HomeMy WebLinkAboutINT Exhibit 107 Penning.pdfI I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ntermounta i n Gas Company Case No. U-1034-88 Exhibit 107 Schedule 1 Page 1 of 12 Wi tnes s: Penn i ng INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY PROCEDURE FOR PREPARING COST OF SERVICE IPUC CASE NO. U-1034-88 A. Classify Total Cost of Service 1. Functi ona 1 i ze Cost of Servi ce a. Allocate all adjustments to individual expense accounts (1) Wages on direct labor (2) Non-payroll on functional distribution of costs adjusted (3) Assign specific adjustments to account adjusted 2. Classify Production Functional Expenses a. Assign demand charges on Northwest Pipeline Rate Schedule ODL to fixed annual supply cost b. Assign demand charges on Northwest Pipeline Rate Schedule SGS and all charges on Northwest Pi pel ine Rate Schedul e LS to fi xed seasonal supply cost c. Assign all other expenses to variable cost category 3. Classify Natural Gas Storage Functional Expenses a. Assign all expenses to-fixed supply cost 4. Classify Transmission Functional Expenses a. Ass i gn all expenses to fi xed common cost 5. Classify Distribution Functional Expenses a. Equivalent Two Inch Main Factor Using the plant inventory for distribution mains, (Account 376) fi rs t ca 1 cu 1 a te the tota 1 replacement cost us i ng current construction cost for each specific size and kind of main; secondly calculate the two inch equivalent current cost for all mains using either the current construction cost for a two inch main or the current construction cost for each specific size and kind whichever unit price is less; thirdly, express the two inch equivalent cost for all mains as a percentage to the replacement cost determined in thefi rst step. b. E uivalent Three Quarter Inch Service Factor Using the plant inventory for services ccount 380) first calculate the total replacement cost using current construction cost for each specific size and kind; secondly, calculate the three quarter inch equi va 1 ent current cost for all servi ces using either the current construction cost of three quarter inch steel service or the current construction cost for each specific size and kind, whichever price is less, thirdly, express the three quarter inch equivalent cost for all mains as a percentage to the replacement cost determined in the first step. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Asset Account 374 375 376 378 Name Land & Land Ri ghts Structures and Improvements Procedure Assign to Customer Common cost category. All oca te between Cu s tomer Common cost category and Common Fixed cost category using equivalent two inch main factor. Same as Account 375 Ass i gn to Common Fi xed cost. Mains Measuri ng and Regulating Station Equ ipment - Genera 1 i I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Asset Account 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 f. Expense Account 874 875 876 878 879 880 881 Name Services Meters Meter Installation House Regulators House Regul atorInstallations Industrial Measuring Other Property on Customers i Premi ses Other Equi pment Intermounta in Gas Company Case No. U-I034-88 Exhibit 107 Schedule 1 Page 3 of 12 Wi tness: Penni ng Procedure . Allocate between Customer Common cost category and Common Fixed cost category using equivalent three quarter inch servi ce factor. All oca te between Cus tomer Grou p I cost category and Group I Fixed cost category using equivalent standard meter factor. Same as Account 381. Same as Account 381. Same as Account 381. Allocate betwwen Customer Group I I cost category and Group II Fixed cost category using equivalent industrial meter factor. Assign to Common Fixed cost category Assign to Common Fixed cost category Assign and allocate individual distribution operating expense accounts between Customer Group I, Customer Group I I I ,Customer Common, Fi xed Group I, Fi xed Group I I, Fi xed Common and Va ri ab 1 e cos t ca tegori es by the fo 11 owi ng procedure: Name Mains and Services Measuring and Regulat- ing Station Expenses General Measuring and Regulat- ing Station Expenses Industrial Meter and House Regulator Expenses Customer Install ation Expenses Other Expenses Rent Procedure Assign payroll to Fixed Common, non payroll costs to Variable. Same as Account 874 Assign to Variable cost Assign payroll to Fixed Group I non payroll to Vari abl e cost. Allocate between Customer Common cost and Fixed Common cost using distribution plant factor determined in paragraph A.5e. above. Assign payroll to Fixed Common cost, non payroll to Variable cost Same as Account 879. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Asset Account 870 g. Expense Account 887 889 890 892 893 894 885 Name Operati on Supervi s i on and Engi neeri ng Intermountai n Gas Company Case No. U-1034-88 Exhibit 107 Schedul e 1 Page 4 of 12 Witness: Penning Procedure . All ocate payroll between Variabl e cost, Customer cost and Fixed cost using the relative classification of payro 11 included in expense accounts 871 through 881. Allocate non payroll expenses between Variable cost, Customer cost and Fixed cost using the relative classification of non labor payroll expenses included in expense accounts 871 through 881. Assign and allocate individual distribution maintenance expense accounts between Customer Group I, Customer Group I I, Customer Common, Fixed Group I, Fixed Group II and Fixed Common cost categori es by the fo 11 owi ng procedure: Name Ma i ntenance of Ma i ns Ma i ntenance of Measuri ng and Regul ati ng Station Equipment - General Ma i ntenance of Measuring and Regulating Station Equipment - Industrial Ma i ntenance of Service Mai ntenance of Meters and House Regulators Maintenance of Other Equi pment Maintenance Super- vision and Engi neeri ng Procedure All oca te between Cus tomer Common cos t and Fixed Common cost using equivalent two inch main factor determined in paragraph A.5a. above Same as Account 887. Allocate between Customer Group II and Fixed Group II using equivalent i ndustri a 1 meter factor determi ned in paragraph A.5d. above. All ocate between Cus tomer Common and Fixed Common cost using equivalent three quarter inch service factor determi ned in paragraph A.5b. above. Allocate between Customer Group I and Fixed Group I cost usi ng equivalent standard meter factor determined in paragraph A.5c. above. Assign to Fixed Commn cost. Allocate payroll between Customer cost and Fixed cost using the relative classification of payroll included in expense accounts 886 through 894. Allocate non payroll expenses between Customer cost and Fixed cost using the relative classification of non labor payroll expenses included in expense accounts 886 through 894. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ntermounta in Gas Company Case No. U-1034-88 Exhibit 107 Schedul e 1 Page 5 of 12 Witness; Penning 6. Classify Customer Accounts Functional Expenses a. Assign and allocate individual customer accounts expense accounts betweem Customer Common, Fi xed Common and Variable cost categories by the following procedures: Expense Account Name Procedure 902 Meter Reading Expenses Assign payroll to Customer Common cost. Assign non payroll expenses to Fixed Common cost. Assign to Customer Common cost.903 Cus tomer Records and Co 11 ection Expenses Uncoll ecti b 1 e Accounts Supervi s i on Assign to Variable cost All oca te between Cus tomer Common cost and Fixed Common cost usingthe relative classification of all expenses incl uded in expense accounts 902 and 903. 904 901 7. Classify Customer Service and Informational Functional Expenses. a. Tota 1 Gas PL ant Factor Using the original cost for all gas plant at September 30, 1979, as classified between the customer cost and fixed cost categories express the total customer cost as a percentage to the total cost for all gas plant. (1) Assign natural gas storage plant and transmission plant to the fixed cost categories, (2) Use the classification for distribution plant as outlined in paragraph A.5e. above. (3) Using the original cost for storage, transmission and distribution plant as classified between the customer cost and fi xed cost categori es express the total customer cost as a percentage to the total cost for the combined storage transmission and distribution plant. Apply this percentage to allocate all general plant, the gas plant adjust- ment, Account 116, and the intangible plant cost recorded in asset accounts 302 and 303 between customer common cost and fixed common cost. (4) Assign intangible plant recorded in asset account 301 (organization) to the customer common cost category. b. Using the total gas plant factor determined in paràgraph A.7a. above allocate all customer service and informational functional expenses between customer common cost and fixed common costs. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Intermountain Gas Company Case No. U-1034-88 Exhibit 107 Schedule 1 Page 6 of 12 Wi tness: Penni ng 8. Classify Sales Functional Expenses a. System Load Factor Using the average daily sale in therms and the design peak daily sale in therms express the average daily sale as a percentage to the design peak daily sale. b. Allocate individual sales expense accounts between ~ustomer common,fixed common and variable cost categories, first using the system load factor to determine the proportion assigned to variable cost and secondly, using the Total Gas Factor to determine the allocation for the non variabl e cost between customer common and fi xed common cost. 9. Classify Administrative and General Functional Expenses. a. Manageri a 1 Effort Factor Using the total production operation and maintenances expenses classified as variable and the total operation and maintenance expenses excluding administrative and general expenses, express those vari ab 1 e expenses as a percentage to the total expenses excluding administrative and general expenses. b. CL ass i fy 1 abor expense for all expense accounts 804 through 916 between customer group I, customer group I I, customer common, fix~d group I, fixed group II, fixed common and variable cost categories by the same procedures outl i ned for each expense account in paragraphs A2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8. Express the labor expense as classified to each cost category as a percentage to the total 1 abor expense i ncl uded in expense accounts 804 and 916. c. Assign and allocate the administrative and general expenses between customer group I, customer group I I, customer common, fi xed group I, fi xed group I I, fi xed common, fi xed supply and variable cost categories using the following procedure: Account Name Procedure 920 Administrative and Genera 1 Expense First assign a portion to Variable cost usi ng the Management Efforts Factor; secondly, allocate the remaining cost to all cost categories using the Total Gas PL ant Factor as separated between Customer Group I, Customer Group I I, Customer Common, Fi xed Group I, Fi xed Group I I, Fi xed Common, Fixed Supply cost categories. i I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Account 921 922 923 924 925 926 928 930 931 932 Name Offi ce Supp 1 i es and Expenses Admi ni strati ve Expenses Transferred Outside Services Employed Property Insurance I nj uri es and Damages Employee Pensions and Benefi ts Regul atory Commi ss ion Expenses Genera 1 Expenses Rents Ma i ntenance of Genera 1 PL ant I ntermounta in Gas Company Case No. U-1034-88 Exhibit 107 Schedul e 1 Page 7 of 12 Wi tness: Penni ng Procedure Same as Account 920. Same as Account 920. All oca te between Cus tomer Group I, Customer Group I I, Customer Common, Fi xed Group I, Fi xed Group I I, Fixed Common, and Fixed Supply cost ca tegori es us i ng the percentage relationship between these cost categories for the Total Gas Plant Factor. Same as Account 923. Allocate cost to all cost categories using the percentage relationships between these cost categori es for the total labor expenses as determined in paragraph A.96 above. Same as Account 925 Allocate between all cost categories using the percentage relationship between these cost categories as determined for the total cost of service as classified. Same as Account 920 Same as Account 920 Same as Account 920 10. Classify Depreciation and Amortization Expenses. a. Allocate total expense to functional plant groups using the relative charges for FY79 appearing on page 545 IPUC Annua 1 Report. b. Assign and allocate the depreciation expense by functional tota 1 s to the customer group I, customer group I I, customer common, fi xed group I, fi xed group I I, fi xed common and fixed supply cost categories using the following procedure; I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Functiona 1 Group Intangible Storage Transmi s s ion Distribution General I ntermounta i n Gas Company Case No: U-1034-88 Exhibit 107 Schedul e 1 Page 8 of 12 Witness: Penning Procedure Allocate between Customer and Fixed cost using the relative classification for intangible plant at September 30, 1979 as classified in A.7a. Assign to Fixed Seasonal Supply cost. Assign to Fixed Common cost. Allocate between Customer Group I, Customer Group I I, Customer Common, Fi xed Group I, Fi xed Group I I, and Fi xed Common cos t categories using the relative classification in A.5e for distribution plant at September 30, 979. Allocate between Customer Common and Fi xed Common cost categories using the relative classification for tangible general plant at September 30, 1979. 11. CL ass i fy Taxes Other Than Income a. Assign and allocate the tax expense by type to the customer group I, customer group I I, customer common, fi xed group I, fixed group II, fixed common, fixed supply and variable cost categori es usi ng the followi ng procedure: Tax Type Payro 11 Taxes City Franchise Taxes Ad Val orum Taxes Corporate Taxes - Procedure Same as Account 925. Same as Account 928. Allocate on netpl ant in service as classified in paragraph A.11c. Assign to Customer Common cost. b. Assign and allocate the depreciation and amortization reserves by functional total at September 30, 1979 as adjusted for reserve appl icable to asset Account 116 to the customer group I, customer group I I, cus tomer common, fi xed group I, fixed group II, fixed common and fixed supply cost categories us i ng the fo 11 owi ng procedure: (1) Allocate reserve applicable to asset Account 116 on gross pl ant factor excl udi ng storage pl ant. FunctionalType Procedure Intangible Allocate on cost of intangible plant as classified between Customer and Fixed cost categori es.Storage Assign to Fixed Supply cost. Transmission Assign to Fixed Common cost. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Intermounta in Gas Company Case No. U-1034-88 Exhibit 107 Schedul e 1 Page 9 of 12 Wi tness: Penni ng FunctionalType Procedure Distribution Allocate on cost of distribution plant as classified to the Customer Group I, Customer Group I I ~ Customer Common, Fi xed Group I, Fixed Group II and Fixed Common cost. General Allocate on cost of general plant as classified between Customer Common and Fixed Common cost categori es. c. Net PL ant Factor Using the original cost for all plant as classified in paragraph A.7a, and subtracting the depreciation and amortization reserves as classified in paragraph A.11b. express the resulting net plant for each cost category as a percentage to the total net plant. 12. Classify Income Taxes a. Rate Base Factor Using the net plant as classified in paragraph A.11c assign and allocate the deferred contributions, material and suppl ies, 1 iquid natural gas inventory and cash worki ng capi ta 1 1 ess the franchi se tax accrued to the customer group I, customer group I I, customer commn, fi xed group I, fi xed group I I, fi xed common, fi xed supply, and variable cost categories using the following procedure: Rate Base Component Deferred Contri but ion Materials & Supplies LNG Inventory Franchise Tax Accrued Procedure Assign to Fixed Common cost category. Allocate to cost categori es us i ng the gros s plant factor exduding intangible plant. Assign to Fixed Supply cost category. Same as Account 928. b. Allocate the income taxes to the customer group I, customer group I I, customer common, fi xed group I, fi xed group I I, fixed common, fixed supply and variable cost categories using the Rate Base Factor determined in paragraph A.12a. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Intermountain Gas Company Case No. U-1034-88 Exhibit 107 Schedule 1 Page 10 of 12 Wi tness : Penni ng 13. Classify Return. a. Allocate the return to the customer group I, customer group I I, customer common, fi xed group I, fi xed group I I , fixed common, fixed supply and variable cost categories using the Rate Base- Factor determined in paragraph A.12a. B. Cost Responsibility Allocation Factors. 1. Wei ghted Annual Bull s a. Determine meter size for all customers issued bills on Rate Schedule RS-l. RS-2. GS-1, GS-2, LV-I. WP-l, S-l and P-1 from meter inventory records. b. For any customer whose service under Rate Schedules LV-1, S-l and P-1 is rendered through one or more meters a 11 ocate bi 11 s issued to that cus tomer between rate schedules on relative contract demand. For example, if customer contracts 10,000 therms LV-1. 10,000 therms S-l and 10,000 therms P-L, the 9 bills issued March through November are split 50-50 to LV-1 and S-I. Likewise the three bills issued December through February are spl it 50-50 to LV-1 and P-l. c. Classify the customers issued bills on Rate Schedule RS-l, RS- 2, GS-1, GS- 2 and WP-1 whose meter cos tis recorded in asset account 381 ~ Identi fy as group I customers. d. Classify the customers issued bills on Rate Schedules GS-1, GS-2, LV-1, WP-l, P-L and S-l whose meter cost is recorded in asset account 385. Id?nti fy as group I I customers. e. For any customer whose service is rendered through two or more meters whose costs are recorded in both asset accounts 381 and 385, allocate bills issued to that customer between group I and Group lIon relative current price for meters used by that customer. For example, if customer has two meters, one for group I wi th a current pri ce of $200 and one for group I I wi th a current pri ce of $800, the twelve bills issued are split 200/1000 to group I and 800/1000 to group I i. f. Develop current unit price from manufacturers for all meters whose costs are recorded in Accounts 381 and 385. g. Using the inventory records and actual current price calculate the average meter price per customer bill issued for all customer groups including rate schedule groups and cost group I and I I. h. Calculate weighting factor using average meter price per customer bill issued by group divided by the average meter price per customer bill issued for residential customers served on Rate Schedule RS-1 or RS-2 whichever is least. i. Multiply annual bills by group by weighting factor. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Intermountain Gas Company Case No. U-1034-88 Exhibit 107 Schedul e 1 Page 11 of 12 Wi tness: Penni ng j. Express the \'i ghted annua lbi 11 s for each rate schedule as a percentage to the weighted bills for all customers. k. Express theweighted annual bills for each rate schedule in cost group I as a percentage to the wei ghted bi 11 s for all customers in cost group I. 1. Express the weighted annual bills for each rate schedule in cost group I I as a percentage to the wei ghted bi 11 s for all customers in cost group II. 2. Demand Cost Factor- Coincidental Peak a. Estimate design day demand by groups, including rate schedule and cost groups. 3. Variable Cost Factor a. Calculate average daily sale for each customer group including rate schedul e and cost groups. 4. Average and Excess Demand Factor a. Estimate non coincidental demand (1) Use coincidental demand in paragraph B.2a. for customers on Rate Schedules RS-l, RS-2, GS-l and GS-2. (2) Estimate peak for WP-1 group based on maximum monthly sa 1 es. (3) Use contract demands for customers served under LV-I, P-L and S-I. Estimate peak on P-1 to be 25% contract and peak on S-l to be 75% contract. b. Subtract average daily demand for non coincidental demand for each customer group including rate schedule and cost group. c. Express the excess demand for each rate schedul e in cost group I as a percentage to the excess demand for all customers in cost group I. d. Express the excess demand for each rate schedule in cost group I I as a percentage to the excess demand for all customers in cost group I I. e. Express the excess demand for each rate schedul e as a percentage to the excess demand for all customers. f. Ca 1 cul ate the average and excess demand factor for group I using the load factor on system peak day for customers in group I. g. Calculate the average and excess demand factor for group II using the load factor on system peak day for customers in group II. h. Calculate the average and excess demand factor for all customers using the load factor on system peak day for all customers. C. Allocate Classified Costs to Rate Schedule. 1. Allocate variable cost using variable cost factor. 2. Allocate customer common costs on weighted bills to all rate schedul es. 3. Allocate customer group I costs for weighted bills for group I. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Intermountain Gas Company Case No. U-I034-88 Exhibit 107 Schedul e 1 Page 12 of 12 Wi tness: Penni ng C. Allocate Classified Costs to Rate Schedule (continued) 4. Allocate customer group II costs on weighted bills for group II. 5. Allocate fixed supply and common costs on average and excess demand factor to all rate schedul es. 6. Allocate fixed group I costs on average and excess demand factor from group I. 7. Allocate fixed group II costs on average and excess demand factor for group I I . 8. Allocate franchise tax revenue like Account 928. 9. Allocate other revenues on cost of service as classified excluding variable costs and fixed supply costs. - - - - - - - - _ . - - - - - - - - - - - - - In t e r m o u n t a i n G a s C o m p a n y Ca s e N o : U - 1 0 3 4 - 8 8 Ex h i b i t 1 0 7 Sc h e d u l e 2 Wi t n e s s : P e n n i n g CO S T O F S E R V I C E CL A S S I F I E D B Y T Y P E O F C O S T TW E L V E M O N T H S E N D E D J U N E 3 0 , 1 9 8 0 A S A D J U S T E D LI N E CU S T O M E R DE M A N D NO : DE S C R I P T I O N GR O U P I GR O U P I I CO M M O N GR O U P I GR O U P I I CO M M O N SU P P L Y VA R I A B L E TO T A L - ( a ) (b ) ( c ) ld ( e ) ( f ) "" ~ ( i ) TI 1 Co s t o f G a s 6, 3 0 2 , 1 8 0 12 5 , 9 4 5 , 4 7 8 $1 3 2 , 2 4 7 , 6 5 8 Op e r a t i n g & M a i n t e n a n c e (7 2 0 , 0 9 0 ) (7 2 0 , 0 9 0 ) 2 Pr o d u c t i o n $ $ 3 St o r a g e 34 2 , 4 4 7 34 2 , 4 4 7 4 Tr a n s m i s s i o n 33 5 , 2 5 0 33 5 , 2 5 0 5 Di s t r i b u t i o n 24 5 , 6 2 8 2, 4 1 7 1, 3 1 3 , 1 5 9 44 5 , 1 8 2 10 5 , 9 7 4 94 7 , 0 7 9 31 5 , 2 8 9 3, 3 7 4 , 7 2 8 6 Cu s t o m e r A c c o u n t s 1, 6 6 0 , 6 5 1 67 , 3 8 3 97 2 , 0 0 0 2, 7 0 0 , 0 3 4 7 Cu s t o m e r I n f o r m a t i o n 11 6 , 8 6 9 95 , 4 1 2 21 2 , 2 8 1 8 Sa l e s P r o m o t i o n 27 8 , 7 5 7 22 7 , 5 7 6 48 9 , 6 1 9 99 5 , 9 5 2 9 Ad m i n i s t r a t i o n & G e n e r a l 48 , 3 2 7 51 8 1, 3 5 5 , 3 5 2 52 , 7 9 8 23 , 3 2 8 56 6 , 2 0 5 91 , 5 6 0 2, 7 5 0 , 6 4 0 4, 8 8 8 , 7 2 8 10 o & M T O T A L 29 3 , 9 5 5 2, 9 3 5 4, 7 2 4 , 7 8 8 49 7 , 9 8 0 12 9 , 3 0 2 2, 2 3 8 , 9 0 5 43 4 , 0 0 7 3, 8 0 7 , 4 5 8 12 , 1 2 9 , 3 3 0 - 11 De p r e c i a t i o n & A m o r t i z a t i o n 17 3 , 4 8 6 1, 8 4 7 1, 6 6 5 , 7 5 3 29 , 6 2 1 82 , 4 0 7 1, 1 9 9 , 7 5 1 33 8 , 4 9 4 3, 4 9 1 , 3 5 9 12 Ta x e s o t h e r t h a n I n c o m e 53 , 2 7 5 56 6 76 6 , 6 9 0 26 , 3 6 4 25 , 3 0 9 40 1 , 7 0 1 15 0 , 4 0 8 1, 4 8 6 , 8 1 0 2, 9 1 1 , 1 2 3 13 I n c o m e T a x e s 26 1 , 8 7 3 2, 7 5 4 2, 3 9 2 , 6 6 8 44 , 7 1 1 12 4 , 3 9 5 1, 5 7 6 , 6 5 0 51 5 , 6 8 0 -0 - 4, 9 1 8 , 7 3 1 14 Re t u r n 46 7 , 0 9 8 4, 9 1 4 4, 2 6 7 , 7 4 8 79 , 7 5 0 22 1 , 8 8 0 2, 8 1 2 , 2 3 6 91 9 . 8 0 7 -0 - 8, 7 7 3 , 4 3 3 15 TO T A L C O S T O F S E R V I C E $1 , 2 4 9 , 6 8 7 13 , 0 1 6 13 , 8 1 7 , 6 4 7 67 8 , 4 2 6 58 3 , 2 9 3 8, 2 2 9 , 2 4 3 8, 6 6 0 , 5 7 6 13 1 , 2 3 9 , 7 4 6 $1 6 4 , 4 7 1 , 6 3 4 - I I ~tt ~~t co """"mro 10 "" 10 c:..0...c:~c:CO 0 10",100 10 LO ""0 N m~~e NO CO 0 c:N 0 .. c: O' c:N N r-c:0 IOMO0c:ftO ftO ft c:.. .. .. .ft .ft N r-U O' .M .M ..OLO",O 0 N r-0 .. 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