HomeMy WebLinkAbout20200117Staff 1-31 to INT.pdfJOHN R. HAMMOND, JR. DEPUTY ATTORNEY GENERAL IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION PO BOX 83720 BOTSE, IDAHO 83720-007 4 (208) 334-0357 IDAHO BAR NO.5470 Strcet Address fbr Express Mail: I I33I W CHINDEN BLVD, BLDG 8, SUITE 20I-A BOISE, ID 83714 Attorney for the Commission Staff BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MA'I'TER OF'INTERMoUNTAIN GAS COMPANY'S 21119 -21123 INTEG RATED RESOURCE PLAN cASU NO. INT-(;-l9-07 FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF TO INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY The Staffof the Idaho Public Utilities Commission, by and through its attomey of record, John R. Hammond, Jr., Deputy Attomey General, requests that Intermountain Gas Company provide the following documents and information as soon as possible, but no later than FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 2020. This Production Request is to be considered as continuing, and Intermountain Gas Company is requested to provide, by way of supplementary responses, additional documents t]rat it, or any person acting on its behalf, may later obtain that will augment the documents or information produced. Please provide answers to each question, supporting workpapers that provide detail or are the source of information used in calculations, and the name, job title, and telephone number of FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST TO INTERMOUN'IAIN GAS ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) .IANT-IARY 17,2O2O RECEIVED , jit .14?'l l l Pil 2: 52 lrJ-: rilSSl0N I the person preparing the documents. Please also identity the name, job title, location, and telephone number olthe record holder. In addition to the written copies provided as response to the requests, please provide all Excel spreadsheets and electronic files on CD with fbrmulas intact and enabled. REQUEST NO. l: Please descrihe the process by which the IRP advisory group was formcd. Additionally, provide the results achieved through IRP advisory group participation in development ofthis IRP. See OrderNo. 33997. REQUEST NO.2: Please provide a thorough explanation of how the system growth rate is determined. See Order No. 33997. REQUEST NO.3: Please respond to the following regarding the Company's Energy Ef'liciency (EE) and Demand Side Management (DSM) avoided costs: a. Explain hou,the Supplement I Drall Avoided Costs is consistent with Order No. 33997. b. On page 2 of Supplement l, in the Fixed Transportation Costs section, the Company states that "contracts through 2025 are already committed and so not avoidable." Were thc contract costs through 2025 rcmoved liom avoided cost calculations? Il not, why not? Provide a supporting spreadsheet with formulas enabled that shows how Fixed Transportation Costs were calculated. c. Explain how Variable Transportation Costs were determined and provide a supporting spreadsheet with fbrmulas enabled that shows how Variable Transponation Costs were calculated. d. Dxplain why the maximum price lrom all three basins was used in the Commodity Cost calculation. e. Explain how Distribution System Costs are avoided. Please also provide supporting evidence that distribution costs are not cunently recovered in embedded rates. t. Provide an explanation ofthe rationale in the Company's method ("For this IRP cycle. IGC calculates distribution system costs as its system weighted average of its authorized margins.") used to calculate distribution costs. FI RSl' PRODI,JC-f ION REQUEST TO INTERMOLINTAIN GAS 1 JANUARY 17.2020 g. Please explain and provide workpapers that illustrate how the effects of the Company's EE and DSM programs are I'actored into the Company's load growth projections. h. Plcase provide u,orkpapers showing how the cllbcts ofthe Company's EE and DSM programs were included in the Company's load grouth projections fbr the Sun Valley Lateral. REQUEST NO.4: On pages 65 and 66 of the IRP, a biogas production lhcility is mentioned as being contracted to start supplying renewable natural gas (RNG) in 2019. a. Please explain more fully and provide documentation that describes the facility's volumetric potential, when it may become viable, and a description ofpotential costs and benefits. b. Please provide a copy ofthe contract. REQUEST NO. 5: On page 23, Tabte 4 of the IRP, the Company lists conversion rates. a. Please provide an explanation of how conversion rates are determincd and calculated b. Please include a supporting spreadsheet with fbrmulas enabled. REQUEST NO.6: On pagc 125 of the IRP, the Company discusses State Street enhancements achieved through pipeline retests. Please provide a detailed description of20l9 and 2022 enhancement projects including costs for each and explain how the costs oompare to all other viable alternatives the Conrpany considered. REQUEST NO. 7: On pages 127 and 128 of the IRP, the Company discusses multiple Canyon County enhancements. Plcasc provide a detailed description including documents and u'orkpapers fbr the Orchard 2020, Ustick 2021 . and Happy Valley 2022 projects including costs for each enhanccment and how the costs comparc to other viable altematives the Company considered. REQUEST NO. 8: On page 128 of the IRP, the Company discusses the Idaho Falls Lateral. The Company mentions that compression has been retired on this lateral. FIRST PRODUC'|ION REQTJESI' TO INTERMOT-]N'IAIN GAS J JANUARY 17.2020 a. Please describe ifand how compression sites were installed. b. Please describc how the site(s) could be used by the Company RXQUEST NO.9: On pagc 129 olthe IRP, the Company stated that a second [,NG storage tank at the Rexburg LNC F'acility will be added in 2022. Please provide a detailcd description ofthe LNG tank addition inoluding expected costs and pro.ject timing. REQUEST NO. l0: On page 127 of the IRP, the Company discusses the Central Ada Lateral retest it 202l. Please provide a detailed description ofthe projcct including expected costs and how the costs compare to othcr viable alternatives the Company considered. REQUEST NO. 12: Please describe the Company's *ork u.ith the IRP advisory group to determine the most cost-effective solution to all identilled deficits and enhancements for the State Slrect, Canyon County, Idaho Falls, Sun Valley, and Central Ada Laterals. REQUEST NO. l3: On page 142 of the IRP. the Company states that about iive miles of Aldyl-A pipe is replaced pcr year bascd on risk metrics. a. Please provide details ofhow the Company's risk metrics are calculated and mcasured. b. How many feet of pipe by size require replacement. c. Provide an estimate ofthe annual replacement cost by size and feet ofpipe to be replaced per year until all at risk pipe is replaced. (i.e., in 2020, 100 feet ol'2 inch pipe is expected to be replaccd at a cost of $ l.) FIRST PRODUCTION RLQUEST I'o IN'I'F]RMOLNTAIN GAS 4 JANUARY 17,2O2O REQUEST NO. 11: On page l4l of the IRP, the Company describes the Rexburg Snake River crossing. a. Please explain why the 2021 favored alternative is "tentatively scheduled". b. What other alternatives were considered. c. How the costs compare for each altemativc. REQUEST NO. 14: On page 140 of the IRP, the Company explains that adding or upgrading liquefaction capability may be required if the non-utility sales market conlinues 10 grow. Please explain the following: a. The expansion alternatives availablc. b. Potential costs ofeach altemative. c. Describe how an expansion project would be funded ifpursued and what accounting treatment(s) would be applied. d. Describe how core customers will be shielded from financial exposure if an expansion project is pursued for non-utility sales. REQUEST NO. 15: Please provide a list of avoided and program characterization costs uscd in the model describcd in Exhibit 4. Exhibit 4 at 4. RR,QIIEST NO. l6: Please provide a list and delinition of each barrier reduction invcstment the Conrpany has idcntit'ied or considered. Exhibit 4 at 11. REQUEST NO. l7: Please explain when and hou'the Company intends to address Commcrcial and Industria[ DSM/lrl] mcasurcs. RXQUEST NO. l8: Please describe and quantif! savings to customers due to the reduction ofmarket barriers. Exhibit4at 17. REQUEST NO. l9: Please describe the Company's plans to acquire identified energy efficiency savings potential for both single family and commercial sectors. Exhibit 4 at 20. REQUEST NO. 20: Please explain how measures listed in Table 4 will be reconciled lor current offerings and how additional measlres will be implemented. Please provide supporting spreadsheets with formulas enabled. Exhibit 4 at 2l . REQUEST NO. 2l: Please explain how and when the Company will address envelope irnprovements opportunities. Exhibit 4 at 22. FIRSI' PRODUC]'[ION REQUEST TO INTERMOLIN'I'AIN GAS 5 JANUARY 17,2O2O REQUEST NO. 22: Please provide supporting document(s) that describes how the Company calculated the annual therm savings impact of$125,474 and an annual budget increase o1'$930,000 due to a delay in tumace efliciency standards until 2028. Provide supporting spreadshects with formulas intact. Exhibit 4 at 23. REQUEST NO. 23: The CPA report suggests there is greater potenlial in existing home upgrades/retrofits than new homes. Please explain how the Company will address existing home opportunities and determine appropriate funding fbr both cxisting and ncw homc mcasures. Exhibit 4 at29,30. REQUEST NO. 24: On pages 56 and 57 olits 2019 IRP, the Company states that the Nampa LNG Facility can store up to 600 million cubic lbet o['natural gas in liquid form, and can re-gasity back into Intermountain's system at a rate of approximately 60 million cubic feet per day. Please provide a system map with the following information: a. The points at which the facility would injeot gas into the system in the event that it was needed to provide gas for a peaking evenl. Include the diameters of pipes connecting the facility to each delivery point. b. Equipment used to gasily the I-NG for delivery into the system, including this equipment's maximum capacity during the Company's peak design weather cvent. c. Equipment used to compress the gasified LNG for delivery into the system, including this equipment's maximum rated pressure and capacity during the Company's peak design weather event. REQUEST NO. 25: Has the Nampa LNG Facility been used to deliver gas to the system during an emergency? lfso, please provide the following information for each event. a. Description ol'the emergency including the date ol'the emergency. b. The quantity ofgas dclivered to thc systcm during thc cmcrgcncy. c. The time interval over which the facility provided emergency gas to the system. REQUEST NO. 26: Please provide the lbllowing infbrmation regarding delivcrics to the Rexburg LNG Facility from the Nampa LNG Facility. FIRST PRODUCTION REQIJEST TO INI'ERMOI.JNTAIN GAS .rANrjARY 17.20206 a. What was t}re maximum quantity of LNG delivered during any winter? b. During what winter did this maximum occur? REQUEST NO.27: On pages 129 and 130 of its 2019lRP, the Company describes a new compressor station that it proposes in order to increase capacity on the Sun Valley Lateral. Please provide the following workpapers in electronic format with links enabled: a. Workpapers showing how the Company determincd thc costs lor the proposed compressor station. b. Workpapers showing how costs tbr each of the altematives studied by the Company were estimated. REQUEST NO.28: On pages 129 and 130 of its 2019 IRP, the Company describes a new compressor station that it proposes in order to increasc capacity on the Sun Valley Lateral Please answer the following questions: a. What is the capacity ofthe Sun Valley Lateral as currently conligured? b. What would be the capacity of the Sun Valley Latcral afier construction ofthe proposed compressor station? c. Where would the proposed station be located? d. What would be the input and output operating pressures of the proposed station during needle peak conditions? e. What is the rated horsepower and capacity ofthe proposed compressor station during needle peak conditions? f. What is the proposed power source lbr the proposed compressor station? g. What would be the Company's contingency plan in the event thal the compressor station becomes inoperable during a needle peaking event? REQUEST NO.29: In its description of the proposed compressor station tbr the Sun Valley Lateral (lRP pages 129-130), the Company describes states that "...long sections ofthe pipeline are installed in rock that imposc construction obstacles." a. Please provide more infbrmation about thcsc obstacles. FIRST PRODUCTION RLQUIST TO INTERMOLINTAIN CAS 7 .IANI-IARY '11.2020 b. Please explain and provide documentation showing why and how they are a consideration when deciding the best option to increase capacity of the existing Sun Valley Lateral. REQUEST NO. 309: In its description of the proposed compressor station for the Sun Valley Lateral (lRP pages 129-130), the Company states that the second station will increase capacity beyond the remaining five-year growth outlook ofthis IRP. When does the Company estimate that this second station will no longer be adequate to serve the needs of its customers on the Sun Valley Lateral? REQUEST NO.3l: Please provide historical deliveries of LNG gas to the system (not including LNG deliveries to the Rexburg LNG Facility or to non-core customers) by year over thc past l0 years. For each delivery, please provide the range ol dates,/hours that the delivery occurred, the amount ofgas delivered, and the reason for each delivery. DATED at Boise, ldaho, this /1 da1, of January 2020. Jo ond. Jr. Atlomey General i:umisc:prodrcq/intgl9.Tjhksk prod req I FIRST PRODUCTION REQUITSI' TO INTERMOL]NTAIN (iAS IJ JANUARY 17.2O2O CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CER'|IFY TIIAT I HAVE '|HIS I7]'H DAY OF JANUARY 2020, SERVED THE FOREGOING FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STATF TO INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY, IN CASL NO. INT.G-19.07, BY MAILING A COPY THEREOF, POSTAGE PREPAID, TO ]'HE FOLLOWING: LORI BLATTNER DIR _ RE(]ULATORY AFITAIRS INTERMOUNTAIN GAS CO PO BOX 7608 BOISE ID 83707 E-MAIL: lori.blattner(rDintsas.com BENJAMIN J OTTO MATTNYKIEL ID CONSERVATION LEAGUE 7IO N 6,I'H ST BOISE ID 83702 E-MAI L: bofl o(zDidahoconscryation.ers mnykiel(n)idahoconservation.org PRISTON N CARTER GIVENS PURSLEY LLP 60I W BANNOCK SI' BOISE ID 83702 E-MAIL : orestoncarter(Zlg vcnsnurslev.com kendrah Yens c Jofl"Z,,. SECRFTA Y CERTIFICATE OF SF,RVICE