HomeMy WebLinkAbout20190927INT to Staff 1-23.pdfGtvENS PunsLEY,,* Attorneys and Counselors at Law 601 W. Bonnock Slreel PO Box2720 Boise, lD 83701 Telephone: 208-388-l 200 Focsimile: 208-388-l 300 M.giYenspursley.com Preslon N. Corter presloncorler@givenspursley.com 208-388-1222 VIA HAND DELIVERY Diane Hanian Idaho Public Utilities Commission 11331W. ChindenBlvd. Bldg. 8 Suite 201-A Boise,ID 83713 September 27,2019 Gory G. Allen Chorlie S- Boser Chrislopher J. Beeson Joson J. Blokley Clint R. Bolinder Jeff W. Bower Preslon N. Corler Jeremy C. Chou Michoel C. Creomer Amber N. Dino Brodley J. Dixon Thomos E. Dvorok Deboro Kristensen Groshom Donold Z. Groy Brion J. Holleron Kersli H. Kennedy Neol A. Koskello Michoel P. Lowrence Fronklin G. Lee Dovid R. Lombordi Kimberly D. Moloney Kennelh R. McClure Kelly Greene McConnell Alex P. Mcloughlin Melodie A. McQuode Chrislopher H. Meyer L. Edword Miller Judson B. Montgomery Deboroh E. Nelson W. Hugh O'Riordon, LL.M. Rondoll A. Petermon Jock w. Relf Michoel O. Roe Jomie Coplon Smilh Jeffrey A. Wor Robert B. White Williom C. Cole {Of Counsel) Kennelh L. Pursley (1940-2015) Jomes A. Mcclure (1924-2011) Roymond D. Givens (1917-2008) a':r: N ..e(-/) -ntrl N*U ITINIOrm 1r<*m q) (!,-) Confidential Responsive Documents - Requests Nos. ll,14 & 15 ' " Case No.: INT-G-I9-04 Dear Ms. Hanian: This firm represents Intermountain Gas Company ("Intermountain Gas"). Enclosed for filing is a CD containing documents in response to Requests Nos. 1 l, 14, and 15 of the Commission StafPs First Production Request in the above-referenced case. The information contained in these documents are confidential, proprietary, and trade secret information protected from public inspections, examination, or copying under Idaho Code sectionsT4-106,107, and 48-801. The enclosed CD contains documents responsive to Requests Nos. ll,14 and 15 and is marked "Confidential" per Commission Rules 67,233,7, and the Protective Agreement entered into between Intermountain Gas and Commission Staff. Thank you for maintaining the confidentiality of this information. If you have questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, ,p PNC/Klh Enclosure I 4828872_l.docx [ 141 68.6] Re: Preston N. Carter Preston N. Carter, ISB No. 8462 Givens Pursley LLP 601 W. Bannock St. Boise,Idaho 83702 Telephone: (208) 388-1200 Facsimile: (208) 388-1300 prestoncarter@ givenspursley. com 14828668 2.docx [4168.6] Afforneys for Intermountain Gas Company BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPAIIY FOR A DETERMINATION OF 2017.2018 ENERGY EFFICIENCY EXPENSES AS PRUDENTLY INCURRED. ) ) ) ) ) ) ) CASE NO.INT.G-I9-04 RESPONSE OF INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY TO FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF Intermountain Gas Company, in response to the First Production Request of the Commission Staff to Intermountain Gas Company dated September 6, 2019, submits the following information : RESPONSE OF IGC TO FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF, Page 1 ftrcEtv[0 i*i9 SIP 27 pH t: SS .t r\, . .-i i,,r:;.; , ,"i I rili".l,r 1, 'i;:;liir:il REQUEST NO. 1: In its Energy Efficiency 2018 Annual Report, the Company stated that it will issue a Request For Proposal for an EM&V (Evaluation, Measurement, and Verification) study. Please provide a copy of criteria the Company will use to evaluate EM&V proposals. Energy Efficiency 2018 Annual Report at 1. RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO. 1: As mentioned in the Annual Report,lntermountain is currently developing an EM&V program. As the program is created, Intermountain intends to meet with its stakeholder group to discuss best practices for EM&V and to make sure all the necessary elements are included. The process of outside consultant selection would be one of the topics thatwould be discussed with the Company's stakeholder group. Record Holder: Lori Blattner. 208-377-6015 Sponsor/Preparer:Kathy Wold, 208-377-6128 Location: 555 S Cole Rd. Boise. RESPONSE OF IGC TO FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF, Page 2 REQUEST NO. 2: What is the status of the Dunsky Energy Consultants Conservation Potential Assessment and when does the Company expect to release it? Energy Efficiency 2018 Annual Report at23. RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO. 2: DunslE Energy Consultants presented draft results of the study at the May 20, 2019 stakeholder meeting in Twin Falls. The Conservation Potential Assessment is nearly complete and will befiled with Intermountain's 2019 Integrated Resource Plon. Record Lori Blattner- 208-377 -6015 Sponsor/Preparer Kathv Wold. 208-377-6128 Location: 555 S Cole Rd, Boise. ID 83707 RESPONSE OF IGC TO FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF, Page 3 Lf ^1.1o.' REQUEST NO.3: tn the Annual Report, the Company said that "further study is required to find the right incentive" for 0.61 EF (Energy Factor) tanked water heaters. Please explain how and when the Company will determine the correct incentive level for 0.67 EF water heaters. Additionally, please provide the current average price of a natural gas water heater. Energy Efficiency 2018 Annual Report at 9. RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO.3: The Company will use the results of the conservation potential assessment to guide the determination of the proper incentive level for the .67 EF water heater rebate and will also consider stakeholderfeedbackfrom a planned October meeting. An October 2019 filing is planned to revise this incentive, with a January l, 2020 effective date. Based on a sample of retail outlets by Intermountain staff, the average cost of a water heater which would qualrfy fu Intermountain's program (.67 EF or higher) is curuently $945. This price excludes labor and ony additional parts necessary to install the water heater. Record Holder: Lori Blattner. 208-377-6015 Sponsor/Preparer:Kathy Wold, 817I 6128 Location: 555 S Cole Rd. Boise. ID 83707 RESPONSE OF IGC TO FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF, Page 4 REQUEST NO. 4: When will Tariffs be updated to reflect the DOE change from using the EF to the Uniform Energy Factor (UEF)? Energy Efficiency 2018 Annual Report at 9. RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO. 4: The tariffupdate to change to the water heater fficiency rating will be presented at the stakeholder meeting in October and the Company plans tofilefor tariff changes in October, with a proposed January 1, 2020 effective date. Record Holder: Lori Blattner. 208-377-6015 SponsorlPreparer:Kathy Wold, 208-377-6128 Location: 555 S Cole Rd. Boise. ID 83707 RESPONSE OF IGC TO FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF, Page 5 REQUEST NO. 5: How does the Company plan to re-evaluate the Fireplace lnsert Program? Energy Efficiency 2018 Annual Report at 7. What criteria will be used? Will the 80% AFUE (Annual Fuel Utilization Efficiency) fireplace insert continue to be offered, even though it was not available in the market during the 2018 program year? Please explain future planning for this program and any changes to incentives and measures. RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO. 5: It is the Company's intent to discontinue the 80% AFUE fireplace insert incentive due to lack of availability in the marketplace. During program design, the 80% AFUEfireplace was considered emerging technology, and unfortunately never "emerged." One explanationfor lack of availability and adoption is that the 80% AFUE fireploce is a condensing unit and requires venting to achieve this level of efficiency. This requirement is a barrier to adoption as the location of thefireplace in the home often cannot accommodate a condensate line. Future planning and any changes for the measure offering will be guided by the findings of the conservation potential assessment. The plan to discontinue the 80% AFUE fireplace rebate and the intent to continue to offer a singlefireplace rebate offering (70% FE), will be presented at the October stakeholder meetingfor consideration. The Company plans tofilefor approval in October with a planned ffictive date of January l, 2020. Record Holder: Lori Blattner, 208-377-6015 Sponsor/Preparer:Kathy Wold. 208-377-6128 Location: 555 S Cole Rd. Boise. ID 83707 RESPONSE OF IGC TO FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF, Page 6 REQUEST NO. 6: In the Energy Efficiency 2018 Annual Report a joint meeting with Rocky Mountain Power and HVAC contractors was described. Energy Efficiency 2018 Annual Report at20. a. When did the combined Intermountain Gas and Rocky Mountain Power meeting with HVAC contractors take place? b. Please provide meeting minutes and attendance records. c. Has the Company pursued similar meetings with additional HVAC contractors and energy providers in its' service territory? If yes, please provide details of such pursuits. If not, what plans does the Company have for additional meetings? RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO. 6: a) The meeting took place on July I I , 20 I I at Johnstone Supply in ldaho Falls. Johnstone Supply, an HVAC wholesale distributor, donated the use of their conference room for the meeting. The Company was invited to present an overview of the energt fficiency program, and lunch was provided by Clear Result. Clear Result is the energy efficiency program agentfor Roclqt Mountain Power (RMP). b) After introductions, the Company presented a history of the energy fficiency program including development and program launch and provided a detailed overview of program offirings. Clear Result (as agentfor RMP), presented an overview of their respective energy fficiency program, specifically highlighting the unique opportunity for customers to maximize energy savings and earn both the Intermountain high fficiencyfurnoce rebate in conjunctionwith the RMP rebatefor electronically commutated motors (ECM) forfurnoces. An fficial attendance list was not collected. However, there were approximately 6 HVAC contractors in attendance. The meeting lastedfor approximately one hour. c) The unique opportunity to couple two rebate offerings ftigh fficiencyfurnace with ECM motor) has since expired as the new ECM motor standard for furnaces went RESPONSE OF IGC TO FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF, Page 7 into effect in July 2019. The Company continues to seek out opportunities and partnerships, such as this, to maximize customer benefit and energlt savings. Record Holder:Lori Blattner. 208-377-6015 Sponsor/Preparer:Kathy Wold, 208-377-6128 Location: 555 S Cole Rd. Boise. ID 83707 RESPONSE OF IGC TO FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF, Page 8 REQUEST NO. 7: Please describe and quantify the influence the Company had in 13 incremental builders becoming Energy Star certified. Energy Efficiency 2018 Annual Report at 11. RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO. 7: On May 23, 2019, the Company received the ENERGY STAR Certified Home Market Leader Awardfrom ENERGY STARfor "outstanding commitment to energy fficient new homes andfor contributing 619 ENERGY STAR certified homes in 2018" (see thefile labeled "PR I_7").When Intermountain's Energl Efficiency program began in late 2017, therewere 2 builders in Intermountain's service territory listed on the Energy Star website as having their homes Energt Star certified. Through the end of 2018, Intermountain saw l3 additional builders submit applications for rebates. The Company's Wole Home measure requires the home to be ENERGY STAR certified with a HERS (Home Energy Rating Score) score of 75 or better. The lower the HERS score, the more energy efficient the home. Taking climate zone into consideration, a home moy earn ENERGY STAR certification with a HERS score of 80-85, for zones 5 and 6. Intermountain's energy ffictency program incents builders to exceed minimum allowable fficiency requirements by ENERGY STAR by requiring a HERS of 75. The Company utilized existing memberships with the Building Contractor Associations (BCA) throughout the service teruitory, starting with personal meetings with the executive director of the statewide organization, Idaho Building Contractor Association, and meetings with both local Treasure Valley associations (Building Contractor Association of Southwest Idaho and Snake River Valley Building Contractor Association). These meetings allowed the Company to better understand the potential outreach opportunities within tlte associations. To RESPONSE OF IGC TO FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAIF, Page 9 "test the waters" the Company explored opportunities with the two Treasure Valley associations, with the hope of replicating success and taking lessons learned across the service territory to other associotions. While a number of outreach approaches were tested, from hosting information tables to presentations at general membership meetings, three particular BCA events routinely had the highest builder attendance and provided the most opportunity to influence builders: golf tournaments, builders showcase, and parade of homes. The Company started builder outreach efforts by sponsoring general membership lunches as the guest speaker or hosting information tables at these meetings. Wile it was beneficial to raise awareness about the energy fficiency program with BCA members at large, builder attendance at these meetings was typically very low. It was recommended that the Company reach builders at the highest attended builder events: golf tournaments. The Company sponsored a hole at two separate golf tournaments (in Boise and ldaho Falls) which provided brief, but valuable time to explain the program to key decision makers: the builder. The builder showcase is a mandatory eventfor builders who want to participate in the parade of homes. It is an opportunity for vendors to promote products to parade builders (everythingfrom granite to garage doors), and builders attend the event to explore products for their home while securing their place in the parade of homes. The Company hosted a table at builders showcase events to raise awareness about the energy fficiency program. To creote additional interest in building an ENERGY STAR home in the parade of homes, the Company offered to provide builders with ENERGY STAR and HERS marketing materials and additional parade home promotionfor any ENERGY STAR certified parade home. The Company participated in two builder showcase events (Boise ond Nampa). RISPONSE OF IGC TO FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF, Page 10 "Wat is an ENERGY STAR home? " was one of the mostfrequent questions asked by builders and home buyers alike. In order to provide an example of an ENERGY STAR home, the Company partneredwith an early adopter of the Intermountain Wole Home rebate, an ENERGY STAR builder who was also a member of the Southwest ldaho BCA and building a Spring 2018 parade home. To highlight the rebate program, educate about home energy fficiency and assist in marketing the energy fficient attributes of the home, the Company and the builder launched an ENERGY STAR pilot program. The builder allowed the Company to host an information booth at the parade home to better explain and highlight the benefits of an ENERGY STAR home andfocused education on the ENERGY STAR "blue label"; one of the most recognized consumer brands, and the mark of home certification. The Company conducted an ENERGY STAR certified home Facebook campaign simultaneously with the parade of home dates and encouraged the community to visit an ENERGY STAR home. From this pilot, the Intermountain parade promotion was born. The ENERGY STAR parade of homes pilot occurred during the Spring 2018 BCA Southwest ldaho (BCASWI) Parade of Homes. In the Fall of 2018, the Compony reached out to all BCASWI parade builders sending 23 recruitment letters offering ENERGY STAR parade promotions and secured 2 ENERGY STAR homes in the parade of homes. As the Company has fostered relationships with BCA's throughout its service territory, this process has been replicated with all BCA's in the teruitory. For the 2018 program year, the ENERGY STAR parade of homes promotion was offered to approximately 60 builders throughout the service teruitory. In conjunction with porticipating in the parade of homes, the Company olso visited parade homes and reviewed parade home magazines. Visiting the parade homes allowed the Company to informally survey the types of equipment and fficiency of equipment being installed RESPONSE OF IGC TO FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAIF, Page I I in these show homes. Personal visits to parade homes proved especially beneficial when the builder was present, and the Company was able to engoge in a conversation about the home with the builder. Finally, if the home was advertised as HERS scored, the Company reached out directly to the builder to promote the rebate program, encouraging the builder to take the next step in home energy fficiency by becoming ENERGY STAR certified. Wile personal visits to parade homes are often beneficial and can provide direct interactions with key decision makers, this type of personal outreach is limited by available manpowen For instance, the parade of homes of Southwest ldaho alone consists of 40 homes and overlaps with the occuruence of the Magic Valley parade of homes. Internal conversations about outreach by the Company revealed a duplication of outreach efforts. Intermountain's Energy Services Representatives (ESR) also visit parade homes to deliver complimentary welcome mats to builders. By partnering with the ESRs, the Company is able to fficiently leverage outreoch efforts, not just in parade of homes builder targeted outreaclt, but in their overall day+o-day interactions. ESRs routinely work with developers, builders, HVAC contractors, residential and commercial customers. The benefit of adding energy fficiency to the suite of services ESRs are able to offer when talking to these customers is two-fold: it provides customers an additional, green, fficient option, and it provides a "one-stop-shop" approach where customers can simultaneously learn about opportunities to choose high fficient options upon initiating gas service. Rather than try to broaden outreach efforts by hiring tvvo energy fficiency analysts, the Company instead underwrites a portion of eight ESR positions which are located throughout the service territory. By taking a "divide and conquer" approoch, the program now underwrites 250% of each ESR, who in turn dedicotes 25o% of their time to energy fficiency outreach and education- RESPONSE OF IGC TO FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF, Page 12 Record Holder: Lori 208-377-60rs Sponsor/Preparer:Kathy Wold, 208-377-6128 Location: 555 S Cole Rd. Boise. ID 837!7 RESPONSE OF IGC TO FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF, Page 13 REQUEST NO. 8: In the Energy Efficiency 2018 Annual Report, the Company stated that home energy raters mentioned a lack of credentialed HVAC contractors as a roadblock for builder participation in the Whole Home Rebate Program. Energy Efficiency 2018 Annual Report at23. Please describe how this concern is being addressed by both the Company and energy raters. RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO. 8: For a home to be ENERGY STAR certified, several key design taslcs must be completed by an HVAC designer. These requirements are contained in the HVAC Design report, which must be submitted to the home rater in order to certify an ENERGY STAR home, and per the ENERGY STAR Requirements and Resources for HVAC Designers, "includes designing a whole-house ventilation system, calculating room-by-room heating and cooling loads, and selecting heating and cooling equipment using those loads." This ENERGY STAR requirement is essentially to ensure proper sizing of HVAC equipment, one of the mainfactors that can impact HVAC fficiency. ENERGY STAR has communicated that the intent of this requirement is to address proper HVAC design and sizing, particularly in places where there were no code requirements addressing such. Idaho has historically been one of those places lacking code requirements. The Idaho Division of Building Salbty (DBS) only recently (January 2019 ffictive date) began requiring a Manual J (HVAC contractors use the Manual J calculation to determine the heating and cooling load of a home, and recommend the capacity of HVAC equipment needed) to be submitted as part of the plan reviewfor new residential construction to insure proper sizing of HI/AC equipment. With this new requirement, the ENERGY STAR credentialed contractor requirement should be more attoinablefor contractors because the lcnowledge and concepts now RESPONSE OF IGC TO FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF, Page 14 requiredfor Manual J to meet the ldaho new construction plan review are the samefor ENERGY STAR credentialing. Despite the new plan review requirements by DBS, use of an ENERGY STAR credentialed HVAC contractor is still requiredfor ENERGY STAR home certffication. To become q credentialed ENERGY STAR HVAC contractor, contractors must submit an application with license, proof of insurance, and refrigerant card, then take a course and pass an exam. Application, coltrse instruction and exam can all be completed on-line. The course and exam are estimated to require approximately 2 hours. First time credentialing is approximotely 5900, with a $600 annual renewalfee (no additional course time or exams are requiredfor renewal). The Company has taken steps to help alleviate potential builder roadblocl<s to building ENERGY STAR certified homes due to lack of ENERGY STAR credentialed HVAC contractors. The Company has communicated to EPA, through appropriate ENERGY STAR representatives, that while well intentioned, the HVAC contractor credentialing requirement is creating a potential roadblock to ENERGY STAR certified home building. In a more proactive approach, the Company is offering a $300 coursefee reimbursement to help ffiet HVAC contractor credentialing costs. Contractors will be reimbursed the $300 upon becoming credentialed. The course subsidy was first promoted through a postcard mailer sent in April 2019 and an email blast in July 2019. Promotion of this opportunity, and the postcard itself, has been shared with Intermountain ESRs and home roters to provide to HVAC contractors they may encounter. The course subsidy will be offered through December 31, 2019. Please see thefile labeled "PR l_8." Record Holder: Lori 208-377-6015 Sponsor/Preparer:Kathy Wold, 208-377-6128 RESPONSE OF IGC TO FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAIF, Page 15 Location: 555 S Cole Rd. Boise. ID 83707 REQUEST NO. 9: The Company mentioned a scarcity of raters making it difficult to certify Energy Star homes and give rebates in the service territory. Energy Efficiency 2018 Annual Report at 12. Please provide the current number of home energy raters in Idaho and their locations. Does the Company plan to take action to train, or incent, new home energy raters in areas with shortages or does the Company have an alternative methodology to assess homes in these areas? RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO. 9: Currently, the Company does not have plans to train or incent new home energl raters. The strateglt to incent energy efficient home building has been to raise awareness and educate consumers and builders about home energy fficiency, and by so doing, create a market pull for home energy raters. Rather than employing an "rf you build it, they will come" approach, the Company is focusing on education and marketing of the high fficient attributes of homes and educating consumers so they askfor high fficient homes from builders. This will in turn lead builders to build high efficient homes and create the demandfor home raters. Intermountain's strategy appears to be working. For example, one of the existing home raters has added a certified HERS rater and has also become a HERS Rating Field Inspector. Another rating company has added one HERS rater and a halftime administrative position. Three raters, in the West, East and Central regions of the Company's service territory are willing to travel to serve builders in other regions. Currently, the Company does not have an alternative methodology to a,s,se,s,s homes in areas lacking home raters. The benefit of basing the Intermountain Whole Home rebate requirement on ENERGY STAR certification and HERS scoring allows the Company to leverage two important factors to the success of the program: brand recognition and quality assurance. RESPONSE OF IGC TO FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF, Page 16 ENERGY STAR is one of the most powerful consumer brands, it is recognized by 87% of consltmers, and 90% of consumers say it in/luences their purchasing decisions. Thefamiliar blue label with the big message conveys to home buyers, "peace of mind, proven value and enduring quality." Likewise, HERS is a nationally recognized systemfor inspecting and calculating a home's energl performance and is considered tlte "gold standardfor home energl fficiency." Part of this gold standard recognition is due to the robust set of policy and procedures in place to ensure quality standards. Thefollowing is from the Residential Energt Services Network @ESNED website : RATERS Learn About HERSE I Blog I PROVIDERS BUILDERS RESNET created and maintains . The HERS lndex to allow for easy comparison of energy performance of homes . The HERS H20 rating to compare indoor and outdoor water usage of homes . National training and certification and quality assurance standards for Home Energy Raters . Two American National Standards lnstitute (ANSI) Standards supporting energy and water efficiency in homes . Four Slandard Development Committees RESNET's standards are utilized in a variety of applications such as: verification of energ)l savings for energ/ fficient mortgages, code compliance by the International Energl,t Conservation Code, quality ossuronce oversight of home energl ratings (HERS), and verification of a home's energy performance in the EPA's ENERGY STAR homes program. The RESNET website provides a detailed overvtew of the procedures employedfor quality assuronce within the rating industry : RESNEI RESPONSE OF IGC TO FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF, Page 77 WHO WE ARE . Each Rating Provider must employ a certified Quality Assurance Designee . The Quality Assurance Designee must independently verify internal consistency of a minimum '10% of all building input ftles . The Quality Assurance Designee must independently freld verify the accuracy of a minimum of 1"/o ot each certifred Raters' homes . RESNET monitors the Rating Providers compliance with quality assurance requirements through annual quality assurance report submissions . RESNET Staff also does enhanced quality assurance monitoring with 507" of all rating providers each year through online reviews and in-field site visits . Tracking QA reviews in realtime in the RESNET Registry Unlike custom, or user defined programs, ENERGY STAR certified homes and HERS scored homes are required to be submitted to a national, publicly available database, automatically making these homes subject to a detailed quality assurance process. Additionally, these certifications are based on raters trained through a rigorous certification process. Adopting the established and time-tested energl saving standards of ENERGY STAR and HERS into the Company's program design and utilizing the oversight and quality control provided by RESNET, allows the Company to wisely use resources for program implementation and quality assurqnce of energy savings. Record Holder:Lori Blattner. 208-377 -6015 Sponsor/Preparer:Kathy Wold, 208-377-6128 Location:555 S Cole Rd. B ID 83707 RESPONSE OF IGC TO FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF, Page 18 REQUEST NO. 10: Please provide an Excel workbook with formulas intact and enabled to show how "an escalator", as described in Supplement 1, was applied to commodity costs and explain which measures require the escalator. Energy Efficiency 2018 Annual Report Supplement I at2. RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO. 10: Please see thefile labeled "PR l_10 (a)." The escalator applied to commodity costs can be seen on the tab labeled "Avoided Nominal Cost by Year", beginning in cell D4l. The Company's priceforecastfor the natural gas commodity only went through 2036. After20j6, Intermountain assumed prices would continue to grow at the rate they grew between 2035 and 2036. This escalator, represented by the percentage change in commodity costs from the previous two years, was applied to the years 2037 through 2048. An inflation escalator of 2% based on the Consumer Price Index was used to escalate Distribution System Costs, Variable Transportation Costs and Fixed Transportation Costs. The escalation of these costs can also be seen on the tab labeled "Avoided Nominal Cost by Year". After filing its Energlt Eficiency 20I8 Annual Report, the Company discovered a minor error in its avotded cost model. This eruor has been coruected and is provided as "PR I _10 (b)," whichwill be included in the Company's Integrated Resource Plan. Thefile labeled "PR 1_10 (a)" was used in the preparation of the Annual Report. Record Holder: Lori Bl 208-377-6015 Sponsor/Preparer:Kathy Wold, 208-377-6128 Location:555 S Cole Rd.ID 83707 RESPONSE OF IGC TO FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF, Page 19 REQUEST NO. 11: Please provide a list of all expenses charged to the energy efficiency tariff rider from October 1,2017 to December 31, 2018. Please include date, vendor, amount, a brief description of the expense, and the account to which the charges were booked. Please separate all expenses by program so that the expenditures provided reconcile with the amounts listed in the Company's 2018 Energy Efficiency Annual Report. Please also identify if each expense is an incentive payment, purchased service, labor/administrative, materials and equipment, or other expense. Please provide the requested information in Excel format with all formulas intact and enabled. RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO. 11: Please see the confidential file labeled "PRl_l I " on the attached CD marked "Confidential - Trode Secrets" .fo, o list of all program expenses. This file includes a summary tab of all progrom accounts and expenses, with additional occount detail on eachfollowing tab. Each line item within each tab includes the date, vendor, amount, a brief description of the expense, and the account to which the charges were booked. Wile preparing the annual report, the Companyfound that several Wole Home measure rebates, totaling $52,800, were incorrectly coded in the general ledger as rebates for the .91 EF tankless woter heaters measure. This adjustment is noted on the "Summary" tab and in the adjustment column of the "Acct 5731" tab. Record Holder: Lori Blattner. 208-377-6015 Sponsor/Preparer:Kathy Wold- 2Q8 377 -6128 Location: 555 S Cole Rd, Boise, lD 83707 RESPONSE OF IGC TO FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF, Page 20 REQUEST NO. 12: Please provide invoices for all third-party evaluators. RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO. 12: No third-party evaluators have been employed. Record Holder: Lori B 208-377-60t5 Sponsor/Preparer:Kathy Wold, 208-377-6128 Location: 555 S Cole Rd,ID 83707 RESPONSE OF IGC TO FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF, Page2l REQUEST NO. 13: Please provide copies of all intemal audit reports referencing any of the Company's DSM expenses and processes for 2017 through2}l9, to date. If no reports were issued, please provide the date and scope of the audit and all internal auditor workpapers. RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO. 13: No internal audits of the Company's DSM expenses and processes have been completed. Record Holder: Lori Blattner, 208-377-6015 Sponsor/Preparer:Ted Dedden, 208-377-6149 Location: 555 S Cole Rd. Boise. ID 83707 RESPONSE OF IGC TO FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF, Page 22 REQUEST NO. 14: Please provide a current organizational chart by title and name showing all MDU, Intermountain Gas, and contract employees who charge time to the energy efficiency tariff rider. Please include complete job descriptions, required qualifications, salary ranges, bonus opporfunities, and total compensation ranges, including benefits, for all employees identified in this request. RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO. 14: Please see tlte confidentialfile labeled "PR l_14" on the attached CD marked "Confidential - Trade Secrets" for the requested information. Record Holder: Lori Blattner, 208-377-6015 Sponsor/Preparer:Linda Murray. 208-37 7 -6055 RESPONSE OF IGC TO FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAI'F, Page 23 Location: 555 S Cole Rd. Boise. ID 83707 REQUEST NO. 15: Is the Company requesting recovery of Wrightsoft HVAC subsidy costs of $500? Energy Efficiency 2018 Annual Report at 7. If yes, please provide copies of accounting records. RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO. 15: Yes, the Company is requesting recovery of the Wrightsoft HVAC course subsidy expenses of $500. As mentioned in Response No. 8, heat load calculation and proper selection of equipment for the calculation, also lvtown as Manual J, is essential to home energy efficiency. As of January 2019, the ldaho Division of Building Safety now requires a Manual J be submittedfor the plan review for all new residential buildings. In order to assist contractors in meeting this new requirement, DBS aruangedfor Wrightsoft, a soffi,vare provider that calculates Manual J, to host an instruction course in ldaho. In a shared mission to help contractors better understand the procedure and importance of heat load calculation and equipment sizing in HVAC energy fficiency, the Company offered a Wrigh*oft course subsidyfor contractors in the Intermountain service territory (determined by zip code). One of the primaryfactors in ensuring equipment achieves its energy efficiency rating is making sure it is sized cotectly. The Wrightsoft course helps train HI/AC contractors on correctly sizing thefurnacefor a home. This training should help equtpment rebated by Intermountain's EE Program achieve the labeled fficiency roting. The course was conducted by Wrightsoft, and took place on September l0 and I l, 2018 in ldaho Folls. Ten contractors qualifiedfor the subsidy and completed the Wrightsoft course. Please see the confidential files labeled "PR I _l5-l " and "PR I _l5-2 " on the attached CD marked "Confidential - Trade Secrets. " RESPONSE OF IGC TO FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF, Page 24 Record Holder: Lori Blattner. 208-377-6015 Sponsor/Preparer:Kathy Wold. 208-377-6128 Location: 555 S Cplc&L rD 83707 RESPONSE OF IGC TO FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF, Page 25 REQUEST NO. 16: Please provide workpapers to support the TRC (Total Resource Cost) and UCT (Utility Cost Test) for each measurehebate offered. Please identiff what costs and benefits were calculated in the TRC for each program. RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO. 16: Please see the tab labeled "Benefit Costs" in thefile labeled "PR l_16-23 (o)" tofind the requested information. The TRC benefit to cost ratio for each measure/rebate offered can be found in column (g), rows 29 through 35. The UCT benefit to cost ratio for each measure/rebate offered can befound in column (d), rows 29 through 35. Since the Company has only one program at this time, all program costs were included in the calculations. The cost of rebates is attributed to each measure/rebate to which they are associated. All other costs were allocated according to the percentage of rebates issuedfor each measure/rebate. The benefits considered were the avoided costs of the measure multiplied by therm savings. TRC and UCT therm savings for each meosure/rebate can befound in columns (e) and (fl, rows l1 through 17. As previously stated in Request No.10, the avoided cost model was updated to correct a minor calculation error. Consequently, the Company updated the benefit-cost anolysis in thefile labeled " PR I _1 6-2 3 (b). " All column and line number references will be the same as listed above. Record Holder: Lori Blattner. 208-377-6015 Sponsor/Preparer : Kathy Wold, 208-377-6128 Location:555 S Cole Rd.ID 83707 RESPONSE OF IGC TO FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF, Page 26 REQUEST NO. 17: Please provide the workpapers used to determine the Benefits, Costs, and Benefit/Cost ratios in the table titled "Program Cost-Effectiveness" on page 6 of the Company's Energy Effrciency 2018 Annual Report. Please provide workpapers in Excel format with formulas intact and enabled. RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO. 17: Please see the tab labeled "Benefit Costs" in thefile labeled "PR l_16-23 (q)" tofind the requested information. The benefits used in the calculation of the TRC benefit to cost ratio are the avoided costs multiplied by therm savings. The costs used are the incremental costs, program delivery & administration, and total rebates cost. The TRC benefit to cost ratio can be found in column (g), row j6. The benefits used in the calculation of the UCT benefit to cost ratio are the avoided costs multiplied by therm savings. The costs used are the program delivery & administration and total rebates cost. The UCT benefit to cost ratio can befound in column (d), row 36. As previously stated in Request No.l0, the avoided cost model was updated to coruect a minor calculation error. Consequently, the Company updated the benefit-cost analysis in thefile labeled "PR I _l6-23 (b)." All column and line number references will be the same as listed above. Record Holder: Lori Blattner. 208-377-6015 Sponsor/Preparer Kathy Wold,208-377-6128 Location: 555 S Cole Rd. Boise. ID 83707 RESPONSE OF IGC TO FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF, Page 27 REQUEST NO. 18: Please provide the workpapers used to determine the Therm Savings, UCT, and TRC ratios in the table titled "Space Heating Program Results" on page 6 of the Company's Energy Efficiency 2018 Annual Report. Please provide workpapers in Excel format with formulas intact and enabled. RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO. 18: Please see the tob labeled " Benefit Costs " in the file labeled " PRl _l 6-23 (a) " for the requested information. For therm savings, please see column (fl, rows 3 and 4. For the UCT and TRC ratios, please see columns (d) and (g), rows 30 and 3i,. As previously stated in Request No.l0, the avoided cost model was updated to coruect a minor calculation error. Consequently, the Company updated the benefit-cost analysis in thefile labeled "PR I_16-23 (b)." All column and line number references will be the same as listed above. Record Holder: Lori Blattner, 208-377-6015 Sponsor/Preparer:Katby lMal4 208-377-6128 Location: 555 S Cole Rd. Boise. ID 83707 RESPONSE OF IGC TO FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF, Page 28 REQUEST NO. 19: Were the Therm savings used to determine the values in the table titled "Space Heating Program Results" on page 6 of the Company's Energy Efficiency 2018 Annual Report adjusted for the effects of weather? If so, please provide workpapers showing how this was done. If not, please explain why this wasn't done. RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO. 19: Therm savings associated with space heating measures were based on deemed energy savings developedfrom engineering best practices and datafrom the initial potential analysis performed at the beginning of the program. With o new Conservation Potential Assessment completed, the Company has been able to apply even more regionally specific deemed savings based on the average home size, usage, and heating degree days in Intermountain' s respective climate zones for the therm savings that will be included in the Integrated Resource Plan. Weather normalization is generally applied during a program's Evaluation, Measurement and Verification (EM&V) phase and takes into consideration pre and post upgrade usage over a period ofyears. The dffirence in energl used pre and post measure is then adjustedfor the effects of weather. As Intermountain completes its first EM&V process in 2020, it will continue to improve the accuracy ofits therm savings reports. Record Ho Lori Blattner. 208-37 7 -60t5 Sponsor/Preparer: KathyWold. 208-377-6128 RESPONSE OF IGC TO FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAIF, Page 29 Location: 555 S Cole Rd" Boise. ID 83707 REQUEST NO. 20: Please provide the workpapers used to determine the Therm Savings, UCT, and TRC ratios for the 70%FE (Fireplace Efficiency) Natural Gas Hearth (Fireplace)" on page 8 of the Company's Energy Efficiency 2018 Annual Report. Please provide workpapers in Excel format with formulas intact and enabled. RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO. 20: Please see the tab labeled "Benefit Costs" in thefile labeled "PRl_16-23 (a)" for the requested information. For therm savings, please see column (fl, row 5. For the UCT and TRC ratios, please see columns (d) and (g), row 32. As previously stated in Request No.l0, the avoided cost model was updated to coruect a minor calculation error. Consequently, the Company updated the benefit-cost analysis in the file labeled "PR l_16-23 (b)." All column and line number references will be the same as listed above. Record Holder: Lori Blattner, 208-377-6015 Sponsor/Preparer: KathyWold. 208-377-6128 Location: 555 S Cole Rd, Boise, ID 83707 RESPONSE OF IGC TO FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAIF, Page 30 REQUEST NO. 21: Please provide the workpapers used to determine the Therm Savings, UCT, and TRC ratios for table titled "Water Heater Program Results" on page 9 of the Company's Energy Efficiency 2018 Annual Report. Please provide workpapers in Excel format with formulas intact and enabled. RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO. 21: Please see the tab labeled "Benefit Costs" in thefile labeled "PRl _16-23 (a)" for the requested information. For therm savings, please see column (/), rows 7 and 8. For the UCT and TRC ratios, please see columns (d) and (g), rows 34 and 35. As previously stated in Request No.l0, the avoided cost model was updated to correct a minor calculation error. Consequently, the Company updated the benefit-cost analysis in thefile labeled " PR I _l6-23 (b). " All column and line number references will be the same as listed above. Record Holder: Lori Blattner. 208-377-6015 Sponsor/Preparer:Kathy Wold, 208-377-6128 Location: 555 S Cole Rd. Boise. ID 83707 RESPONSE OF IGC TO FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF, Page 3l REQUEST NO. 22: Please provide workpapers showing how the Annual Therm Savings, UCT, and TRC ratios for the titled "Whole Home Program Results" on page 10 of the Company's Energy Efficiency 2018 Annual Report were calculated. Please provide workpapers in Excel format with formulas intact and enabled. RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO. 22: Please see the tab labeled "Benefit Costs" in thefile labeled "PRl _16-23 (a)" for the requested information. For therm savings, please see column (fl, row 2. For the UCT and TRC ratios, please see columns (d) and (g), row 29. As previously stated in Request No.l0, the avoided cost model was updated to correct a minor calculation error. Consequently, the Company updated the benefit-cost analysis in the file labeled "PR I _l6-23 (b)." All column and line number references will be the same as listed above. Record Holder: Lori Blattner. 208-377-6015 SponsorlPreparer:Kathy Wold. 208-377-6128 Location: 555S@ RESPONSE OF IGC TO FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF, Page 32 REQUEST NO. 23: For each measure included in the Whole Home Program, please provide workpapers showing how costs and savings for each measure were calculated. Please provide workpapers in Excel format with formulas intact and enabled. RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO. 23: The "Wole Home Program" is infact a single measure within the Company's energy fficiency progrom, and not a program in and of itself, Intermountain's Wole Home meosure requires that the home earn ENERGY STAR certification and a HERS score of 75 or better. Referring to the measure as the "Whole Home Program," allowed the Company to dffirentiate between appliance rebates and the Wole Home rebate, specificallyfor builders. Wen explaining the program to builders, the Company was deliberate to explain appliance rebates and whole home rebates as an either/or option, and that they could not qualify for both. Promoting the options in this way allowed the Company to offer an alternate high fficient optionfor builders who elected not to pursue ENERGY STAR certification, but could instead install high efficient appliances. Please see the tab labeled "Benefit Costs" in thefile labeled "PR I _16-23 (a)" for the costs and savings of the Wole Home measure and how they were calculated. The costs of the program are the cost of the rebate/measure, found in column (d), row 20, with all other costs allocated to the measure based on the percentage of rebates provided, which can befound in column (b), row 20. The savings of the rebate/measure cqn befound in column (fl, row 2. As previously stated in Request No.l0, the avoided cost model was updated to correct a minor calculation error. Consequently, the Company updated the benefit-cost analysis in thefile labeled "PR I _l6-23 (b)." All column and line number references will be the same as listed above. RESPONSE OF IGC TO FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF, Page 33 Record Holder: Lori Blattner. 208-377-6015 Sponsor/Preparer:Kathy Wold, 208-377-6128 Location: 555 S Cole Rd,D 83707 DATED: September 27 2019. GrvsNs PuRsr,pv r-r.p / Preston N. Carter Attomeys for Intermountain Gas Company RESPONSE OF IGC TO FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STA-FF, Page 34 e.*-L=' CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I certify that on September 27,2019, a true and correct copy of R-esPoNSE oF INrpRvor-rNTArN GAS CoupaNv ro FIRST PRorucrtoN Rrquesr oF THE CovvrssroN Srlrn was served upon all parties of record in this proceeding via the manner indicated below: Lori Blattner Commission Staff Diane Hanian, Commission Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission I l33l W. Chinden Blvd. Bldg. 8 Suite 201-A Boise, ID 83713 Diane. Ho lt(Epuc. i daho. gov Hand Delivery (Original and 3 copies) Dayn Hardie Deputy Attorney General Idaho Public Utilities Commission I 1331 W. Chinden Blvd. Bldg. 8 Suite 201-A Boise,ID 83713 DaSm.Hardie@puc. idaho. gov Electronic Delivery RESPONSE OF IGC TO FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF, Page 35