HomeMy WebLinkAbout20210623Avista to Staff 1-8.pdfAVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR TNFORMATION IDAHO AVU-G-21-02 IPUC Production Request Staff- 001 : '.'-,_'::ri-,I"-.;'rl :-r'J L.LJ i;.; ;tj:: E3 Pt{ t+: 36 ruRISDICTION CASE NO.: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO.: DATE PREPARED: 061231202l ,'.1 ,', _ ,-, .,,i;i!;iOf:WITNESS: Jody Morehouse RESPONDER: Tom Pardee DEPARTMENT: Gas Supply TELEPHONE: (509) 495-2159 REQUEST: The Company states "In terms of North American demand, exportsof LNG could consume 20 Bcf per day by 2030 and more than 30 Bcf per day by 2040." IRP at 11. If this were to occur, please explain any impacts on the Company and what would be done to minimize impacts on gas pricing and availability? RESPONSE: If LNG exports were to increase to these forecasted amounts, the expected response from US supply is that supplies are expected to increase along with this new demand. The price of natural gas at the Henry Hub is expected to increase as well, though not enough to provide a price shock to consumers.Any impacts to Avista customers are expected to be even less than the anticipated increase seen around the Gulf of Mexico region. This is primarily due to the large amount of supply procured from Canada. [n fact, Avista averages roughly 90% of its purchases from Canada, leaving the remaininglOo/o from the Rockies. With Canadian supplies the likelihood of impacts to Avista customers overall should be muted. Any expected price impacts could be addressed in the Company's procurement plan. This includes Dynamic Window Hedges (DWH) for volumetric load. It is for firm customers and is currently 40o/o of the average monthly demand. Another progrcm used by Avista to help control price risk is the Risk Responsive Hedging Tool (RRHT). This program manages financial risk of the entire portfolio looking out two years and can hedge up to 60% of the entire portfolio value.Along-termhedge(more than 10 years),renewable natural gas (RNG), Hydrogen (H2), demand response, or energy efficiency can also help address this potential risk inpricing due to this large supply dernanded by LNG. Page I ofl AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQITEST FOR INF'ORMATION ruRISDICTION: IDAHO CASE NO.: AVU-G-2l-02 REQUESTER: IPUCTYPE: Production Request REQUEST NO.: Staff- 002 DATE PREPARED: 0612312021WITNESS: N/A RESPONDER: Ryan Finesilver DEPARTMENT: Energy Efficiency TELEPHONE: (509) 495-4873 REQUEST: Are DSM conservation savings in Appendix 3.1 current, with Idaho cumulative savings shown as 21.4 million therms over 20 years? IRP at Table 1.2. Please provide and explain any updates or changes made in savings forecasts, if applicable. RESPONSE: The conservation savings in Appendix 3.1 are current. Table 1.2 of the 2021Natural Gas IRP contains an error in the DSM portion of the table. The values provided should be adjusted to agree to table ES-2 as provided in Appendix 3.1. Page 1 of1 AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR TNFORMA'TION ruRISDICTION: CASE NO.: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO.: IDAHO AW-G-21-02 IPUC Production Request Staff- 003 DATE PREPARED: 0612312021 WITNESS: Jody Morehouse RESPONDER: Tom Pardee DEPARTMENT: Energy Efficiency TELEPHONE: (s09) 495-4873 REQUEST: The Company's Action Plan includes investigating and integrating new resource plan modeling software into Avista's system to run in parallel with Sendout. IRP at 12. Please answer the following. a. Please explain why the system would be run in parallel with Sendout. Please explain any benefits. b. Describe the requirements of the new system and include business atfributes and compatibility with curre,nt syste,ms, programs, and applications. c. When is the new system expected to go live? RESPONSE: a. Avista's system should be run in parallel to ensure the results in the new application are similar to the Sendout models. Also, the Sendout model is owned by Avista, meaning there is no cost to use it. Understanding new functionality in software is important to leverage the tool as best as possible prior to application. Sendout has been used by Avista since the early 1990's, so there is a solid understanding of the product and expected results. b. The new system, Plexos, will require the same systems and information required to run the Sendout model. A majority of Avista's information used in the model will be pulled from Nucleus as it houses contracts, weather, rates and price information. Cognos is also utilized to help determine customer usage by rate class. lnternal information is then used to calculate inputs through programs such as Excel or Access. Also, Plexos will provide the ability for Avista to utilize new features such as carbon intensity and a more robust Monte Carlo and stochastic functionality. c. The Plexos software is currently being pre,pared to deploy to the desktops used solely for the IRP due to their processing power. Avista has also begun to work with the vendor, Energy Exemplar, to begin to understand the model and required inputs. Once this model is built, estimated at 10 weeks'time, Avista will begin to utilize the software and monitor results. The goal is to have Plexos become the primary software used to model the 2023 Natural Gas IRP. Page 1 ofl AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR rNf,'ORMATION JURISDICTION: IDAHO CASE NO.: AVU-G-2l-02 REQUESTER: IPUCTYPE: Production Request REQUEST NO.: Staff- 004 DATE PREPARED: 0612312021WITNESS: Jody Morehouse RESPONDER: Tom Pardee DEPARTMENT: Enerry Efficiency TELEPHoNE: (s09) 49s-4873 REQUEST: The Company states; "One of the most prominent risks in the IRP involves policies meant to decrease the use of natural gas as outlined in Chapter 5- Carbon Reduction. However, there is uncertainty about the timing and size of those policy decisions." IRP at 22.Please explain what is being done to quantiff the uncertainty and mitigate this risk. RESPONSE: Policy decisions in our Oregon and Washington territories continue to evolve the supply side resources needed to help address climate goals. Avista is working towards projects to help meet these requirements and offset carbon emissions for these service territories. The uncertainty is modeled specifically in our Washington electrification scenario to show potential outcomes of converting natural gas to electricity. Some elements left out of this analysis were transmission costs, distribution costs and homeowner costs. More work will be done to help address this risk in future IRP's. The o'Carbon Reduction" scenario is the primary scenario completed to show potential risks to the natural gas system from Oregon and Washington policy. The risk in prices was not fully known at the time and electrification was not taken into account so the modeling was a first attempt to quantiff an outcome and cost. Until programs are fully developed under Oregon's Executive Order 20-04, it will be hard to quantifr the risk other than understanding thehigh-levelgoal of reducing emissions to 80% below 1990 emissions by 2050. Compliance mechanisms, offsets and allowances are important in fully understanding the financial risks to Avista and our customers. Avista has been actively involved in policy activities specific to natural gas to ensure our customers have representation concerning the importance of natural gas as an energy choice and all of the advantages it provides including affordability, reliability, and energy resiliency. In Washington, the Cap and Invest program passed the202l legislative session and was signed into law by Governor Inslee. The initial scope and its implications have been modeled to provide input to law-makers. More work around program structure, compliance measures, offsets, and allowances need further understanding. Also, bills targeting the fossil fuels industry, such as potential bans on natural gas, did not make it out of the current session. It is likely such bills will be brought forward in the future, yet their fate and potential to pass is still unknown. Understanding the risk to the system is important for all Avista customers. Avista will provide current policy and implications to the system in the 2023 IRP through new sensitivities and scenarios including a "No Growth" scenario, and a scenario in around meeting these goals in Oregon and Washington. For Idaho customers, Avista is not aware of any bills around the reduction of carbon emissions, and with vast natural gas resource supplies and pipelines feeding into these service areas, the risk to the Idaho customer base is low. Page 1 ofl AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQIIEST FOR TNFORMATTON JURISDICTION: CASE NO.: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO.: IDAHO AW-G-21-02 IPUC Production Request Staff- 005 DATE PREPARED: 0612312021WITNESS: N/A RESPONDER: Grant D. Forsyth, Ph.D DEPARTMENT: Financial Planning TELEPHONE: (s09) 49s-276s REQUEST: The Company states; "In comparison to Avista's 2018 IRP, the base forecast for customer growth decreases by nearly 1,400 new customers." IRP at 27. Please explain why the base forecast changed. RESPONSE: The 1,400 decline in customers largely reflects a forecast-to-forecast decline in customers in Oregon. Please see table below: Area Total Change,20l8 IRP to 2021 IRP for the year 2040 WA +1,653 ID -260 OR -2,793 System -1,400 The decline in OR customers reflects lower population forecasts for that jurisdiction. Statistically speaking, the ID change of -260 amounts to forecast-to-forecast noise. In other words, the ID forecast is essential unchanged between the 2018 IRP and 2021 IRP. Page I of I AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION ruRISDICTION: IDAHO CASE NO.: AVU-G-ZI-02 REQUESTER: IPUCTYPE: Production Request REQUEST NO.: Staff - 006 DATE PREPARED: 0612312021WITNESS: Jody Morehouse RESPONDER: Justine Dorr DEPARTMENT: Gas Supply TELEPHONE: (s09) 49s-8494 REQUEST: Please explain how transport on NWP works for natural gas stored at Jackson Prairie and provide the rights the Company holds to move gas from the storage facility to the Company's system when required. RESPONSE: A transportation contract is required to move natural gas on any interstate pipeline systern. Contracts have a designated receipt and delivery location on them that provide firm rights between those two locations. Firm rights mean when you schedule the nomination to move the gas from Jackson Prairie to somewhere else, your rights are primary, or of the highest order. Currently the company has primary rights to deliver from Jackson Prairie to our syston of l67,l30lday. However, during a cold weather event in the Pacific Northwest the primary flow of gas is South to North towards the Canadian border along Northwest Pipeline. Portland, Seattle and Vancouver, BC have a higher dernand for gas than our system does for a cold weather event. Given that, the company is generally flowing counter to the majority so we can also flow altemate firm gas with a high degree of accuracy from Jackson Prairie that will reach our system as well. Page 1 ofl AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATTON ruRISDICTION: CASE NO.: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO.: IDAHO AVU-G-2l-02 IPUC Production Request Staff- 007 DATE PREPARED: 0612312021WITNESS: Jody Morehouse RESPONDER: Tom Pardee DEPARTMENT: Gas Supply TELEPHONE: (509) 495-2159 REQUEST: The Company states; T.tew legislation allows LDC's to invest in RNG infrastructure projects with feedstock partners." IRP at 105. Please provide an explanation and a copy of the legislation. RESPONSE: New legislation in Washington, Engrossed Third Substitute House Bill 1257, and Oregon, Enrolled Senate Bill 98, passed in 2019 allow natural gas utilities (LDC's) to invest in prudent carbon reducing RNG infrastructure projects, and to recover such investment costs. Harvesting biogas from a variety of potential feedstock sites, including but not limited to, landfills, wastewater treatment plants, dairy farms, and food waste facilities requires LDC's to collaborate with feedstock owners to reach commercial terms on the purchase/sale of the biogas, the physical host site of proposed RNG facilities, and biogas/RNG technical specifications and requirements. Additional statements made within the IRP on page 105 identiff some key takeaways from our business development/project development efforts to date. Included are the following attachments StaffPR_007 Attachment A - WA House Bill1257 Staff PR 007 Attachment B - OR Senate Bill 98 Page I ofl AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR TNFORMATION ruRISDICTION: CASE NO.: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO.: IDAHO AW-G-21-02 IPUC Production Request Staff- 008 DATE PREPARED: 0612112021WITNESS: Jody Morehouse RESPONDER: Terrence Browne DEPARTMENT: Gas Supply TELEPHONE: (509) 49s-8s51 REQUEST: In the 2018 IRP, the Company discussed a number of distribution system enhancement projects. Please provide the current stafus and cost to date for the following projects. a. The Coeur d'Alene High Pressure Reinforcement - Post Falls Phase. Construction on the project started in 2018 and includes installation of approximately 14,600 feet of high-pressure steel gas main pipe from Rathdrum to Post Falls at an estimated cost of $4,000,000.b. The Schweitzer Mountain Road High Pressure Reinforcernent. The Schweitzer Mountain Road project is estimated to cost $1,500,000.c. The Warden High Pressure Reinforcement. The Warden High Pressure Reinforcements project is estimated to cost $6,000,000. RESPONSE: a. The Coeur d'Alene High Pressure Reinforcement-Post Falls Phase was completed and placed into service on November 30, 2018. The final cost was approximately $2,491,087 . b. The Schweitzer Mountain High Pressure Reinforcerlent was identified to meet growth and demand. This project continues to be reassessed annually to determine necessity given the current state of customer loads and capacity of the distribution system. At this time, Avista will defer construction of this project as expansion plans from large customers were cancelled or deferred. c. The Warden High Pressure Reinforcement is scheduled with a projected spend of $2,950,000 in year 2022 and $2,950,000 :ra2023. Avista may defer scheduling or modifr construction should customer loads and capacity of the distribution system change. Page 1 of1