HomeMy WebLinkAbout20230525AVU 70-78 to IFG.pdfAVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION JURISDICTION: IDAHO DATE PREPARED: 05/23/2023 CASE NO: AVU-E-23-01 / AVU-G-23-01 WITNESS: Tia Benjamin REQUESTER: IFG RESPONDER: Tia Benjamin TYPE: Production Request DEPARTMENT: Regulatory Affairs REQUEST NO.: IFG-070 TELEPHONE: (509) 495-2225 REQUEST: Reference Schultz workpaper “3.08-3.11 - 24.01-24.02 PF - CAPITAL ADDITIONS,” Tab “TTP Detail 22-25:” a. Please provide actual annual transfers to plant for each year 2019 through 2022 (inclusive) using the same, or similar, capital addition names identified in the referenced workpaper. b. Please provide actual transfers to plant by month for calendar year 2022 using the same, or similar, capital addition names identified in the referenced workpaper. c. Please provide actual transfers to plant by month for calendar year 2023 through the most recent month available using the same, or similar, capital addition names identified in the referenced workpaper. d. Please provide an updated forecast of transfers to plant using the same format as the referenced workpaper based on the most recent information available. RESPONSE: a.-d. Please see IFG_PR_070 Attachment A for a schedule of actual transfers to plant (TTP) by business case1, by year for 2019-2021 and 2022 monthly TTP. For July 2022 and beyond, please see Staff_PR_016 Supplemental 2 and Staff_PR_016 Supplemental 2 Attachment A where the Company has updated TTP with actuals for July 1, 2022 through February 28, 2023 and a revised TTP forecast for all pro forma capital additions for March 1, 2023 through December 31, 2023. Pro forma capital additions (TTP) from January 1, 2024 through August 31, 2025 remain unchanged from the Company’s direct filed case. This attachment also provides the Revised Pro Forma Capital Additions Adjustments 3.08 through 3.11 in RY1, and Pro Forma Capital Additions Adjustments 24.01 and 24.02 in RY2 reflecting the impact of the updated TTP. Please note, while the TTP for 2024 and 2025 do not change, there is a flow through impact to RY2 from the impact of updating TTP in RY1 (2022 and 2023), as noted in adjustments 24.01 and 24.02. 1 Excluding Colstrip 3&4, Productivity, and business cases directly assigned to other jurisdictions (such as directly assigned to WA or OR). RECEIVED 2023 May 25, 4:38PM IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION JURISDICTION: IDAHO DATE PREPARED: 05/25/2023 CASE NO: AVU-E-23-01 / AVU-G-23-01 WITNESS: Josh DiLuciano REQUESTER: IFG RESPONDER: Ken Sweigart TYPE: Production Request DEPARTMENT: Transmission Design REQUEST NO.: IFG-071 TELEPHONE: (509) 495-4417 REQUEST: Reference Schultz workpaper “3.08-3.11 - 24.01-24.02 PF - CAPITAL ADDITIONS,” Tab “TTP Detail 22-25,” Project Name “ER_2596 - Lolo-Oxbow 230kV Transmission Line Rebuild Project:” a. Please provide the business case and any economic analysis prepared supporting the decision to execute the referenced project. b. Please provide the monthly construction work in progress balances for the project since the project was initiated. c. Please provide the current scheduled commercial operation date for the project. d. Please provide the initial Gantt chart for the project at the time it was approved detailing the major construction activities and milestones. e. Please provide the latest Gantt chart for the project detailing the major construction activities and milestones, including detail of activities and milestones completed to date. RESPONSE: a. Please see Company witness Mr. DiLuciano’s testimony for a discussion of the Transmission Major Rebuilds – Asset Condition Business Case which includes the work under this Expenditure Request (ER). Additionally, the business case was provided in Mr. DiLuciano’s Exhibit 6, Schedule 3. Please also see Staff_PR_118 and attachments for documentation and analyses supporting the execution of the projects under the Transmission Major Rebuild – Asset Condition business case, including this one. b. The Company does not have construction work in progress (CWIP) information since project initiation readily available, to be responsive, the Company is providing CWIP balances for the period July 2021 through April 2023. Please see IFG_DR_071 Attachment A for a schedule of CWIP balances for ER 2596 for the period July 2021 through April 2023. c. Refer to Staff_PR_016 Supplemental 2 and Staff_PR_016 Supplemental 2 Attachment A where the Company has provided actual in service dates for July 1, 2022 through February 28, 2023 and a revised transfer to plant forecast for all pro forma capital additions for March 1, 2023 through December 31, 2023. Pro forma capital additions (TTP) from January 1, 2024 through August 31, 2025 remain unchanged from the Company’s direct filed case. d. Refer to Staff_PR_118, part b, iii where five iterations of the transmission master schedule are provided between 2020 and 2023, including this ER is provided. e. Please see part d, above. AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION JURISDICTION: IDAHO DATE PREPARED: 05/25/2023 CASE NO: AVU-E-23-01 / AVU-G-23-01 WITNESS: Josh DiLuciano REQUESTER: IFG RESPONDER: Ken Sweigart TYPE: Production Request DEPARTMENT: Transmission Design REQUEST NO.: IFG-072 TELEPHONE: (509) 495-4417 REQUEST: Reference Schultz workpaper “3.08-3.11 - 24.01-24.02 PF - CAPITAL ADDITIONS,” Tab “TTP Detail 22-25,” Project Name “ER_2629 - Hatwai-Moscow 230kV Asset Condition Rebuild.” a. Please provide the business case and any economic analysis prepared supporting the decision to execute the referenced project. b. Please provide the monthly construction work in progress balances for the project since the project was initiated. c. Please provide the current scheduled commercial operation date for the project. d. Please provide the initial Gantt chart for the project at the time it was approved detailing the major construction activities and milestones. e. Please provide the latest Gantt chart for the project detailing the major construction activities and milestones, including detail of activities and milestones completed to date. RESPONSE: a. Please see Company witness Mr. DiLuciano’s testimony for a discussion of the Transmission Major Rebuilds – Asset Condition Business Case which includes the work under this Expenditure Request (ER). Additionally, the business case was provided in Mr. DiLuciano’s Exhibit 6, Schedule 3. Please also see Staff_PR_118 and attachments for documentation and analyses supporting the execution of the projects under the Transmission Major Rebuild – Asset Condition business case, including this one. b. Please see IFG_DR_072 Attachment A for a schedule of construction work in progress (CWIP) balances for ER 2629 for the period July 2021 through April 2023. c. Refer to Staff_PR_016 Supplemental 2 and Staff_PR_016 Supplemental 2 Attachment A where the Company has provided actual in service dates for July 1, 2022 through February 28, 2023 and a revised transfer to plant forecast for all pro forma capital additions for March 1, 2023 through December 31, 2023. Pro forma capital additions (TTP) from January 1, 2024 through August 31, 2025 remain unchanged from the Company’s direct filed case. d. Refer to Staff_PR_118, part b, iii where five iterations of the transmission master schedule are provided between 2020 and 2023, including this ER is provided. e. Please see part d, above. AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION JURISDICTION: IDAHO DATE PREPARED: 05/25/2023 CASE NO: AVU-E-23-01 / AVU-G-23-01 WITNESS: Josh DiLuciano REQUESTER: IFG RESPONDER: Glenn Madden TYPE: Production Request DEPARTMENT: Electrical Engineering REQUEST NO.: IFG-073 TELEPHONE: (509) 495-2146 REQUEST: Reference Schultz workpaper “3.08-3.11 - 24.01-24.02 PF - CAPITAL ADDITIONS,” Tab “TTP Detail 22-25,” Project Name “ER_2531 - Westside 230 kV Substation – Rebuild.” a. Please provide the business case and any economic analysis prepared supporting the decision to execute the referenced project. b. Please provide the monthly construction work in progress balances for the project since the project was initiated. c. Please provide the current scheduled commercial operation date for the project. d. Please provide the initial Gantt chart for the project at the time it was approved detailing the major construction activities and milestones. e. Please provide the latest Gantt chart for the project detailing the major construction activities and milestones, including detail of activities and milestones completed to date. RESPONSE: a. Please see Company witness Mr. DiLuciano’s testimony for a discussion of the Westside 230/115kV Station Brownfield Rebuild business case which includes the work under this Expenditure Request (ER). Additionally, the business case was provided in Mr. DiLuciano’s Exhibit 9, Schedule 3. Please also see Staff_PR_097 Attachment A, the Westside Transformer Replacement Corrective Action Plan. b. The Company does not have construction work in progress (CWIP) information since project initiation readily available. To be responsive, the Company is providing CWIP balances for the period July 2021 through April 2023. Please see IFG_DR_073 Attachment A for a schedule of CWIP balances for ER 2531 for the period July 2021 through April 2023. c. Refer to Staff_PR_016 Supplemental 2 and Staff_PR_016 Supplemental 2 Attachment A where the Company has provided actual in service dates for July 1, 2022 through February 28, 2023 and a revised transfer to plant forecast for all pro forma capital additions for March 1, 2023 through December 31, 2023. Pro forma capital additions (TTP) from January 1, 2024 through August 31, 2025 remain unchanged from the Company’s direct filed case. d. Please see IFG_PR_073 Attachment B for the initial schedule for phases one and two of the Westside 230kV Substation – Rebuild project and IFG_PR_073 Attachment C for the initial schedule for phase three of the project. e. Please see IFG_PR_073 Attachment D for the most recent Westside 230kV Substation – Rebuild project Gantt chart for phases one through three. AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION JURISDICTION: IDAHO DATE PREPARED: 05/25/2023 CASE NO: AVU-E-23-01 / AVU-G-23-01 WITNESS: Josh DiLuciano REQUESTER: IFG RESPONDER: Glenn Madden TYPE: Production Request DEPARTMENT: Electrical Engineering REQUEST NO.: IFG-074 TELEPHONE: (509) 495-2146 REQUEST: Reference Schultz workpaper “3.08-3.11 - 24.01-24.02 PF - CAPITAL ADDITIONS,” Tab “TTP Detail 22-25,” Project Names “BI_ST504 - Sunset 115kV Substation: Transmission Integration,” “BI_SS890 - Sunset Sub – Rebuild,” “BI_SS890 - Sunset Sub – Rebuild,” “BI_SS213 - Beacon Breakers and Cap Banks,” “BI_SD909 - Sunset 115/13V Sub Rebuild Dist Integration,” “BI_SC001 - Sunset 115kV Substation Rebuild - Security Monitoring,” and “BI_SC000 - Sunset 115kV Substation Rebuild - Backhaul Comm”: a. Please provide the business case and any economic analysis prepared supporting the decision to execute the referenced projects. b. Please provide the monthly construction work in progress balances for each project since the projects were initiated. c. Please provide the current scheduled commercial operation date for each project. d. Please provide the initial Gantt chart for the projects at the time they were approved detailing the major construction activities and milestones. e. Please provide the latest Gantt chart for the projects detailing the major construction activities and milestones, including detail of activities and milestones completed to date. RESPONSE: a. Please see Company witness Mr. DiLuciano’s testimony for a discussion of the Substation – Station Rebuilds Program Business Case which includes the work under the Budget Items (BI) identified above. Additionally, the business case was provided in Mr. DiLuciano’s Exhibit 9, Schedule 3. Please also see Staff_PR_116 and attachments for documentation and analyses supporting the execution of the projects under the Substation – Station Rebuilds Program Business Case, including this one. b. The Company does not have construction work in progress (CWIP) information since project initiation readily available. To be responsive, the Company is providing CWIP balances for the period July 2021 through April 2023. Please see IFG_DR_074 Attachment A for a schedule of CWIP balances for the BIs identified above for the period July 2021 through April 2023. c. Refer to Staff_PR_016 Supplemental 2 and Staff_PR_016 Supplemental 2 Attachment A where the Company has provided actual in service dates for July 1, 2022 through February 28, 2023 and a revised transfer to plant forecast for all pro forma capital additions for March 1, 2023 through December 31, 2023. Pro forma capital additions (TTP) from January 1, 2024 through August 31, 2025 remain unchanged from the Company’s direct filed case. d. Please see IFG_PR_074 Attachment B for the Sunset Substation 115kV Rebuild schedule dated June 30, 2021. e. Please see IFG_PR_074 Attachment C for the Sunset Substation 115kV Rebuild schedule dated April 30, 2023. AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION JURISDICTION: IDAHO DATE PREPARED: 05/25/2023 CASE NO: AVU-E-23-01 / AVU-G-23-01 WITNESS: Josh DiLuciano REQUESTER: IFG RESPONDER: Glenn Madden TYPE: Production Request DEPARTMENT: Electrical Engineering REQUEST NO.: IFG-075 TELEPHONE: (509) 495-2146 REQUEST: Reference Schultz workpaper “3.08-3.11 - 24.01-24.02 PF - CAPITAL ADDITIONS,” Tab “TTP Detail 22-25,” Project Name “ER_2274 - New Substations.” a. Please identify the specific new substations that are being proposed with respect to the referenced project and provide separate transfer to plant detail for each substation. b. Please provide the business case and any economic analysis prepared supporting the decision to execute the referenced project. c. Please provide the monthly construction work in progress balances for each substation since the substation project was initiated. d. Please provide the current scheduled commercial operation date for each substation. e. Please provide the initial Gantt chart for each substation at the time they were approved detailing the major construction activities and milestones. f. Please provide the latest Gantt chart for the projects detailing the major construction activities and milestones, including detail of activities and milestones completed to date. RESPONSE: a. The Company is providing in IFG_PR_075 Attachment A, an excerpt from Staff_PR_016 Supplemental 2 Attachment A, the schedule of transfers to plant under the Substation – New Distribution Station Capacity Program business case, subset Expenditure Request (ER) 2274. The Substation – New Distribution Station Capacity Program business case includes new substations and other capacity work. Customer capacity needs can be addressed by modifications to existing substations in some cases. In other cases, new substations must be constructed to meet customer needs. Pleasant View Sub – Add Capacity, Dalton Rebuild Sub – Add Capacity, AIR – Transformer Upgrade, Indian Trail Add Capacity, and SE 115-13kV Phase 2 are all examples of projects that involved modifications to existing substations to provide the capacity to serve customer load. Flint Rd Substation – New (Distribution), Bruce Rd. Substation – Property, Downtown West, and Melville Sw Station are all projects that are new substations necessary to serve additional customer capacity. ER 2274 contains all of the substation capacity projects. b. Please see Company witness Mr. DiLuciano’s testimony for a discussion of the Substation – New Distribution Station Capacity business case which includes the work under this Expenditure Request. Additionally, the business case was provided in Mr. DiLuciano’s Exhibit 9, Schedule 3. Please also see Staff_PR_124 and attachments for documentation and analyses supporting the execution of the projects under the Substation – Station Rebuilds Program Business Case, including this one. c. Please see IFG_PR_075 Attachment B for a schedule of CWIP balances for ER_2274 for the period October 2021 through April 2023. d. Refer to Staff_PR_016 Supplemental 2 and Staff_PR_016 Supplemental 2 Attachment A where the Company has provided actual in service dates for July 1, 2022 through February 28, 2023 and a revised transfer to plant forecast for all pro forma capital additions for March 1, 2023 through December 31, 2023. Pro forma capital additions (TTP) from January 1, 2024 through August 31, 2025 remain unchanged from the Company’s direct filed case. e. Please see IFG_PR_075 Attachment C for the Substation Master Schedule dated June 30, 2021. f. Please see IFG_PR_075 Attachment D for the Substation Master Schedule dated October 31, 2022. AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION JURISDICTION: IDAHO DATE PREPARED: 05/25/2023 CASE NO: AVU-E-23-01 / AVU-G-23-01 WITNESS: Josh DiLuciano REQUESTER: IFG RESPONDER: Glenn Madden TYPE: Production Request DEPARTMENT: Electrical Engineering REQUEST NO.: IFG-076 TELEPHONE: (509) 495-2146 REQUEST: Reference Schultz workpaper “3.08-3.11 - 24.01-24.02 PF - CAPITAL ADDITIONS,” Tab “TTP Detail 22-25,” Project Name “ER_2616 - Saddle Mountain Integration Phase 2.” a. Please provide the business case and any economic analysis prepared supporting the decision to execute the referenced project. b. Please provide the monthly construction work in progress balances for the project since the project was initiated. c. Please provide the current scheduled commercial operation date for the project. d. Please provide the initial Gantt chart for the project at the time it was approved detailing the major construction activities and milestones. e. Please provide the latest Gantt chart for the project detailing the major construction activities and milestones, including detail of activities and milestones completed to date. RESPONSE: a. Please see Company witness Mr. DiLuciano’s testimony for a discussion of the Saddle Mountain 230/115kV Station (New) Integration Project Phase 2 business case. Additionally, the business case was provided in Mr. DiLuciano’s Exhibit 9, Schedule 3. Please also see Staff_PR_112 and attachments for documentation and analyses supporting the execution of the Saddle Mountain 230/115kV Station (New) Integration Project Phase 2 project. b. The Company does not have construction work in progress (CWIP) information since project initiation readily available. To be responsive, the Company is providing CWIP balances for the period July 2021 through April 2023. Please see IFG_DR_076 Attachment A for a schedule of CWIP balances for ER 2616 for the period July 2021 through April 2023. c. Refer to Staff_PR_016 Supplemental 2 and Staff_PR_016 Supplemental 2 Attachment A where the Company has provided actual in service dates for July 1, 2022 through February 28, 2023 and a revised transfer to plant forecast for all pro forma capital additions for March 1, 2023 through December 31, 2023. Pro forma capital additions (TTP) from January 1, 2024 through August 31, 2025 remain unchanged from the Company’s direct filed case. d. Please see IFG_PR_076 Attachment B for a Gantt chart schedule for the Othello substation construction as part of the Saddle Mountain 230/115kV Station (New) Integration Project Phase 2 business case dated January 31, 2021. e. Please refer to Staff_PR_112 Attachment G a Gantt chart schedule for the Othello substation construction as part of the Saddle Mountain 230/115kV Station (New) Integration Project Phase 2 business case dated February 2023. AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION JURISDICTION: IDAHO DATE PREPARED: 05/22/2023 CASE NO: AVU-E-23-01 / AVU-G-23-01 WITNESS: D. Howell / T. Benjamin REQUESTER: IFG RESPONDER: D. James/K. Schultz TYPE: Production Request DEPARTMENT: Wildfire Resiliency REQUEST NO.: IFG-077 TELEPHONE: 509-495-4185 REQUEST: Reference Howell Direct at 11:6-11: a. Please identify the retirements by FERC and year account associated with the wildfire programs identified in the referenced testimony. Please provide this data for the period 2020 through 2022. b. Please identify the number of pole replacements by year associated with the wildfire programs identified in the referenced testimony. Please provide this data for the period 2020 through 2022. c. Please identify the number of wood pole replacements with steel poles by year associated with the wildfire programs identified in the referenced testimony. Please provide this data for the period 2020 through 2022. d. Please identify the number of pole replacements forecast for 2023, 2024, and 2025. Please separately detail wood pole replacements with steel poles. e. Please detail the retirements forecast for 2023, 2024, and 2025 for the wildfire resiliency plan. RESPONSE: a. Please see IFG_PR_077 Attachment A for annual 2021-2022 Wildfire Resiliency Plan Business Case retirements by Expenditure Request (ER), Budgeted Item (BI), and FERC Account on both a System and Idaho Electric basis. No retirements were recorded in 2020 related to the Wildfire Resiliency Plan Business Case. b & c. The 2023 Wildfire Resiliency Plan, Company Witness Mr. Howell’s Exhibit No. 10, Schedule 1, includes a table on page 20 that indicates the number of wood and steel poles installed as part of the Distribution Grid Hardening programs. That data is summarized below: Distribution Grid Hardening 2020 2021 2022 Total Wood Poles Installed Steel Poles Installed In nearly all instances, these new poles were replacing existing ones. For transmission lines, Avista is replacing wood poles with steel in high-risk areas where fires have previously impacted these facilities. In addition to replacing wood poles, Avista is also using Fire-Resistant (FR) mesh wraps on existing wood poles located in grassland areas. This treatment provides good protection in areas where ground fires occur. Transmission Grid Hardening 2020 2021 2022 Total Steel Pole Replacement FR Pole Wraps d. The forecasted number of pole replacements for both distribution and transmission grid hardening programs are listed below. Grid Hardening Pole Forecast 2023 2024 2025 Total Distribution Wood Poles Distribution Steel Poles Transmission Steel Poles Transmission FR Pole Wraps e. The Company forecasts retirements by functional area, not at the Business Case/ER/BI level. As such, forecasted retirements are not available for the Wildfire Resiliency Plan only. AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION JURISDICTION: IDAHO DATE PREPARED: 05/25/2023 CASE NO: AVU-E-23-01 / AVU-G-23-01 WITNESS: Josh DiLuciano REQUESTER: IFG RESPONDER: Randy Gnaedinger TYPE: Production Request DEPARTMENT: Transmission Services REQUEST NO.: IFG-078 TELEPHONE: (509) 495-2047 REQUEST: Reference Schultz workpaper “3.08-3.11 - 24.01-24.02 PF - CAPITAL ADDITIONS,” Tab “TTP Detail 22-25,” Project Name “ER_2625 - Clearwater Wind Generation Interconnection.” a. Please identify the project developer behind the proposed interconnection. b. Please provide a description of the underlying project, including the nameplate capacity. c. Please identify all customer contributed funds received, or expected to be received by the project developer, in connection with funding the interconnection. RESPONSE: a. The signatory to the Large Generator Interconnection Agreement is Clearwater Energy Resources LLC. b. The Large Generating Facility is a 774 MW nameplate (750 MW total allowed output at the Point of Interconnection) wind generating facility consisting of 245 wind turbines of 2.82 MW each, 33 wind turbines of 2.52 MW each, and associated step-up transformer, transformer low side facilities and collector system. The Generating Facility is sited roughly 90 miles northeast of Colstrip, MT, and interconnecting at the Colstrip 500kV station with an Interconnection Customer owned generator lead-line. The Colstrip 500kV station was expanded to include a new breaker bay to accommodate the interconnection of the Interconnection Customer’s Interconnection lead-line. The expansion includes two 500kV breakers, four 500kV air break switches and associated land, bus, controls, metering, relay and communication facilities. Please also see Company witness Mr. DiLuciano’s testimony for a discussion of this project and the business case, provided in Mr. DiLuciano’s Exhibit 9, Schedule 3. c. Avista has received the following allocations of the Clearwater Wind Generation Interconnection: NorthWestern Energy (“NWE”) as the designated operator for the Colstrip Transmission System (“CTS”) partners conducts the generation interconnection studies and creates the costs estimates for Interconnection Facilities within each study report. NWE estimated in 2018 the total Interconnection Facilities costs for the Clearwater Wind Generation Interconnection as $6,371,701. Avista’s total allocation of the estimate was $649,575. Avista’s allocation of Transmission Provider Interconnection Facilities (direct assigned to customer) were estimated to be $85,257. NWE invoiced Clearwater Energy Resources LLC directly for its actual Transmission Provider Interconnection Facilities costs. Network Upgrade Interconnection Facilities (Avista’s allocation to be part of the CTS) were estimated to be $564,317. Avista was ultimately invoiced by NWE its allocation of actual Network Upgrade costs totaling approximately $237,000, as seen in Staff_PR_016 Supplemental 2 Attachment A in February, 2023.