HomeMy WebLinkAboutINT Revised Exhibit 108 Hedemark.pdf. . . RATE: . . . . . . . . I ntermountai n Gas Company Case No. U-L034-88 Exhibit No. 108 Revised Schedule 1 Witness: Hedemark RATE SCHEDULE RS-l RES I DENT I AL SERV ICE Monthly minimum charge is the customer charge. For bi 11 ing periods ending Apri 1 through November Customer Charge Commod i ty Charge - $2.00 per bi 11 with service credit - $3.00 per bill without service credit - $.67935 per therm For bi 11 ing periods ending December through March Customer Charge Commod i ty Cha rge Continuous Service Credit - $6.50 per bill with service credit - $7.50 per bill without service credit - $.52906 per therm For all customers on continuous service at the same service location for thirteen months or more ending in the current bi 11 ing period. Servi ce Credi t - $1. 00 per bill . . . RATE: . . . . . . . . I ntermounta i n Gas Company Case No. U-L034-88 Exhibit No. 108 Revised Schedule 2 Wi tness: Hedemark RATE SCHEDULE RS-2 RES I DENT I AL SERV ICE Monthly minimum charge is the customer charge. For bil1lngperiods ending April through November Customer Charge Commod i ty Cha rge - $2.00 per bill with service credit - $3.00 per bi 11 without service credit - $.62395 per therm For bi 1 I ingperiods ending December through March Customer Charge Commodity Charge Continuous Service Credit - $6.50 per bill with service credit - $7.50 per bill without service credit - $.47096 per therm For all customers on cont i nuous serv i ce at the same servi ce location for thirteen months or more ending in the current bi 11 ing period. Service Credit - $1.00 pe r bill . . . RATE:. . . . . . . . I ntermounta i n Gas Company Case No .U-L 034- 88 Exhibit No. 108 Revised Schedul e 3 Wi tness: Hedemark RATE SCHEDULE GS-l GENERAL SERVICE Monthly, minimum charge is the customer charge. For bill ing periods ending Apri 1 through November Customer Charge - $2.00 per bill with service credit - $3.00 per bi I I without service credi t Commod i ty Cha rge - $.60892 per therm For bi I 1 ing periods ending Decembér through Harch Customer Charge - $6.50 per bi 1 I with service credit - $7.50 per bill without service credit Commod i ty Cha rge - $.47542 per therm Cont i nuous Servi ce Cred it For all customers on continuous service at the same service location for thirteen months or more ending in the current b ill i n g pe r i od . Se rv ice C red i t - $f. 00 pe r b ill . . . . RATE: . . . . . . . RATE SCHEDULE GS-2 GENERAL SERV I CE Monthly minimum charge is the customer charge. For billing periods ending April through November Customer Charge Commdity Charge - None - '$.47323 per therm For bi 1 i ing periods ending December through March Customer Charge Commod i ty Cha rge - $11 0 . 00 pe r b ¡ i 1 - $.45263 per therm Intermountain Gas Company Case No. U-l034-88 Exh i b ¡ t No. 108 Rev i sed Schedule 4 Witness: Hedemark . . Intermountain Gas Company Case No. U-1034-88 Exhlbi t No. 108 Revi sed Schedul e 5 Wi tness: Hedemark .RATE SCHEDULE WP-l WATER PUMPING SERVICE .RATE: Monthly minimum charge is the customer charge. .For, bi 1 ling periods ending Apri 1 through November Customer Charge None Commod i ty Charge - $.51111 per therm . . . . . . . . In te rmoun ta i n Gas Company Case No. U-L034-88 Exh i bit No. 108 Revi sed Schedule 6 Witness: Hedemark . RATE SCHEDULE LV-l LARGE VOLUME FIRM SERVICE . MONTHLY RATE: Monthly minimum charge is the demand charge.Demand Charge - First 10,000 therms demand at $.67106 per therm - Allover 10,000 therms demand at $.38913 per therm .Commodity Charge - $.40263 . . . . . . . . RATE SCHEDULE S-l SEASONAL INTERRUPTIBLE SERVICE . RATE: .Monthly minimum charge is the demand charge. For bi 11 ing periods ending Apri 1 through November Intermountain Gas Company Case No. U-l034-88 Exhibit No. 108 Revised Schedule 7 Wi tness~ Hedemark Demand Charge - All therms demand at $.0348 per therm.Commod i ty Cha rge - $.47323 per therm . . . . . . . .RATE SCHEDULE P-L PEAK I NTERRUPT I BLE SERV I CE . RATE: Monthly min imum charge - None Intermountain Gas Company Case No. U-L034-88 Exhibit No. 108 Revised Schedul e 8 Witness: Hedemark .For hi I I ing periods ending December through March Customer Charge Commod i ty Cha rge . . . . . . - None - $.47323