HomeMy WebLinkAbout20230502PR_128 Attachment A - No. 23.pdfConnections February 2022 | Washington | Idaho Don’t let it get away Air fleeing your house allows heat to escape and increases your energy use. When it’s cold outside, drafty windows or doors can work against you. But you can fight back, keeping that winter chill out where it belongs, all while saving energy. To check for drafts, run your wet fingertips around a door or window frame. Or, hold up a tissue to see if it waves. Once you’ve identified the culprit, seal those leaks. Caulking is the right tool for the job between non-moving parts, like a window frame and the wall. Weather stripping goes next to moving parts, such as a door and its frame. Consider having drafty windows replaced. This will reduce energy consumption and increase the value and beauty of your home. Avista also offers rebates on new windows—$4 per sq ft for standard windows and $3 per sq ft for storm windows. For more information, visit myavista.com/ energy-savings/rebateswashington/ windows. And look for more energy-efficiency tips at myavista.com/advice. Lisa, an Avista customer, bought her 1910 house because she loved the old-world character, some of which doesn’t make her house very energy efficient. Lisa is sharing her experience on taking some simple do-it-yourself improvements to inspire others to do the same. You’ll find her stories at myavista.com/connect every Tuesday. At Home with Lisa: Dishwasher Filter A few months ago, I started noticing that my dishwasher wasn’t cleaning my dishes. I was so excited when I moved into my house a few years ago, not only for the house, but for having a dishwasher for the first time. When my dishes weren’t getting clean, I started to wash them by hand again. But according to Avista’s Energy Guide you can save 5,000 gallons of water a year and $40 in energy costs by using a dishwasher instead of washing by hand. Someone mentioned that I should check the filter in my dishwasher. I googled how to clean my dishwasher filter and specified what kind of dishwasher in my search to find out how to clean it. It had been a while since I had used it, so I ran a rinse cycle before diving in. I took out the bottom tray, pulled out the sprayer and the filter. It was disgusting. I don’t think the folks who lived here before cleaned the filter either. I soaked all the pieces in hot, soapy water and started scrubbing. For the tough-to-clean spots, I sprinkled them with baking soda and drizzled a little white vinegar on them to make it foamy. Then I scrubbed some more. Now, my dishwasher is working great. I can start using it again instead of washing dishes by hand. If you find that your dishwasher isn’t cleaning as well as you would like it, you should check your filter, too. Connect with us Mailing Address: 1411 E. Mission, PO Box 3727, Spokane, WA 99220-3727 Toll-Free: (800) 227-9187 | Web Site: myavista.com | Email: ask@myavista.com 502i AVA © Copyright 2022 Avista Corporation An easy, low cost way to support clean energy Did you know that Avista’s electricity mix is already more than fifty percent clean? While this is great news, many customers want to take it further and now they can. Whether you rent or own, you can choose renewable energy by adding as little as $1 to your monthly Avista payment. Signing up is simple and you can cancel anytime. To learn more about the benefits associated with My Clean Energy and get started today, visit us online at myavista.com/MyCleanEnergy. And as always, your participation helps to accelerate the transition to clean, renewable energy for all. Do you need help paying your bill? Out of sight, out of mind It’s a phrase that could refer to the jar of half-used pasta sauce buried in the back of the fridge. Not that we don’t care about refrigerator hygiene, but it won’t surprise you to know we are referring to gas meter safety. Avista will need access to your gas meter for periodic readings and maintenance. And in case of an emergency, we’ll need immediate access to the shutoff valve. With these things in mind, take a look at your meter with fresh eyes. Is there anything in the way? Are there plants or flowers hiding the dials? Is debris gathered around it? In the winter, is it buried under six inches of snow? If the answer is yes to any of these, help us out by carefully removing these obstacles and making the pathway to the meter safe. While we’re talking about the meter, we’ll also ask that you never lean objects against it, place objects on top of it, or build anything (like a deck) above it. Finally, be careful when operating a vehicle near your meter. It can be relatively easy to forget about and accidentally back into it, which could result in a dangerous situation. Beyond these simple steps, Avista will take care of everything else, like periodic maintenance. Out of sight, out of mind is a cliché. But when it comes to the natural gas meter on your property, it’s best to keep it in mind, even when it’s out of sight. Visit myavista.com/resngsafety for more information. We have options. Project Share, helping a neighbor in need In the middle of a crisis, it is hard to know where to turn for help. One of our customers recently found their family in such a situation. While the household was welcoming a new baby, they were faced with many difficult situations: a vehicle accident, job loss and cold winter weather. After going without power for three weeks, they reached out to Avista for help. We referred them to their local community action agency, SNAP (Spokane Neighborhood Action Partners) for assistance. With that help, the family was able to get their services restored before the snow began to fall. This family had never accessed assistance benefits before; they weren’t even aware that help was available. Avista customers, employees and corporate donations are what make that help possible through Project Share — a community fund that seeks to stabilize a household through hardship. Collectively, each of our giving helped approximately 2,000 households in Washington, Idaho, and Oregon last year. Giving is easy. One hundred percent of the funds collected by Avista are passed to the Project Share fund. For those who would like to make direct donations to the program, please visit: givetoprojectshare.org. Check out myavista.com/assistance if you would like to learn about energy assistance in your area. We understand that there may be instances when customers find themselves facing financial difficulties. Avista partners with community agencies to provide financial assistance, plus we offer other services to help you manage and pay your bill such as Comfort Level Billing, Preferred Due Date, and Payment Arrangements. We’re here to help. Please call us at (800) 227-9187 to discuss your options with a Customer Service Representative or for more information visit myavista.com/assistance.