HomeMy WebLinkAbout20170321Transcript Exhibits IGC.pdfBEFORB THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPL]CATION OF INTERMOUNTA]N GAS COMPANY TO CHANGE ITS RATES AND CHARGES FOR NATURAL GAS SERVICE IN THE STATE OF IDAHO CASE NO. INT-G-76_02 EXHIBITS Lll.:r --= ;a i',*i I rJ =-T' r:\ =mr$ fl -.lc) BEFORE COMMISSIONER KRISTINE RAPER (Presiding) COMMISSIONER PAUL KJELLANDER COMMISSIONER ERIC ANDERSON PLACE:Commission Hearing Room 412 V[est Washi-ngton StreetBoise, Idaho DATES: March 1-3, 2077 VOLUMES I - VI Pages 1 - 1980 ORIGINAL CSB REPORTING Certified S horthand Reporters Post Office Box9774 Boise,Idaho 83707 csbreportin g@heritagewifi . com Ph: 208-890-5198 Fax: l-888-623-6899 Reporter: Constance Bucy, CSR o Ronald L. Williams, ISB No. 3034 Williams Bradbury, P.C. 1015 W. Hays St. Boise,ID 83702 Telephone : (208) 344-6633 Email: ron@williamsbradbury.com Attorneys for Intermountain Gas Company BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY FOR THE AUTHORITY TO CHANGE ITS RATES AND CHARGES FOR NATURAL GAS SERVICE TO NATURAL GAS CUSTOMERS TN THE STATE OF IDAHO ) ) ) ) ) ) ) Case No. INT-G-16-02 o EXHIBIT 01 o EXHIBITO +GO (J oJ E$tn .=8: 0) (o b0o-Oc UT tn(o(9 E5 Egzoo3T'O8utn(o(J (Jc tno(J fotnoe. U(,(Jilq dJ IJJ (o -'o B tn ro(9 (ULP(Eso-fqebtrL) o C .cq.;ro-{c\3s tpgEt- .-6'=etfi .ho(J fOt,ltnCoG,dfroo (o o-!z o8:(oo L(o=Y{= O-) ot/ru .= tn(o(oo-(9 EEo= (9?oz o dE o5oL(o IDo.a =PD =o =LortsoL =P(J,LP.n lECot,(u.!c(E Eo o ExhibitNo.0l Case No. INT-G-16-02 N. Kivisto, IGC p. I of2 o z PEIE8.E3 s 3(.rtroou,fl28 EEEg = H.gH 5E PEe$=E !E E {g 3; eE H gsEH v*gE xE 3I ,E E E i 8I E EE* I E =lE;g;ilE;$**5iEIiFF$EliB:EgiE aaa go Eo6o =tJO-vl th(o'=-3 d,ES #-t cE r.l_ ELI-)sFI E65 o h(J 16'.C -.+6Qorr m rr' (9 Exhibit No. 0l Case No. INT-G-16-02 N. Kivisto, IGC p.2 of 2 (Jg zf oU tt) (c z Fz:)o G,IJJFz trD'a6o 6)oo(,E'EO U.sao a 66v6E(, i6 .g =Col EEoo6=(-)=aa Ere =(5=Eo.? =a!jzz.83 rgEEo- EG,og)>(5aa .r;,+{,-urou_ ,,."h!c..F i-in ,,a{Nr+..tyeet iil drr::li!,'# ts"jii .j,iilY,i4l,.,'1i,,j it..; .. ,, ':?lij:-it i' r:i: tr i r,'1ri.,,,i" r if"' - 'i'''-ii.iiriY:li' :t.: ;)iir,:"r.'1 ,1, t:f t o o z2 a o a (D o a Ronald L. Williams, ISB No. 3034 Williams Bradbury, P.C. l0l5 W. Hays St. Boise,ID 83702 Telephone : (208) 344-6633 Email : ron@williamsbradbury.com Attorneys for Intermountain Gas Company BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY FOR THE AUTHORITY TO CHANGE ITS RATES AND CHARGES FOR NATURAL GAS SERVICE TO NATURAL GAS CUSTOMERS IN THE STATE OF IDAHO ) ) ) ) ) ) ) Case No. INT-G-16-02 o EXHIBIT 02 0 EXHIBITo Iec I I I I Eq QI Edts z.<;E8 3=t>=tdo! EBI Exhibit No. 02 Case No. INT-G-16-02 H. Gilchrist,IGC p. I of2 e; o^lEr->-uovira E!!Nl.OtotsE- EuCE!gg.l 5;6 o.! otto E.90OEEOe8 drJ .q9 tsts€E.:(J !I o6 !oE oso(, .9g3 trREi .9n!6 6 EoEo 6o G(9 4r{to E,Ito G la a,la(a AJs.{utSa!-\trlao-\oto*rl ta Cl(D\. Ct\S*.E =trt-\'t qJ -oo o O o t $ iris I5 :lI t it s&I i E fllFU/,lA tottCIo t Et! taE *x * I = H G 5 $S s s s z. E sM \}\ o I E 2 I a.Nat o ExhibitNo.02 Case No. INT-G-16-02 H. Gilchrist,IGC P.2 of 2 $*s,i$a ,$HEs aa K'(frr| o Ronald L. Williams, ISB No. 3034 Williams Bradbury, P.C. l0l5 W. Hays St. Boise,ID 83702 Telephone: (208) 344-6633 Email: ron@williamsbradbury.com Attorneys for Intermountain Gas Company BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITES COMMISSION TN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY FOR THE AUTHORITY TO CHANGE ITS RATES AND CHARGES FOR NATURAL GAS SERVICE TO NATURAL GAS CUSTOMERS IN THE STATE OF TDAHO ) ) ) ) ) ) ) Case No. INT-G-16-02 o EXHIBIT 03 EXHIBITo rod o lntermountain Gas Company Calculation of Debt lnterest Costs Description TIAA Senior notes TIAA Series A TIAA Series B 2016 LT lssuance U.S. Bank LOC Debt amortization Due Date 9lL8l20t8 to/301202s to/3012028 9lLs/2046 7lL3l20L8 lnterest Rate 7.260/, 4.08% 4.33o/o 4.500/o Varies Orisinal Balance 58,000,000 25,000,000 25,000,000 50,000,000 Average Balance 14,315,818 25,000,000 25,000,000 s0,000,000 Annual lnterest ExDense 1,039,328.38 1,020,000.00 1,082,500.00 2,250,000.00 88,019.89 'r' 170,325.00 7.26% 4.08% 4.33% 4.50% 114,315,818 5,650,L73.27 4.94% * represents the annual commitment fee for the operating line-of-credit. o TIAA Senior Notes Balance 15,818,184 1o,545,457 Davs Outstandins 26L LO4 Rate lnterest 82L,L84.77 2L8,L43.6L 7.260/o 7.26% 1,039,328.38 Monthly Debt Amortization Expense Amort Bank of America Oct 18, 2010 Amort 1st Mort bond series l-91 Amort 1st Mort bond series J-94 Amort lst Mort bond series K-94 Amort 1st Mort bond series L-99 Amort lst Mort bond series M-97 Amort Sr debent due 11-15-09 Amort Sr debent due 11-15-13 Amort 1st Mort bond series K-94 2016 LT lssuance (est cost of S500k) 5,522.97 62.00 206.00 115.00 920.00 3,478.0O 733.00 503.00 L,263.89 1,388.89 Annualized Annual Debt Amortization Expense L4,L93.75 L2.OO 170,325.00 Exhibit No. 03 Case No. INT-G-16-02 M. Chiles,IGC p. I of2 o 1rt olNIolNI cDldlolNI atlHIolNI <ft omN trt'NNrn v> (Y',)NNF.NN\t <r> (Y)t\c.,lFNN Fat/! ar> 1r> ooocioo rn(o oo01 0NO NOF\ONOrn l/) ooooooor.n NNN NT\N rn r\NNc{NN Ln !\ oood5t 8-ol o-NI F{ <rt ooodst Iol diNl r{ 00FIoc{@- r-l60FIN oJd)3HE>of CLoan 0ilPIolol EI'sl 9lGI>l <rt .t!o(J o a)tr =aoo.EE>.!? =tr0, =tsO,PFEdo9CEooJ(J artoS-FiO.coo(!6ldf I -ooo .g!o Uxo(oo6l trN=rt06Cg'5oozd 6d.=y E3.EE<:ESi EoG -o(uo c .9 =E ,= ETlri cl .91&lcll'tr1ol6l0,lol Exhibit No. 03 Case No. INT-G-I6-02 M. Chiles,IGC p.2 of 2 4r\ tro Eo.: oc !c(E 6o>9ctrr!GtL3 E68E6'=,ES.Eo.EC:.E!pdtEOErEBo o o oilE E E3vt o o o a Ronald L. Williams, ISB No. 3034 Williams Bradbury, P.C. 1015 W. Hays St. Boise,ID 83702 Telephone: (208) 344-6633 Email : ron@williamsbradbury.com Attorneys for [ntermountain Gas Company BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY FOR THE AUTHORITY TO CHANGE ITS RATES AND CHARGES FOR NATURAL GAS SERVICE TO NATURAL GAS CUSTOMERS IN THE STATE OF IDAHO ) ) ) ) ) ) ) Case No. INT-G-16-02 o EXHIBIT 04 o o EXHIBIT TGC o o J. Stephen Gaske, Ph.D. Senior Vice President Steve Gaske has more than 30 years of experience as an economic consultant, researcher, and professor in the fields of public utility economics, finance, and regulation. Dr. Gaske has provided consulting services in more than 300 regulatorf, antitrusg tax, and civil proceedinS. In addition, he has presented expert testimony in more than 100 state, provincial, and federal regulatory commission hearings in Canada, the U.S. and Mexico. AREAS OF EXPERTISE His specialty is the application to regulated industries of inter-related principles ftom economics, finance and regulatory theory. His areas of expertise include: o Finance, cost of capita\ and risk analysis; o Rate design, cost allocation, cost of service, and pricing of services; o EnerBI markets and the ecooomics of public utilities and energy infrastructure; o Competition and antitrust principles; and o Regulatory economics, rules, and policies. INDUSTRY EXPERTISE His work has involved: o Most of the major natural gas pipelines in North America; . ManI electric utilities; . ManI natwral.gas distribution companies; o Several major oil pipelines; o Railroads; o Postal Service; o Telephone and satellite telecommunications companies; and o Sewer and water companies. REPRESENTATTYE PROJECT EXPERIENCE Some of the projects oo which Dr. Gaske has worked include: o Advisor to numerous U.S. and Canadian pipelines on economics, pricing strategies and regulatory matters; CoNceNrnrc ENERGY ADVISoRS, INC.PacnA-1 Exhibit 04 Case No. INT-G-16-02 S. Gaske,IGC p. I of5 o o a a a a a a Development of computerized cost of service models for calculating both traditional and levelized rates for gas and oil pipelines, and rates for electric utilities; On behalf of a new, greenfield pipeline designed to c tty Caradian gas to U.S. New England markets he served as the rate and financial advisor during the development, permitting aod financing stages. A variety of White Papers on technical aspects of calculating the allowed rate of return for regulated companies, including white papers submitted in proceedings involving FERC generic rate of return for electric utilities, FERC rate of return for gas and oil pipelines, Canadian rate of return for pipelines and utilities; An analysis of the applicability of various finance theories to telephone ratemaking by the U. S. Federal Communicatioos Commission; o A study of the economic structure, risks and cost of capital of the satellite telecommtroications industry; o Author of several issues of the H. Tinder & Associates Summary of Natural Gas Pipeline Rates; o Several studies of regional natural gas market competition, market power, pri.irg and capacity needs; An evaluation of Federal Energy Regulatory Comrnission policies designed to promote liquidity in the natural gas commodity markets; Numerous studies of electric rate, regulatory and market issues such as canceled plant treatment, time- differentiated rates, non-utility generation, competitive bidding and open-access transmission; Author of t'wo updates of the Edison Electric Institute Glossary of Electric Utility Terms; Several studies of pricing contract provisions, competitive bidding programs, and transmission practices for independent electric generation; and, Several reports and projects on incentive regulation and the application of price cap regulation to both electric and natural gas companies. o a a a LITIGATION SUPPORT AND EXPERT TESTIMONY Dr. Gaske has testified or filed testimony or affidavits in more than 100 regulatory proceedings on the following topics: Commission Alaska Regulatory Commission Alberta Energy and Utilities Board Alberta Utilities Commission Topic Oil Pipeline Rate of Return/Rate Base Gas Pipeline Cost Allocation/Rate Design Utility Cost of Capital; Gas Pipeline Contracts and CoNcBNrnrc ENERGY ADVISoRS, INC.PacBA-2 Exhibit 04 Case No. INT-G-16-02 S. Gaske,IGC p. 2 of5 o o o Colorado Board of Assessment Appeals U.S. Economic Regulatory Administration U. S. Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Indiana Utilities Regulatory Commission Iowa Utilities Board Maine Public Utilities Commission Comision Reguladora de Energia de M6xico Montana Public Service Commission Minnesota Public Utilities Commission National Energy Board of Canada New Mexico Regulatory Commission Neuz York Public Service Commission Nerxz Brunswick Energy and Utilities Board North Dakota Public Service Commission Nova Scotia Utility and Review Board Ontario Energy Board U.S. Postal Rate Commrssron Market Power Property Tax Discount Rate Gas Distribution Rate Design Electric Transmission Rate of Return; Gas Pipeline Cost Allocation and Rate Desigu Rate of Return and Capital Structure; Competition; Revenue Requirements; Oil Pipeline Rate of Return and Pricing Electric Cost Allocation/Rate Design Electric Avoided Costs/Extemalities Electric Rate Design/Demand Management Gas Pipeline Rate of Return Electric/Gas Distribution Rate of Returry Electric Cost Allocation and Rate Design Gas Distribution Rate of Return Gas Pipeline Cost Allocation and Rate Design; Oil Pipeline Service Structure and Rates Electric Rate of Return Gas Pipeline Capital Structure Gas Disttibution Ratemaking Electric/Gas Distribution Rate of Return; Natural Gas Market Pricing Elecric Cost Allocation and Rate Design Cost Allocation and Pricing of Bridge Access Rate of Return; Access to and Pricing of Gas Pipeline Expansions; LNG Regulation CoNcBNrnrc ENERGY ADVISoRS, INC. Postal Pricing/Rate Design PacBA-3 Exhibit 04 Case No. INT-G-I6-02 S. Gaske,IGC p.3 of5 o o o R6gie de l'6netgie du Qu6bec South Dakota Public Utilities Commission Texas Public Utilities Cornmission Texas Railroad Commission Wisconsin Public Service Commission Wyoming Public Service Commission STyoming Board of Equalization Rate of Renrrn/Regulatory Principles Gas Distribution Rate of Return Electric Cost Allocation and Rate Design Gas Pipeline Cost Allocation/Rate Design Electric Generation Economics Electric/Gas Distribution Rate of Return Property Tax Discount Rate TEACHING/SPEAKING ENGAGEMENTS Dr. Gaske has spoken on utility finance and economic issues before munerous professional groups. From 1983-1986, he served as Coordioator of the Edison Electric Institute Electric Rate Fundamentals Course. He has lectured on marginal cost estimation for electric utilities at the EEI rate course, and on both low-income rates and natural gas pipeline cost allocation and rate design before the American Gas Association Gas Rate Fuodamentals Course. In addition, Dr. Gaske has taught college courses in Public Utility Economics, Transportation, Physical Distribution, Financial Maoagemen! Investments, Corporate Finance, and Colporate Financial Theory. PROFESSIONAL HISTORY CONSULTING Concentric Energy Advisots, Inc. (2008 - present) Senior Vice President H.Zindet & Associates (1988 - 2008) President/ Senior Vice-President/Consultant Independent Consulting on Public Utility Issues (1982 - 1988) Olson & Company, Inc. (1980 - 1981) Public Utility Consultant H. Zinder & Associates (1977 - 1980) Research Assistant and Supervisor of Regulatory Research ACADEMIC/TEACHING Trinity University (1986 - 1988) Assistant Professor of Finance Indiana University School of Business (1982 - 1986) CoNcsxrRrc ENERGY ADVISoRS, INC.PacBA-4 Exhibit 04 Case No. INT-G-16-02 S. Gaske,IGC p. 4 of5 o o Associate Instructor of Public Utilities arid Transpor.t^tion Northern Virginia Community College (1978) Lecturer in Accounting EDUCATION Ph.D., Indiana University School of Business, 1987 M.B.A., George STashington University, 1977 B.A., University of Virginia, 1975 PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATIONS American Economic Association American Finance Association American Gas Association Rate Cornmittee (1989-2001) Energy Bar Associatioa Financial Management As sociation o o CONcBNTTC ENERGY ADVISoRS, INC PaceA-5 Exhibit 04 Case No. INT-G-16-02 S. Gaske,IGC p. 5 of5 I Ronald L. Williams, ISB No. 3034 Williams Bradbury, P.C. l0l5 W. Hays St. Boise,ID 83702 Telephone: (208) 344-6633 Email: ron@williamsbradbury.com Attorneys for Intermountain Gas Company BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF INTERMOI.JNTAIN GAS COMPANY FOR THE AUTHORITY TO CHANGE ITS RATES AND CHARGES FOR NATURAL GAS SERVICE TO NATURAL GAS CUSTOMERS IN THE STATE OF IDAHO Case No. INT-G-16-02 EXHIBIT 05 ) ) ) ) ) ) ) o o EXHIBITo LGd o O Intermountain Gas Company General Economic Statistics I 984-201 s trt 121 t3t t4l t5l Percentage Price Changes Year Consumer Price Index GDP knplicit Price Deflator Real GDP Growdr Nominal GDP ($ billions) Nominal GDP Growth t9u 1985 1986 1987 1988 r989 1990 l99l 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 20tt 2012 2013 2014 2015 4.3o/o 3.6% 1.9/o 3.6% 4.lo/o 4.8o/o 5.4% 4.2o/o 3.0% 3.0o/o 2.6Yo 2.8% 3.0% 2.3% 1.60h 2.2o/o 3.4% 2.80/o l.60/o 2.3% 2.7% 3.4o/o 3.2o/o 2.8o/o 3.8% -0.4o/o 1.60 3.2o/o 2.1o/o l.5o/o 1.6% 0.t% 3.5% 3.2% 2.0o/o 2.6% 3.50,/o 3.9o/o 3.7o/o ))70 2.3% 2.4Vo 2.1o/o 2.19/o l.8oto 1.70/o 1.tv'o 1.5% 2.3% 2.3% t.5% 2.V/o 2.70,/o 3.2% 3.lo/o 2.7% 2.0% 0.8% 1.2% 2.1% l.8oto l.60/o I "60/o 1.0% 73% 4.2% 3.5o/o 3.5% 4.2% 3.7% 1.9% -0.1o/o 3.6% 2.70/o 4.00 2.7o/o 3.8% 4.5o/o 4.5o/o 4.7% 4.lYo 1.0% 1.804 2.8o/o 3.89/o 3.3o/o ?.70/o l.8o/o -0.3o./o -2.8o/o 2.sYo 1.60/o 2.ZYo l.5o/o 2.4Yo 2.4% 4,040.7 4,346.7 4.590.2 4,870.2 5,252.6 5,657.7 5,979.6 6.174.0 6.539.3 6,878.7 7,308.8 7,664.r 8,100.2 8,608.-s 9,089.2 9,660.6 r 0.284.8 I 0,621 .8 t0,977.5 I 1,5 r0.7 12,274.9 13,093.7 r 3,855.9 14.477.6 14.718.6 14.418.7 14,964.4 15,5 17.9 16, 155.3 16,663.2 1 7.348. r 17,937 .8 7.60/o 5.60/o 6.lo/o 7.9% 7.7o/o 5.7% 3.3% 5.9/o 5.2% 6.3o/o 4.9% 5.1Yo 6.3% 5.6% 6.3% 6.5% 33% 3.3% 4.9o/o 6.6% 6.7% 5.8% 4.s% 1.7% -2.0o/o 3.8% 3.7% 4.lo/o 3.1% 4.lo/o 3.4% Average Rate ofChange [6]: 1986-20t5 1996-2015 2006-2015 2.7o/o 2.2o/o 2.0o/o 2.2Yo 1.9% 1.8% 2.6% 2.4% t.4% 4.80/o 4.30h 3.2o/o 4.90/o 4.4% 3.2o/o Notes: Ul U.S. Departnent of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics; U.S. city average, all urban consumers, all items, not seasonally adjusted [2] U.S. Departnent of Cornmerce, Bureau of Economic Analysis, National Income and Product Accounts Tables, Table I . I .9, Revised on March 25, 2016 [3] U.S. Departrnent of Commerce, Bureau of Economic Analysis, National Income and Product Accounts Tables, Table l.l.l, Revised on March 25, 2016 [4] U.S. Deparfrnent of Commerce, Bureau of Economic Analysis, National lncome and Produa Accounts Tables, Table 1.1.5, Revised on March25,2016 [5] Equals annual p€rcent change ofcolumn [4] [6] Nominal GDP growth rates based on geometric average rate of change Exhibit No. 05 Case No. INT-G-16-02 S. Gaske,IGC Schedule l, p. I of4 o o Intermountain Gas Company Bond Yield Averages January 2010 - May 2016 trl tzl t3l I4I t5l t6I 20r0 20tt 2012 JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JI-IN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC 4.60 4.62 4.64 4.69 4.29 4.t3 3.99 3.80 3.77 3.87 4.19 4.42 4.52 4.65 4.51 4.50 4.29 4.23 4.27 3.65 3.18 3.13 3.02 2.98 5.76 5.86 5.8r 5.80 5.52 5.52 5.32 5.05 5.05 5.1 5 5.37 5.55 5.77 5.87 5.84 5.81 5.50 5.46 5.26 5.01 5.0t 5. l0 5.37 5.56 6.16 6.25 6.22 6.19 5.97 6.18 5.98 5.55 s.s3 5.62 5.85 6.04 ).Jt) 5.66 5.55 5.56 5.33 5.30 5.30 4.79 4.60 4.60 4.39 4.47 5.57 5.68 5.56 5.55 5.32 5.26 5.27 4.69 4.48 4.52 4.25 4.33 4.34 4"36 4.48 4.40 4.24 4.08 3.93 4.00 4.02 3.9r 3.84 4.00 6.06 6.10 5.97 5.98 5.74 5.67 5.70 5.22 5.1I 5.24 4.93 5.07 t.t7 1.25 1.20 t.t2 l.2t 1.34 r.26 t.20 t.24 1.23 1.18 L14 1.05 1.03 1.05 1.05 1.03 1.03 0.99 1.04 r.30 1.39 1.23 1.35 1.55 r.63 1.58 r.49 1.68 2.05 1.98 1.74 1.76 r.75 1.67 1.62 1.54 t.45 1.46 1.48 1.45 1.44 1.43 1.57 1.93 2.tt 1.92 2.09 Exhibit No. 05 Case No. INT-G-I6-02 S. Gaske,IGC Schedule l,p.2of 4 o JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JT]N JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC 3.03 3.1I 3.28 3.18 2_93 2.70 2.59 2.77 2.88 2.90 2.80 2.88 4.45 4.42 4.54 4.49 4.33 4.22 4.03 4.09 4.09 3.97 3.9? 4.05 5.06 5.02 5.r3 5.1I 4.97 4.91 4.85 4.88 4.81 4.54 4.42 4.56 l.3l 1.25 1.20 t.2l 1.27 1.38 1.34 1.23 l.l4 l.0l 1.03 t.t2 2.04 l.9l 1.85 1.93 2.03 2.21 2.26 2.tt 1.93 1.64 l.6l 1.67 30-year U.S. Treasury Bond Average Corporate Public Utility Bonds Credit Spreads A-Rated Baa-Rated A-Rated Baa-Rated o o Intermountain Gas Company Bond Yield Averages January 2010 - May 2016 tu t21 t3.l t4l t5t t6l 30-year U.S. Treasury Bond Average Corporate Public Utility Bonds Credit Spreads A-Rated Baa-Rated A-Rated Baa-Rated 2013 JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JT]N JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC 3.08 3.17 3.16 2.93 3.1 I 3.40 3.61 3.76 3.79 3.68 3.80 3.89 4.19 4.27 4.29 4.07 4.23 4.63 4.76 4.89 4.95 4.82 4.91 4.92 4.15 ,1.18 4.20 4.00 4.t7 4.53 4.68 4.73 ,1.80 4.70 4.77 4.81 4.66 4.71 4.72 4.49 4.65 5.08 5.2 t 5.28 5.31 5.17 s.24 5.25 1.07 1.02 1.04 r.07 L05 Ll3 L08 0.97 1.02 1.02 0.97 0.92 1.58 r.58 1.56 1.55 1.54 1.68 1.60 1.52 1.52 1.49 1.44 1.36 o 2014 JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC 3.77 3.66 3.62 3.52 3.39 3.42 3.33 3.20 3.26 3.04 3.04 2.83 4.76 4.68 4.65 4.52 4.38 4.44 4.37 4.29 4.39 4.22 4.28 4.17 4.63 ,1.53 4.51 4.41 4.26 4.29 4.23 4.13 4.24 4.06 4.09 3.95 5.09 5.01 5.00 4.85 4.69 4.73 4.66 4.6s 4.79 4.67 4.75 4.70 0.86 0.87 0.89 0.89 0.87 0.87 0.89 0.93 0.98 r.02 1.05 l.l 1 1.32 1.35 1.37 1.33 1.30 l.3l 1.33 1.45 1.53 1.63 t.7l 1.86 2015 JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JLIN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC 2.46 2.57 2.63 2.59 2.96 3.1 t 3.07 2.86 2.9s 2.89 3.03 2.97 3.84 3.93 3.98 3.93 4.35 4.56 4.57 4.48 4.59 4.52 4.6? 4.58 3.58 3.67 3.74 3.75 1.17 4.39 4.40 4.?s 4.39 4.29 4.40 1.35 4.39 4.44 4.51 4.51 4.91 5.r3 5.22 5.23 5.42 5.47 5.57 5.55 L13 l.ll t.t2 1.16 1.22 1.28 r.33 1.39 r.43 1.40 1.37 1.38 1.94 r.87 1.88 1.92 1.95 2.01 2.16 2.37 2.47 2.58 2.s4 2.58 JAN FEB MAR APR MAY 2.63 2.66 2.44 2.12 1.97 Exhibit No. 05 Case No. INT-G-16-02 S. Gaske,IGC Schedule l, p.3 of4 o 2016 2.86 2.62 2.68 2.62 2.63 4.56 4.44 4.33 4.09 4.04 4.27 4.1I 4.16 4.00 3.93 5.49 5.28 5.12 4.75 4.60 t.4t 1.49 1.47 1.37 1.30 o o Intermountain Gas Company Bond Yield Averages January 2010 - May 2016 tll t21 t3I t4I t51 t61 30-year U.S. Treasury Bond Average Public Utility Bonds Credit Spreads Corporate A-Rated Baa-Rated A-Rated Baa-Rated 2016 AVG 2.68 4.29 ,1.09 5.05 t.4t 2.36 Notes: [] Bloomberg Finance L.P., 30-Year U.S. Treasury Bond [2] Bloomberg Finance L.P., Moody's Average Corporate Bond Index [3] Bloomberg Finance L.P., Moody's A-Rated Utility Bond tndex [4] Bloomberg Finance L.P., Moody's Baa-Rated Utility Bond Index [5] Equals Column [3] - Column [] [6] Equals Column [4] - Column [] ExhibitNo.05 Case No. INT-G-I6-02 S. Gaske,IGC Schedule l,p.4of4 o O Intermountain Gas Company Common Equity Flotation Costs of Natural Gas Distribution Companies 2004-2016 Issuer Date of Offering Number of Shares Issue Price Net Proceeds Per Share Financing Costs as a Percent of Net Proceeds o Piedmont Natural Gas Company, Inc. MDU Resources Group, Inc. UGI Corporation Northwest Natural Gas Company The Laclede Group, Inc. Atmos Energy Corporation Southern Union Company Aquila, Inc. Atmos Energy Corporation AGL Resources Inc. Cinerry Corporation Southern Union Company SEMCO Enerry, Inc. Chesapeake Uti lities Corporation Atmos Energy Corporation Vectren Corporation Unitil Corporation Unitil Corporation CenterPoint Energ5/, Inc. CenterPoint Energy, Inc. NiSource Inc. Gas Natural Inc. Unitil Corporation Gas Natural Inc. Piedmont Natural Gas Company, Inc. The Laclede Group, Inc. Gas Natural Inc. Gas Natural Inc. Atmos Energy Corporation The Laclede Group, Inc. South Jersey Industries, Inc. Spire, Inc. Average 2004-2016:4.10% 4.00% Exhibit No. 05 Case No. INT-G-I6-02 S. Gaske,IGC Schedule 2, p. I of I u2012004 21412004 3/18/2004 3/30t2004 512512004 7/13/2004 712612004 8/1812004 1012u2004 tUt9l2004 tzl9/2004 21712005 8lt0/2005 tt/16/2006 t2t7/2006 2122/2007 12n0t2008 5120/2009 9^012009 6/9t2010 918120r0 tyt0l20t0 sn0l20t2 6127/2012 U29/2013 st22t20t3 7/ty20t3 t0/31/2013 2/tt/2014 6ls/2014 5/12/2016 s/1212016 4,250,000 2,000,000 7,500,000 l,2oo,oo0 1,500,000 8,650,000 I1,000,000 40,000,000 14,000,000 9,600,000 6,10o,ooo 14,910,000 4,300,000 600,300 5,5oo,ooo 4,600,000 2,ooo,ooo 2,400,000 21,000,000 22,000,000 21,100,000 2,100,000 2,4oo,ooo 700,000 4,000,000 g,7oo,ooo 1,500,000 1,1 34, I 55 8,000,000 9,000,000 7,000,000 l,goo,ooo $42.500 $23.320 $32.100 $31.000 $26.800 s24.750 $18.750 $2.ss0 s24.750 $31.010 $41.000 $23.000 $6.320 $30.100 $31 .500 $28.330 $20.000 $20.000 $12.000 $12.900 $16.500 $r0.000 $2s.2s0 $10.100 $32.000 $44.500 $10.000 $10.000 $44.000 $46.250 926.250 $63.050 $41.010 $22.s27 $30.696 $29.990 $2s.929 $23.760 $18.094 $2.4s 1 $23.760 $30.080 $40.510 $22.300 $6.067 s28.97s $30.398 $27.338 $18.9s0 $18.950 $r 1.s80 $r2.449 $1s.964 $9.400 $23.988 $9.494 $30.880 $42.780 $9.42s s9.42s $42.460 $44.539 $2s.331 $61.000 3.63% 3.52% 4.58o/o 3.37o/o 3.360/o 4.17o/o 3.630/o 4.04o/o 4.17% 3.09% t.2t% 3.t4% 4.17o/o 3.880/o 3.63% 3.630/o 5.54o/o 5.54o/o 3.63% 3.630/o 3.360/o 6.38% 5.26% 6.38% 3.63% 4.02% 6.10o/o 6.10o/o 3.630/o 3.84o/o 3.63% 3-360/o o Sources: SNL Financial LC Selected Flotation Costs for Cost of Equity: o Intermountain Gas Company Selected Natural Gas Distribution Companies Fiscal Year 2015 Operating Data Company Ticker Total Assets ($ millions) Operating Revenues ($ millions) Operating Income ($ millions) Atrnos Energy Corporation Spire Inc. New Jersey Resources Corporation Northwest Natural Gas Company South Jersey Industries, Inc. Southwest Gas Corporation WGL Holdings, Inc. HiCh Average Median Low ATO SR NJR NWN SJI swx WGL 9,092.9 5,290.2 3,284.4 3,069.4 3,471.9 5"358.7 5,261.4 4,142.1 1,976.4 2,734.0 741.8 959.6 2,463.6 2,6s9.8 4,142 224O 2,464 742 631.4 2/ 272.5 2l 248.5 2/ 124.2 tl 1s6.9 tl 288.3 l/ 260.8 2l 9,093 4976 s26t 3,069 631 283 261 124 o Intermountain Gas Company Intermountain Gas Company % of: - Proxy Company Median Notes: l/ Source: SNL Financial LC; data as of December 31, 2015 2/ Source: SNL Financial LC; data as of September 30, 2015 3/ Source: Intermountain Gas Company Rate Filing, based on proposed test year ending December 31, 2016. For Intermountain, the figure is for Rate Base, not Total Assets. $236.9 4.50% $265.0 10.760/o $24.3 3l 9.32% Exhibit No. 05 Case No. INT-G-16-02 S. Gaske,IGC Schedule 3,p. I of2 o o Intermountain Gas Company Selected Natural Gas Distribution Companies Credit Ratings Company Ticker Standard & Poor's Moody's Atmos Energy Corporation Spire Inc. New Jersey Resources Corporation (l) Northwest Natural Gas Company South Jersey Industries, Inc. Southwest Gas Corporation WGL Holdings,Inc. ATO SR NJR NWN sJI swx WGL A A- AA A+ BBB+ BBB+ A+ A2 Baa2 Aaz A3 A3 A3 A3 A3 Average Median MDU Resources, Inc. Notes: MDU BBB+ Source: SNL Financial LC as of May 31,2016 (l) New Jersey Resources Corporation rating is for New Jersey Natural Gas Company A A o Exhibit No. 05 Case No. INT-G-16-02 S. Gaske,IGC Schedule 3,p.2 of 2 o o Intermountain Gas Company Selected Natural Gas Distribution Companies Dividend Yields December 2015 - May 2016 Company Ticker Average Dividend Yield Atmos Energy Corporation Spire, Inc. New Jersey Resources Corporation Northwest Natural Gas Company South Jersey Indusfries, Inc. Southwest Gas Corporation WGL Holdings, Inc. Average Median ATO SR NJR NWN SJI swx WGL 2.44% 3.llo/o 2.80o/o 3.620/o 4.12o/o 2.72o/o 2.85o/o 3.09o/o 2.85o/o Price Annualized DividendLow Hieh Averase Dividend Yield o Atrnos EnergT Corporation ATO Spire, Inc.SR New Jersey Resources Corporation NJR NorthwestNatural Gas Company NWN 1.68 r.68 1.68 1.68 1.68 1.68 1.96 1.96 1.96 1.96 1.96 r.96 28.02 32.32 33.37 33.32 34.55 33.91 34.07 $ 35.57 36.57 36.85 36.88 37.17 3 1.05 $ 33.94 $ 34.97 $ 35.09 $ 3s.7t $ 35.54 $ 0.96 0.96 0.96 0.96 0.96 0.96 51.85 $ 52.01 53.88 54.51 54.29 57.9s 1.87 t.87 r.87 1.87 1.87 t.87 Dec-15 Jan-16 Feb-16 Mar-16 Apr-16 May-I6 Dec-15 Jan-16 Feb-I6 Mar-I6 Apr-16 May-16 Dec-I5 Jan-I6 Feb-I6 Mar-16 Apr-16 May-16 Dec-I5 Jan-16 Feb-I6 Mar-16 Apr-16 May-16 60.42 60.00 67.94 68.60 70.41 70.84 55.24 57.1 0 63.3 r 64.39 62.65 61.00 47.78 49.30 49.41 48.90 49.46 51.12 64.79 S 69.22 71.90 74.60 74.86 75.1 0 62.61 $ 64.6t $ 69.92 $ 71.60 $ 72.64 $ 72.97 $ 2.68% 2.60% 2.40o/o 2.35o/o 2.31o/o 2.300/o 2.44o/o 61.04 $ 63.94 66.43 68.79 68.40 66.20 58.14 $ 60.52 $ 64.87 $ 66.59 $ 65.53 $ 63.60 $ 3.37o/o 3.24o/o 3.02o/o 2.94o/o 2.99o/" 3.08o/o 3.llYo 3.09o/o 2.83o/o 2.75o/o 2.74Yo 2.69% 2.70o/o 49.82 $ 50.66 $ 51.65 $ 5r.7r $ 51.88 $ 54.54 $ 2.80Yo 3.75o/o 3.690/o 3.620/o 3.620/o 3.600/o 3.43o/" o 3.620/o Exhibit No. 05 Case No. INT-G-I6-02 S. Gaske,IGC Schedule 4,p.1 of7 o Intermountain Gas Company Selected Natural Gas Distribution Companies Dividend Yields December 2015 - May 2016 Company Ticker Average Dividend Yield Ahnos Energy Corporation Spire, Inc. New Jersey Resources Corporation Northwest Natural Gas Company South Jersey lndustries, Inc. Southwest Gas Corporation WGL Holdings, Inc. Average Median ATO SR NJR NWN SJI swx WGL 2.440/o 3.llo/o 2.80o/o 3.620/o 4.12o/o 2.72o/o 2.85o/o 3,090/o 2.85V" Price Annualized DividendLow High Average Dividend Yield O South Jersey Industries, Inc. Southwest Gas Corporation WGL Holdings, Inc. Source: Bloomberg Finance L.P 24.40 $ 24.86 26.94 29.14 28.55 28.97 22.82 $ 23.46 $ 25.74 $ 27.21 $ 27.86 $ 27.63 $ 1.06 r.06 1.06 1.06 1.06 1.06 56.71 $ 58.92 62.43 67.29 66.60 70.5 r s3.62 $ 56.22 $ 60.25 $ 63.39 $ 64.68 $ 67.45 $ 1.62 t.62 1.62 1.62 t.62 1.80 58.62 59.99 62.93 67.23 65.00 63.06 65.55 $ 66.81 69.20 74.10 72.84 70.09 62.09 $ 63.40 66.07 70.67 68.92 66.58 1.85 1.85 1.85 1.85 r.95 1.95 SJI swx WGL Dec-15 Jan-16 Feb-I6 Mar-16 Apr-16 May-16 Dec-I5 Jan-I6 Feb-16 Mar-16 Apr-I6 May-16 2t.24 22.06 24.54 25.27 21-17 26.29 50.53 53.51 58.07 59.49 62.75 64.39 4.620/o 4.50o/o 4.10o/o 3.88o/o 3.79o/o 3.82o/o 4.12o/" 3.020/o 2.88o/o 2.690/o 2.560/o 2.50o/o 2.670/o Dec-I5 Jan-16 Feb-16 Mar-16 Apr-16 May-16 2.72V" 2.98% 2.92o/o 2.80o/o 2.620/o 2.83o/o 2.93o/o o 2,850h Exhibit No. 05 Case No. INT-G-I6-02 S. Gaske,IGC Schedule 4,p.2 of 7 o Intermountain Gas Company Selected Natural Gas Distribution Companies Projected Earnings Retention Growth Rates Value Line Forecast 2019-21 Retention Retention Rate GrowthTicker EPS DPS ROE Atmos Energy Corporation Spire Inc. New Jersey Resources Corporation Northwest Natural Gas Company South Jersey Industries, Inc. Southwest Gas Corporation WGL Holdings, Inc. Average Median Source: Value Line, as ofJune 3,2016. ATO SR NJR NWN SJI swx WGL $4.00 $4.20 $1.9s $3.1s $1.80 $4.50 $3.5s $2.1s $2.20 $1.02 $2.05 $1.40 $2.40 $2.03 11.000/o 9.50o/o ll.50o/o 9.50% 9.50Yo 12.s0% ll.00o/o 46.25o/o 47.62% 47.690/o 34.92o/o 22.22Yo 46.670/o 42.82o/o 5.09% 4.52% 5.48Yo 3.32o/o 2-l1o/o 5.83o/o 4.71o/o 4.44o/o 4.7lYo Exhibit No. 05 Case No. INT-G-I6-02 S. Gaske,IGC Schedule 4,p.3 of7 o o O Intermountain Gas Company Selected Natural Gas Distribution Companies Earnings Growth Rate Estimates t/2 U2 Comoanv Ticker Zacks 5-Yr Eamings Growth Yahoo Finance! Eamings Growth Weighted Average Atmos Energy Corporation Spire, Inc. New Jersey Resources Corporation Northwest Natural Gas Company South Jersey lndustries, Inc. Southwest Gas Corporation WGL Holdings,Inc. ATO SR NJR NWN SJI swx WGL 6.60% 4.600/o 6.50o/o 4.00% 6.00% 5.$OYo 7.30o/o 6.40% 4.52o/o 6.50o/o 4.00o/o 6.00% 4.00% 8.00% 6.50o/o 4.s6% 6.50o/o 4.00o/o 6.000/o 4.50% 7.650/o Average Median 5.71o/o 6.00Vo 5.630/o 6.00o/o 5.67o/o 6.00o/o Source: Yahoo Finance! andZacks Investment Research as of May 31,2016.o o ExhibitNo.05 Case No. INT-G-I6-02 S. Gaske,IGC Schedule 4,p.4 of7 o Intermountain Gas Company Selected Natural Gas Distribution Companies Blended Growth Rate Estimates U2 U2@Company Ticker Growth Growth Weighted Average Atmos Energy Corporation Spire, Inc. New Jersey Resources Corporation Northwest Natural Gas Company South Jersey Industries, [nc. Southwest Gas Corporation WGL Holdings,Inc. ATO SR NJR NWN SJI swx WGL s.09% 4.52o/o 5.48o/o 3.32% 2.tt% 5.83o/o 4.71% 650% 4.560/o 6.50o/o 4.00o/o 6.00o/o 4.50o/o 7.650/o 5.79o/o 4.54% 5.99o/o 3.660/o 4.060/o 5.17% 6.180/o Average Median 4.44o/o 4.71o/o 5.67o/o 6.00o/o 5.060/o 5.17V" Source: Schedule ,page 3 of8, and Schedule 4, page 4 of8 o Exhibit No. 05 Case No. INT-G-16-02 S. Gaske,IGC Schedule 4,p.5 of7 o o o Intermountain Gas Company Selected Natural Gas Distribution Companies Basic DCF Calculation Dividend Yield Dividend Yield x Expected Growth Ratel+ Atmos Enerry Corporation Spire, Inc. New Jersey Resources Corporation Northwest Natural Gas Company South Jersey Industries, Inc. Southwest Gas Corporation WGL Holdings, Inc. High 3d Quartile 2'd Quartile (Median) l$ quartile Low Ticker ATO SR NJR NWN SJI swx WGL 2.44o/o 3.llo/o 2.80o/o 3.620/" 4.12o/o 2.7z%o 2.85o/o 2.54o/o 3.20o/o 2.91o/o 3.71% 4.27o/o 2.80o/o 298Yo 6.50% 4.56% 6.500/o 4.00Yo 6.O0Yo 450Yo 7.650/o 9.04%;o 7.760/o 9.41o/o 7.7l%o t0.27yo 7.30o/o 10.630/o 10.630/o 9.84% 9.04Yo 7.73o/o 7.30Yo 1.04 1.04 1.04 1.04 1.04 1.04 1.04 9.400/o 8.070/o 9.79o/o 8.020/o l0.68Yo 7.59% ll.060/o rt.06yo l0.24Yo 9.40Yo 8.04o/o 7.59vo Secondary Market: Primary Market: Investor Required Retum Flotation Cost Adiustment Cost of Capital Exhibit No. 05 Case No. INT-G-I6-02 S. Gaske,IGC Schedule 4,p.6 of7 o o o Intermountain Gas Company Selected Natural Gas Distribution Companies Blended Growth Rate DCF Calculation Ticker ATO SR NJR NWN SJI swx WGL Dividend Yield Rate 5.79o/o 4.54o/o 5.99o/o 3.660/o 4.06% 5-l7o/o 6.18o/o Yield x Growth l+ Atrnos Energ;r Corporation Spire, Inc. New Jersey Resources Corporation Northwest Natural Gas Company South Jersey Industries, Inc. Southwest Gas Corporation WGL Holdings, Inc. High 3'd Quartile 2od Quartile (Median) I't Quartile Low 2.44o/o 3.llo/o 2.80% 3.620/o 4.12o/o 2.72o/o 2.85o/o 2.53o/o 3.20o/o 2.90o/o 3.70o/o 4.22o/o 2.81o/o 2.960/o 8.32% 7.74o/o 8.90o/o 7.360/o 8.28o/o 7.97o/o 9.14o/o 9.14o/o 8.610/o 8.28o/o 7.860/o 7.360/o 1.04 1.04 1.04 1.04 1.04 1.04 1.04 8.660/o 8.05o/o 9.25o/o 7.660/o 8.610/o 8.290/o 9.50o/o 9.50o/o 8.950/o 8.610/o 8.17o/o 7.660/o Market:Market: Investor Required Retum Flotation Cost Cost of ExhibitNo.05 Case No. INT-G-16-02 S. Gaske,IGC Schedule 4,p.7 of 7 o BOND YIEID PLUS RISK PNEMITM Aa.gp 30-,qtoAnbrizc U.S. d N.bEl TMrry RiltG6ROE Bod PEciu a t$2.t t992.2 t992.3 t992.4 1993.1 t993.2 1993.3 1993.4 l994.l 1994.2 1991.3 t994.4 1995.2 t995.3 1995.4 1996.1 t996.2 1996.3 19d6.4 1997.t 1991.2 1997.3 t997.4 1998.2 1998.3 1998.4 1999.1 1999.2 1999.4 2000. I 2c0n.2 2m0.3 2000.4 2001. I 20ot.2 2m1.4 20d2.1 2N2.2 2fi2.3 2U2.4 2003. I 2003.2 2003.3 2003.{ 2N4.1 2004.2 2004.3 2004.4 2005. I 2005.2 2005.3 2005.d 2006.1 2m6.2 2006.3 2m6.1 2m7.1 2007.2 201.3 2U1.1 2m8.1 2004.2 2m8.3 2008.4 2009. l 20/)9.2 2009.3 2009.4 2010.1 2010.2 2010.3 2010.4 201 l.t 2011.2 201 1.3 20t 1.4 20t2.t 2012.2 2012.3 2012.1 2013.1 20t3.2 2013,3 2013.4 2014.1 20t1.2 2014.3 2014.4 20t5.1 2015.2 2015.1 2015.4 2016.1 20t6.2 12.42y. 11.98% tt.9ly. tt.92y. tt.7syo tt.1to/" tt.40yo tt.t2y. tt.t2!h l0.tt% r0.t 11.53% I 1.00% tt.0w. tt.6t% rt.45% 10.t8% t1.25/o tt.tgy. ll.3l70 tl.1w. t2.w. to.92.yo tl.37'/ttt.ltyn tl.69.h fi.a2./o 1125% 10.38./o 10.6./0 il.03% r1.31 t2.10/. ll.3t% t0.15% to.65y. lo.61y. ll.64V. I 1.50% ll.0l% I 1.38% tt.369. to.6tyo 10.E4% tt.o6Yt to.510/o to.37yo 10.&vo to.65r/0 to.54% to.170/n to.32yo 10.6t% to.@/. to.34lo t0.tlu. t0.s2y. lo.l3y. 10.03% to.t2y. r0.3t% lO.l1/c 10.55% t0.34y. to.24yo l0_1170 9.EEo/o t0.3tyo n.24r/o 9.99/o t0.43yo to.o9yo 10.t0% 9.t5% 9.650/o 9.44./. 9.63 9.A3 9.75U. 10.06% 9.57/c 9.17 9.@/. 9.43 9.51E 9.a4E 9.45V. rc.2A9. 9.41% 9.43v. 9.75Yt 9.6ay. 9.44v. 9.42y. 1.a4ro 1.48/. 1.42Yo 7.546/0 7.01% 6.fiYo 6.230/. 6.2l%o 6,6y. 7.45% 7.55Vc 7.95% 6.4?% 6.66/. 6.14Y. 6.3 6.92:9. 7.OW. 6.54y. 690A 6.tt% 6.44o/o 6.O4y. 5.1Yao 5.329o 5.ttyo 5.43./o 5.42./o 6.3t /o 6,t5yo 5.95% 5.18/n 5.62yo 5.42/t 5.17y.5.2t. 5.55y. s.5w. 1.96y. 1.939. 1.1W. 4.57% 5.t5% 5.t19. 4.t6% 5.3ty. 5.|lYo 4.A1yo 4.694/0 4.34o/o 4.431o4.6% 4.69./0 5.19./. 4.9C% 4.1e/n 4.&%19*/. 1.45% 1.53y. 4.349. 1.57% 1.11U. 3.4 3.62y. 4.230/. 4. t8% 4.35yo 4.sv/o 4.2@/o 3.73yo 4.140/6 4.53Vo 4.33o/o 3.54yo 3.030/. 3.t2% 2.U% 2.6W. 2.t1/o 3.12/o 3.22y. 3.61y. 3.tllo 3.5*A 3.3E96 3.20p4 2.9e/. 2.45y. 2.92Vo 2.9tyo 2.97y. 2.6Vo 2.510/. 4,58,/o 1.1W. 4.49/o 43e/o 4.74% 4.tSlo 5.17/o 4.92% 4.46y. 3.3 3.31% 3.Stp/o a.r3% 4.4W. 5.47 5.UoA 3.95y. 1.25/. 1,651h 1.1ty. 4.a2q. 5.56% LATvo 5.519o 6.0Y/. 6.59./o 53f/o 5.430/0 4.060/0 4.50/o 5.otv" 5.56% 6.ltyo 5.96v" 1.9E% 5.44V. 5.t2% 6.0w. 6.51y. 5.08% 6.6t9. 6.AW. 3.46% 5.73y. 6.2Wo 5,27ya 5.36o/o 5.19h 5.96yo 6.194/o 6.041o 5.66./0 5.gy/o 5.4lyo 5.${yo 5.45/o 5.71% 5.tlPA 5.1?A 5.59/c 6.U% 5.@. 6.t2% 6.A59. 6.639. s.t7% 5,70yc 5.95y. 5.650/o 5.1to/o 6,1oyo 5.95Yo 5.510/. 5.5lYo 6.llYo 6.a1Yo 6.51o/. 7.OA/. 7.O1y. 7.lt/o 6.15/o 6.25y. 5.93% 6.02% 5.95y. 6.45) . 6.25% 13E% 1,O29. 6.52% 6,E4yo 6.7 tyo 6,A3vo 6.AAyo ExhibitNo.05 Case No. INT-G-I6-02 S. Gaske,IGC Schedule 5,p.1 of2 o Av@gc 10.6{7. 5.01% 5.63% -@- o BONO YEI.' PLUS RISK PREMIUM ist a& aaa a a aa a a a SI'MMARY OUIPUT @ Multiple R 0.EqD2 R S$uE Adiu$ed R sql6 Strldad Em. 0.79373 0.79149 0.00413 0.00002 U.S. Gft 3Gy6T@ 4.5632 O.O29932 -18.82 0.0@00 4622637 4.503712 4.627631 4.503112 T@sury RisL ROE obsMim 94 R6idnl Tolel 0.00157 ClIm 30-day aveBgc of 3clsr U.S. TMury bo{d yield [4]N@ffi pojd.d 30-}te U.S. TMUry bond yi€ld (Q2 2016 - Q3 2017) [51 Prcid€d 3o-B U.S. Tt@ bond yicld (20 l8 - 2022) 16l 2.650/o 3.O80/o 43e/. 6.96o/o 6.72.04 6.O3y. 9.61o/o 9.8070 t0.33yo MEAN 9.91y. ]g!si-[t] Sore: Rcgul8tory Rsarh Assiatd [2] So@: Bl6n6.A PDfNioEl, qundly boDd yields e thc daily e@gp of *h tladiDg &y itr t]. qlffi t3l Equls tU - t2l l4l Soc: Bl@dcrt Prcf€$io8l [5] So@: BIE CIip Fimjal Fol@, Vol. 3J, No. 6, ,@ l, 2016, d 2 [6] So@: BIE Chip Fi@ial Foffi, Vol. 35, No.6, Je l,2016, d 14 t7l S@ NoB [4], lsl .rd t6l [8] Equab 0.084532 + ({.563rm x [7]) t9l E4ul! t7l + tEl v2 93 o u.s. Exhibit No. 05 Case No. INT-G-I6-02 S. Gaske,IGC Schedule 5,p.2 of2 o o Intermountain Gas Compeny Mlrket DCF Cdculetion s of May 31, 2016 trl lzt t3l I4l Smndary Mtrkd Dividad lnv6torDividad Yield x Exp€ted Growtl Required Yield (l + 0.6259) RaleG) Retum s&P 500 2.9./"2.69./.9.U./.t2-t3./" Mukel ComDdv Tickq Mukel Capitalizalio* Capitalizarim- Weighted B6t Pe.c@l of Weighled Lmg-Tem Toral M[kd CMmt Dividild B6t tng-Tem Dividmd Gro*thCmiblizdim Yield Growlh Esimde Yield EstiMe Sha6 OulsUnding (millim) Mukei Capilllizdion ($millim)Prie o Alw Inc Ly@dellBdel Industris NV Aftrica Expr6s Co Vqizm C(muicatim Inc Br@dcmLtd Bcing CdThe Caterpild Inc JPMorgu Chse & Co Chevron Corp Co-Cola Co/The Abbvie Inc Walt Disnsy Co/The Extra Sp@ Stonge lnc EI du Pot de Nemos & Co Eum Mobil Cop Phillips 66 Gaqal Elsfic Co HP Inc Home Depd IndThe Intmali@a.l Bwin6s Mrchho Corp Cdcho R6ou6 lnc Jolmon & Joh6on McDonald's Corp Mqck & Co Ioc 3M Co Affii@ Wde. Worlis Co Irc Ba* of Awie Corp CSRA Inc P6zer Inc Prcter & Gmble CdThe AT&T Inc TraleleB C6 lndThe United Teclmologie Corp ADalog Devices lnc Wal-Man Stor6 Inc Cisco SysteG Inc htd Corp Gaqal Moto6 Co Micr6oft Corp Dolh Gsqal Corp Icnder Morgm Inc/DE Citigroup Inc Americm lr{matima.l Group Inc Hocywell Intemalimal Inc Altria Croup Inc HCA Holdhgs Inc Under Amou Inc Intmational Papq Co Hrylett P&kad Entqprise Co Abbotr Labqdqi6 Afl& Inc Air ProducE & Chemicals Inc Roral Ceibbem Cruiss Ltd Ameri@ El@tric Power Co Inc H6s Corp Araddko PerolM Corp A@PLC Apache Cory Archer-Dmiels-Midland Co AGL Resoue Inc Aulomatic DM Pr@sing Inc V6isk Aralrtis Inc Auozme Ift Avery D@ison Corp Baker Hugh6 krc BaI Cop Bek ofN* York Mellm Corp/The LYB AXP vz AVCO BA CAT JPM cvx KO ABBV Dts EXR DD xoM PSX GE HPQ HD IBM cxo JNJ MCD MRK MMM AWK BAC CSRA PFE PC T TRVUfi ADI wNfr csco INTC GM MSFT DG KMI c AIG HON MO HCA UA IP HPE ABT AFL APD RCL AEP HES APC AON APA ADM GAS ADP VRSK AZO BHI BLL BK l,ll5.t 426.7 951.0 4,O76.3 390.4 637.0 583.9 3,656.7 1,8t4.7 4,326.2 t,617.4 1,622.4 t25.2 E73.5 4,146.6 525.6 t,726.7 1,244.O %0.0 131.6 2,750.6 477.9 2,768.0 @6.5 t77.7 t0,27t.9 t63.3 6,06t.E 2,66t.9 6,156.0 836.9 307.4 3,138.8 5,029.7 4,'t2Z.O 1,539.8 7,860.5 283.8 2,231.6 2,934.9 l,t 19.0 762.t 1,956.4 391. I 183.1 4tt.2 1,7t6.6 1,469.2 4t4.O 216.1 491.3 3t6.7 5I0.4 4.9 378.5 5E7.6 t20.7 455.5 16t.2 29.9 49.2 437.9 l4l.E t,o77.t 9.27 81.36 65.76 50.90 I54.36 t26.15 72.51 65.27 101.00 44.@ 62.93 99.22 92.91 65.41 89.02 80.36 30.23 13.3E 132.12 153.74 12t.34 1t2.69 122.M 56.26 168.32 74.t0 ,4.79 24.77 34.70 81.04 39. l5 I 14. t4 100.5E 58.50 70.78 29.05 31.59 3t.28 53.00 E9.90 tt.0t 46.57 57.8E 113.83 63.U 1E.02 37.73 42.16 18.41 39.63 69.46 142.(A '17.39 64.13 59.93 51.86 109.27 57.14 42.11 65.80 87.84 79.39 762.20 74.38 46.38 12.30 42.M t2,t9l 34,7t9 62,540 207,4t3 @,270 80,359 42,338 238,670 t90,355 t92,94a 101,780 t@,979 I 1,641 57,136 369,13r 42,236 277,945 23,103 164,358 t41,585 t5,94 309,970 t07,l5l t55,729 102,089 13,169 t5t,922 4,(N5 210,450 2t5,716 241,007 33,374 84,172 17,9E0 222,162 l,16,l l3 l49,l6E 48,166 416,605 25,512 4,347 136,680 4,770 46,'t52 124,507 30,5 r0 6,910 17,335 31,705 58,222 28,756 30,422 t6,658 3r,803 18,981 26.471 28,948 21,629 25, r3l 7,941 40,0t4 13,351 22,759 20,310 t0,252 45,302 0.077 tyo 0.2197% 0.395ao/o t.3t30vo 0.3814% 0.50E5% 0.2679% |.51040/0 t.2M6% 1.221ff/o o.644to/o |.o1870/o 0.o7370/0 0.36160/0 2.33600/o 0.26730/o L7592o/o 0.1462./o t.$Nto/o 0.93400/0 0.00000/0 l.96160/o 0.67E1% 0.9855% O.(46lo/o 0.0E330/o 0.96t40/o O.02560/o l.33lEo/o 1.365t% t.52520/0 0.21120/0 0.53270/o 0.lt3E% t.4059% 0.9U7Yo 0.9440Vo 0.3Mao/o 2.6364% o.t6t40/o o.25530/0 0.86500/0 0.4@90/o 0.54900/0 0.78790/o 0.0000% 0.0000o/o 0.1@70/o 0.20060/o 0.36450/0 o.ta200/o 0l9st% 0.1o540/o 0.20t30/o 0.0000% 0.16750/o 0.t8320/o 0.13690/o 0.1590% 0.0503% 0.25320/0 0.0000o/o 0.0000o/o o.o4200/o o.t2850/o O.0(A9o/o o.24670/o t.29450/o 4.t790/o l 1640/0 4.rA0to/o 1.26980/0 1.4562% 4.2477o/o 2.94t60/0 4.23760/0 1.t19% 3.623to/o 1.43t20/o 3.3559% 2.323ao/o 3.31% 3.t359% 3.O133o/o 3.707% 2.089% 3.U250/o nls 2.8396% 2.9t66% 3.27050/0 2.63780/o 2.02430/o t.35230/0 1.6t490/o 3.45820/0 3.3U50/o 4.90420/0 2.34ao/o 2.62480/0 2.E7 tEo/o 2.82570/o 3.58o/o 1.29220/0 4.85930/0 2.7170/o t.t t230/o 2.76550/o 0.42950/0 2.2ll5o/o 2.090Eyo 3.55120/0 tla tl^ 4.t746yo Ll9t t% 2.62430/o 2.361 to/, 2.1t7% l.93a2o/o 3.4@5% l.686Yo 0.3857% t.2080/0 1.750t% 2.8057% 3.22t90/o 2.4t35% nlailt 2.2U*/o l.46610/o 0.7192% 1.6t67% 5.OO% 5.667% a.20yo 3.9520/0 t5.t42% t2.080/o 7.2250/0 4.m60/o 7.375o/o 5.120/o 12.N90/o to.o1 50/o 7.030/0 a.250/o t1.5230/0 6.8030/0 9.9to/o 3.7630/0 13.4690/o 3.5430/0 25.000/0 6.036% 10.31 l% 5.70o/o 9.toyo 7.34o/o 7.90yo 10.00% 6.20Yo 6.25yo 4.25% 7.1250/0 9.556y. a.92o/o 2.9t% 4.7670/0 8.5t70/o 9.5a30/o 4.460/0 t3.uayo t4.65% 9.91o/o 9.500/0 9.320/o 7.64an/o to.750/o 22.5610/o 7.500/o 6.4110/o I 1.733o/o 4.640/" 8.t670/" 24.a67o/o 5.0/.80/0 (20.0)o1i,) 8.3330/0 ll.23o/o 7 000/0 6.2850/0 6.00o/o 10.2460/o t2.000/0 I t.930/o a.200/o 14.000/o 4.400/0 9.5610/o 0.001% 0.00920/0 0.0070/0 0.05830/o 0.00480/0 0.01760/0 0.0tt40/o 0.o4440/o o.o'to/o 0.0383% 0.o2330/o 0.o1460/0 0.00250/0 0.oOuo/o 0.07870/o 0.0084% 0.0535% 0.00540/o 0.02t70/o 0.034% nla 0.0551% 0.0198% 0.03220/0 0.0t70/o 0.00t70/o 0.0137o o.00040/o 0.M6to/o o.045to/o 0.074a% 0.0050/o o.ot40/o 0.0033% 0.03970/0 0.033 I o/o 0.03lLo/o 0.01480/o O.07 160/o 0.001E% 0.oo1to/o 0.oo170/o 0.0091 o/o 0.01 l5% O.O28o/o nh nla 0.0o460/o 0.OO24o/o 0.00v10/o 0.0043% o.0047yo o.0020/o 0.007yo 0.00o/o 0.00060/0 0.oo220/o 0.0024% 0.uo450/o 0.00r6% 0.0061 o/o ry'8 ry'a 0.0009% 0.00t90/o 0.0005% 0.0046% 0.0039./o o.01250/o 0.03250/o 0.05 r9% 0.0578% 0.M|40/o 0.01940/0 0.M35yo 0.0EEEo/o 0.M98% 0.a7 40/o 0.1026yo o.N520/o 0.0298% 0.2692yo o.ota2o/r 0.17 56Yo 0.0055% 0.t40to/. o.0331% 0.00% 0.tLa4% 0.c699% o.o562yo 0.05t80/o 0.0061% o.o760/0 0.N260/o 0.08260/0 0.0t530/o 0.06480/0 0.015% 0.0509% 0.0101% 0.u090/o 0.0E1 l% 0 08uyo 0.02920/0 0.223yo 0.424% 0.03740/o 0.08570/o 0.03E9% 0.05t2% 0.M03% 0.0070 0.00% 0.N82% 0.ot29yo 0.u32% 0.00E4% 0.0t 59% 0.0262% 0.01020/o 0.ooyo 0.0140/o 0.0206% 0.0096% 0.o|yo 0.003% O.0260/o 0.00% 0.oe/o 0.N34% 0.018% 0.N29/o o.o274yo Exhibit No. 05 Case No. INT-G-I6-02 S. Gaske,IGC Schedule 6, p. I ofl0 o o Intermountain Gas Company Market DCF Calculetion u of May 31, 2016 ilI I)t Ilt t41 S$ondary MarLet Dividmd Inveslor Dividqd Yield x Expcted Gros,th Required Yicld (l +0.6259) Rare(s) Rem s&P s{m 2,540/o 2-690/.9.tA'/o 12.l3o/c t5l t6l t7l ISI nol It 1l I 121 Ticks Shue Outsteding (millim) Mdlet Capitalizdim((frilli^n\Pri@ MEketMuket Capitalization- Capitalization- Weighted B6t Per6t of Weighted Long-Tem Total Msket Cwal Dividqd B6t L@g-Tm Dividod Grouthacnitclizrdd Yi.ld Gr6dh E.tim,le Yi.ld F,(timde o CR Bdd krc Buter Intmati@al Inc B{tm Dicki6m od co Berlshi.e Harhaway Inc 86l Buy Co Irc H&R Blmk Inc Bctm Scientific Corp Bristol-Myen Squibb Co Brom-Fol]@ C6p Cabot Oil & G6 Corp Cmpbell Soup Co Km6 City Southm Cmival Corp Qofro Inc Cmhr) Lirili Inc Cigm Corp UDR Inc Frotier Cmmi@tioE Cqp Clorox CdThe CMS Energy Corp ColgdePalmolive Co Comqi€ Inc CA Inc CoAgra Foods Inc CGolidated Ediso Inc SL Green Realty Corp Comiry lnc Cumiro Inc Deaher Corp Tuget Corp D@rc & Co Domini@ R6our6 IndVA Dover Corp Dow Chemical Co/The Dulie Energy Corp Eaton Corp PLC Ecolab Inc PerkinElmer Inc EMC Corp/MA Eme6on ElrcIic Co EOG ResowG Inc Entergy Corp Equifd Inc EQTCorp XL Group PLC FedEx Corp Mac1's Inc FMC CoA Ford Motor Co NextEra Energy lnc Frmklin R6ouces Inc Freepo(-McMoRm lnc TEGNA lnc Gap hc/The Gtreml D)nuics Corp G@eral Mills lrc Gquine Paru Co WW Grainger Inc Hallibmm Co Huley-Davidson lnc BCR BAX BDX BRK,ts BBY HRB BSX BMY BF/B coG CPB KSU CCL QRVO CTI- CI UDR FTR cLx cMs CL CMA CA CAG ED sLc GLW CMI DHR TGT DE D DOV DOW DUK ETN ECL PKI EMC EMR EOG ETR EFX EQT XL FDX M FMC F NEE BEN FCX TGNA GPS GD GIS GPC GWW HAL HOG HAR HRS HCP HP HSY SYF HRL 73.3 552.3 212.2 t,255.6 324.1 224.4 1,356.9 t,669.3 I 15.5 465.0 309.1 108.0 562.t t27.5 546.1 256.5 267.t I,173. I t29.3 280.0 E93.0 175.1 4t7.5 436.4 704.2 t00.2 1,075.3 170.4 68E.7 5E9.3 314.3 6t6.2 t55. I \122.4 688.8 458.0 293.3 109.0 t,953.2 643.4 550.3 11a.7 I 19.0 t72.7 243.4 264.4 308.4 r33.8 3,902.0 461.4 584.9 t,252.t 217.6 397.9 305.6 594.4 149.6 61.3 859.3 I 8l.l 70.6 t24.7 467.1 108.0 152.8 t33.9 529.9 219.04 43.16 166.45 140.54 32.17 21.36 22.71 71.70 98.07 23.97 60.57 93.10 41.14 50.97 27.t2 128.1 I 36.03 5.t7 t24.54 4t.82 70.41 47.t0 32.32 45.70 73.26 101.36 20.89 114.47 9E.36 6E.78 82.29 72.25 66.75 51.36 78.23 61.63 tt7.24 54.75 27.95 52.O2 E1.36 75.92 t25.73 73.25 34.35 t64.91 33.2t 47.49 13.49 120.12 37.35 r 1.08 22.96 17.99 l4l.t7 62.78 96.92 22E.35 42.t8 46.39 78.24 78.77 32.47 61. l5 92.45 31.20 34.41 16,(x0 23,a36 35,321 176,462 to,426 4,793 30,814 I 19,6E9 11,329 I 1,t46 t4,725 t0,054 26,836 6,500 14,809 32,862 9,625 6,065 t6,625 I 1,708 62,871 8,249 13,492 t9,944 22,243 10,160 22,464 19,501 67,740 40,530 25,860 44,522 10,356 57,66E 53,884 28,227 34347 5,969 54,592 33,467 44,771 13,570 t4,964 t2,653 9,734 44,282 10,242 6,352 52,63E 55,429 2t,847 13,87.1 4,996 7,158 43,362 31,3t7 14,501 14,003 36,U4 E,,+01 5,520 9,825 15,353 6,@1 l4,lt3 26,0IE 18,234 0. I 0l 60lo 0.r508% 0.2235o/o 0.0000% o.06,6CP/0 0.03030/o 0.0000yo 0.7574o/o O.07 l7o/o 0.0705o/o 0. I I 85olo O.6360/o 0.1698% 0.0000o/o 0.0000p/o O.208ff/o O.0609/o O.0384o/o 0.10520/0 0.07 4 lo/o o.3919/o 0.0522o/o 0.0854% 0.1262% 0.141ff/o 0.M43% 0.t4220/0 0.1234o/o 0.42E1% 0.25650/0 0.1631% 0.2at70/o 0.06550/o 0.3649/o 0.341y/o 0.t7860/0 0.2176% 0.0318% 0.3455o/o 0.2ttEyo 0.00000/o 0.08590/o 0.09470/0 0.0E01% 0.06t60/o 0.28020/0 0.064ao/o 0.Mo20/o 0.3331o/o 0.350E% o.t3a30/o 0.0000o/o 0.03t60/0 0.M530/o 0.2744o/o o.23620/o 0.091E% 0.0E86% o.22940/o O.O532o/o 0.0349/o 0.0000P/o o.@1T/o 0.0000P/o 0.089E% 0.@00plo 0.ll54o/o O.$a3o/o t.2M80/o l 5E6to/o ila 3.4t150/o 3.7453o/o nla 2.ttwo 1.386E% o.333ao/o 2.06Mo/o t.4t1ao/o 2.93260/o nla 7.96460/o 0.03120/o 3.215% 8.t23ao/o 2.4a950/o 2.9651% 2.21560/0 t.86840/o 3.t559% 2.1882% 3.6582% 2.84t40/o 2.585o/o 3.4070/o 0.6507% 3.256Eo/o 2.9t65% 3.47540/o 2.51690/o 3.5A260/0 4.2ta30/o 3.6995yo t.t94t% 0.5114o/o t.645ao/o 3.65240/0 0.a2350/o 4.47a4o/o 1.M99/o 0. I 6380/o 2.3294/0 o.60620/0 4.54680/0 t.389E% 4.4177o/o 2.89710/o 1.92770/0 nla 2.$q/o 5.1t40/o 2.t4280/0 2.9309/o 2.11360/0 2.137 lo/o t.7070/o 3.0t79/o l 78940/0 2.539/o 6.9973o/o 4.4971% 2.5tt60/0 nla | 6a560/. to.75% I 0.500/o I t.501Vo 1.t0% 10.18% lt.00% 1.251% 20.5560/0 6.92% 40.785yo 7.3t5vo 7.775% 17.007d/o 15.4980/o ( l.l87or) 8.623% 6.725% I t.550/o 6.560/o 6.00yo a.3550/o 6.5470/0 5.500/0 7.750/o 3.140/o 4.a50/o 12.3370/0 4.260/o I 1.9750/o 10.352% 7.440/o 6.450/o t0.47 50/o 6.000/o 4.71o/o 8.4170/0 12.3570/0 t9.183% t0.780/o 7.325o/o ( I (r -<tio1o) o.750/o t2.2330/0 25.o$/o 9.Wo 13.0560/0 9.6670/0 9.5330/0 6.670/o 6.423% 6.tq/o (1.16.01)?i,) 8.033o/o 4.05o/o 7.650/o to.t60/0 6.325o/o 9.360/o t3.t5% I t.0870 17.50% ola t.2t5vo (t.1.pi6) 9.t75vo 7.t630/o 5.900/0 0.000470 0.0018% 0.0035% ala 0.OO23o/o 0.00t l% nla 0.0161% 0.001% 0.0002yo 0.0o24o/o 0.0009% 0.N50/o iln 0.No/o 0.0001 o/o 0.U)2o/o 0.003 l% 0.00260/o 0.0022o/o 0.0088% 0.001% O.OO27o/o 0.00280/0 0.OO52o/o 0.001 8% 0.00370/o 0.0042o/o 0.O028o/o 0.00840/o 0.0048% 0.0109% 0.001 60lo 0.013 l% O.Ol44o/o 0.00660/o 0.00260/o o.om20/o 0.o0570/o O.O077o/o 0.00olo 0 0038o/o 0.001% 0.0001o/o o.o0t4% 0.00170/o 0.00290/o 0.0006% 0.014870 0.0toz% o oo270/. nla 0.0008% 0.0023% 0.0059% 0.06y/o 0.0025yo 0.001 970 0.0039% 0.00t6yo 0.0006% 0.000/o 0.0068% 0.00yo 0.0023o/o n/8 0.0019% 0.01090/0 0.01580/o 0.0257% 0.N% 0.00670/o 0.0033% 0.No/o 0.15570/0 0.005% 0.0288% 0.0087./o 0.@490/0 0.o2E9% 0.00% 0.@o/o 0.0t79/o 0.0041% 0.o0440/o 0.00690/0 0.0044% 0.O332o/o 0.0034% 0.0047% 0.0098% 0.0044% 0.003170 0.o175% 0.00530/o 0.o5130/o 0.02660/o 0.0t220/o 0.ot82yo 0.o069yo 0.0219n/o 0.0r61% 0.015% o.02690/0 0.N15% 0.03720/0 0.0155% 0.00yo 0.0@60lo 0.0l160/o 0.o2e/o 0.00550/o 0.03660/0 0.00630/0 0.0038% o.02220/o 0.02250/0 0.0086% 0.00% 0.00250/o 0.0036% 0.021o/o 0.0240/0 0.00580/o 0.0083% 0.03020/0 0.00590/0 0.0061% nla 0.O012'/o 0.00%o o.N820/o O.Wo 0.00680/0 Har]@ Intemational Indwtri6 Inc Huis Corp HCP Inc Helmgich & Palne Ioc Henlry Cor'The Synchrcny Fimcial Homel F@ds Corp Exhibit No. 05 Case No. INT-G-I6-02 S. Gaske,IGC Schedule 6, p. 2 of l0 o O a o Intermountain Gas Company Merket DCF Celculetion es of Mey 31,2016 ilI I2t tll Idl Dividad Yield Dividend Yield x Expoted Gro$,th(l + 0.625a) Rde (a) S@mddy Muket lnv6tor Required Rem s&P 5{m ,.9./"2.69./.9.440/.l2-13./. t5l l6l t7l t8l t9l Ir0l nll tl21 MdketMuket Capitalizati@- Capitalizatis- Weighted B6t Sha6 Marlet Per@t of Weighled tflg-Tem Outsteding Capitalizalio Tdal Muket Cust Dividmd B6t LqB-Tm Dividod Groeth Compry Ticker (millio) Prie (Smilliq) Cmitalizario Yield Grounh Estimare Yield Estioare ArthuJGallagher&Co Sm@d Hotels & Resoft Worldwide Inc Mmdel* Int@lional Inc CatqPoint Erergy IncHlrmLrc Willis ToweB Wam PLC llinois T@l Wqk Inc IngeBoll-Red PLC F@l L@ker Inc Interpublic Croup ofc6 IndThe litemalional Flavo6 & Fragmc6 Inc Jeobs Enginqing Group Inc JohBon Cotols Inc Hs6brands Inc Kellogg Co Perigo Co PLC Kimberly{luk Corp Kimco Ralty Corp Kohl's Corp Or&lc Corp Krcgs Coy'The Legg M6@ krc l4ggett & Plalt I0c LmuCqp Leucadia Natioal Co.p Eli Lilly & Co L Breds Inc Lincoh Nstional Corptem Cdp Lowes C6 Irc Mmh&Mcl€llmC6krc M6co Corp Mattel Inc S&P Global Im Medmic PLC CvS Health Corp Micrm Tehnolos/ Inc Motorola SolutioN lnc Muphy Oil Corp Mylm NV Labomtory Co.p ofAmqica Holdings Newell Bruds Inc Ncwmont Mining Corp Twoty-FiBt Cohny Fox Inc N[<E Inc Nisou@ Inc Noble Enary Inc Norfolk Southm Corp Evemour@ Enerry Nonhop GruImd Corp Wells Fugo & Co Nu@r Corp PVH Corp Oaidatal Perolem Corp Omi@m Group Lrc ONEOK Inc Ows-lllinois Inc PG&E Corp Peker-Hmifin Corp PPL Corp Pepsico l!rc Ex6lo Cop C@@Phillips Pultccroup Inc Pimele W6t Capita.l Corp Pihey Bows Itrc AJG HOT MDLZ CNP HUM WLTW ITW IR FL IPG IFF JEC JCI HBI K PRGO KMB KIM KSS ORCL KR LM LEG LEN LUK LLY LB LNC L LOW HST MMC MAS MAT SPGI MDT cvs MU MSI MUR MYL LH NWL NEM FOXA NKE NI NBL NSC ES NOC WFC NUE PVH oxY oMc OKE OI PCC PH PPL PEP EXC coP PHM PNW PBI 177.t 169.5 1,552.1 430.6 149.0 138.4 359.4 257.5 t36. I 402.4 19.7 t2t.9 644.4 317.5 350.0 t43.2 360. I 4t9.6 185.2 4,149.9 953.8 t05.4 134.3 183.4 362.3 1,103.8 2E7.0 239.O 339.0 tt6.l 747.3 52t.2 332.7 340.4 264.6 1,401.0 1,074.0 1,037.0 174.6 172.2 508.4 102.4 478.0 530.5 1,095.7 1,331.5 121.5 429.6 295.7 317.2 1E0.5 5,077.0 317.9 81.0 763.7 237.4 2t0. I l6l.9 496.0 134.7 616.9 t.444.4 921.7 t,234.4 346.0lll.l 188.6 48.33 73.43 44.49 22.53 172.51 124.0? t06.03 66.81 55.92 23.90 129.00 50.69 44.15 27.O7 74.37 95.84 t27.M 28. l8 36.04 40.20 35.76 34.50 50.26 45.51 lE.l0 75.03 68.55 45.85 40.48 80.t3 15.40 66.07 32.64 3I-EElll.8l 80.48 96.45 12.72 69.27 30.91 43.34 t27.95 47.69 32.41 28.88 55.22 23.a6 35.75 84.06 55.24 2t2.67 50.'t2 48.51 93.E0 75.44 83.33 43.25 18.90 60.08 I 14.E4 38.54 t0t.l7 34.27 43.79 tE.76 73.59 18.63 8,561 t2,449 69,051 9,702 25,710 t7,723 3E,t04 17,201 7,6t0 9,617 10,283 6,t 80 24,46 t0,219 26,033 13,726 45,75t I I,E26 6,613 166,825 34,107 3,636 6,751 8,358 6,55E 82,821 t9,674 10,958 t3,123 71,m4 I 1,509 34,438 10,861 t0,853 29,585 tt2,756 103,589 l3,r9t I 2,095 5,323 22,033 t3,t02 22,794 I 7,195 3t,645 73,524 1,672 t5,35E 24,860 t7,523 34377 257.508 t5,423 7,@2 57,6t7 19,812 9,0E7 3,060 29,802 15,461 26,Ot9 146,132 31,5E6 54,229 6,492 8,179 3,514 0.0542o/o 0.0788% 0.437V/o 0.M\40/o 0.t6270/o 0.t22% 0.241to/o 0.r0890/0 0.0482% 0.06090/0 0.065 l% 0.0000% o.t8t2% O.6470/o 0.1641% o.0E69/o 0.2895% 0.07 4ao/o 0.M220/o t.05570/0 0.2tSao/o 0.023u/o o.u210/o 0.0529/o 0.Ml5o/o 0.5241o/o 0.1245o/o 0.06930/o 0.00000/0 0.44930/0 0.0728Yo 0.2t79/o o.0687% 0.M810/o 0.1872% 0.1136% o.6556% 0.0000p/o 0.01650/0 0.0000p/o 0.0000P/o 0.0000p/o 0.14420/0 0.1088% 0.20030/o o.46530/0 0.0000p/o 0.09720/o 0.t5730/o 0.|Dy/o 0.24290/o |.62960/0 0.a)760/o 0.0481% 0.3u60/o 0.t2540/o 0.05750/o 0.0000% 0.1E86% 0.u)79yo 0.t65to/o o.q248vo o.t99y/o o.3432vo 0.Mt to/o 0.051 8% 0.02220/. 3.t45% 2.042Eo/o t.5284% 4.57 170/0 o.67Uo/o t.49980/o 2.07 4$/o t.9tsv/o t.961to/o 2.51O50/o 1.73640/o ola 2.62740/o 1.62540/o 2.6893% 0.60520/o 2.8967% 3.61960/o 5.5494% |.4925yo t.t7 450/o 2.5507yo 2.705q/o 0.35tt70 t.3at20/o 2.71890/0 3.50tto/o 2.t8t% o.61760/o 1.747T/o 5.l ao/o 2.05E4o/o |.16420/0 4.7679/o t.287q/o t.88870/0 t.76260/0 ila 2.36750/o 4.52930/0 nln ola 1.59360/o 0.3085% 1.03E8% 1.t59/o 2.766to/o 1.11E9/o 2.40750/o 3.22230/0 t.692a% 2.9968% 3.092to/o o.1599{/0 3.97610/0 2.640to/. 5.6A7q/o nla 3.26230/0 2.1944o/o 3.9440/0 2.97520/0 3.1 I l1o/o 2.28360/o t.gtv/o 3.39720/o 4.025ao/o 9.t630/0 7.2560/0 12.9860/0 4.Off/o t3.t38% 2t.467% 7.450/0 I 625% 10.438% 8.00yo 10.50% 6.553% 9.2e/o 16.51 5o/o 5.823% 9.760/o 7.64% 5.673r/o 3.750/r 7.6y/o 9.9Mo/o ta.360/0 10.00plo E.150/o ta.wo tt.5t70/o t0.940/0 I 1.80% ila 16.558% 5.Uf/o I t.6r8% t4.476yo 10. l5% 10.00% 8.152% t4.040/o 6.tu/o 5.27syo ttla 9.411o/o tt.2930/0 13.71n/o 6.t330/o 13.838% 13.9120/0 il^ I 0.00p/o | 1.7670/0 7.t250/o 7.540/0 9.8t8% 8.20yo 6.355Vo 8.000/o 6.450/0 7.3P/o 7 00yo 4.00% 8.2t2% 4.7150/o 6.422% 4.5740/o 6.667% t4.040/0 4.648% 14.$ff/o 0.00170/o 0.0016% 0.0M70/o 0.002to/o 0.001 l% o.Nt70/o 0.0050/o o.N2to/o 0.0009% 0.00150/o 0.001 l% nlL o.oo480/o 0.001 t% 0.0044% 0.0005% 0.0084% 0.0027yo 0.0023% 0.0158% 0.0025% 0.00060/0 0.0012vo 0.0N2% 0.00060/o 0.01430/0 0.0044o/o 0.00r5% 0.000/o o.00790/o 0.0038% 0.0045% 0.0008% 0.0033% 0.00240/0 0.0135% 0.01 1670 nla 0.0018% 0.007o nl. nla 0.00230/0 0.0003% 0.o02to/. 0.00540/0 0.00o/o 0.001 lolo 0.0u4% 0.0036% 0.004to/o 0.0488% 0.0030/0 0.000 I o/o O.Ol45o/o 0.0033% 0.0033% tls O.Or)620/o 0.0021o/o 0.0065% 0.027 50/o 0.00140/o 0.00780/o 0.000Eo/o 0.00t8% 0.000970 0.00570 0.0057% 0.05610/o 0.o0250/o 0.02140/o 0.o24lo/o 0.01 E90lo 0.0t05% 0.005% 0.00490/0 0.0068% 0.No/o 0.01670/o o.0to10/o 0.0@60/0 0.00E5% o.022to/o 0.00420/o 0.00t6% 0.oat2o/o 0.02t40/o 0.N420/o 0.o0430/o 0.0046Yo 0.00750/o 0.06M% 0.01360/o 0.00820/o ola o.07440/0 0.0036% 0.02530/o 0.00990/0 0.0070/o o.0ta70/o 0.06250/0 0.0920/o 0.00% 0.0u% nle 0.O0o/o 0.No/o 0.0t99yo 0.0067% 0.02770/o o.06470/o nla o.0097yo 0.0185% 0.0079% 0.01 83% 0.16to/. 0.00E% 0.003 tolo 0.O292o/o 0.0081% 0.0A42o/o 0.00% o.00750/o 0.008% O.0079o/o 0.05 0/o 0.0091% o.02290/" 0.005Eo/o 0.00240/0 0.003 I o/o Exhibit No. 05 Case No. INT-G-16-02 S. Gaske,IGC Schedule 6, p. 3 of l0 o Intermountain Gas Company Markct DCF Calculation as of May 31, 2016 tll 121 t3t l4l Dividmd Yield Dividod Yield x Expecled Growrh(l +0.625p) Rft(s) Sewday Muket lnv6tq Required R€M s&P s00 2.9./"2,69./c 9.tAo/o l2.l3./6 [sl [6] I7l I8l lel nol llll [t2l Mmket Sh{s Milket Capitalizarim- Cspitslizalion- Weighted Best Pet@t of Weighred Lmg-Tem Totd Maket Cr@t Diridqd B6t tog-Tem Dividmd Grosdrarnirilizrim Yield (.ro*1i Estime Yield Estirole Outshding Ticker (mllim)Pri@ M[ket Capitslizario(tfrilli6nI o PNC PPG PX PGR PEG RHI R scG EIX SLB scHw sHw SJM SNA AME so BBT LIjV swN swK PSA sTl SYY TE TSO T)O.l TMO TIF TIX TMK TSS TYC ULTA TJNP UNH tJNM MRO VAR VTR vFc vNo vMc WY WHR WMB WEC xRx ADBE AES AMGN AAPL ADSK CTAS CMCSA TAP KLAC MAR MKC JWN PCAR cosr STJ SYK TSN AMAT 499.3 266.1 285.3 583.0 505.9 297.O 131.3 53.7 142.9 325.t 1,391.2 1,32t.7 92.5 119.7 5E. I 233.4 938.6 812.0 638.7 392.7 150. I r73.4 501. I 563.5 235.6 120.0 r,004.2 268.t 393.5 126.0 661. I 120.7 1E3.6 425.5 62.6 841.0 950.8 237.8 847.6 95.2 338.1 417.0 188.8 133.2 747.1 76.0 750.6 315.6 1,013.0 500.2 659.0 75t.2 5,477.4 224.6 107.0 2,4t7.4 193.8 155.7 254.2 I 15.3 t72.9 350.5 439.0 244.3 374.0 300.5 t,0E9. I 89.14 107.6t 109.t6 33.30 44.75 129.67 41.59 69.62 69.9t 7t.63 76.30 30.58 291.09 129. l5 t6t.a2 47.a2 49.44 42.48 13.61 ll3.l8 253.11 43.42 48.1 I 27.54 7E.OE 60.60 3E.06 151.77 61.% 76.t2 61.63 53.70 42.62 233.0t E4.19 r33.67 36.92 13.07 42.79 66.33 95.52 I t6.75 31.50 t74.62 22.t6 60.t4 9.97 99.47 I t.09 157.95 99.E6 5E.27 94.E0 63.30 99. l8 72.93 66.(X 97.07 37.98 55.75 148.77 7E.36 I I l.l6 $.74 24.42 .14,809 2t,650 31,339 t9,414 22,6q 3t,509 5,462 1 7tO 9,991 23.334 t06,l5t 40,417 ,9U t5,457 9,409 tt,t62 46,402 29,534 27,t31 5,368 16,990 43,989 2t,959 27,111 6,447 9,368 60,856 t0,232 7,E08 50,322 7,436 9,E60 18,135 t4,594 70,E07 t27,094 8,778 I 1,079 7,8E1 22,428 25,949 18,03r 15,550 23,533 t3,265 t6,633 18,983 10,100 49,756 7,308 I 18,655 546,976 t3,0E7 l0,l,l4 153,M4 t9,222 I 1,356 16,7E9lt,tm 6,568 t9,538 65,315 22,216 4t,572 19,168 26,597 0.28360/o 0. lEl3% 0.19a30/o 0.12290/0 0.14330/o 0.24370/0 o.03460/0 0.0237% 0.06320/0 0.14770/o 0.6714% 0.255E% 0.t704% 0.0E7ao/o 0.0595% 0.07060/0 0.29360/0 0.18690/o o.t7t70/o 0.0000./o 0.10750/o 0.2784% 0. r3900/0 0.17t6% 0.04llo/o 0.0000% 0.385 l% 0.064ao/o 0.37ao% 0.0494% 0.31a50/o 0.047t% 0.0624./. 0.1Vao/o 0.0000% 0.44atn/o 0.8M3% 0.055670 0.0000% 0.0000% O.l4l9o/o 0.1@50/o 0.tt41% 0.09a40/o 0.t4av/o 0.0E39% 0.0000% 0.1201% 0.0639o/o 0.00000/0 0.04620/. o 7509% 3.46150/o 0.0000% 0.0&20/0 O.96A5Yo 0.t216% O.O7l9o/o O.l62Yo 0.0708% 0.0416vo o.t236yo o.4t330/o 0.1410% o.2631% O.l2l3o/o o.t6a30/o 2.27320 1.485v/o 2.7307% 2.6673% 3.6648vo 2.2596Yo 2.t1594/0 2.3556% 3.2t990/o 2.68M% 2.6212o/o 0.9156Yo t.1543% 2.O75lYo t.5078% 0.7528% 4.5307Vo 3.O7950/0 0.94t60/0 nln I.9$ao/o 2.8379% 2.1m8% 2.5774o/o 3.34060/o 2.56t5% 2.50a3%o o.2to20/o O.3953Yo 2.905to/o l.361Yo 0.qa6%o o.7449yo 1.924% nla 2.613t% 1.4 20/o 2.16r8% 1.5302Yo nla 4.40220/0 2.31480/0 2.63820/o O.6a52%o 3.9365Yo 2.29070/o 11.55230/o 3.29230/o 3.t@30/o nla 3.967 50/o 2.5324"/" 2.2a32o/o nla |.10760/0 t.73780/o L65360/o 2.8520/0 t.Et7 to/o |.77 t90/o 3.8qtE% l.722o/o 1.2@90/0 L5824o/o |.367 4o/o 0.9&70/0 t.63ao/o 6.U8% 4.500/0 7.llo/o a.840/o 3.4280/0 7.935yo tt.63% 9.920/0 5.80% 4.7590/0 7.2250/o t9.00yo 17.700/o t4.500/0 4.a00/o 10.304o/o 3.900/0 5.598% 9.083% (ts.98%) r0.50% 5.4E30/o 6.8t3% t0.00% 5.000/0 ({r 50396) 10.00% 7.3lo/o I t.4250/0 a.3170/o I t.5560/o 7.98o/o | 1.000/" 13.00o/o 2t.000/0 l2.9l7o/o t3.0t70/o 7.600/0 (1.4319'o) 12.050/o 5.120/0 t0.7680/0 5.450/0 23.080/0 t2.2670/o 17.040/0 \2 067oh') 6 00o/o I 1.600/0 20.2860/0 4.9r80/o 't.97 to/. I t.5630/o 20.96./o I 1.95% I 1.349o/o t9.7670/0 5.550/o It. n/o 9.t00/. 7.680/0 7.a33o/o t0.7470/o lO.A5n/o 12.4880/r 12.o250/o l5.433o/o 0.00640/0 o.0027yo o.o0540/o 0.0033% 0.00530/o 0.005570 0.0007% 0.00060/0 o.002to/o 0.0040/o o.0t760/o 0.00230/0 0.002yo 0.0020/0 0.0009% 0.0005% 0.0133% 0.0058% 0.0016% nli o.002to/o 0.0079% 0.003% o.0t)44yo 0.00140/o 0.00yo 0.00970/o 0.00O1 o/o 0.00t5% 0.00t4% 0.o0440/o 0.000+o/o 0.0005% 0.00220/o nla o.0tt1yo o.ot20/o 0.0012yo 0.000/o nla 0.OM2o/o 0.0039o/o 0.003% 0.00070/o 0.0059% 0.oot90/o 0.00o/o 0.oMo/o 0.O02o/o nh 0.0018% 0 019% 0.O79o/o O.0007o/o 0.0r 68% 0.0020/0 O.OO2o/o 0.0019% 0.oot3o/o 0.0016% o.N2to/o 0.005% 0.o0220/o 0.00360/0 0.0011% 0.oo2ao/o 0.01720/o 0.01540/o 0.0141% 0.01090/0 0.00490/o 0.0t910/o 0.$Mo/o 0.00230/0 0.N310/o 0.0070/o 0.04t50/o 0.M86yo 0.03020/0 0.01420/o 0.$290/0 0.N730/o 0.01 l5% 0.0105% 0.01560/0 0 000/0 0.01 l3% 0.01530/0 0.0096% 0.01720/o 0.0021o/o 0.000/0 0.03E5% 0.N470/o 0.M470/o o.cn4to/o 0.036E% 0.0038% 0.0069% 0.0t490/0 0.00o/o 0.0579o/o 0.t0470/o 0.N420/o 0.00% 0.00o/o 0.N730/o 0.0t770/o 0.uJ620/o 0.02270/o 0.01 E30lo 0.0t430/o 0.000/o 0.@720/o 0.N140/o 0.000/o o.oo230/o 0.05990/0 o.40020/0 0.000/o 0.00770/o 0.1099o/o 0.0240/o 0.0040/0 0.0127o/o 0.00640/o 0.0a320/o 0.N970/o 0.u460/o 0.0150/o 0.03290/o 0.01460/0 0.0260/o PNC Fimcial Seryic croup Inc/The PPG IndEri6 Inc Pr8air Inc Progrcssive Corpfihe Public Swice Enterprise Group lnc Ra}thm Co Robert Half Intemtioal hc Ryder Systm Inc SCANA Corp Edism Inlemtioal Schlmberger Lld Chul6 Schwab Corp/Ihe Shwin-Willim Ccr'The JM Smuckq CdThe Smp-on Inc AMETEK Inc Southem CdThe BB&T Corp Soulhw6t Atli6 Co Soulhw6tem Energy Co Stmlsy Blsck & Decker Inc Public Storage SuTGt Bark lnc Sys Corp TECO Energy Inc Tesoro CorpTffi lrEtrm@ls Inc Texrm Inc Thmo Fisher Sciqtific Idc Tiffuy & Co TJx C6 Inc/Th€ Torchmk Corp Tot l System Senic6 ltrc Ty@ Intemdional Plc Ulta Salotr Cosmelics & FragMce lnc Union Pei6c Cqp UnitedHqrlh Group Inc Unum Group Meathm Oil Corp Vilia Medical Systm Inc vsh Inc VF Corp vomsdo Relty Trust Vulcu MaErials Co WeyerlBeuq Co Whirlpol Corp Willims C6 IncJThe WEC Energ/ Group Inc Xerox Corp Adobe System Inc AES Corp/VA Amgen Inc Apple Inc Atnod6k Irrc Cintas Corp Comcst Corp Mdsq Cm Brewing Co KLA-T6@r Ctrp MMiott Intmdimsl Inc,MD Mccomick & Co tnc/MD Nqdstrom Inc PACCAR krc Costrc Whol6ale Corp St Jude Medical hc Stryker Corp Tyson F@ds lnc Applied Maerials Inc Exhibit No. 05 Case No. INT-G-16-02 S. Gaske,IGC Schedule 6, p. 4 of l0 o o Intermount in Gas Company Market IrcF Cdculation as of May 31, 2016 Ill I2l t3l t4l DMdqd Yield Dividad Yield x Exp*ted Grosdr(! + 0.625p) Rde (sl Seondary Ma*et Inv6tor Requfed Rdm s&Psm ,.s40/"2.690/.9.440/" t6l t71t5l t .tt/" t8t Iel n0l nll It21 ComDW Sh{6 Oubteding Tickq (mili6)Prie Ma*et Capitalizarim (Cmili@) MuketMdket Capiralization- Capitalizdi@- Weighted B6t Perceol of Weighted Log-Tem Total Mekd CM6t Dividod B6t LdU-Tm Dividod Grou,lh Capitalizatio Yield Groslh Estitrure Yield Estinure o TWX BBBY AAL CAH CELG CERN CINFcvc DHI FLS EA ESRX EXPD FAST MTB FISV FITB GtLD HAS HBAN HCN BIIB LLTC RRC NTRS PAYX PBCT PDCO QCOM ROP ROST AN SBUX KEY SPLS STT USB SYMC TROW WM cBs AGN WFM sTz XLNX XRAY zroN ALK NZ INTU MS MCHP CB HOLX CHK CFG ORIY ALL FLIR EQR BWA NFX URBN SPG EMN AVB PRU 7E6.4 t54.4 57E.2 325.E 714.6 338.1 164.5 370.9 130.4 301.6 632.5 lE2. t 288.9 159.0 222.3 761.7 1,331.8 124.7 19a.9 357.0 219.1 239.1 169.7 228.2 360.1 310.9 99. I 1,468.9 I01.2 401.8 103.1 1,4u.9 442.4 u6.3 395.9 1,726.4 612.3 24E.2 444.3 415.3 395.6 32t.O 176.4 255.5 234.2 204.6 123.3 417.3 255.9 t,937.O 214.E 464.5 274.E 6E4.6 529.0 96.5 374.4 137.6 365.5 2t1.6 19E.5 117.4 309.4 t47.E 137.2 442.0 15.66 44.75 31.9r 78.95 tos.52 55.61 69. l0 34.68 30.56 4t.13 76.75 75.55 4E.55 46.03 I 19.50 105.33 18.87 87.06 t7.29 t0.45 68.91 289.13 47.32 42.59 74.10 54.22 I5,EE 48.81 54.92 171.08 53.40 50.,{4 54.t9 t2.82 t.t0 63.06 42.82 17.36 77.06 60.95 55.20 235.75 32.35 153.15 47.39 62.t6 28.02 66.40 3 I.40 I06.66 27.3't 5t.68 t26.6t 34.4t 4.29 23.55 264.43 67.5t 31.15 69.21 34.03 40.77 28.53 t97.64 73.36 179.88 79.25 59,499 6,908 t4,449 25,723 81,736 18,801 I 1,366 1,106 I t,335 6,275 23,149 47,788 E,839 t3,291 19,000 23,414 14,4E1 115,948 10,885 E,34E 24,@t 63,466 t t,314 7,229 16,907 19,526 4,936 4,837 80,673 17,313 21156 5,20t E0,,l0E 10,?99 5,687 24, 4 7i or< 1o,629 19,127 27,O78 93,253 10,3E5 27,018 r2,l t0 14,560 5,734 8,184 13,102 21,29t 53,016 I 1,102 58,808 9,595 12,457 25,506 25,274 4,247 25,296 7.406 E,092 3,349 61,152 10,M5 24,673 35,O29 0.37650/0 0.04370/0 0.0000% 0.16280/0 0.0000o/o 0.0000% 0.000070 0.m000/o o.o1t7% 0.01970/0 0.0000o/o 0.00000/0 o.o5590/0 0.0842% O.l202o/o 0.0000P/o 0.@11% 0.73380/o 0.06'894/0 0.052ao/o 0.15570/0 0.0000p/o o.07 t60/0 0.0000P/o 0.t07tr/o 0.t2360/o 0.00000/0 0.03060/0 0.5 1050/o 0.t0960/o 0.1358% 0.00000/0 0.50E9/o 0.0683% 0.036e/o 0. I 5800/0 0.46780/o 0.M730/o 0.12100/o 0.t114% 0. t45 I o/o 0.00000/0 o.06j7% 0.17toP/o 0.07660/0 0.o92to/o o.0363% 0.051E% o.082q/o o.t127% 0.33sso/o 0.0703% 0.3722% 0.0000P/o 0.0000p/o 0.07880/0 0.0000P/o 0.15994/0 0.027to/o 0. l60t% 0.0469/o 0.00004/0 0.00000/0 0.3a7e/o 0.06860/o 0.t56to/o 0.22170/o 2.1279/o t.|73% 1.2535% 2.2744% nla ola 2.77a60/o nla t.041to/o l.579to/o ila ila l.647ao/o 2.6070/0 2.3431o/o nla 2.7557% 2.1594yo 2.3370/o 2.6194Yo 4.9920/0 nln 2.7O5o/o 0.1878% t.9433% 3.0985% 4.2aztyo |.9668yo 3.4602% 0.10t4% |.0112% ila t.457 5n/o 2.652to/o 5.45450/0 2.15670/o 2.382to/o t.12ato/o 2.E030/o 2.69070/0 l.0a7o/o nla t.66920/0 1.04470/0 2.78540/0 O.49a7o/o 0.8565% 1.65660/o 3566q/o 1.t2sto/o 2.t9220/o 2.7a250/o 2.17990/0 nln nln 2.0382% nln t.95530/0 t.54/J94/0 2.9tt4yo t.528to/o nlz nla 3.23A2yo 2.5082% 3.002yo 3.533to/o 14.3E20/o 6.7560/0 (15..1494) 12.O0o/o 22.3730/o t6.3v/o rlE 9.25% 15.2830/0 I 1.6670/0 I L2670/o t3.$e/o a.5330/0 t2.675% 5.4450/0 t2.74% 3.833% t.4570/0 t0.4u/o 5.8150/o 4.670/o E.21 40/o 6.9t30/o (25 5-150/0t |.4410/0 9.77 so/o nla 7.6670/0 lO.4oo/o I t.4330/o 12.4570/o 8.640/0 1a.6220/o 6 3330/0 1.6030/o E.630/o 5.a6%o a.6a6vo 10.90E% 8.326% 17.7720/o 13.sy/o 7.973% 12.955Vo 4.233% 9.420/o 9.00% 5.4v/o 11.282% t7.|% 6.4330/o 9.640/0 9.50% a.943o/o (3 6l'ri,, 9.$U/o 15.536o/o 4.250/o 15.0ff/o 6.4270/0 12.7870/0 16.4a30/o 14.838o/o 7.920/0 5.sf/o 7.4230/o 9.550/0 0.@Eolo 0.0005% 0.000/o o.00310/o nla nla o.000/o 0.0008% 0.0006% ola nla 0.000970 0.0022% 0.002ao/o nle 0.0025% 0.0158% 0.001 670 0.00t4yo 0.007ao/o nla 0.001*/o 0.OOo/o 0.002t% 0.0038% 0.00% 0.0$6% 0.0t97n/o 0.0008% o.Nt40/o ila O.OO7 4o/o 0.0018% o.N20/o 0.0034o/o 0.0lll% O.O0l2o/o O.O034Yo 0.0u6% 0.0016% nh 0.001 l% 0.0018yo o.002tyo 0.0005% 0.0003% 0 0009% 0.003vo 0.001s% 0.oo74% o.0a20/o 0.0081% nla nla 0.00t60/0 nl^ 0.0031o/o 0.0M4% 0.0u7% 0.0N70/n nla nla o.ot250/o 0.00t70/o 0.00470/o o.OO78o/o 0.05420/0 0.003% 0.00% 0.0195o/o 0.00% 0.Mo/o nl, 0.No/o 0.01 l% 0.00460/0 0.m% 0.000/0 0.004Eo/o o.01070/o 0.00650/o 0.007o 0.0035% 0.01070/o o.@720/0 0.0031% o.00730/o 0.000/0 o.N490/o 0.007o 0.Ol22o/o 0.0t2to/o nla 0.00230/0 0.O53lo/o 0.0125% 0.ot6y/o 0.wo 0.09480/0 0.o0430/o 0.00060/0 0.0t360/o 0.0274o/o 0.0058% 0.01320/0 0.0143o/o 0.0258% 0.o00/o o.00520/0 0.02220/o 0.00630/o 0.00810/o 0.00330/0 0.00280/0 o.0094yo 0.02960/0 o.02t6vn 0.006E% 0.03540/0 0.00% 0.00% o.007to/o 0.00% 0.01320/o 0.0041o/o 0.0103% o.0M% 0.wo 0.00% 0.0306% 0.00387o 0.ot t60/0 o.o2t20/o TimeWmr Irrc Bed Barh & BEymd Inc Americm Airlinc Group Inc Ctrdinal Heallh Inc Celgae Corp Cems Corp Cincimati Fimcial Corp Cabldisio S,sie6 Corp DR Hono Inc Flowsene Corp Elsmnic Arts Inc Expr6s Scripts Holding Co Expedito6 lilemtimd of Wshingtm Inc F6t@l Co M&T BE* Co.p Fisw Inc Fiffh Thtd Bacorp Gilead Scimc6 Inc H6brc Inc HEtingt@ Bmcsha6 IndOH Welllower Inc Bioga Lc Linw Tslmolog)/ Corp Reg€ Rsou6 Corp Norhem TNt Corp Paychex lnc People's Udted Fimcial lnc PatleRon Cs Inc QUALCOMM Inc Roper Tdmologi* tnc R6s Slor6 lnc AutoNdim Irrc Stalbuck corp KeyCorp Staplc lnc Stare Stre€i C6p US Becorp Symd[e Corp T Rowe Price Group lnc W6te Maugmmt lnc CBS Corp Allergd plc Whole Foods Mdkel lnc Cmlelldion Brmds lnc Xlim Inc DENTSPLY SIRONA Inc Zim Bomrporation A.l8ka Air Group lnc Invqo Ltd Intuit Inc Morge Stanley Micr@hip Technology Inc Chubb Ltd Hologic Irc Chcapeke Erergy Corp Citizm Fi@ial Group Inc O'Reilly Automotive Inc Alls@ Cqp/Ihe FLIR Sysbm Inc Equity Reidmrial Borgw@er Inc Newfeld Exploratim Co Urbm Oufitt6 lnc Sim@ Property Group Inc Est@ Chmical Co AvalmBay Cmuid6 loc Prudatial Fimcial lnc Exhibit No. 05 Case No. INT-G-16-02 S. Gaske,IGC Schedule 6, p. 5 of l0 o o Intermountrin Gas Company Mrrkct DCF Calculetion s of Mey 31,2016 Irl I2l t31 I4l Dividad Dividmd Yield x Expcted Grc*.th(l +06150) Rqt.fo) Sffidsry MaLet Inv610r Requircd s&P 500 2.54'/o 2-6to/.9.14./"t2.t30h I5l I6l t7l Ilol IrilrRltql Sh86 Outstrnding (millim) Market Capilalizari@ Maket Msket C4italiz*io- Capitalizaion- weigltedB6t Per6[ of Wdghted Iog-Tem Total M8kct CMol Dividad 86l LqE-Tm DMdqd Gro*th Ticker Prie Yield o IJPS AIV WBA MCK LMT ABC coF WAT DLTR DRI DO NTAP crxs GT DVA HIG IRM EL YHOO PFG SRCL TJHS ETTC swKs NOV DGX ATVI ROK KHC AMT RECN AMZN RL BXP APH PXD vLo LLL WU CHRW ACN YTJM PLD FE VRSN PWR HSIC AEE NVDA SNI SEE CTSH ISRG AET AMG RSC EBAY GS SR.E MCO PCLN FFIV AKAM RAI Dtll GOOGL RHT 690.5 156.6 1,080.2 225.O 304.5 215.9 512. l 80.9 235.6 126.7 t31.2 289.1 155.1 265.9 206.5 393.4 212.O 222.6 949.9 289.9 t4.9 89.8 278.7 t90.2 177.1 141.5 73t.2 130.3 r,216.0 424.6 103.2 47t.8 57.O r53.6 307.9 163.6 469.8 77.O 491. t t42.8 623.8 407.4 525.1 424.1 108.5 t44.2 t2.l 242.6 534.0 95.1 197. I 605.9 38.1 350.6 53.8 343.9 1,t48.9 4t5.4 249.5 194.3 49.6 67.0 175.6 t,427.3 524.0 293.7 Itl.4 I03.09 42.6s 77.40 183.14 236.23 74.94 73.24 137.55 90.54 67.83 25.82 25.53 44.92 27.91 77.32 45.17 36.74 91.78 37.94 44.56 97.99 134.86 27.89 66.76 32.95 77.17 39.26 I 16.05 83.19 105.78 39t.93 722.79 94.33 125.63 54.72 t60.32 54.70 t37.2t 19.45 74.9E I t8.97 82.09 47.53 32.81 85.46 24.03 t13.73 49.5s 46.72 64.34 46.44 61.44 634.71 I 13.23 t13.52 48.28 24.46 t59.48 to?.t2 9t.64 1,264.33 I 10.20 54.58 49.70 36.09 748.85 77.46 7t,t19 6,619 83,61 I 41,210 7t,g}t l6,lt5 37,506 ll,l33 21,328 8,596 3,542 7,3E0 l3,l7l 7,438 15,967 17,769 7,7A1 20,428 36,040 12,9t6 a)2t t2,t06 7,774 12,700 t2,424 10,916 2a,9E1 l5,lt7 l0l,r55 44,917 41,156 341,033 5,379 t9,298 16,08 I 26,221 25,698 10,559 9,553 10,705 74,212 33,441 24,957 13,935 9,270 3,464 t4,257 t2,o23 24,948 6,1 l9 9,155 37,225 24,157 39,698 9,337 I 6,603 24,t02 66,U1 26,126 19,166 62,760 7,381 9,5E4 70,939 18,9t I 2t9,9t9 14,054 0A'U% 0.u230h 0.529to/o 0.2608% 0.4551o/o 0.1o240/o 0.23740/o 0.000e/o 0.0000/o o.05440/0 0.0000% 0.u670/o 0.0000yo 0.u7to/o 0.000e/o 0.1t240/o 0.M930/o 0.12930/0 0.00000/0 0.0817o/o 0.0000P/o o.07660/0 0.000e/o 0.OaMo/o 0.00O0P/o o.069to/o o 1a140/. 0.09570/0 0.goto/o o.2t42o/o 0.0000P/o 0.@ov/o 0.o34v/o 0.tz2to/o 0.ll44o/o 0.16594/0 0.16260/0 0.06680/6 0.06050/0 o M110/" 0.46960/0 o.2tt10/o o 15794/n 0.0882o/o 0.0000P/o 0.0000p/o 0.0000P/o o.o16t% 0.15794/o O.O3E7o/o O.O579/o 0.0000%o 0.0000% 0.251T/o o (n000,6 0.t051% 0.0000% O.4l9T/o o.t69to/o O.l2l3o/o 0.0000p/o 0.0000P/o 0.0000P/o o.44A9/o o 11970/n 0.0000% 0.00000/0 3.0265% 3.0950h |.A605Yo o.6tt6% 2.7939/0 1.8r38% 2.tu60/o nl, Dla 2.94a5o/onl, 2.916q/o nls t.00t l% nla l.a596o/o 5.28030/0 t.30750/o nla 3.5009/o ola 0.29660/o nh l 55780/o 0.607% 2.O733o/o 0.66230/o 2.4989/o 2.764ao/o t.92850/o ola nla 2.12020/o 2.06960/0 0.95310/o 0.049v/o 4.38760/0 2.O407yo 32%50/o 2.293q/o L849v/o 2.24140/o 3.53460/o 43$q/o Dla nln nla 3.430v/o 0.9a46% 1.554T/o 0.aa3T/oili 2.4a55o/o frla L63O3o/o 2.al93o/o t.swo/o nldnl. ila 3.38030/o 0.6650/r nl, tla 9.6tto/o tt.1650/o t3.2e/o 12.70/o 1.6tvo D.se/o 6.7 4lo/o a.5940/0 17.670/0 14.06% rla a.967o/o t6.1V/o 7.00f/o I I.35Eo/o 9.3330/0 9.4V/o ll.E550/o 6.s350/o a.t4yo t4.450/0 t.EE3% 18.07% 16.67 4o/o (9.35o/o) a. 50/o 12.oe/o 6.927% 2t.6EAo/o 20.4tT/o 23.293o/o 50.7 470/0 7.62% 6.550/o 9.26% 20.000/0 4.20ao/o 9.94% 6.826% lO.275o/o 9.120/o tt.6e/o 5.175% 0.085% 9.t1o/o 8.oe/o tl.220/0 5.2a30/o 9.667% tt.1330/0 4.2670/" t3.7834/n 13.0650htt.tttyo t3.91% 7.A6ayo 8.887olo t5.1450/o a.$% I L000/o 18.100/o t3.tayo t7.3330/0 9_445% 8.233o/o 15.660/0 t7.1e/o o.01360/0 0.0013% 0.0098o/o 0.0016% o.ot270/o O.O0l9o/o o.oo520/o da nlt 0.0016% nla o.oot40/o ilN 0.0005% ola o.oo2to/o O.OA60/o 0.0017% nla 0.oD9o/o nla o.o&2./o nla 0.0013% 0.00% o.oot40/o O.O0l2o/o O.OA4o/o 0.0t770/o 0.0055o/o iy'a n/a O.AN1o/o O.OO25o/o 0.00t lolo 0.000t% o.oo7to/o O.&l4o/o 0.&2o/o 0.0016% 0.00870/o O.OM1o/o 0.00560/0 o.oo390/o tr/a nla nln O.0026o/o 0.00160/o 0.0006% 0.000Eo/o r/a ry'a o.oa20/onl, o.N260/o nla 0.0068o/o 0.0048% 0.00t 80/6 nla tla nla 0.Ol52o/o 0.000t% olail, 0.u330/o 0.OO5o/o 0.0698yo 0.0331% O.O3460/o o.ol28yo o.ot6% 0.No/o o.N% O.00760/o ola 0.0042% O.No/o 0.0033% 0.No/o 0.01 057o 0.0046% 0.0t53% 0.000/0 0.00670/o o.N% 0.00680/0 0.00o/o 0.01340/0 o.@o/o o.0M20/o 0.022% o.00660/0 0.1388% o.o58% 0.00% 0.000/0 0.0026% 0.008% 0.ot(byo 0.03320/0 0.0068% 0.O660/o O.@4lo/o 0.0010/o 0.04560/o 0.02460/o o.oo820/o 0.0001 o/o 0.@o/o 0.00yo 0.00% 0.N40/o 0.01530/o 0.0045% 0.@25o/o 0.000/o 0.No/o 0.0279o/o o.N% 0.00E3% 0.00% O.0635Yo 0.014 I o/o 0.0133% 0.000/0 0.@o/o 0.00o/o o.04260/0 0.0099% 0.00o/o o No/" Apalunot Inv6un@t & Mmagmqfl Co Wslgr@c Bods Alliu@ tnc McK6s@ Cqp tekhFd Mffiin CoA AmerisolffiBqgq Corp Capital Oae Finmcial Corp Wates Csp Dollu TE Inc Duda Rqtauuts Inc Dimod Offshore Drilling Inc NetApp Inc Cirix Systm Inc Goodyu Tire & Rubbs CdThe Daviis Heallhcue Pafiners Inc Hartford Fi@ial SeNi6 Group IndThe I.m Momlain lnc Est@ Luder C6 In y'The Yah@! Inc Principal Fitrucial Group Inc Stericycle hc Univmal He€lth Swi6 Irc E.TRADE Fimcial Corp Skyworks SolutioE Inc Natiqul Oilwell Vuco hc Qu6t Diagnosti6 Inc Activisio Blizsd Inc R@Ir€ll Automtion Inc Kraft HeiE CdTlrc Ameri@ Tower Corp Regmro PhMuticals Inc Amao[@m lnc R lph Lum Corp B6lm Prop€ni6 Inc Amphfiol Cory Pions Natual R6orc Co Valero En6gy Corp L-3 ComEicaric Holdings lnc W6tm Union CdThe CH Robiroon Woddwide Inc A@entue PLC Yu! Bntds Inc Prologis Irrc FireGner$/ Corp Verisigtr Inc Queta Swi6l!rc Hory ScIEin Inc Amera Corp IWIDIA Corp Scripps Netwtrks Inte@tive Inc Sealed Air Corp Cognizml Technology Solutions Corp Inluitive Sugical lnc Aeuu Inc Affiliated Meags Grqp Inc Republic Swi6 Inc eBay lnc Gold@ Selts Group ltrc/Ihc Smpm Erergy Moodyb Corp Priceline Group hc/The F5 Networks Itrc Akmi Tchnologis Irrc Rerrolds Am6i@ Inc Devon Energy Corp Alphabct IncRdHdIm t.37at /o nla ola ExhibitNo.05 Case No. INT-G-I6-02 S. Gaske, IGC Schedule 6, p. 6 of l0 o o Intermountain Gas Company Markct DCF Calcuhtion c of Mey 31, 2016 lll 121 I3t I4t S@dary MaketDividad Invetd Dividend Yield x Expsled Gros.th Required Yi6ld (l + 0.6259) Rste G) Retum s&P 5m 2.9o/o 2.69o/c 9,440/c 12.l3o/o t6l t71 I8ll5l Ie1 tl01 Il l1 Il2l Comw Ticker Shas Outstanding (mini@) Meket Capitalization (Smillion)Pri@ MdketMeket Capitalizali@- Capitalizdion- Weighled B6t Pelqt of Weighted L6g-Tem Total Meket Cu@t Dividend B6t Iffg-Tem Divid@d Gro*'thCilihliTdion Yield Croudr F-stimde Yield Estimde o Nedlix Inc Allegion PLC Agilent T*tnologis lnc Anthem Inc CME Group Inc,4I- Juiper Networls krc BlekR6k lnc DTE Erergy Co N6daq Inc Philip Moris Intematiooal Inc sdBfore.m lnc M€tlife Inc Mmmto Co Under Amou Inc Corch Inc Flwr Corp Dw & Bradstls Corpflhe CSX Corp Edwuds Lif6cim6 Corp Affiiprise Fil1eia.l Inc X@l Erergy Inc Rakwell Collim tnc FMC T6hrclogi6 IncZimq Bi@et Holdiogs lnc CBRE Group Inc Signel Jewele6 Ltd Mstercdd lnc CuMd Inc Intqcortin@tal Exchmge Inc Fidelity Nali@al Infmation Sefri6 Inc Chipode Mqi@ crill lrc Wlm R6orls Ltd Assurant Inc NRG Ener$/ Inc Msts Beverage Corp Regim FiMcial Corp TeEdata Corp M6aic Co,/The Expedia Inc Discovqy Commicatim Inc Cf bdErri6 Holdings Inc Vi@m Inc Alphaba lnc W,rdhm Worldwide Corp Spera Energy Corp FiEt Solu lnc Mqd Jolmon Nurition Co TE Cm*tivity Ltd Discovq Fimcial Senies TripAdvisor Inc Dr Pepper Snapple Group Inc Visa Inc Xylem Inc/NY Mdatho Pe{rolM Corp NFLX ALLE ANTM CME JNPR BLK DTE NDAQ PM CRM ME'I MON UA"/C COH FLR DNB csx EW AMP XEL coL FTI ZBH CBG src MA KMX ICE FIS CMG WYNN Alz NRG MNST RI TDC MOS EXPE DISCA CF VIAB GOOG WYN SE FSLR MJN TEL DFS TRIP DPS XYL MPC 428.3 95.7 327.E 263.0 338.6 3E3.9 163.4 179.4 t@.5 1,55t.3 677.5 1,098.7 436.8 2t7.6 278.0 t39.2 36.3 955.9 211.8 165.8 508.0 130.2 226.4 t99.2 335.4 1E.4 1,078.3 193.5 t 19.0 326.5 29.2 101.8 61.9 314.9 203.0 1,266.7 130.0 349.8 136.3 150.5 233.1 346.6 343.4 I l2.O 700.9 102.2 186.7 357.6 4t2.2 132.9 185.8 1,904.8 178.9 529 8 t02.57 67.64 45.E9 132.t6 97.89 23.41 363.85 90.6E 66.01 98.68 83.71 45.55 tt2.41 34.91 39.42 52.1E 126.90 26.43 98.50 101.67 41.31 8t.,r0 27.23 t22.tt 29.85 94.97 95.90 53.66 27 t.t2 74.21 44t. 96. lE 87.39 16.38 150.00 9.83 28.34 25.23It. 27.85 27.6 M.31 735.72 61.39 3 t.E6 49.65 82.24 60.00 56.E1 61.14 91.40 78.94 44.6 34 83 43,931 6,475 15,041 34,752 33,149 8,988 59,441 t6,211 10,t60 153,079 56,1t4 50,0,t4 49,t32 7,608 10,960 7,349 4,601 25,264 20,859 16,85E 21,014 I 1,509 6,t64 24,329 10,013 7,763 103,410 t0,382 32,276 24,246 t2,906 9,7 5,413 5,158 30,456 t2,452 3,6U 8,826 t5,t62 4, l9l 6,447 15,379 252,676 7,544 22,331 5,076 15,359 2t,457 23,419 9,003 16,983 150,364 7,9 18,454 0.0000% o.o4t00/o o.o9520/o o.2t990/o O.2@ao/o o.05690/0 0.37620/0 0. I 030o/o o.06870/o O.96a7o/o 0.0000% 0.3t61% 0.31090/o 0.0000% 0.0694% 0.0465Vo o.029to/o 0.t5wo 0.00000/0 0.10670/o 0.t3300/o 0.0724% 0.00000/o 0.15400/0 0.0000% o.o49to/o 0.65440/0 0.0000% 0.2M30/o O.l534Yo 0.0000o/o 0.O6200/o 0.03430/0 0.0000% 0.0000% 0.07EE% 0.0000% 0.05590/o 0.09600/o 0.0000% 0.04080/o 0.09730/o 0.0000% 0.0477./o 0.1413% 0 0000% o 0972% 0. l35E% 0.1482% 0.0000% 0.101 5o/o 0.9516./0 0.05060/. o.tt680/o nla 0.70960/0 t.o0240/o 1.96730/o 2.4511o/o 1.7087% 2.5t750/o 3.220to/o L939to/o 4.t3460/o nla 3.5t260/o 1.92050/o nle 3.42470/o t.59150/o L520Y/o 2.72420/o ila 2.95070/o 3.2E740/o |.49320/0 ry'a o.7a620/o nla 1.0508%o 0.7925% nla 1.25410/0 1.40030/o nln 2.07940/o 2.28a6o/o 0.73260/0 nlo 2.6450/o nla 4.35990/0 0.8630/0 nla 4.33t40/o 3.6060/0 ila 2.9AEo/o 5.0u70/o ila 2.OO530/o 2A670/o t.97 t 50/o nla 2.3t95% 0.7@4Vo t.3a74% 3.675% 35.500/0 13.5610/o 10.1330/0 a.9lo/o 13.t230/o 9.633% 13.531% 5.54o/o 7.923% 9.ta1yo 25.3a90/o ?.LO% 7.aSo/o 25.t9% to. 3% |.3570/0 1t.750/o 5.a670/o t7.600/o I 1.000/o 4.950/o 8.3230/o (8.109i,) t0.4930/0 t2.500/o 14.400/0 15.00% t3.5520/o t3.6670/o t2.ooyo 16.E79"/. 10.00% t2.36Vo (27.1596) 18.9580/0 4.X50/o 9.604./o o.a5% 22.2a6% 13.450/0 17.15% 6.4A7% 15.66% 7.650/" 10.20"/" 5.500/o 9.840/o t2.200/o 9.a950/o t6.30Eo/o 13.2430/0 16.(Alo/o 15.00% I 350/0 nlz 0.0003% 0.001 7o o.0043% 0.0051% 0.001% 0.0095% 0.0033yo 0.0013% o.040t% nla 0.01 I l% 0.060/o nla 0.00240/0 0.0OO7o/o 0.0N40/o 0.00440/oil^ 0.003 I o/o 0.OOaAo/o 0.001 r% nh 0.00120/0 nlz 0.0005% 0.0052% nla 0.00260/0 0.0021% nla 0.0013% 0.0008% 0.wo nla 0.0021% nla 0.0024o/o 0.0008% nla 0.001 tolo 0.0035% nla 0.OOl4o/o 0.oo720/o nla 0.0019% 0.0033% 0.o0290/o nla 0.00250/0 0.006E% 0.0007yo 0.0043% 0.ooo/o 0.0056% 0.0096% o.0t960/n O.0275n/o 0.0055% 0.0509./o 0.N570/o 0.N540/o 0.0E9% 0.00o/o 0.0225% 0.u2440/o 0.000/o 0.616yo 0.m06% 0.m34yo 0.N940/o 0 00yo 0.0t170/o 0.@66yo 0.0061% 0.No/o 0.0162% 0.00% 0.N710/o 0.t)9820/o 0.000/0 o.o2790/o 0.0184% 0.000/o o.N620/o o.N420/o 0.00% 0.00o/o 0.0039% 0.000/0 0.00050/o 0.ut40/o 0.000/o 0.0070/o 0.0063% 0.00yo o.00370/o o.ot44yo 0.000/0 0.M96vo o.ot660/0 0.0t47yo 0.00yo o.01420/0 o.t5a3% 0.00760/o 0.m9t% o Exhibit No. 05 Case No. INT-G-16-02 S. Gaske,IGC Schedule 6, p. 7 of 10 o Intermountain Gas Company Msrket DCF Cdculation as of May 31, 2016 lll I2l t3l t4l Dividad Yield Dividod Yield x Exp€red Gro*'th d + 0.625s) Rate(e) SEondary Mdket Inv6tor Required Retum s&Psm 2540/.259v.9.44o/c l5l t61 I1t 12.13./" tEl lel ll0l ll ll It2l Com0 Ticker Shq6 Oubtsnding(millio) Msrket Capita.lization (Sminim)Pie Muket Mekel Capit lizalion- Capitalizalion- Weighted B6t Perctrof Weighted Long-Tem ToEl Makei CMat Dividad B6t Long-Tm Dividqd GroslhCapiralizario Yield GroethEstimale Yield Estimale o TSCO LVLT RJG ESS ccP osfi WRK wDc CHD FRT FOX JBHT LRCX MHK PNR VRTX FB URI UAL NAVI DAL BXLT MNK NWS cNc MAC MLM PYPL ALXN CPGX ENDP NWSA GPN ccl DLPH AAP KORS ILMN AYI ADS LKQ NLSN GRMN xEc zTs EQrX DLR DISCK t33.4 357.9 365.2 65.4 883.2 257.6 298.5 252.6 281.4 t28.3 70.9 794.5 tt2.7 I59.6 74.1 r 80.7 247.4 2,311.9 EE,5 330.5 77t.6 6t3.5 109.3 199.6 170.5 t48.5 63.5 1,212.0 224.0 400.4 380.4 154.0 337.6 273.O 73.6 t79.4 t47.2 $.4 58.9 306.7 360.8 189. I 94.8 496.2 69.4 159.3 248.7 96.10 53.95 9.79 227.23 26.87 60.09 22.56 39.61 46.s4 9E,4E 153.19 29.24 E2.72 E2.tt 196.69 60.24 93.15 I t8.81 69.67 45.09 13.71 43.46 45.23 63.36 12.34 62.35 76.32 189.04 37.79 150.90 25.54 15.81 I t.96 77.69 90.81 67.96 153.84 42.12 144.83 2s9.04 222.19 33.07 s3.39 42.52 u6.28 47.42 362.00 95.45 26.77 t2,822 19,310 I 5?S 14,868 23,732 l5,4Et 6,734 10,006 I 3,098 12,638 10,862 23,349 9,319 13,2t6 14,573 10,886 23,M| 274,673 6,t66 15,137 4,531 11 tl1 30,917 6,927 2,463 t0,629 I 1,333 12,009 45,E03 33,805 t0,226 3,520 4,549 I 1,964 30,654 18,552 t 1,3t6 1,65 2l,3r 9 I 1,353 13,096 10,142 19,263 8,039 I 1,025 23,530 25,t33 15,208 6,658 0.0t1 I 70 0.00000/0 0.0000P/o O.@4lo/o o.t502r/o 0.098op/o 0.M260/o 0.06330/o 0.08294/0 0.0800% 0.Ma1yo 0.A7Ao/o o.o59v/o 0.0E36% 0.00000/0 0.06894/o 0.00000/0 0.0000p/o 0.00007o 0.0000P/o 0.00000/0 0.21220/o 0.0000p/o 0.00000/0 0.01 560lo 0.00000/0 0.o7 170/0 0.o7@/o 0.00000/0 0.0000% 0.0000% 0.0000% 0.02880/0 0.07570/0 0.194tr/o 0.l174o/o 0.07 160/o 0.0000p/o 0.0000p/o 0.07 tao/o 0.00000/0 0.0000p/o 0.12r9/o o.0509% 0.0000% 0.14a9/o 0.t591% 0.O962o/o 0 0000p/. 0.9994/0 nla nla 2.El650/0 2.8284% 3.97 40/o tt.t702% 3.7A69/o 4.29740/o l.tAl*/o 2.4545o/o l.0260/0 r.0638% tlA9to/o nla 2.25760/0 tli nla nle nln 4.668to/o 1.24250/o 0.6191% nla 1.62070/o nla 3.56394/0 0.84640/0 nla nla 2.t73to/o nla |.67220/0 0.0515% 3.a9820/o t.10694/0 0.t560/o nla nla 0.20070/o nln nla 2.32250/0 4.79770/o 0.27 520/0 0.E01 3% t.93370/0 3.6a1ao/o nl^ 15.7630/0 ().69?t) (6 20"/rt 6.a270/o 6.9t50/o 3.67Yo 5.05o/o 2.A50/o t.94yo 9.288% 6.255% 13.83870 13.73aYo 9.7 l7o/o tt.tv/o 9.250/. 50.5330/o 3t.3370/0 t4.130/0 (rL 4!r^) o/a ta.495yo nla 9.l54Yo E.893yo t7.t72vo 7.12% 22.156o/o 16.o75% 26.094o/o ila 4.7U/o 4.8930/0 t3.4430/o 15.50% 10.0E3% I 1.006% nla t4.4atyo 19.6V/o t4.00yo 15.467Vo 12.3330/o 7.425% (4.37v,) 15.4ff/o 22.050/0 5.94o/o 13 450/" 0.000to/o nln nla 0.00260/0 0.0042% 0.0039% 0.0048% 0.0024o/o 0.00360/0 O.OOl2o/o o.o0t70/o 0.0015% 0.00o60/o 0.00120/o ry'8 0.0016% nlz nla nle nla 0.000/. o.00260/0 0.00olo ila 0.00030/o ila 0.00260/0 0.0006% tlaila 0.00% nla 0.0005% 0.00% o.oo760/o 0.002./o 0.0001% ila nla 0.0001% nls nla 0.00280/0 0.0024% 0.000/o 0.00t20/o 0.003 I 70 0.0035% nl^ o.ot2ao/o 0.No/o 0.uf/o 0.O0640/o 0.0104% o.00360/0 0.00220/0 0.0018% 0.00I6% 0.o074yo 0.0043"/" 0.o2Myo 0.00E1% 0.00E1% 0.000/0 0.0064% 0.N% 0.No/o 0.000/o 0.00% nla 0.03920/o nla o.00Yo 0.00 140lo o.@yo 0.0051% 0.016E% o.N% 0.N% nla 0.No/o 0.00260/0 o.0tao/o 0.0301o/o 0.01 I E% 0.N79% nla o.000/o 0.0t4to/o 0.00% o.00% 0.015% 0.0038% 0.000/o 0.0229% o.035to/o o.00570/0 0.No/" Tr&tq Srpply Co tpvel 3 Comuicaiom Inc Trum@Ltd Essq Property Trut krc Gmeral Gordr Propertic Inc Realty Income Corp Seagate T*hnology PLC W6lRek Co Wsrm Digital Corp Chuch & Dwighr Co Irc Federal R€lty Invehqt Trut Twmty-liBt Cenntry Fox Inc JB HEI Trmporl Sefric6 Inc Lm R6@ch Corp Mohawk lid6ri6 Inc Pqtair PLC Venex Phmeeuticals lnc Frcebook Inc Udted Ratals tnc UDitcd Cmtindtal Holdings Inc Naviat Corp Delta At Lines Inc Bualta krc Mallirckodt PLC News Corp C6toe Corp M@rich Co/Th€ Mafiin Mdietta Mderials Inc PayPal Holdings Inc Alexim Phama@dicals lnc Colwbia Pipeline Group tnc Endo Iffemati@a.l PLC News Corp Global Paymots lnc Crown C6tle IntematiqEl Corp Dslphi Automotive PLC Advee Auto Pm lnc Michel Kos Holdings LtdIltmimlrc Acuity Bmds Inc Alliu@ Data SysteN Corp LKQ Corp Nielso Holdings PLC Gdmin Ltd Cimrcx Enerry Co Z@tis Inc Equinix Inc Digital Ralty Trut Inc Discovery Commidim lnc Average for Compmics Prying Dividends with Positive B6t Long-Term Crowth Estimats 239yo 9,69"/o N^ra lll Equals sw ofcolllm I l] [2] Equals Colllm Ill x (l + 0.625 x Colllm [3]/100) [3] Equals sm ofCollm u2l [4] Equals Collm [2] + Coltru [3] [5] Sou@: Bl@mbsg Finece L.P. [6] Sou@: Bl@mberg FiMce L.P. [7] Equals Cdlm [5] x Colrm {61 ltl Equals per6r of sm of Cdw [7] if Cw@t Dividqd Yield dc not equrl .r/a' and BEsl Long-Tem Gro*dr Estimale d6 nd equal 'h/a' ed is grder thd 0olo [9] S@: Bl@mberg Finil@ L.P. uol Soue: Bl@mberg FiMe L.P. I I ll Equals Cdlm [E] x Coltm [9]ll2l Equals Collm [E] x Collm 001 Exhibit No. 05 Case No. INT-G-16-02 S. Gaske,IGC Schedule 6, p. 8 of l0 o o o Intermountain Gas Company CAPM Analysis 1 S&P Current Required Return []2 Less: May'16 T-Bond [2]3 Market Risk Premium [314 x Value Line Beta [4]5 LDC Risk Premium [5]6 Plus: May'16 T-Bond [2]7 LDC CAPM Cost of Eq. [6] 12.13% 2.63% 9.50% 0.74 7.06% 2.63% 9.69Vo [1] Source: Schedule 6 Market DCF, Page I [2] Source: Schedule I Bond Yields, Page 3 [3] Equals tll - t2l [4] Source: Schedule 6 Beta, Page I [5] Source: [3] * [4] [6] Source: [5] + [6] Exhibit No. 05 Case No. INT-G-16-02 S. Gaske,IGC Schedule 6, p. 9 of l0 o o Intermountain Gas Company Beta As of June 312016 Value Line o Atmos Enerry Corporation Spire lnc. New Jersey Resources Corporation NorthwestNatural Gas Company South Jersey Industries, Inc. Southwest Gas Corporation WGL Holdings,lnc. ATO SR NJR NWN SJI swx WGL 0.75 0.70 0.80 0.65 0.80 0.75 0.75 Mean 0.74 Source: Value Line; dated June 3,2016 Exhibit No. 05 Case No. INT-G-I6-02 S. Gaske,IGC Schedule 6, p. l0 of l0 o I N dS co .dERJ:od =gNbs>i€= a>oEXE-=E iEOXEE E6=(EEg9peo g 5.9ieE E E<",io E dE=04 uE9.= E'tr= oo lvEES-op E 6bEz^a E 6 6.4dEvooP.utiE Ydo'ea 3EE6r=5 5 cm'EeAdo:a*dxo>#9'EE H 3 r)to.6 3E A hvts.9 +EEOE!.YEO6e 4 aZoo olE oP CE C 66J6 HNO<l oo z Exhibit No. 05 Case No. INT-G-I6-02 S. Gaske,IGC Schedule 7, p. I ofl s:f-F_o6 I olblolcclts o bd- ?*olct2lfJ FF El. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz z > z z zb -l ol-auiit Eel-.1o.E bl i o El- E $gl. zzzzzzzz> >z> > > > zzzz> > I-ElEHEIn zzz>>>>zzzzzzzz>zzzzz E "',|- Is4 E-EEIE?81- 8E E Hg= tI:o 6'Elq;!!l5il d E€I- EqBEsqR6KsssEsEfi EEgES E El= ;4328;SBBBDaESESBSaBE "zl I#l selsErrszd;'zrdzlBgBBs I IlaI { h--I.Y6EEI : Od dI z c oaI .cccc.Z-i EE>c"=I 6 6 6 6 6 6 5 Eo,q.q E.9.9.9 EEI FFFEFEEE.E;;E.EEEH -EI aBaBaaBB:qq5 FBFE.f,Bc a 9I 666E6666 E E E pcjus.q E.EiiiI BBrBBrrreEEsEf gsE.egg$ I I!frlMrll!l!t!lr.l E !) I O I I I E:. tr:::I a 666Y5r-rrrA* Ir++r s E E E E E€€gEEEEE;€iggggI iiirr< 81 5 ZZai- s Ii:l i I I II"L9>I EEEl E B.E -EE9.| E (Ju -1 E5l E g€.HE eL6 :E 3,q EI u EE EY slI F ,"E6,g sI # ge $s ji EI € EEEE H 9 d o o &o o o Loz cooo oo2.9 A'E- x.EEO \J=:3.=> EO'iz OE=aH6t ,! Fov=?i!U aa)zE gO 3= o aoil c,a oQ 026l o o o o r^oa59iaB Eoo -. 9, tr.E.EP 6 9!.9.9.E6OEE Ea h b ! !E EEE:;E-Q\J€a+U - tr E E,= SE EiE;:'=x664;EEEBb<a-FiFto c.l\\\\\\\lll*lil qqqqqqq $oc.looolr)NOr-O-r \Oio-r-=|Nc?)oc7)i\ooio\oroiar-$$ooOOr OcOrOra)l.}cnN-Olcn(\l 4@(l4(,e+64 qqqqqqqtnoNlnole{$\OO0OrarSoO*lr}$rfo\solF $ - l-. \o cr| ol ra) =fooooo\r o\ao\oN€o\oc.)('i -i -l -i -i -t -oo\o ra) s(aetia sssssss\o o\ ral c.l o\ co €9','.loq9qnoqf-F-oooorscohsf tnl.|r t.)l.) \O \O \O \O \O \O \Oo\ o\ o\ o\ o\ o\ o\oooooooqqqqqqqooooooo iaZZaE| soqo \co\ o a soqorn st.-\0 ra)t \o \o \o \o \o \o \oO\ O\ O\ O\ O\ O\ O\$iiaOOHf-C-,1..ln-d'!qqi ololrH€ra\O+iat$t$$ qqqqqqco\oHtalooooilr)oo\t\o\oiarn \o .o F- o\ o\ o{rf)-so\\o€+ra\ +\O<tooO\qoo^€tao-crl-l(\r r-- 4 \o N -ico () GI H>. .^ adfrp.cEts.cE\J f ) clI(, (d .='n cl (93EOt&E.LJC)ZEa-aiuooLLooaa rol do. oOa(,() G, =o tro al c)H2 ia- trE c; eb 6,Q E.9.i r) v -E r E.U EF gUEFgO ? ((l J-YE() EEEV.,I 9.6* r; g ;EE E ; ;9 Exhibit No. 05 Case No. INT-G-I6-02 S. Gaske,IGC Schedule 8, p. I ofl d o, anO cloF s tro> Eo6H s !9rt.jo,(I)o9A -oq\ -o()o Etr()F & J Lq)voF ar,otroU o.9E\oGl FrAOEcloiU ?t) o9 :ctAZ'E+. kE o 65 frS2Es0 !ee Gt=tr? HCAZR E.EEJCo \,, q) U) cl oQ .A6l(, cl€ o ITtro+.trl- o O o o Ronald L. Williams, ISB No. 3034 Williams Bradbury, P.C. l0l5 W. Hays St. Boise,ID 83702 Telephone: (208) 344-6633 Email: ron@williamsbradbury.com Attorneys for Intermountain Gas Company BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY FOR THE AUTHORITY TO CHANGE ITS RATES AND CHARGES FOR NATURAL GAS SERVICE TO NATURAL GAS CUSTOMERS IN THE STATE OF TDAHO ) ) ) ) ) ) ) Case No. INT-G-16-02 a EXHIBIT 06 o EXHIBITa rcd o O !ntermountain Gas Company Rate Base - 13-Month Average For the Test Year Ending December 31, 2O1611l Line Company Unadjusted Rate BaseNo.Description (a) 1 Gas Plant in Service: 2 OriginalCost 3 Less Accumulated Depreciation 4 Net Gas Plant in Service 5 Materials & Supplies lnventory 6 Gas Storage lnventory 7 Accumulated Deferred lncome Taxes I Advances in Aid of Construction 9 Rate Base (b) 6',12,621,131 (312,607,666) $ $ 235,968,612 NOTES [1] Test Year ending December 31, 2016 is composed of actual results from January 1 - June 30, 2016 and forecasted results from July 1,2016 - December 31, 2016. 300,013,465 3,149,131 4,055,522 (63,356,335) (7,893,171) ExhibitNo.06 Case No. INT-G-I6-02 T. Dedden,IGC p. I ofl o o o Ronald L. Williams, ISB No. 3034 Williams Bradbury, P.C. l0l5 W. Hays St. Boise, ID 83702 Telephone: (208) 3 44-6633 Email: ron@williamsbradbury.com Attorneys for Intermountain Gas Company BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY FOR THE AUTHORITY TO CHANGE ITS RATES AND CHARGES FOR NATURAL GAS SERVICE TO NATURAL GAS CUSTOMERS IN THE STATE OF IDAHO Case No. INT-G-16-02 EXHIBIT 07 ) ) ) ) ) ) ) EXHIBIT o O Lec o lntermountain Gas Company Gas Plant in Service - Original Cost For the Test Year Ending December 31, 2O16tll Line No.Month Gas Plant in Service a/c '10'l 0 and 1060 Average Balance (a)(b)(c) 1 December 2015 2 3 January 2016 4 5 February E' 7 March I 9 April 10 11 May '12 13 June 't4 '15 July 't6 17 August 18 19 September 20 21 October 22 23 November 24 25 December $599,920,846 $ 600,758,812 60't,596,777 602,705,226 603,813,675 603,048,203 603,482,731 604,160,811 604,838,891 605,821,207 606,803,522 608,210,049o609,616,576 611,553,277 613,489,977 6'.t5,278,112 617,066,247 618,971,228 620,876,208 623,178,195 62s,480,182 626,557,555 627,634,927 630,610,898 633,586,869 26 27 28 7,351,453,573 12 $ 612,621,131 NOTES [1] Test Year ending December 31 ,20'16 is composed of aclual results from January 1 - June 30, 2016 and forecasted results from July 1, 20'16 - December 31 , 2016. ExhibitNo.0T Case No. INT-G-16-02 T. Dedden,IGC p. I of6 o o o lntermountain Gas Company Accumulated Depreciation - Gas Plant in Service For the Test Year Ending December 31, 2O16trl Line Accumulated Provision for Depreciation a/c 1080 and 1 'l 'l 0 Average BalanceNo.Month (c)(b)(a) January 2016 February March April May June July August September October November December 1 2 3 4 5 b 7 I 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 't8 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 December2015 $(304,247,389) $ (304,725,374) (305,203,358) (306,348,712) (307,494,066) (307,805,967) (308,1 1 7,867) (308,733,854) (309,349,841) (309,884,447) (310,419,053) (310,899,572) (311,380,090) (312,338,546) (313,297,002) (314,268,020) (315,239,037) (316,217,660) (317,196,283) (318,178,370) (319,160,456) (320,156,747) (321,153,038) (321,734,7151 (322,316,392) (3,751,291,984) 12 $ (312,607,666) &IES [1] Test Year ending December 31, 2016 is composed of ac{ual results from January 1 - June 30, 2016 and forecasted results from July 1, 2016 - December 31, 2016. Exhibit No. 07 Case No. INT-G-I6-02 T. Dedden,IGC p.2 of 6 o o lntermountain Gas Company Materials & Supplies lnventory For the Test Year Ending December 31, 2O16tll Plant Materials & Operating Supplies Undistributed StoresLine No.Month alc 1540 a/c 1630 Month End Total Average Balance (a)(b)(c)(d)(e) January 2016 February March April May June July August September October November December 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 I 10 't1 't2 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 December2015 $2,920,938 $ 3,048J27 3,103,015 3,078,240 3,221,312 3,297,913 3,235,382 3,066,424 3,167,364 3,111,774 3,128,6v 3,163,030 2,716,531 6,977 16,553 7,660 46,558 40,922 (19,924\ 101,450 98,497 36,849 10,093 3,990 $ Total Divided by 2,920,938 3,055,104 3,119,568 3,085,900 3,267,870 3,338,835 3,2'.t5,4s8 3,167,874 3,265,861 3,148,623 3,138,727 3,167,O20 2,716,53'l 2,988,021 3,087,336 3j02,7U 3,176,885 3,303,353 3,277,147 3,191,666 3,216,868 3,207,242 3,143,675 3,152,874 2,941,776 $ o 37,789,577 12 o Average Balance $3,149,13'l NOTES [1] Test Year ending December 31 ,2016 is composed of actual results from January 1 - June 30, 2016 and forecasted results from July 1,2016 - December 31, 2016. Exhibit No. 07 Case No. INT-G-16-02 T. Dedden,IGC p. 3 of6 o Intermountain Gas Company Gas Storage lnventory For the Test Year Ending December 31, 2O16tll Line No.Month Gas Storage alc'1642 Average Balance (c)(b)(a) o 1 December2015 2 3 January2016 4 5 February 6 7 March 8 I April 10 11 May 12 13 June 14 15 July 16 '17 August 18 19 September 20 21 October 22 23 November 24 25 December $3,187,218 3,088,545 2,996,769 2,826,129 3,2U,842 3,421,070 3,479,830 4,132,W 4,777,528 5,,149,306 5,360,486 5,471,151 5,568,313 $3,137,882 3,042,657 2,911,49 3,055,486 3,352,956 3,450,450 3,806,338 4,455,187 5,113,417 5,404,896 5,4'15,819 5,519,732 26 27 28 48,666,269 12 $ 4,055,522 NOTES [1] Test Year ending December 31, 2016 is composed of actual results from January 1 - June 30, 2016 and forecasted results from July 1,2016 - December 31,2016. ExhibitNo.0T Case No. INT-G-16-02 T. Dedden,IGC p.4 of6 o lntermountain Gas Company Deferred lncome Taxes For the Test Year Ending December 31, 20161'r Line Month Accumulated Defened lncome Taxes alc282O Average BalanceNo. (c) December 201 5 $(63,327,538) $(63,323,363) January 2016 (63,319,187) (63,307,1 34) February (63,295,080) (63,270,191) March (63,24s,301) (63,218,584) April (63,191,866) (63,187,509) (63,183,151) (63,287,946) June (63,392,741) (63,401,765) (63,410,788) (63,419,812) August (63,428,835) (63,437,859) September (63,446,882) (63,455,906) October (63,464,929) (63,473,953) November (63,482,976) (63,491,999) December (63,501,022) (760,276,021) 't2 $ (63,3s6,335) NOTES [1] Test Year ending December 31, 2016 is composed of adual results from January 1 - June 30, 2016 and forecasted results from July 1, 2016 - December 31, 2016. (b)(a) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I I 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 May July ExhibitNo.0T Case No. INT-G-16-02 T. Dedden,IGC p. 5 of6 o lntermountain Gas Company Advances in Aid of Construction For the Test Year Ending December 31, 2016t'l Advances in Aid of Conslruction alc252O Line No.Month Average Balance (a)(b)(c) January 2016 February March April May June July August September October November December 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I 9 10 11 12 13 't4 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 December 20'15 $(8,035,6s7) (8,015,621) (8,091,272) (8,057,357) (8,075,877) (8,139,557) (8,288,892) (7,898,865) (7,537,999) (7,5s8,221) (7,612,892) (7,580,129) (7,607,080) (8,025,639) (8,053,447) (8,074,315) (8,066,617) (8,107,717) (8,2',t4,225) (8,093,879) (7,7',t8,432) (7,568,110) (7,605,557) (7,596,51 1) (7,593,605) $ o Total Divided by (94,718,054) 12 Average Balance $ (7,893,171) NOTES [1] Test Year ending December 31 , 201 6 is composed of actual results from January 1 - June 30, 2016 and forecasted results from July '1, 20'16 - December 31, 2016. Exhibit No. 07 Case No. INT-G-I6-02 T. Dedden,IGC p. 6 of6 o o Ronald L. Williams,ISB No. 3034 Williams Bradbury, P.C. l0l5 W. Hays St. Boise,ID 83702 Telephone: (208) 3 44-6633 Email: ron@williamsbradbury.com Attorneys for Intermountain Gas Company BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF TNTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY FOR THE AUTHORITY TO CHANGE ITS RATES AND CHARGES FOR NATURAL GAS SERVICE TO NATURAL GAS CUSTOMERS IN THE STATE OF IDAHO Case No. INT-G-16-02 EXHIBIT 08 ) ) ) ) ) ) ) o EXHIBITo IGd o o lntermountain Gas Company Statement of Operating lncome For the Test Year Ending December 31 , 2016t11 Line No. Aclual Data Ending 6t30t2016 Forecasted Data For the Period 7t31t2016-1,,31t2016 (c) Total (Cols.b+c) (a)(b)(d) 'l Gas Operating Revenues 2 Other Revenues 3 Total Operating Revenue $140,984,189 $ 1,544,AA7 92,653,142 1.3aa.68s Pl $233,637,3s1 2,893,572 142,529,O76 91,867,781 94,OO1,427 58,31 0,385 236,530,903 1 50,1 78,1 66 4 5 6 7 8 I 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 '17 18 19 20 2'l 2, Operating Expenses Cost of Gas Operation & Maintenance Productlon Natural Gas Storage, Terminaling, and Processing Transmission Distribution Customer Accounts Customer Service and lnformational Sales Administrative and General Other Depreciation Payroll Taxes Property Taxes Franchise Taxes lnterest Expense Total Operating Expense Before lncomes Taxes 23 lncomeTaxes 24 Total Operating Expenses 25 Net Operating lncome 33,854 62AJ2O 284,410 9,340,668 4,965,569 109,390 652,915 7,532,347 (53,885) 10,565,532 926,166 1,578,87',| 4,141,133 2,O32,150 12,711 754,974 21't,628 9,51 4,1 69 4,413,061 93,220 610,738 7,615,725 147,395 1 1,141,580 816,836 1,620,000 2,946,727 2,316,273 46,565 1,383,094 496,038 18,854,837 9,378,630 202,610 1,263,653 15,148,O72 93,51 0 21,707,112 1,743,OO2 3,1 98,871 7,087,860 4.348.423 134,605,021 2,870,940 100,525,422 (2,665,465) 235,'t30,443 205,475 137,475,961 $5,053,1 15 $ (3,8s8,130) $ 1,194,985 NOTES [1] Test Year ending December 31, 2016 is composed of aciual results from January '1 - June 30, 2016 and forecasted results from July 1, 2016 - December 31 2016. [2] See Exhibit No. 09, Page 1 Exhibit No. 08 Case No. INT-G-I6-02 T. Dedden,IGC p. I ofl 97,859,957 235,335,918 O o o Ronald L. Williams, ISB No. 3034 Williams Bradbury, P.C. 1015 W. Hays St. Boise, [D 83702 Telephone: (208) 344-6633 Email: ron@williamsbradbury.com Attorneys for Intermountain Gas Company BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY FOR THE AUTHORITY TO CHANGE ITS RATES AND CHARGES FOR NATURAL GAS SERVICE TO NATURAL GAS CUSTOMERS IN THE STATE OF IDAHO Case No. INT-G-16-02 EXHIBIT 09 ) ) ) ) ) ) ) EXHIBIT No. o rGc o lntermountain Gas Company Other Revenues and lnterest lncome For the Test Year Ending December 3t, ZOtOtll Actual Data Ending 6R0/2016 Line Forecasted Data For the Period 7B1nV6428112016No.Total (a) Other Revenues Miscellaneous Service Revenue Field Colleclion Charge Retum Check Charge Account lnitiation Charge Reconnection Charge lnterest on Past Due Accounts Other Miscellaneous Non-Operating Revenues Cash Discounts Rent Non-Utility Revenue Total (c)(b)(d) ,| 2 3 4 5 b 7 I I 10 1'l 12 $606,844 $ 15 58,720 481,2U 25,894 367,312 7,917 3,834 573,625 $ 870 40,060 565,302 8,',t62 139,696 7,800 10,703 2,325 142 1,180,469 885 98,780 1,046,586 34,056 507,008 15,7',t7 't4,537 2,325 142 1 ,551,820 1,348,685 2,900,505 o 13 14 15 16 lnterest lncome lnterest lncome AFUDC Equity Total (6,933)(6,933) (6,e33)(6,e33) 17 Total Other Revenues and lnterest lncome $ 1,544,887 $ 1,348,685 $ 2,893,572 NOTES [1] TestYearending December 31,2016 iscomposed ofactual results from January 1 - June 30,2016 and forecasted resultsftom July 1,2016 - December 31, 2016. ExhibitNo.09 Case No. INT-G-I6-02 T. Dedden,IGC p. I ofl o o Ronald L. Williams, ISB No. 3034 Williams Bradbury, P.C. l0l5 W. Hays St. Boise,ID 83702 Telephone: (208) 344-6633 Email : ron@williamsbradbury.com Attomeys for Intermountain Gas Company BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITES COMMISSION TN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY FOR THE AUTHORITY TO CHANGE ITS RATES AND CHARGES FOR NATURAL GAS SERVICE TO NATURAL GAS CUSTOMERS IN THE STATE OF IDAHO ) ) ) ) ) ) ) Case No. INT-G-16-02 o EXHIBIT 10 o EXHIB!To T@c o o lntermountain Gas Company Cost Allocation Manual 20L6 A Subsidiary of MDU Resources Group, lnc. ln the Community fo Serve' INTErcUNTAIN' GAs COMPANY ExhibitNo.l0 Case No. INT-G-16-02 T. Dedden,IGC p. I of16 o o Table of Contents Overview L 2 3 3 3 3 4 5 5 6 7 7 MDU Resources Group, lnc. (MDUR)Allocations Shared Services.. Payroll Shared Services Procurement Shared Services. Enterprise Technology Service General and Administrative Services Montana-Dakota/Great Plains Allocation of Cost tofrom Others Allocations to/from other MDUR Companies.... Allocations to other Utility Companies.............. o Standard Labor Distributions ................ Labor/Reim bu rsable expense allocations.. Intermountain Gas Company Allocations Error! Bookmark not defined. Exhibit !- MDUR Corporate Overhead factor 8 Exhibit ll- MDUR Shared Services Pricing Methodology 9 Exhibit lll- Utility Operations Support Allocation Methodology...L2 ExhibitNo. l0 Case No. INT-G-16-02 T. Dedden,IGC p.2 of 16 o o Overview Intermountain Gas Company (IGC), a subsidiary of MDU Resources Group, Inc. (MDUR), conducts business in Idaho with regulated gas distribution operations. Below is an overview of the operational structure for the purpose of assigning costs. The diagrams presented are intended to provide an overview for cost allocation only and are not intended to represent the legal structure of the Corporation. Note that costs from MDUR and FutureSource are directly assigned or allocated and charged to the operating companies (i.e. Utilities Group, WBI Energy, etc.) Corporate Level o ExhibitNo. l0 Case No. INT-G-I6-02 T. Dedden,IGC p.3of16 o o o Utility Group Level This document is intended to provide an overview of the different types of allocations and the processes employed to direct costs to the proper utility for Intermountain Gas Company. This document will discuss the allocations from . MDUR and FutureSource to Intermountain Gas Companyo Montana-Dakota/Great Plains (MDU) and Cascade Natural Gas (CNG) to Intermountain Gas Company. Intermountain Gas to MDU and CNG Overall, the approach to allocating costs at each level is to directly assign costs when applicable and to allocate costs based on the function or driver of the cost. MDU Resources Group, Inc. (MDUR) Allocations The MDUR corporate staff consists of shared services departments (payroll, procurement and enterprise technology) and administrative and general depaftments. ExhibitNo. l0 Case No. INT-G-I6-02 T. Dedden,IGC p.4 ofl6 o o o Shared Services MDU Resources Group, Inc. has several departments that provide specific services to the operating companies. These departments have developed a pricing methodology which is updated annually for the allocation of costs to the MDUR operating companies that utilize their services. (See Exhibit II) These departments include: Payroll Shared Services Payroll Shared Services department provides comprehensive payroll services for MDUR companies and employees. It processes payroll in compliance with appropriate federal, state and local tax laws and regulations. Payroll Shared Services is also responsible for preparation, filing and payment of all payroll related federa!, state and loca! tax returns. It also maintains and facilitates payments and accurate reporting to payroll vendors for employee benefits and other payroll deductions. For Intermountain Gas Compony, the payroll shared services department is also responsible for the accumulation of time entry records and maintenance of employee records. Intermountain Gas Company does not have any departments that provide these payrol! related services. Procurement Shared Services Procurement Shared Services creates and maintains the Corporation's national accounts for the purchase of products, goods and services. National accounts take advantage of the combined purchasing power of all of the Corporation's operating companies. National accounts, or preferred vendor agreements, typically are negotiated at the corporate level rather than at the local company level. Procurement Shared Services also is responsible for monitoring the level of services, quantities, discounts and rebates associated with established national accounts. Intermountain Gas Company has a single procurement depaftment that places specific purchase requests for materials and services required to conduct business with approved vendors. Enterprise Technology Service Enterprise Technology Services (ETS) provides policy guidance, infrastructure related IT functions and security-focused governance. ETS seeks to increase the return on investment in technology through consolidation of common IT systems and services, while eliminating ExhibitNo. l0 Case No. INT-G-16-02 T. Dedden,IGC p.5 of16 o o O waste and duplication. ETS works to increase the quality and consistency of technology, increase functionality and service to the enterprise, provide governance for managing and controlling risk and reduce costs through economies of scale. Intermountain Gas Company's IT department consists of Montana- Dakota/Great Plains employees physically located in Kennewick, Washington, Boise, Idaho, and Bismarck, North Dakota. This Department is responsible for supporting applications specific to the utility group such as the Customer Care & Billing System, the JD Edwards financial software, Scada and mobile applications, Enterprise GIS, and PowerPlan which is the project and fixed asset accounting software. In addition the utility group IT department develops business continuity plans in the case of disaster recovery. General and Administrative Services Administrative and general functions performed by MDUR for the benefit of the operating companies include the following departments: . Corporate governance, accounting & planning. Communications & public affairso Human resources. Internal audit. Investor relations. Legal. Risk managemento Tax and compliance. Travel. Treasury services Intermountain Gas Company receives an allocation of these corporate costs. Corporate Policy No. 50.9 states *.[f is the policy of the Company to allocate MDU Resources Group, Inc.'s (MDU) administrative costs and general expenses to the MDUT business units". Business units described in the policy have been referred to as operating companies in this document. The policy states that costs that directly relate to a business unit will be directly assigned to the applicable business unit and only the remaining unassigned expenses will be allocated to the operating companies using the corporate allocation methodology. The allocation factor developed to apportion MDUR's unassigned administrative costs is a capitalization factor which is based on 12 month average capitalization at March 31, effective July 1 and ExhibitNo. l0 Case No. INT-G-16-02 T. Dedden,IGC p.6ofl6 o o at September 30, effective January 1 each year. Capitalization includes total equity and current and non-current long-term debt (including capital lease obligations). The computation of the Corporate Overhead Allocation Factors is shown in Exhibit I. Intermountain Gas Company is reflected as IGC in the Corporate Overhead Allocation Factors in Exhibit I. Operating companies that receive allocated costs on a monthly basis from MDUR include: . Montana Dakota - Electric utility segment. Montana Dakota/Great Plains - Gas utility segment. Cascade Natural Gas (CNG)o Intermountain Gas Company (IGC). WBI Energy Transmissiono WBI Midstream. Knife River Construction (KRC)o MDU Construction Services Group, Inc. (CSG) Corporate costs are recorded in the administrative and general (A&G) function for IGC. Montana-Dakota/Great Plains Allocation of Cost tolfrom Others Allocations tolfrom other MDUR Companies Certain Montana-Dakota/Great Plains owned assets, such as the General Office/Annex facility, located at the utility headquarters in Bismarck, and the assets associated with the contribution made for FutureSource assets, are also used for the benefit of other MDUR operating companies. To cover the cost of ownership and operating costs associated with these owned assets, a revenue requirement (asset return plus annual operating expenses) is computed for the shared assets. The expense component included in the return is composed of operating and maintenance costs, depreciation, income tax and property tax expenses. The resulting revenue requirement is billed to the other MDUR operating companies, including CNGC and IGC, as a monthly fee. The costs are allocated based on the number of customers served by each utility. Intermountain Gas Company owns the customer care center located in Meridian, ID. To cover the cost of ownership and operating costs associated with that owned asset, a revenue requirement (asset return plus annual ExhibitNo.l0 Case No. INT-G-16-02 T. Dedden,IGC p.7 of16 o o o operating expenses) is computed similarly to Montana-Dakota owned assets. The expense component included in the return is composed of operating and maintenance costs, depreciation, income tax and property tax expenses. The resulting revenue requirement is billed to the Montana-Dakota/Great Plains and Cascade as a monthly fee. The costs are allocated based on the number of customers served by each utility. Certain Cascade owned assets, such as the portion of the Genera! Office facility used for Shared Services (i.e. Gas Control, IT), located at the utility headquarters in Kennewick, are also used for the benefit of other MDUR operating companies. To cover the cost of ownership and operating costs associated with these owned assets, a revenue requirement (asset return plus annual operating expenses) is computed for the shared assets. The expense component included in the return is composed of operating and maintenance costs, depreciation, income tax and property tax expenses. The resulting revenue requirement is billed to the other MDUR operating companies, including MDU and IGC, as a monthly fee. The costs are allocated based on the number of customers served by each utility. Allocations to other Utility Companies Montana-Dakota/Great Plains has severa! departments that provide services to all four utility operating companies (Montana-Dakota, Great Plains, Cascade Natural Gas Co. and Intermountain Gas Company). These departments include: . Leadership Group - composed of the Executive Group and Directors that oversee shared utility specific functions. Customer Services - (Cal! Center, Scheduling and Online Services). Information Technology and Communications- (Management Information Systems, Technology and Compliance). Administrative Services - (Procurement, Office Services, Fleet Operations). Gas Supply & Control These operational groups have calculated the proper allocation to use to allocate the costs to the utility companies based on services performed for each utility company. The allocation methodology is included in Exhibit III. ExhibitNo. l0 Case No. INT-G-I6-02 T. Dedden,IGC p.8 of16 o o o Standard Labor Distributions Labor/ Reimbursable expense allocations The development of standard labor distributions for Intermountain Gas Company employees is described below based on the type of employee. Standard labor distributions are used for all employees to account for certain expenses as detailed below. Labor, benefit costs and reimbursable expenses are directly assigned to a jurisdiction where possible. If the expense is not direct, the appropriate jurisdiction is charged as follows: Union Employees Time tickets are required for productive time when working on capital projects. The employee specifies the proper capital project work order created to track project costs. To account for Operations, Maintenance, and non-productive time, standard payroll labor distributions are established for all employees. These standard labor distributions are calculated for union employees based on the historical actual charges. Non-Union Employees Non-union employees are not required to submit detailed time tickets with applicable general ledger accounts specified. Rather each employee has a "standard" set of general ledger accounts that split the labor costs based on an expected ratio of work. This split can be unique and is based on the employee's position. Costs are distributed based on this standard labor distribution for each employee, and the allocations are reviewed periodically. Common Facilities Customer Service Center The Utility Group operates a Customer Service Center in Meridian, Idaho for the purpose of providing telephone customer service to customers served by Montana Dakota Utilities (MDU), Intermountain Gas Co. (IGC), and Cascade o o ExhibitNo.l0 Case No. INT-G-I6-02 T. Dedden,IGC p.9of16 o o Natural Gas Corp. (CNG). Operating expense allocations of the Customer Service Center are described on Page 6 - Allocations to other Utility Companies; Customer Services. Capital costs of the Customer Service Center are recorded on IGC's books. Allocable costs of the facility and equipment include depreciation expense, a return on the invested capital of the facility using Cost of Capital, and income taxes associated with the return on invested capital (net of cost of debt associated with the facility). The allocable costs are billed monthly to CNG and MDU. The cost driver for the allocations is customers served by each utility Boise General Office The Boise General Office provides office facilities for administrative and general functions of Intermountain Gas Co.. In addition to IGC corporate staff in the General Office, the facility is also utilized by Information Technology (IT) and Geographic Informations Systems (GIS) staff that serve the Utility Group. A cost recovery process exists for the Boise General Office that is identical to the Customer Service Center process, however also includes occupancy expenses of the facility in addition to depreciation expense, a return on the invested capita! of the facility, and income taxes associated with the return on invested capital (net of cost of debt associated with the facility). The allocable costs are billed monthly to CNG and MDU. The cost driver for the allocations is customers served by each utility. Exhibit I- MDUR Corporate Overhead factor l$m*ane-Wda Llti*t s C$. CORPOR*TE S'Ef,H{TAS AITffi}IOH F*CTOR$ "InmryJurwtStS trro'{TAtilA-OAl(OfA FI.ECIBIC SAE&&T T(yIAI"pnG GC 0.9 UTilTY wBr 75 E(P[OR"& WBI t$ri. FROO. H€GUrA?Ep (EC cSG 0.0 E.s 21.2 8.5 '00.00 ExhibitNo.l0 Case No. INT-G-I6-02 T. Dedden,IGC p. l0 of16 o Corpofib frdo(11.1 t1.a r15 $r.3 o Exhibit II- MDUR Shared Services Pricing Methodology tlDU Resourccs M SeoApr Plietug lleffrcdology - Efies{Iw for 2O16 llote: liDUEsaourmtulcotSurcdtxviocc-tdDUResourcescoSsforeacfisharedssviceshmdionisctrarged based on the cwpsate allocatimfacts. 7St - PayrsB Shged ScrY*ret: PayrollSftaredSe*vicescostsareinw$cedbasedsn$lenumbofemplryeespaidandstatedasacostp*cfiedc The word cfieet fortl"$s purpose, genedca{yrefersto pep€r pay$ad(s, direddepqlitgandn6ffifSbarssdlrs. Checks oreEharged onaliwadstnrci.ve, irtendedto recogt'8ze$eExed nrbaseline afiortassocialedr+ith ma;ir*airdngapayro$qdeandassseiatedrepwting,regnrdessofnumberofpeoSepaid. hisalsoiilterdadtora*sdconsoffitionof multiple payEra.ps andcsnpflieslilfiere pqssiHeandtcalignchargesr+ithfteaddional ellYcdrequimdto msinta;in mdtipl e pay gro-ps and paycfdes. The rnonitdyvdwneforthisstep pficirqis acrunulatediir$vidlanyforeacfi payclde proce$Ed. Cheiks For$ee&lf paycydEs, cost percfred< basedon$re aunberefcfied(swritten FEr moflSt; S 4.25 per chsdr for the fi rsi StXl cfied{s $ 0.75 per cfi edt for fte nsl 5[$ ehcdu $ 0.15 perchecftfor eacfiaddtianel cfieck Chocks fornsrueelrlypaycycles, cet percfiec*hsedonSrenumberofcfiedcwritten permordfi: $ 4.25 per ch ock forihe fi rsl 15fi! cfi edrs $ 0.75 per chadtforthe nql 5{X}cheds 5 0.15 percfieclsfor eachad,&iwul cfied< AdditimaBy, therewill bea${.{IIcfiargafor eachtax palmer{and$250.00chargpfor aach quaderlytaxfilingandE cilargeforeach'1ff2 Thereis a $Sfi) per month minfunum clurgeforemfiopaatiqc{rmpaflf. Thereisap,remiumclrargeof$S0parbarsadionforspacifiedcydechacksandbad+paycalqrlEtims. Exam$esof hansautisrc irdudedinste premirm chaqesdrcdleare misdrqtranrs, refimded deductfoms,lsnglbofseryiceawards submitted toolalefor irrtrsistinassfiedlledpayrdlprocess,and back paycalqrlation becausean irrreasewas subm:ittedafrerthepaypedodthdin$ldesSteetrudivedate. frramSesofharuadioruH(dudEdfromtheprcmium c$arEecalc*lationare bonus paymeats.fiaal payr*eda, certitedwagesetflemer*s, orany payrrentreqrdred as I resultofa $rarad Service orsyshm errar. fEI -Bocurerneut Shsed Seruircs: Prscuremar*Sharedsery*nscs$sareinroicedbasedonfiveseparatefactsrs,allsarr!,rnllanequalweiqf*ofz$g[, the fac*ors are: NumberoflfisaCards as of 8dljtS Totial Msa Spend f'r 2014 NationdAiccatr* Spend for201 4 Number ofCnnsh.lcilim Equffi,er*Acqui$tions in 2014 Number inZ)14 o I T I I a o ExhibitNo. l0 Case No. INT-G-I6-02 T. Dedden,IGC p. ll of16 It 4S#Vl5rqcryds if,2 #i6 tzt un .l16 3.5tr1-6 S YI:,A cerdE {-238 zt-7[?,I3-12tt fi-5SB fi-t,?x 8.rli}tl *.,,i7,t{x}'tr \ttrSAssrd t.fixlap 7.rs!.?zl s-M7"7t2 tt-gE&+I s.s,*.3f,2 a?Hr.ra 1.4t5.#s,"*Iarfit tt od TcadVISAsmrd it.6l*rt.{{H 12.ffi x.0{E 24.S.?t 7-txlx 3.6}it t{x}x ntgEAE{qr* So€nd t0.sr.gfl 2r.2.+?.m 13,1?.IG 83.tl8-r.&t 43.&t.7fi.5.{63.W 3.ts.m r74,0+?,tul ;+gt{iffit-Accout Sfisrd 6.2tX r2.28lt {,24 t[7-?:]*24-87%2 97S I 8$*.t{xrlt * Co*slruc{*xrEq4t FEqmsIME o fli t3 ilt vt ?29t*& CoretilotgilE$&,E lc5ft8fE o.txI,t t8"7r*4-jHIS 29.258 37.?E!(7.{8'!g 2,38*t{xrf* rf€EAM&&trs u 6{t 3g il9 ffi 3E B f,42 * of FIEE{Acqisfims o_tlrE :t-sB ESvS 21.$tt .r9.{}Brt 8,6{B 1"21?.rtxr* Toiel*idrfud Clocaliurf:ckr 3"0t'tt 1?"tltlt * z?'*lt 3tt Erx 3t"ffi affi e06tt {{x}"00:[ o o ?ffi -TfrreErtn SililEd scrviH: Senrice provided 10$tr to ttl e [tr]t UtillyGrrup. Entcrprirc TcrholoEF Sclriccs (ETS): TheresesweralETSdeprtmerts,andeacilisbilhdoutEsedonitsaumcrilerh. Thcfl:easfollfttE: Agslilsticn Scryip {7S5} 1tXH6 ofthese cs$s are hscd onlhe Gtrptratefasts. CurtoflrsR#ioo*{S5}-Two fectorsareusEd inttreinvoicing of the enlerprise cetsEssochtedsithc{rslomer rdalions. Thoeecaetsrreinrcicedbasedupcr&enrmbaofdanicessumqrtedbyor$omerfelatitrE. Themeftsused to dderminedevlpeow*sis daricesslathavedtecltedir*oadivadiredryduingaH! day paiodin &esummerof 201 5. The remainirq costs are for cosG specilb to the IPT se invoEcd upmth e IPT allocatiwr Deui- C.ouab 266 r,057 436 1,810 1,277 45?658 6,O2{ 96 of Oeyie Counls it-/t2rt6 t7-55*8-2{!t6 3$,Otrr*21,219f 7-5St6 10,9ilr r00{i TobXr 4.{2rt6 !?-551t 8.2{9&3S.O6t6 21.21?I 7.sCtC 'to.gift6 10{x,[ IFT A3ocetirn 217 527 341 1.382 66 297 ?75 3,0r8 116 ol IFT Alocelioa 7.096 t7.o$11.Ot5 it4.59t 2.0%9.6!&8.996 100!tt Tohts 7.0*t7 0!6,,l I o!f,{4 5q6 2"096 g Eti 8.gtt t00t6 Csfl rnw n icatilrc e SGcilrtty {9f t } EnterprbecfiarE€sfortirEcofirmur{etimsEroparai*rcbedusingthreeweigfrfieddlocatilmtrdorE. ThBfadtrsareas follonn: 1,10fi*lEArea NetrysrM-ocal ArEaf.le{ilod$rlEtuspdailArea NdwortcNumberof hrsinesswrt localkrsfiOj6} ?JEtgtt$rFircuallApcess - Numb€r of us er accutrfs {3816} t$nmriiltSo*) The esstr are ;inyr{ced hsed oritfrBfo$eling perctr*aggs: WA!#tAT#MAN 2 52:t28 208 5?17 13 472 !t of$usiness Unit Lor*ions O.,t2lE ,.t.ozt*27.129f,43.0rt[12.49[3.509&2-75!r {o0{E ExhibitNo.l0 Case No. INT-G-I6-02 T. Dedden,IGC p. 12 of16 o o lfitsrfiEt AsedHrawdl 266 1,057 ,{Sf 1.810 1.277 it57 65S 8.02'l 16 of lJcer A.ro,unts ,*.42qt {7.559t 8.2/t9[30.{H[2{"z1gt 7.5996 10.f,t96 1o{}qt Securitf * of Hendrets 20_ooltt ,0-3.{9G 20.txH6 20.fin6 20,trHt 5-82'!tC 3.84 9&,too9[ Tt*r*s I I ..f1 S[{2 6t!T {7 Sri6 27 Bqf,t8.ED6 5.9196 5.75{S 1loorxBi Ogrfiilt*ril*t*f\ -Enterpfisecfiargcsfortheoperf,titrEgflilpf,rcinrr{,icedusingtwosepa*atefactryr 95.1%ofthe costsarehaseduptrrflenurTrhfofseFrefs$alarBsr.FpsltedforEpartfix,hrhrsinessrErL Theseseffelsaretfie{l brokenoutbdween[-dlsscicesanrersanclsirarcdstrvicescntrs.4.9t&ofthecmGareforcmtsspcciEcto&reASr4{X, are :iarobed upffi th G ASrimO allocati m es agteed to by MDu and t t Bl- ThecosB$atare hs6d uptrt$renumberefsetuels are based onthefollodng ptrcErtsgcs: Lf;tdl Senrice Sstrets-{7596} fi,Sfagrul Senrice Serv ers - {2516} o Fu* Se$oe Se*ers 25.7 't47 rt3 90 20 o 0 552 86 of Fuil Seruie Senerg *5.6596 26.649&7.799i t6-396 3-62{E o.oot6 0.009i {oo9[ Shaled SeaieSgyel=o 35 38 59 6€A2 88 378 r Er rux !€wFe Seaers o.809[25.r3tB {o.ffitr 15.6tr*I7.JBC 8.4?q6 23.28rt&toolr Tot IE 3,f-2,lti 26 E}l I 35S {6 t3f 7.08t5 2.129t 5.82S 100t6 FinsrcaandAdm*nirbEtim {S4-. Gostsforfrrfinarrceandadmirbtratiqngrqpareiflvahsdbased upm&e combifl €d mcffioddorjesof$rBfourpreviffs$idEntihd ETS grqrFs. ExhibitNo. l0 Case No. INT-G-I6-02 T. Dedden,IGC p. 13 of16 ?t olfotat Frrsn€s &Adr&idcllro 2f illqi ,t6-5{96 ,t2-42*2r.54*{3.0!q6 4 29q6 5 7t!t[toorf, :.::r.: : :ir: o O o Exhibit III- Utility Operations Support Allocation Methodology tJtility Ope rations 5u pport Labor Distribution Allocation Methodology Leadersl&Gro$n: r lnrludesExs<utiveMre Fresidents& trirertors r Ove rseel ull sh*red, utility sprciftc fu nctions in tfi e fol lcwing areaa: o CustsnrerServices o Adminiskative Servires o Infornntion Tethnslogt& Cemmunirations o Engineeringand Operations Procedures o Gre Supplyand GuGontrol r Alloration methodologv: o Equal portion allocated b euh uUlity company, or brand o For portion allo€ated tp Mcnhn+.Dahoby'Great Flainl if th:re i= involvernentwith non- utility *lork allorate 1% (inrluding0l5% forGreat Flains| to non-utility based on historkalestimates,urith remainderallocatedtoguandrJertricba*donnrekrcount o Far pcrtisn allorated tq Montana-thl*ota/Great Plainn if there is ns invslyenrent with non-utility urork, allorate beturcen gas and elertric bmd on neter f,ount. €rrtqmersery*Es: r Direrbr o 3595 to CttE, 30?6 to lGC, 35}s Montana-tlakot#Great Plains lItI6 to non-utilitr,l and rernaindrrsplit beturcen gro and eleskic meErsount- r Management team o Supe rvlsnrc: Front Il ne supervision for Cusbr*er Se rrrice Ge nte r r 30?6 ts CFIG, 30?6 to ffi, It016 Monhna-hkotay'Great Flains r {296 to non-utilityf and rernainderallocated to gu and eledric based on thr estirnate of firre required tosuprvise o M*nryer: Custarner servke r 50?6 CI'IG, 2096l{BC, 5O9g Msnbna'DakctalGreat Flains r {196 b non -ufility} and rerminder allocated to gao and electrir nreter count r Credit o Responsible for creditand collertionsforthe tltilitlp Group o Allo<ation Methsdoloey r MoEt agents +nly handle creditactivity for one brand, they charge all tirne to that brand ! For 4ents that handle mr,rltiple brands, tinre is <harged b*d on how much tine is rpentun emh brand o ExhibitNo. l0 Case No. INT-G-I6-02 T. Dedden,IGC p. 14 of16 t B#ed qn estirnated tirne uling history o o o o o Far 4ent= ffiat only handle creditufivityfor hlontana.IlaloblGreat Plains: r Allocated bgre and clectric bed on meEr Eount For 4ents th*t handle creditfor Monbn*Dakota/Great Plainsand ans,ther brand,the porti*n is alhrated toexh utility bred on average tirne spentin eac h utility udth the Montana-Elakob/Great Flai ns portion al located b gu and elertr.ir ped on neter count- Scheduling o Responsible fsrschedulirgfield rarcrkforemplolrees performingwork in t*le field forthe utility Group o Responsible foremergenrrrrespnse 24f,I o Alloration Methodology: o Managementteam:t MEnfrgEr 2O?6lG(, 3tl9{iClilG, 5Og6 Montan*'Dakoby'Great Plainslallocated to gas and elertric hred on mehr fount" r TEdm Leads 25?6 EC, ZS?EEFE, 50?6 Montan*Dakota/Great Plain$ cllorated ta gc and elecFl( based on rnetercounL. For e mployees thatan ly schrdule one brand, r harge tirne to that brandt tur Employees thatschedule both GC and CFIG, splitttnre 5O/5O b*ed on esti rnated ti rne req ui red r For ernployees who schedule all brands,split evenly . Fcr ernployee: that only schedule Monhn+.Ihkob/Great Plains: r Allocated brtneen gasand electrk bsed on neter countt For € Erploy€es thatsched ule credtfor Montan*.Dakot4/Great Plai ns and enother brand,the portion isallocated to rarh utility bued on the shared utilitr,, The Ntonhm+.Oakoh/GrratPlains alloration is bued on the gas and electric rneterscunt CustomerServire o Responsib le for hand lingall in bou nd ralls duri'ng regu lar apr rating hcu rs o Allstation Method*rlog1.: t Teatru ledsand Custonrer Care Reprrsentatirres {CCR'I} when only responsi'He for sne brand, charge all that tirne to one brand r For ernployeesto+ering multiple brands, estimaftesare routinely made for allo<aticns for the Bay period r For emplsyees respqnsiHe for lMontana-Dakota/Great Plains: r 3% (including O-596forGreat Plains! ischarged to non-utilityfsr credit xtivity wiated wit*'l non-utility charges, bred on bestestirnate of tinre required r Remainder is allorated kttveen gc and electrir baned an rnrhr rount Exhibit No. 10 Case No. INT-G-16-02 T. Dedden,IGC p. 15 of16 o o ; T fu r e mphyees responsiHe for MsnEoa-DakotqlGreat Plains and ano$rer brand, the partion al located to non-uti [ity is red ucrd xcord ing]y to 3?d {inc I ud }ng O5?6 lor Great Plai ns} of the tatal mciated with Monhn+ Bakota/Great Plains- Curtorne r Pragrans & Supporrt o Rrsponsible fsr inbound sel'f-tervire,web hclp,custonrer prognrntranffti,sn:"and analytical su ppor,t for the tltilitv Grcu p o Allo<ation l\ltethodolsgf: o Manager r 3016 !ff, 3ffiCi{G. 4O% lrfionhna'Dal*b/Great Plain* (altocaE te gre and elesFk bued on nrete rcountl r Bmd on additional tinre fsr Montana-Dahota/Great FIai ns on social nedia u pdaEs & Credit BeFt respansibilities o $upervisor, Team t-ead, und SupportStaff. Equal por:tion allorated toearh brand r tur Fortion allorated to MontaneBakota/Grrat Flains, if there is inrmlrrement with non-r.rtilityurerkallocate 1t6 {inc[uding0-25%forGPFIG]to nan-utility, broed on historical estirmtes, with rsrninder allscated b gasand electric hred on rnetercount- . tur portion atlorated b Monhn*Dakoh/Great Plains, if thrre i= no invohenrentrarith non-utilityriuork,allocatedto gu and ehctrir baed on rneter rount hbte: E<ceptlons nralt be made on an individual bslsfr,omthesr guidelines o Employeesnray heusi[nedspeclal pro]ests,andallocation nnthodologynrarybe changed acrordingly- o l-aborailocatlon rnayalttnys be nrdeonan xtual time spentbcisratlrerthan tfiese guidelines- c Supervisors rnayalErthue guidelines bmed on t{reir individualscrnaris- ExhibitNo. l0 Case No. INT-G-I6-02 T. Dedden,IGC p. 16 of16 o o o Ronald L. Williams,ISB No. 3034 Williams Bradbury, P.C. 1015 W. Hays St. Boise,ID 83702 Telephone : (208) 3 44 -6633 Email: ron@williamsbradbury.com Attorneys for Intermountain Gas Company BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF INTERMOI.JNTAIN GAS COMPANY FOR THE AUTHORITY TO CHANGE ITS RATES AND CHARGES FOR NATTIRAL GAS SERVICE TO NATURAL GAS CUSTOMERS IN THE STATE OF IDAHO Case No. INT-G-16-02 EXHIBIT 11 ) ) ) ) ) ) ) EXHIBIT o TOc o o Line No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 I 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 lntermountain Gas Company Cross Charge Summary For the Test Year Ending December 31, 2016 tlr June YTD Actuals (b) Cross Charqe Department Geographic lnformation Service MDU Cross Charges MDUR Cross Charges Credit & Collections Customer Services, Dir Meridian-Customer Service Customer DevelopmenVPrograms Scheduling lT Risk Mgt lnformation Tech, Dir Communications lnformation Systems Mobile Services Manager Office Services Cascade Natural Gas Corp. (a) Six Month Forecast (c) Total (d) 625,834.46 't,711,863.28 2,795,560.50 559,855.81 22,653.20 2,085,204.05 493,642.68 328,510.47 1,824,559.16 (163,274.41) 278,306.59 1 ,560,318.87 345,439.60 2,928,O70.88 431,324.01 $ 2e4,243.8e $ 902,557.68 1,208,736.02 254,331.43 (184,399.95) 957,452.98 229,087.55 159,663.74 889,458.47 (61,100.3s) 93,385.65 1,17'.t,052.90 169,924.10 1,635,692.08 216,213.12 331,590.57 $ 809,306 1,586,824 305,524 207,053 1,127.751 264,555 168,847 935,10't -102,174 184,921 389,266 175,515 1,292,379 215,111 $ 7,936,299.31 $ 7,891,569.83 $ 15,827,869.14 Notes [1] Test Year ending December 3L,20!6 is composed of actual results from January 1 - June 30, 2016 and forecasted results from July t,zOtG - December 31, 2016. Exhibit No. I I Case No. INT-G-16-02 T. Dedden,IGC p.1 ofl o o Ronald L. Williams, ISB No. 3034 Williams Bradbury, P.C. 1015 W. Hays St. Boise,ID 83702 Telephone: (208) 344-6633 Email: ron@williamsbradbury.com Attorneys for Intermountain Gas Company BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY FOR THE AUTHORITY TO CHANGE ITS RATES AND CHARGES FOR NATURAL GAS SERVICE TO NATURAL GAS CUSTOMERS IN THE STATE OF IDAHO ) ) ) ) ) ) ) Case No. INT-G-16-02 o EXHIBIT 12 o 0. LGC EXHIBIT o lntermountain Gas Company Rate Base - 13-Month Average For the Test Year Ending December 31, 2O16t1I Line No.Description Company Unadjusted Rate Base Company Adjustments Company Adjusted Rate Base (a) 1 Gas Plant in Service: 2 OriginalCostt2] 3 LessAccumulated Depreciationt3l 4 Net Gas Plant in Service 5 Materials & Supplies lnventofal 6 Gas Storage lnventofsl 7 Cash Working Capitalt6l 8 Accumulated Deferred lncome Taxest4 g Advances in Aid of Constructiontsl 10 Rate Base (b) $ 612,621,131 $ (312,607,666) (c) (16,555,572) 4,156.820 (d) $ 596,065,559 (308,450,846) 287,614,713 3,149,131 3,195,613 1,032,688 (50,172,477\ (7,893,171) 300,013,465 3,149,131 4,055,522 1,032,688 (63,356,335) (7,893,171) (12,399,752) 13,183,858 o (859,909) $ 237,001,300 $ (74,803)$ 236,926,497 NOTES [1] Test Year ending December 31, 2016 is composed of actual financial data from January 1 - June 30, 2016 and forecasted financial data from July 1, 2016 - December 31, 2016. [2] See Exhibit No. 13, Page 1. [3]See Exhibit No. 13, Page2. [4] See Exhibit No. 13, Page 3. [5] See Exhibit No. 13, Page 4. [6] See Exhibit No. 13, Page 5. [7] See Exhibit No. 13, Page 6. [8]See Exhibit No. 13, Page 7. ExhibitNo. l2 Case No. INT-G-I6-02 J. Darrington, IGC p. I of2 o r1 tfl tfl tfl rfl r1 tfl r1 r1 r1 r$ o6@_ @ ct N @- N 8- o 6ol O 66lNri ol ci 6- -l o- ; l- "41 s$Eleo*l .ol E eEI ; €"1 E E EI=5!1 .l 7 El=p Et-o b-l "l,l B EI -Eg= "l.l?tr Pl ^a El"-l -to6l6?loFOl E E EI=gb1E"l o @. N F. N NN@. O o P-5 Fq_oE a:68-9!? o &< = <ioN ooE o @ N EP 6 o! '5c E Po @ oNd o b6 o E .s {, oo: (.) tsN 6 66; o-- EE :g5 99E!CE oL:66 @ vv 6 0 PEEEE ?OOOOooooo !PFNt@'PooooE6AOOQO6666GaGCodidtdidi o- F ? FEcid.idzzzzz L56!n >UUUUtDl; o o o oq6 0 0 0 0Hts@AA@d------F N O r 6 @ N o N o-ts N o. o- g @eF8s6E3Ede EseE(99 o.qe€-s5fiCELeE$ EES -o :ol! o o o- @ e 3 91 ! ? = EE883zt c.E cc ,616' o,!l { --l-Col F ddl .i; l= q .Fgo>o.9E 9 E9E " E 2i€ tE!P=*Sebr it,EEBEE:HEF3$fE;r f c# g E fi; E HiE6E:S36iEd FNo{ooroo! o I Io =tE: ! cog <! ! ExhibitNo. 12 Case No. INT-G-I6-02 J. Darrington, IGC p.2 of 2 o =:l o o Ronald L. Williams, tSB No. 3034 Williams Bradbury, P.C. 1015 W. Hays St. Boise,ID 83702 Telephone : (208) 344-6633 Email : ron@williamsbradbury.com Attorneys for Intermountain Gas Company BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATTON OF INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY FOR THE AUTHORTTY TO CHANGE ITS RATES AND CHARGES FOR NATURAL GAS SERVICE TO NATURAL GAS CUSTOMERS TN THE STATE OF IDAHO ) ) ) ) ) ) ) Case No. INT-G-16-02 o EXHIBIT 13 t T{2C EXHIBIT O o o Intermountain Gas Company Gas Plant in Service - Original Cost For the Test Year Ending December 31, 2016t11 Gas Plant in Service AROLine No.Month alcloloand 106012l Adjustrnend3l Month End Total Average Balance (b)(d) December2015 $ 599,920,846 $ (18,208,107)$ 581,712,739 January 2016 601,596,777 (18,208,107) s83,388,670 February 603,813,675 (18,208,107) 585,605,568 March 603,482,731 (16,04s,678) 587,437,053 April 604,838,891 (16,045,678) 588,793,213 (e)(c)(a) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I 9 $ 582,s50,705 5U,497,119 586,521,31 1 588,1 1 5,1 33 589,775,529 592,109,551 595,397,959 599J22,794 602,815,910 607,022,877 610,402,237 614,455,580 $ 7,152,786,705 12 10 11 May 12 13 June 14 15 July 16 17 August 18 19 September 20 21 October 22 23 November 24 25 December 606,803,522 (16,045,678) 590,757,844 609,616,576 (16,155,318) 593,461,2s8 613,489,977 (16,155,318) 597,334,659 617,066,247 (16,155,318) 600,910,929 620,876,208 (16,155,318) 604,720,890 625,480,182 (16,155,318) 609,324,864 627,634,927 (16,155,318) 611,479,609 633,s86,869 (16,155,318) 617,431,551 Total Divided by 26 27 28 Average Balance s 596.065.559 NOTES [1] Test Year ending December 31 , 2016 is composed of actual financial data from January 1 - June 30, 2016 and forecasted financial data from July 1 , 2016 - December 31 , 2016. [2] See T. Dedden's Exhibit 07, Page 1, Column (b). [3] As per prior Commission orders, the Asset Retirement Obligation is removed from the calculation of rate base to avoid double charging customers for the cost of removing tangible long-lived assets. The cost of removal is already included in the Company's approved depreciation rates. ExhibitNo. 13 Case No. INT-G-I6-02 J. DarrinSon,IGC p. I of7 o o lntermountain Gas Company Accumulated Depreciation - Gas Plant in Service For the Test Year Ending December 3t, ZOt6tll Line Accumulated Provision for Depreciation ARO RWIP a/c 't080 and 111ot2l Adiustment[3] Adiustmentlal Month End Total Average BalanceNo.Month (a)(b)(c)(d)(e)(0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I 9 10 11 12 13 '14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 December2o1s $ (304,247,389)$ 4,726,372 $ (238,276)$ (299,759,293) $ (300,227,129) January 2016 February March April May June July August September October November December (305,203,358) 4,726,372 (217,978) (300,694,964) (301,761,243) (307,494,066) 4,726,372 (59,828) (302,827,522) (303,4s8,268) (308,117,867) 4,185,070 (156,2171 (304,089,014) (30/.,704,704.) (309,349,841)4,185,070 (155,623) (305,320,394) (305,887,482) (310,419,053) 4,185,070 (220,586) (306,454,569) (306,883,479) (31 1 ,380,090) 4,194,75O (127,O48) (307,312,388) (308,27O,844)o (313,297,002) 4,194,750 (127,0481 (30e,229,300) (310,200,318) (315,239,037)4,194,750 (127,O48) (311,171,335) (312,149,958) (317,196,283) 4,194,750 (127,O48) (313,128,581) (314,1 10,668) (319,160,456) 4,194,750 (127,048) (315,092,754) (316,089,045) (321,153,038) 41%,750 (127,048) (317,085,336) (317,667,013) (322,316,392) 4,194,750 (127,048) (318,248,690) Total Divided by $ (3,701,410,151) 12 Average Balance $ (308,450,846) NOTES [1] Test Year ending December 31, 2016 is composed of actual financial data from January 1 - June 30, 2016 and forecasted financial data from July 1 , 201 6 - December 31 , 201 6. [2] See T. Dedden's Exhibit 07, Page 2, Cdumn (b). [3t As per prior Commission orders, the Asset Retirement Obligation is removed from the calculation of rate base to avoid double charging customers for the cost of removing tangible long-lived assets. The cost of removal is already included in the Companys approved depreciation rates. [4] Accumulated Provision for Depreciation related to the Retirement Work in Process represents the work performed but not yet completed to retire plantin-service. Retirement work in process is removed from the calculation of rate base because it represents assets that are in the process of being retired but are still used and useful at the end of the month. ExhibitNo. 13 Case No. INT-G-I6-02 J. Darrington, IGC p.2 of 7 o o lntermountain Gas Company Materials & Supplies lnventory For the Test Year Ending December 31, 2O16tu Line Plant Materials & Operating Supplies alclf/tol2l Undistributed Stores a/c 163013l Month End Total Average BalanceNo.Month (e)(d)(b)(a) $ (c) o 1 December2015 2 3 January 2016 4 5 February 6 7 March I 9 April 10 '11 May 12 13 June 14 15 July 16 17 August 18 19 September 20 21 October 22 23 November 24 25 December $2,920,938 $ 3,0/,8,127 3,103,015 3,078,240 3,221,312 3,297,913 3,235,382 3,06,6,424 3,167,364 3,111,774 3,'.t28,6U 3,163,030 2,716,531 6,977 16,553 7,660 46,558 40,922 (19,924) 10'1,450 98,497 36,849 10,093 3,990 2,920,938 3,055,104 3,119,568 3,085,900 3,267,870 3,338,835 3,215,458 3,167,874 3,265,861 3,148,623 3,138,727 3,167,020 2,716,531 $2,988,O21 3,087,336 3,102,7U 3,176,885 3,303,353 3,277,147 3,191,666 3,216,868 3,207,242 3,143,675 3,152,874 2,941,776 $37,789,577 12 ExhibitNo. 13 Case No. INT-G-I6-02 J. Darrington, IGC p.3 of7 26 27 28 Total Divided by Average Balance $3,149,131 NOTES [1] Test Year ending December 31, 20'tO is composed of actual financial data from January 1 - June 30, 2016 and forecasted financial data from July 1, 2016 - December 3't, 2016. [2] See T. Dedden's Exhibit 07, Page 3, Column (b). [3] See T. Dedden's Exhibit 07, Page 3, Column (c).o o lntermountain Gas Company Gas Storage lnventory For the Test Year Ending December 31, 2O16tll Line No.Month Non-Utility Gas Storage Gas Storage ak 1dq2l2l Adiustrnendsl Utility Gas Storage Adiustmendal Month End Total Average Balance (b) December2O15 $ 3,187,218 $ (1,146,733) $ 3,088,545 (1,117 ,148) 2,996,769 (1,085,538) 2,826,129 (1,022,728) 3,284,U2 (e69,42s) 3,421,070 (916,477) 3,479,830 (d) $ 2,040,485 1,971,397 1,911,231 1,803,401 2,315,417 2,504,593 (866,6s9)(,16,684) 2,s66'487 (7s2,171)3,380,675 (694,929)4,082,s99 (637,687)4,81 1 ,619 (s80,445)4,780,041 (722,674)4,748,477 (66s,e50)4,902,363 Total Divided by (0(e)(c)(a) o January 2016 February March April May June July August September October November December 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I I 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 4,',t32,846 4,777,528 5,449,306 5,360,486 5,47',t,151 5,568,313 $ 2,005,941 1,941,314 1,857,316 2,059,409 2,410,005 2,535,540 2,973,581 3,731,637 4,447109 4,79s,830 4,764,259 4,825,420 $38,347,361 12 ExhibitNo.13 Case No. INT-G-16-02 J. Darrington, IGC p.4 of 7 Average Balance $ 3,195,613 NOTES [1] Test Year ending December 31, 2016 is composed of actual financial data from January 1 - June 30, 2016 and forecasted financial data from July 1, 2016 - December 31, 2016. [2] See T. Dedden's Exhibit 07, Page 4, Column (b). [3] Non-Utility Gas Storage lnventory represents the balance of LNG that is dedicated to non-utility LNG sales and as a result is removed from the calculation of rate base. [4] This includes the removal of inventory not needed for Utility purposes, but not reserved for non-utility LNG sales.o o (a) REVENUES 1 Revenues at Proposed Rates lntermountain Gas Company Cash Working Capital For the Test Year Ending December 31, 2O1611l Test Year Revenues and Expenses Revenue Lag/ at Proposed Rates Erqcense (Leads) (b) (c) $ 264,966,210 44.96 7,087,860 44.96 5,852,084 44.96 (890,022)44.96 (21,7O7,1',t2)44.96 (1 7,579,946)44.96 $ 237,729,075 Cash Working Capital CWC Factol2l Reouirement 12.32o/o $ 32,638,207 12.32o/o 873,O20 12.32o/o 720,808 12.32o/o (109,62s) 12.32o/o (2,673,691) 12.324/o (2,165,343) $ 29,281,376 -2.53o/o $(12,8371 Line No.Description (e)(d) 2 3 4 5 Plus Franchise Tax Plus lnterest Expense (Less) Uncollectibles (Less) Depreciation and Amortization 6 (Less) Retum on Equity 7 TOTAL.REVENUES EXPENSES 8 Employee Benefitso $507.1 90 (s.241 o 9 Payroll and Withholdings 27,292,360 (13.82)-3.790/o (1,033,344) 10 PCaAExpense 168,822,659 (41.2e)-11.31o/o (19,096,257) Other Operations and Maintenance (less 11 uncollectibles)16,551,065 (31.74\-6.69%(1,439,083) 12 Payroll Taxes 1,il1,942 (24.70l.$.77o/o (111,129',) 13 PropertyTaxes 3,198,871 (131.88)-36.13%(1,1 55,756) 14 Franchise Tax 7,087,860 (1 69.50)46.44o/o (3,29',t,474\ 15 lnterest Expense 5,852,084 (87.68)-24.O2Yo (1,405,782) 16 lncome Tax 6,775,O42 (37.88)-10.38o/o (703,O27) 17 TOTAL EXPENSES $ 237.729.075 $ (28,248,688) 18 CASH WORKING CAPITAL REQUIREMENT $ 1.032.688 - NOTES ['l] Test Year ending December 31, 2016 is composed of actual financial data from January 1 - June 30, 2016 and forecasted financial data ftom July l, 2016 - December 31, 2016. [2] Column (c) / 365 days. ExhibitNo. 13 Case No. INT-G-I6-02 J. Darrington, IGC p.5 of7 srE;EEli ri E rEE fiE ?$ i BEi ;,9I E;EgiE:€ IEEIEEiEE E EE : g;r gi s g ta i*iti aE i tEE*EEEE*i*E'' E EE EEEEEEEE E E B EE${EEfIEIEEEE eisEiEEtE{EaE, ecEE ffEseeEE E€$ 3FEEIEfgIEEi.;EE tE Ei ffFEEEE€iEEE ,EigfiEEHiiEEEEseE $l SIal J E $I ANI ald-l;t _8 EE e&a.&N-:-E"t-NtE&NNOO*O:988-E-8-d3-3-&R-EBBBBEBBBBBBB ooatStg's'3gesgq { F- o- o- 6- r. o_ t- o_ : o- D-P E g E $. B. H. *. J. F" E. R. &driddggddssEdd 33E858tEP53t& s55REB$$8q15S + i- 6_ o- o- 6- F- @_ o- o- o- o_ 1gEERESESBEESEa o- 6- o- o- 6- 6- O- ts- O- O- @- @- O-:NNNNNdNNNNNNN ootslNo@ d d- d- o- o- o- F- o- o- ol o- *- @-dd@Noooo0 OOONNNNNNNNNN Nd6oNOOOOFN oooo 0essEs6eese$s'+- F- o- r- o- @. 6- +- q - o- o- @-CIJEEsEEEEEEE9A6OOoo--o1e d ci ri et c, et d ci ei d et ej t9 6'6'aeeeae.etu6@Ot{itt+t6- -_ ts" o- o- o" N- N- q q N- q .{ -tudFNN 5g::JE8;8ER3F66060N60d;jidJi'j.tddctN'o'666NOONOO ^iEdo66OOOOO9 d oo' d oo- od oo- d d ot ot ot ot oi ssaSEa?as80Es6;600F@ooooiddd;dN'ddGiid;&-6loFNro€o ai;dddddddd.i.tFe!i999999999999 ^Eg -oi{a€,EEEEtsEs€agBfEE ".tgsl" d= O g f1E! €+EE6tE5 x p-l !EtUEI EEIYtl6<lfl EE? 9ZOE q8E EE{ - EE x 8q €!G- 5;E< _t -t *l :l l '; ,e o g(o oN J 6oOclo.oEXE3#8;94(s trso8P 6- CE 6IJ o;i(EEEEoLl-=o_EoF o) oIL o E E8-ts.Ec!E EP : ExhibitNo.13 Case No. INT-G-I6-02 J. Darrington, IGC p.6of7 FNo!ooFoo::!P:99:P98eNRXR RN R o a lntermountain Gas Company Advances in Aid of Construction For the Test Year Ending December 31, 2016t11 Line No.Month Month-End Balance atc2s2ol2l Average Balance (a)(b)(c) 1 December2015 2 3 January 2016 4 5 February 6 7 March I 9 April '10 11 May 't2 13 June 't4 15 July 16 17 August 18 '19 September 20 21 October 22 23 November 24 25 December $ (8,035,657) $(8,025,639) (8,015,621) (8,053,447) (8,091,2721 (8,074,315) (8,057,357) (8,066,617) (8,075,877) (8,107,717) (8,139,557) (8,214,225) (8,288,892) (8,093,879)o (7,898,865) (7,718,432) (7,537,999) (7,568,1 1 0) (7,s98,221) (7,605,557) (7,612,892) (7,596,511) (7,580,129) (7,593,605) (7,607,080) 26 27 28 Total Divided by $(94,718,054) 12 Average Balance $ (7,893,171) EIES [1 ] Test Year ending December 31 , 201 6 is composed of actual financial data from January 'l - June 30, 2016 and forecasted financial data from July 1, 2016 - December 31, 2016. [2] See T. Dedden's Exhibit 07, Page 6, Column (b). ExhibitNo. l3 Case No. INT-G-16-02 J. Darrington, IGC p.7 of7 o o Ronald L. Williams, ISB No. 3034 Williams Bradbury, P.C. l0l5 W. Hays St. Boise,ID 83702 Telephone: (208) 344-6633 Email: ron@williamsbradbury.com Attorneys for Intermountain Gas Company BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY FOR THE AUTHORITY TO CHANGE ITS RATES AND CHARGES FOR NATURAL GAS SERVICE TO NATURAL GAS CUSTOMERS IN THE STATE OF IDAHO ) ) ) ) ) ) ) Case No. INT-G-16-02 o EXHIBIT 14 o EXHIB!Ta IGC o lntermountain Gas Company Statement of Operating lncome with Adjustments For the Test Year Ending December 31 , 2O16rll Line No.Description Company Unadjusted oir.#21 Company Company Direct AdjusrnentsFl Presentlal Proposed Revenue Deficiency (Over Collec{ion) (e) 10,165,700 $ Company Direct Pmposedtsl (a)(b) $ 233,637,331 2,893,572 16l 238,530,903 1 50,1 78,1 66 (c) 18,262,816 $ 6,791 (d) 251,900,147 $ 2,900,363 (D 262,065,U7 2,900.363 1 Gas Operating Revenues 2 Other Revenues 3 Total Operating Revenue $ 18,269,607 254,800,510 1 0,1 65,700 18,644,493 168,822,659 (3,2s7) (1 1 8,581) (1 1 1,430) (26,782) (1,328,388) (e3,sl 0) (101,060) o,087,860) 4.3/,8.4231 46,565 1,383,094 492,741 18,736,256 9,267,200 202,610 1,236,871 13,8't9,684 21,707,112 1,6/.1,942 3,198,871 36,536 19,081 264,966,210 168,822,659 46,565 1,383,094 492,741 18,736,256 9,303,736 202,610 1,236,871 1 3,838,765 21,707,112 1,6/.1,942 3,198,87'l 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 't3 14 15 16 17 't8 19 20 21 22 Operating Expenses Cost of Gas Operation & Maintenance Production O Natural Gas Storage, Terminaling, and Processing Transmission Distribution Customer Accounts Customer Service and lnformational Sales Adminislrative and General Other Depreciation Payroll Taxes Property Taxes Franchise Taxes lnterest Expense Total Operating Expense Before lncome Taxes 23 lncomeTaxes 24 fotal Operating Expenses 25 Net Operating lncome 46,565 1,383,094 496,038 18,854,837 9,378,630 202,610 1,263,653 15,148,072 93,510 21,707,112 1,743,002 3,198,87'l 7,087,860 4,348,423 235,1 30,443 205,475 5,425,162 2.il4.743 240,555,605 2,750,218 55,617 4,024,824 14 240,611,222 6,775,042 o 235,335,918 7,969,905 243,305,823 4,080,441 247,386,264 $ 1,194,985 s 702 $ 11,494,687 $ 6,08s,2s9 $ 17,579,946 NOTES [1] Test Year ending December 31, 201 6 is composed of actual financial data from January 1 - June 30, 2016 and forecasted financial data from July 1, 2016 - December 31, 2016. [2] See T. Dedden's Exhibit 08, Page 1, Column (d). [3] See Exhibit No. 14, Page 2. [4] Column (b) + Column (c). [5] Column (d) + Column (e). [6] See T. Dedden's Exhibit 09, Page 1, Column (d), line'17. m Reflects statutory income tax rates at 39.81 o/o: Federal at 350/o and ldaho at 7.4ol0. ExhibitNo. 14 Case No. INT-G-16-02 J. Darrington, IGC p. I of2 qfl 1fl q1 q1 qfl 11 11 flfl q1 q1 qil N o_N a F. o- I o o o- g 6. 6- rt ii {. T o_ o- a Et6E.iF E9 tro H $ €E I e8E E E. E; i -".iE Hsg;;EEEs*E*Eii3gEs .,i 6'l o, N. IN. : l- I I --l" I I N IN .\, I .,i : l= If 'r3 F lts o lo : l" : l' o- l€- : l" 3 e eE.ct EP e€o6 Ex E9EF o o qaio I U @ tE o N t EP iI IIE o' a E E E 6EN - ;::"i"i I"; E ooqE 6+9N d a r f - ?.- o o o o oaoo6'-6000ccFqq99g.S.g.gi: XIJJ NE=:!!=rroo- ! ! = I g o o o at (t833333o-o-o,;;.-tsONNNPFNo!oF?Noo?oooEOo6906686606dO9dddddddd---,v_-- 9::::::::dd Pzzzzzzzz=.=ttztDot4a€499eeEE9.EEE=EEEX/-oXIXI:XXXuJui.UUUUUUUU..ql.aZZ;;;;;;tBgd o o o o o o o @ 6 aaF@oooooo@--d--- -? N o a 6_ \ o- I d F E Es 89b9E_eo9 B IE ^E EEE N\F-i - 9 ,"8g g E EI- t ,! ;Bsi _t atEgil 'z B "l E6 EEIt z< 6 , ! ?f,!EF?E! g €"t Bsl s I s c a d N g @ aEF(E0JcL90E- oo cD9,\ E EvE o E$E(9^oq -vE.E9.E 5E E9P; bgPc!, o-<t br o- .Y F. o- 8o' 3E9 u9q!E9F=EE:tF9 o-No*o@tsooo-N FENNN ExhibitNo.14 Case No. INT-G-16-02 J. Darrington,IGC P.2 of 2 €:lo o Ronald L. Williams, ISB No. 3034 Williams Bradbury, P.C. l0l5 W. Hays St. Boise,ID 83702 Telephone: (208) 3 44-6633 Email: ron@williamsbradbury.com Attorneys for Intermountain Gas Company BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITES COMMISSION TN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY FOR THE AUTHORITY TO CHANGE ITS RATES AND CHARGES FOR NATURAL GAS SERVICE TO NATURAL GAS CUSTOMERS IN THE STATE OF IDAHO Case No. INT-G-16-02 EXHIBIT 15 ) ) ) ) ) ) ) o EXHIBlT 0 o TGC O lntermountain Gas Company Unbilled Adjustment For the Test Year Ending December 31, 20161'I Line Rate Tariff Unbilled Therms Unbilled Rer"nr""[2] Unbilled Cost of Gasl2]No (a)(b)(c)(d) 1 December2OlS 2 RS-1 3 RS-2 4GS 5 Total 5,448,489 $ 4,141,451 $ 26,410,518 17,912,142 15,195,106 9,985,160 3,028,761 13,623,866 7,774,880 47,054,113 32,038,753 24,427,507 6 June 2016 o 7 I I 10 RS-1 RS-2 GS (372,936) (3,500,912) (2,283,203\ (325,450) (2,492,',t24) (1.615,2521 (207,312) (1,805,945) (1,168,246) (6,157,052) (4,432,827) (3,181,503) 11 Net Change 12 13 14 15 RS-1 RS-2 GS Total 5,075,553 22,909,606 12,91 1,903 3,816,001 15,420,018 8,369,908 2,821,449 't't,817,921 6,606,634 40,897,061 $ 27,605,926 $ Zr ,246,004 16 17 18 Adjustment to Gas Operating Revenues Adjustment to Cost of Gas Total $27,605,926 21,246,004 $ 6,359,922 PURPOSE OF ADJUSTMENT To remove unbilled revenues and cost of gas expenses from the revenue requirement. NOTES [1] Test Year ending December 31, 2016 is composed of actual financial data from January 1 - June 30, 2016 and forecasted financial data from July 1, 2016 - December 3',t,2016. [2] Revenue and cost of gas are calculated using currently effective rates. ExhibitNo. 15 Case No. INT-G-16-02 J. Darrington, IGC p. I of25 o (5 oE E()cociE I'o)ooooLo 1'co(o oNo(f, oc5-Ireo =cG- EoL ooo EoEoE 6foo o1'oooo- Eoo ,a2(oE(oU-N6-N(oJ bPq6Ett0)F8Ho6 61OEtE<oCroogC{o(Dr>> frl E=Flr- c(Jl- 6zl=E ooo) E J (uco0) o)ag ooo(uo =fIEoc o EoooLooa Loo-xoooo, Lloztalul !{ =l "FIYol 6 =l q <l 6ol Erul o) 8l iHEfl oo-l F oo(f) $ol: (f)rr(O@_t rp o oooooooolr)Oryo-rro a oo(a$N<.i-(o (orO$-o @ o oOEfc)CEOE ofEb- .EoE.fr*Eqr(u)qqOo(9 2Otrt=ooJ(ro.>oo=)ccLooE (JEEzoo==oEEO N(f) ExhibitNo.l5 Case No. INT-G-16-02 J. Darrington, IGC p.2 of 25 Loa59FE Eotn=8AOE II gsotr o o co o Loooo E(o EE H(Etr-sfr:E=E SE-E E.6EoE p I-zn-Eyfi -J L = >, luo.s;L+rs!--r Ab7fl -Oo.L-€bTL oE = ozo E'c$ @ oN o(f, ocl-I aoIc(E-Eo+ooo o'6coc.Ed(Er -9ENoJb:E'Oo-o.DEo:e-uto)8? .o (o(o5 bN6l_ J ->\(')5 oiIlhFOo€8so€o)-EGE'6ccoogC(E iE.Oo>oot*6uJl ii !strIF E =lq"E ooxo o ,a2-c(,c(U .ts boooE(E ,E oL Ecoc.9o -goooE o Eo)o c,LoooH52l cLrul x-l -FI :(,,l E =l q fl Eot Eul olzleYI E&lEJIOo.l F (ooF- o F-N\(oto, c.i $rr) F-@o_ F- @ NNF-_(oto, c.i e, F- C\tt-os + @ .ct ooaco o.Y6C;9 g .ctuE€_tso L,rox8FflOtI o.9.9'E ==ossE oo:f=(UEOc! -N(o o @ I @ (ooN !, o ExhibitNo. l5 Case No. INT-G-16-02 J. Darrington,IGC p.3 of25 (!= o)il-E E'.9=ar, =8'eOEb<]L o o (E= =5EE c.9o Loooo =(o eN(U*J3E:EcOo.=9,\ A E\,r=Oob-8(E<6Oio)o.c.=F9EEfi =E5\r?-EFUb,rP-Fo) ! blL o.EJ oz o o o lntermountain Gas Company Lost Gas Expense Adjustment For the Test Year Ending December 31, 2016t1I Line No. Description Actual Forecast (a) (b) (c) 1 TestYear 2 Lost Gas Expense $71'.t,422 $492,055 $ Total 3 4 5 6 7 I 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Normalized RS-1 Therms RS-2 Therms GS-10 & 11 Therms GS€O Therms GS-12 (CNG) Therms lS-R Therms lS-C Therms LV Therms T-3 Therms T.4 Therms T-5 Therms Total Thermsl2l 22,660,127 119,838,399 70,602,s60 12,235 4,007 84,621 1 1,863 3,093,310 20,574,067 138,352,837 10,367,730 9,812,563 60,338,574 37,288,907 45,519 3,426 52,776 4,147 3,224,250 19,335,220 126,283,835 9,408,430 (d) 1,203,477 32,472,690 180,176,973 107,891,467 57,754 7,433 137,397 16,010 6,317,560 39,909,287 264,636,672 't9,776,160 385,601,756 265,797,647 651,399,403 0.2143o/o 1,395,949 0.28622 399,549 ExhibitNo.l5 Case No. INT-G-I6-02 J. Darrington, IGC p.4 of25 16 Lost Gas Ratet3l 1l Total Lost Gas Thermstal '18 Weighted Average Cost of Gas 1g Lost Gas Expenselsl ZO Adjustment to Cost of Gasl6l $ $ $ (803,928) PURPOSE OF ADJUSTiIIENT To calculate the current level of lost gas expense. NOTES [1] Test Year ending December 31, 2016 is composed of actual financial data from January 1 - June 30, 2016 and forecasted financial data from July 1, 2016 - December 3't, 2016. [2] See Exhibit No. 15, Pages 8 and 12-15. [3]See Exhibit No. 15, Page 5, Column (b), Line '16. [4] Line 15 x Line 16. [5] Line't7 x Line 18. [6] Line 19 - Line 2.o o lntermountain Gas Company Average Lost Gas For the Test Year Ending December 31, 2016 Line No.Description OcI2O12-Sept2013 Oct2013-Sep2014 Od2O14-Sep2015 (a) 1 Core Purchased Gas 2 Transport Gas 3 LNG Storage Withdrawals (Boil-ofQ 4 lmbalance Draft 5 Deliveries to System (b) 327,556,540 282,638,160 993,899 466,890 (c) 331,807,940 277,902,920 7,154,248 293,930,590 293,573,841 1,702,8il 2,723,140 (d) 6 7 8 9 10 1',! 12 13 Core Customer Billed Core Customer Unbilled (Oct True-up) Less: Core Customer Unbilled (prior year) Transport Billed Company Use LNG lnjections lmbalance Pack Deliveries to Customers 611,655,489 324,521,587 6,585,356 (4,900,710) 282,638,160 400,038 ilz,895 616,865,108 335,827,672 5,168,187 (6,s85,356) 277,902,920 218,129 1,710,685 726,790 591,930,425 294,800,808 6,611,279 (5,168,187) 293,573,841 42,552 1,491,905o 14 Lost Gastll 15 Lost Gas Percentage of System Deliveriesl2l 16 Lost Gas Three-Year Averageltl NOTES [1] Line 5 - Line 13. [2] Line 14lLine 15. [3] The average of Columns (b), (c), and (d), Line 15. 609,787,326 1,868,163 O.3O54o/o 0.2143o/o 614ffig,027 591,752,198 't78,227 0.0301% 1,896,081 o.30740/o ExhibitNo.l5 Case No. INT-G-I6-02 J. Darrington, IGC p.5 of25 o O Line No. I 10 11 12 lntermountain Gas Company Normalization Adjustment For the Test Year Ending December 31, 2016t11 Description Amount Test Year Gas operating Revenuest2l Cost of Gasl3l Margin (b)(a) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 $252,y2,873 168,759,553 Normalized 83,583,320 251,900,147 168,423,110 Gas Operating Revenuestal Cost of Gastsl Margin Adiustment 83,477,O37 (442,726) (336,443) ExhibitNo. l5 Case No. INT-G-I6-02 J. Darrington, IGC p.6 of25 o Gas operating Revenuest6l Cost of GastTl Margin $ (106,283) PURPOSE OF ADJUSTMENT To normalize therm sales for the test year ending December 31 , 2016 NOTES [1] Test Year ending December 31 ,2016 is composed of actual financial data from January 1 - June 30, 201 6 and forecasted financial data from July 1, 2016 - December 31,20'16. [2] See Exhibit No. 14, Page'1, Column (b), Line 1 plus Exhibit No. 14, Page2, Columns (b), (c), and (d), Line 1. [3]See Exhibit No. 14, Page 1, Column (b), Line 5 plus Exhibit No. 14, Page2, Columns (b) and (c), Line 5 less Exhibit No. 15, Page 4, Column (d), Line 2. [4] See Exhibit No. 15, Page 7, Column (e), Line I plus Exhibit No. 15, Page 11, Column (c), Line 5. [5] See Exhibit No. 15, Page 7, Column (f), Line I plus Exhibit No. 1 5, Page 1 '1 , Column (d), Line 5 less Exhibit No. 15, Page 4, Column (d), Line 19. [6] Line 6 - Line 2. [fl Line 7 - Line 3.o o(Y) q)c)? I bo JCo- Eo+ (5 €";([0'6N Eio .*_.9 =e o(U4 e =E IEiio6(j ?*o =ooE,6s9 ;oA c9i( Etr-for5 >^ .-:. 3o3 ^ A'c-6:s s: bE^E= E E EiNYE E:, f"_E = = = .rt8fi8I o_ t..EE - - Ofi;@ or - o, E'E g, g, g, a g,:{=(s (U (U (U6Po-r(L = (LoEd rri d E toPE:::6: =i;o o o () o = -$z z z + ZiDR===^=L Y-O -O -O -(J- -O.EeE E E E E>EtU tU IU E I.IJfrIE.! E E E € ExlFY(, a a c) a =l=RN O g tr E ExhibitNo. l5 Case No. INT-G-I6-02 J. Darrington, IGC p.7 of 25 o(t)lo- o)orO @(o @ ro - s N ro o sl <oo @ (f) rt (o N Nt to)_ -- l'-- c.l o- g. o_l clro o rd - ro r.- -l oi$ @ cO S O) -l t-@ .t t- lN@,rl s lo,N cr) F- lc.)INe, l* o)lO@. NN o)_ rr) @ N@lo_ o)rt(o. (t) C\tN @ O c.) t- $ cO r'- Ol Sol) l- (O lr) d) O) -lNto- or- S_ F-_ S- r)_ O_l r-_nt <o - F- F* F- @l o,F- f\ O, l{) (V) -ll()-l--@_ F lF-_N O l'- lO(o @ o lNl- o:z06 !)ooN5$595EoEPPEEEA6P -N(v)tl()(OF-@ NF-(OF-q)FF@oocoo(ooF@O|r)@Or(\l -t-o)C"rOdt-t()l-NF-o- o- N_@(alo-6)lO e, (otrt@(f)ot(fr(oN(f)ttrfor*N(f)@\toir-t-<oOF-f.,eOl-C.'JJ @ O, l-OtNt()OIOO)r(\l(O@OIt)F(Y)Ol\Fl() -o@-S(fios.t.rfO)-F-:fOro+(f,NNF- o o E o -o G 6'E -,ao;i.NO(U*Eo98'c) tro(EfF5 ot E .3.Eorfn.E g ;iOiD\Jd E6'$-e: J EExozt 8E.N9(UtrEOOEz' olEootI tsJ1 i_ Er"L-F>ERLJHo; -LLEoo SEE EEHoEPcz'i.Enfi =E$EO'6 EXPc>eo:b'io o o o o-rtd-rl-F; o. €- F- Ol r- t? t- o-q616-8831 5o- 6_ 0l o-ooFl@ o- o_ o-l o- "l' cictda;-t' o- F- Nl o- 'l" o- o_ o-l @- 'l.. '- l' orQl N NNI- 6- +- Nl 6- orlo- F- F_ 6l O- o- l- o-l 6- t- o- o- l_l F- t- o- *- -l 6- FIN tra6la d 6i 6-t rj t- o- ?- ol o- 6id01d t? t- o- N_ 6-1 6- ci F- 6'l F;---t' F- 6- Nl 6--t' o- ts_ Nl o- F- 6- o-l @_ 'l" ;6i l+ o- -- d-l 6_ '- It 6- O_ Ol €- I 6- N- tl 6- ai d o'l o't- o- F- 6l @- t- - lN o- o-l o- FtF o6'to ' l' t e: $EE E r.U EE EFZE ; EO gE6 -o i9 -oFaE * gs BF<L E eEl.Ee;1*l ; Po EEE <Ei ;8o 6C*<tri ; Eo EEJ t 8E <F,T x Po PEE c EtT Ets o o N ts oolNON OF flo. F. N F. N. o" Ft, o. N. o- NN@- F- .i rt o. F- *- dd NO- o. o- @F- o- o- ts- N- l- o-rN qr- o" o. o- @. o- -- o.F@- t- o- NF R N F q F. F o- d o. o- ii E ? d*oo060tso* OOFO o_ ExhibitNo. 15 Case No. INT-G-16-02 J. Darrington,IGC p. 8 of25 @-\ F. N. o- l- .i o- 6- Nl F--1" ozo 6o 6 b- :-Noottt r@ooEEE9.996O6e d N E o N: E E .E ! c o. e E P '6 eE8I t o .sT OE5t=zl= N NFiF@OFON o- N. 9381 I-:" -l!1" oo6l- ct i cr"l N- I ortrlo 6- F- ol @- I eo?loo_ i- ol t---*1" t- ts- F- ol F_ --ld 5lo o-l F- I' .il d l' El Iail ^iJl N't- 6il ^; l3i @] o- l' 6t* @-l -- cnl +-'l' I o =@ >P F BE'EF Oo*E ?T EaE(!;oEP E:3 E-9 hd;9E>a6EeE6r br N.F. l- .n .9.eeo6@@Eae E a .9 c z 3 E .s E.g: E .9 ! 2 ; E ! .! z rE;de€U'F EhFau o-9.9-gq@o@E3E :-No :@o@E3E roo!5$:lo t: sEt N m clfi :-l: : =l: HHH sgE 3S8 333 888 -t:= r =l: >999Eo@@t FFF It-IE E ^I: I T E E T I Iql :6o@I6@oiEIE 8 E ItE !tb---,-^-I,TTTTTETrl = 6 6 6 fi 6 d 6 6EIE A F t*&',*1: EEE888 E g 3t 5 t. t. 888 888 EEE e tr] $t; ""t: EE -.t: gE B sl E I. -1: g BIH 8 EI B - t; :'l: EX -t. -t-t- lE+l, E ulel p E ill I sEt+-*]o t- l€ +l! !;laledt< o F O o I !6I6 E i E g i,o 8t $e E F! Bj-eg.:g3 ?iisEf E2EEEftEi EEt99o 8f.9a E E3ldgi E R.E Ptdtsa q- t -E,g, IEEE>o9li PIE$fi$9l=ooc E E e E N E d I E I EttEIE d{ 888RER 888 tsstsEES E,! =Et E E E.B EEEEEESEE3888 I9# sgo -E !E o g:etstr I 5 6aigi!sEo& OE-o qgbE'E!o& oo o ooEtroo:co otEoN o Eoz o*o Eoo E@oN 3a 86o.gEqu oFo- oL c6ELEoooooc'6 cfo Ed)c o rl TI El ?l EI'l ,l q :l "'l*; t- F : ExhibitNo.15 Case No. INT-G-16-02 J. Darrington, IGC p.9 of 25 O @oN ooE oo @oN E EE'dcc o 3 eo @oN o_ oct a EI 66E E E D ooE .a @ oNd5EbeE88eooo>o=E6DEEf 3E $! $ u.r,ruitNo. 15 @ i N 6 o o + 6'lolO @ O F O + t -16l+ 6 6 d o 6 + Fl6l 6 lNlo N o lNl--o-F- loll6l-l-l r { @ ' o o @ ,ltsl @-@--- 6 lNlN r N lol6 d 6 16l{o-olol - - ll o @ o 6 o o o ,loltNt- r o- N lr_ItFt@ o @ ttt- 6 lol-l-l 6 o N < o o @ ,lolF 6 t d N - - lel6 0 + N lolx-{<- lo1@ o 6 lrlF 6 16l_l_l o o o @ o o @ ,lolO 6 @ O N - - lolt_N-N_ N lFlINI@ o 6 IOI- 6 l@l-l_l o o N @ o o o ,lol6 o 6 O N F - 16lN-o--_ N loJN i i l@l6 0 6 lol_' ll oo@Nooo?l-l - - F VNIo-@-o- N lNlb 13 l3l:' ll o o @ o o o o Clxl6 6 N O N - - YNI@-N-O- N lol6 - o lNl@ o 6 totF o l@l_l_l o o @ o o o o OslN N @ N N F F YOI6 6 6 N lNllNl6 0 6 lol_' ll o o @ < o o o 6lolN F F 9olN-F--- N lollNl:*' 11 @ o @ ' o o o 6'lolN O N NIOI@ 6 = 6 YNIci lj rt l+-l+ o o lol{o-olol tl o N o . o o o 6'lslN O N NINIt_--@_ 6 '1@lt-t* 6 6 lol+ 6 0 16l*' ll o r r 6'lolN d 6 OlFl --N-N_ 6 -1NlF F 6 l@li 6 0 loli 6 o lNl _ - lll= "l 9 =t ;El E=dEEI ^EAt oaYl :-z=El oce el*aaaass6E c E o 6oFo ooooooo6666666cja;oioroidoi oooooooqqqqu?ac NNNNONN oooooooqqqqu?qq NNNNONN No6'oool o6 6 N 6 tNo N o lox-rini lo-@ ! o lt I I {tsoloool FN 6 N @ l-N O N ION o oi lo6 r o lt*l- I Ns-tsoool O6 t N - @ l{--O-N_ lr-IN@ i o 19N lo I I ESe3ioo r o 69 oc I E -o@aaE},?" Eo or o -o96'.o=6<u Eo o=oL Ec5rai<: 3- ooooooooooo600ci .i .i 6i oi .i .i @oo60066OF@o-o-a@NN@x' o@F@OoOt@F@o- N- o, N oooooooqulqqulu?c NNNNONN ooooooo6600660.,i ci .i oi oi .i ci ooooooo6000000Gi 6i .i oi oi .i 6i ooooooo66006606i .i 6i 6i oi 6i .i ooaoooou?q?qqulq(l@@ooo@o ooooooooq2u2u2Qu!q2@@ooo@o ooooooou?q?qu?q(lu?@@ooo@o Case No. INT-G-I6-02 J. Darrington, IGC p. l0 of25 N 6d oooooooqulcqu?qqNNNNO(N -ooFNOOl @N 6 N N 6 lF@--o-lF-@ F N lO@ r o tt* l- I I o{oooool N6 0 6 - @ lsN6-O-lo-6 o F lO@ i o loN to I I ooroo{@l N* o o F @ lO--ryo_ ls-N O N IO6 { O tO' l- I I 6ooNoqol r@ loio-o_lo-lo@ o o lod to I I Noo'oN@l {6 t6N @ - l@ljoici lo-@ o o loN lo I I oFt'ON@l N6 ttsoF--_lN-lo. R - 13 I I o 84. _.1 8"1 e o 0 Egxj 6< Ef '6c bc<s 9EOGEF :?eg Rg&E E$EOEE HPEoPe LAE EgE E;gEx6.Es* =os5P o Nd@- @- --N@N N =9o9ooN *a6E6E3E =9o9ooNEi dA bEs Eoeoto oEo o eoEo c O -OFNOtO@N@OOFNOSO@ FF-NNNNNNN-dOS6@NOP .;l=zl (oax8{6-PEE: GtE5 Eo,ts (UEo -{sE q _voo,EP ;8E Eo,= . Lc- ; g8E ; 8oR E €. x9B :;;RE o-E A -E to 6 0)rEr-\E€)ocll"-ah(o (o (o -H= o r rcY O O O.L Tf E" ED CD9{.i O (E (EEH (L (L (L06 ro to ro9=ci- r.=5= d d ciE,XzzzOF -= .= ,=g\--O-O-O.EETE E E>EXuJ LlJ LIJ Elp:E.g # #H=eENdg o) C\t (a (Y) c.i @ oo, t'-C!(o- (\I @ o,t-(o- o,(a @_o(r)(r) N(f,c\l o) 3 (atoGt(o(f)(f)or- $- @_(f, (o (\lGt@F- c! @ oo)tolr) (o t\or- N_ s_l-S(oN(f)t-c.t @ E o +-E?.NoOsE92E E6tR-e EExozn Eo Ec) !F oo.No E oz >=bs EER(tr=J O- r; co FYaLEcooo+JOE EgD.N H EE"- E:Eu IIT -(r.2L=O(EE8*l-- AbEe-cFa g - !J-ELCO -LL o o a Ol-NO(oOl*(o 'r,- ol @- Il-Or(o(orO(v)I-(9_ or^ @_ \(oo)so)(f)(or(\-o ieYeEJF1.FI. Nco<trO (EO:Lo(EtF go =z o ExhibitNo.15 Case No. INT-G-I6-02 J. Darrington, IGC p. ll of25 (C) o6tJc., (,o Eoo(l,o @ ost J .> =a Eo (u 6t,6(,c(Ec !,0,6Id,o EE(u (o o(\l d(t,o =- e(Efc6? EP auot, (s'6EoE 6 =oo o !,0,6oo Eoo .9(o oN .i(a oll Eo,Io CD.E!,E(, (U{, 0.1-auloFl t-OI:zl 5 o@Lr- t- (v)-(o oo@-rr)rr)(o roFl--r{'ro@ rot-(\t- a.,tu) rol'- CD-o@\t rJ)Na{(or|t o<>o- F-F'* $os{oItf @oo- @(ort 6tt FiF{ nro{-Nlolo t-(0o- roc)ro {F$- (o -NO!vv-oooa!ooo=dldltrlF o@6-r- (Yr-(o oo@-ro|r,(o roF\tfr{)(o roF-N. (Y'{ro lr)tror-o@{ loNi-!t(o* o<,oFic.,v $coqotv @o@- rO@i Ns Fjr-v ll)ro\t- Atror.) i-(oo-6c.'ro tF.tt- (o JJ !,oo E @o d6 @o(\t t-(o lar- o) (oo,6-ot (',(7' Or-q) 6(o(o_}\o,(fr-(o ooo_lo(,(o lot-t-tro(o |r,t-6{(r)iro roFo)^ @(o$ osai-{@s ooo_t-(Y)* ioa,t-o** 6@o-o(o$ {rJ)co-(oFt 6t6to-NF-o (v)(o O)-loF-6 Fot- c.)(0 co(o @- t- CD(v)- @ ooo- l()lo(o roFt--sro@ loFsl (v)ilt) rr)t-o)-o(oi rost*-t(C,t ooo-t-(oi tt6N. ao + oo!o-o@i *ro@-(ol'-t 6l6lo- 6tFro (f,(o Or-(,t-lo t\otf- (.)(o .l EEsl eFI El Hr;l .BFOIlrl Ee;l= El# p.l $EEI = Es=J =6F0rlrLl El EE=J=bF<lrrl El9ol6E.Ol6E-l-8-g+l eBFAIrrl EEEI ' _..^l frE!1 = EEEI ' EEEI' EEEI" EEEI " go(a>E q E9;cL = c.) Eo Qoo+J().N E EEEObor -Cg{fi =J (Ed'gEE;bf;Pi)a =E -cLolJ- o o F({ovx!ooo-e .9 -9.o6to l'- € O) c(, Eo E c.9 6 .s =t @ FNctxv!-ooo6ooo:Eood)Fl (u 9,-I Eto(I)(EolElF oc = o ExhibitNo. 15 Case No. INT-G-I6-02 J. Darrington, IGC p. 12 of25 2l O-(\l.')tFN('rtrO Fc,(()l F-6001 6N- o- o-l c\loo@l o -ocDlo60Nl 6 NOOI ONI CA I oool o60Nloo- o- !t-l rc- NO6l Oo6(Ol F(, N 6l-l F-o,rl * oool oioolNs{ o_ roJ \cr, o ol cntrr,!fl(.)@N*j (n-.{l o., ooolo60@l=(o- o- or-l _@-oool-i- ra, o)l -@ sa c)_l (.r-c{l t" oool oNO@lOro- o- 6{l F-_CDo\tl6')ooldlt@ N i--l _(o- -l nt oool ooooloF- o- a)-l v-oorrl lo6 l(, tl tl@ sr (D-l o_-l N oooloNO6IO-- o- o_l 6L ooFlF@6Nl 6(cl Gt --l o-Nl (., 6ool 6ooolos- o- 6r-l F-(oo(olN6601 O@arql -_.r1., -o|r,l (o6OFl 6F-- o_ $-l F_@ool N66NIN@ N !t-l c)- ^lI t" @o('ll(,,@o*lo('r- O- rr)_l tfr-t\ o t-l (,N6ol-(o N r()-l s_c.{l ,') Nool N6OFIO 'o_ o- \l N-oo-l FN1r)FI Cn@ .r (o-l @_c{l ., oohl 66061 Os_ o_ s] or_ooltlto)roolNrr, sl i-l a)-*l .., +O(''IFNO61 6o- o- o_l s-!fo@l 6ro60lN 'o 6t \l @- 'lI o" oi ot(v,(, 6t@ do) F @- t\o N(0o-o(o l&)nto-o,t @I-t- rJ)N oF-F.ost -cr@l i- -OOliFoOIFddctldNOO)lt-NONI 6Nool oNl d, I oool o60Nloo_ o_ r-l i_tsool o(n ro (ol Fto ^l 6ll -_.,rl r ooolo*o(,,lNN- O^ ol F-ooolo!t ta, *l c)((, N ltl c.).-l ..t ooolo6o(Olrt@- _o_ o)_l @-ooolFNhol-@ 6r (D-J (Y)-.rl r, oool oNO@lOto- o_ ^l-l r--orotl (.).,, rr, rol *@ 6t F-_l <o- -l N oool o6001 o-- o_ r)-l !_oo61 6tolotl t@ N Or-l ro_ -l c\t oool otso@lo -- o- o-l N-oo-l F(O 6 t-lO@NF_l o-Nl .) ooolc/,oo6lb6l o_ (.rl 1o-oo(ol@@6olct)6 6r N-l O-*l .., {o|ol o,OOFItF- -o- t-l tf)-oool o(o rf, Nl aDro N tJ N-Nl ,o !lorrli-ootlior_ o_ ro-l t-NONI 6@601 lc)|r, N rol (.) "q ..t Nooltsho-l@6- o_ Nj .{oo-lN@lOFl trr,Nol(o "q "t Norol NNOhIO('r- - rf-l t-ro*l (')(orr)6lot() N {] N-..rl - @oc.rlo)oo@1 tsro_ o_ o-l @_oo@l F(o.ool o,o N r-_l (l)_ ^rl (r, c Er;l .bFolrLl !, I c Etl =0)Eoto=|-zlrrl El8E.l $E8l " ES=J "6F@lrrl Es=J "bF<lr.r IEl#e-l.6EFl -8e+l +tsFallrl EEEI ' EEEI " EEEI ' EEEI ' EEEI " -e.l EEEI . =(o EE F(UO-o-s (') =; .85&EUr(Ui[otr6oEpczEEqfiEF EJ-to EE;o9E CE !P -L oII o EEEt- E>F (o o(\ J(q ooEoooo (o <)(! J .>3a Eo (E (EE Eoc.Ec Eo,oIo)o t,c(! (o oNd(oocf- e(EfcGa Eo (! (EE' (U'6c(EE 6fo(u ot,oooo- Eoo .?2(o oNJ(o o.cl Eoooo ED .EtE0, oo ol -^ut iiFIFol-zlE o o FNOJvv-ooo(!ooo=EtdldlF o F!,oo.=E F (\ 4.,!v!oaJo-9-9e@d!dl Ir@O) EIEI @l =lba<t EI EI d EI -alovvv-ooo(Eooo=d)dldlF (v)]i ao oOEIE(!d,Gt.cl-F ocJ o ExhibitNo.15 Case No. INT-G-16-02 J. Darrington,IGC p. l3 of25 O-6{(v)t?6lc'rtrr)2l sEEI No_ N- ol @_o@ol @ 6601 6<ido1{o6Nl 6- lN 8851 Io- N- F_l o_ r t oto d o @1 r.:F lN 88El IoFolOd'.t@1 do6Nlo6601 +otl:Nld l' ShEI EoNoto+,j@1!iNONIO l' N@sl N otNlo@NOIOFO@lOoNol 6N@61 @t- ooNl oo- @- ol $_ 6N@lF606torjdNld t- oFol o3831 I NO6l@ N6NI@ t- 6661 OR$EI 5ri d o'l ':EEEI 8N6NI 6t- @NOl Oo6NtoN_ S_ Ol O_oooloorot@N^ F- ol r:@NOIO t- f,5El :6NOl 6see'l so{ol@oN6l Ot- N@Fl too6t@s'Se'l ao- @- Nl F-o@Nl@ l' NFNI o6=6t6OF@l N6661 dO@@l F@totNot d oil r':l' nNol o66Ntd@_ s- @l o_o60l NrNOl O N d3g g 8@ 8odNN oI EF o @_ N oIo-5 o8iloL oo Nts No @- @ @ sI I ts_ L I@fNI E.'l @ ts tsEEI toNol@6td01@-@FNIN600t6t@ol oF@NlN- lN 8E5l Io-\Flo- r r oloN6-lN -.do1 o--lN oool oo60too- F_ @l o- NOtsl@6@OlFdiNld- lN shSl Eo- N_ ol o-o-@lOFoNIOoNotootFjNld l* N@sl Not-Flo_NNol 6@o@lo@NOINd<do'ld t- ooNl o @- .o- ol s^6<-lN6N@t@ ddo-lo-t- o-ol og831 3o 'j@ldseEl 8d d N'l r:-t- No@l @b$81 Iotdd]dooot o+@6t@ 60Nl @t- 6NOI N66NtOs- s- ol s-o60l 6-sot ooFOIOo rjoldl' 8E8l bo 6lOlN-o6@l N66Fl@NtOI N 6NOl Ol' -@-l @ {o@t oot+@1iN66INo@Nl odoNld-lN N F Nl 66<OtO@F@l 0sEts'l Io$ot @d@o-l N-- lN oxol o o- s- @l o- oNOIFo60t@o6-l O e c E 6EooF<F E9o OEgEr EI o,^3Ei8ea6FZI !H2.o E!E.e!oFvr f;b{<i; 6 P9 EES o o cioN o0 Eo @o @oN l Eo o6! .qoc@c o@ o oo !Eo@oNd ocf iofca Eo oG!s cocGta o !o ooEo .q @oN on Eo @oo.s!c6 6o ffiE5l=a= EE;I= EEd= EEEI. o E@ >P E Oo-o-.c o Ft.8dsE(,E I(EtroOio,9Cc z'a(trr,h EF ! 9ai EEgc! !9 olt ,84' EEEI' EE$1" EEEI. o6bhE.EIF E3E8@ooF YF!o =t -NO888666!E!8oo(oFYF ExhibitNo.15 Case No. INT-G-16-02 J. Darrington, IGC p. 14 of25 FNoSo@NOooFNo$4:l o oNo6tloo6l (Y)- .o-@ooc) to slro@--lo$ loroo(o (o rr)(o- t- @-i.ro(ot6t(.,cD- - ()ooolr,t@tr,(oddJt@(oAt- tt to(roo(o*@- $- 6-tro6!tNo'(o- F looo6ro(o@_ !t- A*NOt@t-6t(v) rorr,o@o(,,@-N-attoo)tFl-stF lr,rro(o@F(O- @- r\-S(OFrtN-ca_ nt rr) t* O)@(t$t(o- (,- @-30@tF(oNIr)J 606O-@(o- i- @-It-c)INN(o- s l()(oo@oot(o- (')- N-tl-@t.o|(,N-t roo)o@roo@_ @- t-rfoNtF)o(o- t tf) (?, lo(ooo(o- lo- lo- ttFlOt(ort6t- N ro (o (o6@@(o- (0- F--troF$$c')co- t o(o@olororr,- @- (o-t@(o -@@ oo6tNO()\o-aoNttt(arf, \ o-(){ lorooo(,lo@- *- (o-tro<,!t sl (,(r)- - looo66i(orr,(oddJ!t ro aoe! tf r, ta, ooc)t(lrt@+ddt6.CD(?) - rooo@ro@@-q--*NOt@t-NC)J ro|.)o@(ac.,@-N--iroo,rt 1\ l-N- rot(,o(o@l\@-@-\ $(D-tclF (t- N lf, t- g)ooNs- o- (a-ro-t{o!t o6J .o o) ao('' (l' ('$- @- i-tr)tottlo(9- t ro (o ao(Y' O 6lj-(o-\tf, o, |f,!tOd)(Y)- !t (rrr,t(', (o (D*- s{ or-lr) l'- (r)t|.)ooc)J roo@rr€(ort- (O- F--|r)|r)F-{ic"C)- tt ,l E E EI eFE>IFI Er;l .bFollrl E s:l =OEOI6t-zllrl !, I#e.l gEEI " !, I E H=J=oc0)tBFcolrrl E s=l=0,<=tbF<lr!l El9ola =aol6EFIAEeil s bF-lr!l EEEI ' -r.^l $EEl = -E.l EE"1 ' = eel ^sEEl = .etl EEnl n - e.l EEEI . =(o >E F(UO- CLS (f) EeSo.x EU,oirotraoEp =ZE'6 ro ,E =' (E EE: bEecE !9 otL @oNJ(7' o,ll Ed)od,6 (o o ^lJ .>JI Eo 6 .E!, E(.,c(uc !,o,oIoe!tc6(o oNd(oocta a(Efco-Eo (E oa (E'6 E(EE E =.J(! o !,6.)6oCL Eoo .!2(o <)NJ(q d)6 Eoooo ED .EEco (oo frlEFIFol ;zl E oooroooF- (, rO NNN(\t ooor.) lo roF- 61 6lc) c)atN ooo|frooi- ro lost (\tNN o@(o600t-tt @co orr)F orJ)F- 60b(v)00*- lo- ll)-Ir)FtOs(otN- At E=PdErEO66 !,EoEo6 ro+!,o6 .=E E=9&.ErEOo>oo !,EG E0,6 _tEIolEIalf,lEI<tclol pl .91>l EI -DoE5EEqEEO0ro>oooroi (u 9*OEIE60)(st El-F ExhibitNo. 15 Case No. INT-G-I6-02 J. Darrington,IGC p. l5 of25 ^O-NPol=zl r(,(CrNaoFilc)V (o oNJo o6 Eo)o(r,o (o oNJ .>f? Ee (o (EE Eoc(Ec Ea6oEo !,c(E 9ctooto-co-oe0=-,'E_l'-Eaoo2$Eg_GE(Lo-,too-60tzEEPEE'i E<)fo6 .!9(!ab=EElQ .o3+ o 6c)oE:'-fo@=5(5 Et";E-5EiE6+aH;h E"U Euobo-oo-z-o oF=f5.ePecz=zo=6=LO:O6'=E=9E;f l4l 6 a 3 otulo o (5 o,tstL(,dla9= o o c ExhibitNo.l5 Case No. INT-G-I6-02 J. Darrington, IGC p. 16 of25 o oi e a6'@lo6tooloVN l_ s'l_ 66'oo EE'gE. F-(")oto,$(o @ EEEoE-.EEOE86soF <oxooP =S9:P 9>PPR (o@ON(ooot oi (o@oooooooo ()oI N a - l'.. C)OF.F-F-()oJr-olOFotr o (rFOIOFF-6lFO$o$coo6ooo o oo,toN60N(o(o(olooooNO(Orrt{ o a e @ lr)F oNoni(o o C 6'6] Oo@$lo@r()lrNorlo-6tltNFFIO _--l _ 6l_ggg ol N 6loooqqq999 loF.\t_ @o @ e o oo@l No@olNo- F-- o-l (o-@@ol@$-Nl O6001 @o60l $o@Nl @- lN -N(f)xxx888_666.9 oF N(,)O)Od)t'-.o- o_ olttNo6$ @ (o@@ooooooooocroo g 6 Nro(ooFNc)- cr_ qoto()-ra\(o(oF a N66f-NrONOtfrFOoooooci 1F oF-$-!tsl @ soFjo o l_ o,oN.t F. o 6 Fool Noool @ol o- o_l N-oo@l o-oOl o@oNl oNool oNl o I eN(/) llY888_666-g oF oooNt66rO('lrl:JFl o (l)@@oooooooooci ci c; e (aO-otooc.a_ @- qi'- N t- lo toor o)oooooooo 6 tolo(o(,No-aq(o(oNr(OOtN o 60N@OO)tNi'-6NOoooooo a 6 loo,oooo g oF oN@(') e li ll II o(oo F,Jo(o FNO 888_6E6g oF 6 (o@@oooooooooooo @@oNt-t-NNN(oooci ct ci @ olf,N F..NNoo oo ON(ot@lfro c)aa?oo roF.ort q olo Or-oF-o o.i e o6l ot@ @ @ ooot-N o a o,too)ao @ o(o6 Nod E o) G 0) !, o o (5 gE 3 EoEt0)6t osE.gb SEo ooE(99bL6oo .do,flEovo6=E EEE .Eotr/nEEvoo=<irt;h,qfr lt,f EEFOu, EE 11)EFooE otrE!,EF c.9o.Eoooo oz 6oo o)fco) ot o)cJ aoJ oo(r_be aEqgg5 Ecooo€oqE(/,d8ooooBpCG€ErfiLN=dE9EEt;b9PF_ C'=.oEEf E o o o o o lntermountain Gas Company Non-Executive lncentive Compensation Expense Adjustment For the Test Year Ending December 31, 2016t1I Line No.Description Amount (a) 1 TestYear 2 lncentive Compensation Expense $ 3 PayrollTax Expense 4 Pro Forma 5 lncentiveCompensationExpensel2l 6 PayrollTaxExpenset3l (b) 7 8 I 10 Adiustment 1,038,672 70,942 665,403 38,2',t4 (373,269) (32,728\ ExhibitNo.l5 Case No. INT-G-16-02 J. Darrington,IGC p.17 of25 1',! 12 13 14 15 16 17 lncentive Compensation Expense PayrollTax Expense Total lncentive Compensation Adjustment Adjustment to Transmission Adjustment to Distribution Adjustment to Customer Accounts Adjustment to Sales Adjustment to Administrative and General Adjustment to Payroll Taxes Total lncentive Compensation Adjustment $ (405,997) (3,297) (118,581) (111,430) (26,782) (113,179) (32,728\ $ (405,ee7) PURPOSE OF ADJUSTMENT To remove the earnings metric from the Company's non-executive incentive compensation expense. NOTES [1] Test Year ending December 31, 2016 is composed of actual financial data from January 1 - June 30, 2016 and forecasted financial data from July 1, 2016 - December 3l, 2016. [2] See Exhibit No. 15, Page 18, Column (D, Line 6. [3]See Exhibit No. 15, Page 18, Column (g), Line 6. $ o o EoooooLo Eco(o oNo(r) ocJ-I aofcoa Eo+oop6,6 c(Ec.E ofoG oE,(/Drooo-N gi, LUlo6€ oQlNEro(Y) t b@9bENoOrA>-=(r- L.Pb OEgG EE>e ffilH 3l-li cbl: FZl= 'E @ (f)o$- rO@(o @ (f,c!lr,- t-o, @ t-(f, l()o(o- et $ (\Id(f) rOi.-F-r-\t @ @(f)lr)N(oOt'-@(oo$$c.iortJorol:rN osssss(f)(o(f)oo(fr(rr(900<ridrtrid(f, (f, (f) N (\tttttt @sssssoooooqcqqq tOF-OtOO (\ o)@s(rr-o)$o)(o(o@C\to)oorJtocrfdl-N-OOF(Oro)c.irocrl-o (\(f)tto L L L L L O.o.q.o.g.o6FFFFFF N(fr!tlo(o o, :9x =(UOF(L .l.elE gEI "iEEl e (rl o9 F.sP E66 =>EOz tO t* CD O) CAo)@q)o(ng)- s- (o_ (o- o @@Fl()l-(f) ro (o r ol(9Nr .lol eEl E E] O EEI-61 ocDo=cooobo-(L E'-9 >6o (Ei= *Ea o co (U Jo (5O=q;(o>EiEo':(U O--Pfi : =ctxotr \J +. ,lt(U6ffieE ? $cEifi (-L =oRe.=; =6Ho9l:+, r-(-- (l)=oE'EOf I'Loox rycoz o o @ oL.oF oo Eo) (E(L o.E ExhibitNo.15 Case No. INT-G-16-02 J. Darrington,IGC p. l8 of25 ozo f- EoL o (Uo EocoE Eoooo0) o EEG(o oNo(f, o)c)-I bo co-EoL ooo E -c.i9oc)o.L.=EJJ+(EEE fxccv(5EE EJ)eoo art8- NNEEELeeg 66..A RR(ooar(D0)oo)o)NOO-(L(L(rrOO gOEE-Cl(.p = rcF Ul abP o o)o"-c EOit' vobro roEDt-F.EB o ciZ, EZ ZO O= =g Q-O -OqPE EJUU x x ffiIEg E Ehlr- & s) a XIE; N tr ooocoo-xox(U oL oo-o0)ooL G)E Ec(Eooocoo.xoo Eoo.= (Eco Eoo-o-)U'pc(5 c.ooocoo- Eooo Eoo .E o.z fo0)xc)IcoE EFIEzt\url Y{ =l;FIE(,ll ofl or elE<l d 5l Eul olqI BYI Eill Efl oo-lF O)rC\lo0r)o{. @- Crr.roN@(o(oc\lr @ @No) (a(o (f) NOlo (oo_-!, @ !t C\l(\o$tc", rio$ o a tol'\ (t)o) o)ottN -o $oo) c.jF(a @@ ELoEo(, EE(U 9.h.aoE6 La:sbE LC-E68ooo#f + fEECoo0)EEEottoff=o.- .- .- IEEEO $rO@F* Eoacoo-xllJEEL(EE E", g .>o Ee611d!Ex.q,EI,U EGv i;cOCgF 8-EE E8.F 8oo- o99 .E fECOoo oEE ffoo =foT'E O rC\lcr) o ExhibitNo.15 Case No. INT-G-16-02 J. Darrington, IGC p. 19 of25 6oFo O Eoo(UooLolL (Uao co o Loaoo Eo- b(o>iH H<EFE ER6E\v, O_ 0) E,IE(rEo)9Cl-P-Effi = sEEb;bogE9e5:oootLx Lu ocJ oz o E'EE@E5?(\boo-fat oO'P Lthrq) bogEe artE^8 U'Eg SLoq E(UxE'O(Uh o'Ecooo E*sEOEg€ IPb.EEB ego'E.e. Is5 6oN IC.l;5 eEi.- ='6€sE,alEgug ko.g i;o): .>co=EEHooXgEo)QE urxBgalz,6 =rul;i o otslF 8' j ZII"E E I I-(nqt-(o$ 6@ I* (OrONl-@ri(V) F E C) -o o N@ -Oor((lc.itoNtJ\! o IONcDo@_qttNd)(f, @ sgooEOE9EurEoE()J L 9ot.= o'EsE3=o.cEfi 8-oxEc(UO.9FOir6 eghEod g99 c LccoOOEEE6oo.1.a .EoE o sN(a ExhibitNo.15 Case No. INT-G-I6-02 J. Darrington, IGC p.20 of 25 (E oF o o oo IDoooLo]L o5o co o.Eoooo S=e =E R(E iaJO.IJJ CO Eaeo6 Eao dJ EE-LCL.-.=opgofi =EEEBnocE Cr-o)=o€8e c)E)oz o EcE8-E6(o5.E(\fi8fr(rg5Elc ot.E f=Lsd;E8sfiEE!EE'6FEPc.E =d*s= t€N.;o--qco tsiuEE€E96o-!*OrEOE8? E.9o I.o5E bcl(tsC,,t J OrIiEo-c,EE,i8:E E-E EE(Eo,rc, o cLCECLoo:,- cU) .EE a,ti tEuI;i o o El=g a o,(\tro o,t*ol 6 (ot@N!t- q CDNI-N !, @ o)oNOt\- cO-@o(O- (\vo @ F-troNF*- c\l OF -o o co E O-ao9gfirJJ bOO-oxClUEe € u E€bEz6 E,i- E(E;qctutsoF OEA -B 8.*doo- ooo.= fecocroo)cEx.:EIUoo.a.1 g!,Ecl F(\(v) o ExhibitNo.l5 Case No. INT-G-16-02 J. Darrington, IGC p.2l of25 ooF o a t,oooooLotL E) (J O=9 -<o >E.H Efis FEEdgE SEf,Eo=EEfi = =e$EU) --bePeE I5!fif co o Loooo oc) o oz o lntermountain Gas Company Other Revenue and Expenses Adjustment For the Test Year Ending December 31, 2O16tll Line No.Description Actual Forecasted Total (a)(b)(c)(d) 1 lncome: 2 Non-Utility Revenue Adjustment 3 lnterest lncome Adjustment 4 Subtotal $$(142) $(142) 6,9336,933 6,933 (142)6,791 5 Expense: 6 Arid Club Dues Adjustment 7 Donations Adjustment I Civic, Political, and Related Activities Adjustment 9 Other Deductions Adjustment 10 Subtotal (2,723) (68,926) (36,859) (418) (1,410) (112,591) (33,394) (4,133) (181,517) (70,253) (418) a (108,926)(147,39s)(256,321\ 'l'l Total Other Expenses Adjustment $ 115,859 $ 147,253 $ 263,112 12 13 '14 Adjustment to Other Revenues Adjustment to Other Total $6,791 Q56,3211 s 263.112 PURPOSE OF ADJUSTMENT To remove non-utility revenues and expenses NOTES [1] Test Year ending December 31,2016 is composed of actual financial data from January 1 - June 30, 2016 and forecasted financial data from July 1, 2016 - December 31, 2016. ExhibitNo.l5 Case No. INT-G-16-02 J. Darrington,IGC p.22 of25 o o ;(EJEO<c; EObc.r&Jo(oEs6EP8 EElFr E(ofitb; OJa)OE =oEEu,(E'-E9r RE-oFC(Y) tE 8Ee.Oh(E HEog 9loL-E66e Fq>o frlH t 5l= Ezl= i El v :l$<l E bl €ul G) 8l EHE =l oo-l F (f)N$- @s(r).t @ (ot-C\{(o (f)- N @ orO c.i(9oc.i o ooEoo-xtu oo o)s o c 0) Eo) E E o o co o C)oo)o EoF -o ooooooLo1! Eao E@ EEE F L L 5EE,\ J Evb-gl E*AOAo)CE.=Qpg *fiqUJ E EE9)-L# =oP.gE# -(l) :oLL a Po'=z o ExhibitNo.15 Case No. INT-G-16-02 J. Darrington, IGC p.23 of25 o a Une lntermountain Gas Company lncome Tax Calculation For the Test Year Ending December 31, 2016111 Folustsd Adiustnants Prcfoma AmountNo.Oesqiption (a) 'I Total OpaEting Rsvenu€R 2 Total OpoEting Expenses Bebro lnteBst Expense and ln@m TuesF 3 lnterest Chargesl'l 4 PBTulmoreH 5 Pomamri Tu Adjustm6nts: 6 401K Dividend Doduction 7 50% Maals 8nd Entertainmont I Club Du€s 9 Lobbying Expsses 10 Totel Pemnent Tomporary Tu AdjusEn6nts: Bad D€bt Exp€nse Charitable Contribrnions Cusiom8r Advanes Detered Compomaliff - Officers ln@nlive Comp€nstim LNG Salgs Debnod Revsue Payroll Tues - lnentive Compensatim Post€tiremnt Bgrefit Costs SISP/SERP Exp€nse - Curent SISP/SERP Expense Offi @rs SISP/SERP Exp6ns6 Offi@c - PBO UmmortiEd Loss on Reacquired Debt Uniiom Cepitalialion Vetion Pey AFUDC O€bt - CWP AFUDC Equity - CwlP Cepitalizod lntsest - CW|P Contribution in aid of onstruclion - CWP Plant Tamporery OiffoEn@s Federal 32 Total Temporary 33 Total Til AdjusttnentsH 34 Taable in@me beiore stale incom€ taxssm Stat6 Curent lncomo Til Calalation: Tilable in@m b6fore stale income taxes Bonus Modification Stal6 taxable inme State tax Ete State income tax (expense)/benefit before adjustments State Not Optrating Loss Stat6 Til Cr€dits Pemnant Building Fund lnvestrnent tar sEdit ro€pture Retum and olhtr adisrrents Total Stab Cursrt ln@re Taes (e&eGe)/bemfit 2,1 1 1,885 3,512,345 (1,241,6?,1 5,750.739 470,263 9.263.084 (b)(c) '18,269,607 9,773,585 1.503.€81 (d) 254,800,510 240,555,605 5.852.084 $236,530.903 S 2fi,782,O20 1.34€.423 't,400,460 (123,189) 81,713 4,133 70,253 6,992,381 (4,133) (70.253) 4,392,821 (123,18s) 81,713_ (4'1,474)32,910 (74,386) 11 12 13 14 15 't6 17 '18 '19 20 21 22 23 24 25 2A 27 28 29 30 31 (s,s08) (39,018) 181,517 247,239 (246,o2o1 1,038,672 101,582 70,942 (23s,694 (6271 (s36,050) 334,864 72,216 (36,695) 38,6S2 (303,594) 26,353 (e55) 939,024 4't2.O3A (181,517) (695,8r6) 246,O20 (373,289) (101,582) (32,7281 627 536,050 (334,8er) 624,355 303,594 (26,3s3) 955 (939,024) (193.684) (s,508) (39,018) (428,s77) 665,403 34,214 (235,694 72,216 587,660 38,692 214,354 2.078.975 fi.187,236)91 1.739 (r0) 35 36 37 38 3S 40 41 42 42 42 43 44 45 3,512,U5 (5.336.799) 5,750,739 9,263,084 (5.336.799) (1,824,4541 7.40% 135,010 (18,8s6) 5,750,739 7AWo (425,555) 145,273 3,926,245 7.4OYo (290,54s) (10) (18,856) 145,273 (164.138) o ExhibitNo.15 Case No. INT-G-16-02 J. Darrington, IGC p.24 of25 114.144 (2N2&\ a lntermountain Gas Company lncome Tax Calculation For the Test Year Ending December 3'1, 2016111 Lina No.Forecasted Adiustments PrcbmAmount (e) Stat€ Dstered ln@me Ta Calculation D6femd Gas Cost and SERP timing diffsEn€5E Stat€ d€tered tax rate State NOL State Deferod ln@me Tuss (exponse)/bon6fitH Total State ln@m6 Taes (sxpen$)/bsngfilllq Fedsral Curonl lncoma Tu Calculation: Tdable incomo bebG state in@me traxes State inme ta - Cunoli y€r Fedsel taaue incomo Fed*al tax Ete Fed€rel Net Opsating Loss State Net Oporaling Loss Foderal Til Crodits Stat€ Ta Crsdits FIN /l8 Adjustrnonls Retum and oth€r adjustrnenG Total Federal Curent lnome Taos (expense)/benoft Fedorsl Debrred lnmmB Tu Calculation Non fixed ass6t & cWP timing difisrmeslrll Fodtral defered tax ral€ Oef€red taxos 69 Defemd Gas Cost & SERP timing differemslq 70 Federal defored tu etell4 7 1 Def6red taxes 72 Utility fxed asset timing dilferenceslrsl 73 FedeEl defered tax Etoll4 74 D6t6rred taxes 75 Fed6ml Oef€red ln@me Tus (€xpense)/benefidlt 76 Total Fedtral lncome Ta6s (qpsnseyberefdrq (536,oso) 7.4090 536,050 7.40% (b)(c)(d) 6 47 48 49 50 5'l 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 6o 6t 62 63 64 65 66 ts7 68 7.4OVo (39,668) 74,476 39,668 Q&.614\(164.138) 3,512,345 116,144 5,750,739 (2&.2@l 9,263,084 (164,138) 3,628,489 35.00% (1,269,971) 5,470,457 35.00% (1,914,660) 9,098,9,16 35.00% (3,184,631) fi.269.971)(1.914.660)(3.184.631) 2,176,6v 35.00% 741.422 (1,,183,249) 35.00% (519.'t37) 693.385 35.00% 242.645 a (536,050) 32.4't% t173.734\ 536,050 32.41Vo 173.7U 32.41Yo 2'18,354 22.75% 49,679 4 12,038 22.75% 93,745 (193,684) 2..75% (44.060) 681,833 (588,138) (389,4tt9) (2,304,129) 292,W (2,892,26Tt 77 ITC Amonizton 306,187 306,187 7g Total tax (expssel/baefidln $ (205,475) $ (2,544,743\ $ (2.750,218) NqES [1] Test YEar trding Oecomber 31, 2016 is composed of actual financial data from JanuaryI - June 30, 2016 and ior@sted finarcialdata frm July 1, 20'lo - Deember 31, 20'16. [2] Se6 Exhibil No. 14, Page 1, Columns (b), (c), and (d), Une 3. [3] 566 Exhibit No. 14, Page 1, Column (b), (c), and (d), th€ sum of Lines S19. [4] lnttresl expense ior purposs ol €lcuhing in@me tax expense is @lolaled as tho weight€d aveEgo mst of debt multiplied by aversge rat6 base. [5] Line 1 - Line2- Line 3. [6] Line l0 + Une 32. m Line 4 + Line 33. [8] See Line 22. The IPUC requires the flow-through of state income tues. However, deferred taes related to dsfered gas @sts, the Supplmental ln@re Security Plen and th€ Supplemntal Exmtjvo Retirament Plan aB not raquiGd to be flMd thrcugh. There ar6 no def€red gEs @sts in this filing and SISP md SERP exponses havo bsn removod. [9] Line 47 x Line 48 - Lino 49. [10] Lin6 45 + Line 50. [1 1l Line 32 - Une 22 - Line 2& Lin€ 3'l. [12] FedeEl statnqy tax Eto of 35% l€ss the F€deEl tax etr61 o, the ldaho statutory rale ot 7.4%. [13] Ss Une 3'1. [14] This is the Averago Rato Assumplion Msttpd rate. [1q Line 68 + Lin6 71 + Lina 74. [16] Lin6 64 + Une 75. [14 Une 5l + Une 76 + Lin€ 77. ExhibitNo.l5 Case No. INT-G-16-02 J. Darrington, IGC p.25 of25 o o Ronald L. Williams,ISB No. 3034 Williams Bradbury, P.C. 1015 W. Hays St. Boise,ID 83702 Telephone: (208) 3 44-6633 Email: ron@williamsbradbury.com Attorneys for lntermountain Gas Company BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF INTERMOI-INTAIN GAS COMPANY FOR THE AUTHORITY TO CHANGE ITS RATES AND CHARGES FOR NATURAL GAS SERVICE TO NATURAL GAS CUSTOMERS IN THE STATE OF IDAHO Case No. INT-G-16-02 EXHIBIT 16 ) ) ) ) ) ) ) o D EXHIBIT o TGC o Line No. lntermountain Gas Company Deficiency in Operating Revenue For the Test Year Ending December 31, 201611I Description Amount (a)(b) 1 Rate Baset2l 2 Operating lncome at Present Ratest3l 3 Earned Rate of Returntal 4 cost of Capitalt5l S Operating lncome at Proposed Ratestol 6 Operating lncome DeficiencfTl 7 Gross Revenue Conversion Factols] $ 236,926,497 11,494,687 4.852% 7A20% 17,579,946 6,085,259 1.67055 o 8 Deficiency in Operating Revenuelel $ 10,165,700 NOTES [1] Test Year ending December 31, 2016 is composed of actual financial data from January'1 - June 30, 2016 and forecasted financial data from July 1 , 2016 - December 31, 2016. [2]See Exhibit No. 12, Page 1, Column (d), Line 10. [3] See Exhibit No. 14, Page 1, Column (d), Line 25. [4] Line 2 I Line 1. [5] See Table 7 - Proposed Return on Rate Base sponsored by Company Witness Chiles. [6] Line 1 x Line 4. [7] See Line 5 - Line 2. [8] See Exhibit No. 16, Page 2, Column (c), Line 9. [9] Line 6 x Line 7. Exhibit No. l6 Case No. INT-G-16-02 J. Darrington, IGC P. I of2 o E e g(tr819E=ONc^(E- E -:. -fo-) o^Loy OoEa5o)Eq-H.q =oEcoo(Jc ot tE 9Ei, aDNgJE(oo 6t-* O,,8E s ,r, NEo i,5 P Pgg b c,,5 =Oo P (D :6.( A.E A ABssE i E ;E;E; N E d E F-fiEN.U e: g: p;; 5 E 5 6 i d i dO'-E,XrXrO--oX $ $ (o @ c tal fi bts: o o o o or Itul 6(!ko.E.E.E.E.= \FIF ? X TL J J J J J9l=58 s o s o o E E lr)rOot-q Go)xgEE6'Qx:-+sgEI-(JI E =E,rxoxcE9,o.o E-a E* $t= st i$ gE#EHfiE5$ E.A_ UE- orEtrEEE**EqIg565##E,too (o@o)roci soqlo(o o -o o (') (Y)o)(oONNNol a?oo c)otf)(o$(oo, t*o?eoo sont- ss|-tt- O)@lofc?oo o@o,ocoloOF(Y)oooqcq rOO .EfocruolL eZ86ezog o o (Et E(o as i([l(E- o- LL c')trc b-o-oOCEOoH=E96 g.=oE(E=,i#Fs =oEd6eEt ab 3PF9o-o!bLL o C.9o oooo Pol'= zl Exhibit No. l6 Case No. INT-G-16-02 J. Darrington, IGC p.2 of 2 o Gurriculum Vitae '{r"BRG o BerkaleyRerearch Orcup tGc Branko Terzic BERKELEY RESEARCH GROUP, LLC 1800 M Street NW,2nd Floor lWashington, DC 20036 Direct: 202.480.2647 btezic@thinkbrq.com EDUCATION B.S. Engineering University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee,1972 PRESENT EMPLOYMENT Managing Director, Berkeley Research Group LLC PREVIOUS POSITIONS er".,o"n, Branko Tezic & Associates, lnc. June 1,2014 - May 25,2015 Executive Director Deloitte Center for Energy Solutions June 1 ,2012-May 30,2014 Requlatory Policv Leader in the Enerqv & Resources Group Deloitte Services LP May 24,1999 - May 30, 2014 Reoional Manaqinq Partner of Resources. Enerov & lnfrastructure Practice Deloitte & Touche Central Europe LLP 1999-2004 Chairman. President and Chief Executive Officer Yankee Energy System, lnc. (NYSE Listed company later acquired by NU in 1999) 1994 - 1998 Manaqino Director Arthur Andersen Economic Consulting, Washington, D.C 993-1994 U.S. Federal Energy Regulatory Commission October 20, 1990, to May 24,1993 ExhibitNo.lT Case No. INT-G-16-02 B. Terzic,IGC p. I of6 EXHIBIT 'in.BRG o Berketey Resaarch Group 1993 Distinguished Service Award October 5, 1993 James C. Bonbright Utility Center, University of Georgia ExhibitNo. 17 Case No. INT-G-I6-02 B. Terzic, IGC p.2 of 6 Group Vice President AUS Consultants; Moorestown, New Jersey (Regional Office: Milwaukee, Wisconsin) December 1, 1986, to October 19, 1990 Commissioner State of Wisconsin Public Service Commission - Madison, Wisconsin March 1, 1981, to December 1, 1986 Partner Tezic & Mayer Public Utility Consultants - Milwaukee, Wisconsin 1979 to 1981 Vice President Associated Utility Services, lnc. (now AUS Consultants) - Milwaukee, Wisconsin 1976 to 1979 Staff Appraiser American Appraisal Associates, !nc.- Milwaukee, Wisconsin 1974to 1976 and 1969 to 1971 n Electric Power Company - Milwaukee, Wisconsin 1972to 1974 HONORARY DOCTORATES 2009 Doctor of Sciences in Engineering University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee PROFESSIONAL AWARDS, RECOGNITION 2009 Energy Efficiency Forum inductee HALL OF FAME June 15, 2009 Energy Efficiency Forum, National Press Club, Washington, DC 2008 "Champion" Award February 6, 2008 Women's Council on Energy and Environment, Washington, DC 2002 Natural Gas Roundtable Appreciation Award December 17,2002 Natural Gas Roundtable, Washington DC 1999 Distinguished University Graduate 1999 Commencement May 1999 University of Wisconsin - Milwaukeeo 2 'imBRG O o Berketey Reseamh 0roup 1991 Achievement Award for Founding of the Society November 21, 1991 Society of Depreciation Professionals 1990 State of Wisconsin Certificate of Congratulations November 16, 1990 Governor Tommy Thompson 1990 State of Wisconsin Racing Board Resolution of Commendation November 16, 1990 Wisconsin Racing Board 1989 Citizen of the Year 1989 May 1, 1989 Greater Milwaukee Legal Auxiliary 1987 National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners Engineers' Resolution of Commendation June 18, 1987 National Conference of Regulatory Utility Commission Engineers 1983 Honorary Kentucky Colonel appointment Governor John Y. Brown PROFESSIONAL AFFILIATIONS Prior Director, American Gas Association 1994-1998 Director, New England Council 1994-1998 Delegate of the Energy lndustry, U.S.A. Department of Commerce's Transatlantic Business Dialogue, 1 996 Member, National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners NARUC Committee on Finance and Technology, 1985 to 1986. NARUC Ad Hoc Committee on lnsurance in Regulated lndustry, 1986. Chairman, NARUC Committee on Engineering, 1983-1985. Subcommittees included Depreciation, Management, Audit, and Valuation Co-Chairman Ad Hoc Committee on Utility Diversification 1986. Present Member, Energy Efficiency Forum Executive Committee Member, Society of Depreciation Professionals Member, Society of Utility Regulatory Financial Analysts Member, Association of Energy Engineers Member, The Natural Gas Roundtable Member, Energy Bar Association Member, United States Association for Energy Economics Senior Member, American Society of Mechanical Engineers Faculty Member, The Washington Campus MBA Programs ExhibitNo.lT Case No. INT-G-16-02 B. Terzic, IGC p. 3 of6 o 3 'ihBRG o o Berketey Recearrh 0roup BUSINESS AND NOT.FOR.PROFIT AFFILIATIONS Chairman, State of Wisconsin Racing Board (State official in part-time capacity) May 27 , 1988, to October 19, 1990 Madison, Wisconsin Board Member National Regulatory Research lnstitute 1988 to 1990 at The Ohio State University PUBLICAT'OA'S ARTICLES (Representative listing) "10 [Electric powerl Myths " July-August 2013 ELECTRIC PERSPECTIVES "History repeats itself: a guide from 30 years ago" September 2009 OIL AND GAS FINANCE JOURNAL "The Future of Gonventional Fuels" October 2OO9 OIL AND GAS FINANCIAL JOURNAL "Regulators and Risk: Deloitte's 2009 Survey of State Regulators" May 2009 EE! ELECTRIC PERSPECTIVES "The electricity chattenge of the 218t century" June 2007 POWER magazine "The Economics of Climate Change: The Stern Review" August 2007 AMERICAN GAS magazine "100 Years of Regulation" July 24,2007 Milwaukee Journal Sentinel newspaper (with George Edgar) "Global Regulation: Exporting America to the World" February 2007 Public Utilities Fortniohtly (with Gregory Aliff) "The ABCs of Regulation" February 2007 Public Utilities Fortniqhtly (with Gregory Aliff) "The Russians Are Coming" July-August 2006 EnerovBiz (w Rebecca Ranich) "North America: A Step in the Right Direction" in THE WORLD ENERGY BOOK August 2006 The Petroleum Economist Ltd. London, UK ExhibitNo.lT Case No. INT-G-16-02 B. Terzic, IGC p.4 of6 4 o '{hBRG o o o Berketey Research Oroup "Reinventing The Classic Business Strategy" December 2005 Public Utilities Fortniqhtlv (w David Fornari) "New energy law to influence mergers" Nov/Dec 2005 ENERGY/BIZ Magazine (with Robert Robinson) "Lessons Learned From the L.A. Blackout" November 2005 Public Utilities F (w Greg Aliff) "A Lost Art?" November./December 2004 Electric Perspectives (w Gregory Aliff) "European lnfrastructure: Billions Needed in lnvestment" February 2004, Public Utilities Fortniqhtlv (w Thomas J. Flaherty "Today's Electric Power Grids" Winter 200312004 The National lnterest (with Gregory Aliff) "lnvestment in Russia: Superpower" February 1,2003 Public Utilities Fortniohtlv (w James Balaschak) "Distribution Gompanies of the Future" December 2002 IEEE Power Enqineerinq Review "U.S consumens less aware of energy issues" December 2002 Electric Liqht & Power (w Gregory Aliff) "Germany Taking The Lead in Electricity and Gas" January 15, 2000 Public Utilities Fortniqhtly (w/ B. Wurm & Y. Dietrich) "Restructuring Models for the Gas lndustry" March 1999, Natural Gas Magazine "Restructuring, My Way" (Electric lndustry Commentary) February, 1, 1999 Public Utilities Fortniohtlv "The New Energy Deal: Simplicity and Savings" First Quarter 1999, Derequlation Watch, Quarterly Report "lncentive Regulation: Efficiency in Monopoly" Winter 1994, Natural Resources & Environment "lncentive Regulation and Regulatory Forbearance: Appropriate Responses to the Ever- Competitive Market Place?" October 1992, Exnet Public Utilities Reports, lnc. ExhibitNo.lT Case No. INT-G-16-02 B. Terzic, IGC p.5 of6 5 'imBRG o o Berketey Recearch Oroup "The Future of lndependents" October 1992, lnstitutional lnvestor "Gazing lnto the Post-Order 636-A Natural Gas World" August 31, 1992, The Oil Weeklv "Gas in Britain: Regulation of a Privatized Former State Monopoly" May 26, 1988, Public Utilities Fortniqhtlv with Sir James McKinnon "Reflections on the Regulatory Process: An lnterview with Commissioner Terzic" December 25, 1986, Public Utilities Fortniqhtly CONTRIBUTIONS Global Strategic Assessment, 2009 lnstitute for National Strategic Studies Editor Patrick M. Cronin, National Defense University Press, Washington, DC 2009 The World Crisis: The Way Forward After lraq (in US by Skyhorse Publishing 2008) editor Robert Harvey chapter on energy by Branko Terzic. ExhibitNo.lT Case No. INT-G-16-02 B. Terzic, IGC p. 6 of6 6 o o Ronald L. Williams, ISB No. 3034 Williams Bradbury, P.C. l0l5 W. Hays St. Boise,ID 83702 Telephone: (208) 3 44-6633 Email: ron@williamsbradbury.com Attorneys for lntermountain Gas Company BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY FOR THE AUTHORITY TO CHANGE TTS RATES AND CHARGES FOR NATURAL GAS SERVICE TO NATURAL GAS CUSTOMERS TN THE STATE OF IDAHO ) ) ) ) ) ) ) Case No. INT-G-16-02 o EXHIBIT 18 EXHIBIT o TGC O O BOttl 3?A?E UillvlnSt?Y cotlto! or tuirxttt Auo Gcailol{ci D.prttrrrnt o, tnlormrtlodlt rlchrralryy .rrd sup,{l, Cirrn ffrrrgrrillnf lune22,2OL6 Ms. Lori Blattner lntermountain Gas Company 555 South Cole Road Boise,ldaho 8378 Dear Ms. Blattner, Atthe request of Intermountain Gas Company, we have reviewed the methodology used to develop statistical models for forecasting monthly and annual nafirral gas demand measured in therms for three different customer classes (RS-1, RS-2, and GS). In our opinion, the methods used are appropriate and are based on sound statistical methodology. The indicator variables used in the forecasting models for therm usage are consistent with business prsctice and the economic theory. While there are alternative statistical approaches that could be employed that would be acceptable, there is no basis for believing that alternative methods would prcvide superior results to those that your method has delivered. Therefore, we are of the opinion that the methods used by lntermountain Gas Company are an appropriate and adequate basis for weather normalization. Furthermore, the methodology the company has used is consistent with that previously approved by the ldaho Public Utilities Commission. Your approach follows the methodology approved by the ldaho Public Utilities Commission in Case U-1034-134. You tested the forecasting accuracy potential for each model. You conducted a backward forecast to see how urell the models forecast monthly and annual therm use for the years 2010-2015. You also ran a "true forecasf'teston the first four months of 2016 which were not used in developing the model. The forecast test results demonstrate the viability of the selected models. In sumrnary based on our analysis, the forecasting approach thatyou have used is appropriate and the process you used to arrive at the preferred models is consistent with standard forecasting methodologl. This opinion is supported by our academic backgrounds and experiences. Patrick Shannon holds a Ph.D. in Statistics and Quantitative Met}rods from the Univemity of Oregon, has co- authored several universitytextbooks includingeditions 1-9 of Businessstafistics: A Decision- Moking Approach, and has consulted for numerous public and private sector organizations. Phillip Fry has a Ph.D. in quantitative business analysis from Louisiana State Universitlr. He has been a co- author on the textbook Busfness5tathtics: A Decision-ltaking Approach (editians 5-9J published by Pearson. Sincerely, o Fry,Patrick Shannou Ph.D. ExhibitNo. l8 Case No. INT-G-16-02 L. Blattner,IGC p. I ofl I Ronald L. Williams, ISB No. 3034 Williams Bradbury, P.C. l0l5 W. Hays St. Boise, [D 83702 Telephone: (208) 344-6633 Email: ron@williamsbradbury.com Attorneys for Intermountain Gas Company BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF INTERMOI.]NTAIN GAS COMPANY FOR THE AUTHORITY TO CHANGE ITS RATES AND CHARGES FOR NATURAL GAS SERVICE TO NATURAL GAS CUSTOMERS TN THE STATE OF IDAHO ) ) ) ) ) ) ) Case No. INT-G-16-02 o EXHIBIT 19 EXHIBITo TGL o o 1 2 3 4 5 ZERO SIZE COST PLASTIC STEEL 7 SYSTEMGOSTNEW 8 Plasttc9 Steel 10 TOTAL SYSTEIUI COST NEW (B) INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY Distribution Plant - Itllains Zero-lntercept Method December 31,2015 $5.50 perfoot x 19,067,846 feet $ 104,900,256.18 $13.17 perfoot x 12,594,696 feet $ 165,930,162.68 $ 270,830,418.86 $ '148,571,466.77 425,726,574.O1 $ 574,298,040.79 47.160/o 52.UYo 6 TOTAL ZERO€rZE COST (A) 11 Customer Cost (A/B) 12 Gapacity Gost (l.04ustomer Cost) 13 NOTES: 14 1 . Used weighted average cost per foot grouped by size classification 15 2. Removed low footage, large pipe size ('10, 12, 16) and outlier 3.5 inch pipe size data points 2015 Mains Study.xls, Sfudy Nofes ExhibitNo. 19 Case No. INT-G-16-02 L. Blattner, IGC p. I ofl o I Ronald L. Williams, ISB No. 3034 Williams Bradbury, P.C. l0l5 W. Hays St. Boise,ID 83702 Telephone: (208) 344-6633 Email: ron@williamsbradbury.com Attorneys for Intermountain Gas Company BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY FOR THE AUTHORITY TO CHANGE ITS RATES AND CHARGES FOR NATURAL GAS SERVICE TO NATURAL GAS CUSTOMERS TN THE STATE OF IDAHO Case No. INT-G-16-02 EXHIBIT 20 ) ) ) ) ) ) ) o o EXHIB!T o. TOL sNo GJ 8soss; a-qT i€o@oa2;oN ;€o-oq-N :€+-oa- ;€oooq-t B oiN@ c,i oN otN ct Ets Eci @ E o_N INo 6ta@NOoNo@-@-d @oo oo!N{6-O@ -OOoi o c,i FOtNgsooct 6i@o qfl qa EeN Ndir_588 d'j 6'o og:5 F:-dd6NN6@--cnoi o@@oF_t-@NON6$drj@oo e-ovqs@aio-TN O@- iNoat ot ctFON oo@o$@otd 60 BHgooci-@@ Ies F E'$c.i ONo@@tsoiONTN frEg'VN$ist QooURSNri,j5EEES- o @o rjdOFoiddo 3b3dNdtES9 o 3 9,qoNdtE98FNO -<rit'EN- 38o6drtoootsgON o S-6XN$$so@-ci fissu-O -$gF Ees NN60dd@ooqo@_oooo T1tl 8- NN@of N N.D@N @- e @ o,Nt- 3 ts B. aN @ Eg EE5&9e66re30co9godtt No 6i @N 8N. o q N @ oooajN dt o oI o_3 N r u c EI& 6o 66@ od N@ @_ti- cs6Ec n 4 oEe5tr f6oo6gE6ootd coEf) ocI J Eo 3eBE q 3trP EsE frc 8..,I9oOQr EP,i s.*E.o E-cQ,Y6(,hti E; iFu.rooo 9E6trOp gEE or,i6Icz< o$o@N@oo9=So@N ExhibitNo.20 Case No. INT-G-16-02 L. Blatftrer, IGC p. I of5 6 EEOFF€ E .r,F oo Eo.he gEoc6ts o.9->oo!OB-eOEtrgEEF=F oE 6 oE5 o o o.; oo Ego(, EE3 EEE 6oF Eoo o oa o,oo ofFolu r/,oEs>N =frIp bEE I H6()oooIo ocJ d2o s8 soo s8 soo s8 aoo soo or ts coooc ExhibitNo.20 Case No. INT-G-I6-02 L. Blathrer, IGC p.2 of5 $s N s6IN $6!N ;!A F $6 F $6 ts *6aN oox.Eo oI L 6 Efox. @O O FNN $d o- oNo_o6 o ot N Nd oo ri o_ E dN@ o @3otNo- N Do oeI ooEooEocFGooo :QoooNaqF-ry@oo oN @_ @osio06id t@ d-NOoori ,j Go $N_ HS N@Noo t@ otdNN NN$oOFddNO FO ot rjNSooi 88@F,jdt@FO-oi oo NOri+NtON N ps qg soiN NO@osidNOFN@si 8Eo$ EE'ts6iF NON-O-FNFOo-o-o@ N Etspg ON_ q 11 N oci oNis'l o$ *i d a odt aoT aNod N Eci EN1o o ItNci o @6qo Bao @6Ns6 i! N3ctNNd @ 6FoEoI * E aooai oocoEoIc@ od t @c @ o oFoEo .g JO 5E 3oc!@doxx6UF dd -EEf8.* Ec*TEIc9l9! bEo>oro.= cEil 9 op&€ Ea#9dooYce,Ld FEI oo ciotofco ot oo cf NNO$O e N EqjN6 g Iq e ooF E$ s Eo6i o NN E !o lo oc.9.!loo oaco ot o e 6o esNts Its6@ o E@N GNFc 6 N 3 N ENdt N oN9- N q o ri ta N. @oN. 3o_ e o @6i c! N o NciE 3N @j- N3o_tstsd E)oeE)oU o c@ E@)ooEoaolE9qoaE--cq6 frc 8. -U=o=oE Es 1 EE.rE =d Es?EBrr uqb o qlooouoOo 11 R33FO@dicidFoo 6i ct 6i 11 aNaN $nsr.:o @ss>- ni c.i aN N ootrood6tat sN N fiEBR5E q aqsF Qoo689N ri-5bE3: o- 8aN F BE$Es8F-N-O- Fo$ **= $gpEgs e tso s o r cGc aos u., e 6 E EoF aN N $ $l$l " 8lB'l :ll Er.r EE,g ,lElT EI$IE "J€] E; slsloool9 E ; HIE]i. d d.lol co oto@N ooo2o Eo EEots*i ?oF oo Eo64-t8.EaceF o.9^>ooott5-aogr.c E5F o o oE 6 oE5 o.9Ioo EoEo(9 EE3 f;Ee. oJCFoEHCp >N:a fr$sb{E hTEo6c(JoEgs o 6oF Eo o to e oooo oq J ExhibitNo.20 Case No. INT-G-I6-02 L. Blattner, IGC p.3 of5 I0a,l6ab' ra oxa,lao$ ot 8 !] 66bs s N o'xdb T d6o' No o'o6 l{tt a H c.J E P E o'6ao' 88FOdototoo N 58F@dd58d,jN NN N- O-66 NO I FOdd@$ !N-- v_NNoo@i6i-NO 9 qeq q oao q @oq @oNO Nooo^ Ntso oea NN o6d|jo@ooci atot xo! PbEJA6E<6loSoooF Gox5<t) q ooo q o6a q oq@ e @@@ -t-598*EEA6 Eoloooo Ee Hg oaq N d o' N o'o si oso'o b o0N 6q d Nci q aot .n Ioo'aN.o .EEPBSEEdd ErSEEo Go?€U' oae q0e 6Nos NO@oNOdat@too 88@@o- rtE8 NN NOrtdNO aae NO.NON@cidNTNF o@q NN I38djNN@ts,jdNF NNEE@-rj@@NO {t o Noo' 6o oiId bNoc0p o' o o' No' Eq.io ao d Nos- o oNo ooo c -lts .9>9PE E EE Et !of oo booo6 6sefN@d oEI6d ooa,ioat ood6 at Io N Na at6Nct aod aN. oNo' k, qqa Eoc,i@ oao @,, o_ N d Noa,iotsd d N."t -b>o! 8E Eod Eoroooo c.9E$o'= 6afE(D! F so- Ntdt 8o E@-o r UJ o 8o ts N E. @N 6e@ @,13 @- @-No INd3 o_ >9PgaE Etofo9oooo o Eoho,o E6 &acEF oI Eo3rt ^rE 8. tE-5cEF o"9->oo6OB-a6Er.g EEF oE36 oo 5 o O o.gToo ocoo EEo .lB'[oaoE o fr. fr HqtHifl*3E EgEoO3oll 3(,EoF Eoo a to a'= Eoo o ExhibitNo.20 Case No. INT-G-16-02 L. Blather,IGC p.4 of5 a6N6iNNd 6aN$bx' No d6 o E oo6i €$qdN o- $'N q d€o$ o N.nNNo' 600NON@O-dfirt66FN_ ': o"NFN b8Eooo ^i ot rJoooooo N @@DNOO Fj oi aiNNF @aq oNo9F@NFOd'jri c,t oNoeh8Fj d cl-@@-oooddrt NOON@OooodddN@o sid; ooo te@+o 6iooNo@@dot@-N@@ 6 @aq -a->98 .ov=+ da E<6foSoooF hoao @eo a66 aoa aqq oN o' c{' ao tsaort 6. ct oo'NN N' oo a,i $ oqo'o oooN.Noa'o o-)9Po'iE;=xoE90foiBoooE Go aIo oN o_ocf ooo- No EctNNc,i oo@oioo_o o o E!-: oo@ciN6 @_@ eeo ct eqo oo N.oN N N ao' 6 Nd a N 6otq Nad 6 N NN6o' 6g ao' G0'6 qoo >o! 6-9Eoo E.^otofooo(, Goo o ooNOoo+dtooOF ts8o- D_8Booct @@ |NO ri 6iNN @N I@- d.jNO o oN. ONoodd66s^o-oo o dNo NO5Edo-@@ ddo NO6i@-iotooo@soiF@ ooa oe@ qeo 6a oo a\i a N o Noo'6og' I6ot6NN. . -Eo >o! EEE E.EOfO!oo()o do ai<D 3@ 8a,i d N oN.o E'N s-. 6" @N 60e -, NoiN EoEEo'=?Eoa5E(tt gF oo66$o!j ctONFO 6Nr oo6'do@o@6i ri }PB8EEdd Eoloooo I@ o_@tsr.: 6NaotoN 6 0@e ooo tsod oq EI EEI= Edl'l o o E I p' E= I P EE l0 'j EIEI'l :::ol-9^ I>o IEE Io7 IESle*!tE5 tFII 666l-,lxEI N!lot^>luol-EI5lI *-- II I €'El 6 al^-toEt-elolc,l I ***I o" -16-!l@- tH I. R EI I ***1.,,lbEl pFl^{Els 6lot I **- I I I I I.lol Ol^'= l<ol-6tol6l II -aI EgBI $$E EI O()()OIt s3ou oo!Of!t,doEUlroo:()=IIJ >N'tr,:EH:g h 3.9IEJ t3 HEoo ooI3*otr E ,9o 5lr o |q]q riE r.{E ritr Exhibit No. 20 Case No. INT-G-I6-02 L. Blattner, IGC P.5 of5 N doc; o N Eci ENso 8 Fci Eoo NONNNOoiocinciN@ N@Nod aoo o @i!tOFNOOooocj-cio @$oFNOoooo@oci d, ciov@_ @oN NOOoN$ci+cio6 @NOooN@6Fo@oci ci ci 6N@ooNooNo@ocicio NNNooo ciFo tIc, FEets EoF Go a <r) egEE b-e;5E >o! d$EESoooF ^-?C: FEEPE F=a;e-:E 8,qeE E BE EeoooG tsooci $Ici oaoo @qq No!o Noci @NNu?o Nooqo EEEE betsE >o! IiEEdd Er8E3o o$oo66cid'o@ NOo$o9N NT98ooci -o NOeOONci+oo ONNOoodci o6ooooci ai ONFOqqON eeto oitsE o >@l E8-EE-uolc.ooc6 N Eci og o g o @Noci N6 oci oNoo FL-F E 5E - BSEo -€8}PEE E.E Ed oo EEO]QEoo(JF N 8c, N Eo o r U o o o Eooo @o oci o oo NNIo E9EEET;SE aEt P$E Egooc o oo 2ooa gE6cdF oo>ooooa-oOESEF5F o E!o oo dJ t EE &E0aed F oo.E oo d 9,o(, EEE frEc oo(J =:) @ oN o oll Eoooo o3F@ UJI truJoltoFoooo,r, 5o o E oFcoo aa o o Ronald L. Williams, ISB No. 3034 Williams Bradbury, P.C. 1015 W. Hays St. Boise, [D 83702 Telephone : (208) 344-6633 Email: ron@williamsbradbury.com Attorneys for Intermountain Gas Company BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATTON OF INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY FOR THE AUTHORITY TO CHANGE ITS RATES AND CHARGES FOR NATURAL GAS SERVICE TO NATURAL GAS CUSTOMERS IN THE STATE OF TDAHO Case No. INT-G-16-02 EXHIBTT 2I ) ) ) ) ) ) ) o EXHIBITo rGC o q. 3 rs3..t 6** 6+Fi66 ,Poo60606 00ooNooo @oN_rjFtN';6 6,irj66tO O Ot6iNO F OO{N'N- J J oOOOFOFt@OiNOO600F606tsFddd{ddd;diri.ld 60-6NONOSF N60NOO600 Ndo ssto-N SE E5. ci o' o_ +.,i lj c,i !t o-ts-N.F-i @. ER53E8S:N-@-o-o-ts-61o*6Foot+6N6NOA6NOO605 BofctJ.jorS' 3 {dtrtd6d dN' di' 6i6trjat+d 6idNai+d oooooooccc orrjdd+.d ddddN' Jdd aiatci+ri dd6.ic' .iJdt' ct .\i ri .t d oooocccI .,idaid6' o_d dd dctd o_ .f rgis ri N' d .o'd rjN' ) FoF o- a-I 3 d qo5dUoz Fz5E J FoF dN. it 6' N. d t.a N. dsidF J a\i .i F -F-FNooooooUUUUUU.^FtsFtststsYIIIIII>-<oooooo>.-IU il U U il UXoIBB=;; -oo ofo dtsoF -oo o =o d o o E d.9 ca E co a 6cao {o "9UE23OEu::tstz.<.9Eo. oo Eoo E oEoo o.9 Eoo GEEoIoo0l Ea6 ETo:EiTE6t .lo d d ts F: o- N d vt N. 5' il N.t6' N93ts3St 5X E,jri+6i+lJ rjoi a'ooNd o dddid; rt .j+ 6i @-@---o-a@- EEEEE.ET.&.TUoooooooooo -l-l -l-l*l -l-l-l .l.lCtsGGGGGGGGalal alalal alal-l alalJJJJJJJJJJcrcccrIccc alal alolol o'o'ot o'olEX.G.tetn&Et N NE .,tddd.irj ;rid.d fi NONN6N6ts6o+{6FoN60 {Nd'drj6idd.,i6 F?Oo---* 6000000rr{striddd .ido-ddN t-o_o J.i ri .i ijSTBE o 5?,oc -6NoFn66+6N-60iO5ts66N@60@N6Nts:ai+oidaiddrjoiq'oF6N666F{6C ddtdt+riciN Jts'I :+- -3 TEoo il F.G.i r'r'occE.lo'<tE BEES ^iatcid$ 3.q o^ 6'iiq -o E q.g= Ig -; ^ *[ E,g.gEE E-1 3Ba3.g9 E*iEEE$EEEg.E546E6P533=e9 c c c c c c c c c ci!ooooooooool6OOOOOOOOOO6 -6EO9: EE H ""89q d xEE_E! 6 *66CEi a = I f -! E : 6 6 00Ed5B E^'qPPa EIEpEEciEaE. EEEEg.hSEEE:E Ei5i5i5i56i5ii6666 .9 .9E EF E,ff.* -g 6.4EE 6T9q 9EE! 6 =iE€EEt;==ooE 5;ESEB oz o5o sE z tBu=- € 5::,i gi;EssAI6 E=3iz 5t! -aP iEges :eseio ExhibitNo.2l Case No. INT-G-16-02 L. Blatfrrer,IGC p. I of2l o.t T*niidot d 6+FoF€o-6N66606E4 66 6tN Fo s..I E: Fjdt{.f ci o_ d -- ts ts q U9 EUvlz Ez5EJ FoF o I F6 | t \--@-N- o- @@- s-FF6O N N O 6600 6 00 a Jcid{ 6\i N- ts'FN 6dNFOG I tO I tNtsON 6 Fts G6dFN N OO IJddd di d rt -a riddrj dt o6r-otsN O6OFFtst 6 66FI 8' 66666N6tsdObP-o660N6666r & E'E'ir 3st Na o 'N | ?iN6d60o N 6N6NOOOd F 60N66601 Ei-- 3sN6 E. jNfb S i$ rt .f N aq- NEER 388986- .\l 6- 6- .! tA! ls -91olel!lEl- €18 olol2liBl- EIBolEIEI'lr l' l.oloElo!lol>tolPIrlH o No; N d'd dN' o !to E!;o6eE;rE6t I(, ts ot To' sE NN oid dt d t t dooooootttttt tttttttstsFFtsts dddddd ,lrlrlrlrlrldE&&di .,i ot o, ot d iae -**66FON6NNOOaONF6OiOots@6tsOOOONOhictdoiE ridctN'dis' @ @oNootoNo 6 t+- ?Ot F---Nooo600UUUilUU.^FFFFFF<IIIIIT4(9(9(,(9(9(9.-rE [i tr E E EitBB=BB= 89SEcid o ?,1 YOdd 5 olooo60ddddd dtN'dci{6' 6N 6t 'jdi.tF'Jaiilljd oooodIdd o Edo Eto dIq deu,G.ooooct Ft ctFt tttt ddddlttt6666t ddd rjd .90 -fiq7^F E .3388 x cE +-li'.E E.= Ei;eEH, EEs ge 9 c e c c c c c c c cdkoooooooooo5 6OOOOOOOOOOo e.E *5 F ,,E -fle' I 'PEEEEE g. EEEA EEHEEHEE;;fIEp.9.q.9.8.9.!.9.9pS6OOOOOOOOOOO o B E EF' .*aE ,r,rE 9e;eE EE:izE EE iE;HEE-E;5=ooE ;EEEHEEFJOFFFq ozJ;obZE P io -E EiEE{Ed-98€toEf!Pio E 5;6 sAIa tdoott B F.T. 5tk E oro'5Ed .iRBS ci* E=8-Et Er' Er EE: ;eECE Ba 6 t o <o o.E23(!Eu! ><!do- ExhibitNo.2l Case No. INT-G-16-02 L. Blattner, IGC p.2 of 2l o o NdG o. i ara f d tsqt$ Uot&Uol =rzIG J hoF ExhibitNo.2l Case No. INT-G-16-02 L. Blather,IGC p.3 of2l EIato d |d ? t' T. 'd 'J $ Eo :o.,f.4 ' ^ L OU-o E !.qEa= ! 13 r-Lt -o ^ eo,Et EF E E ='=.*>Pg-4 E;HeEg,EEs$rtssssssssss{Eoooooo(,ooo6 ai ci oo606+ | 60ONFFNF OOIOFO I OO.its.+; d ctd a\i dt ttEoooct ct -t alal -ldddttto60tEc, lidt .,i ci di.i d EE.g. Gt.E t.oooooooctctctctGtGt GIir!riririririrdddddddltttttt6660060edEdGEt Jrii.\iiri .,i ot ot ot d N6NOO?6tNr6?OON-6666NCOO6FOi6t66O'rddriciioiiidGto 66N6 6!Jri -'*NN 9JE3bilt@.aO.l_6_O.r:FE"'$Ri.{ a d oooo60uuuuu0,.FEEtsFE<IIITTI<o(9(9(9(,(9.-rtr iii iii iE iE iiit=B;==i t-+66F6NONNOOtONF6OtOSNOON6006N@Frjctdotuirtrtciridtd6?6N666i+656 66N66l6NGBotEggdFjESt €.?E-eiPT E ".E-Pe' I EEEEE; E- EEEA E E gE s #E EEE€situErrrEErE€6OOOOOOOOOO!a T'E N 6- O- O- -- o 5 ?,1rYoodd 8E:88$ iJ a' $EiriB $ rj e' 88888 csEEegO.a@_O"l-5_EFEB:Rts ONNOEJ f E ErF; t.sE ,r,f EEE tf;EaE UE9E{9SE E: EEE.EE EEHEEEH .j rid oooodacc 888S8 6\i d; df rt d z;oE3E193oi = B:'1,flEEESET ETE*EE dtaooLo !o 4Iq SB8& ctird .'si$ NtsA Jctdr8E Ej 3i= ,q*EsiE !EEEE sEseH EGoo rl*lddalalC,E l_ o_&8 d oUF-oU3 $. J F -o(, 3 E o oaaE 6 EtoE cs a ao (a o.E23(DEu! i<!d. o- EE o.9to6toeoEdF !z6a=;rO!EirE6t,(, o o O o_ Q- q. !. {6I f$ U6 oUF a cFoF .io U6 oUF cJ FoF Io AI6 lo d tsNri{ d .\irjOI N FO @- a c tr ri o 6 e? F didaid$ 3!93g€ 66OG LN 9e. ) FoF e'e .i 6' ct 6' g9 ds' dg 8iR$8SrJ x'38sid cs66 d 'rt dt .,t 6id dd E3 tsNo'd aaEtilN 65dd 6 o A6 G'ts8=eEcicidd$.tcirjd3trFi$$3 88dd0, e1 3'S drt88 e$6'6. }jN' cidsrgcFoF d'd tsts t3 €- o- di i: rj qF_ 6'A d.{ o_d rjri cid 6'ANN rt o' Ai rt CF336i 6lEtdYt aa tsE ee. fto 3$ 9AtsNdd ..i N' NF ^l_ N'NN tsBdGiEE Nh at ni IF .i 6a riI' Eo FI@l'r @lt rix. t- t- d 6 6Ei8Erg,l E!rdoE!6Lq cs -oo G o oo E EEocoo o "9toah6 EoEoot E6 ;aio E5TE3E -t(, o o Fs Oo88dct @-@ a rjd d'J oo o- N- tstsNO O-A {t'6 b6i 666-- 06 N 60NdJ ci atcnrto ooF6 6r€J6i J t. d -oo o,o c o o E do = ct9 CoE_c t CIo o oo9B 58.9r, 5g'-,ajEiaifi r: EFFFFFFFF 6 dIdCdIdC>7',rololololololololS E itnddtndtL>at d-N- F6-6Ndi+d dtdai6idio6ts rooo6O66N FF6OG.iddd cictri;d--9- - e. 9q6,8 frt'OLttcd ,l rlEE Ai .r'c9e E 8*oooEE J,S.AAoiE EEEEET uEo:o o o o o c q 6.\ E,lEEEEE*a*eBE.\ 9 E E E E ddgE: EEEEEEEeIEgSE EIEEffiE$!EEEH J fdoo zoleHEdEdE=trBa:.EEcdE5'FFaaP= E6g dd F=eEE# E{€ !rr Err d E6ceEIQ isl-:,1 EEat6Co -go -qiEcicts EdeE:d Fao Ito_to l! c ,lE 60F.\ dt 6' c9el (9 Eo el ;,d alt eq N- N. to -lz EA, 6d sS dc-ee9 3E.I=l oE ! EE; E.9 6o ot o otoo EEog =EIoI !o 4Ioo ExhibitNo.2l Case No. INT-G-16-02 L. Blattner,IGC p.4 of}l oz o dd 1o_ dd a6- FF N' J r.I 6 S a U6 oEF E J tsoF Eo EEF GJ FoF Eo aIq d 6N 6 N656-N_ \ (YOti6N G-s! 6,6 Nts.i .t a68t cc o. l. 6'' S6'6. dd @ 6.5t dc O Ot-OQ; rjdridq'9g 3$ dd ts o+6o 66t s!- - e. CF o- 6- o-6.6S rtrtctAtt'- o.3-otd ga 9e. FF hzIGFuz 6'' 6 s9 tr .F NNrjN' ls!lolel!lEl- €18 ololzl ,B l. EFoltlEI'lr ls l.oloElo =lol>tolPI 513 oa E B aoE EoE E o,o e9€ 3 3N8 dt;cigd F'F g,B .n .i rjN'tsN at Fhs9 s1 ES 8t ga o.n 5,E frt'ONFFdd,lrlET,c"3 $$ !z6 ET-66?EEEE6{ o o CF NNrj F' o oo9d qlcl7^ E [. H:E:3:s i: rlSSllltt a,ddICCC[[>z.iolrlolololr'a'r'5 i iETTEEEEEL>O ' 'ea6'6''-oio6 OFN- F6F6Nci rj i ci a; ri ai.i d 666N FF666a99g3' r"ti'rS -EI 5aE .qoa>;E{tsEE- EEi:E*eEE+ =.foo.t E ,orooooot Iea&oooo { - FFFFolo o o o o!5EEEEE6e-v8888g:EEEs.E 'iEEEEE5 o h9.99.9 6OfOOOO etoEo: E oo6oo6t )4oo zotr 6ucGEaJ FoF od 3'otl d ,ltgt NErt 'dN- c! !9e o&co, o, FdAF tl t' dd ol ,lEE pR 88iS Js' l-i- N-sl Eo, FzIcalE sS E!c!EE EE.9: I -!oB EE; €oIa5o F3- 6E =BiE€€= E,?'?Eg3B{60oo !c EEcac9 =L,l;3EEa*5ro E E-2-pEIo;E6- E'igEatFtrO EI _8o E6IEqtd- s8EE r4oEt6Lq Eo .g Eqo6 o otooot E€:E =oo a ExhibitNo.2l Case No. INT-G-I6-02 L. Blattner, IGC p. 5 of21 o2 o ..f .o' d ..i ooCoS J d o'dt i: ct{b'-sl +ddFj 6N *oO-S -s @- o- o- @- l- l- L 6!. o-q 6'' 6 rt '.t.t .L 8$ ..i 6l CB .\i 6I o'|d did csNN N'(t dd dd o6t d6 dGl s6! dd N' .{ a- 6RSEaid ?IF 60 tso 1o_ Fz54Fuz a Eo Eo E ooda0o6E, dfcoo zoEgoudcUo) FoF lsEI HE EIolaAtel BleEIFI l, -.'o Uo EU E E 3UEEJ[itl{uEd P# cFoF - o^9E sE.E6, s g'.,aiE,alfi F: EFFFFFFFF AdIdIdIdd>7,r,' a'r'r'o'rl ,'r'6 t idtt&c E E E c > o. '?6'6'6''-oioB6-N- F6:@A ci F;.d ci d d.i.,i 6' 66dN -F66Gslis s aui;g 9s6,5 frt'o|.FFcd olr'tt 6''G. B86i N' o Go_torlca'n db' otd oGot'F alJd,'n 88 R. &. 9t! Eo al6ald olE ri N' +- !- E o asiEE- g.P E! >6 6tq iotFz 5d olG gq sS I .9 EEIrE1E-!- a EE; o B o- oE Eo Et6,o !Eo ET-66aEirEEt (, o E si*E"iE EEEE!c ,E EBEsEEE*u*.EBc:.Essss e:!EtEEFEEEEEEfr:f;E;E***ge€;dE5OrO66ON=iOO a{5 o .AI E35E = g"r E€€-E8,lElB3{Eft.; E!o Ei5LA ExSE'ieEa€6ao E-a-Eat; od E3E E ETEao to oEoo E o oIo6oGE6 .E E =oooz o ExhibitNo.2l Case No. INT-G-I6-02 L. Blattner,IGC p.6 of2l qo- N ESaid F6066NOooN*61ts F60@oNo66N+O+N6{60N64vtrj rjdd'jN oF- ooooooo l6@ooooJ+idN.ts-ntOF FFON ooooooooocd[[cIrco 66NNooF@-ONN66.icid.idddoo o6Nt ooooo@o9EBE8S8; {;dl. N- dO- rNON 6o o c r ciriciC ao o 6 b iddd .NE ddc ; I' il 'd o o dd 3il o5' o5 a $said is TE,i 'tr' EEad EEE;EXE= I600 6o F 6'o @ N J FoF -oo ofo d(, cFoF oo Eoo doEo(, oo Eoo E EoB0ot !to EB-o tt EE o o o $ @- 6- dtd N- O- N id{ o'dESoii Id Ai(lI rR 8 .t d+ ctd oooooa(c NNN- O- R8 660000dddccc {o_ ot .i dd Id8 8 S dG' 88ct i'oB E-&E u.g .E,f >49E:fiEH B EEE E66 ee9; =r= d te i iF$EEg;{ =i! ! EE B!; g - EAEEgEa. E E EEFEFEEg E E'=-= ,SE E gEE EE O3E8EEE c9e EEEtr ===6 -EE9 -E =o.+,f E E.EreE 3EC .9 .9.9 Ei6=== t.EtgCUt€ u_qo.9 EE.96!oa9-E 3E E= P I teau IEd 6,fgT: r{ EFi3EE I9EE bf H BSE E; .oo p E t tr P olo G o ooooIccI F+ o o t -rj{ai5'ild o E d.9a c o o E 6^ i:8F<o ooco9U;.hfifi=gfi3 It6E o e:q ExhibitNo.2l Case No. INT-G-16-02 L. Blather,IGC P.7 of2l o t,IFlo^lF-91al ot!lEl- €18 ol9lilEl. EIEalql6ltsl Ir l" o o 3o c o q ..i ta .id ?ocoq Fo66o6o . oa-E33t 8:-9R8N 98 E P* Et o$ 6i$dd {o I N5 6 i ol- Q-F( oooocccc E 3u .9 Bg!9o9 E6iEE oE u e E EE o o E = E6a= EXo,E=rE8t !o oooooocIarcc888888888oooodddd 3 d o B o a c!oE aU 6 s;s$ U ,a oB oq T$8'drtI.,iss 160@FoFooNN60?@FONd6Odidri.idddoo ootst E EE EF dtIOOFi-== tEiEE EE BlH EEEEgI$. EEEEE!UE E"IBEESEE (:,zJ oL .E EEEE =i,H ",igFg E E ,I";EE€f EEEF E_r#$Fq$5gt.g.iEEEEBEtE -tooooooooo! E I E t 8 8 8 8 P--66Gd6d66d-e.EEtttStsEE 6=========6 E or'H -!,Eqg{i {Etr .E Et EF! ig.E =E E BBE E, IIe o AIq c.9A 6^ =!-: 89<,oo o9U;U,fi6-Efi3 ExhibitNo.2l Case No. INT-G-16-02 L. Blattner,IGC p. 8 of2l o 6 dtN' ctd 3grt N'N 888R FFN- O- 9X6i r.: s\' id oti ot ,j 888888 dtd E $ $ I *8t' dld o60N+6N ON @OOF oo6Ni6dF@OFFONdrj E otctJ ooooooooodddt[[ddI 6OdN6OF oood606oo o6N{ {.t d .l 0seesvo-o-@-\ oooo t+ o o I -.j + 6i 5' aU 63l ss J FoF -oo t,t.;e EtoE 9s d o o EL oo Eo3hEoa6E6F ofo G o og !ao ttre EE Io hE u .9- E,f -6!E:tiET€ E8,liEEE c9e EEEE ===6 Eo Ji s P soa U C e E.-a.9!E EgF isf,$e EaEEgEB= ESEEIEEs oa{ e EEEE 3F g,rr r E E.E'? E =EE E E gFEgE P888pPP-EO606EOlESTEESEE G6666dOS =======.4 r'3 -EE !l{E 9eoEE: EF! "s€.E =E H "E"EE i B g ErEgPEUldUEol!-1 20t€s-E SE ;s II e t6Io is $F ETad E6Eb EX 500 E3E t^EF3s<a ooEoPu=l/,tfr U-Eft3 o ExhibitNo.2l Case No. INT-G-I6-02 L. Blattner,IGC p.9 of 2l -OOFO@tONottNiN600OOtoN+O?Odt+ddd6iciljoioo666666FN NFF Oi6OF-O6O6000dtsNdo;d+ot6ii'jdid-NNO6l6+O- N-- 66NO ! 66oN660060N OO ttsoooo6NoF tso 6rJddiddrjEiriit 'd joFN-N N I Bij G o 6OON-6FOF666-NOOtoO?O--ON-Fdd+ddr?Ei6io6--NNdNd@FOOSF-FO 8.FN +dot6-o{oo-o-o_o_N-qo-@-o-F-o?N?ol6OFFON?d-N6 INoFFFO NOOOONNNF FN+O+OF+F O66OOF@iOOOOONdFNO dciF;F;+6iaid++o-o60006O-@O@-NFN F6NOtsO6(oFoFF--6oooN6tNts dciotci.ilj6iri F+66N,j ri 6'ts 9. F\ o_ o- !t ri N' ?' 6i €' d li J6i oi .f, at .i @- o- 6l o-t8 o- @- o- o- qo- qo_ 88" oonE xxrrrO.O. rrrr:t:tdtttr's' t56666dFFFGG FFFF99F466tts 6666Fts6lllJ+ llllJJlooor,4, oooor,q,o ===o'6'//====o'o'=oooEc-f-fooooEco N.: Etsrt ni dctC @- o- 5- 6-dd daid @aaUUU))J aa@ otC o'd r- tt =t f 8St rt+d 6i ri;d rJid ti .,i Fj ot dljrt o. drj.i d o No6 )Joooozzll ri d .,i so 6I E .9 EgE l ^iF;diF.@fo b' dE 3Rts8s dN N.t c il3 l- d- {- F@q. @. N" O- c,idd oiotdFt N dici6idcid 6o ;d ri.idtddd -ai J x' c,i Fi 6' d .d c S EIa e 6NN*ONNANNN6N+OOFooF66N6 {@F?Nt6OF 'NF6 ofstdJd 6FON . O6h60F6 00Nros6iddFi d;.{ F@ ts@q * dd.idut.{ -.i I. t8 JF ts o- E FN 3o- N .,i 3d N oo. N.N E€boq 5ai ^ ooEE &4.#E ,*E n Pe 3 5 E EHsSEEg6E6 06EE 6 o o o = EE HE$i9EESEE'E-EEE€===== E833EE $: 3t-s$ see E gFEE;9;g$g EgEEgEEEEIEg- EgEFEEEEEEEEB ) FoF -oo J FoF -oo o =o A o oo Eoo G oEoo oo Eoo G.Etopoo0t !to 5tEOO2E;rE3i (, o o aaFFaalloo @- G- b ooo glul-roII hEHS5d3B oddo, e.q*Ec@gd* " aPPE E s-,.+e;i=,e*t,ras Efr E H"dEgEEEEHAi .i:gE5EEEB,E*EHH :E ECegsgCE*;.;,q"ccr EgSgSEESEEECEEE; .EsE,:El i5EE .Oo< EE E E ruJ666g* r r:rii222 E u g 't 3:3EE aE66ldt6d o UUq EE E E€q 66:q 3oogHEE a3d-EE< EAEnuBEu;E''E E E€gEE€E(r=66 ouozqExu..toJ FoF etE n E = EE,EAEd oE-UU - <aII =>>aoooH A E rrorE EzcIcd55 oo 855 H,e i'H H t,i'i'z'? o O O U r L E x'ff'E I l'p'p' o- , oFooot d6 0060NF dtdt cidctFr6'6N N6NOO56F NoF+NOci -ri 6i S o?<tox5 o I o c,o = o5 @- dzo Exhibit No. 2l Case No. INT-G-16-02 L. Blattner, IGC p. l0 of2l FNoF- . -6i6+OtsFOOO @i o! 66t6t6N6{ OO6 O-(\O-O*lr s- o_oo @tOts ,FO O+NONOFONO do 6o o-@FN(Nl !- o_ FI NF6oF6*-6 ON 5@otstsoooo6- a- F_F o--6+N I No666iNNOOO ll N Ntso- o- @-{ $8ri 'j - , . oo NOlso-oF .9':s:B P--BRBTQ il 393vddN6 0 rts6 6 n idd6'Jd.\id${+€NOA o o -o(J go 4Itso E oo.E oU'toeo EF oo o 6+ o < + ${"3coF ' '6{{6 ONN@o Eid!a 6NdN3 tgI -9 l -, .o Io@NFooi,-o oo_qo o $.' 'H.H *l R8h.Es{ $3.HEg.Ep{ 3. 6BE' ' '3.i. gi R' 6i 'jd S i d 6' No- lu o , ' o6rooo6 N6@600@ -O-O-- O-+G N'd 3 'd 83.NN o. N. ots66 | tsqNON66NONN D JJ$Gi FI orN t ' ooNTN ON6@Q E!6 EAt:EirE6t .to NO E d .d o Eat o E -6N@tsOONo-o-o-N-@-l_ts-!66O6NNNN -IOON;s' bo5ioo'55 UUce 6 dn =o E = €dS .i Jri68o_ 99GG XXoacO.O. cccoltltc EEEe'r' EEPPEEEaaatsts ao@qFt@ ooor.E. oooo*,*,o ===6'6'i,====6'o'=oooEE-fJooooEdo EEN.: dci aa6UUU 6d6 o6000?6{6 ! F5 ON66+6-o6OOOO FOJri aaFFaalloo s-$ JJoooozz>l EE; sss .i a!q Fo ooo qu-ro I I EAHSddBt dt rt di FO-ts oE-EUolrEE =>>?b66BFFx'x'EE oo fr55> ::'i_l_lg -ilil;o.o.E 6,9 ;rE E:'t't' q I'{ =; ;,E E I,A'fi s "s='pse38Id 6@ ooooN$s sR f;isRdi$6 @- NOFINac,i .,i - ": ni S .E .s UE';E>=EtrT9POEE =EE ===i566 o E a Et6E coE 6 cao oUozUGxU-€oJ FoF "€TE&{ -t * sEsE F. 5-=,*p$e,55tsgA EH E#sEgFEHE€frf gE EssEsggEeE.Es "EEr ETITEEEEEEggEE5; a_6 E:E .oO< cEE.q-6BAdEiaar{dtzzz o c9o EE€,rIEEE5g 6 c<a:Ell EiAES56oo6 99o UU9 Ec E EE *sEEEsEE EEgEE<.EeeLSEEE E.'E E E EFEEE 3 !;-=$ BBp E"BE$$EeEE$ E*=EE**gEE',* o2 ExhibitNo.2l Case No. INT-G-16-02 L. Blattner, IGC p. ll of2l o ts d ..I -oo6N6ts+N 6t6ooooNF-o Ft .jdaioid;.,i.,id i..tOFtNt--F@ N o@ooo666@ | o6 dts666NOdFO N6+ dotdeietFi€t d dFO oFF6 ' @qN6006NO*{ 6S 6o60{tsNooo 6G 6 ^i{Joidt6tototd 6'dENFN .f $ oxozty UPtao.6 o'=EO ocococd-lx xxxlEggPU@a@aF ooooE..fu====o'-ltooooE CGo,o, t5ddlt@ott IcIxxxUUUFFF@@offlooo ===ooo N.: do' aa@UUU))) aaa :- 6! o dSq .d ot @-:3E rj .t * oU6zudxUz€o) FoF e E 6d qoE. frH?E E=-+e,rEe*mss in H"dE#=sPgE P$$ ,i:ESEEEB,E*EHH Eq ,E,E,E,E,EEEEiBB Hfird6{{{ooEE99.EE€ ESESEEEEEggEESH g sB-:EoEEF€ r@G{ E33B SHEHtiriSZZZ E9oEEEtsEUIsEEE* !SEEI EAEEE6fiooo o uuI EE: eqE EE{ 66 b BooESFF EEfi€E d cEEE:.33bb EEEEE6o=oo .EEOg, .ga 6-E E,i R.PP E 5 E =E.E.EEEECEE33 E4EEEE E9eeESEiEi::!=E=;;E99! c o6ooo== g e Efl-sF egs EgsFEfisrggg c ErEEgEEBfEg EgEFEEEErs$rE NN I s s-Eif IF. E 8.l ddd I NE E d d E Ea Ea e 6NNO606S6ooNOFNoNNONOOOSdddddd +NN-6N-Nh $ o dS .ddddd , r 6'* o o o6 6N O60NOO6 60 -O60N!d dd -at+Firid oi NO?Nt, ,lu ;IEilola/jlel il:EIFI l, o tL aoE t6,o o o o- @- l-@. o.No' ooFFaalfoo ss Fo ooo t![l-ta-! AAHH65i= FO-F !a6 .9It o(, (, oo-UUr^ -rF F - <dII=>><oo(,?3A.r.rtrEzIcr[55 FON@tsooAOFOtsFtiAoooNo+tsFctci6iE AiriAirjo6tsooooNF*O6NJGi oo885> ::'1 I Ig -ilti30.o.o ifi o lrE E d.F'ts'<?<;'?b66s'dd B r'3 E r'tr'9 E X',''p' , o Co o o rN 6F Not@ON6000NFE E& siEsiii$@ @? NOFTNAd 6i -N.\i $ 6NF_o_6-F-6-\o-@.-_ +6-666666OF@O@FN-N JJoooozztf EEI EES 61. o ; gx -c9e6- EETEEiccltlo oz ExhibitNo.2l Case No. INT-G-16-02 L. Blat0rer, IGC p. 12 of2l o $dd3Sst'8td{t oo ' oN N66 6- 98'8' o o B 6 8E:F- Nd No' J FoF -o(, o =o G o dFoF o,9too 6 ocoo o.9Ioo d=EoBo6E !!o ET 6aE5TE6: (, o o ss di ts @- 8td{:l $ "1 NN oooo di ts o_ ooooooooo[[rccccco ts- :"1a- N- EN oL 8tJ$ E-.qt -,9.E,f!c EgEEg: e EEe83iiEEaaaiHit EEEi >tt 6 EEE$EE EE EqE E BBcegEB :EcSESdPt 3 EEFEgEEE E tEsEE AE q EfrEfrE E $EE'sA5=EE.EEq'ffitEsEEeE6d596=66bEEEEE EEEEEEEI =======6 i=siUt{u.9o.9 i9 96!o -F CE :Edi= € E ul?EU Fss $EE55EEEfiE€ o6006 .oo @fo G o o E do? cto ao -c l!E€a=60:(io oots,ooEoa u.l .o:3 ..1g ooooorrr 38 8e6i}j rtG' tc E st E too F8 B!oo!oE ExhibitNo.2l Case No. INT-G-I6-02 L. Blather,IGC p. 13 of2l o o d6 ' 66 6 60 08!Nt''3. t 'E ooooooooodIdd[[ddd ,.r@rilQ NN @o ls -91DIqt =lEl= €18 ol9lil ,B l. EFalEIEI'lr l_t<IFlo l=oloElo =lol>tolPI5ls t: I' o E I to o aE o c o $$ g !ao ET!r;e6{ Io O ..i o600 .if gS od88 Rt c oo EI Er u.g .g,f 0tE 5E9f EEoo qc EEE'a6E ==6 Eo I ! E P td a c ?-E.gIEc!F eP i E $ He [E EgE EE BiH $:eE;*'E; " E EEAE I F ",igBgF?aE.E€e3 EBEEEgge!oooooocE8888888-8O66666!.55EE5EE 6=====>= P.t!6iE*u.9E iES !itSoifA5,i3o5355IBEEE;E i;ooooo E.s U o t- !eEI6! =.n !6ao oo ooEooxII5 oz ExhibitNo.2l Case No. INT-G-16-02 L. Blattner, IGC p. 14 of?l o ExhibitNo.2l Case No. INT-G-16-02 L. Blattner,IGC p. l5 of2l No r N{ { 6r Ni a+ ci* *+5 5 $$ o t It: oE s6 oo60ddId .iS tig' E E.s u .E E,E 5o E8.E.AAu, E_a U E 85EPo9 EEirE g-9E.E == t c d e c --c!rE E!F R rP!E $Ee IE EgEIE iEE iEsigge. iEgEEEEg oocr Ef, 'd .S Ef, 6'l'6N NN€o $s I 6 e Eo_ 888888888 EEEE-+<-r-:a,r=fiE E gEEHEFF s F q**5E E 6000000oooooooI P I I P I8-666d6601-e.99999C€ >======6 E IFf,oES..PiIc0t EE-t 3EiEgE dd or $"HJ$ g.8!3gEs:€E:5 c EB*e3II@ J E I9t555EEE E E E E EOOOOo o E o ,cE co -e le!63Eooq{ =D8s,ootoaxlu .o-9ll J Io ;a-oO!B=rE8t o o o o l6' :d .i Ai .iN'3 .i .,i .\iN-3 &ts8dct^i F' I d6r' Fd ts6iNots-tOO6@tsOF(6tsN{FOOOo'N'idddcif -t od s 8'ri +dd cid6' o- o- N- ri 6i c\i idddd o- o- t- 6- N N tx_ d N d ot N' .i 8tr- al .i F. N. o-o ot:F o. o. 8" EF El. @o. 8- q@-d..' N o_ Gi co aEIa e oo66-6-t6666t6F66OtOFNoNlJ.,i+ciat,icidtso6N606N r o ,6@ , q6 6 0 60 dJ6idrj$6 - 6 FF t6 6 N 66 Ao- o o $ ct .r' .d @UJ a o' d EcooI.{o -o 6F50 N ?' i Gi &38 o_ Fo- N N ) FoF =o(, of(, i |,oNOTF3 ug J hoF -oo o,o d o o Ed.9 CtoE co aE 6 cao o "9Eoo d oEoo oo Eoo dEEopoot, !!o >-tioOzE;TE6t go N ri ,j di 6_ sEe'dq.a EE# rOO(r{** E6@Oliii4t222 E a!6 FooI, ooE EEia\t 4-rEoo!2 fi3ss= 6F3 "iEFFSE:EE ooqEG900> =:'1 I Ig -ililso.o.o Ei o lrE b o,p'p' q I,q i'*';'E E:;$'E' 9Aa UUC EE E EE E8EEEE EEEseEs c 6E E E? = 5E 5a _9 bo6E6 9()E dA EtsF EEc€*6==66'A O O 66Ess€e+E E 8 8?€€Sg.6EEEE ===<€56i5== E EH-lrE HHp E;q€E.g,EefrE,r E;8E C gggg€ EEEgf,iiggEB - EEEFEEEEEEE$; oz Exhibit No. 2l Case No. INT-G-16-02 L. Blattner, IGC p. 16 of2l o d 6 Foo | ,6o 6NO t606dd..i N N N .i .{ ts N o- F- @- N- EE@-:il d-F , ,605 NN t ooN | | 66 6Fo 6 ra .\i N' 6o66-odS tNO6+NO6A toN-66N aJrdtf('a 3 .,i t- N $ 3E Fjrj o- o- @- N o Era et0 coE o Etot ExU 4,o6I-ao cFoF g F,-E:E .oo< daedE!rrat3zZZo 9Qo Uu9 rE E EE{ 66;is3 ,EEEE i'? t-E E< ctEE!.38;rE''E E E E'-gEE -E pEO Eg- tB'a FE frFEEe.c.e.EE.f g s;; AE* E =FEEE E EE = E E E-- 6 d i EEEEEEEEE}EEEEEiES6ooo====ci $ !E-s$ ggp EgEEfigEggg "EEsA€BB*fsg Ef,gggggEEEg'E N+r6666+N 66oFq{ NFN Ni rtai 6'-( 3o$o-a d+rtd 888858:T60ro-N6nri.id.idtiddFOOOQ * ill.IFloIts 6l -lEl!ltsl- €18 olot EIill. ElaAI6lel EIFI Ir o o 3 @N .,id tsFN oi !ao Et62E5rEE: o o N'd x o' !i co Eoio T FooI' ooO UU -OII]-r!:ooq fiHss= 60-u0o-rEE- >TII E 3 3I':'E EZLLLNS' oo nBB> !:'1 I Ig -ililJo.o.o iX o:rE E d,F F' q *'q = *,;,E E 3: fi'E' @UJ 6 s4! ard Ea oz ExhibitNo.2l Case No. INT-G-I6-02 L. Blattner, IGC p. l7 ofZl o ExhibitNo.2l Case No. INT-G-I6-02 L. Blattner, IGC p. l8 of2l $q ot 3 ts aU 6 N' * .,i d dx0 c,ooI-ao JItsoF o g tEe86.='5 c.gb9E taOlt*** E EEE-il 9993ud66eterrtillzzzo N 6 oo6Atlqq N N ooUUFFII]oo!?trE9 =B5 UU .9 -96A.99 oo dg, EE oo Foof'@ 3,pLAxfuo E E 86<EJ,A9.9 9E E6 ({d 6oo Nt6 NN tsN6 S --6t*66 o N .l Eo Eato f il dx 88E85ESIOOaO?NONEBsFiEhsS -6 -66d6 j EIaIq Nlloo66O6O?6N+ -OOi6NN d oo-UU.6 -rF F - <aII=>><ooo588rfHE e EE d, tI Eg =EI E'6 = ridddci N a*boi, 6$TE HFCEE E E 5 =EEEEEEgE;Eg EqBEEEE9gEs* EEgE::iEEE.H,E6ooo== x 3s $ I iE-r.f, *gp E;cE$.$,EeE[.$ E;8E C ggsrg iEigsslEte E - sEEEEEEEEE$;E Jet T.E. H,E.E, S 3,3, 3:8,8. gE rj N' o- @- F, ,@, rFor8g to@ct dits 8Eot .,j : 56h -uu6.9;,i iz'<.o.9.t2I r's'i $ 'j a\i3' o?<tox5o5to- l* lu EI tlsEI6lanlrl 8.leEldEIFI l, o E doa c oE Eo o =o oz E6 EI O2EirE6i !o o a o F6 t_ ts F.4. rt 3_ t- ril- dd.,f o-o-Q i'dtsN ot at N'r-o-t dt 6_ N' co. I; cFoF tt EI gg dt it I. I. {- l- Fts ET o_ at Nts @E E3o-dFEdd c, o' o_ 6- d '.i .! d- N- .! @t q.g 838 cii.{ o'd rd 83t cii.{ ctdd @- i- ?- rjoid @-aq 88ooE> N' rt .\i s83 's 5drt 33 Ets xtsr.t ..1 !t rt 66 Nts (' .i t3 !i .t :t3 .,i d o- .! i ..i *- .,i@8 a- q. d d o_ tsts rt 'dNN 3$ ct 6' ci 6' 6i .t ts ts t rt oUozuc Uz9F oUcAUo dFoF tstststri x' Nh oc d.' .i .r. @- 6-88 .i ci 3trt vt @'d rjrS NX 9q rjN' ri li 8t dd 88 d$ gE dtd EEdt 6' 6 Fl d @ld 60dci @- 6- !I .9E 6 ,ir BE o!o6 E Eco ! o E ;,c @lE i- l- .Ec .E .9ipGECFOA aua EET Eoq F6 l'd olG ^i i_ @_ o- NN 88 si 8i r-a 6€.,i ct J FoF -oI o,o cFoF =oo ofo o I dI c)oE coEcE 6 o oo Eoo G oco(, oo.E oo E EoPoot E6 EA-o62EiTE3i o o o 4 o 8ti* tsEq o EUI>FUOE, >'aucd :8S s'B'E' ir o*l<E@@O)dEEE ;@_ I ir(EEI6A zUotcolt s;d;d8B FzF d I6t rid di 6' oI Eo o G,oE 6to EEoro.9 iE, E EEo-' EoE oEEE etoco-9 IErE EEo -'Eoo Ea9;6E F5**(,(9.66cdESFOESP oeoo ,9p6EFEOFEoE srEE,0Poc fiiEEEr E e.gs* EItr&EEEdIrts FE-oo =z IF fr tsooU F dFoF ozuG UcUTtsoo2 FoUcuF =J FoF oooco6.xU o oEEE oooc -gC -EEEEO EBddEE8EqEA EEE E.gG EozQd'trrcrEte6 EEd xi6 oIq .go .9€ !€A-rPt3UE EE; o6txUc.9 .E ECL E ExhibitNo.2l Case No. INT-G-16-02 L. Blattrer, IGC p. 19 of2l ozo i F' i;o' .,ir- l-8r dd 'd ri hts a' .,i Fu =oo =z-FGu-Fo @uIF J FoF o86o EETEfi6iioo.66i6gEFo33P o ooo *sFEo,LE prE Eiisscr=6EEE!IoIc<E<9 *F Nts dri F- o- o- @- 8E o, o- N" O- {. t: t.t 8t si .f NN6-q tsN 88o- o- NL .i .i dd @'d E-q E3d6' otd NN88db' xldtd 3!ioi 6' 88q.r ai ri NN sto- Q-FN 8t db' zuo5Io'E 88' .gr -EEEdb EBEttriE8E9 k.a EEE 6al ,ld .i .f .if .qI I:-€ E6eAEu!E 8€EF{600 t ;'I alE rjN' Ir IE6Iol atrlEl-g18 olotilEl" EFolcldlFIl.t< l" o o a6.f at q' rjdc' ai rt FjF' 6l .L N tsts ExhibitNo.2l Case No. INT-G-16-02 L. Blattner, IGC p.20 of2l tsq t3 tsts rj rj Fts 3tri 'd &sg dt{ci @ots.i 6{ d.{ J FoF -o(, ofo o E =6 oo€J a6 ;tioOzE=nE8t I(, N'}:G o tUI>FUOEIt>auET B8S E@ 9E5E 3et!Eiuoq @d ddNF@-d @t N-q8E .,i .i ooooooq> o--.q Aidtd o- J+ ir6r,,EOO@IOEEE Fo, F t 6'E Ai n' Fztr d olE BE rtd ri Gt oa E d.9 ctoE D-8 s J FoF oo =co toc Eto sE8E 3fia9 9ErE EEo-' EooE J oF d EoLo o. 6oxdFo Eooc ozUdxuGUIFoo2 FoUdUF = FoF F F €aSq gedd!toq oooEoexIu oEoEEo oo oc oUo2ULxozIF oUddEo J FoF d .9 sE!EsgBFOA E3ec oQ FO6 E Eoz4E'irc8E!Edoos60q csEE oco =6oc?Bgii<rcU.9_oE-c .gEo-ooazoo o d q. drts od .d tUI UOt, >'OUtt 888 EB 9.4oq oot o troc 6to uBfref,-eQIo.9 xErE TEo-'Eoog oE ts.o EEoLo.9 9ErP EEo Eoo5 r-a tsF r- r.8t o& 33d 'riNE@'d 8t o. o- NE ot N- .l8E.i .i Nts NF NF EI6d Ni 8E'to- .,i di cr F 6I tsd ts ..4 JTri rS 88 EE ooatd 88 otd EE dtdNNNN @- o_ ai .{NN tsN Ni ot o' oo BTdl.,60 {i EeIsq Fu-o(, =2 IF a,E Eoou TFJ FoF 9_8ourE.qE BE.XoEO;;oo .ooicttFo869 o ooo ooxdFo EE r*I-8EoE*Ess EEEiEoIo<EooxoF ls J ?lselololrl Elr *1. I' o E 9 aoE .gc .goElI -?T. FE,i i*t- !uB= EE 9: E qdE EEE8-aoo co e o cto o2 o o oooooor> ridai o" *- 6- Id oloGT 6E xFdo 5E F UozEdxunE-Fooz FouGUF =J FoF zUots d olG 3rsS o- ri FzIro'E B8 ci 'dri ri Eo EtO!E=rE6t Io oIts d olE ooa,i 6a @- o_ 6E I -e E6cAEUgE 88EF{600 &F, 5d olt trN' -gc .s .9E F&UN EE oloo Fo,Ic atE 6i 6i s J tsoF ooocooxlrJ o oE 6 aoog 6UozUGdzoFgoUc,ddoJ FoF €6I6 E-tEEEbq(9 E,t. ESE9ad ,BBE cI zQ E,frrtcEI E.a Eoo E545o ExhibitNo.2l Case No. INT-G-16-02 L. Blattuier,IGC p.2l of2l o o o Ronald L. Williams, ISB No. 3034 Williams Bradbury, P.C. l0l5 W. Hays St. Boise,ID 83702 Telephone : (208) 344-6633 Email: ron@williamsbradbury.com Attorneys for Intermountain Gas Company BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY FOR THE AUTHORITY TO CHANGE ITS RATES AND CHARGES FOR NATURAL GAS SERVICE TO NATURAL GAS CUSTOMERS IN THE STATE OF IDAHO Case No. INT-G-I6-02 EXHIBIT 22 ) ) ) ) ) ) ) EXHIBITo TGC o Cb$Co.tds€l&SMy tucuthpb 40,8$,5'11,M,58 2,5S aa.1a7 t --------ffiT r----- ----rffi:t I 4X.4& I I #.48r Ir":: 16ffiEgrl-::-6e.5?-l41,62,58 41,64* 3.8$,5813.66,S 22,575,29 RATE AASE Plenl in Sedic6 hntMp0on hmbr3l, mlG oeahbar3l, Ata Fmh Chffi CAP cus 29-5A64,5S,ro 789,6&n,1a 08,666,8S 1,7S,3S714,Nfl,9n,5fi 437,79 18,H1&,69,6{ 9.54,795 149,255,m8 44,653,91rr3,95,0S 6,410.6@ 7,U7,7& 1 1,259,697 07,G4,702 2,991.271 19.W.16 9.824.S29,r2.rc 1,107 5,2q,323 r- ----l r-"-.*"t:5ffiT--***::*--**-r o 52.76,$1 TOTA PUM{trSEtrCE 5S.ffi,5t 306.045,5t 5S.6.$7 Accumulatcd Resetro tor Doprcciation r.rzr,czrffifi]!f,ffia1u,4o &14,&t &1utt2) Sb6g. tuntffi (rr,loz,zss)re&Md fi1.07,76J, (11,M,7A) fl1.07,7a9 (41,2e1.00s) rcErel(41,N,0@ (1,N,w) (41,s,@ u3flffin Phntffi (2e,245,7G)Tl:l-:iiIE3m[:f:::Liire.mm]Il tFE:Ttr-mEi6-lsumd t2928,m) /229/#,78) tze,*,l@) 1,457.9r8 4,589,ffi hrdtuntffiffiSub&d TOTAL OEPECNTPN ACCRUAL XET PWT {s,&,8471 87.C11,710 1s,60,847) 47,614,71O (s.Go,r47) N,A1+f10 R.ta Bar. AdiGtn.nts 3,149,1313,r$,613 r,032.6ffi @.44,214 Exhibit No. 22 Case No. INT-G-16-02 L. Blattner, IGC P. I of4 o TOTA UTE A6E AN. TOTI MTE ffiE 60,9.2161 4.94.4s lm,m.2t8l 2$,16,9 1m.8,216) &.96.19 cbs 63t d &ilh.6trdybtlnpb o EXPENSES hdMph 0@mbr31,mC bmbr3l,Oia Fffi Cffi m cot hEEt O&MExpeN$(Total) ffiq.guDlyf@.ffi 6.sf-:= T-r:=l----E-,ffi-lSrffi U,g B,g L,g 174,4S 113.&3 w,472 r ------:::::l_l rl----------- -&Md Tdrc 103,69r,155 3.323 1$.251 75.5$ €,511 *,roi 87,821 ,,9,@ t3E3,@ ,,s,m 39,2e 5.532 14.4271@,il' 13,276 s,874 201,230w,N fodTmn&n &2,741 s2.741 &2,741 2,691,872o m,375 Srbbd 7.1%.O8 2,43738 29.290 1+W124 1|,W,lU 1a,w,rz r$.39r 9$,01679.3p 19E,2781&.8n 1,037,44389.7453,m,19 18,7*.U lg,m,N 18,736,29 Exhibit No. 22 Case No. INT-G-I6-02 L. Blattner, IGC p.2 of 4 o ChBBTdMSMyMtlnp6 o A@unt Dadph Mb3i,Il6 hmb.3l,Al8 Fffi Chffi, 6,m,w 45 185.0?0 G,m,s7 u,N g,w M,@ &a,M m3,ag ,3,9 w cus lrbmI 83,4S$.5$e,w,78 cu.hG 9&t hkm.h a@ffi@S0Md 2@,6r0 N2.610 tu::-,..-,,1t &4qQlL- aqllslm,810 M,610 102.ffi L29,8n L----- -T]- :'lI Lr3d.816 I I t.131.615 Ir*-**-*-*iEffiT-r--**-**Ttri#'11,B6,an 1,8t,072 s.95 715,197.5S,3t 1,1il,815 5,S5,2$3,59,135 1,ffi,1S 1S,398 617,559 507,1906il,529 19,721 2S,916 1S.6747&,r05 19,OSi13,9,76 s,20,6,TOTALOETEXPENSE Lalpr Errnae U,B g,w o 61.718 Iod S&ID TdtunlM d,714 &,GE? 1S,59N,& N,1g 2,38E 17,601 ExhibitNo.22 Case No. INT-G-I6-02 L. Blattner, IGC p.3 of4 F STORG o o hntodph fodDlffitun Taxo3 Other Than lncomo TOTAL TilS OTHER THAN INCOME TA Cb$&ddWbSMy MThEE hmbr3l,2olC h.mhr3i, m!6 Fffi Cb.#r ,3,ge,w 13,319,*7 CAP cus lnh.l tffi:FaaF------l fFErf-r-FfB{-'l fna:trioEu * = 1,9S,3S 1.611,181 2@,693 5,917,585 1.617,83 11,U,Et3 r7.6m5e,0mg1s 1m,ffi 3S,141 357,2S 3$.9141,gft,N 13,310,N7 101.161553,07 4,40t,233 tnbEt* PhdffiSuffid |f sbnq.PtantIffitt ssmd Tr.Bmllfu PbilffiSuEbd olrfrNh PbntMSUM Qm.d tunt Pl.dffiSu&d tos,a71 1.s2.413f 1.rrr31iT-f--;----T r.t1JlL9n,a13 1,077,t13 ',9V,a13 I2.612.07s [--]----lZEi:IiETlT=-:---im2-j -l12,a12,0n 14t12,On 12,a12,0n g.sos,gs T----Tm:irfl--I: ll J--i-tlM-1W3$ 3.rr,W 3.ffrc 21.74,112 21,m7,112 $bUHgffiffiffiSsMd s2,913 ,r,tri 19,8.65 t.T-r----__---II su.913 I I srr.91, IT .T-T------------..]cn,o13 en,913 TOTALAl5 0& t UrcREXP. Oopreciation Erpenge 19,S.625 tt,m.58 :,rzs.:s [--- r.]Li?5FT,.Il-------ITrerTESl118,9 3,t25,S tr25,3$rEEffi------"] 6e,er4f----:-@3il-T:l**--l---sz.Fr!l fR3- ?-5i:-- -'la2,o1a 42,014 82p14 TOTAL trPECUNON qPENSES lntoEs.nd Othoi Erpen36.SrHoH 21.fr7,112 18,S1,7S 1,641,S2 3,198,871 1,W.813 4.1{,Ei3 251,9m,1472,S.S329,M.510 Cost of caaMffi TOTAL lncome Taxos - Pro FomaW TOTAL lncome Tarca - PropoSgdwTOTAL OpoEting Rovanuesffiffi9M 4.347.55216,4$,t07 a.ru.lr3 a.m,8i3 ta,!2,!& 2_7*.2182,7fi.21E r--------E7S3CT-T----":--LrWE:]2,?&,214 2,f fi,2L o,ns,uz [--r--EFEGiT-fiIIii'l'ffi@] tRB-=-------"--la,n6,w 8,f,6,w a,n6,w o Exhibit No. 22 Case No. INT-G-16-02 L. Blathrer, IGC p.4of4 TOTAL 254,mJt0 T-=-ffiT f-----5Tm:lf------ZffiEiT-f-----Zi0o:sr 1x,&,510 x,u,s10 o Ronald L. Williams, ISB No. 3034 Williams Bradbury, P.C. l0l5 W. Hays St. Boise,ID 83702 Telephone: (208) 344-6633 Email: ron@williamsbradbury.com Attorneys for Intermountain Gas Company BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITES COMMISSION TN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY FOR THE AUTHORITY TO CHANGE ITS RATES AND CHARGES FOR NATURAL GAS SERVICE TO NATURAL GAS CUSTOMERS IN THE STATE OF IDAHO ) ) ) ) ) ) ) Case No. INT-G-16-02 o EXHIBIT 23 EXHIBITO IGC stt\o soqo soqo s\oN soc!o@ soNqo soqo soqo soqo so do sNqo soqo sgo so\ N fF ?F J o o @Ftt_o FJot o o(, od, EoF BE=o EEI6oEiaa6r-Et<6Ei*olu @ N* doo- oN ort_ooo- o@ @oN .j oo Eoooo No oot-(oo (o oN; o!Eoooo Nos-No .i@ (o oN.io ooEoo(,o ot aioo+ oNo-ooost @oN .j oa o* @5NgDJA,oo OF4<E8EJ F6o ==oo ttINtirtll5t Io{tt f,lIi Il ;,1ilIill; l@ IHlRIElrtOlo lEluI{)l:lolot.1 0IOl ()lzloiltlIIilll=lt@1tfl tgi 'rI "ll=1I,,Ju6tt5tI()lH liltIt. lt:tt,lt{IrlloJt:ltot Ir4tbt9l.f lot6tN I 4t-IslrIlJ OI.rDIOtlt EIdo IglE l.:lIOIllultFltrttoltul til ooN -. ooEoooo @ ENU,T5OFe<FOEqo= tr IJJ =o al,lo nIIf<lt(,t iltlI] il.tl5liNlt.IIola3fol Elsl olct Ot0tol6lor:1 I] frlt(tltEltl cOoEeoEF H3ooJ oz oEE r.rJ2a Exhibit No. 23 Case No. INT-G-I6-02 L. Blattner, IGC p. I of2 o 6a N_ ri -t 6_ ci o* o_ <j EE ct Fi 6* d.iNo.\i -*x.E o' Ir @* 6A {a? 6-r 68 NS d-- rici ts:e {d r.$ N* 6*38bt I g- .EgIt 6* 6* uiF o- oa o8 N =88E 6s go os o'<i 6a ^itso- N*:8 6a ts IIEI6 igIt ES N* l- rl @* 6a rt ci d .Egll NEo-q +a .i os o_ r.E D*o-q 8E@- d?go N 6aN-q E o. 6* B o 'l,p OG N* -- cif-- r* cf ci e6.-q N* at .i ri o*6-q oa I;.E E s6dd o8 .t ci o* d.i& o* o-q E@.'i 6ao-q 8.P xa 6aEXilN; N* cLi E r* d ci ci dd @- oa 6_ ci ! ! EEE6 ti !dI e' -96@L @s dt +*qq +ao-qNE g -gc €<!E 6d i a =sd 'n FE E. =-go otd NS !c o to EbFT -sN-q o* o- rq -*8-E o*6-q e II i;9od sd EC Fd o8 N- nl o. N8 rt ct -*c{q 6* id o- o* &8 6a o_ d IIE'EE 8,8 -8 o' c; o8&:o'o 6s o- o! o* ts- t! 8- 8i o* N -* o_ ci NA 6i ^iI o*EEdai @- d*g8 N'ci 01F N +8 o-\ ole dc, oA Jci SNo-qs& *Iri 6* +*8E ENts. o8 ri ai({ -:R6- <? o_ 6a8N 6* o_ c; o* -8@-q d NBEe.E 6a.{ v! I oa I F*€-q c{ N8ts-q E8 FT N8o-.! d +* F'ci o* a.i c, t'd oi xa @_q -8 !Ie,EE or 6ao-q o8 6*o-q o*qe8N o_ oA t-q o- N 6*SENO tsL 5:EE€i of i-q N- o* ts_ ciil 8Ho-q q -* N-- oa N-q I ot 3 ot o- rt 6* {..i Ci o8 rid o- E xf gE E os 6t.iEN N* d 6 AL o* NT ts FS doi o* .i Gi N. E*.{r il -a6-q +a ..i ci 6* 6'Ci ts NA ts. !r E EE TE 6ao-.t d aI otD-q E a EbFT x* 6- (t o- o 6a I H.ri o* o RiG; oa.{q !dg?HqEE6d o o sIri *Id a .? F nF I !ioF o E E e i soI o e Ee E E EE 6 go9etE- 5, 5 I 5 5 5, 5 E - I!t;: c;; E E E ['b, E, a, - E E ; fr<- r l r i i ! ! i i i r r i r r 6 3 q -.' . or @ ol o' @ 6l .l o' .' .' ol o @ 61 3 I - I I = ?EEETEEgEEEEEETEEOUIIJOZ ExhibitNo.23 Case No. INT-G-I6-02 L. Blather,IGC p.2 of 2 o o o Ronald L. Williams, ISB No. 3034 Williams Bradbury, P.C. 1015 W. Hays St. Boise, ID 83702 Telephone: (208) 3 44-6633 Email: ron@williamsbradbury.com Attorneys for Intermountain Gas Company BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITES COMMISSION TN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY FOR THE AUTHORITY TO CHANGE ITS RATES AND CHARGES FOR NATURAL GAS SERVICE TO NATURAL GAS CUSTOMERS IN THE STATE OF IDAHO Case No. INT-G-I6-02 EXHIBIT 24 ) ) ) ) ) ) ) EXHIB!To JOO E 8ot EEEooooooi.nt ctrcoooqqqEEEooo(Joo EEEE8888@oootnttr EEEEo6GOoodoEEEEoooooooo qqoooqqoEEEEEEEE88888888oooooooot&ttEi.nt ECECCEEEoooooGooooooooooEEEEEEEEoooooooooooooooo o o oooooo@oooooooooooo60000ddototddototooooooooNNOONtsOOoo otot No-o@o-o 3o-ooN-o ooooooooooooooooooooooooddototddoiotoooooooo --o_O-e-O-O-oo o@ oooooooooo@oooooo_ o_ o- o- o_ o_ o- o_oooooooooo@o6000NFO-O-NtsO_O.oo oo ooooooooooooooooNO_O-O_NO_O_O_NOO NOOoo oooo oooto oiot o@o-No{ @EoEae6iPf;5oOrD 8Eo.3.E>od =<9cE.qEEEOgoE. co oq Eo F .EJxooooEE E E E O O O O_<E E E E C C C C9Jaaffssss =,.urooo>>>>yo, , E -.o*FNorA9vvvtvv!y--ooooooooo- o o o 6 0 0 0 0 E*668666d6m0a .g -Not6oF @o9:SP=P9:99RFS&XRENeR85$8$3EbBgg5$ J ExhibitNo.24 Case No. INT-G-I6-02 L. Blattner, IGC p. I of4 c.96coo ul l9 PPE@oooo O O o'-ttr.t=> > >.llC C E*888eCEF.=556JO(J(JN Eooot cooEoo I oo@@@oFtc.i ct .j FjNO6tsoN*oridedF@ Oqoe @N@oo@d":FN@@tsoo.,iJ+ o@*ooFo-^@oOF Fog+_-n-o_ o_N_B6NFN 66 'oo+F OcDE--o--N_ o-o-Xio6io oN .F@Fo F =o OF$OOnO-O@-@ ON:-o_o_o_o- o.o-Ko@OO FN-'NOOO FNE66F- NNsriJotrt rtJ:o@@@ v'o 66F cooEo(J IJJ ooo-OOFO@ct of sioooO_ F- @-oto FOO o- qaooN@ooo- o_ oloNo-@ o@ots- of o-oN6Clrt@NFOot+d ooFo-@-a -NOFNN6{olaO-F -e9ir eOo .!2FEoU> .g:Eo5fatoot ON-O J,j riooo odeoi o NoqNo\ ooo60@o60.nd6too+*- o- o- -oo o9oo=p'E 3coEEo9,c = -9!po6a?atoot F@-tsNF ooets@-FNFa ooaltso riN NOO@ooooodddFO$NOO rt c.i Fj OF Fe@ @o_ o.oooo *@N c,i@o-o @\Noolo oo @o\tocN oooots{oo-N oElo oooJ -9,Eo_ o{@ao Gt o -@Oo6No@6dodci|oN@N-O N\oNqo* FOOtNot_ o- N-oNo@F@o- o- o-oF@ Nool 6q N@ OF@oooo- N_ o-FNNO-Oo- !_ t-FOF oo.E oo Eocoo -goo-E"3Eo6t. o @t-ooo-o @o ioai ..ido\F_ ao ooN- NoN.oo o{ NOd@o+-o-=o oooFOOo-$-e ONFooo*-N-\ o@3-oo dF o@a@o dF oo6- @No-Fo oog? @Nqtso 6=or'E'60o .l)t .g 9o16dtroot cots =IJ 6oo,coox, co =!Ec t96oEo .N d Eo2€ EoItr < 6 6 .EE G ooo E o ni oE o_ z6=P Seee:ooo =EEEuooo 6t2t2!E(Joo f() 6 Eo OLEcEO =EEEEEUqEEEEEEod = f = i E= cR?2\?a-aEE-Noil PEtrvvv v E h 9- -ooooEg=Y 6o oooilcBtr , @.DoE , , trP >>;.>.>.>.>EU- o6GOdG6== =r=rr=r:E aooaoao=I cccccccEE o o o o o o o.: @ =a ===r! ,CLOOOAAAO=o 6'e c'E E'c'E c -vc66@oooo6 a:i56i5i5i5i5istroocU oE oEo!EC<o52oooo. , YEEEEgO= ====€EE. 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Blattner,IGC p.2 of 4 Q oro@N@oo-Noio@F@ooFNoto@F@oo-Noto@tsooo-.= {+t$t{ioaoooooooo@@o@@@@o@@FFNFFtsFFFts@@J o coE>o 6iP;EoCrEgE <t .3 c>EE =<9cE .S'EEsogod. o o o@o oo o = @co o@ ooNtsoo@_ o_ tt-Fooooooo@d-jN-@oN F@\N N Fjoq !t@- oF- F -O@ooo.l o_ o-oo@ -OO@oNrJ ci oiN Pooo ts o- @ F. @o oqo NOONNtsONoo@ooNooqqqqoooo o o *_ oN FoN-ooo-o F o_ @ tsoF.N N oooooooooooooooooooo--OOoooooo @oo@NOONotNo66NOqqqqoooo sg?o o agoi3tEOo9B;v.6 .E ->66 =<F Eit EBcOo dt F@F-N N oe @ c?o o oooc!o ooo.e -9 -9CDCoo ctgEoGo6 =!r=aaaaTEECoooo f=f=goao i5 i5 i5 i5 Eco =@o Eo F EJ oeof ii o-9o EFNo OY!XFNoEE.EErxrEo@ooooY-b b bbb666EEEbEbEEEbbbE6c<c=cEE=z=o> =E 5S = f ,SSSvvASOTOU>O>>>-- ^^^ h hEEEEEEEEEEEEbbbbbbbbbbFFErkEEtstktt t-t-6e@@ @oo aa@ vv ooooooooooooPPEEPPE9gE9go660000GooooEE'EEEECE'CEooooooo()ooooI.9 _9. ooooooooooooEEEEEEEEEEEE oooooooooooo cccccEcccccEoooooooooooo 3=f5tr5J=::tooooooo()oooc)EEo:8< o- EEBEBEEEEEPEEEg ExhibitNo.24 Case No. INT-G-16-02 L. Blattner, IGC p. 3 of4 E.9o -qo uJ c o 6oo .9o sEg!,E;}Eo+OEFO6()o.. r-8o66= 66666AA46460EEEtstststststststsE 666GO66000GOFFFFFFFFFFFF ccccccccccct600EooooooooaooooeqqeqqeEEEEEEEEEEEEoooooooooooooo(Jc)o(Jo(Joooo @otr I GoF ooEoo =E9ir HEFEo(n -g:ooolatoot uJ ro6oPoo=9',> 3d6Ets(/,g'c = -g,Eo6qats-ootr o o oE 6 oo NJ -9=EoETo<o1ood. co o t€uotEoo:NO= Wl!,il otsQosoOF-OOO@o?@{t -ON@{N.!':.: - - iooooooaqa @ @@ oo .:os-oo oo ooN o-o o oo Eoatt Eo oo -9po-E' 3rEoot o =ot'z='60oat -9aEo 34.oot FNOtvv!toooo-ee.9.9Coco(o6>>xx>EE55Eooooolafi,oaaaoEIEEEooooo fl3==ooooo -'E -E E'E'Cya6a66Eooo60 o-o.E ,2o6fC J FoF o N 6=6@Nooo?Noi-g o @@@@@@@oo@oo)o c.8.gqd =Eboo9 ,(Tv .n; .E ->OE =<9cE .9'EEEOgot o o * .9o o.E oE 6 E! -roL OOOo oooe 6669oooo =5560!o6G6+oooo9oooo9 E c'c c!oooo@EFFFE=5==foooo6>>>>>OEDE -o@oo900009dado90000 6: o- o- o- o- o. 8EooEEf,8r.PIEgEEE;;E E d;i <3 9.EirPgEO.yCoo!oa f oEoctro*9 =sEOood> x OFNOo.E) ExhibitNo.24 Case No. INT-G-I6-02 L. Blattner, IGC P.4 of 4 c.9oc6o U co'6'ooEco'6opoo oq Eoo oo oE3 Noo = oEJ NNFO@-oooccE::= o *ooro-9ooooo!i ^FFF-Fetoo@oo'-N.EE.g.E.E9-JJJJJ@(i'x x x x xNN6@N@o-_FFF-FOOFFF-FOOooooo.E'Ec c c c cJJ'-i -i -i'-i -i N H oEJ oFo.E N oc =oFo.E GoF Ed6 Eoo ooooo- o-ooOF\-@F@o I NOSOOOhA@O@-ONFNt_t_.Y@_F_F-F_6Oi@@NOtFN66NON+Co)O*ONFNri6 o Je FjdN@e@ ooo6a FoF-oo@_o ooF.oNo_oo olEo olatoot eEE9ir EEFZoo o90tsN@*OF-OOqqcooo $.F.$ F.fr+ONI! ODOON@FF-OeOtOO-6 Ots-Fjaiq ddeOOF NONO? ON;oa c.ir.:eea @oodF*-o -9 =Eo69atood -o6 o4 AEFGoEE@ I,c = o$FO-No@NFOOqqqooo b.3- il EB+o toNooo<@NOeOOts@*O @@F{dd oioisFFO OO?@Oaeq ofEo<:a1o6tr oE =o oooJ oooOO-NOOoooci c, ci B3H €$uo roooroRNe€9N-AN NFec.i ai c.i 'o ooF FN@oo @@@-oN .9fpo_E',QA@Ooot oo.E oo EoEoo @NtsF@OooNFO@FOOooci OO\or.e-E $.E;FOo @oS9-@NF$FOOOeOtsOFtsOOoi{rt6iJFjeo@oooo!oFNtoai+Jeciai@6O FNqe a@N.oood -gaEq 3itood @ =og3'60oU,t ooN oo !to<5_s-il 3 g.q ooON NNFooct30o@gF@o_ o_ooN@ @ioFo_oN ooo- @ o-Fo oo tootEoooeeo- 6oF ;,3 ;;E;EE*.8 3333 E$frHEHHHPHEEEie665658 ?Ee"e.EE€EetE EEEEEsisiiE EE 3E $PFPFPE TOOFoOOFNO{OOF@OOFNOo a Ronald L. Williams, ISB No. 3034 Williams Bradbury, P.C. 1015 W. Hays St. Boise, [D 83702 Telephone : (208) 344-6633 Email : ron@williamsbradbury.com Attorneys for Intermountain Gas Company BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY FOR THE AUTHORITY TO CHANGE ITS RATES AND CHARGES FOR NATURAL GAS SERVICE TO NATURAL GAS CUSTOMERS IN THE STATE OF IDAHO ) ) ) ) ) ) ) Case No. INT-G-I6-02 o EXHIBIT 25 o EXHIBITa TGO }R(oa\ bo6J.s EE 6- oo OJ .EUY:i(u6I EO OoooG.- o D!,trl! ..!J5o3ELc xogr hoc (! OJ:t (U (o = uosco'E:i!:YO5t >,i-LO,3E-!J3'=oiuzd a) o :lt"- -1' L'=96FQr 6Eoj:t: fP= hfi>> >tsE(u(!cUL-(u =.;o, iuZE, o oc =F E(U>5,=Ptsp =ojic ;E.Es!--E95E t2EP -* tr(ouco Eo!or^ (u b0(! .E '=>.= dFIJr aJgor= =Ffo#>> ->tsfts!-gro>-=c2&P -1''-i= 6F(Jr 6So:t f :Y:, ci;>> >FL(U!,gE9-qro>.= Eoorjzet- (oL! (O^N(U 5Eqv<o11 co 85(!uF< Eg .B-a trJ:)L dc!N (uu(o 5 .!(o'o o)u o q'ea E.g - HT EqopI'6 S BE;BEeritEo)sL9t+.=c6H3.EE:E>:-o! o; t- X i 3 6oouil:*-,q-:EEE:P.O; iEEEE FEE c.9 CL I oooc o r! GO (u (!3vc(! -9oooosfr.uaqE 6T o L-LrJ bit=r/) (oFi b0 EstoL-fis ul o-ilOuoO EB ..d6. .l4N=a'60'EEETI - o,(J oEFEss E O-C Eq#EL AU 6":Ex3Eg8r...€b;.EEc!9eN6i.YOiI(o rr-E6lUO bo o)EtrOrnoon a3cu.o<.9 tttEo(l,oI(Euo= o\o@IJll! -cP (o(u o0so.o.: 6uot f (oc IE,guEo, .9pI tro CL gooo AEcrg.g= HT=E^MLL =,GuIFsoB6';t.rci EEpcF(!o6@L)ZT, L:oeEaq,u- :ts0JUJf; -oo 3'iq+6c(9^O-a=(!u3;E3gs (uooPO(od9+!o EA(gU =go6qr:Ehk9Ftr -c#3 u,-PEAOrJ1'O (,liFo,EH uo=f.i -c,tlo(ur oc.sHEtU E"8-, oE(Ez lo(9 -cOoD= Lu =-dousp2 S E'i aisCFq.ordorAf.iy+c-:J-f,sHEJ =$Fuo6+I5- 6(oO =ZH.:l>o cc-E.s b =oP8s; o J (u Eg9solr,LOo.=oL(poJ 916a3 uFho9-'a o-.-iI: H E.E.EP*A.9H6o6:EE!'=ooor5 i 6.9=.ErE6BE I ".gE.E c(u E .g-:,C'u, o E .s- 6U o E.s g trJ oCL t-o (!(u = c(u Eo. =6tu (u E.* ur Exhibit No. 25 Case No. INT-G-16-02 A. Spector,lGC p. I of3 u)(o o o (nc! (l)co'=zo o (Eol3;o g, c =o(J o,9 Eo o- aU? N 1oFIc)N NFIoN xU.! N xul N @FIoGI xrn e.i O)FIoN \o r/t t\,l o(\oN xrt! ..i FINoN c:,oIJo.2 Eoc 10 oN (Eo to : ttFl CLz Ftl UJd.ol! UJ2 UJe.o- Exhibit No. 25 Case No. INT-G-16-02 A. Spector, IGC p.2 of 3 r-{o.co=z tn roNN o(!&,tro (o c :Ro(o N =oE o s.F ococo o(J 6 0,J q, .= tr(, 5 o .E OE oJ tro ,2 E tr(!LF }Rorrnolrlct o lgG tr og .9o o o o9o-3EEE tr4,ot!EEooET o6(n r'l(\, rJ1 F(\ (.o oN r{o(n N l\ mN Nr{o(\ O)rl\t NNN N N @r{oN FNto F(noor/tN chFloN t/)orOot-lo 00rJ1N oNoN [n(n F{(\I€lnsfrO(\ (\o(nt-vt Il!&,or gr)oj-lrJJJd4z(,)= Lo-cq u!c'- o oE oo 6o-o G ts aa\o? (Y)N >Rft1eFl Irllo!o asttof,) }Rr\u'!o x(nelet no6+ s(n F{ci ;eo)o-iN a0c 6o- Eoo& dir{(11+ x t, rO xo(n N o0c,F(!o-oI(!o"U1 xoOlciN b<oq f\(o ;s6q F{F x o fttcu.l lt tro P ! E gott L(!o tst! ttl .E (oroEocc, .> trGr E 'oo 3u(E 3c(o o(, E:oz o (E -c.h Ero)tttrUJ Lo o xooc,(3r{ Noqoor{ Noqo<)r{ otc.E o (u.g oo (ooI o, roB xofi?\o :e(on(n€ xtnoq(n a,.oft) oorJ atn0g N a@\Or t u!c (ooI Eood. }R(otnI\fn xeloq l.ost u0c oo-q,Uoo >soq o)Ol xoq orO) xoq OrO) 3 E(Ir _gu!c6 ->.E (!u = g o,L,uro 5co tro (E foItlo f!ttrtrJ o o }Roocior{ 6ooctor{ xoqoor{ u!c'- o q, o L) .!o)I oo B norJ1+O) }Roq Ol C'T aogell\ aoo'!N€O }RoqelOl xo4o)Ol u0 .g (!(uE Eoo& >so..1 CN Nonot\,1 bRoO) tJ') q0c (!o-ou(oo.tt, AoaN@ }Roo)oF }Roq€oO >'E (uu OJEo .Eth E EoL E Eo a(! fEo x tro, Eo0oatl !tro f.ct .2og(!th (!o L(! gottl t(o o bR Iou: o\ot,tc, coEb!o ->'E 6L _9uo t5 =E(!I 1:a EI Io5c.o <f, tn (o f\ oo Ol O t{ N m sl lJ) (o f\ oO Ot O r{ N (n F.{ F.{ F.{ Fl Fl Fl r.l F.l r-l F.t N N N Nr! (no F-{ !(J -cL)oF Lo(, UJ ;s>R>RX;R>ROOOF{F{t{qqqqqqoooooo S>R}R>R}R>RNNNN@OOqqqqqqoooooo >sssxxxNsftn(oNoo(\NNNNN ..i..i.j.j=j.i r.oNooorodF{t-l!iHNNooooooNNNNN(N o ru.Eo(,tn:rrgau a!ia F{to co()u.t (JoF Flrn(,CrO(l.)<tNOr(Olnt.oOO(ol,.)ocoooo tn (n U) t{ <f slF{Nsl(OCn (o<fFr@<fNorNl,)mu)0<f Fl sf or r.r sfNON<irOl{(ofnoo)otoF{t.ntntoAn t-{ NO)rOlJ.}0C!NLnF{@Ooo 'Jr o- s- @- ,o- \mN<lN(oorNooFr(OmFlN (^o N OO Fl l/')cri rri oo' i ri oo'Fl t-l F{ otlrlo,g, E5(, (ONOOOIOFT F{ F{ r{ F{ 6t (\ooooooNNNNN(\ tDoF thoIo(, 5oa^o0c lE oF o ]AoF aioLT f F-{N Fl !() co() IJJ E,() 0)F Fl <l F{ sf rO F.lNf\NOOF{N.o-oInI\0o- lJ.)NFl(ONOF{!iN(n (OOf\@|omOlNf\€Htn\t(ONsfNNNFNT\66(o(oNoooto F{ Fl F{ Fl F{ (\t r\m<lNlJl(nN(nU)f\F.{6U)lr.)ft1 <fNd(n(nr\oocnmNF{N<fNoof\OIOF{Nfnci ci di ni rvi di t^of\oOO)OFlF{r{dF{NNooooooN(\N(\N(\ o tu0c tr3oIvt i5sg)q (Yl ]DoF oo(J ou =o1i0, OE (! oF tDg =tDooco l!troIJlnFoo. EIF FlFl o .u0c tr =ouo i5xorq m IAo(J .AE =tDo0c o t!tro(JthFoG EJF Fl o (\(nstLnt.oFoootNC!NNNNNNNmsflJ.)(Of\@O)OFl Fl Fl E-.1 Fl Fl Fl Fl NNmsfl/)(oNooor ot-'loz oc J Exhibit No. 25 Case No. INT-G-I6-02 A. Spector, IGC p.3 of3 Fl-c() coL'U ooF ljlOO(oO!=tNstNF(Or.O60)(nNol,) f\f\sf6(nOlo)(n(no@r\Nstr\Otn F{ F{ <tmtnroo(ooou.)(nNo(nototooNo<fd+uidddislF{6(.0(.oLn+o(o$cn(n(\rnNOco(o Fl F{ F{ N01 (ntnoNN14t-lOOOoot.,)osl 6(or\mNsfN(.oOtNOt-lrO(ne{N(oNoOHlrl(\!nOF{lnOO FlHr{ (.of\OOOIOF{ r{F{Fir{N(\ooooooNNN(\INN r-l !(, co(J IJJ (J o)Fo aat! >R>R>RS;R}R\t (o 6 r{ lJ) Cr'}O()OFIFIF{ct c, c, c, c, ci >s>Rx>RIRXoOO)Ot{N(nqqnn-1 n F{ F{ F{ F{ Fl Fl xlRlsx>RxN$tn'.oF\oO.1 c! c.l cl (^l .1 Fl t-t Fl ri r-{ F{ toNooO)Ot{F{F{F{Ft(\NooooooNNNNNN F{ (J coL'lJJ o(UF rrt(oo)r\N|o6rtiNlnO)Ot@r.rOlmNsfI\O(.omsf(ocDslo)r\Nor!-rF{Nmst slOlN-lst(Ooo(o6orNmcno)6rnNsft.or\OOmfn<f(oF€ororsfLr1(or\60t6rr\(\(\NN F\msfNtn(t.)N(nu1 NF{@u)Ulmsfr\f.r(nft]N@(n(t1NFINSfN@\oIo-nldl ^Ir\(nm(l1 (n E o GtoC'ta ,tttiq0s a!]a t0 og UI .! co Eo(,tr G c (oN€oroil dF{F{Fl(\l(\ooooooNNNNN(\ o o Ronald L. Williams, ISB No. 3034 Williams Bradbury, P.C. 1015 W. Hays St. Boise,ID 83702 Telephone : (208) 3 44-6633 Email: ron@williamsbradbury.com Attorneys for Intermountain Gas Company BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY FOR THE AUTHORITY TO CHANGE ITS RATES AND CHARGES FOR NATURAL GAS SERVICE TO NATURAL GAS CUSTOMERS TN THE STATE OF IDAHO ) ) ) ) ) ) ) Case No. INT-G-16-02 o EXHIBIT 26 EXHIBITa 16C- joioidioi q dcicici B Exhibit No. 26 Case No. INT-G-16-02 A. Spector, IGC p. I of2 I ao EDo. .: .9.: { t1-E E EE Er 64.EEU E '3>E€9EE!e.9 c,Ef,:D*Etr&o<EI<E tr ! Q -iii q u tit z cl- H 6i ririne da > -49 L je 2aE -fr I .Ep; vFf o lFF9 i9 ,.=-g"E"H€;!i&.i E = E E gE-= Y 6 6 ar-\E E E" E".E; = HO.AH9 F N6{6@ Z^)z xtra!YaL! >.EE_9trU<a(€Hog.g A0c0i t6) E-Ot; c)9e-za o o r.lziliD BE3ts<5 EP;4'6"8 O@ -6*a-o@ @@6roro 6N- N aaOi7F>Za,:dux>,de6EF gg sspsr t:lrrj td& q r-1 O@ -OOO@NNN-- Fq 8,l Fzl|)zIiflIz 88or83d.i Nr zillt) 6 Fz 2dz .^-ooN6 z F & Oztd QhhlI] €E.q 0b6 u(ooB * ,E-E.:.:! .= a YEE.E*B;g: B 3'si E r E ;Er6\rrqri::€'5xFa$n5 g.,g* Gts@ Yo.- oa6 lcI E E':9'EIP5 -:E 5 .i s.E S>E€99;Ti.E€.;t{3{=.==* L dElrEgF9{g-ccE-c-.tri l6AE o.nE9 Eq h< 9c\ FIrI'z!'1 sb u P z E= tic58 & F0riF FaI lrlcpq aa -donhaNddddNo F I Exhibit No. 26 Case No. INT-G-16-02 A. Spector, IGC p.2 of? r.ld,ed3 E^ €i=r Gi .99€r ': i3.3 .E l9 3gg.E E T iE.ErE.SEShE€gsEOEE!UgEer.lr.r.9Ei;AEA;Ef,A<e<trSrr.-o!-o-o5hlH*E*Br:: 6 c ^d =scz .: .9.V {x=riE : ''68.EEUE' 3>5€9EE:c.9eE=.=={lrEtrH<El<tr d a 3!EeFIhl 66N66oiN6++++++666hhF€OO-NOo60<9<n o o o o Ronald L. Williams,ISB No. 3034 Williams Bradbury, P.C. l0l5 W. Hays St. Boise,ID 83702 Telephone: (208) 344-6633 Email: ron@williamsbradbury.com Attorneys for Intermountain Gas Company BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY FOR THE AUTHORITY TO CHANGE ITS RATES AND CHARGES FOR NATURAL GAS SERVICE TO NATURAL GAS CUSTOMERS IN THE STATE OF IDAHO ) ) ) ) ) ) ) Case No. INT-G-16-02 o EXHIBIT 27 o. EXHIBITO IGC, o o Eo>; 85 Egoc t}E =oOEEfE9'=oolr Exhibit No. 27 Case No. INT-G-16-02 M. McGrath,IGC p. I ofl GoF ts\FFo otoolo)o@tO\toddo@rNo)oo,d rj ('i@o6l@o6 ooo(ooo -j Fjo(o \N_o o,t(\ @(,r, roNflO @OF@O$On(oo)F_.<tetO6NN(r)NIOFt..jriJotdrtciooo)o(oooootlstoNolOOOOTF-'6lFF(r)e)C,@6@ ooor.otOOFO@to_ N- 6- O- (o_ 6t\torr)Nlo@$oNo- o- (o_ @- o)- FFF(Ol-(')rr$t o otF@@(oo6i@F-(oo-Fo o.ct Eo)oIDo o ci 6 totrOOFF-OOodcfdF.r(o<O- -- \(()oo oloo(ociS 6'.o6 @-oo6l o-rsr(O(', \t-(o(o oq o)t6 F0(O@ONFNd)@-@Or@O- O)_ O_ Or- O)- a o- @FrtOtO(O@(o(oo(oororrttsF@$NNec\,i';';: e e s)e6 o(oolNooF(ooro.:o@No:{-o@NB'.cqcoooooe@@ FNOCTOrootsloF-()_ (o- F-_ a F--(O@(o(o-oooto(onl $r- o- @ (o- !tco(', @ -Ottso-\ NFo(o@-(o rUo Eo oz N\a5 oo@ooooc\t@ot ts;o)oo,to-'a \*(r)-6eo ooo(ociIE':oa @tNrtF. N.o(o-o(oc)ri aNdN6 rON-TNNO@NONNOF-_ r- rO_ (O- (D_ (O- N_FOF-()rOF-@FortFtOFOFOOOFe;;l,l'f'(B6 O@NFOoN(oo)o.:o@N():(-OOFU:qqqooooaoog, (OTFONoo6tooo_61\o-o-FoF(r)(ooootF(')- ro- (\1 N O-OO- O -Noroo! o-otoOFlr,d ollo(,o @ro r,io rot@@oor- o- o-oFtooo@-No c.i(a6@ oloo@;NE:o@ ()ro(,)-at-oo oo- N NF c;O (OO@OrOt-F(oO(oaO-(OFF-\(o_(o_ri$-a(ooNo)(\(!(')NNTNOONtF(OFF(rle';;6eee o(oolNooN(o(Do.;o(oN() =-OONBrqqqoooot'.'(,(, {N@o)Fo*.oN@o- o- @- (\1 (o- ONNOOF(oOOO-_(r-F (f) lO-o Oerr)@ c.,l_ o-NO'(7, o,rori o! Eoooo \ o oo(oO-oo- @- o- NC)@NONc)o6o rie6@ oroo@:N E'.o@ F(o@(Do_ co-o) looo)o (o-{ ,\ao)0 No6lOoNFroorDooNsle- (O_ lO- (o_ (o- a @-oo$(o(oao(oo6toot(\N$F(OFF(r,(r);;oooe o@olNooF(oo)o.;o(o6lto =FOONUrqqqooooao66 oN@ootF-(.)-F@_ (\1 Or- @_ st-Nt@NOOFObto, lo- (, (t) -_o o6(oN1s-N(r,(o$ ai o =of !tq 6 -Oeco@N(o- o_ o_ -F-t(ooNootdri(6ao ODo@cisEro@ @(ootsN6odOF(r)N $ gt u? l\6 (OrOrF@F@$l(o\t@SlOoF-- cO- O- tO- Or- @- O-F(r(oF-or(ost(O6{ \iF-O{'FoF(\l(,lr(Es);,j(t @ @ O@NNOoF(o(Do.;ooN6YF66Nu'.qcqoooo@@@@ o, lot-o-oc!oroo)NO-NO ciFjd{Jo(f)N(o(f,FF_O-b- ot -O)'1 ot- N-oc)lo_ N -zf- oooo(ot6- ()_ Or_ooNo@6(oo6rio(,@o otoo(ocisE:o@ (Oelo@o- t-ooooo or_t o\ @ NoqoC ooo(ooo(',ooolOrtlOF(o-o_@--_o-t_-sot6tooooONOON*F{rNe}-gte}JJe6 @@ o(o6tNooN(oo)o.;o@Nn =-OONB':qqqooooo@qq OON@-(o(oc!o(o @- 6- @- r)_ o-OSF--c',1ro6)@tN@o*No,JGi @-ro@o- (r)- NNONo c.i 0)cf1 60e-O(7)$_ rt_ o-(ooNOF-oo@aici(a@e o|r)o(odSo-.o@ oo)t(oo_ $_N(OO-o (\t_ N T@6iG r?F' 0 NO6,tOtON -N(D$F-o)No- F-- 6l rt_ o_ o- o_ oIo6to(oooO-OOO(O(,IOF\tFNe' ;;(,f,l'@ o(oc!F-ooF@oo.^o@No:!eo@NBrqqqoooo6066 so60@to(.r(r)-t- O_ o)_ O- \t-(o@o60o(v)oNo<l-aFF{-Fal tt 6l(oO-o_ {- -o(oot-\t 6E NONNNOo{ $- o-N$r-d)F-N- o- c!t(/)-e60 ooo(ocisE'.o@ 6tNto){'- t-F-OO-o@-o @qoo ,\d 6 trro)F-ootolo()orNo@o,(",- o- \t- (o- @- (O- @-NTIONNNN6NONO@-(o-rONNgls'!j !j e, e, e,e ()(ONF-OoF(ooro.;o@N():,(FooNBrqqqoooo@l,f,f' 66NtO)60@(Dts{ -_ $_ F_ e-N-nOOo@o@o,O_t_FFo-slN lo oo,osO- F- NOoo)(o_o o FON -6(O(o_ o- N-orfo(oFo)ooNri at ntqee ooo(ocisE:oe o6toot_ o- NFoc)(o(',dN @at\5 oqg,NO -lO@@-('r@(Y)(O@(()(oO6o- $- o- o- o- 61 F_ o(o@F-@@6tl-O,lt@N--OrOO*rec\j';eleee,o O(oNr-OoN@oo.:o@N6:!Fo@Nx'.qqqoooo@@@@ oNo(o(orr(oto-'i @- N- t_ ro-o6(rNloo(oN(ost$_ t- rt- F o-o$- o o@Oeo_ o_6t rno6ttr,o co (6 E FOtsNtoF-O-\(o tf .otlF(oFoOdatooe6 o()o(ocisEro@ \t coooqN-ts-ortON FjN oolo)6 oolot0 -0(O-NtsO@cr(oo@oootots@N@rirtFj6to,rr ortc\,1-rtN(7rFtrOtf(OC.,l6oi;';:6 e) 6@a o(o6lNooN@o)o.iooNo:{roON14'.qqqoooo@@@@ alr/)FFO)FOoFrN- O- @- O- F- F.\tFOrNoNtt-or_ s- 6_ N 6-o(oN (o F- O,OF 6i o.iO-ro_o eoaooI ootr,oot@o)_ o- or-o)o@F)F(Oo_ o- o- NOOgee otoo(odSE.:o@ C{ COOr(oo- 6-FNo(f)o6tr)(r) NolN 5 oq Nroa F-ON(oOrt@ -Nt\tNFO,o_ o- o- r: o_ \ or-N(OnttoFONNOoIFC{@-@o@o(,'c\itjrj('(ag)@6 O(oNF-ooN@o)o.^o@No =FOOtsB:qcqoooooaaa IOOTo)OFOg)NtF-- ro_ o_ 6l @-F(O.cONONONO()loco(o(o t'coo F c{(o@tr1 @-NFood)Fi ao =c(tr? r)oloOg)Fo_ o- F-o@o,(o(oo) \o_@_N(f)tee6 ooo(octsE'.o@ or@O-@- _(o-@o,O-oN_ t oc6 g ar,rooaoO oo(')oN@o(otsoFFroo,N_ t_ c1 ro- ()- ro- ro-o(oc)orNol(oNNONON@O-O$O$6od tj J rr' g, {a@@ o(oNF-OOF-@OrO.io(oNo =FOON#:qcqooooeaoa (oNOO()rooNN@F@OOo).joiN'jc{olo$o(o- (\t- o- @ 9_{oo oN rooo6ta@-O,l -oo)rt_oc{ oEo o =o oo-ool! al,tr sgEP €3otcFo'F, -0 E =a!=,3Iot'E .9.=E PPx66E=> oog)o E-9is< Ooao; EeiooE*6=Yfoo-o> ot Q'5toEoo 0)otoo Eooo66E9EOtrbE9.;oF IDt -C-,lOtvvvvoooooooodldld]d)aaaaaq20000)08,PPPP9!66060qECCCE*oooooYooooo rDF O O O O 0)E6EEEEEE6 f f r f ::E99S99U)' t t r t to.E.g.=...9.= = oooooo x66G666l:>=>=>> F(\,l(f){. llJloooo-9-9-9 0 otOCO.ocoo t) o o o o9aE6EEe05t5t ! :.E'E'E'ExtrooooOOEEEE*?i f r f 5Yfoooo(Lo>>>> ,hOootlOEECE3s,, ooooo& CLtr tr tr tr6 6EEEEE Eoooo).. TEESEE,^ >FFFF,< ( -ct-NO< .E E e eEiEEEEb66docoEdiEoo oEoo5(, o4ool! oo o).= F6r olo <ots@ o P:SP:99 :PPRNN &XRRNRR BJ o o Ronald L. Williams, ISB No. 3034 Williams Bradbury, P.C. l0l5 W. Hays St. Boise,ID 83702 Telephone: (208) 344-6633 Email: ron@williamsbradbury.com Attorneys for Intermountain Gas Company BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITES COMMISSION TN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF TNTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY FOR THE AUTHORITY TO CHANGE ITS RATES AND CHARGES FOR NATURAL GAS SERVICE TO NATURAL GAS CUSTOMERS TN THE STATE OF IDAHO Case No. INT-G-16-02 EXHIBIT 28 ) ) ) ) ) ) ) o o EXHIBIT 28aGc Exhibit No. 28 Case No. INT-G-16-02 M. McGrath,lGC p.l of 2 o .9 Eo6o r9.*o EE()E*3o.g -G.EE E-9=ooa E,IE5Eco =ooL o z c.96c.gAu o 9qE.EOEEEno:P 99 o E c- oP;t5r.Ef , $E:; otaooocee )JJ ooo.E .E .E E 3E, -9660 BAo.= d-dc{;-oo6oLEEEEoebe eIe99F9do= EE FF.EgeeEE60 6-60@ - d6i o- F. N.NFT@oN o@o@o- @-90F@F_t N oo $=oo o @!F 6N N FO o@tsoN6*_ @. @-ot!ots@o--F- 8EciS o OFqN!. o.FO ot-o E.gY oz N F@E tsOo oo oooo- i. o.ooots@oO- -- @- ooo@dsE.:o 6Fd.i58-@ oo-O-a-o 6N60c.i c, @ ci NO6606oooo, ri rtF@-OF@ciri6 ooo@ci3E.:o 8t !ddoryF Fo @ g c Q=doo FOtso -ci\o@oo@FN. @. O.oooooo d;64 ooo@d!E-o o$ 66ri 6tF@ d 6I a SEFOc? oN@FoOo_ F- O-NOOoi@ di6_9 oo66:N E":o @oF. 3N. o.I EO BEFO\tsFO d6iri 6c;e o@dSE':oq @-@I o_ N.I oai- UENOci lo{toolo- - OFO6c;6 o6o@:N o @oF.o@ ri 6os- o I Ee o ooo oo 60t@oo,jdri o- -_ .l o@ci!E.:o @@ Fo-o oD-.!6 d6 oiootsciats @FF@!! rd'j t- -_ o_ o6o@cis o oFo- NF@-oN o @-oo :- @ @o o oo to6 o- t- @_o@o -.:o-@oN oao@d!a-.o oq Foo- @N Ert a62Ao!oI N ts@o oNN NO @@F o .,i F-66@o-oNdrt o@o@cis o oots-o N.o sN.o ao-ESo o@\aa? 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T I tEdoooE6EEEE6A!?!!EfooooH()>>>> aaaoEEEE@oooE €FfEEg!!9IoEooooi; h 90 a ario@669t-aaaaEEEEEE6E<<<<dd o o o o. - dddoOOEEEcA-okhBEEtrxxxl6 EUUUUJUU .E .E5o6o =oou rNoso@ N@oP:S P:P 9:P g coE.E,oE(-) >ohog-9E]OE()Qoit,q6 6E b9Eu €co ==ooL o o ExhibitNo.2S Case No. INT-G-16-02 M. McGrath,IGC p.2 of 2 o o Ronald L. Williams, ISB No. 3034 Williams Bradbury, P.C. l0l5 W. Hays St. Boise,ID 83702 Telephone : (208) 344-6633 Email : ron@williamsbradbury.com Attorneys for Intermountain Gas Company BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY FOR THE AUTHORITY TO CHANGE ITS RATES AND CHARGES FOR NATURAL GAS SERVICE TO NATURAL GAS CUSTOMERS TN THE STATE OF TDAHO Case No. INT-G-I6-02 EXHIBIT 29 ) ) ) ) ) ) ) o EXHIBITo 16C qf , tr, P ! =0oL to 6c) o2 6o f 5 o =6 =tr oI co 6o oz 66 gGd, =ooll o6Id f t) o or Eo 6o o6 !o Eo l!:ta) o(, atto EoED6 (tIo(,6 Eotr565tt d, Eo .(,(JE (!(!o oEoo5o otcoo C)oTL.>E Eo E (!36 o3 o E o(,6 ooL! 6 o (!o(! !, EE 99 EHEgi52>bEB= =o()lto>lr=->EEOEEo*EO EE6's<o- o c.EctEooo.E OEE Egc oo6 G' 6!, .(Joll. s ExhibitNo.29 Case No. INT-G-I6-02 M. McGrath,IGC p. I ofl ..)(ors .ooP=FN(qo.EJ o a Ronald L. Williams, ISB No. 3034 Williams Bradbury, P.C. 1015 W. Hays St. Boise,ID 83702 Telephone: (208) 344-6633 Email: ron@williamsbradbury.com Attorneys for Intermountain Gas Company BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY FOR THE AUTHORITY TO CHANGE ITS RATES AND CHARGES FOR NATURAL GAS SERVICE TO NATURAL GAS CUSTOMERS IN THE STATE OF IDAHO ) ) ) ) ) ) ) Case No. INT-G-16-02 o EXHIBIT 30 EXHIBITo I.GC, l.P.U.C. Gas Tariff Rate Schedules Fiftieth Revised Sheet No. 01 (Page 1 of 1) Name of Utility lntermountain Gas Companyo o Rate Schedule RS-l RESIDENTIAL SERVICE LITY any customer using natural gas for residential purposes, who does not have both gas nd naturalgas space heating Monthly minimum charge the customer charge. AP water RATE: "lncludes the following: Cost of Gas: Distribution Cost: PURCHASED GAS This tariff is subject to Gas Cost Adjustment SERVICE TIONS Allnatural which th cost adjustment average gas nsportation cost through November ber through March NT for cost of purchased gas as provided for in the IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES GOMMISSIONApproved Effective June 20,2016 July 1,2016 Jean D. JewellSecretary ($o.oo085) $0.32764 $0.22910 $0.31678 $0.20422 Purchased Exhibit No. 30 Customer Charge - Per Therm Charge le. 50 per bill - $0. o Customer Charge - $6.50 per bill Per Therm Charge - $0.76011. 1) 2) 3) pu service hereunder is subject to the General Service Provisions of the Company's schedule is a part. of rssued by: lntermountain Gas CompanyBy: Michael P. McGrath Title: Director - Regulatory Affairs Effective:1,2016 Case No. INT-G-16-02 M. McGrath,IGC p. lof13 l.P.U.C. Gas Tariff Rate Schedules Fiftieth Revised Sheet No. 02 (Page 1 of 1) Name of Utility lntermountain Gas Companyo Aprilthrough November December through March PURCHASED GAS NT: This tariff is subject to adjustment for cost of purchased gas as Purchased Gas Cost Schedule. SERVICE Allnatural service hereunder is subject to the General Service Provisions of the schedule is a part. IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONApproved Effective June 20,2016 July 1,20{6 Jean D. JewellSecretary ($o.ooe68) $0.32764 $0.19789 $0.19600 $0.16237 in the Company's of Rate Schedule RS-2 RESIDENTIAL SERVICE. SPACE AND WATER HEATING AP ILITY: Applicable ny customer using natural gas for residential purposes, which must include mtntmum, both natural water heati ng and natural gas space heating. RATE: Monthly minimum charge the customer charge. Customer Charge -50 per bill Per Therm Charge - $0.85* Customer Charge - Per Therm Charge *lncludes the following: Cost of Gas: $6.50 per bill - $0.67822* 1)cost adjustment 2)hted average gas transportation cost Distribution Cost: O rssued by: lntermountain Gas Company By: Michael P. McGrath Title: Director - Regulatory Affairs Effective: Ju 1,2016 o. M. McGrath,IGC p.2of13 o which th ExhibitNo.30 LP.U.C. Gas Tariff Rate Schedules Fifty€eeend Revised Third Sheet No.03 ( Page 1 of 2'y Name of Utility lntermountain Gas Companyo Rate Schedule GS-1 GENERAL SERVICE APPLICABILITY: Applicable to customers whose requirements for natural gas do not exceed 2,000 therms per day, at any point on the Company's distribution system. Requirements in excess of 2,000 therms per day may be served under this rate schedule upon execution of a one-year wriften service contract. RATE: Monthly minimum charge is the customer charge. Fer billinq peri€ds Customer Charge - $2€0 per bill 535.00 200 therms per bill@ $0JAst8. 1,800 therms per bill @ $0#0746* 2€00 therms per bill @ $eSe€4+. W IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONApproved Effectivegune+&+e+e Jury-*,4,O+6 Jean D. JewellSecretary 50.62243 s0.60829 s0.s9464 ($0.01323) $0.32764 $0.19726 Block One: Block Two: Block Three: Per Therm Charge - Next 8,000 First Next €tder First Aleld erer o eustemergnarge- Ce++ner+enar.ge- $e$O+er+i[ *lncludes the following: Cost of Gas: Distribution Cost: Block One: Block Two: Next g,ooo Block Three: Block Four: 1) Temporary purchased gas cost adjustment 2) Weighted average cost of gas 3) Gas transportation cost ffiFirst 200 therms per bill @Next 1,800 therms per bill @e\€r 2P0e therms per bill @Over 10,000 therms per bill @@Fir€t eee+nermsprei+@+{eltt@ @ $e,?+7s+ $0,19578 $+r+476 s0.07s00 $,94€€€6 $g.4.4€4€ $,#1250e s0.11076 s0.09662 s0.08297 tssued oy: Intermountain Gas Company By: Michael P. McGrath Title: Director - Regulatory Affairs Effective: July+ 2016 SePtember 12 Case No. INT-G-16-02 M. McGrath,IGC p.3of13 o Exhibit No. 30 l.P.U.C. Gas Tariff Rate Schedules Fiftv-Seeend Revised Ihird Sheet No.03 ( Page 2ol 2) Name of Utility lntermountain Gas Gompany IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONApproved EffectiveJune+q-20{.6 +utf+,+e+e Jean D. JewellSecretaryo o Rate Schedule GS-l GENERAL SERVICE (Continued) For separately metered deliveries of gas utilized solely as Compressed Natural Gas Fuel in vehicular internal combustion engines. Customer Charge - $9Se per bill S3s.00 Per Therm Charge - $0s3667 Block One: First 10.000 therms per bill @ 50.59464* *lncludes the following: Block Two: Over 10.000 therms per bill @50.58667* Cost of Gas: 1) Temporary purchased gas cost adjustment ($0.01323) 2) Weighted average cost of gas $0.32764 3) Gas transportation cost $0.19726 Distribution Cost:Block One: First 10.000 therms per bill @50.08297 Block Two: Over 10.000 therms per bill @ 50.07500 $0;13500 PURCHASED GAS GOST ADJUSTMENT: This tariff is subject to an adjustment for cost of purchased gas as provided for in the Company's Purchased Gas Cost Adjustment Schedule. SERVICE CONDITIONS: All natural gas service hereunder is subject to the General Service Provisions of the Company's Tariff, of which this rate scheduie is a part. BILLING ADJUSTMENTS: Any GS-1 customerwho leaves the GS-1 service will pay to lntermountain Gas Company, upon exiting the GS-1 service, all gas and transportation related costs incurred to serve the customer during the GS- 1 service period not paid by the customer during the time the customer was using GS-1 service. Any GS-1 customerwho leaves the GS-1 service will have refunded to them, upon exiting the GS-1 service, any excess gas commodity or transportation payments made by the customer during the time they were a GS-'l customer. 1 I o lssued uy: lntermountain Gas Company By: Michael P McGrath 1,2016 September 12 Title: Director - Regulatory Affairs Case No. INT-G-16-02 M. McGrath,IGC p.4of13Effective: Exhibit No. 30 l.P.U.C. Gas Tariff Rate Schedules Ninth Revise6 Tenth Sheet No. 4 (Pase 1 of 2l Name of Utilitv lntermountain Gas Gompany IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES GOMMISSIONApproved EffectiveUune-eB+e+e +ulrt+e+e Jean D. Jewell Secretaryo o Rate Schedule !S-R RESIDENTIAL INTERRUPTIBLE SNOWMELT SERVICE APPLICABILITY: Applicable to any residential customer otherwise eligible to receive service under Rate Schedule RS-{+r RS-2 who has added natural gas snowmelt equipment after 61112010. The intended use of the snowmelt equipment is to melt snow and/or ice on sidewalks, driveways or any other similar appurtenances. Any and all such applications meeting the above criteria will be subject to service under Rate Schedule lS-R and will be separately and individually metered. All service hereunder is interruptible at the sole discretion of the Company. FACILITY REIMBURSEMENT CHARGE: All new interruptible Snowmelt service customers are required to pay for the cost of the Snowmelt meter set and other related facility and equipment costs, prior to the installation of the meter set. Any request to alter the physical location of the meter set and related facilities from Company's initial design may be granted provided, however, the Company can reasonably accommodate said relocation and Customer agrees to pay all related costs. RATE: Monthly minimum charge is the Customer Charge. Fer billine periods Customer Charge - $2Sg per bill Sro.oo Per Therm Charge - $0€7822" 50.63476 Fer biilinq peried @ W *lncludes the following: Cost of Gas:1) Temporary purchased gas cost adjustment 2) Weighted average cost of gas 3) Gas transportation cost ($sooe68) $0.32764 $st9789 (s0.00828) So.zozzs s0.11265Distribution Cost:$0,1€237 PURCHASED GAS GOST ADJUSTMENT: This tariff is subject to an adjustment for cost of purchased gas as provided for in the Company's Purchased Gas Cost Adjustment Schedule. tssued oy: lntermountain Gas Company By: Michael P. McGrath Title: Director - Regulatory Affairs Case No. INT-G-16-02 M. McGrath,IGC Effective:2016 September 12 o o o Rate Schedule IS-C SMALL COMMERICAL INTERRUPTIBLE SNOWMELT SERVICE APPLICABILITY: Applicable to any customer otherwise eligible to receive gas service under Rate Schedule GS-1 who has added natural gas snowmelt equipment after 61112010. The intended use of the snowmelt equipment is to melt snow and/or ice on sidewalks, driveways or any other similar appurtenances. Any and all such applications meeting the above criteria will be subject to service under Rate Schedule lS-C and will be separately and individually metered. All service hereunder is interruptible at the sole discretion of the Company. FACILITY REIMBURSEMENT CHARGE: All new interruptible Snowmelt service customers are required to pay for the cost of the Snowmelt meter set and other related facility and equipment costs, prior to the installation of the meter set. Any request to alter the physical location of the meter set and related facilities from Company's initial design may be granted provided, however, the Company can reasonably accommodate said relocation and Customer agrees to pay all related costs. RATE: Monthly minimum charge is the Customer Charge. Customer Charge - $2S per bill S3s'00 l.P.U.C. Gas Tariff Rate Schedules Ninth Revise6 Tenth Sheet No. 5 (Pase 1 of2) Name of Utilitv lntermountain Gas Company IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES GOMMISSIONApproved EffectiveUuae+eee+e et*f+,+e+e Jean D. JewellSecretary ($0.01323) $0.32764 $0.19726 Block One: Block Two: Block Three: Per Therm Charge - First Next Next 8,000 Otrer Per++ermgna+ge- First $leld Orer 200 therms per bill @ $0€7833. 50-62243 1,800 therms per bill @ $0€5+13* 50.60829 2S0e therms per bill @ $0€3667- S0.s9464 W Block Four: Over 10,000 therms per bill @ 50.58667 *l ncludes the following Cost of Gas:1) Temporary purchased gas cost adjustment 2) Weighted average cost of gas 3) Gas transportation cost Distribution Cost: First 200 therms per bill @ Btock One: Next 1,800 therms per bill @ Bt".k T.*, Next 8,000 6\pgf 2S0e therms per bill @ Block Three: over 10,000 therms per bill @ So.o750o Block Four: $0rl€666 $0J4546 $oJ3500 s0.11076 s0.09662 s0.08297 o lssued uy: lntermountain Gas Company Case No. INT-G-16-02 M. McGrath,IGCPMichaelrathMcGBy: September 121206Effective Title: Director - Regulatory Affairs LP.U.C. Gas Tariff Rate Schedules SbdiethReviss6 SixW-First Sheet No.7 (Pase1 of2) Name of Utilitv lntermountain Gas Companyo o Rate Schedule LV-l LARGE VOLUME FIRM SALES SERVICE AVAILABILITY: Available at any mutually agreeable delivery point on the Company's distribution system to any existing customer receiving service under the Company's rate schedule LV-1 or any customer not previously served under this schedule whose usage does not exceed 500,000 therms annually, upon execution of a one-year minimum written service contract for firm sales service in excess of 200,000 therms per year. MONTHLY RATE: Demand Charge:50.30000 per MDFQtherm Per Therm Charge: Block One: First Block Two: Next Block Three' Ameunt Qvsl *l ncludes the following: Cost of Gas: 250,000 therms per bill @ $e.495{A* 500,000 therms per bill @ $e,4€663* 750,000 therms per bill @ $O€&kA. IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONApproved EffectiveUune+S+e+e eUf+,*e+e Jean D. Jewell Secretary s0.45149 s0.43889 s0.32977 ($0.02707) $0.00017 $0.32764 $0.12999 $o,0et56 So.ozogg $0e2607 50.00833 $0€0€6.4 So.oo1s6 1) Temporary purchased gas cost adjustment Block One and Two Block Three 2) Weighted average cost of gas 3) Gas transportation cost (Block One and Two only) Distribution Cost: Block One: First 25o,0oo therms per bi1 @ Block Two: Next .500,000 therms per bill @ Block Three: Over 750,000 therms per bill @ 1 2 PURCHASED GAS COST ADJUSTMENT: This tariff is subject to an adjustment for cost of purchased gas as provided for in the Company's Purchased Gas Cost Adjustment Schedule. SERVIGE CONDITIONS: All natural gas service hereunder is subject to the General Service Provisions of the Company's Tariff, of which this Rate schedule is a part. \mutuailv aereeabte The customer shall negotiate with the Company, a'Maximum Daily Firm Quantity (MDFO) amount, which will be stated in and will be in effect throughout the term of the service contract. excess ln the event the Customer requires daily usage in excess of the MDFQ, ,na "uOigYGavailability of firm interstate transportation to serve lntermountain's system, all such iiSage may will be trenspe*eC+nd billed under eitner+eeenae+y rate schedule T 3 er T 1, $eseeeedg3lgte rv-r. Additionallv, all excess MDFQ above the customer's cted MDFO for the month will be billed at the monthlvoDemand Charge rate. tssued oy: Intermountain Gas Company Case No. INT-G-16-02 M. McGrath,IGCBy: Michael P. McGrath Title: Director - Regulatory Affairs September 12Effective2016 7 of13 l.P.U.C. Gas Tariff Rate Schedules ThiC Revised Fourth Sheet No.7 (Paoe2ol2l Name of Utilitv lntermountain Gas Company IDAHO PUBLIG UTILITIES COMMISSIONApproved Effectiveeune+0rfe{6 +t*f+,+e+S Jean D. Jewell Secretary charge rate. Demand charge relief will be afforded to those LV-1 customers when circumstances i by force maieure events prevent the Company from delivering natural gas to the customer's meter. Rate Schedule LV-l LARGE VOLUME FIRM SALES SERVICE (Continued) & 4. Embedded in this service is the cost of purchased gas per the Company's PGA, firm interstate pipeline reservation charges, and distribution system costs. BILLING ADJUSTMENTS: 1. incurred on the customer's behalf PGA related credits attributable to the 2. Any LV-1 customer who exits the LV-1 service ef+ne+en+raet+erpe) will pay to lntermountain Gas Company, upon exiting the LV-1 service, all by the customer during the LV-1 co period. Any LV-1 customer refunded to them, upon exiting the LV-1 service, any by-the+ustomer during the tV 1 contract period said not Purchased Gas Cost (,PGA') exited the a +. In the event that total deliveries to any existing customer within the most recent three contract periods LV-1 service met or exceeded the 200,000 therm threshold, but the customer during the cunent contract period used less than the contract minimum of 200,000 therms, an additional amount shall be billed. The additional amount shall be calculated by billing the deficit usage below 200,000 therms at the LV-1 Block 1 rate adjusted for the removal of variable gas costs. The custome/s future eligibility for the LV-1 Rate Schedule will be renegotiated with the Company. ln the event that total deliveries to any new customer did not meet the 200,000 therm threshold during the current contract period, an additional amount shall be billed. The additional amount shall be calculated by billing the custome/s total usage during that contract period at the Rate Schedule GS-1 Block 3 rate, and then subtracting the amounts previously billed during the annual contract period. The customer's future eligibility for the LV-1 Rate Schedule will be renegotiated with the Company. trXIT FEE PROV]SIO €)+ear*erie* L ln lieu ef paying the Exit Fee Previsien as stated in the abeve paragraph #1; the eristing tV 1 eusbmer will previde te lntermeuntain a ene year er mere advaneed written netiee ef the eusteme/s intent teffi lssued oy: lntermountain Gas Company By: Michael P. McGrath Title: Director - Regulatory Affairs Effective: July4, 2016 SePtember 12 Case No. INT-G-16-02 M. McGrath,IGC p.8of13 o Exhibit No. 30 LP.U.C. Gas Tariff Rate Schedules Eleventh Revised Twelfth Sheet No.8 ( Pase 1 of 2\ Name of Utilitv lntermountain Gas Companyo o o Rate Schedule T-3 INTERRUPTIBLE DISTRIBUTION TRANSPORTATION SERVICE AVAILABILITY: Available at any point on the Company's distribution system to any customer upon execution of a one year minimum written service contract. MONTHLY RATE: Per Therm Charee: -Tlock First 100,000 therms transported @ $ee5466.Next 50,000 therms transported @ $0€22e5. Ameunt Over 150,000 therms transported @ $9€0793. IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONApproved EffectiveSep+a+ae+e ee+.tre+S PerenF.€3386 Jean D. JewellSecretary s0.01414 s0.00s19 s0.00132 One: Block Two: Block Three 2 *lncludes temporary purchased gas cost adjustment of $(0.00095) ANNUAL MINIMUM BILL: The customer shall be subject to the payment of an annual minimum bill of $30,000 during each annual contract period, unless a higher minimum is required under the service contract to cover special conditions. PURCHASED GAS COST ADJUSTMENT: This tariff is subject to an adjustment for cost of purchased gas as provided for in the Company's Purchased Gas Cost Adjustment Schedule. SERVIGE GONDITIONS: The Company, in its sole discretion, shall determine whether or not it has adequate capacity to accommodate transportation of the customer's gas supply on the Company's distribution system. All natural gas service hereunder is subject to the General Service Provisions of the Company's Tariff, of which this Rate Schedule is a part. lnterruptible Distribution Transportation Service may be made firm by a written agreement between the parties if the customer has a dedicated line. lf requested by the Company, the customer expressly agrees to immediately curtail or interrupt its operations during periods of capacity constraints on the Company's distribution system. This service does not include the cost of the custome/s gas supply or the interstate pipeline capacity. The customer is responsible for procuring its own supply of natural gas and transportation to lntermountain's distribution system under this rate. The customer understands and agrees that the Company is not responsible to deliver gas supplies to the customer which have not been nominated and accepted for delivery by the interstate pipeline. An existing t\A+ T4, er T 5 customer electing this schedule may concurrently utilize Rate Schedule T-3 on the same or contiguous property. ExhibitNo.30 3. 4 5 6 7 tssued ny: lntermountain Gas Company By: Michael P. McGrath Title: Director - Regulatory Affairs Effective: Case No. INT-G-16-02 M. McGrath,IGC p.9of13 l.P.U.C. Gas Tariff Rate Schedules Tenth Revise6 Eleventh Sheet No.9 ( Paqe 1 ol 2\ Name of Utilitv lntermountain Gas Company Rate Schedule T,4 FIRM DISTRIBUTION ONLY TRANSPORTATION SERVICE AVAILABILITY: Available at any mutually agreeable delivery point on the Company's distribution system to any customer upon execution of a one year minimum written service contract for firm distribution transportation service in excess of 200,000 therms per year. IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES GOMMISSIONApproved EffectiveSept=*gree# ee*<r+e* Pereil-.€3386 Jean D. JewellSecretary 50.27923 per MDFQ therm*MONTHLY RATE: eemmee*y Charge:Per Block one:Therm Block Two: Block Three: Demand Charge: First Next ffi6g6+€vef Over 250,000 therms transported @ $g&ll. 500,000 therms transported @ $001€28" 750,000 therms transported @ $'&ee456" So.or+zg s0.00s20 s0.00160 *lncludes temporary purchased gas cost adjustment of $(0,002€6) S(o.ozozz) PURCHASED GAS COST ADJUSTMENT: This tariff is subject to an adjustment for cost of purchased gas as provided for in the Company's Purchased Gas Cost Adjustment Schedule. SERVICE CONDITIONS: 1. This service excludes the service and cost of firm interstate pipeline charges. The customer is responsible for procuring its own supply of natural gas and interstate transportation under this Rate Schedule. The customer understands and agrees that the Company is not responsible to deliver gas supplies to the customer which have not been nominated, scheduled, and delivered by the interstate pipeline to the designated city gate. All natural gas service hereunder is subject to the General Service Provisions of the Company's Tariff, of which this Rate Schedule is a part. 4. The customer shall nominate a Maximum Daily Firm Quantity (MDFQ), which will be stated in the? contract and in effect throughout the term of the service contract.s-- org. 6. An existing LV-[T-3, or T-5 customer electing this schedule may concurrently utilize Rate Schedule T4 on the customer's same or contiguous property. BILLING ADJUSTMENTS: 1 ln the event that total deliveries to any existing T4 customer within the most recent three contract periods met or exceeded the 200,000 therm threshold, but the customer during the current contract period used less than the contract minimum of 200,000 therms, an additional amount shall be billed. The additional amount shall be calculated by billing the deficit usage below 200,000 therms at the T-4 Block 1 rate. The customer's future eligibility for the T-4 Rate Schedule will be renegotiated with the Company. 2. 3. tssued oy, lntermountain Gas Company By: Michael P. McGrath Title: Director - Regulatory Affairs Effective:September 12, 2016 Case No. INT-G-16-02 M. McGrath,IGC p. l0 of13 l.P.U.C. GasTariff Rate Schedules Seeond Revised Third SheetNo.9 (Paoe2of 2l Name of Utility lntermountain Gas Company IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONApproved Effectivenea+en*a;-*eq5 *p*f+,+e+S Jean D. Jewell Secretaryo Rate Schedule T4 FIRM DISTRIBUTION ONLY TRANSPORTATION SERVICE (Continued) ln the event that total deliveries to any new T{ customer did not meet the 200,000 therm threshold during the current contract period, an additional amount shall be billed, The additional amount shall be calculated by billing the customefs total usage during that contract period at the Rate Schedule GS-1 Block 3 rate, adjusted for the cost of gas, and then subtracting the amounts previously billed during the annual contract period. The customefs future eligibility for the T4 Rate Schedule will be renegotiated with the Company. 2. imum 29.Any T4 customer who exits the T4 service will pay to lntermountain Gas Company, upon exiting the T-4 seryice, all Purchased Gas Cost ("PGA") related costs incurred on the customers behalf not paid by the customer during the T-4 contract period. Any T-4 customer who has exited the T4 service will have refunded to them, upon exiting the T-4 service, any PGA related credits attributable to the customer during said contract period. 3. ln the event the Customer requires dailv usage in excess of the M DFO. and subiect to the availabilitv of fi rm distribution capacity to serve lntefmountarnlssvstem, all such excess usage will be billed under rate schedule T-4. Additionallv, all excess MDFQ above the customer's contracted MDFQ for the month will be billed at the monthlv Demand Charge rate. o o lssued uy, lntermountain Gas Company Title: Director - Regulatory Affairs ber 72.2076 Case No. INT-G-16-02 M. McGrath,IGC p.1l of13 Septem By: MichaelP. McGrath Effective: l.P.U.C. Gas Tariff Rate Schedules Ninth Revised Sheet No. 10 (Pase 1 of 2\ Name of Utilitv lntermountain Gas Company IDAHO PUBLIG UTILITIES COMMISSIONApproved EffectiveSept.29,2015 Oct.1,2015 Per O.N. 33386 Jean D. JewellSecretaryo O Rate Schedule T-5 FIRM DISTRIBUTION SERVICE WITH MAXIMUM DAILY DEMANDS A Available mutually agreeable delivery point on the Company's distribution system to existing T- 5 customer daily contract demand on any given day meets or exceeds a pred ined level agreed to by customer and the Company upon execution of a one-year minim written service contract for firm bution service in excess of 200,000 therms per year MONTHLY RATE: Firm Service Demand Charge Firm Daily Demand $o Commodity Charge: For Firm Therms 001 1 1. Over-Run Service Commodity Charge: For Therms Transpo $0.04370. *lncludes temporary purchased gas cost of $(0.00135) PURCHASED GAS GOST ADJUSTMENT: This tariff is subject to an adjustment for cost of as provided for in the Company's Purchased Gas Cost Adjustment Schedule. SERVICE CONDITIONS: 1. All natural gas service is subject to the Genera Provisions of the Company's Tariff, of which this Rate ule is a part. 2. The customer shall a Maximum Daily Firm Quantity which will be stated in and will be in effect th the term of the service contract. 3. The monthly Charge will be equal to the MDFQ times the Fi ily Demand rate. Firm demand relief be afforded to those T-5 customers paying both commodity charges for gas when the Company's judgment, such relief is warranted 4. The erm usage for the month or the MDFQ times the number of days i billing month, is less, will be billed at the applicable commodity charge for firm therms erms not billed at the commodity charge for firm therms transported rate be billed rted ln Excess MDFQ wh 5 o rssued by: lntermountain Gas Company By: Michael P. McGrath Title: Director - Regulatory Affairs Effective: October'1, 2015 Case No. INT-G-16-02 M. McGrath,IGC p. 12 of 13 Ail e Overrun Service rate. Exhibit No. LP.U.C. Gas Tariff Rate Schedules First Revised SheetNo. 10 (Page2of 2\ Name of Utility lntermountain Gas Company Rate Schedule T-5 FIRM DISTRIBUTION SERVICE WITH MAXIMUM DAILY DEMAN (Continued) is responsible for procuring its own supply of natural gas interstate transpo n under this Rate Schedule. 7. Under the portion of the service contract, the customer agrees to interrupt its operations periods of curtailment. 8. Embedded in this is the cost of firm distribution capacity 9. The customer and agrees that the Company is responsible to deliver gas supplies to the customer interstate pipeline. have not been nominated scheduled for delivery by the 6. The 10. The customer shall negotiate stated in and wil! be in effect IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONApproved Effective March 23,2015 April1,2015 Jean D. Jewell Secretary calculated by billing the a billed. The additional amount shall therms at the T4 Block 1 rate. The Daily Firm (MDFO) amount, wtrich will be hout the term of service contract. The MDFQ shall not daily as agreed to by the Company. excess of the MDFQ, allsuch usage may be schedule T-3 or T4. The secondary rate by negotiation between the Customer and contract. All volumes transported under the exceed the custornefs historical ln the event the Customer requires transported and billed under either schedule to be used shall be Company, and shall be included in the secondary rate schedule are subject to T4. BILLING ADJUSTMENTS: ons of the applicable rate schedule T-3 or to any existing T-5 within the three most recent the 200,000 therm thres , but the customer during the used less than the contract mi um of 200,000 therms, an 1 er's future eligibility for the T-5 Rate will be renegotiated with the Company. 2. Any T-5 who exits the T-5 service at any time (including,not limited to, the expiration of contract term) will pay to lntermountain Gas Company,exiting the T-5 the customer'sase Gas Gost Adjustment ("PGA") related costs incurred by the customer during the T-5 contract period. Any exiting customer will have to them upon exiting the T-5 service any PGA related credits to the during the T-5 contract period. ln the event that total contract periods met or current contract additional amount deficit usage below service, behalf tssued by: lntermountain Gas Company By: Michael P. McGrath Title: Director - Regulatory Affairs Effective:1,2A15 p. 13 of M. McGrath, Exhibit No. 30 o o Ronald L. Williams, tSB No. 3034 Williams Bradbury, P.C. 1015 W. Hays St. Boise, [D 83702 Telephone: (208) 344-6633 Email: ron@williamsbradbury.com Afforneys for lntermountain Gas Company BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY FOR THE AUTHORITY TO CHANGE ITS RATES AND CHARGES FOR NATURAL GAS SERVTCE TO NATURAL GAS CUSTOMERS IN THE STATE OF TDAHO Case No. INT-G-16-02 EXHIBIT 31 ) ) ) ) ) ) ) o EXHIBIT o.I-GC, |.P.U.C. Gas Tariff Rate Schedules Original Sheet No.01 (Page 1 of 1) Name of Utility lntermountain Gas Companyo o Rate Schedule RS RESIDENTIAL SERVICE APPLICABILIW: Applicable to any customer using natural gas for residential purposes RATE: Monthly minimum charge is the customer charge. Customer Charge: Per Therm Charge: *l ncludes the following: Cost of Gas: $10.00 per bill $0.63476* 1) Temporary purchased gas cost adjustment 2) Weighted average cost of gas 3) Gas transportation cost ($0.00828) $0.32764 $0.20275 Distribution Cost:$0.1 1265 PURCHASED GAS COST ADJUSTMENT: This tariff is subject to an adjustment for cost of purchased gas as provided for in the Company's Purchased Gas Cost Adjustment Schedule. SERVICE CONDITIONS: All natural gas service hereunder is subject to the General Service Provisions of the Company's Tariff, of which this rate schedule is a part. rssued by: lntermountain Gas CompanyBy: Michael P. McGrath Title: Director - Regulatory Affairs Effective: September 12, 2016 Case No. INT-G-16-02 M. McGrath,IGC p. I of16 o ExhibitNo.3l l.P.U.C. Gas Tariff Rate Schedules Fifty-Third Revised Sheet No.03 ( Page 1 of 2) Name of Utili$lntermountain Gas Gompanyo Rate Schedule GS-l GENERAL SERVICE APPLICABILITY: Applicable to customers whose requirements for natural gas do not exceed 2,000 therms per day, at any point on the Company's distribution system. Requirements in excess of 2,000 therms per day may be served under this rate schedule upon execution of a one-year written service contract. RATE: Monthly minimum charge is the customer charge. Customer Charge: PerTherm Charge: $35.00 per bill o *lncludes the following: Cost of Gas: Distribution Cost: Block One: Block Two: Block Three Block Four: Block One: Block Two: Block Three: Block Four: 200 therms per bill@ 1,800 therms per bill @ 8,000 therms per bill @ 10,000 therms per bill @ 200 therms per bill @ 1,800 therms per bill @ 8,000 therms per bill @ 10,000 therms per bill @ First Next Next Over First Next Next Over $0.62243* $0.60829. $0.59464. $0.58667. ($0.01323) $0.32764 $0.19726 $0.11076 $0.09662 $0.08297 $0.07500 1) Temporary purchased gas cost adjustment 2) Weighted average cost of gas 3) Gas transportation cost tssued ny: lntermountain Gas Company By: Michael P. McGrath Title: Director - Regulatory Affairs Effective: September 12, 2016 Case No. INT-G-I6-02 M. McGrath,IGC p.2 of 16 o ExhibitNo.3l LP.U.C. Gas Tariff Rate Schedules Fifty-Third Revised SheetNo.03 (Page2of 2) Name of Utility Intermountain Gas Gompanyo Rate Schedule GS-I GENERAL SERVICE (Continued) For separately metered deliveries of gas utilized solely as Compressed Natural Gas Fuel in vehicular internal combustion engines. Customer Charge: $35.00 per bill Per Therm Charge:Block One: Block Two: First 10,000 therms per bill @ Over 10,000 therms per bill @ $0.59464* $0.58667" *lncludes the following Cost of Gas:1) Temporary purchased gas cost adjustment 2) Weighted average cost of gas 3) Gas transportation cost ($0.01323) $0.32764 $0.19726 Distribution Cost:Block One: First 10,000 therms per bill@ Block Two: Over 10,000 therms per bill @ $0.08297 $0.07500 o PURCHASED GAS COST ADJUSTMENT: This tariff is subject to an adjustment for cost of purchased gas as provided for in the Company's Purchased Gas Cost Adjustment Schedule. SERVICE CONDITIONS: All natural gas service hereunder is subject to the General Service Provisions of the Company's Tariff, of which this rate schedule is a part. BILLING ADJUSTMENTS: 1 Any GS-1 customerwho leaves the GS-1 service will pay to lntermountain Gas Company, upon exiting the GS-1 service, all gas and transportation related costs incurred to serve the customer during the GS- 'l service period not paid by the customer during the time the customer was using GS-1 service. Any GS-1 customerwho leaves the GS-1 service will have refunded to them, upon exiting the GS-1 service, any excess gas commodity or transportation payments made by the customer during the time they were a GS-1 customer. tssued oy: lntermountain Gas Gompany By: Michael P. McGrath Title: Director - Regulatory Affairs Effective:12 2016 Case No. INT-G-16-02 M. McGrath,IGC p.3 of16 o Exhibit No. 3l l.P.U.C. Gas Tariff Rate Schedules Tenth Revised Sheet No. 4 (Paoe 1 of2) Name of Utilitv lntermountain Gas Company o Rate Schedule lS-R RESIDENTIAL INTERRUPTIBLE SNOWMELT SERVICE APPLICABILITY: Applicable to any residential customer otherwise eligible to receive service under Rate Schedule RS who has added natural gas snowmelt equipment after 61112010. The intended use of the snowmelt equipment is to melt snow and/or ice on sidewalks, driveways or any other simihr appurtenances. Any and all such applications meeting the above criteria will be subject to service under Rate Schedule lS-R and will be separately and individually metered. All service hereunder is intenuptible at the sole discretion of the Company. FACILITY REIMBURSEMENT CHARGE: All new interruptible Snowmelt service customers are required to pay for the cost of the Snowmelt meter set and other related facility and equipment costs, prior to the installation of the meter set. Any request to alter the physical location of the meter set and related facilities from Company's initial design may be granted provided, however, the Company can reasonably aceommodate said relocation and Customer agrees to pay allrelated costs. RATE: Monthly minimum charge is the Customer Charge.o Customer Charge: Per Therm Charge: $10.00 per bill $0.63476. *lncludes the following Cost of Gas:1) Temporary purchased gas cost adjustment 2) Weighted average cost of gas 3) Gas transportation cost ($0.00828) $0.32764 $0.20275 Distribution Cost:$0.1 1265 PURCHASED GAS COST ADJUSTMENT: This tariff is subject to an adjustment for cost of purchased gas as provided for in the Company's Purchased Gas Cost Adjustment Schedule. tssued oy: lntermountain Gas Company By: Michael P. McGrath Title: Director - Regulatory Affairs Effective 12 2016 Case No. INT-G-16-02 M. McGrath,IGC o O l.P.U.C. Gas Tariff Rate Schedules Tenth Revised Sheet No. 5 (Paqe 1 of2) Name of Utilitv lntermountain Gas Company Rate Schedule lS-C SMALL COMMERICAL INTERRUPTIBLE SNOWMELT SERVICE APPLICABILITY: Applicable to any customer otherwise eligible to receive gas service under Rate Schedule GS-1 who has added natural gas snowmelt equipment after 61112010. The intended use of the snowmelt equipment is to melt snow and/or ice on sidewalks, driveways or any other similar appurtenances. Any and all such applications meeting the above criteria will be subject to service under Rate Schedule lS-C and will be separately and individually metered. All service hereunder is interruptible at the sole discretion of the Company. FACILITY REIMBURSEMENT CHARGE: All new interruptible Snowmelt service customers are required to pay for the cost of the Snowmelt meter set and other related facility and equipment costs, prior to the installation of the meter set. Any request to alter the physical location of the meter set and related facilities from Company's initial design may be granted provided, however, the Company can reasonably accommodate said relocation and Customer agrees to pay all related costs. RATE: Monthly minimum charge is the Customer Charge. Customer Charge: Per Therm Charge: $35.00 per bill o *lncludes the following: Cost of Gas: Distribution Charge: Block One: Block Two: Block Three: Block Four: Block One: Block Two: Block Three: Block Four: 200 therms per bill @ 1,800 therms per bill @ 8,000 therms per bill @ 10,000 therms per bill @ 200 therms per bill @ 1,800 therms per bill@ 8,000 therms per bill@ 10,000 therms per bill @ 1) Temporary purchased gas cost adjustment 2) Weighted average cost of gas 3) Gas transportation cost First Next Next Over First Next Next Over $0.62243. $0.60829. $0.59464. $0.58667" ($0.01323) $0.32764 $0.19726 $0.1 1076" $0.09662" $0.08297* $0.07500* tssued oy: lntermountain Gas Company By: Michael P. McGrath Title: Director - Regulatory Affairs Case No. INT-G-16-02 M. McGrath,IGC 12 2016Effective: Se a l.P.U.C. Gas Tariff Rate Schedules Sixtv-First Revised Sheet No.7 (Pase1 ol2\ Name of Utilitv lntermountain Gas Company o o Rate Schedule LV-l LARGE VOLUME FIRM SALES SERVICE AVAILABILITY: Available at any mutually agreeable delivery point on the Company's distribution system to any existing customer receiving service under the Company's rate schedule LV-1 or any customer not previously served under this schedule whose usage does not exceed 500,000 therms annually, upon execution of a one-year minimum written service contract for firm sales service in excess of 200,000 therms per year. MONTHLY RATE: Demand Charge: $0.30000 per MDFQ therm Per Therm Charge: *lncludes the following Cost of Gas: Block One: Block Two: Block Three: Block One: Block Two: Block Three: First Next Over 250,000 therms per bill @ 500,000 therms per bill @ 750,000 therms per bill @ $0.45149. $0.43889. $0.32977. 1) Temporary purchased gas cost adjustment Block One and Two Block Three 2) Weighted average cost of gas 3) Gas transportation cost (Block One and Two only) ($0.02707) $0.00017 $0.32764 $0.12999 $0.02093 $0.00833 $0.00196 Distribution Cost: PURCHASED GAS COST ADJUSTMENT: This tariff is subject to an adjustment for cost of purchased gas as provided for in the Company's Purchased Gas Cost Adjustment Schedule. SERVIGE GONDITIONS: All natural gas service hereunder is subject to the General Service Provisions of the Company's Tariff, of which this Rate Schedule is a part. The customer shall negotiate with the Company, a mutually agreeable Maximum Daily Firm Quantity (MDFO) amount, which will be stated in and will be in effect throughout the term of the service contract. ln the event the Customer requires daily usage in excess of the MDFQ, and subject to the availability of firm interstate transportation to serve lntermountain's system, all such excess usage will be billed under rate schedule LV-'|. Additionally, allexcess MDFQ above the customer's contracted MDFQ for the month will be billed at the monthly Demand Charge rate. First Next Over 250,000 therms per bill @ 500,000 therms per bill @ 750,000 therms per bill @ 1 2 o lssued uy: lntermountain Gas Company case No. rNT-c-16-02 By: Michael P. McGrath Title: Director - Regulatory Affairs M. McGrath, IGC Effective: September 1 2016 l.P.U.C. Gas Tariff Rate Schedules Fourth Revised SheetNo. T (Page2of2l Name of Utilitv lntermountain Gas Company o o 3 Rate Schedule LV-l LARGE VOLUME FIRM SALES SERVICE (Continued) The monthly demand charge will be equal to the MDFQ times the demand charge rate. Demand charge relief will be afforded to those LV-1 customers when circumstances impacted by force majeure events prevent the Company from delivering natural gas to the customer's meter. Embedded in this service is the cost of purchased gas per the Company's PGA, firm interstate pipeline reservation charges, and distribution system costs. BILLING ADJUSTMENTS: Any LV-1 customer who exits the LV-1 service will pay to lntermountain Gas Company, upon exiting the LV-1 service, all Purchased Gas Cost ("PGA") related costs incurred on the custome/s behalf not paid by the customer during the LV-1 contract period. Any LV-1 customer who has exited the LV-1 service will have refunded to them, upon exiting the LV-1 service, any PGA related credits aftributable to the customer during the said contract period. 2.ln the event that total deliveries to any existing customer within the most recent three contract periods met or exceeded the 200,000 therm threshold, but the customer during the cunent contract period used less than the contract minimum of 200,000 therms, an additional amount shall be billed. The additional amount shall be calculated by billing the deficit usage below 200,000 therms at the LV-1 Block 1 rate adjusted for the removal of variable gas costs. The customefs future eligibility for the LV-1 Rate Schedule will be renegotiated with the Company. ln the event that total deliveries to any new customer did not meet the 200,000 therm threshold during the current contract period, an additional amount shall be billed. The additional amount shall be calculated by billing the customer's total usage during that contract period at the Rate Schedule GS-1 Block 3 rate, and then subtracting the amounts previously billed during the annual contract period. The customer's future eligibility for the LV-1 Rate Schedule will be renegotiated with the Company. rssued uy: Intermountain Gas Company caseNo' INT-G-16-02 By: Michael P. McGrath Tiile: Director - Regulatory Affairs M' McGrath' IGC Eifective: September 12,2016 "-w-'---'''"'-"- p'7 of 16 4. 1 o ExhibitNo.3l o o l.P.U.C. Gas Tariff Rate Schedules Twelfth Revised Sheet No.8 ( Paqe 1 of 2l Name of Utility lntermountain Gas Company Rate Schedule T-3 INTERRUPTIBLE DISTRIBUTION TRANSPORTATION SERVICE AVAILABILITY: Available at any point on the Company's distribution system to any customer upon execution of a one year minimum written service contract. IUIONTHLY RATE: Per Therm Charge: Block One: First 100,000 therms transported @ $0.01414' Block Two: Next 50,000 therms transported @ $0.00519. Block Three: Over 150,000 therms transported @ $0.00132. *lncludes temporary purchased gas cost adjustment of $(0.00095) ANNUAL MINIMUM BILL: The customer shall be subject to the payment of an annual minimum bill of $30,000 during each annual contract period, unless a higher minimum is required under the service contract to cover special conditions. PURCHASED GAS COST ADJUSTMENT: This tariff is subject to an adjustment for cost of purchased gas as provided for in the Company's Purchased Gas Cost Adjustment Schedule. SERVICE CONDITIONS: The Company, in its sole discretion, shall determine whether or not it has adequate capacity to accommodate transportation of the custome/s gas supply on the Company's distribution system. All natural gas service hereunder is subject to the General Service Provisions of the Company's Tariff, of which this Rate Schedule is a part. lnterruptible Distribution Transportation Service may be made firm by a written agreement between the parties if the customer has a dedicated line. lf requested by the Company, the customer expressly agrees to immediately curtail or interrupt its operations during periods of capacity constraints on the Company's distribution system. This service does not include the cost of the customer's gas supply or the interstate pipeline capacity. The customer is responsible for procuring its own supply of natural gas and transportation to lntermountain's distribution system under this rate. The customer understands and agrees that the Company is not responsible to deliver gas supplies to the customer which have not been nominated and accepted for delivery by the interstate pipeline. An existing T4 customer electing this schedule may concurrently utilize Rate Schedule T-3 on the same or contiguous property. 2. 3. 4. 5. o. 7o tssued oy: lntermountain Gas Company By: Michael P. McGrath Title: Director- Regulatory Affairs Effective: September 12, 2016 Case No. INT-G-16-02 M. McGrath,IGC p.8of16 Exhibit No. 3l l.P.U.C. Gas Tariff Rate Schedules Eleventh Revised Sheet No.9 ( Paqe 1 of 2) Name of Utilitv lntermountain Gas Gompanyo o Rate Schedule T-4 FIRM DISTRIBUTION ONLY TRANSPORTATION SERVICE AVAILABILITY: Available at any mutually agreeable delivery point on the Company's distribution system to any customer upon execution of a one year minimum written service contract for firm distribution transportation service in excess of 200,000 therms per year. MONTHLY RATE Demand Charge:$O.27923 per MDFQ therm* Per Therm Charge:Block One: Block Two: Block Three: First Next Over 250,000 therms transported @ $0.01473 500,000 therms transported @ $0.00520 750,000 therms transported @ $0.00160 2. *lncludes temporary purchased gas cost adjustment of $(0.02077) PURCHASED GAS COST ADJUSTMENT: This tariff is subject to an adjustment for cost of purchased gas as provided for in the Company's Purchased Gas Cost Adjustment Schedule. SERVICE CONDITIONS: 1. This service excludes the service and cost of firm interstate pipeline charges The customer is responsible for procuring its own supply of natural gas and interstate transportation under this Rate Schedule. The customer understands and agrees that the Company is not responsible to deliver gas supplies to the customer which have not been nominated, scheduled, and delivered by the interstate pipeline to the designated city gate. All natural gas service hereunder is subject to the General Service Provisions of the Company's Tariff, of which this Rate Schedule is a part. The customer shall negotiate with the Company, a mutually agreeable Maximum Daily Firm Quantity (MDFQ), which will be stated in and in effect throughout the term of the service contract. The monthly demand charge will be equal to the MDFQ times the demand charge rate. Demand charge relief will be afforded to those T4 customers when circumstances impacted by force majeure events prevent the Company from delivering natural gas to the customer's meter. An existing LV-1 or T-3 customer electing this schedule may concurrently utilize Rate Schedule T4 on the customefs same or contiguous property. 3. 4. 5. 6. lssued by: lntermountain Gas Company By: Michael P. McGrath Title: Director - Regulatory Affairs Effective: September 12, 2016 Case No. INT-G-16-02 M. McGrath,IGC p.9of16 o LP.U.C. Gas Tariff Rate Schedules Third Revised SheetNo.9 (Paoe2of 2l Name of Utilitv lntermountain Gas Companyo 1 Rate Schedule T,4 FIRM DISTRIBUTION ONLY TRANSPORTATION SERVICE (Continued) BILLING ADJUSTMENTS: ln the event that total deliveries to any existing T4 customer within the most recent three contract periods met or exceeded the 200,000 therm threshold, but the customer during the current contract period used less than the contract minimum of 200,000 therms, an additional amount shall be billed. The additional amount shall be calculated by billing the deficit usage below 200,000 therms at the T- 4 Block 1 rate. The customer's future eligibility for the T-4 Rate Schedule will be renegotiated with the Company. ln the event that total deliveries to any new T4 customer did not meet the 200,000 therm threshold during the current contract period, an additional amount shall be billed. The additional amount shall be calculated by billing the customer's total usage during that contract period at the Rate Schedule GS-'l Block 3 rate, adjusted for the cost of gas, and then subtracting the amounts previously billed during the annual contract period. The customer's future eligibility for the T-4 Rate Schedule will be renegotiated with the Company. Any T4 customer who exits the T4 service will pay to lntermountain Gas Company, upon exiting the T-4 service, all Purchased Gas Cost ("PGA") related costs incurred on the custome/s behalf not paid by the customer during the T-4 contract period. Any T-4 customer who has exited the T4 service will have refunded to them, upon exiting the T4 service, any PGA related credits attributable to the customer during said contract period. ln the event the Customer requires daily usage in excess of the MDFQ, and subject to the availability of firm distribution capacity to serve lntermountain's system, all such excess usage will be billed under rate schedule T-4. Additionally, all excess MDFQ above the customer's contracted MDFQ for the month will be billed at the monthly Demand Charge rate. o 2 3. o lssued by: Intermountain Gas Company By: Michael P. McGrath Title: Director - Regulatory Affairs Effective: September 12, 2016 Case No. INT-G-16-02 M. McGrath,IGC p. l0 of 16 l.P.U.C. Gas Tariff Rate Schedules Orioinal Sheet No. 16 (Pase 1 of2) Name of Utilitv lntermountain Gas Company o o Rate Schedule DSM RESIDENTIAL ENERGY EFFICIENCY REBATE PROGRAM AVAILABILITY: The lntermountain Gas Company Energy Efficiency Rebate Program (EE Program) is available throughout lntermountain's service territory to qualifying residential account holders served on the Company's Residential rate schedule upon meeting the requirements contained in the following eligibility section. PROGRAM DESCRIPTION: The EE Program was designed for the purpose of acquiring cost-effective DSM resources in the form of natural gas therm savings. This will be achieved through the use of rebates, offered towards the purchase and installation of qualified energy-efficient natural gas equipment and ENERGY Star homes. All energy efficiency upgrades must take place within lntermountain's service area and will be provided only to account holders on the Company's residential rate schedule. ELIGIBILITY: To qualify for incentives, customers must meet the end-use qualifications identified in the Measures/lncentive Table below. The purpose of the program is to encourage upgrades from standard efficiency to high efficiency natural gas equipment. Customers currently using high-efficiency natural gas HVAC or water heating equipment are not eligible for rebates under this program. Customers are eligible for the following tiers of incentives: Tier One (Energy Efficiency Rebates) Designated for customers upgrading from standard efficiency to high-efficiency natural gas equipment Tier Two (Direct Use Rebates) Designated for customers upgrading from standard non-qas equipment to high-efficiency natural gas equipment and for qualified energy efficiency upgrades in the new construction sector To qualify for space heating rebates, a dwelling must use naturalgas as the sole heat source upon installation of rebate-qualified equipment. To qualify for water heating rebates, a dwelling must utilize natural gas for water heating upon installation of rebate-qualified equipment. Rebates for furnaces and water heating equipment for new construction may not be combined with the Energy STAR whole home package rebates as they are already included as part of the Energy STAR home. a tssued uy: lntermountain Gas Company By: Michael P. McGrath Title: Director - Regulatory Affairs Effective: September 12, 2016 p. ll of Case No. INT-G-I M. McGrath, o l.P.U.C. Gas Tariff Rate Schedules Orioinal Sheet No. 16 Paoe 2 ol2\ Name of Utility Intermountain Gas Companyo Rate Schedule DSM RESIDENTIAL ENERGY EFFICIENCY REBATE PROGRAM (Continued) MEASURES/INCENTIVES: o GENERAL PROVISIONS: The Company will track all programmatic costs, savings, and equipment installations associated with this effort and will use this information to refine the program on an annual basis. An annual report shall be issued for each year of the program with data including, but not limited to: number of participants, cost effectiveness under the utility cost and total resource cost tests, total program expenditures, and other information as appropriate. All installations of equipment must comply with all codes and permit requirements applicable in the state of ldaho and must be properly inspected, if required, by appropriate agencies. Customers must submit required documentation of purchase and installation to the Company under the terms and instructions of the current rebate form. The Company reserves the right to verify installation prior to the payment of any rebates. Whole Home Package ffor new construction) Description Rebate Amount Energy Star Certified Home Energy Star Verified Home with NaturalGas Space and Water Heat $1200 Stand Alone Measures (for new & existing construction) Description Tier One: Energy Efficiency Rebate Tier Two: Direct Use Rebate 95% AFUE NaturalGas Furnace 95o/o ot Greater Thermal Efflciency Rating $350 $500 High Efficiency Combination Radiant Heat Svstem 90% or Greater Efficiency Condensing Tank-less Combo Svstem For Space and Water Heat $1 000 $1,200 80% AFUE NG Fireplace lnsert 80% AFUE Rating or Greater $200 $250 70o/o FE NG Fireplace lnsert 70o/o FE Rating or Greater $100 $200 .67 Natural Gas Water Heater 67 Energy Factor or Greater $50 $75 .91 EF Condensing Tank-less Water Heater 91 Energy Factor or Greater $150 $200 tssued oy: lntermountain Gas Company By: Michael P. McGrath Title: Director - Regulatory Affairs Effective: September 12, 2016 Case No. INT-G-l M. McGrath, p. 12ofl o l.P.U.C. Gas Tariff Rate Schedules Orioinal Sheet No. 17 (Paoe1 ol4\ Intermountain Gas Companyo o Rate Schedule FCCM FIXED COST COLLECTION MECHANISM PURPOSE: The purpose of the Fixed Cost Collection Mechanism ("FCCM") is to establish procedures that allow lntermountain Gas Company (the "Company"), subject to the jurisdiction of the ldaho Public Utilities Commission ("Commission") to adjust, on an annual basis, its rates for distribution service in order to reconcile Actual Fixed Cost Collection Margin per Customer with Allowed Fixed Cost Collection Margin per Customer. The FCCM separates the recovery of the Company's Commission-authorized revenues from therm deliveries to customers served under the applicable natural gas service tariffs. APPLICABILITY: The FCCM shall apply to all retailcustomers taking service under Rate Schedule RS, Residential Service; Rate Schedule GS-1, General Service; Rate Schedule lS-R, Residential lnterruptible Snowmelt Service; and Rate Schedule lS-C, Small Commercial lnterruptible Snowmelt Service. DEFINITIONS: The following definitions shall apply throughout the provisions of this FCCM tariff:1. For each of the applicable Rate Schedules, Actual Fixed Cost Collection Marqin oer Customer ("Actual FCC MPC") is the (a) amounts booked each month by the Company for Distribution Cost per therm divided by (b) the number of customers as measured by bills rendered in the same month. Actual FCC MPC excludes revenue from the Fixed Cost Collection Adjustment Factor. 2.For each of the applicable Rate Schedules, Monthly Allowed Fixed Cost Collection Maroin oer Customer ("Allowed FCC MPC') is (a) the class-specific Fixed Cost Collection Margin for each month as approved by the Commission in the Company's base rate case, Docket No. INT-G-16-02, divided by (b) the class-specific number of customers for each month, also as approved by the Commission in the Company's base rate case, Docket No. INT-G-16-02. The Allowed Fixed Cost Collection Margin per Customer is subject to adjustment and approval by the Commission in any proceeding in which the Company's allowed Distribution Cost per therm rates are revised by Commission order. Forecasted therms is the forecasted amount of natural gas, as measured in therms, to be delivered by the Company for the twelve month period, October through September, during which the proposed Fixed Cost Calculation Adjustment Factor will be in effect (see Calculation of the Fixed Cost Collection Adjustment Factor on Page 2). 3 o rssued by: lntermountain Gas Company By: Michael P. McGrath Title: Director - Regulatory Affairs Effective:r 12,2016 ExhibitNo.3l Case No. INT-G-16-02 p. 13 of16 l.P.U.C. Gas Tariff Rate Schedules Orioinal Sheet No. 17 Paoe2 of 4\ Intermountain Gas Companyo o Rate Schedule FGCM FIXED COST COLLECTION MECHANISM (Continued) DETERMINATION OF MONTHLY ALLOWED FIXED COST COLLECTION MARGIN 1. The Monthly Allowed FCC MPC for each applicable Rate Schedule shall consist of the class- specific margin associated with the Distribution Cost per therm rates for each of the 12 months of the Rate Year as approved by the Commission in the Company's base rate case, INT-G-16-02, unless otherwise adjusted and approved by the Commission. 2. For the period beginning with the date that new rates become effective in Docket No. INT-G-16- 02, the Allowed FCC MPC shall be calculated as the product of the approved class-specific Distribution Cost per therm rates and the class-speciflc volumetric billing determinants, divided by the class-specific number of customers as approved in Docket No. INT-G-16-02. The approved Distribution Cost per therm rates, volumetric billing determinants, number of customers and Allowed FCC MPC are as follows: 3. lf the Commission-approved Distribution Cost per therm rates for Rate Schedule RS or GS-1 are changed after the date that new rates become effective in Docket No. INT-G-16-02, the revised Allowed FCC MPC shall be calculated as the product of the revised approved class-specific Distribution Cost per therm rates and the volumetric billing determinants (therms), divided by the number of customers. The revised Allowed FCC MPC shall become effective on the date that the revised Commission-approved Distribution Cost per therm rates for Rate Schedule RS or GS-1 become effective. CALCULATION OF THE FIXED COST COLLECTION ADJUSTMENT FACTOR 1. Description of Fixed Cost Collection Adjustment Factor Annually, the Company shallcalculate a Fixed Cost Collection Adjustment Factor ('FCCAF') to be applied to customer bills for the upcoming 12 month period, October through September. For billing purposes, the FCCAF shall be included in the Dishibution Cost per therm rates. Jan Feb Mar Apr Mav Jun Jul Auq Sep Oct Nov Dec Allowed FCC MPC: Rate Schedule RS Therms (000) 41,720 35,233 27,242 20,362 10,810 7,216 4,908 4,211 4,696 7,048 15,906 33,434 Customers 306,609 307.092 307.494 307.485 307.442 307.348 308,056 308,736 309,381 31 0,1 96 310,726 311,238 Allowed FCC MPC $15.33 $12.92 $9.98 $7.46 $3.96 $2.64 $1.79 $1.54 $1.71 $2.56 $5.77 $12.10 Allowed FCC MPC Rate Schedule GS-1 Therms (000) 20,492 17,308 13,512 9,526 5,393 4,400 2,922 2,532 3,143 3,599 8,513 16,632 (1r rctnmare 32.185 32.182 32,157 32,099 32,053 31,992 32,058 32,111 32,160 32.250 32,291 32.341 Allowed FCC MPC $60.69 $52.08 $40.98 $29.50 $16.71 $13.51 $8.82 $7.59 $9.47 $10.77 $26.2s $49.60 rssued by: lntermountain Gas Company By: Michael P. McGrath Title: Director - Regulatory Affairs Effective:12,2016 ExhibitNo.3l Case No. INT-G-16-02 o p. 14 of l6 l.P.U.C. Gas Tariff Rate Schedules Orioinal Sheet No. 17 (Paoe 3 of4) Intermountain Gas Companyo o o Rate Schedule FCCM FIXED COST COLLECTION MECHANISM (Continued) The FCCAF shall be calculated monthly by subtracting (a) the Actual Fixed Cost Collection Margin per customer from (b) the Allowed Fixed Cost Collection Margin per customer, and multiplying the resulting difference times the actual number of customers for that month, for each applicable rate class. The resulting differences will be summed to develop a total 12 month shortfall (if the summed difference is positive) or surplus (if the summed difference is negative) for each applicable rate class. The total, including reconciliation, shall be divided by projected therm deliveries for the next October through September period. 2. FIXED COST COLLECTION ADJUSTMENT FACTOR FORMULA FCCAFS FCCAS + Rs=-FTherm, And MnthLz FCCAT =I l(Allowed FCC MPC, - Actual FCC MPC) x Actual Csl Mnthl Where: Allowed. FCC MPC; Actual FCC MPC; FCCAFS FCCAs is calculated as set forth on Page 2 is calculated as set forth on Page 1 The Fixed Cost Collection Adjustment Factor for class s. The Fixed Cost Collection Adjustment equals the difference between Allowed FCC MPC and Actual FCC MPC, by month, times Actual number of Customers, by month, and summed for the 12 months, October through September. The FCCA shall include actual data for October through June and estimated data for July through September Rs Fixed Cost Collection Mechanism Reconciliation - Balance in Account 191, inclusive of the associated interest. FThermg S Forecasted Therms for class s as defined on Page 2. The Rate Schedules for which this Schedule FCCM is applicable: (a) Rate Schedules RS and lS-R and (b) Rate Schedules GS-1 and lS-C 3. FIXED COST COLLECTION MECHANISM RECONCILIATION lntermountain shall maintain FCCM Balancing Accounts for each applicable rate schedule. Entries shall be made to these accounts each month as follows:a. A debit or credit entry equal to the difference between (a) Allowed FCC MPC times the actual number of customers and (b) the therms billed during the month multiplied by the FCCAF charged during the month. p. 15 of16 Issued by: Intermountain Gas Gompany By: Michael P. McGrath Title: Director - Regulatory Affairs Effective:12 2016 Exhibit No. 3l Case No. INT-G-16-02 l.P.U.C. Gas Tariff Rate Schedules Orioinal Sheet No. 17 Paoe 4 of 4\ Intermountain Gas CompanyNameo Rate Schedule FCCM FIXED COST COLLECTION MECHANISM (Continued) b. The FCCM Balancing Account for each applicable rate schedule shall be debited (if the balance in said account is a debit balance) and shall be credited (if the balance in said account is a credit balance) for a carrying charge which shall be computed at lntermountain's average monthly investment rate. The rate of the carrying charge shall be applied to the average monthly balance in the FCCM Balancing Account. Contra entries for the carrying charge shall be made to FERC Account Nos. 431 and 419. EFFECTIVE DATE The FCCAF shall be effective on October 1 of each 12 month period, unless otherwise ordered by the Commission. INTERIM FILINGS The Company may file for a mid-period adjustment. a rssued by: Intermountain Gas Company By: Michael P. McGrath Title: Director - Regulatory Affairs Effective:12 2016 Exhibit No. 3l Case No. INT-G-16-02 o p. 16 of 16 o Ronald L. Williams,ISB No. 3034 Williams Bradbury, P.C. 1015 W. Hays St. Boise,ID 83702 Telephone: (208) 344-6633 Email: ron@williamsbradbury.com Afforneys for Intermountain Gas Company BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY FOR THE AUTHORITY TO CHANGE ITS RATES AND CHARGES FOR NATURAL GAS SERVICE TO NATURAL GAS CUSTOMERS IN THE STATE OF IDAHO ) ) ) ) ) ) ) Case No. INT-G-16-02 O EXHIBIT 32 o o EXHIBIT rGc-' o lntermountain Gas Company Adjustment to Staff Exhibit 101, Schedule 1 For the Test Year Ending December 31,2016 Description Line No.Amount 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 (a) Account 29130: January - September 2016 Expense Less: Golf Sponsorships Total January - September 2016 Disallowed Expenses Less: Golf Sponsorships Total % Disallowed January - September 2016 (b) $ 70,958 (75) $ 70,883 $ 13,430 (75) $ 13,355 -18.8o/o $ 22,460 -19.80/o $ 4,232 $ 17,662 $ 283,697 (47,690) $ 236,007 $ 109,716 (47,690) $ 62,026 -26.3o/o $ 95,254 -26.3o/o $ 25,034 $ 134,750 $ 152,411 190,980 $ (38,568) 10 11 12 October - December 2016 Expense % Disallowed January - September 2016 Disallowed Expenses 13 Total Account 29130 Disallowed Expenses 14 Accounts 29301 &29302: 15 January - September2016Expense 16 Less: Golf Sponsorships and Heart Walk 17 Total 18 January - September2016 Disallowed Expenses 19 Less: Golf Sponsorships and Heart Walk 20 Total 21 % Disallowed January - September 2016 22 October- December2016 Expense 23 % Disallowed January - September 2016 24 October - December 2016 Disallowed Expenses 25 TotalAccount 29301 &29302 Disallowed Expenses 26 TotalCompany Proposed Disallowed Expenses 27 TotalStaff Exhibit No. 101, Schedule 1 28 Company Proposed Adjustment to Staff Exhibit No. 101, Schedule 1 o Exhibit No. 32 Case No. INT-G-I6-02 T. Dedden, IGC Page 1 of 1 o o o Ronald L. Williams,ISB No.3034 Williams Bradbury, P.C. 1015 W. Hays St. Boise,ID 83702 Telephone: (208) 344-6633 Email: ron@williamsbradbury.com Attorneys for Intermountain Gas Company BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY FOR THE AUTHORITY TO CHANGE ITS RATES AND CHARGES FOR NATURAL GAS SERVICE TO NATURAL GAS CUSTOMERS IN THE STATE OF IDAHO Case No. INT-G-16-02 EXHIBIT 33 ) ) ) ) ) ) ) o o.33 EXHIBIT I6e, o o lntermountain Gas Gompany Multistaoe Growth DcF Model - Usino Mr. Gorman'! "Sustalnable Growth" Lhr CooBnv A0nG Ens,gy Cdpordim New JoEsy R@urcB Corporation Nodhwed Ngtutsl GaB Comp€ny Sodh JeEey lndustiB, lnc. Sout rGt Ga Cdporati$ Sphs |rc. I.JGL Holdn$, |rc. l3-tlY!.kAVG Annurliz.d FiEtSt q. st@k Prier llMdrnd Gwdr!(r) (2) (3) Yor C Yor 7 3.6nd 66uitr (6) Yqrt tlultist g! GwOr lrCF (r0) 7.'t3% 5.93% 4.00% 10.00% 1.17 1.73% 7.70}f 7.65% 5.t2% 3.97% s.32% 1.71X il.9S96 7.gx 6.16% 5.71% 3.95% E.03% 5.30% 5.25% 7.38P/6 (tt 9.69,6 5.38% 3.67% 6.58% 7.O1% 6.0396 6.9096 o)(5)(4) f73.29 $33.32 $5s.36 $a9.ilo $70.10 t63.36 q,2.25 5.0096 3.929/6 7.95% 5.67% 5.5't% 7.4 9.18% 5.!r9% 3.*)% 7.2& 6.,1,1% 5.Tr% 7.W 12.m 8.4Cn f-11% 10.n 9.71i% 9.25i4 10.M $r.6E s0.s6 91.E7 l'1.06 01.80 l'l.s $r.95 355.88 31.81AEEga MGdi!n SourcG: 1 sNL Fmncisl, Oomloadod ff l,lombo, 17, a)16. 2 Ttb Val@ Lire tw6t,6, Slrey, *Benber 2, 2016.! Go.m.n EdrHt No. 3oil. ' Gorman E riHtNo. 307, pag6 1, Col. I'l. 2.80%9.,t3% 6,21%6.4#c.3il%3,3S[8.4%8.4t/a e.5at 9.6Sig.7M Exhibit No. 33 Case No. INT-G-16-02 S. Gaske Reb. Schedule 1, Page 1 of 1 o Third Strg. Gb{or' (0) 10.21% 5.27 3.U% 5.E996 7.*Yo a.2g/o o o 2000 s 2001 s 2002 5 2003 s 2004 s 200s s 2005 s 2007 s 2008 s 200e s 2010 s 2011 s 2072 5 2013 s 20L4 5 201s s 2016 s MDU Resources Group Earnings Per Share 0.80 0.98 o.82 1.08 L.20 1.53 7.75 t.76 2.0s L.4L L.29 1.19 1.15 1.53 1.40 0.90 1.15 SUMMARY OUTPUT Regression Statistics Multiple R R Square Adjusted R Square Standard Error Observations 0.2073 0.0430 -0.0208 o.426L L7 ANOVA df 55 MS F Significonce F Regression Residual Total 1 15 t6 o.L223 2.7236 2.8459 0.L223 0.6736 0.1816 o.4247 Coefficients Stondard Error t Stot P-volue Lower 95% Upper 95% lntercept X Variable 1 -33.56s6 0.0173 42.3603 -0.7924 0.0211 0.8207 -L23.8543 -o.o277 0.4405 0.4247 56.723L 0.0623o Exhibit No. 33 Case No. INT-G-'|6-02 S. Gaske Reb. Schedule 2, Page 1 ol2 o o o MDU Resources Group Earnings Per Share S2.so S2.oo 5r.so s1.00 So.so s- 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 20LL 20t2 2073 2014 20!5 2016 Exhibit No. 33 Case No. INT-G-16-02 S. Gaske Reb. Schedule 2, Page 2 ot 2 -oo\9cn -O \O .Oo\ o\ o\N+r+ ..; ..; *t.)Ool o\ 00\O l'- cO$\oo\ -rANra la oo@@6 ooooooq.rIO^.ooc{l'- C] \O1q ./Ic.liNae+s4 ooooooooo\ooo.ooo\o \o rr)co f'- ta)|.ir€s4 e1 s4 o c) o €rlC) ooo)E o $t$$ooooooooc{c{NN\\\\ra| h ra ta) N C.t c.l (.l O.l c..l N c.looooc.l N c\l c.l\\\\ooooot e{ o.l oil\\\\ -Hi-*-i-€€€€O\ O\ O\ O\O\ O\ O\ O\d---A=NN-NC.TNNN\\\\$+$$E!'O!(uOOC) d(B(Bd'dE13! =\.)l.lrrlrn!mtqoca +++++$ $ $ $ -6l=---r-JE c tr c- xLL!LX 9 I 9 I F- --tJ. tr. Er trr - i-i t.) \O .! HVHHOOOC,oooo9 9 g gEEEE =aaa===aoooo5050v)v)a(agltI]tI]tD -Nco$ta\Of-.€ cicid o. o. 0.ooooooooaooc)ooo ooooo0oo()&e& aoo -c.lci<t ooo ornooalora) O\ Hro-c\l646 RclooL\q =66 qe8 B*s oooooooooooodrnn^N a.l al o8:: oC-l=ad:{<NN=]' aaa Exhibit No. 33 Case No. INT-G-I6-02 S. Gaske Reb. Schedule 3, Page 1 of 1 8u.^ozfrE IT H.:tix cA6-=(|Irr oEoocIILo.€oz a -rV!A\oXc6o! -v € /\Ir OL/ fr{ ,oa b c>ra?id!.= 5aUE]H o0 c) H0)dg o.5fr s a()z-ilritrtr !1U Fraz U rjz- er oil(JariUil o0 IEIil o0 -=eajE >oE!2o.=EA o0tr 6.1'tro,9'trEO. co N rE9dd ,,e o () (dn kC),.}4oF cdo. ooo O Ronald L. Williams, ISB No. 3034 Williams Bradbury, P.C. 1015 W. Hays St. Boise,ID 83702 Telephone: (208) 344-6633 Email: ron@williamsbradbury.com Attorneys for Intermountain Gas Company BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY FOR THE AUTHORITY TO CHANGE ITS RATES AND CHARGES FOR NATURAL GAS SERVICE TO NATURAL GAS CUSTOMERS IN THE STATE OF IDAHO ) ) ) ) ) ) ) CaseNo. INT-G-16-02 o EXHIBIT 34 o 3lr6C EXHIBITo o lntermountain Gas Company Cash Working Capital For the Test Year Endi December 31 2016 Line Rewnue Lag/Expense No. RB/ENUES 12.32o/o 2 Franchise Tax 6,12.32o/o ,3.Plus lnterest Expense 765 ,{4.96 12 3-20/9 ., , ,722' 4 (Less) Uncollectibles ,14.96 12.32% on and TOTAL - REVENUES EXPENS BenefitsoPayro!! and Withholdings (13.-3.79o/" PGA , (41.2e)-'t1.31%'(1 9,1 37 -8.69% 't2 Taxes 5.77o/o 11 't3 P Taxes -36.13o/o Franchise Fees 5,861 765 -24.02% 16 lncome Tax 7 783 (37.88)-,|38o/" .TOTAL EXPENSES 237 283 :ia I :cASx wonxrrc cApiiAl REoUIREMENi 988 Exhibit No. 34 Case No. INT-G-I6-02 M. Adams Reb. Page 1 of 1 Cash Working Capital Reouirement Test Year Rewnues and Expenses at B). (C) O)(E) (Col C/365) $ 2il.745.726 $ 32.609.050 8U,322 (1,117,8r'.3\ (20,868,936)12.32o/o,14.96 6 (Less) Retum on Eouitv ('t7.609.108)12.32o/o (2,1 68,935) $ 237.785.2837 44.96 $ 29,288,300 299,655 -2.53o/o (7,584) 't87 27 1 168 1 3.'t91 ,226 (1,152,994) 6.773,679 69.46.44o/o 8.145.5741 (1.408,107) (742.8/}6\ $(28,'.t44,311\ o o o Ronald L. Williams,ISB No. 3034 Williams Bradbury, P.C. 1015 W. Hays St. Boise,ID 83702 Telephone: (208) 344-6633 Email: ron@williamsbradbury.com Attorneys for Intermountain Gas Company BEFORE TIIE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY FOR THE AUTHORITY TO CHANGE ITS RATES AND CHARGES FOR NATURAL GAS SERVICE TO NATURAL GAS CUSTOMERS IN THE STATE OF IDAHO CaseNo. INT-G-16-02 EXHIBIT 35 ) ) ) ) ) ) ) o EXHIBITo Tm- o lntermountain Gas Company Method of Dete Cash Working Capital State o a Lead-Lae Studv FERC Methodoloev Other Not Allowed Unknown/ Not AoplicableJurisdiction (B)(c)(D)(E)( F)(A) L7Alabama I2Alaska 13Arizona 4 Arkansas 1 5 California 7 76Colorado 7 Connecticut L 8 Delaware 7 9 Florida 7 10 Georgia 7 17 Hawaii t t2 ldaho I 13 lllinois 1 14 lndiana 1 15 lowa 1 15 Kansas 1 L7 Kentucky 7 18 Louisiana ! 19 Maine I 20 Marvland 1 2t Massachusetts L 22 Michiean L 23 Minnesota 1 24 Mississippi 7 25 Missouri 1 Montana t26 Nebraska 127 728Nevada 129New Hampshire 130New Jersey !31 New Mexico 132New York L33North Carolina t34North Dakota 135Ohio 735Oklahoma 137Oregon Pennsvlvania 738 Rhode lsland 139 South Carolina 1N South Dakota 147 Tennessee 742 Texas L43 M Utah I 45 Vermont 1 46 Vireinia 1 47 Washinston 7 48 West Virsina 1 49 Wisconsin 7 Wvoming 750 39 2 2 0 7 Exhibit No. 35 Case No. INT-G-16-02 Page 1 of 1 o Ronald L. Williams, ISB No. 3034 Williams Bradbury, P.C. 1015 W. Hays St. Boise,ID 83702 Telephone: (208) 344-6633 Email: ron@williamsbradbury.com Attomeys for Intermountain Gas Company BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY FOR THE AUTHORITY TO CHANGE ITS RATES AND CHARGES FOR NATI..IRAL GAS SERVICE TO NATURAL GAS CUSTOMERS IN THE STATE OF IDAHO ) ) ) ) ) ) ) Case No. INT-G-16-02 o EXHIBIT 36 EXHIBITo SCbU c.,t ooC\lgbo;io)z(U =(LcizBfr(Eroet(o=oz,ojz pExlJJ idoEOo([=azFo- ooo oo EE'!,o o EItIl o.. t)ooEE(EE ==oozz oc H; CLa{EB9EE-.26 E;E EE E '{)."j g,-ctr(E?b =o-t, :'- (UEr oxoE- EE:A.rOO-gEE E *ob9 EoGooE c(,o(U(U (J=o c=O-EE-.o0:EEEeE -{vsE h EEg.cl- (U b.E U'u,y:o(ENE-c C HEEAE;E s.c E E-.EooE-= :.E EO >\O)oro o(U ohiEr* = >]JJ6'0 0 P EPO^nEY-gE6 IoPHOo6 EEoo!5trflgF16 cU,9 ", OIIJTEEECLF> €e"E 8,19- ts;F ar'-:! € BEE'--0D,o o 2tI orE*VELCL6'- oE(5.E J= -s E Ee6eo'=9.e E I'E EE 3E P d> =SEpdtr c: o).E o.L o)eE33 EE IE O.i- g ee H EE O'- atrgE U? O-aE'= (l) =f gBg O ENr O$o >oN 99>oo =oN- <N>Eo !odEz di4) o li,REE lr EE.EE 6' trbErg ed ooo NN u)F] H Fl H ho H&oIri& F{zHl{a a trEaH F.l zo Fr HDoUo o NOON SbdlLDz(U =tLciz-. -o 3doe LoEoz cjjz =_-osxuJ ooo NN o .u9h o' *-E saf r =p€ grf E" -8=d 9e"i5E; E" 3EE 3 EAE ffi?:8iA dsE,;jr; E;EE EEi .AErE iEE Eirg E e'e E E 3t g€E gE; E 5;; efiE a &ss #gts5J-9 *tUig_o9; EPge Eas EH1$ EtE gE+c Er* € ;gtRgE slgs' *[E frEtIEEr e = P8EE@'g;;,>E*3 q:-aF t#t:EE$ =EE- g; ge gEi --Eg H S;E iEEE .g€T ItEfr =E€A:$ggE:(L I 6E.ots =E EE ;"",8 U;gET E E;3EE ts c 6 eo O XE€ g ;E-5 8co ei E E:iEB $EE Efr E+EgE: p;:se _6.X = .E€ j,a g 3E 9. Ee e 6 BgEE EEEEI ;gE EEE€BE(!F: >E=^D # si :EEE:. 6-0 5L -CO)t-6 -Gsco5:E : o.9 qo(E-.= 68ts-=J;6 5 5,8 U=o--'Y .95 o dPf A-E 6 (!'F - =3;; E ?=^: E EEf g HE,Eg C.EE e,i"E E P*^s eE sr I bi e, f : * E I E o= o- FEE HEE:EEmo-o-EaaaFFf> aaaaaaaaaa &(Uf:,., o- t0 85a-=a; =-!:6 ..= -Eea?t = FgbE a€ =Se> dd-*?EEiEEc aaE g&= ! 6Ec -Y e:o ro - t,'-i g ts g b#fiEEEgEgg:63 aoaaoaaoaaaa ggE9e- #s\0-(E=co g orCL > h t I,E:EEsafteEE E E i E € t 9 9P + E mEEEENETtE€acoo()oolLio-o-o-F E:s,E EE3 3 H E,r;EAEEXoc=c6'o.o5 i€ o o 9i;509.=9qpYgox:1s2(D-9,Efi H 3Eg€€r.9-e1-c E€ Hg:<6tY9eE[3HxE;gsUF orh; q)Eo.c 6-oOEEAE ;gE;fl-cohcQaEV'a BEEIE?-rf n 7'-ooo0)o'E^-(,c}noY';.! sE ;*E -o)0, iE.eEeEo(I,9oai ca aE-c=POoog3 b.e3goc) #(E !DL(5E b,s(E0 *ogEoz(I)0)EO- HEo(UE€ .E 0) EE:=D$a -9. ovE_Oc-ohEX =q)P6(aLL o .9 fi,o- o(Jo6co6oo)o o- .g a,lt o)Jo =Lq) ooo Eoo- o oo.= o =I(5 Lo'6o(l) o o- a Eoto)o- o -oo o .co o)lz o =o E EooEooot a o) :d.o96.=dET O'Pc"'0, I 9b(E+>9o.=-cc;Eo# iroLEeO(I'q"A!-#=.E c)o4EScq)'6 -o.:>rc .9coohoao(DooEoo0, *6 P'oE'6-EE6oo_c&&ev.tr 6 a a =o6 o(5 No- Eo o)! Exo) }Q(UEEEoN:o:f- =o(E: a ==;; o 3uA . sE HhE h E + iz.=.:J(E'=Sr-=(l)F6 I E* 3X5:P g ET ;'EEE>, S ss 6-- d3E s cE ;xfP; e EE Eqtga E g; E;Erg * $g sHi $ug E F'e rs56:rsE *; E;g sA:H ga ETginEi EE €E=$Eggg F; Hs# stEEE, EE iiE *$ g a F H E ss ; c il i. o . . o o.Uo! Exul aaaaaaao Go.o(ll o!3 os aoaa c)ooEo o)o.c.3o .C ELooEo oo.F !o (l) +, d) a=o'=(u s"E =Pll 'EGOoOo'l:loE21tE 5E .*obooau,Do)q9:oar O-6tJO) a o.= -a8E6.eE9e3dro H -c= O P=-P = o:6-Le.o; +E. EOraLOfl6HP--E=c)o)!oE E.; E-) ^8;E:: b::-F!+z ilq0! o>(t-:o(/,og eE=# =€ #;!o-oe o_.= cgstgia*854:o b PTEEd(I)0)Eo-5po3.oiofuO=EE L:J-8_'x 3 beb EE a ; (Ef3, g'8EopcoEB-(,)(,)c Tb3:eE(E- 9o) EE H!L:E Ea,^c(u5fr E-(E(l).=O->luu:f(Uj:o()-cariE9> 6S; -P a:EP^rv ctt.E.o h(o3E ;EOr\L>'o ooF at +o-9 ; g -LEotroqrE 6-oEXXEo=OE _0)u oELLOIJ-(, a ort ;o)(E E cnc Eo CLot Loll- atro {r,o Jl-*,o tr .9 (E CL ooo .ct cnc Lo CLot lro o o*, oc -co(so Lo cc)E oE Eo i6o c)c oco oao 0)(Lroa-oL .9-c ooc G) oco ofL u, ,E Lo ser868CQ'Eo glo EES6g =E 55 rEs= 9oEdE(Uo; =89ooF836 NOON :o ,A c')YOLO'?o=o-ciz H&oet<oio2 cjjz =€ExIU t,)oECCl'00nEq)fFo)t.s,a:os c ==986ri= f > HeE€E:EE:ctro- (s >L E g E*,e 8m EPi(Uo)STES E#eH rriccL =oo ,E (f) Ecooc E:loo .g s\o'E oo,$ =o5Cco *8E P ,, g ba.(U'.Eoll,q)trc! f J ! rj (,,gEg*fs$ (5L(r-C---y E$s'E€E e i;$gEt€,^ q) c >E > f E i E E NE E ; a E; 9E E€:Ef;qi,c,-c\'{='==Ac fr s= fi t fr E u E M;:fi EI ot; o-.E X =irtrw@P@igEEE*5C FtIH,ui f E EE g eH OE'=a-EcEEBE3;coh ^#i'EcQcookEo-'i= .:l FBEEsE-g =E5sE#*i-co-E o:€851 aog)o3 L'6 ! co Eoaoa co (!o-:fooo .9.c .c Eo.v.Lo;Fo Lo-oE:,co-c 0)o- Eoxoo-c oaoo(L too-ox. co) E oa E IU 6co:Eoo-fooooE oc = ==o =-9o o-c co o,E ={jCo Ec.9 -ooao L5o .E Ec:fo .9 o-cc.9oo-3ooo Eo(I,o LoLL Eb EEo-E T'J0)L9oa5 3Eo= qX5o CC'-o co.3,CeBa* pb65 EoO_c'EP 8=50)oc8€ 3eoL-c- =geE!U(E _ar9o L-ob $or(tr.=cufG e,5!(o ;O-F-5i:ooo+O9o PJL0.r.9.9o=(Uatroooooooo ooo NN F c(,giooFa EuJ (o J 89 6E E*3pBc v NO oo ON -,ON ni di3: EREioN@ ,jdON :E ai@ E5 BE o dd NN oio3T lI- ul \q @6 cr)t o NN o@ N i \r:oo +o o plBi o^luootzt #+ UEiEOoul#F Ct)fi€JL Hgz< o0.luouJ{>o9=o.q =tsUJFu-to8E,; Hh =6)E q6 o Po ooi orNO>oEEL=(sO. oqcL oCs-Ee 0.XoEulo O'o(uo o ''r;,bE; E P=5'E o<E3ooXco-(!9b *p sG o->Eg65.9 e) iJ=.S(r=><66) o efr14tr -cIFtiozzoo <o-gE d8Ouroo o +,o o L.oIF o to L{r, N NOON(ots 4,:Lct -6=o_ciz--o ff(r"g 3=diz =€ExUJ ll' Y F J l! J YYll.Y -'ll- il ! oo lt (, IULuil, aoIF (,(, (\toolI o LrJ o o o o ll" tro0IF ll" oc?o a !, c)ct(Uco ,c,=oo-!,cG 6oEo =.sEo! E .E G.oEo = ooo.E q)o oo,o,E (l)o 1'c(5 uico (E o)oo '6E(,).s CDo o E aio Eoo. o)c (U :l Eo c)o E oco (E .Nco(,)go q) o Lo. oo -oo ooc.9 Eq)o.ooL oo.goLooo o (, EE'i -go oo oL(U o (l)o EoEoof J (rt IIo)! Io o EIEc(! =oco (! (,o.o E'e(E o o !Eo) oIEoooo EooEco U'ofEoo Lo U'c oIo E 0)(! ,EE ooo Lo;oo,=o I g, oC"GcG =C"c ov(! = Le"g€to!PZ6bor669) =€3t9pb86oE(E =>rvo E*o-BgOoroo'=.s UOo-p EE(Er A-OE.giEPoe E$ E(UbElIO oc -c'= U'o't oo G(L oo-o o t,) .Ec(, oo) o.E "c Ioo Jnox UJ oEo b0 li tu, l+o) o ID ag ooo NN F Y oo\q@oNObt oooo@_o-otsooe C,'l6t oo@oor_ F--og)({ (Da (:\taF*cll s(DF-{ar o ooN6oor-- OO-ON ot oP3b-o:@= ;NF-oocid@@g' oooo{r;{(ottr (} (r,qqo6o{-tAr s) oleY!oooo6. O\t(,nt+oNOtFr octtl?g| o)6t c'it(o ut 60!-OcioF C\,1er oo,Oeo-o-6rOot oo,oo) @- or-ooq,c,At o(DtF^{@'+dNOo, roq\\r* rl| r *{oi ':e'o oo, NIddFNe' I a^ll,l d,OH=t#+UJIoll<4 =EOoIJI # FED(J.9lll !rJE HEz< 6E]U llt1!l *>oo> all,EEulfll.Tol!r0t-luhox =o3E o gtr}ON9. a;\e o (, 6lPol')e (l) .EJ >.E :,09oE'.i=.L (s CL b;(B=l!0(/) q; 6E='€ <9 Fl zo-Fr Or)U(.)c zo-HilHiloa 14a t1 o l.rtr0)b0 6c t(€ria NOONgbd*LD:r(E =o_cizor* Rd.oet<oPco z,oiz €ExIJJ l-l- ll' F ll' J il,J II, v Y v IF a -, il-, il I I ll. (,(,Il"o o Il" lr tr Il"TL tI-Il" ul lt,IIJ I'J o o ll"u ll" o (J ll"o (,ll" o o lt,B IF ll"ll" coE-c.9 -o(! IDoc(! o Eocoao o-oo),oL='E> :loooo-o(Eo'6oc6Pr -.=O o-o oxP 8EE bEE tt-E gEI E= r! cf.s (UH lt (L6 o)C oo) c oI o.E E Lo og E c(U o- altoE" atc(E =tro 3 .Ct .9,ot, (! !t CDg oo o TUtoo.o (U looc,I Lo o#oz.EhofogC3 ACo([o- -L> EE-Er-O *-iCU'oo(/,oo-c'8.=:==6s)(5H .)4 (s6p =6e8i:og.so(,).=oE= 8E(JO-6sa EUO =fttoVEIE EEEo--Eta I g. oC')oc(! =co o3Ito o- .gEoE)cE(U.CbE(,)(U8eE8'oo(EcoE OCcoOE-o o- E!i e E{o.ocCD .!= o.E ly'Ec i!'-to;io = 6.0=a Eg.pE 8EE.9 o.o H' .E E EEr.u tsE= tr oox(tE Q-o U E ;: E€ -? @I Hg& E E$S ts Eo=o (EpiO o- 6+ llo(r, a aDoc')(UCNE oLa(!z ooog .C co Eoo o) o! -ccooo E Lo E'c(u o =(J E-c.oL(U tltooE,e P. .cogPdCCa6 '- =8tr,Ec.> E6s9'ae rJJ EP8E: E;6E0,=,=g6<(L N c)! o Eo-oo oEEco(,, .E .go !o U' oco.cI EC([ fr3 ="8E>,(s'=oQOE9'E =aooah?PECOobEc')fo-ccorI(o- -AE88€()x bq dE96E.N g,oEDGc ag =oo(, :,ooot. N ooo NN FF o!o!6,o-o:,ttr o@o>do()EFCs'(s v 6(h\q6d'NOtA' aao(,)o(,,ON(oor C.le, 1 o*ONci@(o I.-@l o(,,60o-\ ao {!)t\l (o gr, c, o)qq OF$(oo, ooGl 4oot r-: odoc{ I oou?qatoot(Ai o98b. 8E (9 r)o)c! rq(:, @gro oc,6t i.-ooo,l'd(o6ol lrlr or+qc!toNO@, ooNro)oot.ft(o UI 60\ol@c)EN(4' ool6ro_o-o,o)(Y' rlf$lr ul cl <t\o rt,\*a oo66@_o-o6r)sl@t ooI o{\\ 69r ooIN!c_@- ttONO6t &o 3i[Ii (LOo c.,l9o;56 o oc{Po o,E =5E fo9o:*E€*Go, e;(uEooOqGEfEeJC=<9 No(t a o[qt{FpA-tr*ozot- ErLlr{IaaIqn nz 14 FI ErE E{ FI z trr,e)(Jao oEoo o th Eoo (r, .9t, (uco co (U Eoc CDc (,)o o" c o (UC Eooo Lo ()oLro Eg G NOON(o.x ,?:io)!(E c,z HPoet<o!(f)2 ciiz =€ xlJl F v -, I o TL o (, a _L6Eol(E>\9, oFb E.0 -do.E o e SEE+ = cLo (a EEEB E 8e,Eo- o.! o fiE$Pha.s F-o-c.E,E 6 p;E;E6EE - ga(,s,;5 UQ E €EE*E a Eigt$g 5 E1*e : *€EEud PlE ;:9E O o-0, >- F E5i€g E 5 e i#,fi cf, ooo NN F J J ) Y Y YV ro o,\q60)NO E$l Y ?-,.,oifoF.ci6O i.*tll t -, oo,@oON od rt(\(o oogqOrrt(o6t oo,N('oo,.j odON 0t EII o(Ds?qcoootelr Eil t o o orroc!ao6oc)aAt $Bl o ltIT o*oc{+o(\t(',QI IIJltJ o,o,rdf{ ooo.om4 o 6o'l, ifi,- I'-$ro @t $l l" oo(o-o$6 oI (,o (J$El l" tr ooREo:o*$l LO{uN9oi5('EEI oE =;€ fo9o4EEJ (Eo o anoo'a Lo. =(-,(E ac tU E Lo oLooo.oJEeo o .9o: ocoo o,C oou Eoo.0) (L rOo IG) EoG0, o)F:E' CO.J C E,fi F9 p'rc 5g E S iil E HE=; o) Hpdf H E.Bor>>\xo(E B E!i, 9EE.2 d.Eo.s E b t-(, =oto -t!q(/,o. !D ;E i6U) : d q= g ; H3 ELdr-'.sr'.=oq(/)O 'l €.9'= P HiEe - c.g0)oe !E e9 5 E Ei HT (L i;YO sSgo)oc>cr(EEE=o fifi5 * a='E =ro$Eg-ooe o.=oo)OE8 E 6 g,e E.g =lC CI)ui FfiE . gE: fr : pH E 6 OY,t ->(J < (o= .H EEE H gqs I qdg([ (,'-EE €P9=tr o'F E rix = -_6b 3 PEHS .E ooo86'>=6g?a68 E€gd OC,;9 E.E dE EE s,Ek5(l)+tjtro(EO.C a la=b oEc ol4'F-C (EE:'.E(U=o)h$ o or bEu,(5-(U(/)X-c.oYc 9i?i E.E Io(, =Ito o- E(!ltEtr(! .; oE oicocn E'.sa(Eso :,o- ai,No I(r, asoE6()Oq 6Ej 'ie €e o.o- P6Eo-a-c,9,'6..H.= >\3 F6 EgEFaEEEb s $'Eo6qb.e r -> o; EgEph EoagotroirOccD(,) d,Eup9g EEcdr';8PEP k or.to !! - rv F_!g, -,= o->.9 aEEd:E ooo(ao : B:6g il ?EE.E iE:A-o.'!6EniE tr=.o o s ,fi EEp to ci, 1,tr rgqa{) H.-aI tr NOON <i, trI9o,r: o)1-(E =o-c,zor**doei(o:(oa oiz*€.cxUJ $ ooo NN a H .l (gg e)lJo 6!c) P 6E liHo +, 6gItla r3 lr Lq) +Jr{a li a :l F JJ Y v ? T o ll IJJ llj o o o o o !0 2o o o.oo o13 foo:o Ef -o-(EE gE: !+(5-EAEE.E 9,q =6)(,+.hE E* ef Yso v-1 Ebe;.a5.!El HHE3 EE€ae -FLodr.et>fi bg-B or;oE'XElUE O PE T ;EEYa dr E E=0o Ytrv G, f:Es6tu-c.a ott>oc 'tr3oooco otr o tr :looU' ooU'f'= oc$ ll' F coEiooFA E UJ Jr ooo>cioOEec66 EE8egE ll- Y ll.Y -, t lal CD\{q@oNO(Ar oooo,6- o)_ots(oo FN 1 ll- ooni@6 rtN @f- oo,@oO- F--6(ON(O ot oot\lsor- o_rOON @t il I ll. (5(sNCD @odo$6r o98.^ 8Eo' o(, o(,,NF.oo6id@(otAr IL od|Nraod$i+(D tu ro(DF(D{d ror ftt6' ootOeoo)oi oiol.lt, cl ll"6 o$\\r+@ 4. oo60(O- Or-oocro6t Eutm =fz toELotr o ll"ot 0$\\rt 4r oortN!t@{o-NO!tr E ei3i oovoNtoit -Not o il, LOII.' N9o5(' o ONPotro o 5:.€ :o9oE?t(E CL a; ootD6 GC-E <g ,t! *EEr:oE >tr! (E fi eE=.|/a9P9 .q50 6()-E o,E6E1CE'_ 9IE0)O:is E',g b E BE A6A,E( ""#eEJ2E:eaxa66 EgfiEor9 UPco^(J == co! (E= Ci>YoUoQoHE E E# (o*.=9= b f EH g* ; i-#EtE.9 c 1^o2 o ii $H g: E gf;E lrl o (, o 00 o o (!'6oa.o oco €co(J o!L(U E TD ,Eox TE =t,e at 6 o (s Looo5G L N oo)o) 6 .9o,(DL Eoro(,o(E-oc .9"(Eo. E(uo o)c 6 -o o!L(E E ro ooo)o c,lc 5-oo10co (p I(e a g, o =E J ?tr(! o$(o oo(,,c o).! GE(s c) (ooo Lo a),9zoot Lo (,, Eo.YoEo (o sio (5o ui0)o o. uigo.Eoo. Eooco nz r{FIHl-lh Fl zo arixH)A fr \J .Ao 9Eo-h.Pt.E o!u#.E9artN(E-> b,E9Eo.1^EOb>C,. FP6o>Fo=E'O =E6o.ori6ccE .!l(5(UE.No6€s,co8pE(U N(U d).Y'd.>ooo.E Io .9, .E(,oTL(t c(, ECLoo oot,E(U CD 'E (U 5 -(s€,9o'6q.8tEI cc.,} GoP ^E.9 E'a'.9 a'H-o c.^q o16 u)* ,-g 5tt of'a 6',-E;$ € Ee -'EC,E ESau o- .g Eort-= a.Not e= o E E i[i E 3,9,= o)o sH 9> E4 o-.i.X E E $EE EO.-o otr=(J CJ66 $ Ic, rO NOoc!9b.9:io)'-(E ozo:*fril.oe E<o!(o2 ci iz =€Ex ]JJ rr) F .. l- JJ v v - a - o (, lr lr l! lrJUIUJ o o o o (, o6o (\t rO I() rOo6tI Io .9 .Eoo CLoto CLo. U, oo, o J CL Eoo o oooL o oo oo. {E = aco oq)f(t {) =oa 6o.E o ooo ottt(,o:l 6)at: o (,oc(s oao(5to'- !oo ,; EoEo o- EEo o) (,, .E o)ocoo ootro6=66:hCoa59EoE8L(E!6o.5-$ZE{-Y =bt=69cE5-c.o EEE EsEocoE-E(DO =-EE,{. (,D.=Z-y,E5 Es;6= i o.96x luL- o)s68hq6ft EE(Ju)=-9oU o(E !o:,o ui Eoo t,*o Eoc o)E .9,xo oo 6 o!co ioooods E E o 69:,9(UcD:o6Po rc, =>,.ET9!-6(,o9(DYEd=o:xEr!:uiPb ET.!, a>F(,,6 8,qq(!.elco..*E EHE:auX =6 o-Aa fEg€ 6C+Oo.cr 8sc-tU<li Eg E.E|-n; tfEA 5o.Et)(,):, E';8 I'E !c$ c;c.E .9)oorc c;.cCc -oo- ,Eo.g fE' o,c oo.Eo,Co E'co oE(0I(h(6 oc .Eo. Lo)Bo CL oo ,.i*'o (s oCo oo Eoo.'a ooo NN t- ll' (E oF .Eg3psts il,r croo>cioOErC*4(s 3vh(,\q@oFO(rt oo)60a,E},OE(ooecY 1 ooooOF od ctAt (o tEr osON e,i @@F.6t oorqqOrrfOot ooN6oot 'j otON 6t IF oQ B a,- 3Ee' 0(,,N\to@rroet o(DN i'-oocto(o(o@t o{9c!to$toAr IL o IL ooNTooof 6i\t@ ul tooNO6rieNA+t ooCIFoo)ot oto$el oo to \t\\*@a, oooo(o- or-ooooot C)o I oit\\?lt tat ooroN 't (o-toNO4t oR{Ei o6,sootqo!frsI4t Nt IrO G9 =.=lrltu-toflu- Hh =d=u o aotr, oE =5€ JO9orETtoCL a;67(EOogl 6E3'€ C=<9 (r,t a '., o E)o(soE =L:,o(,o o Jo. Eoooco .v,!o Eoc .9)oq)?ooo o o, 'Ec(E o-!co Eco ui'6 .>o (U U) rq,-{H J -fr zo-F{LEilaa E1a nz HFIHlr{ Er 'tr JooovLo =oC o .o .C ElCo G a .9. Eo0)ooEoo-o-fo .YLo Eo)c botE'CNc16=6oE.L Xo)G e.g 3E EE fra; ii .e Ei!E'* i3Eg*(E5E eiE g g8;9gbE(Em-w€ 5 oX{D = tii6-Y !1 .EE13 fr?y s.u g(st5>E I E SSEE n;t.= (E € EEooooo m 0, J CL Eoot,E{l',x o;oz ,j,z J .v,o;oc o=o -o0,B {,o coEo,oo EcoLoo=co E (r, Eoo o = o (I)c =-oso (o Jo E(I)c o)LfoC UJ (1,o:aoo E NOoc! Pb d,?io)!(g =Lciz--o6:Oroet<oE<42 ci iz € xIJJ @ J v I o lr o () tl,NoC)I oooEf;E Eqgl€g(E'=otd(u'6E 9E-o oE f E =I o oc g)c q) c) ._Er,)c o) o FC.ouo).=E' oo,Eo =ocJEo _ooLEco Io .g.9c (,6' ooo NN F F ll' t-Ft- J J il,r ()oo>doOErC{tG E"g3e 'TE Y rc lI,Y vY 6thF-Aodiro .,., oc,I -,'., oriOt-cico@F-&t o6r6C)6F- co r.tsl (o 6t ::loo,qq(Dr$@o. oo)NT'60,ro()6l At II ooqc46O(){g'r ooI o)- FJ? ooaoc) oo,N{o(Do(r,al oo,NF.oo6ido(oat lt lrttltlr o{ONtoc{ f,o, oo<{rg)o ot c{+(o6, IIJlll EI l!UT (ro\qo frr -Not o o)6i$ a(]o (]o ()$FN\tO et oo,oo(oododo(o6t (JaI 6{Nl'* ?!i at (,o ootlN+_(D-qoN(',4t 6i0 o6RfiE; oo*oN$ot -Ng)r sOON9o =e o ONPo oNt ? NI (o t\tI oE 5 5€ =o9or.E 1at (go bg(6=60oqs6E =Eig to)a- (,,c '=!co Eo_ 6o) =(uLro fq 0) o.9co o -9gl t,tr(! oococo .co ErocNtro o ea oo CD,6 o.tt o o oco (,, .gcc(!E. .g o oooE-'6c o E'cobooL io.o. ,o .g .9tr.Coo CDc Lootr EDtr Lrl o t,co Lo (5 o o)C o0)'6co oco (J (1,.=o q) ,E a rI1E Fr) HfrozoEl-1 F.lr{ila 9.t-{a FI zo a.)(J Uo az t*t F]Hl-'{H 6'6 (I, E =EH E-E(,)(EEI(1)L6q.>tat -d b_E t09 EE6Eo.lE(J E,r €8OJE c-> 3E8gE(,,(JL'EO EeEgo'- =E -(,/) f;E E EE 3oE c..c .E [rJ 6o cio,o{rddE(l,: ,L cncr,'6troIII E r!-c,9C!i(ExoE8UIE !co o-c ooc'E)co a6o o,ceo)oop EcGg) .ECc -go .Eoo f!, ED ut g)c o)oC'E) Co EoEoL U' Eoo u, ENooEco jo G =uiGo);oo)-c o p ooc'6,c UJ G -go5z !1rgC(,(DoEo.b g8 EE>iO=(DHAN- NOON <o= o9iol'-A =(E.(Lozo; .ap E@:riozJ =€Ex1! i- ooo NN ()I lioa CEI lr IIo tE )ra CE ()Itr!I I+. r!oHlrr cg.lEo r3dt{d aPLoga P H() Ll.r i.( (g kc),a.a !a Iq L( 00 ooa oivL €)I H(J.lIo cd.lIo Ch EE(g cgI.la>'lA-il 0)*. rJ t-1-F(ooF )J ooo>do(>!eCaa q, E.t3pgE :(Y v YvY loOF- OtodiNO(rt -.,.,-,.?a otON6i@@F-At oo)@o)6F-ogINO @r oooo)oi;\t@glr ()q(oe(A I o(9 o o(,(9 oo)Nrto6gro@' 9@NNoo$ta(oG6t IL lr iL lI.lr cr{qc!rtoNO0r oo'Nror- o-o$ltc) (, Io.ornirgJ.g uJI,lJ llluJ hoNO6air O,lAr oooocl ()tt'- F-jd at oo,60ooo@$, (tq' (,o o oooI ot\\ aO, oo$Nt_@-ttONO@r oo o ooREsi oo$o6l$st.rrN I LU)(I, 6l9oi =(6 o oolPoi bsa67(E0tD6 6E5? ig cl,o(tI N rocttc) o 3:'e fo9or E.E Eoo. f)ofi,I oo)E':oxIU;co E,s5oo oooo€ (U o EECG g Ixog o)oo o = ooc.oooL .E o o.'(Jcoo'= o,-c Ed) Eo.o ooa'E Ia oco E o o Nod(!:(} IoEL(E5o o(,coooU) 'cfooU) t*€ucooo.=oco(EEL E'='E >\(E(UE>o.a ;€c(E'gNo'=E(tro cr,LLo.o .=o oo = CD =o (E op .2E.c o oooo6 Io ,a .g(,o CLU'oco oou .9Ilr 'lCcGo E Eo)o o.c.s,ooE !,c(! oco Eco.= co, .Yo3 o)N 6coEco o) (E36 o)io't q) E, a:'E' ooooo.9!, Loco oo ocoo)(Epg(o ao ,2 (E oo CLo Etrt! .cg (Eo E o (! CL)(,oo Ec(oo =s u) F]l{H,)nfrozoti?Llr{ilU U) F]A-t oz rqiF(FF o .g.9c.troo oso. Looo c LoEo o Loi'6 .EoE o o Eo. oo oo .= (.)(s E (u g,c tho ooE c NOON Pbo-io: -A=(E.0-oz(n^6-n3d g @:':>oz) =€-cxLrl F F o Ic)\l J Y ? lt r0)o .>,bFTfrgE fo6oCLEo_c5o(/,Eoo>c'ii q)agofit,;a,=ocEE:=<EEoco(u58eiEorLCOEtSoobp.9, Elor a 3H6 Etss ilg''i >-E- =o.,, (1)=LL=ir 5d J Y -) I o lr UJ o o o .; -3E9g EEH=5e*a EEi '.SlE E';NOUI*o o (!9;86 P H iE.Y o oa a,a o'zb6 B R EHAEi, o-(Ds:rosoo b.Q or F.-iuEO O, E= ob 3e s IE .E J.lii:o oEFfF I* *e E EEE;8 E 3s Ho t o _(u.= E --EE E: : E€ g o d t dE @ ooo NN olro *Jdg Iao tr ga ao *, 6liL o tsE (,)t)rtrr+io € C) 6)ilE doo 6ga F ll' J v ? r (, lr u o () o Y -, I l.|- uJ o o o ll" Eoo.efo.o8b*fi- iEED (],)U)- ac -.^LL arU) -.-at o^* :E,.E :- O) = uE L*Vo r 9=O o 8.G =i. f =!E EEo o :-ost 6 a>.J 9.ooE o E9E 31f;3 €EEU' €+tsp :g E E E>CL- 66 tf; se.! aD oPl/)}- a.= g (5(tr'O'tJ'i (I)=c (E Y:. EEE fra O fit.CE.pBE K 5()o (, o*-c'+ (E o6 E'PS@ - ltr- C(,#= P 8P 6! -(Eu,E ^e.: 5 = 9'- (/) E HeIoHboc,.- o) aEE.iEE 9 PEoA',-_oroFitg 3 E9 -d r oo(/, >>0)= (U (trE;>>;,l Eg;fib e€ E;'='==Xr6 EE'=tiaE () (a *=(J oa.c 6b oY \l oNI It F J v ? I (, lr u.t o o tr o)E .8Ea-(,E(,(DclEo*=b=E(/, .LtlolD96qd -ts o Eap a6 b9= P 3H= -.=Et Eu(Ufo ,8 d:E:f o @:> = o-f zb=oeP o -t o-| .^o_a E s q H8I : { }E o- 0D ts o E : E 86E 9--orEe E38b E gEg 3E >,c c tE gE; H fl ; ='a EF O=(,)- FF @ o oEc(5 Yv h\ore ooe_ @ NoN -)oFN@ oof.^_oo@C.l e @ott aoo- @N !o oo oF.od@ lrlr or+qc!toNO oo,NTO)Ooi.i{(o uJ 6\o ooC'Foor6ioo$ oo o.t\\$o oooo@-o-o.ooo6t () o*\\ots(D-o d)o $Noqo oort-tc.l o^uJ o,oHzE #euIog }EOo IJJ 9FEDo.trllJ EJ! HE =<oLaurUI oJo- =LrlIIouutm =fz oEcl o ONPof6 o @ ,E Eoo n;6;(g(,<D a56EfEeJ <9 o$t a rql-{ Fr atrozo-Fr*H&aa H - C)OQ nz Fl FJFFts FI zo ,g.? orE rcg =dE-E $ gso etrQ P EFT'a 90bo-B+o tr.-E.l E;ioo o= 0)o Eoc:, (l)-oe9 &= or ;9E.t, A.v0)c.=otr(!'ts9b], c)Y(,,E Q = q -!; * eE q;i O.'oE 9,-i0, h c.L v'(, v 0)->-r:x E-:=:iul cott:(E? F*',i -=- ut E EEg+io o >'=Tt* s E'E r;v t -(E:,E ?E s Ei(u EE c 7io =5 F co ^!.aiL..!, ^ t4 E':jt Ug Es'.) Y-o E Cl o H L(', € )rd b0:€ E NOONgb oSJo>!o) =(E.(Loz(l)A .ap g(o:':=oz) _-o-cxIIJ o) F il' lt,JJ :cvll. ? v .?ll- il IF I il,I (9 c} IL o ll"(9 ILl!IL lt ll" |Ilulil II,lrJ ooll"ll"o (.,ll"o ll"o o6ll-lt,o ll"ll" (O T{orl toloIarl{ roo(r)I(o!l NctorOIa)t g)oc?(tt (,ofc,$ e =o) EfiBE;8N f EEf E,1 Oob9rE;gE.L6Od) PEE6 9'e fr3E*r (E -:o gP (/,.;o99-c:lLo).P- b.e IgrL=o-* 6 o-.-..= Eto(E=O E &p IE i6 b € gBB or 6EP()Eo- E bPE>rh -(EI e.o o E gE# IEgE.YUraO aop -co) o(.,.E oo Lo c 0) E.gJoo) uiio) (,) .Y o3 lt (,(,cs E E t, o oo- ELonxUI .c.ooo-,9EE (U o:,!oc(,a o .9 o. E =a oo Eooo)Loc(E Io(, =3 o-voo !o oa Eoo-o o. o ui o ofEc)E?c(E o!)ol(5 =ooe pcog(l)= o-EEOboo> esE; d.o Efr otr *8O..O EEIU;o6 .= (J -lOrooo>LOO-lootroo*E'Ob= EEE'E EE0)q):>q-etcLotro6 Io-voog,c'aoo.totri:Ect! o a!o. oc-=.98EeEe9 o>oEro(U $.=!o .9E DOE6o'Fof.9!>o)daoE E=(o14(,oP^= o_>QE )o-oo .L(Uo.o eotr o(,.E oo (1, Eo g,5o U'o)L'; .oo E o C o 9.o) Eoofo != =o(5Lo C Co Er)P3 8-b_9E9oEtsi: g. !, (D L.!9 =(Eoo-L0)ea -(Uo-5qr:a)aXErrJ b.s8c-SEo=oaoo OOOaeaii(l,6-YEEt(I, -o.E '6_EE50-o c .9.c3 pc(0 o -9 o)0) oo- Eo) -co (soo Lo ,lioooo Eo.N o! (E co) E -eo- Eo o o uiELooog o)oo EoooT'Loc)o ;E LL_s9OE E,OEO =_9!t E(UCEauE EDO -(J.=o gbtE_o6t q.cg'A o- Od)q,=-YfJ+otoomo ooo NN t-F (6oF J T c)oo>do<r!rCe' a[ E"g8egE vY naDNO @d,NO('t ' ao(roooots(oorN oo@oOi.codN(0 ?? ortOF- c,i €(ot-@, ooNOo)o;ood oog<ao)r{(oot o9 3 tD- $? (ror.,(Docoo{(Ar oo)N l.-o.o-NO@o6t (9(9 so)6{ao@gro @! lt C, !tqc!toNOAt ooNrooot.,it(Dr/t , IL tr.U po-to = tIIUI 60'\o?ooFN oo)Oro. 6r-o, o|()$Ot aorc\\{@ @r oI a.c\\ s). ootNt(odoNOr*r (, otrRioosory$-o$rcIo, gOON9o;i6 o, O C.l9oiriE 0,E 35€ =o9o:*E E (Eo .;(6=(E0Oq 6E:P Cf<9 ({oc)ac,t ?ersE HdErr';o4Zzo; l-'l\J tr CH BEto o, =5s,-.Ego8g#! oaOE 8.Eo--E=(,o-b E'u":d)g.=gOOE o CDtr ooo- NOON,ot oPiol -A=(odIzo;oT)titr g(o:15ozJ €Ex IJJ o ooo NN )ro I tr x E]E ta 6c Ho Pe) lrPa hao(, F J t- -lJ ooo>cio()E?c@(u C((q 6 s,oEco Y YYYY60\qooNO0r lII)l) ooo)-tsoC{ a ?-)-,-,o!tON N@@F-q, @o\o@ )6r{0qo--o il oocqOFrt (O6t o), o 4IILI t50rr)o ai atot0t oo(9 (,(, lJ- o 6 o ooN$o@(roe, rqforO o l!ILILl.l.l&Ir otlqct$oNOot oo,frlro,"o-o(\at(orr, ruuIutrJ 60\q(o(,eN ooOFo6,6iomr( cl o o ooo 6ttNF.+@ @1 oo,oo,@" Or-oom6irl r (,o ot\\ @, o (,o ootroooEEol oo,*6Ntd:f-5t&' L$rD 6l9o;56 o oc{Pot =F oE =>e =o9o*EfE(! CL NO.PEs, d, 'j3 .= Ioa se 3g(,E O- egg E(ULA '- E o.!itrc -=o(5g, l.: n s: $?it;*g t f-st Ets'fi s) E: EE9 ED(EEEbi.3E E qgEE6 9e'EEo'E E oe'=8 $ E E.'B =s€$EEE E. E ggE io).E P=r, .E'frg EEd Hso tcJ qoE 6?!t p'FT 6,E 2 Eo-E e.99>?o 'E;il,l i:tr&, EE6, '=x> tr=E 55l, c.='- (U=.E EE o-E ollo .EEu; E#L> Jl 1l E o-Ed bEOO EFox c,x(,tul (L 5 I E ocootixL -go(,(, !Eo aL -9(soo o o Eo ; .ED'= oo o tho I a,o.YLCo(, =Ex(o.s!69(!X lu .YuE(uid OCoo!toEbFocoo= o* =ofiq)casOC(JEbBoobq.9ktoo.(,,cL> 6g_ga + aHut o,tir b= q)I{E F<D -( tr( z l-{F{TF{ilaar4o az HFl E{l-'lH Fl zoq ,)UUo 9or.=ocD'=I 6, Ece En s 8.c cL() = =aE (l)'; '- oa, o-X !, D'B * EE E o oE *u> U}(DY,v,.: (l)0.=o S ie 6*.9 r(UH>tr 9,:tr(U € 3Es;< d +b P'o o O!'E E +; HE H xE E 3x tk:cUJ H b E=E f;E gE(E 'F 0)'=+ U EE *:L=lULPa6 (u-c o=9-I9eBa ,H t *qEp .Pu 6I arRaFE o.9 h o E aEEfuI (L6d 6 h(U o 6o'Coo E 0)T(, =o cPc, '=gH E-etufOoE o-oo.>EtY-c o* ; E6rEE f. EEE9 E1Eh lJJ O g rg6.E 9 HE E E g5 * =Edrr.l cEg E gE fr'- (l)-o o) P H#=. ETHEo EE Bi 9sBo ig q= : €Eg E 59,fi -rEE=. EE [*.E,*6ri.lE E oB o 9E--?i tu(/, -o E.LE E 9I'E >,tr !2 fi ss b EEoq-oo.Egt; g =E X OUtrj--Yo € g 8", EEgE. 8 H o#o E:6=-- -E # EE€lL @ Y O= E HE g.fi g = EEec ots: o-.u -.- 4 6.qo 9ts --!I9.9Egr 3 ,--pEt; ilE e g E BEEE c!oON,ot oSio:;o) =(E.(Lozo;6 -^,3d E(o=i=ozJ e xIU ooo NN o Ho +J CEtr- CJ()o tr.- cde6)*E tl 6d 0)I ta CB HoP ta cltaa Ho.l*a CE dPa LE l-FF coEioot-E E tJJ Jr5r:doOErqat6 s.go-gE YY n(t\qod,NOtAr CTOoo€o,cilj(ooeN v ?-,o$OFeio@F"@, o6r60o.F.-o(r,N(O 6, oq,qcOlr$(oal ooNOOroioiON 6t ottqq6aol, tf(I'r oc) En- 8E6' ooo 60Nt,6@(?(eel o6NNoo ^id(oo6l IlILlrlto"lqf{ioNOat oo)f.l ro)g) o, c{+@o, LllUJuJ (roF-O cci (ri -(\1gt ooCIF60 6, Olots ootNN$od a' aoc,@o!o- o-rr6g)o6t oot|* t\ tr?t (,o t oo{F-rt(o-\fc)NOtA. G trog!REEi o(Dr+o ryr+-orfFN LAONPo =6 o o o,lPo f€D o Io,tt oE +>,P fo9o:.E 5$o .t6:.go2pGE=?c=<g ctloo q) E -9.Yc o.oooE =oc o Eoo o o coo6o'e o.c,oo) EEco Y o 6 g,c D8E; N(E5orm.ELOooU'-:-:(,)o60o-c'a';, bE .@o *iI Bg = ogE LOQ'6otftE 15 ;gC CLo (U(I) g. b6d, =-ts Go .ts88.O.CE E sE6r -o6ltc-E qr61, 364 <3 GIi !f o oE(, =:ooafExtu oc'6 6o6 o og o, goOJasoot CCg'=i!o'E.os; o;qO e.o!l,6 o-=sootr.sbo.o c(soJ v .: lt cl 6 eo (! o CLil t og (U o ; Eoo a (,.bll-:oc(! =L:ooa oop-Ex I.IJ oo3oo co oo s,o() $E oooo .E .o JLo =o,c 0)g:,oc I.IJ oq))x Ec(E coE .9-uo)riC '= (tro.C o _go .b(0 o_og E N c J o 6 oooNI 6 .9 .Esoo =o u,Loo oq U'ocJl o iE .v. o =o Eoo o doEo -9o (Ec rc, ooo !Co !}()o.=o o0 tslt{Fp -ttrozo--LHilanl*(n az HFI Ert{h FI zoq )(J(Jo tl, c) _o.oII Lo!,C Eo '-oooEq)Lo o.YLo =(E o oo.=o o of o oo oo)o(! -o oo (u = oc,!oco .9)!lio a o EooIo. ogi8eEE*3-(tr(UC0roE6 Ef(u(, oro.E O'Ed9.ttro(sJags o-Eiob EEOi=g; Hfi o (u =oopo do(u = L(o3o Frl*t,(u(' a l-''6c 88>\ !! 6i;FC.= c,dcr NOON<o5 opiol -g)=(6.o-ozo^o?i,qd C'(o:':> ozJ .= _-c)!xIrJ N F Y ? (9 l& lrl o o o c)o G oc'6 E .ILEo(E E (!) .F =o L0)Eo Eots 0)o.ro OE.=a.c, B(, u)o(,, =EUi E^ 9; OH}E..oY(trCEEee8 =-j ooo NN FF ll. J lt,J ll.Y ll" .'ll-ll- il II I ll.ll. ll"o o lr o II Il" LrJ IF IFo o ll" o il,il, IF ll" abc).E oo =oiLq)JLo c)oco o .c(5 =E o o -co) : U'oE:l(-)x LU o Eo) U' oc.9 l-o .9.1C o).gE .e-o-ocoa0)c o) oaoc?oo E o, aoooo o.ECo o o =EoLo.6 U' :o.c .Eo '6 E o;U'l6'o ooC oo)o .(EE.o.(s !3-coo o o(E c,) o .9 oo6 oaoo. (! oth'; o ija b-(5 .{oo.ot t.L(,-8 gE o >s 6 eco (,)o (! =O)E E3 = UE E E'. HSffllJ .= co-tsOo strL 5=I 6ro).= (l)-c (g Lfl8Eea.F-9r 6-Ec €fG 8RO c;E EmE'6ot9=o.\otr qb O L(D > EF S Ee E EEG36 E 13,;E 6-c I6 ?69,4o cdY IoL(, t! CLo,t(,(,,c .g o. CL (r)o(r, CDrf Io .9tr6.coo =Fo .E oG =o'tr o)Eg (\t oq) a(DIt F J Y ? I o l! u, o o o cto(v,Ig,t ! o .Eo CoE .9. IEooo0, +(oEo- ort oC.hlUOaA ts.dO=cloo€cq)cdo-.9o P'rs UEE;vao .1.f-oL(UFC'YOKP3Et00 3 L(s E o. o,c .v. o =o.ocG-c(.) o) E .=oo- E q, fi,E, aIIJo l- (l,gi.ooFo Eul F ll' J I ooo>do0!fcC,6 3Eo:g6 J 1il, v so\dl@oNO oo)oo6. or-ONoorN Y Iil- -, o\toF"(\@{D I'-&t oo)ooOF-(ooN@ ?ll- ooqq dlrt(o ooNSo"o-eOON (Ar il :E ood.{. anaio o93 i,- 3E !ll- (,O)a@o sqooa o6,NF-o-o-NO@@al o ll" lt \eNoc) oq\tN@ od,C{rood6t$(o IL ll" ul oqoN 6N @ og)Oroooi oto$uJ il, o o\t\\vo oo@o,@-o-oooo0r o ll" o I 6Sl'- I- *l oor+N$-o-rtONO@t o ll" qI s{Ei oot$(a${ r+- or+rN m il, I ONPoif6 ll" orw'l-t{3F-t lrt l-tozo-3LFIilaa rq -t a2 rqFl Erl-lH Fl zo C)Oao oLo'6ootrDo -gotEco oocoo.:o Eo fs {tolCfExtIJ o o)p o) o.2o Eo o oE o o o.ioo.o)L;o Eo Io .9 TEgo(, =E,c(! otrgItr ooll--o(, E(,tit, (l, o NOoc! @E o9io: -A=6.o-ozo; .qp E(o:iEozJ p !xUI (o a >a *, 6na (.) il' l- F J II, oo()>cioOE?cca(u sg3pg.F r YY ho\q@oNO4r ooooo_ o)- OF@o -N6t 1 oolo6o- r:tosf\, q .r, o$oF..ia(D F.a. ctogq d)rs(o IIT ooqg@oottl}t oo3o- 8E o o oN(D oo oaof) roc!oea od,Ni ')" gr-(D$t+(o lrILt:IL o{oc{$oNI' lrJIU ro(D\qoorN(1lr oolOra.o-ool(,\t @l qJ o oo ()t\\t@ @t 6(,,oo(o- olo{om€&t o .Et UIo ED .E!t ooo ILo o E?t .Bo- ooI 6!t\\ Ar () oo*Nrt(o\toNO4t oosiEi oo{oN$oi.drN 6 tu B;(6=(!0lDs 6c-E C-IE oE l;€:o9o.E.E*(E CL l.toc,Iolt c,g, o)!t P E 8.,oO'oefl-5€6n:.EE Eo.&boEt,Ec>I E,; .E [.qE €F = atlg E EEa E=b Eal' och ok6 =a'E li s? $ 3E6 8_9O :, IIJCor e6o ot L O= G. fo I rO v v .? t (9 o lt t!ul cl o o !o o Lo o co Eo_ O=a BEE'c(l)E(0!f> BL E€E$JOb P.9 €'; €EEgo-L I:, ='dgE E c'6 .co E otioo o) Eo(U E '6 o.o o o Io .9 .E.c(.)(g = toY rn A =ae,gHf dd-|-fd lrl';o4Z20;A-\)L CHl{ r\hva.aI trltn i.oo'abE E€s ct) .9 ai8gsootc(DE}!o>,o_69>9,>.=(trooo.-e q)sEoaF.9gb EEhc, 0t tlJOE' Es EEoE>\oSF;d 1l-sEtgo:lr B,i E Eo o ttt Lo o3od Eo.E oo.)(, c oo =o L(,o UJ Lo oos E -- o(l)ED =E.E OfiE :Ei-Eir ff PEEctidl €E *ss;EI E* F: EEES b; o I = s,8.4 EE 8 6 **p,g6 9.= k 3E es9.c Eo I eB6tLko) .-- a 5-.Eei 8pEo ut-E.s.5 P uiE o.L.=.=^ o.-c= (o $: EE g oLo.lL o oco (5a.foooo(J (! o .c(E E (I,go E Lo E {, (,o o = .9.too =L o.C,l! CLott,c(! o,c 6c Igo =Egoto,(L .9.oI gOpo 6.9oooEotrEoo-of-cozEEE(Eo._-o6- EEotlghc--alt o) EE -c (5.AC'=L =dlI9;tUc-g9be>6 '5c S)*ots3I Eret5l: o 3 gE .=(E CLot .b(Uo.0)!o TE ro C(UU' L(Eo- p (s c b o).E !oo E oo.YLo = oLo:E o(,pco o (Eo- o)L oiococo .go E E (! oo lll oc'6 = ooo NN NOo(\tgbo;dorio) =6.(Lozo;3por> g(o:r=oz) _-oExLU v t-F ll'll. x t o 6 il,r ooo>doOErCe6 Y Yvll.Y v6\oN(E o6oio eolaos- or-ON(oor Crl6' ? : .r,ll-.?o\tOF.cio(oF-61 oo@oOFdrtN(o tli r tt ul o o oo)(?q CDFrf(oqt gs(\lnoo;@-oc{ II4E (,oqq @coo$glr o9I b,- 8E9' (T : (,(9 66)Nlto@croAt 6C,frFa,-q.sIo(o(oet lrl! otfON+oN(f,@t oo,Crl ro)"t- O, al+(], il,ul!UII,J 6(D\q60r C',16r ool6roor o, oirrt oi,6(,'@.6-o6{" (r} €t o ll"oo s<t\\!c6 o, oll"o oo I ot\\ QI oo,!t F-aio^+(,do4t 6 il,Rio- oo$orys.o){FN(4, o0 4 IF IF L0ocl!oi =6 o (l}NEot o00 ro c, o? ro Nc,I lo aoo6 ro t\l(r,o@I r.l o =:t'e 309o>.E.E (Eo EE67{ao0) ql 6Ef'.? C5<9 :EiEtoi(UPb=AJOOLBO 8Huo'cd ()Ld)o6=efi(E. EEoo EibE TE-co()xo[uEui EE'6E EO oc-o)otr(U0. oJ8U EE EEo6 eo Eo CLo c .go- o 'oo. E(u o)ooc(E I o([Looo oooooooLo-o !o Lo ELo:lE .E o U'Lg o-o g, o d oo.o oo).= =f-o U6o.co,co Lo o odtEtro oo =: a([co ooc'6 c op o o- oLo(, E,tr UJ o E o Lo ooc5) Ui oo E d;o (5 o)coo) a;o.go)c(, E(5oao(s -c(,):fo oLot\b OcbEFoo:^ oog E=.uEotiuoo!rtrkg vu)(Uo-o E8EO 60-9orL .= -. L cO)-g o6g EE 8 E€rE C5 = o(, l! (l)(Ur 6= $ "rE o.qcooEoo E: Lo ooo,oooooLo- o o)I.cI .9o (,,c 6 coo -olt(, o o,ou,ao)oEoo v,o):o, .9-o .goEco U' G) Joo Eo.Eq) '6ooo .Eo .G E o a rel-{H,)afrozol.{ ErAEIHilaa rqr - AEz t-{ F]h,-{H F] zo C JUQo o t)r!o oo, ooEco, E Eoo(, EC(! C)o (Eooc.E ooE oLo (!L o)o.o o o(t,ot o3oq. G -go 2 oEoo, c)Eq) o) -oLaE Lo o (U 5(,) o)L Eo (, (!rL .t2oIttr(U oLo =.Cl L .12o 0, 'oo- Eooo Lo ooc EooO :g ()oE ooo NN NOON.l*:o OPrlo =A=6.o_ozo.ia-^,sd (u ':> z) =_-o-cxtll ro Ooo NN go o CL E LU (g ott o F J Y -, I lr ul o o E E9a Bg EE| !rx!,o.e E.sr €;o [E-o -ocI oo)!U# -He EE EX3 E E# H = bE= E €sfo ^99.i eoJ E IG E a" tei! +rco! -c dY.9 otr xo o-5L !- 2u f oor E e{ =g >E=O =: GL(U3 = 5-0 = (Er) (EJ >oE c)Io d li 0) d=aE t'-F I65ooFotr u,l J ) o ooc6 oooo o oEcG oooodoN YY oo\ol@oNO oo,ooo_o-ONooFN .?o$q\N@(oN oo@oo- i.--@oNO 1 ooqqo?$(o c)oNOoo.j odON @t II o6ooodiO\f o9 3 o,- gE oo,N t'-ooNqt(o.ool o onor) 0Not',@ *c!o(.) oo)NroDoo)N$(o ]L UIul nc,NO'dmrN ooOrooooio$ oo s*\\so oooo(o-o_ o@oo ot s$\\oo$tst_@-+oNO o oaRx3; oo N_{-o$rN (, (Et 3o:Ec(u o atuoz tr ILou tJJo =3z toaot gOONPo; =6 o ONPof6 o E =;'E:o9o: EF (!o. F;6=(!0As 6E-E Cf<c --^ EPr-r FHH dEl-l r-t- l*lL/ r\Jts<zzo ^\ t-{\i/ Li CHl*i r\HVLa9Elta L^LoE oa a'66 6'6'c:c)0)ro k, E Xgb >Hr F g€E= o (tr (E< h = = out H9 EE E +L U ^s JG 'E= (E 6- d)tr o o)O (! oE*T EHHS F-tOXE !_O - (D(!.!2' -EEa oE o =d rf;;E-g "-'E h o ,H 'sGE Eg hE€5O -.LE cX tc E =P 8E:5 -.iE(6CI E.;9-o -o>cE E3-d=a 98I3O 6 O\ A.=:o-!ts t- J Y -, I o lt UJ o o a orIc5'6-o CA ' Od E 55O El€aa(!= E €3 9* bgb Eb (! 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I o lI- lrJ cr o o () m v -, o v a o ul o cog;ooFA EUJ J ool3>cioOE 6(5 rEl l, Y 60NOcioNO Y oo,ooco- o-ots@o -N .?o*q\oto(o t.-al B[ll- o,a. (o oqot@ T od,60Gdo+I o IL oNcr-or,@ o u.l o oNo- o o@o_ Oo oNOr-a{(.)@ o o)Nod(o 6N ooO-oo,otoo$Ar oo@o@-o-oooo 60f!tto@€o o\tqn$oNO4r uJ oo\q@oFN6r o @{\\r+o 3$ll"o rf)ti.- F At o KX E=t,*$l o^lll oOHzEs-> lrl= >tr>(UOoIIJ T F-c,,o.EUJEJLu,I Io3 =<o9,tu !1,ru+>oo= ^oEEUITl!to.$0E-IJJ ! >o =x, snON!oi =@ sEll" (1, E =>,8Egfo9orE.i E(!o as6=(g0u) 416ciE <::) L:fo .c o-c o -0,o- Eoo o(r)oo- .9-c o-ooooEo- c)oooo- rico)E-c.9.!ooc) ELo c)ro o =o! co (Eo =ooo oEoo-0)Lo 3o-cco *-o_ "i= o o5 oE"(E o. (6 o E -gCL CL jlt o +a s -9o. Eoo Lo otro o3L o5 AEoco3aB-38coo>tooo-o_E9b9E U' 0) :,:o q EEoc oa4= E Ef;tr b.c -c o Ronald L. Williams,ISB No. 3034 Williams Bradbury, P.C. 1015 W. Hays St. Boise,ID 83702 Telephone : (208) 3 44-6633 Email: ron@williamsbradbury.com Attorneys for Intermountain Gas Company BEFORE TIIE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY FOR THE AUTHORITY TO CHANGE ITS RATES AND CHARGES FOR NATURAL GAS SERVICE TO NATURAL GAS CUSTOMERS IN THE STATE OF IDAHO Case No. INT-G-16-02 EXHIBIT 37 ) ) ) ) ) ) ) o o No. ?-7 IcC EXHIBIT ./^<x A INTERMOIJNIAIN [IGA5COMPANY' r.tffitd,rareoaah fr ,,r. Cofiilftlt/ b*rr' I JOB DESCRIPTION Welder Combination B, A IGC tr Exempt X Non-Exempt rc9034/rG90333 UG/UI tr Supervisor X Non Supervisor District Operations Varies District Operations Manager 7lL/20L3 Responsible for performing welding and construction duties associated with the installation, maintenance and repair of natural gas mains, services and related facilities. 1. lnstalls, inspects and maintains all natural gas plant facilities and construction equipment, tools and vehicles. 2. Responds to gas incidents and utilizes all company supplied personal safety equipment such as breathing apparatus, fire suit, hand, foot, hearing and eye protection. 3. Fabricates and install large meter sets and regulator stations.4. Performs other tasks and special projects as assigned. QUALIFICATIONS Figh scnool diploma or G.E.D. equivalency. Must have valid Class A, Commercial Driver's License (CDL) and safe driving record Ability to use standard pipe tools and operate power-driven pipeline construction equipment. May be required to use self- contained breathing apparatus in response to gas-related emergencies. Must be able to provide test welds as prescribed in Company policy and procedure that pass state and federal code requirements for oxygen acetylene or electric arc welds for pipeline welding to obtain and retain classification. KEY SKILLS AND COMPETENCIES o Working knowledge of standard engineering drawings and ability to determine material needs and layout fabrications . StronB mechanical aptitude and troubleshooting abilities o Knowledge of natural gas properties and equipment. Ability to work as part of a crew. Ability to communicate effectively OTHER REQUIREMENTS Welder Combination A requires two (2) year of credited hours as a Welder B and satisfactory performance. Must be able to pass periodic welding certification tests in both oxygen acetylene and electric arc welds to retain classification. P RE F ERRED QUALI F I CATI ON S Minimum of one year of experience in welding natural gas lines. Knowledge of natural gas construction industry preferred Exhibit No. 37 Case No. INT-G-16-02 L. Murray Reb. Page '1 of 1 o a Ronald L. Williams, ISB No. 3034 Williams Bradbury, P.C. 1015 W. Hays St. Boise,ID 83702 Telephone: (208) 344-6633 Email: ron@williamsbradbury.com Attorneys for Intermountain Gas Company BEFORE TIIE IDAIIO PUBLIC UTILITES COMMISSION IN TIIE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF INTERMOI.]NTAIN GAS COMPANY FOR TTIE AUTHORITY TO CHANGE ITS RATES A}{D CHARGES FORNATURAL GAS SERVICE TO NATURAL GAS CUSTOMERS IN THE STATE OF IDAHO ) ) ) ) ) ) ) CaseNo. INT-G-16-02 o EXHIBIT 38 o EXHIBIT I:oc -,^<>- A INTERMOUNIAIN GAs COMPANYA*ffitdAlh6OW,ft.l,lrCilvfrntvbs'rrt I JOB DESCRIPTION Mgr, District Ops I, ll, lll rGc X Exempt tr Non-Exempt lGM231/ rGM233/rGM234 37/38139 X Supervisor tr Non Supervisor Operations Varies tLlL0/L4Director, Region Responsible for placing safety as #1 priority in day to day work routine for self and others. Responsible for managing all functions of a district office, including any of the following areas safety, service, system design and maintenance, gas and/or electric and employee development needs for the district to ensure the distribution system is maintained and operated in compliance with Company, State and Federal regulations. Participates and develops community and business relationships within the district. Responsible to work closely with other members of the regional management team to achieve regional objectives. 1. Manages District staff to maximize productivity and teamwork, which includes providing work direction and resources, managing performance, supporting training and development, administering company policies and labor agreements, and leading improvement efforts. Recruits and retains a diverse workforce of highly qualified employees.2. Responsible for assisting in the development of operating plans, establishing goa ls, capita I a nd operations budget preparation, and monitoring expenditures in order to meet or exceed financial targets. Recommends methods to increase revenues, reduce expenses and offer new services to customers. Maintains contact and productive relations with large customers, external contractors and other resources. Overall responsibilities to ensure customer issues are handled properly. 5. Promotes the Company through community relations by participating in charitable, civic groups and events and by encouraging employee participation. Maintains involvement in local economic development and local government through contacts with community leaders. 6. Efficiently utilizes workforce to handle workload, expand new programs, and conducts employee informational programs. 7. Coordinates with Job Service, Human Resources and the Region Manager to determine manpower requirements and participates in the intervievuing and selection process. 8. Monitors information on local energy related events and provides related information to regional management team. 9. Responsible for scheduling and participating in supervisory standby on a rotating basis. 10. Plans and coordinates district functions and business meetings. 11. Accepts "Supervisor On-Call Duty" as assigned. 12. Performs other tasks and special projects as assigned. Note that salary grade is not ba:;ed on experience, but is a combination of considerations including, but not limited to: Number of Customer Served, Number of Employees Managed and District Geography, District Jurisdictions Served, District Political Arena, # of Communities within District, Growth within District and the Energy Products/Services Provided. M I N IM UM QUALI F ICATIONS Must possess a working knowlerlge of gas and/or electric utility operations at a level normally acquired through a four-year degree in engineering or a business related discipline with a minimum five to ten years of progressively responsible experience (depending on salary grade) in the energy industry including utility operations, customer service, and employee relations required including leadership experience. Case No. INT-G-16-02 L. Murray Reb. Page 1 ol 2Page 1 of 2 KEY SKILLS AND COMPETENCIES i Demonstrated analytical and organizational skills Ability to utilize sound judgment. Excellent human relations skills in dealing with employees, internal and external customers; proven ability to effectively communicate both orally and written. Must be able to manage multiple priorities, solve problems expediently, and motivate staff. Proficient in Microsoft Office Suite applications. a a OTHER REQUIREMENTS Required to maintain a valid driver's license and safe driving recorda P RE F ERRE D QUALI F I CATI O N S Prior supervisory experience preferred as well as experience administering a union agreement. o Exhibit No. 38 Case No. INT-G-I6-02 L. Murray Reb. Page 2 ot 2 o Page2 of 2 o o Ronald L. Williams,ISB No. 3034 Williams Bradbury, P.C. l0l5 W. Hays St. Boise,ID 83702 Telephone: (208) 344-6633 Email: ron@williamsbradbury.com Attorneys for Intermountain Gas Company BEFORE TIIE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY FOR THE AUTHORITY TO CHANGE ITS RATES AND CHARGES FOR NATURAL GAS SERVICE TO NATURAL GAS CUSTOMERS IN THE STATE OF IDAHO Case No. INT-G-16-02 EXHIBIT 39 ) ) ) ) ) ) ) No IOC EXHIBITo Et ? i. ti iit bF i + Case No. U-1034-134 INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANYo to o BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION ln the Matter of Application of lntermountain Gas Company For Approval of its Weather Normalization Model REVISED TESTIMONY AND EXHItsIT Exhibit No. 39 Case No. INT-G-'|6-02 L. Blattner Reb. Page 1 of81 't o to INTERI,TOT}NTAIN GAS COMPAM CASE No. U-1034-134 REVISED Subsequent to the orlgLnal fi1lng of U-1034-134, lnconsistencies were dlscovered in some of the blJ-Ltng data for the perlod October, L979 through June, 1980. Therefore, a1J- data duringthis perlod was discarded. ln the revised study. The data used in the model was updated to lnclude December 1985, through June, 1986. Thls captures the most recent avallabLe data and allows the study period to contain an adequate nuuber of hlstorlcal data polnts ln relatlon to the number of predlctlng varlabLes. 'The models were then refltted to that data. The statisticall-y non-signlficant data lncluded in the origlnal flllng, has been omitted from the revlsed flllng. Anyone interested ln that data can obtaln it from the original fil-ing or by request to Internountain Gas Company. o Exhibit No. 39 Case No. INT-G-16-02 L. Blattner Reb. Page 2 of 81 o io x $ iITt Case No. U-1034-134 INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY (Request for Approval of Weather Normalization Model) REVISED PREPARED DIRECT TESTIMONY OF JOHN M, KOHLMEIER I I I I o Exhibit No. 39 Case No. INT-G-16-02 L. Blattner Reb. Page 3 of 81 o jo 1 2. J 4 5 6 7 B 9 10 11 t2 13 74 15 r6 t7 18 19 20 2t 22 23 24 25 Q: A: o A: Q: A: Page 1 Would you please state your name and buslness address. My narne is John M. Kohlmeier and, my business address is 33 West Monroe Street, ChJ-cago, Illinois 60603. By whom are you ernployed and in what capacity? I am a partner with Arthur Andersen & Co. f am responsible for directing our planning, fore- casting and modeling consulting practice for clients in the utility industry in the United States. Would you please outline your academic and professj-onal background? I was awarded a B.A in Economics with honors from Dickinson College in 1956, an MBA from the Harvard Graduate Schoo1 of Business Administra- tion in 1960 and a DBA from Harvard in 1964, From L963 through 1968 f was an Asslstant Professor in the Graduate School of Business at the University of Chicago where r taught and did research in accounting and quantitative methods specializing in modeling. f have been with Arthur Andersen & Co. since 1968 specializing in planning, forecasting and modeling consulting work for clj-ents in the electricr 9ds and Kohlmeier, Revised Di Intermountain Gas company Exhibit No. 39 Case No. tNrlc-to-oz L. Blattner Reb. Page 4 of 81 o o lo t 2 J 4 5 6 7 B 9 10 L1 l2 13 t4 15 76 77 18 t9 20 21 22 23 24 25 Q: A: A: o Page 2 telephone utility industries. I have been a member of several AICPA task forces that have developed standards for financial forecasting. What is the purpose of your testimony in this proceedj.ng? The purpose of my testimony is to describe the methodology developed by the Company to adjust gas sales for weather normalization and declin- J-ng use to be used in the presentation of test year data in future rate cases. Why is it appropriate to adjust gas sales for weather normalization and declining use? Gas sales for certain classes of customers are highly sensitive to the temperatures actually experienced during the test year. Normalizing for weather reduces the rate inst,ability that could occur if rates were based on actual sales in a test period in which actual weather dif- fered from normaL by a significant amount. Bhe use of normal temperatures ior ratemaking is generally regarded as the best estimate of the future weather and resulting sales that will actually occur. Gas consumption per customer has experienced a long-term declining trend due to the use of more Kohlmeier, Revised Di Intermountain Gas Company Exhibit No. 39 Case No. INTIG-16-02 L. Blattner Reb. Page 5 of 81 o I o Page 3 energy-efficient technology, the replacement of oIder, less efficient appliances with new, more gas efficient appliances, conservation and other energy saving measures. Failure to provide for declining use introduees a systematJ.c bias whereby the Conpany will never be able to earn its authorized rate of return. By not allowlng a declining use adjustment, sales and revenues are consistently overestimated resulting in consistently overestimated returns that wl1I never actually be achieved. Declining use and weather nornalization adjust- ments represent known and measurable changes to historical test year results. What evidence is there that gas sales for Intermountain Gas Company are weather sensitive and experience declining usage? For the Companyrs resident,ial and small commercial customer classes weather represents a very significant portion of the month to month variation in gas sales for the period october 1979 through June 1986. During the same period per customer usage declined ln a persistent, statistically signifi- cant, long-term trend. This decline j-n usage Kohlmeier, Revised Di Intermountaj-n Gas conpany Exhibit No. 39 Case No. tNT:G-t6-02 L. Blattner Reb. Page 6 of 8'l io 1 2 J 4 5 6 7 B 9 10 L1 l2 13 74 L5 t6 L7 18 19 2A 2I 22 23 24 25 Q! A: o o Page 4 has persisted through June 1986, the most recent month in the study data. What are the principles underlying the Companyrs approach and methodology to weather norrnaliza- tlon and decLining use adjustments? The methodology should be based on variables and relationships whl"ch make both logical business sense and are statistlcally valid. Models which are statistically valid but which represent illogical or nonsensical economic relationships are not acceptable. In addition the methodology should provide procedures for updating and refltting the models in the future lf conditions change. Please outline the Companyrs new weather and declining use adjustnent methodology. The Companyrs methodology consists of the following proceduresl 1. Relationships and models are hypothesized to explain gas sales. 2. Monthly data is collected for use in the analysis. 3. Regression analysis is used to quantify and test the relationships between sales and the explanatory variables on a per Kohlmeier, Revised Di fntermountaj.n Gas ComPanY Exhibit No. 39 Case No. truTlc-to-oz L. Blattner Reb. Page 7 of 81 to 1 2 J 4 5 6 7 B 9 10 1L L2 13 L4 15 t6 t7 18 19 20 2T 22 23 24 25 Q: A: Q: A o o Page 5 customer basis. 4. The resulting models are used to adjust actual sales for weather and to estLmate declining use. What varlables and models were hypothesized to explain the variation of therm usage per customer? It was hypothesized that the following types of variables would explain therm sales per customer. L. A constant term. 2. Weather in the form of degree days. 3 . Irong-term usage trend. 4, Price of gas and electricity. 5. Demographic and economic variables such as GNP, income, employment/unemployment. 6. Appliance saturation. 7. Seasonal variables reflecting different rnonth by month usage. Please describe the data used.. Monthly data was used because reliable data for days or weeks is not available for therm sales per customer. In addition, insufficient time periods of data were available to use quarterly or annual thern sales and still pass the stat,is- Kohlrneier, Revised Di Intermountain Gas Company Exhibit No. 39 Case No. tNrjo-to-oz L. Blattner Reb. Page 8 of 81 jo 1 2 J 4 5 6 7 B 9 10 11 L2 13 t4 15 L6 L7 18 L9 20 2l 22 23 24 25 Q: A Q: A: o o io 1 2 J 4 5 6 7 B 9 10 11 L2 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 2t 22 23 24 25 Page 6 tical requirements. Therm sales data and related weather data was collected by customer rate class, RS-I (residential space heating), RS-2 (residential space and water heating), cS-10 (non-cyclical cS-l), GS-II (cyclical GS-1), and GS-20 (other GS-I) for the five divisions, for a total of 25 rate class/division categories for each month. We also constructed weighted average data to be able to properly combine divisions and the three individual GS classes and compare the combined results with the individua1 class/division results. Monthly therm sales data was taken from the Companyrs historical billing register for the period from october 1979 through June 1985, which provided an adequate base for the statlst- ical anal.ysis. Data prior to october 1.979 ls not availabLe ln appropriate format. Due to some inconsistencies in billing data, the months of October L979 through June 1980 were dis- carded; the final models use data from JuIy 1980 through June 1986. BiIling data represent,s monthly time periods but is based on billing cycles and does not precisely represent therm Kohlmeier, Revised Di fntermountain Gas Company Exhibit No. 39 Case No. tNrlc-to-oz L. Blattner Reb. Page 9 of 81 o o io 1 2 J 4 5 6 7 B 9 10 11 L2 13 t4 15 16 77 L8 L9 20 2l 22 23 24 25 Q: A: Page 7 consunption during that, calendar month. As a result, the degree day temperature data was adjusted cycle by cycle to correspond on a weighted average basis with the degree days actually included In the billing data. Data was collected frorn external sources for electrical price, unenployment, personal income, GNP and appliance saturation. What were the results of Lhe regression analysis? In general the regressi-on models developed fit, the data extremely weII. The R squares for each model were at, least 98.92. It was found that aggregate Company-wide rnodels fit better than individual divisional models. It was also found that combining the three srnall commercial rate classes into one group produced signlficantly better results than the individual snall com- mercial rat,e classes taken individually. None of the economic/demographic variables proved to be statistically significant and these were eliminated from the models. Appliance saturation was also discarded foq the same reason. A11 gas and electricity price measures hrere also found to be insignificant and were not Kohlmeier, Revised Di Int,ermountain Gas Company Exhibit No. 39 Case No. lNt:G-t6-02 L. Blattner Reb. Page 10 of81 a O io 1 2 J 4 5 6 7 B 9 10 11 L2 13 L4 15 16 77 18 19 z0 27 22 23 24 Z5 Q: Page 8 used in the models. The best fit resuLted when two degree day variables were included. The first represented degree days calculated from the traditional 650 base. The second series was calculated fron a 45o base. The rationale for this is that customers behave differently with respect to very cold temperatures than they do to moderate temperatures. A long-term customer usage trend variable which had the property of increasing by one each heatlng season month (November through April) and being zero Ln non-heatlng season months fit the models well and was signiflcant. A simple tine trend variable which increased by one each month did not fit as we11. Monthly seasonal binary variables for the months of October through April proved signlficant and worked better than variables for the alternative summer months (May through September). Please describe the models produced by the use of this rnethodology. The methodology described above applied to the data for the six-year period JuIy 1980 to June L986 produced three models (RS-I, RS-2 and Kohlmeier, Revised Di Intermountain Gas company Exhibit No. 39 Case No. tttt-G-t6-02 L. Blattner Reb. Page 1'l of 81 A: o o 10 1 ?. J 4 5 6 7 B 9 10 11 12 13 L4 15 16 L7 18 19 ZO 27 22 23 24 25 Page 9 cS) of alrnost identical forn. These models are very logical from a business or economic theory standpoint and have very strong statistical support. The model in each case predicts actual therm sales per customer in the class for the month based on variables which are not highly correlated, which are all statist.ically signifi- cant at the 952 level and together produce remarkably high R square. The models are presented in the following table. FINAL REGRESSION MODELS BY RATE CLASS fntercept HDD45 HDD65 October November December ,fanuary February March eprl1 Usage Trend .)Adjusted R' RS-1Coefficient 5. 609 o. 0207 0. 0578 (3. e81) 5.25s 14.995 19.333 L9.237 L4 .542 10.598 (0.130) RS-2Coefficient 23 .584 0. 0152 o,0799 (6 . e28) 9.44L 14,479 12.736 9.52L 7 .4L9 (0.078) 99,7 GS.1Coefficient L48,73 0.3045 o .257 3 68.84 222.27 282.4t 279 .47 259 . 02 225.93 183. 50 (4.534) 99,7 98 .9 o A more detailed presentation of the models and the nethodology is contained in Exhibit, I. Kohlmeier, Revised Di Intermountain Gas Company Exhibit No. 39 Case No. INT-G-I6-02 L. Blattner Reb. Page 12 of 81 o io 1 2 J 4 5 6 7 B 9 L0 11 t2 13 L4 15 L6 77 18 L9 2A 2l 22 1-J 24 25 o A: How will the result,s of Page 10 models be used to ! adjust actual therm sales for the test year for iweather normalization and declining use? It is anticipated that in tfre preparation of a test year, the models ,trr, O" refitted to the I data then available and : the parameters re- estinated. i fhe models will then be run for each month of Ithe test year, once witfr normal weather (ternperatures) and once wlth the actual weather I (ternperatures) experienced ;during each of the imonths of the historical test year. The difference in predicted per icusLomer thern usage Iwill then be mult,iplied by the actual number of customers and the total wil,I be add,ed or sub- : tracted. from the actual ttierm sales for each month for each of the three ]"ustomer classes to produce normalized therm satres. The declining use adjustmdnt to test period Itherm sales will be calcu}ated by multiplying ithe usage trend coefficierit by the relevant increment for each winder heating month (November through April) and then nultiplying the number of customers in the class for that Kohlmeier, Revised Di fntermount,ain Gas company Exhibit No. 39 Case No. truf-G-to-Oz L. Blattner Reb. Page '13 of 81 o o ,io 1 2 J 4 5 6 7 B 9 10 1L t2 13 t4 15 L6 77 18 t9 20 21 22 23 24 25 A: o Page 1I month in the test period and summing the monthly amounts to a tot,al for the jr".r. The resultant !total therms will be subtract,ed from the weather adjusted therm sales for thril test period. How does this metnoaofogy, and the resultant i models compare with the rnethodology formerly iused by the Company particularly wlth respect to the criticisms of the previous methodology made by the commlssion staff. I The Company has adopted tlre best methodology Iavailable and the' result,irpg models make both Igood business sense and havd strong stat,istical Isupport. : I The methodology and resulteint models presented above correct the criticisms raised by Messrs. IFerguson and Santos of the,Commission Staff in Ithe two most recent general irate cases. In fact ithe new methodology used by,the Company is very similar to that used by tlle commission Staff. IThe Company has improved tHe quality and pre- Icision of the data. ft has also tested many Ialternative formulations .ld thereby improved the f it of the rnodels. i The Staff eriticized the fact that the prior methodology utilized tfre satl"s in a single month Kohlmeier, Revised Di fntermountain Gas Conpany Exhibit No. 39 Case No. INT-G-16-02 L. Blattner Reb. Page 14of81 o o 1o 1 2 J 4 5. 6 7 B 9 10 11 L2 13 L4 15 16 77 18 19 20 2l 22 23 24 25 to establish base not vary over time. Page 12 that base load did not provide for ot,her variables on load. and While the new methodology does not produce a base load per se, it fully reflects data for the entii'e study period used to develop the models. Additionally, variables reflecting both seasonal va:iiatj-on and long term i usage trend are present in tne models. The Staff crit,icized. the fact that formal Istatistical procedures wer6 not used and that the statistical validity of the results could I not be verified. The ,.y methodology fu1ly Iutilizes formal statistical i procedures and the models produced have a frign degree of sta- tistical support. I Mr. Ferguson criticized the fact that the Companyrs methodology did evaluating the effect of o therrn consumption. The Companyrs new method- ology provides a way to different variables. analyze and test , iKohlme.ier, Revised Di Interrnountain Gas company Exhibit No. 39 Case No. INT-G-16-02 L. Blattner Reb. Page '15 of 81 I o la Case No. U-1034-134 INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY (Request for Approval of Weather Normalization Model) REVISED PREPARED EXHIBIT JOHN M. KOHLMEIER I J OF Exhibit No. 39 Case No. INT-G-'|6-02 L. Blattner Reb. Page 16 of81 o o lo I I I I l I I ;o I i) 11) 111)lv) v)vl) Intermountaln Gas Company Case No. U-1034-134 Revised Exhibit No. I Page 1 of 65 Kohlmeler INTERMOI'NTAIN GAS COMPA}IY WEATIIER NORMATIZATION A}ID DECLINING USE METIIODOLOGY Table of Contents I Methodology Overview. II. Detalled Methodology Descriptlon. A. Matching Weather Data wlth Sal-es Data. General Discussion Weather Data SourcesBlll-lng Cycle Dally Weights Constructlon of Weather Actuals Construction of Weather Nor:nals Sal-es Data B. Descrlptlon of Economle and Prlce Data. C. Descriptlon of Regresslons. i) General Discussions 11) Stattstieal Resul-ts The Use of Regresslon Results to AdJust for Normal Weather. Decllnlng Use AdJustment. D E III. Data A B c Data l,Inemonlcs. Basic Data. Models and PredLcted ResuLts. Exhibit No. 39 Case No. INT:G-I6-02 L. Blaftner Reb. Page 17of81 o It Intermountaln Gas Company Case No. U-l034-134 Revlsed Exhlblt No. I Page 2 of 55 KohLmeler WEATIIER NOP}IALIZATION AI{D DECLINING USE I"TETHODOLOGY I. Methodology 0verview. To deternlne the degree to which actual therms saLes were hlgher or l-ower than normal as a resuLt of actual weather, iE is necessary to flrst quantlfy the relationship between weather and sa1es. Thlsquantlflcation Ls achleved through the use of rnultiple regression analysls at Intermountaln Gas Company (IGC). Therm usage ls statistlcally estiruated as function of weather and non-rveather variables. The relatlonship between gas use and lts nain determinants ls measured ln three regressl-on equatlons, one which expl-ains residential space heatlng-only sales, one which expLalns resldentLal spac,e and water heatLng saLes, and one whlch explains sruaLl commercial sai-es. A11 equatlons are system wlde. To explain gas use, the regressLon equations use weather concepts, such as heatlng degree dayse and economic information, such as gasprice. Comblnlng data for all months of at l-east slx fiscal. years ln each regression allows enough variatlon withln the data Eo galn lnformation frou more than one weather concept and from economlc varlables. The sunmary statisEies for the equations demonstrate that the regressions are accurate Ln explaining nonthly varlations in sales as is detailed ln the methodology descript,lons. Each regression vras tested for aut.ocorrelatlon and corrected when necessary. Exhibit No. 39 Case No. INT:G-16-02 L. Blattner Reb. Page 18 of81 o o o Intermountaln Gas Company Case No. U-1034-134 Revlsed Exhlbit No. 1 Page 3 of 65 Kohlmeler WEATHER NORMALIZATION AND DECLINING USE METHODOLOGY Once the regresslon equatlons have been speclfled and estlmated, itls the coefflcients of the weather varlabl"es that are lmportant tothe weather adjustuent process. These coefficlents measure the response of sales to changes ln Ehose weather variables. Forexanple, the coeffLclent of the heating degree day (base 65')varlable ln the space heatlng only, resldential total sysEem equatlon represents the number of additlonal therms per customer that one additLonaL heating degree day (base 65') wouLd cause. The coefflcient of the heating degree day (base 45o) variable represenlsthe number of addltional therns per customer Uhat one addiEional heatlng degree day (base 45o) would cause. Two weather variables areused because an additional degree drop in Eemperature below 45" causes uore additlonal use of gas than a degree drop in temperature between 65o and 45o. The effect of Ehe HDD45 ls additive to theeffect of the HDD55'. By multlplylng these coefficlents by the difference between the normal and actual heatlng degree days (base 65") and heatlng degree days (base 45o), the difference beEween actual and normal therns per cusEomer l-s determined. Note that the non-weather variables are used only to estimate the regression equatlons and that on!. the coefflclents of the weaEherv"ilabl"s are used in the aetEadJustment. Al-so note that Ehe prlmary purpose of the models ls to adJust sales that have already occurred rather than Eo predict future sales. Exhibit No. 39 Case No. INT:G-16-02 L. Blattner Reb. Page 19 of 81 o o io Intermountaln Gas Company Case No. U-1034-134 Revlsed Exhlblt No. I Page 4 of 65 KohLneler WEATIIER NORMALIZATION AND DECLINING USE I,IETI{ODOLOGY II. Detalled Methodology Descrlptlon. A. Matchlng I{eather Data Wlth Sales Data f) General DtscussLon The weather concepts ln the regresslons use temperature data fromflve weather stations: CaLdwelL, Bol-se, Idaho Falls, Pocatello, and Twln Falls, Idaho. One of the critical aspects in quantlfying the relationshlp between gas use and weather is the correct matching ofweather data wlth sal-es data. Because residentiaL and some commerclal- customer are bllled ln cycles, sales'Ln a partlcular month represent sal"es ln the current nonth and previous month, dependlng upon the bl1llng cycle belng analyzed. To correcEly natch weaEherand salesr the weather varlables used ln the analysis represenE weighted totals of the daily values of these variables over Ehe appropriate tlne periods. Each dayts weather measure is weighted by the number of customers (for a particular month) who experlenced EhaE weather. The IGC service area contains dlvislons rshlch experience different temperatures at a glven polnE ln time. To incorporate these dlfferences in the system regresslons, the weather variables were constructed uslng weather data welghted by the number of customers ln each of the dlvlslons represented by the CaLdwell, Boise, Idaho FaLls, Pocatello and Twln Falls weather sEatlons. By construct,ing the weather varlables in thls r.rayr the regression has the capabtltty of lncorporatlng the diverslty of weather ln Ehe Companyrs serviee area. Since the aggregate company wlde nodels ftt the dat,a better Ehan the lndividual dlvislonal uodeLs, the aggregat,e company wlde models have been used. Exhibit No. 39 Case No. INT.G-16-02 L. Blattner Reb. Page 20 of 81 I I o o ia Intermountaln Gas Company Case No. U-1034-134 Revtsed Exhiblt No. 1 Page 5 of 65 Kohlrneler WEATIIER NOR}IATIZATION A}ID DECLINING USE METHODOLOGY rr. A. 1r)Weather Data Sources The sources of all- data ls the National Oceanic and Atnospherlc Adnlnistratlon (WOal;. Dally maxlmum and nLnlnum temperatures for October L979 forward are used to cal-culate actual heating degree days (ttOOl for base 65o and base 45o, The NOAA also provides a thirty year normal heating degree day base 65o of dal1y data for a one yearItnormaltt period. Thls nornal ls calculated fron the years 1951-1980. The normal HDD base 45o are calculated from the base 65o on a daLly basls. Exhibit No. 39 Case No. INT:G-16-02 L. Blattner Reb. Page 2'l of 81 o lj lo Intermountaln Gas Company Case No. U-1034-134 Revlsed Exhlbit No. 1 Page 6 of 65 Kohlneier WEATHER NORMALIZATION AND DECLINING USE METITODOLOGY II. A. 11i) Bil-llng Cycle Dall-y lfeights The weather concepts used ln the weather adjustnent analysls are matched wlth sales as follows: 1) Monthly weather variables are calculated by aggregatingdally data over the approprlate b11ling cycle and thentaklng a welghted average of these totals based on the number of servlces Ln each bllllng cycle, givlng bllling month totals. 2) The nonthly totals are then combLned into system wlde(servlce area) aggregate weather measures uslng dlvLslonal service welghts. D. Cycle welghtlng of weather for billlng cycles. a) ITDD45 day I{DD65 cycle monrh ! H;.=,;::, ;";":: monrh) last (cycle month) cycle mont,h = Udiy = flrst (cycle month) HDD45 HDD65 HDD45 Then: b)servlces day cycle monEh cycle nonth all cycles in month cycle month all cycles In month HDD45 month ;,cycl-es *"u, servlces servLces UDD65 HDD65month cycle month servlces o Exhibit No. 39 Case No. INT.G-16-02 L. Blattner Reb. Page 22 of 81 Intermountalh Gas Company case No. u-1b34-134 Revised Exhibit No. Io ll II. A. Page 7 of 65 KohLneler WEATHER NORMALTZATTON AND DECLINTNG USE |{ETHODOLOGY ; 111) Bllllng CycLe Daily Weights (continueh) 2) Conblning across dlvlslon 1-5. Thern RSO1AIL I services dlvlsloh dlv=l services all divlsions HDD45 servlces dlvislonRS02A11 services a1r- drvlslons HDD65 services dlvisloirGSALLI servlces aLl dlv sLons I 5 5 5 tdlv=1 tdlv= (Therms Dlvlslons) (HDD45 Dlvlsions) (HDD6s Divlslons) Exhibit No. 39 Case No. INT-G-16-02 L. Blattner Reb. Page 23 of 81 I i_ o o ri Intermountaih Gas Courpany case No. u-!034-134 Revised Exhiblt No. 1 Page 8 of 651Kohlureler I I WEATHER NORMALIZATION AND DECLINING USE IIETHODOLOGY II. A. iv) Construction of Weather Actuals I{DD65 datl-y nax [ 0, 65 - average dalfl-y temperature] where average dally temperature = max temp + min t emp HDD45 datly 2 = max [ 0, I{DD65 - 20] o Exhibit No. 39 Case No. INT-G-16-02 L. Blattner Reb. Page 24 ot 81 I Intermountain Gas Company Case No. u-1034-134 Revlsed Exhlbit No. I Page 9 of 651Kohlueier i WEATHER NORI'IALIZATIO}I AND DECLINING USE I4ETIIODOLOGY II. A. v) Constxuctlon of Weather Normals mD65,_,,__ = |del.Iv max [ 0, 65 - average datJ-y temperature] Iwhere average dally temperature =, max temp + nin temp daily 2 = max I O' HDD65 - 20] o It HDD45 o Exhibit No. 39 Case No. INT-G-16-02 L. Blattner Reb. Page 25 of 81 Intemountaih Gas Company case No. u-1b34-I34 Revlsed Exhlblt No. 1oPage 10 of 6 Kohlneler 5 i I I WEATIIER NORMALIZATION AND DECLINING USE I'{ETHODOLOGY II. A. vi) Sales Data Sales Data rsas taken from the Compadyrs historLcal blLllngreglster. Data frorn therm sales, nunber of actlve servlces and therm bllllng adJustments were avallabLe on a billlng cycle basis fron October L979 through June 1986. Ilowever, data from OcEober 1979 through June; 1980 was found to be lnconsistent and therefore, was not 'used in the regressLon analysis. The Company has 20 bllIing cycles plus nonthly non-eyellc service. For cyclic service, therms weretotall-ed for each calendar b1lllng I month and adJustmentsapplled to the previous nonthr s lotal. For non-cycle servlce, adJustments were applted for Ehe previous monthts number of total therms. ! lo Average thero use per service for eacfr nonth lras computed to be these adJusted therns divided by the number of services. IServlce counts on bllllng cycle basis, were used to calculatecorrectly welghted monthly rveather measures and to coubine across rate classes and dlvisions. i o Exhibit No. 39 Case No. INT-G-16-02 L. Blattner Reb. Page 26 of 81 Intermountalh Gas Conpany Case No. U-1p34-134 Revlsed Exhibl-t No. 1oPage 11 of 6 KohLmeler b i I I WEATI{ER NORMALIZATION AND DECLINING USE ! METHODOLOGY II. B. DESCRIPTION OF ECONOMIC AND PRICE DATA PrLee Terms - Each price term is an average prlce, calculaE,ed as revenues divlded by therms. In all nodels, lhe price teru 1s J-agged by two months to ref lect that bll]-ls for Ehe prevlous months use do not arrlve until the middle pf the fol-lowlng month. Therefore, consumers cannot react to chanfes untlI a month and ahalf has past. Therms and revenues used ,in the calculation are normal.lzed, as approved ln the l-ast Rate Case (General or Tracker) and are used on a nomLnal basls. I Trend In Gas Use CharacteristLcs: The usage trend term increasesby one ln each heatlng load month (November-Apr1l), but is zeroLn all summer months. This variable refl-ects heatlng-related appLication of more efficient technologyr the replacement of older less efflclent appllances wlth new more Bas efficient appJ-lances, and conservat.ion effects over the study period. o o Exhibit No. 39 Case No. INT-G-I6-02 L. Blattner Reb. Page 27 ot 81 Intermountaln Gas Conpany case No. u-fo:A-tSA Revlsed Exhibit No. I o io Page L2 of $SKohl-meler t ; !I^IEATHER NORMALIZATION AND DECLINING USE I(ETIIODOLOGY II. C. Descrlptlon of Regressions 1) General Dlscusslon The regression equatlons relate therm ruse per service to afunctlon of actual weather (neasured as iIlDD45o base and IiDD65" base), mont,hly binary varlables for October-Aprll, and a usage trend varlabl-e. The rnonthl-y blnary varlables allow base Load to vary over the months of the year, whlle the usage rrend varlable allows base load to vary over time. The actual rveather variables al1ow measurement of the effect of weather on usage. IThe base load ln any month of the study pi:riod can be caLculatedas Ehe equat,lon intercept plus the coefficient of the monthly binary variabl-e if rqe are calculatlng base load in thaE month, pLus the coefflclent of the usage trend tvartabLe mul-tlplied by the vaLue of the usage trend variable ln t;har month. I The remainder of varlation ln gas sales iper service ls weather sensitlve, and is measured by Ehe coefficients of the two weaEher variables nultiplled by the value of those, variables. IFor exampJ-e calculate the base load in January of i9B5 for residential heatLng load customers (RS-l)., Intercept Jan Coefficlent HDD45 CoefficLent I{DD45 val-ue HDD55 Coefficient HDD65 value 5. 609 19.333 0.020669 731 . 818 0.067839 1341 . 81 P[us ,ottrtptt.a uy ofus mutrfplted by pil.us Usage Trend Coefficient (0.1298) Usage Trend value 33 ,irtrtpli"a uy EQUALS 20.659 therms per service 15.609 + 19.337 + (-0.1298 x 33)l = 20.65g Now calculate weather sensiElve load for the same month. I O EQUATS 106.153 therms per service [(0.020669 x 731.818) + (0.067839 x 134l.BI)] = 106.153 The total of base and weather sensit.lve load equaLs actual therm usage less a small error Eerm. Other monthst usage per servlce can be calculated in the same manner. Exhibit No. 39 Case No. INT-G-16-02 L. Blattner Reb. Page 28 of 81 Intermountailn Gas case No. U-{034-13 Revl-sed Exhibit No Page 13 of 615 Kohlmeler WEATHER NORMALIZATION AND DECLINING USE METHODOLOGY A11 the explanatory varLabLes are statl$tically signlflcant atthe 95"/. confldence Level. The RS-l customer class (resldential heatlng-only load) equation explaLns 99.7 percent of thevariation ln therm saLes per servlce. The RS-2 customer class (residentlaL heating and hot water load) l equatlon expLains 99,7 percenE of the variatlon ln thern sales per customer. The GS-I customer elass (smalL commercial- customer$ fro, GS-10, GS-l1 and GS-20 equation expl-ains 98.9 percent of the varlatlon ln Eherm sales per servlce. IThe Durbin-I,Iatson statistlcs for the equatlons, whlch measure the autocorrel-ation of the error termr: (reslduals) , show autocorrelatlon of the residuals. Thls means that there ls a pattern of varlaLion in therms sales whlch ls unexplalned by the regresslon equation. These correlatlons atre at low orders, whlch says that lf an error was negative ln nonth n, there would likely be a negative error ln nont,h n+l. Thisi auto correLatlon was corrected using a flrst order auEoregre,ssive equaEion on Ehe reslduals which ls additlve to Ehe multiple regresslon equatlon.It shoul-d be noted thaE the autocorreladlon does not blas Ehe coefficients of the explanatory varlables', and does not. assure mlnlmum error for the rnodel. The autorqgressive procedure, ln conJunctlon wlEh the regresslon equation, approaches thls minimurn error. Exhibit No. 39 case No. INT-G-16-02 L. Blattner Reb. Page 29 of 81 npan I Co : v o iO o Intermountaln Gas Cornpany case No. u-l034-134 Revlsed Exhlblt No. I Page 14 of {5o o 5.609 0,0207 0.0678(3.981) 5.255 L4.995 19. 333 L9,237 14,542 10.598 (0.130) 9.89 4,62 24,89 (3.64) 3.17 7 .53 7 .99 9,37 8.21 s.94 (3.2s) 23.584 0.0152 .0799(6.928) 9.44r 14,479 12,736 9,521 7,4t9 (0.078) 148.731 0.3045 0.2s73 68. 84 222,27 282.4r 27 9 .47 259.02 22s.93 lB3. 60 (4.534) 2L,50 5,67 7 .87 5. 18 t1.17 r1.66 9.58 10.40 10.63 8,62 (e.43) Kohfuneler i : I.IEATITER NORMALIZATION AND DECLINING USE IMETHODOLOGY II. C. tf) Statistical- Results Intercept }IDD45 IIDD65 Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan Feb Mar. APr. Usage Trend MSE AdJ. R2 AdJ. MSE(for comparlson) Durbin-Watson Flnal Regresslon By Rate Class RS-1 RS-2coef-T-statCoefT-StaE I 38.0E 3.47 34.86 (6.0 GS-1Coef-T-Stat s.40 6.26 6.7 L 6.80 5.36 7t) I I I I I ! : I )(2.01 5 99.7 2,96 1,57 46 99,7 2,99 1.51 705 98 .9 10.92 .95 Exhibit No. 39 Case No. INT€-I6-02 L. Blattner Reb. Page 30 of 81 o I Intermountain Gas Company case No. u-!034-134 Revised Exhlbit No. I Page 15 of 615o to II. D Kohlmeler I^IEATHER NORMALIZATION AND DECLINING USE METHODOLOGY i The Use of Regresslon ResulEs to AdJust for Abnornal- I,Ieather. The method by which the precedlng regresslon resulEs are used to weather normaLize monthly sales ls the same method used by theElectrlc Power Research Institute as descrrlbed ln l,Ieather Normallzatlon of ElecLrlcity Sales, (l) , That description is paraphrased elow: Any rnodel that can be used for weather normalizing monthly sales can be wrltten in the general form: s = f(wrrxr)m where S_ is sales per custoner for month m .-m wm is vector of rseather measures related to salesin month m; i ; :is a vector of non-weather yariables related to sales in month m ; and :.t is a functlon of observed eiplanatory varlables w, and xItr xItr Given a modeL of this kind, ryeather normali"zation of sales proceeds as folLows. Predicted sales per customer for month m under aetual- ,! weather condit,lons A!,t-sItr SAm = f (x Predicted saLes p condltlon" ,N i"m t A}Im ), er customer for month m ufider normal weather m Ns = f (Nw x )m where NI{ls a measure of normal weather 1n month m.m Consequently, the predlcted adjustment 1s sales that is requiredto reflect non-normal weather conditlons 1$o (l) Electric E lectriclty A =(sN - sA) x cPo$er Re$earch #stituteT Weather Normallzatlon of Exhibit No. 39 Case No. INT-G-I6-02 L. Blattner Reb. Page 31 of81 Sa1es, (June 1983, EA-3134, Research ProJect 1922-L. o Intermountaln Gas Company Case No. U-l034-134 Revlsed Exhiblt No. 1 Page 15 of 65 Kohlmeler I,IEATHER NORMALIZATION AND DECLINING USE METHODOLOCY where C is the number of customers bllled in month m. Thlsm adJustmentl A*r is appJ-led to the actual sal-es for the month of m to obtaln rrweather normallzed salesrr. If predlcted sales under normal weather exceeds predleted sales under actual, weatherr then the adJustnent ls positlve and weather normalized sales are greaLer than actual sales. If predlcted sales under normal weather Is l-ess than predicted sales under actuaL weather, then the adJustment Ls negatlve and weather normallzed saLes are Less than actual sa1es. Exhibit No. 39 Case No. INT:G-16-02 L. Blattner Reb. Page 32 of 81 io o I lo I il :l I I I I ,l io I I I I I il il I I i:o I Intermountain Gas Company Case No. U-1034-134 Revlsed Exhlblt No. I Page 17 of 65 Kohlmeler I.IEATTIER NORI,IALIZATION AND DECLINING USE METHODOLOGY II. E. Decllning Usage AdJustrnent The regressLon equatlons for the three customer classee RS-l, and RS-z, and GS-l all lnclude the usage trend varlable whichreflects long term decllning effects over tlme. This varlable lshighly statLstlcal1y slgnlf lcant ln al-l- three equaEions. In fact, usage trend l-s slgniflcant wlth 99% confldence in the RS-l equatlon, wlth 95'l confidence ln the RS-2 equatlon, wlth 99"1 confidence ln the GS-l equation. AlL Ehree models flt the data better wlth the incluslon of the usage trend than excLudlng lt or alternatively uslng other trend fornulatlons. Indeed, Lhis trend can visually be seen to be accurate through the end of avail-abledata, as evidenced ln the charts of the regresslon equatlon predlcted value versus the actual therms sold. The relatlonshlp between this usage trend and therm sales per customer is thus a known and measurable effect. Thls effect can be extrapolated to years followlng test year uslng Ehe nultiple regression equatlon coefficient and the correcE values of the usage trend varlable. By deflniEion, the usage trend varlabl-e increases by one ln each heatlng load month (November-Apri1) and remains zero in summer months (May-0ctober). Thus the decl-inlng use effects for flscal study year October 1985-septenber 1986 for RS-l are; Exhibit No. 39 Case No. INT:G-16-02 L. Blattner Reb. Page 33 of 81 o Intermountain Gas Coupany Case No. U-1034-134 Revised Exhibit No. I Page 18 of 65 Kohlneler WEATHER NORMALIZATION AND DECLINING USE METHODOLOGY il Usage TrendDate Coefficlent Therms EffecE for Year t0-85 I 1-85 L2-85 1-86 2-86 3-86 4-85 5-86 6-86 7-86 8-86 9-85 0 37 38 39 40 4L 42 0 0 0 0 0 (. 130) (. 130) (. 130) (. 130) (. 130) (. 130) (. 130) (. 130) (. 130) (. 130) (. 130) (. 130) 0 (4 . 81) G.e4\ (30. 81) (s (5 (s (s .07) .20) .33) .46) 0 0 0 0 0 We must subtract the declining use effect of the test year from theseeffects to get the net effect to the reported normalized therms in Lhetest year. For example, lf Ehe test year is January 1985-Decenber-1985: to Usage Trend Coefflcient Therms Effect for YearDate 1-85 2-85 3-85 4-8s 5-85 6-85 7-85 8-85 9-85 10-85 1 1-85 L2-85 33 34 35 36 0 0 0 0 0 0 37 38 (. 130) (. 130) (. 130) (. 130) (. 130) (. 130) (. 130) (. 130) (. 130) (. 130) (. 130) (. 130) ( ( ( ( 4,29 4.42 4. ss ) ) ) ) (27 .6e) 4.6 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 9 8 (t+. (4, i) 4) Difference (3.12) Therns per Service whlch is the declining use adjustment to the test year. o Exhibit No. 39 Case No. INT-G-16-02 L. Blattner Reb. Page 34 of 81 o Intermountaln Gas Conpany Case No. U-1034-134 Revlsed Exhlbit No. I Page 19 of 65 Kohlmeler WEATHER NORMALIZATION AND DECLINING USE METTIODOLOGY III. Data III. A. Data Mnemonlcs THERMS - I{DD45 HDD65 I{DD45 HDD65 TREND actual therm usage per service connected durlng month. actuaL heating degree day (HDD) 45" base. actual HDD 55' base. normal HDD 45o base. normal HDD 65o base. variable which starts at zero, lncrease by I over wlnter months (November-Apri1) aud is zero ln summer months. Represents trend ln heating load related conservationeffects over study perlod. blnary varLable for January, Ls one in January, zeto otherwlse. binary varlable for February, is one in February, zeto otherwlse. - blnary variabLe for December, ls one ln December, zeto otherwise. - gas prl-ce lagged 2 nonths. - actual weather ln multlpJ-e regression equatlon. - normal weather in multlple regression equation. - adjustment for normal weather PRED-FIT. - normalLzed aetual therms ?IIERMS-ADJ. Exhibit No. 39 Case No. INT:G-16-02 L. Blaftner Reb. Page 35 of 81 io Jan. Feb. Dec. GASL2 PRED rIT ADJ NORM o o to Intermountaln Gas Company Case No. U-l034-134 Revised Exhibit No. I Page 20 of 65 KohLrneLer WEATTIER NORMALIZATION AND DECLINING USE METHODOLOGY III. B. Basic Data 1 Slgnlflcant Data (used in regression or in normallzatlon). A. RS-I "TRENDTT Usage Erend predlctor rvhlch capEures decLining use effect. ttg6ltt-ttAPR'r - Monthly blnary predlctors. tTTHERMTtt - Total RS-l Eherrns weighted across company by servlces Ln each divlslon. ItHDD45Trr - Total- actual heating degree days, base 45", weighted across company by services in each dlvlsion. rrHDD65Til Total actual heatLng degree days, base 65", weighEed across company by servlces ln each division. [NDD45Trr - Totai- normal heatlng degree days, base 45", weighted across company by services in each dlvision. 'rNDD65Trr - Total normal heatl-ng degree days, base 65" rvelghted across company by servlces in each divislon. Exhibit No. 39 Case No. INT:G-16-02 L. Blattner Reb. Page 36 of 8'l o o o o o C o o InEermountain Gas Company Case No. U-1034-134 Revlsed Exhibit No. I Page 2L of 65 Kohlmeler WEATTIER NORMALIZATION AND DECLINING USE METHODOLOGY III. B. BasLc Data (continued) 1. Slgniflcant Data (used ln regression or ln normallzatLon). B. RS-z rrTRENDrr Usage trend predlctor whlch captures decllning use effect. rrOCTrrrtrDEC"-ttAPRrr - Monthl-y blnary predlcEors. ttT[IERMTtt - Total RS-L therrns welghted across company by servlces in each divlslon. IIED45T|f - Total- actual heatlng degree days, base 45", welghted across company by servlces in each divl-slon. trHDD65Til Total acEual heaEing degree days, base 65o, welghted across company by services in each dlvlsion. rrNDD45Trr - TotaL normal heating degree days, base 45o, welghted across company by servlces in each division. ttNDD65Tft - Total normal heatlng degree days, base 65o weighted across company by servlces in each dlvLsion. Exhibit No. 39 Case No. INI-G-16-02 L. Blattner Reb. Page 37 of 81 o o o o o o I I e l3 1O Intermountain Gas Company Case No. U-1034-134 Revlsed Exhlblt No. I Page 22 of 65 Kohlmeier WEATIIER NORMATIZATION AND DECLINING USE UETHODOLOGY III. B. Basle Data (continued) 1. Slgnlftcant Data (used ln regresslon or ln normaLizatlon). C. GS-I (10ts, 11ts, and 20ts conbtned). IITRENDT' Usage tr:end predl.ctor whlch captures decllnlng use effect. rr0CTrr-rrAPRrr - Monthty blnary predietors. tTTIIERI'lTtt - TotaL RS-I therms rvelghted across company by services in each dlvlsion. rrIIDD45Trr - Total- act,ual heatlng degree days, base 45o, welghted across company by services ln each divlston. ttHDD65T" Total- actual heating degree days, base65o, weighted across company by servtces in each dlvlsion. rNDD45Tr! - Total- normal heating degree days, base 45o, welghted across company by services ln each division. rrNDD65Trr - Total normal heating degree days, base 65o rvelghted across company by services in each division. Exhibit No. 39 Case No. INT.G-16-02 L. Blattner Reb. Page 38 of 81 o o o o o o o o o III.B. Intermountain Gas Companl, Case No. U-1034-134 RevLsed Exhlbit No. 1 Page 23 of 65 Kohlmeier I,f EATIIER NOPJ'IALIZATION AND DECLINING USE METIIODOLOGY Basic Data (contlnued) 2, Non-sl-gnlflcant Data (not used ln regresslon urodel). A. Usage Trend Predictors. o |TTREND" - Tlme series tncreaslng only ln heatlng loadmonths, NOV-APR. (Included here for comparlson purposes). o [TREND2!r - Time series increasing only ln heatlng load months, NOV-MAY. o ttTIMErr - Tlme series lncreaslng one each month. B. Yearl-y Bl.narles. C. MonthLy & Summer Blnaries. " JAN-DEC - Val-ue of one in the month, 0 in the others. o Summer - value of one ln June, July and August and 0in the others. D. Average Resldentlal- Electric Prices. Owyhee Dlvisionts electrJ.c prices rvere calculated from Idaho Power Companyts revenues + KWII. Capltal DivislonIs eLectric prices t{ere caLculatedfron Idaho Por,ler Conpanyrs revenues * KWII . Sawtooth Divlsionfs electric prlces were caLculated by addlng the prlce of Idaho Powerrs resldential rates xthe weighted IPC usage in the dlvision, to the Utah Power and Light resldentl-al rate x the rvelghted UP&L usage andfor to Ehe Bonnevllle Porver Admlnistration resldential rate x the welghted usage of BPA Power l-n the dlvlslon. Skyllnets average electric prices were calculated in the same manner as Sawtoothrs. Tetonrs average electrlc prlces were calculated ln Ehe same manner as Sawtoothts. Exhibit No. 39 Case No. INT-G-16-02 L. Blaftner Reb. Page 39 of 81 o o o o o t jo Int,ermountain Gas Company Case No. U-I034-134 RevLsed Exhlblt No. 1 Page 24 of 65 Kohlmeler I^IEATHER NORMALIZATION AND DECLINING USE METHODOLOGY III. B. Baslc Data (contlnued) E. Average GS-I Electric Prlces. Owyhee Divlslonrs electrlc prlces were calcul"ated from Idaho Power Companyts revenues + KWH. Capital Dlvislonrs electric prtces rrere calculated fron Idaho Poryer Companyts revenues + KW[I. Sawtoothfs, SkyLlners and Tetonrs average GS electricprices were calculated in the same manner as thelrresldentlal electric prices. F.Unemployment rates in Idaho by divtslorr as reported by Job Service. Gross Natlonal Product RegLonal Income lleasures ITPERSINCT' - Personal- Incone as reported ln Idaho Economic Forecast. tTPERCAPT' - Per Capita Income as reported in Idaho Economic Forecast. o o G H o o I J Western Region CPI. Varlatlons of Gas Prlce o ItGAsL2t' - Gas price lagged two months. o "PoscAs" RS-l gas prlce (cAsL2) where posltive. o I'NEGGAS'i Rs-l gas price (cAsL2) where negatlve. o trGASDL2rr - Deflated gas prlce for RS-l - GASL2 Market Saturatlon Ratgs. o ilSATSPACtT - Saturat.ion of space heating uniEs area. o ilSATI.lATRtr - Saturation of water heaElng unlts area. K change is change ls + I{RCPI. in service ln servlce Exhibit No. 39 Case No. INT-G-16-02 L. Blattner Reb. Page 40 of 81 o RS- 1 III. B.1A InEermounLain Gas Company C{se No. U-1034-134 RAvlsed Exhlblt No. I PLee 25 of 65 Kdhlmeier NDD65 TREND i]trT NOV DETE ) PRINT tr1_C9ROI^I THERf4S HDDr+5 HDD65 51. 38 16. e7 1(13, fJ6 i:64.31 68(r. E4 1C,33. 03 1rl9/+. EE 10f-,6,41 739.1J'7 E 11. le 38A.66 EC}3.78 a7. &9 e a5L,' IJ 4r.37 436.39 6E7. BE 879.94 L3P.1.77 L tJ4. zrl s09.70 74e. A3 458.86 .=r :l ? B:r'lLUJ r Ur-t 43.7€r 5.63 73.15 .359. e3 67 t+. 6L 999" 83 1 173,6J 880.03 686. tl3 Eg3.:!2 447. A7 169. E9 B(),93 1(:,.86 57, 83 887. QE 561 , tlrE 1{)06. 41 1 r+87. I6 I 192r. t)4 g.97.47 a38,48 47 L. 87 856.3447.35 r. 41 7T I tj/ Ur lL 330.45 804.4() 1 1(lg. 66 1341 . 61 t ). r,1 { T NDD45 tlCt (:t0 (:)c) IJ(J I5E. ()5 5r E6 65;7rr e86l b7 Frii8r Jb 98,9,: eg 1EJ4,r65 1 1tl1; 99 BE9J 15 644;73 4041 75 195n t)tl 56.7E 51 33- B6; t.tE e90. (19 61E,' I6 96g.rr)9 1837,1 E7 1054.! 1ggg5"ir)1 a7g.,ea 4.71,.i,79 19*.r86s-r i,-. r.JrJ. t-, .l /+.,6Q 89.'84 E9'E;,67 6:E4.,7 t ggg.1r.r4 180E.:17 I t-tBE,.i51 84().r87 a7it,i97 384,r;J5 g{:,E.le4 53,1r)E 3.197 Ee.t77 ?.1'7,i'Z.t+ 631r,'56g5,4,"69 1861 ,153 1t)39",/r.5 B4Cr.,7t-t 678" 8(l 3BB, 06 i2Lt:r.,€,4 49,,3 L €r.l-rj 86. gB :H7L, e3 68u.4{-t 958.84 l t::':: I FJL 3 4 5 6 7IIl0 11 1e 13 Llt 15 16t7 18 19 Etlr E1 EE E3 E4 ._.tt: rJ e6 E7 eg E9 3il 31 3E 33 34 7Ei 36 37 J8 39 4C, 4I 4e, 43 44 45 4A 5eq7 34 sJ iJ G_C 11.a 11..3{ e?tll t 1(rl. 1C)5. 98. 69. 57, 33. L9, 11, B.g. E7. 49.gg. 1EB. 1 1E. 81.7t. 37. 19. 2. 7. 10. 88. e1*ll t 94. I 15. 86. 61, 64. 38, 16. 9. 7. 9. q.e, I:' T I 35. 116,, 85. 6{). 4'e. E(t. aa a, 8. '44. 68. 1r11. 1 85, { aa 49(] 073 639 836 834 4CtE 997 764 r+BE 794 e65 Ee0 4Bg 6r.rE EEfi €,73'77 t 51e, :E4Ag3t 359 79Ct 995 531 ?e5 533 L74 a4a 755 647 E4E BE3 { .3EIEg 993 18E F'7e 355 7.=9 SJEE 534 683 573 E50 (-,1 I 443 451 BOE 605(rtB EE(l 6S6 554 7AL 477 488 (1. 0. 0, 19. 14i3, 4e7. 443. 4Ct5. L7.'5.gg. 15. Er o. (_-r. 0.g(,. 100. 869. 666. 863. E46. Le4. 43. 1. 0. tlr. o.t7. 1tiB. 374, E?E PA9. 95, 118. e7. 4. .J 4t 81 6, E i:-5. ?.3.:! clt =rf,.3 (1. (-) . 1. 33. 1 89. 503. 7eL. n?l r-114 00(r Cr33 Ir(,? 668 347 3EE e77 347 165 774 643 cxt0 rlt74 347 sB3 81E r47 7Er-t 7Bg 44= e48 a4B 00r-t (r00 :j74 a96 14Q 636 EEl 539 154 flgJ. 159 ?38 cxlrJ 00(l 863r4t 1E5 444 E(13 ctT:E 40r 885 806 493 OPB ()0t-) 364 744 158 905 918 81, 345. 579, 5(:1C,..3EE 87. 3, o. (). o. (-) . ,.. 77, ?E:'t E8(). 481. E61 . 98. BE. 345. 568, 901. E61. 89. 0. C).(t' (1 . 1. 87. 345. 5?e. 471 , E6I. 9E. 0. (J. o. o, tl. dEJ,J. ?qt 94(). L-41 866 3fl6 B6B 577 457 643 3(:r4 0(:rO 000 00C) (1t16 011 389 ?cr.=,JUL 3"J7 814 gJ.6 801 334 7t ? 419 37'e 55:1 zrSB 768 {)o0 00{l (:r00 Q(10 ()9E .=r T -a 7g|l ts69 5/+E 3t:t7 i(-rE 248 ()(JCr 00(:) (:)0c) ()C)0 693 561 ada 9{-1 (:).0 Q.0 0.0 C). .J oor-) 0{)0(1 17 (-r 80t:? {lIil0 11 r:) lE00()oo0(Jc,0(:r ()o113 (l L40 150 lF, 0\7 (l 18 (J()0 0(l0()c,0(:) ()(J1 19 (J e0 (l El QEe t:)e3 (J Ei4 (:t C'0(J (J 0il(J (-l t7 (:) o1E5 () EE tlt i:'7 (-r EB () i:.:9 (J 3(l (J(:) (l 0(l() t) () (J (_l (J 01 3 1 Exhibit No. 39 Cg,g No. INT-'Ctr6-02.-- L. Blattner.Reb. :: Pase 4!rof 81 189 1o 3, r) 1g (). (J00 (1 . (:,o(-) ('r. {:}0(J (1. r:)0r) 1. (:l4E o 0 (J ':il B (:l o 47 4g 49 5Ct g1 III. B. 1A Intermountain Gas Company Chse No. U-1034-134 Rfvised Exhiblt No. 1 Page 26 of 65 K6hlmeler 809,i64 35 0 C, 651 .' 18 36 t:, C) 41t1,; 15 (-, O 09c,8.,93 0 (J 0+7.t37 O tJ (:, 4.,91 0 () 09t,'7Q t] () OE74."82 (1 1 0 635.',76 37 (l 197E.|OB JB (J (J 1E0P,i65 39 Cr 01c,75.137 40 O Cr853,1E7 4L (J (:t 648. I 1 4i: () 0 /1t)fi,' 46 (l O 0 Ei(r(r,\t 0 c) r) I n7 5g 59 E,(:t 61 6e 63 64 6E 66 E7 68 69 7A 7T 7E 89,594 55.048 e7.7:iJ4 13.759 E.7EE 6. t)94 1 1. CrSg 3(r.968 59.647 LE5. L74 149. S16 94. lEE 58, giBg 4E.4gE37.816 14.444 409. 154. 33, 1. (J, (1. C'' s4. 18r1. 744. 937, e78,, 95.ttL. 84. 3. 344 f-r39 Bt'_t7 6A7 Qo(' cxl0 4E3gt9 61EI 437 588 SEzr 87B 869 53rl :E74 968.0s 6e7. A3 =Ei a =r5ggu. UJ 153. E6g(r.56 ee.76 136.98 485.65 705.69 L4Cr4.4A 157F,. 63 958,. g9 680.66 508.07 z+68. 33 l3e.79 P49. 89. 3. c). rlr . cr. {:} . Ct' BO. JS(t. 568, 489. 863, 86. 3. c,. 64E, .E4q- 6E9 (]0C) 6qr0 (:,(rcl O0Cr 737 487 304 643 444 955 ag7 36fl 000 io Exhibit No. 39 Case No. INT-G-16-02 L. Blattner Reb. Page 42 ot 81 III. B. 1A C,* E3 E4 EE o RON 1 e ? 4 ErJ 6 7 g 2 1(t 11 le 13 14 15 16 L7 18 Lg EC' E1 EE e6 E7 EB E9 3Ct E1 3E 33 34 3g 36 37 38 ?EI 40 4L 4e /rE 44 4E 4A 47 46 49 5(l 51 Et- 5g 54 eerJ rJ I ) pRINT tr1o-tr1€,JAN FEB IYIAR InEermountain Gas Company CEse No. U-1034-I34 Rpvlsed Exhlblr No. I P'age 27 of 65 Kbhlmeler APR I4AY GRSLS 37683 1J7493 47693 5769e 37695 3467Ct 578e6 375e6 57586 57586 rJ75,84 37Q37 57t:t37 37Cr37 57Cr37 57037 37Q37 e,36gg 6364E 677'JA 67794 67794 68fi99 7CI558 70558 7tlt55B 7C,EEg 70556 7r1559 7 L.74Cl 77376 76t+75 764t.E 764L1J 764t3 7?u1o4 73108 7310S 731(]8 73 t (16 73109 71E6Ct 7 LE6CI 71e60 7 1e60 71il6t) 7lE6(:t 71rteg.78(]ER 731:tE1 74314 743t4 74314 743t4 7ect?t : I I COEf !5,6{188 -c). 1890 19,33E6 19. E36sI14.54E5 10.59&i_3. tft)t! 5.854{' 14.9?5ii o. crEol(). o67f} +i ti, +[ 'lrl +i * * 4* Iiti t it {It {l {, {i * I *l I{-* *' # I t+ I# I t$, I# {'! # I*, *i I*, .,t' *, * x, *, *, * +' * * * tt Exhibit No. 39 Case No. INT-G-16-02 L. Blattner Reb. Page 43 of 81 III. B. 1A InEermounEaln Gas Company C&se No. U-1034-134 Rfvlsed Exhiblt No. I Page 28 of 65 Kdhlmeler * I*t* {t* *j dt i IF {l *t {i *i I* fl* * I Exhibit No. 39 Case No. INT-G-16-02 L. Blattner Reb. Page 44 of 81 o 1o 37 56 59 6Ct 51 6E Cr I tl (l rf C, rf Ct 0 c) r-i t-t CI 1 o (t 1 Cr (:) o o o 0 0 Ct C, o rl 1 o o o cl rl t:, 0 Ct f-, o Cr o 0 1 rf CI 0 {] tl ct c, c) f-t CI o c, o 0 0 0I Cr cr c, c, 7EO9 I 7ecr9 r 7E091 7 1777 71777 7 1777 7(r838 7CrB3B 7rlB38 6905 1 66645 6664.5 66645 6844.5 66845 6Et+43 63 64 65 aa E7 6B AE 70 7L 7e t ld' RS-2 ROht B. 18 ) PRINT trl-C? THERMB IhEermounEain Gas Company Cdse No. U-1034-t34 Rfvised Exhlblt No. I Pnge 29 of 65 K6hlmeler NDD45 NDDbS TREND CICT NOV DEt 1 c 5 4 EL, E 7 g I 10 t1 1e 13 14 1E 1F, L7 lst 19 EO E1 trr= E3 ?4 e5 36 E7 g8 E9 30:{gI 3E 33 34 36 37 3B 39 4Q 4t 4e 43 44 45 4A 47 4B 4E 5rl 51 .Jr= Eil 54 JrJ 31. 88. 31. 48. 80. I 86. 131. T.EE. 99. Be. 58. 41.;1. L-8, e7. 47. 7L. 70'7. 189. 1,41. 1CI6. 99. 63. 4L, E9, 'e4. 48. 79. 190. 143. 1 18. 86, 9(t. 68, 38. eE. E9. 4L=. 64. 1efl. L67, 141.tt7. 9Cl. 68. 44. 88, e7. 44. 9F-. 13']. 1 55. 05(:, 156 9qE 813 871 c,1 g 379 858 469 439 rl54 1 (,4 a7a 96r 3(,5 471, 546 591 a94 395 E4E 615 o69 i:37 363 763 569 959 580 SzrB 946 9EE 487 008 EL4 1r-1 8Cr3 5BE 773 rlr45 854 757 't'"7 910 EE8 4L7 689 348 51() s53 780 ;=36 36E 158 1EE ;Y(J p;,- (r rJ 0 o 7II 1C, 11 {._1IL o (J 0 tr o rl IJ L4 aL-IL, 16 t7 18 (:! {J o o 0 o 15g0 E1 EL.3: LJ E4 o c) o 0 (_t t_t ._rELU HDD45 rl, rl55 (:,. .J0C, O. C,65 1 5, 386 15E. 854 437. Cr94 451. 453 436.634 194. 1O{t 103. LE6 19.489 3. 6CI1 Ct. L77 (J.oQrJ 0.069 65. gB() 99.784 e87.487 69E.898 Ee3. e47 e77. A4I t9g. o37 -r7. B7E e.74e 0, ()0rl (:).0(-,(:) 1. E1E e6.8?5 175, C,16 4e9.625 583. (,BE 390. (:,56 136, CtE/+ 154.389 39,99(1 9.13g {:), C}0() rl. rlrlQ 1. 37tl 5.395 60.658 zr41 . 4BB 864.77 4 U69.9r)E 408,386 1EE. 068 46, BEg 8.738 rl. tlt68 0. 0(lc) 1. 16E 34.31c' e1 1. 903 E39.008 756.650 FII]D6,5 57.3E E1.I1 116. J0 EB8. .39 698. El 104e. E1 t tt74.74 10s7.30 761, E1 636. EE 413, A7 9,e7. L7 74.91:l 6.69 4E.58 48E.94 634. g4 9C,(:). E5 I ?Ef ET?IUgg. JU I 193.80 84E.69 7A7.64 494.66 e70. e5 51 , t15 dE6J. JA 76. tE 391. 69 7(lE.89 1,t11r1.51 1eEE.65 24t). 14 678, t4 7 4tr, 5t:t 505.88 1?6. i:1 ?J.55 1E.45 58.08 e95.89 58i1,56 tt:r48,47 I 533, 33 1E38. {11 9B(),45 698.68 491,38 E69.5e 51.86 1. 6g 74.3t J40,54 630, ?9 t 145.57 7387 .7t-l 0. Cl(le 0. r-)()C) c). (J0(:t 1. 839 11.4.4L7 4{}8.680 4e,5.474 399.744 3e9.384 13e.71 1 7.386 rl. rltlcr 0.0(:,0 rl. orlcr 0. (100 1. 93E 10E,619 zr 1Ct. Etlt9 856,410 583. 1e4 335,54(l 144,388 6.913 0. (l(:r0 (J. (l(-tO 0.0(10 0.00() e. (]37 1(:)6, 700 399" lge 631 . 76Ct 5?8.816 33E.453 137.988 5. 1e4 0.00Q 0,0()O r-r. Crrlrl rJ. r){)0 ;:'. 1 (:)4 1t-t9.975 39q-. e75, F,58.68J Een ea{uJuI?r uJsitI 386.9(lJ. 136.813 74 Q() r:xl 0Cl (:x) 4e 1 16, 45E 394.433 3iJ8.:E46 at),79 7. E(t 1(13. E7 sEe. {)B 67.E. A7 l rJi=:er. !7 13E1.85 1198. 61 EOE. 7Ct7. 447. €,f.'1 69, 6. 99. 31 9. ;f tl 649. E3 1(t37.56 1315. e5 1153, h.7 9(19. bE 743. (E 443. Ee L=:19. E(l 4-8.4t'-t 3. A1 10E,69 3E(1. B(l 659. 1.7 1()lE. p4 1E78. e4 119Q.fig E1 3. 58 734. 491 . EEB, 6E, 1()5, ?':"1 lrg EO pe p0 trs 9rl ?7:tc 9E 51 bega o 6A4. t;,7 1007.45 IL3:E6, -c7 1185. E:4 907.0(l 731,. t-tg 4et.'14 :E37, {r7 37,7r3 , .-.eI . t:--) 97. t)E e91 . 3t1 7eL.37 1004.59 1E{}7. 10 r:8, tr-t Eg e5 o 3(l o r) 0 {) (:r (r E -,. tJ. t-t 0. (:) 0.() o. (l Ir tl 31 Exhibi$'lo. 39 G3g: No. INT-Qi16-02gL L. Blaftni{r Reb.33 Pase 43 of 8'l I1I. B. 1B IntermounEain Gas Company CAse No. U-1034-134 Rfvised Exhlbit No. I Page 30 of 65 Kdhlmeler s65.l3E 35 0a27.'A€, 36 C-,44E.'58 (:) (l E31.64 0 0 34. V3 0 (J a,73 0 0 l(:xl, [)B Q 0E91.BE (r I 664. bB 37 (r 101C,. Bg 38 (, IEgg. 87 39 Ct I 154. Bg rr0 0 9r]0. i49 4L (:r 6?(:1.45 4e (r 438. lr 1 (:r oeE1.4E Cr C) Exhibit No. 39 Case No. INTG-'16-02 L. Blaftner Reb. Page 46 of 81 o 10 o (J (:t o (J 0 (l (:) 1(l (l 0 0 o () (:, 67 a7 5B E9 6{] 61 6g 63 64 6E 66 68 62 7Cl 7T 7E 118, BE.t.aJr:. 35. :E4. 83. 30. 31. 88. 153. t79, IEE. 94. 66,. 63. 34. tlET 148 ()8E 184 76Ct 494 439 c,83 P41 trCtT 586 3e3 986 916 4EB aa7 805. 188. 7. o. Ct'(t' 0. 1. 98. 390. 618. 5A1, 380. {.:.1{f, 6. t-, . 9E9 s6E.:,: T QCXJ 0(l{) (:)rJ(_) o00 'a9a rl9O 785 359 836 ct77 B7r.t 7LA (:)t'xJ 467, 633 t94.874 36, 1591.3(tl ,r. 6(rr) 0.00(:t 0.597 4e.449 179.334 794. A4A 963.696 415.886 1 17. 931 57.31931. 1(,7 4.'E6tr 10E7.53 671 . 51 375, 1Fi 16,E. 1.1 85, B1 96.68 135. e3 444.94 7O9. C,E 1413. 15 1604. e9 8.:J7.36 658.06 54E. s3 43(). B I t44.7 I ( (: t- (. (: (. (: t. t :' t (. (- (: (: (. o o,, o o III. B. 18 ROt^l ) pRINT C10-C16JAN FEB MAR I4Lermountain Gas Company C{se No. U-1034-i34 R4vised Exhibit No. I PJge 31 of 65 Kdhlmeier APR MF:IY GRSLE 551(:tg 55109 59109 gg t t)B 55109 5il084 54353 54353 54353 54353 54353 53864 53884 53964 53864 5e864 53864 6C)5C,9 G(r509 4-E739 88739 64739 63039 652198 F,5499 aa49a 6A4gB 83418 6'14Sg 55€85 5ggt)O 6863? 68639 686,39 68639 473?.e 65338 55338 6E33E 65338 6E33E 63484 €,3484 63484 63484 6:J444 a3484 67i:i53 67853 87853 665;lB 66,:i3g 66538 66538 6431s E3 -ot4 IL 9 7 -6,) () o COEF. I 5838 (t7B I I 47g0tl 7395:5Ell, 4 186' 9E€4t 4411, rt15Ei ct7eEl* IF,* *l *; * ai al *l *I*i {tr tFi *! * * ** * *** * * * ** * ,$ ** * ,s * tT, * x, -Fi *, * It' * ',r ** Exhibit No. 39 Case No. INT-G-16-02 L. Blattner Reb. Page 47 of 81 III. B. 18 Intermountaj.n Gas Company Calse No. U-1034-134 REbtsed Exhlblt No. I Page 32 of 65 Kohlmeier Exhibit No. 39 Case No. INTIG-IG02 L. Blattner Reb. Page 48 of 81 o io e7 5B EB 6(t 61 6E 64 65 66 E7 68 69 7fi 7L 7E c) Ct (, ct 0 o Ct o tl (t o I () (, o o *i I* *' *, *i *, *.I*r *' *l 11. i *i *i t+ *' * I (t I t-_l o (:r c, t:l (t 0 c, C) o 0 1 (l r_, 1 C, (J C, 0 CI Ct (t Cr Ct 0 C, t 0 Cr o r) CI (:, rJ o 0 o C, o rl 1 {t o C) o Ct 63 64318 64815 64315 6/+O01 64c'Clt 640r:t 1 63r.)68 6306E 63Cr6E c-Qe75 59869 58869 5BA6? 58869 58869 521519 o I GS HDD45 HDD65 NDD45 Intermountain Gas Company CAse No. U-1034-134 Rfvised Exhibit No. I Page 33 of. 65 Kdhlmeler t-t tl 0 0 7 I 9 1{' 11 1E {f 0 Cttl 0 o 111Ig 14 15 16 L7 18 () 0 0 {-t (j 0 19g0 E1 r=r= E3 E4 (J cl 0 rl (:r 0 E5 E6 tr-f e8 e9 3C, (J o (:) (:r (_t o III. B. IC orE,, 1 E 3 4 5 6 7 g I 10 11 1E 13 t4 15 tFr L7 18 t9 E(l E1 EE E5 e6 e7 EB E9 3f-) ?tgI 3E 33 s4 35 36 37 3g 39 40 4t 4t= 43 44 43 4A 47 4B 49 EC) 51 5e 53 34 rJ aJ PRINT C1-C9 THERNS t7t-t. 47 178. BEE 197.135 314.699 549.3e3 77L1. ECI5 798.579 736.531 549. B7r) 4:E7.619 :E74.739 tgir.44A 16E, 173 164.68(r 178. C,EB 3Ae. O77 488. (1E7 7(rO.98B 97 r,7A4 A71, B(_10 686.39() 3t7.6A7 996,951 Et6. Ee6 189,{]4e 155.311 .jrL4.767 380. E4E 57(]. (lEE 78e.73? 814,510 613. C)?6 446.67A r+3?.533 3C) 1. 659 181.646 156, E11158.060 183.789 E6E.1e8 376.7At 704. EctE/gE(J,73E 778. A'74 57 4, t:t77 48C}.904 3(rP,481 1?1.4E1 146,388 148.938 167.686 3CtB.70e 58E.565 74e. Ct'e6, 969.436 NDD E;'? I I IE5 : I 78 51 8rl t3 i,e 5e oi;i .4(t E1 p1 16 88 O, QE6 c,. 00t1 rl. (t63 18.164 16e. g6E 43-*.9t+(-r 448. {-t37 4A3.184 193. O83 1C)C,.397 19. 156 3.563 r1. EEB (:r. (:t(J0 r). lEB a9.731 1 Lt8. 184 30c,. (Jc'E 68(1.885 586.485 EA7 .37e t73.867 45. E34 a.4:E4 o, o(Jc} (:,. eo(l 1.141 84. B8(:) 181 . 176 41e.618 .546. e'e7 316. EO8 I 15, 96(l 131.565?: { 't,:1gg. IJJ 8.605 o. 0(x:) 0. eoQ 1. 53(] 4.637 7().599 4214. 135 837.384 6,37. Bel 353.460 LQe.377 41, Eeg.g.4E(l tl. O31 (-,. oQ(:' 1. 5JE J9. GC'E EC,6.639 538.581 747. Bt:)B 5E. r)E 91. E8 1 17, *egpQ. tlt6 700.6e 1CI41.14 1Ct98. (-rt) 10e1. 80 76t). BCr 63r).81 404. 05 916. El 67 .39 6.18 81. 63 44L.77 645.91 9t7 "'e913E8. E5 1 1=;6. 95 8Ez+. EG 755.6e 458. BB ES-t. t+7 45.86 E --rJa JV 86. r+E 38S.70 7Lfi. Ct7 10E7.48 1 181. EE 9(:rg. 14 6E7.36 7Ct9.3e 483.09 t7a. 93. 11, 6tt. 3Ct3.q:: 1(r4C). 1505. 1E(:,9. ,a,aE €"7Ct. 47:E. 48. 19 1.77 B1.E(:, 351. 03 aE4.9A 114e. a? 135?.14 0. o()0 C). 00C, cr, 0(:,(:, e.451 106. 131 381. 589 61E,613 588.173 E65. BE6 1I1.648 4,0J8 c,. or-,c, o.000 (:). Qoc) Cr,000 e.337tit4.4t4 394.601 613.519 516.514ggQ,473 106. 8(ti:3.686 0. (J(:,0 o, (l(to c,.00(:, o. o(10 e.498 1117.374 38e. E35 59rr.5E1 540.90L ege.47g tct4.874 3.37? o. eo() tl, 0O(l (,. (:,O0 o. 0(10 8.611 I {.:. Frae.f IL. LUJ 379.58863r.718 51t1. 64t-t E91.31E 1(19. 6E9 3.718 0. (:)Cr(l (:).0{)(:, (J. 0(J(:) 0. (l{Jo 1. 585 1ECr. 743 ega.73Cl :9?-.:91 57. r)3 7. FE10E.44 3g(t. ir6 64e,58 1.0E6. 71 186E. e5 1r-186. IrE aa7 .7 L 695. 96 4L t. D4 il(_)(_), l_)/+ =s. b+ 6.97 1C)5. B1 3'.9.38 a5B.')7 9s9.9.2 1E30,44 1 133. I+4g7E. 1 1 6?e. F1397. 47 IeLE.47 I54. p6 5.83 107. It1 Jee. F466e. Fe987.63 1Eeg. il4 108(:,.79 SEE. (+7 F,91J.59 r+(t?. 17ile1. 69 51 . ltl 8.44 100,15 '&.24. L€, 7?.7. tB 994.37 11?1,3e J 1 Exhibi{J'lo. 39Ctf No. INT-'$i16-02{r- L. Blattner Reb.33 Page&of81 7. 1 (l(1. 312r. a5g. I CIC)(:). 1E66, 1136, 86E. 873. 418, E(tg. ioE; 86 (15 t:? 7t) 4t rl8 t)3 5e 99 43 3g a4o TREND CICT NtrV DEC III. B. lC IntermounEain Gas Company Case No. U-1034-134 Revlsed ExhlblE No. t Page 34 of 65 Kohlmeiero37 58 59 6Q 61 6E 63 a4 65 66 67 68 69 70 7L 7e 6EE. 396. EEE. 159. 1 34. 184. 179. 3Cr7. 473. 83?. 900, 591 . 388, Egg. e.57. 1Eg. E7ega7 804 595 94|] 997 1 C,B 477 6EE 975 CI97 337 6E9 412 58E c,54 439. B5s 16e.33S 38, 197 L.431 10011. E0 636.63 J81,93 153.7e EE, E6 e6.77 147, e3 445.38 738.69 141IJ.34 L477.73 974.39 447.34 Eeg.5B 476. eL 138.34 E80,901 1Cr6. 78{, 841 . 3(1 67il.04 4e5. E3 E1B. 15 49.7d 6. 83 1{}4.99 998. '.1666.38 1C,t)E. E7 1843. e1 L 1 16. 1C, 8S8.94 67$.'-)g /+E5. 1.6 E1E. EI6 ?E C) 0 (lt o rl 0 (J I (:t 0 o Ct (J Ct (:) 0 (J 0 (J c) 0 o (:, (t t o 0 (_t (-) () 0 (:, t. (, i ( ( ( ( ( ( E6 o, O. 1. 4Ct. Cr00 (:,0c, 084 881 403 6e7 868 e4F 801 4gE 137 744 4. Ct. r), c). c,, 1. 47c 00Cr Clf_)Cr (:rc,c! (:,cxJ 981 94Q 138 619 t17 644 cr44 E9? 0Cx) 0 0 0 (J Ct C, ?7t99. 7ga. 937. 397. 118. 49. e7. 3. 108. 384. 603. 53E. egg. 106. 4. cr. 3g J9 4{t 41 4E 0 0 (. t (: t_ (: (: io o Exhibit No. 39 Case No. INT:G-I6-02 L. Blattner Reb. Page 50 of 8'l III. B. lC QE-' o I E .1 4 E 6 7 BI 10 11 1E 13 14 l3 LA L7l6 19 ect E1 EE E3 e4 E5 ea E7 EB Eg 3Ct 31 3E 33 54 33 36 37 3B 39 4r)4t 4e /rJ 44 45 4A 47 4B 49 50 51 5e E: e4 55e-z o PRINT ElO-C16JAN FEB MAR InEermounEaln Gas Company Case No, U-1034-I34 Revised Exhlblt No. I Page 35 of 65 Kohlmeler RPR MAY 6RSLE 4g8Bg 216896 48998 4BB9g 48Bgg 48873 47103 47 LQE 471r13 47 LA3 47 LA3 4635Ct 46360 4636r-t 463Ft:t 46360 4636(l 530(:r6, 53(:r06 546e3 546E3 E4C,E3 56189 58801 ESBOI 598(11 5g8rlI 598(,1 59901 378lD4 6181g aaE37 6CrA57 6Ct6:J7 6Q457 3854€, 57350 5735t) 57350 5735Q 57330 E55t]e E E E,-r.1JUL,r-rt= 5550e 5550s SEECte 55ECIT .5gF:7 t 39:E7t 5987 1 58556 50956 58556 585s6 563J3 1 48. -4.p79. E5g. EEE. 183. 69, EEE. E8e. (). 0. EtrEF 731 534 475 c! 16 9Eg s95 936 e7a 4le 3()4 :E57* * * * * * * * + * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * *** * * * * ** * * * * * ** * * * Exhibit No. 39 Case No. ttttlc-to-oz L. Blattner Reb. Page 51 of81 III. B. lC IntermounEaln Gas Company Case No. U-l034-134 Revlsed Exhiblt No. I Page 36 of 65 Kohl"meler o=,(t C, 0 C, Ct Ct 0 o CI o I o o C) Ct r-, rl 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 o 0 CI I 0 (, ct C, 1 0 C, 0 Ct CI 0 c, o 0 o a 1 o 0 0 c, 1 tJ 0 Ct 0 0 rf tl o CI C, t] I o Ct 96333 56333 56333 56Cr 19 56(:1 19 56Cr 19 SEOBCt E5C,€(, ESOBO 5eE?3 5CrB87 5C,887 Et)BB7 5Ct667 s08s7 47 t74 ** *** * ***** * * * * * 58 39 60 61 6A 63 64 6E 66 67 6B 69 70 7L 7e io o Exhibit No. 39 Case No. lNl-G-16-02 L. Blattner Reb. Page 52 of 81 o Intermountaln Gas Conpany Case No. U-1034-134 Revlsed Exhlblt No. 1 Page 37 of 65 Kohlmeler WEATIIER NORMALIZATION AND DECLINING USE ITTETHODOLOGY III. B. Llst Out of Non-Signlflcant Data. For prlntouts of non-slgnlflcant data please refer to orlginaLflllng of U-1034-134. Exhilit No. 39 Case No. INT-G-16-02 L. Blattner Reb. Page 53 of 81 I ro a o o1rr. c. 1A III'TB ) # TFIIS iS THE FiNAL i4TJOEL FtrR RIJOIRLL. FITB ) REGRESS trEe trN 10 El, C3-C6, CiE-814, Cg3! Ee4, THE REGRESSItIN EGUATION IS THERMT :' 5.61 - 0. 13{r TREND -r 19.3 JAi! -r 19. - 3, RB OCT '+ 5. E5 NBV + 15, O DEtr Intermount,ain Gas Company Case No. U-1034-I34 Revlsed Exhibit No. I Page 38 of 65 KohlmeLer EB + t/i.5 Ylf,R -F 1(J.6 APii , tiECtT l-tDD4ET {- 0.0679 IIDDGST PF+ {:r TREND JAN FEH MAR APR 0trT NAV DEC I{DD45T HI]D657 5 = E,E13 I a=nuARED = Be. B F,EtlcEN-rI uF-snuFiRED = gB.T I-,ERtrENTr I ANfiLYSIS Crr" VffI?IRNICE COLUIYIN DU[: TI] REGRESS I ON RESiDUC|L- TUl'fir_ TRHND JFIN FEB 'YlffRAPR OCT NT]V Dtc HDD45'T HDD6SJT ht 2 trOEFF i E IEI\iT fi.60e,{i -(r. lEggE 19,333 19,837 14.54:E i(), Egg -.3.981 e '-rgEJ, t]9.l!.l 1t+.185 r-r, OfO66B rl, rl67cr3? 5JT. DEV. OF COEF. {). 567i: rl. rl39?5 e.4e0 e.053 7,77i2 1. 783f. il94 1. 6Egl. ?gE (:r. 0()4/+73 0. i)(lA7eB ADJUSTED FOR D. F. ,d5=5$/DF I i963 5 T-ilRT I [J =E0EF./S. D, 9. 8',_a.-.E . llg .37 .:. , . 'jit . Elt e-.r rJrl ,89 Irti ThE OTtDLR E:i.VEi{ F,(ES i DLirtrL -'4. t1321 -i:,. i-'u(-l -4. Og5 4.188 -J.985 4.378 7 il .J ? 7 4 E/+ f)F' L() 61 7L J5 I l gti3E '9.99 11gE3rl 671g3 L€,89!+ f,r:r:r: et....,c,tr .?31 36 B6 178{N) SSSO J(-.rJ.+ FURTHER ANA|-YSIS C]F VFIRiANC:H55 EXpL.fliNED BY Efitrl{ VARiRBLE Nl-lEi! EilTEiiED DUE TL-I Di: 55 REGRTiSSiON 1+ 115r63#i I I t 1 t 1 I J. I 1 o,TREND 11,t) (1" (J J. J. t) LB. (l 87, t) 0, (l Y TF{ERIYII- 68. 48:3 E7, A7:t 49.771. 7 L.7gt-l IJ5.950 4E. BOE PRED. Y VfiLUE 7i1.519 38.853 5.f .856 67.6q-'t I :r.f :r ? Ei.tUJ. LUU 3S,4-:0 $T. DEV. PRED. Y 1. (:,58 {), 9I9 rl. 9F,1L 0i4 t:r. ai5(). gEFJ it l7 4:i; 47 5T. RES. --e.07R -8. riSR-i' !'?5,n,oit No. 3e cidseNd.{rur:c-'t6-02 - E . (, [. iBtattner Reb. E. 1 SFSe 54 of 81 DURBiN-I^IATSON STATiBTIC = 1. E7 Intermountaln Gas Company Case No. U-1034-134 Revised Exhlblt No. I Page 39 of 65 Kohlneier Exhibit No. 39 Case No. INT€-1G02 L. Blattner Reb. Page 55 of 81 o ia a IntermounEain Gas Company Case No. U-1034-134 RevLsed Exhiblt No. I Page 40 of 65 Kohlmeiererr. c. 18 rtlTB ) lviTB ) T}.IE REB}IESSIEhI E&URTIT,N iE; Ti-{ERlrlT * 5.50 -F IA.7 JAirl + 17. g FL.FI + 11.7 Mtli{ -F E.60 NOV + 13.6 DEC + {l.C}153 HDD45 # TiiiS I5 Ti{E: FiNAL {'lClDL.L FErl n=litllf,LL H/A "TilEi\lD. " REEF1ESS trgE tlN g C:l-tr6. tr18'-814, L:e3, EE4, +.7"7 T+rl ;' Air/R - 4. tlg oLT . ()6Ag HDD€,57 tr0LUlrlN JTIN FEE MRR APR 081" NOV DEC HDD45T t-{DD65T 5 = E.379 ROt^, {:trEFFItrIENT 5.4BEt) 18.7E3 L7.79Cl t 1, 783 7. 174 -4. {-t46 E, 6Ct5 13.559 0. (,153r-r€, 0. rl6BB16 57. DEV. OF trOEF, 0.6088 E,5:?E E. 154 1, 660 L,54t+ 1.175 1. 549 e. c,87 Cr. t:t{o44€,7 0, c)(lEB 1 I 'r..,{J1T I 0 =trtrEF,/S. D, {rJ LL e6 t)G fi4 44 6g 50 43 6lr '). 7, 6 7. 4. 1, 6. 3. .:-,.1 jcE$ilrxEfl =!,.9 .7..7 PE:RtrENT1.7 pERtrENT! ADJLTSTED FOR D,F. ANfiLYSIgJ fiiJT VfiRIiIIVf,E DUE TO DF REERE$S I LJN B RESI DUFIL E,E TOTRL 7T ss 1 rB5B0 351 1r9?3C! ,rlS=55,/DF 1 3E87 fr FURTHER ANflLYSIS T]FJ Vf,RIANtrE SS EXPLAINED EY ERCFI VERiflBLE NHEN E;\ITERED DLIE TE DF SS REERESSiON ,3 1lg5a(]JAN I 35893FHB 1 E/+89tJMAR L 7963RPR J. 346]8OCT 1 318NEV J. 3451DE-:C 1 34n47.rPD4IiT I 5u+68 HDD65T 1 J I.6I IN THE trilDER GiVEi{ IiES ]:DLJRL 4. 7 tr+ -5.0.:;E4.7 te 5. zt'Ju -il. -777 ST. riEB. E. Lgd - -1 1'-r iL. UUI\ .?. l,7R E.54R -1 C ErO'-' "" Exhibit No. 39 Case No. INT:G-16-02 L. Blattner Reb. Page 56 of 8'l JrqNl O. t:ttl {). (j(-r (:). (J0 t). (:)(l r.-r. t-r(_, Y THERFiT 101.409'e7.873 s1.359 7 L . 79t:t /+E. /+tl]: P'?t-D. Y VALUEgtr.6.95 3E.'709 7{-. €,47 66. Jtttl 48.,r:ig 5T. DUV. iritED. Y t:t. g'7 6 rlr. ?c6 r:).57J (). 3'-r 1 1. rl05 o E ls, LI LL 7Ct R DENETES I:.IN OES. WITH A I-ARI3E ST. F(Es. Intermountain Gas Company Case No. U-1034-134 Revlsed Exhlbit No. I Page 41 of 65 Kohhneier Q; III. C. lC ) +} THIS IS THE FINAI- MCIDEL FOR RS{)EAL.L. ) REERESS CEE Ot! B 81, tr3-C6, ElE, E14, tr93, EE4. THE REERESSION E&UATIEN IS THERMT = EJ.6 - (:}.O781 .TREND + 14,5 JflN + I.8.7 FEB - 6.93 otrT + ts,44 DEE + 0.015E HDD4ST + +c) 0.(.) .58 lYlflR + 7.48 6PR 7S9 HDD65T COLUMN TREND JAN FEB MAR APR otrT DEE HDD4ET HDDEST S = 8.478 R-5G!UARE R-SGUARE trCIEFFIEIENT 83.5638 -0,0781Ct" 1 4.478 1e.736g. 381 7.419.6. BEB9.44t (r. (,15171 .:t. cr7gE47 ST. DEV. OF CEEF, Q.6196 o,03887 9.31e 1. 997 1 , {tJt) 1, 3BE 1.141 1.749 o.004376(). (:xlEEg3 T-RATIO =COEF/8. D. 38.(]6 -E, (l 1 A. EE, E"7t 8," [!A 5,3E -8,^ t-t7 5, 4() 3.47 J4. gE D=D=99.7 PERCENTq9.7 pEREEN']', ADJUSTED f:OR D. F. to o ALYSIS CIF VRRIANCE DI.JE TO DF REGRESSION 9RESIDURL 6ETETAL 7L ROt^, 47 ET 7C) 5!3 I 4e0e3 301 t4E4$4 MS=SS/DF 1578e €t FURTHER ANALYSIS OF VARIANtrE S5 EXPLRINED BY EACH VRRIAELE WHEN ENTERED DUE TO DF gE REERESSION I 14i:i(tE3TREND 1 81FJ34JAN I. 19148,FEE t 111354MRR 1 75(-rApH 1 195ocT 1 1gDEC I 187{tE HDD45T L Tctga HDD65]' r 7464 IN THE ORDER EIVEN DEN1'R(J.0 31. 0 4P-. $ Y THERMT 69.689 96.368 66. EL€:' PRED. Y VRLUE 93.657 9r1.,91E 7 7. ',r4L 5T. DEV. PRED. Y 0.7(-,5 1,091 1. e77 RE5 i DURL 5. ()Ji-:: qJ r rJrJr-, -5. (les s-r. REs. fi. 1ER E,4?R -8.37R DENOTES AN OBS, WII'H A LAR6E 5T. RES. Exhibit No. 39 Case No. INT:G-16-02 L. Blattner Reb. Page 57 of 8'l DUREIN-hIATSON STATISTIC = 1. 51 C- III. C. lD ) * THIS TS THE FINAL MODEL FBR RsC)EALL h'lo ''TREND. ''MTE ) REERESS EEE trN B C3-EG;trlE!Cl4rCE3rtrEzr. THE REGRESSION EGUflTIEN IS THERMT = c3,7 t 15.6 JAN + 13. E FEB+ 'a,87 DEC r- (:l.C)135 HDD45 Intermountain Gas Company Case No. U-1034-134 Revised Exhlbit No. 1 Page 42 of 65 Kohlrnel-er 6.;6 Apti 8,.49 081" DD651' .F B. g6 MAR + T + O.O7BG H COLUMN JAN FEB MAR APR ocr DEC l'lDDzrET HDD65T trtrEFF'I C I ENT e3. a967 15. EBE 13. E1A 9,961 6.36C, -6.4499.A7t c,. 013454 0. Cr7A57g ST. DEV. OF COEF. c,. 6318 E. EgB 1. 9i?7 1. 4{:}5 1. 31t t.147 1.777 0. ()04394 0.cl(!EE4E T-RffTIO =CtrEF/S. D. 37.51 E.7E 6. El6 6.38 4,.65 , 6F,-5 S = 8.537 R-SBIJf,RED = 99.7 PERCENT R-SGUARED = 99.7 PERCENTT ADJUSTED FOR D. F. eEe.Jr rJrJ 3.06 35. t)g IN THE ORDER 6IVEN RESI DUALt+.668 ,- ? L- .-l.* r ttrrgjr-- 5. (l0E 3.676 -5.5e0 5T. RES. . r)ER . ()1R . 17R . 31R . 83R Exhibit No. 39 Case No. INT.G-16-02 L. Blattner Reb. Page 58 of 81 id:,YSIS trF VARIAI{CE TO REERESS I ON RESIDUAI. TT]TAL ROI^l 6 L9 C.r: 47 Y THERMT 1E6. CrlE t39. f:,24 99.61S 68, E8B 6A. gLA PRED. Y VOLUE 181. 344 155,04E Er+. €,13 63.013 73.4e6 ST" DEV. FRED. Y t.0t+7 t. c'39 1. 058 rJ. 643 1. (16g DF o 63 7t sEi t4L99-) 4Ct€' t4e4Q4 M5=5S,/DF 17731) a FURTHER ANRLYSIS OF VARIANCE SS EXFL6IIhIED BY EACH VARIABLE I^'I.IEN ENTERED DUE TO DF SS REGRESSIoN I t4t"gggJAN L 4T9EBFEE 1 Egg44l{AR I 111017ApR I 5(:'37CIcT L 47C'DEtr 1 349A7HDD4ET 1 1:E732HDD65T L 79Ct7 l '=,L L ':lL. .3t- -g JAFI 0.00 1 . tl() c). (lo O. C)C, (). (_lcl ?;:^,",=S AN OES. WITH A LARGE ST. RES. DURBIN-I^JATSEN STATISTIC = 1. 43 O- MTB III. C. lE Int,ermounEain Gas Company casd No. u-1034-134 Rev{sed Exhlblt No. I Page 43 of 65 Kohlmeler } S THIS IS THE FINRL I'ItrDEL FOR ESALL. ) REGRESB trEE EN 1O C1,C3-CE'CrE-C14,CE3rtrE4. THE REERESSIEN EGIUATICIN IS THERMT = !49 - 4.93 TREND + :E79 JRN + EEg FEB r. EE6 F1AR + 194 tlFR + 68.8 OtrT+ EEE NCIV + EgE DEtr .r tl.3(14 HDD4ET + tl. E57 l-lDD65T COLUMN TREND JAN FEB MRR APR OET N0v DEtr HDD4ET HDD65T $ = E6.EE DUE TO DF REERESSIEN 1ORESIDURL 61TtrTAL 7L R0t^, 19 EO E8 30 trOEFF I CI ENT L4B,7et -4,8343e72,47 859, CtE EE5. 93 193.6r) 6s,84 Ege. E7 888.41 0.3(:r449 0.857s5 ST. DEV. uF coEF. 6.916(). 4t106 ?,9. LB 84.9(t E1. E6 E1. E9 13, Eg 19. 89 Elr. EJ (:r. C)5373(r. 113868 ADJUSTED FOR D. F. MS=SS/DF 2155335 7C'3 T-RRTIO = CT]EF,/S. D. 81. 5CI -9. ltE 9.58 10.40 1C,. 63 s.6E 5.18 11.17 11.66 3.67 7. 87 R-SOUARED = 99.1 PERCENT -_IR-S0UARED = BB,9 PEREENT, Q,o."rrs trF vARTRNtrE ss 4553355 43r-,10 4586365 FURTHER ANALYSIS OF VARIANCE SS EXPLRINED BY EAtrH VAI?IABLE WHENI ENTERED DUE TCI DF SS REGRESSIONI 1O 4553355TREND 1 8149981JAN L 666805FEE 1 3451168MRR 1 T EC)31ApR t 436ASotr-r 1 E4L3(rNov I 75E5DEtr I 1C)65€ 16F{DDI+5]' 1 1g?546HDIIEST I 437tlo IN THE ORDER 61VEN o TREND 1E. 0 16. tlr tl. (t E(:1. e Y THERMT 97 L ,78 871,?0 38Ct. E/+ 783.74 P RED. '( VALTJE 9(-,9. (lE {31 1 . 4tl '1.3'1 qflgLJr gJ 7eQ.4Q ST. DEV. PRED. Y L1.57 1E. 17 1r-r. 67 11. 14 RESI DUAL CtE.74 5tt s]'. RES. E. €,JR ;1.56R 8.34R E.ElR . ErJ .34 F,(J 'JtrIE5.Jr3 R DENOTES AN OBS. WITH A LARGE ST. RES.Exhibit No. 39 Case No. INT-G-16-02 L. Blattner Reb. Page 59 of 81DURBIN-I^IATSON STATISTIC = .9A III. C. lF InEermountain Gas Company Cas0 No. U-1034-f34 Revfsed ExhiblE No. I YagL 44 of 65 Kohlmeiero,,MTB } # THIS I5 THE FINAL MtrDEI. FOR GSRLL I4/O ''TREND| '' REBREBS CEE ON E tr3-tr6, ClE-C14, CE3, Ce4, THE RE6RESSI6N EEUATII]N IS THERMT = 1/+E + E6E J6N + E14 FEE + 13E MRR + AA.1 APR + 66.7 I]CT + 1J3 NOV+ 838 DEtr + C,. 116 HDD4sT + t]. E9CI HDD65T COLUI{N trOEFFICIENT 144. A9 E6E. T4 813.5E LsL,73,68.le 6,8.74 139.80 E37.63 c,. 1 1619 C,. EgC,10 5T. DEV. OF CtrEF. lCt.74 45.31 37. g? E9. 19 e6. 87 Erl.66 97. E0 56.96 0. t:t776(l 0.05c,84 T-RATIO = COEF/S. D. 13.49 3.79 5. 6E 4.51'e.46 3. E3 4. Bg 6.43 1. 50 3,74 JAN FEB I'IAR APR otrT NT]V DEE HDD45T HDD65T DUE TO DF REGRESSIIlN ERESIDUAL F,ETOTRL 7T ROhJtg ECI EL 67 6A a9 5S 44.9rlggQ 1o5773r+596365 MS=SS/DF 498334 LTCta B = 4'1. 3C) R-SGURRED = 87.7 PERCENT R-SOUARED = 97,4 FERtrENT' ADJUSTED FCIR D,F. irl'ot'sls oF vARTANSE FURTHER ANALYSIs BF VARIRNCE SS EXPLRINED BY EACH VRRIABLE h'HEN ENTERED DUE TO DF SS REERHSSToN A 449fi39i,JAN 1 13334E9FEE 1 86E1EOMAR 1 E3B3O4ApR 1 51373ocT I 818NOV 1 EEE,641DEC 1 159853EHDD45T 1 1e3768HDD651' 1 56E13 IN THE ERDER EIVEN o JAN . (t(r . (:)() , 0(J .Clo L (--t {] 1 (:, (] Y THERNT ?7 t.76 87 L.9t-t 686. E5 9Cxl. ()9 5?1. 34 38A.66 PRED. Y VALUE B7L.4t 7€,E. Er(l 545l.7r+ E7e.7E 8,97.88 477 .37 5T. DEV. PEED. Y 16.9r-r 17. 11 J.6.88 e1. 04 19.37 rB. E4 RES I DUAL 1(,0. 35 7Lt9.71-' 60" 6E -73. F-3 -96.55-89.91 5T. RES. s.66R t: ':'L -E L .3ER . r.4R . r)7R . 61R . 4(lR Exhibit No. 39 Case No. INT-G-16-02 L. Blattner Reb. Page 60 of 81 o{l cto R DENOTES AN OB5. I^IITH A LARGE 5T. RES. DURBIN-WRTS0N STATISTIC = .38 IntermountaLn Gas Company case No. u-{os+-rla Exhlblt No. '1 Page 45 of Kohlmeier 5d ! I Io io WEATIIER NORMALIZATION AND DECLINING USE METHODOLOGY III. C. Models and Predlcted ResuLts. 1. Models A. RS-l Model. 2, B. RS-l ModeL Wlthout Usage "TREND" Variable. C. RS-2 Model D. RS-2 Model Wlthout Usage "TRENDtt \|ariable. E. GS-I ModeL. I F. GS-I Model- I{lthout Usage t'TREND" Varlabl-e. Predicted Results. A. RS-l o ''THERMSi' - Actual Therms. o "REsIDt' - Residuals from Multiple Regression. o rrpREDllt -Equatlon. ActuaL lleather ln }Iu1tlple Regression o rrFITIrr - Norma1 l,Ieather in }lultiple Regression Equatton. o rrBJrr - Box Jenkins predlction of adj ustment . residual variat.ion I I II I Ie I s o o trPRED2rr - Actual weather ln regr adJusted by Box Jenki-ns. ssion equation o trFlTzrr - Normal weather ln regre by Box Jenkins. slon equatlon adJusted o rrADJ2rr - Normal weaEher adjustmenE (PRED2 - FIT2). o rrNoRMr' - NormaLized acrual thermi; (THERI'IS + ADJ2) . Exhibit No. 39 Case No. INT-G-I6-02 L. Blattner Reb. Page 61 of 8'l Intermountain Gas Company Case No. u-Ii034-134 Exhibtr No. '1 Page 46 ot dSo io Kohlmeler WEATHER NORMALIZATION AND DECLINING USE Models and Predlcted ResuLts. (conElnued) B. RS-2 o |'THERMSTT - ActuaL Therns. METHODOLOGY III. C O o ilREsIDrt - ResiduaLs from MuLttple Regression. o rrPREDl[ - Actual Weather ln Mult.lple Regression Equatlon. Io I'FITltr - NornaL l,Ieather ln }Iult{p1e Regresslon Equation. o ItBJrr - Box Jenklns predicElon ofr residual vari.ation adJustment. o ItPRED2" - Actual weather ln regr'ession equation adjusted by Box Jenklns, ! o rrFIT2rr - Norma1 weather in regrebsion equatlon adjusted by Box Jenklns. o rrADJ2rr - Normal weather adJustnent (PRED2 - FIT2). o rrNoRMrr - Normarlzed actual therms (THERMS + ADJ2) . Exhibit No. 39 Case No. INT-G-16-02 L. Blattner Reb. Page 62 of 8'l Intermounta Case No. U- Exhiblt No. Page 47 of Kohlmeier Model-s and Predlcted ResuLts. (contlnued) c. Gs-r o i'TIIERMS'T - Actual Therms. I {nlt0,t ols I Gas Company 34-134 o 10 I.IEATTIER NORMALIZATION AND DECIINING USE METHODOLOGY III. C o TTRESID|' - Residuals from ltultiplp Regresslon. " rrPREDlrr - Actual I,Ieather ln I'lultiple RegressionEquation. I o ItFITlrt - Normal l.leather ln Multlile Regresslon Equat,ion. o rrBJrr - Box Jenklns predictlon oflresiduaL varlatlonadjustmert. i !o rrPREDztr - Actual weather in regrLssion equatlon adjusted by Box Jenklns. o rrFIT2'l - Normal weather in regre by Box Jenkl-ns. sion equatlon adjusted o rrADJ2rr - Normal- weather adjustment (PRED2 - FIT2). o rrNoRMrr - Normallzed actual- thermp (THERMS + ADJ2). Exhibit No. 39 Case No. INT-G-16-02 L. Blattner Reb. Page 63 of 8'l o o RS- 1 III. C. 2A InEermounEain Gas Company Chse No. U-1034-134 Rdvised Exhibit No. I Plee 48 of 65 Kdhlmeier iQg-)PRINT EE1-EE5RESID PRED1 .a -o. -1..:. -t-1. -4. -0.(1. -o. 1. E. 0. -4. -t 39538 36()48 97334 aeeTs 85735 gETEA 16948 4331 1 (-r3395 tACIBZ 96388 a.697t EBSP6 649 15 EOSls EEC'119 06550 541e3 81615 45433 48i366 188e7 77QgA 99635 34734 54ee3 Ir(rB I tl 88014 3'A437 6A4AE 34679 850s7 476eL 88S34 E8A7A 5e384 144C)E 39.?43 {]OEEE 36974 1E519 /r 1871 88473 88684 51159 56836 37181 44313 L9E.4,E 51551 91181 1 99()3 46E5 I 47L33 3LLE7 cl :??ti'7 B. 6. I tlr 19. E9. 98. 1r17. 1C10. 78, 37. ?.3 19. 1Q. g, ?'3 E? 84. 1 86. 111, 77. 67. 37. '=, ILI. a uJr 1 Ct, r-rC E' 9e, 1 18. 47, 61. EA, :J7. 17. 11, 6. B. .=. { 4e. 93. I 3?. 115. tl? 58.:o 8. 1 Ct. e4.ret3iJ. 1 0E. 1E6. t'?E c)95 713 615 815 0?1 4gE 166 r9asI9 9e.2 301 490 E(,5 9=r7 417 893 856 t:t37 430 377 510E 668 EEt+ 487 577 891 583 J6B 43C) 9gE 695 674 601 7t:x:, 8s6 195 r)9? 346 55(l IE4 6C,B ?8F, e3E 13e 933 883 43(t o5c, 8EE 7t-t4 598 743 318 089 81CI 7cl4 lf E 11..:]{LI. 84. 91.. 1 19. 1C,8. [J0. €,Ct. 33. 18. EI 11. E.Lr E'1rJtl r 9e. I 18, t ()4. B(1. 61. T'3 J.6. t-: EiJr 11, EI, rJtl r 90. 115. 109,. 79. 6(:). T{ L9. ,:f, 11. 81. 5E. a|J. 119. 101. 78, 6tl. 31, t-,.g. a, 11.go. EE 88. 1 09. { ,'r? FI T1 136 965 4eE 083 E53 837 485 ae4 EE8 L7A t l-J 6J0 454 9-7lo 443 r17 E83 647 896 199 c,4a 778 913 64tr ::.f 9El 659 r+93 457 111 TE T-. 711 591 ae9 7:E3 381 EO4 878 s39 BQzr 444 115 e37 4r+7 8()(l :a44 ?80 BBt-t 2.JE. olE 499 033 753 7e9 BB3 T?E ..tL. -(:). -(J. -Cr, C). -Cr. 0.tl. (:, . -1"..0. -().0. (1. 0. (:) ' O. -(). 0. 0. -0. '].o. o. 0. -t-t. -(J.(]. (1. -(-). -(J. (:) . 0. (:) . -0. -c-t ..-0. (), (J. (). 0. -0, (J. (1. *(1. -0.(t. -(_1. 1 1370 5l C)EC! 5Q315 19916 43E(,7 341 64 6EE4? E3999 E9849 84304 clE 135 EC'B 16 fl5(r56 e7alg 56:73 o4899()9E75 85JB9 318e5 38857 J 184() 7331(t 87933 16851 41)3G4 E899 I 33Clg(l tt799t 4EA?3 ct7453 3F,OgB 50088 17?91, (]94(]3 r)6587 {)6638 10394 E3463 E9958 IJQ6F,? 89459 tlE(r 14 QAQAT 93867 1 ?EgE 3Elrz+3 3364() 91661 5(:)855 t.t47fl7 L L 47Yt 396e7()3358 733L7 13516 i:l 7. 13. 19. 59.gB. 1t:r7..Jg. 78. 41 ?.3 'Lg. 10. Fr. B. E.3 63. 186, 111. 78. 68. 38. .3 I B. 6. 10. 96. EA ?3.11I. E}8. 61. 6E. e7. 17. 10, 6. € .:' I 4.3. ra? .t :3 El t 1tr, 84. :;8. '?o ,1.? B. 1. (1. 94. 65. 10F1. 1e6. I EI:)3 EE4 L:1I 6:1€, EE3 l Et) 7AB 964 EE4 096 I EBO &.99 154.:1lT?EIJq 881 E4:E 763 E03 1 l1E 7EA i:ils Ji35 {-ti)g 6Ff, 171 E€1 9,14 EFE 9,16 (7F7 l:rJt] tv4 488 6p6 96e I861 sbs 1[1 6E(l tvL I1fr3 9AE 184 e92 1F-6 Et-t7 76A 977 ?{, t/ JE 713 347 884 BE4 |-73 EJ PRH'DS 1 e 3 4 E E 7II lCt 11 IE 13 t4 15 16 t7 1B 19g(, E1 ag g5 E6 E7 EB E9 30 31 3E 3/r J5 36 37 E8 39 4(:t 4L 4E 43 44 4A 4A 47 4B 49 5(] 51 Jr= 53 34 rJ rJ E,F. t) 0 0 -o 0 -o tlr toEi 1, 1. 3. 4. c). -1. 1. 1. -0, rlr {). J.. '3 -(1. -cr. (:,. 0. -0. -1. 1. o, 1. -(:r. -Q. 0. 1, J., 4, _.= (1. 0. -1,-o.5 -(J.-1. -t o Exhibit No. 39 case No. INT-G-16-02 L. Blattner Reb. Page 64 of 81 rrr. c. 2l\ InEermounEain Gas Company CAse No. U-1034-f34 Rdvised Exhlblc No. I IPage 49 of 65 Kdhlmeler :89.3h1 37. e?5 30.158 15.44E 8.5897.1ilo 1lr, 6b3 30.4,17 a7. a\7 1E7. EBE 14E. grll 9e.887 5s. EisE 46. CrE4 37. gO4 14.683 I : Exhibit No. 39 Case No. INT-G-I6-02 L. Blattner Reb. Page 65 of 8'l o ia -0, -:3 -::,-o.-1. -o. 1. -1. E. 1. -(t' -0. -0. 18695 854e6 86687 E87t]Ct E9160 .l58g5 97811 E:,6385 99()96 98640 303E4 77E,39 3s714 .E9473 o3gE4 84(]80 99, 37, 30. 16. 7, 7. 14. 31. .57, LE7.t46. 9e. 59, 4A. 37. 14. 7et E96 680 039 cr04 1E3 91(] Ee6 6,6A 16(:, e13 34A 815 t187 855 685 37 5g 59 5Ct 61 6E 63 64 65 66 67 68 6? 7Cr 7L 7A 73.67C! 57.536 33. /+9E t9.774 s.834 3. A4e t 1. BE6 e0. EgE 5(:1, gSE 88.83Ct I 13. (1s6 10e.695 74. t4A 59.350 T5 '3?CgU. LUU 1?. EQfl -0.3788t' -o.0e(:,51 -(1.46836 -0.5?7E1 -r1.475e6-0. ()53(16 -(1, E taTcl -(:!,6(,896-fl.048e6t).4?3E7 -o, 4 Lt97 Q. 491 1E 0. eBc)Ec, -r:r.06e65 -0.75Q57 -(:,. oc,lgg o III. C. 2A Intermountaln Gas Company Cdse No. U-1034-134 R{vtsed Exhiblc No. 1 Page 50 of 65 Kdhlneier Exhibit No. 39 Case No. INTjG-16-02 L. Blattner Reb. Page 66 of 81 Qn)pRINT C*6-Ci=9 RESIDE 1n 3 4 5 6 7I E 1$ 11 18 13 t4 15 tat7 1ft 1? erl e1 l:E E3 a4 EE E6 eg E9 Er-, 31 3E 33 d4 EE 36 38 s9 4Cl 4t 4e 43 4tr 45 4€, 47 4g 49 50 51 E:? 3tr 55 CT E. 1.-I. E. -1. 3. -1.-1._T o. o, -0. 1. -C,, -0..:, 1.-, 3. -.r), -tr 1. ,.. -0,.3 -o. 9. 6. 11, E(,. 54. 91. I 80, 106. 78. 39. 33. 19. ait a. 1E. 81. 51. Dl.. 1r8. 1(,4. 80. 68. 3E, 19. 6. a. 11. .:..1 iJta r 9(r. 115. I 07. 79. ac,, 31. 19. .l Jr 1e. .:1 ILI. 58.arl I 19. 1(10. 74. 6(:1. ?.3 eo. B, E 11, 12. EEJL,. 89. 1 Q3. 851 47A 985 884 685 635 (]86 sB4, E3E 335 r)98 t]39 4r_t4 e47 007 3EA 190 934. 377 Eg8 358 511 7AA 813 933 811 99rl 4L3 94.3, 186., 7eF. ElE 41&1 5z+5't2t 387 l0(', E-4d 198 81c' 74:I QA5 I56 6Ltr 99:1 E6EJ 317 at7 4.43 o69 614 437 7EE 474 74A -rl. -6. -7. -(,, C). (:r , -(.). 11. 1. -9. 7. 7. 11. 8. 1tl..:,? Ei.3 94.Ir6,tt7. 74. 6(t. 34, 18. 10, B. 11, 1 8,. 48..J1. I fl(J, 105. cl'a 65.'t -a rg. t r-,. 7. 11. .=! ? rJt:. 81. I 17. 105. 1ta 60. T,:. 18. ,3, 7, 11..:': fi '-. gB. 1 15. i (lE. 80. E, I, '.}c t7. 9. 6.g. 19. 5?.gB. 108. (:) . (J. (:l ': -J.. -1. E8168 8493* 47469 EE195 9894E E4A9O 78t97 19318 73846 7lECt7 98533 47AA7 33398 37L77 36()59 E59OB 9.J:E7.'5. 68734 1344C) CtA37A 1r+OEG 39517 1Cr445 LE4BA 75318 EEESE 74o(rQ 36005 1616A atQctT 9s591 351 15 3C)33(] 37737 e19g? 5896t(]4(]08 69806 E9736 368(J5 4LE7B 39E57 90rl(16 7 tq5t 3t867 84391 QJ54 1 37 L'74 7{-t497 467rJ4 o8656 Art7e4 496A9 41767:E 1"7EEL FITE RDJE tl/+EB 7474 193(1 86,89g385 SEElr E99 1 4e8E 7086 EzrBE, g 1gE 66(:,9 75C,6 cr 1Jg oE60 3717 IJ7T3 63t-tlt 5845 178(l 1 398 88zrE 31 14 BzrJtl 76r5 (J703 0763 075 L 97eE 871(l 4699 crJ75 950(l c,614 171(] LP37 8854. ttEErlt SzrBE 6:398 63S6a7tI 958;: a8a4 1 T:.::. 361 1 4427 r $gg 13{)(l 3t77 9t-r 13 7108 EEE'tJLrJ!l 34A9 9'87i] NORM JE5 444 106 696 8B/+ E96 181 194 447 rl83 560 737 619 a4a tltBT 138 146 7IE 653 498 9CrE C,A4 6gB 686 483 850 773 7BE 72€, 7 J.e 860 115 9ei:: tl1 1 798 (:r6C) .2.7 L 901 17t+ -r.:, agLg 7QE: e5e SJzr 31e B 1i:: (,. 7. -1. 4, 6. - 18. iC o 5 4 L -rJ (:! -1 4 4 E -E e7 1 1 -1 -{t o C) -0 -1 1 -o I -Ct-0-3I 1 I ly e7 -1 9. -1,7. 6. 1. o. -8. -(J. _ a:l 4. 19, 1J. EuJ. -1. E. ? -(). -(J. -rJ. 4.. 9. 1J. 16. -1.JE445 148 538 587 444 LLU t-tF,7 E'',JI L III. C. 2A Intermountaln Gas Company Chse No. U-1034-134 Rpvised Exhiblt No. 1 Pbge 5I of 65 Kbhlmeler Exhibit No. 39 Case No. INT-G-16-02 L. Blattner Reb. Page 67 of 81 o lo 57 5B E9 6C, 61 6e 63 64 EE 66 67 68 62 7CI 7L 7E 73. 37. ?? 19.g. E 11. 79, 50, 89. 11e. 103, 78, 56. 3e. 19. E'9(r 317 0E4 t77 359 889 609 473 7BE EE3 674 186 585 ea7 4s6 eo0 1,4,_rl, -E, -t 1. 3, 1 (t. 6. 39. '1 "1 - I r-r. - 19. -10. 4, -4. 0514 e417 g7E I 7353 B3f-t(t 8113 0B3s 9445. B34J gg(rL=I 1 867 J48? ESCI J, EE,3CI 7 tB7 517Ct t,Jt LJsJ. 30, L7. B, 4. 7. ECt. 5E, 86. 1 15. 1 C,4. 77. ri.:1 33. Lg. 543 884 6EE, 487 5EE 883 934 018 813 444 38? 471 818 785 r97 861 (,. E5EB5 -e. fl3373 -9.38781 -L.689'720, 18366 -1. C,{,579 -3.6E541o.54541 E, OSOEE -i3.403€,7E,715P1 1. e8586 -Q.7Cr734 -3.5381C,o.71803 -o. e3B?1 o III. C. 2A, cr e, c, e,{Elfrucf -*t?a?a InEermountain Gas Conpany Case No. U-1034-134 Revised Exhlbit No. I Page 52 of 65 Kohlneler crl\ Exhibit No. 39 Case No. INI-G-16-02 L. Blattner Reb. Page 68 of 81 o I I I I I I lo I I I I l ,l I I,o I I (=€-IJctrF ECL IF-(J(= tf)(oEIE tc, "<rtrf,c3 c3 tJ.lF"L)HatrlctrCLa F-L) :{ Iarx t + Tt *QIF\t+ + z,o = C1'00 ECt c)ct a -l-ctrLU cf LL'FJL) =tr1f"-- Lr]L) 0t lltt r:'e2etg rq? CU III. C. 2A 15€roto It cu Intermountain Gas Company Case No. U-1034-134 Revised Exhlblt No. 1 Page 53 of 65 Kohlmeler ct@ c, t\ o lo o E,o- I LlC' Llfr.oclE3 =tf)=f(f C3 t= LI.J CJ (f TIlEo- U' J =CJ -{Iactr tr,(D lif @ -t- z.Cf:E tll NC' ,\ (,C' u)EELU F Exhibit No. 39 Case No. INT:G-16-02 L. Blattner Reb. Page 69 of 81 o LLIFJ(J =c3F lr,CJE lit! Er<>eorE lrr c\J @s.l +a :a +-, RS-2 III. C, 28 RBW } PRINT trE1-tr85RESID PRED1 InEermountain Gas Company Case No. U-1034-134 Revlsed Exhiblt No. I Page 54 of 65 Kohl-meleroB io ci =1LJE E: 54 E5 CF E. BgE€1 E. gg65t -0.8866Q E. 811e7 -o.968e6 3.65?61 -c,. 9E 1r'r5 $.7AC\A4 -3.5778L -o.(134341.10345 -(r,63893E. l01Stl 8.84E34 o,316f-,1 -3.99t97 -3.8E647 -a.67e87 4, OO3E5 1. 4EBE6 3.8755r+ 4, CI44AB -{).9398(l -4. rlt]919 1. 633?5 0.73988 -o. 1E530 1. 4gJ. E5 -1. 398E,8 -Cr.49893(J. g3c)6(:) -E. 13Cf77 -1.1Bf-tt1g -(]. 661 7e -8,41896 -L.E:7'778 -1, E598E Q. g9ga3 1 , 5851(J 1. 65e31 -|U*, Cr7 437 -{-t.a7ag3 -4.38094 -e.()6()go 1. 9$033 Ir. EtlE6tlt 5, O3EEE -o.83049fi.779t:E rl. 13967 -1. 6EEE8 -rl. 1 8 497 4.34979 -().18889 r1'19:i: 0.17535(:r,69809 (],69998 -(,. e0496 0.68194 -t]. EE38;l C,, BBE4() -tl. EPrl4e'il, 19016 -o. B5C)37 -(), tl0(:)56 tlr.87833 -rl, 159e3 Cr. 51 17O 0.68939 0. (:)83/t'7 -1:r. Btr973 -Q.7AAt3-tl. 15394 ct.9a7Be r). 35(rEzr c-,. g66ECt Q.977qt:l--(,.81758 -tl,9E388 -(:), -0.-0,-0.-0. -0.0. c!. 0. --0. -o.*1. -(:). o. 1. 1. -o,(). {1. --o. -0. 1. -(:t ' 39937 183J1 0ee39 36E94 3?77A E(1798 8O669 5t)816 i37535 151(13 57e44 E9878 89447 e4744 J7344 4Ct397 01016 A?r87 4 C'8865 48444 46346 C) 1 7()7et46t 19150 1.943e t)r+118 4e937 rl31B3 E3874 (:)E33J eg.34E 95.970 3J.5€t3 39.7?7 81. 91 I 1EE.1E8 133,414 184.871 s6,837 ,S1. 8,43 56,9EiO 4i:.078 89. 416 E4.681 'e7. b7a 51. 546 '7? af'?.3a J, ULL 1Ct7.422 { EE EA'I iJ.J, .J.:, / 14C). 935 1(J3. 719 96. z136 64,996 45. OE8 E6.773 i:4.431 :E2. B7E 48. J5F, 61. E1E 1EO.919 74'P.. t3ct7 1 1E. E80 87.159 9(1.395 F,4.4BE 38.837 ect,764 84. i:BB Eg,485 4t-t" 755 F,4, 73E 1E I . tlE4 17 1.329 14i3. e41 1 14. A4E 96.671 F,4.874 46.387 ts7.539 83" ?rl8 EB.5B3 43.97:E 90,780 131.6e6 156. E84 1 E ? 4 E 6 7 g E 10 11 1e 13 t4 t5 ta L7 1B 19 EO E1 ee E3 e4 .-.EEi, aa E7 EB E9 3Ct 31 3E 33 34 3E 36 37 38 :cl 4Ct 4t 4e 43 44 43 46 47 88. 85. 3e. 4Cr. 81. 1Ee. 139, 185. 94. 88. 56. 4L. eg. E4. 86. 51. 74. 108. {EEI uJrrr I 39. I 03. 95. 84. 45. '34 '44. EE, 48" 80, 1e1. 143. I 15. 47,gct. F'4. 39. 31. E4. e6. 4t). F,4. 1Er. t7 t. L43. 115. 84. 63. 4e. :E7..:r? Lgi 44. 9(). 13t,. l:3. LA7 E7L 963 OCIE EE6 358 5E9 091 ct47 493 951 g0rJ 575, 119 989 4q-J, 77:E e65 G91 947 36e 37Q CX]B 846 7E'J 081 693 e7a D49. '2,47 015 tlt73, 867 67fr 633 4Ctg Q63 5gE E4A 393 388 (:,34 658 'e7Cl 3E8 EOB 657 178 7eL 713 54E 40Lg1E ea7:iI FITl EB, 4r+ 1 E4.15? 3r, 835 48.419 7 9.734 l Etl. zr59 193. r)93 I4C,.4EJ 108,383 88. 17(l 39.44r1t 4t. 47A 89. ()58 e4. 138 31. 547 4.e. 189 75. E7A 1e1.087 151.987 136. fi71 109.586 97. L67 59,134 41. J.30 EB.889 Ezr. t)Eil 31.789 4e.31& 76,389 116.39e T47, EB5 138.791 1(19.357 89.869 87,331 41.856 eB.61Cr 98.987 3 1, 089 zrE. SBE 76.351 117. SJ.3 151 , 9?(l 138.542r 106. .348 69.313 47.394 48.5E6 Eg. EO1 Ezr. 163 UIr JAU 38.951 8C,.586 116. B1B LACt.996 BJ PREDE 0. o. -0.0, -0. -(J, 0. Exhibit No. 39 Case No. INT-G-16-02 L. Blattner Reb. Page 70 of 81 III. C. 28 Intermountain Gas Company Case No. U-1034-134 Revlsed Exhtblt No. I Page 55 of 65 Kohlmel-ero:; 5B 60 61 6E 63 a4 65 66 67 6B 69 7fr 7t 7e -1. -.3 -E. -1.-0. -1.c -1. 1. 3. r). Cr. -0. 59657 53eE4 tlt3997 8747:J aa7?,4 g,ta-7q 565(16 78784 I 4e60 E BCt56 e,E3A7 C,91 96 864411 C,E5O8 16364 53t,59 I 19. 84. 34. 36. 95. FteEsJr 34, c.a 80, 1 58. r77. 1l?. 94. 71. 63. -ErfrJr Et4 680 1SE 603 647 7t7 4rs4 a7L 09s C,88 908 831 06E 94L E94 E18 104. 85. BN+Jat 4E. 87, e4.Jl. 4.). 7.5. 116. 1 48, I 34. 1C,7, 84. 59. 41. ECtB 899 051 1r18 937 ct43 881 0{,0 p,46 76A 000 1E9 386 754 715, p75. -(t'*cl. -(). -0. -().-o.-0.-0. -(:), C,. -0. f.l. (), O. -1. 0. Er+BEB 37884 3ASA7 49159 39498 E(:,038 5]E447 8r+736 48118 58186 395J8 3?7(,8 749e6 el5rxt I 9753 cr4a93 1 19.368 8/+. E: 3C,7 JEr: JE J. E5E 317 BBtl (:!84. 677 61(] 507 688all 1:,6 QgFI 36. '-J li arE: 33. E::. 79. 1 55. 177. 1 19. 8t+. a9 6E, aL-JlJ. jo o Exhibit No. 39 Case No. lNf-G-16-02 L. Blattner Reb. Page 71 of81 o III. C. 2B ROW ) PRINT CE6.CE9RESIDE FITE B Int.ermounLaln Gas Company Cdse No. U-I034-134 R{vlsed Exhlblr No. 1 Page 56 of 65 Kdhlureier Exhibit No. 39 Case No. INT-G-I6-02 L. Blattner Reb. Page72 ot 81 o I E 3 4 5 6 7 6I 10 11 1E 1S 14 15 16t7 1gt9 e0 E1 EE E3 E4 EE ea E7 E8 E9 3(J 31 3E 33 34 35 3A 37 36 39 4C, 4'.t 4E- 43 44 45 4A 47 4A 49 50 51 JE E3 54 EE L, L, 8.7Ct746 e:1.8748 -1,59658 3. O1683 -1,6478CI 3,883114 -1. 93645(,.99196 -3.76777 0. BIEC)E I . t (t4()rl -cr. g6gE6 E.86073 8.33084 -r1,37339 -4. Ct7344 -e,.E767:E 0. clge*B 4. LA7L9 .:t.46Q46 3, eEg5f.r 3.17869 -1. 917Ct0 -3. 791 61 e.58783(:r.33871 -0.30469 1. 5crg64 -1, 7616E -0.871 t5 1. OSBEE -9.35766 -0.67198 -(:t.38€37 -e. E6783 -0.7053e -CI. 961t14 1.8941e L. e77e,6 1.87865 -ct,47A34 -tlt.'36671 -4. E6EE0 -1.()3155e.38677 3.743L4 4,01519 -9. Cr451t:, 0.97Q6E -0. o5488 -1. 86349 0. E6440 5. 58 1€B -1,46803-1. 16i309 E8.816 e4. 3E. /+E. 79. 1e0. 1 53, [ 4C]. 109. 47. E.:l 41, eB. E/+. 38. 4e.7]. I EC}. 151 . t37. 1 09, 9e. 6Q. 4C,. i:7. E4, 31. 4:E. 7Er. I 19. t47. 1 38. 1C,9, 89. 37. 41. EB..-Ja 38. 4e. 76. 117. 151 . 131. I (-J7. 99, 88. 4e. E8. e4. 31, 39. 80. 118. I 1!. 858 EAE: E13 436 835 2A4 EC'3 5s3 318 4411 747 B9? 649 E36 E7e (1E8 ?.3 I 8(:,3(,39 gr)6 (]33 118 91E93] 468 97:E e96 7EE cr64 477 9'J8 a4E 593 1Br1 884 311 683 837 71-,8 73A 803 931 515 656 774 4tL 74.7 (11(l 358 377 E:tr' t 554 t37 97e -o, 1. 1. -8. 1. -EO, -15. -15 -8. o. (r, -(:r. -4, ,:1 -1. - 1E.: 3. ty. 4. 4. -1,-o. (). _? -1. - 18, .? 15, I rl. E 6. tr. -(J. -r). -1. 4, 1(). 13. 15, ADJE 8739 1119 ct479 4163 4AL7 6988 rJ829 33E3 346E 4768 4g9E 3EEtl 5173 0195 5576 e74e E05g 8E 1? 7338 8955 1940 4Ct34 8739 L I6i1 160r: c,314 tl9E7 t:r397 L'E6TrJtJ 7t3 9555 q-7(u4 71 A3 6899 8(r14 3I]EE 447 1 4535 ]947 74Le -12€,8 c)835 5E11 EC,7E 7E6t-t 9859 1(l4B E633 ert+Fr3 r+7OE 45(-) I'7937 4503 EEEB 4688 J113 31. f;ra 3(:r. 43. 77. l Ezr. I E.3 1/r1. 1()5. Bg. 60, 4(J. 31. 96. 31. 38. 7:E, 1 eo. .EEI Lr!r. L37. 1 13. 93. 59. 37. 30. 84. 31. 43. 74. r 17. 1 48, 1 36. 1r18. aq, 54. 4.r). .:-7 94. ?.4 4t+. 76.lL7. 147. 1J(,. l. 1(1. 9.:,-. E.= 4r. i;iB, L:.:/+. ':. rl 38. 86. 116. 1 39. NORM 384 (146 948 EE9 7BE 113 146 le4 915 136, 543 779 159 Ego 863 127 758 413 960 429 136 E1e 199 r.E1 5Ef, 79t+ 644 792 B9(t 49e E16 64C, L77 EC,7 9IE 3-7 A 3E() 9873t4()39 877 E36 aa9 4Btr TJ4E 5EE 4:E6 a9a 98Cr J(13 514 786 l?c c-89all -E -E a. lS, 4. 3.t. o. 7, o III. C. 2B IntermounEain Gas Company Cdse No. U-I034-134 R{vlsed Exhlbit No. 1 Page 57 of 55 Kdhlmeler Exhibit No. 39 Case No. INT-G-I6-02 L. Blattner Reb. Page 73 of 81 o 37 5B E9 60 61 6E 63 E4 6E 66 68 69 7Q 7T 7e -1, 33788 -e, 1595C, -1. 44t13tl -1. Lg7 L7 -Q. 47ee9 -e. olg47 -3. 04C,89 -CI. g4(lEe e,56378 -e. Eoele E,(]1895 8.69488 o. 11514 -5. e4009 1.36117 -t1.5775E 1c-r3, 65. Eg, 41. 87. tr,? 31. 3?. 74. L17. 144, 1 34. 10s, 84. 37, 41. 960 EE7 /+51 6e.6 56e 843 o57 158 BE5 ega 6C,4 586 106 973et7 3EE {tJ. rJr -1.-4. -8. 1. E. lE. 4. 38. 3E. -I4. -lf ? - 1i3. 4. -6. 4055 g 194 989 1 3C}48 E097 6738 883(] a7 L3 B5g I 3E17 90E3 8983 E943 g 166 5798 0573 10P. 63. ea 40. :E7. tllr 88, 38. 77. I 15. 146. t37. l Crg, 79. Eg. It (]t. 6EE 367 t]1 I ttE2 09() 884 (t 16 E1E 389 (:r85 6E4 EA1 EECI 733 471 7 tttt 67 io o Intermountain Gas Company Cabe No. U-l034-134 Retised Exhlblt No. I Pale 58 of 65 Kohlmeier TC' -F@l-F= = c\,(D CD o6 Exhibit No. 39 Case No. INT-G-16-02 L. Blattner Reb. Page 74 of 81 o ELUFJ C-) =(3,- lJ(J TT t!li c:' O CD O C, ''a C, r{ !t LDrs El! III. C. 28 ECL IL.]l!EI (Jo l.CI(Dcf13 Lr) cfC3:TE{-t,.lEl rrLUF LJHcft!E,tt- |J' (J flJ It!)E, o 10 o oor,rsl -a +a III. C. 28 IntermounEain Gas Company Chse No. U-1034-134 Rfvlsed Exhibit No. I Page 59 of 65 Kbhlmelero io Eo- ICJIJt= t-(Jcf [r3(I}[=E:] u'r\rEttrf C=IJt-c-)HEtrlEo- a J L] (u IU)trtr l.r,@ -z.cf = )orf,I o €,E'eroat€rctoc)q? +l Ya -a tl ta Exhibit No. 39 Case No. INT-G-16-02 L. Blattner Reb. Page 75 of 81 a =trtrLU:EF cll!t-(-l Hr:lIJE,tr- IIII J t--CJ I GS Intermountain Cas Company Chse No. U-1034-134 Rpvlsed Exhiblt No. I Pege 60 of 65 Kbhl-melerIII.O-)ROt^l c. 2c PRINT EE1-CE5RESID PRED1 EJ PREbE L 7.g el.3 19.4 15.E -19.6 -83.7 -16.s -r7,I -89.lC, -43.11 18.1g -14.r3 -4.t4 14.15 B.16 LCr.L7 -86.16 6.19 68,ECt 6Cr.El 39.eE 19.e3 LA.e4 5.E5 6.E6 5.E7 43.Eg 56.e9 47.3(r 53.31 1r.3e -e,4.33 -8.34 -6.35 18.36 -.14.37 -13,38 6.39 17.4t1 -34.4t -39.4E -9.43 -e7.44 -6.43 -15.4€r i:0.47 19.48 -84.49 -14,s(t -6.El -8.5A -11.53 t e,.34 -r.r.55 le. 4344 677Cl e341 9543 766 1 6EC,E 7(]49 584t] 4193 1193 ES3e 9A79 (,148 r-5?5 aa4e 63E4 1.175 C,Cl65 7 r+48 5Ct 1e 8696 1C)75 8999 313E 5137 17574 4.378 65c)6 3408 3430 3348 CIE37 L$78 5C,14 5681 8C,33 aa44 49,49 B4ri3 8994 44r,5 BSBE 1 859 4673 t777 9C)65 5546 8093 755 1 :E47 1 4(-)0.) EE59 984s s 196 ::P? FITI 55e aaL 637 198 916 oe3 001 r:,66 gg9 oe9 655a7l 38B 746 056 6OCr 687 49t:, 10e 9T'J7 886 cr44 7s0 r.41 03(-t 5EE E)84 41)7 856 784 949'7Ctt 1c)4 347 909 't ?c 7.:te EE9 !?E t7a 783 4:J6 6Se 793 989 4EB ;{ 19 TCtA 889 900 47t:, 648()43 E31 161 gQ77 74L t 11E1 3537 laET 4318 4385 B37B 8956 4574 5910 3119 8439 E306'1'tt ? t:t47 B 3959 '7??E gBTE 'r2.gC, 3F,09 7856 BOBS 3466 6g6E EgE6 493() 44G,6 3560 5CrB6 6339 76ee:, €,4A6 eata 5E53 1e6t 4478 3694 805.1 erl33 311p 75(Je E6e6 E95Ct 5(173 C'rt+P.7 743:E (14 J.3 r)576 8Ee7 J9E9 3B9A 9B5P 7CtEg 3(166 168. 184. 178, E?9. 569, 794. 6CtE, 734, 379. 47Ct. E5B. e(:r5. t6E. 18C,. 16E. 354. 511. 694. 9(,9. 811. 588, 4ga. EBO. e11. 16(1, 15Cr. L7L. 3E3. EEE. 7da. BC'3. 437. 474, 44e,. EB3. 1ga. 1711. 151. 195, :e97. 4LA. 7 L6. 247. -7 AA. 589. 392. EBE. e1 6. LEL.t49. t 70. 319. 505. 743.gEs. 893 g(tg B0g 743 rlEB 545 Eg4 115 EgB 738 506 4eel lgg 3e1 *64 44e 138 981 (:,1 I 399 1Et1 a7a EE1 rl73 5Eg E54 31() 5?e 684 3c)6 171 tgQ 784 o34 $94 448 r)95 639 841 rl37 343 tl43 918 141 294 9eEg6(l t37 186(lg6 Bg"8 581 e4a 9A7 16E. 150. 174. E?9. 54C,, 764. 999, g 16.a::? 485. EEg. e00. 163, lECt. 173. 3(,0. 510.73t. a7t. 77 r. 6(,8. 4Ae. '-rEetlsJJr E0(-,. 1 63, 150. L73. 3Cl(,. 4AA. 713. Bi:g.-rc'1 584, 433. 851 , 803, 168. 150. t7E. 3(t1. 463. 6ge. 831 . 713. L-e /,aJsr'+, 4t:t9. 805. 161 , 1 50. t74. e33. 434. 839, 76L. 1. .t- . 11. 9. B. -l(t. - 18, -9. _ r:1 - 18. -EE.6. ?f' 31, 19. E. 8. 4. :3 EE. E9, E4. e7. e - 18. -4, 1f, -7. -1? 9, - 19, -P0. -. 14. -8. I (:t. 10. -7. -1, g. -t-t. t64. t37. 190. JOB. 377, 7A4. 793. 744. 568, 455. E3E. E 13. 159, 1/r8. 168. 337. 51 6, 68I. 91P, 943" c-18. 518. E9{1. E 19. 163. I 54. 173, 344. Ee'.agJrJtlr 734. B3Ct. a4e, 48,?,,44r. e7E. s05. 16P. 144. LAg. 308. 388. 68iJ. 94P. 77 L. 585. 39'...f .5T flE6. 148. 141. I 66. 31S.t+99. ae,.-t, !JE. 6tEOsJiJr 7(:t 1g4& I)E(:} Q?a EE6 crbS 845 ev7 99E ePl 915 748 :E44 0b(:t 4()0 493 551 :;l47 (_[]6 sEBqbr 3E5 3Ee lrECt 154 347 B(13 ctz9 0&0 9[,5 808 984 185 r-7e ]69 Is73 I2(+7 i:::66 c,46-:.- ':" rl (-) !t)pE EF3 655 84E- 7l+7 955 b7L 301 t-r7B 363 693 538 596 cr49 600 7. e sJr '3 o o Exhibit No. 39 Case No. INT-G-16-02 L. Blattner Reb. Page 76 of 81 III. C. 2C Inlermountaj.n Gas Company Case No. U-I034-134 Revised Exhlblt No. I Page 6I of 65 Kohlneier 6(,4.369 39C-t,7 L7 ii53,678 175. J.EC, 138.834l44.?lQ 186.473 34C,.373 43E. B7E A7€t.439 ?e9,358 57A. t73 385,779Ege.5lB EBE. EE,4 173. A67 Exhibit No. 39 Case No. INT:G-16-02 L. Blattner Reb. Page77 ot 81 o 10 g7 5B 5? 6C, 61 6E 63 64 65 66 s7 6g aa 7Ct 7L 7p 1E. 4. -e5, -P9. -EO. -0.-7. -37. 81, -85. -4e._-, -t E -{ft -e7. 4585 L7e4 834 1 I 161 9943 6eri3 8E79 11EO 19t) 1 57 L4 7EL7 e195(r183 4313 9943 4Cr4A 6(J7. 38E. 851 . 1 gg. 134. tE5. 186, 344. 45e. 865. 94E, 598, 389, e93. 879. 195. EEf.t 81E 639 711 534 617 936 589 438 a46 909 TJ37 677 lBB .E74 4E9 51 7. 374. e59. E05. 161 . 15r-). I 75, :E24. 405. 633. 7A4. 474. 508, 346. 859, E(r3. 377 483 378 Cr53 519 4AE 713 783 7BA 983 385 968 314 577 304 438 7. - 1J. - 15. - Lf-t._r). -4. -19. I (t. -t: -tr'3 -Ct' e. -11. BEl1 9Cr54 0338 591 g 3(]0cr 7*AB 463P 8159 463E 8gE8 4344 3g4CtgE9E a7a4 aa77 5919 o o- III. C. 2C RON ) PRINT CE6-CE9 RESIDE InEermountaln Gas Company Case No. U-1034-134 Revised Exhiblt No. I Page 62 of 65 Kohlmeler Exhibit No. 39 Case No. INT:G-16-02 L. Blattner Reb. Page 78 of 81 6467 4739 I 190 60C,6 93EB 1 885 E663 7443. 1EE7 E6L9 8E4E Egga gEE1 59C,1 6E79 5846 5033 74.:tQ 7:J7A s7'ae E(1g8 aTat 4214 (,334 8A75 7A4A 964'A 164A 9B4s 8344 E95Ct 7473 E41Ct 1 398 0904 3e|:J4 0366 7943 74173 10E7 3303 84,?.CT 9e33 4377 aTQe 94ge 8(]94 8506 6975 57eA 99E9 836 1 9E-94 fJEES g3E5 16r+.36(t 154. r+t)E 195.75E 3(rB, 551 849.08E 7e7.Agt 886.563 6C,9. Eeg 683,993 469.37 L 834.(]64 ECrg. 188 t5e.444 148.536 18e.394 305.648 516.088 737.7e7 974.089 8Cr4.486 64Cr.i!,47 481. 8e9 E6E.5E9 ECI8.4BA 16E,557 I 54. 815 178.4t7 3EE.89lr 516, ElE 739.893 857.583 7Fr9,463 57 1. 545 499. Crt)E Ezr8.SBEg1e.86E 134.434 14E.86{] 179.44.7 310.380 443.47:E aF,L. A7A 9e6,419 62q.49A 551.4E1 4(J1. 385 863.964 Et5.747 149. B3e L4e. Ct77 17 t. 077 EgE. EsB 448.059 a67.234 76A.8.54 ADJE (1. 341 3.544 4,868 -rl. 453 ES. 171 Ee,. EOE -9:E.717 -63.951 -54,001-14. EBr-t 1,651 2r,565 E. g0(l -Q.443 -18,99451.645 Cr. 4Eg -56.50937.917 e9.44E -E|J.7AE36.535 84. 83 1 10.938 -8.50E -0. e6a '-4. F:,t4 93.185 35. tli:B 16.61e -EA.77B -186.581 -1t)9.41t1 L:E.667 31. 186 -4. aa7'7, 323 1 . 21t16 -t4.494-4.139 -47. 441:l 33,587 I 16. P36 78.349 3r+.38G -?.4f,(r :19.7t:t7 1t1.555 -r),75E -L.7 74 -/+. 384 96. Ego 81,538 84. 1 13 94.746, NORM 17C1.0(J6 178. E7B 1tsE.871 315.15E Ee1,15E 744.4iragsE, Eg6 BCrCr. 46* 603.871 44L.g.:rq E7E,886 185.883 159.373 165, 1c-5 185.c,EE 31 1. E3E 484.599 717.497 933.647 939.458 647. t.5e. 481.159 ETE, OEC'g(r5.454 t7 L.344 135.378 E19,381 387.058 534. L27 767. Le7 g4 1. e8B 739. A77 576. t186 486.866 E7t:t.473 188,533 148,818 L3A.854 194, E&Cr e6a. e77 4i:4. L4L a7g. E LB 8t14.4?6'7Q7.3e4 539,751 430.334 e7'p..774 180.886 1.47, t34 144.653 17E.070 E8E.4EP 47 L. Qi17 65A. 91 1 773.68.j FITE o 1 E 3 4g 6 7I 2 10 11 lg 13 L4 15 1E L7 1B 19 Er-rel ee es e4 e5 E6p7 eg E9 3t1 E1 3E 33 34 35 36 s7 3g 39 4t:.t 4L 4E 43 44 43 4A 47 E t7. 7. 6. -e7. - 13. -4.-8. -E0" -e7.39. -:=? E.I6. .:t E -31. 19. 59. "r7. 6, -o.6, qJr (,. 40. 34.t7. EB. - 16. -eg. 4. -f].f,i. LLr -'?,4. -6. 13. 14, -44. -81. 10.-El, 7. -11, eg. B. -34. -t 1. o. -cl EE, -9. 1E. q3 51 5E B-Jf, 34 EEs, !, rrr. c. 2c Intermountain Gas Company Case No. U-1034-134 Revised Exhiblt No. 1 Page 63 of 65 Kohlmeier Exhibit No. 39 Case No. INT.G-16-02 L. Blaftner Reb. Page 79 of 81 o=, EB E9 6rl 6r 6e 63 E4 65 66 6B 6? 7(t 7t 7E 67 18. -87. -{ E -4. 10. -'111 t:t. -.-it . -:3ElI5. !:l a. -84, - L5. 3036 73c,(:, 8679 5e49 9943 0965 3647 9961 6833 4A4E 8673 LA4A 8A09 1C,1 7 6880 8199 314. 388. e6L. 191. 146. I 39. L7e. e9(,. 386. 644. 74|0.'65E. 504. 345. 861 . 181. 7e6 38A 4f.tg 46t ElE 7g(t Eg(:t 566 383 a7a 9.30 6Cttt 415 9{-t7 99E 844 68, 8, - 16. -9. uJr 11. 41J. 4A. 931. 1 BB. -76. -119, gr), -t7. 643 3Eg 737 34E 978 131 eE3 a05 a4p 563 4?,4 zr3 I 637 399 e7E 977 333. 378..3T? 179. 141. 149. 167, E57. 4E6. G(:I8. 71 1. €167. 5C,7. E5A. 837. t7€r. C}E9 658 541 937 E18 866 983 E7? 876 41E 663 7AA 896 0()8 31ct 031 o o rrr. c. 2c o o EI2tlJctrF Etr CL IF-L'Cf tft(CICIEI tn!(r CtEI atIJFL)HEIt!ctr CLa J F C-) -{IU7(D Fzo = o cf clcr (tc, gr ?. ctaoa6CtcteIiI r= tt Itl €etG1 oo-a o Exhibit No. 39 Case No. INT-G-'|6-02 L. Blattner Reb. Page 80 of 81 a -ctrl.rl F IntermounEain Gas Company Case No. U-1034-134 Revised Exhibit No. 1 Page 64 of 65 Kohlmeier CIl,rll-JCJ =ErF LttL) Ctr li III. C. 2C Intermountaln Gas Company Case No. U-1034-134 Revlsed Exhiblt No. I Page 65 of 65 Kohlmeler F c) t\ Exhibit No. 39 Case No. INT-G-16-02 L. Blattner Reb. Page 81 of81 la o crEL IFL'GI t.c,G'CICI.L torfEIEIJ- CI LLIFL'Ha TJJctr CL tn J FL) !.1 ItJ1 LE cra€3t8a.a F2O - €€,\ o aopc)crc)crEcrac)c,t4,tflYmrv< a J-El! F alrlFL' Olr,ctro- tIII J =Fc) I o Ronald L. Williams,ISB No. 3034 Williams Bradbury, P.C. l0l5 W. Hays St. Boise,ID 83702 Telephone: (208) 344-6633 Email: ron@williamsbradbury.com Attomeys for Intermountain Gas Company BEFORE TI{E IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY FOR THE AUTHORITY TO CHANGE ITS RATES AND CHARGES FORNATURAL GAS SERVICE TO NATURAL GAS CUSTOMERS IN THE STATE OF IDAHO ) ) ) ) ) ) ) Case No. INT-G-16-02 o EXHIBIT 40 o t\o. EXHIBIT IGC la)-|r)(o-(o(.,(o- c! e, lf)O(rIr-@+rf)rf)OOrF-g)()-61 @-O.<f-cOO)O)(Y)+ ot ri .-i d 6i o, c.,i J d 6,i oisO(\rssOCD-=CDsssflrr(osf-o+sf-l(o=oco.-i+odlrt--co-J(7)oJtr) (\l L) CD -l !o d) - tt F- - (\l --Crl-.-i- 6t- -t6 <d+16 @ o 6 r (\l l-- F- rr, lr, @ (\l c7, F-(b CD (O I'- O cO 6l (O (rr (O l() 6lNOOO@-.<l(')6l-(\1 6li, r+ (O Ct (, (O ir) 1r, @ (O rO rt.o(O(OF)-i(\tO+lr)-t@@d@oiotrrrrrt+@rtr...--- =----cD6l-__s2 oqN F ofa+rots N aDc, J FoF @N q F-i*t-ooooooool-(oc7rd)oooooooo(aGt 6t 6t (o (o (o (o (o (o (o (o (\t(o (o (o o) o, o, o) o, o) o) o) (o cicidodc;dooooo l.- r O (') O) + F- (7) O) (q (.o 1r)lr)OC\-OOCrJ!-(.o-cD(O(O_ - (O- O)- C.{ rr)_ @- (O- O- \ !-- 1r)- @O)O)O)OOO-(\1 6l(?)(?,(r)(AC.r(a$+<+=$t=(\t C\t 6t c\ (\t <\t (\t <\1 (\t (\t c! 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Page 2 of 3 (O t- O) (O O O) t() rr) O) O) (\l c.)ccu?qo?qtq\qqoq.:O)F-(O@c\| (OC\-(OO<\Ilr)r(OtOrc.)O)(O@.<,-.<flr)F-O_ .<t- $- lr)- c\l_ c\l F-_ $- o- o- o)- o-(O -f -f (r) F- - <f !- q:) Or (O -- K) C\,1 - r rr) F- C.J--9- e (o(o<o@@@@@@@@(o+ st + t.- F- F.- F- F- F- F- F- $rorr)ro1r)rolo|rJ|(,rolr,lr)lr)+++o)o)o)o)oro)o)or$ oooodooooooo (Or<c.rO)O.+@6rF-lfrF*OOF--rOOr+-tr)cOOr+ -- -- O- O- O)- @- @_ @- @_ O)- Or- O-(\lC{(\lC!-- --C!o60000060(f)o(f) OONOF+O-ONO@tst.Nrl N@O@D660N@OheOe@NtsO@NN(ONJrioio@o+6i<oriN@OO@@6O@6O-N@OSON---N-t +o@@o@<N@oNNN@@O@O-O-NOON6ridddrisi@+dci€o(o@Nooo@Noo6SON-e-O3 OONOOOS-N NNOOOOONOON6EoFtsO@@tON-N@-ON6O-NOO6 6FNON-OSN@OOO@ONOO@@r@O@O -oNoo-N@o)aa E s p E EgE = E.tsE E E o+@@N€oo-No-f6+<===++600006 |r)qro(f)+-lr) e, o.q c.,6o)-R@ c?tsN6c't@ o .h(9 J FoF N < 1;s or 6'or (o (o ca,o 6'e -oN6ti.-F-(o@@(oo(ocd d oi r{ - r- <, F- + r- <c, rjNdr-i\o(9F-o)-@loc\l_6.r) O) O)__u)F_lr,.-i <.i o, - @ ooo(o(o(o(o(o(o(o(oo6-6Ft-F-F-F-t*F-F-O1616rr)=-t-t+ssstroc! 6,t (\t F_ F_ i.- F- F- F- F- F- St dc;odcrodcic;c;do c7) (o u) (o () co o o (\l F_ co toF- F- F- F t- t- F- F- F- F- F- F- +6@@OOOO€SO@Foo@OO+=@D N\ 6OnF*(qsfO)-CO|()r)C!qq-toCo?-r:ru?oqqo c\I 6l o) 6l F- + (o (o o c\l (f)-Nri(\roc!<c/)(\to)--6- sl -.- .+- lf)- (o- c\l @- o- o- lr)- -@ F- (O .+ c.) c\l C{ c7) ro + lr) co o(f)i.-1r)(?)@o)or@@@o)<?u?\qqo?--'r?cqu?qooo(f)--f.<f@@(OF-O,(b l- o C\l (\l C! 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Page 3 of 3 d.c -ooEEs= =:EEE6 E.E@8 &-!aA66 e=OoEso.E .=8 8EoE eE tstsol4 696E EE EEgb 6q gqt o-9g,o GC€a*=H;3'; ARo;_a -c 9'F s= =6 36e bE EEf;3P- oa EHP@o-z =tsEoEE>9oo+6EJ OF E .J) AS 3o EE oe ,ri E s€ HEEE:E a5aa5gEe ts_E,28 65e* E8EEcE.9EE beooB= EHE15 Ee?6;o EEeBp=EJ E39aE AsOo dio 6 =9e @ .BoI o 6 e o 6I EE.91g I ot oEoo o E G 6 o 6 =@ E .Eo G Eo=R -9' = .E = e e.oE 5 oN o E-s, =I -s s, o =F oGaoo- -eF rio ooE o oocoeo .a6 Eo= o-g tE:-a E536E6 @\F t_tr)t-ro_ (f) @ ct9+FUT-c.llt F UI =oF UJfoluc,-ulEUILr 6J oF N oq|r)c\\6tO)(o e, +6GI o66 o (o aD0J FoF oN N6-hoOOrO)-cDO@irboNC.)F-lr)€€OO)F-Neirid+ccic.iriJc.ido+.6(6 li6lr)@co(')Ir)OO - 6 d) iO - (\ I.- c\r O) -f F- (.o 6lr)-fcO@-(r) -@(O--r6N -rf)@c.)--9- e o=CDO)-f(Y)+@St@61Nl{$6O(O-@€\1 !-(ONF-+OOO)OrcOOrOO-Gi ^i Gi o- cri -- J -j .-i <ri c.i c.iaD o (f) C.) €) (o (fJ €) (o cQ (q (q @oo-@-OONt@-cy I'55c?c?=: NNOOOOOGlO6NAi6NF:oio@=oN-Neiri\U)o-N6o -NON-O€N@OO@DorFoo€o-@!r,(0@eoii\qro-N@o E A E EgE = gSS E E J FoF at(9 o(,Eoo i5o Eo oe, oEe.oo6@ eoEoo =o oEELO F€ct Es56E0, =-=o6cEE;-s-9.E E- EE oEDO6rgEb - ot E3EEE>€= oogoo i5 cEEfle EB E EE E EEE o o o N6oo-NOt6@NOOto16r?t@@@@@@@@@o O Ronald L. Williams,ISB No.3034 Williams Bradbury, P.C. 1015 W. Hays St. Boise,ID 83702 Telephone: (208) 344-6633 Email : ron@williamsbradbury.com Attomeys for Intermountain Gas Company BEFORE TIIE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY FOR THE AUTHORITY TO CHANGE ITS RATES AND CHARGES FOR NATURAL GAS SERVICE TO NATURAL GAS CUSTOMERS IN THE STATE OF IDAHO ) ) ) ) ) ) ) Case No. INT-G-16-02 o EXHIBIT 4I o o- EXHIBIT fGc o o Abbreviated VITA Phillip C.Fry Contact Infonnation IT & SCM Department/Micron Business & Economics Building 19l0 University Drive Boise, D 83725 Email Address: pfry@boisestate.edu Office Phone: (208) 426-427 6 Acadernic Rank Boise State University, Professor,Information Technolory & Supply Chain Management Department, June 2002 - present Administrative Positions Departrnent Chair, IT&SCM Department, July 2008 - Jantary 2014 Director, MBA Program, September 1999 -May 2004 Degrees PhD, Louisiana State University, December, 1988 Major Area: Quantitative Business Analysis MS Economics, Louisiana State University, May, 1983 MBA, University of Arkansas, May, 1977 BA, University of Arkansas, May 1975 Memberships Phi Beta Kappa Courses Taught SCM 345 - Principles of Operations Management SCM 366 - Supply Chain Modeling SCM 440 - Operations Stratery SCM 496 - lndependent Study BUSSTAT 207 - Statistical Techniques for Decision Making I BUSSTAT 208 - Statistical Techniques for Decision Making II MBA 510 - Competitive Advantage Along Supply Chain MBA 513 - Discipline Integration MBA 533 - Advanced Operation Management MBA 559 - lssues in Supply Chain Management MBA 596 - lndependent Study MBA 562- Business and Financial Modeling o Exhibit No. 41 Case No. INT-G-16-02 P. Fry Reb. Page 1 of4 o Executive MBA Teaching Theory of Constaints Modeling for Business Decision Making Forecasting Creating & Sustaining Competitive Advantage Team Consulting & Culminating Projects Journal Publications Shannon, P.W., Fry, P., Milner, J., Melcher, M., Veale, J., Lee, B., ... Hil, G. (2016).I{LA Matching Trumps Donor Age: Donor Recipient Pairing Characteristics That Impact Long-Term Success in Living Donor Kidney Transplantation in the Era of Paired Kidney Exchange. Transplantation Direct. 2(7): e85, July 2016. Maher, M., White, H., Fry, P., & Wilkerson, M. (2013). Asset Class Impacts on the 30-Year Efficient Frontier. Journal of Accounting and Finance (USA), l3(2),28 -35. Maher, M., White, H., & Fry, P. (2011). Empirical Problems Using the Efficient Frontier to Find Optimal Weights in Asset Classes. Journal of Accounting and Finance (USA), ll(4),4742. Fry, P., Harvey, K., Maher, M., & White, H. (2008). Mutual Funds with Hedge Fund Characteristics: Diversification Benefits and Costs. Journal of the Academy of Finance,6(2),3544. Maher, M., & Fry, P. C. (2005). Smart Money? The Reversal of Mutual Fund Persistence Following the March 2000 Stock Market Downturn. Journal of Accounting and Finance Research. Maher, M., & Fry, P. (2004). The Current Status of Financial Modeling in Academic Finance. Journal of Accounting and Finance Research. Shannon, P., & Fry, P. (2003).Improving Throughput,Reducing Lead Time, and Managing Constraints: A Computer Simulation-Based Exercise. Decision Sciences Journal of Innovative Education, I (2), 3 I 31 I 6. Maher, M., Fry, P., & Schooley-Pettis, D. (2001). Classroom Financial Analysis with Electronic Databases. Journal of Education for Business,T6(3), l4tl-148. Fry, Phillip C. Rinks, Dan, and Ringuest, J. Comparing the Predictive Validity of Alternatively Assessed Multi-Attribute Preference Models When Relevant Decision Athibutes Are Missing. European Journal of Operational Research, 9 4: 199 6, 3, 599 -609 . Shannon, Pat. & Fry, Phillip, Push/Pull Manufacturing Simulation: A hands-on Training Experience. Production and Inventory Management Journal Vol. 34, No.l, First Quarter, 1993. Text Books (Co-authored) Groebner, D., Shannon, P., & Fry, P. (Currently in Revision). Business Statistics: A Decision- Making Approach, l0th edition. Pearson. Groebner, D., Shannon,P., & Fry, P. (2013). Business Statistics: A Decision-Making Approach, 9th edition. Pearson. Groebner, D., Shannon, P., Fry, P., & Smith, K. D. (201l). Business Statistics: A Decision Making Approach 8th edition. Pearson/Prentice Hall. Groebner, D., Shannon, P., Fry, P., & Smith, K. (2008). Business Statistics: A Decision-Making Approach 7th edition. Prentice Hall. Prentice Hall. Groebner, D., Shannon, P., Fry, P., & Smith, K.D.(2006). A Course in Business Statistics. Pearson Prentice Hall. Exhibit No. 41 Case No. INT-G-16-02 P. Fry Reb. Page2ol 4 o o o o Presentations Maher, M., White, H., Fry, P., & Wilkerson, M. (2012, March). The Long-rtm Risk-Return Tradeoff for Multiple Asset Classes. MBAA Academy of Finance Annual Meeting 2012. Cicago: Academy of Finance. Maher, M., Fry, P., & White, H. (201l, March). Empirical Problems Using the fficient Frontier to Find Optimal Weights in Asset Classes. Academy of Finance Annual Meeting 2011 . Chicago: Academy of Finance. Fry, P., Harvey, K., Maher, M., & White, H. (2008, April). The Pedormance of Hedge Funds vs. Mutrul Funds: Relative and Absolute Measures. 2008 Annual Meeting. Chicago, IL: Academy of Finance. Fry, P., Maher, M., & White, H. (2008, April). The Pedormance of Hedge Funds vx. Mutual Funds: Relative and Absolute Measures. Succeeding in a Global Environment. Chicago, IL: MBAA lnternational. Instnrctional Publications Groebner, D., Shannon, P., & Fry, P. (2013). Instructor's Solutions Manual to Business Statistics: A Decision-Making Approach, (9), 956. Groebner, D., Shannon, P., Fry, P., & Smith, K. (2010).Instructor's Solution Manualto Accompany Business Statistics A Decision-Making Approach 8th, (8th), 793. Shannon, P., & Fry, P. (2010). Excel Tutorials to Accompany Business Statistics: a Decision- Making Approach. Shannon, P., & Fry, P. (2010). Minitab Tutorial To Accompany Business Statistics: A Decision- Making Approach 8th Ed. Fry, P. (2008). Excel Simulation to accompany Business Statistics: A Decision-Making Approach 7th ed. Groebner, D., Shannon,P., & Fry, P. (2008).Instructional Videos to accompany Business Statistics: A Decision-Making Approach 7th ed. Groebner, D., Shannon, P., Fty, P., & Smith, K. (2008). Instructor's manual To Accompany Business Statistics: A Decision-Making Approach 7th ed. Fry, P. (2008). Student's Solution Manual to accompany Business Statistics: A Decision-Making Approach 7th ed. Shannon, Pat, and Fry, Phillip. Theory of Constraints Case Study Using ProModel Service (Recent) - Boise State University Department Chair-IT & SCM Department July 2008-January 2014 Spring 2014 Course Coordinator-SCM 345 Promotion and Tenure Committee Fall20l4-2017 Undergraduate Core Curriculum Assessment Spring 2012 MBA Upgrade - Modeling Session Fall2008 MBA Redesign Taskforce Spring 2007 - Spring 2008 Graduate Policy Committee Summer 2006 - Spring 2008 Faculty Senate Graduate Council Summer 2006 - Spring 2008 MBA UpgradeFall200T Executive MBA Planning Committee Spring 2006 - Fall2006 Exhibit No. 41 Case No. INT-G-16-02 P. Fry Reb. Page 3 of 4 o o O Service & Consulting - External Intermountain Gas Company, Summer, 2016 - current, Rate Case Consulting Southern Idaho Compensation & Benefits Association, Excel Training, Fall20l5 Southem Idaho Compensation & Benefits Association, Excel Training, Fall2014 Southern Idaho Compensation & Benefits Association, Excel Training, Fall2013 Promotion/Tenure Reviewer for Another Institution, Fall 2013 Southern Idaho Compensation & Benefits Association, Excel Training, Spring 2012 United Water, Excel Training, Spring 201I Heifer International Advisory Council, Fall 2006 - Spring 201I Southern Idaho Compensation & Benefits Association, Excel Training, Fall2009 MBA,rd{ International, Conference Session Chair, Spring 2008 Southern Idaho Compensation & Benefits Association, Excel Training, Summer 2007 Northwest Nazarene University, Excel Training, Fall 2007 Southern Idaho Compensation & Benefits Association, Excel Training, Fall2006 Southern Idaho Compensation & Benefits Association, Excel Training, Spring 2005 Idaho Association for Financial Professionals, Spring 2005 Hewlett-Packard Boise Cascade Corporation Editorial & Review Activities Introduction to Operations Management, 9th Ed., Prentice Hall Summer 2016, Textbook Review Matching Supply with Demand by Gerard Cachon, McGraw-Hill Summer 2016 -Fall2016, Textbook Review Operations Management by William J. Stevenson, McGraw-Hill Summer 2016, Textbook Review Operations Management: Creating Value Long the Supply Chain, 6th Ed., Prentice Hall Summer 2016 -Fall2016, Textbook Review McGraw Hill Roundtable on teaching Operations Management Summer 2016 - Fall20l6, Review Panel Member McGraw-Hill-Cachon-Terwiesch 2nd Round Review Fall2014 - Spring 2015 McGraw-Hill-Cachon Textbook Proposal Summer 2014, Textbook Review Joumal of Finance Issues Fall2012, Manuscript Reviewer Operations Management: An Integrated Approach,4th Edition Spring 2008, Textbook Review McGraw-Hall Companies Spring 2005 Textbook Review Thomson Learning Fall2005, Textbook Review McGraw-Hillflrwin Fall 2005, Textbook Review Journal of Operations Management Fall 2005, Manuscript Reviewer Awards & Honors Teaching Outstanding Teacher, College of Business & Economics Advisory Council, Spring 2014 Faculty Development Activities May,2006 Lean Manufacturing Conference, Lexington, KY Exhibit No. 41 Case No. INT-G-16-02 P. Fry Reb, Page 4 of4 o e Ronald L. Williams,ISB No. 3034 Williams Bradbury, P.C. l0l5 W. Hays St. Boise,ID 83702 Telephone: (208) 344-6633 Email: ron@williamsbradbury.com Afforneys for Intermountain Gas Company BEFORE TIIE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY FOR THE AUTHORITY TO CHANGE ITS RATES AND CHARGES FOR NATURAL GAS SERVICE TO NATURAL GAS CUSTOMERS IN THE STATE OF IDAHO ) ) ) ) ) ) ) Case No. INT-G-16-02 o EXHIBIT 42 o () EXHIB!T TOC o O Patrick W. Shannon College of Business and Economics Department of Information Technolory and Supply Chain Management Boise State University pshannon@boisestate.edu 208-426-3786 Office MBEB 3217 EDUCATION BS,Industrial Management (U of Montana 1970) MS, Management and Statistics (U of Montan4 1972) Ph.D. Quantitative Methods (U of Oregon,1975) PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE 2014 - Present Professor, Statistics and Supply Chain Management, Boise State University 2008-2014 Dean, College of Business and Economics, Boise State University 1994-2008 Professor, Statistics and Supply Chain Management, Boise State University 2001-2004 Deparfnent Chair, Department ofNetworking, Operations and Information Systems, Boise State University 1992-1994 Associate Dean, College of Business, Boise State University 1987-1992 Professor, Production and Operations Management, Boise State University 1985-1987 Associate Professor, Operations Management, Boise State University 1982-1985 Associate Professor, Business Statistics, University of Montana 1981-1982 Associate Departrnent Chafu, DeparEnent of Management and Finance 1979-1982 Associate Professor, Decision Sciences, Boise State University 1974-1979 Assistant Professor, Decision Sciences, Boise State University OTHER PROFESSIONAL APPOINTMENTS Spring 1992 Spring 1994 Visiting Professor, Bond University, Gold Coast, Australia Faculty, Executive MBA Program, Bond University, Australia and India o Exhibit No. 42 Case No. INT-G-16-02 P. Fry Reb. Page 1 of4 o o o Textbooks Business Statistics: A Decision Makine Approach, l't-thru 10th Editions, Copyright, 1981 to 2018, Pearson Education (Co-authors: David Groebner and Phil Fry) A Conrse In Business Statistics, I't thru 4'd Editions, Copyright 1994to20}6,Pearson Educayion/Prentice Hall Publishing (Co-authors: David Groebner, Phil Fry, and Kent Smith) Intoduction to Management Science. Copynght, 1991, Macmillan/Dellen Publishing (Co-author: David Groebner) College Mathematics: With Business Applications. 1985, Merrill Publishing (Co-author: David Groebner) Academic Papers Refereed Articles "HLA Matching Trumps Donor Age: Donor-Recipient Pairing Characteristics That Impact Long-Term Success in Living Donor Kidney Transplantation in the Era of Paired Kidney Exchange",Transplantation Direct,Yol.2,Issue 7, July 2016, C0- Authors: Milner, John MD, FRCSC; Melcher, Marc L. MD, PhD; Lee, Brian MD; Veale, JeffMD, FRCSC; Ronin, Matthew; D'Alessandro, Tom; Hil, Garet; Fry, Phillip C. "Lean in the Public Sector: Driving Improvements in Idaho's Food Stamp Program" Journal of Business and Economics, Academic Star Publishing Company, January 2016, Volume 7, No. l, pp l-11 "Using Simulation to Explore Lean Manufacturing Implementation Strategies" The Journal of Management Educ ation, 20 I 0. Co-Authors : Kip Krumwiede and Jeff Street. o'Leadership, Perceived Team Climate, and Process Improvement in Municipal Govemment",International Journal of Quality and Reliability Management,Yol. 22, No. 8, 2005 Co-Authors: Larry Howard and Tom Foster. "Improving Throughput, Reducing Lead Time, and Managing Constraints: A Computer Simulation-Based Exercise", Decision Sciences Journal of Innovative Education, Vol. 1, Number 2,Fa11,2003, co-author: Phil Fry "The Role of Quality Tools in Improving Satisfaction and Government", Quality Management Journal, Vol. 9, Number 2,2002. Co-Authors: Larry Howard and Tom Foster. Exhibit No. 42 Case No. INT-G-16-02 P. Fry Reb. Page2ol 4 o O "Effect of Weather on Free-Flow Speed", Transportation Research Record, Joumal of the Transportation Research Board, No 1776, pp 60-68, December 2001, Co Authors: Mike Kyte, and Fred Kitchener "The Effect of Environmental Factors on Driver Speed: A Case Study," Transportation Research Recor4 No. 1635, September, 1998. Co-Authors: Wei Liang, Mike Kyte, and Fred Kitchener "The Value-Added Ratio," Quality Progress, Vol. 30, No. 3, March,1997 "Push/Pull Manufacturing Simulation: A hands-on Training Experience," Production and Inventoqv Management Joumal Vol. 34, No.l, First Quarter,1993 Co-Author: Phil Fry "What Is Customer Driven Marketing?," Business Horizons, November-December, 1992 Co-Author: Earl Naumann "A Decision Support System for Motor Vehicle Taxation Evaluation," lnterfaces,Yol.22, Number 2, March-Apil, l992.Co-author: Robert Minch "A Note on Making It Right the First Time," Training and Development Journal, March 1990. Co-authors: Phil Fry and David Groebner "Using Simulation in Implementing Property Tax Reform," Simulation, Volume 33, No. 5, November,l979. Co-authors: V. Lyman Gallup, C. Mike Merz,and Emerson Maxson "Pavement Width Standards for Rural Two Lane Highways," Transportation Research Record, (l 978) Co-author: Alohn Stanley "Earnings Qualrty and the Impact of Capitalizing the Allowance for Funds Used During Construction for Electrical Utilities," Public Utilities Fortniehtly, (1977) Co-authors: Thomas Stitzel and Dennis Fitzpatrick "DISFRE: Distribution-Free Discriminant Analysis," Joumal of Marketing Research, May,1977 Academic Presentations Numerous presentations at academic conferences including regional and national Decision Sciences Institute, ORSA/TIMS and Academy of Management. o Exhibit No.42 Case No. INT-G-16-02 P. Fry Reb. Page 3 of4 o o Executive Development Seminars: Boise State University Center for Professional Development: Manufacturing Supervisors Training Program Total Quality Management Awareness JIT-And Push/Pull Manufacturing The Tools of Quality-An lntroduction SPC Techniques Delivering Service Quality The Manufacturing Challenge Managing Successful Projects Time-Based Competition Program and Project Management Lean Operations Managing Inventories Professional Consulting Numerous consulting engagements for public and private sector organizations including: Private Sector: Hewlett-Packard Corporation St. Alphonsus Hospital Washington Group International Fibergalss Systems, Inc. SCP Technologies Woodgrain Millwork, Inc. J.R. Simplot Company Union Pacifi c Corporation Potlatch Corporation Boise Cascade Corporation Zilog Corporation CH2M-HiII St. Luke's Regional Medical Center SpecTek Summerwinds Garden Centers, Inc. Albertsons, [nc. Welco Lumber Company Premier Technology Mount Baker Plywood Intermountain Gas Company Public Sector: Idaho Transportation Departrnent Ada County Highway District Idaho Departrnent of Fish and Game Veteran's Administration Idaho Deparftnent of Taxation Idaho Legislative Fiscal Offrce Ada County Government Idaho Dept. of Vocational Education Boise City Ada Planning Association Ada County Assessor's Office Ada County Sheriff s Deparhnent Exhibit No. 42 Case No. INT-G-16-02 P. Fry Reb. Page 4 of 4 o o o Ronald L. Williams,ISB No.3034 Williams Bradbury, P.C. 1015 W. Hays St. Boise,ID 83702 Telephone: (208) 344-6633 Email: ron@williamsbradbury.com Attorneys for Intermountain Gas Company BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY FOR THE AUTHORITY TO CHANGE ITS RATES AND CHARGES FORNATURAL GAS SERVICE TO NATURAL GAS CUSTOMERS IN THE STATE OF IDAHO Case No. INT-G-16-02 EXHIBIT 43 ) ) ) ) ) ) ) oaoc EXHIBITo o Eo'-r.oMEOoHfYCE9<odEJ"F.=EEts! OE "iE>u3!tsP:] 9'6AG?8Et<9?(,EAd@c.P.:FE5 H'' EI i 6G6e9tq)iloE6]E=>enLoO-ui>oExgEo.{976S.93;o-;O:: o@ 6 \83335o-ZHdm Exhibit No. 43 Case No. INT-G-16-02 J. Darrington Reb. Page 1 of 1 NN N@dto 6o Nood6N oooooo.i ooNr N o ooF omdnmNca6dN@6d9 E'<Ft6to!.1o-o-EO.-itsmd60N@ETNdN@O.= o?; o. sool * EH d o EO @NhH60dNONOdNdo s-.1 o^ r- dl -1 uICHON@NHOEooH666d3?{-\ @-ro-OHN@NOo!!or 2 g!d (9 NNON$OOsomNorNNm+orreoo@o{oNmodoooHc60NoooH.YoooooooE64o6Go o -oodNmo9H+O@HNXo-11@-@-\dl --@@dtsmhlnN omoXn +@ul f,R o @OoGoo@ BEEEiii o Ga o f(J oofco ot o0 oF!0sG Eoz o oUqroogNojFT^-oOE o!liobo>sotEE or! ooEg =O<F o NN Nodt@ oostN@od N ooooa.i ooNr'nNuio {oodno+Nc-YN6dN@6HdI gHulN..{ornqr-@-E ea.NroHhOrtO EDNNH N@@O.! e5n o- +6.tN* Ers i o d@ ^oNOd4nm@ylo6N6dr@mM YNdONmdNN- '-ioidild.,i.idoi E 3RR(- s.Rq3o:-.@@N@oY9,)oNo 6i;d6G6(9 m6N@N+6HON@O6N6NONtrmQoNN406tsO@O$OtNNOO606000Enu?q.!cqqne.Yooooooooo6Grooe @oo ^ooodNm{@Ydd+6@H6mxi or o-.1 @- @- \ s. ol.^-o@@HN606!l 66N O60NEi.1.1 r@ol@ --60 o OO GEo oo o6d o l oofcoot oo oFpoAo Eoz o J9oUd E'R .g! o,i;e€ SEEOooBqp s!occu"98E*-96<tIEo @ o @G 9oor6d66mon-!@o@6iOdrom6ts .\ c.! -1 q N- d1 .1 N- N- $-cNooNoNd+oNo@Odan 66(O<@qNNts @tsOOOuoo@ N o @6NmN 4odN(, sElsEEiripE 6.E o @1)nooocm 6EEEEEEl-ioooooo ,i0cro{rodiCc)Crooo.]\{il@S@*e.q.{!=.9.q *d d 6 6 6 seP OOOOOOCtr AUUUUUU9 cE!!EEgEooiltuooo a aacooaa'=ooooo@u =UUUOUUU OUUUUU o<=oN66NmOA50006NotsmooSoinididi.iqi^i+ci.iYrNd6N@OddN6orsr^rryol{o-(-@-.\tsNrmNH66rt+..HNdNON@@OrEsdo4 +@NN@Ejuij 44oi4d'rdsN o 6o4o4 0 o@ $mmohrsnQHN+@OO66nO+6@r.t.@ts@H66N@-m606Nrmol:@roNdN+MYNNhO@ooowsotNN6mO=6000odiNorloodouo ootf oooor @GE@.i!6E oz oo66HNm+@oodd<6@Homod60i60N+6N9 di d ct 6 .i r-'di oi ui r.'lnohN ooor4bol.1.1 +@o@N>o60 € nod+N oE @o oF!oI @ Eo2 o(J (cou Ef c oU (9 du €f U o o 6oH N H -,. H 'apz8h4zIii P Gol? H N H -.. d ES**sEE*ri3Eo o o Ronald L. Williams,ISB No. 3034 Williams Bradbury, P.C. 1015 W. Hays St. Boise,ID 83702 Telephone: (208) 344-6633 Email : ron@williamsbradbury.com Attorneys for Intermountain Gas Company BEFORE TIIE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY FOR THE AUTHORITY TO CHANGE ITS RATES AND CHARGES FOR NATURAL GAS SERVICE TO NATURAL GAS CUSTOMERS IN THE STATE OF IDAHO Case No. INT-G-16-02 EXHIBIT 44 ) ) ) ) ) ) ) EXH!B!T . L+rt o Tec O lntermountain Gas Company Adjustment to Staff Exhibit 1 10 For the Test Year Ending December 31,2016 Description Per Exhibit 110 Per Company Difference Line No. (a)(b) 8,308,080 3,419,023 33,049,148 (c)(d) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 T-3 Therms Block 1 Block 2 Block 3 Total 7,613,251 3,000,000 29,296,036 694,829 419,023 3,753,112 44,776,251 39,909,287 4,966,964 T-3 Revenue per Therm Block 1 Block 2 Block 3 T-3 Cost of Gas per Therm (All Blocks) TotalT-3 Revenue Total T-3 Cost of Gas TotalT-3 Margin (0.000e5) (0.000e5) $0.05465 $ 0.02205 0.00792 791,175 G2,5371 0.05465 $ 0.02205 0.00792 11 12 13 714,239 (37,914) 76,936 (4,623\ $ 833,712 $ 752,153 $ 81,559 o Exhibit No. 44 Case No. INT-G-16-02 J. Darrington Reb. Page 1 ot 2 o o lntermountain Gas Company Adjustment to Staff Exhibit 1 10 For the Test Year Ending December 31,2016 Description Per Exhibit 110 Per Company Difference Line No. (a)(b) '110,747,535 85,960,760 67,928.377 (c) 105,648,906 88,916,768 70,070,998 (d) 5,098,629 (2,956,008) (2,142,621\ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 T4 Therms Block 1 Block 2 Block 3 Total 264,636,672 264,636,672 T4 Revenue perTherm Block 1 Block 2 Block 3 10 T4 Cost of Gas per Therm (All Blocks)(0.00206) (0.00206) $0.05777 $ 0.01928 0.00455 0.05777 $ 0.01928 0.00455 11 12 13 TotalT-4 Revenue Total T-4 Cost of Gas TotalT4 Margin 8,364,283 (545,152) 8,136,476 (545,152\ 227,807 8 ,435$8,681,628$227,807$909 o Exhibit No. 44 Case No. INT-G-16-02 J. Darrington Reb. Page2ol2 o o Ronald L. Williams,ISB No. 3034 Williams Bradbury, P.C. 1015 W. Hays St. Boise,ID 83702 Telephone: (208) 344-6633 Email: ron@williamsbradbury.com Attorneys for Intermountain Gas Company BEFORE TIIE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY FOR THE AUTHORITY TO CHANGE ITS RATES AND CHARGES FOR NATURAL GAS SERVICE TO NATURAL GAS CUSTOMERS IN THE STATE OF IDAHO ) ) ) ) ) ) ) Case No. INT-G-16-02 o EXHIBIT 45 No .L+5 EXHIBITo TGC o o A2 Southwest Gas Corporation CA Pacific Gas and Electric Company San Diego Gas & Electric Co. Southern California Gas Company Southwest Gas Corporation co Public Service Company of Colorado ID Avista Gas NV Southwest Gas Corporation OR Avista Utilities Cascade Natural Gas Corporation Northwest Natural Gas Company UT Questar Gas Company WA Avista Corporation Cascade Natural Gas Corporation Puget Sound Energy, lnc. WY AR Arkansas Oklahoma Gas Corp. Black Hills Energy Arkansas, lnc. CenterPoint Arkansas GA Atlanta Gas Light Company LA Atmos - LA MD Baltimore Gas and Electric Company Chesapeake Utilities - Maryland Exhibit No. 45 Case No. INT-G-16-02 M. McGrath Reb. Page 'l of 2 IL Ameren lllinois Company North Shore Gas Company Peoples Gas Light and Coke Company IN Citizens Energy Group lndiana Gas Company, lnc. Southern lndiana Gas and Electric Company, lnc. MI Michigan Gas Utilities Corporation MN CenterPoint Energy - MN Minnesota Energy Resources Corporation WI Wisconsin Public Service Corporation West CI Connecticut Natural Gas Corporation MA Bay State Gas Company Boston Gas Company ColonialGas Company Fitchburg Gas & Electric Liberty Utilities (New England Natural Gas Company) Corp. NSTAR Gas Company NJ New Jersey Natural Gas Company South Jersey Gas Company NY Brooklyn Union Gas Company Central Hudson Gas & Electric Corporation Consolidated Edison Company of New York Corning Natural Gas Corporation KeySpan Gas East Corporation National Fuel Gas Distribution Corporation New York State Electric & Gas Corporation Niagara Mohawk Power Corporation Orange and Rockland Utilities, lnc. Rochester Gas and Electric Corporation St. Lawrence Gas Company, lnc. RI Narragansett Electric Com pany VT Vermont Gas Systems, lnc. o Black Hills Northwest Wyoming Gas Utility Company, LLC Questar Gas - WY Columbia Gas of Maryland Sandpiper Energy Washington Gas Light (WGL) MS Atmos - Mississippi NC Piedmont Natural Gas Company, lnc. Public Service Company of North Carolina, lncorporated sc Piedmont Natural Gas Company - SC TN Chattanooga Gas Company VA Columbia Gas of Virginia, lncorporated Virginia Natural Gas, lnc. Washington Gas Light o o o Exhibit No. 45 Case No. INT-G-16-02 M. McGrath Reb. Page2of 2 EXCERPTS FROM "PR13-36 Workpapers_Morrison_Normalization.xlsx"o o Figure 1 @E J( EB-Fa:1E F Clipboird r, VLOOKUP A A 161 I Dec 162 Jan 163, Feb 164,Mar t6S rApr 166 167 Jun 168'Jut 169rAug HOME INSERT PAGELAYOUT FORMULAS DATA RMEW VIEW ACROBAT .r.[ Tii j:': .. 'l:.1:: ':trrtE' Alignmant Number I li Font ,r. , rrfilitr[ ,al l,]ilrri1 r: ,-ill FL'ilnittilit Tr:l: lt lE: Styl rr M N o ln:rrl Lelil. FLrrrrr Cells s o R s X ./ J., =otMtFlSAS3:SAS166,HaSG3$cSr66,/colr[nrlSAS3:SAS155,H2l 1 Data per Company's Response to Produdlon Request No. 27 2 Month Yerr l{DO65 3 oct ,lE 55.il126 4 Nd ,lB!, 6327524 5 Dec llr8!' 97&7!37 Fisure 2 D Jen Feb I tr-r"l e:,LG433 Fieure 3 VI-OOKUP K M N =s{rMrFlsAs3:s^sr6s,Hzscsa:scs166l/CoumF(9As3:$[s166,H21 XL}A}7 ) ryrr !cur(llIailuflilr E rt t!ultuet =suMr F( $A$3:sAs166,H2,sc$3 :$c$166)/couNrF( sA$3:$qsff6, H2l E 'oduction Requegt No. 27 D G H MarFebJtn AP'lullunM.y aug HG K L p B X { Ji =suMlF{sAg3:glgtm,xegcgr:gcgrm,/couNrlF{gA$3:$ag165,14 C 916.11687 935.s831 8:16.7928 74rJ..6it47 E s78. D M.r Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 7O9596 59LUt72 390.51!, 1m.'U57 $.4813 72t2527 65,6!ttlttl 25E.7155 653.10:B 9E6.2):X, No.IOC Exhibit No. 46 Case No. INT-G-16-02 IGC Production Reguest No. 17 to Stafi File Name "PR # 13 - 36 Workpapers_Morrison_normalization.xlsx" Spreadsheet "HDD" p.1 ot 2 F HG 2q)3 U6.3456 2(n3 33.3223r un3 0.ili7958 EXH!BIT o fa o Fisure 4 i3FE. PAGE LAYOUT -lu - n- n- j- s-4- tE FORMULAS DATA REVIEW VIEW = :ys *t-frWrapTat ffi| Merge & Centcr - Alignment /i {Ac-scsr72)/scsu3 z Yr HIx) HDO2 HDO3rr THDD THDDz THDO3 RS{2 Avg tr q, L?il?^ tr o Insert Delete Format C.ll5 Share \ Thir File Webl ACROBAT 6.ncrrl $'% r 'r8;98 Number r, Conditional Format as Cell Formatting - T.bl! - 5tyl6 . styki fi. l" lt Sort & Find &'L - P;11q7- 5s1s61. Editing Blrttnet Eam ::.": tF r! AAABACADAEAFAGAHAIA]AKAL J.n Feb M.r Apr Msy .lun Jul Aug S€p Oct Nov Dec 2015 2015 2(,16 2015 2016 Zr15 z)Ut 2015 ZlUt 2015 20r.:i 2015 1t50.52' !D1.6.t333 mr5)49:' 59ZO372I :Ixr6ilI}l lm.48s5-' 53.7ttr!5 t2.t?5.274 65.5815(B 5&7[5i48 56:],10:83 986.2:r:]' t!zt7t7 !183:*t5.tl9 s9zl7t.tt!i 3:ict(B.06 l,!t2li83.zl tzs7s,on a5.6:!t ilil-guxl9 13Lo.5277 ffi,i,,9.?;23 43t97t1,A 972775.6 1,5238{r!) 975uttq}r t$stUIB3 2075U1817 5!t601![t 5t7!r3:L5 t5501L(D 1a72.:t6llr 2t;Xm.Ot t7:tz?g,g ZrUi79103 %9tA26,,7 l.Ag{Ai L7IIXE5 LruHss La.!}'lt!i L7lg{St 1,71!ttt&i 1.tt57r033 1.467n33 14571033 1.'167]033 r.t,/67-n33 LfiTrOr? 1.57iti1607 1.17545:]3 0.628273 0.175!HD .o 328:1039 -0.8544(m -L171793 -l.2Et[27:2 -1.14ilm8 -0.55842 0.539234 L16:nrc1 LA,UIglT L1703&E O.:lil2(Xi98 <L171xr192 {.5&'23:i -0,84:}41!' -O.!XXi:X!Z} -{r.9UXr931 r.9o:I1849 4.Tr(fi1:27 0.018!t}i4 L,[4T)7A4 2.03!':m'r LOflB3l;l O.W27lrr7 -{r.3flr26:l -O.6Xr13!'r 4,7tln6o,2 4.7wyt7 -0,7it68841 {.7:t837tr 4,m78n 4.ZlJfiE7Aiz L.OLte)Z. rlL,t5fb rrr 8184M[655183 66tr01l(}B trzulS!':}s Zt.3:lse' 16.r60lul ts.$rflt;t 17.3:]68:5 D,719-t8a 76.U)itD 12L.45t2 117.19t16, X&9:r32 lfil.zli/l,gz 7L55:l:ltrt tllt.34$64 27ts)?$17 '1r.19il1&l 16.57O3D 20.05738!t y),39741 72,1gj{{B 12,.,67il2 o ilo. Di[s 2:t8,6t' 2jr9,t01 2i19,620 239113 'F,si Wl E,fit lb. t7r" Pqc, q 1 2aorog 2,o,9 21L19 2a1,76 242,fr) 212.W 213.57 243,796 Torrrlhri,ni {,976,ffi 8,1215X1 2L72Z7!E 15S,{t9 O,1.:Ut151 5,672327 4,065rtr0 {lllPi8 a,XO;113 7,g1lB3 t8,fi1,Eo D,W|,3U Exhibit No. 46 Case No. INT-G-16-02 IGC Production Request No. 17 to Staff File Name "PR # 13 - 36 Workpapers_Morrison_normalization.xlsx" Spreadsheet "HDD" p.2 ot 2 O J\INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY ASu&#/ktry d MIN Rf6purcs5 @a0, hrc. 555 SOUTH COLE ROAD o PO. BOX 7608 ' BOISE, lD 83707-1608 (208) 377-6000 . FAX (2OB) 377-6867 www.intgas.com MEMORANDUM TO:COMMlSSION SECRETARY PARTIES OF RECORD DATE: MARCH 2,20L7 RE: REVISED DARRINGTON DIRECT TESTIMONY, CASE NO. INT-G-L6-Oz ln order to more expeditiously present Company witness Jacob Darrington's Direct Testimony at hearing, the Company is submitting the following textual revisions to Mr. Darrington's Direct Testimony. PAGE NO./UNE NO.CHANGE o Page 3/Line20 Page 4/Line 4 Page 4/Line 9 Page 4/Line 15 Page 4/Line 15 Page 4/Line 19 Page S/Line 2 Page S/Line 5 Page S/Line 10 Page S/Line 13 Page 6/Line 5 Page 6/Line 19 Page 7/Line 18 Page 8/Line 1 Page 8/Line 12 Page 9/Line 5 Page 9/Line 6 Page 9/Line 8 Page 9/Line 21 Page 9/Line 21 Page lO/Line 8 Page 1O/Line 9 Page 10/Line 17 Page 10/Line 17 Page 10/Line 21 Page LL/Line L4 Page 11lline 15 change s596,065,559 to s594,705,943 Change S16,555,572 to S17,325,388 Change S308,450,846 to S306,953,230 change S4,303,085 to 54,573,686 Change 5L46,265 to S156,408 change 52:87,674,7 L3 to 5287,7 52,7 t3 Change S3,149,131 to S3,195,291 Change 53,195,613 to 53,225,3M Change 5856,019 to 5794,167 change 53,890 to S16,040 Change S1,032,588 to S1,143,988 Change 55O,t72,477 to 549,976,423 change s13,183,858 to 513,275,033 Cha nge $7,893,17 I to 58,o22,5L2 Cha nge 5236,926,497 to 5237,3L8,4OL Change S236,530,903 to S238,922,261 Change S235,335,918 to 5235,630,331 change 51,194,985 to 52,291,930 Change 527,605,926 to $26,048,333 Change 521,246,@4 to 520,115,205 change S1,813,230 to S1,971,056 change 51,46L,L40 to S1,575,553 change 57,o87,L54 to 56,77 2,973 Change 57,087,860 to 56,773,679 Change 5803,928 to 5828,984 Change 5442,726 to 5839,067 Change 5336,443 to 5563,873 l'rIGC Exhibit No. Ll l Case No. INT-G-16-02 Revision to Darrington Direct Testimony Resulting From September Update Page 1 of 2 EXHIBIT o o o Page 12lLine 10 Page 12lLine 10 Page 12lLine 11 Page Ll/Line 22 Page 12lline 23 Page L3/Line 11 Page 13/Line 11 Page 13/Line 15 Page 13/Line 20 Page 14lLine 5 Page 14lLine 5 Page 14lLine 20 Page 14lLine 21 Page 14lLine 23 Page 15/Line 1 Page 15/Line 3 MichaelP. McGrath Director, Regulatory Affairs Change 5373,269 to 5504,928 Change 532,728 to 547,060 Change 5405,997 to S551,988 Change S1,052,398 to 5919,530 Change 56g,ggz to S57,017 Change 56,79L to 56,623 Change S255,321 to $248,083 Change 54,348,423 to 54,205,090 Change 52,544,743 to 52,585,666 Change S25a,800,5t0 to S255,394, 111 change 5243,305,823 to s243,382,945 Change 5236,925,497 to 5237,3L8,4oL Change 5LL,494,687 to S12,011,166 Change 517,579,946 to S17,509,108 Change S10,165,700 to 59,351,615 Change 4.04Yoto 3.7O/o These changes are due to the Company's original and amended responses to Staff Production Request No. 178 in which the Company provided an update to its revenue requirement to include actual data through September ("September Update"). The resulting amounts were incorporated into the Staffs revised Exhibit 103. Sincerely, l,oUl tl cb,a,!.L6u tln Exhibit No. -[ f Case No. INT-G-15-02 Revision to Darrington Direct Testimony Resulting From September Update Page2 of 2 o o DEFINITIONS MODELING DEFINITIONS Reqression Modelino Development of a model that can be used to forecast usage or to weather normalize actual usage. This model is applied to weather variables, either'?verage Weathe/' (Staff) or "Normal Heating Degree Days" (Company). To forecast usage, the coefficient is multiplied by the weather variable for each of the appropriate months. The resulting weather usage is added together with the other model variables to calculate the total usage for the month. To weather normalize actual usage, the coefficient for the appropriate month is multiplied by the difference between actual and normal heating degree days to arrive. The resulting adjustment was applied to actual usage to arrive at normalized usage in the actual months. N ormo I Weathe r Vari o bl e The variable that is multiplied by the weather coefficients in the regression model. ln this proceeding it is either Staffs Average Weather or the Company's Rolling 30-year Normal Heating Degree Days. NORMAL WEATHER VARIABLE Averooe Weother o Staff weather variable e Oct 1989 - May 2003 average (HDD tab of Morrison's spreadsheet; See Exhibit No. 46) . Only the RS-1 heating degree day data was used although RS-2 and GS-1 was available Rollina 30-veor NormolHeatino Deoree Dovs o Company weather variable o Jan 1986 - Dec 2015 average o Unique variable for each class (RS-l, RS-2 and GS) STATISTICAL TERMS USED ABOVE Coefficient - The term found on Exhibit 724, final page, in the second column. Part of the result of the regression equation. Variable - The number to which the coefficient is applied to calculate the answer. A simplified Januarv example (not includins trend or AR(1)) January Usage = Constant + Coefficient (Variable) January Usage = L56.4242 + 0.455898(1,757') January Usage = 684 $oIEC- Exhibit No.48 Case No. INT-G-18-02 lntermountain Gas Company L. Blattner, Di-Reb o o EXHIBIT