HomeMy WebLinkAboutNotice of Application, Prehearing Conference.pdf.~. BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES CO:MISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION ) OF INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY FOR ) APPROVAL OF ITS PROPOSED RATE ) SCHEDULES ..........................) ) CASE NO. U-L034-88 NOTICE OF APPLICATION AND PREHEARING CONFERENCE YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that on May 14, 1980, the Idaho Public Utilities Conmission received an application from Intermountain Gas Company (hereinafter Applicant) requesting authorization to increase its rates and charges for natural gas service provided to its customers in the State of Idaho. Applicant requests that tariffs imposing a rate increase of $5,566,079 become effective on and after June 13, 1980. YOU ARE FURTHER NOTIFIED that Applicant alleges that the rates in its present tariff are now unjust, unfair, unrea- sonable and insufficient to yield reasonable and fair compensa- tion for service rendered in the State of Idaho. The Applicant alleges that an allowed rate of return of 11.748% constitutes a fair and reasonable return. The gross revenue requirement from Idaho jurisdictional service arising from the requested authori- zation for an 11. 748% overall rate of return is $5,566,079. Applicant requests the increase to be spread as follows: Cus tomer Class % Increase RS-l RS-2 GS-l GS-2 WP-lLV-lS-lP-l ResidentialResidential General Service General Large Wa ter Pumping Large Volume Seasonal Service Peak Service 13.8% 8.72.0 3.317. YOU ARE FURTHER NOTIFIED that all of Applicant's exhibits and testimony have been prefiled with the Conmission and are available for public inspection at the Conmission office. Copies of the proposed rate schedules shall be on file and open for public inspection in each of the Applicant's dis trict offices in the State of Idaho. .. YOU ARE FURTHER NOTIFIED that the Commission may deter- mine that a change in revenues should be an amount other than that proposed by Applicant and that the spread or allocation of any change granted should be other than that proposed by Appli- cant. The rates of all Idaho jurisdictional customers of Appli- cant are.. at issue and are subject to change in this proceeding. The design of rates for all of Applicant's Idaho jurisdictional customers is at issue and subj ect to change in this proceeding . YOU ARE FURTHER NOTIFIED that parties desiring to formally intervene in the above entitled matter for the purposes of presenting evidence or cross-examining witnesses, should file a Petition to Intervene with the Commission pursuant to the Com- mission's Rules of Practice and Procedure. Parties desiring to informally present their views and comments will not be required to intervene. YOU ARE FURTHER NOTIFIED that these hearings will be , conducted pursuant to the Commiss ion's Rules of Practice and Procedure adopted by the Idaho Public Utilities Commission effec- tive September 24, 1979. YOU ARE FURTHER NOTIFIED that the Commission has set this matter for prehearing conference on JUNE 16,. 1980, IN THE COMMISSION HEARING ROOM, 472 WEST WASHINGTON STREET, BOISE, IDAHO, COMMENCING AT 9: 30 A.M. The conference will be held for the purposes of formulating the issues to be addressed at the hearing, allowing parties to request documents and workpapers from other parties and such other matters as may expedite the orderly conduct and disposition of the proceedings. DATED at Boise, Idaho, this ~l~day of May, 1980. ~.t'~ ""..,/?a- ...~MYRNlCALTER~ Commis s ion Secretary dh/21-22 - 2 -