HomeMy WebLinkAbout20220506Avista to Staff 15-18 - Redacted.pdfAVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION .,i.i i'', '' *6 .4H l*, BB JURISDICTION: CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO.: IDAHO AW-G-22-01 Staff Production Request Staft-0l5 DATE PREPARED: 0515/2022WITNESS: N/A RESPONDER: DEPARTMENT: TELEPHONE: Amanda Ghering Regulatory Affairs 509-495-7950 REQUEST: In response to Production Request No. l, the Company provided a copy of an e-newsletter sent to its Washington and Idaho customers. The newsletter states Washington customers can participate in the Company's renewable natural gas ("RNG") program but makes no mention of the proposed progmm for Idaho customers. If the program is approved in Idaho, would the Company provide similar communication to Idaho customers? Please explain. RESPONSE: Yes, if the program is approved in Idatro, the Company plans to send similar communication material to its Idaho natural gas customers as its Washington natural gas customers. The specific communication materials that will be sent have yet to been determined but will include email communications to natural gas customers and promotions through Avista's monthly Connections newsletter. AYISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION ruRISDICTION: CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO.: IDAHO AVU-G-22-01 Staff Production Request Staff-016 DATE PREPARED: 051512022WITNESS: N/A RESPONDER: Amanda Ghering DEPARTMENT: Regulatory Affairs TELEPHONE: 509-495-7950 REQUEST: ln response to Production Request No. 6, the Company provided a sample Washington customer's bill. a. Please provide an Idaho specific example of a customer bill showing how monthly charges for program participation will be presented. b. Please explain if 1.5 therms of RNG are actually purchased by the Company for each program block purchased by a customer. If so, will a customer's total energy charges for traditional natural gas be reduced or credited by 1.5 therms for each program block purchased? c. Please describe all environmental attributes associated with 1.5 therms of RNG and how each attribute impacts the $5 block cost. d. If a meter multiplier will be used on Idaho customers' bills, please explain how the multiplier value is determined. Please provide supporting workpapers. RESPONSE: a. Please see Staf[-PR-016 Attachment A for an example of an Idaho customer's billing statement with the Voluntary RNG program included. b. Yes, 1.5 therms of RNG are purchased by the Company for each program block purchased by a customer. The Company will unbundle the RNG, meaning it separates the commodity or energy from the thermal certificate associated with the RNG. For purposes of the RNG progftrm, the unbundled cost of the energy is not included in the program costs (see line l6 of Confidential Attachment A submitted with the Company's filing). The thermal certificate is then held to be retired on behalf of the RNG program participants. As such, a customer's total energy charges for nafural gas is not reduced or credited as the customer is paying an incremental cost in addition to these charges for the environmental athibutes of the RNG. c.The environmental attribute associated with RNG is referred to as a thermal certificate and is the environmental value component of the RNG. Without the thermal certificate, the RNG would be valued at the current natural gas commodity cost. At our current cost of RNG of $I po Dth, the impact to the $5 block of these attributes is $3.1l. The energy cost of this gas is equal to $0.489 per 1.5 therms. d. A meter multiplier will not be used for the voluntary RNG program. AEvtsrfr Ta3t Cuslo.rirr Acranrt ltuttrr: lltl I It I ltltlrnt L.:mnlg,&z.*rl..I{r: t2SE2ilOAYE P{r 'l ot3 Monthly Statement ll2r.la Itrut,2G2(tF.biarird, Your Message Center fri. l5t rcbl. nr- dt b drt|ftultnr. E rrortu f.lI rtlt.I.fktr.F- r-dt qlt5 l. by dh {Eof AA-54 Io -ry rm ttlqrttrttr.I ftG{n.fir0y,h'rr.il0rtfhe S.fqrrfbroa*hEu. Bertd.UhmrE ..dOqbry.h." tur.Hb til Hrc.ftAra Cofmtf RLebrllf r"ts dbyi.Elt.rf hrffrtlrEtbr. _ !sl&at@r@r*t{E@ u. Accanrl ]lurt.f: ltl I ll llll my.t,ltuoot@tm4n Bill at a Glance Ff,rtoc Sdemr Dur Itl.?C P.ynEnt fu€i,3d ut UlIBlizO2. - TfEnt ],oo 3t.?ccR trrbH 0.00 lrrChr!l{!l ehttlc 5e.02 t{6turil Gea 5&!O ToL Rsnrmblg l{etur.l G.t 3.3i1 oilr fml fmlr'r Or lUrlontrbaD-(tBl.brrohllrctNl $tt.lalitO,l2 Contact Us Orlorrlrndcr: l(D0)22rt{3l Uordry lrffilgh Frilry t !.,n to , pfi.Strfry0 a.m b 5Pfi. ftr tboll Errerrd..: I (D0l227alt, 6.ld FytruittoorEAYtrtall E llB*nAY..SFrrrWAge2xl2{D! rbb: rrFvlr..co.tr ftYtrtt -Orrruc.n nollb as lEhg irfirEd !s:WdiEtql ?-l-l a t (m) 8iB{3ao tard co.IlodrdrDab: Avaa Clradtr Ss*}c lGc.SaFcr8a 3z!,SColfEW ffiX,{t2t V Fkilc Jelsr' ,.! tALa l'a IDltril lrrdu {l' !{r.r !,!frE-l t Fg.d(&cttos|rr.Co.rrhrsr lli2 tr35 trtro trOin-Tfrlfitott D.D) .frttstlt latl E.lAimAr. SporraWA94l52O0l PtGas crE* hGta ll.l ll oul r.vgt. ityan E dtb to d$llshAJtfiradc Psym.nt S.M.e (APS). lgtJrgf rllllllprllSll!,!l[,,f lrllrnlllllrrlmlll 00r l3G'r0r6t290233e0 064 S3VGflJ(O TEST CUSTOMER t23 E 2tlD AVE )m#"**...n, .,il:ll; A,rcld Emlcd t Yol, pryrilrlrai ba wlraltfi tyfha nd E BrErs dly Cr F, .tr .rtc. rrltlrilhlrrtr$llrrUt{rldI}}r}ttr ffi AVSTAfltr EHlssotrlAVE sPiot(ANE t/l{,| 9m5as0t 0971 2 700005000000, 1 7600000'r 2 I 1 4000001 2 1 1 46 Tot l tnoun Or-E Ou. O.t P4c2 o{S 8rrlorld&cr ldaho IZ}E'IDAI'E Addrus TdlEtl5.82 El,ronc o€dair Red DaE: O 1 I I 1122 b O2l 1 5t22 - 32 D sts kbdh H?6IT tfl6- laavEa rrP.i.r$..CuI.t ftrrrb A-Gt li, L" Er.iyITT Ir_r.r_i,r"r,rjrI Yanrlorltf Enrg Urar o TD ! n B 0 J F II I J J A I O X O lOr,nrn io pO }ilxbr! dtrdBit) E+i Pca f,. 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Nltrrl&. flhdtlrl 2 2 Icor*-FFl 32 a 'l : ..,1, ,, . r,Ir , lr., , r'.',' :lrr il,:'t:::+ t r- I ;;.rr rr s,' ,:'r'l r'2 i',r, r,.. ,. , t,r,l ,r.r ,, r j:? ,*:, [, ,. rrr '.:t (,' .,' 1 '.i,,7, 't.ina '., f tgr Iuxuu[![![, LtiJt_]t litt riJt IlIU!uI x :.,.rr,"1 - r-; "-;;;rr;__;;tri.::i,,,: l' "'t .r I I r[,r .rl!.- r] i1 - r,. r,a,l, . ir dr , ., 1 r tr ,,.,r1r;, r' .: l lr,l .1, ,' ,'l ,,. i_ ,.,,, D fl r"1 . .; 11 r1 I' I ,"' r'r ri {' lril' rr i D Change ol Addrels . l>ca$ rrJ,cslc.n:ir ror ri$ra'riE arrd,,oJ.e Aoid* r:i !:.t,]7 .--rrlt V 50 n.l tr,nl or mrrl lrlo* thir |rm, V = 4lul5.7l. rEsrcusro*E* Pf.!oat Am-f 0t-..: tllillllll I O&cr Chargol AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQIIEST FOR INFORMATION JURISDICTION: CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO.: IDAHO AW-G-22-01 Staff Production Request Staff-0l7 DATE PREPARED: 051512022WITNESS: N/A RESPONDER: Amanda Ghering DEPARTMENT: Regulatory Affairs TELEPHONE: 509-495-79s0 REQUEST: In response to Production Request No. 9, the Company stated that there is no definitive timeline to offer hydrogen as a program option. Please explain why hydrogen is listed as a program option in proposed tariff Schedule I 95. RESPONSE: Hydrogen may be considered an option in the future to replace geologic natural gas with a zero-carbon fuel. Hydrogen can either be blended up to a certain percentage or combined with carbon to create a synthetic methane. Avista will rely on market information and Integrated Resource Planning (IRP) among other methods to determine the least cost and least risk fuel tlpe to offer customers for this renewable tariff. The Company listed hydrogen as a program option now as it will likely be offered in the future. When it is offered, the Company will propose to revise its tarifffor Commission approval to include a hydrogen option similar to the option of Renewable Natural Gas. AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION JURISDICTION: CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO.: IDAHO AVU-G-22-01 Staff Production Request Stafl-018 DATE PREPARED: 051512022WITNESS: N/A RESPONDER: Amanda Ghering DEPARTMENT: Regulatory Affairs TELEPHONE: 509-495-7950 REQUEST: Please describe all financial incentives related to RNG that the Company considered for this program. If the Company did not consider Federal Renewable Fuel Standard ("RINs") or the Califomia Low Carbon Fuel Standard ('LCFS") please explain why not. RBSPONSE: The Company did not consider any financial incentives related to RNG for this progr.rm as this is a voluntary program with no minimum purchase requiranent of RNG to support the program. RNG is verified through a methodology of certification of the fuel source and tracked until combustion, known as the thermal certificate. If Avista were to sell the thermal certificate for purposes of the RIN or LCFS, the thermal certificate and value of the RNG is no longer held, meaning the RNG cannot be used for purposes of the company's progfirm. As such, selling the thermal certificates instead of retiring them for purposes of the program would make the program no longer valid.