HomeMy WebLinkAbout20140904INT-G to Staff 1-8.pdfEXECUTIVE OFFICES I rurenruou NTAI ru Gns Corraparuv P.[0f:-i\' ii-i sss souTH coLE RoAD . p.o. Box 7608 . BotsE, tDAHo 83707 o (208) 377_6000 . FAX: 377_60r?l lq srp _ tr Al'l l0: 35 September 4,2014 Jean Jewell Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472West Washington St. P. O. Box 83720 Boise,ID 83720-0074 RE: First Production Request of the Commission Staff to Intermountain Gas Company Case No.INT-G-14-01 Dear Jean: Enclosed for filing with this Commission are an original and seven (7) copies of Intermountain Gas Company's responses to the First Production Request of the Commission Staff, in the above referenced Case. If you have any questions or require additional information regarding the attached, please contact me ichael P. McGrath Director - Regulatory Affairs Intermountain Gas Company Enclosure cc Scott Madison Ron Williams at377-6168. Sincerely, REQUEST NO. 1: Please provide the Gas Loss Reports from each line break that occurred during this Purchased Gas Cost Adjustment (PGA) year. ANSWER TO REQUEST NO. 1: The requested Gas Loss Reports are attached hereto. Person Preparing the Document - Hart Gilchrist, Director - Operations Services,Ph.208-377- 6086 Record Holder - Michael P. McGrath, Director - Regulatory Affairs, Ph.208-377-6168 REQUEST NO. 2: Aldyl-A pipe manufactured prior to 1984 has been shown to be susceptible to cracking under certain circumstances. What percentage of the Company's annual throughput is transported through Aldyl-A distribution pipe identified as being susceptible to cracking? ANSWER TO REQUEST NO. 2: Intermountain Gas Company does not have a method to track the volume of gas molecules through each individual segment of distribution pipe categorized by material type. Additionally, Intermountain's distribution system is complex and varying weather and load distributions create different flow dynamics throughout the year. For example, a segment of Aldyl-A pipe may pass 50-60Yo of the throughput during the winter months and only 5-10% during the summer due to system dynamic changes coupled with the physical location of the that particular segment within the distribution system. Aldyl-A pipe manufactured prior to 1984 makes up approximately l0% of the Company's distribution main and service piping. This length percentage however, does not represent the percentage of annual throughput for this particular vintage of pipe. Person Preparing the Document - Tyler Muzzala, Engineer III, Ph. 208-377-6044 Record Holder - Michael P. McGrath, Director - Regulatory Affairs, Ph. 208-377-6168 REQUEST NO. 3: Please explain how the Company plans to manage the replacement of its Aldyl-A pipe susceptible to cracking. As part of your response, please describe the replacement schedule and how it will impact gas loss. ANSWER TO REQUEST NO. 3: The Company manages the replacement of its Aldyl-A pipe through the Company's Distribution Integrity Management Program (DIMP). Using the Company's DIMP, a GIS based risk model that utilizes various "likelihood of failure" and consequence factors is used to identify and assign risk to all of the Company's distribution piping. Aldyl-A pipe risk is accumulated and grouped by project number and given a "risk/ft." value. This risk/ft. value is then used to prioritize what specific sections of pipe need to be planned for replacement each year. The company will then use performance measures, with the primary measure being Aldyl-A leaks, to help identify the effectiveness of the program and make adjustments to the program as necessary. Adjustments may include increasing the amount of annual footage being replaced or adjusting the risk model algorithms. The Company plans to replace between four (4) and five (5) miles of high risk Aldyl-A pipe annually. There is currently no set end date for the replacement program. The goal of this replacement approach, and DIMP in general, is to reduce the number of failures by addressing the highest risk segments and allocating the Company's resources accordingly. Any gas loss due to Aldyl-A pipe is a negligible component of Intermountain's overall Lost and Unaccounted for Gas. Replacing four (4) to five (5) miles annually of Aldyl-A pipe also, therefore, is expected to have an immaterial effect on Intermountain's Lost Gas statistics. Person Preparing the Document - Tyler Muzzara, Engineer III, Ph. 208-377-6044 Record Holder - Michael P. McGrath, Director - Regulatory Affairs, Ph. 208-377-6168 REQUEST NO. 4: For this PGA year, please provide a schedule of the Company's expenses at its Nampa Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) facility. As part of the response, please explain how the funds collected from the sale of LNG were used in accordance with Order No. 32793 (i.e. - Operations and Maintenance of the LNG facility, or LNG facility capital improvements). ANSWER TO REQUEST NO. 4: The requested schedule is attached hereto. Funds collected from non-utility LNG sales have been accounted for pursuant to IPUC Order No. 32793. That same IPUC Order stipulated that $0.025 would be credited to Intermountain's customers for every gallon of LNG sold as an offset to O&M related expenses pertaining to these sales. These credits have been passed back through the PGA process using the same class allocation method that was used to distribute shared net margin. An additional $0.025 per gallon deferred credit is being accrued and will contribute towards capital expenditures at the Nampa facility due to accelerated wear and tear from producing LNG for sale. Person Preparing the Document - Ted Dedden, Director - Accounting & Finance, Ph. 208- 377-6149 Record Holder - Michael P. McGrath, Director - Regulatory Affairs, Ph. 208-377-6168 REQUEST NO. 5: Before 2012, the peak day used for allocating the volume-weighted average costs of gas occurred in 1990. Since the 2012 PGA, the Company has been using a 2009 peak day. Has the Company experienced a higher peak day since 2009? If so, when did the peak day occur, and how would the volume weighted average cost of gas be allocated using the more recent peak day? ANSWER TO REQUEST NO. 5: The Company did experience a slightly higher peak day in December 2013 as compared to December 2009. Intermountain reviewed the effect that updating to this new peak day would have on the allocation of costs and determined that the resulting changes were immaterial. For example, the resultant change on the RS-2 class allocation percentage would have been 0.0012 and the small commercial class allocation would have seen a change of only 0.002. Driven primarily by the growth in the RS-2 market share over time coupled with changes in the way all customers use natural gas, the update from the 1990 peak-day allocators to the 2009 peak-day allocators resulted in an appreciable impact on the customer class allocations. However, the difference between the allocators derived from the 2009 peak day versus the more recent 2013 peak day were negligible. As part of its ongoing PGA production, Intermountain continues to monitor the applicability of changes in peak-day usage by customer class. Person Preparing the Document - Lori Blattner, Regulatory Analyst IV, Ph. 208-377-6168 Record Holder - Michael P. McGrath, Director - Regulatory Affairs, Ph.208-377-6168 REQUEST NO. 6: Please explain how reduced throughput impacts the weighted average cost of gas (WACOG). ANSWER TO REQUEST NO. 6: By way of a clarifying statement, Intermountain's use of the acronym "WACOG" implies those costs associated with the physical molecule of gas and excludes the transportation costs associated with moving that molecule of gas onto the Company's distribution system. Transportation costs are treated as "fixed costs" as those costs remain constant regardless of the amount of molecules moved onto Intermountain's system. That being said, this response will address the impact of reduced throughput on both the molecule as well as the fixed transportation costs of natural gas. The customer's daily requirement for natural gas (the molecule) is never in balance with the daily deliveries of natural gas onto Intermountain's distribution system. This supply and demand imbalance is primarily a result of changing weather patterns and requires a daily effort to work towards system equilibrium. As provided for in Intermountain's Administrative Service Agreement with IGI Resources, any excess supplies will be o'off-sold" at the highest price available in the marketplace that day as measured by a published daily index and, conversely, supply deficits will be purchased at the most economic price available in the marketplace that day as measured by a published daily index. Depending on market conditions, the benefrts realized from off-sales (sales made when throughput, or demand, is reduced) may, or may not, offset the original cost of the molecule. All benefits made from off-sales are credited to Intermountain's customers and all deficits are charged. Intermountain's PGA mechanism guarantees that our customers will pay no more, or less, for fixed transportation charges than those approved by the Commission. Simplistically, when the weather is cold and throughput increases, Intermountain over collects its transportation costs and any over collection is passed back to our customers in the subsequent PGA Application. When Intermountain experiences warrner than normal weather resulting in reduced throughput on our system, an under-collection of the same fixed transportation charges occurs and this deficit is later charged to our customers in the subsequent PGA Application. Person Preparing the Document - Michael P. McGrath, Director - Regulatory Affairs, 208-377-6t68 Record Holder - Michael P. McGrath, Director - Regulatory Affairs, Ph. 208-377-6168 REQUEST NO. 7: For CY2013, please provide the number of customers that moved different rate schedule, listing both the previous and new rate schedule assigned. ANSWER TO REQUEST NO. 7: The requested statistics are attached hereto. Ph. toa Person Preparing the Document - Michael P. McGrath, Director - Regulatory Affairs, Ph. 208-377-6t68 Record Holder - Michael P. McGrath, Director - Regulatory Affairs, Ph.208-377-6168 REQUEST NO. 8: For this PGA year, has the Company included a bill stuffer explaining its different rate schedules and how they apply to various types of service, particularly for the residential, small-commercial and interruptible snowmelt schedules? If so, please provide a copy of the bill stuffer and state when it was mailed to customers. If not, please explain why not. ANSWER TO REQUEST NO. 8: Yes. A copy of the bill stuffer is attached hereto. Copies were mailed to our customers during the July 2,2014 thru July 30,2014 time period. Person Preparing the Document - Michael P. McGrath, Director - Regulatory Affairs, Ph. 208-377-6t68 Record Holder - Michael P. McGrath, Director - Regulatory Affairs, Ph. 208-377-6168 Supporting Documents for Request No. 1 lntermountain Gas Company Case No. INT-G-14-0L lntermountain Gas Company DIVISION GAS LOSS REPORT 'r*,^ f)u;f ,b(* Division wi;o*etfl Ifi - .1c1 i.3 Project No.Service No.3l.t " Gas Pressure at Time of Break:Normal - {J' Pull Down Date Pipe Size Report No. Leak Order No. Time of Break outage: ves S ruo f] How Long , J J p..,rr No. of Customers Location RStzzt /J S4e*- S+. Time Under Untrot 3' ff tan Total Time of Blow raArT>?w" -;flaof. RELIEF BLOW GAS LOSS L]NE PACK LINE RUPTURE ' PURGE Build Up Pressure Percent Open Rated Capacity Time of Blow Constant Total Therms Report blowing rellel2" and larger only Regulator Station No. Customer Name Avg. Atmospheric Pressure Gauge Pressure A LD. 2 Pipe Length (in Constant 1,000 ft.)D .004041 Total Therms Report 4" pipe & larger for 2,000 linear feet or more. (A+B) xCxDxE=Therms Guage Pressure t.D., (tN ,) Time of Blow (hr) Avg. BTU (TH/MCF) Total Therms $ Per Therm Total Cost $ .5s A 0 .7J-1s , 0. 3ln7 c lo,-l a , l,<b.uf, . o,3aq& sa-LllC- *AxBxCxD=Therms lf more than 500 therms send to Engineering ls customer billed for lost volume? ves ! uoE AxBxCxD=Therms Remarks: Original: GasMeasurement lst Copy: Division Numerical File 2ndCopy: Attachtoconesponding documents in division Form No. IGC 308 (1/06) Submitted By: Division Operations Manager lntermountain Gas Company DIVISION GAS LOSS REPORT ',).rown hC'iV- Division Date ,U - l'l " l5 Project No. Gas Pressure at Time of Break: Outage: Yes Location service n . 0; ? 9/X eioesize l/e'l Normal -fS Pull Down ReportNo. 4SU '&lA?t Leak Order No. Time of Break L54 fry, Time Undercoffior A: )L/l/r1 Total Time of Blow RELIEF BLOW GAS LOSS LINE PACK LINE RUPTURE ' PURGE Build Up Pressure Percent Open Rated Capacig Time of Blow Constant Total Therms A c D Report blowing relief 2' and larger only Regulator Station No. Customer Name Avg. Atmospheric Pressure Gauge Pressure A l.D. 2 c Plpe Length (in 1,000 ft.) Constant D .004041 Total Therms Report 4" pipe & larger for 2,000 linear feet or more. (A+B) xCxDxE=Therms Guage Pressure 1.D.2 (lN ') Time of Blow (hr) Avg. BTU (TH/MCF) Total Therms S Per Therm Total Cost $ 5.s A u ,l 9,4u a l"bS s "ln,') a D t gb.53 * 'AxBxCxD=Therms lf more than 500 therms send to Engineering ls customer billed for lost volume? ves ! ruo fl AxBxCxD=Therms ae* rr", (qon Leh Cl*.41* 'l.'t a:t at t (a ( , .*. Original: GasMeasurement lst Copy: Oivision Numerical FilE 2nd Copy: Attach to conesponding documents in division Form No. IGC 308 (1/06) Submitted By: Division Operations Manager lntermountain Gas Company DIVISION GAS LOSS REPORT Town Project No. Gas Pressure al Time of Break: Date Pipe Size 04 PuttDown Service No. Normal How Longoutage: ves ! r.ro No. of Customers 64gE D-ltt€,etJ (tt,t oivision'-[i1fifu neportr,ro. lLt,' I ii{i &v! RELIEF BLOW GAS LOSS UNE PACK UNE BUPTURE/ PURGE Guage Pressure ,.p. z (lN ,t _ Time of Blow(hr) _ Avg. BTU (TIUMCF) Total Thems o Perrherm .j3Llg1 Totatcost$ $ 4 g I D llo . e4# 63!- 'AxBxCxD=Therms lf more than 500 therms send to Engineering Build Up Prcssuro Percent Open Rated Capacity Timeol Blow Constant Total Therms Report blowing relief 2' and larger only Regulator Station No. Cusiomsr Name Avg. Atmoopheric Pressuro Gauge Pressure 1.D.2 Pipe Length (in 1,000 lt.) Constant Total Therms Report 4' plpe & larger for 2,000 llnear feet or more. -(A+B) xCxDxE=Therms ls customer billed for lost volume? ves!*oE *AxBxCxD=Therms u/( 2,/ 148 , /i /7 Remarks: 11 , C,=48qt Q--3oBs&, Original: GasMeasurement 'lst Copy: Division Numsrical Filo 2nd Copy: Attach to corresponding documents in division Form No. IGC 308 (1/06) Submifted By: Division Operations Manager lntermountain Gas Company DIVISION GAS LOSS REPORT -*" B0 is e Division Date 1t ,04 . t 3 ServiceN" Ll5Llr.{aseinesize J" Y Nor .t 55 Pu[ Down Locarion ,e 5 s Dnr [, q, .le, I n Project No. Gas Pressure at Time of Break: Outage: Ves ! ruo E How Long No. of Customers n"po,il'ro._H5Q-d.&& Leak Order No. Time of Break t,it3 Time Under Control Total Time of Blow a.s RELIEF BLOW GAS LOSS L]NE PACK LINE RUPTURE / PURGE Build Up Pressure Percent Open Rated Capacity Time of Blow Constant Total Therms Report blowlng relief 2' and larger only Regulator Station No. Customer Name Avg. Atmospheric Gauge Pressure l.D. 2 Pressure A c Pipe Length (in 1,000 ft.) Constant D .004041 Total Therms Report 4' pipe & larger for 2,000 linear feet or more. (A+B) xCxDxE=Therms Guage Pressure t.D. , (tN ,) Time of Blow (hr) Avg. BTU (TH/MCF) 54o 3.Grt4fi , e.5 to..1! rotarrhermsg s6.7-l g Per Therm Total Cost $ ,5qb3l $sr7L 'AxBxCxD=Therms lf more than 500 therms send to Engineering ls customer bllled for lost volume? ves!noE AxBxCxD=Therms Remarks: 1L CJ ,, .J L{1.1 .{t,' ,t Original: GasMeasuremenl 'lst Copy: Division Numerical File 2nd Copy: Attach to con$ponding documents in division Form No. IGC 308 (1/06) Submitted By: Division Operations Manager lntermountain Gas Company DIVISION GAS LOSS REPORT **" Bot gg Division 4lS Date ll-D5.lA ProjectNo. 11lA Pipesize e Y r.rorr"r 55 PuttDown How Long Service No. neport ruo. Ll50.2lDQ I Leak Order No. Gas Pressure at Time of Break: Outage: Yes ! ruo E Location No. of Customers rimeorarear llSDPrn Time Under Control Total Time of Blow RELIEF BLOW GAS LOSS LINE PACK LINE RUPTURE ' PURGE Build Up Pressure Percent Open Rated Capacity Time of Blow Constant Total Therms c Report blowing relief 2" and larger only Regulator Station No. Customer Name Avg. Atmospheric Pressure Gauge Pressure l.D. 2 Pipe Length (in 1,000 ft.) Constant .004041 E Guage Pressure t.D. , (tN ,) Time of Blow (hr) Avs. BTU (TH/MCF) 55 A 0,15 5 toto l0.rlL rotarrherms 4L l8_ *^--- - a : $ Per Therm Total Cost $ * z-1 63s- *AxBxCxD=Therms lf more than 500 therms send to Engineering Total Therms Report 4" pipe & larger for 2,000 linear feet or more. (A+B) xCxDxE=Therms ls customer billed for lost volume? ves!Non AxBxCxD=Therms tt ilRemarks: Dii 2.)l 5, L (,*1 L -- )L. , ,.- Original: GasMeasurement 1st Copy: Division Numorical File 2nd Copy: Attach to conesponding documenls in division Form No. IGC 308 (1/06) Submitted By: Division Operations Manager ,"r, Bo ise, Division lntermountain Gas Company DIVISION GAS LOSS REPORT Date Pipe SizeProJect No.Service No. Gas Pressure at Time of Break: outage: ves I no Ef How Long nepo,t r.ro. t'l 50'2JD6A Leak Order No. rimeof erear lJ)oq Drn rimeUndercontror SlDPfn ttorma 55 PuttDown No. of Customers Location Of33 W. 0^fpnn I TotalTimeofBtow e 5l J RELIEF BLOW GAS LOSS LINE PACK LINE RUPTURE ' PURGE Build Up Pressure Percent Open Rated Capacity Time of Blow Constant Total Therms A Report blowing rellef 2" and larger only Regulator Station No. Customer Name Avg. Atmospheric Gauge Pressure l.D. 2 Pressure A Pipe Length (in 1,000 ft.) Constant D .004041 Total Therms Report 4" pipe & larger for 2,000 linear feet or more. (A+B) xCxDxE=Therms Guage Pressure t.D., (tN ,) Time of Blow (hr) Avs. BTU firUMcF) Total Therms I Per Therm Total Cost $ 55 4.uq4B z.g5 to.15 Z6o 0.5q811 il tE, u- *AxBxCxD=Therms lf more than 500 therms send to Engineering ls customer billed for lost volume? ves fl No E AxBxCxD=Therms Remarks: = lc;tJ & Division Operations Manager L)D =165 L 1t u Orlginal: GasMeasurement lst Copy: Division Numerical File 2ndCopy: Attachtoco.responding documenis in division Form No. IGC 308 (1/06) Submitted By: lntermountain Gas Company DIVISION GAS LOSS REPORT ,*,^ (i &lrl t, tl t ,L Division o,t" ll-l-/3 Project No.service uo. l? 2,70'31-l pipe siz" '/7" \ ttormat -f,1 Pu[ Down How Long 36 mrn. No. of customers Gas Pressure at Time of Break: outage: Yes [ ruo fl Location *"*n*"4_3 -l lo, Leak Order No. TimeofBreak a,;15 Prut Time Under Control a"bo Prn Total Time of Blow , 5I RETIEF BLOW GAS LOSS LINE PACK LINE RUPTURE / PURGE Build Up Pressure Percent Open Rated Capacity Time of Blow Constant Total Therms Report blowing relief 2' and larger only Regulator Station No. Customer Name Avg. Atrnospheric Pressure Gauge Pressure l.D. 2 Pipe Length (in 1,000 ft.) Constant .004041 Total Therms Report 4' pipe & larger for 2,000 linear feet or more. (A+B) xCxDxE=Therms Guage Pressure t.D., (tN ,) Time of Blow (hr) Avg. BTU (TFUMCF) Total Therms I Per Therm Total Cost $ 55 t13b .53 10.'7 3 uu,a7 .E,ltr3l .i"l ,b 6 *AxBxCxD=Therms lf more than 500 therms send to Engineering ls customer billed for lost volume? ves[ruoE AxBxCxD=Therms Remarks: Original: GasMeasurement 1st Copy: Division Numerical File 2nd Copy: Attach to conesponding documents in division Form No. IGC 308 (1/06) Submitted By: Division Operations Manager { r '\ ;-,tu/ l ';' lntermountain Gas Company DIVISION GAS LOSS REPORT rown tn tl ut tl t Project No. Gas Pressure at Time of Break: Outage: Yes f] ruo I Date ll-3"t5 service *r. l'/! 3 C'' 3 fl Pipe size 3/q " A Normat -fl PullDown How Lons I tl r 5 rn ,, . No. of customers 21Al .S lDn Avu Reporr No. 7A-a - I '7 a '7 Leak Order No. rimeofBreak l;F0 Pm Time Under controt A : 15 P fTl TotalTimeofBlow l, A? Hm RELIEF BLOW GAS LOSS LINE PACK LINE RUPTURE / PURGE Bulld Up Pressure Percent Open Rated Capacity Time of Blow Constant Total Therms Report blowing relief 2' and larger only Regulator Station No. Customer Name Avg. Atmospheric Pressure Gauge Pressure 1.D.2 Pipe Length (in 1,000 ft.) Constant .004041 Total Therms Report 4'pipe & larger for 2,000 linear feet or more. (A+B) xCxDxE=Therms Guage Pressure LD. ' (tN ') Tlme of Blow (hr) Avg. BTU (TH/MCF) Total Therms $ Per Therm Total Cost $ 55 -?225 l,0r lo, '1 3 1b 0,4 q ,51331 A15, 5 tu *AxBxCxD=Therms lf more than 500 therms send to Engineering ls customer billed for lost volume? ves[ruoE AxBxCxD=Therms Remarks: Original: GasMeasurement 1st Copy: Division Numerical File 2nd Copy: Attach to conesponding documenls in division Form No. IGC 308 (1/06) Submitted By: Division Operations Manager rorn Sf a, lntermountain Gas Company DIVISION GAS LOSS REPORT Date ll l'l-t'3 Project No.service po. Atl3 :3b7 Normat 5 5 Pipesize 3/1" Y Pull Down ReporrNo.3;0-'llOU Leak Order No. TimeofBreak 3:OS Prtv TimeUnderCollllsl 3 : 5 0 I m . Total Time of Blow i , '7 5 Hro Gas Pressure at Time of Break: Outage: Yes ! ruo E How Long /05 rYt, n . No. of Customers Location 4565 Ech, Srmrnil Pl RELIEF BLOWGAS LOSS LINE PACK LINE RUPTURE ' PURGE Build Up Pressure Percent Open Rated Capacity Time of Blow Constant Total Therms D Report blowing rellef 2" and larger only Regulator Station No. Customer Name Avg. Atmospherlc Pressure Gauge Pressure l.D. 2 Pipe Length (in 1,000 ft.) Constant .004041 Total Therms Repon 4' pipe & larger for 2,000 linear feet or more. (A+B) xCxDxE=Therms Guage Pressure t.D. , (tN ,) Time of Blow (hr) Avs. BTU (TH/MCF) Total Therms f Per Therm Total Cost $ 55 ,?ag5 lr'l 5 i O,'7 3 331.19 5"1 t3l S t1Bt' *AxBxCxD=Therms lf more than 500 therms send to Engineering ls customer billed for lost volume? ves!ruoE AxBxCxD=Therms Remarks; S/t H,l@tnlt'ne lro Original: GasMeasurement 1st Copy: Division Numerical File 2nd Copy: Attach to conesponding documents in division Form No. IGC 308 (1/06) \.--.r I , i submifted By: i t \ I i. ., i. .- \ .. , ,.1 |(-ltn-Jj',Division Operations Manager rown [{0 IV\ Pf, , Division Project No. lo-A^ - tg service*". 8f btj j'71 Pipe slze 3/rl " \l Gas Pressure at Time of Break: ves lX.ruo ! I ol q ^/ ?1rh- Sf Normal How Long lntermountain Gas Company DIVISION GAS LOSS REPORT Pull Down No, of Customers Leak Order No. rimeofBreak 4;A5 pmt Time Undercontrot 5 ; 0 0 P y) Total Time of Blow ' 5 tr Outage: Location RELTEF BLOW GAS LOSS LINE PACK LINE RUPTURE' PURGE Build Up Pressure Percent Open Rated Capaclty Time of Blow Constant Total Therms D Report blowing rcliel2'and larger only Regulator Station No. Customer Name Avg. Atmospheric Pressure Gauge Pressure l.D. 2 Pipe Length (in 1,000 ft.) Constant .004041 Total Therms Report 4" pipe & larger for 2,000 llnear feet or more. (A+B) xCxDxE=Therme Guage Pressure t.D., (tN ,) Time of Blow (hr) Avg. BTU (TH/MCF) Total Therms I PerTherm Total Cost $ 55 ,'72?5 " 5g lo,1 3 24t. 3 0 5? 8 3 t 147,9b rAxBxCxD=Therms lf more than 500 therms send to Engineering ls customer billed for lost volume? ves ! Ho fl AxBxCxD=Therms a".rr"= t flSl( NaS PwL[t Original: GasMeasurement lst Copy: Division Numerical File 2nd Copy: Attach to conesponding documents in division Form No. IGC 308 (1/06) Submitted By: Division Operations Manager lntermountain Gas Company DIVISION GAS LOSS REPORT Date lA"lq -13t"*" lYl trtd l r i on Division Project No. Gas Pressure at Time of Break: outase: Yes f] ruo fl Location service *o. A5! ? * ?-h.Seip" sir" !/ )," 1 Normat 55 PuttDown HowLong'], 5 m l n . No. of Customers a.pq,tNo. ,.1fjA - cl lr9 b Leak Order No. rimeof Break j:55 Prn TimeUndercontrol 3 I /O Pm {.Total TimeofBlow /,2{ HB RELIEF BLOWGAS LOSS LINE PACK LINE RUPTURE ' PURGE Build Up Pressure Percent Open Rated Capaclty Time of Blow Constant Total Therms D Report blowing rellet 2' and larger only Regulator Station No. Customer Name Avg. Atmospheric Pressure Gauge Pressure l.D. 2 Pipe Length (in 1,000 ft.) Constant Total Therms Report 4' pipe & larger for 2,000 linear feet or more. (A+B) xCxDxE=Therms Guage Pressure t.D., (lN ') Time of Blow (hr) Avg. BTU (TH/MCF) Total Therms S Per Therm Total Cost $ r5 ,113h l,?5 I 0,'7 3 l4e. t L 51r3t 36,'/ 5 *AxBxCxD=Therms lf more than 500 therms send to Englneering ls customer bllled for lost volume? vesInoE AxBxCxD=Therms Remarks: h" Hol-u Original: GasMaasuremenl lst Copy: Division Numerical File 2nd Copy: Attach to conosponding documonts in division Form No. lGC 308 (1/06) Submitted By: Division Operatlons Manager Town Project No. Gas Pressure at Time of Break: lntermountain Gas Company DIVISION GAS LOSS REPORT Division S*U*an*h Date t t- i' t3 Service No.Pipe Size Pull DownNormal How Long No. of Customers {tu Report No. Outage: Location ves fl *o E J/t"Leakorder N".6b0 -7{(6 rime of Break / ,5.3 * rr TimeUndercontrot cf ,' lSP?. rotalrime ot arow d0 -!ll^I - /tld7 REUEF BLOW GAS LOSS LINE PACK LINE RUPTURE / PURGE Build Up Pressure Percent Open Rated Capacity Time of Blow Constant Total Therms c D Report blowing reliel 2" and larger only Regulator Station No. Customer Name Avg. Atmospheric Pressure Gauge Pressure l.D. 2 Pipe Length Constant c (in 1,000 ft.) ,004041 Total Therms Repo( 4'pipe & larger for 2,000 linear feet or more. (A+B) xCxDxE=Therms Guage Pressure t.D., (tN ,) Time of Blow (hr) Avg. BTU (TH/MCF) Total Therms f Per Therm Total Cost $ e{TJJ , d&L{ ,33 I t),73 / Dqksl *AxBxCxD=Therms lf more than 500 therms send to Engineering Fl ,{1 ls customer billed for lost volume? ves fl ruo fI AxBxCxD=Therms nemarrs: fir.rLdA*tnt&d by baC.,( #pf 30f r.r,'lt yE-(Sat,( ncsd( Original: GasMeasurement 1st Copy: Division Numorical File 2nd Copy: Attach to corresponding documenls in division Form No. IGC 308 (1/06) Submitted By: Division Operations Manager lntermountain Gas Company DIVISION GAS LOSS REPORT to*n@ Division Sl+tr..-r.rtt Date6 Project No.Service No. 77rO-593 t/o" APipe Size Pull Down 2,ZS Al\< No.of customers-l- Gas Pressure at Tlme of Break: outage: Yes [t ruo f] Location Normal How Long Repo*No. bOO- 14 AA Leak order No. 600 -75L9 Timeof BreakJJSgfu* rime Under Control 2-i4.1-_E jB_ Total Time of Blow , 70 nrs RELIEF BLOWGAS LOSS LINE PACK LINE RUPTURE ' PURGE Build Up Pressure Percent Open Rated Capacity Time of Blow Constant Total Therms Report blowing relief 2' and larger only Regulator Station No. Customer Name Avg. Atmospheric Pressure Gauge Pressure LD. ' Pipe Length (in 1,000 ft.) Constant .004041 Total Therms Report 4' pipe & larger for 2,000 llnear feet or more. (A+B) xCxDxE=Therms Guage Pressure t.D. , (tN 1 Time of Blow (hr) Avg. BTU C[H/MCF) Total Therms g Per Therm Total Cost $ 30e .25 B .10 lf't,73 o 56.33 . ,518 3l 31,-fo *AxBxCxD=Therms lf more than 500 therms send to Engineering ls customer billed for lost volume? ves fl ruo I AxBxCxD=Therms Remarks: Co*r=oq'arlqR T\rrr.- 'T-trE,+rrrAtl 'l;' :rEpltltaF bo rT'lJ R*cl<*ae- Original: GasMeasurement 1st Copy; Division Numerical File 2nd Copy: Attach to corresponding documents in division Form No. IGC 308 (1/06) submitredBy: JGVrU l'il ,e**ru.r Division Operations Manager lntermountain Gas Company DIVISION GAS LOSS REPORT **"fu Division <iAurrr*rH Date \\-?O-ru11 Project No.1153-58"Pipe size a\t S Gas Pressure at Time of Break: Outage: Yes ffi ruo E Location 2 LIRS No.ofcustom"r"SL aeoorrNo. (l,oo-ALl Leak Order No. L4-1q15 Timeof Break 5:Og Pn4 rime Under controt :3 : sl!/PA Total Time of Blow .80 xo Service No. Normal How Long Pull Down RELIEF BLOW GAS LOSS LINE PACK LINE RUPTURE ' PURGE Build Up Pressure Percent Open Rated Capacity Time of Blow Constant Total Therms Report blowing relief 2" and larger only Regulator Station No. Customer Name Avg. Atmospheric Pressure Gauge Pressure 1.D.2 Pipe Length (in 1,000 ft.) Constant .004041 Total Therms Report 4'pipe & larger for 2,000 linear feet or more. (A+B) xCxDxE=Therms Guage Pressure 1.D., (tN ,) Time of Blow (hr) Avg. BTU (TH/MCF) Total Therms S Per Therm Total Cost $ Ne ,5625 B .8O c 1O.73 o / 44,8/o . , 59631 86,67 *AxBxCxD=Therms lf more than 500 therms send to Engineering ls customer billed for lost volume? ves [ ruoE AxBxCxD=Therms Remarks: Rpl ar^, -Grr SrrroP, Original: GasMeasurement 1st Copy: Division Numerical File 2nd Copy: Attach tocorresponding documents in division Form No. IGC 308 (1/06) Submitted By: Division Operations Manager lntermountain Gas Company DIVISION GAS LOSS REPORT Town lG.c."*-Division (AWrtlOfH Project No. Gas Pressure at Time of Break: Outage: Location service No. 2e53575 Normal D"t"M Pipe Size lru 'l Pull Down RepoftNo. (o@' ILILA Leak order No. (oOO - 7 57 3 TimeofBreak IIItlOAnf Time Under Control I 2:5t{ 0Al Total Time of atow | . 23 Hrs Yesffiruon HowLong Z *e< No. of Customersl_ 1Oq Ercr A Sr. Slerea^ r= RELIEF BLOWGAS LOSS LINE PACK LINE RUPTURE / PURGE Build Up Pressure Percent Open Rated Capacity Time of Blow Constant Total Therms Report blowing reliel 2" and larger only Regulator Station No. Customer Name Avg. Atrnospheric Pressure Gauge Pressure l.D. 2 Pipe Length (in 1,000 ft.) Constant .0M04't Total Therms Report 4" pipe & larger for 2,000 linear feet or more. (A+B) xCxDxE=Therms Guage Pressure t.D., (tN ,) Time of Blow (hr) Avg. BTU (TH/MCF) Total Therms S Per Therm Total Cost $ 7a ,25 a l,?3 c to.73 p qg, qg * .5983t 59,22 *AxBxCxD=Therms lf more than 500 therms send to Engineering customer billed for lost volume? ves[ruoI AxBxCxD=Therms Remarks: (to.r.oon,r6ce F)ua. T.lrrGatrr-tl '/d V {'ERVrfr LrrrE r^rr+rt GtrArxutqE. Original: GasM6asur6ment 1si Copy: Division Numerical File 2nd Copy: Attach tocorresponding documents in division Form No. IGC 308 (1/06) submittedBy: ,l i VrXt Fr,tUlnn Division Operations Manager lntermountain Gas Company DIVISION GAS LOSS REPORT rown R4HL Divison-S*wTigoyfl t\ - t\- 20tz Project No.Service t'to. l$13-5;l-f_lzn v Gas Pressure at Time of Break: Outage: Ves fi Uo E Location Date Pipe Size Pull Down 2 HnS No. of Customers I neportNo. d>@- /459 Leak Order No. (d- 7 51 I rime otBreak _/!fllfXl Time Under controt tl : 38 Pn4 Total Time of Blow I r 8O no Normal How Long RELIEF BLOWGAS LOSS LINE PACK LINE RUPTURE ' PURGE Build Up Pressure Percent Open Rated Capacity Time of Blow Constant Total Therms D Reporl blowing relief 2" and larger only Regulator Station No. Customer Name Avg. Atrnospheric Pressure A Gauge Pressure l.D. 2 c Pipe Length (in 1,000 ft.) Constant D .004041 Total Therms Report 4" pipe & larger for 2,000 linear leet or more. (A+B) xCxDxE=Therms Guage Pressure 1.D., (tN ,) Time of Blow (hr) Avg. BTU (TH/MCF) Total Therms g Per Therm Total Cost $ 30A ,%B t. ao c lo. ?3 p Ir,\11,86 * .5q8sl 8b,G7 *AxBxCxD=Therms lf more than 500 therms send to Engineering ls customer billed for lost volume? ves fl no I AxBxCxD=Therms Remarks: Original: GasMeasuremsnt 1st Copy: Division Numerical Filo 2nd Copy: Attach to corresponding documents in division Form No. IGC 308 (1/06) submitted By: XeVrxf Or,ef\f rv\ Division Operations Manager lntermountain Gas Company DIVISION GAS LOSS REPORT i t ,h '= Division5t,.rr.,*, oate 1/-23-2O13 service n". Z3436rt)Pip. s. L l: Ition lbure at Time of Break: Yes fl ,o E Normal How Long l'1R PrttDo*nE No. of Customers R"po,tNo.-(&:).!l.Z Leak order n". 1^OO - 7 5* I Time of Sreak 7 i lln Ftvl Time Under Control I : rl Z PrYt Total Time of Blow I , .l-3 RELIEF BLOW GAS LOSS LINE PACK LINE RUPTURE/ PURGE Build Up Pressure Percent Open Rated Capacity Time of Blow Constant Total Therms Report blowing relief 2'and larger only Regulator Station No. Customer Name Avg. Atmospheric Pressure A Gauge Pressure 1.D.2 Pipe Length (in 1,000 ft.) Constant D .004041 Total Therms Report 4'pipe & larger for 2,000 linear feet or more. (A+B) xCxDxE=Therms Guage Pressure t.D. , (tN ,) Time of Blow (hr) Avg. BTU (TH/MCF) Total Therms S Per Therm Total Cost $ l-r1i , ot 5G2q B /,43 /O' 73 o 4/, gb * ,sct83t 25,11 *AxBxCxD=Therms lf more than 500 therms send to Engineering ls customer billed for lost volume? ves ! r,ro n AxBxCxD=Therms Remarks: L,*p- $rr MmgYZ ilar. (alrs Br-a,o,-vr- @ur oF th" oEtrtelq.. Original: GasMeasurement 1st Copy: Division Numerical File 2nd Copy: Attach to conesponding documents in division Form No. IGC 308 (1/06) submined By: X*Vt *', F.,,.*n**, Division Operations Manager Project No. Gas Pressure at Time of Break: !ntermountain Gas Company DIVISION GAS LOSS REPORT Oate Pipe Size Pull Down neporr.ro. { Leak Order No. Time of Break ves!*oE Long rimeundercon r /1.'4a A4. TotalTimeofBlow ,444 **, W, Division, fi . *r,{) se*icexo)$#t)'fu// *o ^,-rlL Outags: Locatlon REUEFBLOWGAS LOSS LINE PACK LINE RUPTURE / PURGE Bulld Up Pressure Percent Open Rated Capacity Time ol Blow Constant Total Thems Report blowing relief 2'and larger only Regulator Station No. Customer Name Avg. Atmospheric Pressure Gauge Pressure 1.D.2 Pipe t€ngth (ln 1,000 ft.) @nstant Tolal Therms Report 4' pipe & larger lor 2,000 linear feet or more. '(A+B) xCxDxE=Therms Guage Pressure 1.D., (lN 2) 'Iime ol Blow (hr) Avs. BTU (IFUMCF) Total Thems 0 Per Therm Total Cost $ /-/??^.72?< , 1Vz c /rh o 'n q49A ,5qQ3/ {2. -' 'AxBxCxD=Therms ll more than 500 therms send to Engineering ls customer bllled for lost volume? ves fl *o fl *AxBxCxD=Therms Flamarks: ,1,(/i t !r1.4 ^(n i!. ,r,,1< r'& 4 :' " Original: GasMeasurement lst Copy: Division Numerical File 2ndCopy: Attachtocorresponding documents in division Form No. IGC 308 (1/06) Submitted By: Division Operations Manager lntermountain Gas Company DIVISION GAS LOSS REPORT Torvn ProJect No. Gas Pressure at Time of Break: Outage: ves I tto E Location Division Service No. Date Pipe Size /[ '7 /5 3fu,t Nor a -r{-b- PuttDown Leak order No. 1*) - db-l Time of Break Time Under Control TotalTime ota* ,5//1 tu, No. of Customers RELIEF BLOWGAS LOSS LINE PACK LINE RUPTURE'PURGE Build Up Pressure Percent Open Rated Capacity Time of Blow Constant Total Therms c Report blowing rellef 2" and larger only Regulator Station No. Customer Name Avg. Atmospheric Pressure A Gauge Pressure l.D. 2 c Plpe Length (in 1,000 ft.) Constant .004041 Total Therms Report 4" plpe & larger for 2,000 linear feet or more. (A+B) xCxDxE=Therms Guage Pressure l.D.,0N ,) Tlme of Blow (hr) Avg. BTU (TH/MCF) Total Therms $ Per Therm Total Cost $ 55 .7224 , 6/7 c //b o ;7/<r' * ,5492,,, , 'AxBxCxD=Therms lf more than 500 therms send to Engineering ls customer bllled for lost volume? ves ! Hon AxBxCxD=Therms Remarks: /.' r ',tvtulf u/k,r^-& '' 1 ' Original: GasMeasuremont lst Copy: Division Numerical File 2nd Copy: Attach to conesponding documents in division Form No. IGC 308 (1/06) Submitted By: Division Operations Manager Town Project Gas Pressure at Time of Break: Outage: Yes [ ruo E Location Intermountain Gas Company DIVISION GAS LOSS REPORT Date Pipe Size Division Service No. Nomat !ffi Puil Down Leakorder "r.lC>- f/ild Total Time of Blow No. of Customers At{ RELIEF BLOWGAS LOSS LINE PACK LINE RUPTURE ' PURGE Build Up Pressure Percent Open Rated Capacity Time of Blow Constant Total Therms Report blowlng relief 2' and larger only Regulator Station No. Customer Name Avg. Atmospheric Pressure Gauge Pressure l.D. 2 Pipe Length (in 1,000 ft.) Constant .004041 Total Therms Report 4'pipe & larger for 2,000 linear feet or more. (A+B) xCxDxE=Therms Guage Pressure t.D., (tN ,) Time of Blow (hr) Avs. BTU (TH/MCF) Total Therms $ Per Therm Total Cost $ 6 I .1Lt Z. zs /0,6o "llB3.q4 * 6{Et $ loe tzL 'AxBxCxD=Therms lf more than 500 therms send to Engineering ls customer bllled for lost volume? ves!Hon AxBxCxD=Therms //-t-Remarks: L /t;t d,-/ 4 Lt5 - L6z6 a = 1a3.1 Q".4BS t I , 1.65r, Original: GasMeasurement lst Copy: DMsion Numerical Filo 2nd Copy: Attach lo conesponding documents in divislon Form No. IGC 308 (1/06) Submitted Byl Division Operations Manager Lr, ,6 Intermountain Gas Company DIVISION GAS LOSS REPORT Town Project No. Gas Pressure at Time of Break: ----- , Division / ilnf) Dare Service tuo.WPipeSize Nornat /cb Pu[ Down Outrage: Yes EZ No E How Long I ' /ZtS No. of customers Location a, Report No. Leak Order No, Time of Break Time Under Control Total Time of Blow RELIEF BLOWGAS LOSS LINE PACK LINE RUPTURE'PURGE Bulld Up Pressure Percent Open Rated Capaclty Time of Blow Constant Total Therms A c D Report blowing relief 2' and larger only Regulator Station No. Customer Name Avg. Atrnospheric Pressure Gauge Pressure t.D., Plpe Length (in Constant 1,000 ft.) .00404't Total Therms Report 4' pipe & larger for 2,000 linear feet or more. (A+B) xCxDxE=Therms Guage Pressure t.D., (tN ,) Time of Blow (hr) Avg. BTU (TI-UMCF) Total Therms g Per Therm Total Cost $ .65 A ,'t', ,b/7 c /f 1^ o 'AxBxCxD=Therms lf more than 500 therms send to Engineering ls customer billed for lost volume? ves!uoE AxBxCxD=Therms Remarks: /rl.,//) ,lt Original: GasMeasuremenl 1st Copy: Division Numorical File 2nd Copy: Attach to conespondlng documents in division Form No.lGC 308 (1/06) Submitted By: Division Operatlons Manager lntermountain Gas Company DIVISION GAS LOSS REPORT ,*rnW Division \.A'fi- ) Project No.Service N Normal "b9 Date Pipe Size Pull Down Report No. Leak Order No. Time of Break -7,7*Gas Pressure at Time of Break: Outage: Ves ! ruo I Location How Long No. of Customerc /{/{(5u, Time Under Control Total Time of Blow 8al Build Up Pressure Percent Open Rated Capacity Time of Blow Constant Total Therms Report blowing relief 2' and larger only ls tustomer bllled for lost volume? AxBxCxD=Therms Avg. Atmospheric Pressure Report 4" plpe & larger for 2,000 linear feet or more. (A+B) xCxDxE=Therms Guage Pressure t.D., (]N ') Time of Blow (hr) Avs. BTU (TH/MCF) Total Therms g Per Therm Total Cost $ /*t4 /J74- . -?4 no *AxBxCxD=Therms lf more than 500 therms send to Engineedng //0.fu " Remarks: Original: GasMeasurement lst Copy: Oivision Numorical Fil6 2ndCopy: Attachtocoresponding documents in division Form No. IGC 308 (1/06) Submitted By: Division Operations Manager lntermountain Gas Company DIVISION GAS LOSS REPORT Date Pipe Size ?tttl i'li,,t Project No. Gas Pressure at Time of Break: Outage: Ves ! ruo E Location haoo A.t L?arrlra&' Report No. Leak Order No. Time of Break Time Under Control Total Time of Blow ,*,^M,vision thfrx) seMce*1}M- xornat 55 PuttDown How Long No. of Customers 3/t' RELIEF BLOWGAS LOSS LINE PACK LINE RUPTURE / PURGE Build Up Pressure Percent Open Rated Capacity Tirp of Blow Constant Total Therms c Report blowing rellet 2'and larger only Regulator Station No. Customer Name Avg. Atmospheric Pressure A Gauge Pressure l.D. 2 c Pipe Length (in 1,000 ft.) Constant .004041 Total Therms Report 4" plpe & larger for 2,000 llnear feet or more. (A+B) xCxDxE=Therms Guage Pressure t.D., (tN ,) Time of Blow (hr) Avg. BTU CIH/MCF) Total Therms g Per Therm Total Cost $ 54 . /rflf ,49,cfu" iAxBxCxD=Therms lf more than 500 therms send to Engineering !s customer bllled for lost volume? ves ! uoE AxBxCxD=Therms Remarks:/^6 ,y',armrl*rl 3l :)/./?l 7t Dqql Original: GasMeasursmont lst Copy: Division Numerical File 2nd Copy: Altach to conespondlng documents in division Form No. IGC 308 (1/06) Submitted By: Division Operations Manager ,*,MDivision r\'/fuL;Date lP/t{/ts Service Nof eip.si." y'8 trProject No. Gas Pressure at Time of Break: Outage: ves ! Uo E Location lntermountain Gas Company DIVISION GAS LOSS REPORT Pull Down No. of Report No. Leak Order No. Normal How Long rimeotkrcak 4,,9/ AH Time Under Control TotalTimeof Blow , fu RELIEF BLOWGAS LOSS LINE PACK LINE RUPTURE ' PURGE Build Up Pressure Percenl Open Rated Capacity Time of Blow Constant Total Therms A D Report blowlng rellef 2' and larger only Regulator Station No. Customer Name Avg. Atmospheric Pressure Gauge Pressure l.D. 2 Pipe Length (in 1,000 ft.) Constant .004041 Total Therms Repoft 4" pipe & larger for 2,000 linear feet or more. (A+B) xCxDxE=Therms Guage Pressure t.D.,0N ,) Time of Blow (hr) Avg. BTU (TH/MCF) Total Therms f Per Therm Total Cost $ ,/ '',23 o ,fu, 'AxBxCxD=Therms lf more than 500 therms send to Engineerlng ls customer billed for lost volume? ves ! uoD AxBxCxD=Therms Remarksz ,/,W,t/ /*a,u r/;tt ilf t/.lV,,lrlr/ tfu tr :a_ ',41/tl,Jai-t' Odginal: GasMeasurement lst Copy: Division Numerical File 2nd Copy: Attach to corresponding documents in division Form No. IGC 308 (1/06) lntermountain Gas Company DIVISION GAS LOSS REPORT Tcwn Project No. Gas Pressure at Time of Break: Outage: Yes ! Uo f] Location seMce *il&:Tl7- eip"si.. ,?/t Nornat 55 Pu[ Down How Long 5// //) No. of Customers Leak Order No. Time of Break Time Under Control Total Time of Blow L4 ,193/- RELIEF BLOWGAS LOSS LINE PAGK LINE RUPTURE ' PURGE Build Up Pressure Percent Open Rated Capacity Time of Blow Constant Total Therms Report blowing relief 2" and larger only Regulator Station No. Customer Name Avg. Atmospheric Pressure Gauge Pressure t.D., Fipe Length (in 1,000 ft.) Constant .004041 Total Therms Report 4" plpe & largerfor 2,000 linear feet or more. (A B) xCxDxE=Therms Guage Pressure 1.D.,(tN ,) Time of Blow (hr) Avs. BTU (TH/MCF) Total Therms I Per Therm Total Cost $ 55A ,t n ",t 2 ",TD Jea.ruH * *AxBxCxD=Therms lf more than 500 therms send to Engineering . .{aoz/ ls customer billed for lost volume? ves ! No fl AxBxCxD=Therms Remarks: /jilrt I /fu22, {?Hr/ 3/l o,tUtl,* ),, ^dj '12 /n Original: GasMeasuremsnt lst Copy: Division Numerical File 2nd Copy: Attach to conesponding documents in division Form No. IGC 308 (1/06) Submitted By: Division Operations Manager lntermountain Gas Company DIVISION GAS LOSS REPORT ',*,@Divisionfu Date ProjectNo. service.$/A/iJjl- Pipesize Gas Pressure at Time of Break:Normat 55 PuttDown How Long No. of Customers 3/4"^"oon*.. 7/ily'730 LeakorderNo. /fu- TimeofBreak 4''6 Time Under Control Total Time of Blow RELIEF BLOWGAS LOSS LINE PACK LINE RUPTURE ' PURGE Build Up Pressure Percent Open Rated Capacity Time of Blow Constant Total Therms c Report blowing reliel2'and larger only Regulator Station No. Customer Name Avg. Atrnospheric Pressure Gauge Pressure l.D. 2 Pipe Length (ln 1,000 ft.) Constant .004041 Total Therms Report 4'pipe & larger for 2,000 llnear feet or more. (A+B) xCxDxE=Therms Guage Pressure 1.D., (lN 2) Tlme of Blow (hr) Avs. BTU (TH/MCF) Total Therms g Per Therm Total Cost $ ,F4 o ,'nn , , Q/? /0. dn o 3X2. t . . Fa%/ 4fr9a 'AxBxCxD=Therms lf more than 500 therms send to Engineering ls customer billed for lost volume? ves ! r,ro fl AxBxCxD=Therms Remarks: -h-"t/ & I Odginal: GasMeasurement 1sl Copy: Division Numerical File 2nd Copy: Attach to conesponding documents in division Form No. IGC 308 (1/06) Submitted By: Division Operations Manager lntermountain Gas Company DIVISION GAS LOSS REPORT t*rn / Project No. Gas Pressure at Time of Break: Outage: Yes ! tlo f] Location Division - '1 rr/z/rz service "{Qeil-H/3/+' Date Pipe Size Pull Down A"oortNofl Leak Order No. Time of Break-6{Normal How Long No. of Customers V, Time under co *a o?,' 30 A H Total Time of Blow RELIEF BLOW GAS LOSS LINE PACK LINE RUPTURE ' PURGE Build Up Pressure Percent Open Rated Capacity Time of Blow Constant Total Therms Report blowing relief 2' and larger only Regulator Station No. Customer Name Avg. Atmospheric Pressure Gauge Pressure A l.D. " Pipe Length (in 1,000 ft.) Constant D .004041 Total Therms Report 4' pipe & larger for 2,000 linear feet or more. (A+B) xCxDxE=Therms Guage Pressure t.D., (tN ,) Time of Blow (hr) Avs. BTU (TH/MCF) Total Therms I Per Therm Total Cost$ ,Ho .B /.7Q "fu" /45b57 . , 5q{?2 *AxBxCxD=Therms lf more than 500 therms send to Engineering ls customer billed for lost volume? ves ! noE AxBxCxD=Therms Remarks: 241/ /rlz^ltU n /1U/-z*(//.il2 I Odginal: GasMeasurement lst Copy: Division Numerical File 2nd Copy: Attach to conesponding documenls in division Form No. IGC 308 (1/06) Submitted By: Division Operations Manager lntermountain Gas Company DIVISION GAS LOSS REPORT ,*,W oi,i"ionful r^" t /fil/ls aeoonNo(fu|1fl Project No. Gas Pressure at Time of Break: outase: ves f] uoE Location No. of Customers Time of Break Time Under Control Total Time of Blow Leakorder *"./40--ild/ q.?4 Am, .5L7 service .4/!l/J4L Pipe Size .i?/ Nornat 6 PuttDown How Long RELIEF BLOWGAS LOSS LINE PACK LINE RUPTURE ' PURGE Build Up Pressure Percent Open Rated Capaclty Time of Blow Constant Total Therms A c Report blowing rellef 2' and larger only Regulator Station No. Customer Name Avg. Atmospheric Pressure Gauge Pressure t.D. 2 Plpe Length (in Constant 1,000 ft.) .004041 Total Therms Report 4" pipe & larger for 2,000 linear feet or more. (A+B) xCxDxE=Therms Guage Pressure 1.D., (!N ') Tlme of Blow (hr) Avs. BTU (TH/MCF) Total Therms $ PerTherm Total Cost $ ,qo7 c ZD Zo3 * ,U,BJ * tzr qr aAxBxCxD=Therms lf more than 500 therms send to Engineering ls customer bllled for lost volume? ves ! ruoE AxBxCxD=Therms Remarks: C = LIBlL Q= 358 *l '1,?-) /)lr?a*4v* Original: GasMeasurement 1st Copy: Division Numedcal File 2nd Copy: Attach to conesponding documenls in division Form No. IGC 308 (1/06) Submitted By: Division Operations Manager lntermountain Gas Company DIVISION GAS LOSS REPORT Date Pipe Size Report No. Leak Order No. Time of Breaknormat 5(1 Pu[ Down How Long No. of s ,@ Division Jztr-rt; e rolea no WJ) 5?- service No. Gas Pressure at Time of Break: Outage: ves ! ruo f] Location 4tol RELIEF BLOWGAS LOSS LIITE PACK LINE RUPTURE / PURGE Bulld Up Pressure Percent Open Rated Capaclty Time of Blow Constant Total Therms Report blowing relief 2' and larger only Regulator Station No. Customer Name Avg. Atmospheric Pressure A Gauge Pressure l.D. 2 Pipe Length (in 1,000 ft.) Constant D .004041 Total Therms Report 4" pipe & larger for 2,000 linear fget or more. (A B) xCxDxE=Thenns Guage Pressure t.D., (lN ,) Tlme of Blow (hr) Avs. BTU (TFUMCF) Total Therms I Per Therm Total Cost $ bb A / oo /, 3/7 /0tu D 3 ll .q2- .5q%/ 4lqo.- *AxBxCxD=Therms lf more than 500 therms send to Engineering ls customer billed for lost volume? ves ! ruoE AxBxCxD=Therms Remarks: DP -- zo.s'/3"r;5. Form No. IGC 308 (1/06) Division Operations Manager Original: GasMeasurement 1st Copy: Division Numerical File 2nd Gopy: Attach to conesponding documenls in division Submitted By: !ntermountain Gas Company DIVISION GAS LOSS REPORT t*" K,,{ ,6 oiuirion'fu\-rtL ,,r" dta//3 projectNo.- service *tWfu' ?6fi,p.si.e //3// Nor rr :15 PuttDown ves fl Ho fl 1 ', No. of custom.* / Gas Pressure at Time of Break: Outage: Location How Long a.ponno.TH - /7A4 Leak order N.. @ 4f-<</! Time of Break Time Under Control Total Time of Blow RELIEF BLOW GAS LOSS LINE PACK LINE RUPTURE ' PURGE Build Up Pressure Percent Open Rated Capacity Time of Blow Constant Total Therms Repoft blowing relief 2" and larger only Regulator Station No. Customer Name Avg. Atmospheric Pressure A Gauge Pressure 1.D.2 Pipe Length (in 1,000 ft.) Constant .004041 Total Therms Report 4' pipe & larger for 2,000 linear feet or more. (A+B) xCxDxE=Therms Guage Pressure t.D.,(tN ,) Time of Blow (hr) Avg. BTU (TH/MCF) Total Therms S Per Therm Total Cost $ &A /q?b ,4/7 /fd " 4/rnn * *AxBxCxD=Therms lf more than 500 therms send to Engineering ls customer billed for lost volume? ves fl ruo fl AxBxCxD=Therms Remarks: /rl?,rY / ^aZZ; Z /," Nrltfrr) llt ltt,.z) /JZ.// /-# Division Operations Manager 4t Original: GasMeasurement lst Copy: Division Numerical File 2nd Copy: Attach to conesponding documents in division Form No. IGC 308 (1/06) Submitted By: ,*^M Division 1;frn ,"" l//n4/la *"oon*.. %H-/?/2 ,a."r"{/I '/WB- service No.4,,Leak order t". th -5?5 3 lntermountain Gas Company DIVISION GAS LOSS REPORT Pipe Size Gas Pressure at Time of Break: outage: ves S ruo I ttor^rt 166 PuttDown How Lons 6 kS No. or custom "* / ? Location / i+^ /qg .a 3/r a Time of Break Time Under Control Total Time of Blow RELIEF BLOWGAS LOSS LIilE PACK LINE RUPTURE ' PURGE Bulld Up Pressure Percent Open Rated Capacity Time of Blow Constant Total Therms c Report blowing relief 2" and larger only Regulator Station No. Customer Name Avg. Atmospheric Pressure A Gauge Pressure l.D. 2 Pipe Length (in 1,000 ft.) Constant D .004041 Total Therms Report 4'pipe & larger for 2,000 linear feet or more. (A+B) xCxDxE=Therms Guage Pressure t.D., (tN ,) Time of Blow (hr) Avs. BTU (TH/MCF) Total Therms g Per Therm Total Cost $ -Fo .a /- ,/.a{1 . //h , 3z5.Zz * 'AxBxCxD=Therms lf more than 500 therms send to Engineering ls customer billed for lost volume? ves ! No fl AxBxCxD=Therms Remarks: >= 31 Original: GasMeasurement lst Copy: Division Numerical File 2nd Copy: Attach to conesponding documenls in division Form No. IGC 308 (1/06) C = 253.5 n/t^. Submitted By: Division Operations Manager Town Division Project No.Service No. lntermountain Gas Company DIVISION GAS LOSS REPORT Date ipe Size Gas Pressure at Time of Break: outage: ves I tto f] Location ('' S\ 1 \ ^R 4,<Total Time of Blow .L) Nornat # PuttDown How Long No. of Customers Report No. Time of Break Time Under Control RELIEF BLOW GAS LOSS LINE PACK LINE RUPTURE ' PURGE Build Up Pressure Percent Open Rated Capacity Time of Blow Constant Total Therms c Report blowlng relief 2" and larger only Regulator Station No. Customer Name Avg. Atmospheric Pressure Gauge Pressure l.D. 2 c Pipe Length (in 1,000 ft.) Constant .004041 Total Therms Report 4" pipe & larger for 2,000 linear feet or more. (A+B) xCxDxE=Therms Guage Pressure LD. ' (tN ') Time of Blow (hr) Avg. BTU (TH/MCF) B c D Total Therms g Per Therm Total Cost $ *AxBxCxD=Therms lf more than 500 therms send to Engineering ls customer bllled for lost volume? ves!NoE AxBxCxD=Therms Remarks: Original: GasMeasuremont 1st Copy: Division Numerical File 2nd Copy: Attach to conesponding docum€nts in division Submitted By: Division Operations Manager Form No. IGC 308 (1/06) lntermountain Gas Company DIVISION GAS LOSS REPORT Town Location Gas Pressure at Time of Break: e,l,.aNoff4,'$,| outase: ,>F *:tl Pipe Size -),/" xo*"r ,55 PuttDown How Long Report No Leak Order No. Time of Break Time Under Control Total Time of Blow Service No. No. of Customers RELIEF BLOWGAS LOSS LINE PACK LINE RUPTURE ' PURGE Build Up Pressure Percent Open Rated Capacity Time of Blow Constant Total Therms c Report blowing relief 2' and larger only Regulator Station No. Customer Name Avg. Atmospheric Pressure Gauge Pressure LD. ' Pipe Length (in Constant 1,000 ft.) .004041 Total Therms Report 4" pipe & larger for 2,000 linear feet or more. (A+B) xCxDxE=Therms Guage Pressure t.D., (tN ,) Time of Blow (hr) Avg. BTU (TH/MCF) </-'). ) A 3 C74{ , l,lc /c,5 rotar rnermsZl o'9 $ Per Therm Total Cost $ #tzs gz *AxBxCxD=Therms lf more than 500 therms send to Engineering ls customer billed for lost volume? ves!ruoE AxBxCxD=Therms Remarks: Original: GasMeasurement Ist Copy: Division Numerical File 2nd Copy: Atiach to conesponding documents in division Form No. IGC 308 (1/06) Submitted By: Division Operations Manager lntermountain Gas Company DIVISION GAS LOSS REPORT ,*nW Divisionfutrd-Date E/t/t+ Project No. Gas Pressure at Time of Break: Outage: Yes ! Uo E Location /E Pull Down Report No. Leak Order No. Time of Break Time Under Control Total Time of Blow No. of Customers service *ro?//fl" 14/ Pipe size Normal How Long /,u) RELIEF BLOW GAS LOSS LINE PACK LINE RUPTURE / PURGE Build Up Pressure Percent Open Rated Capacity Time of Blow Constant Total Therms Report blowing rellef 2" and larger only Regulator Station No. Customer Name Avg. Atmospheric Pressure A - BGauge Pressure 1.D.2 Pipe Length (ln 1,000 ft.) Constant .004041 Total Therms Report 4' pipe & larger for 2,000 linear feet or more. (A+B) xCxDxE=Therms Guage Pressure t.D., (tN ,) Time of Blow (hr) Avg. BTU (TH/MCF) Total Therms g Per Therm Total Cost $ 55A ,1q3b /00 c /d^ , *AxBxCxD=Therms lf more than 500 therms send to Englneering ls customer billed for lost volume? ves!ruon AxBxCxD=Therms Remarks'. /,t ff 44rt&.zt-/ //4 '*nkl/lt,t , ' fr,// Original: GasMeasuromont 1st Copy: Division Numerical File 2nd Copy: Attach to conesponding documents in division Form No. IGC 308 (1/06) Submlfted By: Division Operations Manager Project No. lntermountain Gas Company DIVISION GAS LOSS REPORT ,"*M Division rA*- ) ,r," g//zl/'/ ^"r,n*../il) /////3 service *&A/%a41 eip"si=" /h'/Leakorder xo.a/"' ' Time of Break //,'49,Gas Pressure at Time of Break: Outage: ves [ ruo E Normal How Long ,(raNo. of customers - Time Under Controt /3 ,/ /O Location .3,/'- fJA)/tf n5 llf Total Time of Blow Build Up Pressure Percent Open Rated Capacity Tlme of Blow Constant Total Therms Report blowing rellef 2' and larger only ls customer bllled for lost volume? AxBxCxD=Therms Avg. Atmospheric Pressure Gauge Pressure Report 4'pipe & larger for 2,000 linear feet or more. (A+B) xCxDxE=Therms Guage Pressure t.D., (tN ,) Time of Blow (hr) Avg. BTU (TH/MCF) Total Therms g Per Therm Total Cost $ ,'l f" r 1 27/f3 . , 5f{, *AxBxCxD=Therms lf more than 500 therms send to Engineering Original: GasMeasuremont 1st Copy: Division Numerlcal File 2nd Copy: Attach toconesponding documents in division Form No. IGC 308 (1/06) Submitted By: Dlvislon Operations Manager Division I/\)eslefnTown Project No. lntermountain Gas Company DIVISION GAS LOSS REPORT Report No. q|frd231q Service No. Normal How Long 4A5lg3A3 5) Leak Order No. Gas Pressure at Time of Break:Pull Down rimeotareax 3.14 f]fn rime Under "*o" 4'. Pl pfVl Total Time ot afow | , $ Outage: Location Yes fl r.r" ffi No. of Customers RELIEF BLOWGAS LOSS LINE PACK LINE RUPTURE / PURGE Build Up Pressure Percent Open Rated Capacity Time of Blow Constant Total Therms Report blowing relief 2' and larger only Regulator Station No. Customer Name Avg. Atmospheric Pressure Gauge Pressure l.D. 2 Pipe Length (in 1,000 ft.) Constant Total Therms Report 4' pipe & larger for 2,000 linear feet or more, (A+B) xCxDxE=Therms Guage Pressure t.D., (tN 1 Time of Blow (hr) 5s a 1"1)4 t5 Avs. BrU (rH/McF) l).f: o rotar rherms 3 38 '4 f Per Therm Total Cost $ .51 b3 | 6 LrTL *AxBxCxD=Therms lf more than 500 therms send to Engineering ls customer billed for lost volume? ves I NoE AxBxCxD=Therms Remarks:rn*ril9 3/q" S I n e \(hil 8. /xfAveli nn 0 Ar-r q i rra 3 rf C.i I )5h Original: GasMeasuroment 'tst Copy: Division Numerical File 2nd Copy: Attach to conespondlng documenls in division O=225.bnlu Form No. IGC 308 (1/06) Division Operations Manager t ro*n bA,# Division Date -3'J= t c1 service N.. 7 tl A 8? Pipe size Vt"vProject No. Gas Pressure at Time of Break: Outage: ves f] ruo I lntermountain Gas Company DIVISION GAS LOSS REPORT Normal tJ- Pull Down Timeof ereax I ,' VL//rt, Report No. Leak Order No. ls c, *)stt c Total Time olBlow ,) /a*rn nB How Long ) to tu' n No. of Custom"r" I Time Under Cofiol Z : /O / n1 Location Tt;-1, {J, lLxoJl<--a* RELIEFBLOWGAS LOSS LINE PACK LINE RUPTURE / PURGE Build Up Pressure Percent Open Rated Capacity Time of Blow Constant Total Therms Report blowing relief 2" and larger only Regulator Station No. Customer Name Avg. Atmospheric Pressure Gauge Pressure t.D., Pipe Length (ln Constant 1,000 ft.) .004041 Total Therms Report 4'pipe & larger for 2,000 linear feet or more. (A+B) xCxDxE=Therms Guage Pressure t.D., (tN ,) Time of Blow (hr) Avg. BTU (TH/MCF) Total Therms I Per Therm Total Cost $ / o,73 D .l 9. t/-/ 6,59tr2 1 7 g'- ua *AxBxCxD=Therms lf more than 500 therms send to Engineering ls customer billed for lost volume? ves [ ruoE AxBxCxD=Therms Remarks://rr, cL*.<'+a '/L'' C--+, Original: GasMeasurement lst Copy: Division Numorical Fils 2nd Copy: Attach lo conesponding documents in dlvision Form No. IGC 308 (1/06) Submitted By: Division Operations Manager Town lntermountain Gas Company DIVISION GAS LOSS REPORT Division t -t-U 4.4{n -l-8-/L/ z'/fr No. of Customers / Date Pipe Size Pull Down ReportNo. 4S c, €)Sb Leak Order No. TimeofBreak I Z ; )<r an- Time Under Control Total Time of Blow ProjectNo. 4St4 serviceNo. - Gas Pressure at Time of Break:Normal How LongOutage: Ves p ruo n Location lr),U fO RELTEF BLOW GAA LOSS LINE PACK LINE RUPTURE ' PURGE Build Up Pressure Percent Open Rated Capacity Time of Blow Constant Total Therms c D Report blowing rellef 2' and larger only Regulator Station No. Customer Name Avg. Atmospheric Pressure Gauge Pressure l.D. 2 Pipe Length (in 1,000 ft.) Constant .004041 Total Therms Report 4'pipe & larger for 2,000 linear feet or more. (A+B) xCxDxE=Therms Guage Pressure t.D. , (lN ,) Time of Blow (hr) Avg. BTU (TH/MCF) Total Therms $ Per Therm Total Cost $ 55 @7{{3 "Lrl l,78Ll l, " c ),A"7 3 o 116 s . o,sq 8-7 Ifi428* *AxBxCxD=Therms lf more than 500 therms send to Engineering ls customer bllled for lost volume? ves ! ruon AxBxCxD=Therms Remarks: (",a,, frl*/LL4h Zttuaj,{uo'rt t-^.*}- t" A^vlr a -- 4oz 4 tulu- Original: GasMeasurement 1st Copy: Divlsion Numerical File 2nd Copy: Attach to onesponding documents in division Form No. IGC 308 (1/06) Submitted By: Dlvision Operatlons Manager Town Division ProJect Noi Service No. lntermountain Gas Company DIVISION GAS LOSS REPORT Date Pipe Size Gas Pressure at Time of Break: outase: ves f] ruo fl Location Nor at ,$ Puil Down How Long No. of Customers Report No Leak Order Time of Break Time Under Control Total Time of Blow t1 RELIEF BLOW GAS LOSS LINE PACK LINE RUPTURE ' PURGE Build Up Pressure Percent Open Rated Capacity Time of Blow Constant Total Therms c Report blowing relief 2" and larger only Regulator Station No. Customer Name Avg. Atmospheric Pressure Gauge Pressure l.D. 2 Pipe Length (in Constant c 1,000 ft.) .004041 Total Therms Report 4" pipe & larger for 2,000 linear feet or more. (A+B) xCxDxE=Therms Guage Pressure t.D., (tN ,) Time of Blow (hr) Avg. BTU (TH/MCF) Total Therms g Per Therm Total Cost $ *AxBxCxD=Therms lf more than 500 therms send to Engineering A B C D ls customer billed for lost volume? ves!ruon AxBxCxD=Therms Remarks: Original: GasMaasurement lst Copy: Division Numerical File 2nd Copy: Aftach to corresponding documents in division Form No. IGC 308 (1/06) Submitted By: Division Operations Manager ,"*^W Division fue$, Project No. Gas Pressure at Time of Break: outage: ves f] ruo fl Location lntermountain Gas Company DIVISION GAS LOSS REPORT Date ipe Size Pull Down No. of Customers Service No. Normal How Long *"oon*o(re-/t/ru Leak Order No. Time of Break Time Under contror / i .15 J.:r\ Total Time of Blow . ?a< ' ,o RELIEF BLOW GAS LOSg LINE PACK LINE RUPTURE ' PURGE Build Up Pressure Percent Open Rated Capacity Time of Blow Constant Total Therms A Report blowing rellef 2'and larger only Regulator Station No. Customer Name Avg. Atrnospheric Pressure Gauge Pressure A LD. ' Pipe Length (in 1,000 ft.) Constant .oo4041 Total Therms Report 4" pipe & larger for 2,000 linear feet or more. (A+B) xCxDxE=Therms Guage Pressure 1.D.2 (lN ') Time of Blow (hr) Avg. BTU (TH/MCF) Total Therms I Per Therm Total Cost $ ,<A-)-\ A 0,25 "'5,. *AxBxCxD=Therms lf more than 500 therms send to Engineering ls customer billed for lost volume? ves!ruon AxBxCxD=Therms Remarks: Original: GasMeasurement 1st Copy: Division Numerical File 2nd Copy: Attach to conesponding documenls in division Form No. IGC 308 (1/06) Submitted By: Division Operations Manager ,*,^W Division Project No._ Service No. Gas Pressure at Time of Break: Normal Outage: Yes fl ruo E How Long Location lntermountain Gas Company DIVISION GAS LOSS REPORT Date l{.fii",ff>ipesize 4< pur Down Report No Leak Order No Time of Break Time Under Control Total Time of Blow No. of Customers l,^ REL]EF BLOW GAS LOSS LINE PACK LINE RUPTURE ' PURGE Build Up Pressure Percent Open Rated Capacity Time of Blow Constant Total Therms Report blowing relief 2" and larger only Regulator Station No. Customer Name Avg. Atmospheric Pressure Gauge Pressure l.D. 2 Pipe Length (in Constant 1,000 ft.) .004041 Total Therms Report 4'pipe & larger for 2,000 linear feet or more. (A+B) xCxDxE=Therms Guage Pressure t.D. 2 (lN 2) Tlme of Blow (hr) Avg. BTU (TH/MCF) -,/ ./-l--"1 n t<t\c n"D Total Therms I Per Therm Total Cost $ 'AxBxCxD=Therms lf more than 500 therms send to Engineering ls customer billed for lost volume? ves ! r,ro n AxBxCxD=Therms Remarks: Original: GasMeasur€ment 1st Copy: Division Numericsl File 2nd Copy: Attach to corrssponding documents in division Submitted By: Division Operations Manager Form No. IGC 308 (1/06) lntermountain Gas Company DIVISION GAS LOSS REPORT ,"*, IYItI[,li,; /i ii Division o^, ' lf t,'51 l,l ProjectNo.- serviceruo.'4llttl -5ld pipeslze /cl '' tl Normat tj 5 PultDown ReportNo. 5L,'.ttE,['l Leak Order No. Timeof Break lbi;)Ci Aftu TtmeUnderControt I I I I 5 a ln Total Tlme of Blow , 'l a, Hrs Gas Pressure at Time of Break: outage; Yes f] No f]How Long lrtj ill rf't No. of Customers Avg. Atmospherlc Pressurs Report 4" plpe & larger for 2,000 linear feet or more. (A+B) xCxDxE=Therms Bulld Up Pressure Percent Open Rated Capaclty Tlme of Blow Constant Total Therms Report blowing relief 2" and larger only ls customer billed for lost volume? AxBxCxD=Therms Guage Pressure l.D. , (lN ") Total Therms g Per Therm Total Cost $ 55 , 113b Tlme of Blow (hr) - 1 '), Avg. BTU (TH/MCF) l0 ,'? 3 o lO5 lt * . 5q E 3 I ba, B'l *AxBxCxD=Thorms lf more than 500 therms send to Englneerlng Remarks: Original: GasMoasuroment 1st Copy: Dlvislon Numorical Filo 2nd Copy: Attach to coffesponcling documents in division Form No. IGC 308 (1/06) \-,Submitted By: Town Prolect No. Gas Pressure at Tlme of Break: Outago: Yes I tto I Locatlon lntermountain Gas Company DIVISION GAS LOSS REPORT Dato Plpe Slze Pull Down No. of Customers Normal How Long arpo,tto. 654'//?, Leakorder *".tOO - dp; Time of Break flme Under conrrot Jido P r 4 Totat rtme ot erlwi\U D1'1r1*A Build Up Pregsuro Percont Open Rated Capaclty Tlme of Blow Constant Total Therms Roport blowing rellel 2" and larger only ls customer bllled for lost volume? AxBxCxD=Therms Avg. Atmospherlc Prossure Gaugo Pressure Report 4'plpo & larger for 2,000 llnear feet or more. (A+B) xCxDxE=Therms Guage Pressure t.D., (tN ,) Tlme of Blow (hr) Avg. BTU (TH/MCF) Total Therms S Per Therm Total Cost $ ,_r5', /98 6,57 3 *AxBxCxD=Thorms lf more than 500 therms send to Englneorlng /0 ,.{ D Remarks: Original: GasMsasuromont 1sl Copy: Dlvislon Numerical File 2nd Copy: Allach to conssponding documents ln divislon Form No. IGC 308 (1/06) Submlttod By: Dlvislon Operatlons Manager A, "DOl /k€/ lntermountain Gas Company DIVISION GAS LOSS REPORT ProJect No. Gas Pressure at Tlme of Break: outage: Yes fl ruo fl Locatlon Leak Order No. No. of Customers*4 Timeof ar"rx Jr'38 f'rt Time Under controtj ,' H Fr 1 TotalTlme orr.*M.t.'/p ,"-^ fd/oftr//rDivision -W/a* Date service No. /i37/s//' fr Normal How Longl3a Pipe Size Pull Down 7td'//*"orn*,.6fO, ///$ RELIEF BLOW GAS LOSS LINE PACK LINE RUPTURE ' PUROE Bulld Up Preesure Percent Open Rated Capaclty Tlme of Blow Constant Total Therms D Report blowlng rellef 2' and larger only Rogulator Statlon No, Customer Name Avg. Atmospherlc Pressure Gauge Pressure l.D. 2 Pipe Length (ln 1,000 ff.) Constant .004041 Total Therms Report 4'plpe & larger for 2,000 llnear feet or moro. (A+B) xCxDxE=Thorms cuage Pressure .ff o r.D.,(rNt '73Ad , rrmeorBrow(hr) @ Avs. BrU (rH/McF) /0 , ,A- o rorarrhorms J?f, SA o Porrherm 'f,i 8g / rotarcost$ f /66' 33 *AxBxCxD=Thorms lf more than 500 therms send to Englneerlng ls customer bllled for lost volume? ves[ruon AxBxCxD=Therms Remarke: Submitted By:Origlnal: GasMoasuromsnt 1st Copy: Divlsion Numerical File 2nd Copy: Altach lo corresponding documents in division Form No. IGC 308 (1/06) Dlvislon Operations /flts*t) Town ProJect No. Gas Pressure at Tlme of Break: outase: Yos f] ruo f] lntermountain Gas Company DIVISION GAS LOSS REPORT Plpe Slze Pull Down No. of Customers Normal How Long Report No. Tlme Under Control Total Time of Blow Bulld Up Pressure Percent Open Ratod Capaclty Tlme of Blow Constant Total Therms Report blowlng rellef 2" and larger only ls customor bllled for lost volume? AxBxCxD=Therms Avg. Atmospherlc Pressure Gauge Pressure Report 4" plpo & larger for 2,000 llnear foet or more. (A+B) xCxDxE=Therms Guage Pressure 1.D., (lN 2) Tlme of Blow (hr) Avg. BTU (TH/MCF) Total Therms I Per Therm Total Cost $ 6, /?36 , /fo /6'7zab* , .9 83'./o,03 *AxBxCxD=Thorme lf moro than 500 therms send to Englneerlng Remarks: Origlnal: GasMoasuromonl 1st Copy: Division Numerical File 2nd Copy: Attach to corresponding documenls in division Form No. IGC 308 (1/06) Submitted By: Divislon Operatlons Manager lntermountain Gas Company DIVISION GAS LOSS REPORT Pull Down Roport No, Leak Order No. Time of Break .i'.t5 r.rn. No. of Customers rime Under contror I j 5D zJ.Yt TotalTlmeof Blow 4,5 ,"*" boisg ,v*.nfislena ,*. blpalt4 project No.- service *".{a5:00180 ein" si," d/r{'i Gas Pressure at Time of Break: outase: Yes fl no f] Locatlon Normal How Long RELIEF BLOW GAS LOSS LINE PACK LINE RUPTURE ' PURGE Bulld Up Pressure Percent Open Rated Capaclty Time of Blow Constant Total Therms Report blowing rellef 2" and larger only Rogulalor Statlon No. Customor Name Avg. Atmospherlc Pressure Gauge Pressure 1.D., Pipe Length (ln 1,000 ft.) Constant .004041 Total Therms Report 4' pipe & larger for 2,000 linear feet or moro. (A+B) xCxDxE=Therms Guage Pressure t.D., (tN ,) Time of Blow (hr) Avg. BTU (TH/MCF) rotat rnormsl8f ' g Per Therm Total Cost $ 4 q I P * .51b3 - # qtls- *AxBxCxD=Therms lf more than 500 therms send to Englneering ls customer bllled for lost volume? ves I uon AxBxCxD=Therms Remarks:tny shrmfu hnr qP. hi#-.lnn r^P 4.,5 Original: GasMoasurernont 1st Copy: Division Numerical File 2nd Copy: Attach lo corresponding documenls ln division Submltted Form No. lc0 308 (1/06) Dlvislon Operations Manager lntermountain Gas Company DIVISION GAS LOSS REPORT rown lh [t, dri;vt. Division t. )h'l-t"tt Date t')c, t,7 Project No,Service rto. U t, */ U, Pipe size 1/q', Normal 5J Pull Down_ Report No. Leak Order No. Tirne of Break Us c i.t-t; Gas Pressuro at Time of Break: outase: ves p ruo fI How Long . tQ f rl') No. of Customers I Time Under Control l,'ril D e m Locatlon i Q' t, A, /Ltl:l o,, iJ A,Y Total Tlmeof Blow . 5 QSXan* Guage Pressure LD. " (lN ') Tlme of Blow (hr) Avg. BTU (TH/MCF) Total Therms I Per Therm Total Cost $ o,1r) s 55 C,7 YJ I A'7J '1 ty, ts os?tr11 & so,-tl *AxBxCxD=Therms lf more than 500 therms send to Englneering Bulld Up Pressure Percont Open Rated Capaclty Tlme of Blow Gonslant Total Therms Report blowlng rellef 2" and larger only ls customer bllled for lost volume? AxBxCxD=Therms Avg. Atmospheric Pressure Gauge Pressure Report 4'plpe & larger for 2,000 linear feot or more. (A+B) xCxDxE=Therms aenarxr, (t;nl -l-out rLt 'y'., )fr/'t tt^ * tn *t-i'u Origlnal: GasMeasurement 1sl Copy: Dlvlslon Numorical File 2nd Copy: Attach loconesponding documenls ln dlvision Form No. IGC 308 (1/06) Subnritted By: Divlslon Operatlons Manager Town i') *,'t" cLt.cu ,Division tul)r"k r-t Date lntermountain Gas Company DIVISION GAS LOSS REPORT Pipe srze ilrJ " 5S PutlDown , I \}?-h No.of Customers {+. Time Under Control 9' I f Total Time of Blow /51-vc . Hrs Report No. Leak Order No. Time of Break c/ qd "-",D J/ t Project No. Gas Pressure at Time of Break: Outage: Yes uo fl Location Servico No. Normal How Long RELIEF BLOW GAs LOSS LINE PACK LINE RUPTURE / PURGE Build Up Prossure Percent Open Rated Capaclty Time of Blow Constant Total Therms Report blowing rolief 2" and larger only Regulator Statlon No. Customer Name Avg. Atmospherlc Pressure Gauge Pressure l.D. 2 Plpe Length (ln 1,000 ft.) Constant .004041 Total Therms Report 4' pipe & larger for 2,000 llnear feot or more. (A+B) xCxDxE=Therms Guage Pressure . {5 n r.D.2(rN') o,l)df ' Time of Blow (hr) C , iJ c Avg. BrU (rH/MCF) | C, 73 o rotalrherms l0to b0 . pPorrherm O.SgtJl Totarcostf Uf,7h "AxBxCxD=Therms lf more than 500 therms send to Englneerlng ls customer blllod for lost volume? ves fl ruo I AxBxCxD=Therms Original: GasMeasuromenl 1st Copy: Dlvision Numerical Filo 2nd Copy: Attach to conesponding documenls in division Form No. IGC 308 (1/06) lntermountain Gas Company DIVISION GAS LOSS REPORT ro*n I1L{,t .rltlrr, . Project No. YlVUol.(trr, .. Division LJlt.lA' rt Date Gas Pressure at Tlme of Break:Normal How Long *eportNo.(/<b- )))VJ Leak Order No. Time of Break Total Tlme of Blow Slfb-n an outase: Y"r qh ruo n Locarion 5 tiO U-) Service No, ,) ,). t (ri Q Pipe Size 5 S Pull Down , -5D ,a--y'r No. of Customers I Time Under Control \lz-'t RELIEF BLOW GAS LOSS LINE PACK LINE RUPTURE ' PURGE Bulld Up Pressure Percent Open Rated Capaclty Time of Blow Constant Total Therms Report blowing rellef 2" and larger only Regulator Statlon No. Customer Name Avg. Atmospheric Pressure Gauge Pressure LD. ' Plpe Length (ln Constant 1,000 ft.) .004041 Total Thorms Report 4'plpe & larger for 2,000 linear feet or more. (A+B) xCxDxE=Therms Guage Pressure LD.'(|N ') Time of Blow (h0 Avg. BTU (TH/MCF) Total Therms ( Per Therm Total Cost $ -5.s A c.t I qb c. f qE lc, 13 1s, ta 0,5 cl t.l t "AxBxCxD=Therms lf more than 500 therms send to Englneering ls customer bllled for lost volume? vesIuon AxBxCxD=Therms Remarks: Origlnal: GasMoasuroment 1st Copy: Divislon Numedcal File 2nd Copy: Altach to conesponding documsnts ln divislon Form No. IGC 308 (1/06) Submltted By: Dlvlslon Operatlons Manager lntermountain Gas Company DIVISION GAS LOSS REPORT Town ProJect No. Divislon Service No. l)t4+Yn Q o?,rr Darc'*,-0A'/\i Report No. Leak Order No. Tlme of Break 4 sc )a)a:-: eioe size \fZ t' Y Gas Pressure at Tlme of Break:t'tormal -I5 pull Down How Long , Al4 No. of customersOutage: Yes Locatlon Timo Under conrrot A .' 4 by'p, Total Time of alow ' J Vt*i^h nn RELIEF BLOW GAS LOSS LINE PACK L]NE RUPTURE / PURGE Bulld Up Pressure Percent Open Rated Capaclty Time of Blow Constanl Total Therms c Report blowlng rellef 2" and larger only Rogulator Statlon No. Customor Name Avg, Atmospheric Prossure Gauge Pressure t.D., Plpe Length (ln Constant 1,000 ft.) .004041 Total Thorms Report 4" pipe & larger for 2,000 linear feet or more. (A+B) xCxDxE=Therms Guago Pressure t.D., (tN ,) Tlme of Blow (hr) Avg. BTU (TH/MCF) Total Thorms g Per Therm Total Cost $ J5 A o ,l ?,aG a 0,3b7 c tc,73 0 4 (.?a . ,.5,O1 *AxBxGxD=Therms lf more than 500 therms send to Englneerlng ls customer blllod for lost volume? ves!ruon AxBxCxD=Therms a"*rrxr, (-o ut ..Lt<J-c,,)-t* ]r, tf Z" \l l-pn't,iu Cr.-l rt'r l.arl, Original: GasMoasurBmont 1st Copy: Divlslon Numsrical File 2nd Copy: Attach to mrrosponding documsnls in divislon Form No. IGC 308 (1/06) Submittod By: Dlvlslon Operatlons Manager ,,*.04eri/ten Divisionhirslrrn o,," 1p.lD-lLl neport r.ro.lJS D.)2351 1'rrr,\o'"j*, *". 413.1382. service No. Gas Pressure at Time of Break: Outage: Location Yes fl *"p How Long l.tl50 No. of customsrs lntermountain Gas Company DIVISION GAS LOSS REPORT Pipe Size Pull Down Leak Order No. nmeof ,*^r 9i5)pm Time Undor Control Total Tlme of Blow RELIEF BLOW GAS LOSS L]NE PACK LINE RUPTURE / PURGE Build Up Pressure Percent Open Rated Capacity Time of Blow Constant Total Thernrs D Report blowing rellef 2" and larger only Regulator Station No. Customer Name Avg. Atmosphoric Pressure Gaugo Pressure 1.D.2 Plpe Longth (in 1,000 ft.) Constant .004041 Total Therms Report 4'plpe & larger for 2,000 linear feet or more. (A+B) xCxDxE=Therms Guage Pressure 55 o t,D.,(,N", w lmo of Btow (hr) | .4S . Avs. BrU (rH/McF) 10,5 o rotarrhorms 42, 36m)t#6 . gPerrherm . 51 831 Total Cost $# zs3"q- *AxBxCxD=Therms lf more than 500 therms send to Englneerlng ls customer blllod for lost volume? ves[ruo! AxBxCxD=Therms Remarks:llntnn:7y nr ?-" fYlnin - h h Original: GasMoasuroment 1st Copy: Divislon Numorical Filo 2nd Copy: Altach to corrosponding docum€nts ln dlvision Form No. IGC 308 (1/06) Submttted By: Division Operations Manager lntermountain Gas Gompany DIVISION GAS LOSS REPORT Town ProJect No. Gas Pressure at Time of Break: liLt*Q/rt Date C,; I ) ./ pipe size Pull Down ,J/*r No. of customers Division Service No. Normal How Long*:: '* r ruofl Tlme Under Control 5; )) /h Total Tlme of Blow , i),J rt--thn .11 ,-/ '' rl TimeofBreak {) C1 O*, RELIEF BLOW GAS LOSS LINE PACK LINE RUPTURE ' PURGE Build Up Pressure Percent Opon Rated Capaclty Tlme of Blow Conslant Total Therms D Report blowlng rellef 2" and larger only Regulator Statlon No. Customor Name Avg. Atmospherlc Pressure Gauge Pressure 1.D.2 Plpe Length (ln 1,000 fi.) Constant .004041 Total Therms Report 4' plpe & larger for 2,000 linear feet or more. (A+B) xCxDxE=Therms Guage Pressure t.D., (tN ,) Tlme of Blow (hr) Avg. BTU (TH/MCF) Total Therms g Per Therm Total Cost $ j>5' a c,*/ )ty , a, 4l+ "lo ,7J o t1'7,trl . c,s? {;r / 0@3/ *AxBxCxD=Therms lf moro than 500 therms send to Englneering ls customer bllled for lost volume? ves[ruoE AxBxCxD=Therms fi Remarks: Orlginal: GasMoasur€ment 1st Copy: Division Numerical File 2nd Copy: Attach to conoepondlng docum€nts ln dlvlsion Form No. IGC 308 (1/06) Submltted By: Dlvision Operatlons Manager lntermountain Gas Company DIVISION GAS LOSS REPORT Town I I\.I-tt dr'c>,,Division Project No.Service No. Gas Pressure at Time of Break:Normal 55 Pull Down ReportNo. ,-l-5O - ,45:l Leak Order No. Tlme of Areak f'.' V.O TimeUnder0ontrol 8; V I TotalTlme otBlow . )1f7t*TB Outage: ves $ Uo f] HowLong ,J1,+*n No.of Customeo]_ Locaton Z I kO t. L*,txW"/t Sl oarc -7-ll- ltl Pipe srze 1f tf i RELIEF BLOW GAs LOSS LINE PACK LINE RUPTURE / PURGE Bulld Up Pressure Percent Open Rated Capaclty Tlme of Blow c Constant Total Therms Report blowlng rellef 2" and larger only Regulator Statlon No. Customer Name Avg. Atmospherlc Pressure A Gauge Pressure 1.D.2 Pipe Length (ln Constant c 1,000 ft.)D .004041 Total Therms Report 4'plpe & larger for 2,000 llnear feet or more. (A+B) xCxDxE=Therms Guage Pressure 1.D., (lN ,) TIme of Blow (hr) Avg. BTU (TH/MCF) Total Therms g Per Therm Total Cost $ 5s O,7J&-f' e o, \/.r c I o,13 D l9l, tr? o,s ?trJ / *AxBxCxD=Thorms lf more than 500 therms send to Englneerlng ls customer bllled for lost volume? ves ! ruoE AxBxCxD=Therms Remarks:3/tt't ,la,'n', / c^rt--rYl,Orlglnal: GasMoasuromsnt lst Copy: Division Numorical File 2nd Copy: Attach to conosponding documents in division Form No. IGC 308 (1/06) Submlttod By: Dlvlslon Operations Manager lntermountain Gas Company DIVISION GAS LOSS REPORT Town Project No. Gas Pressure at Time of Break: outaso: Yes f] t'lo fl Locatlon Division .ftlfln ,rru r//i, service **? /&8J41 Pipe size No. of Customers n"p.,r t r".'Z )t''l - / 7'/;2 Leakorder *, /51.5K32 Time of Break Time Under Control ."9,2 / Totat rtme of Btow 4/ 7 Hrs Normat tr{1 Pull Down How Long RELIEF BLOW GAS LO88 LINE PACK LINE RUPTURE ' PURGE Bulld Up Pressure Percont Open Rated Capaclty Time of Blow Constant Total Therms Report blowing rollof 2" and larger only Regulator Statlon No. Customer Name Avg. Atmospheric Pressure Gaugo Pressuro l.D. 2 Plpe Length (ln 1,000 ft.) Constant .004041 Total Therms Report 4'plpe & larger for 2,000 llnear foet or more. (A+B) xCxDxE=Therms Guage Pressure t.D., (tN ,) Tlme of Blow (hr) Avg. BTU (TH/MCF) Total Therms f Per Therm Total Cost $ -Kd o,7?A5 , , t// 7 "/060 " /73, aa , 5Ap3', /td *AxBxCxD=Therms lf more than 500 therms send to Englneerlng ls customer bllled for lost volume? ves [ ruon AxBxCxD=Therms Remarks: Origlnal: GaBMsasuromont 1st Copy: Dlvlslon Numerical File 2nd Copy: Attach lo conesponding documenls in dlvision Form No. IGC 308 (1/06) Submitted By: Divislon Operations {^" lntermountain Gas Company DIVISION GAS LOSS REPORT Town Project No. Gas Pressure at Tlme of Break: outago: ves ffi ruo f] Locatlon Division l-t1"t.Vl service *./D-Lthlf,/l eioesize lf A"te,-d{2 .J /'Norn'ril /"t tt Pull Down How Long ,9 lt r.s No. of Customeo I Time Under controt 6',(l) Pr'y-z'TotalTimeof Blow , gk3 o,r,'1)/..1 a.ponr.to. J/.YI l'14 I Loak Order No. Time of Break Build Up Pressure Percont Opon Ratod Capaclty Time of Blow Constant Total Therms Report blowing relief 2'and larger only ls customer bllled for lost volume? AxBxCxD=Therms Avg. Atmospheric Pressure Gauge Pressure Report 4" plpe & larger for 2,000 llnear feet or moro. (A+B) xCxDxE=Therms 56Guage Pressure t.D., (tN ,) Timo of Blow (hr) Avg. BTU (TH/MCF) Total Therms g Per Therm Total Cost $ #6 ,g /O,6tl 4{ HKts 5qru/ 500'- g3 *AxBxCxD=Therms lf more than 500 therms send to Englneerlng Remarks: r#/ Original: GasMsasuremenl 1sl Copy: Division Numorlcal Fils 2nd Copy: Attach to corrospondlng documenls in divlsion Form No. IGC 308 (1/06) Submitted By: Dlvlslon Operations Manager lntermountain Gas Company DIVISION GAS LOSS REPORT Dale 1,/,Town ProJect No. Gas Pressure at Time of Break: outage: Yes f] tto f] ,, Divislon service Nd! Normal How Long No. of Customers \fH n' 'erpe srze /"5 Puil Down / /,'1,/i ,," )'-1 .') neoort No.'lrtr{ t " /,'/-.i / Leak order N". ?* ) "5k''e rimeorBreak.f'flC ft, 341.9 ft,lr, Ttt Total Tlme of Blow Time Undercontrol h,'//!Qff/ Build Up Pressure Percent Open Rated Capaclty Time of Blow Constant Total Therms Report blowing rellef 2' and largor only ls customer bllled for lost volume? AxBxCxD=Therms Avg. Atmospherlc Pressure Gaugo Pressure Report 4" pipo & larger for 2,000 linear feet or moro. (A+B) xCxDxE=Therms LINE RUPTURE / PURGE .2t'-tGuage Prossure t.D., (tN ,) Tlme of Blow (hr) Avs. BTU (TH/MCF) Total Therms I Per Therm Total Cost $ ./r'45 3 7tY; //,1 *s 447 ,517(3/ *zet lL tAxBxCxD=Therms lf more than 500 therms send to Englnoering Remarks: Q = lLo.B Original: GasMeasuremeni 'lst Copy: Divlslon Numorical File 2nd Copyi Allach lo mnespondlng documents ln dlvlsion Form No. IGC 308 (1/06) Submitted By; Dlvislon Operatlons Manager Town N\ \-\)€ \Division.'tt', ,\'r+\ lntermountain Gas Company DIVISION GAS LOSS REPORT Date Pipe Size Leakorder Nr, (.fft.i '/(''l Ilin 4 Project NotT--t -L'UC Gas Pressure at Time of Break: oulase: Yes f] ruo fI Location Servico No. Normal How Long fh ('I; PurrDown No. of Customers rime Under conrrot 4 , f C) ?vl TotalTlmeof Blow , qL rime or Break f5 . 1"i t, " RELIEF BLOW GAS LOSS LINE PACK LINE RUPTURE ' PURGE Bulld Up Pressure Percent Open Rated Capaclly Tlme of Blow Constant Tolal Therms D Report blowing relief 2" and larger only Regulator Statlon No. Customer Name Avg. Atmospheric Pressure Gauge Pressure l.D. 2 Plpo Longth (ln 1,000 ft.) Constant Total Therms Report 4'plpe & larger for 2,000 linear feet or more. (A+B) xCxDxE=Therms Guage Prossure 5'5 ^ r.D.,(rN 1 <,e743 ' TrmeofBrow(hr) ,92 " Avs, BrU (rH/McF) lll ,5 o rotar rherms{ 19 5 4#,1*,42f . g Por rherm .4Qf 1 I rotarcost s 4r"1ffi, # zt s":- *AxBxCxD=Therms lf more than 500 therms send to Engineering ls customor bllled for lost volume? ves fl ruo n AxBxCxD=Therms Remarks: L-l1t Z Q ,. 53( .4 * lr, Original: 1st Copy: 2nd Copy: Gas Measuremont Division Numerical Filo Attach to corresponding documents in division Form No. IGC 308 (1/06) lntermountain Gas Company DIVISION GAS LOSS REPORT ,o*, b n l'51 Division Aur{*n,Lo *ts'14 L"&ProJect No. Date Pipe SizeService No. How Long Report No. LfrSO -aej Leak Order No. Tlme of Break Time Under Control A) lL: OS I V t Total Timeof Blow_ f 1,1 L E 2.(o Gas Pressurs at Time of Break: Outaso: Yes l-l ruo fl Normal 55 PullDown Location 1Q)i lrInl-t f:r. No. of Customers Bulld Up Pressure Percent Open Rated Capaclty Tlme of Blow Constant Total Therms Report blowlng rollef 2" and larger only ls customer bllled for lost volume? AxBxCxD=Therms Avg. Atmosphorlc Pressure Gauge Pressure Report 4'plpo & larger for 2,000 llnoar feet or more. (A+B) xCxDxE=Thorms LINE RUPTURE ' PURGE q5Guage Pressure t.D. , (lN ,) Tlme of Blow (hr) Avg. BTU (TH/MCF) Tolal Thorms g Per Therm Total Gost $ 3 ,1n149 z, (, lo.-73 lB1 t.L o,5q?J/ .s tr r 19e^ *AxBxCxD=Therms lf more than 500 therms send to Englneerlng Remarks: Co m Uru da-{ +r: Z't ,A,*lt t'q 21 n^a;n. Co = {Zoq = BOL.ZT'/,-, A = 5<LI #/r, Oiglnal: GasMeasurement 1st Copy: Division Numedcal Flle 2nd Copy: Attactr to conesponding documonts ln divialon Form No, IGC 308 (1/06) Submltted By: Dlvlslon Operations Manager Ssrvice No. Normal How Long lntermountain Gas Company DIVISION GAS LOSS REPORT Date Pipe Slze 55 pul Down No, of Gustomers I I)r ReportNo. tlSU - ,lllk Leak Order No. Time of Break lAi )i O,la-, TlmoUnderControt I I: IOCw+. Total Tlme otBlow , i' t -f fuih ara ro*n /ru t' 5{- Divrsron ('' f t:t*-l Project No. Gas Pressure at Time of Break: outase: Yes fl tto f] Location RELIEF BLOWGAS LOSS LINE PACK LINE RUPTURE ' PURGE Build Up Pressure Percent Open Rated Capacity Tlme of Blow Constant Total Thorms Report blowlng rellef 2' and larger only Rogulator Statlon No. Customor Name Avg. Atmospheric Pressure Gauge Pressure LD. 2 Plpe Length (in 1,000 ft.) Constant .004041 Total Therms Report 4'plpe & larger for 2,000 llnear feet or more. (A+B) xCxDxE=Thorms Guage Pressure . q-.-5 A r.D.,(rN,) o.l9sb a rrme of Brow (hr) I , 0 EJ c Avs. Bru (rH/McF) io , -/ 3 o rotarrherms /a 3. 7tl . g PerTherm (^,5 ? gJ / rotarcosr $ 7q.OJ *AxBxCxD=Therms lf more than 500 therms send to Englneering ls customer bllled for lost volume? ves[ruon AxBxCxD=Therms Remarks: Origlnal: GasMsasuromont 1al Copy: Divislon Numsrical File 2nd Copy: Attach to conesponding documenls ln dlvlslon Form No. lc0 308 (1/06) Submltted By: Divlslon Operatlons Manager Town Project No. Gas Pressure at Time of Break: outase: Yes fl tlo fl lntermountain Gas Company DIVISION GAS LOSS REPORT Date Pipe Slze Pull Down No. of Customers Dlvision Service No. Normal How Longz Time of Break Report No. ///)'L /'/11-) Leak order *r./E/l -dffit- rrme under controt /3 '4'l Ol rotarrime or Brow , b {3 ' -* RELIEF BLOW GAA LOSS LINE PACK LINE RUPTURE ' PURGE Guage Pressure LD.'(tN ') Tlme of Blow (hr) Avg. BTU (TH/MCF) Total Therms I Per Therm Total Cost $ 55_--E*" L# c, *t 3be/3{fv3/4sm A g I g * *AxBxCxD=Therms lf more than 500 therms send to Englnoorlng Bulld Up Pressure Percent Open Rated Capacity Tlme of Blow Constant Total Therms Report blowing rellef 2' and largor only Regulator Statlon No. Customer Name Avg. Atmospheric Pressure Gauge Pressure l.D. 2 Plpe Length (ln 1,000 ft.) Constant .004041 Total Thorms Report 4'plpe & larger for 2,000 llnear feet or more. (A+B) xCxDxE=Therms ls customor bllled for lost volumo? ves [ ruon AxBxCxD=Therms ,) '.1 ) t/r 't) '//i ?.r /.//4tRemarks: .5, '//r, 1be, /4x* t, /o //5 1,4 Original: GasMeasurement lst Copy: Divislon Numerical File 2nd Copy: Attach to conesponding documenla in division Form No. IGC 308 (1/06) Submltted By: Divislon Operatlons Manager lntermountain Gas Company DIVISION GAS LOSS REPORT Date /rr/,'L'il'/ Project No. Gas Pressure at Tlme of Break:Normal ,'.- /-,Pull Down Leakorder N". ?-i;' 5k,r-l lmeof Break C.'4"? ,.1 , Outago: Locatlon ve*f, ruo fl Long i.. /t(-t No. of custom *" I flmeUnder c" n"r 5,1/,1 /)r, Total Time of Blow , ,?t "' I Hrs RELIEF BLOWGAS LOSS LINE PAGK LINE RUPTURE ' PURGE Bulld Up Prossure Percent Open Rated Capaclty Tlme of Blow Constant Total Therms Roport blowing rollef 2" and larger only Regulator Statlon No, Customer Namo Avg. Atmospherlc Pressure Gauge Pressure LD. 2 Plpe Length (ln 1,000 ft,) Constant .004041 Total Therms Report 4'plpe & larger for 2,000 llnear feet or more. (A+B) xCxDxE=Therms Guage Pressure t.D., (tN ,) Time of Blow (hr) Avs. BTU (THlMcF) Total Therms I Per Thorm Total Cost $ 15^,/45/o ,,?1"/ . -{20 o ,#l Biit t; / . {rret /1 /r; *AxBxCxD=Thorms lf more than 500 therms send to Engineerlng ls customer blllod for lost volume? ves[ruoI AxBxCxD=Therms Remarks: t/ it Dlvlslon Operatlons Manager 4& Original: GasMsasurement 1st Copy: Dlvislon Numerical File 2nd Copy: Attach lo conespondlng documonts in division Form No, IGC 308 (1/06) Submltted By: lntermountain Gas Company DIVISION GAS LOSS REPORT Date aeporrNo.//t'f' /'/:)/tTown Project No. Gas Pressure at Tlme of Break: Division ruoE How Long servico *.1 /'fi|' y' il- Pipe size Normal ."., { t Pull Down No. of Customors Time of Break Time Under Control Total Time of Blow Leak order N, Ttil) " b*il 3 Avg. Atmospheric Pressure Gaugo Pressure Roport 4" plpe & larger for 2,000 llnear feet or more, (A+B) xCxDxE=Therms Bulld Up Pressure Percent Open Rated Capaclty Tlme of Blow Constant Total Therms Report blowlng rellef 2" and larger only ls customer bllled for lost volumo? AxBxCxD=Therms LINE RUPTURE ' PURGE Guage Pressure t.D., (lN ,) Time of Blow (hr) Avg. BTU (TH/MCF) Total Therms I Per Therm Total Cost $ /-): ) Remarks:./q ,kfl6 lr/ 7 /0,itt ,-,?t3.?r) 5q{3/w "AxBxCxD=Therms lf more than 500 therms send to Englneering Form No. lcC 308 (1/06) /t !/& /, Dlvlslon Operatlons Manager '{{p- "r.. '///sP- Original: GagMeasurement 1st Copy: Dlvlslon Numerical Fils znd Copy: Attach to corresponding documenis in dlvlslon Submltted By: lntermountain Gas Company DIVISION GAS LOSS REPORT ,*^M Dkisron Wtk Date C-tb-// Project No. Gas Pressure at Time of Break: Normal outage: ves f] ruo I Howlong servlce *. Ol 7y'/Jl?ripe srze Pull Down Locaron e)SA l,b ' ,Z Report No. No. of Customers €t ,-ru, nme Under coniotz;/d /t/7- rotar rme or rllo*J7 4lin-t n* Leakorder *rfu-dZ TimeofBreak /r'A7 pm RELIEF BLOW GAS LOSS LINE PACK LINE RUPTURE ' PURGE Bulld Up Pressure Porcent Opon Rated Capaclty Tlme of Blow Gonstani Total Therms Reporl blowlng rellef 2" and larger only Regulator Statlon No. Customor Namo Avg. Atmosphorlc Pressure Gauge Pressure l.D. 2 Plpe Length (ln 1,000 ft.) Constant .00404'l Total Therms Report 4" plpe & largor for 2,000 llnear feet or more. (A+B) xCxDxE=Therms Guago Pressure LD. ' (lN ') Tlme of Blow (hr) Avg, BTU (TH/MCF) JC A, //& (p .8fu /fu,f Total Therms I Per Therm Total Cost $ 75, O33 / *AxBxCxD=Therms lf more than 500 therms send to Englnoorlng "f?g- ls customer bllled for lost volume? ves [ ruo fl AxBxCxD=Therms Remarks: Original: GasMeasuromont 1st Copy: Dlvision Numerlcal Flle 2nd Copy: Attach to conesponding documenis ln division Form No. IGC 308 (1/06) Submltted By: Dlvlslon Operatlons rown /f/llff Prolect No. Gas Pressure at Tlme of Break: outase: Yes f] ruo f] Locauon 30 lntermountain Gas Company DIVISION GAS LOSS REPORT Pull Down No. ol Customers ReponNo. 6,iC'- // ?b Leak Order No.'/l 6 nme or ar"rx //i/l ,4, /? , rime Under "onoo, /l' y'8 Ar 4, rotarrrme*rr* 324h* Normal How Long RELIEF BLOW OA8 LO88 LINE PACK LINE RUPTURE ' PURGE Bulld Up Prossure Porcent Open Ratod Capaclty Tlme of Blow Constant Total Therms A c D Report blowlng rellef 2'and larger only Regulator Statlon No. Customer Name Avg. Atmospherlc Pressuro Gauge Pressure l.D. 2 Plpe Length (ln 1,000 ft.) Constant D .0M041 Total Therms Roport 4" plpe & larger for 2,000 llnear leet or more. (A+B) xCxDxE=Therms Guage Prossure t.D., (tN ,) Tlme of Blow (hr) Avs. BTU (TH/MCF) 5fA,/73G B,533 c/0,{ Total Therms S Per Therm Total Cost $ *AxBxCxD=Therms lf more than 500 therms send to Englneering !:?,57/rt ls customer bllled for lost volume? vos I uoI AxBxCxD=Therms Remarks: Original: GasMeasuremont 1st copy: Division Numerical File 2nd Copy: Attach to conespondlng documenls in divislon Form No. IGC 308 (1/06) Submltted By: Divislon Operatlons lntermountain Gas Company DIVISION GAS LOSS REPORT ro*n C0ld ,,.,t1 l- Drvision ,^" lltf l4 ReportNo. fiU - 96.1a ProJect No.service *o.&[3] "311- Plpo slze l/) " L!Leak Order No. Gas Pressure at Time of Break:ttormal 55 Puil Down rrme ot Broak 5 ;a U P rn outage: Yes fl uo fl How Long Locatton (ll1 A,^hrrff\ No. of Customers Tlme Under Control Total Tlme of Blow RELIEFBLOWGAS LO88 L]NE PACK LINE RUPTURE ' PURGE Bulld Up Pressure Percent Open Rated Capaclty Tlme of Blow Constant Total Therme D Report blowlng rollef 2'and larger only Regulator Statlon No. Customer Name Avg. Atmosphorlc Pressuro Gauge Pressure LD. 2 Plpe Length (ln 1,000 ft.) Constant Total Therms Report 4" plpe & larger for 2,000 llnear feet or more, (A+B) xCxDxE=Therms Guage Pressure t.D., (tN ,) Tlme of Blow (hr) Avg. BTU (TH/MCF) Total Therms I Per Thorm Total Cost $ 55o ,113b e ,51 c lo'"'l 3 o ir5 ' tA * .5q t 3l 3g ,'1 b *AxBxCxD=Therms lf more than 500 therms send to Englneering ls customer blllod for lost volume? ves ! ruo fI AxBxCxD=Therms Original: 1st Copy: 2nd Copy: Gas Measu16manl Dlvislon Numerical Filo Attach to corresponding documents ln divislon Submltted By:*'--' Form No. IGC 308 (1/06) Dlvislon Operatlons Manager lntermountain Gas Company DIVISION GAS LOSS REPORT Town Division,Date Project No. Gas Pressure at Time of Break: tr?l() 4/-5ewosze 7y' htl r Pull Down-+rr# ourase: ves [l ruo fl How Long I t/" - lt*' No, of customurc I Location 411 A) Cs'5+ Service No. Normal Report No. Leak Order No. Time of Break Time Under Control TotalTime of Blow l/Z 9'.<(,cx't RELIEF BLOWGAS LOSS LINE PACK L]NE RUPTURE ' PURGE Bulld Up Pressure Percent Open Ratod Capaclty Tlme of Blow Constant Total Therms Report blowing rellef 2" and larger only Rogulator Station No. Customer Name Avg. Atmospheric Pressure Gauge Pressure A l,D. 2 Pipe Length Constant (in 1,000 ft.)D .00404'l Total Thorms Report 4" pipe & larger for 2,000 llnear feet or more. (A+B) xCxDxE=Therms Guage Pressure l.D. , (lN ,) Time of Blow (hr) Avg. BTU (TH/MCF) Total Therms g Per Therm Total Cost $ -r'-/iao , 14.36 , t<) C,c,,5 , {_;S,qcz . 6,13.lfcld147LI /') *AxBxCxD=Therms lf more than 500 therms send to Englneering ls customer blllod for lost volume? ves[ruoE AxBxCxD=Therms Remarks: Original: GasMeasurement 1st Copy: Division Numerical File 2nd Copy: Altach lo corresponding documents hr division Form No. IGC 308 (1/06) Submitted By: Divislon Operations Manager lntermountain Gas Company DIVISION GAS LOSS REPORT ,"*^ \rt,ft tLr, Divisron Project No. Ab'l- 03 l, cl Gas Pressure at Time of Break: outase: ves fl no fI Locatlon Service No. Normal How Long ffi tWn No. of customors t tx) Report No. Leak Order No. TlmeofBreak Slllf tYt Ttme UnderControl 5 l1 b P n Total Tlme of Blow . 58 N,s Date Pipe Slze Pull Down 5-nq-tq A" LI 55 t/A" Hole @ D5 # hr JD tytmwttsRemarks: RETIEF BLOW GA8 LO88 LINE PACK LINE RUPTURE ' PUROE Bulld Up Pressure Percent Open Rated Capaclty Tlme of Blow Constant Total Therms Report blowlng rellef 2' and larger only Rogulator Statlon No. Customer Name Avg. Atmosphorlc Pressure Gauge Prossure l.D. 2 Pipe Length (ln 1,000 ft.) Constant .00404't Total Therms Report 4" plpo & larger for 2,000 llnoar feet or more. (A+B) xCxDxE=Therms Guage Pressure 1.D., (tN ,) Tlme of Blow (hr) Avg. BTU (TH/MCF) Total Therms S Per Therm Total Cost $ 55 3.btqt ,59 10,'l 3 65.5 5trs1 # "s1!1-* *AxBxCxD=Thorms lf more than 500 thorms send to Englneoring ls customor bllled for lost volume? ves fl ruo fl AxBxCxD=Therms Orlginal: GasMsasuromonl 1st Copy: Divislon Numerical File 2nd Copy: Attach to corrosponding documents in divislon Form No. IGC 308 (1/06) Submitted By: ,:l L (5-{-(,.Divislon Operatlons Manager - Town Project No. lntermountain Gas Company DIVISION GAS LOSS REPORT Date b-At'l t4 service ruo. }| trl4'3'? I pio" s1r"/A" ,l Normat 6f5 Pull Down ReportNo.3SO'tJBa( Leak Order No._ rmeof Break I l' l7 Aw Ttme Under controt I 1 " 35 anv Total Tlme of Blow .. 3t( Gas Prossure at Time of Break: Outage: ves fl ru, fi Locatlon AA HowLong ,fi rnn- No.of Customors RETIEF BLOW OAS LOSS L]NE PACK LINE RUPTURE / PURGE Bulld Up Pressure Percent Open Rated Capacity Tlme of Blow Constant Total Therms Reporl blowlng rellef 2' and larger only Regulator Statlon No. Customer Name Avg. Atmospherlc Pressure Gauge Pressuro l.D. 2 Plpe Longth (ln 1,000 ft.) Constant .004041 Total Therms Report 4" plpe & larger for 2,000 llnear feet or more, (A+B) xCxDxE=Therms Guage Pressure t.D., (tN ,) Tlme of Blow (hr) Avs. BTU (TH/MCF) Total Thorms $ Per Therm Total Cost $ f\AU-J A , tqTb ,,3? " 10,-l 3 o t-13' 9 a . ,51831 )5,q8 *AxBxCxD=Thorms lf more than 500 thorms send to Englneering ls customer bllled for lost volume? vesIuon AxBxCxD=Therms u^ ,, Remarks: submtttod rr, '-44'\. tOriglnal: GaBMoasuremont 1st Copy: Dlvision Numerical Fllo 2nd Copy: Attach to corrosponding documenls in division Form No. IGC 308 (1/06) Divlsion Operatlons Manager tuu ProJect No. Gas Prossuro at Tlme of Break: Outage: Yes f] tlo n lntermountain Gas Company DIVISION GAS LOSS REPORT Date b-a0 l({ service N". abll- abl Pipe stze lgr" t'l n"po't ruo.}5ti (l 8 A I Leak Order No. rrme of areax A)4cl Pfnruormat 55 PutlDown Time under conrrot t-li AA P fl Locatron llO."1 S.rtlrr S1"Total Tlmo of Blow , ln1 How Lons 40 ytf n , No. of customers RELIEF BLOWOAS LO88 LINE PACK LINE RUPTURE ' PURGE Bulld Up Pressure Percent Open Rated Capaclty Time of Blow Constant Total Therms Report blowlng rollef 2" and larger only Regulator Statlon No. Customer Name Avg. Atmospherlc Pressure Gauge Pressure l.D. 2 Plpo Length (ln 1,000 ft.) Constant D .004041 E Total Therms Report 4" plpe & larger for 2,000 llnear feet or more. (A+B) xCxDxE=Therms Guage Pressure t.D., (tN 1 Tlme of Blow (hr) Avg. BTU (TH/MCF) Total Thorms $ Per Therm Total Cost $ 55 " lq 3lp ,b1 lo,l 3 '1te- bb " 51t 3 45,9o *AxBxCxD=Therms lf more than 500 therms send to Enginoering ls customer billod for lost volume? vos[ruoE AxBxCxD=Therms Remarks: /*t' lhrt"<., Original: GasMeasurement 16t Copy: Divlaion Numorical Filo 2nd Copy: Attach to corroaponding documonts ln divlslon Form No. IGC 308 (1/06) Submltted ay!'' Dlvision Operations Manager lntermountain Gas Company DIVISION GAS LOSS REPORT '*, fYleridian Drvision UrJrs]r* ProjectNo. service*". l515l.tt5 Date 5'8.11]. service*". t5151.{15 ,,r"r,r" lTtl t' 7 ruorr"r 55 Pu[ Down How Long nep"rr.ro.{50.&12 B{ Leak Order No. Gas Pressure at Tlme of Break: Time Undor contror | ? IOG Total Time of Blow LINE RUPTURE ' PURGE 55 rimeof aru^x lOide I .r1l bl I hre 10,11 1-7 B Outage: Yes ! *" S Location A Guage Pressure t.D., (tN ,) Tlme of Blow (hr) Avs. BTU (TH/MCF) Total Therms S Per Therm Total Cost $ *AxBxCxD=Therms lf more than 500 therms send to Englneering Bulld Up Pressure Percent Open Rated Capaclty Tlme of Blow Constant Total Therms Report blowlng rellef 2" and largor only ls customer billed for lost volume? Ax B x C x D = Therms Avg. Atmospheric Pressure Gauge Pressure Report 4'plpo & larger for 2,000 llnoar feet or more. (A+B) xCxDxE=Therms Original: GasMeasurement 'lst Copy: Dlvlslon Numerlcal File 2nd Copy: Attach to conosponding documents ln dlvlslon Form No. IGC 308 (1/06) Town l'\;1..11n.. /t/r.l 'r ProJectNo. I ) fa,Service No. lntermountain Gas Company DIVISION GAS LOSS REPORT Division tJL,*4,'"t1 l,l ,'1* I t-lDate Pipe Sizo Report No. c. Leak order No. {2tt Gas Pressure at Timo of Break:No*rl _ff__ Pull Down_Time of Break '7 ' 3'l a ^ Time Under contror I Ot Zl 6\ e Total Time of Blow 2 .8 B Hrs Outage: Yes [U ruo E How Long No. of Customers_.T Location IrJ. IQq"<t RELIEF BLOW GAS LOSS LINE PACK LINE RUPTURE ' PURGE Bulld Up Pressure Perc:ent Open Rated Capaclty Tlme of Blow Constant Total Therms Report blowing rellef 2" and larger only Regulator Statlon No, Customer Name Avg. Atmospheric Pressure Gauge Pressure l.D, 2 Plpe Length (in 1,000 ft.) Constant .004041 Total Therms Report 4'plpe & larger for 2,000 llnear feet or more. (A+B) xCxDxE=Therms Guage Pressure t.D., (tN ,) Time of Blow (hr) Avg. BTU (TH/MCF) Total Therms $ Per Thorm Total Cost $ .5.<-- n 3, bt48 , Z88 , lc'73 " 1364. q * - , C'57b I # Bte IL *AxBxCxD=Thorms lf moro than 500 therms send to Englneering ls customor blllod for lost volume? ves!non AxBxCxD=Therms nAaemarxs: (jtt, Lry-tn ,|-ut-fo Z.-!t h^4*-+t'., LtJ t.-,fA /-. ?" Jt*4t Du' 4.r yZ Original: GasMoasur€mont 1Bl Copy: Dlvislon Numorical File 2nd Copy: Attach to conosponding documsnl8 ln dlvlslon Form No. IGC 308 (1/06) Submltted By: Dlvlslon Operatlons Managor lntermountain Gas Company DIVISION GAS LOSS REPORT ,,- eYle Divisron hlrstrnn ,"," (q.[0 ltl projectNo.- service*" tl[LIIOf,L ,,r"ro, l/2" P Gas Pressure at Time of Break: ruormar 5 5 Pull Down - Outage: Locatlon 5D-Report No. Leak Order No. Tlme of Break lf,:tq rimeUnderc*tr.r 12145 l- Total Time of Blow , 5 Bulld Up Pressure Percent Open Rated Capaclty Tlme of Blow Constant Total Therms Report blowlng rellef 2" and larger only ls customer bllled for lost volume? AxBxCxD=Therms Avg. Atmospheric Pressure Gauge Pressure Report 4" plpe & laryer for 2,000 llnear foet or more. (A+B) xCxDxE=Therms LINE RUPTURE ' PURGE Guage Pressure % o r.D. , (rN ,) n. lq s4 t Tlmo of Blow (hr)0.Fc c Avg. Bru (rH/McF) l0 5 , Total Therms g Per Therm Total Cost $ *AxBxCxD=Therms lf more than 500 therms send to Englneorlng Remarks: Original: GasMeasurement 1st Copy: Dlvlslon Numerical File 2nd Copy: Attach to conespondlng documents ln divlslon Form No. IGC 308 (1/06) Submltted By: Dlvlslon Operatlons Manager lntermountain Gas Company DIVISION GAS LOSS REPORT twn () e>' .5L:, Division Ql.^4<lL n Date (a tl'/'/Report No. Leak Order No.Project No. Gas Prossure at Tlme of Break:Normal t< Pull Down Tlmeof Break 5,lJ (E Outage: Yes ruon How Long ..).r /Ur No. of Customsrs _l__ Time Under Control 5', \Cf /z tL, Location Total Time ol Blow , ).1 1--\ nre servico Nr. 5 [ I I ] pipe srze V/,/ 't E] (/sc,- ,-))4tt RELIEF BLOW GAS LOSS LINE PACK LINE RUPTURE / PURGE Bulld Up Pressure Percent Open Rated Capaclty Tlme of Blow Constant Total Therms Report blowlng rellef 2" and larger only Regulator Statlon No. Customer Name Avg. Atmosphoric Pressure Gauge Pressuro 1.D.2 Plpe Length (ln Constant 1,000 ft.) .004041 Total Therms Report 4' plpe & larger for 2,000 linear feel or more. (A+B) xCxDxE=Therms Guage Pressure 1.D., (tN ,) Tlme ol Blow (hr) Avg. BTU (TH/MCF) Total Therms I Per Therm Total Cost $ 5-v A O,1M5- n , \ ta.4- /O ,73 l3 b,./ Y o,51$1t q'403 *AxBxCxD=Thorms lf more than 500 therms send to Englnoerlng ls customor bllled firr lost volume? ves fl ruo I AxBxCxD=Therms ) (v)tlRemarks: Original: GasMoasurement 'lst Copy: Dlvislon Numorical File 2nd Copy: Attach toconosponding documenls in divlslon Form No. IGC 308 (1/06) Submltted By: Dlvision Operatlons Manager lntermountain Gas Company DIVISION GAS LOSS REPORT r*,', () t,l 14 Division Q-t.rJ4'r.a Date U ltt)trt Project No. Gas Pressure at Time of Break: Outage: Location sorvice No. [l lJ' I ) L I Pipe size s5'Pull Down ':@ noE How Long ' 4 ?t *t No. of Customers /?,, Report No. (. Leak Order No. Tims of Break i I : t1 Cr.-1.. Time Under Control I Z '. e O fl tU Total Time of Blow .4.1FPn" RELIEF BLOWGAS LOSS LINE PACK LINE RUPTURE ' PURGE Bulld Up Pressure Percent Open Rated Capaclty Tlme of Blow Constant Total Therms Report blowing rellof 2" and largor only Regulator Statlon No. Customer Name Avg. Atmosphoric Pressure Gauge Pressure LD. ' Plpo Length (ln 1,000 ft.) Constant .004041 Total Therms Report 4' plpe & larger for 2,000 llnear feet or more. (A+B) xCxDxE=Therms Guage Pressure 55 n r.D.,(rNl 0,1?3te , rime of Brow (hr) (\ . 'l I 1 " Avg. BTU (TH/MGF) / C, , '7 5 o rotalrherms Kl . I Z* . 6 Per rherm C , 59 trb I rotarcost$ qq Ol "AxBxCxD=Therms lf more than 500 therms send to Englneerlng ls customer bllled for lost volume? vesIuoE AxBxCxD=Therms Remarks:ictt " \/ ,t Original: GasMoasuromont lst Copy: Divlslon Numorical File 2nd Copy: Attach to corrosponding documenlg ln dlvlslon Form No, IGC 308 (1/06) Submitted By: Dlvision Operatlons Managor Intermountain Gas Company DIVISION GAS LOSS REPORT Division l,Utt*{rt U-t/ tt/Town f--, ' ,t i-Q ProJect No, Gas Pressure at Timo of Break: Outage: Yes Locatlon Report No. 4.< t "x',1 L; Leak Ordor No.Service No. Normal I (,t:r/ QC Pipesize ,(5 Pull Down Timeof Break I I ',15 r"x"t- How Long ,d-< t-): No. of Custom"rc /Time Under control ) / .' q Ct>-tn Total Tlme olBlow , 35fi^*) nn LINE RUPTURE ' PURGE .55Guage Pressure t.D., (tN ,) Tlme of Blow (hr) Avs. BTU (TH/MCF) Total Therms $ Por Therm Total Cost $ o.l?,s(n O 4t+ I o,7\ 1t. uq o,59 rSt ,4. K ,,s t *AxBxCxD=Thorms lf more than 500 therms send to Englneedng Bulld Up Pressure Percent Open Rated Capaclty Tlme of Blow Constant Total Therms Report blowlng rellef 2" and larger only ls customer bllled for lost volume? AxBxCxD=Therms Avg. Atmospherlc Pressure Report 4" plpe & largor for 2,000 linear feet or more. (A+B) xCxDxE=Therms a"-rrxr, 0 o. .l lr>t r,{u! *o \lt " U.l tr', -f<,ut: Origlnal: GasMoasursment 1st Copy: Dlvislon Numerical File 2nd Copy: Attach lo con€sponding documenlg ln dlvislon Form No. IGC 308 (1/06) Submlttod By: Division Operatlons Manager lntermountain Gas Company DIVISION GAS LOSS REPORT ,"*^ BDts Division flestern ,*" b3.14 service*".01fl415- ripesrze l" A ruo-ur 55 Pul Down Project No. Report No. Leak Order No. Gas Pressure at Tlme of Break: Outago: Locatlon Yes I uo f]How Long rimeora."k l2l5D Time Undercontro Ll',DO rotar rimsof Btow 3,1b1 Hre No. of Customers Bulld Up Pressure Percent Open Rated Capaclty Tlmo of Blow Constant Total Therms Report blowlng rellef 2" and larger only ls customer bllled for lost volume? AxBxCxD=Therms Avg. Atmospherlc Pressure Gauge Prossure Report 4' plpe & larger for 2,000 llnear feot or moro. (A+B) xCxDxE=Therms L]NE RUPTURE ' PURGE 55Guage Pressure t.D., (lN ,) Tlme of Blow (hr) Total Therms g Per Therm Total Cost $ 3.G1q?, 3tG1 Avs. BrU (rH/McF) lD, 5 , 10.3 * 918s t il 5,1 "' *AxBxCxD=Therms lf more than 500 therms send to Englneerlng Remarks: Orlginal: GasMeasursment 1sl Copy: Dlvlaion Numerlcal File 2nd Copy: Attach toconesponding documonls ln dlvision Form No. IGC 308 (1/06) Submltted By: Dlvlslon Oporatlons Manager Project No. lntermountain Gas Company DIVISION GAS LOSS REPORT Pull Down No. of Customers ,"-^ fr*{/ P,' ,lt R Division S*rtimj.1, ,^.J-h- t4 RoportNo. tr()O^ /4d, sorvice No. flnt/A4tl,{ppusvu 3/4 "rtf .,-7s?7Leak Order No. Gas Pressure at Time of Broak: Outage: Yes [ ruo f] Normal How Long Time Under convot/f ) -l/ n t rimeotBreak ,/f);JA$* Total Time of Blow / RELIEF BLOWGAS LOSS LINE PACK LINE RUPTURE / PURGE Bulld Up Pressure Percent Open Rated Capaclty Tlmo of Blow Constant Totel Therms Report blowlng rellef 2" and larger only Regulator Station No. Customer Name Avg. Atmospheric Pressure Gauge Pressure l.D.2 Plpo Length (in 1,000 ft.) Constant .00404'l Total Therms Report 4" plpe & larger for 2,000 linear feet or more. (A+B) xCxDxE=Thorms Guage Pressure t.D., (tN ,) Tlme of Blow (hr) Avg. BTU (TH/MCF) Total Therms S Per Therm Total Cost $ c-lF5-) A ,,{LJi , /,0O "lDt^3 - o 33/,?{ " / sat3 t I 41, 60 *AxBxCxD=Therms lf moro than 500 therms send to Engineerlng ls customer bllled for lost volume? ves[ruo! AxBxCxD=Therms a,,,x,, )fq"Y Chs se(ui|t Au4")rvWal{ Original: GasMoasurenront 1st Copy: Division Numerical File 2nd Copy: Altach lo corresponding documsnls in division Form No. IGC 308 (1/06) Submitted By: Division Operations Manager itr)' service No. lntermountain Gas Company DIVISION GAS LOSS REPORT Gas Pressure at Time of Break: Dato Pipe Size : -:)l) Putt Down ,) tl outage: Yes [ ruo f] HowLong Locaron Al "Q5']!t F-, I A/r;4 Al No. of Customers neport r,ro. l( /'t' I I -:l Leak order ,1o.' l{-{ ''' 'i K; Tlme of Break TtmeUndercontrot I I !/-Z : A TotalTime otgtow , kXl) nn Bulld Up Pressure Percont Open Rated Capaclty Time of Blow Constant Total Therms Reporl blowing rellef 2'and largor only ls customer bllled for lost volume? AxBxCxD=Therms Avg. Atmospherlc Pressure Gauge Pressure Report 4" plpo & larger for 2,000 llnear feet or more. (A+B) xCxDxE=Therms LINE RUPTURE ' PURGE Guage Pressure t.D., (tN ,) Tlme of Blow (hr),/^' " *AxBxCxD=Thorms lf moro than 500 therms send to Englneering CJi ,-. t -,',4 ,/1 /'L'L--/ ),fr)Remarks: 1-;( in.-/Original: GasMoasuroment 1sl Copy: Division Numerical Filo 2nd Copy: Attach to conosponding documenis in division Form No. IGC 308 (1/06) lntermountain Gas Company DIVISION GAS LOSS REPORT Division ftleslr*Date q Z\ 14 service *o.,J[Cl 'LE Pipe sizo '5lr+ '' A neport tto. lJ rj} . f ) 3f:,'l Leak Order No. rtmeof ar""r ll'.-10 Time Under contror I I DD Total Time of Blow L q Build Up Pressure Percent Open Rated Capaclty Tlmo of Blow Constant Total Therms Report blowlng rollef 2'and larger only ls customer bllled for lost volume? AxBxCxD=Therms Avg. Atmospherlc Pressure Gaugo Pressure Report 4" pipe & larger for 2,000 linoar feet or more. (A+B) xCxDxE=Therms LINE RUPTURE ' PURGE Guage Pressure t.D., (tN 1 Time of Blow (hr) Avg. BTU (TH/MCF) Total Therms S Per Therm Total Cost $ 55 1.610,5 , z-1 1 * O.qqOEl fr usA *AxBxCxD=Therms lf more than 500 therms send to Engineering Originall GasMea8uromenl 1st Copy: Divlslon Numorlcal Flle 2nd Copy: Attach to correspondlng documenls ln dlvlslon Form No. IGC 308 (1/06) Submltted By: / Dlvlslon Operatlons Manager lntermountain Gas Company DIVISION GAS LOSS REPORT ,"*^ hDise Division [J\,les!ern Date \-LL'U Project No. Gas Pressure at Time of Break: Outage: Ves I No Location servrce *' 115-{L155 ,,r" r,," 3/q ' V normar 55 PrltDo*n- No. of Customers ReportNo. qSD,AeUl Q lStl Ttme Under controt ll',AL TotalTlme ot ato* I .4 H," Leak Order No. Time of Break Build Up Pressure Percent Open Rated Gapacity Timo of Blow Constant Total Therms Report blowlng rellef 2' and larger only ls customer bllled for lost volume? AxBxCxD=Thorms Avg. Atmospheric Pressure Report 4'plpo & larger for 2,000 llnear feet or more. (A+B) xCxDxE=Therms Guage Pressure 1.D., (tN ,) Time of Blow (hr) Avg. BTU (TH/MCF) LINE RUPTURE ' PURGE 5s ,r1)0 1.1 10.5 rotarrhermsZ 111 7ft*fbtf . o, rqa3l fr l( z{J- *AxBxCxD=Therms lf more than 500 therms send to Engineerlng Remarks: Origlnal: GaBMeasuromenl 1st Copy: Divislon Numerical File 2nd Copy: Attach to conospondlng documonts ln division Submltted By: Form No. IGC 308 (1/06) Divlslon Operations Manager lntermountain Gas Company DIVISION GAS LOSS REPORT ,o*n M Division\Aleqhnn o,," DDDB.2J)IA service*" tl52H-425 niousizo 94 " ruor,n"r 55 PuttDown Report No. Leak Order No. Timo of Break Time Under Control Project No. Gas Pressure at Time of Break: Outage: Locatlon rotatrtme or erow t 8t ,{," Bulld Up Pressure Percent Open Ratod Capacity Tlme of Blow Constant Total Thorms Report blowlng rellef 2'and larger only ls customer blllod for lost volumo? AxBxCxD=Therms Avg. Atmospherlc Pressure Report 4" plpe & larger for 2,000 llnear feet or more. (A+B) xCxDxE=Therms LINE RUPTURE ' PURGE Guage Pressure 1.D., (lN ,) 55 O,MJ5 rlmeofBrow(hr) lfi " Avg. BrU (rH/McF) 10.15 D Total Therms S Per Thorm Total Cost $ 3 o'/ .s 'AxBxCxD=Thorms lf more than 500 therms send to Englneerlng ItBz* Remarks: Original: GaBMeasuremsnl 1sl Copy: Divislon Numerical Filo 2nd Copy: Attach to conosponding documents ln divlslon Form No. IGC 308 (1/06) Submltted By: Divlslon Operatlons Manager ro*[ lntermountain Gas Company DIVISION GAS LOSS REPORT /,"//i,,/r r/*r*on*r.M -l ,/ Leakorder ". "ru|' 5Vi'/Service No, Date Pipe Sizo ')//"{erolectnofufl:{,ti - Gas Pressure at Time of Break: ,'- -/Normal 2: , Pull Down Outage: Yes [ *o E How Long No. of Customers 35 5'/ iY/trr ti,t t , {/ rc, Time of Break Tlme Under Control TotalTlme of Blow , 49' H'8 RELIEF BLOWGAS LOSS LINE PACK LINE RUPTURE ' PURGE Bulld Up Pressure Percent Opon Rated Capaclty Time of Blow Constant Total Therms Report blowlng rellef 2'and largor only Regulator Statlon No. Customer Name Avg. Atmospheric Pressure Gauge Pressure 1.D.2 Plpe Length (in 1,000 ft.) Constant Total Therms Report 4" pipe & larger for 2,000 llnear feet or more. (A+B) xCxDxE=Therms Guage Pressure t.D. , (tN ,) Tlme of Blow (hr) Avs. BTU (TH/MCF) Total Therms 6 Por Thorm Total Cost $ 5 4 B/ -/ -'ttr ,/y'i/i /p a, .*', 3it K,ql?/ .4,0 l), I I * *AxBxCxD=Thorms lf more than 500 therms send to Engineering ls customer bllled for lost volume? ves fl ruo E AxBxCxD=Therms Remarks: hrie ./-Aa"'1, (1lt t fr:4 v*l i--/,,4)"'.'.'l/iar+t l:' /qil qJ'3/ .1l tf, *ri htl"rt:2- Original: GasMeasuremenl 1st Copy: Dlvision Numerical File 2nd Copy: Attach to corrosponding documonts in divlsion Form No. IGC 308 (1/06) Submitted By: Division Operations Manager lntermountain Gas Company DIVISION GAS LOSS REPORT ,"*^ kLld Ltel I Divisron Project No. L, ci /q servicsr.r". Y{5 'J- 3t'l Pipostze 3/4" n Gas Pressure al Tlme of Break: outase: Yes f] ruo f] r.rormar 55 PullDown Locatron lAl4 E 1,,.0,,(t Leak Order No, How Long No. of Customers Timeof areax 4;15 Prru Tlme Under Control Total Tlme of Blow , 33 Bulld Up Pressuro Percent Open Ratod Capaclty Tlme of Blow Constant Total Therms Report blowlng rellef 2' and larger only ls customer bllled for lost volumo? AxBxCxD=Therms Avg. Atmospheric Pressure Gauge Pressure Report 4" plpe & larger for 2,000 llnoar feet or more. (A+B) xCxDxE=Therms LINE RUPTURE ' PURGE b5Guago Pressure t.D., (lN ,) Tlme of Blow (hr) Avg. BTU (TH/MCF) Total Therms g Per Therm Total Cost $ ,1e25 ,33 l0,l 3 kla.'7 I ,51 |',3t 84. n *AxBxCxD=Thorms lf more than 500 thorms send to Englnoering Remarks: 5lL 0trt rn HatF Original: GasMeasurement 1st Copy: Division Numerical Filo 2nd Copy: Attach toconespondlng documents in divlslon Form No. IGC 308 (1/06) Submittod By: Dlvlsion Operations Manager lntermountain Gas Company DIVISION GAS LOSS REPORT (al Gas Pressure at Tlme of Break: ero;ocr ruo. 11\? Sorvice tt". I 2 3 R eioesize 3h t t normar 55 PullDown outase: ves pruo fl How Lons 0,I,1 , No. or custom"o / Location iq tO 't fT Rufir/ r Leak Order No. Time of Break Tlme Under Control Total Tlme of Blow 8:33 3 3 tYttt-t++* 600 - ly 6c Division *,.,L*,tk Date 4'2)- lq ReportNo. U 7 ': Remarks: n{ 2r,o.l o^)'0tl rrt/t {r.zvtt,a /tno- krVlt-e u-aS rTlo.bJ RELIEF BLOWGAS LOSS LINE PACK LINE RUPTURE ' PURGE Bulld Up Pressuro Percent Open Rated Capacity Tlme of Blow Constant Total Therms Report blowlng rellef 2" and larger only Regulator Station No. Customer Name Avg. Atmospherlc Pressure Gauge Pressure l.D. 2 Plpe Length (ln 1,000 ft.) Constant Total Therms Report 4" plpe & larger for 2,000 linear feet or more. (A+B) xCxDxE=Therms Guage Prossure 5.C e r.D.,(rN ,) O. 61 J7 , TlmeofBrow(hr) 0,33 " Avs. Bru (rH/McF) 16,5 o Total Therms g Per Therm Total Cost $ 96./t3l . .3311 I ? ,28. g 5 *AxBxCxD=Thernrs lf more than 500 therms send to Englneering ls customor blllod for lost volume? ves [ ruon AxBxCxD=Therms n Vc.llout . (Autcr/ 6,/ a?u*ht /=rran*- Original: GasMeasuroment 1st Copy: Dlvislon Numorical File 2nd Copy: Attach to corresponding documenls in division Form No. IGC 308 (1/06) Town Projoct No. Gas Pressure at Time of Break: Outago: Yes [4!l No Location lntermountain Gas Company DIVISION GAS LOSS REPORT Date Pipe Size Pull Down Service No. Normal How Long No. of Custome" I TotalTlme oran* .6fu nn *"0"n*".@ -/f, Leak Order No. Time of Break Time Under Control Bulld Up Pressure Percent Open Rated Capaclty Time of Blow Constant Total Therms Report blowing rollef 2" and larger only ls customer bllled for lost volume? AxBxCxD=Therms Avg. Atmospheric Pressure Gauge Prossure Report 4" plpo & larger for 2,000 linear feet or moro. (A+B) xCxDxE=Therms LINE RUPTURE ' PURGE Guage Pressure t.D,, (tN 1 Tlme of Blow (hr) Avg. BTU (TH/MCF) Total Therms ,so . *AxBxCxD=Therms lf more than 500 therms sond to Englneerlng Remarks: Original: GasMoasuromont 1st Copy: Divislon Numorical Fils 2nd Copy: Attach to corrosponding documents in division Submitted By: Dlvision Oporations Managor :orm No. IGC 308 (1/06) nlrown l{u ?e ( f Division SArf-, l-,r.' fl- ProJect No. Lj l' O l6*l Gas Pressuro at Time of Break: lntermountain Gas Company DIVISION GAS LOSS REPORT Date 6 "?) - l'1 Pipe Slze ? " 5 5 PullDown No, of Gustomers neport r.ro. &-xl : 1(;t/ --, Loak Order No. TirneofBreak lO.l1) Time Under Control I | : Total TimeofBlow 50 ' t,rt <t* Yes fl *o E Sorvice No. Normal How Long Bulld Up Pressure Percent Open Rated Capaclty Tlme of Blow Constant Total Therms Report blowlng rellef 2" and larger only ls custorner billod for lost volume? AxBxCxD=Therms Avg. Atmospheric Pressure Report 4'plpe & larger for 2,000 llnear feet or more. (A+B) xCxDxE=Therms LINE RUPTURE ' PURGE Guage Pressure r.D."(rN,) 4./t(' s Tlme of Blow (hr).93 c Avs. BrU (rH/McF) I O ,1 3 5q rffi5oo.Total Therms d Por Therm Total Cost $ sqqS t *AxBxCxD=Therms lf more than 500 therms send to Englneering Remarks: Original: GasMoasur€monl 181 Copy: Divislon Numerical File 2nd Copy: Attach tocorresponding documonls in division Fornr No. IGC 308 (1/06) Submitted By: : , ,' ,'r' {:;'''' '', ,/ Division Operations Manager lntermountain Gas Company DIVISION GAS LOSS REPORT Town Rupcr { Division :td,db t h Dare ,9'/l- r '{Report No. Project No.Service No. Ol45l!,6i1 Plpesize t/A I Leak order N". lDDD-'1 b 11 Pull DownGas Pressuro at Time of Break:Normal How Long No. of Customers Timeof areak 13)l Ph Tims Under Control a'6 ? lt^ Total Time of Blow 36trt"nl *e Outage: Location Yes E] ruo fl t 313 A .( llar I Bulld Up Pressure Percent Open Rated Gapaclty Tlme of Blow Constant Total Therms Report blowing relief 2" and larger only ls customer billed for lost volume? AxBxCxD=Therms Avg. Atmospherlc Prossure Gaugo Pressure Roport 4" plpe & larger for 2,000 llnear feet or more. (A+B) xCxDxE=Therms LINE RUPTURE ' PURGE Guage Pressure 1.D., (lN 2) Time of Blow (hr) Avg. BTU (TH/MCF) Total Therms $ Per Therm Total Cost $ r< lb,s b./,W ,xt'l t? 7z t// g I D *AxBxCxD=Therms lf moro than 500 therms send to Engineering 4 4ay'pp Original: GasMeasuroment 1st Copy: Division Numerical Filo 2nd Copy: Attach to corrospondhrg documents in division Form No. IGC 308 (1/06) Submitted By: Division Oporations Manager j1t0c c lntermountain Gas Company DIVISION GAS LOSS REPORT * Drvision , 4rrt' ) orr, d/J / t'/' sorvice ". /g4L?,/'//b,,"si." 3/4 t' Normat 66 PuttDown How Long No. of Customerss $4 /t) Report No. ,ilt )' Leak order No.7l-1.) -,5'/itProJect No. Gas Pressure at Tlme of Break: outage: Yes fl ruo E Locaton 47/A Tlme of Break /t Time Under Control 5,, rotarrrme otBtow e?, /o/) H* Bulld Up Pressure Percent Open Rated Capaclty Tlme of Blow Constant Total Therms Roport blowlng rellef 2' and larger only ls customer bllled for lost volume? AxBxCxD=Therms Avg. Atmospheric Pressuro Report 4" plpo & larger for 2,000 linear feet or more. (A+B) xCxDxE=Therms LINE RUPTURE ' PURGE 45Guage Pressure t.D., (tN ,) Time of Blow (hr) Avg. BTU (TH/MCF) Total Therms $ Per Therm Total Cost $ , '4,, "4,/L't-s "/L:I C; D ^49 *AxBxCxD=Therms lf more than 500 thorms send to Englneerlng 3/lRemarks: Original: GasMeasurement lst Copy: Divislon Numsrical Flle 2nd Copy: Attach to corresponding documents in dlvlsion :orm No. IGC 308 (1/06) Submlttod By: Dlvislon Oporations Manager lntermountain Gas Company DIVISION GAS LOSS REPORT ,"*, hDl,S,e Division ltipsfe 't o"," 5l1.lr-l *"r.,, *". 450- rrlgtl service *", bfijfiAA1nipusi." 3/4 " Normat 55 PutlDown Project No. Gas Pressure at Time of Broak: Outage: Locatlon Leak Order No. Tlme of Break Time Under Control Tolal Time of Blow .5 Build Up Prossure Percent Open Rated Capaclty Time of Blow Constant Total Therms Report blowlng rellef 2'and larger only ' 16 customor bllled for lost volume? AxBxCxD=Therms Avg. Atmospherlc Pressure Gauge Pressure Report 4' plpe & larger for 2,000 llnear feet or more. (A+B) xCxDxE=Therms LINE RUPTURE / PURGE 55Guage Pressure 1.D., (lN ") Tlme of Blow (hr) Avg. BTU (TH/MCF) Total Therms 0 Per Therm Total Cost $ 0.1)2,5 ,5 D.13 {a Ab,ll le'1.55 rAxBxCxD=Therms lf more than 500 therms send to Englneerlng Remarks: Orlginal: GagMoasurement 'lst Copy: Dlvlslon Numerical File 2nd Copy: Attach lo conespondlng documents ln dlvlsion Form No, IGC 308 (1/06) Dlvislon Operatlons Manager lntermountain Gas Company DIVISION GAS LOSS REPORT Date 4., 1t-l lt-lTown Project No. Gas Pressure at Time of Break: Outage: Yes [ ruo f] Location Division Service No. R"p",tN". L|SA./.22 3l Leak Order No, Time of Break No. of Customers rime Under contor 215frPyn TotalTlme of Blow 4 5 tltrtll 425 eio"si,e 314't ruormar 55 PuttDown How Long RETIEF BLOW GAS IOSS LINE PACK LINE RUPTURE / PURGE Bulld Up Pressure Percent Open Rated Capacity Tlme of Blow Constant Total Therms A Report blowlng rellef 2" and larger only Regulator Station No. Customer Name Avg. Atmospheric Pressure Gaugo Pressure A t.D.,c Plpe Length (in 1,000 ft.) Constant D .0M041 Total Therms Report 4' pipe & larger for 2,000 llnear feet or more. (A+B) xCxDxE=Therms Guage Pressure t.D., (tN 1 Tlme of Blow (hr) Avs. BTU (TH/MCF) Total Therms $ Por Therm Total Cost $ 55 A C trrlL4 , 4,qz c lp.'J 3 D 3og I .65 , 5qb3t fi tBt3e9* *AxBxCxD=Therms lf more than 500 thernrs send to Englneering ls customer billed for lost volumo? ves fl ruo fI AxBxCxD=Therms Remarks: Ll lY lrnshHol nn hi I an r.tn ]nrr;rlrd 3/4 '' S ff] s L, I s l:rt t--L,l{. 8as G- 685 T r'/k, Original: GasMeasurement lst Copy: Dlvision Numerical File 2nd Copy: Attach to conesponding documenls in division Form No. IGC 308 (1/06) Submitted By: Division Oporatlons Manager lntermountain Gas Company DIVISION GAS LOSS REPORT Date q,Wfi**,M Drvisron[trestr' ProJecl No. Gas Pressure at Time of Break: Normal 55 Prll Do*n-\- Outage: Yes fl t" ft How Long No. of Customers- Locauon F nfr f',.*en *a". servico *,.3fi1bAL5- ep.a,, 3f1* *"oon *o.150-1223O- Leak Order No. Time of Break Time Under Control Total Tlme of Blow RELIEF BLOWGAs LOSS LINE PACK LINE RUPTURE / PURGE Bulld Up Pressure Percent Open Rated Capaclty Tlme of Blow Constant Total Thorms A Roport blowing rollef 2" and larger only Regulator Statlon No. Customer Name Avg. Atmospherlc Pressure Gaugo Pressure 1.D., Plpe Length (ln Conslant 1,000 ft.)D .004041 Total Thorms Report 4'plpe & larger for 2,000 llnear feet or more. (A+B) xCxDxE=Therms Guage Pressure 1.D., (tN ,) Tlme of Blow (hr) Avg. BTU (TH/MCF) Total Therms $ Per Therm Total Cost $ *AxBxCxD=Thorms lf more than 500 therms send to Englneerlng lh" ls customer bllled for lost volume? ves[ruoI AxBxCxD=Therms t 'r f\ 9lD rna'Remarks:a Original: GasMeasuremonl 'lst Copy: Dlvlsion Numerical File 2nd Copy: Atlach to conssponding documents ln divislon Form No. IGC 308 (1/06) Submitted Divlslon Operatlons Manager lntermountain Gas Company DIVISION GAS LOSS REPORT ,* eYle Division Vrlrsfrtn ""," (q.[0 l4 projectNo.- service *".'I!IOD{L r,r"r,," l/2" P Gas Pressure at Time of Break: ruormar 5 5 Prll Do*n - Outage: Location Repoft No. Leak Order No. Time of Break 13.:tq rime Under conoor I 2l 45 Total Time of Blow 5 RELIEF BLOW GAS LOSS LINE PACK LINE RUPTURE / PURGE Build Up Pressure Percent Open Rated Capacity Time of Blow Constant Total Therms Report blowlng relief 2" and larger only Regulator Station No. Customer Name Avg. Atmospheric Pressure Gauge Pressure 1.D.2 c Pipe Length (in 1,000 ft.) Constant D .004041 Total Therms Report 4" pipe & larger for 2,000 linear feet or more. (A+B) xCxDxE=Therms Guage Pressure t.D., (tN ,) Time of Blow (hr) Avg. BTU (TH/MCF) Total Therms $ Per Therm Total Cost $ 55, n n tq3( '0.6 "10.5 *AxBxCxD=Therms lf more than 500 therms send to Engineering ls customer bllled for lost volume? ves ! ruon AxBxCxD=Therms Remarks:lA, 5/l hr.r.rL rn -|rruro - b eW hlY .lf ) vhlr Original: GasMeasuremont 1st Copy: Division Numerical File 2nd Copy: Attach to corosponding documenb in division Form No. IGC 308 (1/06) Submitted By: Division Operations Manager Town Division Project No.Service No, Gas Pressure at Time of Break: lntermountain Gas Company DIVISION GAS LOSS REPORT Date Pipe Slze Pull Down 5 2 ot'l No. of CustomersOutage: Yes Locatlon Normal How Longn'"H Roporr No. 115 0 l IJ'1 J Leak Order No. Time ol Break Time Under Conlrol Total Time of Blow Bulld Up Pressure Percent Open Rated Capaclty Time of Blow Constant Total Therms Report blowlng rolief 2" and larger only ls customor bllled for lost volumo? AxBxCxD=Therms Avg. Atmospheric Pressure Roport 4" plpe & larger for 2,000 linear foet or more. (A+B) xGxDxE=Therms LINE RUPTURE ' PURGE qa D$3b , Time of Blow (hr) (-, i "lb,'11 D Guage Pressure t.D., (tN 1 Avs. BTU (TH/MCF) Total Therms $ Per Thorm Total Cost $ 5\t3 I Eqf,3\ 3'1, tB *AxBxCxD=Thorms lf more than 500 therms ssnd to Englneerlng Original: GasMoasuromont 1sl Copy: Divislon Numorical Filo 2nd Copy: Attach to corrospondlng documonts in divlslon Form No. IGC 308 (1/06) Submitted By: Divislon Operations Manager Project No. lntermountain Gas Company DIVISION GAS LOSS REPORT ,"*" boisa Division \rJn*|rrn Date 5-l'lt4 service*". {{059.{f5 ,,0".,r" 3A ' A Gas Pressure at Tlme of Break: n*.m Normal 55 PuttDown How LongOutage: Yes Locatlon No. of Customers Report No. 450-alau q'.,J[..a.rn rimoUndercontror lllSl a rrra ?2,54" Leak Order No. Time of Break Total Tlme of Blow Bulld Up Pressuro Percent Open Rated Capaclty Tlme of Blow Constant Total Therms Report blowlng rellef 2" and larger only ls customer bllled for lost volume? AxBxCxD=Therms Avg. Atmospheric Pressure Gauge Pressure Report 4" plpe & larger for 2,000 llnoar feet or more. (A+B) xCxDxE=Therms LINE RUPTURE ' PURGE Guage Pressure t.D., (tN ,) Tlme of Blow (hr) o.1Ae5 56 z,5z Avg. Bru (rH/McF) |0,15 Total Therms $ Per Therm Total Cost $ 418 .L *AxBxCxD=Therms lf more than 500 therms send to Englneerlng # zl g "*9* Remarke: I)D' .7 5.:- 732 Q = 111.1 n'lh, Original: GasMgasuromenl 1st Copy: Division Numsrlcal Fils 2ndCopy: Attachloconospondlng documonls in division Form No. IGC 308 (1/06) Dlvision Operatlons Manager ,,,,,, --(fu-1.!3r.... P,oj;r,t No. (.:rlage: Yes I.-l *" ffi lnterrnotrntain Gas O0[ rpiln y DlVlSlON GAS LOSS F{H[]$RT Date 5-l . ll'i liei:.-,ii l!t; servicen" m5flal 0,r"r,,",--Qtl " f,-i-eal'. OtCi;r I'JL: Di'risi,,,, LleS|err-1 Oas Pressure at Tin-re of Break:[*lormal l-lovr [-ong *55 _- purtDown i'irrre oi i:,eat< - i-J I Jt]-A.t r-f t-inreUncleri;orr,,r . i-i-',--:l A^yyl * Torat 'Irme of fitow------ 2',.5'jr,= No. of Custorners L-ocalion Burid Up Pressure Percent Open Rated Capacity Time of Blow Conslanl l'otal Therms Report blowing relief 2" and larger only ls customer billed for lost volume? AxBxCxD=Thernrs Avg. Atmospheric Pressure Gauge Pressure Report 4" pipe & larger for 2,000 linear feet or more. (A+B) xCxDxE=Therms LINE RUPTURE / PURGE Guage Pressure l.D. . (lN ") Time of Blow (hr) _a1aa5 55 --)z.- Avs B'r-U (lriMor) Jpjl$-----q Tolal Tlrerms g Per Thernr Total Cost S Jii^l) ."1,1 l5 . L' *AxBxCxD=Therms lf more than 500 therms send to Engineering 1Bs'q Remarks: f i .' I q-7 '"t iL^/,(..{ I t t, ! let, Origrnal: Gasft4easurement 1st Copy: Division Numerical File 2nd Copy: Attach to corresponding docun)ents iil division l:ornr No. IGC 308 (1/06) Submitted By: Division Operations Manager lntermountain Gas Company DIVISION GAS LOSS REPORT ,"* Anise Drvrsion Vlr* "t ,*" 5'13.14 firn*Et Project No.service *". Q3{d-CZ[ eip" si," l/2 " Normat 55 PuttDown Report No. Leak Order No. Gas Pressure at Tlme of Broak:rimeorgreak Q )00 Time Under c*n 4 ;51 Total rime or arow .15 ,* outage: Yes l--l -? ffi How Long No. of Customers Locatlon Bulld Up Pressure Percent Open Rated Capaclty Tlmo of Blow Constant Total Therms Report blowlng rellef 2" and larger only ls customer bllled for lost volume? AxBxCxD=Therms Avg. Atmospheric Pressure Report 4' plpe & larger for 2,000 llnear feet or more. (A+B) xCxDxE=Therms LINE RUPTURE / PURGE Guage Pressure 55 o 0n3L B ,15 Avs. BrU (rH/McF) |;0."13 l.D. " (lN ,) Tlme of Blow (hr) Total Therms g Per Therm Total Cost $ 0q,b1 . *AxBxCxD=Therms lf more than 500 thorms send to Englneering 5|'.3,r1 Remarks: Original: GasMeasuroment 'lst Copy: Divlslon Numerlcal File 2nd Copy: Attach toconosponding documenls ln divlsion Form No. IGC 308 (1/06) Submitted By: Dlvislon Operatlons Manager ,",,, IYleridian Drvision [r,Jeslcrt Date q.21.14 ProjectNo. Om5.qLb Gas Pressure at Tlme of Break: lntermountain Gas Company DIVISION GAS LOSS REPORT Pipe Size Pull Down No. of Customers Service No. Normal How Long 55 Leak Order No. Time of Break NO E!Outage: Yes l-.l ReportNo q50-222b3 12"74 fn Time Under control ei 4 0 TotatTtme of Btow 2'.6 Build Up Pressure Percont Open Rated Capaclty Time of Blow Constant Total Therms Report blowlng rellef 2" and largor only ls customer bllled for lost volume? AxBxCxD--Therms Avg. Atmospheric Pressure Gauge Pressure Report 4" pipe & larger for 2,000 linoar feet or more. (A+B) xCxDxE=Therms I .1-7 LINE RUPTURE ' PURGE t.D. , (tN ,) Tlme of Blow (hr) Avg. BTU (TH/MCF) Total Therms g Per Therm Total Cost $ cuage Pressuro 55 3.Aqs L.15 to.13 q 36.3 *AxBxCxD=Therms lf more than 500 therms send to Englneerlng fi 5 L oz- , Remarks: LD.S L = Szoq &.= 5 21 ,,^ls. Original: GasMeaeuromont 1sl Copy: Divislon Numerical File 2nd Copy: Attach to correspondlng docum6nts in dlvlsion Form No. IGC 308 (1/06) Submltted By: Dlvlslon Operatlons Manager Town f)t.,1i*L,;-t.t1<,t-r'l 13U,7y lntermountain Gas Company DIVISION GAS LOSS REPORT Pipe Sizo Pull Down oro ,5f tul flef ReportNo. t-{5a - ,*U Project No. Gas Pressure at Time of Break: Service No. Normal How Long 5q ')4 [t-*-t No. of Customers Leak Order No. Time of Break / O , 45 a.-rrr Time Under Control I A: q LAmoutage: ves fl *o,[ Total Tlme otBlow , J Ll p-s nr RELIEF BLOWGAS LOSS LINE PACK LINE RUPTURE ' PURGE Bulld Up Pressure Percent Open Rated Capaclty Tlme of Blow Constant Total Therms Report blowlng rellef 2" and larger only Regulator Statlon No, Gustomer Name Avg. Atrnospheric Pressure Gauge Pressure t.D., Plpe Length (ln 1,000 ft.) Constant .004041 Total Therms Report 4" plpe & largor for 2,000 llnoar foet or more. (A+B) xCxDxE=Therms Guage Pressure LD. ' (tN 1 Time of Blow (hr) Avg. BTU (TH/MCF) Total Therms p Per Therm Total Cost $ .<5 A o,t? qv , ^ , t^U ,Ll t_) c ,O'r1 ' 4,.f.70 . c, sqftt ,J 1, 34 *AxBxCxD=Therms lf more than 500 therms send to Englneering ls customer bllled for lost volumo? ves!ruoE AxBxCxD=Therms Origlnal: GagMeasuroment 'lsl Copy: Divi8lon Numorical Filo 2nd Copy: Attach to conosponding documonls in dlvislon Form No. IGC 308 ('1106) Submitted By: Dlvislon Operatlons Manager ,*^fiuPurt Divi*onlltl)rbo#t Date 4lo ReportNo. r^ /46i service *". l/frO7' 1l gt Pipe size s/4,Leakorder Yo.rl/o rl' ny'L Project No. Gas Pressure at Time of Break: Normal lntermountain Gas Company DIVISION GAS LOSS REPORT Pull Down No. of Customers 56 Outago: Location Yes f] t'lo E How A e/'i /DU ,t. How Long Timo of er.rU A,' fu /fi Time Under Control Total Tlme of Blow Bulld Up Prossure Percent Open Rated Capaclty Tlmo of Blow Constant Total Therms Report blowlng rellef 2'and larger only ls customer bllled for lost volume? AxBxCxD=Therms Avg. Atmosphoric Pressure Report 4" plpe & larger for 2,000 llnear feet or more. (A+B) xCxDxE=Thorms LINE RUPTURE ' PURGE Guage Pressuro 6C o ,14e5 1. to Avs, BrU (rH/McF) D,fr o t.D., (tN ,) Tlme of Blow (hr) Total Therms f Per Therm Total Cost $ 4/7, i4a8 * . -rqs1/ "AxBxCxD=Therms lf more than 500 therms send to Englneering Remarks: Original: GasMsasuroment 1st Copy: Division Numerical File 2nd Copy: Attach to corresponding documenls in division Form No. IGC 308 (1/06) Submitted By: Division Operations Manager lntermountain Gas Company DIVISION GAS LOSS REPORT ,*nM Division4 4 o,r. 4-/,'/4 sorvice *o. l4A'5/7rp"sr," //ly'tt 5, PullDown ProJect No. a,vo,rNo@1f,fuL8 Time of Break Time Under Control a?:44 y'001 TotalTlme otetw . dO? nn Gas Pressure at Timo of Break: Normal outase: Yes fl ruo fl How Lons Locaton /U/ Be/ No. of Customers Bulld Up Pressuro Porcent Open Rated Capaclty Tlme of Blow Constant Total Therms Report blowlng rellef 2'and larger only ls customer bllled for lost volume? AxBxCxD=Therms Avg. Atmospheric Pressure Gauge Pressure Report 4" plpe & larger for 2,000 llnear feet or moro. (A+B) xCxDxE=Therms LINE RUPTURE / PURGE Guage Pressure 1.D., (tN ,) Time of Blow (hr) Avg. BTU (TH/MCF) Total Therms $ Per Therm Total Cost $ -d€ ,fu /a so ,4q{r/ a/rL ?1au "AxBxCxD=Thorms lf more than 500 therms send to Engineoring Remarks: Original: GasMeasuronronl 1st Copy: Divislon Numerical File 2nd Copy: Attach lo conssponding documenls in division Form No. IGC 308 (1/06) Submittod By: Division Operations Manager Project No. lntermountain Gas Company DIVISION GAS LOSS REPORT )Date Pipe Size a"ponnt///\- /'fi1 Timeof Break . 1.fu' Time Undor Control 4. flfl Total Time of Blow i, C() Gas Pressure at Time oI Break: Outage: Locatlon No. of Customers 3/r/'Leak order *.,' Z? ) - 57XC, Normar ,d'5 Pur Down Yes fl *oE How Long RELIEF BLOWGAS LOSS LINE PACK LINE RUPTURE ' PURGE Guage Pressure t.D. , (tN ,) Tlme of Blow (hr) Avg, BTU (TH/MCF) Total Therms $ Per Therm Total Cost $ A/, r^'^ - /. (.trt ),hft 77 e43, 4 E 9 I * "AxBxCxD=Therms lf more than 500 therms send to Englneering Bulld Up Pressure Percent Open Rated Capacity Tlme of Blow Constant Total Therms Report blowing rellef 2'and larger only Regulator Station No. Customer Name Avg. Atmospherlc Pressure Gauge Pressure l.D. 2 Pipe Longth (ln 1,000 lt.) Constant .004041 Total Therms Roport 4" plpe & larger for 2,000 linear foet or more. (A+B) xCxDxE=Therms ls customer bllled for lost volume? ves fl ruo fl AxBxCxD=Therms Remarks: //// .tl I // ,Q.,'1,1 ) -44 rsi,/.u q// ' 1//7 s43g Orighal: GasMoasuremonl 1st Copy: Division Numorical File 2nd Copy: Attach to conesponding documents in division Form No, IGC 308 (1/06) Submitted By: Division Operatlons Manager lntermountain Gas Company DIVISION GAS LOSS REPORT Town ProJect No. Gas Pressure at Time of Break: outase: ves pruo I Dlvision L'N..t14'i service No. 1? (oJ-e Pipe size 'i/q"B Normal ,*At Pull Down How Long ,) V fv;h No. of Customers Report No. Leak Order No. Timeof Break 9:l5r\n TlmeUnderContrd R. 5 a",rr-. Total Time of Blow , j (r, n^Jr xreLocation ,'2134 S, S1--rs7Ja- W_ Bulld Up Pressuro Percent Open Rated Capaclty Time of Blow Constant Total Therms Report blowing rellef 2" and largor only ls customer bllled for lost volume? AxBxCxD=Therms Avg. Atmospherlc Pressure Gaugo Pressure Report 4" plpe & larger for 2,000 llnear feet or more. (A+B) xCxDxE=Therms LINE RUPTURE ' PURGE ,t-sGuage Pressure LD.'(lN 2) Tlme of Blow (hr) Total Therms f Per Therm Total Cost $ (1 ,1 A.f_s- s C'' (lO c Avg. BrU (rH/McF) I C.1.? o Ssv r: * A '?DII 5 3,o+ *AxBxCxD=Therms ll more than 500 therms send to Englneerlng Remarks: Original: GasMeasuroment 1st Copy: Dlvislon Numorical File 2ndCopy: Attachtocorrosponding documents in dlvislon Form No, IGC 308 (1/06) Submltted By: ProJect No. lntermountain Gas Company DIVISION GAS LOSS REPORT ReportNo. qb.ZZ?S5*-, fioiso Division IltlP*h'Date 4,LL.t4 service *,. 1fl08425 Pipe size 3/4 " Gas Pressure at Tlme of Break: uormar 5 5 Pull Down- Outage: Yos f] *o M How Long - No. of Customers Loca,on llrn" l'fhrr Rd T-^rsa - Leak Order No. rime or arrux l'.53 Pr-r lme Undor convor 3',28f fn TotalTime of Blow | . 5 Bulld Up Pressure Percent Open Ratod Capaclty Tlme of Blow Constanl Total Therms Reporl blowlng rellef 2'and larger only ls customer blllod for lost volume? AxBxCxD=Therms Avg. Atmosphorlc Pressure Report 4" plpe & larger for 2,000 llnear feet or more. (A+B) xCxDxE=Therms LINE RUPTURE ' PURGE Guage Pressure t.D., (tN ,) Time of Blow (hr) Avs. BTU (TH/MCF) Total Therms g Per Therm Total Cost $ .12225 55 l. ci 1D,13 3ze ,5q\3l S rt s og tAxBxCxD=Therms lf more than 500 therms send to Englneoring Remarks: Orlginal: GasMeasuromont lst Copy: Dlvlslon Numerical Flle 2nd Copy: Attach to cono8ponding documonls ln dlvision Form No. IGC 308 (1/06) Submltted By: Division Operations Manager Town Nampcu Diviston - ProJectNo. 31t' eq 3 / serviceNo. Gas Prossure at Tlmo of Broak: Outage: Yes I tto f] Locaton lLl3l tJ lntermountain Gas Company DIVISION GAS LOSS REPORT Date rl -,r{ - l4 A" Ll ReporrNo. 350- ql8 aJ Loak Order No. Timeof ereax l:Dl Pfi Tlme Undsr contror I i5J P m Total Tlme of Blow , I 3 Hre Plpo Size Pull Downq5 How Long 5O fnin. No. of Customers R. n ,-\ t ,', ltr REUEF BLOW CAA LO88 LINE PACK LINE RUPTURE ' PURGE Bulld Up Prossure Percent Opon Rated Capaclty Tlme of Blow Constant Total Therms D Report blowing rellef 2" and largor only Rogulator Statlon No. Customer Name Avg. Atmospherlc Pressure Gauge Pressure LD,' Pipo Length (ln 1,000 ft.) Constant Total Therms Report 4" plpe & largor for 2,000 linear feet or moro. (A+B) xCxDxE=Therms Guage Pressure t.D., (tN ,) Tlme of Blow (hr) Avg. BTU (TH/MCF) Total Therms p Per Therm Total Cost $ 5'5 3. t,l 't t .33 I 0,'l 3 L13. Ll 51t31 # lesen^ *AxBxCxD=Therms lf more than 500 therms send to Engineerlng ls cuetomor bllled for lost volumo? ves[ruoI AxBxCxD=Therms Remarks:l" Ho lo DD.= l\ctl, Q = 321 4 "1,^,lE5, (.1 Original: GasMsasuromont lst Copy: Division Numsrical File 2nd Copy: Attach to corresponding documonts in divlsion Form No. IGC 308 (1/06) Submltted By: -;---0=, ,./*-*.___ Dlvision Operations Uanager< ' l.- L- ( Town Divlsion Service No. I ntermountain Gas Company DIVISION GAS LOSS REPORT Date Pipe Sizo a"po,rtto.4,/* ) "/'14 / e,oi."tNofu21//,if 3 . Gas Pressure at Tlme of Break: Oulage: Locatlon Nor^rt 6,7 PuttDown Time Under Control Total Time of Blow ,',8fu H,g //// LINE RUPTURE ' PURGE Guage Pressuro t.D, , (]N 1 Tlme of Blow (hr) Avg. BTU (TH/MCF) Total Therms $ Per Therm Total Cost $ !^.1 c /04,t Z Z 5L,I ff t3Eo 5- 41,93 *AxBxCxD=Therms lf more than 500 therms send to Engineering 'd/4-, "/"uA,JBuild Up Pressure Percent Open Rated Capaclty Tlme of Blow Constant Total Therms Report blowlng rellefZ'and larger only ls customer bllled for lost volume? AxBxCxD=Therms Avg. Atmospherlc Pressure Gauge Pressure Report 4" plpe & larger for 2,000 llnear feet or more. (A+B) xCxDxE=Thorms Remarks: = l(,.5 L,\-ZoBt 7, o - 2l 16.t Original: GasMsasurement 1st Copy: Dlvision Numerical File 2nd Copy: Altach to corresponding documents in division Form No. IGC 308 (1/06) Submitted By: Division Operations Manager lntermountain Gas Company DIVISION GAS LOSS REPORT Date ipe SizeProject No. Gas Pressure at Tlme of Break: outase: ves fl ruo fl /'"/Normal /), ) Pull Down4 rime of Break / /,' &, / tt No. of Customers Total Tlme of Blow /,5t' ,* aeportNo.7ft1'/7.J2- Leak order *".7b1' - rt'/ '?' Ttme under controt / ' tt; flft RELIEF BLOW GAS LOSS LINE PACK LINE RUPTURE / PURGE Bulld Up Pressure Percent Open Rated Capaclty Tlme of Blow Constant Total Therms Report blowing rollef 2" and largor only Rogulator Statlon No. Customer Name Avg. Atmospherlc Pressure Gauge Pressure 1.D.2 Plpo Length (ln 1,000 ft.) Constant .0M041 Total Therms Report 4" plpe & larger for 2,000 llnear feet or more. (A+B) xCxDxE=Therms Guage Pressure t.D., (tN ,) Tlme ol Blow (hr) Avs. BTU (TH/MCF) Total Therms I Per Thorm Total Cost $ /'t A g I I * 7, /t),5,-) Z11 L . 5sq3 btl t'z *AxBxCxD=Therms lf more than 500 therms sond to Englneering ls customer bllled for lost volume? vos[ruon AxBxCxD=Therms Rema*s: h t r/t*' -i4'7t,('d/L/'{ -// - 1 ztl- f-,2 -b3 b7e4 /l),6'- Z 'gq5/ -r, lr, Original: GasMoasurement 1st Copy: Divlsion Numerical File 2nd Copy: Attach lo corresponding documents in division Form No. IGC 308 (1/06) Submitted By: Division Operations Manager lntermountain Gas Company DIVISION GAS LOSS REPORT Dato )'- tq- t 4 Reporr No. 15 c, Z Z tt',"*n f,r-,;'[ Division (\ : frrfo.{ Project No. 4la+2.tl Leak Order No.Service No.Pipe Slze Pull DownGas Prossure at Time of Break: outago: Yes fl ruo n Locatlon trtormar 55 How Long Time of arcax | |'.4 Oo,ut+ No, of Customers_.,|_ Tlme Under Controt I . I f ,,," TotalTimeof Blow 1.63 RETIEF BLOW GAS LO88 LINE PACK LINE RUPTURE ' PURGE Build Up Pressure Percent Open Rated Capaclty Tlme of Blow Gonstant Total Therms Report blowlng rellef 2" and larger only Regulator Statlon No. Customer Name Avg. Atmospherlc Pressure Gauge Pressure 1.D.2 Plpe Length (ln 1,000 ft.) ConBtant Total Therms Report 4'plpo & larger for 2,000 llnear feet or more. (A+B) xCxDxE=Therms Guage Pressure 1.D., (lN ") Time of Blow (hr) Avg. BTU (TH/MCF) Total Thorms $ Por Therm Total Cost $ 5< e 3 b7v3 , 1.63 "lo,-?J o 3711.L . 33.1r1 # I sgs* *AxBxCxD=Thorms lf more than 500 therms sond to Enginoerlng ls customer bllled for lost volume? ves ! ruo fl AxBxCxD=Therms Remarks: 1L :4812.Q-Z08s.q "/r. { ./'-'' Original: GasMoasuromont 1st Copy: Divlsion Numorical Fil€ 2nd Copy: Attach to corresponding documonts in dlvislon Form No. IGC 308 (1/06) Submltted By: Dlvlsion Operatlons Manager lntermountain Gas Company DIVISION GAS LOSS REPORT r*n (' *9(1 Division t.loni*/n Date neport ruo. 490 -;DCI/ Project No.Service n". 37 J t 2 Pipe size Leak Order No. Time of BreakGas Pressure at Time of Break: tto-rl .-5-5_ Pull Down _ outage: "", ffi ruo E How Long ,a.5 No. of Custom"r, Ir Location I zW O Wwt l{'yJ Time Under Control U : SO I n Total Time of Blow EIS' tr,.,ft xr" ar .rxr, (sU J-vnatL$ 4'O rlr" CbJ- ,^ I *Ll, Origlnal: GasMeasurement lst Copy: Division Numerical File 2ndCopy: Attachtoconesponding documents in division Form No. IGC 308 (1/06) Submitted By: Division Operatlons Manager Yz" RELIEF BLOWGAS LOSS LINE PACK LINE RUPTURE ' PURGE Build Up Pressure Percent Open Rated Capaci$ Time of Blow Constant Total Therms Report blowing relief 2' and larger only Regulator Station No. Customer Name Avg. Atrnospheric Pressure Gauge Pressure A l.D. 2 c Pipe Length (in 1,000 ft.) Constant D .004041 Total Therms Report 4" pipe & larger for 2,000 linear feet or more. (A+B) xCxDxE=Therms Guage Pressure t.D. , (tN ,) Time of Blow (hr) Avg. BTU (TH/MCF) Total Therms I Per Therm Total Cost $ 5.s o, llbQ , 0,4 tt "l\,?3 o 91. (p,-l . o ,_59 tr/.1 Qf st *AxBxCxD=Therms lf more than 500 therms send to Engineering ls customer billed for lost volume? ves I r,ro n AxBxCxD=Therms lntermountain Gas Company DIVISION GAS LOSS REPORT ,r* Pb i ,r- Division Dq,-tah on" 4 lE l, ,f Pipe Size t/Z ',Project No.Service No. Gas Pressure at Time of Break:Normal _<5 Pull Down vesN/ruoI HowLong rUUn*rh No.ofCustomers I TimeUndercontrol Q.']q/i. l{a /{ Li . iQ% 5} , ^,,'lc Total Timeof Blow . 4 4 n*l* Report No. Leak Order No. tmeotareak S. V4,o, Outage: Location RELIEF BLOWGAS LOSS LINE PACK LINE RUPTURE ' PURGE Build Up Pressure Percenl Open Rated Capacity Time of Blow Constant Total Therms Report blowing relief 2' and larger only Regulator Statlon No. Customer Name Avg. Atmospherlc Pressure Gauge Pressure A l.D. 2 Pipe Length (in Constant c 1,000 ft.) .00404'l Total Therms Report 4' pipe & larger for 2,000 linear feet or more. (A+B) xCxDxE=Therms Guage Pressure 1.D., (tN ,) Time of Blow (hr) Avg. BTU (TH/MCF) Total Therms S Per Therm Total Cost $ 5s A o .173t? B a.13_a c lC .13 D 8s,t.s o's ?gst -'0./ I 'AxBxCxD=Therms lf more than 500 therms send to Englneering ls customer bllled for lost volume? ves fl ruo n AxBxCxD=Therms Remarks: Original: GasM6asur6ment 1si Copy: Division Numerical File 2nd Copy: Atlach to conesponding docum€nls ln division Form No. IGC 308 (1/06) Submifted By: Dlvlsion Operations Manager Service Nr. t C ?? V Pipe Size lntermountain Gas Company DIVISION GAS LOSS REPORT ,*,^ ( c:-i^ Division Ua,.-P{n o"" cf ;3- / 4 Project No. Gas Pressure at Time of Break:ttormat 15 Pu[ Down aeportNo. L/,<O -ibaS3 Leak Order No. outage: ves $) ruo E How Long , .^rl ,*h No. of customers- Location I K h1 ti; < r'O1", ^ t;f' , tn Hrs rime of arear I ' Cl b /A Time Under Control Total Time of Blow RELIEF BLOWGAS LOSS LINE PACK LINE RUPTURE / PURGE Build Up Pressure Percent Open Rated Capacity Time of Blow Constant Total Therms c D Report blowing relief 2' and larger only Regulator Station No. Customer Name Avg. Atmospheric Pressure Gauge Pressure l.D. 2 c Pipe Length (in 1,000 ft.) Constant D .004041 Total Therms Report 4' plpe & larger for 2,000 linear feet or more. (A+B) xCxDxE=Therms Guage Pressure t.D. , (lN ,) Time of Blow (hr) Avg. BTU (TH/MCF) Total Therms S Per Therm Total Cost $ -5f o,t9.zb o,,sb1 c lo'19 uq,78 c.J1 g3l 3t,1(o *AxBxCxD=Therms lf more than 500 therms send to Engineering ls customer bllled for lost volume? vesINon AxBxCxD=Therms eem.rxs, Crwc trgA, clLq +e \l>i \ Asrui (L U* i \ lwu!/. Original: GasMoasurement lst Copy: Division Numerical File 2nd Copy: Attach to conesponding documonts in division Form No. IGC 308 (1/06) Submitted By: Division Operations Manager lntermountain Gas Company DIVISION GAS LOSS REPORT Pull Down Report No. Leak Order No. Time of Break la:18 A?\ Outage: Location vespruoE No. of Customers Time Under Control lZ : Ll1 ?A Total Tlme of Blow Z . I Z rown fYl Ori&( o,L Division LJ%P "n o". 4ln ll-t ero;ect ruo. I r3'E J. service No.Pioe size t-l tl V Gas Pressure at Time of Break:Normal How Long RELIEF BLOWGAS LOSS LINE PACK LINE RUPTURE / PURGE Build Up Pressure Percent Open Rated Capaclty Tlme of Blow Constant Total Therms D Report blowing rellef 2' and larger only Regulator Station No. Customer Name Avg. Atmospheric Pressure Gauge Pressure l.D. 2 Plpe Length (in 1,000 ft.) Constant .0M041 Total Therms Report 4'plpe & larger for 2,000 linear feet or more. (A+B) xCxDxE=Therms Guage Pressure t.D. , (tN 1 Time of Blow (hr) Avg. BTU (TH/MCF) Total Therms $ Per Therm Total Cost $ f5 ),tt*4 Z IB 1a,11 2411 . g $ tq Bz 11- *AxBxCxD=Therms lf more than 500 therms send to Engineering ls customer billed for lost volume? ves!ruoE AxBxCxD=Therms a"-rrx", C u I$>t i,,,,q +n 4't L^** 't n hy,*tlb DD= 16.5. Lt=)344€. e: ll3(.( s/,. Original: GasMeasursment 1st Copy: Division Numerical File 2nd Copy: Attach to conesponding documsnts in division Form No. IGC 308 (1/06) Submitted By: Divlsion Operations Manager lntermountain Gas Company DIVISION GAS LOSS REPORT Date t{-at - tq ReportNo. 35O - q-I8 3 Leak Order No. rown 0nl.lrr)t.tl Project No. Gas Pressure at Time of Break: Outage: Yes f] tto E service ruo. lofl b8-3ll Normal How Long 55 Pipestze 3/tl tt Pull Down Timeofer"ar llj58 arn Time Under contror tl),i I [ 0 rn Total Tlme of Blow ,ZL Hrs 13 fn t n. No. of Customers Location 915 S0rrht Nu. RELIEF BLOW GAS LO88 LINE PACK LINE RUPTURE ' PURGE Build Up Pressure Percent Open Rated Capacity Tlme of Blow Constant Total Therms Report blowing relief 2'and larger only Regulator Station No. Customer Name Avg. Atmospheric Pressure Gauge Pressure 1.D., Plpe Length (in 1,000 ft.) Constant .004041 Total Therms Report 4" pipe & larger for 2,000 linear feet or more. (A+B) xCxDxE=Therms Guage Pressure t.D. , (tN 1 Tlme of Blow (hr) Avg. BTU (TH/MCF) Total Therms g Per Therm Total Cost $ 55 ,1AA5 ,ZZ I 0,'t 3 73, ?o ,5133 5L,la, *AxBxCxD=Therms lf more than 500 therms send to Engineering ls customer bllled for lost volume? ves ! Ho fl AxBxCxD=Therms Remarr", 5/L Cr^* rrh,rnnst in l,trrlF Origlnal: GasMoasurement 1st Copy: Division Numorical File 2nd Copy: Attach to corresponding documents in division Form No. IGC 308 (1/06) Submitted By: Division Operations Manager ,*^ lYliddl clo ru Division Project No. Gas Pressure at Time of Break: Outage: ves ! tto f] Location 5-5-r4 service *o. li.Tz- 3b3- Pipe size /2" V lntermountain Gas Company DIVISION GAS LOSS REPORT Pull Down No. of Customers Report No. Leak Order No. rimeofBreak l0:05 arq, Time Under conrror l0 ; Ll 5 a b4, Total Time of Blow , lr'l Normal How Long 55 40 mir," RELIEF BLOWGAS LOSS LINE PACK LINE RUPTURE / PURGE Bulld Up Pressure Percent Open Rated Capacity Tlme of Blow Constant Total Therms D Report blowlng rellef 2' and larger only Regulator Statlon No. Customer Name Avg. Atmospheric Pressure Gauge Pressure LD. ' Plpe Length (ln 1,000 ft.) Constant .004041 Total Therms Report 4'pipe & larger for 2,000 linear feet or more. (A+B) xCxDxE=Therms Guage Pressure 1.D., (lN ") Tlme of Blow (hr) Avs. BTU (TH/MCF) Total Therms I Per Therm Total Cost $ 55 t13 t, ,b7 /0,7 3 '1b,5 5 ,5qt3l 45,r0 'AxBxCxD=Therms lf more than 500 therms send to Englneering ls customer billed for lost volume? ves [ ruon AxBxCxD=Therms Remarks: S/t tut irt Hall Original: GasMeasurement 1st Copy: Division Numerical File 2nd Copy: Attach to conesponding docum6nts in division Form No. IGC 308 (1/06) Submitted By: Division Operations Manager ,*WDivision \fl '*" ) Date lntermountain Gas Company DIVISION GAS LOSS REPORT Pipe SizeProject No. Gas Pressure at Time of Break: outase: Yes f] *o E[ Location *"oon*o. -74cL Leakorder *".04)' Timeof ereax - 4,'4 rime Under controt l/.22 Total Time of Blow Service No. No. of Customers g at/ No*., J55 PuttDown How Long 4( RELIEF BLOWGAS LOSS LINE PACK LINE RUPTURE ' PURGE Build Up Pressure Percent Open Rated Capaclty Time of Blow Constant Total Therms Report blowing rellef 2' and larger only Regulator Station No. Customer Name Avg. Atmospheric Pressure Gauge Pressure A B 1.D.2 Pipe Length (in 1,000 ft.) Jionstant .004041 IltFl Therms Report 4" pipe & larger for 2,000 linear feet or more. (A+B) xCxDxE=Therms Guage Pressure t.D., (tN ,) Tlme of Blow (hr) Avg. BTU (TH/MCF) Total Therms I Per Therm Total Cost $ 44 A 3./o' . ,A 7 " ,tl ' lz1. ( * , 413/fitts *AxBxCxD=Therms lf more than 500 therms send to Engineering ls customer billed for lost volume? ves ! NoD AxBxCxD=Therms DD,IZ , L -- 6 aze *zlrt, Original: GasMeasurement lst Copy: Division Numerical File 2nd Copy: Attach to corresponding documents in division Form No. IGC 308 (1/06) Submitted By: Division Operations Manager lntermountain Gas Company DIVISION GAS LOSS REPORT Division SeMce No.Pipe Size tlt,'YDate 4 ) t'l lr "l ReportNo. L/5 0 -JeaJS Leak Order No. Gas Pressure at Time of Break:Normal 5S Pu[Down Outage: Yes tto E HowLong , 40 rr,".h No.of Customers I Location TimeofBreak j,5C Time Under Control Total Time of Blow )o ll"h'n" RELIEF BLOWGAS LOSS LINE PACK L]NE RUPTURE ' PURGE Build Up Pressure Percent Open Rated Capaclty Time of Blow Constant Total Therms c D Report blowing relief 2" and larger only Regulator Station No. Customer Name Avg. Atmospheric Pressure Gauge Pressure A 1.D.2 c Pipe Length (in 1,000 ft.) Constant .004041 Total Therms Report 4' pipe & larger for 2,000 linear feet or more. (A+B) xCxDxE=Therms Guage Pressure 1.D.2 (lN ') Time of Blow (hr) Avs. BTU (TH/MCF) Total Therms g Per Therm Total Cost $ .tt C, l7sb , o,50 "tQ'73 o s 1,13 * 0 ,324 fq 19, l,q *AxBxCxD=Therms lf more than 500 therms send to Engineering ls customer bllled for lost volume? ves ! ruoE AxBxCxD=Therms Remarks: Original: GasMoasurement lst Copy: Division Numerical File 2nd Copy: Attach to conesponding docurnonls in division Form No. IGC 308 (1/06) Submitted By: Division Operatlons Manager ,"*" hr.,,,.e Division 0f,f i lAl Project No. Service ru". l2lr] ) Gas Pressure at Time of Break: Outage: ves ! ruo fl Location lntermountain Gas Company DIVISION GAS LOSS REPORT Pull Down No. of Customers Date 3 t3.14 service ruo. l2l-f-2- Pipe Size +!, Normal How Long {9lFt neport ruo. Ll 50 -,Ij)JLl A- Leak Order No. Time of Break Time Under Control Total Time of Blow Build Up Pressure Percent Open Rated Capacity Time of Blow Constant Total Therms Report blowing relief 2'and larger only ls customer billed for lost volume? AxBxCxD=Therms Avg. Atmospheric Pressure Gauge Pressure Report 4" pipe & larger for 2,000 linear feet or more. (A+B) xCxDxE=Therms Guage Pressure t.D. , (tN 1 Time of Blow (hr) Avg. BTU (TH/MCF) Total Therms $ Per Therm Total Cost $ lrt3 'l11o-3 z- * "AxBxCxD=Therms lf more than 500 therms send to Engineering A ta7 /a- Remarks: 178'1 Original: GasMeaguremont 1st Copy: Division Numerical File 2nd Copy: Attach to conesponding documents in division Form No. IGC 308 (1/06) Submitted By: Division Operations Manager Town I I+r- Project No.Service No. {Yl p r i rl "aro.- Division N0 ol-vr1 ,,* 4- l < '- lrl ReoortNo. Ll<O'S'efj lntermountain Gas Company DIVISION GAS LOSS REPORT Pipe Size V z ,l Gas Pressure at Time of Break:tto-rt l5_ PullDown Leak Order No. Time of Break outage: ves p ruo fl How Long , I (Q h^l\ No. of Customers / Location l4'r<l SO#.-P.Lf S)' Time Under controt I | 3 U f lL-t Total Time of Blow .lbN" RELIEF BLOW GAS LOSS LINE PACK LINE RUPTURE ' PURGE Build Up Pressure Percent Open Rated Capacity Time of Blow Constant Total Therms D Report blowing relief 2'and larger only Regulator Station No. Customer Name Avg. Atmospheric Pressure A Gauge Pressure l.D. 2 Pipe Length (in 1,000 ft.) Constant .004041 Total Therms Report 4" pipe & larger for 2,000 linear feel or more. (A+B) xCxDxE=Therms Guage Pressure t.D., (tN ,) Time of Blow (hr) Avg. BTU (TH/MCF) Total Therms $ Per Thorm Total Cost $ St n. 19 1Q C.Jto+ c 10,73 o *AxBxCxD=Therms lf more than 500 therms send to Engineering /f as ls customer bllled for lost volume? ves!ruon AxBxCxD=Therms aemrxr, (lrw Luu d.*,L *rs'/2" y ot+-u;ct- o.,t ; n /,.;a4 . Original: GasMoasuremont 1st Copy: Division Numerical File 2nd Copy: Attach to conssponding documents in division Form No. IGC 308 (1/06) Submltted By: Division Operations Manager Town Project No. Gas Pressure at Time of Break: Outage: Yes ! ruo fl Location lntermountain Gas Company DIVISION GAS LOSS REPORT No. of Customers Report No. Leak Order No. Normal How Long Timeof Break Hr'Fr? /: /9Time Under Control Total Time of Blowa ?aca-//a Division &laL o,'. 3/4,{/t:/ service *". tV6ld ep"si.. //e o ff purDown RELIEF BLOWGAS LOSS LINE PACK LINE RUPTURE / PURGE Bulld Up Pressure Percent Open Rated Capaclg Time of Blow Constant Total Therms A Report blowing relief 2" and larger only Regulator Statlon No. Customer Name Avg. Atmosphedc Pressure Gauge Pressure 1.D., Plpe Length (in Constant 1,000 ft.) .004041 Total Therms Report 4' plpe & larger for 2,000 linear fegt or more. (A+B) xCxDxE=Therms Guage Pressure 1.D.2 (lN ') Tlme of Blow (hr) Avs. BTU (TH/MCF) Total Therms g Per Therm Total Cost $ q 2, /?36 'r rfao c/a6af,fax. *AxBxCxD=Therms lf more than 500 therms send to Engineering ls customer billed for lost volume? ves!ruoI AxBxCxD=Therms Remarks: Original: GasMeasurement 1st Copy: Division Numerical File 2nd Copy: Attach to conesponding documenls in division Form No. IGC 308 (1/06) Submitted By: Division Operations ,*, /oy' ' '' Division 3-6 - /r' ProJect No. 6 ?l'Afi e Gas Pressure at Tlme of Break: lntermountain Gas Company DIVISION GAS LOSS REPORT e Date Pipe Size Pull Down p Report No. Time of Break Time Under Control Service No. Normal How Long tts Leakorder *r. fu/ - / e7, rotar rime ot ato* J /y' ili|,,r,- Outage: Yes [ ruo n How Long - No. of Custom r" - 7A Location Eatrmrut[rTta 1f "ryr, RELIEF BLOWGAS LOSS LINE PACK LINE RUPTURE / PURGE Build Up Pressure Percent Open Rated Capaclty Tlme of Blow Constant Total Therms Report blowing relief 2'and larger only Regulator Statlon No. Customer Name Avg. Atnospheric Pressure Gauge Pressure t.D.,c Plpe Length (in 1,000 ft.) Constant .004041 Total Therms Report 4' pipe & larger for 2,000 linear feet or moro. (A+B) xCxDxE=Therms Guage Pressure t.D. , (tN ,) Tlme of Blow (hr) Avg. BTU (TH/MCF) CT A , lao 4,odd'/a, -f Total Therms $ Per Therm Total Cost $ c3{, g/e "AxBxCxD=Therms lf more than 500 therms send to Engineering ls customer bllled for lost volume? ves!ruoE AxBxCxD=Therms Remarks: Ha/o- lrL oi p g- l/fl " X 5/t I Original: GasMgasuroment 1st Copy: Divislon Numerlcal File 2nd Copy: Attach to corresponding documents in division Form No. IGC 308 (1/06) Submitted By: Division Operations /ana , lntermountain Gas Company DIVISION GAS LOSS REPORT Town Project No. Division Service No. Gas Pressure at Time of Break: nor ^l ^65 Pull Down - outage: v"rEruoI HowLong lTr|^*.o,"m Location 574 - lL-*i nr. ReponNo.fuAlZgf) _ Leak Order No. Time of Break Time Under Control Total Time of Blow RELIEF BLOW GAS LOSS LINE PACK LINE RUPTURE / PURGE Build Up Pressure Percent Open Rated Capacity Time of Blow Constant Total Therms A c Report blowing relief 2' and larger only Regulator Station No. Customer Name Avg. Atmospheric Pressure Gauge Pressure l.D. 2 Pipe Length (in Constant 1,000 ft.) .004041 Total Therms Report 4" pipe & larger for 2,000 linear feet or more. (A+B) xCxDxE=Therms Guage Pressure 1.D., (tN ,) Time of Blow (hr) Avg. BTU (TH/MCF) Total Therms $ Per Therm Total Cost $ .dt1 o , /45b B /t) 5t,D /4 l'122? " *AxBxCxD=Therms lf more than 500 therms send to Engineering ls customer billed for lost volume? ves [ ruoE AxBxCxD=Therms Remarks: Original: GasMeasurem€nt 1st Copy: Division Numerical File 2nd Copy: Attach to conesponding documents in division Form No. IGC 308 (1/06) Submitted By: Division Operations Manager lntermountain Gas Company DIVISION GAS LOSS REPORT rorn f'\tt.tr,rl-rfiarv Division t .ro.tVA o"" Jl eq f r/ Project No.PipeSize -? ll 5_; PuttDown 1 *tl t * . No. of customersJ- Gas Pressure at Time of Break: Outage: Ves $ no E Location !cJ[ \'fiJ Service No. Normal How Long Report No. Leak Order No. Timeof Break l : Sb rtttt Time Under Conlrol c/ t tt t *h TotalTimeof Blow a. qq i*ra RELIEF BLOW GAS LOSS LINE PACK LINE RUPTURE / PURGE Build Up Pressure Percent Open Rated Capaclty Time of Blow Constant Total Therms Report blowing relief 2'and larger only Regulator Station No. Customer Name Avg. Atrnospheric Pressure Gauge Pressure LD. 2 Pipe Length (in Constant 1,000 ft.) .004041 Total Therms Report 4" pipe & larger for 2,000 linear feet or more. (A+B) xCxDxE=Therms Guage Pressure l.D. , (lN 2) Time of Blow (hr) Avg. BTU (TH/MCF) Total Therms I Per Therm Total Cost $ q_,A 3, b1qa B Z.ol i o,13 2o5 3.o3 *w fi tzz 8'2 *AxBxCxD=Therms lf more than 500 therms send to Engineering ls customer bllled for lost volume? ves!ruoE AxBxCxD=Therms a" rrx., ( tA LW Ct *,-1. *o 4 C,p* M lxrvi'r t 0.tw . 4" 1vla,u c-t .l sa.v acc J ,^ y,'+., A^. 5.i= DD-- zt L = Zo?tl Q = 11t .B n/r. Original: GasMeasurement 1st Copy: Divislon Numerical File 2nd Copy: Attach to conesponding documents in division Form No. IGC 308 (1/06) Submitted By: Division Operations Manager lntermountain Gas Company DIVISION GAS LOSS REPORT Date Time under convot'). 5 D / lL1 TotalTime otaww l. 15 ffta* service ruo. / O0 .J.7 < Pipe size ro*" 6orl{ Division t \,fW Project No. Gas Pressure at Time of Break: Normal ;S- Prll Do*n - outage: ves S No f] How Lons I I Sn* . No. of custom"oL Location Llql^O S. k',)o- kJl I y'z,, ReportNo. 4<n "ar.e-Ot Leak Order No. Time of Break RELIEF BLOW GAs LOSS LINE PACK LINE RUPTURE / PURGE Build Up Pressure Percent Open Rated Capacity Time of Blow Constant Total Therms Report blowing rellel 2" and larger only Regulator Station No. Customer Name Avg. Atmospheric Pressure Gauge Pressure LD.2 Pipe Length (in Constant c 1,000 ft.) .004041 Total Therms Report 4'pipe & larger for 2,000 linear feet or more. (A+B) xCxDxE=Therms Guage Pressure 1.D., (lN ,) Time of Blow (hr) Avg. BTU (TH/MCF) Total Therms I Per Thenn Total Cost $ 5s o,l13to , I ts c I O.,JJ D i3 t,)T . 44,0o *AxBxCxD=Therms lf more than 500 therms send to Englneering ls customer bllled for lost volume? ves fl ruo E AxBxCxD=Therms Remarks:.l Original: GasMeasuroment 1st Copy: Division Numerical File 2nd Copy: Aftach to conesponding documents in division Form No. IGC 308 (1/06) Submitted By: Division Operations Manager lntermountain Gas Company DIVISION GAS LOSS REPORT ro*^ A L,i !re* Division l)u4trn o"" 3 las I r 4 Pipe Size 3l ,i 'r ttorma 55 PutlDown Location ves p ruo f] How Lons <4 t*ln No. of Customers I 1 tl n'. C' +rt A.{ Outage: Yes fgfi No Service No. Report No. Leak Order No. 9s, -,Asst'l Project No. Gas Pressure at Time of Break:Time of areax I l',5 b/A,, Time Under Control I i .' I Ol,tt Total Time of Blow . 54 n,h U" RELIEF BLOW GAS LOSS LINE PACK LINE RUPTURE / PURGE Build Up Pressure Percent Open Rated Capacity Time of Blow Constant Total Therms c D Report blowing relief 2' and larger only Regulator Statlon No. Customer Name Avg. Atmospheric Pressure Gauge Pressure t.D.,c Pipe Length (in 1,000 ft.) Constant .0M041 Total Therms Report 4" pipe & larger for 2,000 linear feet or more. (A+B) xCxDxE=Therms Guage Pressure t.D., (tN ,) Time of Blow (hr) Avg. BTU (TH/MCF) Total Therms I Per Therm Total Cost $ 55o o,"?&.L< "0,9 "lo,"l3 0 \ 13,15 . *AxBxCxD=Therms lf more than 500 therms send to Engineering ls customer billed for lost volumo? ves ! ruo fI AxBxCxD=Therms a" rrxr, {',^,On l-.r,tn d , u- .14 ) 14 'l Alr u,'ct (t-* /n /4 Original: GasMeasurement 'lst Copy: Division Numerical File 2nd Copy: Atlach to conesponding documents in division Form No. IGC 308 (1/06) Submitted By: Division Operatlons Manager Project No. Gas Pressure at Time of Break: outage: ves f] No E Location Attto? N,',1,r< Bd Date 4-t-t,-1 service No. (Mt 3_ll3_ Pipe size e"q Normal 5 5 Pull Down How Lons lt mtrt lntermountain Gas Company DIVISION GAS LOSS REPORT No. of Customers cl:ob e-t /Y1 , 1:er-l err4. '3O Hrs ReportNo. 360 ' ?ll g Leak Order No. Time of Break Time Under Control Total Time of Blow RELIEF BLOWGAS LOSS LINE PACK LINE RUPTURE / PURGE Build Up Pressure Percent Open Rated Capacity Time of Blow Constant Total Therms Report blowing rellef 2'and larger only Regulator Station No. Customer Name Avg. Atmospheric Pressure Gauge Pressure l.D. 2 Pipe Length (ln 1,000 ft.) Constant .004041 Total Therms Report 4" pipe & larger for 2,000 linear feet or more. (A+B) xCxDxE=Therms Guage Pressure 1.D.2 (lN ') Time of Blow (hr) Avg. BTU (TH/MCF) Total Therms f Per Therm Total Cost $ sa- (o 3.r"1 4 8 " 30 10,'l 3 14.71 , 51 13lw *AxBxCxD=Therms lf more than 500 therms send to Engineering ls customer billed for lost volume? ves fl ruo E AxBxCxD=Therms rl Remarks: Original: GasMoasurement 1st Copy: Division Numerical File 2nd Copy: Attach to conesponding documonb in division Form No. IGC 308 (1/06) submitted By: l"l), 41, , r0 ,",1 / Division operations Manaser <? U^ lntermountain Gas Company DIVISION GAS LOSS REPORT Town Project No. Gas Pressure at Time of Break: ,1eD aM?//T99 Division Date Pull Down Report No; Total Time orrro* , @ ,n Service ruof Normal How Long eip.sire lh / Leak order N..l,I{' 57/{r, rimeor,*r* //'/! An/. TimeUnder contot /1,'45 /rUNo. of Customersoutage: Yes [ *o EI Location 4n tr /74s RELIEFBLOWGAS LOSS LINE PACK LINE RUPTURE ' PURGE Build Up Pressure Porcent Open Rated Capaclty Time of Blow Constant Total Therms Report blowing relief 2' and larger only Regulator Station No. Customer Name Avg. Atmospheric Pressure A Gauge Pressure t.D. , Pipe Length (in 1,000 ft.) Constant .004041 Total Therms Report 4" pipe & larger for 2,000 linear feet or more. (A+B) xCxDxE=Therms Guage Pressure !tt-"l A LD. ' (tN ') Time of Blow (hr) Avg. BTU (rH/MCF) ' 4o o Total Therms $ Per Therm Total Cost $ .6tt stl( * rAxBxCxD=Therms lf more than 500 therms send to Engineering ls customer bllled for lost volume? ves!ruon AxBxCxD=Therms Remarks: I lu+aol ,/at'* tb' Original: GasMsasuremont 1st Copy: Division Numerical File 2nd Copy: Attach to conesponding documenls in division Form No. IGC 308 (1/06) Submitted By: Division Operatlons Manager lntermountain Gas Company DIVISION GAS LOSS REPORT Star o"t" A-e,0.-14 ReportNo.350- 1lt{8 Project No. 3lo1-0 0 I o service No.Pipe Size A" Ll Leak Order No. Gas Pressure at Time of Break: outase: ves f] ruo fl ruormar 55 PuttDown rimeof areat $l 11 Pry HowLons ?ltf l8 min No.orcustomers Time Under Contrd J: a5 P rn-' Location 1ek Mnrlf Sf Total Time ot gtow ?, 3 O H,6 Remarks: DD=Z8.S. L.t= 4812, O-- Z81.t *'lL. Original: GasMeasurement 1sl Copy: Dlvision Numerical Flle 2nd Copy: Attach to conesponding documonts in division Form No. IGC 308 (1/06) Submitted By: RELIEF BLOWGAS LOSS LINE PACK LINE RUPTURE / PURGE Build Up Pressure Percent Open Rated Capacity Time of Blow Constant Total Therms Report blowing relief 2'and larger only Regulator Station No. Customer Name Avg. Atmospheric Pressure Gauge Pressure 1.D.2 Pipe Length (in 1,000 ft.) Constant .004041 Total Therms Report 4'pipe & larger for 2,000 linear feet or more. (A+B) xCxDxE=Therms Guage Pressure t.D., (tN ,) Time of Blow (hr) Avg. BTU (TH/MCF) Total Therms I Per Therm Total Cost $ 55 3,b1q ^.vo10,13 ( 6l.t .q 3 5183t fisq19:- *AxBxCxD=Therms lf more than 500 therms send to Engineering ls customer bllled for lost volume? ves [ ruo! AxBxCxD=Therms Division Operations Manager rown Am*ra-,Division TC|)^ Project No. S Gas Pressure at Time of Break: lntermountain Gas Company DIVISION GAS LOSS REPORT No. of Customers ReportNo. ?tltl't7;? service *,.(A/*/ ffi apesize 3ll Leakorder No.15f) -, 54 Pur Down ves I r.r"fl Normal How Long Time of Break Time Under ControlOutage: Location Totar rime of Btow / , 044 Hrs RELIEF BLOWGAS LOSS LINE PACK LINE RUPTURE / PURGE Build Up Pressure Percent Open Rated Capacity Time of Blow Constant Total Therms A Report blowing relief 2'and larger only Regulator Station No. Customer Name Avg. Atrnospheric Gauge Pressure LD. 2 Pressure A c Plpe Length (in 1,000 ft.) Constant D .004041 Total Therms Report 4'pipe & larger for 2,000 llnear feet or more. (A+B) xCxDxE=Therms a'/r- Guage Pressure 9? e l.D. , (lN 2) Time of Blow (hr) ler€ B /, o13 Avg. BrU (rH/McF) / ,( t o Total Therms f Per Therm Total Gost $ y'St /)/"?8 * 493/ *AxBxCxD=Therms lf more than 500 therms send to Englneering ls customer billed for lost volume? ves fl ruo n AxBxCxD=Therms Remarks: Original: GasMeasuremenl 1st Copy: Divieion Numerical File 2nd Copy: Attach to conesponding documents in division Form No. IGC 308 (1/06) Submitted By: Division Operations Manager lntermountain Gas Company DIVISION GAS LOSS REPORT DateTown Gas Pressure at Time of Break: Outage: Location 5 ,a""r*,.14/'2 Vol service No.Pipesize c?/l nornat -fi Putt Down ves @+ro fl How Long ,4 rLfS Leak order N.. VdC Time of Break Time Under Control Total Time of Blow RELIEF BLOW GAS LOSS LINE PACK LINE RUPTURE / PURGE Build Up Pressure Percent Open Rated Capaclty Time of Blow Constant Total Therms A D Reporttlowlng rellef 2'and larger only 'i :i;:J' Regulator Stq{pn No. Customer Name Avg. Atmospheric Pressure Gauge Pressure l.D. 2 Pipe Length (in Constant 1,000 ft.) .004041 Total Therms Report 4' pipe & larger for 2,000 linear feet or more. (A+B) xCxDxE=Therms Guage Pressure LD. ' (tN ') Tlme of Blow (hr) Avg. BTU (TH/MCF) Total Therms I Per Therm Total Cost $ s,/7t/8 , / flfrx ""5D , 1060 * 5q#t fi e rq* *AxBxCxD=Therms lf more than 500 therms send to Englneering -65 ls customer bllled for lost volume? ves ! ruon AxBxCxD=Therms 27.5 C, =( (ze Original: GasMeasurement lst Copy: Divlslon Numerical File 2nd Copy: Attach to conosponding documents in division Form No. IGC 308 (1/06) Submifted By: Division Operations Manager lntermountain Gas Company DIVISION GAS LOSS REPORT ,* b Oi!.e* Division t wo{ ,v.r| oa" a.llf I t,l ReportNo. 4SO'Ja/A-l service rt.. 1 l?4 O eipesize tlZq Y GasPressureatTimeof Break: tto*"| -l-'f_ Prll Do*n_ outage: ves ffi Ho fl How Long I hf. . S n a/I ' No. of customers - I Location 9A'lo tn... TO6( Project No.Leak Order No. tmeotareax lliS'7alu Time Under conttot i : 4 a / i-r Total Time of Blow / X. a 5 ru-?,. RELIEF BLOWGAS LOSS LINE PACK LINE RUPTURE ' PURGE Build Up Pressure Percent Open Rated Capacity Time of Blow Constant Total Therms A Report blowing rellef 2'and larger only Regulator Station No. Customer Name Avg. Atmospheric Pressure Gauge Pressure l.D. 2 c Plpe Length (in 1,000 ft.) Constant .004041 Total Therms Report 4" pipe & larger for 2,000 linear feet or more. (A+B) xCxDxE=Therms Guage Pressure t.D., (lN ,) Time of Blow (hr) Avg. BTU (TH/MCF) Total Therms f Per Therm Total Cost $ 5s ?,t13v e t,7q to. 13 o lqy yo * o.% q y7 0 t".sl *AxBxCxD=Therms lf more than 500 therms send to Engineering ls customer billed for lost volume? ves[ruoE AxBxCxD=Therms nenarxs: \lzu Y aw,,t e b,* ih l\s&b. Original: GasMoasurement 1st C,opy: Division Numedcal File 2nd Copy: Aftach to corrosponding documenls in divislon Form No. IGC 308 (1/06) Submitted By: Division Operations Manager Town Project No. Gas Pressure at Tlme of Break: Outage: Location lntermountain Gas Company DIVISION GAS LOSS REPORT Date I ^ti t4 Pull Down Report No. q ffl -aal 5e service N". l qh54 nip" sire 3/{ " Normal 55 Leak Order No. Time of Break I ll 35e,m rime under "*u" ZlEPfn Total rime of Blow 2 .15 RELIEF BLOW GAS LOSS LINE PACK LINE RUPTURE / PURGE Build Up Pressure Percent Open Rated Capaclty Time of Blow Constant Total Therms D Report blowing reliel 2'and larger only Regulator Station No. Customer Name Avg. Atmospheric Pressure Gauge Pressure l.D, 2 Pipe Length (in 1,000 ft.) Constant .004041 Total Therms Report 4' pipe & larger for 2,000 linear feet or more. (A+B) xCxDxE=Therms Guage Pressure 1.D.2 (lN ') Time of Blow (hr) Avg. BTU (TH/MCF) Total Therms S Per Therm Total Cost $ 5s , b'l)4 , 9.!15 c 1D,13 638'/ tAxBxCxD=Therms lf more than 500 therms send to Englneering 5q ls cr,tstomer billed for lost volume? ves ! ruon AxBxCxD=Therms Original: GaBMeasurement 1st Copy: Division Numerical File 2ndCopy: Attachtoconespondlng docllments in division Form No. IGC 308 (1/06) Submitted By: Division Operations Manager Town Project No. Gas Pressure at Time of Break: lntermountain Gas Company DIVISION GAS LOSS REPORT I/rJfStern oate or-lt-lt{ service N" t{r}T I Pipe size 4ttt.J ruormar 55 PuttDown How Long Division Outage: Yes Location E*"H No. of Customers n"o",t ru". tl50-AJ | { 3 Leak Order No. Time of Break Time Under Control Total Time of Blow RELIEF BLOWGAS LOSS LINE PACK LINE RUPTURE / PURGE Build Up Pressure Percent Open Rated Capaclty Time of Blow Constant Total Therms D Report blowing relief 2" and larger only Regulator Station No. Customer Name Avg. Atmospheric Pressure Gauge Pressure 1.D.2 Pipe Length (in 1,000 ft.) Constant .004041 Total Therms Repon 4" pipe & larger for 2,000 linear feet or more. (A+B) xCxDxE=Therms Guage Pressure t.D. , (tN ,) Time of Blow (hr) Avg. BTU (TH/MCF) Total Therms $ Per Therm Total Cost $ 55 3.br148 1.8 " ,5 z. 6t { sso" *AxBxCxD=Therms lf more than 500 therms send to Engineerlng ls customer billed for lost volume? ves!ruoE AxBxCxD=Therms Remarks: il Original: GasMeasur€monl 1st Copy: Division Numsrical Fib 2nd Copy: Attach to conosponding documents ln division Form No. IGC 308 (1/06) C =508 -3o8.q7 hlr, L,= LIf L. Y(- 'lztfru A submifted By: Division Operations Manager O-' - Z1g.l6 "t/^., L. .Z5 r"*, \[fl y\Af fr Division Project No. 31ll' ,O I 5 Gas Pressure at Time of Break: outage: Yes ! ruo f] Service No. Normal lntermountain Gas Company DIVISION GAS LOSS REPORT Date l- 11 - l.l neportNo.35b-9131 Leak Order No. Time of ereax 1i l(J (t rn Time Under contror I D: *0 tYnHow tonsS ttn 20 tYt'n No, of Customers pipe size 2 tl A 55 Pull Down TotalTimeofBlow 3,33 REL]EF BLOWGAS LOSS LINE PACK LINE RUPTURE ' PURGE Bulld Up Pressure Percent Open Rated Capacity Tlme of Blow Constant Total Therms Report blowing relief 2" and larger only Regulator Station No. Customer Name Avg. Atmospheric Pressure Gauge Pressure 1.D.2 Pipe Length (in 1,000 ft.) Constant .004041 Total Therms Report 4" pipe & larger for 2,000 linear feet or more. (A+B) xCxDxE=Therms Guage Pressure 1.D.. (lN ,) Time of Blow (hr) Avg. BTU (TH/MCF) Total Therms I Per Therm Total Cost $ 55 3.tr-l LtB j,33 t0.-1 3 6o't8.2 .5qr 3 t fi3tt Be- *AxBxCxD=Therms lf more than 500 therms send to Engineering ls customer billed for lost volume? ves ! NoE AxBxCxD=Therms Remarks:Hnlr i "x 3" D=4o C ' Ll11 o = lgze .g "l'^,L Original: GasMeasurement lst Copy: Dlvision Numerical File 2nd Copy: Attach to conesponding documents in divislon Form No. IGC 308 (1/06) Submitted By: Division Operations Manager = 2.1 L,, O., l1q5 g '\/u-Lt3 I lntermountain Gas Company DIVISION GAS LOSS REPORT r*n frin trnllS Division fudL D,,." J'1,-t4 Project No./%t" Report No. Gas Pressure at Time of Break: Outage: Yes f] no E Location Service No. Normal How Long Pipe Size Pull Down No. of Customers Leakorder *".0@- F10 rimeunder contot /OlOl Ptt Totatrime otatow .XFIQS lstu)rti.3 j so, silt' fryl- RELIEF BLOW GAS LOSS LINE PACK LINE RUPTURE ' PURGE Build Up Pressure Percent Open Rated Capacity Time of Blow Constant Total Therms A c D Report blowing relief 2' and larger only Regulator Station No. Customer Name Avg. Atrnospheric Pressure Gauge Pressure A l.D. "c Pipe Length (in 1,000 ft.) Constant .004041 Total Therms Report 4" pipe & larger for 2,000 linear feet or more. (A+B) xCxDxE=Therms Guage Pressure LD. ' (tN ') Time of Blow (hr) -5-\/l, 5 625 a,as Avg. BrU (rH/McF) /0,7 3 Total Therms g Per Therm Total Cost $ -{oo t {olt3l *AxBxCxD=Therms lf more than 500 therms send to Engineering ls customer billed for lost volume? ves fl ruo n AxBxCxD=Therms Remarks: Original: GasMeasuromenl 1st Copy: Division Numerical File 2nd Copy: Attach to corresponding documents in division Form No. IGC 308 (1/06) submittedBy: 1C '*ge Division Operations Manager lntermountain Gas Company DIVISION GAS LOSS REPORT ,r*" bO i Ac Division ,Jta+Vr1 o"" \[arll '/ service ru". JJJ ?d Pipe size itt n ttormat .(5 pullDown How Lons r q \0 n^/h No. of custom"o i Time Under controt ') '.9 S(h Total Time of Blow , q b tn*u* Project No. Gas Pressure at Time of Break: Outage: Yes Location Report No. Leak Order No. Time of Break RELIEF BLOW GAA LOSS LINE PACK LINE RUPTURE ' PURGE Build Up Pressure Percent Open Rated Capacity Time of Blow Constant Total Therms Report blowing rellef 2' and larger only Regulator Station No. Customer Name Avg. Atmospheric Gauge Pressure 1.D., Pressure Pipe Length (in 1,000 ft.) Constant D .0M041 Total Therms Report 4" pipe & larger for 2,000 linear feet or more. (A+B) xCxDxE=Therms Guage Pressure LD. ' (tN ') Time of Blow (hr) Avg. BTU (TH/MCF) Total Thenns I Per Therm Total Cost $ 5s A O, 7aa-. t 0.7ct1 "lo , 1.3 D 3e1 oq * o, llgP loa,fe "AxBxCxD=Therms lf more than 500 therms send to Engineering ls customer billed for lost volume? ves fl ruo E AxBxCxD=Therms Remarks: Original: GasMeasursment 1st Copy: Division Numerical File 2nd Copy: Attach to conosponding documents in division Form No. IGC 308 (1/06) Submitted By: Division Operatlons Manager lntermountain Gas Company DIVISION GAS LOSS REPORT ,a"o *,.31 I - O I -|A"ffi,. Gas Pressure at Time of Break: outage: Yes fl -. K Location Normal How Long c ,r,r^ ,t Pipe Size *1'S Pull Down No. of Customers Report No. Leak Order No. Time of Break Time Under Control Total Time of Blow 4fftp Abrr'dd.'t r+ &d'Arrrr,1 RELIEF BLOW GAg LOSS LINE PACK LINE RUPTURE / PURGE Build Up Pressure Percent Open Rated Capacity Time of Blow Constant Total Therms Report blowing rellef 2'and larger only Regulator Station No. Customer Name Avg. Atmospheric Pressure A Gauge Pressure 1.D.2 Pipe Length (in 1,000 ft.) Constant .004041 Total Therms Report 4'pipe & larger for 2,000 linear feet or more. (A+B) xCxDxE=Therms Guage Pressure 1.D., (lN ") Time of Blow (hr) Avg. BTU (TH/MCF) Total Therms $ Per Therm Total Cost $ A D 42r .33 {r? /41, =s 'AxBxCxD=Therms lf more than 500 therms send to Engineering ls customer billed for lost volume? ves fl no E AxBxCxD=Therms TD, ?3O'+Remarks:ur Original: GasMeasur€mont lst Copy: Division Numerlcal File 2nd Copy: Attach to conesponding documenls in division Submltted By: Form No. IGC 308 (1/06) Dlvision Operations Manager lntermountain Gas Company DIVISION GAS LOSS REPORT-,*M,..Myfu--*M ,,ot"", *"5161215O service No. - eip" si." 6lt -S Gas Pressure at Time of Break: ves fl r'r" (No. of Custom Normal How Long Pull Down Report No. Leak Order No. Time of Break Time Under Control Total Time of Blow Outage: Location I .^-- lo tttt(rnr v 9<-I Vtt) tI )fm ? hftl oc-z LINE RUPTURE / PURGE V \-/ REL]EF BLOW GAs LOSS LINE PACK Build Up Pressure Percent Open Rated Capaclty Time of Blow Constant Total Therms Report blowing relief 2" and larger only Regulator Station No. Customer Name Avg. Atmospheric Pressure Gauge Pressure t.D., Plpe Length (in 1,000 ft.) Constant .004041 rotarrherms 8,3[ I Report 4" pipe & larger for 2,000 linear feet or more. (A+B) xCxDxE=Therms Guage Pressure 1.D., (lN ") Time of Blow (hr) Avg. BTU (TH/MCF) Total Therms g Per Therm Total Cost $ qL 3318 1 15, t{l *AxBxCxD=Therms lf more than 500 therms send to Engineering ls customer billed for lost volume? ves I xoE AxBxCxD=Therms Remarks: Original: GasMeasurem€nt 1st Copy: Divislon Numerical Filo 2nd Copy: Atlach to conesponding documonts in division Form No. IGC 308 (1/06) Submitted By: Division Operatlons Manager lntermountain Gas Company DIVISION GAS LOSS REPORT oate ll ltl.ta ReportNo. tlSD'AJl 3D,"*" hOl 38- Division Project No. Gas Pressure at Time of Break: Outage: Location ServiceN" 6tl(/504)5 eip"sir" I 7.1 " V r.rormar 55 Pufi Down Leak Order No. Time of Break Time Undercontror J',12> Fn Total Time of Blow t5 RELIEF BLOW GAS LOSS LINE PACK LINE RUPTURE / PURGE Build Up Pressure Percent Open Rated Capacity Time of Blow Constant Total Therms Report blowing relief 2'and larger only Regulator Station No. Customer Name Avg. Atmospheric Pressure Gauge Pressure LD. 2 Pipe Length (in Constant c 1,000 ft.)D .004041 Total Therms Report 4'pipe & larger for 2,000 linear feet or more. (A+B) xCxDxE=Therms Guage Pressure LD. ' (lN ') Time of Blow (hr) Avg. BTU (TH/MCF) s5 A l,'1 lf.l ls l0,q i Totalrherms 5q1 'q p Per Therm Total Cost $ 0. m63l $ tzl '6 *AxBxCxD=Therms lf more than 500 therms send to Engineering ls customer billed for lost volume? ves!ruon AxBxCxD=Therms Remarks:rh a |/4" x l'l)" hc le l',u I i-, k Q.,3(5.2 Original: GasMeasurement 1st Copy: Division Numorical File 2nd Copy: Aftach to conesponding documenls in division Submitted By: Form No. IGC 308 (1/06) Division Operations Manager Town Project No. Gas Pressure at Time of Break: lntermountain Gas Company DIVISION GAS LOSS REPORT o,* lA )i.l3 314" 3 Division Report No. Leak Order No.service *o. 2k103--4JrS Pipe size uormar 55 PuttDown Outage: Location Yes fl *, W No. of Customers rime of erear< | I lB Pfn rime Under contot &i 2bPrft Total Time of Blow I " 25 How Long RELIEF BLOWGAS LOSS LINE PACK LINE RUPTURE / PURGE Bulld Up Pressure Percent Open Rated Capacity Time of Blow Consiant Total Therms A Report blowing relief 2" and larger only Regulator Station No. Customer Name Avg. Atmospheric Gauge Pressure l.D. 2 Pressure Pipe Length (in 1,000 ft.) Constant D .004041 Total Therms Report 4" pipe & laqer for 2,000 linear feet or more. (A+B) xCxDxE=Therms Guage Pressure t.D., (tN ,) Time of Blow (hr) Avg. BTU (TH/MCF) z1t'Total Therms $ Per Therm Total Cost $ 55 A o, G1)4 t.2s lo.'13 ?: #33 rAxBxCxD=Therms lf more than 500 therms send to Engineering ls customer billed for lost volume? ves!xoE AxBxGxD=Therms Remarks: DD=Z1 '116 G = Z7s 1'u/t^, Original: GasMeasurement lst Copy: Dlvision Numerical File 2nd Copy: Attach to conesponding documsnts in division Form No. IGC 308 (1/06) Submitted By: Division Operations Manager lntermountain Gas Company DIVISION GAS LOSS REPORT ,"*fu Division54^r*. nl Drt"@ arpo,tNo._(aMLlLS Project No.LeakOrder no. M- 75,./ Timeof *eak L;Ll6 h/l Time Under Control '7 !?8 PtYl Total Time of Blow , 88 Hm Pull Down Service N". 3O3{-575erp"sir. Sfltt "A Gas Pressure at Time of Break: outase: ves f] uo fl Location Normal How Long No. of Customers RELTEFBLOWGAS LOSS LINE PACK LINE RUPTURE / PURGE Build Up Pressure Percent Open Rated Capacity Time of Blow Constant Total Therms D Report blowing relief 2" and larger only Regulator Station No. Customer Name Avg. Atrnospheric Pressure Gauge Pressure A l.D. 2 Pipe Length (in 1,000 ft.) Constant D .004041 Total Therms Report 4" pipe & Iarger for 2,000 linear feet or more. (A+B) xCxDxE=Therms Guage Pressure t.D. , (tN ,) Time of Blow (hr) Avg, BTU (TH/MCF) Total Therms g Per Therm Total Cost $ .l ,5b25 a .88 c lo,-13 o '5q ,st'l * g_q.33 *AxBxCxD=Therms lf more than 500 therms send to Engineering ls customer billed for lost volume? ves [ ruoE AxBxCxD=Therms nemarrs: 14T r*f<o lt&il 3/y'l jl=:prrlc-r< l-rxtg r.,'rn+ Fvuct\u*raqR Original: GasMeasurement 1st Copy: Division Numerical File 2nd Copy: Attach to conesponding documenls in division Form No. IGC 308 (1/06) submitted By: JrGVrxr b ,re$lWn Division Operations Manager lntermountain Gas Company DIVISION GAS LOSS REPORT t*n@ Division S$^rr-ocm+ Date ol-og-?al4 aepo*no. (aOO- /4A4 Project No.servicer.r". lOZlrl-<{3eipesize l'/4" Pr-eosrr4 Leak Order tto. lnOO - 75*7 Gas Pressure at Time of Break: Outago: Yes [ ruo n Location Normal How Long PullDown 30 No. of Customers Timeot}reak ll iO5 $tA Time Under Control I ? | OS Plll Total Time of Blow RELIEF BLOW GAS LOSS LINE PACK LINE RUPTURE / PURGE Build Up Pressure Percent Open Rated Capacity Time of Blow Constant Total Therms Report blowing relief 2'and larger only Regulator Station No. Customer Name Avg. Atmospheric Pressure Gauge Pressure t.D.,c Pipe Length (in 1,000 ft.) Constant .004041 Total Therms Report 4" pipe & larger for 2,000 linear feet or more. (A+B) xCxDxE=Therms Guage Pressure 1.D., (lN ") Time of Blow (hr) Avg. BTU (TH/MCF) Total Therms I Per Therm Total Cost $ 30a l.O e lo,-7 3 p 3^1.90 * ,5q8?l /42.10 *AxBxCxD=Therms lf more than 500 therms send to Engineering ls customer billed for lost volume? ves fl r,ro E AxBxCxD=Therms Remarks: lrrr l/' Hots rxt PrFg r . q rr-H B*C;<H,oE Tfurrr+. Original: GasMoasurement lst Copy: Division Numorical File 2nd Copy: Aftach to corresponding documents in division Form No. lcC 308 (1/06) submitred By: ,I- vrr,-r -ilr '"efJAnn Division Operations Manager lntermountain Gas Company DIVISION GAS LOSS REPORT Leak order *".1fr,' 5J 5-7 Gas Pressure at Time of Break: outage; Yes I tto f] Location Normar 66 How Long No. of Customers Pull Down Time of Break Time Under Control Total Time of Blow441 ,/tntrutn Lrt neport ruo.1ff)ll2 RELIEF BLOW GAS LOSS LINE PACK LINE RUPTURE ' PURGE Build Up Pressure Percent Open Rated Capacity Time of Blow Constant Total Therms Report blowing relief 2" and larger only Regulator Station No. Customer Name Avg. Atmospheric Pressure A Gauge Pressure l.D. 2 Plpe Length (in 1,000 ft.) Constant .004041 Total Therms Report 4" pipe & larger for 2,000 linear feet or more. (A+B) xCxDxE=Therms Guage Pressure t.D., (lN ,) Time of Blow (hr) Avg. BTU (TH/MCF) Total Therms g Per Therm Total Cost $ 46 A . /43b 2r4 /n,40,'( ofutoz . , 6a031 F<q 'AxBxCxD=Therms lf more than 500 therms send to Engineering ls customer billed for lost volume? ves!uon AxBxCxD=Therms Remarks: /,t l",l- (-rtz t/-t z/ll.t fi /tt-l,rl*2.r,y' kr r Original: GasMeasuremont lst Copy: Division Numerical File 2nd Copy: Attach to corrssponding documents in division Form No. IGC 308 (1/06) Submitted By: Division Operations Manager lntermountain Gas Company DIVISION GAS LOSS REPORT Town Project No. Gas Pressure at Time of Break: Service No. Normal How Long 14 --- Pipe Size Pull Down a.vo,tNo.@!136 Leak order *.. /d) - 5' 1'x Time of Break 4, ,/) r TimeUnderControl b l.D Dm TotarTime otatow , dfy ) n* Outage: Location ves (Ho fl ) mU No. of customers Division &hD o"," t//t,/14 RELIEF BLOW GAS LOSS LINE PACK L]NE RUPTURE ' PURGE Build Up Pressure Percent Open Rated Gapacity Time of Blow Constant Total Therms Report blowing relief 2'and larger only Regulator Station No. Customer Name Avg. Atmospheric Pressure Gauge Pressure l.D. 2 Pipe Length (in 1,000 ft.) Constant .004041 Total Therms Report 4'pipe & larger for 2,000 linear feet or more. (A+B) xCxDxE=Therms Guage Pressure t.D., (tN ,) Time of Blow (hr) Avg. BTU (TH/MCF) Total Therms $ Per Therm Total Cost $ .46,/o2 . 554tU , 6003'44,4; *AxBxCxD=Therms lf more than 500 therms send to Engineering ls customer billed for lost volume? ves ! ruon AxBxCxD=Therms Remarks:7 //a' Original: GasMeasurement lst Copy: Division Numerical File 2nd Copy: Attach to conesponding documenls in division Form No. IGC 308 (1/06) Submitted By: Division Operations Manager Supporting Documents for Request No. 4 Intermountain Gas Company Case No. INT-G-1-4-01 ao",o,o (o (o ro ro (o (o (o (o ro @ (o lo ro (o (o (D (o ro @ (o ro to to ro ro ttl ro (o to (o ro (o (o (o (o (o to lo to ro to to --rn rn an Ua tJt r]|) U1 U.l u') ur) l^ r) ut lJ1 u) !n rn rn u) u! rJ1 rn rn rl ut r} ut r} u1 ut rn rn r) ut r,) u) r} rn rl rn l,) u! rJ1 rnxrimmmmommdmmfnfod)m(non01 md)(n(n(n(n(nmrr1 dtrY)(nfolY}(ndlft1 (nfYtd)ff)(Ylfr.) 01 (oro =ro@(rro(oro(.)rour(olo@roro(o(o(orolo(o(o(o(oro(o(o(o(o(oto(o(ororoto(oro(o(oto(o(o(o(o,6c,c,c)c,c) c) c,c, 0 0 00 0 0000 0 0 00 00 0 0 000 0 0 00 0 0 000 00000 0IIf\INN(\lAINNNC!NNAINNNNNNNNNNNNN6INNC\IFlNC!O.IT"INNC"INNT',IC'INf'.TT\I5000000000000QQ999999Q99999994999999999999999666660666600000000000000000000000000000000000 oi T- T- F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F Fn an in -6 -6 aa 6 in 6 -6 -6 ah ai tll t1 ttl vt rn tt tt rt Vl tt tt tlt ttl ,,rt tr, tt rtt rrt rtt 1,/l ttt tt rrt,,rt rtt tt Vl tt rtt Vl rt1 tt60000000o000000000000000000000000000000000000fo-o-6-o_(LaLcL4aL6_claLcLcLcL6-(Lo-cLo-co.cLo-o.cLo-cLcLCLCLCo-cLcLcLo-o-cLcLcLo-cLcL fnm(oc1 m(nmaY)(Y}(nF1 fn(Y)d)(Y)lY)(Y)(nfnrnr)r)Glmrn.od)md)0lonrr1cnro(n(n(n(nrndld)G1 (om FIFIHHFIdF{F{Fl.{dr{dFlHr{!iFldFlr{dFlFlFiFlFlFlFlFl!iFIFiHHHHHdHHFiHFIoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo6' N N N N N N N T! 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