HomeMy WebLinkAbout20220802Avista to Staff 1-11.pdfJURISDICTION: CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO.: i:?.',ii,.:,'. ;* AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FORINFORMATION :,,; ii; , - r 11 ?: 39 IDAHO DATE PREPARED: 07 l2gl2o22' , : ' , . -, ,H S1 0 ilAW-G-22-03 WITNESS: N/AIPUC RESPONDER: JeffWebb Production Request DEPARTMENT: Gas EngineeringStaff-001 TELEPHONE: (509) 495-4424EMAIL: jeff.webb@avistacorp.com REQUEST: Describe the Company's capabilities to repair meters that fail their accuracy test: a. Please describe which meters (by manufacturer) the Company is capable of re,pairing, and the types of deficiencies that can be repaired. b. Please describe availability of components required to repair meters. c. What is the Company's current monthly repair capacity? d. Has the Company explored expanding its repairs of meters? If not, why not. If yes, what is the capacity of monthly repairs the Company could achieve? RESPONSE: a. The Avista Gas Meter Shop has the haining and tools to fully rebuild all diaphragm meter sizes (175 to 1000) from both Elster & Sensys manufacturers. b. Avista's designated manufacturer representative has notified the Company that repair parts are available in limited quantities, depending on the part required, and that inventory levels are in constant flux as there is a high level of uncertainty upstream from the manufacturer themselves. c. Those qualified to repair meters at Avista have minimal capacity to do more work, as they are already incurring overtime to complete many of their existing responsibilities. Any additional workload would require mandatory overtime or hiring and training additional ernployees to complete the repairs. d. Avista has not completed any analysis regarding the expansion of its repairs of small diaphragm meters. When reviewed in the past, it was deemed cost prohibitive to do so, as the relatively low cost of a new meter did not justifr spending much time and/or materials to repair an old one. AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR TNFORMATTON ruRISDICTION: CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO.: IDAHO AVU-G-22-03 IPUC Production Request Staff-002 DATE PREPARED: 07 12912022WITNESS: N/A RESPONDER: JeffWebb DEPARTMENT: Gas Engineering TELEPHONE: (509) 495-4424EMAIL: jeff.webb@avistacorp.com REQUEST: On page 5 of the Petition, the Company described exploring a second meter manufacturer in 2019: a. Has the Company revisited the potential of using the manufacturer explored in2019? If yes, please provide findings. If not, why not? b. Has the Company explored any other manufactures or sources? If yes, please describe findings. If not, why not? RESPONSE: a. Yes. While the second vendor Avista researched in 2019 had a longer lead time than the Company's primary supplier (70+ weeks vs. 52), Avista is placing orders with the second supplier in order to diversifu its supply chain. Due to the lead time issues noted, however, these additional orders will of[er no expedition of meter receipt. b. To Avista's knowledge, there are no other manufacfurers of residential-sized diaphragm gas meters through which it could procure additional meters. AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATTON ruRISDICTION: CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO.: IDAHO AVU-G-22-03 IPUC Production Request Staft-003 DATE PREPARED: 07 12912022WITNESS: N/A RESPONDER: Jeff Webb DEPARTMENT: Gas Engineering TELEPHONE: (509) 495-4424EMAIL: jeff.webb@avistacorp.com REQUEST: On pages 5 and 6 of the Petition, the Company describes why use of its current vendor is the preferred alternative. a. Please describe what is involved in the badgrng process and what is required for another vendor to meet the Company's requirements. b. Please describe what is involved in qualifying a meter vendor's QA and QC processes. RESPONSE: a. Each Avista meter is labeled with a unique metallic badge from the Company. This label contains information about the meter, such as the manufacturer name, meter size, manufacture year, and serial number. Our Company n.rme, "Avista", is also included on the label. This label information is common throughout the industry and meter vendors anticipate this requirernent. If Avista were to change vendors, the labeling would not be an issue. However, if we were to purchase meters from our peer utilities, the labels would contain the incorrect utility name and would therefore need replaced. Replacing the badge would require working with the meter manufacturer to create new badges, with Avista then able to rernove the riveting from the old badges and replace with the new ones. It is also worth noting supply chain issues, and associated meter shortages, are an industry-wide issue-with other utilities Avista has corresponded with noting similar, if not worse lead times-and it is highly unlikely that others would be willing to sell from their own limited inventories. b. While Avista's process to qualiff a new vendor's QA/QC process is not formally documented, it involves visiting the manufacturer and conducting a plant audit (which includes, among other activities, review of their training program, safety record, and root cause analysis protocol), in addition to a trial-run of the vendor's product. This means ordering a small quantity of their meters, placing them into service in a controlled location (and in series with an existing meter so that reads can be compared), and ensuring the AMR/AMI devices communicate properly. Assuming the testing goes well, this process would give Avista a high level of confidence in the accuracy of these meters. AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION JURISDICTION: CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO.: IDAHO AVU-G-22-03 IPUC Production Request Staff-004 DATE PREPARED: 07 12912022WITNESS: N/A RESPONDER: JeffWebb DEPARTMENT: Gas Engineering TELEPHoNE: (s09) 49s-4424EMAIL: jeff.webb@avistacorp.com RBQUEST: On page 6 of the Petition, the Company stated the lead time for Encoder Receiver Transmitter ("ERT') modules is approximately 24 weeks: a. Has the Company experienced ERT module availability constraints or shortages other than increased lead time? If so, please describe constraints and how the Company is addressing thern. b. Please provide current inventory levels of ERTs, and anticipated consumption rates. RESPONSE: a. The only ERT module compatible with the fixed network syston in Idaho is the 100G DLT, production of which was discontinued by its manufacturer, Itron, several years ago. In anticipation of AMI being scheduled to start in Idaho in2024, the Company worked with Itron to manufacture a special run of 50,000 l00G DLT modules-made specifically for Avista-so that the Company would not run the risk ofnot having enough 100G DLT modules to support new meter installations as well as replacement of ERTs in the event ofbattery failure. With this agreement, Avista expects to have a sufficient supply of ERTs until the AMI project is under"way. The first shipment of these ERT modules is expected to be delivered in late 2022 andthe rest in the first and second quarter of 2023. b. Current inventory levels for the 100G DLT areo Elster with f index: 480o Elster with 2' index: 60o Elster with 5' index: 80o Elsterwith 10'index: 75o Rockwell index: 0 Regarding consumption rates, the average failure rate for ERTs is about 20 per day. AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION REQUEST: Please provide supporting workpapers for the values shown on page l0 of the Petition: a. How many fasUslow meters by meter type were replaced in Idaho by year in2020 and202l? b. How many dead meters by meter type were replaced in Idaho by year in2020 and202l? RESPONSE: Please see Staff-PR-005 Attachments A-C for the following workpapers: o Staff-PR-005 Attachment A-2020 Fast Test Natural Gas Meterso Staff-PR-005 Attachment B -2021Fast Test Natural Gas Meterso StaflPR-O05 Attachment C - 2022 Fast Test Natural Gas Meters a. The tables below show the number of meters by type that were replaced and tested either fast or slow in 2020 and202l: ruRISDICTION: CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO.: IDAHO AW-G-22-03 IPUC Production Request Staff-005 2020 Meter Type Quantity that Tested Fast or Slow 5B AC250 AC630 A11000 A11400 A1175 A12300 AL250 A1425 A15000 ALSOO R275 RA175 RA275 L7 515 45 45 15 51 3 L 67 2 5 377 7 58 Total L,L48 DATE PREPARED WITNESS: RESPONDER: DEPARTMENT: TELEPHONE: EMAIL: 07t29t2022 N/A JeffWebb Gas Engineering (s09) 49s-4424 j eff.webb@avistacorp.com 202,, Meter Type Quantity that Tested Fast or Slow 5B AC250 AC630 A11000 A11400 A1175 A12300 A1425 ALSOO R275 RA175 RA275 sA175 18 4t6 4L 35 9 31 6 27 5 675 4 108 t Total L,376 b. It is assumed that a "dead meter" is a meter that has a mechanical issue that results in the meter not registering usage. Avista refers to meters that are not registering usage as a stopped meter. Some coillmon reasons for a stopped meter can be from a dead ERT battery, a vacant or seasonal home, a broken wiggler, etc. The tables below show the number of stopped meters that were due to mechanical issues that prevented the meter from registering flow that were replaced in2020 and 2021: 2020 Meter Type Stopped Meter Quantitv Replaced AC250 AC630 A11000 A11400 R275 27 2 L 2 5 Total 37 2021 Meter Type Stopped Meter QuantiW Replaced AC250 AC630 A1175 4L425 R275 18 3 4 1 3 Total 29 AYISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR TNFORMATTON ruRISDICTION: IDAHO CASE NO: AW-G-22-03 REQUESTER: IPUC TYPE: Production Request REQUEST NO.: Staff-006 DATE PREPARED: 07 12912022WITNESS: N/A RESPONDER: JeffWebb DEPARTMENT: Gas Engineering TELEPHONE: (509) 49s-4424EMAIL: jeff.webb@avistacorp.com REQUEST: Please provide a copy of all standards cited in the petition including ANSVASQZI.4 and Zl.9 2003 (R2018). RESPONSE: Please see Avista's response Staff-PR-006C, which contains TRADE SECRET, PROPRIETARY or CONFIDENTIAL information and exernpt from public view and is separately filed under IDAPA 31.01.01, Rule 067 and233, and Section 9-340D, Idaho Code. AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION ruRISDICTION: CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO.: IDAHO AVU-G-22-03 IPUC Production Request Staff-006C DATE PREPARED: 07 12912022WITNESS: N/A RESPONDER: JeffWebb DEPARTMENT: Gas Engineering TELEPHONE: (509) 495-4424EMAIL: jeff.webb@avistacorp.com REQUEST: Please provide a copy of all standards cited in the petition including ANSVASQZI.4 andzl.g 2003 (R2018). RESPONSE: Please see Avista's response Staff-PR-006C Confidential Attachment A for the ANSI Zl.9 standard referenced in its Petition (ASQZI.4 noted above was not cited in the Company's Petition). Staff-PR-006C Confidential Attachment A contains TRADE SECRET, PROPRIETARY or CONFIDENTIAL information and exe,mpt from public view and is separately filed under IDAPA 31.01.01, Rule 067 and233, and Section 9-340D, Idaho Code. The attachment is being provided as confidential due to copyrighting. AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR TNFORMATION JURISDICTION: CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO.: IDAHO AVU-G-22-03 IPUC Production Request Staff-007 DATE PREPARED: 07 12912022WITNESS: N/A RESPONDER: JeffWebb DEPARTMENT: Gas Engineering TELEPHONE: (509) 495-4424EMAIL: jeff.webb@avistacorp.com REQUEST: Please describe alternative meter testing methods and protocols the Company has explored. RESPONSE: Avista is not aware of any other testing methods that are supported by ANSI or other utilities in the indusbry that would not place an even greater burden on inventory levels. For example, one altemative method would be to field test the smaller diaphragm meters (as is the protocol for larger meters); however, the quantity of meters required to complete such tests would require an additional fleet of equipment (mobile provers, etc.) and associated staffllabor to support the effort. ruzuSDICTION CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO.: AYISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION IDAHO AW-G-22-03 IPUC Production Request Staff-008 DATE PREPARED: 07 12912022WITNESS: N/A RESPONDER: Jeff Webb DEPARTMENT: Gas Engineering TELEPHONE: (s09) 49s-4424EMAIL: jeff.webb@avistacorp.com REQUEST: The Company is requesting a waiver from the provisions of Section 24-25 of its natural gas tarifi LP.U.C No.27, Schedule 170. Part D of Section 25 is Meter Tests Requested by Customsrs. Please clariff if a waiver is requested for Part D, too, or if Part D will remain in effect. If a waiver is being requested for Part D, please explain and provide additional documentation for that need. RESPONSE: Avista is not requesting a waiver of customer-requested meter testing, as the number of natural gas meter requests by customers on an annual basis has, historically, been low. The number of customer-requested meter tests in 2020 and202l were: 2020: ll0 2021: l3l JURISDICTION CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO.: AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION IDAHO AVU-G-22-03 IPUC Production Request Staffi009 DATE PREPARED: 07 12912022WITNESS: N/A RESPONDER: JeffWebb DEPARTMENT: Gas Engineering TELEPHONE: (s09) 495-4424EMAIL: jeff.webb@avistacorp.com REQUEST: Please provide the audit parameters the Company uses to detect high, slowing or stopped meters. How often are reports reviewed, and within what time frame are field investigations conducted and corrective action taken if necessary? a. How many meter replacement requests originated from customers in Idaho by year in2020 and 2021? b. How many internal requests for meter reads and replacements were requested by the billing department? c. How many internal requests for meter reads and replacements were requested by the Company? RESPONSE: Avista's billing department has high-read and low-read parameters assigned to each meter in its Customer Care & Billing (CC&B) system. If the meter read hits either the high or low read parameters, the billing team receives notification the next business day after the meter is read and reviews the account and billing history to see if the read makes sense. If the billing team suspects that the read is inaccurate, the bill is postponed, and a Field Activity is created for a field visit to investigate the situation. This review and Field Activity creation (if necessary) is done the next business day after the meter is read. The target resolution date is 5 business days from when the Field Activity is created. From 2020 to present, the average number of days from when the Field Activity was created until completion was 4 days. a. Quantity of customer:Ti.d,* meter replacements: 2021 - l3l b. Quantity ofbilling department requested meter reads and replacements: 2021 - 531 c. Quantity of internal request for meter reads and replacements (includes billing deparbnent requests, PMC pro8ram, il,#* Family meter replacements): 2021 - 1,714 AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION JURISDICTION: IDAHO CASE NO: AW-G-22-03 REQUESTER: IPUCTYPE: Production Request REQUEST NO.: Staff-0l0 DATE PREPARED: 07 12912022WITNESS: N/A RESPONDER: Jaime Majure DEPARTMENT: Regulatory Affairs TELEPHONE: (509) 49s-7839EMAIL: iaime.majure@avistacorp.com REQUEST: Current rules/tariffs limit rebilling to 36 months (UCRR 203 03(b)). Please explain how the Company determines an 18-month limit is appropriate for overbilling as shown in the example on page 10 of the Application. Does this imply that the Company is certain all meters are currently working within spec at this time? RESPONSE: UCCR 203.030) states that "If the time when the billing problem began can be reasonablv determined and the utility determines the customer was overcharged, the corrected billings will go back to that time, but not to exceed three (3) years from the time the billing problem occurred as provided by Section 6l-642,Idaho Code." [Emphasis added] In its Petition, Avista asked to extend the 6-month timeframe in UCCR 203.03@), which states, in comparison, that "If the time when the billing error, billing under incorrect rates, or failure to bill (collectively referred to as "billing problem") began cannot be reasonably determined to have occurred within a specific period. the corrected billings will not exceed the most recent six (6) months before the discovery of the billing problem." [Emphasis added] Avista's request, since the time at which the meter began malfunctioning may not be reasonably determined, is intended to credit 18 months back to customers. This will accommodate the 12 months that the Company anticipates not testing meters, in addition to the 6 months we typically refund for a fast meter, totaling 18 months. To clarify, if the Company is able to reasonably determine the time when the billing problem began, the 36-month provision per UCCR 203.030) will be applicable in those instances. The purpose of the PMC Program is to verify the accuracy of Avista's meters and identifu those that aren't working within spec, so that the appropriate repair or removal process can be completed The Company's proposal was not intended to imply that all meters are currently working within spec at this time, but rather to provide security for a customer whose meter, hlpothetically, would have failed if tested noul versus being testing after having paused our PMC program 12 months from now. For example, if a meter tested outside of the prescribed 2% threshold today, we would provide the customer with up to 6 months of credit; if Avista's waiver is granted and the PMC Program is paused for 12 months, upon resuming such meter testing the Company would like to ensure that the customer is compensated for what they would have received (6 months of credit) in addition to the 12 months that their meter test was delayed. It is for this reason that when testing of meters resumes, the Company proposed to credit customers for any discovered overbilling for up to 18 months. AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR TNFORMATTON JURISDICTION: CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO.: IDAHO AYU-G-22-03 IPUC Production Request Staff-0lI DATE PREPARED: 07 129/2022WITNESS: N/A RESPONDER: Jaime Majure DEPARTMENT: Regulatory Affairs TELEPHONE: (509) 49s-7839EMAIL: jaime.majure@avistacorp.com REQUEST: Please describe the Company's procedure to determine rebilling amounts when a meter malfunctions (high and low). RESPONSE: If, upon testing a meter, it is determined that the meter is malfunctioning high (i.e., the meter tests more than 2o/o fast, with more natural gas registering as used than was actually consumed, therefore the customer has been potentially overbilled), Avista provides a bill credit for amount of the potential overage for the previous six months' usage. This amount is calculated by multiplying the percentage of the overage (from what 1O0%-meter accuracy would have been) times the usage during that time period, based on current rates. In instances where the meter is instead determined to be malfunctioning low (i.e., testing more than 2o/o slow), the Company uses the same calculation. However, Avista rarely encounters meters that test slow; rather, the majority of slow-testing meters actually qualifu as stopped meters (they have stopped registering usage completely) and rebills are therefore estimated based on historical usage (prior 2 years) at the premise. If the customer has not been at the prernise for at least 2 years, or the usage patterns are inconsistent, a new meter read is obtained after 7 days and the usage is estimated based on that read.