HomeMy WebLinkAbout20230508122 Supplemental Attachment E.pdfAvista Corporation East 1411 Mission Ave. Spokane, WA 99202 Request for Proposal (RFP) Contract No. R-43884 for 2022 Wood Pole Management (WPM) INSTRUCTIONS AND REQUIREMENTS Proposals are due by: 3:00 p.m. Pacific Prevailing Time (PPT), January 24, 2022 (the “Due Date”) Avista Corporation is an energy company involved in the production, transmission and distribution of energy as well as other energy-related businesses. Avista Utilities is our operating division that provides electric service to 378,000 customers and natural gas to 342,000 customers. Its service territory covers 30,000 square miles in eastern Washington, northern Idaho and parts of southern and eastern Oregon, with a population of 1.6 million. Alaska Energy and Resources Company is an Avista subsidiary that provides retail electric service in the city and borough of Juneau, Alaska, through its subsidiary Alaska Electric Light and Power Company. Avista stock is traded under the ticker symbol "AVA." For more information about Avista, please visit www.myavista.com. Staff_PR_122 Supplemental Attachment E Page 1 of 9 Avista Corporation East 1411 Mission Ave. Spokane, WA 99202 RFP No. R-43818 Page 2 of 9 Avista Corporation (“Avista”) RFP Confidentiality Notice This Request for Proposal (“RFP”) may contain information that is marked as confidential and proprietary to Avista (“Confidential Information” or “Information”). Under no circumstances may the potential Bidder receiving this RFP use the Confidential Information for any purpose other than to evaluate the requirements of this RFP and prepare a responsive proposal (“Proposal”). Further, Bidder must limit distribution of the Information to only those people involved in preparing Bidder’s Proposal. If Bidder determines that they do not wish to submit a Proposal, Bidder must provide a letter to Avista certifying that they have destroyed the Confidential Information, or return such Information to Avista and certify in writing that they have not retained any copies or made any unauthorized use or disclosure of such information. If Bidder submits a Proposal, a copy of the RFP documents may be retained until Bidder has received notice of Avista’s decision regarding this RFP. If Bidder has not been selected by Avista, Bidder must either return the Information or destroy such Information and provide a letter to Avista certifying such destruction. Avista and Bidder will employ the same degree of care with each other’s Confidential Information as they use to protect their own Information and inform their employees of such confidentiality obligations. Staff_PR_122 Supplemental Attachment E Page 2 of 9 Avista Corporation East 1411 Mission Ave. Spokane, WA 99202 RFP No. R-43818 Page 3 of 9 Instructions and Requirements 1.0 PURPOSE Contractor shall provide labor and equipment (fully fueled and maintained) for the replacement and removal of poles, transformers, cross arms, and miscellaneous line hardware/equipment and as further described below (the “Work” or “Project(s)”) within Avista’s service territory located throughout Washington and Idaho (“Site” or “Work Site”). NOTE: Avista is contracting this Work out for three years on Unit based pricing, depending on Avista’s requirements and need for the Work. Persons or firms submitting a Proposal will be referred to as “Bidder” in this RFP; after execution of a contract, the Bidder to whom a contract is awarded, if any, will be designated as the “Contractor”. 2.0 STATEMENT OF WORK The attached Statement of Work (“SOW”) specifies the activities, deliverables and/or services sought by Avista. This SOW will be the primary basis for the final SOW to be included under a formal contract, if a contract is awarded. 3.0 RFP DOCUMENTS Attached are the following RFP Documents: 1. Statement of Work 2. Standards (will be provided to participating bidders) 3. Bid Sheet 4. Appendix A – Proposal Cover Sheet 5. Appendix B – Avista’s Standard Contract Documents a) Construction Services Agreement (the agreements are the same for both Unit and Risk Tree) b) General Conditions for Construction and Field Services Agreements 4.0 CONTACTS / SUBMITTALS / SCHEDULE 4.1 All communications with Avista, including questions (see Section 5.1), regarding this RFP must be directed to Avista’s Sole Point of Contact (“SPC”): Russ Feist Avista Corporation 1411 East Mission Avenue PO Box 3727, MSC-33 Spokane, WA 99220-3727 Telephone: (509) 495-4567 Fax: (509) 495-8033 E-Mail: russ.feist@avistacorp.com 4.2 Proposals must be received no later than 3:00 PM Pacific Prevailing Time (“PPT”), on January 24, 2022 (“Due Date”). Bidders should submit an electronic copy of their Proposal to bids@avistacorp.com No verbal or telephone Proposals will be considered, and Proposals received after the Due Date may not be evaluated. Staff_PR_122 Supplemental Attachment E Page 3 of 9 Avista Corporation East 1411 Mission Ave. Spokane, WA 99202 RFP No. R-43818 Page 4 of 9 4.3 RFP Proposed Project Schedule December 10, 2021 Avista issues RFP December 17, 2021 Confirm Bidding with Avista January 7, 2022 Virtual Meeting (MANDATORY for Bidders) January 13, 2022 Bidder’s Questions/Requests for Clarification Due January 18, 2022 Avista’s Responses to Clarifications Due Date January 24, 2022 Proposals Due January 28, 2022 Successful Bidder selection and announcement February 4, 2022 Contract Executed TBD Work Begins 4.4 Mandatory Bid Meeting A mandatory virtual meetings are required to submit a Proposal under this RFP. The meeting time will be sent to those bidders who wish to respond to the bid. Bidder must confirm their attendance NO LATER than December 17, 2021 and submit their attendees by contacting Greg Yedinak at greg.yedinak@avistacorp.com Avista Meeting: Avista will send out a Teams Virtual meeting request for an 8:30 AM meeting. We will send out the link when we receive a response from Bidders. 5.0 RFP PROCESS 5.1 Pre-proposal Questions Relating to this RFP Questions about the RFP documents (including without limitation, specifications, contract terms or the RFP process) must be submitted to the SPC (see Section 4.1), in writing (e-mailed, faxed, or addressed in accordance with Section 4.2), by the Due Date. Notification of any substantive clarifications provided in response to questions will be provided via email to all Bidders. 5.2 Requests for Exceptions Bidder must comply with all of the requirements set forth in the documents provided by Avista as part of this RFP (including all submittals, contract documents, exhibits or attachments). Any exceptions to these requirements must be: (i) stated separately, (ii) clearly identify the exceptions (including the document name and section), and (iii) include any proposed alternate language, etc. Failure by Bidder to provide any exceptions in its Proposal will constitute full acceptance of all documents provided by Avista as part of this RFP. While Avista will not consider alternate language, etc. that materially conflicts with the intent of this RFP, Avista may consider and negotiate the inclusion of terms that would be supplemental to the specific document if such terms reasonably relate to the scope of this RFP. 5.3 Modification and/or Withdrawal of Proposal 5.3.1 By Bidder: Bidder may withdraw its Proposal at any time. Bidder may modify a submitted Proposal by written request provided that such request is received by Avista prior to the Due Date. Following withdrawal or modification of its Proposal, Bidder may submit a new Proposal provided that such new Proposal is received by Avista prior to the Due Date and includes a statement that Bidder’s new Proposal amends and supersedes the prior Proposal. 5.3.2 By Avista: Avista may modify any of the RFP documents at any time prior to the Due Date. Such modifications will be issued simultaneously to all participating Bidders. 5.4 Proposal Processing 5.4.1 Confidentiality: It is Avista’s policy to maintain the confidentiality of all Proposals received in response to an RFP and the basis for the selection of a Bidder to negotiate a definitive agreement. Staff_PR_122 Supplemental Attachment E Page 4 of 9 Avista Corporation East 1411 Mission Ave. Spokane, WA 99202 RFP No. R-43818 Page 5 of 9 5.4.2 Basis of Any Award: This RFP is not an offer to enter into an agreement with any party. The contract, if awarded, will be awarded on the basis of Proposals received after consideration of Bidder’s ability to provide the services/work, quality of personnel, extent and quality of relevant experience, price and/or any other factors deemed pertinent by Avista, including Bidder’s ability to meet any schedules specified in the Statement of Work. 5.4.3 Pre-award Expenses: All expenses incurred by Bidder to prepare its Proposal and participate in any required pre-bid and/or pre-award meetings, visits and/or interviews will be Bidder’s responsibility. 5.4.4 Proposal Acceptance Term: Bidder acknowledges that its Proposal will remain valid for a period of 60 days following the Due Date unless otherwise extended by Avista. 5.5 Contract Execution The successful Bidder must enter into a contract that is substantially the same as Avista’s standard Agreement and General Conditions governing the performance of the Services/Work applicable under this RFP included as Appendix B, and provide certificates of insurance or bonds for the levels specified in the these documents prior to initiating any work. In no event will Avista be responsible for any expenses incurred by the successful Bidder in performance of any of the Services/Work applicable under this RFP prior to execution of a contract with Avista. 6.0 PROPOSAL REQUIREMENTS AND SUBMITTALS Bidder’s Proposal must conform to the following outline and address all of the specified content to facilitate Avista’s evaluation of Bidder’s qualifications; approach to performing the requested Services/Work; and other requirements in the SOW. Proposals that merely offer to provide the Services as stated in this RFP will be considered non-responsive and will not be considered further in the evaluation process. Proposals will be evaluated on overall quality of content and responsiveness to the purpose and specifications of this RFP, including the information set forth below. The following sections are required with Bidder’s Proposal: • Section 1: RFP Appendix A – Proposal Cover Sheet • Section 2: Bidder’s Bid Sheet / Rate Schedule • Section 3: Proposal Exceptions (if none then state “No Exceptions”) • Section 4: Technical Proposal • Section 5: Company Information 6.1 Proposal Cover Sheet Bidder must fill out, sign, and date the attached Proposal Cover Sheet. The signatory must be a person authorized to legally bind Bidder’s company to a contractual relationship (e.g. an officer of the company). 6.2 Bid Sheet/Rate Schedule a) Complete the attached Bid Sheet. b) Provide a detailed listing of the firm’s current rate schedule. 6.3 Exceptions (if none, state No Exceptions) a) Exceptions to Sample Agreement b) Exceptions to General Conditions 6.4 Technical Proposal Bidder must provide its proposed approach to completing the Services described in the Statement of Work (“SOW”) including: a) A general narrative summarizing the approach to be utilized to provide the required Services; Staff_PR_122 Supplemental Attachment E Page 5 of 9 Avista Corporation East 1411 Mission Ave. Spokane, WA 99202 RFP No. R-43818 Page 6 of 9 b) An outline of all work procedures, technical comments, clarifications and any additional information deemed necessary to perform the Services. c) An outline of the Quality Assurance/Quality Control program. How do you track your employees Qualifications? d) Provide an Equipment list of all planned equipment with the list of ages and owned or leased. e) Avista Consideration to Innovative Technique – Avista will give consideration to any innovative techniques, substitute materials and process modifications that will positively influence the project without reducing the quality. f) Schedule/Timeline/ 1. Include a proposed labor schedule that details the scope, manpower requirements for the Work activity and any expected timeline issues regarding starting up the programs. g) Approach to Subcontracting/Suppliers If Bidder’s approach to performing the work will require the use of subcontractors/suppliers, include for each subcontractor/supplier: (a) a description of their areas of responsibility, (b), a list of references for such work. h) Safety Plan Submit an outline of the general safety program for shop as well as field work. Provide your company safety plan or the site that it can be reviewed and also any Covid 19 protocols that your company is required to follow. Also please complete the Safety Questionnaire provided by Avista. 6.5 Company Information a) Company Qualifications Bidder shall provide information on projects of similar size and scope that Bidder’s firm has undertaken and completed within the last five years. Please include a list of references on Appendix A that could be contacted to discuss Bidder’s firm’s involvement in these projects. List how many full-time employees you currently have and how your company would plan to staff for this size of Work. Please list all the unions that would be working under this agreement. b) Litigation Provide a list of all material litigation in which Bidder’s firm is or has been a plaintiff or defendant over the past five (5) years. Such lists must be in sufficient detail to explain the positions of the various parties and the ultimate outcome as to the damages awarded (if any) or the settlement reached. c) Company Resources Identify any unique or special equipment, intellect, hardware, and software or personnel resources relevant to the proposed work that Bidder’s firm possesses. d) Project Personnel Qualifications Provide a proposed organization chart or staffing list for a project of this size and scope and identify the personnel who will fill these positions. If applicable, identify project managers who will be overseeing the Work and submit their resume identifying their work history. a summary of the experience and qualifications of the Work that they will be performing. Identify any professional licenses and certifications held by the personnel assigned to perform applicable duties and tasks. e) Company Financial Information Provide a recent annual report or a financial position statement for the last two full calendar years of operation. Staff_PR_122 Supplemental Attachment E Page 6 of 9 Avista Corporation East 1411 Mission Ave. Spokane, WA 99202 RFP No. R-43818 Page 7 of 9 7.0 RESERVATION OF AVISTA RIGHTS: Avista may, in its sole discretion, exercise one or more of the following rights and options with respect to this RFP: • Modify, extend, or cancel this RFP at any time to obtain additional proposals or for any other reason Avista determines to be in its best interest; • Issue a new RFP with terms and conditions that are the same, similar or substantially different as those set forth in this or a previous RFP in order to obtain additional proposals or for any other reason Avista determines to be in its best interest; • Waive any defect or deficiency in any proposal, if in Avista’s sole judgment, the defect or deficiency is not material in response to this RFP; • Evaluate and reject proposals at any time, for any reason including without limitation, whether or not Bidder’s proposal contains Requested Exceptions to Contract Terms; • Negotiate with one or more Bidders regarding price, Statement of Work, or any other term of Bidders’ proposals, and such other contractual terms as Avista may require, at any time prior to execution of a final contract, whether or not a notice of intent to contract has been issued to any Bidder and without reissuing this RFP; • Discontinue negotiations with any Bidder at any time prior to execution of a final contract, whether or not a notice of intent to contract has been issued to Bidder, and to enter into negotiations with any other Bidder, if Avista, in its sole discretion, determines it is in Avista’s best interest to do so; • Rescind, at any time prior to the execution of a final contract, any notice of intent to contract issued to Bidder. [END OF REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL INSTRUCTIONS AND REQUIREMENTS] Staff_PR_122 Supplemental Attachment E Page 7 of 9 Avista Corporation East 1411 Mission Ave. Spokane, WA 99202 RFP No. R-43818 Page 8 of 9 APPENDIX A - Proposal Cover Sheet Bidder Information Organization Name: Organization Form: State of Incorporation: (sole proprietorship, partnership, Limited Liability Company, Corporation, etc.) Does Organization have an Early Pay Discount Agreement with Avista? YES / NO If YES, state percentage ____ Does Organization have any exceptions / clarifications to the SAMPLE Agreement? YES / NO If YES, provide page number of proposal that identifies the exceptions/clarifications to Agreement. _________ Does Organization have any exceptions / clarifications to the General Conditions? YES / NO If YES, provide page number of proposal that identifies the exceptions/clarifications to General Conditions.____ Does Organization have any litigations? YES / NO If YES, provide page number of proposal that identifies the litigations. _____ Primary Contact Person: ____________________________ Title: _____________________________________ Address: City, State, Zip: Telephone: Fax: Federal Tax ID# E-mail Address: Name and title of the person(s) authorized to represent Bidder in any negotiations and sign any contract that may result (“Authorized Representative”): Name: Title: If classified as a contractor, provide contractor registration/license number applicable to the state in which Services are to be performed. ____________________________________ Provide at least three references with telephone numbers (please verify numbers) that Avista may contact to verify the quality of Bidder’s previous work in the proposed area of Work. REFERENCE No. 1: Organization Name: Contact Person: Project Title: Telephone: Fax: Email: REFERENCE No. 2: Organization Name: Contact Person: Project Title: Telephone: Fax: Email: REFERENCE No. 3: Staff_PR_122 Supplemental Attachment E Page 8 of 9 Avista Corporation East 1411 Mission Ave. Spokane, WA 99202 RFP No. R-43818 Page 9 of 9 Organization Name: Contact Person: Project Title: Telephone: Fax: Email: By signing this page and submitting a Proposal, the Authorized Representative certifies that the following statements are true: 1. They are authorized to bind Bidder’s organization. 2. No attempt has been made or will be made by Bidder to induce any other person or organization to submit or not submit a Proposal. 3. Bidder does not discriminate in its employment practices with regard to race, creed, age, religious affiliation, sex, disability, sexual orientation or national origin. 4. Bidder has not discriminated and will not discriminate against any minority, women or emerging small business enterprise in obtaining any subcontracts, if required. 5. Bidder will enter into a contract with Avista and understands that the final Agreement and General Conditions applicable to the Scope of Work under this RFP will be sent for signature under separate cover. 6. The statements contained in this Proposal are true and complete to the best of the Authorized Representative’s knowledge. 7. If awarded a contract under this RFP, Bidder: (i) Accepts the obligation to comply with all applicable state and federal requirements, policies, standards and regulations including appropriate invoicing of state and local sales/use taxes (if any) as separate line items; (ii) Acknowledges its responsibility for transmittal of such sales tax payments to the taxing authority; (iii) Agrees to provide at least the minimum liability insurance coverage specified in Avista’s attached sample Agreement, if awarded a contract under this RFP. 8. If there are any exceptions to Avista’s RFP requirements or the conditions set forth in any of the RFP documents, such exceptions have been described in detail in Bidder’s Proposal. 9. Bidder has read the “Confidentiality Notice” set forth on the second page of these “INSTRUCTIONS AND REQUIREMENTS” and agrees to be bound by the terms of same. Signature: Date: *** THIS APPENDIX A MUST BE ON TOP OF BIDDER’S PROPOSAL *** Staff_PR_122 Supplemental Attachment E Page 9 of 9