HomeMy WebLinkAboutPUC Carlock Direct.pdfe,e 1 2 3 DIRECT TESTIMONY OF TERRI CARLOCK INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY CASE NUMER U -1034-88 4 Q. Please state your name and address for the record. 5 A. My name is Terri Carlock. My business address is 472 West Washing- 6 ton Street, Boise, Idaho. 7 Q. By whom are you employed and in what capacity? 8 A. lam employed by the Idaho Public Utilties Commission as an Auditor. 9 Q. Please outle your educational background and experience. 10 A. I was graduated from Boise Sta.te University in May 1980, with a 11 B . B . A. Degree in Accounting and in Finance. In May 1980, I joined 12 the Commission staff, and since that time I have participated in the 13 general audit of Intermountai Gas Company. I have attended the 14 National Association of Regulatory Utilty Commissioners Annual 15 Regulatory Studies Program. 16 Q. What is the purpose of your testiony in this proceedig? 17 A. The purpose of my testimony is to address the issue of the Confer- 18 ence Center, Service Club Dues & Expenses, and the Reverse 19 Flow-Through Depreciation Adjustment. 20 Q. What period of tie are you using as a test year in this case? 21 A. I have chosen the twelve months ended June 30, 1980, as the test 22 year. This is the same test period used by the Applicant in its case. 23 Q. Are you sponsoring any exhibits in this proceeding? 24 A. Yes, I am sponsoring three exhibits. Exhibit No. _ (TC-1) deals 25 with the Conference Center, Exhbit No. _ (TC-2) deals With Service 26 Club Dues & Expenses, and Exhibit No. _(TC-3) deals with Reverse 27 Flow-Through Depreciation. 28 Q. Please describe Exhibit No. _(TC-l). e e 1 A. Exhibit No. _(TC-1) consists of nine pages. It ilustrates the use 2 of the Conference Center (previously known as the Hospitalty House) 3 by Intermountain Gas Company and by outside groups, the investment 4 in the building, operating expenses related to the buildig, and the 5 alternate cost if Company meetings were held at convention centers in 6 Boise. 7 In Case No. U-1034-75, the Commission looked at Company use 8 and Non-Company use of the Conference Center and determined that 9 50% of the investment in that facilty and 50% of the related expenses 10 should be excluded from Utilty Operations. Although the 50% figure 11 did not precisely reflect Company use, it was chosen so that the rate 12 base did not fluctuate in each rate proceedin.g. 13 In my review of the Conference Center, I looked at Company and 14 Non-Company use; however, this breakdown is not what concerned 15 me. I am concerned that the use, particularly Company use, is not 16 sufficient to consider the facilty used and useful for the ratepayer. 17 Page 1 of Exhibit No. ..eTC-l) gives a summary of the use of 18 the Conference Center, while pages 2 through 5 show the detaied use 19 of the Center by the Company during the test year, and pages 6 and 20 7 show Non-Company use durig this period. Page 1 demonstrates 21 that when total hours of use are compared ,the buildig is uséd 72% 22 of the time by the Company and 28% of the tie by other groups. 23 When business hours of use are compared, the Company only uses the 24 Conference Center 33.5% of the working hours durig the year. 25 Therefore, I feel the Conference Center is being under-utiled by 26 the Company to warrant the expense of the facilty. 27 Q. What expenses are you lookig at when you say the facilty is under- 28 utiled to warrant the expense, and what were these expenses 2 TERRI CARLOCK e e 1 compared to? 2 A. The expenses looked at are the operating expenses related to the 3 Conference Center. This would be $16,743 for Operations &; Maiten- 4 ance and $8, 063 for Depreciation, makig the total operating expenses 5 for the buildig $24,806. Computations for these figures are shown 6 on page 8 of Exhibit No. _(TC-l). 7 The operating expenses related to the Conference Center were 8 compared to the alternative expense if Company meetings, with more 9 than 16 people in attendance , were held at convention facilties in 10 Boise. This expense would be $4,308. 11 Q. How was the $4,308 calculated? 12 A. Exhibit No._(TC-1), page 9, shows the computation of the $4,308. 13 This is an average of the estiated charge to hold the Company 14 meetings at each of six convention centers in Boise. The charge was 15 calculated for the 71 meetigs held durig the test year, with mOre 16 than 16 people in attendance . This charge could vary, dependig on 17 the circumstances listed On page .9 of the exhibit. The charge would 18 be less if a meal were served or if guests were staying at the motel. 19 The charge of $4,308 was calculated as if no meals were served and 20 there were no guests staying in the motel. 21 Q. Why was the room charge calculated only for Company meetigs with 22 more than 16 people in attendance? 23 A. The calculation was made for only those meetings With more than 16 24 people attendig because those meetings with 16 or fewer people could 25 be held in the Board Room or the Conference Room at the General 26 Office Buildig. Exhibit No. _(TC-1), page 1, lies 13 through 27 16, shows that 65% of the Company meetigs during the test year had 28 16 or fewer people attendig. 3 TERRI CARLOCK e e 1 Q. Are you proposing an adjustment related to the Conference Center? 2 A. Yes. I am proposing that the Net Investment of $139,439, as shown 3 on Exhibit No. _ (TC-l), page 8, be removed from the rate base. 4 I am also proposing that the related operatig expenses of $24,806 be 5 removed from Operatig Expenses. An alowance should be made for 6 the expense to rent facilties for the larger meetigs. This alowance 7 should be $4,308. 8 Q. Please explai. Exhibit No. _ (TC-2) . 9 A.Exhibit No. _(TC-2) ilustrates the Service Club Dues & Expenses 10 which were not eliinated from Operating Expenses by the Applicant 11 during the test year. To make this eliination, I propose an adjust- 12 ment of $6,438.57 to Operatig Expenses. 13 As of October 1, 1979, al Service Club dues and expenses are a 14 below-the-lie expense. These expenses are charged to Account No. 15 426-055, Service Club Dues & Expenses. This procedure seems to be 16 adequate for those dues and expenses which in the past were charged 17 to Account No. 401-930, Miscellaneous General Expense. However, 18 Arid Club dues, along with other Service Club Dues & Expenses that 19 have been charged to Account No. 401-921, Office Supplies & Expenses, 20 are not being charged to Account No. 426-505 as they should be at 21 this time. 22 Q. You mentioned the Reverse Flow-Through Adjustment. What is the 23 cause of this adjustment? 24 A. In the years prior to 1974, Intermountai Gas Company flowed tax 25 savigs, from the use of accelerated depreciation rates, through to 26 the ratepapers of the Company. Begining in 1974, the Company was 27 authoried to switch to normaliation of these tax savings. Assets 28 that were depreciated at an accelerated rate for tax purposes prior to 4 TERRI CARLOCK 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Q. 8 A. 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 e e 1974 are begining to reach the end of their depreciable tax lives. As the tax advantages for those assets reverse, Intermountain Gas Company's tax liabilties increase. Since the Company was flowig the benefit of the tax advantages through to ratepayers in years prior to 1974, no deferred taxes were provided for on the Company's books. Therefore, the Company's net operatig income wil declie. How is the Reverse Flow-Through Adjustment calculated? Intermountai Gas Company has recognized the reversal of this tax advantage in both their last rate case and this case. The Staff has examed their calculations very carefully ,and believes that the method used by the Company is incomplete. The Company has attempted to identiy those particular assets which have reached the end of their tax depreciable lives. They have attempted to quantiy the amount of tax advantage that was flowed through to ratepayers in years prior to 1974 and use those figures to calculate their adjustment in these rate cases. The Company is makig no adjustments to their books and records to monitor, the assets that have reversed in this manner . This method would require that the Company, durig each rate case , go through a detaied study of its plant accounts in order to identiy assets that have reversed. In future years the analysis required, to enable the Company to identify those assets which reversed in prior years and have reached the end of their book depreciable lie, Wi be compounded. Similarly, the burden wi be on the Staff of this Commission to verify the calculations made by Intermountai Gas Company. These procedures wi be very cumbersome for both the Company and the Coniission Staff, and Wi require many man-hours of labor during each and every rate case for the next twenty years, or unti al of these assets have reversed and reached the end of their 5 TERRI CARLOCK 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Q. 11 A. 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 e e book depreciable lives. The Staff feels that the Company's procedure would be very burdensome and tie-consuming for both the Company and the Commission Staff, and very costly for the Company, Staff and customers of Intermountai Gas Company. Therefore, the Staff proposes that: (1) the total impact of al tax advantages flowed through to customers prior to 1974 be identiied; and, (2) that a deferred account be established on the Company's books, the balance being amortized over the remaining book lie of the assets in question in order to faciltate the ratemakig process. What is the purpose of Exhbit No._(TC-3)? Staff Exhibit No._(TC-3) is the Staff's calculation of both the amount that should be established in a deferred position on Intermountain Gas Company's balance sheet and the amount of the annual amortization needed to recover, over the remaiing lie of those assets, the tax advantages flowed through in prior years. In Exhibit No._(TC-3),lies 1 through 6 and lie 9 are figures supplied by the Applicant, which I have verified. Line 1 is the Depreciable Book Plant less the Book Reserve for Depreciation; this figure is obtaied from the Company's subsidiary ledger accounts. The Depreciable Tax Plant less the Tax Reserve for Depreciation, shown on lie 2, is taken from Company tax vitage schedules. Line 3 is the difference between lie 1 and lie 2. It is the Net Book-Net Tax difference attributable to depreciation timing diferences. The tax effect of lie 3, which the Company Wi be required to pay in future years, is on lie 4. This figure is the total deferral that is needed to fund the Ilfuture" tax liabilties. "Futurefl tax libilty is the libilty the Company Wi .incur in the future. These tax liabilties are unfunded at this point, since the tax benefits up 6 TERRI CARLOCK 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Q. 24 A. 25 26 27 28 e e through 1974 were flowed through to the ratepayer rather than deferred in a Deferred Tax Account. Since the Applicant has fully normalied taxes since 1974, there are deferred tax accOunts for depreciation timg diferences after normalation began. The Tax Deferrals, shown onlie 5, must be eliinated from the amount of "future" tax liabilty needed to fund book-tax plant timing diferences. If the reduction is not made, the "future" tax liabilty wi be over- funded. The same principle holds for the reversal alowed in Case No. U-1034-75, as shown on lie 7. Line 8 is the Deferred "Future" Taxes (tax benefits which were flowed through in prior years). The $4,858, 197 is not reflected in deferred tax accounts, nor was it collected through rates in which reversals were alowed. This amount should be amortied over the Estiated Remaining Life of Depreciable Plant of 20 Years, shown on lie 9, to reach the Annual Amortization for the Recovery of Unfunded "Future" Tax Liabilties of $242,910, shown on lie 10. The estiated remaining lie is the composite book lie for depreciable utilty plat. Line 11 is the tax adjustment of $247,550 made by the Company in Exhibit No. 102, Schedule 5, page 4, related to reverse flow-through depreciation. The Staff adjustment to Income Taxes, in the amount of $(4,640), is the diference between the annual amortiation and the Company's adjustment. Why has this method of recovery been suggested? As previously mentioned, this method of recovery is less burdensome, time-consuming, and costly to the parties involved. It is more complete than the Company's present method of computig the adjustment. In each rate case, the ratemakgprocess wil be faciltated by havig a constant annual amortization rather than a fluctuating adjustment. 7 TERRI CARLOCK 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Q. 11 A. 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 -e This method wi reduce the monitorig required to determine that the Applicant does not over-recover tax benefits previously flowed through as the "future" tax liabilties increase. This method has been adopted by the Federal Energy Reguatory Commission in a South Georgia Natural Gas Company case to normale future tax liabilties in compliance with FERC Orders No. 530 and .No. 530-B. The purpose of these orders was to alocate future tax liabilties in a manner similar to the method of full normalation of al book-tax timing diferences. Are there any problems with this method of tax normalation? The problem with thisinethod related to Intermountai Gas Company is that they may have a cash flow problem during the middle years of the amortization. This would be due to collecting less revenue through the amortization than is due for the increase in income taxes. How- ever, durig the earlier years of the amortization, more funds Wi be collected than is due for the increase in taxes, so through careful cash management this problem wi be minimal. The Company wil be required to monitor its deferred tax account to ensure that it doesn't drop below the minimum balance requied to be maintained as a deferred tax reserve by the Internal Revenue Service. To drop below the minimum would mean that the Company would not be qualied to take accelerated depreciation for tax pur- poses. If the Deferred Tax Account is gettig low, the Company should petition to adjust the amortization period to aleviate this problem. The amount of amortization taken Wi need to be adjusted when statutory tax rates change so the future tax .liabilty wi not be over-funded or under-funded. 8 TERRI CARLOCK e e 1 Q. How would this procedure be implemented? 2 A. The Deferred ("Future") Taxes previously flowed through, and not 3 reflected in deferred accounts or previously allowed reversals , of 4 $4,858,197, would be booked by Intermountai Gas Company accordig 5 to the Uniform System of Accounts and the Applicantts accountig 6 system. A record of the annual amortization of $242,910 wi be kept 7 by the Applicant to faciltate the monitoring of this procedure . 8 Q. Does this conclude your testimony? 9 A. Yes, it does. 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 9 TERRI CARLOCK e e INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY Usage of Conference Center July 1, 1979 - June 30, 1980 1 678 Hours - Company Use 2 267~ Hours - Non-Company Use 3 945~ Hours - Total Recorded Use 4 72% Company Use (9~~~5) 5 28% Non-Company Use (~~§:g) 6 Intermountain Gas Used the Conference Center 33.5% of the 7 Work; ng Hours ina Year 678(2,024) Working Hour Computation: 8 365 Days ina Yèar 9 Less: 104 Days for 52 Weekends 10 Less: -- Days for Hol idays 11 253 Worki ng Days 12 2,024 Worki ng Hours (253 Days x 8 Hours) 13 130 Company Meetings with 16 or fewer people in attendance 14 201 Company Meetings 15 65% of Company Meetings have 16 or fewer people in 16 attendance (lg~) 597Aall INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY CASE NUMBER U- 1034-88Staff Exhibit No. (TC-l) Page 1 of 9 -- Terri Carlock (a) Date July 2 July 10 & 11 July 11 July 13 July 17 July 18 July 27 July 27 July 30 July 31 Aug. 7 Aug. 8 Aug. 20 Aug. 30 Sept. 5 Sept. 11 & 12 Sept. 13 Sept. 26 Sept. 28 Sept. 28 Oct. 4 Oct.9 Oct.9 Oct.10 Oct.15 Oct.16 Oct.17 & 18 Oct.24 Oct.26 Oct.29 597Aal e e INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY Conference Center Company Usage July 1, 1979 - June 30, 1980 (b) Purpose Capital Division Breakfast Personnel Meeting - Training Ci ty Ut i 1 i ty Managers Meeting Capital Division Breakfast Capital Division Breakfast Capital Division Breakfast VI P Commi ttee Meet i ng Lunch Bi 11 Glynn Goi ng Away Party Boise Home Economists Demonstration Capital Division Breakfast Personnel Department City Utility Managers Meeting VI P Emp 1 oyee Presentat ion (3 Sessions, 30-40 Each) Home Economics Teachers Workshop Demonstration Personne 1 Trai ni ng Market i ng Managers Di stri ct Managers Meeting Data Processing Workshop Main Extension Training Marketi ng Fi lmi ng Idaho Home Economi sts Teachers Tappan (Gas Range) Demonstration (2 Sessions, 40 Each) Uni ted Way - Company Presentation (2 Sessions, 75 Each) Data Process i ng Ci ty Uti 1 i ty Managers Meeting Intermountain Accounting - Exploration Mtg. Employee Red Cross Blood Drawing Performance Appra i sa 1 Tra i ni ng Red Cross Luncheon - Company Sponsored Ma in 1 i ne Extens i on Program Engi neeri ng Mtg. Ma in 1 i ne Extens i on Program Engi neeri ng Mtg. (c)(d) Hours Number Used of People 2 20 16 25 2 20 2 30 2 25 1~40 2 12 1 85 2~50 2 20 4 25 2 20 4 130 8 40 8 25 16 10 8 12 2 8 8 50 8 5 5 80 2 150 3 10 2 20 2 6 4 Unknown 16 50 5~16 8 10 8 10 INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY CASE NUMBER U-I034-88Staff Exh. No. (TC-l) Page 2 of 9 -- Terri Carlock fa) Date Nov. 1 Nov. 5 Nov. 7 Nov. 14 Nov. 15 Nov. 16 Nov. 20 Nov. 20 Nov. 23 Nov. 27 Nov. 29 Dec. 4 Dec. 5 & 6 Dec. 11 Dec. 12 Dec. 13 Dec. 14 Dec. 19 & 20 Dec. 20 Dec. 21 Jan. 3 Jan. 4 Jan. 4 Jan. 7 Jan. 8 Jan. 8 Jan. 9 Jan. 10 Jan. 15 Jan. 16 Jan. 17 Jan. 18 Jan. 21 Jan. 23 & 24 Jan. 24 Jan. 23,29,30 & 31 Feb. 1 Feb. 4 597Aa2 e e (b) Purpose Ope rat ions Meeting Kappa Kappa Gamma Demonstration Data Processing Meeting Ci ty Uti 1 i ty Managers Meeting Operations Meeting Division FY-79 Operations Presentations Performance Apprai sa 1 Trai ni ng Bankers Information Dinner Performance .Appraisal Training Community School Demonstration Operations Meeting Community School Demonstration Market i ng Managers Meeting Ladi es of St. Mark iS Demonstration Ci ty Utili ty Managers Meeting Ope rat ions Meeting DP and cis Luncheon Performance Appraisal Training Capital Division Children's Christmas Party Marketing Usage Ope rat ions Meeting EDP Services (Burroughs Pres.) Ma in Extens i on Program, Ins urance Account i ng Meeting Dental Association Demonstration EDP Servi ces Meeting Rate Case Meeting (Ri chards, Lebens, Ambrose, etc.) Communi cat ions Data Processing Meeting Ci ty Uti 1 it i es Managers Meeting Ma in Extens i on Program, Insurance ViP Meeting Main Extension Report Pocate 110 Inspectors' Workshop Credit Union Annual Meeting Communications Usage Shareholder's Meeting EQP Planning Status Meeting (c) Hours Used 3 4\ 1 2 3 4 8 3~ 8 13 3 13 16 2 2 3 4 16 2~ 4 3 5 2 2 8 2 2 3 3 2 2 3~ 2 16 2 32 1 2 (d) Number of People 10 35 12 20 10 20 12 35 15 70 10 70 15 60 20 10 50 25 75 5 7 8 8 15 50 8 5 2 10 20 7 6 5 25 35 1 100 8 INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY CASE NUMBER U- 1034-88Staff Exh. No. (TC-l) Page 3 of 9 -- Terri Carlock (a) Date Feb.7 Feb.12 Feb.13 Feb.14 Feb.19 Feb. 20 Feb. 21 Feb. 21 & 22 Feb. 26 March 4 March 4 March 6 March 6 March 11 & 12 March 12 March 13 March 14 March 19 March 20 March 24 March 26 Apri 1 1 April 3 April 4 April 8 April 8 April 9 Apri 1 9 April 9 April 15 April 15 April 17 Apri 1 21 April 22 Apri 1 28 5927Aa3 e e (b) Purpose Ope rat ions Meet i ng Community Schools Demonstration (2 Sessions, 75 Each) Ci ty Utili ties Managers Meeting Customer Retension Committee Community Schools Demonstration (2 Sessions, 75 Each) Storekeepers i Workshop Gas Measurement Luncheon Managers Meet i ng Red Cross Demonstrati on Finance Meet i ng Building & Maintenance Meeting Finance Meet i ng Operations Meeting Operat i on Managers Meeting Ada County Utility Coordinating Committee District Managers Meeting Bui 1 ders i Meeting Benefi t Meetings - All Emp 1 oyees (2 Sessions, 75 Each) Operations Meeti ng Gas Measurement Meeti ng Communi ty Schools Demonstration (2 Sessions, 50 and 20) Market i ng Managers Meeting Ope rat ions Meeting Engrlg Mainline Exten. & Gen11 Svc. Proviso Meeting by Chuck Hedemark Safety Meetings (3 Sessions. 25 Each) Benefi t Trust Conference Call Ci ty Uti 1 i ty Managers Meeting Engrlg Mainline Exten. & Gen'l Svc. Proviso Gas Leak Reporting Meetings (3 Sess ions, 25 Each) Gen.1 Office Suprvsr. Update (Union & Salary) Operations Meeting Treasury Department Rate Case Meeting District Manager & Service Supervisors Personne 1 Meet i ng (c)(d) Hours Number Used of People 2 7 3 150 2 20 2 5 3 150 8 9 1 15 16 10 2 90 2 10 1 10 2 10 2 7 16 10 2 20 7 8 1~20 2 150 3 8 7 20 4 70 7 10 3 4 2 8 8 15 3 75 1 7 2 20 2 8 3 75 3 303 43 88 151 15 INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY CASE NUMBER U- 1034-88Staff Exh. No. (TC-l) Page 4 of 9 -- Terri Carlock (a) Date April 30 May 1 May 6 May 7 & 8 May 8 May 9 May 13 May 22 May 23 May 30 June 5 June 9 June 10 June 10 June 11 June 11 & 12 June 12 June 13 June 13 June 25 June 26 June 27 597Aa4 e e (b) Purpose Treasury Department Rate Case Meeting Treasury Department Rate Case Meeting Account i ng Department Lunch Di vis i on Manage rs Meet i ng Ope rat ions Meeting Idaho Fami ly Phys i ci ans i Demonstration Ada County Utility Coordinating Committee Operat ions Meeting Meeti ng for Skip Worthan Credi t Meet i ng Operat ions Department Meeting Main Extension Program, Insurance Execut i ve Rate Meeting Di stributi on Lunch Ci ty Uti 1 i ty Managers Meeting Ma rket i ng Meet i ng Marketing Continental Breakfast Board of Di rectors Lunch Benefi t Trust Meeting Pens i on Meeting Marketing Demonstration - Tappan Communications Department MEC, Management Meetings once a week 50 weeks for 2 hours each Approx. 10 people each meeting Total (c)(d) Hours Number Used of People 3 8 3 8 1~15 12 15 3 10 8 60 2 20 3 10 3 10 3~7 3 10 2 10 3 10 2 15 2 20 12 15 2 50 2 25 1 8 2 6 2 15 1 15 578 3,358 100 50 678 3,408 INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY CASE NUMBER U-I034-88Staff Exh. No. (Te-i) Page 5 of 9 -- Terri Carlock (a) Date July 10 July 18 July 19 July 21 Aug. 3, 4 & 5 Aug. 14 Aug. 16 & 17 Aug. 22 Sept. 6 Sept. 7 Sept. 10 Sept. 11 Sept. 13, 20 & 27 Sept. 14 Sept. 17 Oct. 5 Oct. 5, 6 & 7 Oct. 9 Oct. 10 Oct. 11 Oct. 15 Oct. 22 Nov. 1 Nov. 2 Nov. 6 Nov. 9 Nov. 13 Nov. 14 Nov. 15 Nov. 16 Nov. 19 Dec. 7 597Aa5 e INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY Conference Center Non-Company Usage July 1, 1979 - June 30, 1980 (b) Purpose Optimist Board Meeting Ameri can Cancer Soci ety Boise Optimist Club Meeting Busi ness Week Di nner Gl adi 01 us Show Opt i mi s t Board Meet i ng Idaho Cancer Coordinating Committee Boise Ci vic Opera Juni or League meeting Refrj gerat i on Engi neers TV Opt i mi s t Hoc key Meet i ng Optimist Board Meeting BSU - Personnel Training Session (25 peopl e per session) Fi gure Skating CL ub Assistance League Refri gerat i on Engi neers Chrysanthemum Soci ety Show Optimist Board Meeting Ameri can Cancer Soci ety BSU - Personnel Training Session Assi stance League Optimi st Hockey Internatll Assoc. of Business Communicators Refri gerat ion Engi neers Election - Polling Place Leadership Boi se Optimist Club Board Meeting ASME Soccer Banquet Optimist Football Banquet As s i stance League Cystic Fibrosis e (c)(d) Hours Number Used of People 4 12 2 40 3 50 2 40 24 Unknown 4 12 16 50 2 6 3 20 2 20 2 10 4 12 3 75 3 30 2 50 2 20 24 Unknown 4 12 3 100 1 25 2 50 3 20 3 20 2 20 14 Unknown 9 50 4 12 3 30 2 50 5 75 2 50 2 60 INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY CASE NUMBER U- 1034-88Staff Exhibit No. (TC-l) Page 6 of 9 -- Terri Carlock e e (a)(b)(c)(d) Hours Number Date Purpose Used of People- Dec.7 Refri gerat ion Engineers 2 20 Dec.17 Assi stance League 2 50 Jan.11 &12 Credi t Women Club 12 25 Jan.17 Idaho Cancer Society 2 30 Jan.19 Diabetes Assoc.-Id.State Board of Directors 6 20 Jan.22 ASME 3 40 Feb.4 Meadow i s Home Owners 2 50 Feb.12 Optimi st Club Board Meet i ng 4 12 Feb.20 ASME 3 40 Feb.28 Eh Capa Ri ders 2 75 March 11 Optimist Club Board Meeting 4 12 March 18 Optimi st Oratorical Cóntest 2 50 March 20 Cancer Soci ety 2~50 March 27 American Busi ness Women 2~40 April 7 Bench Opt i mi st Oratori ca 1 Contest 2 40 April 8 Junior Achi evement 3 30 April 10 Optimi st Oratorical Contest 2~40 April 11 Leadership Boise 9 40 Apri 1 21 ISPE Auxi 1 iary 2 35 May 2 Bus i ness Week Meeting 2 8 May 13 Optimi st Board Meeting 4 12 May 14 Career Education for Data Processi ng 2 15 May 15 Gi rl Scout Awards 2 40 May 22 American Cancer Society 3 25 May 27 Primary Election -Poll i ng Place 15 Unknown June 2 Assistance Guild 3 50 June 10 Optimist CL ub Board Meeting 4 12 June 19 Idaho School Board Di nner 4 60 Total 267~1,942 INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY CASE NUMBER U-I034-88Staff Exh. No. (TC-l) Page 7 of 9 -- Terri Carlock 597Aa6 e e INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY Conference Center July 1979 - June 1980 Ope rat i n9 Expenses (a)(b) (c) Operations Ma i ntenance Tota 1 0 & M 1 July 1979 2 August 1979 3 September 1979 4 October 1979 - June 1980 5 O&M for July 1979 - June 1980 for Boi se Bui 1 di ngs 6 Percentage App 1 i cab 1 e to Conference Center Based on Square Footage 7 0 & M for Conference Center $ 18,634 19,501 19,603 161,096 $ 218,834 $(80) 87 316 o 323 $ 18,554 19,588 19,919 161,096 $ 219,157$ 7.64% $ 16,743 8 Depreciation (3 Mos. of FY-79 and 9 Mos. of FY-80 at the Depreci ati on Rate for Structures & Improvements of 3.56%) 9 Ope rat i ng Expenses for Conference Center 8,063 $ 24,806 Investment ; n Conference Center 10 Cost of Conference Center 11 Less: Accumulated Depreciation 12 Net Investment in Conference Center (d) $ 226,723 87,284 $ 139,439 597Aa7 INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY CASE NUMBER U- 1034-88Staff Exh. No. (TC-l) Page 8 of 9 -- Terri Carlock e INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY Alternate Cost for Conference Center July 1, 1979 - June 30, 1980 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Facility Red Lion Riverside Red Li on Downtowner Crys ta 1 Ba 11 room Owyhee Plaza Rodeway Inn of Boise (Royal Inn) Hal iday Inn 8 Average Charge for Meeti ng Faci 1 ities llCharges depend on the following: The length of time the facility is needed; The time of day the faci 1 i ty is needed; The chair set-up style and the number of people in order to determi ne the room to be used; Whether a meal is served; and, Whether guests are staying at the motel. 597Aa8 e (a) Estimated 11 Charges $ 4,025 4,250 4,900 5,065 2,460 5t150 $ 25,850 $ 4,308 INTERMQUNTAIN GAS COMPANY CASE NUMBER U- 1034-88Staff Exh. No. (TC-l) Page 9 of 9 -- Terri Carlock e INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY Servi ce CL ub Dues & Expenses July 1979 - June 1980 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 In Acct. 401-930 - July 1979 - September 1979: Kiwani s CL ub Lions CL ub Optimist Club Rotary Club Exchange Club Civitan Club In Acct. 401-921: 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Arid Club Initial Membership - Walter Smith Ari d CL ub Dues & Expenses Toastmasters Boi se Civic Opera Boise City Arts Commission Idaho Heritage Soroptimi st Earlybirds Exchange CL ub Juni or Achievement 19 Total Adjustment for Service Club Dues & Expenses 597Aa9 e (a) $ 582.11 646.77 127.10 1,091.11 112.00 548.00 $ 1,000.00 1,075.00 50.25 155.41 5.05 18.90 82.55 21. 00 50.00 873.26 (b) $ 3,107.09 $ 3,331. 48 $ 6A38.57 INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY CASE NUMBER U-1034-88 Staff Exh. No. (TC-2) Terri Carlock -- e INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY Reverse Fl ow- Through Deprec i at ion July 1, 1979 - June 30, 1980 1 Net Depreci ab 1 e Book Pl ant Less: 2 Net Depreciable Tax Plant 3 Book Plant in Excess of Tax Plant (Attributable to Depreciation Timing Differences) 4 Total (IlFuturell) Tax Deferral Needed to Fund the Plant Difference 5 Tax Deferral Previously Collected in Rates and Refl ected in Deferred Tax Accounts 6 Deferred (IlFuturell) Taxes Previously Flowed Through & Not Refl ected in Deferred Accounts Less: 7 Reversal Allowed in Case No. U-I034-75 ($442,500 ~ 49.51% Tax Rate) 8 Deferred (IlFuturell) Taxes Previously Flowed Through & Not Refl ected in Deferred Accounts or All owed Reversal s 9 Estimated Remaining Life of Depreciable Plant 10 Annual Amortization for Recovery of UnfundedII Futurell Tax Li abi 1 i ti es 11 Adjustment Incl uded by Company in Revi sed Exhibit No. 102, Schedule 5, Page 4 ($500,000 ~ 49.51%) 12 Staff Adjustment 597Aal0 e (a) $ 71,875,740 51,030,012 $ 20,845,728 10,422,927 5,34.5,648 $ 5,077,279 219,082 $ 4,858,197 20 Years $242,910 $( 247,550 4,640) INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY CASE NUMBER U- 1034-88 Staff Exh. No. (TC-3) Terri Carlock --