HomeMy WebLinkAbout20150402INT to Staff 1-7.pdfEXECUTIVE OFF]CES lNrennaouNTAlru Gas Couparuv 555 SOUTH COLE ROAD . p.O. BOX 7608 . BO|SE, TDAHO 83707 . (208) 377_6000 o FAX:377_6097 r r 1" r'! _'_ : 'l ,-! ?015"fiP -2 Pl{ h: 37 ?Cl5 f,l?";Z Ptt lr' 3'l 'la !! i'r-l'-1_ ,:. _ill:r-.1 iiI..'; . ;.:'.ru: .-l ;i_l-i1..., ,".., , ,, . -1,_,.,Apil2,2015 Jean Jewell Commission Secretary Idatro Public Utilities Commission 472West Washington St. P. O. Box 83720 Boise,lD 83720-0074 RE: First Production Request of the Commission Staffto Intermountain Gas Company Case No. INT-G-15-01 Dear Ms. Jewell: Enclosed for filing with this Commission are the original and seven (7) copies of Intermountain Gas Company's response to the First Production Request of the Commission Staff, in the above referenced Case. Also attached hereto is a disc containing the applicable electronic files. If there are any questions regarding the attached, please contact me at (208) 377-6168. Very truly yours, ichael P. M6Grath Director, Re gulatory Affairs Intermountain Gas Company Enclosure cc: Scott Madison REQUEST NO. 1: Page 46 of the Integrated Resource Plan (IRP) states: "It should be noted that during the preparation of the data provided in the survey, it was discovered that the historical daily [Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition] (SCADA) data indicated that quite a few of the large volume customer's peak day usage exceeded their actual contract [Maximum Daily Firm Demand] (MDFQ)." Please describe how SCADA data is monitored, analyzed and compared to customers MDQF. Please include applicable process descriptions and procedures. Responder: Record Holder: John Whiting Director, Gas Supply & Control 509-734.4549 Dave Swenson Manager, lndustrial Services 208-377-6118 MichaelP. McGrath Director, Reg ulatory Affairs Intermountain Gas Gompany 555 S. Gole Rd. Boise, lD 83709 208-377-6168 RESPONSE: SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition) is a system operating with coded signals over communication channels so as to provide control or data acquisition of remote equipment. Intermountain uses such a system to monitor meter usage (consumption) and pressures at sites across its distribution system. Where feasible, Intermountain installs SCADA and related telemetry equipment at large volume customer meter sites to provide "real time" measured meter throughput and relay that information to its central server unit. The system saves the individual customer data in hourly increments and also transmits that data to a website where those customers can view or download their hourly or daily usage. For the IRP study, the then most recent three years of customer specific daily usage data (SCADA) was downloaded into Excel. The peak day and its associated date for each year was identified and then compared against the then current MDFQ (or Firm Daily Demand for T-5). The data was sorted by peak day over firm demand/MDFQ and those customers with peak days higher than contract demand where further sorted by Area Of Interest (AOI). See Attachment No. I for SCADA vs. Contract data. REQUEST NO. 2: Page 46 of the IRP states: "The variance between these figures [SCADA vs. contract MDFQ] were compared and assessed customer-by-customer by AOI with the assistance of the engineering group to determine which of the customers were located in geographic areas that currently have available peak day capacity. Where possible, Intermountain will allow those customers to adjust the contract MDFQ to levels consistent with actual peak day use. Those located in areas that do not have available capacity will be required to invest in new facilities in order to increase their MDFQ. The Base Case MDFQ quantities beginning in 2015 include these adjusted MDFQ assumptions." a) Please provide and explain the adjusted MDFQ assumptions used to develop the Base Case. b) For each schedule, please provide the number and percentage of large-volume customers with peak day usages exceeding their actual contract MDFQ. c) How many customers does the Company estimate will adjust their contract MDFQ to levels consistent with actual peak day use? d) Why are some customers being required to invest in new facilities in order to increase their MDQF, when historically, the Company has been able to provide service given their actual peak day use? e) Based on the Company's assumptions, please describe the estimated financial impact to all customer classes. Responder: Russ Nishikawa Engineer lll 208-377-6038 Dave Swenson Manager, lndustrial Services 208-377-6118 Record Holder: Michael P. McGrath Director, Reg ulatory Affairs lntermountain Gas Company 555 S. Cole Rd. Boise, !D 83709 208-377-6168 RESPONSE: a) The MDFQ should reflect the maximum amount of capacity that Intermountain would need to provide for a customer on the peak day based on the customer's installed gas-fired equipment and actual historical usage patterns. The Base Case assumed either the then existing customer MDFQ or the higher MDFQ where approved pursuant to the engineering variance study. b)Rate Class LV-I T-4 T-5 Number 5 26 7 Percent 29% 33% 54% c) At least the 3l LV-l and T-4 customers. The T-5 customers will be on a case-by-case basis. Pursuant to Rate Schedule T-5, all daily usage over the Firm Daily Demand (analogous to the T-4 MDFQ) is "Over-run" and therefore considered intemrptible. The T-5 customers are aware of that. Because increasing the contracted Firm Daily Demand would also require a higher monthly demand charge and because they highly value load factor, it may not be correct to simply assume that these customers will automatically increase the daily firm rights even if capacity is available. d) Intermountain's distribution system is designed to serve firm loads on the peak day under design weather conditions. On the peak day, all core customers are assumed to be at their maximum level of natural gas usage and firm large volume customers will be at their maximum contract levels. On the Peak Day there are areas on the Company's system that have location specific capacity available. It follows then that on a non-Peak Day, there is available capacity on the distribution system that large volume contract or even intemrptible customers may access above firm rights with no penalty. However Intermountain always has the right to limit a customer to its MDFQ when conditions dictate. The Company's engineering peak day study indicates where Intermountain may offer available capacity to increase contract customer's MDFQ but only if three conditions exist: l) an adequate amount of location specific firm capacity is available;2) that capacity is not required to serve a growing core market; and 3) the large volume customer can actually demonstrate a need for that capacity. On the other hand, if a large volume customer requests and can demonstrate a need for additional firm capacity but none is available, the customer is required to pay for any additional facilities necessary to provide that additional capacity. To do otherwise would require that all remaining customers subsidize that customer's needs. e) Facilitating the incremental, more efficient higher load factor use of under-utilized Company assets (pipes in the ground and related infrastructure that have available capacity) provides benefits to all of Intermountain's customers. An estimated financial impact of this benefit has not been calculated as the study's focus was from an engineering, or available capacity, perspective. It should also be noted that contract customer's MDFQ's are subject to renegotiation at the expiration of the customer's contract period. REQUEST NO.3: Page 83 of the IRP states: "IGC has participated in [Gas Technology Institute Research and Development (GTI R&D)] projects, and will continue that collaboration as the opportunities arise." Please describe how the Company selects which GTI R&D projects it becomes involved in. As part of the response, please provide the Company's GTI R&D budget and forecast. If the Company does not have a GTI R&D budget and forecast, please explain how it accounts for and plans its projects. Responder: Hart Gilchrist Director, Operations Services 208-377-6086 Byron Defenbach Manager, Energy Utilization 208-377-6080 Record Holder: MichaelP. McGrath Director, Regulatory Affairc lntermountain Gas Company 555 S. Cole Rd. Boise, lD 83709 208-377-6168 RESPONSE: Intermountain Gas Company (IGC) participates in two R&D components of the Gas Technology Institute (GTI); Operations Technology Development (OTD) and Utilization Technology Development (UTD). Additionally, IGC funds another R&D program, Emerging Technologies Program (ETP). See Attachment No. 2. Annually, IGC dues (otherwise known as the investment dollars allocated toward R&D projects each year) for each area of R&D are as follows: o OTD $150,000 (based on $0.50/meter)o UTD $122,000 (based on $0.40/meter)o ETP $ 25,000 (flat rate allocation) OTD OTD and its 23 members serve over 38 million natural gas consumers in the United States and Canada. These companies work together to develop, test and implement new technologies related to safe and reliable operation of the natural gas infrastructure. IGC's annual R&D funding amounts to $150,000, which is based on meter count. Below is a listing of R&D projects IGC has participated in dating back to 2002: o Portable Methane Detectoro Evaluation of Pavement Restoration Technologyo Mechanical Repair Sleeve for Polyethylene Pipeo Emergency Response to Blowing Gas. Lightrveight Stopping Equipmento Yield Strength Projecto GPS Consortium Projecto Installation and Monitoring of Meter Hardening Shelterso Assessment of Intrepid Biogas Processo GPS Integration While IGC has participated in some of the GTI R&D projects, we do not participate in all of them. We base our decisions on new technologies, the make-up of our system as it relates to projects (i.e. we fund projects centered around plastic pipe, cathodic protection, etc. and not projects centered around cast iron pipe). We also look at projects that have an environmental influence like the Carbon Management Information Center (CMIC), which we currently co-fund with our OTD and UTD funds. Currently, IGC is helping fund the following projects in the OTD arena: o Assessment of Squeeze off location for small diameter plastic pipeo Remote Field QA/QC. Cross Bores Sewer System Cleanout Safeguard Deviceo No Stub Service Lateral Retiremento Tracking and Traceability of Weldso Residential Methane Detectors Programo GPS Consortium UTD IGC's participation in GTI R&D projects is through collaboration with other gas utilities in the Utilization Technology Development (UTD) not for profit corporation. UTD is composed of 16 member utilities that pool their resources to fund R&D projects conducted and managed by GTI. GTI performs the various R&D projects, as well as UTD administration through a service agreement with UTD. IGC selects GTI R&D projects for funding based on the characteristics and usage of our customers. Space and water heating, as well as transportation have been areas of emphasis. Our annual dues to UTD are $122,000, based on $.40 per meter. These funds provide the base of financial support for UTD projects. This is how we account for our participation in GTI projects. Please see Attachment #3 for UTD description. REQUEST NO. 4: Page 83 of the IRP states: "In the Fall of 2014, GTI and IGC [the Company] will collaborate on cold-climate testing of the NextAire natural gas heat pump." On the same page, the Company also states: "As of Summer 20|4,IGC [the Company] is also working with GTI to collaborate with the Northwest Energy Eff,rciency Alliance (NEEA) on Idaho field testing of residential Gas Heat Pump Water Heater (GHPWH)." Please provide a status update on both projects. As part of the response, please explain whether the Company plans to include a summary of these projects in the next IRP. If not, please explain why not. Responder: Byron Defenbach Manager, Energy Utilization 208-377-6080 Record Holder: MichaelP. McGrath Director, Regulatory Affairc lntermountain Gas Company 555 S. Gole Rd. Boise, lD 83709 208-977-6168 RESPONSE: Please see Afiai ent No. l. lntermountain can provide a sunmary of these projects as part of its next IRP filing. REQUEST NO. 5: Aside from the Company's collaboration with the Gas Technology Institute (GTD, please describe how the Company works independently with the Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance (NEEA) natural gas efforts. As a part of the response, please explain whether or not the Company plans to be an active member in NEEA's natural gas efforts? Responder: Byron Defenbach Manager, Energy Utilization 208-377-6080 Record Holder: MichaelP. McGrath Director, Regulatory Affairs lntermountain Gas Gompany 555 S. Cole Rd. Boise, lD 83709 208-377-6168 RESPONSE: Aside from IGC's collaboration with the GTIA{EEA project, we have not worked independently with NEEA's natural gas efforts. We have no plans at this time for fuither collaboration, but will consider mutually beneficial opportunities with NEEA. REQUEST NO. 6: Page 83 of the IRP states: "IGC has provided financial assistance to the University of Idaho Integrated Design Lab to further that entity's energy effrciency research and training." Please describe the Integrated Design Lab's natural gas research and training. As part of the response, please provide the historical and forecasted funding levels, and explain how the Company has applied this research to benefit customers. Responder: Byron Defenbach Manager, Energy Utilization 208-377-6080 Record Holder: Michael P. McGrath Director, Regulatory Affairs lntermountain Gas Company 555 S. Cole Rd. Boise, lD 83709 208-377-6168 RESPONSE: The Integrated Design Lab provides education and training to building design and engineering professionals to improve energy efficiency in their projects. Areas of treatment include thermal comfort, building envelope behavior, ventilation, indoor air quality, and energy conservation. In 10/04 Intermountain Gas made a $l0K contribution to UI IDL. There was one other for $500 in 2011 for IDL's grand opening in their new space downtown Boise. In that case IGC paid for a direct expense for food or speaker travel costs for the 2011 event. We have also participated with IDL in providing consumption data information for an Energy Use Intensity project in 2009. We have no forecast of further IDL assistance. We would anticipate providing fruther assistance when requested. Requests from IDL are handled as received. IDL's results of their studies are distributed within the Architectural and Engineering communities, and make their way into the marketplace from there. REQUEST NO. 7: Page 91 of the IRP states "As a result of the nearly 40olo residential price reduction since 2008, the residential DSM programs previously analyzed for pilot implementation still will not provide the cost-benefits estimated under the significantly higher gas prices seen by [the Company] in recent earlier years." Please provide the avoided cost calculations the Company used to determine that natural gas demand-side management is not cost-effective. Please provide and explain the assumptions used, including the avoided costs of additional storage, distribution capacity, and interstate transportation capacity. Please separate the fixed and variable components of the avoided cost. Responder: Byron Defenbach Manager, Energy Utilization 208-377-6080 Lori Blattner Regulatory Analyst lV 208465-5526 Record Holder: Michael P. McGrath Director, Regulatory Affairs lntermountain Gas Gompany 555 S. Cole Rd. Boise, !D 83709 208-377-6168 RESPONSE: In reviewing the IRP document, the Company notes that there was a typo on Page 91. The corrected quote should read, "As a result of the nearly 40% residential price reduction since 2008, the residential DSM programs previously analyzed for pilot implementation still will not provide the cost-benefits estimated under the significantly Uower] gas prices seen by IGC in recent years." The Company has included the DSM analysis as part of this Production Request (see Attachment No. 4). The analysis assumes that the current levels of fixed costs are sunk costs. The only avoided fixed costs would be those that are incremental to our current operating levels. Since this IRP forecasts no need for additional storage or interstate transportation capacity, the fixed component of the avoided cost rate is zero. The variable portion of the avoided cost rate is the Company's WACOG at the time the analysis was performed of $0.37341. As you will note, when compared to the avoided cost rate, none of the DSM measures tested were cost effective for either the residential or commercial customer classes. cAsE NO. INT-G-15-01 First Production Request of the Commission Staff to lntermountain Gas Company Attachment 1 INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY SUMMARY OF IARGE VOTUME MDFq VS PEAK DAY TOADS 2015-2019 rRP RATE crAss T,5 T-4 r-4 r-4 LV-1 T-5 LV-1 T-4 r-4 r-4 T-5 T-5 r-slr-4 T-4 T-5 T-4 T-4 T-sfi-4 T-5 T-4 I4 T-4 LV-1 r-s/r-4 T-4 T-4 LV-1 T-4 r-5lr-4 T-4 T-4 T-4 T-4 r-4 T-4 T-4 T-4 LV- 1 T-4 T-4 r-4 T-4 LV- 1 T-4 T-4 LV-1 T-4 T-4 T,4 r-4 LV.1 T-4 LV- 1 T-4 r-4 I-4 r.4 LV.1 r-4 T-4 T-4 T-4 r-4 r-4 T-4 NO. CUSTOMER NAME 1 CUSTOMER NO. 1 2 CUSTOMIR NO.2 3 CUSTOMIR NO.3 4 CUSTOMER NO.4 5 CUSTOMER NO.5 6 CUSTOMER NO. 6 7 CUSTOMER NO.7 8 CUSTOMER NO.8 9 CUSTOMER NO.9 10 CUSTOMER NO. 10 11 CUSTOMER NO. 11 12 CUSTOMER NO. 12 13 CUSTOMER NO. 13 14 CUSTOMER NO. 14 15 CUSTOMER NO. 15 16 CUSTOMER NO. 16 17 CUSTOMER NO. 17 18 CUSTOMER NO. 18 19 CUSTOMTR NO.19 20 CUSTOMER NO.20 21 CUSTOMER NO. 21 22 CUSTOMER NO.22 23 CUSTOMER NO.23 24 CUSTOMER NO.24 25 CUSTOMER NO.25 26 CUSTOMER NO.26 27 CUSTOMER NO.27 28 CUSTOMER NO.28 29 CUSTOMTR NO.29 30 cusToMtR No.30 31 CUSTOMER NO.3I 32 CUSTOMER NO.32 33 CUSTOMER NO.33 34 CUSTOMER NO.34 35 CUSTOMER NO.35 36 CUSTOMER NO,36 37 CUSTOMER NO.37 38 CUSTOMER NO. 38 39 CUSTOMER NO.39 40 CUSTOMER NO.40 41 CUSTOMER NO.4I 42 CUSTOMER NO.42 43 CUSTOMER NO.43 44 CUSTOMER NO.44 45 CUSTOMER NO.45 46 CUSTOMTR NO.46 47 CUSTOMER NO.47 48 CUSTOMTR NO.48 49 CUSTOMER NO.49 50 CUSTOMER NO.50 51 CUSTOMER NO.51 52 CUSTOMER NO.52 53 CUSTOMER NO.53 54 CUSTOMER NO. 54 55 CUSTOMER NO.55 56 CUSTOMER NO.56 57 CUSTOMER NO.57 58 CUSTOMER NO.58 59 CUSTOMER NO.59 60 CUSTOMER NO. 60 61 CUSTOMER NO.6I 62 CUSTOMER NO.62 63 CUSTOMER NO.63 64 CUSTOMER NO.64 65 CUSTOMER NO.65 BASC 7,000 53,000 18,000 7,400 1,500 50 1,400 20,000 80,000 8,800 900 2,500 8,400 22,OOO 2,500 29,ofi) 4,000 8,ofi) 3,000 1,500 26,660 5,000 1,500 8,000 2,500 6,500 1,300 900 1,300 2,O00 3,O00 700 2,2N 3,300 4,500 1,500 2,O00 1,700 2,400 4,400 2,000 2,500 1,600 1,200 800 1,700 6,800 4,2@ 5,600 2,000 1,300 3,900 1,600 45,444 3,200 12,000 18,000 r,000 1,300 80,000 3,600 2.650 15,O00 5,000 4,000 2ND 600 9,500 3.200 TOTAT 7,000 s3,000 18,000 7,400 1,500 50 1,400 20,000 80,000 8,800 900 2,500 13,000 22,W 2,500 29,000 4,000 8,600 3,000 1,500 26,660 s,000 1,500 17,500 2,500 6,500 1,300 900 4,500 2,0(m 3,000 700 2,2@ 3,300 4,500 1,500 2,000 L,700 2,400 4,400 2,000 2,500 1,600 1,200 800 1,700 6,800 4,200 s,600 2,000 1,300 3,900 1,600 45,444 3,200 12,000 18,000 1,000 1,300 80,000 3,600 2,650 r5,000 5,000 4,000 2013 3,O57,555 10,4 18,198 7,433,927 4,794,181 389,696 237,961 327,844 8,208,903 17,102,840 3,254,6s4 793,957 1,269,O12 4,869,356 3,315,352 r,325,624 8,O71,678 369,694 2,774,850 1,391,974 854,425 9,475,013 1,347,572 795,529 5,325,005 1,031,661 1,233,374 408,532 390,158 76s,896 548,947 307,805 207,944 4t4,730 955,504 610,631 220,837 484,328 47,244 220,lLr 82t,774 307,919 47,909 314,405 444,248 199,148 205,275 t,628,299 727,335 98s,262 370,402 299,213 850,591 315,076 12,755,813 570,208 1,7t4,954 1,606,948 206,465 251,323 2,637,460 285,685 4t7,784 2,719,200 592,800 457,096 20t2 2,662,752 10,641,786 7,197,Ot7 4,248,t60 144,345 272,t27 300,724 6,843,604 t6,552,L29 2,930,280 762,753 1,134,818 4,847,607 7.080.634 1,389,135 7,464,982 457,177 3,433,O41 7,379,612 767,309 8,886,706 7,279,279 657,970 5,275,48s 1,096,754 1,181,615 368,507 368,342 735,439 458,469 280,266 193,045 380,596 800,676 466,561 243,806 420,O82 o 209,389 937.530 224,367 496,150 299,472 377,962 208,999 208,654 L,546,246 645,525 916,722 335,889 279,92t 814,469 228,548 9,079,180 520,159 1,468,483 895,01s 200,747 273,935 250,388 236,212 437,649 3,3r7,510 568,679 445,216 2013 30,858 70,625 27,749 16,820 to,779 8,760 9,385 26,790 86,717 t4,3L2 6,263 7,655 17,490 26,294 6,s63 32,888 7,787 12,343 6,565 4,003 29,1 10 7,760 3,600 19,370 4,330 8,000 2,723 2,125 5,440 2,922 3,88r 1,520 3,020 4,011 5,140 2,tto 2,603 2,297 2,99r 4,924 2,420 2,916 2,003 L,597 1,041 1,931 6,981 4,329 5,728 2,123 r,327 3,910 L,207 47,216 2,750 70,464 9,325 1,000 1,300 to,679 3,600 2,!t4 11,354 4,779 4.000 2012 2f ,370 49,148 26,379 13,507 4,908 9,642 1,540 27,984 81,922 t4,673 6,930 6,662 76,997 24,990 6,132 29,493 7,553 72,L42 6,447 3,596 27,467 5,490 0 19,058 0 s,692 2,134 2,O20 3,7L8 3,436 6,687 1,215 2,424 3,996 4,233 o 2,O53 0 4,643 s,053 0 17,977 1,788 1,358 I,O37 1,931 6,26t 3,964 4,884 t,702 1,1 13 3,401 0 37,473 2,637 7,861 9,345 0 0 5,474 0 2,199 7L,O57 3,282 0 4,600 PEUmlUilec PEAK DAY ovER Mryq 23,8s8 77,625 9,749 9.420 9.279 8,710 7,985 6,790 6,717 5,512 s,363 5,155 4,490 4,294 4,063 3,888 3,787 3,743 3,565 2,503 2,450 2,160 2,100 1,870 1,830 1,500 1,423 r.225 940 922 881 820 820 7LL 640 610 603 597 591 524 420 4L6 403 397 241 231 181 r29 128 t23 23 10 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 M:\Dept\lndustrial\o2-24-14 lndustrial LV Peak Day vs MDFQ 2013.xlsx INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY SUMMARY OT LARGE VOTUME MDTQ VS PEAK DAY TOADS 2015-2019 rRP NO.CUSTOMER NAME RATC crAss LV.1 r-4 r-5/r.4 T-4 r-4 r-4 r-4 T-4 T-4 r-4 LV-1 T,4 T-4 LV-1 r-4 r-4 T-4 T-4 T-4 T'4 r-4 T-4 r-4 LV.1 T-4 T-5 r-4 r-4 r-4 r-4 tv-1 LV- 1 tv- 1 1-4 r-4 1-4 .;DCtf,OAY.ltilEE PEAK DAY 9_VEAllplq 65 CUSTOMER NO.66 67 CUSTOMER NO.67 68 CUSTOMER NO.68 69 CUSTOMER NO.69 70 CUSTOMER NO.70 71 CUSTOMER NO,71 72 CUSTOMER NO.72 73 CUSTOMER NO.73 74 CUSTOMER NO.74 75 CUSTOMER NO. 75 76 CUSTOMER NO.76 77 CUSTOMTR NO.77 78 CUSTOMER NO.78 79 CUSTOMER NO.79 80 CUSTOMER NO.80 81 CUSTOMER NO.81 82 CUSTOMER NO.82 83 CUSTOMER NO.83 84 CUSTOMER NO.84 85 CUSTOMER NO.85 86 CUSTOMER NO. 86 87 CUSTOMER NO.87 88 CUSTOMER NO.88 89 CUSTOMER NO.89 90 CUSTOMER NO.90 91 CUSTOMER NO.91 92 CUSTOMER NO.92 93 CUSTOMER NO.93 94 CUSTOMER NO.94 95 CUSTOMER NO.95 96 CUSTOMER NO.96 97 CUSTOMER NO.97 98 CUSTOMER NO.98 99 CUSTOMER NO.99 1OO CUSTOMER NO. 1OO 101 CUSTOMER NO. 101 102 cusToMER NO. 102 103 CUSTOMER NO. 103 104 CUSTOMER NO. 104 105 CUSTOMER NO. 105 106 cusToMER NO. 106 107 CUSTOMER NO, 107 108 CUSTOMER NO. 108 rO9 CUSTOMER NO. 109 TOTAL FIRM calq 2Np 1,800 1,200 1,685 2,975 6,000 13,409 25,000 300 6,500 20,000 3,856 20,000 20,000 2,100 14,800 4,560 18,300 35,000 120,000 2,500 1,600 27,728 1,300 2,400 2,500 4,000 14,000 74,200 9,000 50,o00 2,350 2,400 1,500 2,300 1,800 6,200 1,600 2,460 8,000 1,800 2,250 1,000 1,400 2,000 42,O00 r-4 T-5 T-4 T-4 r-4 T-4 r-4 r-4 TOTAT 1,800 1,200 4,600 6,000 Lf ,409 25,000 300 6,500 20,000 3,856 20,000 20,0,00 2,100 14,800 4,560 18,300 35,000 120,0@ 2,500 1,600 27,728 1,300 2,400 2,500 4,000 14,000 L4,200 9,000 50,000 2,350 2,4@ 1,500 2,300 1,800 6,200 1,600 2,460 8,000 1,800 2,250 1,000 1,400 2,000 42,W 2013 346,724 397,130 865,006 735,237 2,313,353 2,438,935 305,722 1,1s2,532 4,738,625 297,325 1,97t,225 2.996,s44 457,176 2,O78,826 540,653 3,785,356 7,655,597 7,L73,O57 293,82L 259,6t7 2,6s2,749 283,070 232,827 288,235 97,035 186,580 116,503 1,416,103 t2,L6L,598 344,604 374,335 380,711 276,\03 476,977 72r,O77 287,63t 2s3,821 1,767,O55 328,490 186,438 2L2,753 21t,298 565,118 5.473.973 20t2 3 14,603 387,726 808,110 755,814 2,473,399 2,216,807 272,608 1,260,818 4,626,798 298,73r 1,73t,34r 2,368,194 471,825 2,O74,985 550,074 3,293,399 7,189,833 6,802,0s9 310,384 2L4,972 2,s35,952 286,036 222,749 241,166 92,431 17,679 60,643 1,283,913 1o,324,286 279,6t7 f74,689 302,310 246,508 558,916 697,868 282,647 215,700 t,232,9t4 299,801 193,869 797,730 232,gLO 619,896 3,962,588 2013 1,379 1 ,200 3,351 2,740 10,996 9,437 300 6,400 16,890 1,744 11,609 76,321 2, roo 7,778 3,054 16,863 29,434 36,421 2,OtO 1,600 27,728 7,294 2,400 2,s00 3,267 5,970 2.s60 8,574 38,636 2,350 2,400 1,500 2,300 1,800 3,140 t,570 1,887 5,030 1,800 1,800 1,O00 1,400 2,000 20t2 0 0 2,7L5 2,652 71,450 8,374 0 5,686 16, r84 t,476 9,913 72,L18 0 6,716 3,459 t7,9L6 24,945 36,500 0 0 0 1,366 0 0 3,O2s 130 3,797 6,7t6 47,543 0 0 0 0 0 2,944 1,431 1,4t8 0 0 1,805 0 0 o 2t,542 77,796 835,052 15,615 8s0,667 128.275,377 1 13,768,835 594.145 469.965 31,986 M:\Dept\lndustrial\o2-24-14 lndustraal LV Peak Day vs MDFQ 2013.xlsx cAsE NO. INT-G-15-01 First Production Request of the Commission Staff to Intermountain Gas Company Attachment 2 rr9FJo) lo oN Z" (U -ootL ct)o - .Ai9oLl--chO\, .O +,F? -ao E FA b9booo ,, *E 6 B"E BE flal-o '{=o) EO(/)\o oo)a\ C0)(ELT;E\ (o-If, bc -o EEo\ tco.qo(o 3b i I I I I I__l LLI.L f,aE 5 Ne at o) (o0) I c EH *E*E uHg.;"*$E g:gE EHEEEE'; EHEi EH; Ea EE EEOE EE}if,g gfig E,gFEr E [E fiEE Frf C') -o IJJ IILJo t<U' IIJ =oIIto o tr G CL Eoo 'i=o) o+, Lo+,t>E'A(ri6 >., =Eo).EOot-+,co(U(l)oEEoOC Hfr-o).9 .=e aeb =?.iil =-aa= t^ OO* t 09)E e R-uE EEtrh d et n EoCt-(Eo- 6CC(E .Co at-o Eo (t,5o oCCoU't-oo- E f -o (U o)C -o(U Co bo+t t-o+, oo Eoo fo .E.C+,'= EoIt E' -oE l-orF +,.E IJEo CL CLoooE'= ot-(L n CL +,oo.ct o.C+t 9 -eo'Eo oo EE8eeo)o ^L(u8.9L-g9==.> r*- -O,r OJOO n (u oocog 6+t .= E .= o.C+,oC(o c(Uo- Eo C) t-'6 .C+)rtsoaoooC fl.aaot-Eo(E o Co Eo-oE oEaao C)ot-o- o)oot-o- ooCofrF .=oC(5 (r!ttro cD(r o oUot, o a-Ltt @i-oECf LL n o .z+,(,oErtsoI+,ooo .C, .o)I n (\.a E (UL cr)oL o- o ouou o !Itlr, (trt-o .cI(tr -I oo er- = '{= ct, -(E6E E ;gEfiE HI ;.g* H s€E;o= qroEp.=e!E €BEC$a'' E =E o PEdE PE e H6 c'= h.:: f, 'rN e d*65 .s e I FEeE t H;HE$€ B SEEsgsfi oOEDfo BB sI -9 ats*8aEfl- EH,EE,c)E.Ub8 r, o EfiTE E e E IE*g€E E #EEsgr $ .€[ e:= 7<9 EgE"E E* SEE Eil-o e Ee .E e F'P(E# C (Uf o ooE.EE c LE s€Yi5l,C E e€ P E E Egi, cDO !+ E gH =tagEEE E 9ll o q-o Eo E 9c&eo5>trEDOoE9gEo. EEFcU oF rsEa E sreO .s e,aE gEgEgE aaoool- o-tttr (E a E (El- cr)ol- o- o out rrEl'o, $ # EBeo ga sE Ee, t* iE EE EEagBggEgEetg #EEEEEI I I n an$ EiFo =oIIto ooFo '{=o)efu cJl E3 PaFL. 'tfr\ J EAo-z -E 5Elt d$E Er; tt 5 s 0,1 tr.l .d E OJ(n ?d{ ffIE C" E8_b-;llC'GilEr-9c=* -.E SE(Egcr= eI UJd,(,tv - HT zt :- frE Eg;s - AJ}vElga ooa(U o)(u a Bfl$oFo aoIItr G CL Eoo f-oSI Eo = Eg$oFo of- =rh,o =L-th, @ CL II? -al-otr+,t- G'o- tlr, II I TI+, =aGo HH T'o1^.= ,s!PXEJOs(JO i""*^"**-"--*-------1 ::it:!oPi: L_C i!foovti! !'a eE ;(u(ttr.=t,lo, EUAo>L^ 9.6.9O\JssEg ifrl = i:= O ;i .jg lE€6ri E3ifittl11,1rrt!o rn8PH E EEF-Eoo,EE E >.E€bo P-g'3 H+EgEE€E E P.; E E 5 S E3==3 t I I I E.rr '{=o) '{=o) ao5 TL o +.(E E E '= I Eo)!co.9 (U (l)y y t- LuE 8.E',.ifi9fi86 38 Po0 y ou>btE.O'6Fto1UIEOE@IUE.U) o .EcOooa-YA.96 ==llotstr-c q)+rOE5tr€ o o =.!PBsEBEHOE EEqEgsEr =EEE6:o9V(E(E'=(EEE = Ecl!rrJm nnnn oFo a(Eof- a =(,o IJ. cr)o -otrFr-o P rr9FJo)I Ep-o';gE (EFLFo :*oIorh g.=- (tr EE BF<(L o.g(L o6a3st-3 b(EEc Jo6]oL =o.)t .Yoo o.o (ULo E(Eo oo-c 0)Y oo-o. tn,Oc Hg.E&V!vd>*A5 -Horiro QL-A\- =(5ari5i!E gHg =o hE !o flP+<+ ocG-co E,^?-Y ^LotL#p!?oYooto oooo-oC c.ooJ LL fg) I.JJ(L LoP(Jo oo oc(o o o -o(o oa- Ec E I I iEgioFo ao I o. E(ExIU? EEoil6fr ?FI- ,\OEgH '{=o)6B = {j>,q 3 EBF > EOb-H, &E s,EE; EE 9 EgigugfiEugpgEsE rEilF = aoscD.= Ee=oO=?L.6s gr6 oLofiE H -E 9=orsEg6ZG CL CDs =tr-r -r rrrr*, PE€ =o6HE PF ttr -+, o)o oC.C C)ga(oo) a)i € tr '{= ct) gn$ aFo #l Utilization lbchnology Development Utilization Technology Development With growing natural gas demand, there is a tremendous opportunity to take advantage of the positive attributes of this clean and abundant resource to dramatically reduce greenhouse gas emissions and enhance energy security. Utilization Technology Development (UTD) is at the forefront of research, development, and deployment for end-use equipment and appliances. As a not-for-profit corporation establish ed in 2004 and led by our I 6 member companies, we represent over 24 million natural gas customers in the United States and Canada, UTD directs and sponsors a wide-ranging program to enhance the use, reliability, and efficiency of natural gas appliances and technologies, By taking R&D projects from the laboratory to the field, UTD enhances market success via field testing and commercialization. Cooperative research is showcasing the benefits of nafural gas in residential, commercial, industrial, power generation, and transportation markets as an environmentally friendly energy source, creating efficient and cost-effective new technologies, and identiffing emerging needs and solutions. Member companies pool their resources to leverage their R&D investments with supplemental program funding from federal and state government sources and other industry stakeholders, benefitting utilities and their customers. As markets continue to evolve, there is an wgent need for ongoing investment in advanced utilization technology to address changes, along with new opportunities to lower energy intensity and consumption, provide sigaificant economic and environmental benefits, and c,omplement energy efficiency programs. Through participation in UTD, members are combining interests, expertise, and resources into focused R&D projects that will shape our energy future and contribute to a robust economy. Background - UTD was formed based on extensive input from energ/ utilities and GTI's Public Interest Advisory Committee. The intent of this communication was to develop a mechanism to leverage investments in utilization research, development, and demonstration (RD&D) to maximize the benefit to these companies and their ratepayers. It became clear that managers at today's energy utilities operate in a difficult business environment. Among the challenges they face are volatile energy prices; environmental regulations; the influence of mergers and acquisitions; the uncertain progress of corporate unbundling and retail competition, and the decoupling of rates. These utitities are often hampered in their struggle by a shortage of end-use technologies and information to enable them to offer end users a compelling value proposition. Surveys of UTD companies have identified the following needs and opportunities : r Better end-use technologies: Utitities and their customers are looking for new technology and more sophisticated products to lower energy bills, lower equipment first costs, meet increasingly stringent environmental regulations, address the challenges associated with carbon management, and integtate renewable resources. o Residential segments: New increased- efficiency and lower-emissions gas equipment must be developed to ensure that existing and new homes and multifamily buildings continue to choose natural gas options (for space and water heating and other applications) which offer the consumer clear benefits. Commercial segments: Several traditional natural gas product segments, including food service and heating are being displaced by electric technologies. This can reduce product options for customers and increase their life- cycle cost for enerry systems. lncreased- efficiency gas equipment can be the answer. Industrial segments: In today's highly competitive and demanding economy, utilities are willing to work with industrial customers to help them become more efficient and less polluting, thereby staying solvent, even at the expense of gas throughput. . Transportation segments: The transportation area is increasingly recognizing the economic benefits of natural gas vehicles (NGV$. Reducing the costs of adopting NGVs and their fueling infrastructure, particularly first-cost entry into the market, is impo(ant to utilities. Ensuring a variety of NGV engines is important in expanding this market segment. o Distributed energy: Utilities agreed that fuel cells, microturbines, and advanced engines represent a huge opporhlnity for customers and gas utilities, but important technical and other barriers remain. . Integrated cooling and power packages: Gas cooling continues to attract managerial interest due to its potential to balance gas loads and reduce gas-fired peak electricity loads. The new opportunity may be for a packaged, off-the-shelf system integrating power generation and cooling technology. r Information needs: Specific value is seen in more material in electronic format for their websites; and quantitative information on the costs and economic benefits to customers of installing advanced gas equipment. Visionv To address these urgent needs, GTI and several leading gas utilities worked together to define and launch a not-for-profit corporation, Utilization Technology Development, NFP (UTD), that builds and manages an investor-driven collaborative RD&D program. This collaborative program, guided by direct industry involvement and perspective, confibutes to a healthy scenario for the industry and provides sustained benefits for the gas consumer. It is funded by the utilities, government and other interested stakeholders. UTD addresses the needs identified by participating companies and provides an opportunity to address the significant gap in product-versus-potential in the marketplace. UTD identifies and advances tech- nologies and best practices for a robust gas product porrfolio and provides near-term impact by delivering advanced technologies that offer the consumer lower enerry bills, lower first costs, environmental benefits, and other advantages. UTD coordinates activities with other industry organ- izations to provide the best value to its investors. Value to lnvestorsv UTD provides participants with information, tools, and products to aid their customers in value- driven gas markets. This includes an understanding of opportunities, an assessment of the implementation bariers, and assistance with the deployment to achieve sustained market impacl Members meet in person two times a year and via teleconference on a regular basis. Specific energy utility needs addressed include: o Identification and assessment of barriers and relevant technologies for near-term implementation . Development of advanced increased-efficiency technologies to broaden the gas product portfolio o An industry forum that enables peer networking and opportunities for shared leaming from the varied experiences of other utilities o Validation of performance, operating characteristics, and emissions for developed and emerging technology o Substantial funding leverage and market impact through collaboration with other gas companies and subsequent partnering with public and private funding parbrers. UTD provides members with a balanced perspective and porrfolio for technology investment providing risk reduction, security, and benefits under a range of scenarios. Achieving the.optimal balance w_ithin a diverse technology progam for the gas industry and its customers is a primary objective of UTD, Selecting Projectsv Individual projects are proposed by various sources including UTD members and research performers. Those proposals are reviewed and prioritized by the UTD members. Projects designated as high priority to one or more members are presented to the membership for funding consideration, Each member has control over their funds and determines what to fund and how much to invest on each project. Once a project receives adequate funding, and the statement of work, cost and timeline are agreed to by the funding members, it is initiated. DeliverablesY The deliverables in the Project Portfolio are based upon the final projects selected, and are finalized through guidance and recommendations of participants, but are expected to include: o Detailed periodic reports; a final report; and relevant software . Periodic project-specific teleconference or web- based conferences . Opportunities for field evaluation and demonstration in service territory . Opportunities for intellectual property royalty or return, based upon any technolory that may result from cofunding applied to the develop- ment of these respective systems r Opportunities to participate in and/or guide the development ofproposals for leveraged co- funding from state agencies and federal agencies or other RD&D funding sources. Program lnvestmentv Investment in UTD is offered to gas companies on a per-meter basis. A portion of these funds will support UTD program management and G&A activities. Funding commitment is for an initial one-year period, with annual approval thereafter. Membership dues are set at US$0.40 per meter per year with a minimum annual dues level of -US$100;000 and a maxirnurn.annual dues level of US$250,000 for an individual company. At their discretion, individual companies can invest and direct additionai funds towards projects of specific interest. Companies with less than 250,000 meters can pool with other gas companies to meet the minimum investment level. Non-gas utilities and other organizations may be allowed to participate upon approval of the UTD Board of Directors. Gorporate Structure and Governance ' UTD is incorporated as "Utilization Technolory Development, NFP" (UTD), a 501(c)(6) not-for-profit corporation in the State of Illinois. UTD is govemed by a Board of Directors which is comprised of utilities providing the full per-meter charge and meeting the minimum investment level. The Board finalizes and approves the bylaws and provides policy and operating guidance for UTD. Board decisions are based on a one vote per company basis. , t:-:.:l Project-level decisions are made by the investing companies for each specific project. Decisions on projects are made on an investrnent-weighted basis. Contacts v Greg Maxfield Utility Program Administrator 9s2t250-7197 greg.maxfi el d@gastechnolory.org v Bill Liss Managing Director, End Use Solutions 8471768-0753 bi ll. I iss@gastechnology. org v Ron Snedic UTD President 8471768-0572 ron.snedic@gastechnolory. org Utilization Technology Development 1700 South Mount Prospect Road Des Plaines, IL 60018 www.utd-co.org I ::: l:i I @ (Uo o F (r) t- E -ooEo eE .ghccLEpo'= beEI1- anxotLt.=ooi =oECoEoc.,o3c)o EEE3ocLEtEC8Erc .Ec-cg>.oEE,9b CLE9oo- -cu,r;_€.o?rEg CJoo u!.o-E.go-c> CE EE.EoOo-rloxd)iE'b9 EEFL cP'oE :f o :'. orF>-\ I -s.go iEA iE8EE6E ol-3 €E fi-o@ 9t r.t (U -va -*o oo E: U'E od bG -.C O,,n U) r+r,F EO 6H se E\J Er^r oL-C) €psP= i €E EEE g€ s,,Eqf'E 3 =t 3 E E e E = E nEEHEEsEE8& ict; .grtI-aI-o -o Eo I (or coq-olzoo =I 9a -GEoa.t= O-(Uo EI:+3ac(n5.oG EqY?U 6 H,N€I EH EE P,E i9 a.= $ssE-:EEE\Ennggs'E E,toIf jo-r--6h.=Ebbgg E g g FE !E gfi = 't '!=-,H '| '| R " l.o (orON I \-ON t-orr- (D =T)ol=&oa ao- =ol- (, o)C =l-o = U'ooCoberFJ Fhru jooCA(U(Uaptc) =Ca.-€g a .9C (U o- Eoo t-o -o Eo Ecalro;E E E F = rE =5E!DEp EftEEp- 3# *H#EEEEfig9rr'=rrEr l-o Eo.F'a =C) I a{-,oo'5',' l-o- GJp EC I Co .F' (Ut-!F' .9, .E E N (Ut-o o I lzoN -oEooTF oE'= ol-o- orh, .=C5gt-oo-o-o o ooC G EI-oEo(L .CoaEE fr4"Et-r Apsfi.E+CgdrA A tl\ LJ Ll l+-aF( u FEE -3 =.l- )l-, -.= oJ-' .- va = coO.Y *-,t-L--Jo o-=rFri - + ol6tst2 cq1 <o'E Ou)-t-l--A(6 ==xH_ 6>o tlt .= a aig OE.L E 3EE oo\ro,ts 1)(u= o .= =E(ut- C,)ot-o- Eol-lF a =)aol- aot- G a a r.9lclolo- IE l8 (5 Ea E -(U oo,t- (U -o -o #,(o o-'6 l- (Uo-a =o I o .za -J Etr ot-JP C) =T-tF'a #tCo Eoo)(Uc(U E - GaaoooCc = ECG E(0ol-t-o oao .N E .E I o {r,ootstll T{r,ooo .l-,ool-oiF' .E q-o a+,oo'E' o- o o-a o.F'aEC = ao*,,(Uoo (5 rl-,oo o C(Uo- Eo C) eoG tU I trlol .E o o -JE'tr I tu C') .gEC =o TLoFf o '6.o Aofror-oo9'o--O r-Ego' =(U:-:(U =;gL'ca oAo@ \.' c)(U(oo-oo(UU)oo 65E ? .C o+, U)Co .l-,5 oa o)ooC.CoorF' o-o o E o+t l-ol- its,oo)o.a-, lzt-o =ao r{-,:=+,f U) (U o) ot-o -C =C(uo- Eo oi-+,Co C) It-o-o Eo E .F'iEol-o- Il-ol{- I+,oc (o orOro oco (U Ec(E+ta a ao Jo; EE =o&= no@ aof,o q cf)@ o o o-oEo (or \f,OoN Eo -Ca -o(s+., U) tU !oF :) o Co o E o C o-oEo E E 8"3 -co 8'p" LtJ o- -c, athOEFode>d U' .9, Co E Eoo =o.E o ooF :) cAsE NO. INT-G-15-01 First Production Request of the Commission Staff to Intermountain Gas Company Attachment 3 *z lnl -(U.=oi:ETqC ACC.\JF6EE= & := ;g S i €EHg *I*+ i l* tEtER.? :.=E^H'U EEEE EE EEEE: .=iy,c o=.=o8 Efr *EgH.;f;s'f;sEE.E38dtr6 , , ltjI 1.,' :, : ! t--, ir. o (E E = Q oa'6 m .s o(Uo C'6 c Jo E oc (o I C' tu oEo ocoNI : =o Exoz q-o ooCN E oEoo- o o E C) ]C ooo _(l) .E o --co o +,oo5'o a o- -I (, =Fot- xoz ol-*r{-, l{-o --oln{-,$l- I CNCo Eoo T) .9 TL o G .Eo T) oO +,o-:O sf B.Fr H--o-r aaaa 20L4 Proposal $ 294,000 $ 270,000 $ 24,ooo In-kind support from IntelliChoice 1 gtL Contact: Pat Rowley UTD Champion: Bryon Defenbach Start: Stage 5 Completion: Stage 5 Subs: none Previous Work: UTD 1.12.U 1.14.I Cold Climate Field Demonstration of the NextAirerM GHP s", Project Duration: 18 months Project Cost UTD Total Funding UTD 2014 Funding UTD 2015 Funding Cofunding OBJECTIVE The objective of this project is to monitor the actual installed cold climate performance of the NextAirerM t5-ton Multi-Zone Model E gas engine-driven heat pump (GHP) in a heating dominated climate. The ultimate goal is to expand the GHP market. INDUSTRY NEED A significant goal of the gas industry is to develop and apply gas heat pumps in the broad market for commercial buildings. GHPs combine high efficiency heating -('t;2{.5 e0P)-'and-eooting (0' 95- [.2 COP] offering reduced operating and lifecycle costs as compared to conventional HVAC equipment, In addition, GHPs significantly reduce peak electric demand and water use compared to electric chillers. This project will assist the industry by developing a case study for the cold climate performance of the NextAire" Multi-Zone 1S-ton gas engine-driven heat pump. BACKGROUND The NextAire'" Multi-Zone GHP was tested extensively in the hot/dry climate of the Southwestern United States by federal agencies and gas utilities. Although designed and targeted as a gas cooling option for hot climates, its high heating efficiency (1.2 COP) can significantly reduce energy use and operating costs. Heat recovery from the engine jacket and exhaust supplement the GHP output increasing overall system efficiency in heating mode and provide additional heating capacity at low temperatures, In contrast, electric heat pumps require inefficient resistance heating to supplement the heat pump output at low outdoor temperatures. Figure 7 - NextAire'" 75-ton Gas Engine-drive Heat Pump 'lhe inforrrratron contained in ihis prol:osal is picprietary afld confderitial. t.lse crl this information is linrited io members of Lltilization iechnology Deveiopnrenl (l.lTD) arrd their enrployees, and may only be used by tile memlrcrs for internal pLtrposes and ntay not bo disclcrsed to hird patlies. TIiIS II.IFORI4ATION I,IAY NOT BE RHLEASEi]'IO ANY THIRD PARfi dels-.-+he-$4edet€-uses-tws--*__a n d e I e ctri c i ql_u se. Th e rm o co u p I es, compressors instead of four. The unit humidity sensors and pressure has a higher ventilation rate and has a transmitters will be installed at each air slightly smaller footprint, Unlike the handler to determine the heating or Colder climates can take advantage of the high efficiency heating to generate more than enough savings in energy costs to offset the equipment cost premium. The cost premium is further reduced by providing heating and cooling with the same unit. Cold climate applications also benefit from reductions in peak electric demand and water use provided from gas cooling, The IntelliChoice Energy's NextAirerM Multi-Zone GHP offers 10:1 capacity modulation using a varlable refrigerant flow (VRF) system. The Multi-Zone GHP combines high efficiency scroll compressors and an Aisin/Toyota engine with a demonstrated long life (30,000 hours). The units have a maintenance interval of 6,000 to 10,000 hours, Variable-speed engine controls allow the GHP to more closely follow the load and maintain efficiency. The 1S-ton Multi-Zone GHP has demonstrated operational and lifecycle cost savings at several installations in hot climates, Certified for the U.S. in 20L3, the NextAire'" Multi-Zone Model E incorporates several design changes from qtl" manufacturing partners in taunctfng the Multi-Zone Model E GHP for cold climate applications. SCOPE For this project, GTI will work with Intermountain Gas to monitor the first U.S. installation of the cold climate Multi- Zone Model E GHP. GTI will create a case study to demonstrate the Model E performance and economics in a cold climate application. GHP equipment and installation costs, shown in Task 4, will be funded by Intermountain Gas. Task 1. Field Test Plan and lnstallation (4 Months . $60k) GTI will work with Intermountain Gas to develop a field test plan including instrumentation selection, measurement protocols, data collection, and a site visit, leveraging GTI's experience with other GHP installations. GTI will provide and install instrumentation to measure GHP energy use, and heating or cooling delivered to determine the seasonal efficiency (COP) for this application. The GHP will be sub- metered to measure gas consumption cooling delivered to the building. This budget is based on one 1S-ton unit and up to five 3-ton air handlers. Task 2. Performance Monitoring (14 Months - $25k) GTI will conduct a detailed analysis of one year of performance data collected at the installation. Data will be downloaded remotely on a monthly basis. Annual performance and cost benefits will be presented in a case study format. Task 3. Project Management (18 Months - $9k) previous model which required significant changes for hot, moderate or cold climates, the Model E will be used for all U,S. locations and only requires a retrofit kit for installations in colder climates. In a parallel UTD project, GTI is currently conducting a laboratory evaluation of the Model E cold climate peformance. Preliminary results show that the Model E heating capacity at full load was reduced by just 5olo at temperatures as low as 5F with only a slight decrease in efficiency, IntelliChoice Energy and Aisin have agreed to work with GTI as The inforrnation contained in this proposal is fir'oprieia y and confidelrtial. Use ol ihis inlormation is limited to members of Utilization Technology Oevelopment (UTD) and theh errrployees. and tnay oniy be used by the members for intenial purposes and rnay not be clisclosed to third parties, THIS II.IFORMATION i,iAY NC}I BE RELEASED I O ANY THIRD PARTY Task 4. GHP Equipment lnstallation (6 Months - $200k, funded by lntermountain Gas) GTI will work with ICE and the local mechanical contractor to specify, purchase, and install one 15-ton GHP unit for the Boise demonstration site. Costs for this task include:. GHP outdoor units and VRV air handlers (ICE). Contractor training and certification (rcE). Equipment installation (contractor). QC inspection, startup and commissioning (ICE). Controls programming, tutorial, and scheduling (ICE). GTI labor for support and management These costs do not include an interface to integrate with any existing building management system. DELIERABLES The deliverables for the project include a field test plan for monitoring the NextAire'M Multi-Zone GHP system and an instrumented unit. GTI will develop a case study documenting both the performance and economics of the new Model E GHP in a cold climate installation. BUSINESS VALUE The NextAire'M GHP offers the gas industry a viable option to electric heat pumps. Expanding the GHP market to include cold climates will potentially lead to higher production volumes and reduced equipment costs. For heating dominated climates, the GHP high heating efficiency G.2 COP) has the potential to reduce energy costs and offset the cost premium of the equipment. In cooling mode, GHP operating and maintenance costs are projected to be 30o/o less than electric heat pump equipment. Electric power use is expected to be up to B0o/o less than conventional equipment and peak electric demand is reduced. Since the packaged unit does not require a separate cooling tower; reduction in water consumption is estimated up to 17,000 gallons per 15- ton unit per year, compared to an electric chiller. BUDGET The total cost for this project to develop a case study for the cold climate Model E 1S-ton Multi-Zone GHP is $294,000 for 18-month duration. SCHEDULE PROJEGT TEAM Project Manager: Pat Rowley Senior Engineer, End Use Solutions Phone: 847-768-0555 Mobile: 224-627-7460 oatricia. rowley@oastech noloqy. org Manufactu ring Partner: Tom Young, IntelliChoice Energy tyoung@iceghp.com/ Develcrprneni (LITD) and {heir emplrryees and nray only bf u$ecj for [he merlbers internal purpose and not be disclosed io third parties. THIS IhIFORFIA.ION |\JAY NOT BE REI.EASED TO ANY THIRD PAPJY gti. QUARTERLY PROGRESS REPORT Cold Climate Field I)emonstration of NextAire'" GID UTD 1.I4.I, GTI21658 Fourth Quarter 2014 GTI Projcct Manager: Pat Rowley UTD Manager: Greg Maxfield A sigrificant goal of the gas industy is to develop and apply gas engine-driven heat pumps (GlIPs) in the broad irnarket for commercial buildings. GHPs combine high efficiency heating (1.2-1,5 COP) and cooling (0.95-1.2 COP) providing lower operating and lifecycle costs than conventional fryAC equipment. GIIPs also reduce lpeak elecffic demand and water use as compared to electric chillers. Heat recovery from the engine jacket and i exhaust supplement the GHP output inueasing overall system efficiency in heating mode and maintains heating capacity and supply temperatures at cold ambient conditions. Colder climates can take advantage of the GHP trigh etrtcien"y tlutng to generate the savings in energy and operating costs needed to offset thi premium in ' equipment cost. l Project Objective : The project objective is to monitor the installed performance of the NextAirerM 15-ton Multi-Zone Model E gas engine-driven heat pump (GHP) in a cold climate. This demonstration at InterMountain Gas in Boise, ID is one ; ofthefirstcoldcIimateinstallationsoftheModelEandisneededtoasseSStheinstalledperformanceand economics of a new cold climate application of this emerging technology. The project will determine the annual heating and cooling performance, energy savings, and economic benefits of the GIIP as compared to the existing i packaged rooftop units. The ultimate goal of this project is to expand the GHP market to include cold climates in i addition to the existing gas heat pump market. The scope of work consists of four tasks: i Task I - Field Test Plan and Installation: . Specifr, procure, and program data acquisition system "rSitevisittoinstallandcommissiondataacquisitionsystem -----Tzisk2 - P io Monitor GFIP performanoe for a full calendar year. Downlo ad, anilyz.e,and report GHP perfonnance monthly l Task 3 - Project Management i r Develop case study on GHP annual performance and economic benefits . Draft quarterly and final report summarizing GHP performance under cold climate conditions , Task 4 - GHP Equipment Installation (funded by InterMountain Gas) o Work with InterMountain Gas, ICE and local contractor to speciff, purchase, and install one l5-ton GIIP unit and ancillary equipment for the Boise demonshation site l Accomplishments during Last Quarter .GHPsysteminstalledandstartedupNovember2014atlnterMountainGas oInstrumentationanddataacquisitionsysteminstalledandcommissioned. o Prelimin ary dataanalysis conducted. Page I of2 Con-fidential - Access Limited to UTD Members UTD L 14.I Quarterly Progress Report 3/2512015 agtr Project Issues and Scope of Work Change o GIIP fan coils were installed in interior offices and conference rooms inside InterMountain Gas' Westem Region office building, while the perimeter heating load is met by the remaining RTUs that service the rest of the building. lnitial data indicated that the GHP system switches from cooling to heating and back throughout the day. In order to collect data on the GHP heating performance, the GHP system will be operated at night when the RTUs are shut down. Data will be collected and anallzed for this portion of the day to determine heating COP. Total energy savings and economics will be estimated based on this data.. A MicroMotion flow meter was installed in the liquid refrigerant line near the outside unit to measure total heating and cooling delivered to the fan coils. The meter providos consistent readings during' cooling mode, but indicates an error state during heating. MicroMotion was notified of this problem and will adjust meter settings on site. Schedule Update None Work Expected to be Performed during Next Quarter o Continue data collection and analysis Budget Update (as of.l20lll4\ Contract Value $ 309,800 Funded Value $ 285,800 Accruals This Quarter $263,497 Total Accruals To-Date s278,064 Remaining Budget $ 31,736 Funds Available $ 7,736 Page2 of.2 Confidential - Access Limited to UTD Members UTD l. l4.l Quarterly Progress Report 3t25/2015 tz Gas Heat Pump Water Heater 21}OLS Project Update Emerging Technology Program Opportunity For gas-fired residential water heating, the U.S. and Canada are predominantly supplied by minimum efficienry storage water heaters with Energy Factors (EFs) in the range of 0.60 to 0,65. Higher efficiency and higher cost ($700 - 52,000) options serve about L5% of the market, but still have EFs below 1.0, ranging from 0.65 to 0.95. These options each have their drawback, as follows: o Non-condensing storage EnergyStaro water heaters yield nominal savings, with EFs of 0,57-0.70, however electrical service is required, adding installation and operating cost and potentially erasing net savingsl. . Small condensing storage water heaters require a venting upgrade and power service, which while they are rated as greater than 90% thermal efficiency, uncertified laboratory testing shows performance would result in an EF of less than 0.8091. . Tankless water heaters, with an EF between 0.82 and 0,95, require a venting upgrade, power service, and an up-sizing in the gas service from /r" lo r/c". However, the rated efficiency of tankless units is widely disputed due to cyclic/startup losses from distributed hot water usage, resulting ln Title 24 and other groups "de-rating" the nominal efficiency by up to 9%2. To develop a new class of water heating products that exceeds the traditional limit of thermal efficiency concluding in 2013, an R&D project team, led by Stone Mountain Technologies lnc. (SMTI) with support from GTl, AO Smith, and Georgia Tech designed and demonstrated a packaged water heater driven by a erasing net savingsl. Emerging Technology Program currently at the pre-commercial prototype stage, can achieve EFs of 1.3 or higher, at a projected consumer cost of S1,800 or less. The technology is expected to become commercially available in 2016. Cu sto mer Tech n ology Be nefits o The units are designed to retrofit common gas storage water heaters, limiting installed costs, requiring tfT" gas piping flue venting is L/2" -3/4 " PVC piping, and 120 VAc electrical service, r From preliminary field test data, the GHPWH has the highest source enerBy efficiency of any residential water heating technology3. t Kosar, D,, Glanville, P., and Vadnal, H (2012). "Facilitating the MarketTransformation to Hlgher Efficiency Gas- Fired Water Heatingl', Prepared for the California Energy Commission, CEC-500-2013-060. ' nESNET. Results of Electronic Ballot of RESNET Board of Directors on Adopting Proposed Standard Amendment on Adjusting lnstantaneous Water Heater Efficienry. April 4,2072. 3 Not including systems with integrated solar PV/thermal inputs. ::: :r-n :ij::i:::: j : l,:::-: #turu Erner$'irrS T*eli:rolqgy Prqg16m o Potential in future for ducting of evaporator air, to limit interaction with space heating system if installed in a conditioned/sem i-conditioned space. The GHPWH represents a similar leap forward in water heating efficiency to the recent generation of residential electric heat pump water heaters (EHPWH), that have demonstrated delivered efficiencies at least twice that of standard electric resistance water heaters. Like the packaged EHPWHs, a GHPWH is comprised of three major components: a) storage tank, b) sealed system (set of heat exchangers containing the refrigerant) and c) supporting components such as the evaporator fan, combustion system and controls. Within the sealed system, the total ammonia charge is about 1,5 lbs, much less than the 6.6 lb limit required for indoor use by ASHRAE Standard 15. The safe use of ammonia as a refrigerant for indoor equipment has been well demonstrated since the first widespread use of absorption refrigerators in the early 20th century to current times where the quieter absorption mini- refrigerators are preferred by large hotels. The first generation GHPWH units were designed and demonstrated through laboratory testing from 2009 to 2013, with primary funding from the US DOE and with substantial support from UTD. Since late 2013 at the close of the DOE- funded laboratory prototype development the 3rd and 4th GHPWH prototypes built have been monitored in field- installations within a short drive of the SMTI facility in Johnson City, TN. Four additional GHPWH units were installed in the Pacific Northwest in early 2015, with a seventh field unit planned for testing in California. Through these initial field tests, critical information has been used to improve the GHPWH control strategies and future design improvements development, the project team of GTl, Stone Mountain Technologies, and OEM partners are continuing to look beyond these options for gas water heating efficiency by optimizing, demonstrating, and commercializing a packaged absorption GHPWH. Knowledge gained in the lab evaluations was used to develop technology demonstrations in UTD member territories, the Pacific Northwest, through a partnership with the Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance, lnc. (NEEA) and lntermountain Gas, and UTD. Gos Utility/Energy Elficiency Progrom Benefits o This technology represents a step-change in energy efficiency for gas water heating, a product category that has remained important for gas utilities but challenged to deliver new technology for lasting therm savings.o With forthcoming changes in US minimum efficiency standards and the revised method of test, both impacting the industry in 2015, this technology "primes the pump" for future innovative products in a competitive landscape with reduced cost EHPWH products. Figure 1: Prototype GHPWH lnstalled ln Paciflc Northwest Field Testing o Further state-level and other jurisdictional requirements for higher efficiency gas water heating, such as proposed in California for new construction, require Energy Factors greaterthan traditional gas storage water heaters can deliver (> 0.80). This necessitates gas technologies capable of delivering EFs of 1.0 or greater. 1j ii i' l; I I I. i Technology Background The operating principle of a GHPWH is very similar to the EHPWH; the electric driven compressor is replaced by a "thermal compressor" comprised of two heat exchangers (desorber-absorber) and a very small solution pump. Energy from the ambient air is stilltransferred to the heat pump via an evaporator coil, slightly cooling the ambient air stream. The COP of the cycle ranges from 1,8 when the water in the tank is warm, to 1.4 when the water is hot. After accounting for combustion and stand-by losses and the small amount of electrical power needed for the pump and evaporator fan, the resulting EF is projected to be 1.3. An important distinction between this GHPWH and the EHPWHs on the market is that, due to the nature of the gas-fired absorption process, only a fraction of the heat delivered to the tank comes from ambient air, the balance is heat recovered from the combustion products. Depending on ambient conditions, the evaporator load (amount of cooling to the space) of the GHPWH is Ll2-t/3 of a comparably sized EHPWH. The packaged GHPWH heats the approximately 75 gallons of stored water with a nominal 10,000 Btu/hr output ammonia-water absorption heat pump, driven by a small 5,300 Btu/hr Low NOx gas burner. Figure 2 Residential Heat Pump Water Heater (Patent Pending) Source: Stone Mountain Technoloeies lnc. Emer$,ng Trrhnologt F.ogrrm q. installation advantages over other high-efficiency gas products: compatibility with existing'/r" gas piping, smalldiameter3A" PYC venting, and it reguires standard 120 VAC service. With a target installed cost comparable with alternative high-efficiency gas- fired options (EF 0.8 - 0.95), the GHPWH will provide a faster economic payback compared to gas tankless or condensing storage models. MarketAnalysis The target markets for this new technology are in the residential and small multifamily sectors, with a typical hot water need of up to 120 gallons a day, most typically single-family housing. As the technology develops and ranges of product sizes are introduced, light commercial and large multi-family applications are good tarBets. Anticipated unit installation costs without incentives may challenge adoption; two to three times that of a conventional minimum efficiency system. Like the electric Figure 3: Diagram of Absorption Process IMW CHP Center] t.::t' I I 1.. I: i. t' version, the GHPWH may require incentives to spur market adoption. However, the significant improvement in efficiency, even over best-in-class condensing systems, may justify energy efficiency. +. $3,000.00 o lrllll r I I l l l." Noncondendrns{:.""'::::"."i*-"J:.5"';::::}'*'l)'I..Purnps'iorase Figure 4: Estimate of Water Heater Equipment and lnstallation Costs (6Tl Estimate, 2014) l According to the U.S, Energy lnformation Administration's 2005 Residential Energy Consumption Survey (RECS), annual residential water heating totals 1.80 quads of energy annually, or !8o/o of the energy delivered to residential buildings. These numbers translate lo L7% of household consumption in the Northeast to 27% in the Western states. Over the past seventy years, gas and electric storage water heaters have been the predominant water heatertypes in the United States. Heat pump technology has entered the domestic hot water industry through the deployment of electric _ heat pump water heaters (EHPWHs)._ While market penetration is still small, deployment efforts by manufacturers and energy efficiency programi operation of an electric heat pump is similar to gas, regions with successful EHPWHs are well positioned to adopt GHPWHs as many common market barriers are being addressed. lt should be noted that GHPWHs offer lower operating costs compared to EHPWHs in most regions. taboratory Development and Testing With support from the U.S. Department of Energy and UTD, Stone Mountain Technologies lnc. (SMTI) led the initial R&D effort with support from GTl, AO Smith and Georgia Tech. At the close of the development, in late 2012, lab-built prototypes were designed, built, and evaluated at GTI and AO Smith laboratories to support validation of analysis tools, including a new method of test and rating procedures, examination of protocols forfield studies, and evaluation of venting materials and systemsa. a Garrabrant, M. Development ond Volidotion of o Gos-Fired Residentiol Heot Pump Water Heoter - Finol Report. 2013. Link: httpl//www,osti.eov/scitech/biblio/1060285 efl tF/$i0g TeqhA,Qlo!l Prcgraffr Emerling Tech rology Faogram Goal 1. To demonstrate a functioning laboratory prototype GHPWH with a projected EF of 1,3 2. Design the GHPWH towards a competitive equipment cost of no more than <51,800 Key R&D Finding - Efficiency Benefit of Advanced Gycle not Cost-Effective 1. ln seeking to optimize system performance through cycle modeling and breadboard testing, the team evaluated the opportunity for single-effect vs, generator-absorber heat exchange (GAX) cycle, simulating performance under e)dreme conditions. The results showed the following, leading SMTI to select a more cost-effective single effect cycle: GAX performance was higher overall compared to single effect by 41% 2. To reach performance of 5-LO% higher than that of single effect equipment, the GAX would have to be at least 10 cm taller and costlier than single effect model Single effect reached target goal of an EF at 1.3 while maintaining practical footprint and projected cost. Field Assessment Proiect Approach Critical to successful rollout of this new product class, completion of and dissemination of results from this field evaluation of the pre-production GHPWH will support a) the commercializing partners SMTI and a major OEM through identifying equipment modifications necessary for successful field installation and operation, b) gas utilities through familiarization with this advanced technology to better assess and achieve therm savings through their efficiency programs, and c) the broader water heating cornmunity, including researchers, contractors, and regulators, to identify and resolve issues early for this emerging class of high-efficiency equipment. L. lnstalled Performance: How do GHPWH differ from prior laboratory GHPWH testinB under standard conditions? 2, Predicted Savings: Compared to the baseline water heater delivered efficiency (as measured in pre- GHPWH install field monitoring and from other published data), what therm savings can gas utilities anticipate from GHPWHs? 3. lnstallation Contractor Education: What knowledge gaps exist concerning the GHPWH technoloiy for end users and contractors that may require resolution prior to market introduction? 4, Market Barriers: What GHPWH retrofit installation issues present barriers to market adoption and what are the benefits over existing high-efficiency gas-fired equipment? Also of specific importance to this technology is the GHPWH impact on space conditioning systems with its Northern Climate Specification operation on its environment-as is similar with the electric heat pump water heater (EHPWH). While this space cooling effect is per Btu of heating is much lower (1/3 - 1/2) than EHPWHs, as inherent to the absorption heat pump process a portion of the heat delivered to the stored water is through heat recovery from the products of combustion, this effect will be quantified throughout this study, Additionally, the absorption cycle can operate over a large range of ambient temperatures (35 - 125'F) with a more muted impact on system efficiency than EHPWHs. This impact will also be a focus for this field study. The field evaluation program consists of: Field Test Plon ond Preporation: 1) Determining geographical locations for the units with sponsor input, 2) Develop desired installation attributes (occupancy, water heater location, etc.), 3) ldentify suitable, licensed water heater installation/service company, 4) Develop a list of candidate installation sites and survey for appropriateness, 5) Choose final installation sites and complete homeowner agreement contracts in collaboration with local utilities. Baseline Field Testing; 1) lnstall data acquisition equipment on existing water heater (baseline), 2) Collect baseline water heater performance data for 2.5 months. GHPWH Testing:1)Build GHPWH units followed by limited laboratory evaluation (SMTI Only), 2)lnstall GHPWH at test site, 3) Collect GHPWH performance data for 8 months, with periodic homeowner surveys, 4) Remove GHPWH and data logging equipment, final homeowner survey. Project Reporting:1) Data analysis and reporting, 2) Aggregation of data with other ongoing GHPWH field testing and dissemination of results through formal publication and/or presentation (e.g. ASHRAE). February ?,OLS Proiects Update ln this early-stage field trial prior to the full commercialization, the team intends to focus on: cycle and the water heating system, Quantifying delivered efficiency versus prior laboratory testing ldentifying installation issues and other barriers to market entry Assessing end-user satisfaction with hot water production and potential nuisances (e.g. system noise) Providing data concerning space cooling effect in support of potential Northern Climote Specificotion for future GHPWHs Currently six prototype systems are installed in the field, with the seventh scheduled for early 2015, Figure 5 provides a high-level summary of all field sites across all projects, a a a Inrgrgn g Teqh4qlqgl Progrirrn I Figure 5: Location of Field GHPWHs Covering the geographic range of the participating gas utilities-Puget Sound Energy (PSE), Northwest Natural (NWN), Avista, lntermountain Gas, and SoCalGas - the goal was to identify one residential site in each service territory. Finding a qualified host sites that represent the target GHPWH installation is critical to understanding the performance and installation barriers. To assist with this search, GTI developed the following criteria of the ideal host site: at least three or more occupants, existing gas- storage water heater, single-family residential site, space to accommodate both current water heater and GHPWH, simple installation and removal of equipment, "friendly" host site, meaning willingness to cooperate fully with all aspects of the demonstration. GTI developed an online thirty-four question application that covered the critical aspects of the host site criteria. Concurrently, GTI designed a one page flyer describing the technology, opportunity, with a link to the application, When GTI closed the three territories appeared to meet the bulk of the host site criteria and were selected to move forward with the field site visit. Washington State University, scheduled visits to conductfield site surveys, install baseline monitoring equipment, and deliver preliminary information to the installation contractors. After one to two months of baseline monitoring of the existing gas water heating systems, the GHPWHs were built by SMTI with support from GE, shipped to the host sites, and installed in early 2015. GTI and SMTI are currently monitoring their operation. Performance Summary While data from the four units installed in the Pacific Northwest are too recent to provide, data from the first two GHPWH prototypes installed in Eastern, TN have provided critical information on system reliability, improvements for controls, and response to variable operating conditions (water temperature, ambient conditions, usage patterns, etc.). These units, with summary data in Figure 6 for 2014, confirm the projected performance of a 1.3 EF if rated as a "high usage" water heater by the revised US DOE method of test. A performance and data summary from all seven GHPWH units will be provided in the subsequent project update report. All units will continue to be monitored through Q3 2015. En:q,rqirr(rl Tttlrnol0gy Ftogrxm Pac. NW Demonstration (WA/OR/ID) Four GHPWHS are Installed ln major NW citles for flrst 'true' prototype demonstration, willfocus on seasonal performance, heatln g system I nteractl on, end user satisfaction, and contractor educatlon, lnitial Controlled Demonstration (TN) Two GHPWHS are lnstalled near SMTI, at homes of SMTI employee (since 2013) and employee of local utlllty (Atmos, lnstalled 03-14). Focus on reftnlng system controls and assesslng rellablllty. CA Focus Demo (CA) Concurrent with NW demo, one GHPWH wlll be evaluated ln important 6as WH market of CA, wlthfocus on perlbrmance and emlssions compliance. GOIO / VERY GOLD H0T-OBY / [flXEO-ORY ':-::::::-J:i. i=:il Figure 6: GHPWH Performance as Output vs, lnput for Eastern, TN GHPWHS Table 1 - Paclfic Northwest Prolect Schedule Emerglng Technology Program (ETP) ls a collaborative program managed by Gas Technology lnstitute (GTl) focused on acceleratlng the commercialization and adoption of the latest end use and energy efflciency technologies. The program is deslgned to help compantes "ss To learn more about ETP and the prggram's inltiatives, visit www.castechnoloqv.ol'F/ETP. , .: ', , .,' NEITHER Gn NOR THE ETP PROGRAM PARflCIPANIS: A) MAKE ANY WARRANTr OR REPRESENTATION, A(PR€SS On lMPuEq WTH RESPECT TO THE ACCURACv, COMPLETENESS OR USEFULNESS OF THE INFORMAfION CONIAINED IN IHIS REPORT, OR THAI THE USE OF ANY CONTENT ASCLOSED IN THIS REPORT MAY NOf INFRINGE PRIVAT€LY-OWNED RIGHIS; OR 8) ASSUMES ANY LIABILIT| FOR ANY DAMAGES RESULTNG FROM fHE U'E OF ANY CONTENT DISCLOSED IN IHIS REPORT, REFERENCES TO ANY SPECIFIC COMMERCIAL PRODUC|, MANUFACTURER, OR OTHERWISE DOES NOT CONSNTWE OR IMPLY IIS ENDORSEMENT OR RECOMMENDATION BY GTI ONTHE ETP PROGRAM PARTIAPANTS. Emsr$isq Te(hl}$l$Sf Frrsram 70000 50000 E s0000 aof +ooooes. soooo t!o 20000 10000 0 30000 40000 Daily Output (Btu) 60000 rr9FJo) (E T'0) EoL;sI(,,>o>oIatod c.co E.+f,C'oroo Ia([ oco'6 ot .o) l- (,)C a'xo o oa oco-oo-c ot-o (u .C =ECo Coyo.oEo oL o E o ot-o G-o @ o) =U) ,9,co o itso.c o o I =ILI(, +,(U(..s oE9:fo oLl-dE 'ii=*,iDeL{LLGGE= n o oO'E-c o- E',.g C=oooocOo!iooL E c) (! E (Ut+,aLoo(u coo EcGa oaf !co .C o)ooc oo I =o- :Eo (5.C =ooE Eo-c.9, -o = a(U oCo'6 q 0) (D -crF. oE =or c. .ElC (Loo Eo+ta a ro t-o ,-i. a = .tsa ooo-U)i'6om0(t)o-! o'--co+t() (sfE o o F a otr U) .oo)o6c.Co.o)F- C'(E cf,o oCo U) :-:-:.: :! .C =o)C =o = tr(, o J =aC (,)ooc -Co.oF-a(U (, o.CF It -(Eo(, *,oo.-oL o- xooo-oo) o(,)Eo Eoc.V (U -c =tro*,(Uo t, IJJt-o+,() (EL+,troo tro flr! 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