HomeMy WebLinkAboutProduction Response to ICA.pdfIt e CERTIFICATE OF MAILING I HEREBY CERTIFY that on the 25th day of September, 1980, I served the foregoing responses to a Request for Production of Documents and Informtion filed by Harold C. Miles of Idao Consumr Affairs, Inc. in Intermountain Gas Company's Case No. U-I034-88 upon the following: For J. R. Simplot Company For the Idaho Public Utilities Commssion Melvin D. Alsager, Esq. and N. Rady Smith, Esq. P.O. Box 27 Boise, ID 83707 Mary Am Johnson Deputy Attorney General 472 West Washington Street Boise, ID 83720 For FMC Corporation R. Michael Southcombe, Esq. Clemons, Cosho & Humhrey 1110 Bank of Idao Building Boise, ID 83701 Larry D. Ripley, Esq. Elam, Burke, Evans, Boyd & Koontz P.O. Box 1559 Boise, ID 83701 For Idao Consumer Affairs, Inc. Harold C. Miles 316 Fifteenth Avenue South Nama, ID 83651 For Beker Industries Corporation Mr. Gary D. Greer P.O. Box 37 Conda, ID 83230 by depositing copies thereof in the United States mail, postage prepaid, in envelopes addressed to said attorneys and parties of record at the above addresses.~?ri Tom N. Amrose, Esq. Moffatt, Thomas, Barrett & Blanton Chartered e e CAE NO. U-1034-88 REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION OF DOCUS AN INFORMTION REQUEST #1 A copy of the 1979 Form 1 IGC has filed with FERC. RESPONSE A copy of Form 2 for the year 1979 for Intermountain Gas çompany is attached. (Form 1 is for electrical utilities). " -- -.. e e CAE NO. U-I034-88 REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION OF DOCUS AND INFORMATION REQUEST #2 A true and accurate copy of the correspondence between Intermountain Gas Co. and Beker Industries, Corp., El Paso Natural Gas Co., Southern Union Gas Co. and Northwest Pipeline Corporation regarding the subj ect of Beker's receiving any surplus gas from Southern Union for use in its (Beker's) Conda, Idaho anonia plant. RESPONSE ,, See attached information. e r:::g l~=-r-,41 NATURAL GAS L.:.. ~ 'Q;: ~ COr.'IP/4.NY M. C. HOLLAND ASSISTANT ViCE PRESIDENT \Intermountain Gas Company P. O. Box 7608 Boise, Iòaho 83707 Attention:Mr. David H. Hawk Gentlemen: e PO BOX ìt92 EL PASO, lEXAS 79978 PHONE: 9ìS SO 7&00 June 13, 1980 -. In response to your letter of June 3, 1980 to Mr. Melvin A. Ehrlich, EI Paso does not, as a general proposition, transport gas for noncustomers, except for those instances hhere reciprocity exists or could reasonably be eÀ~ected, such as our arrangements \~i th other pipe- line compani es drawing gas suppli es from areas of common interest. In your case, Qf course, neither you nor your customers are customers of EI Paso. Further, it is very unlikely that Intermountain Gas could ever reciprocate by transporting gas suppl i es that El Paso might have available in its pipeline area. Accordingly, in the event suppl ies of gas become avai 1 abl e to Intetmountain Gas in the area you have mentioned, it would not be appro- priate for you to rely on El Paso's system to move .these volumes. \ilil e ,,'e can certainly appreciate and understand what you are trying to dccom- plish, we hope that you understand our objective in preserving our pipel ine capacity and gas handl ing capabi 1 i ties for the ul timate benefit of our existing customers. pm Very truly yours,~~ ( ¡ I i i i 1 e _I NT E R M 0 U NT A I N GAS Co 1.- PAN Y BOISE, IDAHO REED PENNING P. O. BOx 1608 21P 8:,.07 IZ061377-605'" '\ier PR(SlD(NT July 8, 1980 \ Mr. Ben McColl um President, Minerals and Chemicals Division J. R. Simp10t Company P. O. Box 912 Pocatello, Idaho 83201 : Dear Ben: After reviewing our drscussion of last week on gas you are able to.acquire from Southern Union to serve your Pocatello fertilizer plant, Intermountain is not only .interested in buying gas for your plant at the lowest possible price, but would be interested in paying for gas which you can purchase and transport in excess of your individual needs. Intermountain Gas Company would propose to pay you the following for gas delivered into Intermountain's system: The ODL commDd i ty rate, cur rent 1 y 37.666~ per therm of gas delivered, up to the lesser of your usage or the volume of gas del ivered into our system for your account. Intermountain wi 11 also purchase, at its option, any or all gas delivered into our system over your usage at a price equal to your cost including transportation charges. Your Company will continue to be billed by Intermountain Gas Company for its usage at the IPUC approved LV-1 tariff which . currently is 61.630C for the fi rst 10,000 therms per day of demand, 35.738C per therm for all dai ly. demand over 10,000 therms and a commodity rate for all therms of 40.263C. The demand level will be determined by the peak daily demand at your facility during the last 12 months. e e Mr. Ben McColl um July 8, 1980 Page 2 Any agreement we reach concerning this gas del ivery is subject to the approval of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission.~,~:7eed Penn i ng Vice Pre.tdent .... \RP/dp cc: Idaho Public Utilities Commission WalterH. Smith Box 37, fonda. Idaho 83230 Te!ep,~one: 208/547-4381. TWX 810.9785768 e e July 21, 1980 Mr. Reed Penning Vice President Intermountain Gas Company P. O. Box 7608 Boise, Idaho 83707 Dear Mr. Penning: Beker Industries Corp. has carefully reviewed your letter of July 8, 1980, ana we ,regret to inform you that we find your proposal unacceptable. As we understand your response, you would propose to continue charging Beker the full LV-l demand charges and LV-l commodity charges for all gas consumed at our Conda facil i ty, and then provide a credit for only your avoided commodity cost of natural gas from NDrthwest Pipeline. By our calculations this would resul t in IGC imposing a charge in excess of 40 cents per MCF on Beker for all natural gas consumed at Conda. Beker is only seeking transportation of the gas from Northwest Pipeline i s line to the Conda facility - a distance of approximately six miles. In comparison, Northwest Pipeline has agreed to move this same gas several hundred miles for 23 cents per MCF. If as a part of your July 8, 1980 letter and proposal you mean to imply that Intermountain will guarantee firm service to Beker, irrespective of Southern Union deliveries, we would agree that some charge in excess of a mere trans- portation charge would be appropriate. However, we cannot agree that a rate of 40 cents per MCF is at all reasonable for such a guarantee and the six miles of transmission. I believe to ascertain a starting point, that it would be very helpful if you will provide a rate proposal which reflects only a charge for transmission from Northwest's pipeline to our Conda facility. Then I believe we can discuss a rate for any back-up service or guaranteed availability of a portion of our natural gas requirements. We request your immediate attention to this matter so that we can apply for IPUC approval of a transmission rate and conclude our agreement with Southern Union.~---) / Si~~ereiy y~n fi. ¡¿,Ct- /U/l Ga~ Greer . Pl~l l-1anager GDG/gg .. cc: Idaho Public utilities Commission ¡I " ,.-. .: i r: í. c ~.. ., ¡-- ~- .i ;.. ~.,.~ ¿e e J R SI'JPLOT coi:,PANY ! POBOX 912 ¡ POCATELLO. IDAHO 83201 (208) 232-6620 (PLANT) ¡ (208) 233.7500 (DIVISiON OFFICES) MINERALS & CHEMiCAL DIVISION BEN D. McCOLLUM President J u 1 y 22, 1 980 Mr. Reed Penni ng Vi ce Pres i dent Intermounta in Gas Company P. O. Box 7608 B~i se, Idaho 83707 Dear Mr. Penning: After review of your proposal of July 8, 1980, the J. R. Simplot Company wishes to inform you that we cannot accept the proposal, as we understand it. It appears that you propose to continue to charge the J. R. Simplot Company the full LV-l demand charges and LV-l commodity charges for all gas consumed. We would then receive a credit (against that charge) for your avoided commodity cost of natural gas from Northwest Pipeline. We have calculated that formula to result in a transportation charge in excess of forty (40) cents per MCF. A transportati on charge of that magni tude is unreasonable, es peci ally gi ven (1) the distance you will have to transport the natural gas; and (2) the Northwest Pipeline charge of twenty-one (21) cents per MCF to transport the same product for far greater distances. It is of great difficulty to us, to understand the reasoning behind your proposal. If, by your proposal, you also intend to provide back-up service to J. R. Simplot Company or, in some fashion, guarantee the J. R. Simplot Company a supply of natural gas, we do attach some importance to those issues. However, in this request, we are only seeking a transportation charge for natural gas. These other issues may be discussed later. The J. R. Simplot Company, therefore, respectfully requests that you again provide us with a natural gas transportation proposal which reflects only a charge for transportati on of natural gas from Northwest i s pi pel i ne to ourfad 1 ity. We await your prompt response. S~viy, ~4'V1 Ben D. HcCollum c1 e G7:~ COMPAN OF NEW MEXICO . July 28, 1980 Mr. David Hawk Intermountain Gas Company P. O. Box 7608 Boise, Idaho 83707 \, Dear Mr. Hawk: This\will acknowledge your telephone contact on June 30, 1980, in which you indicated Intermountain's interest in availability of gas from the Southwest. This will further acknowledge your telephone con- tact on July 25, 1980, in which you indicated Intermountain's interest in beginning negotiations for purchase of surplus New Mexico gas. '..:;-. We continue to have a surplus volume available in New Mexico and would be interested in discussing this prospective sal~. Our proposal to you is strictly. a best efforts arrangement whereby the base cost of the gas to be sold would be the system average cost not including New Mexico price controlled intrastate gas. To this we would add an ~~propria te margin. The sale would probably be subject to the jurisdiction of the New Mexico Public Service Commssion and, in any case, the sale can only be con- sumated after approval by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission under provisions of the Natural Gas Act relati~g to the Henshaw Amend- ment. We are looking forward to further discussions in this regard, and if in the meantime we can provide you with any further information, please advise..,.~ ., Yours very truly,~ /'-~d¿'~~.,d C. R. Saunders Manager - Pipeline Sales CRS:mh cc: '. Mr. W. F. Bahls - President, Pipelines Mr. W. T. Barnhouse - President, Gas Company of New Mexico Mr. A. G. Prasil - Senior Vice President, Utility Operations First Inlern:itionaJ Building, Dallas, Texas 75270, (214) 748-8511 e INTERMOUNTAIN GAS clt-1PANY BOISE, IDAHO REED PENNING VICt PRE:SIO(NT August 6, 1980 \ Mr. Ben D. McCollum.President Minerals & Chemical Division J. R. Simp10t Company P.O. Box 912 Pocatello, Idaho 83201 Dear Ben: We have reviewed your letter of July 22, 1980 regarding the cost of transporting natural gas from Northwest Pipeline to your Pocatello plant. The charges set forth in _our earlier letter of July 8, 1980 accurately reflect our cost of service to your plant. Our offer is fair and reasonable as we are merely recovering that cost of service in accordance wi th our currently filed tariff. Sincerely, Reed Penning RP/dp cc: I daho Public Util it ies Commiss ion Walter H. Smith ~ P. O. eox 7608 21.P 63707 (7061 J77~ 00544 -~ '.-= '., -JO e INTERMOUNTAIN GAS .MPANY BOISE. IDAHO REED PENNING P. o. eox 700& ;ZiP 63707 (zoe) 377-e05'-4 viCE. PR(SID(NT August 6, 1980 \ Mr. Gary Greer Manager Beker Industries Corpor~tion P.O. Box 37 Conda, Idahri 83230 . -'6' Dear Gary: We have reviewed your letter of July 211 1980 regarding th~ cost of transporting natural. gas from Northwest Pipeline to jour Conda plant. The charges set forth in our earlier letter of July 8, 1980 accurately reflect out cost of service to your plant. Our offer is fair andreasonable as weare merely rec~vering that cost of seivice in accordance with ~ut currently filedtariff. Sincerely, (Reed Penning RP/dp cc: Idaho Public Utilities Commission Wal ter H. Smi th , I.RMOUNTAIN GAS cOMP'- BOISE, IDAHO viei: PFòCSIO(NT P. 0_ "0. 1001S 21P e3ì'07 'Z081377.605" Ri:ED PENNING Augus t 29, 1980 Beker Industries Corp. Conda, Idaho 83230 and J. R. Simplot Company Pocatello, Idaho 83201 Gent 1 emen:,... ~:,: c.. :-.. Intermountain Gas Company hereby proposes four different methods for del ivering gas purchased from Southern Union Gas Company by Beker Industries Corp. and J. R. Simplot Company to the Beker Conda plant and the Simplot Pocatello plant. Such gas would be delivered from Southern Union to Northwest Pipeline Corporation on a "best-efforts" basis by El Paso Natural Gas Company, and then del ivered by Northwest to Intermountain on a "best-effortsll basis. Certain terms described herein are included in all four proposals. I. Terms included in all proposals. A. Intermountain shall only transport gas on a"best-efforts" bas is. B. Any gas owned by Beker or Simplotthat is delivered to Intermountain on any day and not used by Beker or Simp 1 at on that day shall be placed in storage at either Nampaor Plymouth. Such gas shall then be del ivered to Beker or Simplot when El Paso, Northwest or Intermountain cannot deliver gas on a 'Ibest- efforts" basis, with Beker or Simplot paying Intermountain the liquification and vaporiza- tion charges, which currently equal 1.265ë per thermo c. Beker and Simplot shall contract with Inter- mountain under rate schedule LV-1 for an amount of gas at least equall ing thei r peakday del ivery in 1980. . , Letter to Beker4ldustries Corp. and J. R. Simp10t Company Page 2 e Augus t 29, 1980 D. Any agreement shall be subject to any requi red regulatory apptovals, including, but not limited to those of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission and the New Mexico Publ ic Service Commission. E. Intermountain shall have the right to purchase any gas owned by Simplot and Beker that is sur- plus to their annual requirements at their cost including transportation charges of El Paso and Northwest. \F. Beker and Simplot shall dismiss their current appeals before the Idaho Supreme Court arising from Intermountain's 1978 general rate and October 1978 tracker proceeding. l~ G. Beker and Simplot shall support Intermountain's presently pending general rate case appl ication. i i. Proposals A. Intermountain shall bill Beker and Simplot for their therm consumption at the current LV-l tariff rate, with a per therm credit equal to Intermountain's current ODL commodity rate for each therm delivered to Intermountain by North- west for accounts of Beker and Simplot. B. Intermountain is assuming that 50% of the gas del ivered to the Beker plant and the Pocatello Simplot plant is used for the production of ammonia. Using this assumption, Intermountain shall bill Beker and Simplot therm consumption for each therm del ivered to Intermountain by Northwest. for accounts of Beker and S implot at the current LV-l tariff rate, with a per therm c red it on the ha 1 f of the gas used in the ammon i a plants equal to twice the difference between current ODL-l and LV-l commodity rates. Under current rates this would result in a 5.194~ per therm reduction in the price of gas used to manufacture ammonia. . Letter to sllr Industries Corp. and J. R. Simplot Company Page 3 e Augus t 29, 1980 C. I ntermounta i n sha 11 transport the gas for 2. 5ç per therm and retention by Intermountain of 5% of such gas. *' D. Intermountain has performed a prel iminary cost of se rvi ce study us i ng the methodo logy adopted by the I daho Pub 1 i c Ut i 1 it i es Commi ss i on and segre- gating Beker and the Pocatello Simplot plants as a separate class. This study shows this "rate class" to be overcharged by $lli7,000 under cur- rent ratio. Therefore, Intermountain shall allocate this $147,000 between Beker and Simplot on the bas i s of therm cons umpt i on of the two plants, and further reduce the annual bi 11 ings set forth in pa rag raph I I (A) above by these a~ounts. Intermountain shall recover this $lli7,000 by spreading it over the rates of ei ther: 1. All other LV-l customers; or 2. All other customers '" By RP/dp cc: Idaho Public Utilities Commission e e GENERAL OFFICES INTERrviouNTAIN GAS COMPANY 555 SOUTH COLE ROAD' P.O. BOX 7608. BOISE, IDAHO 83707' (203) 375.1361 September 15, 1980 Mr. Gary Greer Manager Beker Industries Corp. P.O. Box 37 Conda,' Idaho 83230 and Mr. Ben D. McCollum President ~linerals & Chemical Division J. R. Simlot Company P.O. Box 912 Pocatello, Idaho 83201 .--,1 ;.. -~ Gentlemen: Intermountain Gas Company hereby sets forth two alternative methods of delivering gas purchased from Southern Union Gas Company by Beker Industries Corp. and J. R. Simlot Company to your plants. Such gas would be delivered from Southern Union to Northwest Pipeline Corporation on a "best-efforts" basis by El Paso Natural Gas Company, and then delivered by Northwest to Intermountain on a '~est-efforts" basis. Method A ìvould result in no impact on other existing customers and Method B ìvould result in maim imact on other existing customers. C.ertain term described herein are included in any agreement made. I. Term included in any agreement IT2de: A. Intermountain shall only transport gas on a "best -efforts" basis. B. Beker i and Simlot shall contract with Intennuntain under rate schedule LV-l for an amount of gas at least equalling their peak day delivery in 1980. C. Any agreement shall be subject to any required regulatory approvals, including, but not limited to those of the Idaho Public Utilities Commssion, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commssion and the New Mexico Public Service Commssion. e e Mr. C,ny Greer l-1r. Ben D. ~.lcCol J um September J5, 1980 page two D. IntelTIOw1tain shall have the right, but not the duty, to purchase any gas ovmed by Simp lot and Beker that is sui~lus to their ffU1ual requirements at their cost including transportation charges of El Paso and Northwest. E. Beker and Simplot shall dismiss tJ;eir current appeals before the Idaho Supreme Court arising from In telTIounta in 's 1978 general rate case and October 1978 tracker. IÌ\Methods: A. IntelTIountain shall bill Beker and Simplot for their therm consumtion at the current LV-I tariff rate, with a per therm credit equal to Intermuntain's current ODL commodity rate for each therm delivered to Intei~untain by North- west for accounts of Beker and Simplot. This is Intermountain's original proposal to you. Under this proposal Intermuntain would maintain its current margin on .LV-I sales, other customer classes would not have their rates increased and your companies would save approximtely $2,500,000 . at current rates, based on a gas cost to you at our border station of 35~ per thermo After October 1, 1980, our ODL commdity rate will be 34.249~ per thermo B. Intermountain has taken figures provided by your companies and computed the lost recovery of fixed charges that would result if your amonia plants closed. Using your figures, the closing of the Beker plant would cause a loss of $1,199,982 and the closing of the Simplot plant would cause a loss of $1,502,681. If the amnia plants were closed, and assumng the accuracy of your figures, Intermoun- tain would be forced to petition the Idao PublicUtili ties Commssion for rate relief in an amunt equal to the lost recovery of fixed charges, which \vould be $2,702,663 under this examle. If this amunt were spread evenly over all remaining therm sales, rates would increase by 1.028~ per thermo If it were spread over just remaining LV- I, S-L and P-L therm sales, rates to those customer classes wouldincrease by 1. 94~ per thermo Intermuntain does not propose to transport gas under this method and canot propose it to the Commssion. If your companies desire \ l.lr. G3l)' Greer :,lr. Ben D. ?kColl urn September ) 5, 1980 page three e e to pursue rate shifting of this type, or of any lesser amoiint, before the Commssion, Intermountain ,,,ill assist by verifying numbers and computations. It must be empJiasized that Interrnoiintain is not offering to become ei ther a common carrier or a pipeline corporation. IntelTIountain is a gas distribution company and has absolutely no intent or desire to transport gas for the general public. Any agreement made with your companies is solely for a private contract, and is made solely because of your current economic disadvantages in ~he production of amonia. IntelTIountain reserves the right to review any agreement made ,,,i th your corn~ies regarding gas transportation at any time that the economics of aronià production change.;.":-. 1~e would also be willing to discuss any proposal set forth in ourletter of Augut 29, 1980. Since the second altei~ative set forth in this letter '''ould increase rates to other customers by an amount equal to the loss caused by the complete closure of your amonia plants, Intermountain' canot agree to any lower rate. RPJkm preSide7 cc: Idaho Public Utilities Commssion N. Rady Smi th Dan L. Poole ------ e e CAE NO. U- 1034-88 REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION OF DOCUS AN INFORMATION REQUET #3 A revised Exhibit No. 110-Schedule 1 showing the true cost of Residential heating energy in Southern Idaho comparing a gas assisted heat pum or an electric heat pum used in conjunction with natural gas as a back-up heat source when compared with the various energy sources as listed on said exhibit. REPONSE Seè attached informtion.: ~~ ..I- 0 i(e§0 II I: i(N i(0 e i(q ir r-~N q'ir 0 i i i .J W 0'--.J a.00002 )-~ Ôa. w:: !!o ~ü w!!II I: ~ q' a: irc: i q'V 0 ::~ 8= ~q' i - WI- :: 0 :iZ ZB 0 ~ iñ:: Z I- :: IIir mOWW w- w Z I- II :i :i I-~5i'~~ )-(!0:..WZc:W-l-Z (!0Wz:i0-c:-tt 0enww0::i LL Z000: W WN:il--l-..en -::0 l-0U::en .jr" ir I-:i w Æq'~cOI-0 -::a..J §0 .J ~4 co CI-0 cr II--..IL ir I-a.:i w l-I'¡:~cO :i c:::c: ã)0 w ::::a..J :i a. 0 ir:i w ia c:~-0 0 co -a. ~ ;: v §i o.(\iD IIco ~~ir ,Zir~IIw.~ .~I-Z c:Z ::c:-0 ~ cooir ~:: ir r- .i r"II W r- ~r-ir ~ .J w?~01 Zq'.J o 0::I'c:cn i-Z c: cr ::Z ~.. Z (\0 o. II c:o.Ü --itWr" Zw~ 0 c: c:0 c: i c: w :: I- irII.J Z w 81 ~0 c:W w~o.0 .0a.:: II ir 0 000Z c: ir 0 0 \011irZ ü ::\0 ~a.c: ü'-..IL Z00~6 0 ir I-a.:i wo ::i(c:~c:::a. 0 .¿wOw00:i :: IE ir v -a.a. irwI-enii\0 0c:ai :i .J c:.JN0tf- 0 ~ I- a.v :i a:ci .J ci ::-Q it ~ i? (/w(/c:wa:uz ow(/oa.oa:a. I g ~., ..N ¡IL:loo ~., ¡; i !..~ ::I-en a:ir I I I I i I I.ci ir 8..J W0i(0 II 0 II 0 .J a. ia C'q I'II C'q 8 0 Q '\ fORM 404 eTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY e INTEROFFICE MEMORANDUM TO Chuc k Hed ema rk - Reed Penn i ng DATE September 23, 1980 FROM Mi ke Anderson SUBJECT: Gas Assisted Heat Pump Operating Cost The following is a summary of the calculations of energy costs of a natural gas assisted heat pump. \. .. ~-I 42.3it Cost per 100,000 Btu's of heat del ivered to a Boi se customer. 47.H Cost per 100,000 Btu's of heat delivered to a Pocatello customer. These may be plotted directly on Exhibit No. 110 (Revised) of Case U-1034-88. Notes:II Rates applied Idaho Power CompanySChedul e 1 Intermountain RS-2 proposed after rate decrease from Case U-1034-90 21 Seasonal Performance Factor Boise 1.74 Pocatello 1. 56 31 Based on Average Boi se and. Pocatello Consumptions. )tL.\w MLA/jd e e CAE NO. U- 1034-88 REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION OF OOCUNTS AND INFORMATION REQUEST #4 A copy of any studies which have been made by IGC relative to the numer of residential users of natural gas in IGC's service area using electricity as the primary source of energy for domestic water heating. RESPONSE Informtion not available. \. - ~ -:.ø e e CAE NO. U- 1034-88 REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION OF DOCUTS AN INFORMATION REUEST #5 A reliable estimate of the savings an average famly of four could experience in each of the regions or divisions of IGC's system if natural gas were used for domestic water heating as the principal heat source, under IGC' s proposed RS- 2 rate shcedule, using the electrical rate prevailing in its various regions or divisions as of September 1, 1980. Savings computed on an average monthly or anual basis, whichever would be most convenient for IGC to compute. "" RESPONSE See attached information. ~E R M 0 U NT A I N G A $ COM rAN Y e INTEROFFICE MEMORANDUM TO Chuck Hedemark - Reed Penning DATE September 23, 1980 FROM Mi ke Anderson SUBJECT:Hot Water Heating - Savings with natural gas Estimated Annual Cost of Water Heating Natural Gas 275 Therms/Year $152.00 El ectri city: ,Idaho Power 5513 KWH/Year $146.00 Utah Power &Light - 5513 KWH. Year $277.00 These calculations are based on heating 60 gallon of water per day 1000 F. '. Notes:1/ Rates Applied Intermountain Gas RS-2 proposed after rate decrease from Case U-I034-90 Idaho Power Company - Schedul e 1 - Utah Power and Light - Schedul e 1 Natural Gas Hot Water Heating - 65% Electricity - 95% 2/ Effie; ency j~ MLA/jd