HomeMy WebLinkAbout20050915IGC 1st production response.pdfEXECUTIVE OFFICES F' 1 \/ ED INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY IF:):)' 555 SOUTH COLE ROAD. P.O. BOX 7608 . BOISE, IDAHO 83707 . (208) 377-6000 . FAX: 377-6097 7nnr, ('Cr.) U"fIJ ,.,;;.~ .j . ~ C:J ~.$ "). . 1:'/ V" September 15 2005 i" ;) ; C; U.J i~~; : ~- '( iLl j it:) CUreit11SS10N Ms. Jean Jewell Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 W. Washington St. O. Box 83720 Boise, ID 83720-0074 Re:Case No. INT -05- Response to the First Production Request of the Commission Staff to Intermountain Gas Dear Ms. Jewell: Attached for filing with this Commission as part of the above referenced Case are one original and seven copies of Intermountain Gas Company s response to the First Production Request of the Commission Staff. If you have any questions regarding the attached, please contact me at (208) 377-6168. Sincerely, ichael P.. MC Intermountain Gas Company Director, Gas Supply & Regulatory Affairs Enclosures Request No.1: Please provide the number of deposits collected by Intermountain Gas from RS-l customers for each month during CY 2003 2004 and YTD 2005. Answer to Request No. Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dee Total 2003 100 137 129 104 398 586 431 135 220 2004 102 123 110 107 254 585 533 497 2,498 2005 162 154 112 169 155 135 100 153 115 255 Information prepared by Terri Shoen, Director Customer Service. Terri Shoen can sponsor this information at hearing, if so required. Request No.2: Please provide the total dollar amount collected for deposits by Intermountain Gas from RS-l customers for each month during CY 2003, 2004 and YTD 2005. Answer to Request No. 2003 2004 2005 Jan 960.885.$ 26 974. Feb 048.15,430.$ 25,490. Mar 795.790.$ 17 554. Apr 135.035.$ 24 898. May 969.885.$ 21 308. Jun 090.845.$ 18 898. Jul 715.250.$ 11 082.48 Aug 320.226.$ 15 252.46 Sep 793.847.42 191. Oct 681.209. Nov 373.008. Dee 17,841.37,695. Total 269.721.238 107. Information prepared by Terri Shoen, Director Customer Service. Terri Shoen can sponsor this information at hearing, if so required. Request No.3: Please provide the number of deposits collected by Intermountain Gas from RS-2 customers for each month during CY 2003 , 2004 and YTD 2005. Answer to Request No. Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dee Total 2003 159 204 345 374 361 317 292 237 219 246 189 132 075 2004 196 231 429 489 462 366 296 162 294 443 491 412 271 2005 200 223 348 572 701 854 698 954 331 881 Information prepared by Terri Shoen, Director Customer Service. Terri Shoen can sponsor this information at hearing, if so required. Request No.4: Please provide the total dollar amount collected for deposits by Intermountain Gas from RS-2 customers for each month during CY 2003 2004 and YTD 2005. Answer to Request No 4: 2003 2004 2005 Jan 170.885.$ 22 606. Feb 17,474.20,460.$ 23 953. Mar 28,415.027.$ 37 311. Apr 29,495.856.$ 58 357. May 555.750.$ 72 013. Jun 522.851.$ 87 164. Jul 23,483.150.$ 63,488. Aug 980.908.$ 77 078.47 Sep 079.691.551. Oct 23,439.25,437. Nov 616.836.47 Dee 12.707.47 23,467.48 Total 262 936.49 318 320.466 525. Information prepared by Terri Shoen, Director Customer Service. Terri Shoen can sponsor this information at hearing, if so required. Request No.5: Please provide the number ofRS-l customers disconnected for non- paYment for each month during CY 2003 2004 and YTD 2005. Answer to Request No. 2003*2004 *2004 RS-l & RS-RS-& RS- 2 Jan 737 629 Feb 777 831 Mar 1 ,489 534 Apr 302 002 May 379 761 Jun 130 021 Jul 228 764 Aug 311 Sep 629 111 Oct 294 139 Nov 241 Dee 330 Total 847 542 384 * Unable to retrieve & separate by Rate Class Jan 2003 - July 2004 Information prepared by Terri Shoen, Director Customer Service. Terri Shoen can sponsor this information at hearing, if so required. 2005 105 173 456 657 861 730 399 497 878 Request No.6: Please provide the number ofRS-2 customers disconnected for non- paYment for each month during CY 2003 2004 and YTD 2005. Answer to Request No.2003* 2004 * RS-l & RS-2 RS-& RS- 2 See numbers above 2004 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dee Total 197 229 138 734 * Unable to retrieve and separate by Rate Class Jan 2003 - July 2004 Information prepared by Terri Shoen, Director Customer Service. Terri Shoen can sponsor this information at hearing, if so required. 2005 009 117 202 340 393 402 481 284 790 Request No.7: For CY 2003, 2004 and YTD 2005 , what was the total amount directed to Proj ect Share and Proj ect Warmth by: 1) customers through the Intermountain Gas Company donations program, and 2) the Intermountain Gas Foundation? Answer to Request No. Intermountain Gas Company continues to support the energy assistance programs for our low income customers. The total amount directed to Project Share by customers in 2003 was $9 214., 2004 was $16 650.19 and 2005 was $25,314.54. The Intermountain Industries Foundation has contributed $5 000.00 in each of these three years to the Project Share Fund. Intermountain Gas Company has a representative on the Project Share Advisory Committee and is actively involved. Total amount directed to Project Warmth by customers in 2003 was $1 294., 2004 was 542.80 and in 2005 was $2 461.46. Intermountain Industries Foundation contributed 000.00 in 2003 and $2 500.00 in 2004 and $2 500.00 in 2005. The reason for the decrease in our 2004 donation was due to a decrease in customer applications and a lack of clear reporting of the fund disbursements from the Idaho Falls area. In addition to financial contributions, Intermountain Gas Company supports these programs by encouraging employee participation in their fundraising and management efforts. The Company continues to be a principal partner in the Project Warmth Golf Tournament held in Soda Springs. This tournament is the major funding source for Project Warmth, raising over $10 000.00 annually. Intermountain Gas Company has representatives on the planning committee as well as numerous employees participating in the tournament. Information prepared by Terri Shoen, Director Customer Service. Terri Shoen can sponsor this information at hearing, if so required.