HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication.pdfEUGENE C. THOMAS ,JOHN W. BARRETT ,J. CHARLES BLANTON R. B. ROCKRICHARD C. FIELDSRICHARD E. HALL MYRON D. GABBERT, ,JR.PAUL s. STREET DONALD ,J. FARLEY LOREN C.IPSEN T. N. AMBROSE LARRY C. HUNTERPHILLIP S. OBERRECHT ,JEFFREY A. STROTHER GLENNA M. CHRISTENSENMARK S. PRUSYNSKIMORGAN W. RICHARDS, ,JR. DOUGLAS ,J. BALFOUR RONALD S. HODGE MARK A. YATESDAVID R. LUDWIGSON MICHAEL G. Me PEEK ..LAW OFFICE MOFFATT, THOMAS, BARRETT & BLATON CHARTERED FIRST SECURITY BUILDING P. O. BOX 829 BOISE, IDAHO 83701 May 14, 1980 The Idaho Public Utilities Comission 472 West Washington Boise, Ida,ho 83702 Attention:Ms. Myrna WaltersSecreta,ry Re: Case No. U..l034..88 APPLICATION Dear Ms. Walters: Enclosed for filing aretheoriginaland seven copies of the Application in the aboe":referenced ca,se. A:jf Enclosures Thank you.. T. N. Ambrose cc: Mr. walter H. smith WILLIS c. MOFFATT 11907-19801 OFFICE ADMINISTRATOR THOMAS D. MciNTYRE TELEPHONE (208) 345-2334 TELECOPIER (208) 345-2340 ."" ..'..e e OFFICE OF SECr~ETP;RY IDAHO PUEUC U ¡li..II:ES CCiVl,1!SSION AC..'f...'.....O.'.¡' ~. u- ;"".,, r.r~rIPTM~ Vi Lt: '-t. tÜ:'\"'::.1 ~~t~1' t¡L'7:7 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES CO~mISSION ) ) ) ) ) APPLICATION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY FOR APPROVAL OF ITS PROPOSED RATE SCHEDULES. CASE NO. U"'1034-88 Intermountain Gas Company ("Applicant"), an Idaho corporation with general offices located at 555 South Cole Road, Boise, Idaho, does hereby request authority pursuant to Idaho Code Sections 61-307 and 61-622 to place in effect new rate schedules to become effective imediately pursuant to the Rules of Practice and Procedure of the Idaho Public Utili ties Comission ("Comission"). Applicant's current rate schedules, showing proposed changes for permanent rates, are attached hereto as Exhibit A and are incorporated herein by reference. Applicant's proposed permanent rate schedules are necessary due to an increase in Applicant's cost of service and are attached hereto as Exhibit B and incorporated herein by refer- ence. Communications in reference to this application should be addressed to: Walter H. Smith, Acting President Intermountain Gas Company 555 South Cole Road Boise, ID 83705 and Eugene C. Thomas, Esq. T. N. Ambro se , E sq. Moffatt, Thomas, Barrett & BlantonChartered Post Off ice Box 829 Boise, ID 83701 In support of this application, Applicant alleges : I Applicant is a public utility engaged in the sale and distribution of natural gas within the state of Idaho under authority of Commission Certificate No. 219 issued December 2, 1955, as amended and supplemented by Order No. 6564 dated OR1GlNALfJlf. COil APPLICATION - 1 ..e . October 3, 1962. Applicant's Articles of Incorporation, as amended, are on file with the Comission in Case No. U-l034..67 and are incorporated herein by reference. No changes have been made to said Articles of Incorporation since they were filed in that case.. II Applicant provides natural gas service to the fol- lowing Idaho counties and communi ties: Ada County - Boise, Garden City, Kuna and Iv1eridian: Bannock County.. Chubbuck, Inkom, Lava Hot Springs, McCamon and Pocatello; Bear Lake County - Georgetown and Montpelier; Bingham County'" Aberdeen, Basalt, Blackfoot, Firth and Shelley; Blaine County - Bellevue, Hailey, Ketchum and Sun Valley;Bonneville County - Amon, Idaho Falls, Iona and Ucon; Canyon County - Caldwell, Middleton, Nampa and Parma; Cassia County - Burley and Declo; Caribou County.. Bancroft, Grace and Soda Springs; Elmore County - Glenns Ferry and Mountain Home; Fremont County - Parker and st. Anthony; Gem County - Emett; Gooding County'" Gooding and Wendell; Jefferson County .. Lewisville and Rigby; Jerome County .. Jerome; Lincoln County - Shoshone;Madison County .. Rexburg and Sugar City; Minidoka County - Heyburn, Paul and Rupert; Owyhee County; Payette County .. Fruitland, New Plymouth and Payette; Power County - American Falls; Twin Falls County - Buhl, Filer, Hansen, Kimberly, Murtaugh and Twin Falls; lJiashington County"" Weiser.. Applicant's properties in these locations consist of trans- mission pipelines, a compressor station, a liquefied natural gas storage facility, distribution mains, services, meters and regulators, and general Plant and equipment. III Applicant purchases its natural gas from Northwest Pipeline Corporation ("Northwest ") at rates established by APPLICATiON - 2 "'i e e Northwest and approved by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (;FERC"). IV The current rates of Applicant are those approved by this Connission in Applicant's last general rate case pursuant to Comission Order No. 14859 and as modified by Applicant's last four gas purchase cost tracking proceedings pursuant to Comission Order No. 14967, Order NO. 15083, Order No. 15209 and Order No. l543l. No other Comission action has been taken or sought relative to Applicant 's existing and proposed rates. v Applicant has adopted a test period ending June 30, 1980, adjusted for known and measurable changes, in order to determine its earnings deficiency. The proposed rate base has been calculated in substantially the manner adopted by this Comisison in Order No. 14859. VI A 11. 748 percent overal i rate of return is required to attract the capital necessary to meet Applicant's construction program, mandatory . sinking fund requirements and refinancing requirements and to allow Applicant the financial strength necessary to meet its statutory duty to provide service to its customers. VII Applicant's present rates do not permit recovery of its costs and a reasonable return on invested capital and are therefore no longer fair, just and reasonable. Applicant cannot afford to absorb or defer any part of the increase proposed in this application without impairing its financial ability to APPL ICATION - 3 I'e e render the utility service to its customers required by law. In order to avoid a confiscatory rate level, to achieve fair and equitable rates, and to ensure that Applicant remains able to provide utility service to its customers, it is necessary that Applicant increase its current rates to produce additional annual revenues of $5,566,079. Such amount is the minimum re- quired to assure service to Applicant's customers as required by law and to avoid further impairment of Applicant's credit and financial standing. Exhibit C, attached hereto and incor- porated by reference, compares the revenues generated by Appli- cant's current rates to those generated by Applicant's proposed permanent rates. VIII Applicant does propose modifications to its current rate design. These changes are required in order that rates for different classes of Applicant's customers be more closely based on the cost of service to those classes. The effect of the proposed changes are shown on Exhibit C. IX Applicant's current rates are unfair, unjust, unrea- sonable and confiscatory and do not allow Applicant to earn a sufficient return on investment or to provide the service to its customers mandated by law. Applicant's proposed rates are fair, just, reasonable and sufficient and "'uld allow Applicant to earn a fair return on its investment and provide the service to its customers required by law. X This application complies with the Statement of Policy on Federal Anti-Inflation Guidelines issued by this Commission on January 2, 1979. APPLICATION - 4 .....e e XI Filed with this application is the direct supporting testimony and exhibits of Walter H. Smith, Ritchie A. Campbell, Edward K. Gill, Russell L. Worthan, Larry F. Gelhaus, Warren L. Robinson, Jeffrey K. Lebens, Reed Penning and N. Charles Hedemark. XII Applicant has brought the filing of this application to the attention of its customers by letter to its large volume contract customers and press releases to all news media in its service area. A copy of this application, with exhibits, tes~ timony and supporting workpapers, will be provided to all of the industrial intervenors in Applicant's last general rate case. A copy of this application, with exhibits, is on file in each of Applicant's offices and is available for public review during normal business hours. APPLICATION - 5 "It e days, provide under separate cover its supporting workpapers to the Commission and all industrial intervenors in its last general rate case. Applicant has filed its entire direct case simultaneously with this application and therefore stands ready for, and respectfully requests, an immediate hearing hereon. WHEREFORE, Applicant petitions the idaho Public Utilities Corrission for relief as follows: 1. That this application be heard and acted upon at the earliest possible date. 2. That Applicant be permitted to increase its rates immediately and permanently in an amount sufficient to produce additional annual revenues of $5,566,079 pursuant to the proposed rate schedules submitted herewith as Exhibit B. 3. That this Corrission rule that a hearing for clarifying questions be replaced with discovery pursuant to the Idaho Rules of Civil Procedure. 4. For such other and further relief as the Corrission deems proper. DATED this 14th day of May, 1980. MOFFATT, THOMAS, ...£-HEREDk' BARRETT & BLANTON ~.~..Eu~e~eFirm T. Ñ. Ambrose - Of the Firm By Post Office Box 829, Boise, Idaho Attorneys for Applicant INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANYBY~Walter H. Smith, Acting President APPLICATION - 6 , , ,....a e STATE OF IDAHO ) ) ss. )County of Ada WATER H. ~4ITH, being first duly sworn, deposes and says: He is the Acting President of INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY, the corporation named in theabove..entitled proceeding and is authorized to make this verification in its behalf. He has read the foregoing Application and knows the contents thereof. The matters set forth in said Application are true to the best of his knowledge, information and belief. SUBSCRIBED AND SlJiORN to before day of May, 1980.." \ ,'\. APPLICATION - 7 I ~, ·. . l I I I I I I I I I I I I I l I I I l I I e . INlAIN GA OOAN Case No. U-1034-88 Exibit A I I I I I I, I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I e Jl~HC JC. urLrl5 CO,1.:VS!O ~// ,19 )/¿) ¥ -/ 19 f¿) ,"ì /;/ , . '#â..Æ.L"":. L'- . '~~. ,-.\t-;:,','Ii.'¡; _ i. P. U.C. Gas Tariff Second Revised Volume No. 1 (Supersedes First Revised Volume No.1) TwentiethA-l.;Ff1~-Nie'tnti Revised 11.. H.. 12 ~.i;'~~¿,~:~~,.;;: 4- :3t2-~~retalY Nam. of Utll'y Intermountain Gas Company Rate Schedule RS-1 RESIDENTIAL SERVICE AVAILABILITY Available to individually metered consumers not otherwise specifically provided for, using gas for residential purposes. RATE:Se Attached Sheet or less per periods ough September through March SERVICE CONDITIONS: All natural gas service hereunder is subject to the General Service Provisions of the Company's Tariff, of which this rate schedule is a part. ~ .14 80 June 13 80 hiu.1I ..................:å~:ii:l-:::9........._............. ,. .:e....... IH.ctlve .........1t.it.::.................................. 19 ..ft._ I..u.d by Jnte.rm.9..IJ.oJ9.1ri....G9..s.:....9.9.mp..9'OY.................._........................................._......._...................... ..... ..... Walter H. Smith . Acting PresidentIy ..............................._.._........................._........................... mi. ..._...........,__.:..:....._................_....._..............._.................. i I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I e e RATE: Monthly rrn:i charge is the custorær charge. For billing periods endig in April through Noverrer Cutorær Charge - $2.00 per bill with servce credit - $3.00 per bill without service credit Cormdi ty Charge - $ ,67935 per therm For billing periods ending:in Decerrer through March Cutorær Charge - $6.50 per bill with service credit - $7.50 per bill without service credit Cormity Charge - $.54348. per therm Continuous Service Creit For all custorærs on continuous service at the sar service location for thirteen rrnths or rrre ending in the current billing period. Service Credit -$1.00 per bill I I I I I I I I I I I l I I I I I I I l I I e I.P. U.C. Gas Tariff Second Revised Volume No. 1 (Supersedes First Revised Volume No .1) TwntiethAl tar.n.-li.lt~t.R_ Revisedsi. N.. 13 !D¡.;KO ieic UTILITIES COMMIUIN Ar',':m'Jr.o ¥ -/ / 10 .F¿) ::--10 d£/ Name a. Utilty Intermountain Gas Company Ra te Schedule GS- 1 GENERAL SERV I CE AVAILABILITY: Available to individually metered consumers whose requirements for natural gas do not exceed 2,000 therms per day, at any point on Company's distribution system. Requirements in excess of 2, OOOtherms per day may be served under this rate schedule upon execution of a one-year written service contract. RATE: or less per ough September through March SERVICE CONDITIONS: All natural gas service hereunder is subject to the General Service Provis ions of the Company's Tariff, of which this rate schedule is a part. Uo;""'144~+-9 -æluuetl ................ ....................,........................... 1. ............... une 3ATJl--i aeIffecllve .................................................................. 19 ........._ i"v.d by In!.e.rm.9..l:.n.H:t~n...J?.9..s......ç,9..mp..g.n.y................__._........................................................................ ........, 'y ............~~.!.t.~.l:...!!:.....~~.!.t.~................................ Tltl. .._..~ Çj:j;ll.,...P.r~.s,Ü:tg.l.t_.. ........._.._ .................. i I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I .. RATE: Monthly Innim charge is the custorær charge. For billing periods ending in April through Noverrer Cutorær Charge - $2.00 per bill with service credit - $3.00 per bill without servce credit Corri ty Charg - $. 60892 per therr For billing periods ending in Decerrer through March Custorr Charge - $6.50 per bill with service credi t - $7.50 per bill without service credit Commdity Charge - $.48713 per therm Continuous Service Credit For all custorrs on continuous service at the sam service location for thirteen months or more ending in the current billing period. Service Credit - $1.00 per bill i I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I -- I.P.U.C. Gas Tariff Second Revised Volume No. 1 (Supersedes First Revised Volume No .1) Tenth-l:i-t-l Revised A.. He 14 IDAHO put Lie UTiliTIES COMMiSSION APPROVED __ __ .. -/ / ,19 ¿¿, EFFECTIVE ' .e- / ,19 j'¿: ~ ¿~2J'¿-Æ:D~:- ,_';c:.;;:¡.ryNom. of u,iity Intermountain Gas Camp.any Rate Schedule GS-2 GENERAL SERVICE AVAILABILITY: Available to consumers at any point on Company's distribution system whose annual requirements exceed 36,000 therms. Requirements in excess of 2,000 therms per day may be served under this rate schedule upon execution of a one-year written service contract. RATE:Se Attached Sheet ~, ~n ~ at $.44858 per the~~ -~~iivuLhiy customer charge oj. :-- 1"L - SERVICE CONDITIONS: All natural gas service hereunder is subject to the General Service Provisions of the Company's Tariff, of which this rate schedule is a part. Mai4 . 80 . Jue i3 80l..u.II..__.............M:iiJ,..~...................;...... lt~;.;.... 1""'1.. .........~l!.~:l::l......._...................._.. 19 .~.... laaued by ..lnle.rm9..I:.oJfl,lr1...J?9.i.....çg.mp..Q.O.y................__........................._.............._......_...................... ..........Walter H. Smith Acting President8y ..........,..............,.,..,_._............._....................................... nile _'-:......,____.:........_......_..............._.. ....._.._...................... I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I RATE: e . For billing periods ending in April throug Noverrer Cutorær Charge - None Comrdi ty Charge - $.47323 per them For billing. periods ending in Decerrer through Mach Cutorær Charge - $110.00 per bill Comrdi ty Charge - $.45263 per therm i I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I e e .L~rti~Gi:i~:.c fC UTtt.JTIE5 CO~~:f,¡íSS.ION I.P.U.C. Gas Tariff Second Revised Volume No. 1 (Supersedes First Revised Volume No.1) TenthN4:i' Revised liM' N.. 15 . / ()~",""7;i "r~..__. lrJ..:£:/A;:....~" -' ..-- .--- :/ P"¿'EHEen¡;; L.. - / . 19 ~j ~ /"nA' OgjZJ... Name of U'II" Intermountain Gas Company Rate Schedule LV-1 LARGE VOLUME FIRM SERVICE AVAILABILITY: Available at any point on Company's distribution system to any consumer upon execution of a one-year wri tten service contract for firm service in excess of 2,000 therms per day. MONTHLY RATE: Firm Demand Charge: $.68746First 10,000 therms demand at $~3Q per thermo AllOver 10,000 therms demand at ~7ó8 per thermo $.3986Commodi ty Charge: All firm gas at $.40263 per thermo SERVICE CONDITIONS: All natural gas service hereunder is subject to the General Service Provisions of the Company's Tariff, of which this rate schedule is a part. Service that is supplied to a consumer under Rate Schedule LV-1 that on a monthly basis exceeds the volume specified by his contracted maximum daily demand will be billed under the commodity charge portion of the GS-2 rate schedule unless the consumer concurrently executes a contract for service under Rate Schedules S-l and P-l. In that case the excess volumes will be billed in accordance with the terms of Rate Schedules S-l and P-l. A-~l43 ~Iiived .................................................................. 1. ............... June ..1.5 öU'"fll--l 8eI"edlye .................................................................. 19 ........... I"ved by ..n!.e.rm9..~.nJ9.1r.LJ?9..~.....ç,9.mp..g.o.y................_............................. _............_......_...... ............. ... ..... ..,.Walter H. Smith Acting PresidentIy ....:.....:._.;............;..-.._................................._................... n.i. __............___......................:.........._..........._...................... I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I e e 10:\UO PL'-U UTILiTIES COMMISSION J / r/¿,A"i~ t'(" ". D - r ,1.., .l/.',- -.____" L/- / 19 ,t",1 EFFECT iv ¡; . . j' )/1 ;"';14 ,Q~! l!~, I.P. U.C. Gas Torlff Second Revised Volume No. 1 (Supersedes First Revised Volume No .1) EighthSevQ.t-Ð Revised ii..... 16 Name .f Utilty Intermountain Gas Company . Rate Schedule S-1 SEASONAL INTERRUPTIBLE SERVICE A VA I LAB I L ITY : Available for service supplied between March 1 and November 30 of each calendar year at any point on Company! s distribution system to any consumer whose maximum daily requirement exceeds 2.000 therms upon execution of a one-year written service contract. MONTHLY RATE: Demand Charge: All gas at ~r4~~&a per thermo $.47323 SERVICE CONDITIONS: All natural gas service hereunder is subject to the General Service Provisions of the Company's Tariff, of which this rate schedule is a part. Service that is supplied to a consumer under Rate Schedule S-1 that on a monthly basis exceeds the volume specified by this contracted maximum daily demand will be billed under the commodity charge portion of the GS-2 rate schedule. ~it-+ RS.I..u.~ ........................ ........................................ 1 t ............... June 13 ep~;p4.-'¡ eoQIH.dlv. .................................................................. 19 ........... luued by In!.e.r.mQ.Y.oJ9.In......G9..s,.....ÇQ,mp..Q.O.y................__._......................__............_......_...................... ......... . Walter H. Smith Acting President.y ............-................._.._........................_........................... mi. _._.. .._..__........_................__..._......._......_................- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I e e IDAIlO PU~ U~ UTH.lTv:S COhH,'\SS!ON ¿/-/ ' '9 t.)APPROVED _ -- / ---.'. ..' .d-/ 19£')EFFECTIVE -. ~ apt /7/1 0 J:iL--- I.P.U.C. Gas Tariff Sec nd Revised Volume No. 1 (Su ersedes First Revised Volume No.1) Eighth ge¥Fl-t He vise d Shee H.. 17 Na_ Df u,ii., I Intermountain Gas Company I A+ILABILITY'~ I Available for service supplied between December 1 andthe last day of February of each w~ntei at any point on Company's distribution system to any consumer whose maximumdaily requirements exceed.2 i 000 therms upon execution of aone-year service contract. Rate Schedule P-l PEAK INTERRUPTIBLE SERVICE RA~E: SEkvICE CONDITIONS: I All natural gas service hereunder is subject to the Geperal Service provis.ions of the Company's Tariff J of wh~ch this rate ~chedule is a part. Service that is supplied to a consumer under Rate Schedule P-l that on a mohthly basis exceeds the volume specified by his con- tr~cted maximum daily dema.nd will be billed under the cOFOdi ty charge portion of the GS-2 rate schedule. I i $.47323Al i gas a t ~~9~~ per therm. May 14 ljU June .10 . 80 I..u..... ......_.........~~~......................1. ...~.... IH.ctl"................~~:!.~.~......................... 19 ..~.._ I..~... r J;;~~~~:~.:-Q.~~~~:Lç.Qmp.g.!i'.._._._---Ã~~:¡~~-;~:;~.~d;;t-_........................... " ........ ..._................._..-...........-_..................................__. n,i. .._........_____..._..._._..._......___..._..........._.._................_. . I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I e e i. U.C. Gas Tariff S cond Revised Volume No. 1 ( upersedes First Revised Volume No.1) EighthSe¥efttli Revised SI.. 18 IDAHO PU1 LlC UTILITIES COMMISSION APPRO'Jì=D . ~-//, 19.f¿? EFFECTiVE ~-/ - 19 J¿J . ."j .A ~ t?.J ¿/7", - ~ Na ". af U'II" Intermountain Gas Company Rate Schedule WP-l WATER PUMPING SERVICE I tVAILABILITY: Available for service supplied between March 1 and ovember 30 of each year at any point on Company's dis- ribution system for consumers using gas for the operation f irrigation and soil drainage pump engines accepted by (ompany as qualified. t'ATE:$.51111 I AlL. gas at $-:48£-4 per thermo ¡RVICE CONDITIONS: All .naturai gas service hereunder is subject to the neral Service Provisions of the Company i s Tariff, of . ~hich this rate schedule is a part. . ...u.. ........_.......~~~.ß....._...._.........._. 1. ..~..... IH.c'lve .............~i~kR............................. 19 ..~._ i..v-J by Jntl.r..i9..y.O.!Q.ir.t.J?Ql....Ç9..ffP..Çl.O.y................__._......................__..........__._..._.__........................... By ;... ..~..~._...!.~J1~:r_..l!.~....§.~l.t!t_.._....__........... TIle _"':""'7~QtjJig_.p'_r_e..~;L4.~!it...._.._..__.._._........ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I e e I.P.l.C. Go. To"'f Second Revised Volume No. 1 (stPersedes First Revised Volume No.1) Fifth Al tern ate ;i~:FMi Revised Il.. No. 19 No of Util' Intermountain Gas Company IYAILABILITY: Available to individually metered consumers nd space heating. ~ATE : See Attached Sheet Rate Schedule RS-2 MULTIPLE USE RESIDENTIAL SERYICE using gaswater. heating ~ 10 therms or less per------ Allover 10 theending in:periods ough September through March -- . - (Q$.544b5-p therm~ $. 53338 pe~ S RYICE CONDITIONS: All natural gas service hereunder is subject to the G~nerai Service Provisions of the Company i s Tariff, nf WfiCh this rate schedule is a part. i May 14 80 une I.."etl r.............A-p.,~j..l..':~............................ 1t ...~... IRectl., ...........:åi.::::l............................. 19 ..e:.... ip"edjl" J;:~r~:.:y;.:-9.;~~~:L.e!m1p.J!.O.Y......._.___~~_¡~._...;;:~.~~:~~.__..._.................. Iy ...., ......_................._.._..........._-......-........................... nno __........_...._lg.................._..._......._......._.......................... I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I +: e e Monthly minimum charge is the customer charge. For billing period ending in April through Noverrr Cutorær Chai:ge - $2.00 per bill with service credit - $3.00 per bill without service credit Comri ty Chare - $.62395 per them For billing periods ending in Decerrer through March Cutoir Charge - $6.50 per bill with service credit - $7.50 per bill without service credit Comrdity Charge - $.49915 per them Continuous Service Credit For all custorærs on continuous service at the sai service location for thirteen months or more ending in the current billing period. Service Credit - $1.00 per bill I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I e e INlUNAIN GA COAN . Cas No. U-l034 Exibit B I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I - tP.U.C. Gos Torlff seco,d Revised Volume No. 1 (Sup rsedes First Revised Volume No .1) Twentieth Revised .... 12 Na_ 0 Utlity Intermountain Gas Company Rate Schedule RS1 RESIDENIAL SEVICE AVAJlLAILITY : Available to individually metered consumrs not otherwise SPE cifically provided for, using ga for residential purses. RA'lE: Monthly minim charge is the custorr charge. For billing periods endig in April through Noverrer Cutorr Charge - $2.00 per bill with service credit - $3.00 per bill without service credit Commdi ty Charge - $ .67935 per therm Förbilling periods ending 'ín Decerrer throug Mah Cutomer Charge - $6.50 per bill with servce credit - $7.50 per bill without service credit Co ty Charge - $. 54348 per therm Continuous Servce Creit For all custorærs on continuous servce at the sam service I location for thirteen irnths or irre ending in the currentbilling period. +1 Service Credit ICE CONDITIONS: All natural gas service hereunder is subject to the General Se:'ce Prvisions of the Conpany l s Tariff, of which this rate sc edule is a part. -$1,00 per bill IlIUM ... .....................~y....l1......................... 1. ....SQ...... Ifedh,. .............J.W!~..J;?.............................__... 19 ..SQ.... Iii.d iJ ..tnll.r:.r9..y.n.!~l.ln...J?9..l.....Ç9..mp..g.o.y................__........................._..............._............................... ....... Iy ......... .."~l:tê.:r..1!:_..SmtlL......._......_................... Tll. ..._._...~~çt.;i~~..!?~!?~.~f?~.t....._.. ....._.._.... ....-........... .. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I e I.P.U C. Gos TariffSec )nd Revised Volume No. 1 (Su )ersedes First Revised Volume No .1) Twntieth Revised .... 13 Na_ of Utlity Intermountain Gòs Company I AtAlLAILITY : ~ Available to individully Iætered consrs whose requireIænts f r natural gas do not exceed 2,000 therm per day, at any. point on npany's distribution system. Reuirents in excess of 2,000 thern r day may be servd under this rate schedue upn execution of a 04e-year written servce contract. i RATE: Rate Schedule GS1GE SEVICE Monthly minin charge is the custoir charge. For billing periods ending in April throug Novenber CutoIær Charge - $2.00 per bill with servce credit - $3.00 per bill without servce credit Corm ty Char - $; 60892 per therm For billing periods endig in Deceer through Mach Custoir Charge - $6.50 per bill with servce credit - $7.50 per bill without service credit Codi ty Charge - $.48713 per therm Continuous Service Credit For all custoirs on continuous service at the sai service location for thirteen rrnths or rrre ending in the curnt billing period. Service Credit - $1.00 per bill I ¡VICE CONDITIONS: _I All natural ga service hereunder is subject to the Generalservice Prvisions of the Caany's Tariff, of which this rates hedule is a par. '..u.cI..I.............~..;14................................... It .....SQ..... Iff'I.. ...........J.ine...J;;t................................... 19 ~...... I I Illed t ..lr.lt.rm9..y.O.f9..tn...Ji9.i.....ç9..mp..Q.o.y................-_........................._................................................ ....... I Walter H. Smth . Acting PresidentIy ......"1..._.................._.._..........................-.......................... Tll. ....--.......-....__................................._..........._...................... I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I e l.p. U.C. GOI TorlffSeco id Revised Volume No. 1 (Sup !rsedes First Revised Volume No .1) Tenth Revised .... 14 . Na 0 Ut"ty Intermountain Gas Company i AVfIlABILITY : I Available to consurrs at any point on Conpany's distributionsYt;tem whæe anual requirents exceed 36,000 theI'. Reuirents inl exces of 2,000 theI' per day may be served under this rate s;aeduie upon execution of a one-year written service contrat. I RAhs: Rate Schedile GS2GE SEVICE For billing periods ending in April . thrug Novener Cutoiær Charge - None CoIIdi ty Charge - $.47323 per therm For billing periods ending in Denber thrug Mach Cutoiær Charge - $110.00 per bill CoJ1di ty Charge - $.45263 per therm S,"VICE OONDITIONS: I All natural ga servce hereunder is subject to the GeneralSe~ice Prvisions of the Coany' s Tariff, of which this rate stedule is a part. . I l"uM ....j.............J~y....l~................_............. It ...ê9....... Ifftl". ............l!¥~..;l~................................... 19 ....SçL I I IlIM .,1..IP.!.e.r.ig.y.OJ9..in...J?9.I.....ç.9..mp..g.o.y................__........................._..............._............................... ....... .. Iy ,.........r-Jralt.ei:ir.....Smt.b........_.......................... Tll. __.....k£tlIl&..E!!?i~n1....._................................... I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I e I.P.U.C Gas TariffSecoi d Revised Volume No. 1 (SUpl rsedes First Revised Volume No .1) I Tenth Revised'" .. 15 Na 0 Utlity Intermountain Gas Company Rate Schedule LV-1 LA VOLUM FIRM SEICE AVA) LAILITY: Avalable at any point on Corrany's distribution system to any com: uir up execution of a one-year written service contract for firn servce in excess of 2,000 thenn per day. IDN' HLY RATE: Firm ~mmd Charge: First 10,00 theii demd at $.68746 per therm AllOvr 10,000 theii ded at $.39864 per therm Codi ty Charge: All firm ga at $ .40263 per thermo SER"\ ICE CONDITIONS Aii naturl ga servce here1.der is subject to the General Serl rice Prvisions of the Coany' s Tarff, of which this rate SChE dule is a par. Servce that is supplied to a consuir under RatE Schedule LV-1 that on a nnnthly basis exceeds the volui spe( ified by his contracted naim daily demmd will be billed under the codi ty charge portion of the GS2 rate schedule unless thecom uir concurntly executes a contract for service 1.der Rate SchE dules g.1 and P-l. In that case the excess voluis will be bil ed in accordce with the teii of Rate Schedules S-l and P-l. 1..Uet....I.............~Y....l1................._.............1' .....ê9..... Iff". ...........:!~~...l.~.................................... 19 ...~... '..i..lIl!.tr.m.!!.u.nhl.ir......2l!!_.Ç.Q.!lp.J1.0.Y...............__..................._...........__..__................ -...... _By "....".I¡g.t.~!:.!!,_Si:ttL..__..______:__.. .. _.....~E.~.!~..L_.._....._..........._...__.. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I i e loP. ut1e. Gai Tariff Sec nd Revised Volume No. 1 (Su ersedes First Revised Volume No .1) i Eighth Revised .. He 16 No of Utlity Intermountain Gas Company I Rate Schedule S-1SEAL INIUPIBL SERICE A1ILILIT : I Available for service supplied between April 1 and Novener 30 of each calenda year at any point on Conpany' s distribution system td any consurr whose II daily reuirent exceeds 2,00 theI' t eæion of a one-year written servce cotrac. 1N!i:::ar:All theI' demd at $.0348 per thenn. Commdity Chare: All gas at $.47323 per thermo Sl ~VICE COITIONS: All natural ga service hereunder is subject to the General SE rvice Prvisions of the Conpany' s Tariff, of which this rates( hedule is a par. Servce that is supplied to a consurr under &:te ScheduleS-1 that on a nnnthly basis exceds the volmæS1 ecified by this contracted ma daily demad will be billed ur der the commdity charge portion of the GS-2 rate schedule. "' T...---..~ll';1._._...__._.__._. It --fi_.. - ........._..;r~...l,L.............__............ 19 ..m... l""ee i" In!.l.lln2.lJ.OJ9..tri...J?.9..I._..Çg.mR.g.O.y................__._......................_~.............._......._...................... ....... . Iy ,....... ..._.õw.tei:a....~:tb........_........................... mi. __.....:..._~£.tL!!1L~~e..iç!egt_.. ................................. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I e i. P. uri . Gas Tariff Sec nd Revised Volume No.1. (Su ersedes First Revised Volume No.1) I Eighth Reised.. ..17No_lof ' Utllty I Intermountain Gas Company I Aì:AlLAILITY : Available for servce supplied between Deenber 1 and Mfch 31 of each winter at any point on Coany i s distribution ~r~tem to any consurr whose maim. daily reuirerænts exceed21,00 therm upon execution of a one-year servce contrat. I ~TE: I All ga at $.47323 per thermo ~VICE (xNDITQ'~S: i Rate Schedule P-1 PE INlUPIBL SEVICE All natural ga service hereunder is subject to the General S ~rvice Prvisions of the Conpany i s Tariff, of which this rates Jhedule is a par. Servce that is supplied to a consurr under R te Schedule P-1 that on a rrnthly basis exceds the volur specified by his contracted maim. daily demad will be billed under the COdity charge portion of the GS2 rate schedule. . I..uec..... ............~.Y...l1L..............._........... 1. 80 1&1-"1- Jiinø 13 1980.. ............... ...... ................._~""... ................................. . ..... Illec by !..lrll!U:.mg.'d.o.!9.Jn....J?9.........çg.O:Utg.o.y................__._......................................_......._...................... ....... .Wal ter H. Smth . . Acting PrsidentIy ........... ..................._.._...................................................... mi. __...............__.........................__....._.. ........._...................... I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I e l.p. U. C. Gas TariffSec( nd Revised Volume No. 1 (SU) ersedes First Revised Volume No.1) Eighth Resed .... 18 Na_ .f Utlity Intermountain Gos Company Rate Schedule WP-1 WATE PUING SEVICE AVAILAILITY : Available for service supplied between April 1 and Novenber 30 o.e each year at any point on Coany t s distribution system for insuirs using ga for the operation of irrigation and soil I ai PUl engies acpted by Coy as qualified. iTE: All ga at $.51111 per theli. SßRVICE CDITIONS: All natural ga servce heremiær is subject to the GeneralS9rvce Prvisions of the Coany's Tariff, of which this rate s ~hedule is a par. Iiiu'" .... ....................~l...~~......................... 1. ...~...... If .............~~c;...~~................................_.. 19 ..SQ.... i.... ." Jnte.r..mg.y.O.!g.ir.t.J?9.l....Çg.mp..Q.o.y................__._......................_..............._......_...................... ....... . Iy ,........ .._.õ!~?:!~:.l~.:...~!~......_..........._.....:........ nii. .._.....~~~!.~~~..~~~~?~~~...._.. ....._.._..............._...... I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I e e l.P.U.C. Gaa TariffSecond Revised Volum No. 1 (Supersedes First Revised Volume No.1) Fifth Revised .... 19 Na , Ulllt Intermountain Gas Company A~AILAILITY : I J Available to individually rætered consurs using ga for several ~isidentiai pures including both water heating and space heating.~TE: I MJnthly minim charge is the custorr charge. . Rate Schedue RS2 MUTIP US REIDENIAL SEVICE For billing period ending in April through Novenir Cutorær Charge - $2.00 per bill with service credt - $3.00 per bill without service credit Coi ty Chare - $ .62395 per therm For billing periods eIiiing in Deer throug March Cutorr Charge - $6.50 per bill with servce credit - $7.50 per bill without service credit Colldi ty Charge - $.49915 per therm Continuous Service Credit For all custorrs on continuous service at the sai service location for thirteen rrnths or rrre ending in the curent billing period. Servce Credit - $1.00 per bill SE RVICE CONDITIONS: ~ All naturl ga servce hereunder is subject to the General S. rvice Prvisions of the Corrany' s Tariff, of which this rate s hedule is a par. I ,.. ..+._......!B..!:L...._._......._ " ...SQ_,. _ ............J.J!l...bL........................... 19 ..BlL I i I.." i Jnle.r:.mg.y.o.!9.1f'....J?9.l....Çg,mp..9.mt................__........................._................................................ ....... . By .._...tJf.!~.!Lêg¡H.L...___-_.__.. _ _.....~E!!E.!L~'!.!~~._..._...__................. - - . _ , - - - ~ - - - . . - - - - - - - . - - - - .i. In t e n n o u n t a i n G a s C o m p a n y Ca s e N o . U - 1 0 3 4 - 8 8