HomeMy WebLinkAbout20101028Staff 1-35 to INT.pdfWELDON B. STUTZMAN DEPUTY ATTORNEY GENERAL IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION 472 WEST WASHINGTON STREET PO BOX 83720 BOISE, IDAHO 83720-0074 (208) 334-0318 BARNO. 3283 RECEl\/ ioinOCT 28 PH 2:38 Street Address for Express Mail: 472 W. WASHINGTON BOISE, IDAHO 83702-5983 Attorney for the Commission Staff BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF INTERMOUNTAIN GAS ) COMPANY'S 2011- 2015 INTEGRATED )RESOURCE PLAN (IRP). ) ) ) ) ) ) CASE NO. INT-G-I0-4 FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF TO INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY The Staff of the Idaho Public Utilties Commission, by and through its attorney of record, Weldon B. Stutzman, Deputy Attorney General, requests that Intermountain Gas Company (Company; IGC) provide the following documents and information as soon as possible, but no later than FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 12,2010. The Company is reminded that responses pursuant to Commission Rules of Procedure must include the name and phone number of the person preparing the document, and the name, location and phone number of the record holder and if different the witness who can sponsor the answer at hearing if need be. Reference IDAPA This Production Request is to be considered as continuing, and Intermountain Gas is requested to provide, by way of supplementary responses, additional documents that it or any person acting on its behalf may later obtain that wil augment the documents produced. FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST TO INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY 1 OCTOBER 28,2010 Please provide answers to each question, supporting workpapers that provide detail or are the source of information used in calculations, and the name, job title and telephone number of the person preparing the documents. Please identify the name, job title, location and telephone number of the record holder. Please provide all Excel and electronic fies on CD with formulas activated. REQUEST NO.1: On page 8 of the Integrated Resource Plan (IRP), regarding the Company's reliance on industrial customer facilities to help meet peak, the Company states "short duration peak day distribution delivery deficits in the futue can be mitigated by working with these customers to faciltate the use of fuel oil at these customer's facilties." How many contracts has the Company negotiated to facilitate the use of fuel oil at these customer's facilties? As part of your response, please include the number of therms offset by relying on each customer facilty, and the expiration date of each contract. REQUEST NO.2: Please provide an executable electronic copy of all analysis used to evaluate the success of the Company's ongoing advertising promotion of high-efficiency new homes and Energy Star. As par of your response, please include an explanation of how the advertising promotions have changed as a result of your evaluations. REQUEST NO.3: In the Company's high growth scenaro, it forecasts growth in Idaho's electronics industry. Specifically, the Company references "the projected opening of a new production plant in the Boise MSA." Please provide a detailed explanation about this new production plant. As par of your answer, please provide the source and perceived accuracy of this. information. REQUEST NO.4: Within IGC's forecasts, explain why a binar variable has not been tested that captures holiday consumption, specifically on the Sun Valley Lateral (SVL) where holiday occupancy can significantly impact peak. FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST TO INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY 2 OCTOBER 28,2010 REQUEST NO.5: When designing the SVL peak day, has the Company evaluated the combined impact of large snowfall accumulation (i.e. - snowmelt) surrounding a high Heating Degree Day (HDD)? REQUEST NO.6: Please explain how you determined that a "company-wide 50 year probabilty event, which is an 81 degree day, would be appropriate to use for the design weather modeL." REQUEST NO.7: Please explain why the Company did not test more explanatory independent variables (e.g. - household size, wind speed, and persons per household) to help explain peak and non peak usage per customer. REQUEST NO.8: Why does the Company use two different dependent variables to forecast peak customer usage and non peak customer usage, "daily usage per customer" for peak, and "monthly usage per customer" for non peak? In your response, please explain how using different dependent variables impacts the results of the final forecast. REQUEST NO.9: Has the Company notified city leaders of its IRP filing, specifically on the laterals where work will be completed to eliminate capacity constraints? If so, how was notice provided? If not, why not? REQUEST NO. 10: The Company describes the "IGC conversion rate" as "the anticipated percentage .of conversion customers relative to new construction customers." Does the relationship between residential new construction and conversions have a significant correlation? As part of your response, please explain which years were used to determine the "IGC conversion rate," and provide an executable electronic copy ilustrating the correlations. REQUEST NO. 11: When the Company estimates the number of conversions, does it differentiate discretionary vs. mandatory replacements? If so, how is this estimated? If not, why not? FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST TO INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY 3 OCTOBER 28,2010 REQUEST NO. 12: When the Company estimates the number of conversions, does it estimate the potential impact of the rebate conversion program it has been evaluating over the last several IRPs? If so, please provide the estimated anual impact of the potential rebate conversion program if implemented. If not, please explain why this has not been par of your evaluation. REQUEST NO. 13: Has the Company looked into financing options available for conversions and upgrades to high efficiency equipment? As part of your response, please explain whether the. Company has evaluated the reasonableness of the interest rates. REQUEST NO. 14: Has the Company considered reinstituting a gas equipment financing program, similar to the prior program through Wells Fargo Bank? If not because of a reservation about limited prior participation, has the Company considered a more targeted marketing effort? REQUEST NO. 15: The Company describes the "IGC commercial multiplier rate" as "the anticipated percentage of commercial customers relative to residential new construction customers." Does the relationship between residential new construction and commercial growth display a significant correlation? As part of your response, please explain which years were used to determine the IGC "commercial multiplier rate," and provide an executable electronic copy ilustrating the correlations. REQUEST NO. 16: Please provide all executable electronic analysis comparing the Company's last four IRP conversion forecasts to actual. Please include each segment as par of your response. REQUEST NO. 17: Please provide all executable electronic analysis comparing the Company's last four IRP customer forecasts to actual. Please include each segment as par of your response. FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST TO INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY 4 OCTOBER 28,2010 REQUEST NO. 18: Please provide all executable electronic analysis comparing the Company's last four IRP usage forecasts to actual. Please include each segment as par of your response. REQUEST NO. 19: Over the last two IRPs, the Company has stated it is evaluating the rebate options shown below. Please explain why it has not implemented the rebates. As par of your response, please provide a future timeline ilustrating milestones for completing the evaluations: a) $30 rebate when a homeowner converts to a natural gas water heater from another energy source, and installs a .64-or-greater energy factor (EF) gas water heater. b) $200 rebate when an existing customer replaces a below 90% efficiency natural gas furace with a 90%-or-greater efficiency natural gas furace. c) $30 rebate when an existing customer replaces a .59-or-below EF natural gas water heater with a .64-or-greater EF natural gas unit. REQUEST NO. 20: Given the challenging economic times, has the Company evaluated the number of existing customers replacing burned out effcient equipment (90%-or-greater furnace, .64-or-greater water heater) with less efficient equipment? If so, please summarize the results and provide all executable electronic workpapers. If not, why not? REQUEST NO. 21: According to the Company's response to a prior IRP production request, the Company sets its DSM rebate amount no higher than 30% of the incremental cost of the upgrade. Does the Company stil set its DSM rebate amount no higher than 30% of the incremental cost of the upgrade? As par of your response, please provide all executable electronic work papers supporting 30% of the incremental upgrade cost as the appropriate rebate amount. Also include an explanation of whether this includes installation costs. If installation costs are included, how often are they evaluated? REQUEST NO. 22: When evaluating the 2008 IRP, Staff asked how the Company determines its avoided cost when evaluating curent and future DSM (Production Request No. 24). In response, the Company stated "at a minimum, the benchmark for DSM savings would be FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST TO INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY 5 OCTOBER 28, 2010 based on the then current WACOG of$.63583 per therm." Since storage facilities offset more expensive winter purchases, and increase the Company's abilty to meet a design day, why hasn't the Company included the costs of Jackson Prairie, Clay Basin, Plymouth Liquid Storage, and Nampa LNG storage as par of the avoided cost? If storage costs are included in some tests but not others, please explain. REQUEST NO. 23: Why have the forecasted market penetration rates dropped compared to the 2006 and 2009 IRPs? In your response, please explain how conditions have changed or why IGC has been too optimistic in the past. Also, how does the Company plan to reevaluate its initiatives to increase market penetration? REQUEST NO. 24: Has the Company analyzed the penetration rates of gas fireplaces, stoves, and barbecues? If so, please summarize the results and provide all executable electronic workpapers. If not, why not? REQUEST NO. 25: On page 36, regarding the inabilty to forecast GS price elasticity, the Company states "in reviewing the statistics of the model, it appeared that perhaps something was influencing usage that was not being captured by the weather variable alone. The GS customer class is very diverse, ranging from office buildings all the way up to small food processors. The statistical 'noise' created by this diversity may have made it difficult to isolate the tre response to price." Please provide an explanation of how the Company plans to improve its modeling of the GS customer class price elasticity. REQUEST NO. 26: On pages 37 and 38, regarding the equipment malfunctions on the SVL and IFL, please explain why the malfuctions occured, and why the 2003/2004 SVL and 2005/2006 IFL winter data was lost. As par of your response, please explain whether the equipment malfunctions had anything to do with the 2005/2006 SVL winter data being too low, and eventually being removed from the data set. REQUEST NO. 27: On page 63, regarding the biofuel test facilties, the Company states "Idaho is one of the nation's largest dairy producing states which makes ita prime location for FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST TO INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY 6 OCTOBER 28, 2010 biogas production." It then goes on to state, "These test facilities have proven the abilty to produce acceptable pure natural gas, but currently do not transfer any product into Intermountain facilties." Does the Company plan to integrate biofuel facilties into its existing resource portfolio? If so, please explain. If not, why not? REQUEST NO. 28: On page 70, regarding the Company's encouragement for customers to consider high effciency equipment replacements, the Company states "IGC customer communications, mass-media advertising, website, and marketing information all encourage customers to consider high-efficiency equipment when making their equipment purchases or upgrade decisions." Please describe how the Company estimates the impact of this advertising (e.g. - hold out sample, customer surveys). REQUEST NO. 29: On page 70, regarding the hard copy distribution of the Energy Conservation Brochure, the Company states the "hard copy is also available at all of our customer contact offices throughout the IGC service terrtory." Please provide an explanation of where these customer contact offices are located thoughout the service territory and how often they are utilzed. REQUEST NO. 30: On page 75, regarding the 2007 "Audit Results," do the table's blan cells under "Dead Meters" and "Gas loss occurences due to line damage," indicate zero occurences? If this does not indicate zero occurrences, why is the information not available? REQUEST NO. 31: On page 76, regarding non-energy benefits in the total resource cost (TRC) test, the Company states "Non-energy benefits may include, for example, water savings from low-flow showerheads and higher efficiency clothes washers or reductions in maintenance costs." Has the company evaluated the impactofDSM on decreasing uncollectible expenses? REQUEST NO. 32: On page 77, regarding core-market DSM, the Company states "the IPUC ordered IGC not to deploy any Core-market DSM programs." Please provide the Order number and specific Order language. If this language is not specifically used by the IPUC in an Order, please explain why this is the Company's interpretation. FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST TO INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY 7 OCTOBER 28,2010 REQUEST NO. 33: On page 79, regarding the potential implementation of additional programs, the Company states "water heater conversions, and the furnace/water heater upgrades would be deployed in a pilot program on the Idaho Falls lateral in Calendar 2011." Please explain: a) How the Company will encourage pilot program paricipation and evaluate the results prior to full implementation (e.g. - target marketing, internal processes). b) How many customers would be included in the pilot program (e.g. - selected samples, entire lateral). c) Whether the Company has considered deploying the pilot across its service territory or in other areas (e.g. - SVL). REQUEST NO. 34: When the Company evaluates the "Low Usage Reports," comparing biled consumption against the same customer's historical usage patterns, what difference causes the account to be "flagged" and a courtesy phone call made? In your response, please include an explanation of what historical data is used, and how the Company determined the difference threshold to initiate a couresy phone call. REQUEST NO. 35: On page 90, regarding the various agencies the Company continues to parner with regarding conservation information outreach, please provide the names of these agencies and the Company's role in the parnership. DATED at Boise, Idaho, this iß~day of October 2010.ß~ Weldon Stutzman Deputy Attorney General ( Technical Staff: Matt Elam i:umisc:prodreq/intgIO.4wsme prod reql FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST TO INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY 8 OCTOBER 28,2010 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE THIS 28th DAY OF OCTOBER 2010, SERVED THE FOREGOING FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF TO INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY, IN CASE NO. INT-G-1O-04, BY MAILING A COPY THEREOF, POSTAGE PREPAID, TO THE FOLLOWING: KATHERINE BARNARD DIR MANAGER REG AFFAIRS INTERMOUNTAIN GAS CO PO BOX 7608 BOISE ID 83707 E-MAIL: Kathie.barard(ßcngc.com ~.\( SECRETARY CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE