HomeMy WebLinkAbout20210512Avista to Staff 178-181.pdfAVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQ[TEST FOR INFORMATION IDAHO DATE PREPARED: 05llll202l AW-E-21-01 / AW-c-21-01 WITNESS: Mark ThiesIPUC RESPONDER: Janice Gibler Production Request DEPARTMENT: tnternal AuditStaff-178 TELEPHONE: (509) 495-8008 RECEIWD 2021Mry 12, PM 3:31 IDAEO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION ruRISDICTION CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO.: REQUEST: Please provide copies of the following Internal Audit Reports, and include all intErnal charges incurred during the audit and how those charges were allocated to the Company's jurisdictions 1. AEL&P Incentive Plan audit 2. Certificate Lifecycle Management Follow-Up review 3. Debt Issuance and Reacquisition Costs Review - Regulatory Requirement 4. Employee and Board of Directors Expense Audit 5. First Care Clinic Physical Security Review 6. Parking Garage Contract Review 7. Security Program review 8. Steam Plant Kitchen and Brewery Follow-Up Review 9. Steam Plant Kitchen and Brewery Internal Controls Review RESPONSE: Please see Avista's response 178C, which contains TRADE SECRET, PROPRIETARY or CONFIDENTIAL information and exempt from public view and is separately filed under IDAPA 31.01.01, Rule 067 and233, and Section 9-340D, Idatro Code. Attached are the audit reports requested with Sta[PR_l7SC. The audit reports are in pdf and labeled Staff PR 178C Confidential Attachments l-9. The Intemal Audit (IA) departnent provides services to the utility and may assist the subsidiaries as requested. In the IA deparfinent we do not track our time based on each audit/review completed, however, on a weekly basis ernployees charge time based on the audit /review they are working to complete. If the ernployee is working on a utility project or a non-utility/subsidiary project these hours are recorded to the appropriate time code of non-utility FERC Account 426 or 4lT.Utility charges are recorded in the proper FERC A&G accounts. In the listing above AEL&P Incentive Plan audit, Steam Plant Kitchen and Brewery lnternal Controls Review, and Steam Plant Kitchen and Brewery Follow-up Reviews were subsidiary reviews and labor associated with these reviews was charged to ttre Avista Subsidiary Support project code. ln 2019 the IA departrnent charged $7,043 directly to the subsidiaries project for services provided. Labor charges charged to the Utility were recorded as CDAA (common all services and jurisdictions). Staff PR 178 - Attachment A provides the IA labor charges incurred in20l9. AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST F'OR INFORMATION JURISDICTION: CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO.: IDAHO AVU-E-2l -01 / AW-c-21 -01 IPUC Production Request Staff- 179 DATE PREPARED: 05/lll202lWITNESS: Elizabeth Andrews RESPONDER: Adam Munson DEPARTMENT: Corp.Accounting TELEPHONE: (509) 49s-2471 REQUEST: Regarding the Company's response to Production Request No. 4, please provide the invoices and supporting documentation for the $283,370 spent on producing the Company's Annual Report. RESPONSE: Please see Staff_PR_l79 Attachments A for a copy of the invoices and Staff PR 179 Attachment B for the production costs. AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQITEST FOR INFORMATION JURISDICTION: IDAHO DATE PREPARED: 0511012021 CASE NO: AVU-E-21-01 / AVU-G-21-01 WITNESS: Elizabeth Andrews REQUESTER: IPUC RESPONDER: Heidi EvansTYPE: Production Request DEPARTMENT: Environmental Affairs REQUESTNO.: Staff- 181 TELEPHONE: (509) 4954993 REQUEST: Regarding the Company's response to Production Request No. 6, please provide invoices for project number 09800510 and the amount allocated to the Idaho Electric and Idatro Gas jurisdictions. RESPONSE: Please see Sta[PR_l8l Attachments A for a copy ofthe invoices and StaflPR_I81 Attachment B for the allocations.