HomeMy WebLinkAbout20040621_871.pdft.~&~ Nu DECISION MEMORANDUM TO:COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER COMMISSIONER SMITH CO MMISSI 0 NER HANSEN COMMISSION SECRETARY WORKING FILE FROM:WAYNE HART AND DANIEL KLEIN DATE:JUNE 16, 2004 RE:FORMAL COMPLAINT OF GREG BEAL On June 14 2004, the Commission received a request to file a formal complaint (attached) from Greg Beal against Verizon Northwest, Inc. Mr. Beal is requesting that Verizon run a single service line (buried drop) instead of the 25 pair cable as proposed by Verizon. would also like the option of installing the drop himself since he has utility work experience. BACKGROUND Mr. Beal has been trying to obtain service to his residence over the past year and two months. The initial obstacle was his inability to obtain an easement along the private road leading to his residence. The road leading to Mr. Beal's property does not have a utility easement, and Verizon was requiring one to be obtained and recorded with the county. Mr. Beal was unable to obtain an easement from Stimson Lumber, the owner of the first 600 feet of the road. After exploring a number of alternative options with Staff, Verizon has since obtained an easement from Stimson Lumber, and Mr. Beal indicates he has obtained, but still needs to record, the rest of the easement with the county. Verizon wants to place a 25 pair cable in the easement, so that it might have spare capacity for future development. Verizon would then place a new serving terminal at the start of Mr. Beal's driveway, and run a drop from there to where it would place the NID on the house. Mr. Beal is against the idea ofVerizon using a 25 pair cable to service his address since he would bear an increased construction cost. By using the 25 pair cable, Mr. Beal will be unable to do the majority of the installation himself, thus incurring greater cost. Beal indicated DECISION MEMORANDUM JUNE 16, 2004 he had utility construction experience and was familiar with and agreed to comply with Verizon s specifications for the trenching. He claims Verizon s policies are effectively requiring him to bear the cost of spare capacity that he does not believe is likely to be needed. maintains the land beyond his address is unsuitable for future building and is unlikely to be developed. He also does not wish to bear a greater cost by paying for the speculative need for the 25 pair cable. Mr. Beal also indicated that the Company s facilities from which this line extension would begin are all in use and would need to be upgraded before the spare capacity he is being asked to pay for could be used. Mr. Beal also thinks he is being treated differently than a neighbor that recently received service from Verizon because that line extension was done via a service drop only, and that service drop crossed property not owned by the neighbor. Verizon maintains the neighbor was within the existing cable route that passed by their home site and only required a service drop from the existing terminal, which is not the case for Mr. Beal. STAFF ANALYSIS Commission Staff contacted both Mr. Beal and Verizon. The problems with obtaining and recording the needed easements should be resolved in the near future. The dispute now is about the type of facilities used to provide the service, and who may provide the trench. Pages 67 through 69 of Section IV of V erizon' s tariff clearly provides it with the authority to make decisions regarding the routing and facilities used to provide service. The Tariff also limits the option of a customer providing a trench to the service drop portion of an extension. Verizon wants to use the 25 pair cable to the edge of Mr. Beal's property, and not allow Mr. Beal to provide a trench for this portion of the line extension. The net cost to Mr. Beal for Verizon s proposal is $2 344.93. Mr. Beal wants a service drop to be used for the entire extension, including the portion on land not owned by him. He would then be able to provide the trench, which would reduce the cost of the project to below Verizon' s allowance, essentially eliminating any line extension costs for this customer. This would also not provide any capacity for future growth. Verizon indicates it does not allow a service drop to be used on property not owned by the customer. Staff has been unsuccessful in working out a compromise between the two parties. Staff proposed a compromise of allowing the Customer to provide the trench for the entire extension DECISION MEMORANDUM JUNE 16 2004 including the section where the Company wants to install 25 pair cable, in exchange for an easement across his property that will be required to service future growth. This would eliminate the additional cost to the customer, but also provide the spare capacity and easements for future growth. The Company refused this compromise. If the Commission decides to accept this complaint, Staff recommends the minimum response periods so that this issue may be resolved during this construction season. COMMISSION DECISION Does the Commission wish to accept Mr. Beal's formal complaint? Should Verizon be asked to respond to this Complaint within 21 days? Daniel Klein i:udmemos/beal hart de IDem DECISION MEMORANDUM JUNE 16, 2004 JUN-14-04 08: 18 PM GREG BEAL To d,GA,v ~E 4JE// ()1 P~A//L/208 7725876 6/14/04 A TTN: Public Utility Commission, I have been desperately trying to get a phone line to my borne for the Jast 10 months with no success. The problem I am having is with Verizon Northwest. It seems Verizon has been going out of their way to make this very difficult and expensive for me. I've finally got the necessary easements to nm through my neighbor s properties; but now Verizon wants to charge me a lot of construction cost ($2 300.00) for something I believe is wmecessary. They want me to pay for a 2S pair line ext. cable to go 1100 feet. The problem is, that where this cable will start from there is a pedesta1 with only three lines going to it which are all being used. Venzon has asked my good neighbor to give up one of her lines so I can have it, and she agreed. Where the cable win end is on my property, which is the last home on the road. The rest of the road beyond me goes up a narrow canyon and is not suitable for any other home to be built, and it goes into state land. All I am asking for is a drop (service) line to go ftom the last pedestal at my neighbors~ up to my home. , would also like to have the option of installing it in the ground myself as I have utility work experiencep I asked Verizon (Bob Cardinel) to do this, and he was very short and negative with me. Bob Cardine1 to1d me that Verizon could not do this because the drop line wouJd not be completely on my property and it was against their policy. Yet a couple of weeks ago~ Verizon put in a new service just down the road from me at 18924 Blackrock Rd. for somebody else. They ran over 1000 feet of drop line over another neighbors property ~.Qjlj an easement. Why did they not charge him for a line extension to go down the road? Verizon obviously broke their policy for him and lied to me. I feel this is a personal conflict between Bob Cardinel and myself and I honestly don t know why. I feel Verizon is trying to over charge me for sometlUng that is unnecessary and useless. I feel I have been wronged and would like to be treated fairly. Please help me to resolve this issue as I have a smal1 chUd in the home and would like to have phone service. Thank you, Greg Bea1 JUN 14 04 0 8: 18 GREG BEAL 208 7725876 Veli7.0n Northwest. Inc. Nc\work Engineering & Planning Verla May 19. 2004 k1fv 2115 Government Way O. Box 6000 Co~ur d'Alene, ID 83816-1924 File:17081119 Greg Beal .,..~)~~. Bo~Rd.Cata~83810 Dear Mr. Beal: We have taken the preliminary steps to provide you with telephone seNice to 19561 S. Black Rock Road , Cataldo, 10; however, approximately 1 100 feet of buried cable and 425 feet of buried service wire must be placed from our nearest working facility to your home. The total amount for construction is $5,344.93 of which Verizon Northwest Inc. would pay the first $3.000.00. Your portion of the construction cost win be $2,344.93. Easement forms will be sent to you under separate cover. It will be your responsibility to obtain the proper legal description(s), have the signature (5) notarized and return the original document(s) to Verizon, retaining a copy for your records. Please send your check to this office in the enclosed envelope within thirty (30) days. We wilt then process your order and you will be notified of your approximate service date, which will be subject to our construction schedule at that time. If we do not receive your check, we win assume you do not want service at this time and the order will be canceled. If you have any questions concerning this information, please contact our OSP~ Engineering Department at 877/483-4737 (toll free). Sincerely, ~.w Robert Britsch Section Manager-Network Engineering RB:ps