HomeMy WebLinkAbout20130906INTG to Staff 7-12.pdfEXECUTIVE OFFICES INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY 555 SOUTH COLE ROAD •P.O.BOX 7608 •BOISE,IDAHO 83707 •(208)377-6000 •FAX:377-6097 -.p;3:3I - September 6,2013 :‘TL1Ti Jean Jewel! Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 West Washington St. P.0.Box $3720 Boise,ID 83 720-0074 RE:Second Production Request of the Commission Staff to Intermountain Gas Company Case No.INT-G-13-05 Dear Jean: Enclosed for filing with this Commission are an original and seven (7)copies of Intermountain Gas Company’s responses to the Second Production Request of the Commission Staff,in the above referenced Case. If you have any questions or require additional information regarding the attached,please contact me at 377-6168. Sincerely, Michael P.McGrath Director -Regulatory Affairs Intermountain Gas Company Enclosure cc Scott Madison Morgan W.Richards REQUEST NO.6: Question -Please provide the percentage of estimated annual load comprised of index purchases,fixed- price hedgesfor a term of one year or less,andfixed-price hedges from previous multi-year contracts.In your response,please include the estimated or actual weighted average prices for each type of procurement contract. Answer —Answer provided under separate cover. Person Preparing Answer:Michael P.McGrath,Director —Regulatory Affairs,Ph 377-6168 Record Holder:Michael P.McGrath,Director —Regulatory Affairs,Ph 377-6168 REQUEST NO.7: Question -Please provide the Gas Loss Reports from each line break that occurred during this FGA year.As part ofyour response,please explain how the reports are used to estimate the quantity of lost gasfrom each line break. Answer —Gas Loss Reports are used for known gas loss events (i.e.line breaks).The Gas Loss is calculated based on size of opening and duration of release.The form itself has space for the inputs used in the calculation.The calculation provides total therms lost.Attached herewith are the 2013 Division Gas Loss Reports (Gas Loss Report)through June 2013. Person Preparing Answer:Hart Gilchrist,Director,Operations Services,Ph 377-6086 Record Holder:Michael P.McGrath,Director —Regulatory Affairs,Ph 377-6168 REQUEST NO.8: Question -Workpaper No.8 shows annual statistics on lost and unaccountedfor gas.Using the same format,please provide the following information: a)the nunther ofmeter audits associated with drive rate errors andpressure errors; b,)gas loss due to customers having the incorrect meter size installed, c)gas loss from measurement errors related to translating metered consumption to billed consumption; and d)gas loss from measurement differences between Intermountain ‘s distribution system meters and Northwest Pipeline ‘s meters. Answer - a)Number of meter audits associated with drive rate errors and pressure errors (Jan.—June 2013): 1,612 b)Gas loss due to customers having incorrect meter size installed:None c)Gas loss from measurement errors related to translating metered consumption to billed consumption:None d)Gas loss from measurement differences between Intermountain’s distribution system and Northwest Pipeline’s meters: Intermountain Gas Company performs a daily and monthly NWP v.IGC telemetry comparison.The daily comparison examines the larger and strategic gates,while the monthly comparison examines all the gates shared with NWP metering.In either comparison,if the variance is greater than -/+2%,an informational call is placed to NWP Gas Control and/or Measurement to verify there have been no activities that would cause mis-measurement.A secondary call is made to an IGC Technical Specialist for on-site investigation.Issues are typically resolved by IGC Technical Specialists within one business day. Person Preparing Answer:Hart Gilchrist,Director,Operations Services,Ph 377-6086 Record Holder:Michael P.McGrath,Director —Regulatory Affairs,Ph 377-6168 REQUEST NO.9: Question -It is known in the industry that Aldyl-A pipe manufactured prior to 1984 is susceptible to cracking under certain circumstances,with pre 1973 Aldyl-A being the most susceptible.Please provide the quantity oflost gas likely due to defects in the pre 1984 Aldyl-A pipe. Answer -The quantity of lost gas due to defects in Aldyl-A pipe cannot be quantified because the company cannot identify the duration or volume of a leak once it is found.We can only determine that it is leaking.Once we find the leak through routine leak survey or from a customer call-in,we know that our system is leaking but we have no way of going back and identifying when the leak may have started and how much was leaking and if the volume of leak increased from inception until identification. As we have discussed with the pipeline safety staff at the IPUC,we are replacing this pipe as part of a federal (Pipeline Safety and Hazardous Materials Administration —PNMSA)regulatory code called Distribution Integrity Management Program (DIMP).DIMP requires operators to evaluate our distribution system based on risk and take accelerated action on elevated risk pipe.Aldyl-A pipe is a known higher risk pipe in the industry based on its susceptibility to brittle like cracking.Therefore, through evaluation of our distribution system,we have identified this pipe in our system and have developed a pro-active program to replace this pipe in the coming years. While we have had success with this pipe in our distribution system,we are pro-actively replacing the pipe to comply with the federal regulation.This does not mean that all of this pipe in our distribution system is currently leaking or has a history of leaking more than other pipe types.It is a response to the federal regulation. Person Preparing Answer:Hart Gilchrist,Director,Operations Services,Ph 377-6086 Record Holder:Michael P.McGrath,Director —Regulatory Affairs,Ph 377-6168 REQUEST NO.10: Question -On page 3 of Confidential Workpaper No.10,please explain why the cost ofgas managed by the first referenced gas marketer is consistently more per dekatherm than the gas managed by the second referenced gas marketer.If the difference is because the two companies manage different types of contracts,please explain why customers benefitfrom having one company manage the fixed or locked-in prices (physical and option pricing mechanisms,),and another manage the first-of-the-month index prices. Answer —Answer provided under separate cover. Person Preparing Answer:Michael P.McGrath,Director —Regulatory Affairs,Ph 377-6168 Record Holder:Michael P.McGrath,Director —Regulatory Affairs,Ph 377-6168 REQUEST NO.11: Question -Please explain how the Company estimated the costs ofits indexpurchases. Answer -Any unhedged tiatural gas purchase volumes are assumed to be purchased at the applicable monthly index for the pricing point associated with the gas origin.These assumed spot purchases are then priced based on the futures price curve at the point in time that the model is run.Embedded within this futures price curve are two data points,first is the Nymex Henry Hub price for each applicable month which comes from a Nymex reporting service called MarketView.Then added to or subtracted from the Nymex price is the estimated future “Basis”price curve associated with the pricing point of the gas origin.This Basis curve comes from BP’s internal structured products and trading group in Houston or Calgary and is proprietaty information. Person Preparing Answer:Michael P.McGrath,Director —Regulatory Affairs,Ph 377-6168 Record Holder:Michael P.McGrath,Director —Regulatory Affairs,Ph 377-6168 REQUEST NO.12: Question -for this PGA year,please provide a schedule of the Company ‘s expenses at its Nampa LNG facility.As part of the response,please explain how the funds collectedfrom the sale of LNG were used in accordance with Order No.32793 (i.e.-Operations and Maintenance of the LNG facility,or LNG facility capital improvements). Answer —Please see attached 2013 year-to-date schedules with actuals through June for O&M expenses at the Nampa LNG facility.At the time this schedule was prepared,none of the O&M expenses were directly related to non-utility LNG sales.The non-utility activities have not been in effect long enough to cause O&M related expenses but Intermountain will continue to track these expenses so that it will be in a position to provide any relevant data in future audits or proceedings. Person Preparing Answer:R.David Swenson,Manager —Industrial Services,Ph 377-6118 Record Holder:Michael P.McGrath,Director —Regulatory Affairs,Ph 377-6168