HomeMy WebLinkAbout20030604Idaho Falls Public Hearing.pdf 1 IDAHO FALLS, IDAHO, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 4, 2003, 7:00 P. M. 2 3 4 THE HEARING EXAMINER: All right, good 5 evening, ladies and gentlemen. This is the time and 6 place set for the Public Utilities Commission's public 7 hearing in Case No. INT-G-03-1. My name is Don 8 Howell. I am the Commission's Hearing Examiner for 9 tonight's hearing while they are otherwise involved in 10 a lengthy hearing in Boise on another matter. 11 As those of you know who attended the 12 public workshop earlier this evening, this case is to 13 review the Company's annual power cost, gas cost, 14 adjustment in which the Company seeks approximately 15 $61 million or 37.7 percentage increase in revenues. 16 This is an annual adjustment that the Company 17 undergoes primarily based upon its cost of supplying 18 the gas. 19 The purpose of tonight's hearing is to 20 take public testimony from members of the public who 21 wish to have their comments recorded for the 22 Commission's review. As you may notice, we have a 23 court reporter sitting over against the wall and what 24 we will do is those people wanting to provide public 25 testimony, I will swear them in and then they can give 6 CSB REPORTING COLLOQUY Wilder, Idaho 83676 1 their public testimony. 2 By way of introductions, on my right is 3 the Staff of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission, 4 your left, and on my left is representatives of the 5 Intermountain Gas Company, and probably we are ready 6 to undertake, so why don't I take the appearance of 7 the parties. For the Public Utilities Commission 8 Staff. 9 MR. HAMMOND: Thank you, Mr. Hearing 10 Examiner. My name is John Hammond. I'm a Deputy 11 Attorney General. I represent the Commission Staff in 12 this matter and with me here at the table are Alden 13 Holm, the auditor on this case, an accountant, and 14 Michael Fuss, the Staff engineer. 15 THE HEARING EXAMINER: All right, and 16 for the Company. 17 MR. HUNTINGTON: Mr. Hearing Examiner, 18 my name is Mike Huntington. I'm the vice president of 19 marketing and external affairs for Intermountain Gas 20 Company and with me is Mike McGrath who is director of 21 our regulatory services. 22 THE HEARING EXAMINER: Thank you, 23 Mr. Huntington. In addition, the Commission has also, 24 I believe, granted intervention to one other party, a 25 Jeffrey C. Brooks, doing business as Advanced Energy 7 CSB REPORTING COLLOQUY Wilder, Idaho 83676 1 Strategies. Is Mr. Brooks with us tonight? All 2 right, for the record, then, we'll show Mr. Brooks is 3 not present for tonight's public hearing. 4 Again, what we will do is call people to 5 the rostrum, see if there any public testimonies to be 6 given and we'll see if any of the parties have 7 questions. Are there any preliminary matters that 8 need to be handled before we take public testimony? 9 Mr. Hammond. 10 MR. HAMMOND: None from the Staff. 11 THE HEARING EXAMINER: Mr. Huntington. 12 MR. HUNTINGTON: Mr. Examiner, if it's 13 appropriate, I would like to read some summary 14 comments at this point regarding the application. 15 THE HEARING EXAMINER: Sure. 16 MR. HUNTINGTON: On May 7th of this 17 year, Intermountain Gas Company filed a request before 18 the Idaho Public Utilities Commission for authority to 19 increase its prices effective July 1st, 2003. The 20 mechanism used to request this increase was the 21 Company's purchased gas cost adjustment tariff or 22 PGA. The PGA tariff ensures that Intermountain's 23 customers will pay no more for natural gas than that 24 amount incurred by the Company for that same natural 25 gas. 8 CSB REPORTING COLLOQUY Wilder, Idaho 83676 1 Intermountain's current prices are not 2 indicative of today's market conditions. Natural gas 3 prices charged by Canadian and domestic producers and 4 suppliers have risen considerably across the nation 5 over the past several months. With the recent rise in 6 wellhead prices, the number of drilling rigs has 7 increased. Therefore, the Company believes that the 8 wellhead price for natural gas will ultimately decline 9 as a result of recent increases in drilling and 10 production. However, that will likely be several 11 months away and today's higher market prices 12 necessitate the Company's proposed increase at this 13 time. 14 Under the current prices, customers 15 heating their homes and water with natural gas are not 16 being sent a correct price signal indicative of 17 today's market conditions. Commodity futures prices 18 as of May 5th, 2003 dictate the use of a $.50305 19 weighted average cost of gas or WACOG. Without an 20 adjustment at this time, our customers will be 21 required to pay these costs later when they cannot 22 change their consumption behavior adequately to help 23 mitigate the effect of these higher prices. 24 The Company is sensitive to the impact 25 that these higher prices will have on its customers. 9 CSB REPORTING COLLOQUY Wilder, Idaho 83676 1 We continue to be vigilant in monitoring wholesale 2 natural gas prices. Should these forward prices 3 materially change from the proposed WACOG prior to 4 this winter's heating season, the Company is committed 5 to come before the Idaho Public Utilities Commission 6 to amend the proposed prices. 7 Conservation measures are being stressed 8 and communicated to each and every residential and 9 commercial customer. The Company's customer service 10 representatives stand ready to encourage customers who 11 are unable to pay higher energy costs to actively seek 12 assistance through various state and local agencies. 13 Various payment options such as level pay can also be 14 utilized to help mitigate the impact that higher 15 energy costs have on the customer's energy budget. 16 The Company earnings will not be 17 increased as a result of the proposed increase in 18 prices and the Company respectfully requests the 19 Commission's consideration in this matter. 20 THE HEARING EXAMINER: Does that 21 complete your statement? 22 MR. HUNTINGTON: That concludes my 23 statement, Mr. Examiner. 24 MR. HAMMOND: Mr. Hearing Examiner, if I 25 may, I have a question of Mr. Huntington to ask about 10 CSB REPORTING COLLOQUY Wilder, Idaho 83676 1 his prepared statement. 2 THE HEARING EXAMINER: Well, I will 3 allow a single question. Mr. Huntington was not put 4 under oath, so if it's a point of clarification, why 5 don't you ask it. 6 MR. HAMMOND: In your statement and in 7 your application, you had stated the Company would be 8 committed to coming in before the winter heating 9 season should the prices materially change and amend 10 the prices going forward, is it the Company's 11 intention to do that if the prices go up or down? 12 MR. HUNTINGTON: Mr. Examiner, 13 Mr. Hammond, that's exactly the case. If the forward 14 prices materially change in either direction, the 15 Company intends to come back before the Commission to 16 amend those prices. 17 MR. HAMMOND: Thank you. 18 THE HEARING EXAMINER: All right, and if 19 that does happen, then the Commission would, of 20 course, institute or the Company would file another 21 application and the Commission would institute another 22 proceeding. 23 All right, with those preliminaries 24 underway, I have at least one name on our public 25 witness list who would like to give public testimony. 11 CSB REPORTING COLLOQUY Wilder, Idaho 83676 1 Mr. Shurtz, sir, if you could please step to the 2 podium. 3 4 TIMOTHY SHURTZ, 5 appearing as a public witness, having been first duly 6 sworn, testified as follows: 7 8 THE HEARING EXAMINER: So we can put you 9 on the record, we'll have Mr. Hammond ask you a couple 10 of questions. 11 12 EXAMINATION 13 14 BY MR. HAMMOND: 15 Q Sir, could you state your name and spell 16 your last name for the record? 17 A Timothy Shurtz, S-h-u-r-t-z. 18 Q And, sir, could you tell us where you 19 reside? 20 A I reside at 411 South Main, Firth, 21 Idaho. 22 Q And, Mr. Shurtz, are you an 23 Intermountain Gas customer? 24 A Yes, I am. 25 Q Mr. Shurtz, you may make your 12 CSB REPORTING SHURTZ Wilder, Idaho 83676 Public 1 statement. Thank you. 2 A As a city councilman, I'm here 3 representing not the city of Firth but myself. I feel 4 that we've seen some pretty massive increases in the 5 price of gas over the last two years, but at the same 6 time, Intermountain Gas is the deliverer, not the 7 instigator of this, so I feel that at the same point 8 it's important that we have a stable market, a good 9 company to maintain delivery. 10 When I turn on my furnace, I want gas 11 there, so I don't really have a big bone to pick with 12 Intermountain Gas, but I would ask that if -- I 13 commend Intermountain Gas for being willing to come 14 back to the Commission before the winter heating 15 season starts. I would be more than thrilled if in 16 fact that could be brought down. I also favor some 17 stability. I remember last year Intermountain Gas 18 proposed a little smaller decrease versus for a little 19 more stability, that was my understanding. 20 I'm thinking I'm seeing their point of 21 view at this time, but right now the economic 22 conditions out there, I would encourage Intermountain 23 Gas and the Commission to do everything we can to 24 limit the economic impact that we're having with this 25 gas situation. Businesses out there and people on 13 CSB REPORTING SHURTZ Wilder, Idaho 83676 Public 1 fixed income are hurting and, again, I applaud 2 Intermountain Gas' community efforts to try to negate 3 those with a fixed income. 4 I would encourage them to be more active 5 or as active as they can be to get the word out to 6 their customers to hook people up with the proper 7 agencies. As you know, the state is very low on money 8 at this time, so a lot of their advertising is not -- 9 it may be the gas company and the other utilities who 10 we may depend on to get that information from. 11 I feel that we need to look for 12 stability in the long term. Also, we need to pay up 13 front. Intermountain Gas is a more of a smaller 14 Company, a local Company, they don't have the 15 resources, so we need to as much as possible keep them 16 stable. At the same time, we need to protect the 17 consumer as much as possible and that being the 18 Commission's job. 19 There's not much more I can really say, 20 but I commend the Commission for being here and I'm 21 thankful for the Company coming here today to 22 represent their point of view and I would apologize 23 for most of the people in eastern Idaho. You guys 24 have taken the time to be here, I think that a few 25 more leaders and a few more people should come and ask 14 CSB REPORTING SHURTZ Wilder, Idaho 83676 Public 1 questions. 2 I said earlier in an interview that 3 things aren't done in secret here, they're done in 4 apathy and I think, again, I commend the Commission 5 and the Company for giving me the time to just come 6 and represent my views. Thank you. 7 THE HEARING EXAMINER: Mr. Shurtz, thank 8 you very much for your comment. Let's see if any of 9 the parties have any questions. 10 Mr. Hammond? 11 MR. HAMMOND: Actually, just one, 12 Mr. Shurtz. 13 14 CROSS-EXAMINATION 15 16 BY MR. HAMMOND: 17 Q You had talked about stability, would 18 you favor price stability in your rates over possible 19 lower prices in terms of maybe the Commission ordering 20 a lower increase than is proposed by the Company 21 versus maybe putting it where the Company says and 22 maybe providing more stability? 23 A I think if we could possibly, if there 24 was room for a lowering, I would be all for it, but if 25 we have to rob Peter to pay Paul and come back again, 15 CSB REPORTING SHURTZ (X) Wilder, Idaho 83676 Public 1 I would favor a long-term stability of a year so that, 2 again, we can make choices. I found that there's some 3 ways I can heat my home at this point cheaper than 4 maybe using the gas furnace all the time and so I 5 favor -- one, I favor a good strong company to deliver 6 to us, but I also favor a just and equitable price. 7 I might also suggest that we've been 18 8 years without a, what's the word, without a rate 9 case. It might be time to look at it because on 10 either side, you know, I heard something about gas and 11 tires, gas and tires have come up a little bit in the 12 last 18 years and vehicles and things, so maybe it 13 might be time to look at that. 14 Also, profit margins, Intermountain Gas 15 is guaranteed a certain profit or below in that 16 range. Where we're getting two, three percent on our 17 CDs and things at this time, there might be room for 18 changes there, and as was mentioned in the other 19 thing, there might be an opportunity to maybe give 20 Intermountain Gas incentive to go out and look for the 21 best price, give them some strength to look. 22 Q One further question, if I may. When 23 you say giving them an incentive, should the Company 24 also if for some reason make a poor decision 25 purchasing, not hit a target, should the Company 16 CSB REPORTING SHURTZ (X) Wilder, Idaho 83676 Public 1 likewise be penalized? Should the gate swing both 2 ways, I guess, would be my question? 3 A That's the American way, that's business 4 and, yeah, it should swing both ways, but, again, as a 5 regulated company, they've got to do what's best for 6 one, their stockholders and two, they're under law to 7 deliver us the gas, so I'd like to jump all over this 8 as I have in other cases and say, you know, this is 9 unfair, but I've looked at the futures out there and 10 looked at the pricing and Intermountain Gas has a gun 11 to their head, they don't have a choice. They have to 12 buy the gas to supply, under law they have to do that, 13 and I understand this. You know, again, I'm not happy 14 about the price increase, but I realize that we have 15 to have a gas company to deliver to us. 16 THE HEARING EXAMINER: Mr. Huntington. 17 MR. HUNTINGTON: Mr. Examiner, just a 18 comment to thank Mr. Shurtz for coming out tonight 19 from Firth and to let Mr. Shurtz know that Terri Shoen 20 is in the audience with information about the energy 21 assistance programs that are available to all of our 22 customers if there are questions later on. 23 THE HEARING EXAMINER: All right, thank 24 you, Mr. Huntington, and on behalf of the Commission, 25 thank you, Mr. Shurtz, we appreciate your testimony. 17 CSB REPORTING SHURTZ (X) Wilder, Idaho 83676 Public 1 THE WITNESS: Thank you again for 2 coming. I appreciate you guys coming all the way over 3 here. 4 THE HEARING EXAMINER: It's a beautiful 5 day. 6 (The witness left the stand.) 7 THE HEARING EXAMINER: All right, is 8 there anyone else desiring to give public testimony in 9 this matter? I'll call one more time. Any other 10 public testimony to be offered to the Commission? All 11 right, then, ladies and gentlemen, it looks like we 12 have concluded our public hearing here in Idaho 13 Falls. We have one more public hearing tomorrow 14 scheduled in Twin Falls Council Chambers to begin with 15 a workshop at 6:00 p.m. and the public hearing at 16 7:00. 17 Once again, thank you all for attending 18 and we will be at recess. 19 (The Hearing recessed at 7:20 p.m.) 20 21 22 23 24 25 18 CSB REPORTING COLLOQUY Wilder, Idaho 83676 1 AUTHENTICATION 2 3 4 This is to certify that the foregoing 5 proceedings held in the matter of the application for 6 Intermountain Gas Company for authority to increase 7 its rates for service, commencing at 7:00 p.m., on 8 Wednesday, June 4, 2003, at the Idaho Falls Council 9 Chambers, 140 Capital, Idaho Falls, Idaho, is a true 10 and correct transcript of said proceedings and the 11 original thereof for the file of the Commission. 12 13 14 15 CONSTANCE S. BUCY 16 Certified Shorthand Reporter #187 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 19 CSB REPORTING AUTHENTICATION Wilder, Idaho 83676