HomeMy WebLinkAbout20180215INT to Staff Attach 26 AGA Report Aldyl A Piping.pdf Information about Aldyl® “A” Piping This AGA White Paper provides a compilation of information publicly available regarding Aldyl® “A” piping. Copyright © 2017 American Gas Association All Rights Reserved White Paper Aldyl A Task Group 12-02 Prepared by the AGA Operating Section Aldyl A Task Group 400 North Capitol St., N.W., 4th Floor Washington, DC 20001 U.S.A. Phone: (202) 824-7000 Fax: (202) 824-7082 Web site: www.aga.org 2 3 The American Gas Association’s (AGA) Operations and Engineering Section provides a forum for industry experts to bring their collective knowledge together to improve the state of the art in the areas of operating, engineering and technological aspects of producing, gathering, transporting, storing, distributing, measuring and utilizing natural gas. Through its publications, of which this is one, AGA provides for the exchange of information within the natural gas industry and scientific, trade and governmental organizations. Many AGA publications are prepared or sponsored by an AGA Operations and Engineering Section technical committee. While AGA may administer the process, neither AGA nor the technical committee independently tests, evaluates or verifies the accuracy of any information or the soundness of any judgments contained therein. AGA disclaims liability for any personal injury, property or other damages of any nature whatsoever, whether special, indirect, consequential or compensatory, directly or indirectly resulting from the publication, use of or reliance on AGA publications. AGA makes no guaranty or warranty as to the accuracy and completeness of any information published therein. 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Any certification or other statement of compliance is solely the responsibility of the certifier or maker of the statement. AGA does not take any position with respect to the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection with any items that are mentioned in or are the subject of AGA publications, and AGA disclaims liability for the infringement of any patent resulting from the use of or reliance on its publications. Users of these publications are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such patent rights, and the risk of infringement of such rights, is entirely their own responsibility. Users of this publication should consult applicable federal, state and local laws and regulations. AGA does not, through its publications intend to urge action that is not in compliance with applicable laws, and its publications may not be construed as doing so. Changes to this document may become necessary from time to time. If changes are believed appropriate by any person or entity, such suggested changes should be communicated to AGA in writing and sent to: Operations & Engineering Section, American Gas Association, 400 North Capitol Street, NW, 4th Floor, Washington, DC 20001, U.S.A. Suggested changes must include: contact information, including name, address and any corporate affiliation; full name of the document; suggested revisions to the text of the document; the rationale for the suggested revisions; and permission to use the suggested revisions in an amended publication of the document. Copyright © 2017, American Gas Association, All Rights Reserved. 4 Prepared by PLASTIC MATERIALS COMMITTEE ALDYL A TASK GROUP Mary A. Bartholomew, Southwest Gas Corporation Kris Busko, formerly with Avista Utilities Hamet Diop, Pacific Gas and Electric Company Kevin Dugan, Vectren Corporation Richard H. Hauter, New Jersey Natural Gas Company E. Reid Hess, Questar Gas Company John A. Kasinski, National Fuel Gas Distribution Corporation Saadat U. Khan, National Grid Tim Lauder, Public Service Electric and Gas Company Joel Martell, Southwest Gas Corporation Conrad A. Miller, Xcel Energy Inc. Stephen Misketis, Enbridge Gas Distribution Inc. Brian W. Moidel, Dominion East Ohio Edward Newton, San Diego Gas & Electric Co. /Southern California Gas Co. Edward Ostrovich, Atmos Energy Corporation Steven E. Powell, ONE Gas Matteo Rossi, Pacific Gas and Electric Company Parashar N. Sheth, National Grid Michael Whitby, Avista Corporation Michael B. Zandaroski, CenterPoint Energy AGA Staff Philip Bennett (Retired) Vanessa George Andrew Lu Kate Miller The Task Group acknowledges the work of Southern California Gas Company and Avista Utilities for accumulating and summarizing information contained in this paper. Mr. Gene Palermo, Palermo Plastics Pipe Consulting also provided information for this document. 5 I. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY .......................................................................................................... 7 II. HISTORY OF DUPONT ALDYL® A PIPING ........................................................................... 7 III. DUPONT COMMUNICATES POTENTIAL ISSUES TO ALDYL A CUSTOMERS ................. 9 IV. NATIONAL TRANSPORTATION SAFETY BOARD ............................................................. 11 NTSB CONCLUSIONS........................................................................................................... 12 V. PIPELINE AND HAZARDOUS MATERIALS SAFETY ADMINISTRATION ......................... 12 VI. PLASTIC PIPING DATABASE COLLECTION INITIATIVE STATUS REPORT................... 14 VII. POTENTIAL ALDYL A PIPING SYSTEM THREATS............................................................ 14 TOWERS & CAPS..................................................................................................................14 ROCK CONTACT AND SQUEEZE-OFF................................................................................ 14 SERVICES TAPPED FROM STEEL MAINS ......................................................................... 15 VIII. VII. SUMMARY ....................................................................................................................... 15 IX. APPENDIX 1: 1966-1967 DUPONT PHYSICAL PROPERTIES OF ALDYL A PIPE ..........1 X. APPENDIX 2: 1967 AGA PG&E ALDYL-A GAS DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM FROM DESIGN THROUGH INSTALLATION ……………………………………………………………………………………... XI. APPENDIX 3: FULL PACKAGE OF ALL DUPONT TECHNICAL BULLETINS THROUGHOUT THE YEARS………………. XII. APPENDIX 4: "ALDYL ® "A" PIPING SYSTEMS CONTINUOUS IMPROVEMENTS" REPORT FROM GENE PALERMO, UPONOR ALDYL COMPANY, CIRCA 1992 .................................. XIII. APPENDIX 5: DECEMBER 5, 1985 LETTER FROM DUPONT EXPLAINING THE CHANGE FROM PE 2306 TO PE 2406……………………………. XIV. APPENDIX 6: SINGLE POINT 80 C, 600 PSI ELEVATED TEMPERATURE TEST FOR ALDYL ® "A" AND IMPROVED ALDYL ® A…………………………. XV. APPENDIX 7: ALDYL ® A TEHCNICAL DATA BULLETIN 100-200 (1975)……………….. XVI. APPENDIX 8: 1981 LETTER FROM DEPONT INDICATING CHANGE IN ADDITIVE PACKAGE THAT OCCURRED IN 1980 ……………… XVII. APPENDIX 9: 1982 DUPONT ANNOUNCEMENT AND PRODUCT INFORMATION ON THE NEW 8" ALDYL "A" PIPING SYSTEM ………………………. XVIII. APPENDIX 10: 1986 LETTER FROM DUPONT INDICATING THE CHANGE IN UV EXPOSURE TIME FROM 1 YEAR TO 2 YEARS ( IN 1984) AND FROM 2 YEARS TO 3 YEARS ( IN 1986)………………………….. XIX. APPENDIX 11: PLASTIC PIPE FAILURE, RISK, AND THREAT ANALYSIS - GTI REPORT ………………………………… XX. APPENDIX 12: 1982 LETTER FROM DUPONT TO ITS CUSTOMERS REGARDING LEAKS DUE TO SLITS IN ALDYL "A" PIPE MADE BEFORE 1973 ……………… XXI. APPENDIX 13: NTSB SPECIAL INVESTIGATION REPORT …………….. XXII. APPENDIX 14: PHMSA ADVISORY ADB -99-02…………………………… XXIII. APPENDIX 15: PHMSA ADVISORY ADB- 02-07…………… XXIV. APPENDIX 16: PHMSA ADVISORY ADB 07-01 ……………… XXV. APPENDIX 17: US DOT CALL TO ACTION ……………………… 6 XXVI. APPENDIX 18: 1983 LETTER FORM DUPONT REGARDING THE IMPROVED ALDYL "A" SERVICE381&+7(( 7 I. Executive Summary The Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA) has identified some older polyethylene (PE) materials as being susceptible to brittle-like cracking. Certain vintages of Aldyl® “A” (Aldyl A) pipe are included in PHMSA’s Advisory Bulletin, ADB-02-07. This report provides a history of DuPont's Aldyl A natural gas pipe and summarizes DuPont and Federal Agency communications about the pipe in an effort to increase awareness of natural gas Aldyl A piping systems. While Aldyl A was being produced information about various resin names and changes were not widely distributed. It has only been in recent years that this information has become available. This document pulls together currently available information to assist operators with understanding Aldyl A piping. II. Production History of DuPont Aldyl® A Piping DuPont began producing and testing medium density Polyethylene (PE) pipe made from the “Aldyl” A resin in 19611. DuPont's product was designed specifically for use in the natural gas industry. In the mid-1960’s, there was a great deal of gas industry activity in North America evaluating DuPont’s Aldyl A Piping System.2 This resulted in DuPont introducing Aldyl A pipe to gas utilities in 19653. PE pipe was marketed under the Aldyl A name from its introduction in 1965 until production ended in 1999. During that time it underwent several changes to the resin formulation4 and a change in manufacturer5. The first resin used to manufacturer Aldyl A pipe was Alathon® 5040, and it was used from 1965 to 1971. In 1971, DuPont changed the resin to improve resistance to rupture during quick burst testing. This improved formulation, known as Alathon® 5043, was the primary resin used in DuPont's Aldyl A pipe from 1971 until 1983. For the Alathon® 5043 resin, DuPont recommended an outdoor storage (UV exposure) limit of one year.6 1 See Appendix 1, 1966-1967 DuPont Physical Properties for Aldyl A Pipe, Page 5, for the stated year of the production and testing of the Aldyl A resin. 2 See Appendix 2, 1967 AGA PG&E Aldyl-A Gas Distribution System from Design through Installation, for gas industry activity in mid-1960’s. 3 See Appendix 3 for full set of Technical Bulletins from DuPont throughout the years. On Page 2 of the package, DuPont states that Aldyl “A” piping systems have been providing gas utilities with service since 1965. 4 See Appendix 4, Aldyl® “A” Piping Systems Continuous Improvements, page 21, for chronology of Resin Formulation Changes for Pipe and Fittings. 5 DuPont produced PE 2306/2406/3406 pipe and fittings from 1965-1999, with the Aldyl A brand name. Major Resin formulation changes occurred in 1971, 1983, 1989, and 1992. The business was sold to Uponor in 1991, who produced PE pipe under the Aldyl brand name until 1999. 6 See Appendix 7, Aldyl “A” Technical Bulletin 100-200 (1975), page 11, for outdoor exposure requirement of one year (for 1965-1983 vintage pipe). 8 In 1980, the additive package was changed from Molybdate Orange to Krolor to improve color stabilization and UV resistance.7 In November of 1982, DuPont announced the expansion of their Aldyl A PE Piping Systems to include 8” pipe and fitting sizes.8 In 1983, DuPont made another significant change to its Aldyl A resin formulation. The improved resin, known as Alathon® 5046-C, was marketed as "Improved Aldyl A", and significantly improved the performance of Aldyl A pipe in its resistance to Slow Crack Growth (SCG) and overall long-term integrity. In 1984 DuPont’s recommended outdoor storage (UV exposure) time of the Alathon® 5046-C resin was changed from one year to two years.9 In 1985, the material designation of Aldyl A pipe was changed from PE 2306 to PE 2406. This change was the result ASTM creating a new PE resin grade and did not correspond to a change in the Aldyl-A resin formulation10. In 1986, the additive package was changed from Krolor to LPIO, which increased the recommended outdoor storage (UV exposure) time from two years to three years.11 In 1988, DuPont announced another advance in its Aldyl A pipe resin with the introduction of Alathon 5046-U. This change in resin formulation increased the resistance of the pipe resin to SCG by another order of magnitude. This product was also marketed as Improved Aldyl A. One utility has documentation that this formulation did not go into production until 1989, which explains why both years are referenced. Uponor Company purchased the Aldyl-A pipe product line during the period of 1991-1992 and Aldyl A pipe and fittings were marketed under the Uponor name beginning in 1992. In 1992, Uponor made the final improvement to the Aldyl-A pipe resin with the introduction of Alathon 5046-O. This change in resin formulation increased the resistance of the pipe resin to SCG to three times that of the most recently used resin formulation, 5046-U.12 In 1999, Uponor stopped producing Aldyl A pipe.13 Aldyl A fittings were produced for some time later. 7 See Appendix 8 for 1981 letter from DuPont indicating the change in additive package that occurred in 1980. 8 See Appendix 9 for 1982 DuPont announcement and product information on the new 8” Aldyl “A” piping system. 9 See Appendix 10 for 1986 letter from DuPont indicating the change in UV Exposure time from 1 year to 2 years. 10 See Appendix 5 for December 5, 1985 letter from DuPont explaining change from PE 2306 to PE 2406. 11 See Appendix 4, Aldyl® “A” Piping Systems Continuous Improvements, pages 52-53, for DuPont’s indication of the change in additive package that occurred in 1986 as well as the change from 2 to 3 year UV exposure time. Also, see Appendix 10 for 1986 letter from DuPont indicating the change in UV Exposure time from 2 year to 3 years. 12 See Appendix 4, Aldyl® “A” Piping Systems Continuous Improvements, pages 13, for reference. 13 See Appendix 11, Plastic Pipe Failure, Risk, and Threat Analysis, Page 50, for reference. 9 The resins used in the production of Aldyl A pipe through 1999 are denoted in Table 1 and includes the year of manufacture, resin formulation, relative resistance to slow crack growth (stress rupture testing at 80° C / 120 psig for accelerated life testing), and summary notes. Years of Manufacture Pipe Resin Relative Resistance to Slow Crack Growth Summary Notes 1965 – 1971 Alathon® 5040 Low Initial Product Marketed as AldyI A* 1971 – 198314 Alathon® 5043 Low15 Resin Improvement. Low Ductile Inner Wall (LDIW) pipe manufacturing defect (’70-72)* 1983 – 198917 Alathon® 5046-C Medium18 Resin Improvement-- Sold as "Improved Aldyl A" 1989 – 1992 Alathon® 5046-U High Resin Improvement --"Improved AIdyl A" 1992 – 1999 Alathon® 5046-O Very High Resin Improvement *Note: Low Ductile Inner Wall (LDIW) manufacturing defect primarily occurring in some pipe manufactured in years 1970 through 1972 and resulting in possible lower slow crack resistance. Table 1. DuPont Aldyl A Pipe Resins 1965 – 1999 III. Known Issues with Aldyl A Piping Systems Shortly after changing its Aldyl A resin in 1971, DuPont detected a manufacturing issue highlighted during laboratory testing. DuPont learned that its manufacturing process was resulting in some of the pipe having a property described as "Low Ductile Inner Wall" (LDIW). Pipe with the LDIW condition has a degraded surface on the inner-wall of the pipe which is less ductile than the rest of the pipe material. Under certain conditions this less ductile inner-wall surface layer of material can form micro-cracks in response to stresses acting on the pipe, which in turn can propagate through the remaining pipe wall resulting in premature failure. In early 1972, DuPont changed its manufacturing process to eliminate this phenomenon, but estimated that 30 - 40% of the pipe it produced primarily in 1970, 1971 and early 1972 was affected, primarily in pipe diameters from 1-1/4 inches to 4 inches. 14 See Appendix 4, Aldyl® “A” Piping Systems Continuous Improvements, page 21, for changes in the additive packages occurring in 1980 and 1986. 15 See Appendix 6 for Single Point 80oC, 600 psi Elevated Temperature Test Data for Aldyl® “A” and Improved Aldyl® “A”. 10 Small-diameter (less than 1-1/4 inches) Aldyl A service piping is often treated or managed differently than larger-diameter Aldyl A pipe of the same vintage. This is because the small-diameter pipe generally has a thicker wall in relation to its outer diameter than larger-diameter pipe, and is much less likely to be subject to high localized stresses from rock impingement and tight radius bends due to its size. Further, small-diameter Aldyl A pipe has not been reported with LDIW properties present in pipe manufactured late 1970 through early 1972. However, small-diameter service pipe can still be subject to Slow Crack Growth (SCG) due to high localized stresses under certain operating conditions. Slow Crack Growth (SCG) describes the progression of a crack that begins with the formation of a crack that then progresses through the pipe wall (usually over a period of many years) until it finally breaks through the opposite surface of the pipe.16 SCG has been described as “Brittle-Like cracking” by PHMSA and the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB), and also as “Slit Failure”. The term “Brittle-Like” was used to convey the fact that the short-term ductile properties of the material remain essentially unchanged in spite of the apparent brittle appearance of the failure. Hence the two modes of failure of PE are describe as “Ductile Failure” (short-term failure mode), and “Slit Failure” (long-term failure mode). It should be noted that “Brittle-Like” cracking can also occur in pipe or fittings that do not have the LDIW condition due to other factors that contribute to this type of material failure. DuPont issued several letters to customers notifying them about possible Aldyl A piping issues. Of note was the letter sent in 198217. The letter explained “slits” occurring where the pipe was in “point contact with rocks.” DuPont noted that two utilities who reported the phenomenon had increased the frequency of leak surveys where rock may have been part of the backfill around the pipe, and encouraged other Aldyl A customers to consider the same. This letter was the genesis of what would become a continuing focus on the pipe vintage known as "pre-1973 Aldyl A18." DuPont's 1986 letter to its Aldyl A pipe customers also focused on pre-1973 Aldyl A pipe. The letter conveyed results of newly developed (elevated temperature) testing methods, including the Rate Process Method, that allowed DuPont to estimate the longevity of this vintage pipe, in diameters of 1¼ inches and larger. These newer test results showed that Aldyl A pipe installed prior to 1973 had certain limitations that were not previously known. The limitations were described as a reduction in pipe service life caused by: 1) Rock impingement or pressure from rock points directly on the pipe (as mentioned in their 1982 letter) 2) The use of squeeze-off practices. The term "squeeze-off” refers to the current and long- standing practice of mechanically pressing together PE pipe walls to temporarily stop the flow of gas on a line that is in service. 16 In 1984, resistance to stress cracking was assessed using ASTM D1693 Standard Test Method for Environmental Stress-Cracking of Ethylene Plastics. Regression models were later developed using elevated temperature test data to assess resistance to slow crack growth and establish long-term performance of plastic pipe and fittings (per ASTM D2513). 17 See Appendix 12 for December 1982 letter from DuPont to its customers. 18 Pre-1973 Aldyl A refers to pipe installed prior to 1973. The date of manufacture may have been different. Continued references to this pipe throughout the document are for pipe installed prior to 1973 regardless of manufacture date. 11 DuPont further noted that average ground temperature surrounding the pipe had a major bearing on its ultimate expected service life. Finally, DuPont recommended that operators should reinforce the pipe, using clamps that surround the pipe at squeeze points in order to extend the life of its pre- 1973 Aldyl A. Based on the characteristics of the different vintages of Aldyl A pipe there would emerge over time, from DuPont's 1982 letter going forward, three age-groupings recognized by the manufacturer, natural gas industry, and regulators as relevant in the reliability management of this pipe. These groupings are based on manufacture dates and/or estimated installation dates. x Pre-1973 Aldyl A - Pipe installed prior to 1973, from the first two resin formulations, and including pipe having low ductile inner wall. Susceptible to brittle-like failures due to rock impingement or squeeze-off. x 1973-1983 Aldyl A - Aldyl A pipe manufactured from Alathon® 5043 resin, but only that pipe manufactured after 1972 and through 1983. Susceptible to brittle-like failures due to rock impingement. x 1984 and Later Aldyl A - Pipe manufactured from the improved Alathon® 5046-C, 5046-U and 5046-O resins. Note: Not all gas companies received the notification letters from DuPont. Only those gas companies that were direct customers of DuPont were notified. Also, the letters did not specify the resin changes or designations. These resin changes and designations were provided later in communications from Mr. Gene Palermo of Palermo Plastics Pipe Consulting. Pipe and fittings are not installed immediately after manufacture, thus installation and manufacturing dates may differ. IV. National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) In April 1998, twelve years after DuPont's second letter to customers, the NTSB published a comprehensive safety report describing their investigation of natural gas pipeline accidents involving PE pipe that had cracked in a "brittle-like" manner.19 The objective of the review was to address three safety issues related to PE gas service pipe: 1. The vulnerability of plastic piping to premature failures due to brittle-like cracking 2. The adequacy of available guidance relating to the installation and protection of plastic piping connections to steel main 3. Performance monitoring of plastic pipeline systems as a way of detecting unacceptable performance in piping systems 19 See Appendix 13 for April 1998 NTSB Special Investigation Report on Brittle-Like Cracking in Plastic Pipe for Gas Service. 12 NTSB Conclusions The NTSB concluded that early plastic piping manufactured from the 1960s through the early 1980s may be "susceptible to premature brittle-like cracking under conditions of stress intensification. The stress intensification was attributed to localized pressure on the pipe wall created by such conditions as rock contact or significant bending of the pipe. The phenomenon of brittle-like cracking was characterized by the failure processes described above, beginning with the initiation of cracks on the inner wall of the pipe at the pressure or stress point, followed by slow crack growth that progressed under normal pipeline operating pressures (much lower than the pressure required to rupture the pipe). The process culminated with the crack reaching the outside wall of the pipe, showing up as a very tight, slit-like opening on the surface. The NTSB also noted that premature brittle-like cracking was a complex phenomenon that had not been systematically communicated to the industry, and hence, had not been fully-appreciated by pipeline operators. The NTSB recognized pipe manufacturers as commonly offering technical and safety assistance to operators, and occasionally, formal reports on their materials. However, the information on the potential weakness of their products was also mixed with information publicizing its best performance characteristics. As a result, the message was not clear. The NTSB also noted that the Federal Government had not provided relevant information to gas system operators, and concluded that operators had insufficient notification that much of their early PE pipe may have been susceptible to premature brittle-like cracking. Finally, the NTSB went on to recommend that the Plastics Pipe Institute advise its members to notify pipeline operators if any of their materials indicate poor resistance to brittle-like failure. In addition, the NTSB concluded that pipeline operators had insufficient guidance on the overall issue of the vulnerability of plastic pipe to brittle-like cracking, as noted above, the NTSB also observed that much of the available guidance to operators on how to limit stress on the pipe during installation was inadequate or ambiguous. This was the case with stresses associated with connections of plastic service piping to steel mains, where the NTSB concluded that many of those connections may have been installed without adequate protection from external stress. The NTSB went on to note cases where the inadequacy of pipe manufacturers' instructions also contributed to the lack of a clear understanding of methods to limit stress on plastic pipe during installation. Lastly, The NTSB focused on performance monitoring of pipeline systems as the key to effectively managing the vulnerable piping types identified in the report. It concluded that the systems operators had developed for tracking, identifying, and statistically treating plastic piping failures did not permit an effective analysis of system failures and leak history. V. Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration The U.S. Department of Transportation’s Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA) has issued several safety advisory bulletins and regulations dealing with plastic piping issues including Aldyl A. 1. Advisory Bulletins 13 The first two of several advisory bulletins related to the NTSB's 1998 Safety Report were published by the Office of Pipeline Safety, part of PHMSA, in March 1999.20 The advisory bulletins to pipeline owners and operators provided an abstract of the findings of the NTSB's 1998 investigation and advised that much of the plastic pipe manufactured from the 1960s through the early 1980s may be susceptible to brittle-like cracking. The advisories concluded with the recommendation to owners and operators to identify all pre-1982 plastic pipe installations, analyze leak histories, evaluate potential stresses to pipe, and to develop appropriate remedial actions, including pipe replacement, to mitigate any risks to public safety. Another advisory bulletin was issued in 2002.21 This advisory bulletin reiterated to natural gas pipeline owners and operators the susceptibility of older plastic pipe to premature brittle-like cracking. However, this advisory specifically named DuPont's pre-1973 Aldyl A pipe (LDIW) as being susceptible to brittle-like cracking. The bulletin also depicted several environmental and installation conditions that could lead to premature, brittle-like cracking failure of the subject pipe, and described recommended practices to aid operators in identifying and managing brittle-like cracking problems. A fourth advisory bulletin issued in 2007, served to review and recap the findings of the prior bulletins, advising natural gas system operators to review the earlier statements.22 In addition, the advisory bulletin recapped results of the ongoing effort of the Plastic Pipe Database Committee to identify trends in the performance of older plastic pipe. The advisory reported that the data, at that point, could not assess failure rates of individual plastic pipe materials, but did support what was historically known about the susceptibility of older plastic piping to brittle-like failure, including the addition of specific materials to the list, such as Delrin insert tap tees. 2. 2009 Distribution Integrity Management Program PHMSA published the final rule establishing integrity management requirements for gas distribution pipeline operators in December 2009 giving operators until August 2011 to write and implement their Distribution Integrity Management Plan. Among other objectives, the program was intended to overcome two key weaknesses in pipeline safety management that were identified in the NTSB's 1998 report: 1) correct weaknesses in federal regulations, by establishing true measurement criteria for establishing safety compliance, and 2) establish systematic protocols for pipeline data collection, analysis, and interpretation, that helps ensure accurate integrity assessment and appropriate remediation. Integrity management requires operators to write and implement Integrity Management Programs (IMPs) to evaluate their systems, implement measures to address risk, and monitor results. The program contains the following elements: x Knowledge x Identify Threats x Evaluate and Rank Risks x Identify and implement Measures to Address Risks 20 See Appendix 14 for March 1999 PHMSA Advisory Bulletin ADB-99-01 21 See Appendix 15 for 2002 PHMSA Advisory Bulletin ADB-02-07 22 See Appendix 16 for 2007 PHMSA Advisory Bulletin ADB-07-01 14 x Measure Performance, Monitor Results, and Evaluate Effectiveness x Periodically Evaluate and Improve Program x Report Results 3. 2011 Call to Action - Transportation Secretary LaHood In April 2011, U.S. Transportation Secretary LaHood issued a Call to Action to all pipeline stakeholders.23 The Call to Action was aimed at the more than 2.5 million miles of liquid and gas pipelines of both federal and state jurisdiction, including transmission and distribution facilities, calling on owners and operators, the pipeline industry, utility regulators and state and federal partners to evaluate risks on pipeline systems and take appropriate actions to address those risks. The centerpiece of the Call to Action is the "Action Plan." The focus of the Action Plan is to accelerate the rehabilitation, repair, and replacement of high-risk pipeline infrastructure, calling on pipeline operators and owners to "focus on identifying pipeline risks to accelerate the repair, rehabilitation, and replacement of the highest risk gas and liquid pipeline infrastructure." VI. Plastic Piping Database Collection Initiative Status Report The Plastic Piping Database Collection (PPDC) Initiative Status Report contains an analysis of the data submitted to the database on pipe and fittings manufactured by DuPont and Uponor. The Status Report includes information from the latest analysis including causes, year of failure and years in service. However, the PPDC Report Form provides for collection of information by manufacturer. Therefore, the PPDC analysis is the data reported as being manufactured by DuPont and Uponor which may also include materials other than Aldyl A. The Status Report also cautions that failure causes demonstrate that installation practices and the operating environment can greatly impact the service life of Aldyl piping and that operators should look at the performance of their own piping systems. VII. Potential Aldyl A Piping System Threats Listed below are some of the threats that operator should consider when evaluating the integrity of their Aldyl A piping systems. 1.Towers & Caps AGA member companies have noted that in their experience the largest percentage of material failures that occurred on Aldyl-A piping systems were related to failures involving the “tapping tees”, also commonly referred to as a “Punch Tees.” In these cases, the stress applied to the tee insert as the cap was tightened onto the body during initial installation resulted in slow crack growth and failure of the Delrin® insert many years later. In November 1983, DuPont introduced an improved Aldyl “A” Service Punch Tee said to have improved sealing and punching systems and simplified installation procedures resulting from its overcap design24. 2.Rock Contact and Squeeze-Off 23 See Appendix 17 for US DOT Call to Action Document 24 See Appendix 18 for 1983 Letter from DuPont regarding the Improved Aldyl “A” Service Punch Tee 15 The second-most common material failure observed in Aldyl A pipe is due to localized, brittle-like cracking in Aldyl A mains that resulted from rock impingement (i.e., rock pressure directly on the pipe) or places where the pipe had been 'squeezed-off'. These failures may occur on certain resins of Aldyl A main pipe, having been consistently reported by other utilities since before the time of DuPont's 1986 letter. As described earlier, when these external stresses (rock impingement or squeeze-off) cause the pipe to fail, it begins with crack initiation on the inside surface of the pipe wall, eventually resulting in slow crack growth that propagates toward the outer wall of the pipe, and finally, through-wall failure. A typical failure in Aldyl A main pipe, showing a crack through the pipe wall as it appears on both the inner and outer surfaces, is shown below in Figure 3. Other sources of external stress that can result in brittle-like failure of Aldyl A pipe, as mentioned earlier in the report, include bending the pipe beyond the manufacturer’s approved bending radius, soil settlement, dents or gouges to the pipe, and improper installation of fittings. 3.Services Tapped from Steel Mains A failure can occur where small diameter Aldyl A service pipe is tapped from steel main pipe. In this application, a steel service tee is welded to the steel main pipe and the small-diameter Aldyl A service pipe is then connected to a mechanical transition fitting on the tee, as pictured below in Figure 4. Figure 4. Typical PE service tapped from a steel main. It is at this transition point, between the rigid steel fitting and the more-flexible Aldyl A service pipe, that brittle-like cracking has been observed. This failure mode occurs when the steel to plastic transition has not been supported, using a sleeving material, prior to backfill. This failure mode in older plastic pipe is well understood, and was one of the three study objectives reported by the NTSB in its 1998 report. VIII. Summary This paper documents the history of Aldyl A pipe and known risks that may be present in Aldyl A piping systems. The paper is intended as a guide to assist operators with the identification of potential threats to their Aldyl A distribution systems. Since installation practices appear to have a significant effect on the reliability of Aldyl A systems, Operators should review their installation records, where possible to determine if the risks identified apply to their systems and are accounted for in their respective distribution integrity plans. 16 APPENDIX 1: 1966-1967 DUPONT PHYSICAL PROPERTIES OF ALDYL A PIPE  APPENDIX 2: 1967 AGA PG&E ALDYL-A GAS DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM FROM DESIGN THROUGH INSTALLATION  APPENDIX 3: FULL PACKAGE OF ALL DUPONT TECHNICAL BULLETINS THROUGHOUT THE YEARS 19 APPENDIX 4: "ALDYL ® "A" PIPING SYSTEMS CONTINUOUS IMPROVEMENTS" REPORT FROM GENE PALERMO, UPONOR ALDYL COMPANY, CIRCA 1992 2 APPENDIX 5: DECEMBER 5, 1985 LETTER FROM DUPONT EXPLAINING THE CHANGE FROM PE 2306 TO PE 2406 2 APPENDIX 6: SINGLE POINT 80 C, 600 PSI ELEVATED TEMPERATURE TEST FOR ALDYL ® "A" AND IMPROVED ALDYL ® A 22 APPENDIX 7: ALDYL ® A TEHCNICAL DATA BULLETIN 100-200 (1975)  APPENDIX 8: 1981 LETTER FROM DhPONT INDICATING CHANGE IN ADDITIVE PACKAGE THAT OCCURRED IN 1980  APPENDIX 9: 1982 DUPONT ANNOUNCEMENT AND PRODUCT INFORMATION ON THE NEW 8" ALDYL "A" PIPING SYSTEM  APPENDIX 10: 1986 LETTER FROM DUPONT INDICATING THE CHANGE IN UV EXPOSURE TIME FROM 1 YEAR TO 2 YEARS ( IN 1984) AND FROM 2 YEARS TO 3 YEARS ( IN 1986)  APPENDIX 11: PLASTIC PIPE FAILURE, RISK, AND THREAT ANALYSIS - GTI REPORT This research was funded in part under the Department of Transportation, Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration’s Pipeline Safety Research and Development Program. The views and conclusions contained in this document are those of the authors and should not be interpreted as representing the official policies, either expressed or implied, of the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, or the U.S. Government GTI PROJECT NUMBER 20385 Plastic Pipe Failure, Risk, and Threat Analysis DOT Project# 194 Contract Number: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Reporting Period: May 1, 2006 through January 31, 2009 Report Issued: March 31, 2009 Revised: April 29, 2009 Revision No.: 01 Prepared For: Ms. Terri Binns Senior Engineer PHMSA 713-272-2825 Terri.J.Binns@dot.gov Prepared By: Gas Technology Institute Ms. Julie Maupin Dr. Michael Mamoun Gas Technology Institute 1700 S. Mount Prospect Rd. Des Plaines, Illinois 60018 www.gastechnology.org FINAL REPORT Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page i Signature Page Print or typed First M. Last Signature Date AUTHOR: Michael M. Mamoun March 31, 2009 Title:Senior Institute Engineer AUTHOR: Julie K. Maupin March 31, 2009 Title:Engineer AUTHOR: Michael J. Miller March 31, 2009 Title:Engineer Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page ii Legal Notice This information was prepared by Gas Technology Institute (“GTI”) for the U.S. Department of Transportation, Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (“DOT/PHMSA”) (Contract Number: DTPH56-06-T-0004). Neither GTI, the members of GTI, the Sponsor(s), nor any person acting on behalf of any of them: a. Makes any warranty or representation, express or implied with respect to the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of the information contained in this report, or that the use of any information, apparatus, method, or process disclosed in this report may not infringe privately- owned rights. Inasmuch as this project is experimental in nature, the technical information, results, or conclusions cannot be predicted. Conclusions and analysis of results by GTI represent GTI's opinion based on inferences from measurements and empirical relationships, which inferences and assumptions are not infallible, and with respect to which competent specialists may differ. b. Assumes any liability with respect to the use of, or for any and all damages resulting from the use of, any information, apparatus, method, or process disclosed in this report; any other use of, or reliance on, this report by any third party is at the third party's sole risk. c. The results within this report relate only to the items tested. Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page iii Table of Contents Signature Page .............................................................................................................................. i Legal Notice .................................................................................................................................. ii Table of Contents ......................................................................................................................... iii Table of Figures ........................................................................................................................... xi List of Tables .............................................................................................................................. xxi Abstract ......................................................................................................................................... 1 Executive Summary ...................................................................................................................... 2 Introduction ................................................................................................................................... 3 Classification of Failures and Their Causes .............................................................................. 6 Ductile Rupture Failure Mechanism ...................................................................................... 6 Slow Crack Growth Failure Mechanism ................................................................................ 7 Rapid Crack Propagation (RCP) Failure Mechanism ............................................................ 8 Types of PE Failures ............................................................................................................. 9 Project Structure ..................................................................................................................... 10 Literature Review on Severity and Frequency of Plastic Pipe Failures ...................................... 11 DOT/PHMSA Natural Gas Distribution Incident Data Discussion ........................................... 11 Severity of Failures ................................................................................................................. 11 Frequency of Failures ............................................................................................................. 19 Susceptibility of PE to Slow Crack Growth Failures .................................................................... 26 Objective ................................................................................................................................. 26 Types of PE Gas Pipe Materials in GTI Database .................................................................. 26 Detailed List of PE Resin and Pipe Manufacturers ............................................................. 26 Visual and Optical Examinations of Slow Crack Growth Failures ........................................... 26 SCG Failures Due to Rock Impingement Loads ............................................................. 27 SCG Failures Due to Squeeze-Off Operations ............................................................... 30 Short-Term Laboratory Tests .................................................................................................. 33 Melt Index ............................................................................................................................ 33 ALDYL-A Melt Index and Density Data (1965 – 1992) .................................................... 33 Tensile Strength .................................................................................................................. 35 Quick Burst .......................................................................................................................... 36 PENT ................................................................................................................................... 36 Bend Back ........................................................................................................................... 45 Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page iv Bend-Back Test Conducted on a LDIW Material from February 1971 ............................ 46 Bend-Back Test Conducted on a LDIW Material from March 1971 ................................ 46 Bend-Back Tests Conducted on Non-LDIW Materials (1970, 1972-1993)...................... 47 Accelerated Long Term Hydrostatic Stress-Rupture (LTHS) Tests ........................................ 52 Accelerated LTHS Tests with Secondary Stresses ............................................................. 52 Squeeze-Off .................................................................................................................... 52 Rock Impingement .......................................................................................................... 53 Bending ........................................................................................................................... 54 Transverse Deflections or Soil Loads ............................................................................. 54 GTI Database on Accelerated LTHS Tests ......................................................................... 55 Stresses that Drive Crack Initiation and Growth through Pipe Walls ...................................... 56 Effects of Elevated Test Temperatures ............................................................................... 58 Engineering Methods to Predict Life Expectancy ................................................................... 61 Original Bi-Directional Shift Functions Model ...................................................................... 62 Modified Bi-Directional Shift Functions Equations .............................................................. 62 Original Three-Coefficient Rate Process Method ................................................................ 63 Modified Three-Coefficient Rate Process Method .............................................................. 63 Sample Set on the Predicted Remaining Life Expectancy .................................................. 64 Secondary Stress Effects ................................................................................................ 66 Field Temperature Effects ............................................................................................... 67 Slow Crack Growth Conclusion .............................................................................................. 69 Root Cause Analysis of Field Failures ........................................................................................ 71 Failure Categories ................................................................................................................... 71 Laboratory Field Failure Analysis Procedure .......................................................................... 72 Impingement – #602533 ..................................................................................................... 72 Visual Examination .......................................................................................................... 73 Density ............................................................................................................................ 77 Melt Flow ......................................................................................................................... 77 Thermal Analysis ............................................................................................................. 78 Infrared Analysis ............................................................................................................. 79 Conclusions ..................................................................................................................... 81 Research Approach ................................................................................................................ 81 Material Failures ..................................................................................................................... 82 Tap Tee – #678156 ............................................................................................................. 82 Visual Examination .......................................................................................................... 83 Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page v Density ............................................................................................................................ 88 Melt Flow ......................................................................................................................... 88 Thermal Analysis ............................................................................................................. 88 Infrared Analysis ............................................................................................................. 90 Conclusions ..................................................................................................................... 91 Impingement - #00590 ........................................................................................................ 92 Visual Examination .......................................................................................................... 93 Density and Melt Flow ..................................................................................................... 95 Conclusions ..................................................................................................................... 95 Impingement - #04020731 .................................................................................................. 96 Visual Examination .......................................................................................................... 97 External Loading - #26020806 ............................................................................................ 98 Visual Examination .......................................................................................................... 99 Tee Caps ........................................................................................................................... 101 Cap –#50020726 ........................................................................................................... 101 Visual Examination .................................................................................................... 102 Infrared Analysis ....................................................................................................... 104 Differential Scanning Calorimetry .............................................................................. 105 Thermogravimetric Analysis and Energy Dispersive X-ray ....................................... 105 Conclusions ............................................................................................................... 107 Cap - #20020447 .......................................................................................................... 108 Visual Examination .................................................................................................... 109 Cap - #21020739 .......................................................................................................... 110 Visual Examination .................................................................................................... 111 Cap - #22020733 .......................................................................................................... 112 Visual Examination .................................................................................................... 113 Cap - #23020464 .......................................................................................................... 114 Visual Examination .................................................................................................... 115 Cap - #24020499 .......................................................................................................... 116 Visual Examination .................................................................................................... 117 Caps - #25020718 and #49020718 ............................................................................... 118 Visual Examination .................................................................................................... 119 Cap - #31020649 .......................................................................................................... 120 Visual Examination .................................................................................................... 121 Thread Inserts ................................................................................................................... 122 Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page vi Service Tee Threads - #15020650 ................................................................................ 122 Visual Examination .................................................................................................... 122 Service Tee Threads - #29020510 ................................................................................ 124 Visual Examination .................................................................................................... 125 Socket Couplings .............................................................................................................. 126 Socket Coupling - #30020542 ....................................................................................... 126 Visual Examination .................................................................................................... 127 Socket Coupling - #35020485 ....................................................................................... 128 Visual Examination .................................................................................................... 129 Socket Coupling - #39020605 ....................................................................................... 131 Visual Examination ........................................................................................................ 132 Socket Tees ...................................................................................................................... 133 Socket Tee - #19020414 ............................................................................................... 133 Visual Examination .................................................................................................... 134 Socket Tee - #33020602 ............................................................................................... 135 Visual Examination .................................................................................................... 136 Supplemental Inspection ........................................................................................... 136 Socket Tee - #34020623 ........................................................................................... 137 Visual Examination .................................................................................................... 138 Supplemental Inspection ........................................................................................... 139 Procedural Failures ............................................................................................................... 140 High Volume Tapping Tee - #00632 ................................................................................. 140 Visual Examination ........................................................................................................ 141 Density .......................................................................................................................... 145 Melt Flow ....................................................................................................................... 145 Thermal Analysis ........................................................................................................... 145 Infrared Analysis ........................................................................................................... 148 Conclusions ................................................................................................................... 151 Butt Fusions ...................................................................................................................... 152 Butt Fusion - #060204100 ............................................................................................. 152 Visual Examination .................................................................................................... 153 Butt Fusion - #07020714 ............................................................................................... 155 Visual Examination .................................................................................................... 156 Butt Fusion - #08020601 ............................................................................................... 157 Visual Examination .................................................................................................... 158 Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page vii Butt Fusion - #09020552 ............................................................................................... 159 Visual Examination .................................................................................................... 160 Butt Fusion - #10020477 ............................................................................................... 161 Visual Examination .................................................................................................... 162 Butt Fusion - #11020511 ............................................................................................... 163 Visual Examination .................................................................................................... 164 Butt Fusion - #12020550 ............................................................................................... 166 Visual Examination .................................................................................................... 167 Butt Fusion - #13020706 ............................................................................................... 168 Visual Examination .................................................................................................... 169 Butt Fusion - #45020551 ............................................................................................... 170 Visual Examination .................................................................................................... 171 Multiple Fusion Joints - #40020413 .................................................................................. 173 Visual Examination ........................................................................................................ 174 Socket Couplings .............................................................................................................. 176 Socket Coupling - #16020611 ....................................................................................... 176 Visual Examination .................................................................................................... 177 Socket Coupling - #31020649 ....................................................................................... 178 Visual Examination .................................................................................................... 179 Socket Tees ...................................................................................................................... 180 Socket Tee - #36020713 ............................................................................................... 180 Visual Examination .................................................................................................... 181 Socket Tee - #47020565 ............................................................................................... 182 Visual Examination .................................................................................................... 183 Squeeze-offs ..................................................................................................................... 185 Squeeze-Off - #02020717 ............................................................................................. 185 Visual Examination .................................................................................................... 186 Squeeze-off - #03020647 .............................................................................................. 187 Visual Examination .................................................................................................... 188 Squeeze-off - #05020548 .............................................................................................. 189 Visual Examination .................................................................................................... 190 Tap Tees ........................................................................................................................... 192 Tap Tee - #28020502 .................................................................................................... 192 Visual Examination .................................................................................................... 193 Tap Tee - #42020711 .................................................................................................... 195 Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page viii Visual Examination .................................................................................................... 196 Tap Tee - #43020555 .................................................................................................... 198 Visual Examination .................................................................................................... 199 Tap Tee - #44020539 .................................................................................................... 200 Visual Examination .................................................................................................... 201 Tap Tee – Socket Fusion - #32020543 ......................................................................... 202 Visual Examination .................................................................................................... 203 Transition Fitting ................................................................................................................ 204 Transition Fitting - #18020538 ...................................................................................... 204 Visual Examination .................................................................................................... 205 Quality Control Problems ...................................................................................................... 206 3” Elbow - #675540 ........................................................................................................... 206 Visual Examination ........................................................................................................ 207 Density .......................................................................................................................... 213 Melt Flow ....................................................................................................................... 214 Thermal Analysis- Pipe Wall ......................................................................................... 214 Thermal Analysis - Elbow .............................................................................................. 214 Infrared Analysis ........................................................................................................... 217 Conclusions ................................................................................................................... 220 ¾” Valve – #642535 .......................................................................................................... 221 Visual Examination ........................................................................................................ 222 Infrared Analysis and Hardness Testing ....................................................................... 227 Conclusions ................................................................................................................... 228 Miscellaneous Problems ....................................................................................................... 229 Charred Pipe – #01020436 ............................................................................................... 229 Visual Examination .................................................................................................... 230 Tap Tee – #642909 ........................................................................................................... 231 Visual Examination ........................................................................................................ 232 Density .......................................................................................................................... 237 Melt Flow ....................................................................................................................... 237 Thermal Analysis ........................................................................................................... 237 Infrared Analysis ........................................................................................................... 239 Conclusions ................................................................................................................... 241 Electrofusion Tee – #642430 ............................................................................................ 242 Visual Examination ........................................................................................................ 243 Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page ix Thermal Analysis ........................................................................................................... 243 Infrared Analysis ........................................................................................................... 247 Conclusions ................................................................................................................... 249 Material / Quality ................................................................................................................... 250 Compression Fitting - #17020701 ..................................................................................... 250 Visual Examination ........................................................................................................ 251 Procedural / Material ............................................................................................................. 252 Mechanical Fitting - #41020409 ........................................................................................ 252 Visual Examination ............................................................................................................ 253 Tap Tee - #27020640 ........................................................................................................ 254 Visual Examination ........................................................................................................ 255 Bolt-on Tap Tee - #14020742 ........................................................................................... 256 Visual Examination ............................................................................................................ 257 Root Cause Failure Results .................................................................................................. 258 Characterizing the Resistance of PE to RCP through S-4 Testing ........................................... 267 Rapid Crack Propagation ...................................................................................................... 267 S-4 Background .................................................................................................................... 270 Test Requirements ............................................................................................................ 270 Full-Scale RCP Field Tests ............................................................................................... 270 S-4 Testing ........................................................................................................................ 271 ISO Specification (ISO 13477) .......................................................................................... 272 Initiation Tests ............................................................................................................... 272 Critical Pressure Testing ............................................................................................... 273 Correlation of the S-4 Critical Pressure to the Full-Scale Field Test ............................. 273 Critical Temperature Testing ......................................................................................... 274 GTI S-4 Test Apparatus ........................................................................................................ 275 Shaft, Anvil, Baffles and Pipe Assembly ........................................................................... 275 External Containment Cage and Frame ............................................................................ 278 Striking Blade Assembly ................................................................................................... 280 PE Materials Subjected to S-4 Test s ................................................................................... 281 6 Inch MDPE – Critical Pressure and Critical Temperature .............................................. 282 6” Inch HDPE Critical Pressure and Critical Temperature ................................................ 287 6” PE100 Critical Pressure and Critical Temperature ....................................................... 292 8” MDPE Critical Pressure ................................................................................................ 297 8” PE100 Critical Pressure ................................................................................................ 300 Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page x 12” MDPE Critical Pressure .............................................................................................. 303 RCP Results, Correlations, and Conclusions ....................................................................... 306 Conclusion ................................................................................................................................ 307 Recommendations .................................................................................................................... 308 References................................................................................................................................ 309 List of Acronyms ....................................................................................................................... 313 Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page xi Table of Figures Page Figure 1. Percentage of Miles of Main, 1995 ............................................................................... 3 Figure 2. Percentage of Miles of Main, 2006 ............................................................................... 4 Figure 3. Percentage of Services, 1995 ....................................................................................... 4 Figure 4. Percentage of Services, 2006 ....................................................................................... 5 Figure 5. Comparison of Total Services, Plastic Services, and PE Services in 2005 .................. 5 Figure 6. Ductile Failure Resulting From a Quick Burst Test ....................................................... 6 Figure 7. Ductile Failure Resulting From a Quick Burst Test ....................................................... 7 Figure 8. SCG Failure Morphology .............................................................................................. 8 Figure 9. RCP Rupture in a PE Pipe Subjected To a Small-Scale Steady State (S-4) Test ........ 8 Figure 10. Cost of damages categorized by cause from 1984 - March 2004 ............................ 14 Figure 11. Cost of Outside Force Damages by Secondary Cause from 1984 - March 2004 ..... 14 Figure 12. Cost of Damages Categorized By Cause from March 2004 - 2006 .......................... 15 Figure 13. Cost of Excavation Damages by Secondary Cause from March 2004 - 2006 .......... 15 Figure 14. Fatalities by Primary Cause As Reported From 1984 - March 2004 ........................ 16 Figure 15. Fatalities by Primary Cause As Reported From March 2004 - 2006 ........................ 17 Figure 16. Injuries by Primary Cause As Reported From 1984 - March 2004 ........................... 18 Figure 17. Injuries by Primary Cause As Reported From March 2004 - 2006 ........................... 18 Figure 18. Total Cost of Reported Incidents for Each Data Period ............................................ 19 Figure 19. Frequency of Failures by Cause from 1984 - March 2004 ........................................ 20 Figure 20. Frequency of Failures by Cause from March 2004 - 2006........................................ 20 Figure 21. Frequency of Failures by Type of PE and Cause for 1984 - 2004 ............................ 21 Figure 22. Frequency of Failures by Type of PE and Cause for 2004 - 2006 ............................ 22 Figure 23. Frequency of Incidents by Manufacturer and Cause for 1984 - March 2004 ............ 23 Figure 24. Frequency of Incidents by Manufacturer and Cause for March 2004 - 2006 ............ 24 Figure 25. Frequency of Plastic Incidents by Time of Day from 1984 - March 2004 ................. 25 Figure 26. Frequency of Plastic Incidents by Time of Day from March 2004 – 2006................. 25 Figure 27. Pipe Exhibited Through Wall Axial Slit While Under Internal Pressure..................... 27 Figure 28. Rock Impingement Failure ........................................................................................ 28 Figure 29. Off-Axis Slit Failure that Initiated on the ID Due to an Impinging Rock..................... 28 Figure 30. Rock Impingement Failure Induced in Field Service ................................................ 29 Figure 31. Micrograph of the SCG Fracture Surface of a Rock Impingement Failure ............... 29 Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page xii Figure 32. Failure of an Aldyl-A Pipe at Squeeze Ears .............................................................. 30 Figure 33. Inner Surface of an Aldyl-A Pipe Subjected to About 15% Squeeze ........................ 30 Figure 34. MDPE Pipe that Failed in Field Service Due to a Squeeze-Off ................................ 31 Figure 35. End View Depicting Large-Scale Deformations Due to a Squeeze-Off .................... 31 Figure 36. Pipe ID with Axial Slit at the Ears of Pipe Shown in Figure 34 ................................. 32 Figure 37. Schematic Illustration of the Rectangular PENT Test Specimen ............................... 37 Figure 38. Notched MDPE Test Specimens ............................................................................... 37 Figure 39. Brittle SCG Failure of a PLEXCO MDPE 2406 PENT Test Specimen ...................... 38 Figure 40. Brittle SCG Failure of HDPE Performance Pipe PENT Test Specimen .................... 39 Figure 41. Ring Sector Specimen Before and After the Bend Back Test ................................... 45 Figure 42. Bend-Back Test Exhibiting LDIW Surface Features .................................................. 46 Figure 43. Bend-Back Test Exhibiting LDIW Surface Features .................................................. 47 Figure 44. Bend Back Test of a 1970 Aldyl-A Material ............................................................... 47 Figure 45. Bend Back Test of a 1972 Aldyl-A Material (During and After) .................................. 48 Figure 46. Bend Back Test of a 1973 Aldyl-A Material (During and After) .................................. 48 Figure 47. Bend Back Test of a 1974 Aldyl-A Material ............................................................... 49 Figure 48. Bend Back Test of a 1976 Aldyl-A Material ............................................................... 49 Figure 49. Bend Back Test of a 1986 Aldyl-A Material ............................................................... 50 Figure 50. Bend Back Test of a 1991 Aldyl-A Material ............................................................... 50 Figure 51. Bend Back Test of a 1993 Aldyl-A Material ............................................................... 51 Figure 52. Double Bar Squeeze-Off Tool .................................................................................... 52 Figure 53. Rock Impingement Loading Fixture ........................................................................... 53 Figure 54. Indentation unto the Pipe Using Ball Bearing ............................................................ 53 Figure 55. Pipe Bending Fixture ................................................................................................. 54 Figure 56. PE Pipe Test Specimens Installed in Earth Load Fixtures ........................................ 55 Figure 57. Circumferential Residual Stress Component as a Function of the Wall Depth .......... 57 Figure 58. Effect of Test Temperature and Time on Residual Hoop Stress Component ............ 58 Figure 59. Predicted Remaining Life Expectancy of an Older Aldyl-A Pipe ............................... 67 Figure 60. Predicted Remaining Life Expectancy as a Function of Temperature ....................... 68 Figure 61. As Received Sample with Attached 4” X 2” Electrofusion Tapping Tee ................... 72 Figure 62. Slit Failure Growing Away From Impingement Point ................................................ 73 Figure 63. View of the Slit from the Inner Wall ........................................................................... 74 Figure 64. Pipe Was Force Fractured to Reveal the Fracture Faces......................................... 74 Figure 65. Close Up View of the Fracture Faces ....................................................................... 75 Figure 66. Microscopy ................................................................................................................ 76 Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page xiii Figure 67. Differential Scanning Calorimetry ............................................................................. 78 Figure 68. Oxidative Induction Time .......................................................................................... 79 Figure 69. FT-IR Outer Wall ....................................................................................................... 80 Figure 70. FT-IR Middle Wall ..................................................................................................... 80 Figure 71. FT-IR Inner Wall ....................................................................................................... 81 Figure 72. As Received Sample with Two Tees. Leak Occurred At Untapped Tee, Left ........... 82 Figure 73. Untapped Tee with Circumferential Slit .................................................................... 82 Figure 74. Underwater Leak Test Revealing Leak Location ...................................................... 84 Figure 75. Sample Was Cut to Show Inner Pipe Wall ............................................................... 84 Figure 76. Close Up of the Circumferential Slit on the Inner Wall .............................................. 85 Figure 77. Length of Fracture Faces Identified with Red Marker ............................................... 85 Figure 78. Close up of the Fracture Face Away from the Tee ................................................... 86 Figure 79. Close up of the Fracture Face towards the Tee with Area of Interest Identified ....... 86 Figure 80. Microscopy of the Fracture Face Away From the Tee .............................................. 87 Figure 81. Microscopy of the Fracture Face towards the Tee ................................................... 87 Figure 82. Differential Scanning Calorimetry ............................................................................. 89 Figure 83. Oxidative Induction Time .......................................................................................... 89 Figure 84. FT-IR Outer Wall ....................................................................................................... 90 Figure 85. FT-IR Middle Wall ..................................................................................................... 91 Figure 86. FT-IR Inner Wall ....................................................................................................... 91 Figure 87. As Received Condition ............................................................................................. 92 Figure 88. Crack on Outer Wall ................................................................................................. 93 Figure 89. Close Up, Dimple and Crack .................................................................................... 93 Figure 90. Crack As Seen On Inner Wall ................................................................................... 94 Figure 91. Fracture Origin .......................................................................................................... 94 Figure 92. Composite Photo, Fracture Surface - Outer Wall at Top .......................................... 95 Figure 93. Bottom Side of as Received Sample ........................................................................ 96 Figure 94. Axial Slit on Outer Wall ............................................................................................. 97 Figure 95. Axial Slit on Inner Pipe Wall ...................................................................................... 97 Figure 96. As Received Sample ................................................................................................ 98 Figure 97. Side and Bottom View of Sample ............................................................................. 99 Figure 98. Slit on Outer Wall .................................................................................................... 100 Figure 99. Slit on Inner Wall ..................................................................................................... 100 Figure 100. As Received Cap .................................................................................................. 101 Figure 101. Topside Fracture Surface ..................................................................................... 102 Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page xiv Figure 102. Bottom Side Fracture Surface .............................................................................. 103 Figure 103. Cap Threads ......................................................................................................... 103 Figure 104. Topside Fracture Surface ..................................................................................... 104 Figure 105. FT-IR Spectrum of the Cap Material ..................................................................... 104 Figure 106. DSC Thermogram of the Cap Material ................................................................. 105 Figure 107. TGA Plot ............................................................................................................... 106 Figure 108. EDX Spectrum of the Cap Material Ash ............................................................... 106 Figure 109. As Received Cap .................................................................................................. 108 Figure 110. Crack Seen Inside the Cap. .................................................................................. 109 Figure 111. As Received Cap .................................................................................................. 110 Figure 112. Soil on Interior Surface ......................................................................................... 111 Figure 113. As Received Cap .................................................................................................. 112 Figure 114. Dirty Interior Surface ............................................................................................. 113 Figure 115. As Received Cap .................................................................................................. 114 Figure 116. Cracked Cap with Wrench Marks ......................................................................... 115 Figure 117. As Received Cap .................................................................................................. 116 Figure 118. Yellow Tee Visible Through the Crack .................................................................. 117 Figure 119. As Received Service Tee with Broken Cap .......................................................... 118 Figure 120. Fracture Surfaces of Cap ...................................................................................... 119 Figure 121. Fracture Surface of the Top of the Cap ................................................................ 119 Figure 122. As Received Cap .................................................................................................. 120 Figure 123. Cap, Underside Left and Topside Right ................................................................ 121 Figure 124. Internal Threads of the Saddle Tee ...................................................................... 121 Figure 125. As Received Tee .................................................................................................. 122 Figure 126. Close-up View of Thread Insert ............................................................................ 123 Figure 127. As Received Tee .................................................................................................. 124 Figure 128. Close up of Severed Insert ................................................................................... 125 Figure 129. Cap with Insert Attached ....................................................................................... 125 Figure 130. As Received .......................................................................................................... 126 Figure 131. Severed Coupling ................................................................................................. 127 Figure 132. Fracture Face ....................................................................................................... 127 Figure 133. As Received Service Tee with Socket Coupling ................................................... 128 Figure 134. Side View .............................................................................................................. 129 Figure 135. Bottom View .......................................................................................................... 129 Figure 136. 1 - ¾” Circumferential Slit on Underside of Coupling ............................................ 130 Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page xv Figure 137. As Received Coupling .......................................................................................... 131 Figure 138. Crack in Pipe Wall on ID ....................................................................................... 132 Figure 139. Side View of Socket Fusion .................................................................................. 132 Figure 140. As Received Socket Tee ...................................................................................... 133 Figure 141. Circumferential Slit in Fitting ................................................................................. 134 Figure 142. As Received Socket Tee ...................................................................................... 135 Figure 143. Circumferential Slit in Socket ................................................................................ 136 Figure 144. As Received Socket Tee ...................................................................................... 137 Figure 145. Crack on Socket Surface ...................................................................................... 138 Figure 146. Features on ID ...................................................................................................... 138 Figure 147: Photograph of Tee Showing Location of Leak ...................................................... 139 Figure 148. Close-up of Pipe Section with Tee as Seen in the Field. ...................................... 140 Figure 149. Left Side with No Bead Rollback and Right Side with Uneven Bead Rollback ..... 141 Figure 150. Close-up of Gap between Pipe Surface and Fitting .............................................. 141 Figure 151. Pressure Test to Identify Leak Location ............................................................... 142 Figure 152. Pipe Segment Surface from Under the Tee on the Side Containing the Leak ..... 143 Figure 153. Mating Surfaces of the Tee and Pipe ................................................................... 144 Figure 154. OIT and DSC – Outer Wall – Pipe ........................................................................ 146 Figure 155. OIT and DSC – Middle Wall – Pipe ...................................................................... 146 Figure 156. OIT and DSC – Inner Wall – Pipe ......................................................................... 147 Figure 157. FT-IR - Outer Wall – Pipe ..................................................................................... 148 Figure 158. FT-IR - Middle Wall – Pipe .................................................................................... 149 Figure 159. FT-IR - Inner Wall – Pipe ...................................................................................... 149 Figure 160. FT-IR – Good Fusion Area ................................................................................... 150 Figure 161. FT-IR - Poor Fusion Area ..................................................................................... 150 Figure 162. As Received Butt Fusion ...................................................................................... 152 Figure 163. Side View of Butt Fusion ....................................................................................... 153 Figure 164. Fusion Faces ........................................................................................................ 154 Figure 165. Inside Bead on One Side of Fusion ...................................................................... 154 Figure 166. As Received Butt Fusion ...................................................................................... 155 Figure 167. Incomplete Bead Rollover ..................................................................................... 156 Figure 168. As Received Butt Fusion ...................................................................................... 157 Figure 169. Fusion Faces Showing Cold Fusion Area ............................................................. 158 Figure 170. As Received Butt Fusion ...................................................................................... 159 Figure 171. Uneven Rollback ................................................................................................... 160 Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page xvi Figure 172. Side of Bead ......................................................................................................... 160 Figure 173. As Received .......................................................................................................... 161 Figure 174. Area of Cold Fusion .............................................................................................. 162 Figure 175. Fusion Faces ........................................................................................................ 162 Figure 176. As Received Butt Fusion ...................................................................................... 163 Figure 177. Leak Location at the Bead Weld ........................................................................... 164 Figure 178. View down the Inside of the Pipe Section ............................................................. 164 Figure 179. Close-up of the Inner Weld Bead .......................................................................... 165 Figure 180. As Received .......................................................................................................... 166 Figure 181. Weld Separation along ~3” Arc Length ................................................................. 167 Figure 182. Uneven Beads ...................................................................................................... 167 Figure 183. As Received .......................................................................................................... 168 Figure 184. Fusion Faces ........................................................................................................ 169 Figure 185. As Received 6” Butt Fusion .................................................................................. 170 Figure 186. Fusion Face, Valve ............................................................................................... 171 Figure 187. Fusion Face, Pipe ................................................................................................. 172 Figure 188. As Received .......................................................................................................... 173 Figure 189. Close Up View of Specimen ................................................................................. 174 Figure 190. Misalignment and Poor Bead Rollover at the Reducing Coupling ........................ 175 Figure 191. Back to Back Couplings ........................................................................................ 175 Figure 192. As Received .......................................................................................................... 176 Figure 193. Leak Location ....................................................................................................... 177 Figure 194. As Received .......................................................................................................... 178 Figure 195. End View of Pipe .................................................................................................. 179 Figure 196. Leak Location as Identified by Utility .................................................................... 179 Figure 197. As Received .......................................................................................................... 180 Figure 198. Leak Location as Identified by Utility .................................................................... 181 Figure 199. End View on Leak Side ......................................................................................... 181 Figure 200. As Received Socket Tee ...................................................................................... 182 Figure 201. Radial Distortion ................................................................................................... 183 Figure 202. Leak at Pipe/Socket Interface ............................................................................... 184 Figure 203. Close up of Pipe/Socket Interface ........................................................................ 184 Figure 204. Top and Side View of as Received Squeeze-off .................................................. 185 Figure 205. End View Showing Deformation ........................................................................... 186 Figure 206. Slit as Viewed from Inner Wall .............................................................................. 186 Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page xvii Figure 207. Top and Side View of as Received Sample .......................................................... 187 Figure 208. Dimpling and Buckling .......................................................................................... 188 Figure 209. Two of Three Squeeze Points Visible on the Inner Wall ....................................... 188 Figure 210. As Received Squeeze-off Sample ........................................................................ 189 Figure 211. Top and Sides of Squeeze Location ..................................................................... 190 Figure 212. Cavity and Deformation on Inner Wall .................................................................. 191 Figure 213. As Received Tap Tee ........................................................................................... 192 Figure 214. Underside of the Pipe and Saddle ........................................................................ 193 Figure 215. Side View of the Saddle ........................................................................................ 194 Figure 216. Leak Location ....................................................................................................... 194 Figure 217. As Received Tap Tee ........................................................................................... 195 Figure 218. Backside of Saddle Tee ........................................................................................ 196 Figure 219. Close-up of Backside of Tee ................................................................................. 197 Figure 220. Side of Tee ........................................................................................................... 197 Figure 221. As Received Tap Tee ........................................................................................... 198 Figure 222. Saddle Face .......................................................................................................... 199 Figure 223. Pipe Surface ......................................................................................................... 199 Figure 224. As Received Tap Tee ........................................................................................... 200 Figure 225. Backside of Tee .................................................................................................... 201 Figure 226. As Received Tap Tee ........................................................................................... 202 Figure 227. Socket of Tee, Side View ...................................................................................... 203 Figure 228. Ductile Tearing ...................................................................................................... 203 Figure 229. As Received .......................................................................................................... 204 Figure 230. Side and Bottom View of Transition ...................................................................... 205 Figure 231. As Received Sample - 3” Elbow ............................................................................ 206 Figure 232. Leak Location As Identified By a Soap Solution ................................................... 207 Figure 233. Cut Sample to Expose Inner Wall ......................................................................... 208 Figure 234. Portion of Elbow Containing Leak ......................................................................... 208 Figure 235. Inner Fusion Interface with Area of Observed Lack of Fusion .............................. 209 Figure 236. Fusion Interface .................................................................................................... 209 Figure 237. Force Fracture of the Sample, Showing Area of Observed Lack of Fusion .......... 210 Figure 238. Fractured Sample with the Elbow Side, Top, and Pipe Side, Bottom. .................. 210 Figure 239. Close up of the Fracture Faces with the Elbow Side on the Right ........................ 211 Figure 240. Fracture Face on the Elbow Side. Ductile Failure Region .................................... 211 Figure 241. Close up of the Fracture Face on the Pipe Side ................................................... 212 Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page xviii Figure 242. Fracture Face on the Pipe Side with an Area of Interest Identified....................... 212 Figure 243. Microscopy - Fracture Face of Elbow – Toward the Elbow Side ......................... 213 Figure 244. Microscopy – Fracture Face of Elbow – Toward the Pipe Side ............................ 213 Figure 245. Differential Scanning Calorimetry – Pipe .............................................................. 215 Figure 246. Oxidative Induction Time – Pipe ........................................................................... 215 Figure 247. Differential Scanning Calorimetry - Elbow ............................................................ 216 Figure 248. Oxidative Induction Time - Elbow ......................................................................... 216 Figure 249. FT-IR Outer Wall – Pipe ....................................................................................... 217 Figure 250. FT-IR Middle Wall – Pipe ...................................................................................... 218 Figure 251. FT-IR Inner Wall – Pipe ........................................................................................ 218 Figure 252. FT-IR - Outer Wall - Elbow ................................................................................... 219 Figure 253. FT-IR - Middle Wall - Elbow .................................................................................. 219 Figure 254. FT-IR - Inner Wall - Elbow .................................................................................... 220 Figure 255. As Received Sample Shown Leaking from Under the Cap .................................. 221 Figure 256. Valve with Leak Pinpointed ................................................................................... 222 Figure 257. Valve Was Halved to Help Expose O-Ring ........................................................... 223 Figure 258. Close up of the Core and Seal .............................................................................. 223 Figure 259. Valve Core with Indexing Marks ........................................................................... 224 Figure 260. Valve Core Removed from Housing ..................................................................... 224 Figure 261. Valve Core. Lower O-Ring Bottom ...................................................................... 225 Figure 262. O-Ring Damage. Upper O-Ring, Foreground. Lower O-Ring, Background. ....... 225 Figure 263. Imbedded Fragment Between Upper O-Ring and Core Land. .............................. 226 Figure 264. O-Ring Fragment Removed from the Upper O-ring Land Area. ........................... 226 Figure 265. Higher Magnification of Figure 264 ....................................................................... 227 Figure 266. FT-IR - Lower O-Ring Nitrile Rubber .................................................................... 227 Figure 267. FT-IR - Upper O-Ring Nitrile Rubber .................................................................... 228 Figure 268. As Received .......................................................................................................... 229 Figure 269. Up Close View of Damaged Pipe Section ............................................................ 230 Figure 270. As Received Sample of a Leaking Tee ................................................................. 231 Figure 271. Circumferential Slit on the Backside of the Tee .................................................... 231 Figure 272. Pipe Was Cut Away to Reveal the Inner Pipe Wall .............................................. 233 Figure 273. Damage on the Inner Wall .................................................................................... 233 Figure 274. Damage on the Inner Wall .................................................................................... 234 Figure 275. Tee Separated from Pipe during Force Fracture .................................................. 234 Figure 276. Fracture Face on the Pipe No Longer Attached to the Tee .................................. 235 Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page xix Figure 277. Opposing Fracture Face ....................................................................................... 235 Figure 278. Fracture Face Microscopy on the Pipe No Longer Attached to the Tee ............... 236 Figure 279. Opposing Fracture Face Microscopy .................................................................... 236 Figure 280. Differential Scanning Calorimetry ......................................................................... 238 Figure 281. Oxidative Induction Time ...................................................................................... 238 Figure 282. FT-IR - Outer Wall ................................................................................................ 239 Figure 283. FT-IR - Middle Wall ............................................................................................... 240 Figure 284. FT-IR - Inner Wall ................................................................................................. 240 Figure 285. As Received Sample ............................................................................................ 242 Figure 286. Brittle Plastic Seepage from the Tee .................................................................... 242 Figure 287. Oxidative Induction Time - Pipe ............................................................................ 244 Figure 288. Oxidative Induction Time - Tee ............................................................................. 244 Figure 289. Oxidative Induction Time - Seepage Material ....................................................... 245 Figure 290. Differential Scanning Calorimetry – Pipe .............................................................. 245 Figure 291. Differential Scanning Calorimetry – Tee ............................................................... 246 Figure 292. Differential Scanning Calorimetry – Seepage Material ......................................... 246 Figure 293. FT-IR Spectrum – Pipe Material ........................................................................... 247 Figure 294. FT-IR Spectrum – Tee Material ............................................................................ 248 Figure 295. FT-IR Spectrum – Seepage Material: Note ketone absorbance ........................... 248 Figure 296. As Received Fitting ............................................................................................... 250 Figure 297. Slit at Knit Line ...................................................................................................... 251 Figure 298. As Received Sample ............................................................................................ 252 Figure 299. Close up View of AMP Fitting ............................................................................... 253 Figure 300. As Received Sample ............................................................................................ 254 Figure 301. Socket Joint .......................................................................................................... 255 Figure 302. Area Identified as Leaking .................................................................................... 255 Figure 303. As Received Tee .................................................................................................. 256 Figure 304. Side View of Mechanical Tee ............................................................................... 257 Figure 305: Schematic of Growing RCP Crack. (Kanninen, Et Al., 1997) ................................ 268 Figure 306: Full Scale RCP Testing Result (Kanninen Et Al., 1997) ........................................ 271 Figure 307: S-4 Crack Initiation Result ..................................................................................... 273 Figure 308: GTI’s S-4 Testing Apparatus ................................................................................. 275 Figure 309: End Cap Contains a Port to Fill/Monitor Pipe Specimen. ...................................... 276 Figure 310: Assembly Anvil Prevents Excessive Pipe Wall Deformation during Impact........... 277 Figure 311: Schematic of Pipe Assembly Used at GTI ............................................................. 277 Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page xx Figure 312: Baffles and Anvil That Are Contained Within the Pipe Specimen .......................... 278 Figure 313: FET Analysis Showing the Extensive Deformation of a Pipe during RCP ............. 279 Figure 314: External Cage ........................................................................................................ 279 Figure 315: Blade Resting in the Crack It Initiated .................................................................... 280 Figure 316: 6” MDPE Critical Pressure Test Results: Critical Pressure: 15.5 Psig ................... 283 Figure 317: 6” MDPE Critical Temperature Test Results: Critical Temperature: 65.5 °F.......... 285 Figure 318: 6” MDPE S-4 Tests: Left, Crack Arrest; Right, Crack Propagation ........................ 286 Figure 319: 6” HDPE Critical Pressure Test Results: Critical Pressure: 17.0 Psig ................... 288 Figure 320: 6” HDPE Critical Temperature Test Results: Critical Temperature: 50.8 °F .......... 291 Figure 321: 6”HDPE S-4 Tests: Left, an Insufficient Crack Length; Right, Crack Propagation . 291 Figure 322: 6” PE100 Critical Pressure Test Results: Critical Pressure: 27.6 Psig .................. 293 Figure 323: 6” PE 100 Critical Temperature Test Results: Critical Temperature: 36.9 °F ........ 295 Figure 324: 6”PE100 S-4 Tests: Left, Initiation Test; Right, Crack Propagation ....................... 296 Figure 325: 8” MDPE Critical Pressure Test Results: Critical Pressure: 11.5 Psig ................... 298 Figure 326: 8” MDPE S-4 Tests: Left, Crack Arrest; Right, Crack Propagation ........................ 299 Figure 327: 8” PE 100 Critical Pressure Test Results: Critical Pressure: 27.0 Psig ................. 301 Figure 328: 8” PE 100 S-4 Tests: Left, Crack Arrest; Right, Crack Propagation ...................... 302 Figure 329: 12” MDPE Critical Pressure Test Results: Critical Pressure: 18.5 Psig ................. 304 Figure 330: 12” MDPE S-4 Tests: Left, Crack Arrest; Right, Crack Propagation ...................... 305 Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page xxi List of Tables Table 1. NTSB Reported Brittle-Like Cracking Incidents ............................................................ 12 Table 2. Aldyl-A Melt Index Data 1965 - 1992 (DuPont) ............................................................. 33 Table 3. Aldyl-A Density Data, 1965 -1992 (unconfirmed by DuPont) ....................................... 33 Table 4. Comparative of Melt Index Test Data .......................................................................... 34 Table 5. Comparative of Average Tensile Strength Test Data .................................................. 35 Table 6. Comparative of Average Quick Burst Pressure Test Data ........................................... 36 Table 7. PENT Test Failure Time of Aldyl-A Pipe Lots (1973 - 1975) ....................................... 40 Table 8. PENT Test Failure Time of Aldyl-A Pipe Lots (1976 – 1979) ....................................... 41 Table 9. PENT Test Failure Time of Aldyl-A Pipe Lots (1979 – 1982) ....................................... 42 Table 10. PENT Test Failure Time of Aldyl-A Pipe Lots (1983 – 1985) ..................................... 43 Table 11. PENT Test Failure Times for Polypipe 4810 and Driscopipe 8100 ............................ 44 Table 12. Test Data for a 2 Inch Aldyl-A Pipe Manufactured In 1973 and Removed From Gas Service in 1983. .......................................................................................................................... 59 Table 13. Predicted remaining life expectancy for PE gas pipe ................................................. 65 Table 14. Impingement Background ........................................................................................... 73 Table 15: Test Methods Used in Root-Cause Evaluation ........................................................... 77 Table 16: Melt Flow Measurements ............................................................................................ 77 Table 17. Tap Tee Background .................................................................................................. 83 Table 18: Melt Flow Measurements - Pipe ................................................................................. 88 Table 19. Impingement Background ........................................................................................... 92 Table 20. Slit Failure Background ............................................................................................... 96 Table 21. External Loading Background ..................................................................................... 98 Table 22. Cap Background ....................................................................................................... 108 Table 23. Cap Background ....................................................................................................... 110 Table 24. Cap Background ....................................................................................................... 112 Table 25.Cap Background ........................................................................................................ 114 Table 26. Cap Background ....................................................................................................... 116 Table 27. Cap Background ....................................................................................................... 118 Table 28. Cap Background ....................................................................................................... 120 Table 29. Service Tee Threads Background ............................................................................ 124 Table 30. Coupling Background ................................................................................................ 126 Table 31. Socket Coupling Background .................................................................................... 128 Table 32. Socket Coupling Background .................................................................................... 131 Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page xxii Table 33. Socket Tee Background ............................................................................................ 133 Table 34. Socket Tee Background ............................................................................................ 135 Table 35. Socket Tee Background ............................................................................................ 137 Table 36. 4” x 2” HVTT Background ......................................................................................... 140 Table 37: Melt Flow Measurements - Pipe ............................................................................... 145 Table 38: Melt Flow Measurements - Tee ................................................................................ 145 Table 39. 2” Butt Fusion Background ....................................................................................... 152 Table 40. 4” Butt Fusion Background ....................................................................................... 155 Table 41. 3” Butt Fusion Background ....................................................................................... 157 Table 42. 2” Butt Fusion Background ....................................................................................... 159 Table 43. 4” Butt Fusion Background ....................................................................................... 161 Table 44. 4” Butt Fusion Background ....................................................................................... 163 Table 45. 4” Butt Fusion Background ....................................................................................... 166 Table 46. 4” Butt Fusion Background ....................................................................................... 168 Table 47. Poly Valve Butt Fusion Background .......................................................................... 170 Table 48. Multiple Fusion Joints Background ........................................................................... 173 Table 49. Socket Fusion Coupling Background ........................................................................ 176 Table 50. Coupling Background ................................................................................................ 178 Table 51. Socket Tee Background ............................................................................................ 180 Table 52. Socket Tee Background ............................................................................................ 182 Table 53. 4” Single Bar Squeeze-off Background ..................................................................... 185 Table 54. 2” Squeeze-off Background ...................................................................................... 187 Table 55. Squeeze-off Background .......................................................................................... 189 Table 56. 1 – ¼” x 1” Tap Tee Background .............................................................................. 192 Table 57. 2” x 3/4” Tap Tee Background .................................................................................. 195 Table 58. 2” x 3/4” Tap Tee Background .................................................................................. 198 Table 59. 1 – ¼” x 1” Tap Tee Background .............................................................................. 200 Table 60. 2” x ½” Tap Tee - Socket Fusion Background .......................................................... 202 Table 61. Transition Fitting Background ................................................................................... 204 Table 62. 3” Elbow Background ................................................................................................ 206 Table 63: Melt Flow Measurements - Pipe ............................................................................... 214 Table 64: Melt Flow Measurements - Elbow ............................................................................. 214 Table 65. ¾” Valve Background ................................................................................................ 221 Table 66. Charred ¾” Pipe Background ................................................................................... 229 Table 67. 1 - Tap Tee Background ........................................................................................... 232 Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page xxiii Table 68: Melt Flow Measurements .......................................................................................... 237 Table 69. 4” x 4” Electrofusion Tee Background ....................................................................... 243 Table 70. 1 – ¼” Amp Fitting Background ................................................................................ 250 Table 71. 1 – ¼” x 1” Fitting Background .................................................................................. 252 Table 72. Tap Tee Background ................................................................................................ 254 Table 73. Bolt-on Tap Tee Background .................................................................................... 256 Table 74. Material Failures ....................................................................................................... 258 Table 75. Procedural Failures ................................................................................................... 260 Table 76. Quality Control Failures ............................................................................................ 261 Table 77. Miscellaneous Failures ............................................................................................. 261 Table 78. Other Failures ........................................................................................................... 261 Table 79. All Failures ................................................................................................................ 262 Table 80. Received Failures ..................................................................................................... 266 Table 81: Pipe Materials Used For the S-4 Testing .................................................................. 281 Table 82: 6'' MDPE Critical Pressure Test Results ................................................................... 282 Table 83: 6'' MDPE: Critical Temperature Test Results ............................................................ 284 Table 84: 6'' IPS HDPE Critical Pressure Test Results............................................................. 287 Table 85: 6'' HDPE Critical Temperature Test Results ............................................................. 289 Table 86: 6'' PE100 Critical Pressure Test Results .................................................................. 292 Table 87: 6'' HDPE Critical Temperature Test Results ............................................................. 294 Table 88: 8' MDPE Critical Pressure Test Results .................................................................... 297 Table 89: 8'' PE 100 Critical Pressure Test Results.................................................................. 300 Table 90: 12'' MDPE Critical Pressure Test Results ................................................................. 303 Table 91: Summary of S-4 Test Results ................................................................................... 306 Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page 1 Abstract The three primary failure modes that may be exhibited by polyethylene (PE) gas pipe materials were described in detail. The modes are: ductile rupture, slow crack growth (SCG), and rapid crack propagation (RCP). Short term mechanical tests were evaluated for usefulness in determining the relative resistance of PE materials to SCG failures. Long-term hydrostatic stress- rupture test data was used with various models to predict the remaining life expectancy of a few older PE materials under specific field conditions. More than 50 field failures were classified by cause. Small scale steady state (S-4) testing was conducted on six large diameter PE materials to determine the critical pressure and/or the critical temperature. Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page 2 Executive Summary Reports, publications, papers, and databases were reviewed to better define risks and threats to plastic gas distribution piping. Failure modes were described for plastic PE piping with the most significant being slow crack growth (SCG). Short-term mechanical tests such as tensile, quick burst, melt index, and density tests did not show correlation with a material’s susceptibility to SCG failure. The bend-back test was able to visually identify 1971 low-ductile inner wall materials. PENT test failure times were reported for materials manufactured during the period1972-1985. The PENT test did not show correlations with the material’s susceptibility to SCG failure for these materials. Life expectancy was determined to be a key measure of the susceptibility of PE gas pipe materials to SCG field failures. Long term hydrostatic stress-rupture data combined with the Rate Process Method or with the Bi-Directional Shift Functions predicted the remaining life expectancy of several PE materials at 60°F average field temperature under varying loading conditions. Data showed rock impingement loads and pipe squeeze offs can result in the greatest reduction in remaining life expectancy. Lower operating field temperatures and pressures significantly increased the predicted remaining life expectancy of PE materials. Fifty-five PE pipe samples that failed in field service were examined in the laboratory to identify the root cause of the failures. Eight of the samples underwent in-depth analysis, which included density and melt index tests and differential scanning calorimetry, infrared spectroscopy, and microscopic examination of the fracture surfaces. The samples were combined with another set of additional data resulting in 45 material, 36 procedural, 12 quality control, and 7 miscellaneous failures. A separate categorization method attributed a total of 321 failures to their respective pipe/component, with most occurring at joints. RCP in large diameter PE materials was investigated through laboratory testing. Critical pressure was determined for 6 pipe materials. Critical temperature was determined for 3 materials. Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page 3 Introduction Statistics from the United States Department of Transportation (DOT) show more than 619,000 miles of plastic gas mains were in service at the end of 2006, up 75% since 1995. Of these plastic pipes, polyethylene (PE) makes up nearly 97% and polyvinyl chloride (PVC) and acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (ABS) make up the other 3%. In 1995, plastic pipe accounted for just 35% of the total mileage of gas distribution mains. In 2006 that number grew to more than 50%. The percent contribution of each material to the total number of miles in the U.S. distribution system is shown in Figure 1 and Figure 2 for 1995 and 2006 respectively. Comparison of the data show that the increase in system size is largely due to plastic pipe installations. The decline in steel and cast iron indicates these mains are being removed from service and are being replaced by plastic materials. Figure 1. Percentage of Miles of Main, 1995 Steel/Unprotected/Bare7% Steel/Unprotected/Coated2% Steel/Cathodically Protected/Bare2% Steel/Cathodically Protected/Coated49% Plastic Pipe35% Cast Iron, Wrought Iron5%Ductile Iron 0% Copper 0%Other(1) 0% Other(2) 0% Percentage of Main by Material, 1995 Source: PHMSA Distribution Annuals Reports Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page 4 Figure 2. Percentage of Miles of Main, 2006 From 1995 to 2006, the number of services in the U.S. grew by 8M to a total of 63.5M. In 1995, there were 26M plastic services. That number rose to 39.6M by the end of 2006. In terms of the market share, plastic services represented ~48% of the total in 1995 as seen in Figure 3 and 61% of the total in 2006 as seen in Figure 4. PE makes up the majority of plastic services at 99.38%. Figure 3. Percentage of Services, 1995 Steel/Unprotected/Bare 5% Steel/Unprotected/Coated2% Steel/Cathodically Protected/Bare1% Steel/Cathodically Protected/Coated41% Plastic Pipe48% Cast Iron, Wrought Iron 3%Ductile Iron0% Copper0% Other(1) 0% Other(2)0% Percentage of Main by Material, 2006 Source: PHMSA Distribution Annuals Reports Steel/Unprotected/Bare8% Steel/Unprotected/ Coated3% Steel/Cathodically Protected/Bare1% Steel/Cathodically Protected/Coated36% Plastic Pipe48%Cast Iron, Wrought Iron 0% Ductile Iron 0% Copper3% Other(1)1% Other(2)0% Percentage of Services by Material, 1995 Source: PHMSA Distribution Annuals Reports Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page 5 Figure 4. Percentage of Services, 2006 Figure 5. Comparison of Total Services, Plastic Services, and PE Services in 2005 Steel/Unprotected/Bare 6% Steel/Unprotected/Coated3% Steel/Cathodically Protected/Bare1% Steel/Cathodically Protected/Coated25% Plastic Pipe61%Cast Iron, Wrought Iron 0% Ductile Iron 0% Copper 2%Other(1) 2%Other(2) 0% Percentage of Services by Material, 2006 Source: PHMSA Distribution Annuals Reports Number of Services, Total, Plastic, and PE 0 10,000,000 20,000,000 30,000,000 40,000,000 50,000,000 60,000,000 70,000,000 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 Year Se r v i c e s Numbers of Services, Plastic Pipe Services, Total Plastic - PE Total Numbers of Services Source: PHMSA Distribution Annuals Reports Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page 6 The large magnitude of polyethylene pipes in the gas distribution system is undeniable. The low life cycle cost and reliability will continue to encourage the installation of polyethylene mains and services. In order to continue providing safe and reliable energy to gas distribution customers, the failures, risks, and threats associated with polyethylene piping must be well understood and that information needs to be available to gas distribution providers. Continued laboratory testing of failures and material properties should provide additional benefits. The findings must influence the pursuit to improve methods, procedures, and practices as they have in the past. Classification of Failures and Their Causes Many published reports and surveys estimated that about 65% of all failures in PE gas pipes are due to excavation damage. Outside of excavation damage, evaluations and laboratory analyses have shown that plastic polyethylene (PE) gas pipe materials fail by one of three modes. These modes are ductile rupture, brittle-like slow crack growth (SCG) failures, or rapid crack propagation (RCP) failures. The majority of plastic PE pipe in-field failures are typically the result of slow crack growth. About 1% of failures are ductile ruptures resulting from pipe over- pressurization. Ductile Rupture Failure Mechanism Plastic pipes experience ductile rupture failures due to the presence of high internal pressures. The failure mode is manifested in large localized plastic permanent deformations of the pipe wall. For PE pipes, they occur as a result of increasing pressure to levels greater than 400psig. Increasing pressures cause the pipe to undergo large diametric expansions typically resulting in wall thinning and stretching until a point where the remaining wall ligament is not sufficiently large to withstand the induced high circumferential hoop stresses. Figure 6 and Figure 7 show typical ductile failures in PE gas pipe materials subjected to high pressures. Figure 6. Ductile Failure Resulting From a Quick Burst Test Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page 7 Figure 7. Ductile Failure Resulting From a Quick Burst Test Slow Crack Growth Failure Mechanism Slow crack growth (SCG) failures occur over long periods of time at relatively low loads below the yield point of the material and are characterized by brittle (slit) fractures which exhibit very little material flow or deformation. Using high-magnification scanning electron microscopy, surface morphology of an SCG fracture can be characterized. Examinations show cracks initiate and radiate from an initiation point. Initiation points are stress risers caused by inclusions, contaminants, scratches, defects, cavities, dimples, high stress risers, etc. SCG failures grow stepwise and are associated with the sequential formation and fracture of the craze damage zone formed ahead of the crack tip. The damage zone consists of a main craze with a continuous membrane at the crack tip. The duration of each craze corresponds to arrest periods for the developed craze. At the end of an arrest period, the main part of the craze fractures. After a period of time following the craze fracture, the membrane ruptures and leaves fibrils creating visible and prominent striations indicative of the advancing crack front. The number of striations formed during the SCG process corresponds to the number of step jumps in the progressive craze formation and fracture process. Newer PE materials that are more resistant to SCG will show many more striations as the process of craze formation and fracture occurs repeatedly until the crack grows through the pipe wall. Figure 8 shows an optical micrograph of the SCG failure process in the PE pipe specimen. The SCG failure initiated on the inner diameter (ID) and grew in a SCG manner along the axial direction and through the pipe wall to the outer diameter (OD) surface. The observed step-wise growth of the SCG process, exhibited in the form of striation marks (or tidal waves) from ID to OD, is typical of the SCG failure morphology observed for most of the PE gas pipe materials that fail in service. Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page 8 Figure 8. SCG Failure Morphology Rapid Crack Propagation (RCP) Failure Mechanism RCP failures are manifested in the form of a large-scale brittle crack that propagates at high speeds exceeding 300 ft/sec over a long span of polyethylene pipe. RCP failures could be catastrophic due the rapid release of high volumes of gas over long spans. In order for RCP to occur, a “critical” initial axial notch must exist in the pipe wall and the driving force has to exceed the dynamic fracture resistance of the material. The dynamic fracture resistance decreases with decreasing temperatures making PE materials more susceptible to RCP ruptures at lower field temperatures. The susceptibility to RCP also increases with increasing field service pressure, increasing pipe diameter, increasing dimension ratio, SDR, and decreasing modulus of elasticity of the PE. Figure 9 shows an RCP rupture induced in a Small-Scale Steady State S-4 test. Figure 9. RCP Rupture in a PE Pipe Subjected To a Small-Scale Steady State (S-4) Test Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page 9 Types of PE Failures Failure types in PE gas pipe materials that are relevant to the project are: x Internal Pressure – The pipe ruptures (ductile) from inability to sustain the internal pressure. x Plow-in, Insert Renewal, Installation Related – A failure of this sort may result from high tensile pull loads exceeding the yield strength; excessive pipe bending; deep surface scratches; or degradation due to excessive weathering, thermal degradation, and/or absorption of hydrocarbons. x Squeeze Off – Pipes damaged in squeeze-off operations can be attributed to very high localized plastic deformations and cold-flow resulting from “over-squeezing”. Brittle slit failures occur in the axial direction and usually initiate in the “ears” of the squeeze-off at the inner pipe wall as micro-cracks before propagating through the wall. x Bending – The pipe experiences high bending stresses; a crack initiates on the outer pipe wall at the section subjected to a maximum bending moment and grows through the wall resulting in a circumferential slit. x Earth Settlement –Transverse loads due to earth settlement can cause axial slow crack growth slit failures to initiate along the axial direction on the inner pipe wall. These slit failures grow through the wall and longitudinally. x Rock Impingement – Impinging rocks induce high localized stresses leading to slit SCG failures that initiate on the inner pipe surface and grow through the wall along an off-axis direction. x Material: Quality Control, Other Defects – Quality control issues include the presence of inclusions, dimples, and cavities, etc. in the pipe wall; these defects act as initiation sites for SCG failures. x Butt Fusion – Lack of fusion or partial lack of fusion penetration is generally the primary cause of failures in butt fusion joints. Inadequate fusion practices including low heater temperature, insufficient heating time, low interfacial pressure, improper squaring or misalignment of the pipe ends, contaminants, smudges, or lack of cleaning can all cause failures within a butt fused joint. x Mechanical Fitting Failures – Ground movement, improper installations, and deterioration of components, e.g. gaskets can contribute to failures within mechanical saddles and sockets. Seasonal temperature changes causing high tensile thermal stresses may lead to pull-out failures. x Fusion Fitting Failures – In general, the main reason for failures in fittings installed using fusion methods are attributable to improper fusion conditions such as low heater temperature, insufficient heating time, low interfacial pressure, inclusions, dimples, cavities, contaminants, finger smudges, or lack of proper cleaning. These causes can result in cold joints and lack of bonding. Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page 10 o End Caps and Tapping Tee Caps – End cap failures result from improper bonding or material quality control defects within the cap. Tapping Tee caps sometimes suffer from leaking o-rings, fracture of the cap at the threads, or material quality control defects in the cap. o Tees and Ells – Tees and ells generally fail from lack of bonding. Tees may also fail from large external secondary stresses due to excessive bending and high soil/earth loads. Manufacturing and material quality control defects could also cause failures in both types of fittings. o Socket Fusion – Lack of proper fusion bonding combined with excessive external loads result in slit failures at the socket / pipe interface. Quality control defects within the socket can cause failures. o Saddle Fusion – Saddle fusions can suffer separation and/or blow out. Quality control defects and improper fusion practices causing lack of fusion can both contribute to failures in saddle fusion joints. Project Structure The project activities were performed under four major tasks. The task titles and major objectives are: x Literature Search – identify types, causes, frequency, and severity of plastic pipe failures x Slow Crack Growth – characterize SCG and predict remaining life expectancy of materials and joints susceptible to premature SCG failures x Root Cause Analysis – conduct laboratory examinations on field failures to determine failure mode and identify cause x S-4 RCP Testing – evaluate susceptibility of large diameter PE pipes to RCP failure by performing S-4 tests Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page 11 Literature Review on Severity and Frequency of Plastic Pipe Failures GTI performed a literature search of available publications to classify the frequency and consequences associated with plastic pipe failures. The consequence of a plastic pipe failure can range from a small amount of lost gas to substantial property damages or loss of life. Many failures result in leaks that are so small they can go without repair and not pose a threat. There was a lack of publically available data to classify these low consequence failures. Other failures can cause explosions and fires which can result in serious events. Events resulting in loss of life or $50,000 in property damages are reported in PHMSA’s “Natural Gas Distribution Incident Data”. GTI obtained and analyzed the incident dataset from PHMSA’s “FOIA On-Line Library” located at the website: http://ops.dot.gov/stats/IA98.htm. DOT/PHMSA Natural Gas Distribution Incident Data Discussion All records classified as “Other” for material type were reviewed for any information that would justify changing the material type. For example, if the material was “other” and the material specification was “PE2306” or “2306”, the material would be reclassified as polyethylene. The remainder of “other” was left alone. Primary and secondary cause categories were also reclassified if assumptions could be inferred. Usually, the records lacked enough useful information to determine them to be anything but what they were: “Unknown” or “No Data”. Another difficulty of analyzing the data is the change in the reporting requirements in March 2004. The data from 1984 to 2004 had 5 primary cause categories. They are: Corrosion, Damage by Outside Forces, Construction/Operating Error, Accidentally Caused by Operator, and Other. The introduction of the new reporting format expands the primary cause to 7 categories, each with sub-level or secondary causes. The major categories are: Corrosion, Natural Forces, Excavation, Other Outside Force Damage, Materials or Welds, Equipment or Operations, and Other. Some of the secondary causes have sub-causes. Without having the actual reports, it is impossible to reclassify the old incidents into the new categories. A study done by Allegro Energy Consulting actually used the operator’s reports to reclassify all the incidents from 1999 to 2003 to the new format. Incidents previously classified as “Damage by Outside Forces” were reassigned into 5 of 7 of the new categories. “Other/No data” incidents fell into 6 of 7 of the new categories. The dataset for March 2004 to 2006 was a huge improvement over the previous years but with less than 2 years of data, the sample of incidents is not large enough to deduce much. From 1984 to early 2004, more than 700 incidents involving plastic pipe were reported. More than 200 (nearly 30%) incidents were recorded as being of “Unknown” cause. Only 6% of the 2004 to 2006 data was reported as “Unknown.” It is unclear why some of the incidents had even been reported as a number of records reported no injuries, loss of life, or property damages. A few of the records were removed from the dataset because they were erroneous. Severity of Failures Some of the most significant incidents resulting from plastic pipe failures have been attributed to brittle-like cracking. The National Transportation Safety Board published a Special Investigation Report titled “Brittle-like Cracking in Plastic Pipe for Gas Service” in 1998. The Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page 12 Safety Board found the occurrence of slow crack growth (SCG) was second only to excavation damage for older plastic pipe materials. A number of the incidents mentioned in the report are shown in Table 1. The date, location, number of deaths and injuries, pipe manufacturer, and the cause of the cracking are noted. Table 1. NTSB Reported Brittle-Like Cracking Incidents Date Location Deaths Injuries Manufacturer Cause 10/94 Waterloo, IA 6 7 Century Stress intensification 11/96 San Juan, Puerto Rico 33 69 DuPont Inadequate support 08/97 Lake Dallas, TX Nipak Loading by metal pipe ‘71 TX 1 Not Specified Loading on a connection ‘73 MD 3 1 Not Specified Occluded particle ‘75 NC Not Specified Concrete drain resting on service ‘78 AZ 1 5 Not Specified ‘78 NE 1 Century Inadequate support at a fitting 12/81 AZ 3 Not Specified At a fitting 07/82 CA Not Specified Not Specified 09/83 MN 5 Century Rock Impingement 12/83 TX 1 1 Not Specified Squeeze ‘78, ‘79, ‘83 IL, IL, IA 5 Century Not Specified ‘95 MI Century Not Specified In December 2002, the U.S. Department of Transportation issued an Advisory Bulletin titled “Notification of the Susceptibility to Premature Brittle-Like Cracking of Older Plastic Pipe.” The older polyethylene piping materials identified as being susceptible to premature SCG were: x Century Utility Products, Inc. products. x Low-ductile inner wall “Aldyl A” piping manufactured by DuPont Company before 1973. x Polyethylene gas pipe designated PE 3306. Another significant pipeline accident involving plastic piping occurred in DuBois, Pennsylvania in August of 2004. It was investigated and subsequently, an NTSB report (PAB- 06-01) was issued. The leak, explosion, and fire resulted in $800,000 in property damages and 2 fatalities. Excavation of the 2-inch main uncovered a faulty butt-fusion joint with mitering of the pipe ends. Further examination indicated the fracture initiation site was consistent with inadequate fusion. As a result of the investigation, the NTSB recommended butt-fusion procedures to “include a requirement for the avoidance of mitering” and the distribution company to revise butt-fusion procedures and qualification procedures. Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page 13 An NTSB report (PAR-01-01), “Pipeline Accident Report: Natural Gas Explosion and Fire, South Riding, Virginia, July 7, 1998” documents an explosion and fire that killed one person, seriously injured another, leveled two houses, and damaged four other houses. The cause of the failed gas pipe was determined to be heat damage from an electrical service. The gas company has since revised their standards for minimum separation of PE pipes and electrical facilities to be 12 inches. The report also referred to two other incidents involving electric line failures. In Georgia in 1998, a 2-inch PE pipe was melted supposedly by a failed splice connector. During an excavation of the pipe, the gas ignited and burned an employee. The other accident occurred in Illinois in 1999. A fault in the electric cable supposedly melted a hole in the PE service. Fortunately, nobody was injured but the sustained damages totaled $250,000. “Pipeline Accident Report: Natural Gas Pipeline Rupture and Subsequent Explosion” authored by the NTSB details an accident involving third party damage. A communications network installation crew unintentionally cut a 1”, high pressure plastic gas service. Within 40 minutes of striking the line, an explosion occurred. There were 4 deaths and 11 injuries, including 1 serious. Six buildings were obliterated. The estimated property damages totaled $399,000. Despite reports of failures attributed to materials or procedures, statistics show that the number one cause of failures in plastic materials is caused by excavation damage. Excavation damage is the largest contributor to the cost of damages, fatalities, and injuries as reported in DOT/PHMSA natural gas distribution incident data. The same is true for steel materials. Failures that could be considered plastic pipe failures as a result of material or components cost the industry less than $5M from 1984 to 2006. Figure 10 and Figure 12 break down the cost of damages by the primary cause of the incident for various material types. Third party damage is considered a secondary cause and is categorized under “Damage by Outside Forces” in the 1984 dataset and “Excavation” in the 2004 dataset. Figure 11 and Figure 13 show the cost of third party damages by material. In the last 22 years, third party damages cost the industry more than $49M for plastic pipe and $79M for steel. These costs are only those associated with reportable incidents and the actual total cost of third party damages would be larger if non-reportable damages were counted. Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page 14 Figure 10. Cost of damages categorized by cause from 1984 - March 2004 Figure 11. Cost of Outside Force Damages by Secondary Cause from 1984 - March 2004 Cost by Cause and Material 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 Steel Plastic Iron Copper Other No data Material Co s t i n M i l l i o n s o f D o l l a r s Accidentally Caused by Operator (Total) Const/Oper Error (Total) Corrosion (Total) Damage by Outside Forces (Total) No Data (Total) Other (Total) Source: PHMSA Natural Gas Distribution Incident Data 1984-2004 Cost of Damage by Outside Forces and Secondary Causes by Material 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 Steel Plastic Iron Copper Other No data Material Co s t i n M i l l i o n s o f D o l l a r s Damage by Outside Forces (Total) Earth Movement: Frost Earth Movement: Landslide/Washout Earth Movement: Other Earth Movement: Subsidence Lightning or Fire No Data Operator Action Outside/ Third Party Source: PHMSA Natural Gas Distribution Incident Data 1984-2004 Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page 15 Figure 12. Cost of Damages Categorized By Cause from March 2004 - 2006 Figure 13. Cost of Excavation Damages by Secondary Cause from March 2004 - 2006 Cost by Cause and Material 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 Steel Plastic Iron Other Material Co s t i n M i l l i o n s o f D o l l a r s Corrosion (Total) Equipment or Operations (Total) Excavation (Total) Material or Welds (Total) Natural Forces (Total) Other (Total) Other Outside Force (Total) No Data (Total) Source: PHMSA Natural Gas Distribution Incident Data 2004-2006 Cost of Excavation Damage and Secondary Causes by Material 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 Steel Plastic Iron Other No data Material Co s t i n M i l l i o n s o f D o l l a r s Excavation (Total) Operator Third Party Source: PHMSA Natural Gas Distribution Incident Data 2004-2006 Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page 16 Figure 14 through Figure 17 show the total number of deaths and injuries reported to DOT since 1984. Figure 14 and Figure 15 demonstrate the number of fatalities reported by primary cause and material. Third party damage caused more than 60 deaths involving steel piping and about 40 deaths in plastic. Figure 15 shows 7 deaths with “Natural Forces” as the primary cause. Four of these fatalities occurred because of lightning. The other three fatalities were related to temperature or frost/thaw cycles. In both incidents, there was ignition and explosion. Only a handful of fatalities were caused by a compromised plastic pipe segment, joint, or component. “Other” is the second largest category, especially from the 1984 to 2004 dataset. A discussion of the datasets follows Figure 18. Figure 14. Fatalities by Primary Cause As Reported From 1984 - March 2004 Primary Cause of Fatalities by Material 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 Steel Plastic Iron Copper Other No data Material Fa t a l i t i e s Accidentally Caused by Operator (Total) Const/Oper Error Corrosion Damage by Outside Forces No Data Other Source: PHMSA Natural Gas Distribution Incident Data 1984-2004 Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page 17 Figure 15. Fatalities by Primary Cause As Reported From March 2004 - 2006 Figure 16 and Figure 17 show the primary cause of injuries for each of the datasets. “Damage by Outside Forces” dominates the 1984 dataset. The bulk of these injuries were reported as third party damage. The 2004 dataset also shows 20+ injuries from “Excavation.” “Corrosion” was responsible for approximately 75 injuries related to steel piping. “Other” was also reported often in both datasets. Material, joints, and components attributed for a small number of injuries in any given material. Figure 18 demonstrates the total cost of the reported incidents per material. The cost of damages to steel was greater than damages to plastic materials for both datasets. Hurricane Katrina caused more than $450M in damages. It was classified as “No data” for material type. The incident was reported for the entire city of New Orleans and likely included multiple material types. Primary Cause of Fatalities by Material 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Steel Plastic Iron Other Material Fa t a l i t i e s Corrosion (Total) Equipment or Operations (Total) Excavation (Total) Material or Welds (Total) Natural Forces (Total) Other (Total) Other Outside Force (Total) No Data (Total) Source: PHMSA Natural Gas Distribution Incident Data 2004-2006 Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page 18 Figure 16. Injuries by Primary Cause As Reported From 1984 - March 2004 Figure 17. Injuries by Primary Cause As Reported From March 2004 - 2006 Primary Cause of Injuries by Material 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 Steel Plastic Iron Copper Other No data Material In j u r i e s Accidentally Caused by Operator (Total) Const/Oper Error Corrosion Damage by Outside Forces No Data Other Source: PHMSA Natural Gas Distribution Incident Data 1984-2004 Primary Cause of Injuries by Material 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 Steel Plastic Iron Other Material In j u r i e s Corrosion (Total) Equipment or Operations (Total) Excavation (Total) Material or Welds (Total) Natural Forces (Total) Other (Total) Other Outside Force (Total) No Data (Total) Source: PHMSA Natural Gas Distribution Incident Data 2004-2006 Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page 19 Figure 18. Total Cost of Reported Incidents for Each Data Period Frequency of Failures Looking at the statistical data from 1984 to 2006, the predominant cause of plastic and steel pipe failures was third party damage. Fire is the next significant cause of incidents in plastic piping. Reports on earth movement from the 1984 to 2004 dataset may be slightly high because they include items that were described as “object in backfill”, “settling”, and “tree roots”. Operator excavation and earth movement were about equally common and when combined cause roughly the same number of failures as fire. Beyond that, little can be said with any certainty based on the data other than without third party damage and fire; gas transport via plastic piping is incredibly safe. The frequencies of failures are categorized by primary cause and material in Figure 19 and Figure 20. Cost of Incidents by Material 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 Steel Plastic Iron Other No data Material Co s t i n M i l l i o n s o f D o l l a r s Total 04-06 Total 84-04 Source: PHMSA Natural Gas Distribution Incident Data 1984-2004 & 2004-2006 Hurricane Katrina Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page 20 Figure 19. Frequency of Failures by Cause from 1984 - March 2004 Figure 20. Frequency of Failures by Cause from March 2004 - 2006 Primary Causes by Material 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 Steel Plastic Iron Copper Other No data Material In c i d e n t s Accidentally Caused by Operator (Total) Const/Oper Error (Total) Corrosion (Total) Damage by Outside Forces (Total) No Data (Total) Other (Total) Source: PHMSA Natural Gas Distribution Incident Data 1984-2004 Primary Cause by Material 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 Steel Plastic Iron Other No data Material In c i d e n t s Corrosion (Total) Equipment or Operations (Total) Excavation (Total) Material or Welds (Total) Natural Forces (Total) Other (Total) Other Outside Force (Total) No Data (Total) Source: PHMSA Natural Gas Distribution Incident Data 2004-2006 Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page 21 Failure by PE type was also analyzed. Unfortunately, the material specification was not consistently reported. Roughly one-third of the 1984 to 2004 data was specified. The chart generated from this data is shown in Figure 21. The most common material specified was PE 2306 which may represent the amount of the material installed or the crew member’s familiarity with the material making it recognizable, resulting in the ability to report this particular PE. PE 2406 was also highly reported. The failures by PE type are shown in Figure 21 and Figure 22for 1984 to 2004 and 2004 to 2006 respectively. In the latter chart, only a small number of types were reported. PE 2406 and 3406 were reported more often than other material designations. Figure 21. Frequency of Failures by Type of PE and Cause for 1984 - 2004 Incidents by Primary Cause and PE Designation 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 2306 2406 3306 3406 3408 Unknown PE In c i d e n t s Accidentally Caused by Operator Const/Oper Error Damage by Outside Forces No Data Other Source: PHMSA Natural Gas Distribution Incident Data 1984-2004 Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page 22 Figure 22. Frequency of Failures by Type of PE and Cause for 2004 - 2006 Incidents by Primary Cause and PE Designation 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 2306 2406 3306 3406 3408 Unknown PE In c i d e n t s Equipment or Operations Excavation Material or Welds Natural Forces Other Other Outside Force Source: PHMSA Natural Gas Distribution Incident Data 2004-2006 Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page 23 A chart was also created to look at the failures by manufacturer and cause for the 1984 dataset. Drisco Phillips, DuPont, and Plexco were the top three reported. This should correlate to the amount of these materials in the ground but cannot be concluded without knowing how much of these materials are still in operation. The chart is shown in Figure 23. Figure 23. Frequency of Incidents by Manufacturer and Cause for 1984 - March 2004 Primary Cause by Manufacturer 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 Drisco Dupont Nipak Phillips Plexco Uponor Not Specified Others Manufacturer In c i d e n t s Accidentally Caused by Operator Const/Oper Error Corrosion Damage by Outside Forces No Data Other Source: PHMSA Natural Gas Distribution Incident Data 1984-2004 Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page 24 A chart was also created for the failures by manufacturer and cause for the second dataset. It is shown in Figure 24. Again, Drisco and Plexco were among the top. Most of the plastic piping damaged by third party was not specified by manufacturer in either chart. Figure 24. Frequency of Incidents by Manufacturer and Cause for March 2004 - 2006 Another analysis made was the failure types by time of day. The number of incidents peaked between 8 A.M. and 6 P.M. Most of these failures are reported as damage by outside forces and excavation. Third party damage as a secondary failure was included in the charts in Figure 25 and Figure 26. Fire and lightning and fire or explosion as secondary causes were also included and are more common in the hours after midnight and around lunchtime. Primary Cause by Manufacturer 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 Drisco Dupont Nipak Perfomance Plexco PolyPipe Uponor Not Specified Others Manufacturer In c i d e n t s Equipment orOperations Excavation Material or Welds Natural Forces Other Other OutsideForce Source: PHMSA Natural Gas Distribution Incident Data 2004-2006 Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page 25 Figure 25. Frequency of Plastic Incidents by Time of Day from 1984 - March 2004 Figure 26. Frequency of Plastic Incidents by Time of Day from March 2004 – 2006 Plastic Incidents by Cause and Time of Day 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 0:00 - 1:59 2:00-3:59 4:00-5:59 6:00-7:59 8:00-9:59 10:00-11:59 12:00-13:59 14:00-15:59 16:00-17:59 18:00-19:59 20:00-21:59 22:00-23:59 Time of Day In c i d e n t s Accidentally Caused by Operator Const/Oper Error Damage by Outside Forces No Data Other Lightning or Fire (Secondary) Outside/Third Party (Secondary) Source: PHMSA Natural Gas Distribution Incident Data 1984-2004 Plastic Incidents by Cause and Time of Day 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 0:00 - 1:59 2:00-3:59 4:00-5:59 6:00-7:59 8:00-9:59 10:00-11:59 12:00-13:59 14:00-15:59 16:00-17:59 18:00-19:59 20:00-21:59 22:00-23:59 Time of Day In c i d e n t s Equipment or Operations Excavation Material or Welds Natural Forces Other Other Outside Force Fire/Explosion (Secondary) Third Party Excavation (Secondary) Source: PHMSA Natural Gas Distribution Incident Data 2004-2006 Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page 26 Susceptibility of PE to Slow Crack Growth Failures Objective The objectives of the slow crack growth task were to utilize GTI’s database to determine the susceptibility of plastic gas pipe materials and fusion joints to slow crack growth and to predict their remaining life expectancies using engineering models. Types of PE Gas Pipe Materials in GTI Database The plastic pipe materials comprising GTI database were of different diameters and SDR’s and were manufactured during the period extending from about 1965 to about 2003. A few of the pipe materials were manufactured during the same year but in different months and were installed by different gas companies. The PE gas pipes comprising the GTI database were installed in many different geographical regions throughout the U.S. The GTI database includes many plastic PE gas pipes that were made from different PE resin materials and extruded into pipe form by several different pipe manufacturers. Many of these PE resin manufacturers and pipe extruders are no longer in business. The plastic gas pipe materials in the database were made from several different medium-density polyethylene (MDPE) and high-density polyethylene (HDPE) gas-grade resin materials. The DuPont Company began manufacturing Aldyl-A MDPE pipe materials for gas distribution applications in the 1960’s. DuPont continued to manufacture Aldyl-A pipe materials until about 1991. Uponor Company purchased the Aldyl-A pipe product line during the period 1991-1992. Uponor continued to manufacture and market Aldyl-A pipe product line until about 1999. Uponor began using their company name during the period 1992. Aldyl-A pipe materials are medium-density polyethylene (MDPE) gas-grade pipe materials. From the 1960’s to about 1986, Aldyl-A MDPE pipe materials were categorized/designated by ASTM as PE 2306 grade. In 1986, the Aldyl-A MDPE pipe materials were designated by ASTM as PE 2406 grade. During the period 1965 to 1987, DuPont was one of the largest PE pipe manufacturers and had more than 40% of the market share. Many gas distribution companies installed Aldyl-A pipes in their system. Because of this, this report presents substantial information on Aldyl-A PE gas pipe materials. Detailed List of PE Resin and Pipe Manufacturers A detailed list of the names of many PE resin producers and pipe extruders that manufactured the largest percentage of the PE pipe materials comprising GTI database, is presented in GTI Report Number GRI-98/0355 entitled “Handbook of Hydrostatic Stress- Rupture Data for Plastic Pipe Materials Used for Gas Distribution”. Visual and Optical Examinations of Slow Crack Growth Failures Figure 27 shows an Aldyl-A MDPE pipe sample that experienced a SCG axial slit failure/leak while in a standard long-term laboratory test under a constant internal pressure. Microscopic examinations showed that the failure initiated at a very small (less than 5-mills in depth) surface pin-size hole on the inner pipe surface. The examination also showed that the pin- Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page 27 size hole grew in an SCG mode along the axial direction and through the pipe wall. The final failure was in the form of an axial slit visible on the pipe outer surface. Figure 27. Pipe Exhibited Through Wall Axial Slit While Under Internal Pressure The SCG fracture morphology depicted above in Figure 8 is typical of failures that occur in PE gas pipes subjected to internal pressure and/or internal pressure combined with a secondary stress such as those induced by an impinging rock, a squeeze-off, or an earth or soil load. However, under a combined load involving an internal pressure and a secondary stress, the location and orientation of the SCG axial slit are different than that shown in Figure 27. SCG Failures Due to Rock Impingement Loads Visual examinations show that rock impingement field failures exhibit a surface indentation on the outer pipe surface. Typically, the failure in a pipe specimen subjected to both internal pressure and a rock impingement load is visually observed to be a slit through the wall. The slit is oriented slightly off the pipe axis. Figure 28 shows a slit on the outer surface of an Aldyl-A pipe sample that experienced failure as a result of internal pressure combined with a rock impingement indentation load. The failure initiated on the inner pipe surface underneath the impinging rock/indenter. The failure grew though the pipe wall and in a direction that was oriented at an angle of about 20-degree relative to the pipe longitudinal axis. Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page 28 Figure 28. Rock Impingement Failure Figure 29 shows that a slit failure induced by an impinging rock load, initiated on the inner pipe surface. Examinations of pipes that failed due to rock impingement loads clearly show that the failure morphology is SCG brittle slit processes similar to that observed in pipes subjected to internal pressure as shown in Figure 8. Figure 29. Off-Axis Slit Failure that Initiated on the ID Due to an Impinging Rock Figure 30 shows a PLEXCO PE 2306 MDPE gas pipe specimen that failed in field service due to an impinging rock. Visual and microscopic examinations showed that this rock- impingement field failure resulted in a slit that initiated on the inner pipe surface and grew Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page 29 through the pipe wall to the outer surface. The orientation of the slit was slightly off the pipe longitudinal axis. Figure 30. Rock Impingement Failure Induced in Field Service The fracture surface was examined using optical microscopy. Figure 31 shows the fracture surface morphology under magnification. This figure shows the crack initiation point on the ID and the progressive SCG growth of the damage zone and the crack. This SCG failure process is manifested in the form of the striation marks corresponding to the progressive incubation, initiation and growth of the crazed material over several periods. Figure 31. Micrograph of the SCG Fracture Surface of a Rock Impingement Failure Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page 30 SCG Failures Due to Squeeze-Off Operations When a pipe is subjected to a squeeze-off, for instance along the 6 o’clock-12 o’clock direction, the amount or percent of squeeze is measured from the point at which the two inner pipe surfaces first establish surface-to-surface contact. Laboratory examinations of some older MDPE gas pipe materials that failed due to a squeeze-off show that between about 15% and 25% squeeze, damage initiates on the inner pipe surface at the squeeze “ears” that are produced along the 3 o’clock-9 o’clock direction. Figure 32 is a photograph of an Aldyl-A pipe sample that exhibited SCG failure/leak at the ears of the squeeze-off. Figure 33 shows the inner surface of the Aldyl-A pipe sample shown in Figure 32. Figure 32 and Figure 33 demonstrate that the squeeze-off caused material crazing manifested in the form of material whitening, discoloration, and some surface roughening. The craze initiated first on the inner surface at the squeeze “ears”. Then the damage grew through the wall and unto the outer surface. As the amount of squeeze, or pipe wall compression increased, more of the material experienced crazing/damage. Figure 32. Failure of an Aldyl-A Pipe at Squeeze Ears Figure 33. Inner Surface of an Aldyl-A Pipe Subjected to About 15% Squeeze Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page 31 With excessive squeeze-off, large voids, whitening, and cracks develop at the squeeze ears on the inner pipe surface. At the ears, the pipe undergoes permanent localized large plastic deformations and wall thinning. Also, an axial slit can initiate on the inner pipe surface at the “ears” and grow axially through the pipe wall. Photographs of a MDPE 2306 pipe that failed in field service due to excessive squeeze-off are shown in Figure 34 to Figure 36. Figure 34. MDPE Pipe that Failed in Field Service Due to a Squeeze-Off Figure 35. End View Depicting Large-Scale Deformations Due to a Squeeze-Off Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page 32 Figure 36. Pipe ID with Axial Slit at the Ears of Pipe Shown in Figure 34 The observed SCG slit failure mode in the squeezed pipe specimen is similar to failures exhibited by specimens subjected to internal pressure or internal pressure combined with a rock impingement load. The SCG failure mode observed in squeeze-off involves the progressive striations indicative of incubation and growth of the crack-tip-opening displacement (CTOD) through the pipe wall. Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page 33 Short-Term Laboratory Tests A number of short-term tests have been performed on plastic pipe materials received from different gas companies and resin and pipe manufacturers. The short-term tests were performed to determine whether or not the material properties and/or the short-term mechanical strength properties of PE gas pipe materials have undergone any detrimental changes due to aging in field service. Melt Index, Tensile Strength, Quick Burst, PENT, and Bend-Back Tests were conducted to determine whether or not they can provide information on the relative susceptibility of PE pipe materials to SCG failures. Melt Index Table 2 presents the Melt Index data published by DuPont on Aldyl-A pipe materials manufactured during the period 1965 to 1992. However, other sources of information (unconfirmed by DuPont) reported that DuPont made several changes to the PE resin, the co- polymer, and/or polymerization catalyst used for manufacturing Aldyl-A gas pipe materials during the period 1965 to 1992. Table 3 presents data made available to GTI by other sources (unconfirmed by DuPont) on the various Aldyl-A pipe materials manufactured by DuPont. Table 2 lists the Aldyl-A material density, the name and type of resin, and the amount or the type of the co-polymer used for manufacturing Aldyl-A pipe materials during the period 1965 to 1992. ALDYL-A Melt Index and Density Data (1965 – 1992) Table 2. Aldyl-A Melt Index Data 1965 - 1992 (DuPont) Manufacturing Period Manufacturer Reported Melt Index (g/10 min) 1965 – 1970 1.9 1971 - 1983 1.2 1983 - 1987 1.1 1988 - 1991 1.1 1992 1.1 Table 3. Aldyl-A Density Data, 1965 -1992 (unconfirmed by DuPont) Manufacturing Period of an Aldyl-A Pipe Group Density (g/cm3) Resin Trade Name/Number Co-Monomer Type 1965 to 1969 0.933 Alathon/5040 Butene 1970 to 1983 0.938 Alathon/5043 Butene 1984 to 1987 0.938 Alathon/5046 Octane 1988 0.938 Alathon/5046 C Octane (increased amount) 1989 0.933 Alathon/5046 U Octane (increased amount) 1990 to 1991 0.933 Alathon/5046 O Octane (changed amount and type) 1992 0.933 UAC 2000 / TR-418 Hexene The melt index and density are important material properties of the resin. Changes in these properties are indicative of changes in the resin, co-polymer, catalyst and crystallinity, molecular structure, aging, or potential degradation of the PE material. Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page 34 Changes in the PE monomer resin, the co-polymer, and or the catalysts used during polymerization have direct effect on the Melt Index (MI), the density, and the molecular weight, number, and distributions. The MI is related to the PE material molecular weight and distribution. The MI is an important material property of a PE pipe material. Changes in the MI can have a direct and important effect on the amount of melted material and flow rates, bonding, and solidification rates during heat-fusion or electro-fusion joining of PE gas pipe materials. Changes in the MI of a PE pipe material are indicative of changes in density and crystallinity. Tests have shown that as the density increases, the amount of crystallinity of PE materials increases and the melt flow index decreases. GTI database includes laboratory test data on the melt flow index of a several Aldyl-A pipe lot materials. The melt index data were obtained per ASTM D 1238 Specifications. GTI’s MI test data presented in Table 4 is the average of three replicate test specimens prepared from pipe samples removed from field service. The MI test data presented in Table 4 was measured by GTI for several Aldyl-A pipe materials made of 4-inch and 6-inch pipe sizes and manufactured during different periods including 1971, 1983, and 1988 (see Table 2). For comparative evaluations, Table 4 also gives the MI data generated by DuPont for similar unexposed (virgin) resins or pipe materials. Table 4. Comparative of Melt Index Test Data Test Sample # Pipe Diameter (Inches) Pipe Manufacturing Year Manufacturing Period of the Resin Group Melt Index- GTI Lab Data (g/10min) Melt Index- DuPont Data (g/10min) 1a 4 1980 1971 1.28 1.2 2a 4 1984 1983 1.09 1.1 3a 4 1986 1983 1.08 1.1 4a 4 1988 1988 1.00 1.1 1b 6 1980 1971 1.12 1.2 2b 4 1981 1971 1.24 1.2 3b 6 1982 1971 1.18 1.2 1c 4 1983 1983 1.08 1.1 2c 6 1984 1983 0.93 1.1 3c 4 1985 1983 1.08 1.1 4c 6 1985 1983 1.02 1.1 1d 4 1986 1983 1.19 1.1 2d 6 1986 1983 0.91 1.1 Comparative evaluations show negligible difference between the average MI of the Aldyl-A pipes that were in underground gas service for about 25 years and the average MI data of the virgin unexposed pipe materials that were published by DuPont. The negligible differences in the MI measurements are most likely due to laboratory-to-laboratory variability. Therefore, it may be concluded that aging in field service had negligible effects on the MI of the listed Aldyl-A materials even though DuPont used different resins and copolymers in processing these materials (see Table 3). Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page 35 It may be concluded that Melt Index test data may not provide information on the relative susceptibility of PE gas pipe materials to SCG field failures. Tensile Strength GTI database includes data obtained from several short-term mechanical strength tests. One of these tests is the Tensile Test conducted in accordance with ASTM D638. Tensile tests were conducted on Aldyl-A pipe samples that were removed from gas service. Table 5 presents the average tensile strength data (of several replicate samples) obtained on the listed Aldyl-A MDPE pipe samples and on a newer shelf-aged “virgin” MDPE gas pipe material manufactured in 2001. It may be noted that these pipe material were manufactured during different years spanning the period 1970 to 1991 and were installed in different geographical regions throughout the U.S. Hence, some samples were in gas service for 30 years and others were in service for 12 years. One of the Aldyl-A pipe materials listed in Table 5 was in gas service for about 10 years. Since any changes in the tensile strength properties may be indicative of aging in field service and consequently increased susceptibility to SCG failures, one may compare the tensile strength properties of the Aldyl-A MDPE gas pipe materials listed in Table 5. Table 5. Comparative of Average Tensile Strength Test Data Pipe Material /Year of Manufacture Tensile Strength (psi) % Elongation at Break % Elongation at Yield Modulus (psi) Stress at Break (psi) 3” IPS SDR 11.5 DuPont Aldyl A /1970 2,775 635 15 121,000 1,947 3” IPS SDR 11.5 DuPont Aldyl A /1977 2,773 588 13 141,000 1,767 4” IPS SDR 11.5 DuPont Aldyl A 2,758 534 12 136,000 1,683 3” IPS SDR 11.5 DuPont Aldyl A /1983 2,862 605 14 139,00 1,885 4” IPS SDR 11.5 DuPont Aldyl A /1991 2,799 625 14 131,000 2,324 2” SDR 11 Aldyl-A Pipe /1973 (Removed from Service in 1983) 2,275 105,000 Uponor UAC 2000 MDPE /2001 3,180 619 12 122,000 3,179 It should be noted that the newer Uponor MDPE pipe manufactured in the year 2001 was compounded using a totally different resin and processing methods. The Uponor material is listed to show the significantly increased tensile strength and the stress at break compared to the other older Aldyl-A materials. On the basis of the comparative evaluations, it may be noted that there are negligible differences between materials in the tensile strength, percent elongation at break and at yield, and Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page 36 tensile modulus. The stress at break of the 1991 pipe material is about 10-15% greater than the average of other samples. Hence, aging in field service had negligible effects on the tensile strength properties even though DuPont used different resins and copolymers in processing these materials (see Table 3). It may be concluded that short-term tensile strength properties may not provide information on the relative susceptibility of PE gas pipe materials to SCG field failures. Quick Burst Another short-term mechanical strength test performed is the Hydrostatic Quick Burst Test. It is performed in accordance with ASTM D1599 on pipe samples removed from gas service. Table 6 presents the average Quick Burst (QB) pressure test data, as an average of several replicate specimens, determined for the listed pipe materials. Again, it should be noted that these pipe material were manufactured during different years spanning the period 1970 to 1991. Some of the pipe materials were in gas service for about 30 years and others were in service for about 12 years. Table 6 also presents the average hoop stress corresponding to the measured QB pressure. The hoop stress is computed using a simple formula developed in books on mechanics of materials for thin-wall pipe. This formula is given as Equation 1 in a subsequent section. Table 6. Comparative of Average Quick Burst Pressure Test Data Pipe Material Average Ductile Quick Burst Pressure, psig Average Ductile Hoop Stress, psi 3” IPS SDR 11.5 DuPont Aldyl-A (1970) 627 3,145 4” IPS SDR 11.5 DuPont Aldyl-A (1980) 659 3,232 3” IPS SDR 11.5 DuPont Aldyl-A (1983) 667 3,294 4” IPS SDR 11.5 DuPont Aldyl-A (1988) 647 3109 2”SDR11 Aldyl-A Pipe (1973) Removed from Gas Service in 1983 668 3,340 Uponor UAC 2000 (2001) 592 2,866 Comparative evaluations of the QB pressure test data or the average hoop stress show negligible differences in the average QB pressure determined for the various pipes. Therefore, it may be concluded that aging in field service had negligible effects on the quick burst pressure properties of the listed Aldyl-A materials even though DuPont used different resins and copolymers in processing these materials (see Table 3). It may also be concluded that Quick Burst Pressure test data may not provide information on the relative susceptibility of PE gas pipe materials to SCG field failures. PENT The “PENT” test was developed to measure the resistance of PE gas pipe materials to SCG failure. It is performed in accordance with ASTM F 1473 Specification entitled “Notch Tensile Test to Measure the Resistance to SCG of polyethylene pipes and resins”. It is conducted on Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page 37 notched rectangular specimens cut from either a PE pipe or from a compression molded PE plaque material. Figure 37 shows a schematic illustration of the PENT test specimen. Figure 38 shows three notched PE PENT test samples. Figure 37. Schematic Illustration of the Rectangular PENT Test Specimen Figure 38. Notched MDPE Test Specimens The rectangular specimens are carefully notched and placed under a constant tensile load. The PENT test is conducted at a temperature of 80ºC and under a tensile stress of 2.4 MPa. The time to failure of a specimen in the PENT test is a measure of the resistance of the PE material to SCG-failure. The greater the PENT failure time, the greater is the resistance to SCG failure. The Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page 38 PENT test failure time is measured from the instant that the tensile load is applied and until the PENT test specimen experiences complete SCG fracture. To simulate field failures, the PENT test specimens should exhibit brittle SCG failures. Thus, in PENT tests, the magnitude of the tensile test loads should be properly determine and applied in order to mitigate any bending. In the PENT test, the fracture initiates at the tip of the main notch and grows step-wise in a brittle SCG manner through the specimen thickness. The brittle SCG crack growth continues and finally the outermost (skin) layer of the PENT specimen experiences ductile cleavage/fracture. Figure 39 and Figure 40 show the mating fractured surfaces, at low magnification, of two PENT test specimens, that experienced SCG brittle fracture in the PENT test. The two specimens were prepared from two different PE gas pipe materials. The brittle SCG failure mode in the PENT test specimen is evident from the observed discoloration, whitening and the crack-growth striations (rings) that are observed in the fractured surface. Figure 39. Brittle SCG Failure of a PLEXCO MDPE 2406 PENT Test Specimen Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page 39 Figure 40. Brittle SCG Failure of HDPE Performance Pipe PENT Test Specimen GTI database includes a large body of PENT test data on many different MDPE and HDPE gas pipe materials including Aldyl-A pipes. GTI performed PENT tests on many different Aldyl- A pipe materials. A few of these pipe materials were manufactured in the same year but were installed at different geographical regions through-out the U.S. Table 7 through Table 10 present the PENT test data including the PENT failure times, at a test temperature of 80ºC for 14 different Aldyl-A pipe materials. The Tables also give the specimen and notch dimensions. For each pipe material, the PENT test failure time is the average of a minimum of three replicate test specimens. Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page 40 Table 7 presents the measured PENT test failure times of three different Aldyl-A pipe materials manufactured in 1973, 1974, and 1975, respectively. Table 7. PENT Test Failure Time of Aldyl-A Pipe Lots (1973 - 1975) Ye a r o f P i p e Pr o d u c t i o n Sp e c i m e n Fa i l u r e T i m e ( H r s ) Le n g t h ( m m ) Wi d t h ( m m ) Th i c k n e s s ( m m ) Cr o s s - S e c t . A r e a (m m ) 2 No t c h D e p t h ( m m ) Si d e N o t c h De p t h ( m m ) We i g h t G r a m s St a t i o n A r m R a t i o (I n . ) Av g . F a i l u r e ( H r s ) 1973 3A 1.4 49.97 14.89 5.95 88.60 2.49 0.50 4327 5.015 1973 3B 1.4 49.94 14.92 5.90 88.03 2.48 0.50 4299 5.015 1973 3C 1.4 49.92 14.94 5.91 88.30 2.48 0.50 4323 5.003 1.4 1973 4A 1.2 49.92 14.93 5.84 87.19 2.46 0.50 4259 5.015 1973 4B 1.3 49.91 14.89 5.80 86.36 2.46 0.50 4225 5.007 1973 4C 1.3 49.91 14.92 5.93 88.48 2.48 0.50 4321 5.015 1.3 1974 1A 0.8 50.03 15.04 5.88 88.44 2.47 0.50 4319 5.015 1974 1B 1.6 50.01 14.96 5.80 86.77 2.46 0.50 4238 5.015 1974 1C 1.4 49.98 14.87 5.77 85.80 2.45 0.50 4191 5.015 1.3 1974 5A 1.7 49.99 14.97 5.89 88.17 2.48 0.50 4307 5.015 1974 5B 1.6 49.92 14.99 5.70 85.44 2.43 0.50 4173 5.015 1974 5C 1.3 49.97 14.97 5.88 88.02 2.47 0.50 4299 5.015 1.5 1975 2A 1.2 49.97 14.98 5.88 88.08 2.47 0.50 4302 5.015 1975 2B 1.3 49.99 14.96 5.90 88.26 2.48 0.50 4311 5.015 1975 2C 1.1 49.99 15.08 5.77 87.01 2.45 0.50 4250 5.015 1.2 1975 6A 3.4 49.92 15.11 6.01 90.81 2.50 0.50 4435 5.015 1975 6B 2.7 49.92 15.08 5.86 88.37 2.47 0.50 4316 5.015 1975 6C 2.6 49.84 15.10 5.86 88.49 2.47 0.50 4322 5.015 1975 6D 3.2 49.85 15.09 6.02 90.84 2.50 0.50 4437 5.015 3.0 Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page 41 Table 8 lists the measured PENT failure times for four different Aldyl-A pipe materials manufactured in 1976, 1977, 1978, and 1979. Table 8. PENT Test Failure Time of Aldyl-A Pipe Lots (1976 – 1979) Ye a r o f P i p e Pr o d u c t i o n Sp e c i m e n Fa i l u r e T i m e (H r s ) Le n g t h ( m m ) Wi d t h ( m m ) Th i c k n e s s (m m ) Cr o s s - S e c t . Ar e a (m m ) 2 No t c h D e p t h (m m ) No t c h D e p t h (m m ) We i g h t L b s . We i g h t Gr a m s St a t i o n A r m Ra t i o ( I n . ) Av g . F a i l u r e (H r s ) 1976 A 1.3 49.94 15.01 5.76 86.46 2.45 0.50 9.31 4223 5.015 1976 B 1.1 49.96 14.99 5.75 86.19 2.45 0.50 9.28 4210 5.015 1976 C 1.1 49.94 15.04 5.74 86.33 2.44 0.50 9.32 4227 5.003 1.2 1977 A 0.5 49.89 15.11 5.73 86.58 2.44 0.50 9.32 4229 5.015 1977 B 0.6 49.94 15.01 5.74 86.16 2.44 0.50 9.29 4215 5.007 1977 C 0.6 49.89 15.09 5.76 86.92 2.45 0.50 9.36 4245 5.015 0.6 1978 A 2.9* 49.94 14.99 5.75 86.19 2.45 0.50 9.28 4210 5.015 * 1978 B 0.6 49.91 14.99 5.72 85.74 2.44 0.50 9.23 4188 5.015 1978 C 0.8 49.91 15.06 5.72 86.14 2.44 0.50 9.28 4207 5.015 0.7 1979 A 1.2 49.86 24.92 8.28 206.34 3.00 0.50 22.22 10078 5.015 1979 B 1.0 49.91 25.04 8.14 203.83 2.97 0.50 21.95 9955 5.015 1979 C 1.1 49.89 24.87 3.00 74.61 1.84 0.50 8.03 3644 5.015 1.1 Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page 42 Table 9 lists the PENT test failure times for four Aldyl-A pipe materials manufactured in 1979, 1980, 1981, and 1982. Table 9. PENT Test Failure Time of Aldyl-A Pipe Lots (1979 – 1982) Ye a r o f P i p e Pr o d u c t i o n Sp e c i m e n Fa i l u r e T i m e (H r s ) Le n g t h ( m m ) Wi d t h ( m m ) Th i c k n e s s (m m ) Cr o s s - S e c t . Ar e a ( m m ) 2 No t c h D e p t h (m m ) Si d e N o t c h De p t h ( m m ) We i g h t L b s . We i g h t Gr a m s St a t i o n A r m Ra t i o ( I n . ) Av g . F a i l u r e (H r s ) 1979 A 0.9 49.78 15.24 5.73 87.33 2.44 0.50 9.40 4265 5.015 1979 B 0.9 49.91 15.06 5.74 86.44 2.44 0.50 9.31 4222 5.015 1979 C 0.9 49.86 15.01 5.74 86.16 2.44 0.50 9.30 4218 5.003 0.9 1980 A 0.8 49.81 15.01 5.76 86.46 2.45 0.50 9.31 4223 5.015 1980 B 0.9 49.86 15.09 5.73 86.47 2.44 0.50 9.33 4230 5.007 1980 C 0.9 49.91 14.96 5.76 86.17 2.45 0.50 9.28 4209 5.015 0.9 1981 A 0.5 49.86 15.01 5.74 86.16 2.44 0.50 9.28 4208 5.015 1981 B 0.7 49.86 15.01 5.76 86.46 2.45 0.50 9.31 4223 5.015 1981 C 1.1 49.86 15.06 5.74 86.44 2.44 0.50 9.31 4222 5.015 0.8 1982 A 0.6 49.81 14.91 5.74 85.58 2.44 0.50 9.22 4180 5.015 1982 B 0.7 49.83 14.94 5.74 85.76 2.44 0.50 9.23 4188 5.015 1982 C 1.6 49.94 15.06 5.74 86.44 2.44 0.50 9.31 4222 5.015 1.0 Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page 43 Table 10 lists the PENT test failure times for three Aldyl-A pipe materials manufactured in 1983, 1984, and 1985. Table 10. PENT Test Failure Time of Aldyl-A Pipe Lots (1983 – 1985) Ye a r o f P i p e Pr o d u c t i o n Sp e c i m e n Fa i l u r e T i m e ( H r s ) Le n g t h ( m m ) Wi d t h ( m m ) Th i c k n e s s ( m m ) Cr o s s - S e c t . A r e a (m m ) 2 No t c h D e p t h ( m m ) Si d e N o t c h D e p t h (m m ) We i g h t L b s . We i g h t G r a m s St a t i o n A r m R a t i o (I n . ) Av g . F a i l u r e ( H r s ) 1983 A 0.9 49.86 15.06 5.75 86.60 2.45 0.50 9.32 4229 5.015 1983 B 0.8 49..81 15.14 5.77 87.36 2.45 0.50 9.41 4267 5.015 1983 C 1.0 49.89 14.91 5.76 85.88 2.45 0.50 9.27 4205 5.003 0.9 1984 A 6.5 49.89 15.06 5.72 86.14 2.44 0.50 9.28 4207 5.015 1984 B 8.5 49.86 15.04 5.73 86.18 2.44 0.50 9.29 4216 5.007 1984 C 6.9 49.99 14.96 5.74 85.87 2.44 0.50 9.25 4194 5.015 7.3 1985 A 22.6 49.83 14.86 5.73 85.15 2.44 0.50 9.17 4159 5.015 1985 B 20.0 49.81 14.88 5.75 85.56 2.45 0.50 9.21 4179 5.015 1985 C 21.7 49.76 15.11 5.75 86.88 2.45 0.50 9.36 4244 5.015 21.4 From Table 7 through Table 10, it may be noted that the PENT failure time for Aldyl –A pipe materials manufactured during the period 1973 to 1983 ranged between 0.6 hours and 3.0 hours. The PENT failure time for the Aldyl-A pipe materials manufactured in 1984 and 1985 increased to about 7.3 hours and 21.4 hours, respectively. It should be noted that all the Aldyl-A pipe materials presented in Table 7 through Table 10 have a PENT failure time ranging between 0.6 hours and 21.4 hours. However these Aldyl-A pipe materials continue to remain in gas service. Some of these materials have been in gas service for more than 35 years. Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page 44 Table 11 lists the PENT failure times for two newer “virgin” un-exposed PE gas pipe materials that were manufactured in 2001 and 2002, namely: Polypipe 4810 HDPE 3408 and Driscopipe 8100 HDPE 3408. Neither of these pipe materials was installed in gas service. The average PENT failure time of the Polypipe material was about 229.1 hours. The Driscopipe had an average PENT test time of 524 hours. The PENT failure times for both of these materials is significantly improved compared to the above listed Aldyl-A pipes. Table 11. PENT Test Failure Times for Polypipe 4810 and Driscopipe 8100 Sp e c i m e n Fa i l u r e T i m e (H r s ) Le n g t h ( m m ) Wi d t h ( m m ) Th i c k n e s s (m m ) Cr o s s - S e c t . Ar e a ( m m ) 2 No t c h D e p t h (m m ) Si d e No t c h D e p t h (m m ) We i g h t L b s . We i g h t Gr a m s St a t i o n A r m Ra t i o ( I n . ) Print line: POLYPIPE 4810 GAS PE 3408 2" IPS SDR11 ASTM D2513 CDC API 15 LE X33 LO4 3GD 03APR02 D4 220.9 50.00 15.00 6.02 90.30 2.50 0.50 9.72 4410.46 5.015 D5 250.8 50.02 15.08 6.03 90.93 2.51 0.50 9.79 4441.35 5.015 D6 215.7 50.06 15.04 6.01 90.39 2.50 0.50 9.73 4414.87 5.015 Print line: 2" IPS DR11 DRISCOPIPE 8100® GAS PE 3408 CEC ASTM D2513 WT11 12 DEC 01 A3 R ( WITH YELLOW JACKET REMOVED) G4 528.1 50.07 15.02 6.03 90.57 2.51 0.50 9.75 4423.67 5.015 G5 503.1 50.00 15.02 6.03 90.57 2.51 0.50 9.75 4423.67 5.015 G6 540.9 50.00 15.04 6.03 90.69 2.51 0.50 9.81 4451.76 4.990 The applicability of the PENT test has been the subject of several investigations that were conducted by different organizations. The Plastics Pipe Institute (PPI) published its report number TN-21/2000 entitled “PPI PENT Test Investigation”. This report presented the test results of a “round-robin” study on the PENT test performed by several different laboratories. This report stated that the test data showed that there is no apparent correlation between the PENT results and those of the Accelerated LTHS Rupture Test per ASTM D 1598. The ASTM D 1598 test is used to determine the long-term strength and the corresponding Hydrostatic Design Basis (HDB) of PE pipe materials. The results of the PPI investigation have shown significant laboratory-to-laboratory variability in the PENT test data. It should be noted that the PENT test is not considered a short-term test. PENT test failure times for some newer PE pipe materials may exceed 10,000 hours. However, for the Aldyl-A pipe materials presented above, the PENT Failure time was less than about 25 hours; this is why in this section the PENT test is considered a short-term test. Correlations between the PENT failure time and the field failure time of PE gas pipe materials are currently inconclusive. Therefore, it may be concluded that the PENT failure time may provide some useful relative reference on the susceptibility of PE gas pipe materials to SCG field failures. Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page 45 Bend Back The purpose of the bend-back test is to visually determine whether or not a PE pipe material is a problematic low ductile inner wall (LDIW) pipe material. LDIW materials were the result of improper extrusion and/or cooling during manufacturing during the period 1971-1972. This improper processing caused a few Aldyl-A pipe lots to be manufactured with inferior material and poor physical properties. These inferior Aldyl-A pipe lot materials consisted of a coarse “granular-like” microstructure referred to as a spherulitic microstructure. The LDIW type of PE material has low fracture resistance and is highly susceptible to premature brittle slow-crack-growth (SCG) failure. Several inferior LDIW pipe lot materials exhibited pre-mature brittle SCG failure in gas service. During the period 1972-1973, the pipe manufacturer (DuPont) identified this problematic pipe material and introduced corrective pipe processing and cooling methods. To perform a bend-back test on a PE pipe material, 1-inch wide rings are cut from the pipe material. Each ring is then cut into two sectors. Each ring sector or strip is bent-back on itself (i.e. inside surface is bent outwards). Figure 41 shows a typical ring-sector before and after the bend-back test. During the bend-back test, the bent test sector specimen is visually inspected to determine if any surface crazing or damage manifested in the form of whitening, discoloration, and/or surface roughening is visible on the inside surface of the sector-strip. The crazing consisting of whitening and surface roughening indicates material damage and is indicative of the presence of “LDIW” material and the high probability that the PE pipe material will experience pre-mature SCG field failure. Figure 41. Ring Sector Specimen Before and After the Bend Back Test Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page 46 Bend-Back Test Conducted on a LDIW Material from February 1971 For comparative purposes, the results of the bend-back test are presented to visually illustrate the presence of LDIW material. Sector specimens prepared from an Aldyl-A PE 2306 material manufactured in February 1971 were subjected to bend-back tests. Figure 42 shows the surface crazing consisting of discoloration, whitening, and surface roughening. The observed material crazing is typical of a LDIW pipe material and is indicative of an inferior spherulitic microstructure that is susceptible to pre-mature brittle SCG failure. Figure 42 can be used as a reference to compare with other PE pipe materials. Figure 42. Bend-Back Test Exhibiting LDIW Surface Features Bend-Back Test Conducted on a LDIW Material from March 1971 The results of the Bend-Back test on this LDIW material are also presented for comparative evaluations. Figure 43 shows a sector specimen made from the Aldyl-A PE 2306 pipe material manufactured in March 1971. Figure 43 shows the surface crazing consisting of discoloration, whitening, and surface roughening. The observed crazing is indicative of an inferior LDIW Aldyl-A pipe material due to a spherulitic microstructure that is susceptible to pre-mature brittle SCG failure. Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page 47 Figure 43. Bend-Back Test Exhibiting LDIW Surface Features Bend-Back Tests Conducted on Non-LDIW Materials (1970, 1972-1993) Bend-back tests were performed on many other Aldyl-A pipe materials that were manufactured in 1970 and during the period 1972 to 1993. Figure 44 through Figure 51 show photographs of bend-back tests performed on ring-sector specimens prepared from pipe materials manufactured in 1970, 1972, 1973, 1974, 1976, 1986, 1991, and 1993, respectively. Tests results showed that none of these pipe materials exhibited any surface discoloration, whitening, or surface roughening suggesting that none of these test samples have the LDIW material. Figure 44. Bend Back Test of a 1970 Aldyl-A Material Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page 48 Figure 45. Bend Back Test of a 1972 Aldyl-A Material (During and After) Figure 46. Bend Back Test of a 1973 Aldyl-A Material (During and After) Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page 49 Figure 47. Bend Back Test of a 1974 Aldyl-A Material Figure 48. Bend Back Test of a 1976 Aldyl-A Material Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page 50 Figure 49. Bend Back Test of a 1986 Aldyl-A Material Figure 50. Bend Back Test of a 1991 Aldyl-A Material Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page 51 Figure 51. Bend Back Test of a 1993 Aldyl-A Material Comparative evaluations of Figure 41 through Figure 51 show that Aldyl-A pipe materials manufactured in 1970, 1972, 1973, 1974, 1976, 1986, 1991, and 1993 do not exhibit any of the surface characteristics typical of materials having the LDIW inferior microstructure. The test data and information presented above show that the Bend-Back test may be used to visually observe and identify qualitatively PE gas pipe materials that have the inferior LDIW material and hence a high probability that these materials will experience brittle SCG field failure. Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page 52 Accelerated Long Term Hydrostatic Stress-Rupture (LTHS) Tests Extensive accelerated LTHS test data have been generated by GTI and others on PE gas pipe materials removed from service. The LTHS tests are conducted in accordance with ASTM D1598 Specification entitled: Standard Test Method for Time-to-Failure of Plastic Pipe under Constant Internal Pressure. Time-to-failure is measured for test specimens held at a constant internal pressure in a controlled environment. LTHS test data is used to determine hydrostatic design basis (HDB) by establishing a relationship between hoop stress and failure time. GTI database includes accelerated LTHS test data generated at several elevated test temperatures including 80°C and 90°C and at several internal test pressures. Accelerated LTHS Tests with Secondary Stresses In addition to internal pressure, field operations and service conditions cause pipes to be subjected to secondary stresses or external loads. The secondary stresses include those due to impinging rocks, squeeze-offs, soil loads and subsidence, or pipe bending. GTI database includes accelerated LTHS test data generated at several elevated test temperatures including 80°C and 90°C and several test pressures combined with a secondary stress simulating a rock impingement load, a squeeze-off, a pipe bending moment, or a transverse earth or soil load. Squeeze-Off To subject PE pipe test specimens to squeeze-off, GTI used commercially available double- bar squeeze-off tools. Figure 52 shows one of the commercial tools used to squeeze-off PE pipes. The commercial squeeze-off tool was used to squeeze the pipe test specimens to the stops built- into the tool, along the 12 o’clock-six o’clock direction. The pipe specimen was maintained in the maximum squeezed-off position for a period of about four hours. Then, the squeeze-off bar was released and the squeezed specimen was subjected to accelerated LTHS tests. Pipe squeeze- offs were performed on each of the pipe test specimens in accordance with ASTM F 1041 - Standard Guide for Squeeze-Off of Polyolefin Gas Pressure Pipe and Tubing. Figure 52. Double Bar Squeeze-Off Tool Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page 53 Rock Impingement The laboratory fixture shown in Figure 53 was utilized in LTHS tests to subject PE pipes to a surface load that simulated a rock impingement load. The PE pipe test sample was inserted between the two parallel steel plates. A threaded bolt was installed in the center hole of the top plate. A ball bearing was inserted between the pipe outer surface and the tip of the center threaded bolt as shown in Figure 54. The center threaded bolt was turned until the ball bearing was just tight enough to prevent it from slipping. Four outer bolts were then tightened just enough so as not to increase the indentation depth. Then, by turning the center threaded bolt a few additional pre-specified number of turns, an indentation with the required depth was induced in the pipe wall. Using the rock impingement fixture, several laboratory experiments have been performed to determine the indentation depth that is required to induce the necessary rock impingement load for different pipe sizes and PE pipe materials. GTI has also conducted several analytical evaluations and field experiments to determine the range of magnitude of the rock impingement field loads. Figure 53. Rock Impingement Loading Fixture Figure 54. Indentation unto the Pipe Using Ball Bearing Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page 54 Bending Figure 55 shows the four-point pipe bending fixture that GTI used to subject PE pipe samples to bending stresses in LTHS tests. The pipe bending fixture consists of two inner adjustable support brackets and two outer adjustable loading brackets. In this laboratory fixture, the pipe test specimen is simply supported by the two inner brackets. The two outer brackets are used to apply a pre-specified bending moment or load on the test specimen. For testing, the PE pipe test specimens were subjected to a bending radius of about 20 times the pipe outer diameter. While in the fixture under bending, the pipe specimen was pressurized and subjected to accelerated LTHS tests. Figure 55. Pipe Bending Fixture Transverse Deflections or Soil Loads The laboratory fixtures shown in Figure 56 were used to subject PE pipe specimens to transverse deflections secondary stresses. The fixtures consist of two parallel steel plates held together with six threaded bolts. The pipe test specimen was inserted between the two plates, centered and aligned. The six threaded bolts were turned equally until the top plate was slightly pressing against the pipe test specimen. Then, each of the bolts was turned a few additional turns to induce a transverse pipe deflection/deformation of about 5% of the pipe (OD).1 The end-capped pipe test specimens were maintained in the soil loading fixture when subjected to accelerated LTHS tests. 1 Pipe manufacturers recommend that in field installations, the pipe transverse vertical deflection due to earth loads should not exceed 5% of the pipe outside diameter OD. Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page 55 Figure 56. PE Pipe Test Specimens Installed in Earth Load Fixtures GTI Database on Accelerated LTHS Tests Utilizing the above described test fixtures and protocols, GTI developed a large database on accelerated LTHS tests on PE pipe test specimens subjected to: x Internal pressure only; x Internal pressure combined with a simulated rock impingement load; x Internal pressure combined with a simulated soil deflection/load; x Internal pressure combined with a simulated pipe bending load/moment; or x Internal pressure combined with a secondary stress induced by a pipe squeeze-off. In accelerated LTHS tests, PE pipe specimens were subjected to the above–described loads until they exhibited a failure manifested in the form of a leak. To accelerate the failure process, the largest percentage of the accelerated LTHS tests was performed at a test temperature of 80°C or 90°C. The time to failure in the LTHS tests was monitored and automatically recorded. An examination was undertaken to determine the failure mode of all the test specimens that failed/leaked in LTHS tests at elevated temperatures and under internal pressure combined with a secondary stress. The examinations showed that all the pipe specimens in the LTHS tests exhibited a SCG failure process. Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page 56 Stresses that Drive Crack Initiation and Growth through Pipe Walls Because of the pipe cooling process, residual circumferential (hoop) and axial stresses develop in the pipe wall. These stresses develop due to the differences in thermal strains resulting from the contractions and expansions experienced by the various material layers making-up the pipe wall. Several experimental investigations were conducted by GTI and other researchers to measure the magnitudes and distribution of residual stresses created in the pipe wall during manufacturing. Experimental evaluations have shown that the residual circumferential stress component has its maximum tensile magnitude at the pipe inner diameter (ID) surface. This residual hoop stress component decreases continuously with increasing wall thickness and attains a minimum compressive magnitude at the pipe outer diameter (OD) surface. For Aldyl-A pipe materials, laboratory measurements showed that the magnitude of the residual tensile hoop stress component on the ID is in the range of 200psi to 450psi and the compressive hoop stress on the OD is in the range -850psi to -1000psi. Similarly, laboratory measurements showed that the longitudinal residual axial stress component in Aldyl-A pipes has a maximum tensile magnitude of about 350psi. Figure 57 shows a plot of the experimentally measured magnitude and distribution of the circumferential residual stress component as a function of distance or wall depth measured from the ID of the pipe for a 2-inch SDR11 Aldyl-A pipe manufactured during 1973. The solid line represents actual lab measurements and the dotted line represents theoretical predictions. The presented data show that the circumferential residual stress component has a maximum tensile magnitude of about 200psi at the pipe ID. This residual stress decreases and attains a zero magnitude at a depth of about 0.7 of the wall thickness. This residual stress component decreases continuously and attains a minimum compressive value of about -950psi at the pipe outer surface. Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page 57 Figure 57. Circumferential Residual Stress Component as a Function of the Wall Depth The residual circumferential stress component acts in combination with the hoop stress induced by the internal pressure. The hoop stress induced by the internal pressure is defined by the following equation. 2 )1( DRPS (1) Where: S = hoop stress P = internal pressure DR = dimension ratio Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page 58 Applying the equation to the 2-inch SDR 11 pipe from above at an internal pressure of about 60 psig; the circumferential tensile hoop stress component at the pipe ID that is equal to 300psi.2 From Figure 57, the tensile circumferential residual stress component at the pipe ID is equal to about 200psi. Adding these two stress components gives a resultant circumferential tensile hoop stress equal to +500psi acting on the inner pipe wall. At the pipe OD, the resultant circumferential hoop stress is compressive equal to - 650psi (+300psi due to internal pressure - 950psi due to the compressive residual hoop stress). Therefore, the residual circumferential tensile stress component is significantly effective in increasing the resultant stress that drives the initiation and growth of defects and cracks on the inner pipe surface into axial slits through the pipe wall. On the outer pipe surface, the residual compressive circumferential (hoop) stress component is very effective in reducing the resultant stress and consequently retarding and inhibiting the growth of defects, notches and cracks on the pipe OD. Effects of Elevated Test Temperatures The effects of elevated temperatures on the residual stresses were measured for several Aldyl-A pipes. For the 2-inch SDR 11 Aldyl-A pipe that was installed in gas service in 1973 and removed during 1983, Figure 57 shows a plot of the measured residual circumferential tensile stress component as a function of different test temperatures (including 80 °C and 90 °C) and several test periods (including 1, 10, and 100 hours). Figure 58 shows that after a test period of about 100 hours at 80°C or higher test temperatures, the residual circumferential stress acting on the pipe ID decreased by more than 50%. Figure 58. Effect of Test Temperature and Time on Residual Hoop Stress Component 2 The internal pressure also causes a tensile axial stress of about 150psi to act on the pipe wall. Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page 59 Specimens of this pipe material were also subjected to long-term hydrostatic stress rupture tests at 80°C and a test pressure of about 117psig; this pressure induced a tensile hoop stress of about 580psi. The laboratory LTHS test results generated for this Aldyl-A pipe material that was in field service for 10 years are reported in Table 12. Table 12. Test Data for a 2 Inch Aldyl-A Pipe Manufactured In 1973 and Removed From Gas Service in 1983. Te n s i l e Y i e l d S t r e n g t h , p s i Qu i c k B u r s t P r e s s u r e , p s i g Lo n g - T e r m Hy d r o s t a t i c St r e s s R u p t u r e T e s t Te n s i l e R e s i d u a l Ho o p S t r e s s o n I n n e r S u r f a c e , p s i Co m p r e s s i v e R e s i d u a l Ho o p S t r e s s o n O u t e r s u r f a c e , p s i De n s i t y Cr y s t a l l i n i t y Ho o p S t r e s s , p s i Fa i l u r e Ti m e , h o u r s As-Received Pipe 2275 668 580 399 338 -831 0.9526 0.7138 Lab. Annealed at 80°C for 100 hours 2490 98 -246 0,9548 0.7277 Lab. Annealed at 80°C for 1 hour 684 580 663 The data in Table 12 show that the tensile circumferential residual stress at the inner pipe surface of the “As-Received” pipe was equal to about 338psi. The resultant tensile hoop stress on the pipe ID was about 918psi (580psi due to pressure plus 338psi due to the residual hoop stress component). For this as-received pipe, LTHS tests were performed at a temperature of about 40°C; at this temperature, the test failure time was about 399 hours. After 100 hours at 80°C test temperature, the residual hoop stress component decreased to 98psi (a 70% decrease). Another pipe sample of this lot was annealed at 80°C for only one hour prior to the LTHS test; then, it was subjected to LTHS testing at 117psig pressure; the induced pipe hoop stress was 580psi. For the annealed pipe sample, the resultant tensile hoop stress was about 678psi (580psi due to pressure + 98psi due to the residual hoop stress component). The annealed sample failed in LTHS testing after about 663 hours; an increase in failure time of about 66% compared to the LTHS failure time obtained at a test temperature of about 40°C. The above test results show that long-term hydrostatic stress-rupture (LTHS) tests at elevated temperatures of 80°C or 90°C, cause the resultant hoop stress acting on the inner pipe Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page 60 surface to be about 50% less than that acting on pipes at room or field service temperatures. This lower circumferential resultant tensile stress results in greater LTHS test failure times. Several additional experimental investigations at 80°C or higher temperatures have demonstrated that the decrease in residual stresses leads to an increase in the LTHS test failure time of PE pipes by more than 50%. Even though elevated temperature testing accelerates the failure process in PE pipes it also has the un-intended and undesirable effect of eliminating the contribution of the residual stresses in driving the initiation and growth of defects, notches, and cracks. At temperatures higher than about 50°C (120°F), elevated LTHS test temperatures have substantial effects in reducing the residual stresses and the resultant hoop stress that drives crack growth on the pipe ID by about 50%; this has the effect of increasing the LTHS failure times by about 50%. At temperatures lower than about 120°F, the effects of elevated LTHS temperatures on the residual stresses and the resultant hoop stress are minimal; thus, at lower LTHS test temperatures, the effect on the LTHS failure time may be neglected. Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page 61 Engineering Methods to Predict Life Expectancy The results presented in the previous sections show that the majority of the short-term laboratory tests that are typically implemented provide, at best, qualitative information on the relative susceptibility of PE gas pipe materials to SCG field failures. Based on extensive investigations it is concluded that the predicted remaining life expectancy is a key measure that can be used to rank the susceptibility of PE gas pipe materials to SCG field failures. Researchers have predicted PE pipe life expectancy using methods and analytical models developed in principles of engineering fracture mechanics. To apply these models, measurements of SCG or Crack Tip Opening Displacement (CTOD) rates are obtained for PE pipe materials using accurate monitoring devices under well-controlled laboratory conditions.3 In some cases, the SCG rates were determined experimentally by measuring the rate of the CTOD in a notched “PENT” specimen. In other cases, the SCG rates for PE pipe materials were determined through careful experimental measurements of the CTOD in a notched PE pipe sector specimen subjected to a three-point bending load. These rates were developed for PE LIFESPAN FORECASTING software which was used to predict the life expectancy of PE gas pipe materials. The LIFESPAN software implements methods of linear fracture mechanics combined with measurements of SCG rates. Several investigations have shown excellent correlations between the life predictions made using the LIFESPAN software and actual field failure times of PE gas pipes. There are significant costs associated with measuring SCG or CTOD rates using either the notched “PENT” test specimen or the notched pipe sector specimen. As a result, SCG or CTOD rates are not available for many different PE gas pipe materials. Also, it is substantially less costly and significantly quicker to apply materials science and engineering models to LTHS tests data to predict the life expectancy of PE gas pipe materials. One of two materials science models is typically implemented. The two materials science/engineering models are the Bi-Directional Shift Functions (BDSF) and the three- coefficient Rate Process Method (RPM). Both of these models are based on a fundamental law of physics involving the “Second Law of Thermodynamics”. Both of these models have been used and validated for PE gas pipes by several researchers. To apply these models, the failure times are first obtained using the LTHS test performed in accordance ASTM D1598. The LTHS test is conducted on PE pipe test specimens prepared from the “As-received” pipe material. Then, the pipe life expectancy is predicted by applying either the BDSF or the RPM. Numerous investigations have shown excellent correlations between the life predictions made using LTHS test data combined with the BDSF or the RPM method and the actual field failure times of PE gas pipes Because of the above and the extensive LTHS database, it was decided that the predicted remaining life expectancy made using the LTHS test data combined with either the BDSF or the 3 GTI published several reports that presented fracture mechanics models used to predict the SCG failure time. These reports include the following publications: GRI-91/0360, GRI-92/0479, GRI-92/0480, GRI- 92/0481, GRI-93/0105, and GRI-93/0106. Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page 62 RPM model may be used to rank the relative susceptibility of different PE gas pipes to SCG field failures. Original Bi-Directional Shift Functions Model The BDSF, denoted as F1 and F2, allow projections using laboratory test failure time (Timet) generated at a laboratory test pressure (Pt) and at a specific test temperature (Tt) to predict the specific pressure (Ps) and the specific failure time (Times) corresponding to any specific temperature (Ts). )(109.0 1 stTTeF (2) )(0116.0 2 tsTTeF (3) 1FTimeTimets (4) 2F PPt s (5) Where: Pt = laboratory test pressure Tt = laboratory test temperature Timet = laboratory test failure time Ts = specific temperature including field service temperature Ps = predicted pressure (psig) corresponding to Ts Times = predicted failure time corresponding to Ts To implement the BDSF, the laboratory tests may be conducted at only one set of test conditions. This condition involves testing pipe specimens at a test temperature and a test pressure to be specified properly so that it can be projected to give the pressure (psig) PS corresponding to the specified temperature TS. Modified Bi-Directional Shift Functions Equations The original BDSF is appropriate for projecting to temperatures >50°C. However, when projecting to temperatures <50°C, these functions should be modified to compensate for the effect of elevated LTHS test temperatures in reducing the stress driving crack initiation and growth. This can be accomplished by introducing the Temperature Factor (TF) as follows: )(2 TFF PPt s (6) Where: Pt = laboratory test pressure Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page 63 Ps = predicted pressure (psig) corresponding to Ts TF = 2, for Ts <50°C; and TF = 1, for Ts >50°C Original Three-Coefficient Rate Process Method The three-coefficient RPM is based on the Arrhenius equation describing thermally activated processes; it may be expressed in terms of the following equation: T PCLogBATimeLog10 10  (7) Where: T= absolute temperature in Kelvin (°K=°C+273) P = pressure Time = average failure time corresponding to Tand P The three coefficients A,B, and C are unknown constants that are, in general, functions of the material properties, temperature, stresses or applied loads, and geometrical variables. To apply the RPM, first it is necessary to determine the values of the three unknown coefficients for the PE material when subjected to internal pressure and/or a specific secondary stress. Hence, three sets of LTHS tests should be conducted on replicate sets of test specimens at three distinct test conditions. The three distinct test conditions may involve the use of two different test temperatures and two different test pressures. The RPM allows one to predict the life expectancy for a broader range of pressures and many different field temperatures. However, the BDSF allow one to make a life prediction corresponding to only one specific field temperature. In cases involving laboratory tests performed at less than three distinct test conditions, the BDFS may be implemented to make predictions. Modified Three-Coefficient Rate Process Method The original RPM is appropriate for projecting to temperatures >50°C. However, when projecting to temperatures <50°C, these functions should be modified to compensate for the effect of elevated LTHS test temperatures in reducing the stress driving crack initiation and growth. This can be accomplished by introducing the Temperature Factor (TF) as follows: T TFPCLog T BATimeLog )(10 10  (8) Where: T= absolute temperature in Kelvin (°K=°C+273) Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page 64 P = pressure Time = average failure time corresponding to Tand P TF = 2, for Ts <50°C; and TF = 1, for Ts >50°C Note: The researchers who developed the original BDSF and the RPM models may not have intended the use of the models for predictions at temperatures lower than LTHS test temperatures by more than 30°C or 40°C. Sample Set on the Predicted Remaining Life Expectancy GTI database includes information on many different PE gas pipe materials and sizes that were manufactured from several PE resins and pipe extruders. These pipe materials were installed in many different geographical regions throughout the U.S. These pipe materials were subjected to different underground day-to-day and seasonal temperatures. Also, these pipes materials were installed in different soils with varying topographies and under several different installation conditions. Because of the above, for any predictions made on the remaining life expectancy and the pipe pressures to be applicable and accurate for a specific pipeline they should be made based on the temperature, soil topography, field installation conditions and operations that correspond to those specific to where the pipe is installed. Again it should emphasized, that the predictions on the remaining life expectancy of PE pipes presented in this section represent only one sample set of predictions for an assumed specific average annual underground temperature. Also, the presented sample set of life predictions presented in this section assume a specific set of external loads due to the field secondary stresses induced by impinging rock loads, squeeze-offs, pipe bending, or earth/soil loads. Therefore the remaining life expectancy predictions presented in this section do not necessarily apply to any geographic region or any pipeline operator system. Thus, the presented predictions should NOT be considered a reference but only as a sample for an arbitrarily selected set of assumed service conditions. The assumed set of conditions used is one from an exceedingly large group of possible service conditions and geographic locations. Table 13 presents predictions of the remaining life expectancy and pressure for several PE gas pipe materials for an assumed average annual underground field temperature of 60°F. The predictions are made for pipes subjected to internal pressure or internal pressure combined with a secondary stress induced by an impinging rock load, a squeeze-off, a pipe bending moment, or a soil/earth load. The selected magnitudes of the secondary stresses are based on a maximum limiting value determined to be typical for that installation period. The predictions are made using accelerated LTHS laboratory test data determined at test temperatures of 80°C and 90°C. The RPM model and/or the BDSF model were implemented in making the predictions presented in Table 13. The predictions are presented only for purposes of discussion. Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page 65 Table 13. Predicted remaining life expectancy for PE gas pipe Ma t e r i a l Ye a r M a n u f a c t u r e Pi p e D i a m e t e r / S D R Predicted Remaining Life Expectancy, Years Pi p e P r e s s u r e , p s i g Pi p e P r e s s u r e On l y Pi p e P r e s s u r e a n d R o c k Im p i n g e m e n t . Pi p e P r e s s u r e a n d Sq u e e z e - o f f Pi p e P r e s s u r e a n d P i p e Be n d . R a d 2 0 x O D Pi p e P r e s s u r e a n d P i p e De f l e c t i o n - 5 % x O D Aldyl-A MD 1970 3”/11 60 psig 158 yr 42 yr 28 yr 79 yr 50 yr Aldyl-A MD 1971 2”/11 60 psig 33 yr Aldyl-A MD 1971 4”/11 60 psig 21 yr 15 yr Aldyl-A MD 1972 2”/11 60 psig 28 yr 19 yr 16 yr 22 yr 24 yr Aldyl-A MD 1973 2”/11 60 psig 58 yr 38 yr 47 yr 50 yr 55 yr Aldyl-A MD 1974 2”/11 60 psig 49 yr 24 yr 32 yr 35 yr 43 yr Aldyl-A MD 1974 2”/11 60 psig 51 yr 26 yr 19 yr 27 yr Aldyl-A MD 1976 2”/11 60 psig 62 yr 18 yr 23 yr 42 yr 57 yr Aldyl-A MD 1977 3”/11.5 60 psig 129 yr Aldyl-A MD 1980 4”/11.5 60 psig 174 yr Aldyl-A MD 1983 3”/11.5 60 psig 71 yr 31yr 36 yr 42 yr 57 yr Aldyl-A MD 1984 4”/11.5 60 psig 353 yr Aldyl-A MD 1984 3”/11.5 60 psig 249 yr Aldyl-A MD 1985 3”/11.5 60 psig >500 yr Aldyl-A MD 1986 2”/11 60 psig 76 yr 35 yr 28 yr 39 yr 52 yr Aldyl-A MD 1986 3”/11.5 60 psig >500 yr Aldyl-A MD 1986 4”/11.5 60 psig >500 yr Aldyl-A MD 1988 4”/11.5 60 psig 220 yr Aldyl-A MD1 1989 6”/11.5 53psig >300 yr Aldyl-A MD2 1989 6”/11.5 53psig >300 yr Aldyl-A MD3 1989 6”/11.5 53psig >300 yr Aldyl-A MD 1990 2”/11 60 psig >500 yr >500 yr >500 yr >500 yr >500 yr Aldyl-A MD 1990 4”/11.5 60 psig >500 yr Aldyl-A MD4 1990 6”/11.5 53psig >300 yr Aldyl-A MD 1991 4”/11.5 60 psig >500 yr >500 >500 yr >500 yr >500 yr Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page 66 yr Aldyl-A MD 1991 3”/11.5 60 psig >500 yr Aldyl-A MD 1993 2”/11 60 psig >500 yr Aldyl-A MD 1993 3”/11.5 60 psig >500 yr Plexco Yel. MD5 1994 6”/11.5 53psig 131 yr (cap fracture) Plexco Yel. MD6 1994 6”/11.5 53psig >300 yr Plexco Yel. MD5 1999 6”/11.5 50psig 176 yr (cap fracture) Plexco Yel. MD1 1999 6”/11.5 53psig >300 yr Driscoplex6500 MD6 2002 6”/11.5 53psig >300 yr Driscoplex6500 MD6 2002 6”/11.5 53psig >300 yr Note Superscript 1. Heat fusion saddle tee 2. Heat fusion saddle tee and butt fusion 3. Heat fusion saddle tee and electro-fusion socket couplings 4. Electro-fusion saddle tee 5. Heat-fusion saddle tee and socket coupling– Top of Cap fractured at thread 6. Electro-fusion saddle tee and socket coupling. Table 13 lists a few PE pipe sections containing heat-fusion saddle tees and laterals. For two of these, the top of the cap on the saddle tee fractured at the thread. The life expectancy for these cases is reported. Secondary Stress Effects For a few PE pipe materials, Table 13 presents the forecasted pipe remaining life expectancy for pipes subjected to an internal pressure combined with a secondary stress induced by a rock impingement, a squeeze-off, a bending moment, or a soil load. It was found that for certain PE pipe materials, rock impingement loads cause the greatest stress and hence lead to the shortest predicted life expectancy. For other PE pipe materials, a squeeze-off causes the greatest stress and hence may lead to the shortest life expectancy. For an assumed annual average underground field temperature of 60°F, Figure 59 presents graphical plots giving the predicted remaining life expectancy for an older Aldyl-A pipe Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page 67 subjected to internal pressure or internal pressure combined with either a rock impingement load, a squeeze-off, a bending moment or a soil load. Figure 59 shows that impinging rocks and /or pipe squeeze-offs may induce the greatest stress that drives crack initiation and growth and hence a shorter life expectancy. In general, rock impingements and/or pipe squeeze-offs have more severe effect on PE pipes than pipe bending or an excessive soil load due to compaction. Figure 59. Predicted Remaining Life Expectancy of an Older Aldyl-A Pipe Field Temperature Effects It should be noted that the BDSFs and the RPM models are both based on exponential relationships. These models and the generated laboratory test data show that the PE pipe failure time or alternatively the remaining life expectancy, increase exponentially with decreasing temperatures and decreasing pressures. Therefore, the lower is the underground field temperature; the greater is the remaining pipe life expectancy. Figure 60 presents graphical plots for the predicted life expectancy as a function of the average annual underground field temperature for an older Aldyl-A pipe material subjected to pressures of 40psig, 50psig, or 60psig. This figure clearly shows that the life expectancy of the PE pipe increases exponentially with decreasing field temperature. Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page 68 Figure 60. Predicted Remaining Life Expectancy as a Function of Temperature The predictions are presented to show that the pipe life expectancy is a key measure of the susceptibility of PE gas pipe materials to SCG field failures and that these predictions are applicable and accurate only when they consider the specific conditions for a specific PE pipeline. 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 Av e r a g e F i e l d Te m p e r a t u r e ( d e g F ) Time (years) Predicted Pipe Remaining Life Expectancy VS Average Annual Field Temperature for Pipe Service Pressure of 40psig, 50psig, or 60psig 40 psig 50 psig 60 psig Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page 69 Slow Crack Growth Conclusion The objective of the work task was to identify the susceptibility of plastic gas pipe materials to brittle SCG field failures. To accomplish the objectives of this task, a thorough review of the literature including GTI database on PE gas pipe materials was conducted. Other than failures caused by excavation, the review indicated that the majority of the PE gas pipe materials that fail under typical field conditions exhibit SCG fracture morphology. Using optical and SEM- microscopic examinations, the SCG fracture process exhibited by several different PE pipe samples was investigated and described. Several laboratory tests and methods were evaluated to determine whether or not they can be used to provide information on the susceptibility of PE gas pipe materials to SCG field failure. These tests included the Tensile, Quick Burst Pressure, Melt Index, Density, Bend-Back, and PENT. The review showed that the short-term mechanical strength tests may not provide qualitative or quantitative information on the relative susceptibility of PE gas pipe materials to SCG field failures. The review indicated that the Density or Melt Index (or Melt Flow) may provide qualitative information on the relative susceptibility of PE gas pipe materials to SCG field failures. Qualitative information on the susceptibility of different PE pipe materials to SCG field failures may be obtained using optical and SEM microscopy. The Bend–Back test can provide accurate qualitative information on the susceptibility of PE gas pipe materials to early pre-mature brittle SCG failures. Visual examinations of specimens subjected to the Bend-Back test identified several Aldyl-A MDPE pipes that have inferior Low- Ductile Inner Wall (LDIW) materials which are highly susceptible to pre-mature early brittle SCG field failures. It was found that several Aldyl-A MDPE pipe lots manufactured in 1971 have LDIW materials and are highly susceptible to pre-mature SCG field failure. Data obtained using the notched PENT test were evaluated. For many Aldyl-A MDPE pipe materials manufactured during the period 1970 to 1985, the PENT test failure times ranged between 0.6 hours and 21.4 hours. However these Aldyl-A pipe materials continue to provide good field service. Some of these materials have been in gas service for more than 35 years. Correlations between the PENT failure times of older PE pipe materials and the field failure times are currently inconclusive. However, PENT test data on newer materials suggest that the PENT test may provide a useful quantitative relative reference on the susceptibility of PE gas pipe materials to SCG field failures. Extensive evaluations of various tests showed that the predicted remaining life expectancy is a key quantitative measure that can be used to rank the susceptibility of PE gas pipe materials to SCG field failures. To predict the life expectancy of a PE gas pipe material, researchers utilized long-term laboratory test data combined with either of two materials science models, the BDSF or the three-coefficient RPM. Review of GTI database showed that numerous PE gas pipe materials were subjected to LTHS tests. Accelerated LTHS test data were generated at several elevated test temperatures including 80°C and 90°C and using several test pressures. Many LTHS tests were conducted on PE pipes subjected to internal pressure or internal pressure combined with a secondary stress Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page 70 simulating a rock impingement load, a squeeze-off, a pipe bending moment, or a transverse earth or soil load. Annealing and LTHS laboratory tests showed that at temperatures higher than about 50°C (120°F), the stress that drives crack initiation and growth on the pipe ID is reduced by about 50%; this has the effect of increasing the LTHS test failure times by about 50%. At temperatures lower than about 50°C (120°F), the effects of elevated LTHS temperatures on the stress that drives crack initiation and growth are negligible. Hence, if the pipe life expectancy is predicted for temperatures less than about 50°C (120°F), then one should compensate for the effects of elevated LTHS-test temperatures. This compensation may be implemented through the use of a Temperature Factor, denoted as TF. Laboratory test data showed that the Temperature Factor, TF, is equal to about two (2). Therefore, to compensate for the effects of elevated LTHS-test temperatures in reducing the stress driving the crack initiation and growth, the BDSF and the RPM models should be modified through the implementation of a temperature factor TF. The modified BDSF and the RPM models that incorporate a Temperature Factor are presented above. For the modified BDSF and the RPM models, it is important to emphasize that: TF =1, for predictions made at temperatures > 50°C (about 120°F): and TF = 2, for predictions made at temperatures < 50°C (about 120°F). The remaining life expectancy is predicted for several PE gas pipe materials assuming a sample set of field and operational conditions. The presented predictions on the pipe remaining life expectancy assume a specific set of secondary stresses induced by impinging rock loads, squeeze-offs, pipe bending, or earth/soil loads. The assumed set of conditions is one from an exceedingly large group of possible service conditions and geographic locations. The predictions are made using accelerated LTHS laboratory test data determined at test temperatures of 80°C and 90°C combined with the modified RPM model and/or the modified BDSF model The test results and the predictions show that rock impingements and/or squeeze-offs, in general, induce the greatest stress in PE pipes thus causing the greatest damage and resulting in the shortest remaining life expectancy. The models, laboratory test data, and predictions show that the remaining life expectancy of PE pipe materials increases exponentially with decreasing field temperatures and decreasing pressures. Therefore, the lower is the underground field temperature the greater is the remaining pipe life expectancy. The predicted life expectancy of a PE gas pipe provides one of the most reliable and accurate quantitative measure of the relative the susceptibility of the PE pipe material to SCG field failure. However, for these predictions to be applicable, accurate, and reliable, it is critically important to take into account the actual field temperatures, soil topography, and installation conditions that are specific to that pipeline and its geographic location. Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page 71 Root Cause Analysis of Field Failures GTI received and documented 55 plastic pipe samples that were removed from service due to leaks/failures. Eight samples underwent extensive laboratory testing to determine the root cause of the leak failure. The remainder were photographed and visually examined. All have been categorized on the basis of the most probable cause of failure: material, procedural, quality control, or miscellaneous. The information obtained for the samples has been incorporated with an additional database to provide insight to where defects occur and how they lead to in-service failures. Of the samples received, failures occurred in: x Elbows x Fusion Joints o Butt o Socket o Saddle x Mechanical Fittings x Pipe walls due to impingement, loading, and squeeze-offs x Service Tee Threads x Tapping Tee Caps x Transition Fittings. Failure Categories Failures were divided into four categories: Material, Procedural, Quality Control, and Miscellaneous. On some occasions, the failure category could not be determined due to a lack of information. These have been placed in split categories after the four primary classifications. Material Failures are those which can be attributed to the imposition of a mechanical load that the polyethylene gas pipe or fitting is unable to sustain. This category includes slow crack growth and rapid crack propagation failures. Slow crack growth failures in pipe have occurred because of rock impingement, squeeze- off, insert renewal, bending, and earth settlement. Slow crack growth at joints and in fittings have occurred in butt joints, socket joints and fittings, saddle joints, and tapping tee caps, and because of internal pressure. Procedural Failures are those failures that occurred as a result of improper field operations. This category includes separation of joints because of improper heat-fusion joining conditions in butt joints, socket joints and fittings, and saddle joints and tapping tees. Quality Control Problems are attributable to defects in the extruded plastic pipe or fitting or to resin-related problems which adversely affect the expected performance of the material. Often these problems are detected prior to installation. They illustrate problems with pipe quality that can occur during production. Quality control problems can be detected as improper dimensional tolerances, visible or microscopically visible defects, or as melt irregularities. Miscellaneous Problems are those that do not fall clearly into one of the foregoing categories. (GRI-98/0202) Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page 72 Laboratory Field Failure Analysis Procedure The laboratory analysis procedure used for this project is described for sample number #602533. This specimen is identified as a 4” IPS SDR 11.5 DuPont Aldyl-A PE 2306 manufactured in 1984. It was removed from service in 2008 and submitted to GTI for analysis. Upon receipt, the specimen was photographed and examined. The as received sample is shown in Figure 61. Background and service information are summarized in Table 14. Impingement – #602533 Figure 61. As Received Sample with Attached 4” X 2” Electrofusion Tapping Tee Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page 73 Table 14. Impingement Background Pipe Information 602533 Diameter 4” SDR 11.5 Resin PE 2306 Manufacturer DuPont Design Pressure 60psig Service Information Operating Pressure 60 psig at 65°F / 45 psig at 0°F Service Temperature 60°F Comments NA Timeline Placed in Service August 1984 Installation Method Direct Lay Removed from Service January 2008 Comments Tee was installed in 2004 Environmental Soil Type Rocky, sandy and silty Evidence of 3rd Party Damage Possibly Visual Examination The sample revealed an off-axis slit failure which grew in two directions from an indentation in the outer wall. The specimen was cut in half to reveal an approximately 3” slit on the inner wall. The outer and inner wall of the pipe can be seen in Figure 62 and Figure 63 respectively. The specimen was cut from each end to within about ¼” of the crack. It was then force fractured using liquid nitrogen to reveal the fracture face as seen in Figure 64 and Figure 65. Figure 62. Slit Failure Growing Away From Impingement Point Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page 74 Figure 63. View of the Slit from the Inner Wall Figure 64. Pipe Was Force Fractured to Reveal the Fracture Faces Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page 75 Figure 65. Close Up View of the Fracture Faces Using high powered optical microscopy, the fracture faces were examined. The photographs taken with the stereo optical microscope were stitched together and are shown in Figure 66. The initiation point is noted on the photograph and was found to be on the inner wall directly opposite of the indentation on the outer wall. The crack left visible striations as it grew step-wise from the initiation point on the inner wall to the outer wall. Two ductile rupture zones are also visible. Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page 76 Figure 66. Microscopy Fracture Origin, Inner Wall Initiation Ductile Rupture Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page 77 In addition to visual inspections, the tests outlined in Table 15 were also performed. Density and melt flow tests were used to determine if the material was within manufacturer specification when it was extruded. Oxidation Induction Time (OIT) and Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC) were used to determine the oxidation and the melting point/ heat of fusion of the pipe material. Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FT-IR) tests were run to check for material degradation and contamination. Table 15: Test Methods Used in Root-Cause Evaluation Test Method Revision Title Leak Test* GTI Internal Method Density*GTI Internal Method for Density by Helium Pycnometer ASTM D1238 04 Standard Test Method for Melt Flow Rates of Thermoplastics by Extrusion Plastometer ASTM D3895 07 Standard Test Method for Oxidative-Induction Time by Differential Scanning Calorimetry ASTM D3418 03 Standard Test Method for Transition Temperatures of Polymers By Differential Scanning Calorimetry FT-IR* GTI Internal Method for Infrared Analysis * GTI’s laboratory maintains A2LA accreditation to ISO/IEC 17025 for specific tests listed in A2LA Certificate 2139-01 and meets the relevant quality system requirements of ISO 9000:2000. Test/calibration/inspection method(s) and results are not covered by our current A2LA accreditation. Density The skeletal density of the pipe was determined to be 0.942g/cc using the helium pycnometer. This is consistent with medium density polyethylene gas pipe material from the time period sample #602533 was manufactured. Melt Flow Portions of the pipe sections were prepared and subjected to ASTM D1238 melt flow testing. Table 16: Melt Flow Measurements Sample ID Trial # Rate (g/10min) 602533-001 1 1.458 602533-001 2 1.158 602533-001 3 1.151 Average 1.256±0.1752 These results were consistent with medium density polyethylene gas pipe material. Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page 78 Thermal Analysis Specimens were prepared from the pipe section and subjected to ASTM D3418 differential scanning calorimetry. The resulting thermograms (Figure 67) indicated a heat of fusion of 157J/g and no additional melting or exotherms were detected which would have suggested the presence of contamination. In addition, ASTM D3895 was performed on the prepared specimen and indicated an oxidative-induction time of 49.6 minutes as seen in Figure 68. This was consistent with the age of the PE considering it has absorbed organic materials from the gas supply over time. These organic compounds are relatively easily oxidized when compared to PE. Figure 67. Differential Scanning Calorimetry Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page 79 Figure 68. Oxidative Induction Time Infrared Analysis A comprehensive analysis was performed to determine the condition of the pipe and to detect the presence of any organic materials not associated with the pipe material using Fourier- Transform - Infrared Spectroscopy. The results did not indicate the presence of foreign organic materials in the outer (Figure 69), middle (Figure 70), or inner (Figure 71) pipe wall within the detectability of the instrument. The 1650cm-1 to1750cm-1 region of the resulting spectra was also examined. Absorbencies in this region are associated with polyethylene oxidative products though none were detected for this sample. This suggested that the pipe was manufactured and stored acceptably prior to installation. Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page 80 Figure 69. FT-IR Outer Wall Figure 70. FT-IR Middle Wall Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page 81 Figure 71. FT-IR Inner Wall Conclusions Because the battery of tests suggests nothing was out of the ordinary with the pipe material, it is quite unlikely that the pipe extrusion process contributed to the slow crack growth failure. It was concluded that the highly localized stresses induced on the pipe wall by a foreign body, most likely a rock, led to the initiation of a slit failure on the inner pipe wall. The crack grew stepwise in two directions away from the initiation point with the final through wall fracture occurring in a ductile manner. This sample is classified as a material SCG failure due to rock impingement. Research Approach Eight samples were evaluated using the procedure described above and have been placed at the beginning of their respective section. Roughly 50 additional pipe samples were received from field service for failure evaluation. As the budget could not support full analysis of this many samples, only visual examinations were performed on the remainder. Photographs, background data, and visual examination results are provided. Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page 82 Material Failures Tap Tee – #678156 Figure 72. As Received Sample with Two Tees. Leak Occurred At Untapped Tee, Left Figure 73. Untapped Tee with Circumferential Slit Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page 83 Table 17. Tap Tee Background Pipe Information 678156 Diameter 2” SDR 11 Resin PE 2306 Manufacturer DuPont Design Pressure 60psig Service Information Operating Pressure 60 psig at 65°F / 30 psig at 0°F Service Temperature 60°F Comments NA Timeline Placed in Service August 1980 Installation Method Direct Lay Removed from Service November 2007 Comments Leak at untapped tee Environmental Soil Type Rocky, sandy and silty Evidence of 3rd Party Damage No Visual Examination The submitted pipe section was subjected to initial examination. The examination indicated the presence of a slit immediately adjacent to one side of the tee with minimal bead and rollback as shown in Figure 73. The section was leak tested to verify the leak location at the observed slit as shown in Figure 74. The section was cut longitudinally to expose the inner surface (Figure 75) then further cut to expose both fracture surfaces (Figure 76). The fracture surfaces contained debris on the surface consistent with soil. A spherical particle was observed and initially thought to be imbedded in the pipe wall on the tee side of the fracture but closer inspection revealed the absence of a companion dimple on the pipe side of the fracture. It was concluded that this particle had deposited itself post fracture. The particle can be seen in Figure 79. Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page 84 Figure 74. Underwater Leak Test Revealing Leak Location Figure 75. Sample Was Cut to Show Inner Pipe Wall Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page 85 Figure 76. Close Up of the Circumferential Slit on the Inner Wall Figure 77. Length of Fracture Faces Identified with Red Marker Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page 86 Figure 78. Close up of the Fracture Face Away from the Tee Figure 79. Close up of the Fracture Face towards the Tee with Area of Interest Identified Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page 87 The surfaces were examined with a stereo optical microscope and revealed that the SCG fracture originated from the inner wall of the pipe and proceeded outward as shown in Figure 80. Another area exhibited a secondary SCG fracture origin originating near the outer surface of the pipe then proceeding inward, suggesting a change or compound loading of the area. The secondary origin is identified in Figure 81. Figure 80. Microscopy of the Fracture Face Away From the Tee Figure 81. Microscopy of the Fracture Face towards the Tee Area of Crack Origin Area of Crack Origin Secondary Origin Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page 88 Density The skeletal density of the pipe was determined to be 0.939g/cc using the helium pycnometer. This is consistent with medium density polyethylene gas pipe material from the time period sample #678156 was manufactured. Melt Flow Sections of the pipe were prepared and subjected to ASTM D1238 melt flow testing. Table 18: Melt Flow Measurements - Pipe Sample ID Trial # Rate (g/10min) 678156-001 1 0.9200 678156-001 2 1.4360 678156-001 3 1.4060 Average 1.2540±0.2896 These results were consistent with medium density polyethylene gas pipe material. Thermal Analysis Specimens were prepared from the pipe section and subjected to ASTM D3418 differential scanning calorimetry. The resulting thermograms indicated a heat of fusion of 182.8J/g and no additional melting or exotherms were detected which would have suggested the presence of contamination. The results are shown in Figure 82. In addition, ASTM D3895 was performed on the prepared specimen to determine OIT. The test ran for 85 minutes but the material never oxidized as shown in Figure 83. This was consistent with the age of the PE considering it has absorbed organic materials from the gas supply over time. These organic compounds are relatively easily oxidized when compared to PE. Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page 89 Figure 82. Differential Scanning Calorimetry Figure 83. Oxidative Induction Time Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page 90 Infrared Analysis A comprehensive analysis was performed to determine the condition of the pipe and to detect the presence of any organic materials not associated with the pipe material using Fourier- Transform - Infrared Spectroscopy. The results did not indicate the presence of foreign organic materials in the outer (Figure 84), middle (Figure 85), or inner (Figure 86) pipe wall within the detectability of the instrument. The 1650cm-1 to1750cm-1 region of the resulting spectra was also examined. Absorbencies in this region are associated with polyethylene oxidative products. Weak absorbencies were observed in this region that indicated minimal oxidation had occurred. This suggested that the pipe was manufactured and stored acceptably prior to installation. Figure 84. FT-IR Outer Wall Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page 91 Figure 85. FT-IR Middle Wall Figure 86. FT-IR Inner Wall Conclusions Based on the tests performed, it was concluded that the submitted section failed due to the stress concentration at the edge of the fusion tee. Typical loads associated with pipe burial/settling and the relatively low resistance to crack propagation of older generation PE material combined with the stress concentrator to lead to the observed SCG failure. Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page 92 Impingement - #00590 Figure 87. As Received Condition Table 19. Impingement Background Pipe Information 00590 Color Orange Diameter 4” SDR 11.5 Resin PE 2306 Manufacturer Driscopipe Design Pressure - Service Information Operating Pressure - Service Temperature 55°F Comments - Timeline Placed in Service - Installation Method - Removed from Service September 2007 Comments - Environmental Soil Type - Evidence of 3rd Party Damage No Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page 93 Visual Examination The sample contained a crack approximately 6.25” in length in the outer wall of the pipe (Figure 88) and a dimple in the exterior surface of the pipe located approximately midway in the crack length (Figure 89). Examination of the inner pipe wall confirmed that the crack had traversed through the pipe wall as shown in Figure 90. Figure 88. Crack on Outer Wall Figure 89. Close Up, Dimple and Crack Dimple Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page 94 Figure 90. Crack As Seen On Inner Wall The pipe was the carefully cut so as to expose the fracture surface while minimizing opposing fracture surface contact and associated smearing of the surface morphology during the cutting operation. Once the fracture surfaces were exposed they were visually examined at magnifications up to 160X. The origin of the fracture, visible in Figure 91 and Figure 92, was found in the inner wall; located almost directly beneath the dimple in the outer wall. There was no evidence of defects or foreign material in the pipe wall. Figure 91. Fracture Origin Fracture Origin Crack Direction Impingement Site Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page 95 Figure 92. Composite Photo, Fracture Surface - Outer Wall at Top Density and Melt Flow A portion of the pipe material was removed and subjected to melt flow analysis in accordance with ASTM D1238. The results of this testing indicated that the pipe material had a MFR of 0.16g/10min. Density testing was also performed using a helium pycnometer. This test indicated that the material had a density of 0.942g/cc. Conclusions Based on the tests performed it was concluded that: 1) The fracture in the submitted pipe section resulted from rock impingement with the crack propagating by SCG process, 2) There were no observed pre-existing defects in the pipe; and 3) The pipe was consistent with properly extruded PE 2306 material. Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page 96 Impingement - #04020731 Figure 93. Bottom Side of as Received Sample Table 20. Slit Failure Background Pipe Information 04020731 Color Tan Diameter 2” SDR - Resin PE 2306 Manufacturer DuPont Aldyl A Design Pressure - Service Information Operating Pressure 1-60 psig Service Temperature 60°F Comments Pressure tested at 100 psig Timeline Placed in Service February 1971 Installation Method Direct Burial; Bored Removed from Service September 2007 Comments 40” depth of cover; Pipe laying on rock in ditch Environmental Soil Type Sand; Rock Evidence of 3rd Party Damage No Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page 97 Visual Examination The failure report and background documentation provided with this sample indicated the presence of a rock in the ditch at the failure location. The impingement point is expressed by a green circle in Figure 94 below. Figure 95 shows the slit as seen on the inner wall. The location of the slit on the inner wall corresponds to the outer wall location. The impingement of the rock resulted in localized pipe loading/deformation leading to an axial slit wise crack. Most likely, it initiated on the ID (under tensile load) and grew through the wall to the OD. Figure 94. Axial Slit on Outer Wall Figure 95. Axial Slit on Inner Pipe Wall Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page 98 External Loading - #26020806 Figure 96. As Received Sample Table 21. External Loading Background Pipe Information 26020806 Color Orange Diameter 4” SDR - Resin PE 2306 Manufacturer - Design Pressure - Service Information Operating Pressure 1-60 psig Service Temperature 60°F Comments Pressure tested at 100 psig for 150 minutes; Pipe was resting on a 4” steel main Timeline Placed in Service August 1976 Installation Method Direct Burial; Bored Removed from Service January 2008 Comments 30” depth of cover Environmental Soil Type Sand Evidence of 3rd Party Damage No Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page 99 Visual Examination According to background information provided by the submitting company, the pipe was found resting on a 4-inch steel main. This resulted in a localized shell bending load and deformation of the plastic pipe. An axial slit-wise crack was observed centered on the inner wall at the load point. The slit on the inner wall was measured at approximately 4” long. The crack exhibited full wall penetration resulting in a 1” slit on the outer wall. Figure 97. Side and Bottom View of Sample Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page 100 Figure 98. Slit on Outer Wall Figure 99. Slit on Inner Wall Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page 101 Tee Caps Cap –#50020726 Figure 100. As Received Cap Background data was not available for this sample. Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page 102 Visual Examination The cap was transversely split in two. The topside of the cap contained an o-ring for sealing the cap to the tee. This o-ring was free of nicks, had no embedded material and was also free of cracking. The actual cap material adjacent to the o-ring was free of scratches and gouges suggesting that the cap was tightened down without the top of the tee coming in contact with the cap which would have suggested potential over-tightening of the cap during installation. Both the top side (Figure 101) and bottom side (Figure 102) fracture surfaces were lightly covered with dirt from the installation site with more dust on the open-side fracture surface. The cap threads were free from distortion and damage as shown in Figure 103. The top-side fracture surface was further examined using the stereo optical microscope with magnification capabilities to 320X. The results of this examination failed to indicate a single fracture origin. Instead it was determined that the fracture originated at the root of the last thread (nearest the top of the cap) and radiated outward tangent to this thread root. The fracture surface exhibited no indication of a torsional force component. White streaks were observed in the fracture surface as seen in Figure 104. Figure 101. Topside Fracture Surface Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page 103 Figure 102. Bottom Side Fracture Surface Figure 103. Cap Threads Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page 104 Figure 104. Topside Fracture Surface Infrared Analysis A specimen was prepared from the cap and subjected to infrared analysis. The resulting spectrum, shown in Figure 105, contained absorbencies consistent with a nylon (polyamide) thermoplastic. Figure 105. FT-IR Spectrum of the Cap Material Banding Thread Roo Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page 105 Differential Scanning Calorimetry Since infrared analysis cannot conclusively determine the type of nylon, another specimen was prepared and analyzed for melting temperature by DSC. The resulting thermogram, seen in Figure 106, indicated a peak melt at 252°C. This was consistent with nylon 6,6 thermoplastic. No other melts were present that would have indicated the presence of a contaminant material. Figure 106. DSC Thermogram of the Cap Material Thermogravimetric Analysis and Energy Dispersive X-ray To further identify the cap material, a final specimen was prepared and analyzed using Thermogravimetric Analysis (TGA) to determine the ash content. The resulting TGA plot (Figure 107) indicated that the material had an ash content of 40%. Subsequent analysis by Energy Dispersive X-ray (EDX) indicated that the ash contained significant amounts of silicon (Si), aluminum (Al), oxygen (O). This suggested the presence of kaolin, a common filler material. Titanium (Ti) was also present to a lesser extent and suggested the presence of titanium dioxide, a common filler, pigment, and flattening agent used in plastics and coatings. The EDX spectrum can be seen in Figure 108. Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page 106 Figure 107. TGA Plot Figure 108. EDX Spectrum of the Cap Material Ash Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page 107 Conclusions Based on the tests performed it was concluded that: 1) Nylon materials are known to be to generally tough materials. The subject cap was manufactured from nylon, a 40% Kaolin filled (polyamide) 6,6. Nylon 6,6 the most commonly used of this material family. 2) The cap failure initiated in the root of the thread nearest the top off the cap. This area served to concentrate the tensile stress resulting from the mating of the cap to the companion tee. 3) There were no indications of over tightening or improper processing of the cap. 4) The banding observed in the fracture surfaces was the result of a differential cooling rate across the thickness of the part. This is common and was not a major contributor to the cap failure. 5) The white material found on the fracture surfaces was later determined to be un pigmented nylon 6,6 and was not a major contributor, if at all, to the cap failure. Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page 108 Cap - #20020447 Figure 109. As Received Cap Table 22. Cap Background Pipe Information 20020447 Color Black Diameter 2” x ¾” Service Tee SDR - Resin - Manufacturer Wayne Design Pressure - Service Information Operating Pressure 1-60 psig Service Temperature 60°F Comments Pressure tested at 90 psig for 120 minutes Timeline Placed in Service November 1993 Installation Method - Removed from Service April 2004 Comments 12” depth of cover Environmental Soil Type Loam Evidence of 3rd Party Damage No Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page 109 Visual Examination This cap, manufactured by Wayne, exhibited a crack which extended approximately 230° around the circumference. The crack appeared to have originated in the first thread. Gouges indicative of the use of a wrench were apparent as seen to the left in Figure 109 though it is not possible to determine whether these marks were created during installation, service, or removal. Figure 110. Crack Seen Inside the Cap. Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page 110 Cap - #21020739 Figure 111. As Received Cap Table 23. Cap Background Pipe Information 21020739 Color Black Diameter - SDR - Resin Manufacturer Wayne Design Pressure - Service Information Operating Pressure 1-60 psig Service Temperature 60°F Comments Pressure tested at 90 psig for 15 minutes Timeline Placed in Service December 1993 Installation Method - Removed from Service November 2007 Comments 36” depth of cover Environmental Soil Type Clay Evidence of 3rd Party Damage No Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page 111 Visual Examination This cap exhibited a crack which ran about 200° around the circumference. The crack on this cap appears to have started at the first thread and also exhibited signs of wrench use. Figure 112. Soil on Interior Surface Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page 112 Cap - #22020733 Figure 113. As Received Cap Table 24. Cap Background Pipe Information 22020733 Color Black Diameter - SDR - Resin Manufacturer Wayne Design Pressure - Service Information Operating Pressure 1-60 psig Service Temperature 60°F Comments Pressure tested at 30 psig for 15 minutes Timeline Placed in Service January 1978 Installation Method - Removed from Service October 2007 Comments 24” depth of cover Environmental Soil Type Gravel Evidence of 3rd Party Damage No Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page 113 Visual Examination This cap exhibited a crack which extended approximately 215° around the circumference. The crack appears to have originated in the first thread as indicated by the soil visible on the interior of the cap shown in Figure 114. Figure 114. Dirty Interior Surface Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page 114 Cap - #23020464 Figure 115. As Received Cap Table 25.Cap Background Pipe Information 23020464 Color Black Diameter - SDR - Resin - Manufacturer - Design Pressure - Service Information Operating Pressure 1-60 psig Service Temperature 60°F Comments - Timeline Placed in Service 1980 Installation Method - Removed from Service June 2004 Comments 40” depth of cover Environmental Soil Type Clay Evidence of 3rd Party Damage No Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page 115 Visual Examination This cap from an unknown manufacturer exhibited a crack which was visible around the entire circumference. The crack appeared to have originated in the first thread. Gouges indicative of the use of a wrench were apparent as seen in Figure 116. Figure 116. Cracked Cap with Wrench Marks Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page 116 Cap - #24020499 Figure 117. As Received Cap Table 26. Cap Background Pipe Information 24020499 Color Black Diameter - SDR - Resin - Manufacturer Wayne (cap) Design Pressure - Service Information Operating Pressure 1-60 psig Service Temperature 60°F Comments - Timeline Placed in Service November 1993 Installation Method - Removed from Service December 2004 Comments 24” depth of cover Environmental Soil Type Clay Evidence of 3rd Party Damage No Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page 117 Visual Examination This cap exhibited a crack which extended approximately 240° around the circumference. The crack appeared to have originated in the same place as the previous caps. Gouges indicative of the use of a wrench can be seen in Figure 118. Figure 118. Yellow Tee Visible Through the Crack Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page 118 Caps - #25020718 and #49020718 Figure 119. As Received Service Tee with Broken Cap Table 27. Cap Background Pipe Information 25020718 Diameter 2” SDR - Resin - Manufacturer Wayne Design Pressure - Service Information Operating Pressure 1-60 psig Service Temperature 60°F Comments - Timeline Placed in Service 1992 (main) Installation Method - Removed from Service 2007 Comments 24” depth of cover Environmental Soil Type Loam Evidence of 3rd Party Damage No Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page 119 Visual Examination The received sample contained two service tees. The caps on each tee were completely severed. As seen in Figure 121, the cracks originated at the first thread on one of the caps. Figure 120. Fracture Surfaces of Cap Figure 121. Fracture Surface of the Top of the Cap Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page 120 Cap - #31020649 Figure 122. As Received Cap Table 28. Cap Background Pipe Information 31020649 Color Tan Diameter 2” (main) 1 – ¼” (service) SDR - Resin PE 2306 Manufacturer DuPont Aldyl A(pipe and tee) Design Pressure - Service Information Operating Pressure 1-60 psig Service Temperature 60°F Comments Pressure tested at 100 psig Timeline Placed in Service November 1970 Installation Method - Removed from Service December 2006 Comments 36” depth of cover Environmental Soil Type Clay Evidence of 3rd Party Damage No Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page 121 Visual Examination The cap was extensively damaged yet all of the external threads appeared to have remained intact. The corresponding internal threads in the saddle tee were intact as well. The cap exhibited multiple fracture planes with associated multiple fracture origins. Fifty 50% of the upper portion of the cap was missing along with the o-ring. The general orientation of the major fracture planes suggested that the cap may have been subjected to significant loading from above. Figure 123. Cap, Underside Left and Topside Right Figure 124. Internal Threads of the Saddle Tee Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page 122 Thread Inserts Service Tee Threads - #15020650 Figure 125. As Received Tee Visual Examination The sample was missing background data and companion cap upon submission. GTI was unable to obtain either. The failure initiated at root of the second thread. The thread root acted as a stress concentrator to the tensile forces produced by tightening the cap. Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page 123 Figure 126. Close-up View of Thread Insert Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page 124 Service Tee Threads - #29020510 Figure 127. As Received Tee Table 29. Service Tee Threads Background Pipe Information 29020510 Color Tan Diameter 2” SDR - Resin PE 2306 Manufacturer Aldyl-A Design Pressure - Service Information Operating Pressure 1-60 psig Service Temperature 60°F Comments Pressure tested at 100 psig Timeline Placed in Service May 1970 Installation Method Direct Burial Removed from Service January 2005 Comments 36” depth of cover Environmental Soil Type Clay Evidence of 3rd Party Damage No Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page 125 Visual Examination The threaded insert fractured about 300° at the second thread which remained attached to the cap. The thread root acted as a stress concentrator to the tensile forces produced by tightening the cap. The cap contained deposits consistent with an aged lubricant that was most likely applied to the o-ring on a previous occasion. Lubricants can imbrittle certain types of plastic but without identifying this particular insert material it cannot be stated with certainty. Figure 128. Close up of Severed Insert Figure 129. Cap with Insert Attached Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page 126 Socket Couplings Socket Coupling - #30020542 Figure 130. As Received Table 30. Coupling Background Pipe Information 30020542 Color Black Diameter 2” SDR - Resin - Manufacturer - Design Pressure - Service Information Operating Pressure 1-60 psig Service Temperature 60°F Comments Pressure tested at 100 psig for 360 minutes Timeline Placed in Service January 1972 Installation Method Direct Burial Removed from Service May 2005 Comments 60” depth of cover Environmental Soil Type Sand Evidence of 3rd Party Damage No Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page 127 Visual Examination The coupling exhibited complete separation in plane with the end of the orange pipe. Preliminary examination of the fracture surface indicated the presence of torsional loading of the coupling and adjacent pipe. Approximately 50% of the face of the failure exhibited features similar to SCG. The crack appears to have initiated on the ID then grew towards the OD with final ductile rupture at the OD surface. In Figure 132, the whitened area below the yellow line shows the SCG features. The ductile rupture area is above the yellow line. Figure 131. Severed Coupling Figure 132. Fracture Face Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page 128 Socket Coupling - #35020485 Figure 133. As Received Service Tee with Socket Coupling Table 31. Socket Coupling Background Pipe Information 35020485 Color Orange Diameter 1” SDR - Resin - Manufacturer - Design Pressure - Service Information Operating Pressure 1-60 psig Service Temperature 60°F Comments Pressure tested at 100 psig for 15 minutes Timeline Placed in Service October 1971 Installation Method - Removed from Service October 2004 Comments 36” depth of cover Environmental Soil Type Evidence of 3rd Party Damage No Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page 129 Visual Examination The socket coupling showed signs of overheating to the point of deformation. A 1 – ¾” circumferential slit was observed on the underside of the socket. The slit appears to line up with end of the service line pipe. The side view of the specimen in Figure 134 shows the service line in parallel misalignment. The direction of the misalignment relative to the location of the crack indicates that an excessive bending stress was applied. Figure 134. Side View Figure 135. Bottom View Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page 130 Figure 136. 1 - ¾” Circumferential Slit on Underside of Coupling Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page 131 Socket Coupling - #39020605 Figure 137. As Received Coupling Table 32. Socket Coupling Background Pipe Information 39020603 Color Orange Diameter 2” SDR 11 Resin PE 2306 Manufacturer Driscopipe 6500 (pipe) Unknown (coupling) Design Pressure - Service Information Operating Pressure 1-60 psig Service Temperature 60°F Comments Pressure tested at 100 psig for 4 hours Timeline Placed in Service 1982 Installation Method - Removed from Service January 2006 Comments 40” depth of cover Environmental Soil Type Clay Evidence of 3rd Party Damage Loading from excavation in area Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page 132 Visual Examination As seen in Figure 137, the pipe was under a bending moment from installation conditions. Because the bending made it impossible to observe the entire inside of the pipe, one end was cut off. A slit failure in the circumferential direction was observed on the pipe wall as seen in Figure 138. The crack lined up with the edge of the coupling which is also where external leak location was identified during pressure testing as identified by an arrow in Figure 139. The direction of the misalignment relative to the location of the crack indicates that an excessive bending stress was applied. Figure 138. Crack in Pipe Wall on ID Figure 139. Side View of Socket Fusion Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page 133 Socket Tees Socket Tee - #19020414 Figure 140. As Received Socket Tee Table 33. Socket Tee Background Pipe Information 19020414 Color Orange Diameter 4” SDR - Resin - Manufacturer Unknown (pipe) Unknown (tee) Design Pressure - Service Information Operating Pressure 1-60 psig Service Temperature 60°F Comments Pressure tested at 100 psig for 120 minutes Timeline Placed in Service 1978 Installation Method - Removed from Service March 2004 Comments 48” depth of cover Environmental Soil Type Rock Evidence of 3rd Party Damage No Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page 134 Visual Examination A thru wall circumferential slit on the socket was observed. The 4” slit appeared to line up with the end of the pipe. Also of note, the socket displayed some radial distortion. Interference between the pipe and the socket could be responsible for elevating stresses at the pipe edge/socket interface. Figure 141. Circumferential Slit in Fitting Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page 135 Socket Tee - #33020602 Figure 142. As Received Socket Tee Table 34. Socket Tee Background Pipe Information 33020602 Color Orange Diameter 3 Way Tee 2” in all directions SDR 11.5 Resin PE 2306 Manufacturer Unknown (pipe) unknown (tee) Design Pressure - Service Information Operating Pressure 1-60 psig Service Temperature 60°F Comments Pressure tested at 90 psig for 60 minutes ; Interference fit slit Timeline Placed in Service September 1972 Installation Method Direct Burial Removed from Service January 2006 Comments 30” depth of cover Environmental Soil Type Clay Evidence of 3rd Party Damage No Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page 136 Visual Examination A 2” circumferential slit crack in the socket that grew completely through the socket wall was observed. The slit was approximately lined up with the end of the pipe where stress was most likely concentrated due to radial distortion also noted on this sample. Figure 143. Circumferential Slit in Socket Supplemental Inspection This sample was shared with another PHMSA sponsored project “Nonmetallic Joint Quality Assessment” (Project #217 Contract Number: DTPH56-07-T-000001). The objective of this project is to develop non-destructive inspection techniques for heat fusion joints. Ultrasonic measurements were used on this and other samples and provided information on flaws in the interior of the pipe and fitting. The numbers visible on the sample mark locations where measurements were made and recorded using ultrasonic sensor. The measurements showed the crack direction from the OD to the ID angles into the body of the socket tee. Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page 137 Socket Tee - #34020623 Figure 144. As Received Socket Tee Table 35. Socket Tee Background Pipe Information 34020623 Color Orange Diameter 2” SDR - Resin PE 3206 Manufacturer Driscopipe 6500 (pipe) Unknown (tee) Design Pressure - Service Information Operating Pressure 1-60 psig Service Temperature 60°F Comments Pressure tested at 90 psig for 4 hours Timeline Placed in Service August 1983 Installation Method Direct Burial; Bored Removed from Service March 2006 Comments 48” depth of cover Environmental Soil Type Sand Evidence of 3rd Party Damage No Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page 138 Visual Examination A crack was observed on the face of socket tee as seen in Figure 145. Looking into the fitting, a ledge was observed, suggesting this is a molded part rather than an extruded pipe. A circumferential crack extending 60o around the circumference and discoloring were also observed. These three features are identified by arrows in Figure 146. Figure 145. Crack on Socket Surface Figure 146. Features on ID Ledge Crack Discoloration Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page 139 Supplemental Inspection This sample was also shared with PHMSA sponsored project “Nonmetallic Joint Quality Assessment” (Project #217 Contract Number: DTPH56-07-T-000001). Black dots seen in Figure 147 show ultrasonic measurement locations. The measurements showed poor fusion quality at the pipe/coupling interface for a distance of 0.3” in from the edge of the socket tee. This area is marked by green arcs in Figure 147. Beyond this area, fusion quality improved dramatically going towards the body of the tee. The location of the crack on the molded part/pipe was 0.3” from the edge of the socket tee. The information suggests gas escaped out of the crack and through the un-bonded area between the pipe and coupling. Figure 147: Photograph of Tee Showing Location of Leak Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page 140 Procedural Failures High Volume Tapping Tee - #00632 Figure 148. Close-up of Pipe Section with Tee as Seen in the Field. Table 36. 4” x 2” HVTT Background Pipe Information 00632 Diameter 4” SDR 11.5 Resin PE 2406 Manufacturer Plexco Design Pressure 60 psig Service Information Operating Pressure 20-35 psig Service Temperature 55°F Comments Pressure tested to 100 psig Timeline Placed in Service January 23, 1997 Installation Method Direct bury with stiffener sleeve Removed from Service September 12, 2007 Comments Sleeve was installed prior to tee Environmental Soil Type In situ and sand shading Evidence of 3rd Party Damage No “Nose” of the tee Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page 141 Visual Examination Areas of uneven rollback or no rollback were discovered at the tee-pipe interface as shown in the photos in Figure 149. A gap was noted on the inside of the tee between the tee and the pipe outer wall as seen in Figure 150. This gap suggested an area of discontinuous fusion. Figure 149. Left Side with No Bead Rollback and Right Side with Uneven Bead Rollback Figure 150. Close-up of Gap between Pipe Surface and Fitting Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page 142 The specimen was capped, immersed in water, and pressurized to 15 psi to verify the location of the leak. As seen in Figure 151, the leak was found on the backside of the tee at the fusion interface. Figure 151. Pressure Test to Identify Leak Location After the initial leak test, the tee and companion pipe segment were sectioned and force fractured with liquid nitrogen in order to expose the area of the detected leak. Once the tee was separated from the pipe, a shifting of the print line was observed as seen in Figure 152. Line drawings were overlaid on the photograph to illustrate the complexity of the surface condition. The damage encircled by purple was caused by GTI scraping to obtain sample material for differential scanning calorimetry. The area lined by red was observed as being shiny and smooth as well as depressed relative to the surrounding areas. Coloring in the red area matched the coloring of the scraped areas around the tee though more yellow. This suggested heating in this area was minimal and a corresponding minimal fusion, if any, had occurred. The area lined by grey indicated rough, raised areas. The surface was somewhat grey in color and exhibited signs of some adhesion. The blue area was also depressed and matched the shape of the edge of the tee’s saddle. The red, grey, and blue areas had matching surfaces on the underside of the tee. The opposing face to the red area was smooth and the opposing face to the grey area was relatively rough. The blue area’s mating face showed transfer of the print line. This transfer can be seen in Figure 153. A close up examination of this area revealed the presence of fibers imbedded in the surface. The fibers likely transferred from a material used in the pre-fusion cleaning process. Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page 143 Figure 152. Pipe Segment Surface from Under the Tee on the Side Containing the Leak Scraped by GTI Shiny, smooth, depressed area Rough, grey colored area Depressed area Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page 144 Figure 153. Mating Surfaces of the Tee and Pipe Scraped by GTI for testing Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page 145 Density The densities of the pipe and tee material were determined to be 0.9421g/cc and 0.9404g/cc respectively. This was consistent with medium density polyethylene gas pipe material. Melt Flow Portions of the pipe and tee sections were prepared and subjected to ASTM D1238 melt flow testing. Table 37: Melt Flow Measurements - Pipe Sample ID Trial # Rate (g/10min) 632-001a 1 0.1709 632-001a 2 0.1732 632-001a 3 0.1748 Average 0.173±0.002 Table 38: Melt Flow Measurements - Tee Sample ID Trial # Rate (g/10min) 632-001b 1 0.1683 632-001b 2 0.1690 632-001b 3 0.1692 Average 0.1688±0.0005 These results were consistent with medium density polyethylene gas pipe material. Thermal Analysis Specimens were prepared from the pipe section by removing material from the pipe fusion surface, middle of the pipe wall, and the inner pipe wall surface. These specimens were subjected to ASTM D3418 differential scanning calorimetry. The resulting thermograms indicated consistent levels of crystallinity for each of the specimens. No additional melting or exotherms were detected which would have suggested the presence of contamination. In addition, ASTM D3895 oxidative-induction time was performed on another set of prepared specimens. The scraped surface prepared for the fusion exhibited a slightly lower induction time than the middle and inner layers of the pipe. This was consistent with pipe that has been in the field. The OIT and DSC thermograms are shown in Figure 154, Figure 155, and Figure 156. Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page 146 Figure 154. OIT and DSC – Outer Wall – Pipe Figure 155. OIT and DSC – Middle Wall – Pipe Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page 147 Figure 156. OIT and DSC – Inner Wall – Pipe Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page 148 Infrared Analysis A comprehensive analysis was performed to determine the condition of the pipe and tee sections as well as detect the presence of any organic materials not associated with the pipe material. The resulting spectra were analyzed and indicated no any foreign organic materials in the outer diameter fusion area, middle, and inner diameter surfaces. The 1650cm-1 to1750cm-1 region of the resulting spectra were closely examined. Absorbencies in this region are associated with PE oxidative products. No absorbencies were detected in this region. This suggested that the pipe was manufactured and stored acceptably prior to installation. The FT-IR charts for the outer, middle, and inner walls can be seen in Figure 157, Figure 158, and Figure 159, respectively. Acetone extractions of the good (adjacent to proper rollback on fusion bead) and poor (adjacent to area with no fusion bead) fusion areas of the tee were performed to see if any organic materials not associated with the tee material could be detected. No abnormal absorbencies were detected in the resulting spectra shown in Figure 160 and Figure 161. x Figure 157. FT-IR - Outer Wall – Pipe Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page 149 Figure 158. FT-IR - Middle Wall – Pipe Figure 159. FT-IR - Inner Wall – Pipe Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page 150 Figure 160. FT-IR – Good Fusion Area Figure 161. FT-IR - Poor Fusion Area Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page 151 Conclusions Based on the tests performed and the information provided it was concluded that: 1) The 4” pipe had a preexisting deflection when the fusion procedure was performed preventing the entire face of the tee from fusing to the pipe wall. The pipe surface was concave at the fusion interface which caused unequal application force across the face where more force was realized on the left and right side of the tee than in the midsection. The surfaces of the two parts indicated that the fusion was more complete on the sides of the tee than in the center. 2) The large degree of movement of the pipe print line underneath indicated that the tee had moved significantly during the fusion most likely due to insufficient clamping and/or improper positioning. This was consistent with the observed poor, non- existent rollback and the significantly large areas of little or no fusion that were observed. Based on background information, difficult spatial circumstances may have prevented the operator from properly using aligning equipment. 3) The offset position of the sleeve relative to the nose of the tee indicated that the fill had settled. This offset applied downward stress to the nose thereby transferring additional stress to the fusion. This additional stress contributed to the failure. 4) The material properties of the pipe material were consistent with normal medium density PE material that was properly stored prior to installation and free of contaminants. It was determined that the pipe material did not contribute to the failure. Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page 152 Butt Fusions Butt Fusion - #060204100 Figure 162. As Received Butt Fusion Table 39. 2” Butt Fusion Background Pipe Information 060204100 Color Orange Diameter 2” SDR 11 Resin PE 2306 Manufacturer Driscopipe Design Pressure - Service Information Operating Pressure 1-60 psig Service Temperature 60°F Comments - Timeline Placed in Service 1979 Installation Method - Removed from Service December 2004 Comments 32” depth of cover Environmental Soil Type Loam Evidence of 3rd Party Damage No Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page 153 Visual Examination The internal and external beads were symmetric and displayed a proper amount of rollover. Examination of the fracture surfaces showed no indication of cold fusion or slow crack growth. Instead, the surfaces were indicative of a dynamic brittle fracture over the majority of the face with the final fracture location exhibiting ductile fibrils/tearing. These features are typical of an overload failure. Figure 163. Side View of Butt Fusion Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page 154 Figure 164. Fusion Faces Figure 165. Inside Bead on One Side of Fusion Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page 155 Butt Fusion - #07020714 Figure 166. As Received Butt Fusion Table 40. 4” Butt Fusion Background Pipe Information 07020714 Color Orange Diameter 4” SDR 11.5 Resin PE 2306 Manufacturer Driscopipe 6500 20 May 83 Design Pressure - Service Information Operating Pressure 1-60 psig Service Temperature 60°F Comments Pressure tested at 90 psig for 2 hours Timeline Placed in Service 1983 Installation Method Direct Burial; Bored Removed from Service March 2007 Comments 4’ depth of cover Environmental Soil Type Clay Evidence of 3rd Party Damage No Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page 156 Visual Examination As can be seen in Figure 166, the sample exhibited an axial misalignment resulting in the appearance of mitered faces. The internal and external fusion beads did not exhibit complete rollover, as seen in Figure 167. Figure 167. Incomplete Bead Rollover Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page 157 Butt Fusion - #08020601 Figure 168. As Received Butt Fusion Table 41. 3” Butt Fusion Background Pipe Information 08020601 Color Orange Diameter 3” SDR 11.5 Resin PE Manufacturer - Design Pressure - Service Information Operating Pressure 1-60 psig Service Temperature 60°F Comments - Timeline Placed in Service May 1975 Installation Method - Removed from Service January 2006 Comments 34” depth of cover Environmental Soil Type Clay Evidence of 3rd Party Damage No Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page 158 Visual Examination A 360° cold bond was observed on the mid-wall of both faces of the butt fusion. This depressed area is outlined with arrows in Figure 169. The weak to non-existent interface bond between the mid-walls was a result of improper heat/pressure/time variables in the joining procedure. Fusion occurred only in the melt bead and resulted in approximately 30 years of service before final separation. Figure 169. Fusion Faces Showing Cold Fusion Area Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page 159 Butt Fusion - #09020552 Figure 170. As Received Butt Fusion Table 42. 2” Butt Fusion Background Pipe Information 09020552 Color Orange Diameter 2” SDR - Resin PE 2306 Manufacturer Conind Design Pressure - Service Information Operating Pressure 1-60 psig Service Temperature 60°F Comments Pressure tested at 90 psig for 120 minutes Timeline Placed in Service 1975 Installation Method - Removed from Service September 2005 Comments - Environmental Soil Type Clay Evidence of 3rd Party Damage No Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page 160 Visual Examination The overall workmanship of this fusion was poor. Relative to each other, the pipes displayed parallel misalignment (Figure 170) as well as asymmetric beads (Figure 171). Individual beads were not easily discernable. One was barely visible and neither showed proper rollover suggesting inadequate heat/time/pressure during the fusion procedure. Figure 171. Uneven Rollback Figure 172. Side of Bead Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page 161 Butt Fusion - #10020477 Figure 173. As Received Table 43. 4” Butt Fusion Background Pipe Information 10020477 Color Orange Diameter 4” SDR 11.5 Resin - Manufacturer Driscopipe 6500 Design Pressure - Service Information Operating Pressure 1-60 psig Service Temperature 60°F Comments - Timeline Placed in Service 1985 Installation Method - Removed from Service August 2004 Comments 36” depth of cover Environmental Soil Type Sand Evidence of 3rd Party Damage No; Other excavation occurred Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page 162 Visual Examination The external bead rollover appeared adequate based on the visual exam. The internal bead did not appear to rollover completely. As seen in Figure 174, the mid-wall displayed a lack of bond penetration of approximately 20-30% cold fusion around the entire circumference. Figure 174. Area of Cold Fusion Figure 175. Fusion Faces Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page 163 Butt Fusion - #11020511 Figure 176. As Received Butt Fusion Table 44. 4” Butt Fusion Background Pipe Information 11020541 Color Yellow Diameter 4” SDR 11.5 Resin PE 2406 Manufacturer Plexco Design Pressure - Service Information Operating Pressure 1-60 psig Service Temperature 60°F Comments Pressure tested at 100 psig for 18 hours Timeline Placed in Service February 1994 Installation Method Direct Burial; Bored Removed from Service May 2005 Comments 48” depth of cover Environmental Soil Type Clay Evidence of 3rd Party Damage No Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page 164 Visual Examination Visually, this joint exemplified adequate bead size and rollover. A void was noticeable at the leak location, as identified by the arrow in Figure 177. Looking down the interior of the pipe revealed the presence of foreign matter (Figure 178). The foreign object, which resembled a plant (Figure 179), was embedded in the fusion at the location of the leak location identified on the external wall. Figure 177. Leak Location at the Bead Weld Figure 178. View down the Inside of the Pipe Section Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page 165 Figure 179. Close-up of the Inner Weld Bead Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page 166 Butt Fusion - #12020550 Figure 180. As Received Table 45. 4” Butt Fusion Background Pipe Information 12020550 Color Orange Diameter 4” SDR - Resin PE 2306 Manufacturer _______TURE Design Pressure - Service Information Operating Pressure 1-60 psig Service Temperature 60°F Comments - Timeline Placed in Service - Installation Method - Removed from Service August 2005 Comments 48” depth of cover Environmental Soil Type Clay Evidence of 3rd Party Damage No Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page 167 Visual Examination This fusion joint displayed axial misalignment of the pipe ends (Figure 180) and a visible separation within the joint (Figure 181). Bead rollover was also inadequate and nonsymmetrical as seen in Figure 182. Figure 181. Weld Separation along ~3” Arc Length Figure 182. Uneven Beads Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page 168 Butt Fusion - #13020706 Figure 183. As Received Table 46. 4” Butt Fusion Background Pipe Information 13020706 Color Orange / Yellow Diameter 4” SDR - Resin PE Manufacturer Plexco Design Pressure 60psig Service Information Operating Pressure 1-60 psig Service Temperature 60°F Comments Pressure tested at 95 psig for 2 hours Timeline Placed in Service December 1989 Installation Method Bored Removed from Service February 2007 Comments 44” depth of cover Environmental Soil Type Clay Evidence of 3rd Party Damage No Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page 169 Visual Examination Cold fusion occurred over at least 50% of the fusion surface resulting in an inadequate bond. The bead shows inconsistent rollover. Using Figure 184 as a reference, the beads within the green box exhibited proper bead rollover. The beads within the black boxes did not roll over completely. The discrepancy of the beads indicates a problem with heat/time/pressure during the fusion process. Figure 184. Fusion Faces Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page 170 Butt Fusion - #45020551 Figure 185. As Received 6” Butt Fusion Table 47. Poly Valve Butt Fusion Background Pipe Information 45020551 Color Yellow Diameter 6” SDR 11.5 (pipe); 11 (valve) Resin PE 2406 (pipe and valve) Manufacturer Uponor (pipe) ; Nordstrom (valve) Design Pressure - Service Information Operating Pressure 1-60 psig Service Temperature 60°F Comments - Timeline Placed in Service 2000 Installation Method - Removed from Service August 2005 Comments 60” depth of cover; Was exposed in 14’ hole when dirt bank caved Environmental Soil Type Clay Evidence of 3rd Party Damage No Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page 171 Visual Examination There does not appear to be any misalignment of the faces. Rollback looks even internally and externally. The fusion faces appeared to have about 80% cold fusion, shown in red in Figure 186. The fused portion occurred about 180° around the ID and on about 120° (6-10 o’clock) of the OD as seen on the valve side. The pipe surface has been grit blasted by gas flow. Figure 186. Fusion Face, Valve Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page 172 Figure 187. Fusion Face, Pipe Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page 173 Multiple Fusion Joints - #40020413 Figure 188. As Received Table 48. Multiple Fusion Joints Background Pipe Information 40020413 Color Orange Diameter 3” and 1 - ½” SDR - Resin - Manufacturer - Design Pressure - Service Information Operating Pressure 1-60 psig Service Temperature 60°F Comments - Timeline Placed in Service - Installation Method - Removed from Service February 2004 Comments 8” depth of cover; System acquired from apartment property Environmental Soil Type Clay Evidence of 3rd Party Damage No Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page 174 Visual Examination This sample would require pressure testing to determine the leak location and sectioning to determine the cause. The entire sample consisted of sloppy workmanship. Poor bead rollover, parallel misalignment, and burn marks were all visible on the specimen. Figure 189. Close Up View of Specimen Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page 175 Figure 190. Misalignment and Poor Bead Rollover at the Reducing Coupling Figure 191. Back to Back Couplings Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page 176 Socket Couplings Socket Coupling - #16020611 Figure 192. As Received Table 49. Socket Fusion Coupling Background Pipe Information 16020611 Color Orange Diameter 1” SDR 11 Resin PE 2306 Manufacturer Conind Mark II (pipe) Unknown (coupling) Design Pressure - Service Information Operating Pressure 1-60 psig Service Temperature 60°F Comments - Timeline Placed in Service - Installation Method - Removed from Service February 2006 Comments 36” depth of cover Environmental Soil Type Loam Evidence of 3rd Party Damage No Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page 177 Visual Examination The leak location was marked by the field crew during removal of the section. The marking was approximately 1” around the circumference of the pipe as seen in Figure 193. The coupling and pipe were in parallel misalignment to each other. Due to the nature of this sample, the root cause cannot be determined without sectioning. Figure 193. Leak Location Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page 178 Socket Coupling - #31020649 Figure 194. As Received Table 50. Coupling Background Pipe Information 31020649 Color Tan Diameter 2” (main) 1 – ¼” (service) SDR - Resin PE 2306 Manufacturer DuPont Aldyl A(pipe and tee) Design Pressure - Service Information Operating Pressure 1-60 psig Service Temperature 60°F Comments Pressure tested at 100 psig Timeline Placed in Service November 1970 Installation Method - Removed from Service December 2006 Comments 36” depth of cover Environmental Soil Type Clay Evidence of 3rd Party Damage No Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page 179 Visual Examination The sample exhibited poor workmanship though no obvious sign exists for the coupling leak. Ruler approximation of the “nose” of the tee relative to the edge of the coupling suggested inappropriate stab depth of the coupling onto the tee. This interior surface showed minimal to no rollback. The external surface where the leak location was noted showed little and inconsistent rollback of the companion materials. Further examination by destructive methods could provide better information. Figure 195. End View of Pipe Figure 196. Leak Location as Identified by Utility Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page 180 Socket Tees Socket Tee - #36020713 Figure 197. As Received Table 51. Socket Tee Background Pipe Information 36020713 Color Orange Diameter 1 – ¼” all ways SDR - Resin - Manufacturer RAHN (Canada) Design Pressure Service Information Operating Pressure 1-60 psig Service Temperature 60°F Comments - Timeline Placed in Service - Installation Method - Removed from Service 2007 Comments - Environmental Soil Type - Evidence of 3rd Party Damage - Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page 181 Visual Examination Visually, the melting was improper but in order to determine the leak path and the root cause, the sample would need to be sectioned. Figure 198. Leak Location as Identified by Utility Figure 199. End View on Leak Side Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page 182 Socket Tee - #47020565 Figure 200. As Received Socket Tee Table 52. Socket Tee Background Pipe Information 47020565 Color Orange Diameter 4” SDR 11.5 (pipe) Resin PE 2306 TR 418 (pipe) Manufacturer Extron (tee); Plexco (pipe) Design Pressure - Service Information Operating Pressure 1-60 psig Service Temperature 60°F Comments Pressure tested at 100 psig for 240 minutes Timeline Placed in Service May 1973 Installation Method Direct Burial; Bored Removed from Service December 2005 Comments 48” depth of cover Environmental Soil Type Clay Evidence of 3rd Party Damage No Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page 183 Visual Examination Radial distortion as seen in Figure 201 was observed in the sockets. Misalignment of the pipes into the sockets was also apparent. This sample was submitted without any indication of the leak location. A pressure test was performed and determined that gas leaked out of the joint at the pipe/socket interface. As shown in Figure 202, the leak occurred over 3” of the circumference in the fusion joint. A close up of this area is shown in Figure 203. Figure 201. Radial Distortion Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page 184 Figure 202. Leak at Pipe/Socket Interface Figure 203. Close up of Pipe/Socket Interface Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page 185 Squeeze-offs Squeeze-Off - #02020717 Figure 204. Top and Side View of as Received Squeeze-off Table 53. 4” Single Bar Squeeze-off Background Pipe Information 02020717 Color Orange Diameter 4” SDR 11.5 Resin PE 2306 Manufacturer Conind Mark II 1-12-78 (Grating visible under UV) Design Pressure - Service Information Operating Pressure 1-60 psig Service Temperature 60°F Comments Pressure tested at 90 psig for 4 hours Timeline Placed in Service 1978 Installation Method - Removed from Service March 2007 Comments 5’ depth of cover Environmental Soil Type Clay Evidence of 3rd Party Damage No Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page 186 Visual Examination The pipe was squeezed with a single bar squeeze off tool. Visual observations indicated the pipe was significantly over squeezed above recommended values. The excessive squeeze resulted in significant amounts of permanent deformation at the squeeze ears and apparent wall thinning. Large voids, whitening, and cracks were present at the squeeze ears on the inner surface of the pipe. These can be seen in Figure 205 and Figure 206. An axial slit at one ear was apparent at the outer surface, as seen in Figure 204, indicating the crack initiated on the inner surface and grew through the wall to the outer surface. Figure 205. End View Showing Deformation Figure 206. Slit as Viewed from Inner Wall Wall Thinning from Squeeze Bar Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page 187 Squeeze-off - #03020647 Figure 207. Top and Side View of as Received Sample Table 54. 2” Squeeze-off Background Pipe Information 03020647 Color Orange Diameter 2” SDR - Resin PE 2306 Manufacturer Driscopipe 6500 Design Pressure - Service Information Operating Pressure 1-60 psig Service Temperature 60°F Comments Pressure tested at 100 psig for 170 minutes Timeline Placed in Service January 1979 Installation Method Direct Burial Removed from Service November 2006 Comments 48” depth of cover Environmental Soil Type Clay Evidence of 3rd Party Damage No Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page 188 Visual Examination The sample appears to have been squeezed three times within an 8” length of pipe using a single bar squeeze tool. The deformations were about 3” and 4.5” center to center separation. It is possible that the squeeze tool was not equipped with stops resulting in excessive plastic deformation and yielding. Wall thinning, buckling, and dimpling were apparent on the outer wall as seen in Figure 208. On the inner wall, a yielded region was observed in the axial direction extending from one squeeze location to another. Figure 208. Dimpling and Buckling Figure 209. Two of Three Squeeze Points Visible on the Inner Wall Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page 189 Squeeze-off - #05020548 Figure 210. As Received Squeeze-off Sample Table 55. Squeeze-off Background Pipe Information 05020548 Color Orange Diameter 2” SDR 11 Resin - Manufacturer Driscopipe Design Pressure - Service Information Operating Pressure 1-60 psig Service Temperature 60°F Comments Pressure tested at 100 psig for 120 minutes Timeline Placed in Service June 1982 Installation Method Direct Burial Removed from Service August 2005 Comments 32” depth of cover Environmental Soil Type Clay Evidence of 3rd Party Damage No Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page 190 Visual Examination As with other samples, this pipe exhibited markings of a single bar squeeze off machine. In the ear region, a square shaped deformation (Figure 211) implied the pipe was not centered in the squeeze off machine. Observations of the inner wall show a large cavity (Figure 212) and an axial slit under the square shaped deformation. Figure 211. Top and Sides of Squeeze Location Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page 191 Figure 212. Cavity and Deformation on Inner Wall Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page 192 Tap Tees Tap Tee - #28020502 Figure 213. As Received Tap Tee Table 56. 1 – ¼” x 1” Tap Tee Background Pipe Information 28020502 Color Orange Diameter 1 – ¼” x 1” SDR - Resin - Manufacturer - Design Pressure - Service Information Operating Pressure 1-60 psig Service Temperature 60°F Comments Pressure tested at 50 psig for 15 minutes Timeline Placed in Service 1975 Installation Method - Removed from Service January 2005 Comments 39” depth of cover Environmental Soil Type Sand Evidence of 3rd Party Damage No Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page 193 Visual Examination This fusion exhibited a very asymmetric and poorly formed bead. The marked location of the leak was at a location with a high stress concentration between the pad and the pipe. During the visual examination no crack or void was seen so a leak test would need to be performed to verify the leak path. The likely cause for failure is poor workmanship. Figure 214. Underside of the Pipe and Saddle Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page 194 Figure 215. Side View of the Saddle Figure 216. Leak Location Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page 195 Tap Tee - #42020711 Figure 217. As Received Tap Tee Table 57. 2” x 3/4” Tap Tee Background Pipe Information 42020711 Color Orange Diameter 2” SDR 11 Resin PE 2306 Manufacturer - Design Pressure - Service Information Operating Pressure 1-60 psig Service Temperature 60°F Comments - Timeline Placed in Service March 1976 (tee) Installation Method - Removed from Service April 2007 Comments - Environmental Soil Type Clay Evidence of 3rd Party Damage No Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page 196 Visual Examination The sample had inadequate melt and roll over on the backside of the saddle tee where the leak locations are marked. This sample would require sectioning for further comment. Figure 218. Backside of Saddle Tee Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page 197 Figure 219. Close-up of Backside of Tee Figure 220. Side of Tee Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page 198 Tap Tee - #43020555 Figure 221. As Received Tap Tee Table 58. 2” x 3/4” Tap Tee Background Pipe Information 43020555 Color Orange Diameter 2” x ¾” IPS SDR - Resin PE 2306 (pipe) Manufacturer Plexco (tee); Driscoplex (pipe) Design Pressure - Service Information Operating Pressure 1-60 psig Service Temperature 60°F Comments - Timeline Placed in Service 1988 Installation Method - Removed from Service October 2005 Comments 42” depth of cover Environmental Soil Type Loam Evidence of 3rd Party Damage No Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page 199 Visual Examination Examination showed cold fusion over about 90% of the fusion area. The fusion face on the pipe still had visible superficial scratches. These scratches would have been created during fusion preparation, which points to a lack of heat and fusion during the joining process. Figure 222. Saddle Face Figure 223. Pipe Surface Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page 200 Tap Tee - #44020539 Figure 224. As Received Tap Tee Table 59. 1 – ¼” x 1” Tap Tee Background Pipe Information 44020539 Color Orange Diameter 1 – ¼” x 1” (tee) 1 - ¼” (pipe) SDR 10 (pipe) Resin PE 2306 (tee) TR 418 (pipe) Manufacturer Plexco (tee) Conind (pipe) Design Pressure - Service Information Operating Pressure 1-60 psig Service Temperature 60°F Comments Pressure tested at 10 psig for 10 minutes Timeline Placed in Service November 1978 Installation Method - Removed from Service April 2005 Comments 36” depth of cover Environmental Soil Type Loam Evidence of 3rd Party Damage No Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page 201 Visual Examination Because no bead was present, inadequate melting due to poor workmanship is suspected as the primary reason for leaking. Figure 225. Backside of Tee Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page 202 Tap Tee – Socket Fusion - #32020543 Figure 226. As Received Tap Tee Table 60. 2” x ½” Tap Tee - Socket Fusion Background Pipe Information 32020543 Color Orange Diameter 2” IPS x ½” CTS SDR - Resin PE 2306 Manufacturer Plexco Design Pressure - Service Information Operating Pressure 1-60 psig Service Temperature 60°F Comments - Timeline Placed in Service June 1982 Installation Method - Removed from Service July 2005 Comments 30” depth of cover; Tee on angle Environmental Soil Type Loam Evidence of 3rd Party Damage No Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page 203 Visual Examination Background information provided with the sample included field notes indicating the tee was on an angle. This likely caused undue stresses on the service pipe which lead to an unrecoverable bending moment. Signs of ductile overload (Figure 228) and necking of the pipe wall thickness were present. Figure 227. Socket of Tee, Side View Figure 228. Ductile Tearing Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page 204 Transition Fitting Transition Fitting - #18020538 Figure 229. As Received Table 61. Transition Fitting Background Pipe Information 18020538 Color Green Coated Steel to Orange PE Diameter 1 – ¼” SDR 10 Resin TR 418 Manufacturer -- Design Pressure - Service Information Operating Pressure 1-60 psig Service Temperature 60°F Comments Pressure tested at 100 psig Timeline Placed in Service 1988 Installation Method - Removed from Service April 2005 Comments 38” depth of cover; Improper padding Environmental Soil Type Clay Evidence of 3rd Party Damage No Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page 205 Visual Examination The sample suffered excessive bending between the pipe and the stab fitting likely due to improper support on the underside of the pipe based on the field report. Figure 230. Side and Bottom View of Transition Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page 206 Quality Control Problems 3” Elbow - #675540 Figure 231. As Received Sample - 3” Elbow Table 62. 3” Elbow Background Pipe Information 675540 Diameter 3” SDR 11.5 Resin PE 2306 Manufacturer DuPont Design Pressure 60psig Service Information Operating Pressure 35 psig at 60°F / 10psig at 0°F Service Temperature 60°F Comments NA Timeline Placed in Service 1970 Installation Method Direct Lay Removed from Service December 2007 Comments NA Environmental Soil Type Rocky, sandy and silty Evidence of 3rd Party Damage No Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page 207 Visual Examination The submitted section was subjected to visual examination. The results of this examination indicated the presence of a circumferential slit in the injection molded elbow. The section was capped, pressurized, and subjected to leak testing using soap solution. Leaking occurred at the slit as seen in Figure 232. Next, the section was cut longitudinally (Figure 233) to examine the exposed inner surface. Radial distortion of the elbow and pipe were noted. A gap was detected in the socket fusion area at the pipe/elbow interface as identified in Figure 234 and Figure 235. The area was moderately flexed by hand and movement of the joint was observed and photographed. The section containing the leak path was cooled with liquid nitrogen and force fractured to expose the associated surfaces as seen in Figure 237 through Figure 242. Examination of the surface confirmed the earlier observed area of significantly poor fusion. At higher magnification areas of banding (Figure 239) and ductile failure regions were observed as well as debris deposited by the gas leak. Closer scrutiny indicated the presence of dark spots imbedded in the fracture surfaces as seen in Figure 243 and Figure 244. Figure 232. Leak Location As Identified By a Soap Solution Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page 208 Figure 233. Cut Sample to Expose Inner Wall Figure 234. Portion of Elbow Containing Leak Lack of Fusion Distortion of Elbow and Pipe Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page 209 Figure 235. Inner Fusion Interface with Area of Observed Lack of Fusion Figure 236. Fusion Interface Lack of Fusion Pipe Elbow Elbow Pipe Wall Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page 210 Figure 237. Force Fracture of the Sample, Showing Area of Observed Lack of Fusion Figure 238. Fractured Sample with the Elbow Side, Top, and Pipe Side, Bottom. Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page 211 Figure 239. Close up of the Fracture Faces with the Elbow Side on the Right Figure 240. Fracture Face on the Elbow Side. Ductile Failure Region Fracture undercut Banding Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page 212 Figure 241. Close up of the Fracture Face on the Pipe Side Figure 242. Fracture Face on the Pipe Side with an Area of Interest Identified Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page 213 Figure 243. Microscopy - Fracture Face of Elbow – Toward the Elbow Side Figure 244. Microscopy – Fracture Face of Elbow – Toward the Pipe Side Density The skeletal density of the pipe was determined to be 0.940g/cc using the helium pycnometer. This was consistent with medium density polyethylene gas pipe material from the time period sample #675540 was manufactured. The skeletal density of the elbow was determined to be 0.948g/cc using the helium pycnometer. The density was a little higher than the pipe which is an attribute of the manufacturing process as the part was molded rather than extruded. This was consistent with medium density polyethylene material. Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page 214 Melt Flow Portions of the pipe and elbow sections were prepared and subjected to ASTM D1238 melt flow testing. Table 63: Melt Flow Measurements - Pipe Sample ID Trial # Rate (g/10min) 675540-001a 1 1.0722 675540-001a 2 0.9900 675540-001a 3 1.1172 Average 1.0598±0.0645 Table 64: Melt Flow Measurements - Elbow Sample ID Trial # Rate (g/10min) 675540-001b 1 1.2980 675540-001b 2 1.1580 675540-001b 3 1.1600 Average 0.2053±0.0803 These results were consistent with medium density polyethylene gas pipe material. Thermal Analysis- Pipe Wall Specimens were prepared from the pipe section and subjected to ASTM D3418 differential scanning calorimetry. The resulting thermograms indicated a heat of fusion of 160J/g as shown in Figure 245. No additional melting or exotherms were detected which would have suggested the presence of contamination. In addition, ASTM D3895 was performed on the prepared specimen and indicated an oxidative-induction time of 42.8 minutes as seen in Figure 246. This was consistent with the age of the PE considering it has absorbed organic materials from the gas supply over time. Many of these organic compounds are relatively easily oxidized when compared to PE. Thermal Analysis - Elbow Specimens were prepared from the elbow and subjected to ASTM D3418 differential scanning calorimetry. The resulting thermograms indicated a heat of fusion of 190.5J/g as shown in Figure 247. No additional melting or exotherms were detected which would have suggested the presence of contamination. In addition, ASTM D3895 was performed on the prepared specimen and indicated an oxidative-induction time of 40.37 minutes as shown in Figure 248. This was consistent with the age of the PE considering it has absorbed organic materials from the gas supply over time. Many of these organic compounds are relatively easily oxidized when compared to PE. Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page 215 Figure 245. Differential Scanning Calorimetry – Pipe Figure 246. Oxidative Induction Time – Pipe Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page 216 Figure 247. Differential Scanning Calorimetry - Elbow Figure 248. Oxidative Induction Time - Elbow Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page 217 Infrared Analysis A comprehensive infrared analysis was performed to determine the condition of the pipe and elbow and to detect the presence of any organic materials not associated with the respective material. The resulting spectra failed to indicate the presence of foreign organic materials in the pipe wall or elbow within the detectability of the instrument. The 1650cm-1 to1750cm-1 region of the resulting spectra was also examined. Absorbencies in this region are associated with polyethylene oxidative products. Weak absorbencies were observed in this region that indicated minimal oxidation had occurred and suggested that the pipe was manufactured and stored acceptably prior to installation. Figure 249. FT-IR Outer Wall – Pipe Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page 218 Figure 250. FT-IR Middle Wall – Pipe Figure 251. FT-IR Inner Wall – Pipe Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page 219 Figure 252. FT-IR - Outer Wall - Elbow Figure 253. FT-IR - Middle Wall - Elbow Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page 220 Figure 254. FT-IR - Inner Wall - Elbow Conclusions Based on the tests performed it was concluded that: 1) There was a significant area of poor fusion that contributed to the failure. 2) There were particles imbedded in the fracture surface of the elbow indicating that this material entered during the molding of the part that contributed to the failure. 3) The elbow and companion pipe exhibited radial distortion which indicated significant radial stress was present. This stress resulted from the interference fit between the elbow and pipe causing expansion of the elbow and resulted in peak stress concentration at the pipe edge/elbow interface. This elevated stress state aided the formation and propagation of the fracture. Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page 221 ¾” Valve – #642535 Figure 255. As Received Sample Shown Leaking from Under the Cap Table 65. ¾” Valve Background Pipe Information 642535 Diameter ¾” SDR 11 Resin PE 2306 Manufacturer DuPont (05-80) Design Pressure 60psig Service Information Operating Pressure 60 psig at 65°F / 45 psig at 0°F Service Temperature 60°F Comments NA Timeline Placed in Service September 1980 Installation Method Direct Lay Removed from Service October 2007 Comments NA Environmental Soil Type Rocky, sandy and silty Evidence of 3rd Party Damage No Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page 222 Visual Examination Soap solution testing showed the leak originating from the underside of the valve as seen in Figure 255 and Figure 256. The entire valve was transversely sectioned and examined. The results of this examination did not detect any damage to the core, seal, or housing. As shown in Figure 257 and Figure 258. The examination focus was on the lower half of the valve. The position of the valve core was indexed relative to the housing using a series of markings shown in Figure 259. The valve was placed into a fixture and using appropriately sized tools, the core was carefully displaced from the valve body as shown in Figure 260. There were two o-rings on the core section. There was a noticeable loss of material observed on the bottom o-ring and a piece of rubber was observed wedged between the upper o-ring and its companion groove. These damaged areas can be seen in Figure 261, Figure 262, and, Figure 263. Upon removal the piece of rubber was found to match well with the damaged area of the bottom o-ring as demonstrated in Figure 264 and Figure 265. Lubricant was observed on all surfaces which is consistent with the fact that the o-rings are typically lubricated prior to assembly. Figure 256. Valve with Leak Pinpointed Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page 223 Figure 257. Valve Was Halved to Help Expose O-Ring Figure 258. Close up of the Core and Seal Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page 224 Figure 259. Valve Core with Indexing Marks Figure 260. Valve Core Removed from Housing Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page 225 Figure 261. Valve Core. Lower O-Ring Bottom Figure 262. O-Ring Damage. Upper O-Ring, Foreground. Lower O-Ring, Background. Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page 226 Figure 263. Imbedded Fragment Between Upper O-Ring and Core Land. Figure 264. O-Ring Fragment Removed from the Upper O-ring Land Area. Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page 227 Figure 265. Higher Magnification of Figure 264 Infrared Analysis and Hardness Testing Portions of the upper and lower o-ring rings were removed, cleaned, and subjected to infrared analysis. Both of the resulting spectra correlated well with absorbencies indicative of nitrile rubber. See Figure 266 and Figure 267. Subsequent hardness testing indicated that the material was 71-74 Shore A. Figure 266. FT-IR - Lower O-Ring Nitrile Rubber Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page 228 Figure 267. FT-IR - Upper O-Ring Nitrile Rubber Conclusions Based on the tests performed it was concluded that: 1) The cause of the leak was damage to the lower o-ring during assembly, which resulted in a section of rubber breaking off from the o-ring. In time, this rubber section migrated to and wedged itself between the upper o-ring and its groove. Both conditions reduced the sealing effectiveness of the o-rings. 2) Both o-rings were manufactured from nitrile rubber. Nitrile rubber is commonly used in natural gas systems. Hardness testing indicated Shore hardness of up to 74A. Typically as these materials age they become harder and their sealing effectiveness decreases. When the o-rings were new, they were still able to seal despite the observed damage. As the o-rings aged, they were no longer effective in maintaining a good seal. Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page 229 Miscellaneous Problems Charred Pipe – #01020436 Figure 268. As Received Table 66. Charred ¾” Pipe Background Pipe Information 010204336 Color Yellow Diameter ¾” SDR 11 Resin PE 2406 Manufacturer Driscoplex 6500 Design Pressure - Service Information Operating Pressure 1-60 psig Service Temperature 60°F Comments - Timeline Placed in Service 2004 Installation Method Bored Removed from Service February 2004 Comments 48” depth of cover Environmental Soil Type Loam Evidence of 3rd Party Damage No; In close proximity to electric cables Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page 230 Visual Examination This pipe section was exposed to excessive heating from a shorted electric cable. The pipe was installed by boring and may have caused the damage to the electric cable insulation. Figure 269. Up Close View of Damaged Pipe Section Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page 231 Tap Tee – #642909 Figure 270. As Received Sample of a Leaking Tee Figure 271. Circumferential Slit on the Backside of the Tee Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page 232 Table 67. 1 - Tap Tee Background Pipe Information 642909 Diameter 1 – ¼” SDR 10 Resin PE 2306 Manufacturer DuPont (1-82) Design Pressure 60psig Service Information Operating Pressure 60 psig at 65°F / 50 psig at 0°F Service Temperature 60°F Comments NA Timeline Placed in Service Main in 1982; Service in 1983 Installation Method Direct Lay Removed from Service December 2007 Comments NA Environmental Soil Type Rocky, sandy and silty Evidence of 3rd Party Damage Yes Visual Examination The results of this examination indicated that the pipe segment section was permanently deformed 90 degrees from the saddle fused service tee. On the back side of the tee, away from the service outlet, a fracture in the pipe was observed as seen in Figure 271. Also in this area immediately adjacent to the fracture, the saddle fusion appeared to have minimal roll back on this side of the tee. The opposite side of the tee exhibited a double bead and significantly more material roll back than the side immediately adjacent to the observed fracture. The pipe segment was cut longitudinally approximately 180 degrees from the service tee. The area of interest was then carefully cut further aiding exposure of the fracture surfaces of the observed crack as shown in Figure 272 through Figure 274. After opening the fracture, the saddle fused service tee exhibited a large area of poor adhesion to the pipe as seen in Figure 275. Visual examination (Figure 276 and Figure 277) and higher magnification examination (Figure 278 and Figure 279) using a stereo optical microscope indicated that the fracture surfaces were white and exhibited characteristics consistent with ductile failure of the pipe wall. Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page 233 Figure 272. Pipe Was Cut Away to Reveal the Inner Pipe Wall Figure 273. Damage on the Inner Wall Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page 234 Figure 274. Damage on the Inner Wall Figure 275. Tee Separated from Pipe during Force Fracture Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page 235 Figure 276. Fracture Face on the Pipe No Longer Attached to the Tee Figure 277. Opposing Fracture Face Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page 236 Figure 278. Fracture Face Microscopy on the Pipe No Longer Attached to the Tee Figure 279. Opposing Fracture Face Microscopy Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page 237 Density The skeletal density of the pipe was determined to be 0.939g/cc using the helium pycnometer. This was consistent with medium density polyethylene gas pipe material from the time period sample 642909 was manufactured. Melt Flow Sections of the pipe were prepared and subjected to ASTM D1238 melt flow testing. Table 68: Melt Flow Measurements Sample ID Trial # Rate (g/10min) 642909-001 1 1.0246 642909-001 2 1.1580 642909-001 3 1.1660 Average 1.1162±0.0794 These results were consistent with medium density polyethylene gas pipe material. Thermal Analysis Specimens were prepared from the pipe section and subjected to ASTM D3418 differential scanning calorimetry. The resulting thermograms, seen in Figure 280, indicated a heat of fusion of 171.2J/g and no additional melting or exotherms were detected which would have suggested the presence of contamination. In addition, ASTM D3895 was performed on the prepared specimen and indicated an oxidative-induction time of 51.7 minutes as shown in Figure 281. This was consistent with the age of the PE considering it has absorbed organic materials from the gas supply over time. These organic compounds are relatively easily oxidized when compared to PE. Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page 238 Figure 280. Differential Scanning Calorimetry Figure 281. Oxidative Induction Time Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page 239 Infrared Analysis A comprehensive infrared analysis was performed to determine the condition of the pipe as it detects the presence of any organic materials not associated with the pipe material. The results did not indicate the presence of any foreign organic materials in the outer middle or inner pipe wall within the detectability of the instrument. Weak absorbencies detected in the 1650cm-1 to1750cm-1 region of the spectra suggested minor oxidation of the pipe material had occurred. Figure 282. FT-IR - Outer Wall Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page 240 Figure 283. FT-IR - Middle Wall Figure 284. FT-IR - Inner Wall Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page 241 Conclusions Based on the tests performed, it was concluded that: 1) The saddle fusion surface tee exhibited a large area that was not properly fused. A good fusion would be stronger than the pipe wall itself and would result in tearing of the pipe wall before separation of the fusion. 2) The pipe segment was significantly deformed. The deformation was consistent with significantly high loads, possibly from digging equipment. 3) Examination of the fractured surfaces indicated ductile overload of the pipe wall material. No smaller fracture characteristics were observed which would have indicated a pre-existing crack prior to the ductile overload. 4) Excavation damage is the most likely the cause of failure. Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page 242 Electrofusion Tee – #642430 Figure 285. As Received Sample Figure 286. Brittle Plastic Seepage from the Tee Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page 243 Table 69. 4” x 4” Electrofusion Tee Background Pipe Information 642430 Diameter 4” SDR 11.5 Resin PE 2306 or PE 2406 Manufacturer DuPont Design Pressure 60psig Service Information Operating Pressure ~55 psig in summer / ~19 psig in winter Service Temperature 60°F Comments NA Timeline Placed in Service November 1984 Installation Method Direct Lay Removed from Service October 2007 Comments Failed EF procedure Environmental Soil Type Rocky, sandy and silty Evidence of 3rd Party Damage No Visual Examination The pipe segment containing the electrofused saddle tee (Figure 285) was subjected to visual examination using the naked eye as well as high powered stereo optical microscopy. Results of this examination indicated a solidified area of material between the saddle fusion tee and the pipe that had seeped from the tee-pipe interface as seen in Figure 286. Thermal Analysis Specimens were prepared from the pipe section and companion electrofused tee as well as the seepage material and subjected to ASTM D3895. The resulting thermograms indicated oxidative induction times (OITs) of 27, 70, and 14 minutes for the pipe, tee, and seepage material respectively. See Figure 287, Figure 288, and Figure 289. The OIT of 27 minutes for the pipe material was considered on the low side of normal for an in service pipe. The OIT of 70 minutes for the tee material was considered normal. The OIT of 14 minutes for the seepage material was significantly low and suggested significant material degradation. In addition, ASTM D3418 differential scanning calorimetry was performed on a set of specimens. The resulting thermograms (Figure 290, Figure 291, and Figure 292) indicated heats of fusion of 181J/g, 172 J/g, 232J/g for the pipe, tee, and seepage material respectively. No additional melting or exotherms were detected which would have suggested the presence of contamination. The significantly higher heat of fusion for the seepage material suggested material densification as the result of degradation and/or relatively slow cooling rate of the material. Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page 244 Figure 287. Oxidative Induction Time - Pipe Figure 288. Oxidative Induction Time - Tee Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page 245 Figure 289. Oxidative Induction Time - Seepage Material Figure 290. Differential Scanning Calorimetry – Pipe Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page 246 Figure 291. Differential Scanning Calorimetry – Tee Figure 292. Differential Scanning Calorimetry – Seepage Material Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page 247 Infrared Analysis A comprehensive infrared analysis was performed to determine the condition of the pipe, tee, and seepage material and to detect the presence of any organic compounds not associated with the respective materials. The results did not indicate the presence of any foreign organic compounds in the material specimens. There were no detectable oxidation absorbencies in the pipe or tee material as shown in Figure 293 and Figure 294, respectively. An absorbance was detected at 1718cm-1of the seepage material spectrum characteristic of a ketone compound consistent with oxidation products of polyethylene. The absorbance peak is noted in Figure 295. The peak height was measured and compared against the 1460cm-1 peak of the spectrum. The resulting quotient was 0.17 (carbonyl index, CI). Typical CI for non-aged samples is 0.01-0.05. Figure 293. FT-IR Spectrum – Pipe Material Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page 248 Figure 294. FT-IR Spectrum – Tee Material Figure 295. FT-IR Spectrum – Seepage Material: Note ketone absorbance Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page 249 Conclusions Based on the tests performed, it was concluded that: 1) The electrofusion saddle generated enough heat to degrade the pipe and tee material at the fusion interface. This degradation was detected by both DSC-OIT and FT-IR. The degradation was severe enough to cause a significant localized melt viscosity reduction or thinning of the material, facilitating the observed seepage. The effects of this degradation on the fusion longevity could not be determined and would require a more in depth study. 2) Some potential causes include equipment malfunction and/or electrofusion programming error(s). Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page 250 Material / Quality Compression Fitting - #17020701 Figure 296. As Received Fitting Table 70. 1 – ¼” Amp Fitting Background Pipe Information 17020701 Color Orange Diameter 1 – ¼” SDR - Resin PE 2306 Manufacturer - Design Pressure - Service Information Operating Pressure 1-60 psig Service Temperature 60°F Comments Pressure tested at 100 psig for 2 hours Timeline Placed in Service June 1977 Installation Method Direct Burial; Bored Removed from Service January 2007 Comments 14” depth of cover Environmental Soil Type Clay Evidence of 3rd Party Damage No Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page 251 Visual Examination The fitting exhibited a slit failure at the mold seam/knit line as shown up close in Figure 297. All surfaces of the fitting show crazing. Figure 297. Slit at Knit Line Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page 252 Procedural / Material Mechanical Fitting - #41020409 Figure 298. As Received Sample Table 71. 1 – ¼” x 1” Fitting Background Pipe Information 41020409 Color Yellow/White Diameter 1 – ¼” x 1” SDR - Resin - Manufacturer AMP Design Pressure - Service Information Operating Pressure 1-60 psig Service Temperature 60°F Comments - Timeline Placed in Service - Installation Method - Removed from Service February 2004 Comments - Environmental Soil Type Clay Evidence of 3rd Party Damage No Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page 253 Visual Examination The AMP fitting exhibited a partial pullout. The actual cause cannot be determined without dissecting the fitting. Figure 299. Close up View of AMP Fitting Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page 254 Tap Tee - #27020640 Figure 300. As Received Sample Table 72. Tap Tee Background Pipe Information 27020640 Color Orange Diameter 2” (main) 1 – ¼” (service) SDR 11 Resin PE 2306 Manufacturer Driscopipe 6500 (main) Plexco (tee) Design Pressure - Service Information Operating Pressure 1-60 psig Service Temperature 60°F Comments Pressure tested at 100 psig for 15 minutes Timeline Placed in Service July 1983 Installation Method - Removed from Service October 2006 Comments 48” depth of cover Environmental Soil Type Clay Evidence of 3rd Party Damage No Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page 255 Visual Examination A circumferential gap/crack was located between the ID of the socket and the OD of the pipe. The area containing the crack had less rollback than the remaining socket surface. Root cause determination would require sectioning of the fusion joint though poor workmanship is probable. Figure 301. Socket Joint Figure 302. Area Identified as Leaking Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page 256 Bolt-on Tap Tee - #14020742 Figure 303. As Received Tee Table 73. Bolt-on Tap Tee Background Pipe Information 14020742 Color Orange Diameter 2” SDR 11 Resin PE 2306 Manufacturer Driscopipe (pipe) Amp (fitting) Design Pressure - Service Information Operating Pressure 1-60 psig Service Temperature 60°F Comments Pressure tested at 100 psig for 15 minutes Timeline Placed in Service July 1979 Installation Method - Removed from Service December 2007 Comments 24” depth of cover Environmental Soil Type Gravel Evidence of 3rd Party Damage No Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page 257 Visual Examination Leak markings were indicated on both sides of the fitting. The inner surface of the pipe did not show signs of cracking which would suggest that the leak was caused by the service tee seal. A definitive cause would require fitting disassembly. Figure 304. Side View of Mechanical Tee Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page 258 Root Cause Failure Results Fifty-five samples were analyzed over the course of the project. Of these, 22 were classified as material failures, 24 as procedural failures/poor workmanship, 2 as quality control problems, 3 miscellaneous failures, and 4 were not classified. These results combined with a previous database account for 104 samples of which, 45 were classified as material failures, 36 as procedural failures, 12 as quality control problems, 7 miscellaneous failures, and 4 were not classified. These results have been placed into the following tables: Table 74. Material Failures, Table 75. Procedural Failures, Table 76. Quality Control Failures, Table 77. Miscellaneous Failures, and Table 78. Other Failures. Table 74. Material Failures Specimen Number Description Material Pipe Size Nature of Failure FͲ83025Bending/earth settlement PE2306 2”IPSSDR11 Circumferentialslit FͲ84014ButtJointPE2306 2”IPSSDR11 Jointmisalignment 20020447Cap Ͳ 2”x¾”ServiceTee Circumferentialcrack withinthreads 21020739Cap Ͳ Ͳ Circumferentialcrack withinthreads 22020733Cap Ͳ Ͳ Circumferentialcrack withinthreads 23020464Cap Ͳ Ͳ Circumferentialcrack withinthreads 24020499Cap Ͳ Ͳ Circumferentialcrack withinthreads 25020718Cap Ͳ 2" Circumferentialcrack withinthreads 31020650Cap Ͳ 3x1Ͳ ¼”Tee 49020718Cap Ͳ Ͳ Circumferentialcrack withinthreads 50020726Cap Ͳ Ͳ Circumferentialcrack withinthreads 26020806ExternalLoadingPE2306 4" AxialSlit 00590ImpingementPE2306 4" AxialSlit 602533ImpingementPE2306 4" AxialSlit 04020731ImpingementPE2306 2" AxialSlit FͲ82006InsertRenewalPE2306 1Ͳ3/8”OD,.090”wall AxialSlits FͲ84005InternalPressurePE2306 ½”IPSSDR11 Axialruptureinpipewall FͲ81001RockImpingementPE2306 2”IPSSDR11 AxialSlits FͲ81002RockImpingementPE2306 2”IPSSDR11 AxialSlits FͲ81003RockImpingementPE2306 2”IPSSDR11 AxialSlits FͲ81004RockImpingementPE2306 2”IPSSDR11 AxialSlits N/ARockImpingementPE2306 2”HDPE ThroughͲwallcrack FͲ84009SaddleJointPE2306 2”IPSx½”Circumferentialcrack throughpipe FͲ84011SaddleJointPE2306 3”IPSx½” Axialcrackthroughpipe FͲ85010SaddleJointPE2306 4”IPSSDR11 Circumferentialcrack throughpipe Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page 259 FͲ86002SaddleJointPE2306 2”IPSSDR11 Inadequatefusion FͲ86003SaddleJointHDPE 3”IPSSDR11 Circumferentialslitfailure atedgeofsaddlefusion 15020650ServiceTeeThreadsPE23062x1Ͳ¼”Tee Circumferentialcrack withinthreads 29020510ServiceTeeThreads Ͳ2" Circumferentialcrack withinthreads 30020542SocketCoupling Ͳ2" Circumferentialcrack throughcoupling 35020485SocketCouplingPE2306 1"SocketFusion CircumferentialSlit 39020603SocketCouplingPE2306 2"SDR11 CircumferentialSlit FͲ81011SocketJointPE2306 2”IPSSDR11 Circumferentialcrack throughpipewall FͲ84012SocketJointPE2306 ½”CTS Circumferentialcracks throughpipe FͲ84018SocketJointPE2306 2”IPSSDR11 Socketmisalignment 19020414SocketTeePE2306 4"3WayCircumferentialSlit 33020602SocketTeePE2306 2"SDR11.5 CircumferentialSlit 34020623SocketTeePE2306 2"CircumferentialSlit FͲ81005SqueezeͲoffPE2306 2”IPSSDR11 AxialSlits FͲ83019SqueezeͲoffPE2306 2”IPSSDR11 AxialSlits FͲ83023SqueezeͲoffPE2306 3”IPSSDR11 AxialSlits 678156TapTeePE2306 2" CircumferentialSlit FͲ84013TappingTeePE2306 6”SDR17w/tapping tee Axialstress FͲ81006TappingTeeCapPE2306 N/A Circumferentialcrack withinthreads FͲ84003TeePE2306 2”IPSSDR112x2x2 Tee Circumferentialcrack throughfitting Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page 260 Table 75. Procedural Failures Specimen Number Description Material Pipe Size Nature of Failures 07020714ButtFusionPE2306 4"SDR11.5 Misalignment 08020601ButtFusionPE2306 3"SDR11.5 Lackofbond 09020552ButtFusionPE2306 2" IrregularFusionBead 10020477ButtFusionPE2306 4"SDR11 Lackofbond 11020541ButtFusionPE2406 4"SDR11.5 Foreignbody 12020550ButtFusionPE2306 4" IrregularFusionBead 13020706ButtFusionPE2306 4" Lackofbond 45020551ButtFusionPE2406 6"SDR11.5(pipe)11 (valve) Lackofbond 060204100ButtFusionPE2306 2" Overload FͲ80004ButtjointPE2306 4“IPSSDR11Lackofbond FͲ80005ButtjointPE3406 6“IPSLackofbond FͲ85001ButtjointPE2306 3“IPSSDR11Inadequatefusion FͲ89005ButtjointPE2406 2“IPSSDR11FailedduringplowͲin N/AButtjointHDPE 8“SDR11HDPEInadequatefusion FͲ84008EllfittingPE2306 2“IPSSDR11Lackofbondin90°Ell due tomisalignment 00632HighVolume TappingTee Ͳ4"x2" Inadequatefusion N/AImpactonaboltPE3408 1–¼”DR11HDPEThroughͲwallcrack 40020413 MultipleFusion Joints Ͳ3”and1Ͳ½”Poorworkmanship FͲ90013SaddlejointPE2306 2“IPSSDR11 Poorfusionpractice 16020611SocketCouplingPE2306 1"SDR11 Poorworkmanship 31020649SocketCouplingPE2306 2x1Ͳ ¼”Tee Poorworkmanship FͲ84006SocketjointPE2306 4“IPSSDR11Lackofbondinfusionjoint 36020713SocketTee Ͳ1–¼”Poorworkmanship 47020565SocketTeePE2306,TR418 4"SDR11.5 Poorworkmanship 02020717SqueezeͲoffPE2306 4"SDR11.5 Oversqueezed 03020647SqueezeͲoffPE2306 2" Oversqueezed 05020548SqueezeͲoffPE2306 2"SDR11 Misalignedinmachine 28020502TapTee Ͳ1–¼”x1” Poorworkmanship 42020711TapTeePE2306 2x3/4”SDR11 Poorworkmanship 43020555TapTeePE2306 2”x¾”IPS Lackofbond 44020539TapTee PE2306(tee)TR 418(pipe) 1–¼”x1”(tee)1Ͳ ¼” SDR10(pipe)Poorworkmanship 32020543 TapTeeͲSocket FusionPE23062”IPSx½”CTSOverload FͲ86001TappingteePE2306 2x5/8“tappingteeInadequatejoint N/ATappingteePE2306 1–¼”w/½”tapping tee Longitudinalcracks 18020538TransitionFittingTR418 1–¼”SDR11 BendingStress FͲ90005TransitionfittingPE2306 4“IPSSDR11.5SCGdrivenby misalignmentorexternal bending Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page 261 Table 76. Quality Control Failures Specimen Number Description Material Pipe Size Nature of Failures 642535¾”ValvePE2306 ¾”DamagedOͲring 6755403”ElbowPE2306 3" Circumferentialcrack N/ACharredPEmass insidepipe 3”MDPE Internalobstruction FͲ82001Dimensional tolerance PE2306 4”IPSSDR11.5 OutͲofͲroundness FͲ80008MeltirregularitiesPE3408 3”IPS SDR11 Irregularfusionbead FͲ84001MicroscopicdefectsPE2306 5/8”CTS Pinholes N/AMoldweldͲline cracking PE2306 6”IPSAldyltee Crackingthroughcrotch FͲ87003Qualitycontrol: manufacturing defect PE3406 2”IPSSDR11 Inclusionextending throughpipewall N/ASaddlejointPE3408 4”,6” Inadequatefusion FͲ82004VisibledefectsPE2306 2”IPSSDR11 Thinspots 062994Ͳ1Weaklapdueto polyamidefilm PE3408 4”SDR11 Axialcrack 092394Ͳ1Weaklapdueto polyamidefilm PE3408 4”SDR11 Axialcrack Table 77. Miscellaneous Failures Specimen Number Description Material Pipe Size Nature of Failures 01020436CharredPipePE2406 ¾”Overheatingofmaterial 642909TapTeePE2306 1–¼”Lackofbond/Overload 642430ElectrofusionTeePE2306 4”x4”Overheatingofmaterial FͲ90010MeltedpipePE2306 4”IPS Overheatedelectriclight cablelayingonpipe N/APipeatcompressor station PE3408 2” Axialcrack N/APipeatcompressor station PE3408 2” Axialcrack N/APlowedͲinpipePhilips6500 2”SDR11MDPE Circumferentialcrack Table 78. Other Failures Type of Failure Specimen Number Description Material Pipe Size Nature of Failures Material/Quality17020701MechanicalCoupling PE2306 1–¼”SlitFailure Procedural/Material41020409MechanicalFitting Ͳ 1–¼”x1”Pullout Procedural/Material27020640TapTee PE2306 2x¼”TeeIrregularFusionBead Procedural/Material14020742BoltͲonTapTee PE2306 2"SDR11  Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page 262 Table 79. All Failures Type of Failure Specimen Number Description Mat’l Pipe Size Nature of Failure QualityControl642535¾”ValvePE2306¾”DamagedOͲring QualityControl6755403”ElbowPE23063"Circumferentialcrack MaterialFͲ83025Bending/earth settlementPE23062”IPSSDR11Circumferentialslit Procedural/ Material14020742BoltͲonTapTeePE23062"SDR11  Procedural07020714ButtFusionPE23064"SDR11.5Misalignment Procedural08020601ButtFusionPE23063"SDR11.5Lackofbond Procedural09020552ButtFusionPE23062"IrregularFusionBead Procedural10020477ButtFusionPE23064"SDR11Lackofbond Procedural11020541ButtFusionPE24064"SDR11.5Foreignbody Procedural12020550ButtFusionPE23064"IrregularFusionBead Procedural13020706ButtFusionPE23064"Lackofbond Procedural45020551ButtFusionPE24066"SDR11.5 (pipe)11(valve)Lackofbond Procedural060204100ButtFusionPE23062"Overload MaterialFͲ84014ButtJointPE23062”IPSSDR11Jointmisalignment ProceduralFͲ80004ButtjointPE23064“IPSSDR11Lackofbond ProceduralFͲ80005ButtjointPE34066“IPSLackofbond ProceduralFͲ85001ButtjointPE23063“IPSSDR11Inadequatefusion ProceduralFͲ89005ButtjointPE24062“IPSSDR11FailedduringplowͲin ProceduralN/AButtjointHDPE8“SDR11HDPEInadequatefusion Material20020447Cap Ͳ2”x¾”Service Tee Circumferentialcrack withinthreads Material21020739Cap Ͳ ͲCircumferentialcrack withinthreads Material22020733Cap Ͳ ͲCircumferentialcrack withinthreads Material23020464Cap Ͳ ͲCircumferentialcrack withinthreads Material24020499Cap Ͳ ͲCircumferentialcrack withinthreads Material25020718Cap Ͳ2"Circumferentialcrack withinthreads Material31020650Cap Ͳ3x1Ͳ¼”Tee Material49020718Cap Ͳ ͲCircumferentialcrack withinthreads Material50020726Cap Ͳ ͲCircumferentialcrack withinthreads QualityControlN/ACharredPEmass insidepipe 3”MDPEInternalobstruction Miscellaneous01020436CharredPipePE2406¾”Overheatingofmaterial QualityControlFͲ82001Dimensional tolerancePE23064”IPSSDR11.5OutͲofͲroundness Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page 263 Miscellaneous642430Electrofusion TeePE23064”x4”Overheatingofmaterial ProceduralFͲ84008EllfittingPE23062“IPSSDR11Lackofbondin90°Elldue tomisalignment Material26020806ExternalLoadingPE23064"AxialSlit Procedural00632HighVolume TappingTeeͲ4"x2"Inadequatefusion ProceduralN/AImpactonaboltPE34081–¼”DR11 HDPEThroughͲwallcrack Material00590ImpingementPE23064"AxialSlit Material602533ImpingementPE23064"AxialSlit Material04020731ImpingementPE23062"AxialSlit MaterialFͲ82006InsertRenewalPE23061Ͳ3/8”OD,.090” wallAxialSlits MaterialFͲ84005InternalPressurePE2306½”IPSSDR11Axialruptureinpipewall Material/ Quality17020701Mechanical CouplingPE23061–¼”SlitFailure Procedural/Ma terial41020409Mechanical Fitting 1–¼”x1”Pullout QualityControlFͲ80008Melt irregularitiesPE34083”IPSSDR11Irregularfusionbead MiscellaneousFͲ90010MeltedpipePE23064”IPSOverheatedelectriclight cablelayingonpipe QualityControlFͲ84001Microscopic defectsPE23065/8”CTSPinholes QualityControlN/AMoldweldͲline crackingPE23066”IPSAldylteeCrackingthroughcrotch Procedural40020413MultipleFusion JointsͲ3”and1Ͳ½”Poorworkmanship MiscellaneousN/A Pipeat compressor station PE34082”Axialcrack MiscellaneousN/A Pipeat compressor station PE34082”Axialcrack MiscellaneousN/APlowedͲinpipePhilips65002”SDR11MDPECircumferentialcrack QualityControlFͲ87003 Qualitycontrol: manufacturing defect PE34062”IPSSDR11Inclusionextending throughpipewall MaterialFͲ81001Rock ImpingementPE23062”IPSSDR11AxialSlits MaterialFͲ81002Rock ImpingementPE23062”IPSSDR11AxialSlits MaterialFͲ81003Rock ImpingementPE23062”IPSSDR11AxialSlits MaterialFͲ81004Rock ImpingementPE23062”IPSSDR11AxialSlits MaterialN/ARock ImpingementPE23062”HDPEThroughͲwallcrack MaterialFͲ84009SaddleJointPE23062”IPSx½”Circumferentialcrack Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page 264 throughpipe MaterialFͲ84011SaddleJointPE23063”IPSx½”Axialcrackthroughpipe MaterialFͲ85010SaddleJointPE23064”IPSSDR11Circumferentialcrack throughpipe MaterialFͲ86002SaddleJointPE23062”IPSSDR11Inadequatefusion MaterialFͲ86003SaddleJointHDPE3”IPSSDR11Circumferentialslitfailure atedgeofsaddlefusion ProceduralFͲ90013SaddlejointPE23062“IPSSDR11Poorfusionpractice QualityControlN/ASaddlejointPE34084”,6”Inadequatefusion Material15020650ServiceTee ThreadsPE23062x1Ͳ¼”TeeCircumferentialcrack withinthreads Material29020510ServiceTee ThreadsͲ2"Circumferentialcrack withinthreads Material30020542SocketCoupling Ͳ2"Circumferentialcrack throughcoupling Material35020485SocketCouplingPE23061"SocketFusionCircumferentialSlit Material39020603SocketCouplingPE23062"SDR11CircumferentialSlit Procedural16020611SocketCouplingPE23061"SDR11Poorworkmanship Procedural31020649SocketCouplingPE23062x1Ͳ¼”TeePoorworkmanship MaterialFͲ81011SocketJointPE23062”IPSSDR11Circumferentialcrack throughpipewall MaterialFͲ84012SocketJointPE2306½”CTSCircumferentialcracks throughpipe MaterialFͲ84018SocketJointPE23062”IPSSDR11Socketmisalignment ProceduralFͲ84006SocketjointPE23064“IPSSDR11Lackofbondinfusionjoint Material19020414SocketTeePE23064"3WayCircumferentialSlit Material33020602SocketTeePE23062"SDR11.5CircumferentialSlit Material34020623SocketTeePE23062"CircumferentialSlit Procedural36020713SocketTee Ͳ 1–¼”Poorworkmanship Procedural47020565SocketTeePE2306,TR 4184"SDR11.5Poorworkmanship MaterialFͲ81005SqueezeͲoffPE23062”IPSSDR11AxialSlits MaterialFͲ83019SqueezeͲoffPE23062”IPSSDR11AxialSlits MaterialFͲ83023SqueezeͲoffPE23063”IPSSDR11AxialSlits Procedural02020717SqueezeͲoffPE23064"SDR11.5Oversqueezed Procedural03020647SqueezeͲoffPE23062"Oversqueezed Procedural05020548SqueezeͲoffPE23062"SDR11Misalignedinmachine Material678156TapTeePE23062"CircumferentialSlit Miscellaneous642909TapTeePE23061–¼”Lackofbond/Overload Procedural28020502TapTee Ͳ 1–¼”x1”Poorworkmanship Procedural42020711TapTeePE23062x3/4”SDR11Poorworkmanship Procedural43020555TapTeePE23062”x¾”IPSLackofbond Procedural44020539TapTee PE2306 (tee)TR418 (pipe) 1–¼”x1”(tee) 1Ͳ¼”SDR10 (pipe) Poorworkmanship Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page 265 Procedural/Ma terial27020640TapTeePE23062x¼”TeeIrregularFusionBead Procedural32020543TapTeeͲSocket FusionPE23062”IPSx½”CTSOverload MaterialFͲ84013TappingTeePE23066”SDR17w/ tappingteeAxialstress ProceduralFͲ86001TappingteePE23062x5/8“tapping teeInadequatejoint ProceduralN/ATappingteePE23061–¼”w/½” tappingteeLongitudinalcracks MaterialFͲ81006TappingTeeCapPE2306N/ACircumferentialcrack withinthreads MaterialFͲ84003TeePE23062”IPSSDR11 2x2x2Tee Circumferentialcrack throughfitting Procedural18020538TransitionFittingTR4181–¼”SDR11BendingStress ProceduralFͲ90005TransitionfittingPE23064“IPSSDR11.5 SCGdrivenby misalignmentorexternal bending QualityControlFͲ82004VisibledefectsPE23062”IPSSDR11Thinspots QualityControl062994Ͳ1Weaklapdueto polyamidefilmPE34084”SDR11Axialcrack QualityControl092394Ͳ1Weaklapdueto polyamidefilmPE34084”SDR11Axialcrack Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page 266 The samples received by GTI under this project were also incorporated with a previous database of received field failures. They are included in Table 80. This group of failures shows the largest number of defects occurred at joints, particularly at saddles, sockets, butt, and tee joints. Table 80. Received Failures Failure Type Number MaterialFailures  Pipe  RockImpingement9 SqueezeͲoff8 InsertRenewal1 Bending/Settlement3 InternalPressure1  Joints EndCaps8 TappingTeeCaps9 TeesandElls21 Sockets74 Saddles118  FusionFailuresinJoints ButtFusion29 SocketFusion7 SaddleFusion5  QualityControlProblems6  ThirdParty14  Other8  Total321 Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page 267 Characterizing the Resistance of PE to RCP through S-4 Testing It is estimated that about 30% of all the new PE pipe installations are 4-inch and larger in size. Many gas distribution companies now routinely install PE pipes in 12- and 16-inch diameter sizes. Also, many of the newer high-density (HD) PE pipelines including those extruded from Bi-Modal materials are being subjected to pressures greater than 100psig. RCP is a failure mode that is in complete contrast to SCG. RCP is characterized by a fast moving large-scale crack that can travel at high speeds over long spans of a PE pipeline. These types of failures are rare but reports of RCP field failure do exist. A PE gas system had a RCP failure in which a pipe crack propagated 700 meters before arresting. Other less severe RCP incidents have occurred in gas pipelines.(Vanspeybroeck, 2002) RCP failures may be very severe events due to the large volumes of gas that can be quickly released. It is critical that the phenomenon is well understood and pipelines are designed to minimize the susceptibility to RCP failures. Rapid Crack Propagation A RCP failure mode consists of two phases. First, there is an initiation phase where a critical crack is formed; this can be a pre-existing notch or generated under dynamic conditions that involve loads impacting the pipe at high speeds.(Kanninen, O'Donoghue, Cardinal, Green, Curr, & Williams, 1989) Investigations have shown that a pre-existing notch or crack is considered critical if it extends about 90% through the pipe wall.(Krishnaswamy, Maxey, Leis, & Mamoun, 1986) If the pipeline is free of any pre-existing critical defects or notches, then crack initiation may be induced by a sharp-edged object, such as a blade, that impacts the pipe line at a very high speed. In this case, the sharp-edged object or source impacting the pipe creates a notch in the pipe and causes a large amount of elastic strain energy to be stored in the pipe material and possibly released. Observations of numerous experiments have shown that a sharp- edged object that impacts a PE pipe causes an RCP critical notch when the notch depth is in the range of about 50 to 70% of the wall thickness and the notch axial length is about one pipe diameter. The second phase involves the release of the stored elastic energy to sustain crack propagation. This phase is characterized by a steady state crack growth at speeds in excess of 200 m/s over a very long pipe span. To sustain RCP, the energy that drives the crack, denoted as (J), needs to be greater than the Dynamic Toughness of the PE pipe material, denoted as (Jc). Equation [9] mathematically expresses the necessary condition for the dynamic propagation of a crack.(Leis, 1989) CJJ!(9) Where: J = driving energy JC = dynamic toughness Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page 268 If the driving energy (J) decreases or is less than Jc,the crack will stop propagating, i.e. the crack will arrest. The energy or force that drives the growth of a dynamic RCP crack, denoted as J, is given in equation [10]. 2/3 2 5.2 125.11 DE t DDp J ¸¹ ·¨© §  (10) Where: J = driving energy P = pipe internal pressure D = diameter ED = dynamic modulus The expression for J is developed using numerical modeling techniques and principles of fracture mechanics. ED is a materials property that is dependent on temperature. The dynamic toughness of a PE pipe material (ED) decreases substantially and rapidly with decreasing temperatures. From equation [2], it should be noted that the RCP driving force is directly proportional to the pressure raised to a power of 2.5, the pipe diameter, and SDR. The energy that drives the growth of a dynamic RCP crack J is inversely related to the dynamic modulus. Thus, the RCP driving force increases substantially with increasing pressure, SDR and pipe diameter. The RCP driving force J is inversely proportional to the dynamic modulus. Figure 305 depicts a schematic illustration of a RCP event in which the crack is traveling axially along the pipe. Typically, a RCP crack propagates in a sinusoidal pattern along the axial direction of the PE pipe. In some cases, the RCP crack bifurcates or rings around the pipe.(Leis, 1989) Figure 305: Schematic of Growing RCP Crack. (Kanninen, Et Al., 1997) Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page 269 Equation [10] shows that a primary driving force for RCP is the internal pressure of the pipe. However, an initiated and growing crack allows for gas to rapidly escape the pipe leading to a pressure drop as shown in Figure 305. This sets a balance between how quickly the crack grows (crack propagation) and how quickly the internal pressure escapes from the pipe (decompression speed). The entire length of pipe in the field is pressurized; as the gas escapes through the crack it is replaced from the gas contained in the remaining section of the pipe. If the crack speed and decompression speed are matched, the pressure drop at the crack tip will remain static as there is insufficient time for it to drop further. In this situation, the crack can propagate over very long pipe spans. If the pipe decompression is sufficiently fast, the pressure driving the RCP crack will quickly dissipate thus causing the driving force to be less than Jc, causing crack arrest. From equation [10] some general relations that lead to a greater chance of RCP are clear: x Increasing pressure substantially increases RCP susceptibility x Increasing pipe diameter increases RCP susceptibility x Increasing SDR increases RCP susceptibility x Decreasing dynamic modulus increases RCP susceptibility In summary, x If J > Jc Then the RCP crack propagates. x If J < Jc Then the crack arrest occurs. Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page 270 S-4 Background Appropriate testing methodologies were developed to better understand the conditions that lead to RCP and what prevents it. Tests of all types were considered but due to the pipe size requirement in RCP, most testing methods focus on using full or longer-sized pipes for experimentation. GTI conducted numerous RCP full-scale field tests on different types of PE pipes materials and sizes. These full-scale field tests were performed on pipes having a length greater than 50 feet. To correlate the results of the full-scale field tests with a small-scale bench- top test, GTI conducted several tests using a modified version of the Charpy impact test.(Brown, Lu, & Mamoun, 2000) However, these correlations were inconclusive. Test Requirements A test method to evaluate a plastic pipe’s resistance to RCP needs to fit a criteria (Wolters & Ketel, 1983): x A sharp crack needs to be initiated at a high speed (greater than decompression speeds); x Crack propagation and crack arrest need to be differentiated; and x Sufficient gas pressure/supply to prevent too quick of a decompression of the pipe test sample. Along with these requirements, any test would need to produce consistent and reproducible results that can be correlated to field conditions. This would help determine design and operating factors that the plastic pipeline industry can implement and use. Currently, to characterize the resistance of PE pipe materials to RCP, two tests are typically conducted. These are the Full-Scale field RCP tests and the laboratory small-scale steady-state (S-4) test. Full-Scale RCP Field Tests Full scale RCP testing mimics the conditions conducive to a RCP event that may occur in an installed PE gas pipe. In a full-scale field test, the length of the PE pipe test sample is typically in the range of 70 to 100 feet. The test temperature and pressure of the pipe are controlled and monitored throughout the test. A sharp crack is then initiated in a section of the pipe through either a pre-notched slit or a fast moving blade. This crack then grows through the pipe depending on the various test conditions. In many GTI full-scale field tests, the crack speed is monitored and recorded using timing wires; this information was needed to develop small-scale laboratory tests that could be accurately correlated with full-scale field tests. Figure 306 is a photographic view of one of GTI full-scale tests that were conducted on a 100-ft long pipe sample. This view shows the possible catastrophic failure that can occur during a RCP event and also illustrates the RCP sinusoidal crack that propagated axially along the pipe length. The full-scale RCP field tests involve substantial engineering design and planning costs. This cost makes the full-scale test less than ideal for parametric evaluations of the RCP phenomenon in plastic pipe materials. Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page 271 Figure 306: Full Scale RCP Testing Result (Kanninen Et Al., 1997) S-4 Testing Due to the difficulty and costs involved in conducting experiments on full-scale pipe specimens, a small more compact version of the test was developed for laboratory evaluations: the small-scale steady-state (S-4) test. The small-scale steady-state (S-4) test is conducted on short lengths of PE pipes. In an S-4 test, the length of the pipe test sample is between seven (7) and nine (9) times the pipe diameter. The pipe test sample is cooled to a uniform constant temperature, subjected to a constant internal pressure, and then impacted at one end with a sharp blade to produce an axial crack in the PE pipe test specimen. The S-4 test is performed in accordance with ISO 13477 test specification. Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page 272 The objective of the S-4 test is to experimentally determine either the: x Critical pressure pc,S4 corresponding to a given constant temperature determined from a series of initiation tests; or x Critical temperature Tc,S4 corresponding to a constant pressure of 5 bars (1 bar = 14.7psig). In the S-4 test, the pipe test sample is conditioned and cooled to a specified test temperature determined from a series of initiation tests. Then, while the test specimen is at that temperature, the pipe is pressurized and impacted with a sharp-edge blade. A rapidly running crack is initiated in the pipe by the fast moving steel blade. The resultant crack can be measured, characterized, and categorized as either propagation or arrest. A key feature of the S-4 test apparatus is that internal baffles prevent rapid decompression of the sample. This feature allows for testing of a small pipe sections and at lower pressures than required for full scale testing.(Kanninen, Kuhlman, & Mamoun, Rupture-Prevention Design Procedure to Ensure PE Gas Pipe System Performance, 1993) A systematic series of tests can be carried out by varying a single condition at a time. This assists in performing extensive parametric evaluation of the important variables effecting RCP. Using the S-4 test methodology, the critical temperature or critical pressure can be determined for any pipe material and size. ISO Specification (ISO 13477) ISO Specification 13477: Thermoplastics Pipes for the Conveyance of Fluids – Determination of Resistance to Rapid Crack Propagation (RCP) – Small-Scale Steady-State Test (S4 Test) describes in detail the physical dimensions of many components of an S-4 testing apparatus. The details and specifications on sample preparation and testing conditions are described in the ISO specification. The sections that follow briefly describe the testing procedure contained within the ISO 13477 specification; for full details please reference the specification directly. The S-4 test procedure involves performing first the so-called initiation tests. The initiation tests are then followed by conducting a series of the S-4 full-scale arrest and propagation tests to determine either the critical pressure or the critical temperature for a PE pipe test material. Initiation Tests Before performing a full S-4 tests, initiation tests must be carried out. The initiation tests are to verify whether or not a fast moving sharp crack can be generated by the striking blade in a given pipe material and size. The test sections are cooled to 32 °F and struck with no internal pressure applied. A successful initiation consists of a crack that is at least 0.7 pipe diameters in length. In this way the energy needed to initiate the fast moving crack is determined for a given PE pipe material. Figure 307 shows a successful crack initiation test, in which the crack reached a length greater than 0.7 pipe diameters. If the initiation conditions are not met the blade speed can be modified but must remain within 5 m/s of 15 m/s. If initiation is not induced at 32°F, then the test temperature is reduced until the required crack initiation conditions are met. Alternatively, an internal notch can be introduced to facilitate crack initiation.(ISO 13477) Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page 273 Figure 307: S-4 Crack Initiation Result Critical Pressure Testing In the standard S-4 procedure, the pipe test specimen is cooled to the required initiation temperature. Then, the pipe specimen is pressurized with a compressible fluid, usually air. The pipe is then struck with a sharp-edge blade to initiate a fast moving crack. To evaluate a pipe’s critical pressure, a series of S-4 tests are performed while systematically varying the internal pipe pressure. This test method is incorporated into the ISO 13477 specification with the condition that the test temperature is held constant at a temperature of 32 °F. The crack that results is considered “propagation” if its length exceeds 4.7 times the pipe diameters. If a crack is initiated, by growing more than 0.7 pipe diameters and fails to propagate a length of 4.7 times the pipe diameters then it is considered an “arrest.”(ISO 13477) After performing a series of S-4 tests at different pressures, the highest pressure at which crack arrest occurs is considered the critical pressure for that specific pipe material and size. Correlation of the S-4 Critical Pressure to the Full-Scale Field Test Several full-scale RCP field tests and S-4 were conducted on different PE pipe materials manufactured in Europe. On the basis of these tests, researchers developed an empirical correlation between the S-4 critical pressure and the pressure that caused RCP failures in the full- scale field tests. This correlation was developed by testing resins and pipe materials with substantial compounding and manufacturing differences than United States produced PE pipe materials. These differences may result in pipe materials having different RCP resistant properties. Therefore this correlation may not be valid for US gas grade pipe materials and Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page 274 should serve as a guide. The empirically found correlation is given in Equation [11], (ISO 13477): atmatmScFScpppp 4,,6.3 (11) Where: pc,FS = full scale critical pressure pc,S4 = S-4 critical pressure patm = atmospheric pressure In this Equation, it should be noted that 1 patm = 1 Bar = 14.7psig. Critical Temperature Testing To determine the critical temperature of a PE pipe material using the S-4 test, a series of tests are performed on a given PE pipe material of a specific size. The S-4 tests are conducted on pipe test specimens subjected to a constant pressure of 5 bars or 72.5 psi. In this series of tests, the pipe temperature is systematically varied until a temperature is determined above which crack arrest occurs. The coldest/lowest test temperature that results in a crack arrest is designated as the critical temperature. Above this temperature, no amount of pressure will sustain RCP.(Leevers, Venizelos, & Morgan, 1993) In some pipe materials it may be impossible to determine the critical temperature following the S-4 test procedure.(ISO 13477) Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page 275 GTI S-4 Test Apparatus The requirements of an S-4 test apparatus are described in detail in ISO 13477:2008(E). What follows is the description of GTI’s implementation of the ISO specification. Figure 308 depicts the major components of the S-4 test apparatus: 1. Pipe Assembly: Metal Shaft, Anvil, and Baffles 2. External Containment Cage and Frame 3. Striking Blade Assembly. Figure 308: GTI’s S-4 Testing Apparatus Shaft, Anvil, Baffles and Pipe Assembly The pipe assembly consists of a metal shaft, baffles, an external containment cage, and end caps. The shaft and end caps facilitate sealing the pipe air-tight and contain ports to allow for pressurization and pressure monitoring, see Figure 309. A metal anvil is inserted on the metal shaft preventing excessive pipe deformations; see Figure 310, at the blade’s point of impact. The metal baffles are cylindrical disks that are assembled on the pipe shaft and are equidistant apart by the insertion of metallic spacers. The 3. Striking Blade Assembly 1. Pipe Assembly 2. Cage and Frame Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page 276 baffles as shown in Figure 312 are evenly spaced and sized according to the ISO specification. The baffles prevent quick decompression of the pressurized pipe sample after crack initiation. The PE pipe test specimen is inserted over the anvil and the end-caps are tightly secured at the pipe ends. The entire pipe assembly consisting of the anvil, the baffles and the PE pipe with its end-caps can be removed from the test apparatus and placed into an environmental chamber to allow for pipe conditioning at the required test temperature. The entire pipe assembly is conditioned and cooled at the chosen temperature for a minimum of 24 hours before being removed for S-4 testing. GTI monitors the pipe’s temperature with thermocouples and carries out the testing within the time period allowed by the ISO specification. Figure 309: End Cap Contains a Port to Fill/Monitor Pipe Specimen. Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page 277 Figure 310: Assembly Anvil Prevents Excessive Pipe Wall Deformation during Impact Figure 311: Schematic of Pipe Assembly Used at GTI Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page 278 Figure 312: Baffles and Anvil That Are Contained Within the Pipe Specimen External Containment Cage and Frame The S-4 containment cage and frame are attached to the laboratory’s floor and provide a stable base for the S-4 test. After cooling, the pipe assembly is quickly centered in the external cage which has spacing that matches the internal baffle system as specified in the ISO standard. The cage prevents excessive diametric deformations of the pipe as the crack propagates as shown in Figure 313. The frame attached to the cage is movable to allow for the insertion of the pipe assembly after which it is moved under the blade-impacting assembly. The exterior cage is then closed around the pipe assembly and locked in place, as pictured in Figure 314. The overall frame keeps the alignment between the pipe assembly and blade assembly. Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page 279 Figure 313: FET Analysis Showing the Extensive Deformation of a Pipe during RCP Figure 314: External Cage Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page 280 Striking Blade Assembly This section of the S-4 apparatus propels a steel blade into the pipe surface to initiate the fast moving crack. The blade assembly is adjustable to different pipe diameters by moving it up and down and changing the size of the blade. A large pressurized air cylinder controlled by a solenoid valve provides the acceleration for the steel blade down the rectangular shaft pictured in Figure 308. When it strikes the pipe assembly, the blade speed is near 15 m/s. GTI monitors the blade’s speed at impact by timing the blade’s travel over a known distance. As the blade exits the shaft it strikes the pipe above the anvil initiating a crack as pictured in Figure 315. Figure 315: Blade Resting in the Crack It Initiated Ti t l e : D T P H 5 6 - 0 6 - T - 0 0 0 4 F i n a l R e p o r t P a g e 2 8 1 PE M a t e r i a l s S u b j e c t e d t o S - 4 T e s t s In t h i s p r o j e c t , S - 4 t e s t s w e r e c o n d u c t e d o n s i x ( 6 ) P E g a s - g r a d e p i p e m a t e r i a l s c u r r e n t l y m a r k e t e d i n t h e U . S . T h e s e p i p e ma t e r i a l s w e r e s e l e c t e d b y t h e p r o j e c t S t e e r i n g / A d v i s o r c o m m i t t e e . Th e S - 4 C r i t i c a l P r e s s u r e w a s d e t e r m i n e d f o r e a c h o f t h e 6 P E p i p e m a t e r i a l s . I n a d d i t i o n , t h e S - 4 C r i t i c a l T e m p e r a t u r e w a s de t e r m i n e d f o r t h e t h r e e 6 - i n c h d i a m e t e r p i p e m a t e r i a l s . T o d e t e r m i n e t h e C r i t i c a l P r e s s u r e o r t h e C r i t i c a l t e m p e r a t u r e , a s e r i es o f S - 4 te s t s w e r e . T a b l e 8 1 l i s t s t h e p i p e m a t e r i a l s u s e d a n d t h e t e s t s t h a t w e r e p e r f o r m e d f o r e a c h . Th e S - 4 t e s t d a t a f r o m a l l t h e S - 4 t e s t s a r e l i s t e d i n t h e f o l l o w i n g s e c t i o n . T a b l e 8 2 t h r o u g h T a b l e 9 0 p r e s e n t t h e S - 4 t e s t r e su l t s . Al l t h e S - 4 t e s t r e s u l t s a r e a l s o p r e s e n t e d i n g r a p h i c a l p l o t s s h o w i n g t h e c r a c k l e n g t h a s a f u n c t i o n o f t h e p i p e t e s t p r e s s u r e o r t h e p i p e te s t t e m p e r a t u r e . P h o t o g r a p h s o f t y p i c a l P E p i p e t e s t s p e c i m e n s t h a t w e r e s u b j e c t e d t o t h e S - 4 t e s t s a r e a l s o p r e s e n t e d . Ta b l e 8 1 : P i p e M a t e r i a l s U s e d F o r t h e S - 4 T e s t i n g Pi p e M a t e r i a l S- 4 T e s t s Pr i n t L i n e 6” M D P E Cr i t i c a l P r e s s u r e & Cr i t i c a l T e m p e r a t u r e 6' ' I P S S D R 1 1 . 0 D R I S C O P L E X 6 5 0 0 G A S P E 2 4 0 6 / 2 7 0 8 C E E A S T M D 2 5 1 3 K V 1 8 P 02 2 6 0 8 6” H D P E Cr i t i c a l P r e s s u r e & Cr i t i c a l T e m p e r a t u r e 6' ' I P S S D R 1 1 . 0 P O L Y P I P E G D B 3 0 G A S P E 3 4 0 8 P E 3 6 0 8 C D E A S T M D 2 5 1 3 X 3 0 Q 0 4 03 A P R 0 8 6” P E 1 0 0 Cr i t i c a l P r e s s u r e & Cr i t i c a l T e m p e r a t u r e 6' ' I P S D R 1 1 Y e l l o w S t r i p e ® 8 3 0 0 G a s P E 3 4 0 8 / 4 7 1 0 P E 1 0 0 C E E A S T M D 2 5 1 3 WT 0 1 2 Y B 2 - 0 7 5 1 5 J A N 0 8 8” M D P E C r i t i c a l P r e s s u r e 8 " I P S D R 1 1 . 0 D R I S C O P L E X 6 5 0 0 G A S P E 2 4 0 6 / 2 7 0 8 C E E A S T M D 2 5 1 3 0 2 1 5 0 8 8” P E 1 0 0 C r i t i c a l P r e s s u r e 8" I P S D R 1 3 . 5 Y E L L O W S T R I P E 8 3 0 0 G A S P E 3 4 0 8 / 4 7 1 0 P E 1 0 0 C E E A S T M D 2 5 1 3 WT 0 0 9 Y B 2 - 0 2 8 0 7 F E B 0 8 12 ” M D P E C r i t i c a l P r e s s u r e 12 ' ' I P S S D R 1 1 . 0 D R I S C O P L E X 6 5 0 0 P E 2 4 0 6 / 2 7 0 8 C E E A S T M D 2 5 1 3 K V 1 7 P K 0 0 2 03 1 1 0 8 Ti t l e : D T P H 5 6 - 0 6 - T - 0 0 0 4 F i n a l R e p o r t P a g e 2 8 2 6 I n c h M D P E – C r i t i c a l P r e s s u r e a n d C r i t i c a l T e m p e r a t u r e Ta b l e 8 2 : 6 ' ' M D P E C r i t i c a l P r e s s u r e T e s t R e s u l t s Cr i t i c a l P r e s s u r e 6 " M D P E IS O 1 3 4 7 7 Ev e n t Te s t N o . CP Sp e c i m e n No . Te s t Te m p . ( ° F ) +- 1 ° F Pr e s s u r e (p s i g ) +- 1 p s i g Bl a d e Sp e e d (m / s ) +- 0 . 1 m / s Te s t P i p e Sp e c i m e n Le n g t h (I n ) Cr a c k Le n g t h ( I n ) fr o m B l a d e Ce n t e r l i n e As No m i n a l Ou t e r P i p e Di a m e t e r (I n ) De (a v g . ) As / D e Pr o p a g a t i o n ( P ) or A r r e s t ( A ) As / D e > 4 . 7 = ( P ) As / D e ” 4 . 7 = ( A ) Cr a c k I n i t i a t i o n T e s t s 1 2 A 3 3 . 2 0 . 0 1 5 . 8 8 3 6 . 9 7 1 / 2 6 . 6 2 6 I 2 2 B 3 2 0 . 0 1 5 . 8 7 5 3 6 . 9 8 6 . 6 2 9 I 3 2 C 3 1 . 7 0 . 0 1 5 . 8 7 5 3 7 . 0 7 7 / 8 6 . 6 3 4 I 4 2 D 3 2 . 7 0 . 0 1 5 . 6 3 6 . 9 6 1 / 4 6 . 6 3 1 I 5 2 2 4 3 2 0 . 0 1 5 . 8 7 5 3 6 . 9 8 1 / 2 6 . 6 3 3 I S- 4 T e s t s 6 2 1 5 3 1 . 9 1 0 . 5 1 5 . 8 7 5 6 6 . 9 2 3 3 / 4 6 . 6 3 8 3 . 5 8 A 7 2 2 2 3 1 . 8 1 2 . 4 1 5 . 8 7 5 6 6 . 8 2 5 1 / 2 6 . 6 3 3 3 . 8 4 A 8 2 1 9 3 2 . 1 1 4 . 5 1 5 . 8 7 5 6 7 . 0 2 1 3 / 4 6 . 6 3 6 3 . 2 8 A 9 2 1 6 3 2 . 4 1 5 . 5 1 5 . 8 7 5 6 7 . 1 2 5 1 / 4 6 . 6 3 7 3 . 8 0 A 11 2 8 3 2 . 6 1 8 . 2 1 5 . 8 7 5 6 6 . 8 3 2 7 / 8 6 . 6 3 6 4 . 9 5 P 12 2 1 4 3 2 . 4 2 1 . 0 1 5 . 8 7 5 6 7 . 1 3 2 1 / 2 6 . 6 3 7 4 . 9 0 P 13 2 1 3 3 1 . 9 2 5 . 0 1 5 . 8 7 5 6 7 . 0 3 1 7 / 8 6 . 6 3 8 4 . 8 0 P 14 2 1 7 3 2 . 2 3 0 . 5 1 5 . 6 6 7 . 0 5 1 1 / 2 6 . 6 3 8 7 . 7 6 P * C r a c k L e n g t h i s t h e e n t i r e l e n g t h o f t h e p i p e . Ti t l e : D T P H 5 6 - 0 6 - T - 0 0 0 4 F i n a l R e p o r t P a g e 2 8 3 Fi g u r e 3 1 6 : 6 ” M D P E C r i t i c a l P r e s s u r e T e s t R e s u l t s : C r i t i c a l P r e s s u r e : 1 5 . 5 P s i g Ti t l e : D T P H 5 6 - 0 6 - T - 0 0 0 4 F i n a l R e p o r t P a g e 2 8 4 Ta b l e 8 3 : 6 ' ' M D P E : C r i t i c a l T e m p e r a t u r e T e s t R e s u l t s Cr i t i c a l T e m p e r a t u r e 6 " M D P E IS O 1 3 4 7 7 Ev e n t Te s t N o . CP Sp e c i m e n No . Te s t Te m p . ( ° F ) +- 1 ° F Pr e s s u r e (p s i g ) +- 1 p s i g Bl a d e Sp e e d (m / s ) +- 0 . 1 m / s Te s t P i p e Sp e c i m e n Le n g t h (I n ) Cr a c k Le n g t h ( I n ) fr o m B l a d e Ce n t e r l i n e As No m i n a l Ou t e r P i p e Di a m e t e r (I n ) De (a v g . ) As / D e Pr o p a g a t i o n ( P ) or A r r e s t ( A ) As / D e > 4 . 7 = ( P ) As / D e ” 4 . 7 = ( A ) Cr a c k I n i t i a t i o n T e s t s 1 2 A 3 3 . 2 0 . 0 1 5 . 8 8 3 6 . 9 7 1 / 2 6. 6 2 6 I 2 2 B 3 2 0 . 0 1 5 . 8 7 5 3 6 . 9 8 6. 6 2 9 I 3 2 C 3 1 . 7 0 . 0 1 5 . 8 7 5 3 7 . 0 7 7 / 8 6. 6 3 4 I 4 2 D 3 2 . 7 0 . 0 1 5 . 6 3 6 . 9 6 1 / 4 6. 6 3 1 I 5 2 2 4 3 2 0 . 0 1 5 . 8 7 5 3 6 . 9 8 1 / 2 6. 6 3 3 I S- 4 T e s t s 6 2 1 8 6 7 . 2 7 2 . 5 1 5 . 6 6 7 . 3 1 3 6 . 6 3 7 1 . 9 6 A 7 2 5 6 5 . 5 7 2 . 5 1 5 . 6 6 7 . 3 1 3 3 / 4 6. 6 3 3 2. 0 7 A 8 2 7 6 4 . 1 7 2 . 5 1 5 . 6 6 7 . 3 4 6 1 / 4 6 . 6 3 2 6 . 9 7 P 9 2 1 0 5 9 . 0 7 2 . 5 1 5 . 6 6 7 . 3 5 9 1 / 2 6. 6 3 3 8. 9 7 P * 10 2 2 1 5 2 . 3 7 2 . 5 1 5 . 8 7 5 6 7 . 3 5 9 1 / 2 6 . 6 3 4 8 . 9 7 P * 11 2 1 2 4 8 . 2 7 2 . 5 1 5 . 8 7 5 6 7 . 3 5 9 1 / 2 6 . 6 3 4 8 . 9 7 P * 12 2 2 4 4 . 1 7 2 . 5 1 5 . 8 7 5 6 7 . 3 5 9 1 / 2 6 . 6 3 3 8 . 9 7 P * 13 2 2 0 3 9 . 2 7 2 . 5 1 5 . 8 7 5 6 7 . 3 5 9 1 / 2 6 . 6 3 6 8 . 9 7 P * 14 2 6 3 7 . 9 7 2 . 6 1 5 . 6 6 7 . 3 5 9 1 / 2 6 . 6 3 2 8 . 9 7 P * * C r a c k L e n g t h i s t h e e n t i r e l e n g t h o f t h e p i p e . Ti t l e : D T P H 5 6 - 0 6 - T - 0 0 0 4 F i n a l R e p o r t P a g e 2 8 5 Fi g u r e 3 1 7 : 6 ” M D P E C r i t i c a l T e m p e r a t u r e T e s t R e s u l t s : C r i t i c a l T e m p e r a t u r e : 6 5 . 5 ° F Ti t l e : D T P H 5 6 - 0 6 - T - 0 0 0 4 F i n a l R e p o r t P a g e 2 8 6 Fi g u r e 3 1 8 : 6 ” M D P E S - 4 T e s t s : L e f t , C r a c k A r r e s t ; R i g h t , C r a c k P r o p a g a t i o n Ti t l e : D T P H 5 6 - 0 6 - T - 0 0 0 4 F i n a l R e p o r t P a g e 2 8 7 6” I n c h H D P E C r i t i c a l P r e s s u r e a n d C r i t i c a l T e m p e r a t u r e Ta b l e 8 4 : 6 ' ' I P S H D P E C r i t i c a l P r e s s u r e T e s t R e s u l t s Cr i t i c a l P r e s s u r e IS O 1 3 4 7 7 Ev e n t Te s t N o . CP Sp e c i m e n No . Te s t Te m p . ( ° F ) +- 1 ° F Pr e s s u r e (p s i g ) +- 1 p s i g Bl a d e Sp e e d (m / s ) +- 0 . 1 m / s Te s t P i p e Sp e c i m e n Le n g t h (I n ) Cr a c k Le n g t h ( I n ) fr o m B l a d e Ce n t e r l i n e As No m i n a l Ou t e r P i p e Di a m e t e r (I n ) De (a v g . ) As / D e Pr o p a g a t i o n ( P ) or A r r e s t ( A ) As / D e > 4 . 7 = ( P ) As / D e ” 4 . 7 = ( A ) Cr a c k I n i t i a t i o n T e s t s 1 3 A 3 0 . 9 0 . 0 1 6 . 5 6 3 6 . 0 7 3 / 4 6 . 6 2 5 I 2 3 C 3 1 . 4 0 . 0 1 6 . 5 6 3 6 . 0 1 1 1 / 8 6 . 6 2 4 I 3 3 D 3 1 . 2 0 . 0 1 6 . 5 6 3 6 . 0 1 2 6 . 6 2 5 I S- 4 T e s t s 4 3 5 3 1 . 4 1 2 . 5 1 6 . 5 6 6 7 . 3 1 3 6 . 6 2 7 1 . 9 6 A 5 3 2 7 3 1 . 6 1 5 . 0 1 6 . 5 6 6 7 . 3 1 9 1 / 2 6 . 6 3 0 2 . 9 4 A 6 3 3 3 1 . 6 1 6 . 5 1 6 . 5 6 6 7 . 3 1 9 6 . 6 2 5 2 . 8 7 A 7 3 2 6 3 0 . 2 1 7 . 0 1 6 . 5 6 6 7 . 3 1 4 1 / 2 6 . 6 3 0 2 . 1 9 A 8 3 2 3 1 . 4 2 0 . 0 1 6 . 5 6 6 7 . 3 5 9 6 . 6 2 6 8 . 9 0 P 9 3 2 5 3 1 . 8 2 1 . 0 1 6 . 5 6 6 7 . 3 5 4 3 / 4 6 . 6 2 9 8 . 2 6 P 10 3 2 4 3 3 . 8 2 5 . 0 1 6 . 5 6 6 7 . 3 5 9 6 . 6 2 9 8 . 9 0 P 11 3 2 2 3 1 . 4 2 6 . 8 1 6 . 5 6 6 7 . 3 5 9 6 . 6 3 0 8 . 9 0 P 12 3 2 8 3 1 . 7 3 2 . 0 1 6 . 5 6 6 7 . 3 6 0 1 / 4 6 . 6 2 4 9 . 1 0 P * 13 3 2 3 3 1 . 8 4 1 . 0 1 6 . 5 6 6 7 . 3 5 9 3 / 4 6 . 6 2 9 9 . 0 1 P Ti t l e : D T P H 5 6 - 0 6 - T - 0 0 0 4 F i n a l R e p o r t P a g e 2 8 8 Fi g u r e 3 1 9 : 6 ” H D P E C r i t i c a l P r e s s u r e T e s t R e s u l t s : C r i t i c a l P r e s s u r e : 1 7 . 0 P s i g Ti t l e : D T P H 5 6 - 0 6 - T - 0 0 0 4 F i n a l R e p o r t P a g e 2 8 9 Ta b l e 8 5 : 6 ' ' H D P E C r i t i c a l T e m p e r a t u r e T e s t R e s u l t s Cr i t i c a l T e m p e r a t u r e IS O 1 3 4 7 7 Ev e n t Te s t No . CP Sp e c i m e n No . Te s t Te m p . ( ° F ) +- 1 ° F Pr e s s u r e (p s i g ) +- 1 p s i g Bl a d e Sp e e d (m / s ) +- 0 . 1 m / s Te s t P i p e Sp e c i m e n Le n g t h (I n ) Cr a c k Le n g t h ( I n ) fr o m B l a d e Ce n t e r l i n e As No m i n a l Ou t e r Pi p e Di a m e t e r (I n ) De (a v g . ) As / D e Pr o p a g a t i o n ( P ) or A r r e s t ( A ) As / D e > 4 . 7 = ( P ) As / D e ” 4 . 7 = (A ) Cr a c k I n i t i a t i o n T e s t s 1 3 A 3 0 . 9 0 . 0 1 6 . 5 6 3 6 . 0 7 3 / 4 6 . 6 2 5 I 2 3 C 3 1 . 4 0 . 0 1 6 . 5 6 3 6 . 0 1 1 1 / 8 6 . 6 2 4 I 3 3 D 3 1 . 2 0 . 0 1 6 . 5 6 3 6 . 0 1 2 6 . 6 2 5 I S- 4 T e s t s 4 3 1 4 6 0 . 3 7 2 . 5 1 6 . 5 6 6 7 . 3 2 3 / 8 6 . 6 2 6 0 . 3 6 I . N . S . 5 3 1 8 5 5 . 0 7 2 . 5 1 6 . 5 6 6 7 . 3 1 3 / 8 6 . 6 2 4 0 . 2 1 I . N . S . 6 3 1 7 5 1 . 3 7 2 . 5 1 6 . 5 6 6 7 . 3 3 6 . 6 2 5 0 . 4 5 I . N . S . 7 3 1 2 5 1 . 0 7 2 . 5 1 6 . 5 6 6 7 . 3 1 3 / 8 6 . 6 2 7 0 . 2 1 I . N . S . 8 3 9 5 0 . 8 7 2 . 5 1 6 . 5 6 6 7 . 3 3 1 / 4 6 . 6 2 8 0 . 4 9 I . N . S . 9 3 1 6 5 0 . 2 7 2 . 5 1 6 . 5 6 6 7 . 3 5 9 1 / 2 6 . 6 2 5 8 . 9 8 P * 10 3 1 5 4 8 . 8 7 2 . 5 1 6 . 5 6 6 7 . 3 5 9 1 / 2 6 . 6 2 4 8 . 9 8 P * 11 3 8 4 7 . 9 7 2 . 5 1 6 . 5 6 6 7 . 3 5 9 1 / 2 6 . 6 3 0 8 . 9 7 P * 12 3 1 0 4 3 . 6 7 2 . 5 1 6 . 5 6 6 7 . 3 5 9 1 / 2 6 . 6 2 7 8 . 9 8 P * 13 3 1 3 3 4 . 3 7 2 . 5 1 6 . 5 6 6 7 . 3 5 9 1 / 2 6 . 6 2 5 8 . 9 8 P * * C r a c k L e n g t h i s t h e e n t i r e l e n g t h o f t h e p i p e . I. N . S . = I n i t i a t i o n n o t s a t i s f i e d . Ti t l e : D T P H 5 6 - 0 6 - T - 0 0 0 4 F i n a l R e p o r t P a g e 2 9 0 Ti t l e : D T P H 5 6 - 0 6 - T - 0 0 0 4 F i n a l R e p o r t P a g e 2 9 1 Fi g u r e 3 2 0 : 6 ” H D P E C r i t i c a l T e m p e r a t u r e T e s t R e s u l t s : C r i t i c a l T e m p e r a t u r e : 5 0 . 8 ° F Fi g u r e 3 2 1 : 6 ” H D P E S - 4 T e s t s : L e f t , a n I n s u f f i c i e n t C r a c k L e n g t h ; R i g h t , C r a c k P r o p a g a t i o n Ti t l e : D T P H 5 6 - 0 6 - T - 0 0 0 4 F i n a l R e p o r t P a g e 2 9 2 6” P E 1 0 0 C r i t i c a l P r e s s u r e a n d C r i t i c a l T e m p e r a t u r e Ta b l e 8 6 : 6 ' ' P E 1 0 0 C r i t i c a l P r e s s u r e T e s t R e s u l t s Cr i t i c a l P r e s s u r e IS O 1 3 4 7 7 Ev e n t Te s t N o . CP Sp e c i m e n No . Te s t Te m p . ( ° F ) +- 1 ° F Pr e s s u r e (p s i g ) +- 1 p s i g Bl a d e Sp e e d (m / s ) +- 0 . 1 m / s Te s t P i p e Sp e c i m e n Le n g t h (I n ) Cr a c k Le n g t h ( I n ) fr o m B l a d e Ce n t e r l i n e As No m i n a l Ou t e r P i p e Di a m e t e r (I n ) De (a v g . ) As / D e Pr o p a g a t i o n ( P ) or A r r e s t ( A ) As / D e > 4 . 7 = ( P ) As / D e ” 4 . 7 = ( A ) Cr a c k I n i t i a t i o n T e s t s 1 4 A 2 9 . 2 0 . 0 1 6 . 5 6 3 7 . 0 0 6. 6 3 1 I 2 4 B 2 3 . 9 0 . 0 1 6 . 5 6 3 6 . 5 0 6. 6 3 1 I 3 4 C 1 9 . 7 0 . 0 1 6 . 5 6 3 6 . 5 9 6. 6 2 9 I 4 4 D 2 3 . 5 0 . 0 1 6 . 9 3 6 . 8 8 1 / 8 6. 6 3 0 I 5 4 1 5 A 2 1 . 7 0 . 0 1 6 . 5 6 3 3 . 4 8 3 / 4 6. 6 3 1 I S- 4 T e s t s 6 4 7 2 2 . 6 2 2 . 0 1 6 . 5 6 6 7 . 0 1 4 1 / 2 6 . 6 3 4 2 . 1 9 A 7 4 8 2 4 . 2 2 4 . 7 1 6 . 5 6 6 7 . 3 1 8 6 . 6 3 1 2 . 7 1 A 8 4 5 2 3 . 3 2 5 . 0 1 6 . 5 6 6 7 . 3 1 2 3 / 4 6 . 6 3 2 1 . 9 2 A 9 4 1 0 2 4 . 9 2 7 . 5 1 6 . 5 6 6 7 . 3 1 8 1 / 2 6 . 6 3 3 2 . 7 9 A 10 4 9 2 3 . 0 2 7 . 6 1 6 . 5 6 6 7 . 3 2 3 6 . 6 3 2 3 . 4 7 A 11 4 4 2 3 . 1 3 0 . 0 1 6 . 5 6 6 6 . 5 5 9 1 / 2 6 . 6 3 0 8 . 9 7 P * 12 4 2 1 9 . 7 3 1 . 3 1 6 . 5 6 6 6 . 6 5 9 1 / 2 6 . 6 3 0 8 . 9 7 P * 13 4 3 2 4 . 1 3 4 . 0 1 6 . 5 6 6 6 . 8 5 9 1 / 2 6 . 6 3 4 8 . 9 7 P * 14 4 6 2 1 . 5 4 4 . 0 1 6 . 5 6 6 7 . 3 5 9 1 / 2 6 . 6 3 6 8 . 9 7 P * * C r a c k L e n g t h i s t h e e n t i r e l e n g t h o f t h e p i p e . Ti t l e : D T P H 5 6 - 0 6 - T - 0 0 0 4 F i n a l R e p o r t P a g e 2 9 3 Fi g u r e 3 2 2 : 6 ” P E 1 0 0 C r i t i c a l P r e s s u r e T e s t R e s u l t s : C r i t i c a l P r e s s u r e : 2 7 . 6 P s i g Ti t l e : D T P H 5 6 - 0 6 - T - 0 0 0 4 F i n a l R e p o r t P a g e 2 9 4 Ta b l e 8 7 : 6 ' ' H D P E C r i t i c a l T e m p e r a t u r e T e s t R e s u l t s Cr i t i c a l T e m p e r a t u r e IS O 1 3 4 7 7 Ev e n t Te s t N o . CP Sp e c i m e n No . Te s t Te m p . ( ° F ) +- 1 ° F Pr e s s u r e (p s i g ) +- 1 p s i g Bl a d e Sp e e d (m / s ) +- 0 . 1 m / s Te s t P i p e Sp e c i m e n Le n g t h (I n ) Cr a c k Le n g t h ( I n ) fr o m B l a d e Ce n t e r l i n e As No m i n a l Ou t e r P i p e Di a m e t e r (I n ) De (a v g . ) As / D e Pr o p a g a t i o n ( P ) or A r r e s t ( A ) As / D e > 4 . 7 = ( P ) As / D e ” 4 . 7 = ( A ) Cr a c k I n i t i a t i o n T e s t s 1 4 A 2 9 . 2 0 . 0 1 6 . 5 6 3 7 . 0 0 6. 6 3 1 I 2 4 B 2 3 . 9 0 . 0 1 6 . 5 6 3 6 . 5 0 6. 6 3 1 I 3 4 C 1 9 . 7 0 . 0 1 6 . 5 6 3 6 . 5 9 6. 6 2 9 I 4 4 D 2 3 . 5 0 . 0 1 6 . 9 3 6 . 8 8 1 / 8 6. 6 3 0 I 5 4 1 5 A 2 1 . 7 0 . 0 1 6 . 5 6 3 3 . 4 8 3 / 4 6. 6 3 1 I S- 4 T e s t s 6 4 1 6 3 9 . 2 7 2 . 5 1 6 . 5 6 6 7 . 3 4 1 / 4 6 . 6 3 0 0 . 6 4 I . N . S . 7 4 1 3 3 8 . 3 7 2 . 5 1 6 . 5 6 6 7 . 3 7 5 / 8 6 . 6 2 4 1 . 1 5 A 8 4 1 2 3 6 . 9 7 2 . 5 1 6 . 5 6 6 7 . 3 6 3 / 4 6 . 6 2 5 1 . 0 2 A 9 4 1 1 3 6 . 9 7 2 . 5 1 6 . 5 6 6 7 . 3 1 6 6 . 6 2 8 2 . 4 1 A 10 4 2 0 3 5 . 3 7 2 . 5 1 6 . 5 6 6 7 . 3 5 9 1 / 2 6 . 6 2 7 8 . 9 8 P * 11 4 2 1 3 5 . 1 7 2 . 5 1 6 . 5 6 6 7 . 3 5 9 1 / 2 6 . 6 2 5 8 . 9 8 P * 12 4 1 9 3 1 . 4 7 2 . 4 1 6 . 5 6 6 7 . 3 5 9 1 / 2 6 . 6 2 4 8 . 9 8 P * 13 4 1 7 2 9 . 1 7 2 . 5 1 6 . 5 6 6 7 . 3 5 9 1 / 2 6 . 6 2 6 8 . 9 8 P * * C r a c k L e n g t h i s t h e e n t i r e l e n g t h o f t h e p i p e . I. N . S . = I n i t i a t i o n n o t s a t i s f i e d . Ti t l e : D T P H 5 6 - 0 6 - T - 0 0 0 4 F i n a l R e p o r t P a g e 2 9 5 Fi g u r e 3 2 3 : 6 ” P E 1 0 0 C r i t i c a l T e m p e r a t u r e T e s t R e s u l t s : C r i t i c a l T e m p e r a t u r e : 3 6 . 9 ° F Ti t l e : D T P H 5 6 - 0 6 - T - 0 0 0 4 F i n a l R e p o r t P a g e 2 9 6 Fi g u r e 3 2 4 : 6 ” P E 1 0 0 S - 4 T e s t s : L e f t , I n i t i a t i o n T e s t ; R i g h t , C r a c k P r o p a g a t i o n Ti t l e : D T P H 5 6 - 0 6 - T - 0 0 0 4 F i n a l R e p o r t P a g e 2 9 7 8” M D P E C r i t i c a l P r e s s u r e Ta b l e 8 8 : 8 ' M D P E C r i t i c a l P r e s s u r e T e s t R e s u l t s Cr i t i c a l P r e s s u r e 8 " M D P E IS O 1 3 4 7 7 Ev e n t Te s t N o . CP Sp e c i m e n No . Te s t Te m p . ( ° F ) +- 1 ° F Pr e s s u r e (p s i g ) +- 1 p s i g Bl a d e Sp e e d (m / s ) +- 0 . 1 m / s Te s t P i p e Sp e c i m e n Le n g t h (I n ) Cr a c k Le n g t h ( I n ) fr o m B l a d e Ce n t e r l i n e As No m i n a l Ou t e r P i p e Di a m e t e r (I n ) De (a v g . ) As / D e Pr o p a g a t i o n ( P ) or A r r e s t ( A ) As / D e > 4 . 7 = ( P ) As / D e ” 4 . 7 = ( A ) Cr a c k I n i t i a t i o n T e s t s 1 2 A 3 2 . 6 0 . 0 1 5 . 6 0 4 5 . 0 1 2 1 / 2 8. 6 1 7 I 2 2 B 3 1 . 5 0 . 0 1 5 . 6 0 4 5 . 3 1 3 3 / 4 8. 6 1 6 I 3 2 C 3 2 0 . 0 1 5 . 6 0 4 5 . 4 1 0 1 / 2 8. 6 1 6 I S- 4 T e s t s 4 2 1 3 3 1 . 0 9 . 0 1 5 . 6 7 3 . 1 3 2 3 / 4 8 . 6 1 7 3 . 8 0 A 5 2 1 0 3 2 . 7 1 1 . 5 1 5 . 6 7 3 . 1 3 1 3 / 4 8. 6 1 5 3. 6 9 A 6 2 1 5 3 1 . 7 1 3 . 5 1 5 . 6 7 3 . 1 5 1 1 / 2 8 . 6 1 8 5 . 9 8 P 7 2 1 1 3 1 . 0 1 5 . 0 1 5 . 6 7 3 . 1 6 1 1 / 2 8 . 6 1 4 7 . 1 4 P * 8 2 1 4 3 1 . 1 2 0 . 3 1 5 . 6 7 3 . 1 6 1 1 / 2 8 . 6 1 7 7 . 1 4 P * 9 2 1 2 3 1 . 1 3 0 . 0 1 5 . 6 7 3 . 1 6 1 1 / 2 8 . 6 1 7 7 . 1 4 P * * C r a c k L e n g t h i s t h e e n t i r e l e n g t h o f t h e p i p e . Ti t l e : D T P H 5 6 - 0 6 - T - 0 0 0 4 F i n a l R e p o r t P a g e 2 9 8 Fi g u r e 3 2 5 : 8 ” M D P E C r i t i c a l P r e s s u r e T e s t R e s u l t s : C r i t i c a l P r e s s u r e : 1 1 . 5 P s i g Ti t l e : D T P H 5 6 - 0 6 - T - 0 0 0 4 F i n a l R e p o r t P a g e 2 9 9 Fi g u r e 3 2 6 : 8 ” M D P E S - 4 T e s t s : L e f t , C r a c k A r r e s t ; R i g h t , C r a c k P r o p a g a t i o n Ti t l e : D T P H 5 6 - 0 6 - T - 0 0 0 4 F i n a l R e p o r t P a g e 3 0 0 8” P E 1 0 0 C r i t i c a l P r e s s u r e Ta b l e 8 9 : 8 ' ' P E 1 0 0 C r i t i c a l P r e s s u r e T e s t R e s u l t s Cr i t i c a l P r e s s u r e IS O 1 3 4 7 7 Ev e n t Te s t N o . CP Sp e c i m e n No . Te s t T e m p . ( °F ) + - 1° F Pr e s s u r e (p s i g ) +- 1 p s i g Bl a d e Sp e e d (m / s ) +- 0 . 1 m / s Te s t P i p e Sp e c i m e n Le n g t h (I n ) Cr a c k Le n g t h ( I n ) fr o m B l a d e Ce n t e r l i n e As No m i n a l Ou t e r P i p e Di a m e t e r (I n ) De (a v g . ) As / D e Pr o p a g a t i o n ( P ) or A r r e s t ( A ) As / D e > 4 . 7 = ( P ) As / D e ” 4 . 7 = ( A ) Cr a c k I n i t i a t i o n T e s t s 1 4 A 3 2 . 0 0 . 0 1 5 . 9 4 3 . 0 9 8 . 6 2 5 I 2 4 C 3 1 . 1 0 . 0 1 5 . 9 4 3 . 0 1 0 1 / 2 8 . 6 2 4 I 3 4 D 3 1 . 5 0 . 0 1 6 . 2 4 3 . 0 1 1 8 . 6 2 0 I S- 4 T e s t s 4 4 0 4 3 1 . 0 1 7 . 5 1 6 . 2 7 3 . 0 1 5 3 / 4 8 . 6 2 5 1 . 8 3 A 5 4 1 4 3 1 . 0 2 0 . 0 1 6 . 2 7 3 . 0 1 9 1 / 4 8 . 6 2 4 2 . 2 3 A 6 4 0 2 3 2 . 0 2 5 . 0 1 6 . 2 7 3 . 0 3 0 8 . 6 2 2 3 . 4 8 A 7 4 0 1 3 1 . 9 2 7 . 0 1 6 . 2 7 3 . 0 4 0 1 / 4 8 . 6 2 3 4 . 6 7 A 8 4 0 6 3 1 . 0 3 0 . 0 1 6 . 2 7 3 . 0 6 0 1 / 2 8 . 6 2 4 7 . 0 2 P * 9 4 0 8 3 3 . 0 3 1 . 5 1 6 . 2 7 3 . 3 6 0 1 / 2 8 . 6 2 5 7 . 0 1 P * 10 4 0 9 3 2 . 0 3 5 . 0 1 6 . 2 7 3 . 0 6 0 8 . 6 2 7 6 . 9 5 P * 11 4 0 7 3 1 . 0 4 0 . 0 1 6 . 6 7 3 . 0 6 0 1 / 2 8 . 6 2 6 7 . 0 1 P * * C r a c k L e n g t h i s t h e e n t i r e l e n g t h o f t h e p i p e . Ti t l e : D T P H 5 6 - 0 6 - T - 0 0 0 4 F i n a l R e p o r t P a g e 3 0 1 Fi g u r e 3 2 7 : 8 ” P E 1 0 0 C r i t i c a l P r e s s u r e T e s t R e s u l t s : C r i t i c a l P r e s s u r e : 2 7 . 0 P s i g Ti t l e : D T P H 5 6 - 0 6 - T - 0 0 0 4 F i n a l R e p o r t P a g e 3 0 2 Fi g u r e 3 2 8 : 8 ” P E 1 0 0 S - 4 T e s t s : L e f t , C r a c k A r r e s t ; R i g h t , C r a c k P r o p a g a t i o n Ti t l e : D T P H 5 6 - 0 6 - T - 0 0 0 4 F i n a l R e p o r t P a g e 3 0 3 12 ” M D P E C r i t i c a l P r e s s u r e Ta b l e 9 0 : 1 2 ' ' M D P E C r i t i c a l P r e s s u r e T e s t R e s u l t s Cr i t i c a l P r e s s u r e IS O 1 3 4 7 7 Ev e n t Te s t N o . CP Sp e c i m e n No . Te s t T e m p . ( °F ) + - 1° F Pr e s s u r e (p s i g ) +- 1 p s i g Bl a d e Sp e e d (m / s ) +- 0 . 1 m / s Te s t P i p e Sp e c i m e n Le n g t h (I n ) Cr a c k Le n g t h ( I n ) fr o m B l a d e Ce n t e r l i n e As No m i n a l Ou t e r P i p e Di a m e t e r (I n ) De (a v g . ) As / D e Pr o p a g a t i o n ( P ) or A r r e s t ( A ) As / D e > 4 . 7 = ( P ) As / D e ” 4 . 7 = ( A ) Cr a c k I n i t i a t i o n T e s t s 1 1 2 B 3 1 . 5 0 . 0 1 5 . 2 4 6 0 . 5 1 7 1 2 . 7 3 0 I 2 1 2 C 3 1 . 7 0 . 0 1 5 . 2 4 6 0 . 5 1 3 1 / 2 1 2 . 7 3 3 I 3 1 2 D 3 1 0 . 0 1 5 . 2 4 6 0 . 5 1 7 7 / 8 1 2 . 7 3 3 I S- 4 T e s t s 4 1 2 2 3 1 . 7 1 2 . 5 1 5 . 2 4 1 1 4 . 3 1 9 1 / 2 1 2 . 7 3 3 1 . 5 3 A 5 1 2 4 3 2 . 9 1 6 . 0 1 5 . 2 4 1 1 4 . 5 4 6 3 / 4 1 2 . 7 3 9 3 . 6 7 A 6 1 2 3 3 1 . 2 1 7 . 5 1 5 . 2 4 1 1 4 . 0 5 3 1 / 8 1 2 . 7 3 8 4 . 1 7 A 7 1 2 9 3 3 . 0 1 8 . 5 1 5 . 2 4 1 1 4 . 0 4 5 3 / 4 1 2 . 7 3 4 3 . 5 9 A 8 1 2 5 3 1 . 9 2 0 . 0 1 5 . 2 4 1 1 4 . 0 1 0 1 1 / 2 1 2 . 7 3 9 7 . 9 7 P * 9 1 2 7 3 1 . 2 2 2 . 5 1 5 . 2 4 1 1 4 . 0 9 0 1 / 4 1 2 . 7 3 5 7 . 0 9 P 10 1 2 8 3 1 . 4 2 8 . 5 1 5 . 2 4 1 1 4 . 3 1 0 2 1 2 . 7 3 5 8 . 0 1 P * * C r a c k L e n g t h i s t h e e n t i r e l e n g t h o f t h e p i p e . Ti t l e : D T P H 5 6 - 0 6 - T - 0 0 0 4 F i n a l R e p o r t P a g e 3 0 4 Fi g u r e 3 2 9 : 1 2 ” M D P E C r i t i c a l P r e s s u r e T e s t R e s u l t s : C r i t i c a l P r e s s u r e : 1 8 . 5 P s i g Ti t l e : D T P H 5 6 - 0 6 - T - 0 0 0 4 F i n a l R e p o r t P a g e 3 0 5 Fi g u r e 3 3 0 : 1 2 ” M D P E S - 4 T e s t s : L e f t , C r a c k A r r e s t ; R i g h t , C r a c k P r o p a g a t i o n Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page 306 RCP Results, Correlations, and Conclusions The S-4 critical temperature and pressure values were determined for various pipe materials and sizes as shown in Table 91. The critical pressure values corresponding to pipes subjected to full-scale field installations were calculated using equation [11] from the ISO standard. These values are listed in Table 91. Table 91: Summary of S-4 Test Results Pipe Material Nominal Pipe Size Diameter(in)/SDR Critical Pressure S-4 (psig) Critical Temperature (°F(°C)) Correlated Critical Pressure** Full Scale (psig) Driscoplex 6500 PE2406/2708 6" IPS/SDR 11.0 15.5 65.5 (18.6) 94.0 Polypipe PE3408/3608 6" IPS/SDR 11.0 17.0 50.8 (10.4)* 99.4 Yellowstripe 8300 PE100 6" IPS/SDR 11.0 27.6*** 36.9 (2.7) 137.6 Driscoplex 6500 PE2406/2708 8" IPS/SDR 11.0 11.5 79.6 Yellowstripe 8300 PE100 8" IPS/SDR 13.5 27.0 135.4 Driscoplex 6500 PE2406/2708 12" IPS/SDR 11.0 18.5 104.8 * Note: No arrest point was found ** Correlated pressure calculated using equation 11: pc,FS = 3.6(pc,S4+patm)-patm*** Critical pressure tests for 6” PE100 were carried out at a temperature of 23 °F The S-4 Critical Pressure was determined for each of the 6 PE pipe materials. In addition, the S-4 Critical Temperature was determined for the three 6-inch diameter pipe materials. To determine the Critical Pressure or the Critical temperature, a series of S-4 tests were performed. For critical pressure determination, the test pressures were systematically varied while maintaining constant test temperature. For determining the critical temperature, the test temperatures were systematically varied while maintaining constant test pressure, 5 bars. If field conditions are well above a pipe’s critical temperature, then it is very unlikely that RCP would occur. Assuming that the correlation is applicable and valid, the S-4 Critical Pressure was then combined with the model to determine the full-scale pipe pressure that may lead to a potential RCP field failure. The S-4 test results and correlations may be used to mitigate the potential for a RCP failure in the field through selection of proper PE pipe materials and sizes or by subjecting pipes to MAOP that would not exceed the field pressure calculated using the empirical correlating model. Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page 307 Conclusion The use of polyethylene (PE) piping has continuously increased. By 2006, the number of miles of plastic mains increased to 619,000 miles. The number of plastic services grew to over 39.6 million. In order to continue the delivery of safe and reliable energy, it is important to improve knowledge regarding the state of PE systems. The modes of failure and causes are well documented for plastic materials in general. The most common mode of field failures has been attributed to SCG. Many improvements have been made to make PE materials more resistant to SCG but no matter the material improvements, PE, as well as other piping materials, remains vulnerable to excavation damage. A review of the “Natural Gas Distribution Incident Data” from 1984 to 2006 showed that excavation damage especially by third parties was the number one contributor to the cost of damages, injuries, and fatalities in both plastic and steel. Eliminating excavation damage would cut the total number of reportable incidents by more than half. Overall, the research performed as part of this report showed that there was very little data available in the public domain in regard to failures associated with plastic piping systems. GTI databases were evaluated to characterize SCG and identify susceptibility to premature SCG failures. Laboratory tests were evaluated to determine whether or not they can be used to provide information on SCG susceptibility. Additional data was generated through analysis of 55 field failures. Resistance of PE materials to RCP was investigated through laboratory S-4 testing. Critical pressure was determined for 6 pipe materials. Critical temperature was determined for 3 materials. Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page 308 Recommendations Under the Root Cause Analysis Task, GTI received fifty-five samples for analysis. Of these, nine were tapping tee caps. The prominent style of cap received contained the threads on the inside of the cap. There were eight of these caps and all fractures appeared to have started at the first thread root. Sample #50020726, which was examined in greater detail than the others, did not exhibit signs of over-tightening which may indicate a potential issue with this style or material. Consideration should be given to studying the remaining seven caps to determine if there is a systemic issue. There is a need to develop a reliable technology that can be used to accurately locate underground plastic pipes. There is a critical need to develop a technology that can identify in real-time the presence of a third-party excavation activity and then promptly alert the pipeline operator. Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page 309 References A. Lustiger, M.J. Cassady, F.S. Uralil, and L.E. 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Kenner, “Volume 1: Brief Guide for the Use of the Slow Crack Growth Test for Modeling and Predicting the Long-Term Performance of Polyethylene Gas Pipes,” GRI-93/0105, 1993. Kanninen, M.F., P.E. O’Donoghue, C.F. Popelar, C.H. Popelar, and V.H. Kenner, “Volume 2: Technical reference for the Use of the Slow Crack Growth Test for Modeling and Predicting the Long-Term Performance of Polyethylene Gas Pipes,” GRI-93/0106, 1993. Kanninen, M.F., P.E. O'Donoghue, S.C. Grigory, L.J. Kim, and H. Couque, “Design and Technical Reference to Mitigate Rapid Crack Propagation in Polyethylene Pipes for Gas Distribution,” GRI-97/0166, 1997. Kardos, J.L., R. Powell, and K.L. Jerina, “Structure and Properties of Polyethylene,” GRI- 81/0142, 1981. Krishnaswamy, P., W. Maxey, B. Leis, and L. Hulbert, “A Design Procedure and Test Method to Prevent Rapid Crack Propagation in Polyethylene Gas Pipe, GRI-85/0010,” 1985. Krishnaswamy, P., W. Maxey, B. Leis, and L. Hulbert, “A Design Procedure and Test Method to Prevent Rapid Crack Propagation in Polyethylene Gas Pipe,” GRI-85/0010, 1986. Kuhlman, C. and G.G. Chell, “User’s Manual PE LIFESPAN FORECASTINGTM Plastic Piping Systems,” GRI-98/0359, 1998. Kuhlman, C., G.G. Chell, C.H. Popelar, D.A. McKee, and J.H. Feiger, “Guidelines and Methods for Service Life Estimation of Polyethylene Gas Piping,” GRI-00/0138, 2000. Leevers, P., G. Venizelos, and R. Morgan. (1993). Strategies for Avoiding RCP in Gas- Pressurized PE Pipe. 13th International Plastic Fuel Gas Pipe Symposium. San Antonio: American Gas Association. Leis, B. (1989). Rapid Crack Propagation in Polyethylene Gas Piping Distribution Systems. 11th Plastic Fuel Gas Pipe symposium (pp. 354-359). San Francisco: American Gas Association. Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page 311 Leis, B., J. Ahmad, T. Forte, L. Hulbert, M. Wilson, “Volume 1: Slow Crack Growth Test Method for Polyethylene Gas Pipes,” GRI-92/0479, 1992. Leis, B., T. Forte, J. Ahmad, M. Wilson, R. Kurth, P. Vieth, and C. Cundiff, “Volume 2: Applicability of the Slow Crack Growth Test Method for Polyethylene Gas Pipes,”GRI-92/0480, 1992. Mamoun, M., “Development of an Accelerated SCG Test Method for Plastic Pipe and Correlation with Hydrostatic Stress Rupture Test Method ASTM D 1598”, July 2005. Maupin, J., Plastic Pipe Failure Analysis. 7th International Pipeline Conference. Calgary, Alberta, Canada: ASME, 2008. McKee, D.A., C.J. Kuhlman, and C.H. Popelar, “Service Performance of Polyethylene Pipes Containing Surface Notches Subjected to Internal Pressure,” GRI-00/0137, 2000. Moet, A. and A. Chudnovsky, “Theory for Accelerated Slow Crack Propagation in Polyethylene Fuel Pipes,” GRI-86/0211, 1986. Moet, A., A. Chudnovsky, and K. Sehanobish, “Fractographic Analysis of Field Failure in Polyethylene Pipe,” GRI-84/0226, 1984. Moet, A., A. Chudnovsky, K. Sehanobish, M.L. Kasakevich, and K. Chaoui, “A Theory for Accelerated Slow Crack Propagation in Polyethylene Fuel Pipes,” GRI-85/0173, 1985. National Transportation Safety Board, Special Investigation Report, “Brittle-like Cracking in Plastic Pipe for Gas Service,” April 23, 1998. Olson, R., T. Forte, D. Rider, and J. Stets “Field Loads Acting on Plastic Gas Pipes: Instrumentation and Data Acquisition,” GRI-00/0239, 2000. Papaspyropoulos, V. and L.E. Hulbert, “Volume 2: A Review of Time-Dependent Fracture Models of Plastic Gas Piping,” GRI-82/0101.2, 1982. Pimputkar, S. M., J. A. Stets, D. Mangaraj, G. Clark, and D. Rider, “Analysis of Microscopic Leaks in Polyethylene Gas Distribution Piping,” GRI-96/0014, 1996. Popelar, C.H., V.H. Kenner, and S.F. Popelar, “The Determination of the Performance Life of Heat Fusion Joints in Polyethylene Gas Pipe Materials,” GRI-91/0032, 1991. Popelar, C.H., V.H. Kenner, S.F. Popelar, and M.C. Pfeil, “Life Prediction of Butt Heat Fusion Joints in Polyethylene Gas Pipe Materials,” GRI-91/0360, 1991. Prabhat, K., W.A. Maxey, L. Hulbert, and M. Mamoun. (1983). The Use of Charpy and Robertson Tests in Predicting Rapid Crack Propagation in Polyethylene Pipes. Proceedings of the 8th Plastics Fuel Gas Pipe Symposium, (pp. 128-132). New Orleans. Stewart, H.E., O. Bilgin, T.D. O’Rourke, and T.M. J. Keeney, “Technical Reference for Improved Design and Construction Practices to Account for Thermal Loads in Plastic Gas Pipelines,” GRI-99/0192, 1999. Uralil, F.S., and L.E. Hulbert, “The Slow Crack Growth Test for Comparing and Selecting Polyethylene Gas Pipe Materials,” GRI-85/0045, 1985. Uralil, F.S., C.S. Lee, R.L. Markham and M.M. Epstein, “Effects of Loads on the Structural and Fracture Behavior of Polyolefin Gas Piping,” GRI-80/0045, 1980. Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page 312 Vanspeybroeck, P. (2002). RCP, After 25 Years of Debates, Finally Mastered by Two ISO- Tests.17th International Plastic Fuel Gas Pipe Symposium (pp. 47-55). San Francisco: American Gas Association. Wolters, M., and G. Ketel. (1983). Some Experiences with Modified Robertson Test Used for Study of Rapid Crack Propagation in PE Pipelines. Proceedings of the 8th Plastics Fuel Gas Pipe Symposium, (pp. 141-146). New Orleans. Yuan, F.G., J. Lear, P.H. Geil, and S.S. Wang, “Theory and Experiment of Accelerated Testing for Polyethylene Piping Materials,” GRI-88/0221, 1988. “PE LIFESPAN FORECSATING: Plastic Piping Systems, (CD-ROM),” GRI-98/0358, 1998. “Pipeline Accident Brief: Natural Gas Pipeline Leak, Explosion, and Fire in DuBois, Pennsylvania, August 21, 2004.” PAB-06-01 “Pipeline Accident Report: Natural Gas Pipeline Explosion and Fire in South Riding, Virginia, July 7, 1998.” PAB 01-01 “Pipeline Accident Report: Natural Gas Pipeline Rupture and Subsequent Explosion, St. Cloud, Minnesota, December 11, 1998.” PAB 01-01 Title: DTPH56-06-T-0004 Final Report Page 313 List of Acronyms Acronym Description ABSAcrylonitrilebutadienestyrene ASTMAmericanSocietyforTestingandMaterials BDSFBiͲDirectionalShiftFunctions CTODCrackTipOpeningDisplacement DIMPDistributionIntegrityManagementPlan DOTDepartmentofTransportation DSCDifferentialScanningCalorimetry EDDynamicModulus FTͲIRFourierTransformInfraredSpectroscopy GRIGasResearchInstitute GTIGasTechnologyInstitute HDBHydrostaticDesignBasis HDPEHighDensityPolyethylene HVTTHighVolumeTappingTee IDInnerDiameter ISOInternationalOrganizationforStandardization LDIWLowDuctileInnerWall LEFMLinearElasticFractureMechanics LTHSLongTermHydrostaticStressͲRupture MDPEMediumDensityPolyethylene MIMeltIndex NTSBNationalTransportationSafetyBoard ODOuterDiameter OITOxidativeInductionTime PEPolyethylene PENTPennsylvaniaNotchTest PHMSAPipelineandHazardousMaterialsSafetyAdministration PPIPlasticsPipeInstitute PVCPolyvinylchloride QBQuickBurst RCPRapidCrackPropagation RPMRateProcessMethod SͲ4SmallScaleSteadyState SCGSlowCrackGrowth SDRStandardDimensionRatio END OF REPORT  APPENDIX 12: 1982 LETTER FROM DUPONT TO ITS CUSTOMERS REGARDING LEAKS DUE TO SLITS IN ALDYL "A" PIPE MADE BEFORE 1973  APPENDIX 13: NTSB SPECIAL INVESTIGATION REPORT  APPENDIX 14: PHMSA ADVISORY ADB -99-02 12212 Federal Register /Vol. 64, No. 47/Thursday, March 11, 1999/Notices each natural gas distribution system operator with Century pipe revise their plastic pipe repair procedure(s) to exclude pipe pinching for isolating sections of Century pipe. Additionally, RSPA recommends replacement of any Century pipe segment that has a significant leak history or which for any reason is of suspect integrity. Authority:49 U.S.C. Chapter 601; 49 CFR 1.53. Issued in Washington, DC on March 5, 1999. Richard B. Felder, Associate Administrator for Pipeline Safety. [FR Doc. 99–6013 Filed 3–10–99; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE 4910–60–P DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Research and Special Programs Administration Potential Failures Due to Brittle-Like Cracking of Older Plastic Pipe in Natural Gas Distribution Systems AGENCY:Research and Special Programs Administration (RSPA), DOT. ACTION:Notice; issuance of advisory bulletin on brittle-like failures of plastic pipe to owners and operators of natural gas distribution systems. SUMMARY:RSPA is issuing this advisory bulletin to owners and operators of natural gas distribution systems to inform them of the potential vulnerability of older plastic gas distribution pipe to brittle-like cracking. The National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) recently issued a Special Investigation Report (NTSB/SIR–98/01), Brittle-like Cracking in Plastic Pipe for Gas Service, that described how plastic pipe installed in natural gas distribution systems from the 1960s through the early 1980s may be vulnerable to brittle- like cracking resulting in gas leakage and potential hazards to the public and property. RSPA has also issued an additional advisory bulletin (ADB–99– 01) reminding natural gas distribution system operators of the potential poor resistance to brittle-like cracking of certain polyethylene pipe manufactured by Century Utility Products, Inc. ADDRESSES:This document can be viewed on the Office of Pipeline Safety (OPS) home page at: http://ops.dot.gov. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Gopala K. Vinjamuri, (202) 366–4503, or by email at gopala.vinjamuri@rspa.dot.gov. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: I. Background The National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) recently issued a Special Investigation Report (NTSB/SIR–98/01), Brittle-like Cracking in Plastic Pipe for Gas Service, that described how plastic pipe installed in natural gas distribution systems from the 1960s through the early 1980s may be vulnerable to brittle- like cracking resulting in gas leakage and potential hazards to the public and property. An NTSB survey of the accident history of plastic pipe suggested that the material may be susceptible to premature brittle-like cracking under conditions of local stress intensification because of improper joining or installation procedures. Hundreds of thousands of miles of plastic pipe have been installed, with a significant amount installed prior to the mid-1980s. NTSB believes any vulnerability of this material to premature failure could represent a potentially serious hazard to public safety. The NTSB report addressed the following safety issues: The vulnerability of plastic pipe to premature failures due to brittle-like cracking; The adequacy of available guidance relating to the installation and protection of plastic pipe connections to steel mains; and Performance monitoring of plastic pipeline systems as a way of detecting unacceptable performance in piping systems. Copies of this report may be obtained by calling NTSB’s Public Inquiry Office at 202–314–6551. The phenomenon of brittle-like cracking in plastic pipe as described in the NTSB report and generally understood within the plastic pipeline industry relates to a part-through crack initiation in the pipe wall followed by stable crack growth at stress levels much lower than the stress required for yielding, resulting in a very tight slit- like opening and gas leak. Although significant cracking may occur at points of stress concentration and near improperly designed or installed fittings, small brittle-like cracks may be difficult to detect until a significant amount of gas leaks out of the pipe, and potentially migrates into an enclosed space such as a basement. Premature brittle-like cracking requires relatively high localized stress intensification that may be a result from geometrical discontinuities, excessive bending, improper fitting assemblies, and/or dents and gouges. Because this failure mode exhibits no evidence of gross yielding at the failure location, the term brittle-like cracking is used. This phenomenon is different from brittle fracture, in which the failure results in fragmentation of the pipe. The report suggests that the combination of more durable plastic pipe materials and more realistic strength testing has improved the reliability of estimates of the long-term hydrostatic strength of modern plastic pipe and fittings. The report also documents that older polyethylene pipe, manufactured from the 1960s through the early 1980s, may fail at lower stresses and after less time than was originally projected. NTSB alleges that past standards used to rate the long-term strength of plastic pipe may have overrated the strength and resistance to brittle-like cracking of much of the plastic pipe manufactured and used for gas service from the 1960s through the early 1980s. In 1998, NTSB made several recommendations to trade organizations and to the Research and Special Programs Administration (RSPA) on the need for a better understanding of the susceptibility of plastic pipe to brittle- like cracking. NTSB recommended that RSPA ‘‘[d]etermine the extent of the susceptibility to premature brittle-like cracking of older plastic piping (beyond that marketed by Century Utilities Products Inc.) that remains in use for gas service nationwide.’’ II. Advisory Bulletin (ADB–99–02) To:Owners and Operators of and Natural Gas Distribution Pipeline Systems Subject:Potential susceptibility of plastic pipe installed between the 1960 and the early 1980s to premature failure due to brittle-like cracking. Purpose:To inform natural gas distribution pipeline operators of the need to determine the extent of susceptibility to brittle-like cracking of plastic pipe installed between the years 1960 and early 1980s. Advisory:A review of Office of Pipeline Safety (OPS) reportable natural gas pipeline incidents and the findings of NTSB Special Investigation Report (NTSB/SIR–98/01) indicates that certain plastic pipe used in natural gas distribution service may be susceptible to brittle-like cracking. The standards used to rate the long-term strength of plastic pipe may have overrated the strength and resistance to brittle-like cracking of much of the plastic pipe manufactured and used for gas service from the 1960s through the early 1980s. It is recommended that all owners and operators of natural gas distribution systems identify all pre-1982 plastic pipe installations, analyze leak 12213Federal Register /Vol. 64, No. 47/Thursday, March 11, 1999/Notices histories, and evaluate any conditions that may impose high stresses on the pipe. Appropriate remedial action, including replacement, should be taken to mitigate any risks to public safety. Authority:49 U.S.C. Chapter 601; 49 CFR 1.53. Issued in Washington, D.C. on March 3, 1999. Richard B. Felder, Associate Administrator for Pipeline Safety. [FR Doc. 99–6051 Filed 3–10–99; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE 4910–60–P DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Surface Transportation Board [STB Docket No. AB–437 (Sub–No. 1)] Kansas Southwestern Railway,L.L.C.—Abandonment—In Sumner, Harper, Barber, Reno and Kingman Counties, KS On February 19, 1999, the Kansas Southwestern Railway, L.L.C. (KSW) filed with the Surface Transportation Board (Board) an application to abandon: (1) a line of railroad known as the Hardtner Branch, extending from milepost 514, at Conway Springs, to milepost 571.85, at Kiowa; and (2) a portion of a line of railroad known as the Stafford Branch, extending from milepost 559.028, at Conway Springs, to milepost 610.0, at Olcott, at total distance of 108.8 miles, in Sumner, Harper, Barber, Reno, and Kingman Counties, KS. The line includes no stations and traverses U.S. Postal Service ZIP Codes 67031, 67106, 67118, 67014, 67622, 67068, 67121, 67004, 67049, 67003, 67061, and 67070. The line does not contain federally granted rights-of-way. Any documentation in the KSW’s possession will be made available promptly to those requesting it. The applicant’s entire case for abandonment (case-in- chief) was filed with the application. This line of railroad has appeared on the applicant’s system diagram map or has been included in its narrative in category 1 since August 20, 1998. The interest of railroad employees will be protected by the conditions set forth in Oregon Short Line R. Co.— Abandonment—Goshen,360 I.C.C. 91 (1979). Any interested person may file with the Board written comments concerning the proposed abandonment or protests (including the protestant’s entire opposition case) by April 5, 1999. All interested persons should be aware that, following any abandonment of rail service and salvage of the line, the line may be suitable for other public use, including interim trail use. Any request for a public use condition under 49 U.S.C. 10905 (49 CFR 1152.28) or for a trail use condition under 16 U.S.C. 1247(d) (49 CFR 1152.29) must be filed by April 5, 1999. Each trail use request must be accompanied by a $150 filing fee.See 49 CFR 1002.2(f)(27). Applicant’s reply to any opposition statements and its response to trail use requests must be filed by April 20, 1999. See 49 CFR 1152.26(a). Persons opposing the proposed abandonment that wish to participate actively and fully in the process should file a protest. Persons who may oppose the abandonment but who do not wish to participate fully in the process by appearing at any oral hearings or by submitting verified statements of witnesses containing detailed evidence should file comments. Persons seeking information concerning the filing of protests should refer to 49 CFR 1152.25. Persons interested only in seeking public use or trail use conditions should also file comments. In addition, a commenting party or protestant may provide: (i) An offer of financial assistance (OFA) for continued rail service under 49 U.S.C. 10904 (due 120 days after the application is filed or 10 days after the application is granted by the Board, whichever occurs sooner); (ii) Recommended provisions for protection of the interests of employees; (iii) A request for a public use condition under 49 U.S.C. 10905; and (iv) A statement pertaining to prospective use of the right-of-way for interim trail use and rail banking under 16 U.S.C. 1247(d) and 49 CFR 1152.29. All filings in response to this notice must indicate the proceeding designation STB Docket No. AB–437 (Sub-No. 1) and must be sent to: (1) Surface Transportation Board, Office of the Secretary, Case Control Unit, 1925 K Street, N.W. Washington, DC 20423– 0001; and (2) Karl Morell, Ball Janik LLP, Suite 225, 1455 F Street N.W., Washington, DC 20005. The original and 10 copies of all comments or protests shall be filed with the Board with a certificate of service. Except as otherwise set forth in part 1152, every document filed with the Board must be served on all parties to the abandonment proceeding. 49 CFR 1104.12(a). The lines sought to be abandoned will be available for subsidy or sale for continued rail use, if the Board decides to permit the abandonment in accordance with applicable laws and regulations (49 U.S.C. 10904 and 49 CFR 1152.27). Each OFA must be accompanied by a $1,000 filing fee. See 49 CFR 1002.2(f)(25). No subsidy arrangement approved under 49 U.S.C. 10904 shall remain in effect for more than 1 year unless otherwise mutually agreed by the parties (49 U.S.C. 10904(f)(4)(B)). Applicant will promptly provide upon request to each interested party an estimate of the subsidy and minimum purchase price required to keep the line in operation. The carrier’s representative to whom inquiries may be made concerning sale or subsidy terms is set forth above. Persons seeking further information concerning abandonment procedures may contact the Board’s Office of Public Services at (202) 565–1592 or refer to the full abandonment regulations at 49 CFR part 1152. Questions concerning environmental issues may be directed to the Board’s Section of Environmental Analysis (SEA) at (202) 565–1545. [TDD for the hearing impaired is available at (202) 565–1695.] An environmental assessment (EA) (or environmental impact statement (EIS), if necessary) prepared by SEA will be served upon all parties of record and upon any agencies or other persons who commented during its preparation. Other interested persons may contact SEA to obtain a copy of the EA (or EIS). EAs in abandonment proceedings normally will be made available within 33 days of the filing of the application. The deadline for submission of comments on the EA will generally be within 30 days of its service. The comments received will be addressed in the Board’s decision. A supplemental EA or EIS may be issued where appropriate. Board decisions and notices are available on our website at ‘‘WWW.STB.DOT.GOV.’’ Decided: March 3, 1999. By the Board, David M. Konschnik, Director, Office of Proceedings. Vernon A. Williams, Secretary. [FR Doc. 99–5786 Filed 3–10–99; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE 4915–00–P DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY Submission for OMB review; commentrequest Agency Information CollectionActivities March 4, 1999 The Department of Treasury has submitted the following public information collection requirement(s) to OMB for review and clearance under the  APPENDIX 15: PHMSA ADVISORY ADB- 02-07 70806 Federal Register /Vol. 67, No. 228/Tuesday, November 26, 2002/Notices For security reasons, attendees must register in advance. To register, obtain directions to the Vehicle Research and Test Center, or request additional information, contact Jan Cooper at telephone (937) 666–4511 extension 208. If Ms. Cooper is not available, you may register by contacting Fred Seeberg at telephone (937) 666–4511 or Susan Weiser at telephone (937) 666–4511 extension 209. The handouts and other information presented at the workshop will be available for public inspection in the DOT Docket in Washington, DC, within two weeks after the meeting. Copies of the materials will be available at ten cents a page upon request to DOT Docket, Room PL–401, 400 Seventh Street, SW., Washington, DC 20590. The DOT Docket is open to the public from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. The material may also be accessed electronically at http:// dms.dot.gov, at Docket No. NHTSA– 2001–9663. The handouts and other information presented at the workshop will also be available on NHTSA’s Web site at URL http://www-nrd.nhtsa.dot.gov/ departments/nrd-01/presentations/ presentations.html. Should it be necessary to cancel the meeting due to inclement weather or any other emergencies, a decision to cancel will be made as soon as possible and posted immediately on NHTSA’s Web site at URL http:// www.nhtsa.dot.gov/nhtsa.announce/ meetings/. If you do not have access to the Web site, you may call for information at the contacts listed below and leave your telephone or telefax number. You will be contacted only if the meeting is postponed or canceled. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:Jan Cooper at telephone (937) 666–4511 extension 208. If Ms. Cooper is not available, you may contact Fred Seeberg at telephone (937) 666–4511 or Susan Weiser at telephone (937) 666–4511 extension 209. Issued on: November 20, 2002. Joseph N. Kanianthra, Associate Administrator for Applied Research. [FR Doc. 02–30054 Filed 11–25–02; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE 4910–59–P DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Research and Special Programs Administration Notification of the Susceptibility To Premature Brittle-Like Cracking of Older Plastic Pipe AGENCY:Research and Special Programs Administration (RSPA), DOT. ACTION:Notice; issuance of advisory bulletin. SUMMARY:RSPA is issuing this follow- up advisory bulletin to owners and operators of natural gas distribution systems to inform them of the susceptibility to premature brittle-like cracking of older plastic pipe and the voluntary efforts to collect and analyze data on plastic pipe performance. A Special Investigation Report issued by the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) described how plastic pipe installed in natural gas distribution systems from the 1960s through the early 1980s may be vulnerable to brittle- like cracking resulting in gas leakage and potential hazards to the public and property. On March 11, 1999, RSPA issued two advisory bulletins on this issue. The first bulletin reminded natural gas distribution system operators of the potential poor resistance to brittle-like cracking of certain polyethylene pipe manufactured by Century Utility Products, Inc. The second bulletin advised natural gas distribution system operators of the potential vulnerability of older plastic pipe to brittle-like cracking. ADDRESSES:This document can be viewed on the Office of Pipeline Safety (OPS) home page at: http://ops.dot.gov. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Gopala K. Vinjamuri, (202) 366–4503, or by e-mail at gopala.vinjamuri@rspa.dot.gov. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: I. Background On April 23, 1998, NTSB issued a Special Investigation Report (NTSB/ SIR–98/01), Brittle-like Cracking in Plastic Pipe for Gas Service, that describes how plastic pipe installed in natural gas distribution systems from the 1960s through the early 1980s may be vulnerable to brittle-like cracking resulting in gas leakage and potential hazards to the public and property. An NTSB survey of the accident history of plastic pipe suggested that the material may be susceptible to premature brittle- like cracking under conditions of local stress intensification because of improper joining or installation procedures. Hundreds of thousands of miles of plastic pipe have been installed, with a significant amount installed prior to the early-1980s. NTSB believes any vulnerability of this material to premature cracking could represent a potentially serious hazard to public safety. Copies of this report may be obtained by calling NTSB’s Public Inquiry Office at 202–314–6551. RSPA has already issued two advisory bulletins on this issue. The first advisory bulletin, ADB–99–01, which was published in the Federal Register on March 11, 1999 (47 FR 12211), reminded natural gas distribution system operators of the potential poor resistance to brittle-like cracking of certain polyethylene pipe manufactured by Century Utility Products, Inc. The second advisory bulletin, ADB–99–02, also published in the Federal Register on March 11, 1999 (47 FR 12212), advised natural gas distribution system operators of the potential brittle-like cracking vulnerability of plastic pipe installed between the 1960s and early 1980s. The phenomenon of brittle-like cracking in plastic pipe as described in the NTSB report and generally understood within the plastic pipeline industry relates to a part-through crack initiation in the pipe wall followed by stable crack growth at stress levels much lower than the stress required for yielding, resulting in a very tight slit- like openings and gas leaks. Although significant cracking may occur at points of stress concentration and near improperly designed or installed fittings, small brittle-like cracks may be difficult to detect until a significant amount of gas leaks out of the pipe, and potentially migrates into an enclosed space such as a basement. Premature brittle-like cracking requires relatively high localized stress intensification that may be a result from geometrical discontinuities, excessive bending, improper installation of fittings, and dents and gouges. Because this failure mode exhibits no evidence of gross yielding at the failure location, the term brittle-like cracking is used. This phenomenon is different from brittle fracture, in which the pipe failure causes fragmentation of the pipe. The NTSB report suggests that the combination of more durable plastic pipe materials and more realistic strength testing has improved the reliability of estimates of the long-term hydrostatic strength of modern plastic pipe and fittings. The report also documents that older polyethylene pipe, manufactured from the 1960s through the early 1980s, may fail at lower stresses and after less time than was originally projected. NTSB alleges that VerDate 0ct<31>2002 14:14 Nov 25, 2002 Jkt 200001 PO 00000 Frm 00093 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 E:\FR\FM\26NON1.SGM 26NON1 70807Federal Register /Vol. 67, No. 228/Tuesday, November 26, 2002/Notices past standards used to rate the long-term strength of plastic pipe may have overrated the strength and resistance to brittle-like cracking of much of the plastic pipe manufactured and used for gas service from the 1960s through the early 1980s. In 1998, NTSB made several recommendations to trade organizations and to RSPA on the need for a better understanding of the susceptibility of plastic pipe to brittle-like cracking. This advisory bulletin responds to one of the NTSB recommendations. It is that RSPA ‘‘[d]etermine the extent of the susceptibility to premature brittle-like cracking of older plastic piping (beyond that marketed by Century Utilities Products Inc.) that remains in use for gas service nationwide. Inform gas system operators of the findings and require them to closely monitor the performance of the older plastic piping and to identify and replace, in a timely manner, any of the piping that indicates poor performance based on such evaluation factors as installation, operating, and environmental conditions; piping failure characteristics; and leak history.’’ In order to obtain the most complete information on the extent of the susceptibility to premature brittle-like cracking of older plastic pipe, a meeting was convened in May 1999 with all the stakeholders to determine how information on older plastic pipe could be assembled. The meeting included representatives of the American Gas Association (AGA), the American Public Gas Association (APGA), the Gas Research Institute (GRI) (now the Gas Technology Institute), the Midwest Energy Association (MEA), and the Plastic Pipe Institute (PPI). As a result of the May 1999 meeting, the Joint Government-Industry Plastic Pipe Study Committee was formed to address the recommendations of the NTSB Special Investigation Report. The committee held three separate meetings to prepare a draft response to the NTSB recommendations and a draft industry notification of brittle-like cracking problems, the subject of this advisory bulletin. The committee membership consisted of a representative from OPS, a gas distribution operator from AGA, and the Transportation Safety Institute. Meetings were facilitated by General Physics Corporation, Columbia, MD. One of the committee findings was that there is a lack of data available from the industry to completely identify older plastic pipe that is still in service and may be susceptible to brittle-like cracking. This finding led to the formation of the Plastic Pipe Database Committee (PPDC) to develop a process for gathering data on future plastic pipe failures with involvement from the states, which have assumed the authority from OPS over gas distribution systems, where most of the plastic pipe is installed. The PPDC is comprised of representatives from Federal and State regulatory agencies and from the natural gas and plastic pipe industries. Members include AGA, APGA, PPI, the National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners (NARUC), the National Association of Pipeline Safety Representatives (NAPSR), and OPS. The PPDC database is expected to improve the knowledge base of gas utility operators and regulators and is intended to help reveal any failure trends associated with older plastic piping materials. The PPDC’s mission is ‘‘to develop and maintain a voluntary data collection process that supports the analysis of the frequency and causes of in-service plastic piping material failures.’’ It provides an opportunity for government and industry to work together to evaluate the extent of plastic pipe performance problems and to mitigate any risks to safety. The PPDC started gathering data in January 2001 from OPS and State pipeline safety agencies. For more information on the PPDC, go to the AGA Web page (http:/ /www.aga.org), and enter ‘‘PPDC’’ in the keyword search. II. Advisory Bulletin (ADB–02–7) To: Owners and Operators of Natural Gas Distribution Pipeline Systems. Subject: Notification of the Susceptibility to Premature Brittle-like Cracking of Older Plastic Pipe. Advisory: In recent years, brittle-like cracking has been observed in some polyethylene pipes installed in gas service through the early 1980s. This brittle-like cracking (also known as slow crack growth) can substantially reduce the service life of polyethylene piping systems. The susceptibility of some polyethylene pipes to brittle-like cracking is dependent on the resin, pipe processing, and service conditions. A number of studies have been conducted on older polyethylene pipe. These studies have shown that some of these older polyethylene pipes are more susceptible to brittle-like cracking than current materials. These older polyethylene pipe materials include the following:x Century Utility Products, Inc. products. x Low-ductile inner wall ‘‘Aldyl A’’ piping manufactured by Dupont Company before 1973. x Polyethylene gas pipe designated PE 3306. (As a result of poor performance this designation was removed from ASTM D–2513.) The environmental, installation, and service conditions under which the piping is used are factors that could lead to premature brittle-like cracking of these older materials. These conditions include, but are not limited to: x Inadequate support and backfill during installation. x Rock impingement.x Shear/bending stresses due to differential settlement resulting from factors such as: —Excavation in close proximity to polyethylene piping —Directional drilling in close proximity to polyethylene piping —Frost heave x Bending stresses due to pipe installations with bends exceeding recommended practices. x Damaging squeeze-off practices. Service temperatures and service pressures also influence the service life of polyethylene piping. Piping installed in areas with higher ground temperatures or operated under higher operating pressures will have a shorter life. Gas system operators may experience an increase in failure rates with a susceptible material. A susceptible material may have leak-free performance for a number of years before brittle-like cracks occur. An increase in the occurrence of leaks will typically be the first indication of a brittle-like cracking problem. It is the responsibility of each pipeline operator to monitor the performance of their gas system. RSPA issues the following recommendations to aid operators in identifying and managing brittle-like cracking problems in polyethylene piping involving taking appropriate action, including replacement, to mitigate any risks to public safety. Because systems without known susceptible materials may also experience brittle-like cracking problems, RSPA recommends that all operators implement the following practices for all polyethylene piping systems: 1. Review system records to determine if any known susceptible materials have been installed in the system. Both engineering and purchasing records should be reviewed. Based on the available records, identify the location of the susceptible materials. More frequent inspection and leak surveys should be performed on systems that have exhibited brittle-like cracking failures of known susceptible materials. VerDate 0ct<31>2002 14:14 Nov 25, 2002 Jkt 200001 PO 00000 Frm 00094 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 E:\FR\FM\26NON1.SGM 26NON1 70808 Federal Register /Vol. 67, No. 228/Tuesday, November 26, 2002/Notices 1B&M received Board authorization to abandon the above-described line pursuant to a decision in Boston and Maine Corporation-Abandonment-in Suffolk County, MA, STB Docket No. AB–32 (Sub- No. 92) (STB served Dec. 21, 2001). 2Massport simultaneously filed a motion to dismiss this proceeding, maintaining that the Board should not exercise jurisdiction over this transaction. The motion will be addressed by the Board in a separate decision. 2. Establish a process to identify brittle-like cracking failures. Identification of failure types and site installation conditions can yield valuable information that can be used in predicting the performance of the system. 3. Use a consistent record format to collect data on system failures. The AGA Plastic Failure Report form (Appendix F of the AGA Plastic Pipe Manual) provides an example of a report for the collection of failure data. 4. Collect failure samples of polyethylene piping exhibiting brittle- like cracking. Evidence of brittle-like cracking may warrant laboratory testing. Although every failure may not warrant testing, collecting samples at the time of failure would provide the opportunity to conduct future testing should it be deemed necessary. 5. Whenever possible record the print line from any piping that has been involved in a failure. The print line information can be used to identify the resin, manufacturer and year of manufacture for plastic piping. 6. For systems where there is no record of the piping material, consider recording print line data when piping is excavated for other reasons. Recording the print line data can aid in establishing the type and extent of polyethylene piping used in the system. (49 U.S.C. chapter 601; 49 CFR 1.53) Issued in Washington, DC, on November 21, 2002. Stacey L. Gerard, Associate Administrator for Pipeline Safety. [FR Doc. 02–30055 Filed 11–25–02; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE 4910–60–P DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Surface Transportation Board [STB Finance Docket No. 34276] Massachusetts Port Authority- Acquisition Exemption-Certain Assets of Boston and Maine Corporation The Massachusetts Port Authority (Massport), a noncarrier, has filed a notice of exemption under 49 CFR 1150.31 to acquire from the Boston and Maine Corporation (B&M) certain railroad rights-of-way and related improvements, totaling approximately 1.45 miles, in Charlestown, Suffolk County, MA. Massport proposes to acquire B&M’s right, title and interest in the rail line, known as the Mystic Wharf Branch line, between milepost 0.00 and milepost 1.45.1 Massport indicates that it does not intend to conduct rail operations over the line, but is acquiring it to preserve the rail right-of-way and availability of rail service to the Port. Massport further indicates that it may develop an adjacent haul road on the property at a later date. According to Massport, B&M will retain an exclusive permanent easement on the line for rail operations, and its affiliate Springfield Terminal Railway Company will continue to be responsible for providing rail operations over the line. Massport will not obtain the right or obligation to provide rail freight service on the line. Massport certifies that its projected revenues as a result of this transaction will not result in the creation of a Class II or Class I rail carrier. The parties reported that they intended to consummate the transaction on November 13, 2002. If the notice contains false or misleading information, the exemption is void ab initio.2 Petitions to revoke the exemption under 49 U.S.C. 10502(d) may be filed at any time. The filing of a petition to revoke will not automatically stay the transaction. An original and 10 copies of all pleadings, referring to STB Finance Docket No. 34276, must be filed with the Surface Transportation Board, 1925 K Street, NW., Washington, DC 20423– 0001. In addition, a copy of each pleading must be served on Keith G. O’Brien, REA, CROSS & AUCHINCLOSS, 1707 L Street NW., Suite 570, Washington, DC 20036. Board decisions and notices are available on our Web site at http:// www.stb.dot.gov. Decided: November 19, 2002. By the Board, David M. Konschnik, Director, Office of Proceedings. Vernon A. Williams, Secretary. [FR Doc. 02–29876 Filed 11–25–02; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE 4915–00–P DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY Submission for OMB Review; Comment Request November 15, 2002. The Department of Treasury has submitted the following public information collection requirement(s) to OMB for review and clearance under the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, Public Law 104–13. Copies of the submission(s) may be obtained by calling the Treasury Bureau Clearance Officer listed. Comments regarding this information collection should be addressed to the OMB reviewer listed and to the Treasury Department Clearance Officer, Department of the Treasury, Room 11000, 1750 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW., Washington, DC 20220. DATES:Written comments should be received on or before December 26, 2002 to be assured of consideration. Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN) OMB Number: 1506–0019. Form Number: FinCEN Form 101. Type of Review: Revision. Title: Suspicious Activity Report by the Securities and Futures Industry. Description: Treasury is requiring certain securities broker-dealers to file suspicious activity Reports. Respondents: Business or other for- profit. Estimated Number of Respondents/ Recordkeepers: 8,300. Estimated Burden Hours Per Respondent/Recordkeeper: 4 hours, 40 minutes. Estimated recordkeeping/filing per response: 4 hours. Estimated record (SAR) completion time: 40 minutes. Frequency of Response: On occasion. Estimated Total Reporting/ Recordkeeping Burden: 9,334 hours. Clearance Officer: Lois K. Holland (202) 622–1563, Departmental Offices, Room 11000, 1750 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW., Washington, DC 20220. OMB Reviewer: Joseph F. Lackey, Jr. (202) 395–7316, Office of Management and Budget, Room 10235, New Executive Office Building, Washington, DC 20503. Mary A. Able, Departmental Reports, Management Officer. [FR Doc. 02–29990 Filed 11–25–02; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE 4810–02–P VerDate 0ct<31>2002 14:14 Nov 25, 2002 Jkt 200001 PO 00000 Frm 00095 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 E:\FR\FM\26NON1.SGM 26NON1  APPENDIX 16: PHMSA ADVISORY ADB 07-01 51301 Federal Register/Vol. 72, No. 172/Thursday, September 6, 2007/Notices safety procedures used for filling, operating, and discharging MATs to determine whether additional safety procedures should be implemented. To this end, we request that persons who use such transportation systems to provide us with information on the effectiveness of the current DOT regulations, consensus standards, and industry best practices. We are also interested in any other procedures utilized to ensure that operations related to the transportation of acetylene on MATs are performed safely. We would also like to work with shippers, carriers, and facilities that receive shipments of acetylene in MATs to develop and implement a pilot program to test the effectiveness of current or alternative procedures or methods designed to enhance the safety of transportation operations involving acetylene on MATs. As part of this program, we will assist individual companies or facilities to evaluate the effectiveness of their current procedures and to identify additional measures that should be implemented. We welcome suggestions concerning how such a program should be structured and the entities that should participate. To ensure that our message reaches all stakeholders affected by these risks, we plan to communicate this advisory through our public affairs notification and outreach processes. For additional visibility, we have made this advisory available on the PHMSA homepage at http://www.phmsa.dot.gov and the DOT electronic docket site at http:// dms.dot.gov. In addition, if you are aware of other companies that are involved in the charging, operating, and discharging MATs, please share this advisory notice with them and, if possible, identify them in your correspondence with this agency. We believe a collaborative effort involving an integrated and cooperative approach will help us to address safety risks, reduce incidents, enhance safety, and protect the public. Issued in Washington, DC on August 30, 2007. Theodore L. Willke, Associate Administrator for Hazardous Materials Safety. [FR Doc. 07–4355 Filed 9–5–07; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE 4910–60–P DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration [Docket No. PHMSA–2004–19856] Pipeline Safety: Updated Notification of the Susceptibility to Premature Brittle-Like Cracking of Older Plastic Pipe AGENCY: Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA); DOT. ACTION: Notice; Issuance of Advisory Bulletin. SUMMARY: PHMSA is issuing this updated advisory bulletin to owners and operators of natural gas pipeline distribution systems concerning the susceptibility of older plastic pipe to premature brittle-like cracking. PHMSA previously issued three advisory bulletins on this subject: Two on March 11, 1999 and one on November 26, 2002. This advisory bulletin expands on the information provided in the three prior bulletins by listing two additional pipe materials with poor performance histories relative to brittle-like cracking and by updating pipeline owners and operators on the ongoing voluntary efforts to collect and analyze data on plastic pipe performance. Owners and operators of natural gas pipeline distribution systems are encouraged to review the three previous advisory bulletins in their entirety. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Richard Sanders at (405) 954–7214, or by e-mail at richard.sanders@dot.gov. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: I. National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) Investigation On April 23, 1998, the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) issued its Special Investigation Report, Brittle-Like Cracking in Plastic Pipe for Gas Service, NTSB/SIR–98/01. The report described the results of the NTSB’s special investigation of polyethylene gas service pipe, which addressed three major safety issues: (1) Vulnerability of plastic piping to premature failures due to brittle-like cracking; (2) adequacy of available guidance relating to the installation and protection of plastic piping connections to steel mains; and, (3) effectiveness of performance monitoring of plastic pipeline systems to detect unacceptable performance in piping systems. (1) Vulnerability of plastic piping to premature failures due to brittle-like cracking: The NTSB found that failures in polyethylene pipe in actual service are frequently brittle-like, slit failures, not ductile failures. It concluded the number and similarity of plastic pipe accident and non-accident failures indicate past standards used to rate the long-term strength of plastic pipe may have overrated the strength and resistance to brittle-like cracking for much of the plastic pipe manufactured and used for gas service from the 1960s through the early 1980s. The NTSB also concluded any potential public safety hazards from these failures are likely to be limited to locations where stress intensification exists. The NTSB went on to state that more durable modern plastic piping materials and better strength testing have made the strength ratings of modern plastic piping more reliable. (2) Adequacy of available guidance relating to the installation and protection of plastic piping connections to steel mains: The NTSB concluded that gas pipeline operators had insufficient notification of the brittle- like failure potential for plastic pipe manufactured and used for gas service from the 1960s to the early 1980s. The NTSB also concluded this may not have allowed companies to implement adequate surveillance and replacement programs for older plastic piping. The NTSB explained the Gas Research Institute (GRI) developed a significant amount of data on older plastic pipe but the data was published in codified terms making it insufficient for use by pipeline system operators. The NTSB recommended that manufacturers of resin and pipe, industry trade groups and the Federal government do more to alert pipeline operators to the role played by stress intensification from external forces in the premature failure of plastic pipe due to brittle-like cracking. (3) Effectiveness of performance monitoring of plastic pipeline systems as a way of detecting unacceptable performance in piping systems: The NTSB’s analysis noted that Federal regulations require pipeline operators to have an ongoing program to monitor the performance of their pipeline systems. However, the NTSB investigation revealed some gas pipeline operators’ performance monitoring programs did not effectively collect and analyze data to determine the extent of possible hazards associated with plastic pipeline systems. The NTSB pointed out, ‘‘such a program must be adequate to detect trends as well as to identify localized problem areas, and it must be able to relate poor performance to specific factors such as plastic piping brands, dates of manufacture (or installation dates), and failure conditions.’’ VerDate Aug<31>2005 18:25 Sep 05, 2007 Jkt 211001 PO 00000 Frm 00090 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 E:\FR\FM\06SEN1.SGM 06SEN1ms t o c k s t i l l o n P R O D 1 P C 6 6 w i t h N O T I C E S 51302 Federal Register/Vol. 72, No. 172/Thursday, September 6, 2007/Notices Copies of this report may be obtained by searching the NTSB Web site at www.ntsb.gov. II. Advisory Bulletins Previously Issued by PHMSA The NTSB made several recommendations to PHMSA and to trade organizations in its 1998 special investigation report. In response, PHMSA issued three advisory bulletins. The first advisory bulletin, ADB–99–01, Potential Failure Due to Brittle-Like Cracking of Certain Polyethylene Plastic Pipe Manufactured by Century Utility Products Inc, was published in the Federal Register (FR) on March 11, 1999 (64 FR 12211) to advise natural gas pipeline distribution system operators that brittle-like cracking may occur on certain polyethylene pipe manufactured by Century Utility Products, Inc. The second advisory bulletin, ADB– 99–02, Potential Failures Due to Brittle- Like Cracking of Older Plastic Pipe in Natural Gas Distribution Systems, was also published in the Federal Register on March 11, 1999 (64 FR 12212) to advise natural gas pipeline distribution system operators of the potential for brittle-like cracking of plastic pipes installed between the 1960s and early 1980s. The third advisory bulletin, ADB–02– 07, Notification of the Susceptibility To Premature Brittle-Like Cracking of Older Plastic Pipe, was published in the Federal Register on November 26, 2002 (67 FR 70806) to reiterate to natural gas pipeline distribution system operators the susceptibility of older plastic pipe to premature brittle-like cracking. The older polyethylene pipe materials specifically identified in ADB–02–07 included, but were not limited to: x Century Utility Products, Inc. products; x Low-ductile inner wall ‘‘Aldyl A’’ piping manufactured by DuPont Company before 1973; and x Polyethylene gas pipe designated PE 3306. This third advisory bulletin also listed several environmental, installation and service conditions in which plastic piping is used that could lead to premature brittle-like cracking failure. PHMSA also described six recommended practices for polyethylene gas pipeline system operators to aid them with identifying and managing brittle-like cracking problems. III. Plastic Pipe Studies Beginning January 25, 2001, the American Gas Association (AGA) began to collect data on in-service plastic piping material failures with the objective of identifying trends in the performance of these materials. The resulting leak survey data, collected from 2001 to present, on the county’s natural gas distribution systems includes both actual failure information and negative reports (reports of no leads) submitted voluntarily by participating pipeline operating companies. The AGA, PHMSA, and other industry and state organizations continue to collect and analyze the data. Unfortunately, the data cannot be correlated with the quantities of each plastic pipe material that may be in service across the United States. Therefore, the data does not assess the failure rates of individual plastic pipe materials on a linear basis (i.e. per foot, per mile, etc.). However, the failure data reinforces what is historically known about certain older plastic piping and components. The data also indicates the susceptibility of additional specific materials to brittle-like cracking. IV. Advisory Bulletin ADB–07–01 To: Owners and Operators of Natural Gas Pipeline Distribution Systems. Subject: Updated Notification of the Susceptibility of Older Plastic Pipes to Premature Brittle-Like Cracking. Advisory: All owners and operators of natural gas distribution systems who have installed and operate plastic piping are reminded of the phenomenon of brittle-like cracking. Brittle-like cracking refers to crack initiation in the pipe wall not immediately resulting in a full break followed by stable crack growth at stress levels much lower than the stress required for yielding. This results in very tight, slit-like, openings and gas leaks. Although significant cracking may occur at points of stress concentration and near improperly designed or installed fittings, small brittle-like cracks may be difficult to detect until a significant amount of gas leaks out of the pipe, and potentially migrates into an enclosed space such as a basement. Premature brittle-like cracking requires relatively high localized stress intensification that may result from geometrical discontinuities, excessive bending, improper installation of fittings, dents and/or gouges. Because this failure mode exhibits no evidence of gross yielding at the failure location, the term brittle-like cracking is used. This phenomenon is different from brittle fracture, in which the pipe failure causes fragmentation of the pipe. All owners and operators of natural gas distribution systems are future advised to review the three earlier advisory bulletins on this issue. In addition to being available in the Federal Register, these advisory bulletins are available in the docket, and on PHMSA’s Web site at http:// phmsa.dot.gov/ under Pipeline Safety Regulations. In the first advisory bulletin, ADB– 99–01, published on March 11, 1999 (64 FR 12211), PHMSA advises natural gas distribution system operators of the potential for poor resistance to brittle- like cracking of certain polyethylene pipe manufactured by Century Utility Products, Inc. In the second advisory bulletin, ADB–99–02, published on March 11, 1999 (64 FR 12212), PHMSA advises natural gas distribution system operators of the potential for brittle-like cracking of plastic pipes installed between the 1960s and early 1980s. In the third advisory bulletin, ADB– 02–07, published on November 26, 2002 (67 FR 70806), PHMSA reiterates to pipeline operators the susceptibility of some older plastic pipe to premature brittle-like cracking which could substantially reduce the service life of natural gas distribution systems and to explain the mission of the Plastic Pipe Database Committee (PPDC) ‘‘to develop and maintain a voluntary data collection process that supports the analysis of the frequency and causes of in-service plastic piping material failures.’’ The advisory bulletin also lists several environmental, installation and service conditions under which plastic piping is used which is used which could lead to premature brittle-like cracking failure. PHMSA also describes six recommended practices for polyethylene gas pipeline system operators to aid them with identifying and managing brittle-like cracking problems. Lastly, the susceptibility of some polyethylene pipes to brittle-like cracking is dependent on the resin, pipe processing, and service conditions. As noted in ADB–02–07, these older polyethylene pipe materials include, but are not limited to: x Century Utility Products, Inc. products; x Low-ductile inner wall ‘‘Aldyl A’’ piping manufactured by DuPont Company before 1973; and x Polyethylene gas pipe designated PE 3306. The data now supports adding the following pipe materials to this list: x Delrin insert tap tees; and, x Plexco service tee Celcon (polyacetal) caps. Authority: 49 U.S.C. chapter 601 and 49 CFR 1.53. VerDate Aug<31>2005 18:25 Sep 05, 2007 Jkt 211001 PO 00000 Frm 00091 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 E:\FR\FM\06SEN1.SGM 06SEN1ms t o c k s t i l l o n P R O D 1 P C 6 6 w i t h N O T I C E S 51303 Federal Register/Vol. 72, No. 172/Thursday, September 6, 2007/Notices Issued in Washington, DC, on August 28, 2007. Jeffrey D. Wiese, Associate Administrator for Pipeline Safety. [FR Doc. 07–4309 Filed 9–5–07; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE 4910–60–M DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration [Docket No. PHMSA–2007–28993] Pipeline Safety: Adequacy of Internal Corrosion Regulations for Hazardous Liquid Pipelines AGENCY: Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA), U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT). ACTION: Notice of availability of materials; request for comments. SUMMARY: This notice announces the availability of materials, including a briefing paper prepared for PHMSA’s Technical Hazardous Liquid Pipeline Safety Standards Committee (THLPSSC) and data on risks posed by internal corrosion on hazardous liquid pipelines. PHMSA is preparing a report to Congress on the adequacy of the internal corrosion regulations for hazardous liquid pipelines. Participants at a meeting of the THLPSSC discussed issues involved in examining the adequacy of the regulations and requested additional data. PHMSA requests public comment on these matters. DATES: Submit comments by October 9, 2007. ADDRESSES: Comments should reference Docket No. PHMSA–2007–28993 and may be submitted in the following ways: x E-Gov Web site: http:// www.regulations.gov. This Web site allows the public to enter comments on any Federal Register notice issued by any agency. Follow the instructions for submitting comments. x Fax: 1–202–493–2251.x Mail: Docket Management System: U.S. Department of Transportation, Docket Operations, M–30, Room W12– 140, 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE., Washington, DC 20590–0001. x Hand Delivery: DOT Docket Management System, West Building Ground Floor, Room W12–140, 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE., Washington, DC 20590–0001 between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m., Monday through Friday, except Federal holidays. Instructions: Identify the docket number, PHMSA–2007–28993, at the beginning of your comments. If you submit your comments by mail, submit two copies. To receive confirmation that PHMSA received your comments, include a self-addressed stamped postcard. Internet users may submit comments at http:// www.regulations.gov. Note: Comments are posted without changes or edits to http:// www.regulations.gov, including any personal information provided. There is a privacy statement published on http:// www.regulations.gov. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Barbara Betsock at (202) 366–4361, or by e-mail at barbara.betsock@dot.gov. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The Pipeline Inspection, Protection, Enforcement, and Safety Act of 2006 directs PHMSA to review the internal corrosion regulations in subpart H of 49 CFR part 195 to determine if they are adequate to ensure adequate protection of the public and environment and to report to Congress on the results of the review. As an initial step in the review, PHMSA consulted the THLPSSC at its meeting on July 24, 2007. The briefing paper prepared for the committee members contains preliminary data on risk history as well as questions relating to the internal corrosion regulations. This briefing paper is posted on PHMSA’s pipeline Web site (http:// ops.dot.gov) and has been placed in the docket. At the meeting, PHMSA officials committed to gathering additional data responding to questions posed by the committee members. PHMSA has updated the data and included data responsive to the committee members. This data is also posted on the pipeline Web site and contained in the docket. PHMSA requests comments on the adequacy of the internal corrosion regulations and answers to the questions posed in the briefing paper. PHMSA will use these comments in its review of the internal corrosion regulations. Authority: 49 U.S.C. 60102, 60115, 60117: Sec. 22, Pub. L. 109–468, 120 Stat. 3499. Issued in Washington, DC on August 27, 2007. Jeffrey D. Wiese, Associate Administrator for Pipeline Safety. [FR Doc. E7–17538 Filed 9–5–07; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE 4910–60–P DEPARTMENT OF VETERANS AFFAIRS [OMB Control No. 2900–0675] Proposed Information Collection Activity: Proposed Collection; Comment Request AGENCY: Center for Veterans Enterprise, Department of Veterans Affairs. ACTION: Notice. SUMMARY: The Center for Veterans Enterprise (CVE), Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), is announcing an opportunity for public comment on the proposed collection of certain information by the agency. Under the Paperwork Reduction Act (PRA) of 1995, Federal agencies are required to publish notice in the Federal Register concerning each proposed collection of information, including each proposed extension of a currently approved collection, and allow 60 days for public comment in response to the notice. This notice solicits comments for information needed to identify veteran-owned businesses. DATES: Written comments and recommendations on the proposed collection of information should be received on or before November 5, 2007. ADDRESSES: Submit written comments on the collection of information through http://www.Regulations.gov; or Gail Wegner (00VE), Department of Veterans Affairs, 810 Vermont Avenue, NW., Washington, DC 20420 or e-mail: gail.wegner@va.gov. Please refer to ‘‘OMB Control No. 2900–0675’’ in any correspondence. During the comment period, comments may be viewed online through the Federal Docket Management System (FDMS) at http:// www.Regulations.gov. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Gail Wegner at (202) 303–3296 or FAX (202) 254–0238. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Under the PRA of 1995 (Pub. L. 104–13; 44 U.S.C. 3501–3521), Federal agencies must obtain approval from the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) for each collection of information they conduct or sponsor. This request for comment is being made pursuant to section 3506(c)(2)(A) of the PRA. With respect to the following collection of information, CVE invites comments on: (1) Whether the proposed collection of information is necessary for the proper performance of CVE’s functions, including whether the information will have practical utility; (2) the accuracy of CVE’s estimate of the burden of the proposed collection of VerDate Aug<31>2005 18:25 Sep 05, 2007 Jkt 211001 PO 00000 Frm 00092 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 E:\FR\FM\06SEN1.SGM 06SEN1ms t o c k s t i l l o n P R O D 1 P C 6 6 w i t h N O T I C E S  APPENDIX 17: US DOT CALL TO ACTION 1 | P a g e U.S. Department of Transportation Call to Action To Improve the Safety of the Nation’s Energy Pipeline System Executive Summary Today, more than 2.5 million miles of pipelines are responsible for delivering oil and gas to communities and businesses across the United States. That's enough pipeline to circle the earth approximately 100 times. Currently, these liquid and gas pipelines are operated by approximately 3,000 companies and fall under the safety regulations of the U.S. Department of Transportation’s Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA). PHMSA has engineers and inspectors around the country who oversee the safety of these lines and ensure that companies comply with critical safety rules that protect people and the environment from potential dangers. While PHMSA directly regulates most of the hazardous liquid pipelines in the nation, states take over when it comes to intrastate natural gas pipelines. Every state, except Hawaii and Alaska, is responsible for the inspection and enforcement of state pipeline safety laws for the natural gas pipeline systems within their respective states. Some states – about 20 percent - also regulate the hazardous liquid lines within state borders. In the wake of several recent serious pipeline incidents, U.S. DOT/PHMSA is taking a hard look at the safety of the nation’s pipeline system. Over the last three years, annual fatalities have risen from nine in 2008, to 13 in 2009 to 22 in 2010. Like other aspects of America’s transportation infrastructure, the pipeline system is aging and needs a comprehensive evaluation of its fitness for service. Investments that are made now will ensure the safety of the American people and the integrity of the pipeline infrastructure for future generations. For these reasons, Secretary LaHood has issued “A Call To Action” for all pipeline stakeholders, including the pipeline industry, the utility regulators, and our state and federal partners. Secretary LaHood brought together PHMSA Administrator Quarterman and the senior DOT leadership to design a strategy to achieve that goal. The action plan below is the result of those deliberations. Background Much of the nation’s pipeline infrastructure was installed many decades ago, and some century-old infrastructure continues to transport energy supplies to residential and commercial customers, particularly in the urban areas across our nation. Older pipeline facilities that are constructed of obsolete materials (e.g., cast iron, copper, bare steel, and certain kinds of welded pipe) may have degraded over time, and some have been exposed to additional threats, such as excavation damage. On December 4, 2009, PHMSA issued the Distribution Integrity Management Final Rule, which extends the pipeline integrity management principles that were established for hazardous liquid and natural gas transmission pipelines, to the local natural gas distribution pipeline systems. This regulation, which becomes effective in August of 2011, requires operators of local gas distribution 2 | P a g e pipelines to evaluate the risks on their pipeline systems to determine their fitness for service and take action to address those risks. For older gas distribution systems, the appropriate mitigation measures could involve major pipe rehabilitation, repair, and replacement programs. At a minimum, these measures are needed to requalify those systems as being fit for service. While these measures may be costly, they are necessary to address the threat to human life, property, and the environment. In addition to the many pipelines constructed with obsolete materials, there are also early vintage steel pipelines in high consequence areas that may pose risks because of inferior materials, poor construction practices, and lack of maintenance or inadequate risk assessments performed by operators. The lack of basic information or incomplete records about these systems is also a contributing factor. The U.S. DOT is seeking to make sure these risks are identified, the pipelines are assessed accurately, and preventative steps are taken where they are needed. Action Plan The U.S. DOT and PHMSA have developed this action plan to accelerate rehabilitation, repair, and replacement programs for high-risk pipeline infrastructure and to requalify that infrastructure as fit for service. The Department will engage pipeline safety stakeholders in the process to systematically address parts of the pipeline infrastructure that need attention, and ensure that Americans remain confident in the safety of their families, their homes, and their communities. The strategy involves: x A CALL TO ACTION – Secretary LaHood is issuing a “Call to Action” to engage state partners, technical experts, and pipeline operators in identifying pipeline risks and repairing, rehabilitating, and replacing the highest risk infrastructure. Secretary LaHood is also asking Congress to expand PHMSA’s ability to oversee pipeline safety. ƒSecretary LaHood and PHMSA Administrator Quarterman have met with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC), the National Association of Regulatory and Utility Commissioners (NARUC), state public utility commissions, and industry leaders to ask all parties to step up efforts to identify high-risk pipelines and ensure that they are repaired or replaced. ƒSecretary LaHood is asking Congress to increase the maximum civil penalties for pipeline violations from $100,000 per day to $250,000 per day, and from $1 million for a series of violations to $2.5 million for a series of violations. He is also asking Congress to help close regulatory loopholes, strengthen risk management requirements, add more inspectors, and improve data reporting to help identify potential pipeline safety risks early. The Senate has passed its version of the pipeline safety reauthorization legislation. The House of Representatives is currently considering two versions of a similar bill that could be passed by end of the year. ƒThe U.S. DOT and PHMSA convened a Pipeline Safety Forum in April 2011 that engaged a working session around the actions that DOT/PHMSA, the state regulatory agencies, and the pipeline industry can take to drive more aggressive actions to raise 3 | P a g e the bar on pipeline safety. The U.S. DOT and PHMSA is preparing a report based on ideas, opportunities and challenges presented at the Forum and action that will be taken. x AGGRESSIVE EFFORTS – The U.S. DOT and PHMSA are calling on pipeline operators and owners to review their pipelines and quickly repair and replace sections in poor condition. o PHMSA has asked technical associations and pipeline safety groups to provide best practices and technologies for repair, rehabilitation and replacement programs, and has asked industry groups for commitments to accelerate needed repairs. o PHMSA will review all data received from pipeline operators to identify areas with critical needs. o PHMSA’s Distribution Integrity Management rule became effective in August, requiring all operators of local gas distribution pipeline systems to evaluate the risks on their pipeline systems and take action to address those risks. x TRANSPARENCY - U.S. DOT and PHMSA will execute this plan in a transparent manner with opportunity for public engagement, including a dedicated website for this initiative, and regular reporting to the public. o PHMSA has launched a public website (http://opsweb.phmsa.dot.gov/pipelineforum), which describes the ongoing pipeline rehabilitation, replacement and repair initiatives. o All materials from the Pipeline Safety Forum will be publicly posted to the web, followed by a Draft Report for Notice and Comment. Once public input has been collected, PHMSA will publish a final Pipeline Safety Report to the Nation. o PHMSA will be holding a national forum on emergency preparedness and response to pipeline emergencies. The forum will take place December 9, 2011, and will include the major stakeholders from the emergency response community, industry and government to discuss how best to improve pipeline emergency preparedness and response capabilities. o A report from the forum will be prepared and published. Revised 11/1/11 ###  APPENDIX 18: 1983 LETTER FORM DUPONT REGARDING THE IMPROVED ALDYL "A" SERVICE PUNCH TEE