HomeMy WebLinkAboutINT Lebens Direct.pdfBEFRE TI IDAO PUBLIC LIILITIES CCMSSION IN'UNAIN GA COMAN ) )CAE NO. U-1034-88 Prepared Direct Testimony of JEFFR K. LEBENS Q. Please state your nam, business address and position with Intermuntain. A. My nam is Jeffrey K. Lebens. My business address is 555 South Cole Road, Boise, Idao. I am the Controller of Intermuntain Gas Company. Q. Briefly describe your educational and work background. A. I graduated from the University of Washington in June of 1972 with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Business Admistration with a major emphasis in accounting. I began work with Arthur Andersen & Co. in December of 1971 as a staff accountant in Seattle, Washington. I was licensed as a Certified Public Accountant in March of 1973. My work with Arthur Andersen & Co. was principally involved with audit and published financial statements covering a wide range of industries, but with some specialization in public utility audits. In December of 1976 I began my employment with Intermuntain Gas Company as Maager of Accounting Services and was elected Controller in July of 1979. Q. Please describe your responsibilities as Controller. -2- A. As Controller, I have the overall responsibility for the supervision, direction and control of general accounting, cutomer accounting, financial reporting, corporate taxtion and dataprocessìng. Q. What is the purpose of your testimny in this Case? A. Mr. Warren Robinson has previously testified in this Case that the per-household consumtion of natural gas has decreased in the Intermuntain Gas Company servce terri tory due primarily to price elasticity. He has proposed that the weather adjusted test year consumtion be decreased by a 6~% factor in order to properly determne consumtion during the period for which rates are being determned. The purpose of my testimony is to propose an accotmting mechanism that will protect the ratepaying consumers from over- collected revenue and protect the Company from undercollections resulting from deviations from the projection of Mr. Robinson. Q. Why do you believe there is a possibility of over or under collection due to the adoption of Mr. Robinson's projection? A. Mr. Robinson's testimony is based upon a study performd using soud methodology. However, as is true with any such study, certain underlying assumtions mut be made and a small degree of statistical error must be allowed. Q. What accounting mechanism do you propose to protect the ratepayer from overpayment and the Company from undercollection. A. I propose that the actual consumtion be computed on a monthly basis and compared with Mr. Robinson's calculations, which are shown on Exhibit No. 106, Schedule 2. The difference in thenn mltiplied by the gross margin for each residential rate schedule would then be deferred and accumlated in Account Numer 186 for refund or I I I 1 I 2 3 I 4 I 5 6 I 7 I 8 9 I 10 I 11 12 I 13 I 14 15 I 16 I 17 18 I 19 I 20 21 I 22 I 23 24 I 25 I 26 I I -3. I I I 1 I 2 I 3 4 I 5 I 6 7 I 8 I 9 10 I 11 I 12 13 I 14 I 15 16 I 17 I 18 I I I I I I I -4- will be greater than Nt/Ct, and a positive numer results if the actual per household consumtion decrease exceeds 6~%. The deviation from proj ected per household consumtion in total therm, (E), is then. determed by nn tiplying the average consumtion difference by test year customers. Q. Please explain the section of Schedule 1 captioned "Computation of Deferral Amunt." A. This equation simply computes the amount of over or under collected gross margin, and derives the total deferral by mltiplying the total therm deviation from proj ected per household consumtion by the difference between the allowed rate for gas sale and the rolled - in cost of the gas. Q. Why have your calculations all used weather adjusted data? A. Weather factors could severely distort the calculation and, al though colder or warmer weather may well cause a shift in consum- tion, its impact should be regarded as norml business risk. Q. Does that complete your direct testimony? A. Yes it does.