparable oil furnace. A gas water heater uses slightly less site energy than an oil water heater. Also, since oil is not typically used in cooking and clothes drying, it was assumed that electric appliances would be used for those applications in the oil house. These factors, when combined with a slightly higher efficiency for the overall gas production/delivery system relative to oil, result in gas appliances requiring 9 percent less total energy than the oil house. ➢ While natural gas and propane have the same site-based appliance efficiencies, natural gas is more efficient in the overall production/delivery system. This better full-fuel-cycle efficiency results in the natural gas home requiring three percent less total energy than the propane house. 3 Note: “Other” includes impacts from distribution, transportation, processing, and extraction. * Energy use for space heating, water heating, cooking, and clothes drying appliances. Using Natural Gas Can Save Homeowners 43 to 49 Percent on Their Energy Bills ➢ The higher efficiency and lower price of natural gas relative to other energy forms result in annual utility energy bills for the gas home that are roughly 49 percent lower than the comparable all-electric home energy bills, about 46 percent lower than the oil home, and 43 percent lower than the propane home. ▪ According to DOE,2 the 2016 U. S. representative average unit cost for residential gas is $9.32 per million British thermal units (MMBtu) versus $36.93 per MMBtu for electricity, $14.28 per MMBtu for distillate oil, and $15.44 per MMBtu for propane. ▪ Based on these energy prices and the energy consumption levels modeled in this analysis, residential natural gas customers realize annual energy savings of approximately $743 relative to electricity customers, $803 relative to oil customers, and $635 relative to propane customers. Natural Gas is the Cleaner Fossil Fuel The inherent cleanliness of natural gas relative to other fossil fuels, in conjunction with its high efficiency, results in numerous environmental benefits relative to electric, oil, and propane systems. These include lower emission levels of the criteria pollutants regulated by the Clean Air Act. Natural gas combustion results in a fraction of the nitrogen oxides, sulfur dioxides, and particulate matter compared to oil, coal, and 2 U.S. Energy Information Administration, Short-Term Energy Outlook (August 11, 2015), Annual Energy Outlook (April 14, 2015), and Monthly Energy Review (July 28, 2015) 4 propane combustion.3 In addition, natural gas use is substantially cleaner than oil, coal, and propane in regards to carbon dioxide (CO2), the principal greenhouse gas. For example, carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e) emissions are about 41 percent lower for the gas residence than those attributable to an all-electric home, about 18 percent lower than oil homes, and 16 percent lower than propane homes (see Exhibit 2). 1 Emissions from space heating, water heating, cooking, and clothes drying Note – includes impact on CO2 equivalent from unburned methane This analysis is based on new homes that meet the 2011 International Energy Conservation Code. Electricity is assumed to be generated by all the inputs consumed for generation in the United States, including renewable sources and nuclear energy. The appliances meet the minimum efficiency standards as set by the Department of Energy, where applicable, which represent the majority of appliances sold. An analysis based on the existing home stock would be even more favorable to natural gas, as older homes tend to require more energy due to their lower thermal integrity and less efficient equipment. The analysis does not consider air conditioning, which is almost always provided by electricity, and the economic comparison focuses on energy costs and does not consider equipment and installation costs. Analysis of Full-Fuel-Cycle Impacts Background Significant amounts of energy can be used or lost along the “energy trajectory,” that is, in the extraction, processing, transportation, conversion, and distribution of 3 Environmental Protection Agency, AP-42 Emission Factors, http://www.epa.gov/ttn/chief/ap42/ch01/index.html 5 energy. A more efficient energy trajectory translates into less overall energy production required. In addition, the efficiency of end-use equipment affects the total energy requirement. In order to obtain a comprehensive assessment of the total impact of end-use energy applications on energy resources, the full-fuel-cycle must be examined; that is, the efficiency of the energy trajectory in conjunction with that of the end-use device. When compared with electricity, natural gas is delivered to consumers with much less energy wasted. The cumulative efficiency -- from the wellhead to the residential meter -- of the natural gas trajectory is approximately 92 percent. This means that for every 100 MMBtu of energy produced, 92 MMBtu of energy is delivered to the consumer. Based on the current mix of energy used for electricity generation, electricity delivers to the consumer only 32 MMBtu of the same 100 MMBtu of energy produced. For oil, each 100 MMBtu produced results in 84 MMBtu reaching the customer. For propane, each 100 MMBtu produced results in 87 MMBtu reaching the customer (see Table 1). In terms of full-fuel-cycle -- the combined efficiency of the energy trajectory and the efficiency of the end-use equipment -- natural gas retains its superiority. For new residential applications, full-fuel-cycle efficiency will be 74 percent for the natural gas space heating option that meets the minimum efficiency rating of 0.80. For electric heat pumps, whose federal minimum standard for fuel utilization efficiency is about 200 percent, the full-fuel-cycle efficiency will be about 64 percent. Less efficient electric resistance heating has a full-fuel-cycle heating efficiency of only 32 percent. The full-fuel-cycle efficiency for an oil furnace averages about 67 percent, due to an energy trajectory efficiency of 84 percent. The propane furnace full-fuel-cycle efficiency measure is also 70 percent. Again, these efficiencies reflect the total of all losses from extraction, processing, transportation, conversion, distribution, and end use of the natural gas, electric, oil, and propane systems. 6 TABLE 1 ENERGY TRAJECTORY EFFICIENCY OF ENERGY DELIVERED TO THE HOME1 EXTRACTION PROCESSING TRANSPORTATION2 CONVERSION DISTRIBUTION CUMULATIVE EFFICIENCY Natural Gas 96.2% 97.0% 99.0% -- 99.0% 91.5% Oil 94.9% 89.1% 99.7% -- 99.6% 84.0% Propane 94.6% 93.6% 99.2% -- 99.2% 87.1% Electricity: Coal-Based Oil-Based Natural Gas-Based Nuclear-Based Other3-Based 98.0% 98.6% 99.0% 32.9% 93.5% 29.4% 96.3% 89.1% 98.8% 32.0% 93.5% 26.7% 96.2% 97.0% 99.3% 43.2% 93.5% 37.4% 99.0% 96.2% 99.9% 32.6% 93.5% 29.0% -- -- -- 56.0% 93.5% 52.4% Electricity Weighted Average4 98.0% 97.8% 99.3% 35.7% 93.5% 31.8% Source: Source Energy and Emission Factors for Building Energy Consumption – 2013 Update, Prepared by the Gas Technology Institute for the AGA – January 2014. “--“ indicates not applicable or no efficiency loss. 1Efficiency of energy delivered to the home refers to the energy used or lost, from the point of extraction to the residence, not including the end-use device. 2Transportation of natural gas from processing plant to local distribution system; transportation of fossil fuel to electricity generating plants. 3Includes renewable energy 4Current national weighted average mix of all power generation sources. The superiority of natural gas, in terms of energy trajectory efficiency, more than offsets the often higher end-use efficiency of electric equipment. The point of greatest inefficiency along the electricity trajectory is generation, where roughly two-thirds of the input energy is lost as heat in the production of steam to turn large turbine/generators. Additionally, approximately six percent of the electricity generated does not reach the ultimate consumer due to transmission line losses. Methodology Energy Efficiency Trajectories (Table 1) Data for full-fuel-cycle energy efficiency factors were taken from Full-Fuel-Cycle Energy and Emission Factors for Building Energy Consumption – 2013 Update, prepared by the Gas Technology Institute (GTI) for the American Gas Association. The conversion and cumulative efficiency factors for “Other” energy inputs for electricity 7 generation was calculated based on the weighted average of the other factors as listed in the report. Energy Use The analysis examines the total energy requirements for space heating, water heating, cooking, and drying of one-story, single family detached residence (2,072 square feet of conditioned space) in an average climate in the United States (4,811 heating degree days). Only natural gas, electricity, oil, and propane appliances were examined. The home in the analysis was assumed to meet 2011 International Energy Conservation Code (IECC) standards with appliances that at least meet the minimum standards set by the Department of Energy. In the natural gas and propane heated homes, the analysis assumed the furnace had an efficiency of 80 percent. The energy requirement for the system’s fan was also included in the system’s energy requirement calculation. The electric home used a heat pump with a heating seasonal performance factor (HSPF) of 7.7. For the oil home, a furnace with an efficiency of 80 percent was used. All units produced approximately 58 MMBtu per year of useable heat annually. For heating water, the home was assumed to use a 50-gallon electric water heater with an efficiency/energy factor of 90 percent, a 32-gallon oil model with an efficiency of 51 percent, and a 40-gallon model with an efficiency of 59 percent in the natural gas and propane homes. All units meet the minimum efficiency set by DOE and can produce the number of gallons of hot water required by the home -- about 15 MMBtu of useful water heating output per year. Such sizing variations are common. Electric units must be sized somewhat larger in order to provide adequate quantities of hot water due to the units’ lower recovery rates compared with natural gas units, and the oil units are relatively smaller due to their larger burner size. All water heaters have a first hour rating in excess of 60 gallons. For cooking, the natural gas and propane units have an energy factor of 5.8 and the electric stove has an energy factor of 10.9, and all units produce 0.2 MMBtu of useful cooking energy. Clothes dryers have energy factors of 2.67 for natural gas and propane and 3.01 for electricity, and all units meet a drying energy output of 0.1 MMBtu per year. Since oil is not commonly used for cooking or clothes drying, it was assumed that electric appliances for these applications were used in the oil homes. Results On a full-fuel-cycle basis, natural gas use in primary residential appliance applications is far more efficient compared with electricity, oil, and propane. The full- fuel-cycle energy requirement for an average home using natural gas is 33 percent less than for a similar home using electricity, is 12 percent less than the similar oil home, and is five percent less than the similar propane home. End-use (site-based) energy requirements for this home would be 89.9 MMBtu per year of natural gas and propane, 48.3 MMBtu per year of electricity, and 87.0 MMBtu for oil. Total energy requirements (full-fuel-cycle), however, would be 102.0, 151.9, 116.6, and 107.2 MMBtu annually of natural gas, electricity, oil, and propane, respectively (see Table 2). 8 For many areas of the country, space heating represents the greatest portion of energy use in residences. The site energy required for heating the natural gas and propane homes of about 2,000 square feet is 59.6 MMBtu per year. A comparable home that has an electric heat pump requires 30.8 MMBtu of site energy annually for space heating while the oil home requires 58.9 MMBtu annually. The annual energy requirements for heating these homes, when measured on a full-fuel-cycle basis, would be 68.6 MMBtu for the natural gas furnace, 96.8 MMBtu for the electric heat pump, 74.9 MMBtu for the oil furnace, and 72.0 MMBtu for the propane furnace. The annual site energy requirement for water heating would be 25.4 MMBtu for the natural gas and propane appliances, 16.6 MMBtu for the electric option, and 29.1 MMBtu for oil. When calculated on a full-fuel-cycle basis, the annual energy requirement would be 26.6 MMBtu for natural gas, 49.8 MMBtu for electricity, 28.6 MMBtu for oil, and 28.0 MMBtu for propane. The energy requirements for residential cooking and clothes drying are typically lower than for those for space and water heating. On a site-basis, the combined energy consumption by both of these appliances would be 7.1 MMBtu for natural gas and propane compared to 5.1 MMBtu for electricity. On a full-fuel-cycle basis, the energy requirements would be 6.8 MMBtu for the natural gas appliances, 13.0 MMBtu for the electric appliances, and 7.2 MMBtu for the propane appliances (see Appendix for additional data on appliances). TABLE 2 TYPICAL SITE-USE AND FULL-FUEL-CYCLE ENERGY REQUIREMENTS FOR A NEW HOME (MMBtu per year) NATURAL GAS ELECTRICITY OIL PROPANE Space Heating 59.6 30.9 58.8 59.6 Water Heating 24.4 15.8 24.0 24.4 Cooking 3.3 1.8 1.8 3.1 Clothes Drying 3.0 7.3 7.3 3.1 Total Site Use 89.8 48.4 87.0 89.8 Energy Losses 2 11.8 103.2 24.5 14.7 FULL-FUEL-CYCLE USE 3 102.0 151.9 116.5 107.2 1It was assumed that electric appliances for these applications were used in the oil homes. 2Includes energy used or lost in extraction, processing, conversion, transportation, and distribution of energy. 3 Sum of Site Use and Energy Losses 9 Analysis of Consumer Cost Background Consumer energy costs are the product of the total end-use energy required and the price of energy. Full-fuel-cycle energy efficiencies affect consumer energy costs in that these costs reflect the total volume of fossil fuels required to ultimately satisfy consumer energy needs. Methodology The end-use (site) energy requirements calculated in the preceding section can be multiplied by national average prices for natural gas, electricity, oil, and propane to calculate the relative energy cost impacts on consumers. Each year the Department of Energy estimates representative average unit costs for energy (see Table 3). For 2016, DOE estimated that the price of electricity to the residential consumer in the U.S. would be 4.0 times higher than the price of natural gas. DOE estimated that the price for distillate oil would be 1.5 times that of natural gas. Finally, DOE estimated that propane would be 1.7 times that of the price of natural gas. Please note that energy prices, and resulting consumer costs, vary by region. TABLE 3 2016 REPRESENTATIVE AVERAGE UNIT COSTS FOR U.S. RESIDENTIAL ENERGY PRICES ($MMBtu) NATURAL GAS ELECTRICITY DISTILLATE OIL PROPANE $9.32 $36.93 $15.44 $14.28 Source: U.S. Energy Information Administration, Short-Term Energy Outlook (August 11, 2015), Annual Energy Outlook (April 14, 2015), and Monthly Energy Review (July 28, 2015) Results The total annual residential energy cost for the four appliances in a typical new natural gas home is $875 lower than the electric home, $784 lower than the oil home, and $677 lower than the propane home. For space heat alone, residential consumers of natural gas can save $445 a year relative to electricity consumers, $295 a year compared to oil customers, and $355 a year compared to propane customers. For other baseload applications, energy cost savings can be realized for natural gas customers as well. Overall, typical new homes can save $429 per year in energy costs by using natural gas instead of electricity for water heating, cooking, and clothes drying. The natural gas house can save $490 per year in energy costs relative to the oil house for these applications. The natural gas costs for operating these baseload appliances would be $322 lower than those of the propane home. 10 TABLE 4 ESTIMATED ANNUAL RESIDENTIAL ENERGY BILLS FOR TYPICAL NEW HOMES (2016$) NATURAL GAS ELECTRICITY OIL PROPANE Space Heating $601 $1,046 $896 $956 Other1 $314 $742 $803 635 TOTAL $915 $1,789 $1,699 $1,591 1 Includes water heating, cooking, and clothes drying Analysis of Environmental Impacts Background The issue of energy use and its impact on the environment has become increasingly important. This is particularly true regarding the subject of global climate change, as nations struggle with mitigation/abatement of carbon dioxide emissions, the principle greenhouse gas. Consumption of natural gas emits the least amount of CO2 compared with all other fossil fuels -- approximately 44 percent less than coal, 27 percent less than petroleum, and 16 percent less than propane for similar amounts of energy consumed.4 Methodology This analysis examines the emissions of CO2 resulting from the full-fuel-cycle energy consumption. In addition, the CO2 equivalent (CO2e) of unburned methane released into the atmosphere during this energy process was calculated. The emission factors used to calculate greenhouse gas impacts for both combustion (site) and pre combustion (source) came from the GTI report on source energy and emission factors.5 These emission factors, presented in pounds per MMBtu consumed and/or per kWh generated, were applied to the energy consumed by the appliances. Unburned methane is also a greenhouse gas, and is emitted during all the fossil fuel cycles. The GTI report also provided methane emission factors for both pre-combustion (source) and combustion (site). The factors are presented as pounds per MMBtu and per kWh. These factors are then applied to the appliance energy consumption numbers. In order to convert the methane output into carbon dioxide 4 Energy Information Administration, U.S. Department of Energy, http://www.eia.doe.gov/oiaf/1605/coefficients.html 5 Source Energy and Emission Factors for Building Energy Consumption, Prepared by Gas Technology Institute for the Codes & Standards Research Consortium, August 2013, http://www.aga.org/Source Factors 11 equivalents (CO2e), the methane emissions were increased by a factor of 25 in order to account for methane’s global warming factor.6 Results On a full-fuel-cycle basis, natural gas use in residential applications generates significantly less CO2e than electricity, oil, and propane. The full-fuel-cycle CO2e emissions resulting from appliance use in a typical new home are presented in Table 5. The total efficiency advantage of natural gas, coupled with the fact that natural gas combustion emits approximately 44 percent, 27 percent, and 16 percent of the CO2 emissions of coal, oil, and propane per MMBtu consumed, respectively, results in significantly lower emissions for natural gas. For the natural gas appliances, annual overall CO2e emissions were 5.9 metric tons. In comparison, the all-electric option was 8.9 metric tons CO2e annually, the oil home produced 7.2 metric tons, and the propane home produced 7.0 metric tons. TABLE 5 FULL-FUEL-CYCLE CARBON DIOXIDE EQUIVALENT EMISSIONS FOR NEW HOMES1 (Metric Tons of CO2e2 per Average Household Energy Use) Natural Gas 6.0 Electricity3 10.1 Oil 7.3 Propane 7.1 1 Space heating, water heating, cooking, and clothes drying only 2 Includes impact of unburned methane 3 Based on actual generating mix in 2014 Conclusion To analyze energy/environmental impacts on less than a full-fuel-cycle basis can mislead both policy makers and consumers. This more comprehensive method shows that natural gas use in the primary residential applications (space heating, water heating, cooking, and clothes drying) results in increased energy efficiency, substantial consumer energy cost savings, and reduced environmental impacts when compared with electricity, oil, and propane use. Direct use of natural gas in the residential sector offers an efficient, cost-competitive alternative to electricity, oil, and propane with fewer adverse impacts on the environment. 6 Energy Information Administration, U.S. Department of Energy, http://www.eia.doe.gov/oiaf/1605/ggrpt/ 12 In issuing and making this publication available, AGA is not undertaking to render professional or other services for or on behalf of any person or entity. Nor is AGA undertaking to perform any duty owed by any person or entity to someone else. Anyone using this document should rely on his or her own independent judgment or, as appropriate, seek the advice of a competent professional in determining the exercise of reasonable care in any given circumstances. The statements in this publication are for general information and represent an unaudited compilation of statistical information that could contain coding or processing errors. AGA makes no warranties, express or implied, nor representations about the accuracy of the information in the publication or its appropriateness for any given purpose or situation. This publication shall not be construed as including, advice, guidance, or recommendations to take, or not to take, any actions or decisions in relation to any matter, including without limitation, relating to investments or the purchase or sale of any securities, shares or other assets of any kinds. Should you take any such action or decision, you do so at your own risk. Information on the topics covered by this publication may be available from other sources, which the user may wish to consult for additional views or information not covered by this publication. Copyright © 2017 American Gas Association. All Rights Reserved. 13 Appendix Efficiency and Appliance Charts 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Natural Gas Facts Natural gas is a safe, dependable and responsible energy choice – and a cornerstone of the Pacific Northwest’s energy, environmental and economic future. Natural gas heats our homes, powers businesses, fuels small and large vehicles and marine vessels, and serves as a key component in many of our most vital industrial processes. This booklet provides an overview of natural gas and the myriad of benefits that this domestic, clean, safe, low-cost, reliable and abundant energy source offers Pacific Northwest (PNW) consumers. Already, 3.2 million regional natural gas users are enjoying its economic and environmental advantages, but expanding the use and applications of natural gas will help to provide an economically feasible, cleaner environment for future generations. The Northwest Gas Association (NWGA) works to foster greater understanding and informed decision-making on issues related to natural gas among industry participants, opinion leaders and governing officials in the Pacific Northwest, encompassing British Columbia (BC), Washington, Oregon and Idaho. P A G E 2 P A G E 3 Getting Natural Gas to PNW Consumers Natural gas is the Earth’s cleanest fossil fuel. Created naturally underground by years of pressure and decay, natural gas is composed almost entirely of methane, with trace amounts of other gases, including ethane, propane, butane and pentane. Its molecular makeup is one carbon (methane) atom and four hydrogen atoms. Natural gas is a domestic natural resource that is colorless and odorless in its ordinary state. Natural Gas 101 Ocean Layers of sediment and rocks Microscopic plants and animals buried in the ocean floor over millions of years Biomaterial converted to natural gas by earth forces and heat Origin Much of the natural gas we find and use today began as microscopic plants and animals living in shallow marine environments millions of years ago. As living organisms, they absorbed energy from the sun, which was stored as carbon molecules in their bodies. When they died, they sank to the bottom of the sea and were covered by layer after layer of sediment. As this organic feedstock became buried deeper in the earth, heat combined with the pressure of compaction converted some of the bio-material into natural gas. Migration Once natural gas has been generated in nature, it tends to migrate within the sediments and rocks where it was created using the pore space, fractures and fissures that occur naturally in the subsurface. Some natural gas rises to the surface and shows up in seeps, while other gas molecules travel until they are trapped in impermeable layers of rock, shale, salt or clay. These trapped deposits comprise the reserves where we find natural gas today. In the PNW, natural gas is delivered to 3.2 million consumers through a network with over 125,000 miles of transmission and distribution pipelines. The pipelines that transport natural gas from production areas in Alberta, BC, and the U.S. Rockies can deliver more than 4 million dekatherms per day (MMDth/day) to the region. From wells in remote places to homes in your neighborhood, the natural gas industry operates a safe delivery system that is a model for the world. In the PNW, natural gas is delivered through a network with over 125,000 miles of pipeline ©https://www.123rf.com/profile_michelangelus’>michelangelus / 123RF Stock Photo</a North EnbridgeFortisBC Southern Crossing Natural Gas Supply Basins TC Energy Williams Northwest Pipeline Other Pipelines Avista Corporation Cascade Natural Gas Intermountain Gas NW Natural Puget Sound Energy FortisBC Energy Inc. Nova Inventory Transfer Fort Liard Fort St. John Fort Nelson Calgary Kingsgate Boise Pocatello Salt Lake City Bend Malin Vancouver SumasVictoria Seattle Portland SpokaneWenatchee KlamathFallsMedford P A G E 4 P A G E 5 There are Four Segments of the Natural Gas Industry involved in delivering natural gas from the wellhead to the consumer 1. Producing Wells (producers) such as Anadarko, BP, Devon, ExxonMobil and others, access natural gas by drilling wells into the rock then using pipes to bring the gas to the surface. In most wells, the pressure of the natural gas is enough to force it to the surface and into the gathering lines that run to central collection points. Where the gas can’t flow naturally, advanced drilling technology combined with hydraulic fracturing is used to bring gas to the surface. 2. Processors (midstream companies), like Enbridge, TransCanada and Williams typically connect the various producing wells via a raw-gas-gathering network of small diameter pipelines, and process the gas to transmission pipeline specifications. 3. Transmission Pipelines, such as Enbridge’s BC Pipeline, TransCanada’s GTN System and Williams NW Pipeline, act like interstate highways for gas, moving huge amounts of natural gas thousands of miles from production regions to market regions served by local distribution companies. Compressor stations located about every 50 to 60 miles boost pressure to counter what is lost from the friction of gas moving through the pipe. 4. Distribution and Service Pipelines (local distribution companies), such as those operated by Avista, Cascade Natural, FortisBC Energy, Intermountain, NW Natural, and Puget Sound Energy, are where the familiar “rotten egg” smell is added to natural gas before it is delivered to homes and businesses through distribution mains (utility pipelines). Finally, after passing through a meter that measures use, the gas travels to a customer’s equipment, appliances and vehicles. 1Producing Wells 2Processors 3Transmission Pipelines 4Distribution and Service Pipelines 1Producing Wells 2Processors 3Transmission Pipelines 4Distribution and Service Pipelines Natural Gas Delivery System Producing Wells Gathering Lines Transmission Underground Storage Compressor Station Regulator/Meter 1,900 Electric Power Plants Regulator/ Meter Regulator/Meter Regulator/Meter Regulator/ Meter Processing Plant City Gate Station Local Utility Regulator 65 Million Households Supplemental Fuels– Liquefied Natural Gas, Propane Air for peak demand days Utility Underground Storage 195,000 Factories and Manufacturers 5 Million Commercial Customers–Offices, Hospitals, Hotels and Restaurants Courtesy of AGA P A G E 6 P A G E 7 Measuring Natural Gas The energy content or heating value from natural gas is measured in a British thermal unit, called a Btu. One Btu is equivalent to the amount of heat needed to raise the temperature of one pound (16 ounces) of water by 1 degree Fahrenheit , or about the amount of energy released by striking a wooden kitchen match. Natural gas is sold from the wellhead to purchasers in standard volume measurements of thousands of cubic feet (Mcf). Consumers are billed for use in therms. One therm is equal to 1 cubic foot. How Natural Gas is Used in the Pacific Northwest Overall, about 30 percent of natural gas delivered to PNW consumers is used in the industrial sector, providing energy for everything from mining minerals to processing food. Generating electricity consumes about 29 percent (BC uses almost no gas to produce electricity). Another 16 percent is used in the commercial market, for heating and cooling office buildings, hospitals, schools, and for cooking in restaurants. Most of the remaining amount — about 25 percent — is used in the residential market, providing energy for home heating, hot water, cooking, clothes drying and air conditioning. For more information on natural gas in the PNW, go to www.nwga.org/outlook 1 cubic foot (cf) 100 cubic feet (1 Ccf) 1,000 cubic feet (1 Mcf) 1,000 cubic feet (1 Mcf) 1 million (1,000,000) cubic feet (1 MMcf) MMBtu Frequently Used Units for Measuring Natural Gas = 1,028 Btu = 1 therm (approximate) = 1,028,000 Btu (1 MMBtu) = 1 dekatherm (10 therms) = 1,028,000 Btu = 1 million Btu To provide an added layer of safety for leak detection purposes: Natural Gas is Safe Safety is the core value and top priority of the natural gas industry. The industry spends billions of dollars each year to maintain and improve its infrastructure through safety programs, markers, inspections, material specifications, construction techniques, corrosion and damage control, industry and peer education programs, and public education programs. It smells like rotten eggs Utilities odorize natural gas with Mercaptan . . . The natural gas industry knows that safety is a joint effort and proactively collaborates and engages in partnerships with federal and state regulators, public officials, emergency responders, excavators, consumers, and safety advocates. It is by working together that the industry continues to improve upon its longstanding record of providing natural gas safely, effectively and reliably. The number one cause of pipeline incidents is third-party damage, such as that caused when excavation contractors or even homeowners inadvertently dig in to a gas line. Concentrated efforts by your local gas company, state and federal regulators and other public agencies, coupled with the new 8-1-1 Call Before You Dig number, have helped reduce damages from excavation by 60 percent since 2006. While the industry has multiple safeguards in place to protect consumers, it is important that consumers are actively involved in safety precautions. It’s a partnership! Natural Gas: Safe, Clean, Efficient . . . and the Key to our Future Transportation by pipeline is the safest form of energy delivery in the country. Did you know?PNW’s Natural Gas Use by Sector Industrial 37% Commercial 27% NWGA Outlook Study Residential25%Generation28% Commercial17%Industrial30% 2016 P A G E 8 P A G E 9 Natural Gas is Clean The cleanest burning fossil fuel, natural gas has already helped reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in the U.S. over the past decade as it has been tapped to replace heavy polluters such as coal. By 2015, natural gas accounted for more than 33 percent of electricity generated in the U.S.) Natural gas contributes to cleaner air by: • Burning extremely efficiently, producing primarily heat and water vapor. • Producing about 45 percent less carbon dioxide (CO2) than coal, about 30 percent less than oil, and about 15 percent less than wood when burned. • Providing almost no sulfur dioxide, dissolved solids or airborne particulates. Natural gas is an important tool in the suite of GHG and CO2 emissions reduction options available to the U.S. and Canada. As states and provinces move to further reduce CO2 emissions from electric power generation, for example, natural gas use is expected to increase. And as the transportation sector makes use of the barely tapped market for clean-burning natural gas vehicles (NGVs), natural gas use and its beneficial impacts on GHG emissions will only increase. Emissions of Natural Gas vs. Coal When natural gas is used to generate electricity, total GHG emissions per MMBtu of natural gas consumed (on a CO2-equivalent basis) are 129 pounds, compared with 212 pounds for coal. Stated another way, due to the higher efficiency of natural gas combined- cycle generation plants, natural gas emits 52-56 percent fewer GHGs than coal-fired boilers to produce the same amount of electricity. Source: Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Natural Gas is Efficient The more energy we save, the lower our impact on the environment. But beyond using energy- efficient products, it’s also important to use the best (e.g., most efficient) energy source for the task. On average, a house fueled by natural gas is responsible for about one-third fewer GHG emissions than a comparable all-electric home, according to the AGA. Benefits of Direct Use of Natural Gas Why? Let’s take a look at what’s called the full fuel cycle, which accounts for how much energy is retained – or lost – from an energy source until its final use in your water heater, oven or home heating system. With the full fuel cycle in mind, direct use of natural gas comes out a winner in the energy efficiency race. For example, by the time you turn on an electric appliance, up to 68 percent of the energy value from the original fuel has been lost. That means the full fuel cycle efficiency is about 32 percent. By contrast, the full fuel cycle efficiency of a natural gas appliance is about 92 percent – a substantial difference. More efficient use of a fuel means less energy lost and less that needs to be produced, which reduces GHG emissions. Natural Gas is also Cost-Effective Besides gaining efficiency, however, consumers that convert to natural gas also immediately save on their monthly utility bills. Households that directly use natural gas for heating, cooking and clothes drying spend an average of $874 less per year than homes using electricity for those applications. In fact, low domestic natural gas prices have led to savings of almost $69 billion for existing residential natural gas customers in the U.S. over the past four years, according to AGA. Natural gas usage per household has decreased in the U.S. even as overall demand for energy has risen. This trend is due in part to installations of tighter fitting windows, doors and better insulation, utility-sponsored energy efficiency programs, and development of more efficient natural gas appliances. Natural gas emits up to 56% fewer greenhouse gases than coal for the same amount of electricity. Natural Gas Electricity Courtesy of AGA ©https://www.123rf.com/profile_threeart’>threeart / 123RF Stock Photo P A G E 1 0 P A G E 1 1 Natural Gas is Renewable What is RNG? Renewable gas is natural gas (biomethane) produced from existing waste streams and a variety of renewable and sustainable biomass sources, including animal waste (e.g. Cow manure from dairy farms), landfills, sewage treatment plants, crop residuals and food waste. It is composed of primarily methane, just like geologic natural gas. As organic matter, or biomass, breaks down in the absence of oxygen; the bacteria produces methane and carbon dioxide (CO2) as a natural byprod- uct. The raw biogas, which contains methane and other compounds, can be concentrated in one location and captured. Once collected, it can be purified (or upgraded) into biomethane that meets the quality standards of pipeline systems. Upgrading to Biogas The process of upgrading may vary from project to project, but the goal is to ensure the gas introduced into the system meets the same quality standards as natural gas. The process leaves behind primarily methane and small quantities of other gasses. The first step is to remove contaminant gasses through a careful gas cleaning process that leaves only CO2. The CO2, which lowers the heating value of the gas, is removed using well-proven gas processing technology employed around the world. Once the gas is clean, only methane remains along with a small amount of ni- trogen, making it almost impossible to distinguish from conventional natural gas. Purified biogas free from undesirable contaminants is called biomethane – also known as renewable natural gas. The Future of Natural Gas The Potential for Renewable Natural Gas Sure, it’s clean, but is it safe? In co-operation with other major gas utilities, NWGA member, FortisBC undertook a study to deter- mine if biomethane was a safe alternative to natural gas. Multiple gas sources were examined in nu- merous locations around North America and compared with conventional natural gas. Study results showed that upgraded biomethane is interchangeable with natural gas. In some cases, biomethane was purer (contained fewer contaminants) than conventional natural gas, meaning customers won’t see any difference in the quality of gas provided. You can rest easy that it meets the same safety standards as conventional natural gas. It is carbon neutral, extremely versatile and fully compatible with the North American pipeline infrastructure. What about the environment? The creation of biogas does not deplete the earth’s non-renewable resources, in fact, it captures and uses biogases from decomposing organic wastes that would otherwise go directly into the atmo- sphere and facilitates a closed-loop carbon process. What are NWGA members doing with RNG? NWGA members are currently using or considering the use of renewable natural gas. Here are a few examples: • FortisBC: Four local supply projects (two farm and two landfill projects) are currently in opera- tion, with two more set to come online in the next two years. Over 7,800 voluntary residential and commercial customers participate in the RNG program, each designating between 5-100% of their conventional natural gas as RNG. Cumulative demand for RNG since the program began in 2011 has resulted in a reduction of over 30,000 tons of GHG emissions. For more information, go to FortisBC’s website at https://www.fortisbc.com/NaturalGas/RenewableNaturalGas • NW Natural: In April 2017, NW Natural and the City of Portland announced a partnership, where NW Natural will recover and clean biogas from the Columbia Boulevard Wastewater Treatment Plant and inject it into their distribution system. This project will also include a natural gas fueling station. According the City of Portland, this will be the City’s single largest climate action project. It will cut greenhouse gas emissions by 21,000 tons annually, generate upwards of $3 million in revenue a year for the City, and replace 1.34 million gallons of dirty diesel fuel with clean renew- able natural gas--enough to run 154 garbage trucks for an entire year. Courtesy of AGA Natural gas is the cleanest alternative transportation fuel available and can reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 20% to 30% compared to diesel and gasoline. P A G E 1 3 Natural Gas Transportation Natural Gas can Reduce Vehicle Emissions Natural gas is widely available and reliably used by millions of consumers across our continent. Utilizing it to fuel vehicles represents a significant and as yet virtually untapped opportunity to lower transportation costs, reduce pollution and play a role in securing North American energy independence. The transportation sector is a substantial source of greenhouse gas emissions (GHGs), producing upwards of 40% of overall GHG emissions in the PNW. Large diesel- powered trucks and buses are a big part of the problem, driving through neighborhoods and communities and idling in traffic. GHG emissions from natural gas engines are 20-30 percent lower than diesel and gasoline engines. Even when compared to electric vehicles, natural gas vehicles (NGVs) come out ahead, with fewer total GHG emissions from energy production to end use (also called full fuel cycle). NWGA’s mission is to advance the safe, dependable and responsible use of natural gas as a cornerstone of the region’s energy, environmental and economic foundation. Its efforts foster greater understanding and informed decision-making among industry participants, opinion leaders and governing officials in the Pacific Northwest on issues related to natural gas. The Northwest Gas Association (NWGA) is a trade organization of the Pacific Northwest natural gas industry. Our members include natural gas utilities serving communities in the Northwest and interstate pipelines that move natural gas from supply basins into and through the region. NWGA members deliver or distribute all the natural gas consumed in the Pacific Northwest. Dan S. Kirschner Executive Director Judy A. Adair Manager Business and Operations Connor Reiten Manager Communications & Projects About the Northwest Gas Association Northwest Gas Association 1914 Willamette Falls Drive, Suite 260 West Linn, OR 97068 503.344.6637 Website www.nwga.org Courtesy of AGA CO Carbon monoxide by 70 to 90% NMOG Non-methane organic gas by 50 to 75%CO2Carbon dioxide by 20 to 30% NOx Nitrogen oxides by 75 to 95% When it comes to other harmful pollutants like nitrous oxides (NOx), sulfur oxides (SOx) and particulate matter (PM), natural gas does even better. Recent studies found that natural gas engines produce dramatically lower smog-causing NOx emissions than the cleanest diesel and electric engines, while emitting almost no asthma-inducing SOx or PM. In heavily-used fleet applications (think United Parcel Service, waste haulers, etc.), natural gas vehicles can be deployed in greater numbers providing the most pollution reduction for the dollars spent. Over time, NGV trucks offer lower operating costs than even the newest diesel trucks because of lower operating, fuel and maintenance costs. In the U.S. today, NGVs are already serving 40 major airports, comprise 20 percent of transit buses and 60 percent of new garbage-hauling trucks ordered, and are being adopted in the long-haul trucking market, rail industry and by marine shippers. Still, the potential for natural gas to serve the transportation market has barely been tapped. Because natural gas is abundant domestically, cost-effective and already used in nearly all classes of vehicles, it makes sense to pursue wider deployment of NGVs for both environmental and economic reasons. For more information on NGV’s emissions, go to the www.nwga.org. PA G E 1 2 North Enbridge FortisBC Southern Crossing Natural Gas Supply Basins TC Energy Williams Northwest Pipeline Other Pipelines Avista Corporation Cascade Natural Gas Intermountain Gas NW Natural Puget Sound Energy FortisBC Energy Inc. Nova Inventory Transfer Fort Liard Fort St. John Fort Nelson Calgary Kingsgate Boise Pocatello Salt Lake City Bend Malin Vancouver SumasVictoria Seattle Portland SpokaneWenatchee KlamathFallsMedford P A G E 1 4 P A G E 1 5 For over 120 years Avista has served the businesses and communities of the Pacific Northwest with reliable service and value. Avista Utilities, the company’s utility operating division, serves 375,000 electric and 336,000 natural gas customers. Its service territory covers 30,000 square miles in eastern Washington, northern Idaho and parts of southern and eastern Oregon, with a population of 1.6 million. Transmission and distribution operations include energy delivery, generation, and resource assets. Operations also include the purchase, transmission, distribution, and sale of electric energy on both retail and wholesale basis. The company also purchases, transports, distributes, and sells natural gas. Avista’s stock is traded under the ticker symbol “AVA.” For more information about Avista, please visit www. avistacorp.com or www.avistautilities. com. W A S H I N G T O N M O N T A N A O R E G O N I D A H O Avista Corporation P O Box 3727 Spokane, WA 99220 800.227.9187 Website www.avistacorp.com www.avistautilities.com B R I T I S H C O L U M B I A C A L I F O R N I A N E V A D A Founded in 1953, Cascade Natural Gas Corporation is an investor-owned natural gas utility that serves nearly 280,000 residential, commercial, and industrial customers in 96 communities in Oregon and Washington. Customers are served from three regions comprised of twelve districts (*), fifteen operations offices, and surrounding communities: Northwest Region – including Bellingham*, Mount Vernon*, Bremerton*, Aberdeen* and Longview*; Central – including Yakima*, Wenatchee*, Moses Lake, Kennewick* and Walla Walla*; Southern – including Bend*, Ontario*, Baker City, Pendleton* and Hermiston. The area served by Cascade covers more than 32,000 square miles and is home to more than 1,000,000 people. Cascade’s headquarters are located in Kennewick, Washington. Cascade Natural Gas Corporation is a subsidiary of MDU Resources, Inc. B R I T I S H C O L U M B I A W A S H I N G T O N M O N T A N A I D A H O C A L I F O R N I A N E V A D A Cascade Natural Gas Corp. Cascade Natural Gas Company Corporate Office: 8113 W. Grandridge Blvd. Kennewick, WA 99336 1.888.522.1130 Website www.cngc.com Vancouver Wenatchee Spokane Portland Sumas Victoria Bend Klamath FallsMedford Kingsgate Boise Pocatello Salt Lake City Malin Seattle Calgary Vancouver Wenatchee Spokane Portland Sumas Victoria Bend Klamath FallsMedford Kingsgate Boise Pocatello Salt Lake City Malin Seattle Avista O R E G O N P A G E 1 6 P A G E 1 7 Enbridge’s natural gas business in British Columbia (B.C.) includes a natural gas gathering, processing and transmission system that has formed the backbone of the natural gas sector in province since 1957. This system connects the B.C.’s natural gas exploration and production industry with millions of consumers in B.C., Alberta and the U.S. Pacific Northwest. Today, nearly 80 per cent of the gas produced in B.C. touches this system. This natural gas is used to heat homes, hospitals, businesses and schools. It is also used as a fuel for electric power generation and is a staple in a number of industrial and manufacturing processes that create hundreds of products that improve our daily lives. On February 27, 2017, Enbridge completed its merger with Spectra Energy. With the competition of this merger, Enbridge became the owner and operator of the natural gas business in B.C. that was previously owned and operated by Spectra Energy. Enbridge 425 1st Street SW Calgary, AB T2P 3L8 1-888-992-0997 Website www.enbridge.com B R I T I S H C O L U M B I A W A S H I N G T O N O R E G O N I D A H O A L B E R T A Y U K O N N O R T H W E S T T E R R I T O R I E SA L A S K A Vancouver Wenatchee Spokane Portland Seattle SumasVictoria Fort Nelson Fort Liard Fort St. John Enbridge FortisBC 16705 Fraser Highway Surrey, B.C. V4N 0E8 800.773.7001 Website www.fortisbc.com We deliver approximately 21 percent of the total energy consumed in British Columbia, which is the most energy delivered by any utility in the province. Whether delivering electricity, natural gas or propane, our more than 2,200 employees serve approximately 1.1 million customers in 135 communities. FortisBC owns and operates approximately 48,200 kilometres of natural gas transmission and distribution pipelines and approximately 7,200 kilometres of transmission and distribution power lines. Under our regulated utility operations, we also own and operate two liquefied natural gas (LNG) storage facilities and four hydroelectric generating plants. FortisBC Inc. and FortisBC Energy Inc. do business as FortisBC. We are indirectly wholly owned by our parent company, Fortis Inc., a leader in the North American electric and gas utility business. Through its subsidiaries, Fortis Inc. serves more than three million natural gas and electricity customers. B R I T I S H C O L U M B I A W A S H I N G T O N O R E G O N I D A H O A L B E R T A Vancouver Wenatchee Spokane Portland Seattle SumasVictoria Fort St. John Kingsgate FortisBC P A G E 1 8 P A G E 1 9 Incorporated in 1950, and beginning operations in 1956, Intermountain Gas Company is a natural gas utility serving southern Idaho in an area that includes 75 cities and 23 counties, with a population of about 1,200,000. The company is based in Boise, Idaho. Intermountain serves 120 industrial customers. Potato processing, dairies and meat processors, chemical, fertilizer and electronics are the largest market segments. In 2016, 48% of gas sales were for industrial use, with commercial and residential segments using about 16% and 32%, respectively. Intermountain owns and operates a six-million therm liquefied natural gas storage facility near Nampa, Idaho. During 2016, Intermountain delivered 670 million therms (64 billion cubic feet) of natural gas to an average of 345,000 customers. In 2016, the number of natural gas customers grew by 1.5%. Intermountain owns and operates 12,361 miles of transmission laterals, distribution lines, and services. The company is a subsidiary of MDU Resources Group, Inc., of Bismarck, North Dakota. B R I T I S H C O L U M B I A W A S H I N G T O N M O N T A N A I D A H O C A L I F O R N I A N E V A D A Intermountain Vancouver Wenatchee Spokane Portland Seattle SumasVictoria Bend Malin Klamath FallsMedford Kingsgate Boise Pocatello NW Natural 220 NW Second Avenue Portland, OR 97209 503.226.4211 Website www.nwnatural.com B R I T I S H C O L U M B I A W A S H I N G T O N O R E G O N C A L I F O R N I A N E V A D A NW Natural, a 158 year-old company with approximately 1,100 employees, is headquartered in Portland, Oregon. It is one of the fastest-growing natural gas local distribution companies in the country. NW Natural serves more than 700,000 customers in Oregon and SW Washington. Its service area includes the Portland-Vancouver metropolitan area, the populous Willamette Valley, the Oregon coast and portions of the Columbia River Gorge. NW Natural purchases gas for its core market from a variety of suppliers in the Western United States and Canada. The company operates an underground gas storage facility developed from depleted natural gas reservoirs near Mist in Columbia County, Oregon and, with PG&E, is currently developing another underground storage facility at Gill Ranch, near Fresno, California. NW Natural sells storage services from the Mist facility into the interstate market and will sell storage capacity into the market from Gill Ranch. In addition, the company operates two liquefied natural gas storage facilities in Oregon. In keeping with its steady growth, NW Natural has increased annual dividends paid to shareholders every year for 61 consecutive years, one of only a handful of companies to achieve such a dividend record. NW Natural common stock is traded on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE: NWN). Vancouver Wenatchee Spokane Portland Seattle SumasVictoria Bend Malin Klamath FallsMedford The Dalles Salem Eugene NW Natural Intermountain Gas Company P O Box 7608 Boise, ID 83707 208.377.6000 Website www.intgas.com O R E G O N Salt Lake City P A G E 2 0 P A G E 2 1 Puget Sound Energy (PSE) is Washington state’s oldest and largest energy utility, serving more than 1.1 million electric customers and almost 790,000 natural gas customers, primarily in the Puget Sound region. PSE meets the energy needs of its growing customer base through incremental, cost-effective energy efficiency, low-cost procurement of sustainable energy resources, and far-sighted investment in the energy-delivery infrastructure. Within close proximity to the utility’s service area is the Jackson Prairie Underground Natural Gas Storage Project, operated by PSE and jointly owned with Avista Utilities and Williams- Northwest Pipeline. Since its first day of operation in 1964, the Jackson Prairie Storage facility has grown to meet increasing demands on the Pacific Northwest gas supply system. Its underground storage capacity of 41 billion cubic feet of natural gas can provide 1.15 billion cubic feet of daily delivery of gas--enough to heat nearly 1.2 million homes on a cold winter day. A new liquefied natural gas facility is also under construction by PSE in the Port of Tacoma. The facility will provide PSE natural gas customers a reliable supply on peak load days as well as fuel for maritime shipping. PSE, the utility subsidiary of Puget Energy, is regulated by the Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission. B R I T I S H C O L U M B I A W A S H I N G T O N M O N T A N A I D A H O C A L I F O R N I A N E V A D A Puget Sound Energy P O Box 97034 Bellevue, WA 98009 Website www.pse.com Puget Sound Energy Vancouver Wenatchee Spokane Portland Seattle SumasVictoria Bend Malin Klamath FallsMedford Kingsgate Boise TC Energy is one of the largest U.S. transporters of Canadian natural gas. GTN’s 612-mile, 36- and 42-inch-diameter pipeline system is the primary path for Western Canada Sedimentary Basin natural gas to reach markets in the Pacific Northwest, California, Nevada, and the rest of the U.S. West. GTN’s strategic value derives from its position downstream of TransCanada’s Alberta and British Columbia pipeline systems. TC Energy’s Alberta system is the primary transmission pipeline serving the WCSB providing physical access to10 bcf/d of gas production in Western Canada and to Nova Inventory Transfer (NIT), a highly liquid marketplace with daily transactional volumes reaching more than 70 bcf. The Alberta System also connects to growing supplies from the Horn River and Montney shale gas plays in British Columbia. GTN is capable of transporting approximately 2.9 Bcf/d of Canadian and domestic natural gas to serve western U.S. markets. The pipeline system commences at the U.S./Canadian TC Energy border, near Kingsgate, British Columbia, and terminates near Malin, Oregon, where it connects to Pacific Gas & Electric Co.’s California Gas Transmission System and to Tuscarora Gas Transmission. GTN’s customers are principally local retail gas distribution utilities, electric generators, natural gas marketing companies, natural gas producers, and industrial companies. GTN also operates North Baja Pipeline, LLC (NBP), which is owned by TC PipeLines, LP. The NBP system primarily serves electric generation customers in Mexico via Gasoducto Bajanorte (owned by Sempra Energy International). As a result of an Expansion completed in April 2008, the NBP system is now bi-directional, making it capable of importing 600 million cubic feet a day of LNG-sourced gas to serve U.S. markets. B R I T I S H C O L U M B I A W A S H I N G T O N O R E G O N C A L I F O R N I A N E V A D A I D A H O M O N T A N A One SW Columbia Street, Suite 475 Portland, OR 97258 503.833.4000 Website www.tcenergy.com Vancouver Wenatchee Spokane Portland Seattle SumasVictoria Bend Malin Klamath FallsMedford Calgary Kingsgate Boise O R E G O N P A G E 2 2 P A G E 2 3 B R I T I S H C O L U M B I A W A S H I N G T O N M O N T A N A O R E G O N I D A H O Williams’ Northwest Pipeline P. O. Box 58900 Salt Lake City, UT 84158 801.583.8800 Website www.williams.com Williams Northwest Pipeline C A L I F O R N I A N E V A D A U T A H long-term firm transportation agreements, including peak service, with an aggregate capacity of 3.8 million dekatherms per day of natural gas. Northwest’s bi-directional system provides access to abundant natural gas supplies in the Rocky Mountain region, the San Juan Basin and the Western Canadian Sedimentary Basin, including British Columbia and Alberta. This offers customers supply diversity and choice. For added flexibility and reliability, Northwest utilizes storage capacity of approximately 14 billion cubic feet. It owns and operates a liquefied natural gas peak storage facility at Plymouth, Washington, owns one-third of the underground storage facilities at Jackson Prairie near Chehalis, Washington and contracts underground storage at Clay Basin in northeastern Utah. Northwest’s gas control center in Salt Lake City, Utah, oversees operations 24 hours per day using real-time tracking to monitor pressure and flow rates through its network of computers and satellites. About Williams Partners: Williams Partners L.P. (NYSE: WPZ) is a leading diversified master limited partnership focused on natural gas transportation; gathering, treating, and processing; storage; natural gas liquid fraction- ation; and oil transportation. The partnership owns interests in three major interstate natural gas pipelines, including Northwest Pipeline GP. Williams (NYSE: WMB) owns approximately 84 percent of Williams Partners, including the general-partner interest. Williams Northwest Pipeline (Northwest) has provided safe and reliable transportation of natural gas to the Pacific Northwest and Intermountain region for more than 50 years. With initial pipeline facilities constructed in 1956, Northwest has upgraded and expanded its system significantly over the years in order to meet the regions increasing demand for natural gas. Northwest’s natural gas transmission system includes 3,900 miles of pipeline and extends from the Colorado/New Mexico state border to the U.S./Canadian border in the state of Washington. Northwest’s wide customer base includes local distribution companies, marketers, producers, electric generators and various industrial users. Its transmission system serves customers with Vancouver Wenatchee Spokane Portland Seattle Sumas Victoria Medford Boise Pocatello Salt Lake City Eugene Regional Contacts American Gas Association (AGA)400 N Capitol Street NW, Suite 450 Washington, DC 20001202.824.7000 www.aga.org B.C. Utilities Commission (BCUC) Box 250, 900 Howe Street Vancouver, BC V6Z 2N3604.660.4700 www.bcuc.com Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) P O Box 3621Portland, OR 97208-3621 800.282.3713www.bpa.gov British Columbia Premier Office P O Box 9041, STN Prov GovtVictoria, BCV8W 9E1 250.387.1715www2.gov.bc.ca/gov Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers (CAPP)Suite 2100, 350 7th Avenue SW Calgary, AB T2P 3N9403.267.1100 www.capp.ca Canadian Energy Pipeline Association (CEPA) 1110, 505 – 3rd Street SWCalgary, AB T2P 3E6 403.221.8777www.cepa.com/ Canadian Natural Gas Vehicle Alliance (CNGVA)350 Sparks Street, Suite 809 Ottawa, ON K1R 7S8613.564.0181 www.cngva.org Coalition for Renewable Natural Gas1017 l Street, #513 Sacramento, CA 95814916.588.3033 Info@rngcoalition.com Common Ground Alliance (CGA)2200 Wilson Blvd. Suite 102-172 Arlington, VA 22201703.836.1709 commongroundalliance.com Energy Information Administration, (EIA) 1000 Independence Avenue SWWashington, DC 20585 202.586.8959www.eia.gov Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC888 First Street NE Washington, DC 20426 866.208.3372 www.ferc.gov Idaho Governor’s Office State CapitolP O Box 83720 Boise, ID 83720208.334.2100 www.gov.idaho.gov/ourgov Idaho Public Utility Commission (IPUC) P O Box 83720Boise, ID 83720-0074 208.334.0300www.puc.idaho.gov Interstate Natural Gas Association of America (INGAA)20 F Street NW, Suite 450 Washington, DC 20001202.216.5900 www.ingaa.org National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners (NARUC) 1101 Vermont NW, Suite 200Washington, DC 20005, USA 202.898.2200www.naruc.org National Energy Board (NEB) 517 Tenth AvenueCalgary, AB T2R0A8 403.292.4800www.neb-one.gc.ca NGVAmerica (NGVA) 400 North Capitol Street NWWashington, DC 20001 202.824.7360www.ngvamerica.org Office of Pipeline Safety (OPS)Western Region 12300 W Dakota Avenue, Suite 110Lakewood, CO 80228 720.963.3160ops.dot.gov/western.htm Office of Pipeline Safety Pipeline and Hazardous materials Safety administrationU.S. Department of Transportation 1200 New Jersey Avenue SEWashington, DC 20590 202.366.4595www.phmsa.dot.gov Oregon Governor’s Office State Capitol Building900 Court Street NE, 160 Salem, OR 97301503.378.4582 www.oregon.gov Oregon Public Utility P O Box 1088 Salem, OR 97308-1088503.378.6600 http://www.puc.state.or.us The Center for Liquefied Natural Gas 1220 L Street NW, 9th FloorWashington, DC 20005 202.962.4752www.lngfacts.com Washington Governor’s Office Officer of the GovernorP O Box 40002 Olympia, WA 98504-0002360.902.4111 www.governor.wa.gov Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission (WUTC)P O Box 47250 Olympia, WA 98504-7250360.664.1160 www.wutc.wa.gov P A G E 2 4 P A G E 2 5 Fixed Costs Costs which relate entirely or predominantly to the capital outlay necessary to provide the system capacity plus operating expenses which do not vary materially with the quantity of gas transported through the pipeline system. Force Majeure A superior force, “act of God” or unexpected and disruptive event, which may serve to relieve a party from a contract or obligation. Forward or Futures Contract Contract for future delivery of a commodity such as natural gas at a price determined in advance. Fuel Switching Act of an end-user with dual-fuel capability switching fuel types if one type of fuel becomes more economical or reliable than the other. Gasification The process during which liquefied natural gas (LNG) is returned to its vapor or gaseous state through an increase in temperature and a decrease in pressure. Hedging Any method of minimizing the risk of price change. Henry Hub A pipeline interchange located in Louisiana which serves as the delivery point of NYMEX natural gas futures contracts. Henry Hub is one of the most active natural gas trading points in North America and is commonly used as an index against which prices at other trading points are compared. Hydrostatic Test A strength test of equipment (pipe) in which the item is filled with liquid, subjected to suitable pressure, and then shut in, and the pressure monitored. Integrated Resource Planning A utility planning method whereby alternative resource mixes, including demand-side and supply-side options, are evaluated in order to determine which resource plan minimizes the overall cost of service, subject to reliability and various other constraints. Interruptible Service A transportation service similar to firm service in operation, but a lower priority for scheduling, subject to interruption if capacity is required for firm service. Interruptible customers trade the risk of occasional and temporary supply interruptions in return for a lower service rate. Line Pack Natural gas occupying all pressurized sections of the pipeline network. Introduction of new gas at a receipt point “packs” or adds pressure to the line. Removal of gas at a delivery point lowers the pressure (unpacks the line). Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) Natural gas which has been liquefied by reducing its temperature to minus 260 degrees Fahrenheit at atmospheric pressure (i.e. liquefaction). In volume, it occupies 1/600 of that of the vapor at standard conditions, making long distance shipping feasible. Load/Load Balancing/Load Factor The Load is the amount of gas delivered or required at any specified point or points on a system; load originates primarily at the gas consuming equipment (burner tip) of the customers. Load balancing is the process by which a pipeline uses line pack and storage capabilities to equalize system gas pressures. The load factor represents the percentage of total capacity that is utilized in a given period of time. Local Distribution Company (LDC) Company engaged primarily in the purchase and distribution of natural gas to end-users. Closely regulated at the state level, LDCs do not profit from the resale of natural gas (see purchased gas adjustment). They are allowed to earn a return on the investments necessary to distribute the gas to end users. Looping Increasing the capacity of a transmission system by installing an additional pipeline alongside the original. Main A distribution line that serves as a common source of supply for more than one service line. Market Hub Point of interconnection between two or more pipelines, gas processors or storage facilities where the transfer of gas and related service takes place, coordinated by the operator of the hub. Marketer Entity that links customers and gas companies by providing services such as accounting, supply aggregation and sales, and arranging for transportation. Mileage-Based Rates Rates designed to reflect the difference in pipeline costs based on the distance between supply sources and delivery points. Odorant Any material added to natural or LP gas in small concentrations to impart a distinctive odor. Odorants in common use include various mercaptans, organic sulfides, and blends of these. Open Season Period during which a pipeline company consults with market participants seeking customers for a pipeline expansion. Cathodic Protection A technique to prevent the corrosion of a metal surface by making that surface the cathode of an electrochemical cell. Cogeneration The use of a single prime fuel source to generate both electrical and thermal energy in order to optimize the efficiency of the fuel used. Usually the dominant demand is for thermal energy with excess electrical energy, if any, being transmitted into the local power supply company’s lines. Compressor Station Locations along the interstate pipeline at which large (thousands of horsepower) natural gas- powered engines increase the pressure of the natural gas stream flowing through the station by compression. Convergence Describes the innovative combination of gas and electric services usually through a merger or acquisition between gas and electric companies. Also used to describe increasing dependence upon natural gas for electrical generation. Core Customers Residential/commercial customers who rely on traditional distributor-bundled service of sales and transport. Curtailment A method to balance natural gas requirements with available supply. Usually there is a hierarchy of customers for the curtailment plan. A customer may be required to partially cut back or totally eliminate his take of gas depending on the severity of the shortfall between gas supply and demand and the customer’s position in the hierarchy. Decline Rate The rate by which natural gas production slows as a natural gas well is drawn down (depleted) over time. Alternate Fuel Other fuels that can be substituted for the fuel in use to generate power or run equipment. In the case of natural gas, the most common alternative fuels are distillate fuel oils, residual fuel oils, coal and wood. Btu British thermal unit, a measure of the energy content of a fuel. The heat required to raise the temperature of one pound of water by one degree Fahrenheit at a specified temperature and pressure. One Btu equals 252 calories, 778 foot- pounds, 1,055 joules or 0.293 watt hours. One cubic foot of natural gas contains about 1,027 Btus. Burner Tip A generic term referring to the ultimate point of consumption for natural gas. Also, an attachment for a burner head which forms a burner port modified for a specific application. Capacity Maximum gas throughput a pipeline can deliver over a given period of time generally stated in MMcf/day. Also used to refer to contract volumes by held by shippers: “XYZ Shipper holds 100 MMcf/day of firm capacity on ABC Pipeline.” Capacity Release A mechanism to establish a secondary market for firm transportation capacity. Each pipeline must offer capacity release through which holders of firm capacity can voluntarily resell all or part of their firm transportation capacity rights for a short or long period to any person who wants to obtain that capacity by contracting with the pipeline. Released capacity must be traded via electronic bulletin board, through a bidding process. Capacity released for a calendar month or less, or at maximum rate, does not have to be bid (all prearranged rate). Glossary Direct-Connect Customers Usually very large industrial customers connected directly to an interstate pipeline system. These customers purchase their own gas supplies and contract directly with the pipeline for transportation, thereby bypassing the bundled services typically offered by local distribution companies. Deliverability Maximum rate at which natural gas can be extracted from a supply well, transported through a pipeline or withdrawn from a storage well over a given period of time. Demand Side Management (DSM) Utility activities designed to influence the amount and timing of customer demand, producing changes to the overall demand. Conservation programs are a DSM technique. Dig-in When buried gas facilities (or other underground utilities) are damaged by excavation. Displacement Method by which one company trades a like amount of gas to another, even though the gas itself does not move. Dual-Fuel Capability Ability of an energy-burning facility to alternately utilize more than one kind of fuel, usually gas and oil. Firm Service Service offered to customers under schedules or contracts which anticipate no interruptions. The period of service may be for only a specified part of the year as in Off-Peak Service. Certain firm service contracts may contain clauses which permit unexpected interruption in case the supply to residential customers is threatened during an emergency. P A G E 2 6 P A G E 2 7 Sweet/Sour Gas Sweet Gas in its natural state can be used without purifying. Sour Gas contains enough sulfur in its natural state to make it impractical to use without purifying. Transportation The act of moving gas from a designated receipt point to a designated delivery point pursuant to the terms of a contract between the transporter and the shipper. Generally it is the shipper’s own gas which is being moved. Unbundling The separation of the various components of gas sales, storage, transmission, delivery and etc. into an ala carte menu of services from which a customer may choose only those desired; an aspect of a deregulated market. Unconventional Gas Natural gas that can not be economically produced using current technology. Variable Costs Operating costs which, in the aggregate, vary either directly or indirectly in relation to any change in the volume of gas sold and/or transported; i.e., compressor station fuel and expenses. Wellhead/Wellhead Price The wellhead is the point at which gas flows from the ground. The wellhead price is the price of gas flowing from the wellhead, exclusive of gathering, treating, or transportation charges. Working Gas Gas in storage which is available for withdrawal during a normal injection and withdrawal cycle. Operational Flow Order (OFO) An order issued by a pipeline prescribing specific actions to be taken by shippers to alleviate conditions that threaten or could threaten safe operations or pipeline integrity. Peak Day/Shaving A peak day is the one day (24 hours) of maximum system deliveries of gas during a year. Peak shaving is a load management technique where supplemental supplies, such as LNG or storage gas, are used to accommodate seasonal periods of peak customer demand. Pig A device used to clean and/or inspect the internal surface of a pipeline. They are inserted into the pipeline by means of a device called a pig-trap and pushed through the line by pressure of the flowing fluid, usually gas. Pilot A small flame which is utilized to ignite the gas at the main burner(s). Postage-Stamp Rate Flat rates charged for natural gas transportation service without regard to distance. Price Signals Commodity prices help market participants interpret the status of the marketplace. For example, low natural gas prices signal an abundance of gas, low demand, increased supply competition or some combination thereof. Producer Any party owning, controlling, managing, or leasing any gas well and/or party who produces in any manner natural gas by taking it from the earth or waters. Proved Reserves An estimated quantity of natural gas deemed to be recoverable in the future from known oil and gas reservoirs under anticipated economic and current operating conditions. Reservoirs that have demonstrated the ability to produce by either actual production or conclusive formation test are considered proved. Purchased Gas Adjustment A provision approved by a regulatory agency allowing a company to make filings to change its rates reflecting its cost of purchased gas. If actual purchased gas costs were lower than anticipated during the previous period, customers may experience a rate decrease. The reverse is true if actual purchased gas costs were higher than anticipated. Spot Market/Price A market characterized by short-term, interruptible contracts for specified volumes of gas. Participants may be any of the elements of the gas industry - producer, transporter, distributor, or end user. Brokers may also be utilized. The Spot Price is a current one-time purchase price. Storage Facility A subsurface geologic formation suitable for and used to store natural gas for the purpose of fuller utilization of pipeline facilities and effective market delivery or load management. Stress Crack Internal or external crack in a material caused by tensile or shear stresses less than that normally required for mechanical failure in air. The development of such cracks is frequently related to and accelerated by the environment to which the material is exposed. More often than not, the environment does not visibly attach, soften, or dissolve the surface. The stresses may be internal, external, or a combination of both. Common Conversion 1Ton A/C 1 Boiler HP 100 Boiler HP 100 lb steam 1 engine HP 1 BTU 1 Cu Ft natural gas Boiler efficiency Water Heater Efficiency BTU KW 1 Therm Fuel Common Unit BTU Content Natural Gas Therm 100,000 Diesel (light) Gallon 140,000 PS300 Gallon 150,000 Bunker C Barrel 6,400,000 (heavy) (42 gal) Propane Gallon 92,500 Electricity KWH 3,413 LNG Gallon 85,800 = 12,000 BTU = 42,000 BTU Input = 42 Therms = 1 Therm = 10,000 BTU Input = 1 lb water raised 1 F = 1000 BTU = 80% = 75% = British Thermal Unit = 1000 Watts = 29.3 KWH Demand charge - not applicable with natural gas 1914 Willamette Falls Drive, Suite 260 West Linn, OR 97068 t: 503.344.6637 f: 503.344.6693 www.nwga.org Twitter: @NWGas INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPAN Lost and Unaccounted for Gas (Volumes in Therms) Line No.Description Oct 2015 - Sept 2016 Oct 2016 - Sept 2017 Oct 2017 - Sept 2018 (a) (b) (c) (d) 1 Core Customer Purchased Gas 339,592,192 373,355,527 360,550,036 2 Transportation Customer Gas 345,348,399 354,152,074 350,401,998 3 LNG Storage Withdrawals 1,795,842 1,292,372 1,227,027 4 Under Deliveries of Gas from Pipeline (Draft) - 523,910 - 5 Total Deliveries to System 686,736,433 729,323,883 712,179,061 6 Core Customer Billed Gas 324,902,426 369,157,907 361,156,182 7 Unbilled Adjustment 815,526 3,800,799 (1,622,037) 8 Transportation Customer Billed Gas 345,348,399 354,152,074 350,401,998 9 Company Use Gas 529,408 297,147 390,755 10 LNG Storage Injections 11,370,008 1,190,801 1,428,508 11 Line Breaks - Found Gas - 231,195 71,663 12 Over Deliveries of Gas from Pipeline (Pack) 2,026,730 - 129,490 13 Total Deliveries to Customers 684,992,497 728,829,923 711,956,559 14 Lost/(Found) Gas (Line 5 minus 13)1,743,936 493,960 222,502 15 Average Purchase WACOG 0.28657$ 0.28349$ 0.23349$ 16 Cost of Lost/(Found) Gas (Line 14 times Line 15) 499,763$ 140,033$ 51,953$ 17 Lost Gas $/Therm (Line 16 divided by Line 5)0.00073$ 0.00019$ 0.00007$ 18 Lost/(Found) Gas (Line 14) 1,743,936 493,960 222,502 19 Lost/(Found) Gas Therms Deferred 1,033,736 1,617,866 761,896 20 Lost/(Found) Gas Adjustment (Line 18 minus Line 19) 710,200 (1,123,906) (539,393) 21 Actual Lost Gas Rate (Line 14 divided by Line 5) 0.2539%(1)0.0677% 0.0312% 22 3-Year Average Lost Gas Rate 0.1172%(2)0.1176%(3) See Case No. INT-G-17-05 See Case No. INT-G-18-02 Current PGA Year Lost Gas Rate Workpaper No. 7 Case No. INT-G-19-06 Intermountain Gas Company Page 1 of 1