HomeMy WebLinkAbout20230505122 Supplemental Attachment B.pdfDistribution Feeder Management Plan (DFMP) – System-Wide Programs - Design Criteria Manual 1 DFMP Distribution Feeder Management Plan Structure-Specific Programs Design Criteria Manual Staff_PR_122 Supplemental Attachment B Page 1 of 37 Distribution Feeder Management Plan (DFMP) – Structure-Specific Programs - Design Criteria Manual (Applicable to Transformer Change Out Program (TCOP) and Wood Pole Management (WPM)) 2 Table of Contents TABLE OF FIGURES .....................................................................................................................3 INTRODUCTION ...........................................................................................................................4 ARRESTERS ...................................................................................................................................5 AVIAN/RAPTOR PROTECTION ..................................................................................................8 CROSS ARMS.................................................................................................................................9 CUTOUTS .....................................................................................................................................11 FUSING .........................................................................................................................................13 GROUNDS ....................................................................................................................................14 GUYING ........................................................................................................................................15 INSULATORS ...............................................................................................................................17 OVERHEAD CONDUCTOR ........................................................................................................20 OPEN WIRE SECONDARY ........................................................................................................22 STREET AND AREA LIGHTS ....................................................................................................23 TRANSFORMERS ........................................................................................................................26 UNDERGROUND .........................................................................................................................29 WOOD POLES ..............................................................................................................................31 REDUCED SCOPE .......................................................................................................................35 VERSION HISTORY ....................................................................................................................36 Staff_PR_122 Supplemental Attachment B Page 2 of 37 Distribution Feeder Management Plan (DFMP) – Structure-Specific Programs - Design Criteria Manual (Applicable to Transformer Change Out Program (TCOP) and Wood Pole Management (WPM)) 3 Table of Figures FIGURE 1: EXAMPLE OF OLDER ARRESTER WITH AIR GAP. EARLY EXPULSION ARRESTER BY JOSLYN SUPPLY CO. 1940 VINTAGE ..................................................................................................... 6 FIGURE 2: CHANCE BRAND PORCELAIN ......................................................................................... 12 FIGURE 3: PORCELAIN BOX ............................................................................................................ 12 FIGURE 4: OPEN LINK .................................................................................................................... 12 FIGURE 5: Q-Q ............................................................................................................................... 12 FIGURE 6: LOAD BREAK (ELEPHANT EAR) ..................................................................................... 12 FIGURE 7: V-SHAPED, GE DURA-BUTE BUTYL WITH CAST IRON TOP AND BOTTOM .................... 12 FIGURE 8: DAMAGED INSULATOR .................................................................................................. 18 FIGURE 9: DAMAGED INSULATOR .................................................................................................. 18 FIGURE 10: POLE WITH CHARRING AT CROSS ARMS INDICATING 34.5 KV EPOXILATOR DEAD END INSULATOR DETERIORATION ................................................................................................. 19 FIGURE 11: SINGLE LED ON STREET LIGHT POLE 100W-TYPE CODE 431L 200W-TYPE CODE 531L ...................................................................................................................................... 23 FIGURE 12: SINGLE LED ON LINE POLE 100W-TYPE CODE 435L 200W-TYPE CODE 535L .......... 23 FIGURE 13: DOUBLE LED ON STREET LIGHT POLE 100W-TYPE CODE 441L 200W-TYPE CODE 541L ...................................................................................................................................... 23 FIGURE 14: 100W EQUIVALENT-TYPE 3 ......................................................................................... 24 FIGURE 15: 200W EQUIVALENT-TYPE 3 ......................................................................................... 24 FIGURE 16: 100W EQUIVALENT-TYPE 5 ......................................................................................... 24 FIGURE 17: 200W EQUIVALENT-TYPE 5 ......................................................................................... 24 FIGURE 18: PIPE CLAMPS ON EXISTING MAST ARMS TO BOND THE MAST ARM TO SYSTEM NEUTRAL25 FIGURE 19: NEW ALUMINUM MAST ARMS AND GROUND/BOND PER AVISTA STANDARDS ............... 25 Staff_PR_122 Supplemental Attachment B Page 3 of 37 Distribution Feeder Management Plan (DFMP) – Structure-Specific Programs - Design Criteria Manual (Applicable to Transformer Change Out Program (TCOP) and Wood Pole Management (WPM)) 4 INTRODUCTION The Designer shall perform and document the design result from the following in accordance with the DFMP – Structure-Specific Programs - Process Manual. Design, install, replace, and maintain all arresters in accordance with the National Electric Safety Code (NESC), Avista’s Distribution Standards, and Avista’s Existing Facilities Replacement Modification Guidelines document. Staff_PR_122 Supplemental Attachment B Page 4 of 37 Distribution Feeder Management Plan (DFMP) – Structure-Specific Programs - Design Criteria Manual (Applicable to Transformer Change Out Program (TCOP) and Wood Pole Management (WPM)) 5 ARRESTERS  Overhead1 o Design arresters on all overhead transformers to be replaced or if replacing the cutout.2 o Design arresters on each phase of the end of line dead-end structures unless there is a transformer located within a few spans to conform to Avista’s Distribution Standards.3 4 o Design a fiberglass standoff bracket for an arrester on single phase overhead construction when no equipment cross arm is available to conform to Avista’s Distribution Standards.5 1 Question: Should # 4 copper that is used on existing lightning arresters be changed out for braided wire that creates a visible indication of when a lightning arrester blows? #6 apparently works for this too. Apparently an outage is not needed to change out the #4 wire on a lightning arrester. Is this within scope? (Spokane General Foreman Meeting, Fall, 2014) Answer: No need to change out the #4 on an existing lightning arrester. (Mark Weiss, Jan. 2015) 2 Reference: DO-1.007, 4.146, 4.425 3 Question: Where should a lightning arrester be placed when located at a double dead end and a 3 phase end off an intersection? (Spokane General Foreman Meeting, Fall, 2014) Answer: Only need to add on one location, not on both, unless arresters are installed nearby. (Mark Weiss, Jan. 2015) 4 Reference: DO-1.007, 4.425 5 Reference: DO-1.007, 2.318, 4.146 Staff_PR_122 Supplemental Attachment B Page 5 of 37 Distribution Feeder Management Plan (DFMP) – Structure-Specific Programs - Design Criteria Manual (Applicable to Transformer Change Out Program (TCOP) and Wood Pole Management (WPM)) 6  Underground o Design arresters at each riser pole location to conform to Avista’s Distribution Standards.6  Other o Check, as well as possible from the ground, the required clearances from the arrester. 7 8 o Replace cracked or blown porcelain arresters and butyl rubber arresters with signs of chalking. o Replace older style arresters that have an external air gap. Figure 1: Example of older arrester with air gap. Early expulsion arrester by Joslyn Supply Co. 1940 Vintage 6 Reference: DO-4.425 and DO-1.140 7 Question: May arresters be installed above the arm and below the arm—are both acceptable? (Spokane General Foreman Meeting, Fall, 2014) Answer: Yes, arresters may be framed either way provided current standards are met. (Mark Weiss, Jan. 2015) 8 Reference: DO-2.113, DO-3.324, DO-2.110 Staff_PR_122 Supplemental Attachment B Page 6 of 37 Distribution Feeder Management Plan (DFMP) – Structure-Specific Programs - Design Criteria Manual (Applicable to Transformer Change Out Program (TCOP) and Wood Pole Management (WPM)) 7 o Only reframe arresters that are currently framed above the cross arm to below the cross arm if the arrester is “Identified For Replacement”.9 o Design arrester wildlife protectors on all new overheard transformers.10 o Add bushing caps as required. o Add arresters to protect poles with Air Switches. Mark Weiss to review. o Arresters shall be installed at the same level (all arm-mounted or all tank-mounted.) o For double dead-end poles with no jumpers, locate one set of arresters on an adjacent pole if there are no arresters within a few spans. (Trying to avoid 6 arresters on a double dead-end pole.)  Compare the cost of the “Identified For Replacement” components versus the cost of replacing the entire pole using the “Component Versus Pole Replacement Analysis Tool” to determine what should be replaced.11 9 Question: Are the outages associated with squirrels that could result from arrester(s) being framed above the cross arm large enough to support reframing the arrester(s) below the cross arm? (Mark Weiss, DFMP Review Meeting) Answer: No, because Squirrel outages = 262, Total sustained outages = 7,589, squirrel outages as a percentage of overall outages = 3.45% (Reliability Data from Amber Fowler to Reuben Arts, 2014) 10 Reference: DO-4.176 11 Reference: DO-1.005 Staff_PR_122 Supplemental Attachment B Page 7 of 37 Distribution Feeder Management Plan (DFMP) – Structure-Specific Programs - Design Criteria Manual (Applicable to Transformer Change Out Program (TCOP) and Wood Pole Management (WPM)) 8 AVIAN / RAPTOR PROTECTION  Design appropriate avian protection using: o Cutout covers13 o Insulator pin and conductor covers14 o Primary Connection Protection15  Replace double-deadend, wood cross arms with the appropriate fiberglass cross arm if raptor nests are a known problem in the area. Alternatives are: o Perch Nesting Deterrents16 o Cross Arm Bird Cover17 12 Reference: DO-2.801 and 2.802 13 Reference: DO-2.810 14 Reference: DO-2.820 15 Reference: DO-2.826 16 Reference: DO-2.864 17 Reference: DO-2.860 Staff_PR_122 Supplemental Attachment B Page 8 of 37 Distribution Feeder Management Plan (DFMP) – Structure-Specific Programs - Design Criteria Manual (Applicable to Transformer Change Out Program (TCOP) and Wood Pole Management (WPM)) 9 CROSS ARMS  Determine which cross arms to replace with fiberglass arms. This analysis includes considerations in regards to condition, length, balanced loading, leaning, attached equipment and materials, etc.18  Replace all primary wood cross arms with the appropriate fiberglass cross arm if any of the following apply:19 o Cross arms are split and cannot be repaired with a split bolt. o Contains wood pins that are floating sinking, split or the pin is leaning in the hole. o Cross arms that don’t contain the appropriate angle pins.20  Replace double-deadend, wood cross arms with the appropriate fiberglass cross arm if either of the following apply: o The arms and insulators are NOT in good operating condition. o Raptor nests are a known problem in the area.21  If an equipment arm is identified for replacement, relocate the attached hardware to the primary cross arm.  Cross arms will always be replaced if the pole is being replaced. 18 Cross arm replacement is condition-based (not brand, type, etc.) (Rodney Pickett, DFMP Weekly Review Meeting, 1-14-15) 19 The first steel pin specification was created in 1987. Wood pin hole adapters may have been used in the interim and a plastic version was brought in the 2006 timeframe. Distribution Engineering deleted the hole adapters in 2012, which allowed a steel pin to be installed in a wood pin cross arm. Without the adapters, requires changing the arm out if it previously had wood pins (or using salvaged wood pins). (Mark Weiss, DFMP Weekly Review Meeting, 5- 13-15) 20 Reference: DO-2.407 21 Reference: DO-2.8 22 Reference: AFM Layer – “Avian Protection Zone” Staff_PR_122 Supplemental Attachment B Page 9 of 37 Distribution Feeder Management Plan (DFMP) – Structure-Specific Programs - Design Criteria Manual (Applicable to Transformer Change Out Program (TCOP) and Wood Pole Management (WPM)) 10  Compare the cost of the “Identified For Replacement” components versus the cost of replacing the entire pole using the “Component Versus Pole Replacement Analysis Tool” to determine what should be replaced.23 23 Reference: DO-1.005 Staff_PR_122 Supplemental Attachment B Page 10 of 37 Distribution Feeder Management Plan (DFMP) – Structure-Specific Programs - Design Criteria Manual (Applicable to Transformer Change Out Program (TCOP) and Wood Pole Management (WPM)) 11 CUTOUTS  If the pole, cross arm or transformer is being replaced, the porcelain cutout shall also be replaced.  Replace cracked porcelain cutouts and butyl rubber cutouts with signs of chalking.  Do not replace cutouts based only on age.  Design Fuse Marking Signs on all poles with a line cutout that are “Identified for Replacement” by sending the pole number and a map to the Regional Operations Engineer.24  If cutout(s) located on an equipment arm are identified for replacement, relocate the cutouts to the primary cross arm.  If replacing a cutout on an existing single phase pole with an “Identified for Replacement” crossarm with the neutral in the low position and there are no obstructions: o Install a fiberglass standoff bracket for a cutout on single phase armless overhead construction.25  Replace the following types of cutouts: o Chance brand porcelain o Porcelain Box o Grasshopper o Open Link o Q-Q 24 Reference: DO-4.410 25 Reference: s DO-1.007, DO-2.318, and DO-4.146 Staff_PR_122 Supplemental Attachment B Page 11 of 37 Distribution Feeder Management Plan (DFMP) – Structure-Specific Programs - Design Criteria Manual (Applicable to Transformer Change Out Program (TCOP) and Wood Pole Management (WPM)) 12 o Load Break (elephant ear) o V-shaped, GE Dura-Bute butyl with cast iron top and bottom Figure 2: Chance Brand Porcelain Figure 3: Porcelain Box Figure 4: Open Link Figure 5: Q-Q Figure 6: Load Break (Elephant Ear) Figure 7: V-Shaped, GE Dura-Bute Butyl with Cast Iron Top and Bottom  Compare the cost of the “Identified For Replacement” components versus the cost of replacing the entire pole using the “Component Versus Pole Replacement Analysis Tool” to determine what should be replaced.26 26 Reference: DO-1.005 Staff_PR_122 Supplemental Attachment B Page 12 of 37 Distribution Feeder Management Plan (DFMP) – Structure-Specific Programs - Design Criteria Manual (Applicable to Transformer Change Out Program (TCOP) and Wood Pole Management (WPM)) 13 FUSING  General o Install a new fuse of the correct size when replacing and installing a new pole, cross arm, or cutouts. o Consult the Regional Operations Engineer to provide the following:  Recommendations for fusing a specific line cutout “Identified for Replacement”. Staff_PR_122 Supplemental Attachment B Page 13 of 37 Distribution Feeder Management Plan (DFMP) – Structure-Specific Programs - Design Criteria Manual (Applicable to Transformer Change Out Program (TCOP) and Wood Pole Management (WPM)) 14 GROUNDS  Design pole grounds and ground rods at each new installed primary pole location.27  Design ground wire and ground rods on all poles with primary devices and equipment.28  Identify and replace pole grounds in the following situations: o Cut or damaged pole grounds, or  Identify and report to Joint Use Administrator all independent (foreign-owned) grounds that are on the same pole as an Avista pole ground.29  Compare the cost of the “Identified For Replacement” components versus the cost of replacing the entire pole using the “Component Versus Pole Replacement Analysis Tool” to determine what should be replaced.30 27 Reference: DO-3.510, DO-3.512 28 Reference: DO-3.500 29 Reference: DO-1.419 30 Reference: DO-1.005 Staff_PR_122 Supplemental Attachment B Page 14 of 37 Distribution Feeder Management Plan (DFMP) – Structure-Specific Programs - Design Criteria Manual (Applicable to Transformer Change Out Program (TCOP) and Wood Pole Management (WPM)) 15 GUYING  Evaluate and ensure all (primary, neutral, secondary districts and Joint Use positions) new, or to be replaced guy wires and anchors are sized to conform with Avista’s Distribution Standards.31  Existing anchors may be re-used if in good condition. Replace anchors if any of the following apply when replacing the pole or as identified during the Predesign: o The eye nut is damaged o The anchor rod is bent o The anchor rod is rusted or severely pitted o The anchor has pulled out of the ground more than two inches o There are anchors closer than three feet apart o More attachments to the anchor/eye than the eye is rated to hold o The anchor eye is buried beneath the ground line o The Height to Length ratio of the guy is insufficient Standard Reference o The anchor rod is exposed more than the maximum allowable exposure for each type of installation  Existing guy wires may be re-used if in good condition. Evaluate slacked guy wires to determine cause and evaluate for corrective action. Replace guy wires if any of the following apply: o The guy wires are frayed o The guy wires have broken strands o The guy wires are bent o The insulator is broken, damaged, or not intact 31 Guying requirements have been basically the same for the last 50 years, so guying must meet current standards and is not grandfathered. (M. Weiss, DFMP Review Team Meeting, 7-1-15) 32 Reference: Avista Distribution Engineering – “Avista Existing Facilities Replacement Modification Guidelines” 33 Reference: DO-2.520, DO-2.507, and DO-2.564 Staff_PR_122 Supplemental Attachment B Page 15 of 37 Distribution Feeder Management Plan (DFMP) – Structure-Specific Programs - Design Criteria Manual (Applicable to Transformer Change Out Program (TCOP) and Wood Pole Management (WPM)) 16  Install guy markers on all Avista guy wires.  Notify Joint Use if Joint Use facilities are missing down guys, guy markers, or anchors.  Review and design guy fiber rope insulators in all new guy wire installations and on poles where Joint Use and/or all types of secondary are present.34  Use a bollard or fiberglass crossarm in pastures. o Do not use pole butts or timbers in farmers’ fields to protect guying.  Guying and anchoring into buildings or structures should be replaced with standard guying if the pole is being replaced, unless reviewed by engineering.  Consider alternatives to replacing existing anchors and guy wires at locations of limited space: o Span guying or slack spans are acceptable alternatives to changing existing guying or anchoring.35 o Alternative may be to use a partial self supporting structures or partial self supporting structures guyed in only full tension direction36  Evaluate the cost effectiveness of the identified for replacement components versus the cost effectiveness of replacing the pole using “Component Versus Pole Replacement Analysis Tool”. 34 Reference: DO-2.502 35 DO-2.392, DO-2.555-2.560 36 (DE buck DE). (DO-2.392) Staff_PR_122 Supplemental Attachment B Page 16 of 37 Distribution Feeder Management Plan (DFMP) – Structure-Specific Programs - Design Criteria Manual (Applicable to Transformer Change Out Program (TCOP) and Wood Pole Management (WPM)) 17 INSULATORS  Avista’s current standard is the vise top plastic pin insulators on wood and fiberglass cross arms.37  Use 8kV vise top pin insulators for neutral on cross arm at all voltages.38  Avista’s current standard DE insulator is polymer insulators on pole deadends, wood and fiberglass deadend arms.39  Avista’s current standard DE neutral insulator is 8kV glass insulators for pole deadends, wood or fiberglass deadend arms.40  Design a neutral deadend insulator to replace existing spools on AAC and ACSR conductors only when the pole is “Identified for Replacement”.41 42  Only use deadend insulators underneath the cross arm on old construction slack spans. All new construction slack/full spans should adhere to the current standard.43  Install a One-Rack and a Three-Rack for transformers when pole is “Identified for Replacement” in urban areas.  Call out when the conductor needs to be installed under the ear of the insulator at angles requiring this construction. 37 Reference: DO-1.007 38 Reference: DO-2.460 39 Reference: DO-2.440 40 Reference: DO-2.435 41 There is no specific NESC requirement to insulate the neutral; however, it is common practice to install insulators. (M. Weiss, DFMP Review Team Meeting, 4-29-15) 42 Reference: DO-2.109 43 Reference: DO-2.116 Staff_PR_122 Supplemental Attachment B Page 17 of 37 Distribution Feeder Management Plan (DFMP) – Structure-Specific Programs - Design Criteria Manual (Applicable to Transformer Change Out Program (TCOP) and Wood Pole Management (WPM)) 18  One racks that are bent shall not be “Identified for Replacement”.  2x2 washers used at the location where the neutral is attached at the pole shall only be replaced when doing other work on the pole and the neutral is 2/0 ACSR or larger.  If other work is required on a pole that has a slack span with auto dead-ends, then call out to replace the auto dead-ends with the appropriate connectors.  Replace any insulators that show signs of damage (chips), tracking, or deterioration (chalking). Figure 8: Damaged Insulator Figure 9: Damaged Insulator  Replace all non-vice top existing insulators as part of a cross arm replacement.44  Vertical clamp top insulators can be used for uplift construction up to 10 degrees. Vertical angles greater than 10 degrees should use deadend-deadend construction o DO-2.397  Replace 34.5 kV Epoxilator dead end insulators that show signs of damage (chips), tracking, or deterioration (chalking). 44 Another reason to not reuse non-vice top insulators is that there are no new ties available and preformed ties cannot be reused. (D. Labau, DFMP Review Team Meeting, 3-18-15) Staff_PR_122 Supplemental Attachment B Page 18 of 37 Distribution Feeder Management Plan (DFMP) – Structure-Specific Programs - Design Criteria Manual (Applicable to Transformer Change Out Program (TCOP) and Wood Pole Management (WPM)) 19 Figure 10: Pole with Charring at Cross Arms Indicating 34.5 kV Epoxilator Dead End Insulator Deterioration  Evaluate the cost effectiveness of the identified for replacement components versus the cost effectiveness of replacing the pole using “Component Versus Pole Replacement Analysis Tool”. Staff_PR_122 Supplemental Attachment B Page 19 of 37 Distribution Feeder Management Plan (DFMP) – Structure-Specific Programs - Design Criteria Manual (Applicable to Transformer Change Out Program (TCOP) and Wood Pole Management (WPM)) 20 OVERHEAD CONDUCTOR  Review all vertical and horizontal clearance requirements when a pole is replaced.45  Repair overhead conductor that has frayed.  Repair overhead conductor whose sag blatantly violates clearance requirements, or install poles of the appropriate height to conform with Avista’s Distribution Standards.46  Hot Line Clamps47 o Use aluminum hot line clamps on aluminum conductors only.48 o Use copper hot line clamps on copper and steel conductors only.48 o Hot line clamps are not to be used to connect main lines or heavily loaded laterals49 o Hot line clamps may be used when connecting taps of conductor sizes 1/0 copper and smaller. Use ampacts on all jumpers 2/0 ACSR and larger.50  Slack Spans o Remove all automatic deadends and sleeves in slack spans if working in the supply space.51 o Slack spans should only be used when typical guying cannot be utilized.52 45 Reference: DO-1.407 and DO-3.302 to DO-3.374 46 Reference: DO-3.314 and DO-6.210 47 Many bi-metallic hot taps were purchased that are used on copper conductors, but the tin material wears through and creates a conductor hot spot (burn downs). (Mark Weiss, DFMP Weekly Review Meeting, 5-13-15) 48 Reference: DO-3.465 49 Reference: DO-3.442 50 Reference: DO-3.465 51 Reference: DO-2.116 52 Reference: DO-2.116 and DO-2.392 Staff_PR_122 Supplemental Attachment B Page 20 of 37 Distribution Feeder Management Plan (DFMP) – Structure-Specific Programs - Design Criteria Manual (Applicable to Transformer Change Out Program (TCOP) and Wood Pole Management (WPM)) 21  Considerations should be given for the height, class, and setting depth of a pole based on soil conditions. Contact Distribution Engineering with any design related questions on slack spans.  When moving conductor on a pole in the supply space, first investigate if the adjacent poles are red tagged so that pole change-outs occur first.  Replace only one span of two wire open wire secondary districts when replacing a street light pole. Do not replace the entire district.  Customer-Owned Meter Poles o Do not use customer-owned meter poles to support secondary conductor that continue on to serve additional customers.  Vegetation Management o Designers shall consult vegetation management when applicable for all overhead construction.  Roof Horses53 o Do not install new roof horses. o If service is being performed on the service or primary, mitigate the roof horse.  This may involve installing a new service pole or relocating the service connection to the secondary.54  Evaluate the cost effectiveness of the identified for replacement components versus the cost effectiveness of replacing the pole using “Component Versus Pole Replacement Analysis Tool”. 53 It references having to horse the service over the roof to a meter. They also actually observed where someone nailed a saw horse to their roof hence Saw horse/ Roof Horse. 54 NESC 217B Staff_PR_122 Supplemental Attachment B Page 21 of 37 Distribution Feeder Management Plan (DFMP) – Structure-Specific Programs - Design Criteria Manual (Applicable to Transformer Change Out Program (TCOP) and Wood Pole Management (WPM)) 22 OPEN WIRE SECONDARY  Consult the Program Administrator about the options to modify the horizontal open wire secondary districts that require extensive repair work.  Services should be reviewed for meeting clearance requirements. Services clearly not meeting clearance requirements shall be addressed. All services needing immediate attention or difficult to remedy situations shall be input into Maximo for the local office to address. Staff_PR_122 Supplemental Attachment B Page 22 of 37 Distribution Feeder Management Plan (DFMP) – Structure-Specific Programs - Design Criteria Manual (Applicable to Transformer Change Out Program (TCOP) and Wood Pole Management (WPM)) 23 STREET AND AREA LIGHTS  Replace street and area light fixtures with the appropriate LED fixture on poles that are to be replaced. The LED Change-Out Program will replace fixtures on poles that are not being replaced. o Ensure street light fixture replacement uses the correct type code call out. Figure 11: Single LED on Street Light Pole 100W-Type Code 431L 200W-Type Code 531L Figure 12: Single LED on Line Pole 100W-Type Code 435L 200W- Type Code 535L Figure 13: Double LED on Street Light Pole 100W-Type Code 441L 200W-Type Code 541L Staff_PR_122 Supplemental Attachment B Page 23 of 37 Distribution Feeder Management Plan (DFMP) – Structure-Specific Programs - Design Criteria Manual (Applicable to Transformer Change Out Program (TCOP) and Wood Pole Management (WPM)) 24  Install the LED fixture with the correct distribution light type55  Type 3 – Install Mid Block Figure 14: 100W equivalent-Type 3 Figure 15: 200W equivalent-Type 3  Type 5 – Install at Intersections Figure 16: 100W equivalent-Type 5 Figure 17: 200W equivalent-Type 5 55 Reference: DO-5.215 and DU-8.215 Staff_PR_122 Supplemental Attachment B Page 24 of 37 Distribution Feeder Management Plan (DFMP) – Structure-Specific Programs - Design Criteria Manual (Applicable to Transformer Change Out Program (TCOP) and Wood Pole Management (WPM)) 25  LED lighting needs bonding to the neutral for overhead. Bonding is going to be critical for the AMI project using antenna attachments to the street light. o Install pipe clamps on existing mast arms to bond the mast arm to system neutral56  Install the new aluminum mast arms and ground/bond per Avista standards  New aluminum mast arm lengths are 4ft, 8ft and 12ft. The 2ft aluminum mast arms are for communication57 Figure 19: new aluminum mast arms and ground/bond per Avista standards 56 Reference: Spec 5100.100 57 Reference: DO-5.310 and DO-5.335 Figure 18: pipe clamps on existing mast arms to bond the mast arm to system neutral Staff_PR_122 Supplemental Attachment B Page 25 of 37 Distribution Feeder Management Plan (DFMP) – Structure-Specific Programs - Design Criteria Manual (Applicable to Transformer Change Out Program (TCOP) and Wood Pole Management (WPM)) 26 TRANSFORMERS  Transformer Sizing o Calculate the correct size of all overhead transformers that are “Identified for Replacement”.58 59 o If the transformer is undersized, replace with the correctly sized transformer. o If the transformer is oversized use the Oversized Transformer Cost Comparison Tool.  Identified For Replacement Transformers o Replace all overhead transformers identified as having oil leaks. o Replace all Pre-1981 overhead transformers if the pole is being replaced. o Replace the entire bank if two or more transformers in a bank are “Identified For Replacement” (transformer sizing, oil leaks or Pre-1981). Replace only the transformer “Identified For Replacement” if only one of the transformers in a bank is “Identified For Replacement”. o Re-install 1981 and newer transformers on poles being changed out, unless the transformer(s) is “Identified For Replacement”.60  Design transformer and arrester wildlife protectors on all new overheard transformers.61  Use the guard on 13, 24 and 34.5 kV transformers or capacitor bushings that are “Identified for Replacement” or if other work is required on the pole.  Idle or Unused Transformers 58 Reference: DO-4.137, DO-4.105, DU-5.002, DU-5.006 59 Reference: Avista’s Residential Design Workbook on AVAnet (Transformer Sizing Tool, Flicker Tool, and Voltage Drop Tool 60 Reference: DU-4.206, DU-4.222, DU-4.230, DU-5.020 61 Reference: DO-4.176 Staff_PR_122 Supplemental Attachment B Page 26 of 37 Distribution Feeder Management Plan (DFMP) – Structure-Specific Programs - Design Criteria Manual (Applicable to Transformer Change Out Program (TCOP) and Wood Pole Management (WPM)) 27 o Remove idle or unused transformers. Verification with the Avista local construction office is required before removal. o Metered transformers require customer approval for removal.  Riser Wire and Connectors o When replacing a transformer with weatherproof riser wire, replace the riser wire and connectors.  Application of Seed-Based Oil Filled Transformers o Transformers located within 20 feet of a school building shall filled or retro-filled with FR-3 transformer oil. FR-3 oil reduces fire risk. o Review and consider moving overhead facilities to underground if appropriate as it reduces the overall risk. Entrances, exits, and general location (limited exit points) should be considered in the overall review.62  Smart Transformers o Leave smart transformers in-service if they are properly sized and not damaged or leaking. o Remove undersized in-service smart transformers and replace with appropriately sized traditional non-smart transformers. o Remove damaged or leaking in-service smart transformers and replace with appropriately sized traditional non-smart transformers. o Do not install a new “smart-transformer.”  For Transformer Change-Out Program: Determine if multiple pre-1981 padmount transformers should be changed out during one outage. 62 Reference: DO-4.105, School Electric Facility Document Staff_PR_122 Supplemental Attachment B Page 27 of 37 Distribution Feeder Management Plan (DFMP) – Structure-Specific Programs - Design Criteria Manual (Applicable to Transformer Change Out Program (TCOP) and Wood Pole Management (WPM)) 28  Evaluate the cost effectiveness of the identified for replacement components versus the cost effectiveness of replacing the pole using “Component Versus Pole Replacement Analysis Tool”. Staff_PR_122 Supplemental Attachment B Page 28 of 37 Distribution Feeder Management Plan (DFMP) – Structure-Specific Programs - Design Criteria Manual (Applicable to Transformer Change Out Program (TCOP) and Wood Pole Management (WPM)) 29 UNDERGROUND  Consult the Program Administrator for help in evaluating lines with extensive repair work to identify if the line should be considered for undergrounding. Undergrounding will require working with the local office for funding assistance and design guidance.  Evaluate the cost effectiveness of the identified for replacement components versus the cost effectiveness of replacing the pole using “Component Versus Pole Replacement Analysis Tool”.  Riser o When replacing a riser pole that has multiple phases in a single conduit, re-install each phase in its own conduit. Replace risers with multiple phases in a single conduit that does not meet the current standard.63  Sweeps o Conduit  Conduit is preferred on all underground cable installations.  Direct buried or plowed in is an acceptable practice in justifiable situations, however it is not preferred.  Sweeps shall be installed on underground cable systems in conduit.  Sweeps shall be installed on direct-buried or plowed-in underground cable systems to maintain minimum bend radius.64  Sweeps shall be installed on all riser and other above ground transition installations. 63 Reference: DU-2.116 64 Reference: “Sweeps are required on cable entrance into box pads and ground sleeves” (per email from Marty Gulsuth, 7-13-17). This decision supersedes the previous memo from Dave James Staff_PR_122 Supplemental Attachment B Page 29 of 37 Distribution Feeder Management Plan (DFMP) – Structure-Specific Programs - Design Criteria Manual (Applicable to Transformer Change Out Program (TCOP) and Wood Pole Management (WPM)) 30  Conduit shall be installed on all three-phase 600 A underground cable systems. Staff_PR_122 Supplemental Attachment B Page 30 of 37 Distribution Feeder Management Plan (DFMP) – Structure-Specific Programs - Design Criteria Manual (Applicable to Transformer Change Out Program (TCOP) and Wood Pole Management (WPM)) 31 WOOD POLES  Red Tag Poles o Replace all Red Tag poles as indicated by Wood Pole Inspections. o Foreign-owned Red Tag poles shall be addressed using the Joint Use coordination process (see Joint Use section of DFMP – Structure-Specific Programs – Design Criteria Manual).65  Yellow Tag Poles o Yellow Tag poles shall be stubbed regardless of age, except in backyards with no truck access where all poles shall be replaced. Collectively evaluate the condition of the pole and other equipment and conductors being replaced to assist in determining whether to ultimately replace a pole that could be stubbed.66 67 o Foreign-owned Yellow Tag poles shall be addressed using the Joint Use coordination process.68  Pole Class o Evaluate and ensure all to be replaced poles are classed to conform with Avista’s Distribution Standards. o Create call-out on design for replacement of any pole that is visibly under- classed.69 70 71 72 65 Reference: DO-1.426 66 Source: “Asset Management – “2014.12.23 Pole Top and Crossarm Failure Information Rev. 1.pptx” 67 Reference: Specification S-755 – Installation of Steel Stubs on Wood Poles 68 See Joint Use section of DFMP – Structure-Specific Programs – Design Criteria Manual 69 Reference: Avista Distribution Engineering – “Evaluation of Pre-1977 Existing Installations” 70 Reference: Avista Distribution Engineering – “Avista Existing Facilities Replacement Modification Guidelines” 71 Reference: DO-2.625 and DO-2.630 72 Reference: DO-2.620 and DO-4.138 Staff_PR_122 Supplemental Attachment B Page 31 of 37 Distribution Feeder Management Plan (DFMP) – Structure-Specific Programs - Design Criteria Manual (Applicable to Transformer Change Out Program (TCOP) and Wood Pole Management (WPM)) 32  Pole Height o Evaluate the required pole height on all existing, new, or to be replaced poles to ensure all poles have vertical clearances that conform to Avista’s Distribution Standards and the NESC Communications Worker Safety Zone Rule 238E. o Create call-out on design for replacement of any pole that is visibly under-sized (height). This may require replacing a physically healthy pole with a new pole of the correct height and/or class, due to new attachments, loading, and uplift caused by short spans with different pole heights.73 74  Pole Top o Evaluate the Pole Top condition to determine if a pole should be replaced. Split Bolts shall only be added if there are no pre-existing bisecting bolts. o Determine if “topping the pole” and framing down conform with Avista’s Distribution Standards. o Determine if split bolting is necessary to maintain the integrity of the pole top.75  Woodpecker Hole Evaluation o Evaluate the size of any Woodpecker holes and the effect on the strength of the pole.76  Leaning Poles o Poles leaning more than three feet from the vertical at the top of the pole shall be straightened if pole height and class are adequate or replaced with appropriate height and class pole.77 73 Reference: DO-2.620 74 Reference: Avista Distribution Engineering – “Avista Existing Facilities Replacement Modification Guidelines” 75 Reference: DO-2.000 76 Reference: Specification S-622 – Specification for the Inspection of Wood Poles 77 Reference: Specification S-755 - Avista Installation of Steel Stubs on Wood Poles Staff_PR_122 Supplemental Attachment B Page 32 of 37 Distribution Feeder Management Plan (DFMP) – Structure-Specific Programs - Design Criteria Manual (Applicable to Transformer Change Out Program (TCOP) and Wood Pole Management (WPM)) 33  Idle or Unused Poles o Remove idle or unused poles. Verification with Avista local construction office and landowner is required before removal. o De-energized pole line sections shall be inspected and kept in the same condition as energized lines. o De-energized lines should be bonded and grounded to the system neutral at a minimum.  Service Poles o Steel Poles  Remove all existing steel service poles and replace with appropriate wood equivalent.  Wood-Stubbed Poles o Remove and replace all existing wood-stubbed poles. o Do not install steel stubs in poles located in backyards due to climbing safety issues.  Slack Span o Considerations should be given for the height, class, and setting depth of a pole based on soil conditions. Contract Distribution Engineering with any design related questions on slack spans.  Vegetation Management o Designers shall consult vegetation management when applicable for all overhead construction.  Customer-Owned Meter Poles o Do not use customer-owned meter poles to support secondary conductor that continue on to serve additional customers. Staff_PR_122 Supplemental Attachment B Page 33 of 37 Distribution Feeder Management Plan (DFMP) – Structure-Specific Programs - Design Criteria Manual (Applicable to Transformer Change Out Program (TCOP) and Wood Pole Management (WPM)) 34  Foreign Owned Poles o Reference operations flip chart for guidance.  Other o When replacing and installing with a new pole, do not re-install the existing insulators, arrestors, or cutouts. Additional materials and equipment can be determined at the designer’s discretion based on condition. o Compare the cost of the “Identified For Replacement” components versus the cost of replacing the entire pole using the “Component Versus Pole Replacement Analysis Tool” to determine what should be replaced. (Tool needs to have WPM units instead of GMP unit descriptions and prices.)78 79 80 78 Reference: s DO-1.005 79 General Reference: DFMP – Structure-Specific Programs - Design Criteria Manual - Joint Use Section for the Notification and Coordination Process document for information on pole issues related with Joint Users. 80 General Reference: DFMP – Structure-Specific Programs - Design Criteria Manual - Vegetation Management Section for process to contact Avista Vegetation Management Administrator to request tree trimming on their projects to establish proper clearance from poles and conductors. Staff_PR_122 Supplemental Attachment B Page 34 of 37 Distribution Feeder Management Plan (DFMP) – Structure-Specific Programs - Design Criteria Manual (Applicable to Transformer Change Out Program (TCOP) and Wood Pole Management (WPM)) 35 REDUCED SCOPE  Replace red-tagged poles.  Reinforce yellow-tagged poles.  Replace bad cross-arms.  Repair bad pole tops.  Replace: o Broken Insulators o Broken or Stolen Grounds o Targeted TCOP Transformers o Transformers that show signs of leaking  Remove: o Idle Transformers o Idle Poles  Compare the cost of the “Identified For Replacement” components versus the cost of replacing the entire pole using the “Component Versus Pole Replacement Analysis Tool” to determine what should be replaced.81 81 Reference: DO-1.005 Staff_PR_122 Supplemental Attachment B Page 35 of 37 Distribution Feeder Management Plan (DFMP) – Structure-Specific Programs - Design Criteria Manual (Applicable to Transformer Change Out Program (TCOP) and Wood Pole Management (WPM)) 36 Version Date Action Change Tracking 1 October 2018  Wood Poles o Service Poles  Steel Poles  Remove all existing steel service poles and replace with appropriate wood equivalent. (see comment above) o Wood-Stubbed Poles  Remove and replace all existing wood-stubbed poles.  Do not install steel stubs in poles located in backyards due to climbing safety issues. o Customer-Owned Meter Poles  Do not use customer-owned meter poles to support secondary conductor that continue on to serve additional customers.  Transformers o Smart Transformers  Leave smart transformers in-service if they are properly sized and not damaged or leaking.  Remove undersized in-service smart transformers and replace with appropriately sized traditional non-smart transformers.  Remove damaged or leaking in-service smart transformers and replace with appropriately sized traditional non-smart transformers.  Do not install a new “smart-transformer.”  Underground o Sweeps  Conduit  Conduit is preferred on all underground cable installations.  Direct buried or plowed in is an acceptable practice in justifiable situations, however it is not preferred.  Sweeps shall be installed on underground cable systems in conduit.  Sweeps shall be installed on direct-buried or plowed-in underground cable systems to maintain minimum bend radius.  Sweeps shall be installed on all riser and other above ground transition installations.  Conduit shall be installed on all three- phase 600 A underground cable systems.  Conduit shall be installed on all underground secondary cables.82 o Riser  When replacing a riser pole that has multiple phases in a single conduit, re-install each phase in its own conduit. Replace risers with multiple phases in a single conduit that does not meet the current standard.83  OH Conductor o Slack Span  Considerations should be given for the height, class, and setting depth of a pole based on soil conditions. Contract Distribution Engineering with any design related questions on slack spans. o Customer-Owned Meter Poles  Do not use customer-owned meter poles to support secondary conductor that continue on to serve additional customers. Revisions 82 “Sweeps are required on cable entrance into box pads and ground sleeves” (per email from Marty Gulsuth, 7-13- 17.) This decision supersedes the previous memo from Dave James. 83 DU-2.116 Staff_PR_122 Supplemental Attachment B Page 36 of 37 Distribution Feeder Management Plan (DFMP) – Structure-Specific Programs - Design Criteria Manual (Applicable to Transformer Change Out Program (TCOP) and Wood Pole Management (WPM)) 37 o Roof Horses84  Do not install new roof horses.  Remove service from roof horse if there is a clearance violation, roof horse is damaged, or work is being performed on the service. (See note above)  This may involve installing a new service pole or relocating the service connection to the secondary.85 o Vegetation Management  Designers shall consult vegetation management with applicable for all overhead construction. 84 It references having to horse the service over the roof to a meter. They also actually observed where someone nailed a saw horse to their roof hence Saw horse/ Roof Horse. 85 NESC 217B Staff_PR_122 Supplemental Attachment B Page 37 of 37