HomeMy WebLinkAbout20210330Avista to Staff 67-95.pdfAYISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQIIEST FOR INFORMATTON RECEIVED 2021March 30, AM 10:13 IDAHO PUBLIC ATILITIES COMMISSION JURISDICTION: CASE NO.: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO.: IDAHO AW-E-2 1 -0 r /AVU-G -21 -01 IPUC Production Request Staff- 067 DATE PREPARED WITNESS: RESPONDER: DEPARTMENT: TELEPHONE: 031291202t Clint Kalich James Gall Power Supply (s09) 4e5-2r89 REQUEST: Please provide the average Mid-C electricity prices for the 500 iterations generated from the Company's Aurora Monte Carlo simulation runs for each hour across the full planning horizon for the2020 and202l IRP. Please provide the information in the same format as provided in response to Staff Production Request No.l15 in Case No. AVU-E-19-04 with all formula intact (file name: StaflPR I 15C Confidential Attachment A.xlsx). RESPONSE: Please see Avista's response 067C, which contain TRADE SECRET, PROPRIETARY or CONFIDENTIAL information and are separately filed under IDAPA 31.01.01, Rule 067 and 233, and, Section 9-340D,Idaho Code. See Sta[PR_067C Confidential Attachment A, Mid-C pricing does not include the value of RECs or specified power that may increase the market value of wind power. Page I ofl AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION ruRISDICTION: CASE NO.: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO.: IDAHO AVU-E-2 l -0 I /AVU-G -21 -01 IPUC Production Request Staff - 068 DATE PREPARED: 0312912021WITNESS: Clint Kalich RESPONDER: James Gall DEPARTMENT: Power Supply TELEPHONE: (509) 49s-2189 REQUEST: Please provide the percentage of the 500 Mid-C prices generated from the Company's Aurora Monte Carlo simulation runs that are greater than or equal to the Rattlesnake Contract Price (provide the comparisons to contract prices with and without the Sales and Use Tax Exemption adjustments) for each hour across the full planning horizons for the 2020 IRP and the 2021 IRP. Please provide the information in the same format as provided in response to Staff Production Request No.115 in Case No. AW-E-19-04 with all formula intact (file name: StaflPR_l1SC_Supplemental Attachment A 2017 IRP prices above rattlesnake flats_Results.xlsx). RESPONSE: See response to Staff PR_067. The sales tax scenarios no longer apply due to the PPA price is now known at $30.10 per MWh for all years. Mid-C pricing does not include the value of RECs or specified power that may increase the market value of wind power. Page 1 ofl JURISDICTION: CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO.: AYISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO RBQUEST FOR INFORMATTON IDAHO DATE PREPARED AW.E-2I-01 / AVU-G-21-01 WITNESS:IPUC RESPONDER: Production Request DEPARTMENT:Staff-073 TELEPHONE: 031291202r Clint Kalich Lori Hermanson Power Supply (s09) 49s-46s8 REQUEST: There are several projects that use market index for pricing such as Priest Rapids. Please answer the following questions. a. Please list all the projects that use market index for pricing. b. Please provide workpapers that calculate the pro forma numbers for each project using the latest forward electricity prices in Response to Production Request No. 59. c. Please confirm that the Response to Production Request No. 59 reflects updates of the pro forma numbers for these projects. RESPONSE: Please see Avista's response 073C, which contain TRADE SECRET, PROPRIETARY or CONFIDENTIAL information and are separately filed under IDAPA 31.01.01, Rule 067 and 233, and Section 9-340D,Idaho Code. a. See Avista's response 073C. b. The index deals are entered into Aurora as index so these contracts are automatically updated when new forward prices are calculated and input into Aurora. See Staff PR_073C Confidential Attachment A (NaturalGas_Elec_Prices_2020_030l202l.xlsx) where new forwards were calculated. c. The response to StaflPR_059 does reflect updates of the pro forma number for any index deals. AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR TNFORMATTON JURISDICTION CASE NO.: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO.: IDAHO AVU-E-2 I -0 I /AW-c -21 -01 IPUC Production Request Staff- 069 DATE PREPARED: 0312912021WITNESS: Clint KalichRESPONDER: James Gall DEPARTMENT: Power SupplyTELEPHONE: (509\ 495-2189 REQUEST: Please provide the yearly difference in cost to the Company for generation from the Rattlesnake Wind Project between the Mid-C Market price and the Rattlesnake Contract price for each of the Company's 500 Aurora Monte Carlo simulation runs. Please provide the differences using contract prices with and without the Sales and Use Tax Exemption adjustments for both the 2020 and202l IRP. Please provide the information in the same format as provided in response to Staff Production Request No.115 in Case No. AVU-E-19-04 with all formula intact (file name: Staff PR_ll5C_Supplemental Attachment B - Rattlesnake Margin by Iteration.xlsx). RESPONSE: See response to Staff_PR_067. The sales tax scenarios no longer apply due to the PPA price is now known at $30.10 per MWh for all years. Mid-C pricing does not include the value of RECs or specified power that may increase the market value of wind power. Page I of1 AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR TNFORMATTON JURISDICTION: IDAHO DATE PREPARED: 0312512021 CASE NO: AW-E-21-01 / AVU-G-21-01 WITNESS: Elizabeth Andrews REQUESTER: IPUC RESPONDER: Liz AndrewsTYPE: Production Request DEPARTMENT: Regulatory Affairs REQUEST NO.: Staff-078 TELEPHONE: (509) 495-8601 REQUEST: How does the Company plan to ensure the Idaho ratepayers are not going to pay for increased costs that result from Washington laws, rules, and initiatives? RESPONSE: Avista directly assigns or allocates to its electric and natural gas Idaho operations based on actual direct Idaho jurisdictional operations orbased on Commission approved allocation methodologies. All costs born by Idaho customers are based on Idaho laws, rules, and initiatives, and are reviewed and approved by the IPUC in the Company's respective general rate cases. The Company makes every effort and uses various strategies to manage its utility business representing its customers in each of its jurisdictions of Idaho, Washington and Oregon. For example, with regards to its electric operations, the Company's "Preferred Resource Strategy" ("PRS") utilized in its electric Integration Resource Planning ("IRP) guides the Company's resource acquisitions, subject to any additional legislative or regulatory requirernents. The IRP provides details about future resource needs, specific resource costs, resource-operating characteristics, and scenarios used for evaluating the mix and timing of resources included in the PRS.I Historically the IRP, completed every two years, represents the preferred plan at a point in time; however, Avista continuously evaluates different resource options to meet current and future load obligations, especially in light of new legislation and market opportunities. The IRP is subject to review by the Commission, and stakeholders from both Idaho and Washington jurisdictions participate in the IRP process, helping ensure Avista considers the opinions across a broad range of stakeholders. I As discussed by Company witress Mr. Thackston, Avista's 2020 IRP was included as Exhibit No. 7, Schedule I , and was filed with the Commission on February 28,2020 in Case No. AVU-E-19-01 and acknowledged in Order No. 34814. ruRISDICTION: CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO.: AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION IDAHO DATE PREPARED: 0312112021 AVU-E-21-01 / AVU-G-21-01 WITNESS: James KensokIPUC RESPONDER: Michael Beil Production Request DEPARTMENT: IS/IT Staff-079 TELEPHONE: (509) 495-4449 REQUEST: Please include a detailed breakdown of costs related to failed infrastructure technology assets. Please identiff if failures are due to manufacturing defects, human error, and/or malicious actors. Please describe any other means for cost recovely pursued, such as insurance reimbursements, and support why an increase to ratebase is the proper means of recovery for these types of losses. Technology Failed Assets, Kensok Schedule l,page 12. RESPONSE: The Infrastructure Technology Failed Assets business case represents projects that are driven by asset failures. lnfrastructure technology assets experience failures due to manufacture defects, human etror, nafural disasters, malicious actors, and/or runtime of the equipment. Within the Infrastructure Technology Failed Assets business case, the costs are groups into various sub-projects depending on the categoization of the device. Some failure scenarios are predictable due to their high failure rate (such as mobile devices and laptops) while some are less predictable (Noxon Pine Creek Fiber Damage). Category AV Replacement Blanket FAN Replacement Blanket Mobile Device Replacement Blanket Monitor Replacement Blanket PC Replacement Blanket Printer Replacement Blanket Kellogg and lDF015a -UPS Failures Noxon Pinecreek OPGWFiber Failure Steamplant Failed KVM Switch Cottonwood Butte AC KF Portable Radios Clarkston Har Drive Colville & FMO Hard Drives Kettle Falls Portable Radio The most cofllmon and most expensive driver for an asset to be replaced under IT Failed Assets is due to hardware failure. The two most common causes of hardware failure are either runtime of the device (device has exceeded its life span and eventually fails) or human error (ex. A mobile device gets damaged due to being dropped). To date failures due to manufacturing defects or malicious actors are rare. These types of assets do not have a different recovery option such as msurance. When an asset fails, the preferred course of action is to repair the asset and retum it to service. This is the lowest cost and shortest downtime option. A large portion of the assets replaced by IT Failed Assets are past their lifecycle, no longer supported by the vendor for repair (repair is not feasible), and it is more cost-effective to just replace the asset with a new asset that is current in our technology portfolio. Please also refer to the Company's response to Sta{_PR_081 Attachment A where more details surrounding the different projects underneath this business case can be found. The Company intends to update Pro Forma Adjustments 3.09 - 3.10, 22.01 -22.02 with Ql actual 2021 transfers to plant and a re-forecast of April - December 2021 when available. The system re-forecast is expected to be available in late April 2021, with the jurisdiction reallocation available to update the Pro Forma Adjustments 3.09 - 3.10, 22.01-22.02 the first two weeks of May. AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION JURISDICTION: IDAHO DATE PREPARED: 0312312021 CASE NO: AVU-E-21-01 / AVU-G-21-01 WITNESS: James Kensok REQUESTER: IPUC RESPONDER: Walter RoysTYPE: Production Request DEPARTMENT: IS/IT REQUEST NO.: Staff-080 TELEPHONE: (509) 495-2293 REQUEST: Please provide a list of technology assets and the supporting calculations that were used to determine the capital invesfrnent included in the Data Center Compute and Storage Systems business case. Kensok at Schedule l, page 37 . RESPONSE: The Data Center Compute and Storage ("DCCS") Business Case covers enterprise storage and compute assets and the operating systems required to run those assets. These assets are in our data centers, generation plants and remote offices. This would include the compute and storage systems such as physical servers, chassis with blade serve,rs, and server appliances running operating systems directly or running multiple virtual servers through avirttalization hypervisor. Please also refer to the Company's response to StafLPR_0Sl Attachment A where more details surrounding the different projects underneath this business case can be found. The Company intends to update Pro Forma Adjustments 3.09 - 3.10, 22.01 - 22.02 with Ql actual 2021 transfers to plant and a re-forecast of April - December 2021 when available. The system re-forecast is expected to be available in late April 2021, with the jurisdiction reallocation available to update Pro Forma Adjustments 3.09 - 3.10, 22.01 -22.02 the first two weeks of May. JURISDICTION: CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO.: AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION IDAHO DATE PREPARED: 0312612021 AW-E-21-01 / AVU-G-21-01 WITNESS: James KensokIPUC RESPONDER: Shawna Kiesbuy Production Request DEPARTMENT: IS/ITStaff-081 TELEPHONE: (509') 495-4670 REQUEST: Please describe how the projects and invesfinents included in the Digital Grid Network business case, are different from several other business cases that ask for technology investments to manage network technologies and optimize communications and operations. Please include a detailed list of projects, cost estimates or cost breakdown, and descriptions of projects included in the Digital Grid Network business case. Kensok, Schedule I at44. RESPONSE: Managing our network technologies to optimize cornmunications and operations in the field for our crews, inspectors, employees, contractors and customers is critical to our ability to provide safe and reliable seruice. Technology investments under the Digital Grid Network (DGN) business case are needed to expand and maintain these network assets in support of system reliability and business productivity throughout our service territory, ensuring our ability to appropriately and timely respond to the needs of our customers. The asset investments and projects to implernent them are focused on the Field Area Network (FAN) and supporting backhaul infrastructure. The FAN is built around wireless technologies at the endpoints that are placed within the Avista service territories to collect customer gas and electric meter data and communicate with transmission and distribution automation devices, for example. Data collected in the field is transmitted to core systems by way of secured backhaul cellular service or private and leased communication lines. This business case and associated projects differs from other network focused business cases by being focused specifically on the FAN infrastructure to support the stated functions with an integrated grid. Other business cases may incorporate similar technologies such as wireless communications, fiber optic cable, moderns, routers, etc., but for different use cases. Please see the Company's response to StaflPR_O8l Attachment A for a detailed list and description of the projects included in Digital Grid Network business case. Timelines for these individual projects consist of the estimated start date and estimated transfer-to-plant date. Staff PR_081 Attachment A provides more details surrounding the different projects underneath this business case. See Avista's response to StaflPR_043 for an updated Pro Forma Adjustment 3.08 - 2020 Pro Forma EOP to reflect actual 2020 transfers to plant, including retirements, for both electric and natural gas. The Company has also updated Pro Forma Adjustment 3.09 - 2021Pro Forma EOP to reflect variances between frnal2020 expected transfer to plant amounts and 2020 year-end CWIP (as described in Company Witness Ms. Schultz's testimony) for both electric and natural gas. The cascading effect of updating Pro Forma Adjustments 3.08 - 3.09 can be seen in Pro Forma Adjustments 3.10, 22.01, and 22.02. Please see Staff PR_043 Attachment A for the updated Page I adjustments. Boththe "Electric SUM 2020-2021Update" and "Nat. Gas SUM 2020-2021Update" tabs show the variance between adjustments from the Company's original filing and this 2020-2021 update. StaflPR_043 Attachment B contains the electric and natural gas transfers to plant detail for years 202C_2023, which is the basis for the monthly plant additions inputs in Sta[PR_043 Attachment (see tabs "Summary-Cost-E" and "Summary-Cost-G"). In Stafl PR_043 Attachment B, on the "CAP 2020-2023 Plant Additions" tab, the user can filter Column A - "ID Witness" for the desired Company witness. Specifically, monthly Idaho transfer to plant balances can be seen in Column AO through Column BA; the associated year is listed by project in Column J. The Company intends to update Pro Forma Adjustments 3.09 - 3.10, 22.01-22.02 with Ql actual 2021 transfers to plant and a re-forecast of April - December 2021 when available. The system re-forecast is expected to be available in late Apil 2021, with the jurisdiction reallocation available to update Pro Forma Adjustments 3.09 - 3.10, 22.01 -22.02 the first two weeks of May ln response to Staff-PRs- 79-95, the requested information relates to approximately 30 specific Business Cases as shown in Table No. I of Mr. Kensok's testimony. Please note, that for 2020, these Business Cases represent approximately 270 projects that allow the Company to track and record the activities in each business case at a more granular level. Due to the large quantity of projects listed under these business cases, additional cost estimates and timelines can be provided for those projects that have started (are in flight) on a sample basis. The Company would also be happy to produce the requested information for certain select projects of StafPs choosing. Page2 JURISDICTION CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO.: AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION IDAHO DATE PREPARED: 0312312021 AVU-E-21-01 / AVU-G-21-01 WITNESS: James KensokIPUC RESPONDER: Walter Roys Production Request DEPARTMENT: IS/IT Staff - 082 TELEPHONE: (509) 495-2293 REQUEST: Please describe how the requested investment in the Endpoint Compute and Productivity Systerns business case is different from several other business cases that ask for similar investments for real time data and communications and automated business processes investrnents, and for replacing technology assets that have reached end of life. Kensok, Schedule I at 55-63. RESPONSE: Technology solutions under this program include, but are not limited to, day-to-day technology required to automate and enable business processes, such as Personal Computer (PC) hardware and their operating systems, various handheld devices, printers, configuration and management systerls, productivity tools (e.g. Office 365 which includes Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook), etc. This business case includes computing devices used directly by personnel whether at their desk (for example a laptop or desktop computer and applications) or working in the field (for example a semi rugged laptop) to run applications locally for business process automation. Other business cases that automate business processes may do so with technology that is not placed directly with users (for example server hardware and software that would run in a data center on premise or in the cloud). AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION JURISDICTION: IDAHO DATE PREPARED: 0312512021 CASE NO: AVU-E-21-01 / AVU-G-21-01 WITNESS: James Kensok REQUESTER: IPUC RESPONDER: Karen SchuhTYPE: Production Request DEPARTMENT: ET PMO REQUEST NO.: Staff -083 TELEPHONE: (s09) 495-2293 REQUEST: Please provide a list of technology assets and the calculations that were used to determine the capital funds request included in the Endpoint Compute and Productivity Systems business case. Kensok at Schedule 1, page 58. RESPONSE: Please see the Company's response to Staff PR_081 Attachment A for a detailed list and description of the projects included in the Endpoint Compute and Productivity Systems business case. Timelines for these individual projects consist of the estimated start date and estimated transfer-to-plant date. Sta[PR_081 Attachment A provides more details surrounding the different projects undemeath this business case. See Avista's response to Staf{_PR_043 for an updated Pro Forma Adjustment 3.08 - 2020 Pro Forma EOP to reflect actual 2020 transfers to plant, including retirements, for both electric and natural gas. The Company has also updated Pro Forma Adjustment 3.09 - 2021Pro Forma EOP to reflect variances between final2020 expected transfer to plant amounts and 2020 year-end CWIP (as described in Company Witness Ms. Schultz's testimony) for both electric and natural gas. The cascading effect of updating Pro Forma Adjustments 3.08 - 3.09 can be seen in Pro Forma Adjustments 3.10, 22.01, and 22.02. Please see Staff PR_043 Attachment A for the updated adjustments. Boththe "Electric SUM 2020-2021Update" and "Nat. Gas SUM 2020-2021Update" tabs show the variance between adjustments from the Company's original filing and this 2020-2021update. Staff PR_043 Attachment B contains the electric and natural gas transfers to plant detail for years 2020_2023, which is the basis for the monthly plant additions inputs in Staff PR_043 Attachment (see tabs "Summary-Cost-E" and "Summary-Cost-G"). In StaflPR_043 Attachment B, on the "CAP 2020-2023 Plant Additions" tab, the user can filter Column A - "ID Witness" for the desired Company witness. Specifically, monthly Idaho transfer to plant balances can be seen in Column AO through Column BA; the associated year is listed by project in Column J. The Company intends to update Pro FormaAdjustments 3.09 - 3.10, 22.01-22.02 with Ql actual 2021 transfers to plant and a re-forecast of April - December 2021when available. The systern re-forecast is expected to be available in late Apil 2021, with the jurisdiction reallocation available to update Pro Forma Adjustments 3 .09 - 3 . I 0, 22.01 - 22.02 the first two weeks of May. In response to Staff-PRs- 79-95, the requested information relates to approximately 30 specific Business Cases as shown in Table No. I of Mr. Kensok's testimony. Please note, that for 2020, these Business Cases represent approximately 270 projects that allow the Company to track and record the activities in each business case at a more granular level. Due to the large quantity of projects listed under these business cases, additional cost estimates and timelines can be provided Page 1 for those projects that have started (are in flight) on a sample basis. The Company would also be happy to produce the requested information for certain select projects of Staffs choosing. Page2 AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION ruRISDICTION: CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO.: IDAHO AW-E-2 r -0 I/AW-G -21 -01 IPUC Production Request Staff -084 DATE PREPARED WITNESS: RESPONDER: DEPARTMENT: TELEPHONE: 031261202r James Kensok Karen Schuh ET PMO (s09) 49s-2293 REQUEST: Please provide descriptions, cost estimates, and timelines for projects included in the Enterprise & Control Network Infrastructure business case. RESPONSE: Please see the Company's response to StaflPR_O8l Attachment A for a detailed list and description of the projects included in Enterprise & Control Network lnfrastructure business case. Timelines for these individual projects consist of the estimated start date and estimated transfer-to-plant date. StaflPR_O8l Attachment A provides more details surrounding the different projects underneath this business case. See Avista's response to StaflPR_043 for an updated Pro Forma Adjustment 3.08 - 2020 Pro Forma EOP to reflect acttal2020 transfers to plant, including retirernents, for both electric and natural gas. The Company has also updated Pro Forma Adjustment 3.09 - 2021Pro Forma EOP to reflect variances between fina|2020 expected transfer to plant amounts and2020 year-end CWIP (as described in Company Witness Ms. Schultz's testimony) for both electric and natural gas. The cascading effect of updating Pro Forma Adjustments 3.08 - 3.09 can be seen in Pro Forma Adjustments 3.10, 22.01, and 22.02. Please see Staff PR_043 Attachment A for the updated adjustments. Boththe "Electric SUM 2020-2021Update" and'Nat. Gas SUM 2020-2021Update" tabs show the variance between adjustments from the Company's original filing and this 2020-2021update. Staf{_PR_043 Attachment B contains the electric and natural gas transfers to plant detail for years 2020-2023, which is the basis for the monthly plant additions inputs in Sta[PR_043 Attachment (see tabs oosummary-Cost-E" and "Summary-Cost-G"). In StaLPR_043 Attachment B, on the "CAP 2020-2023 Plant Additions" tab, the user can filter Column A - "ID Witness" for the desired Company witness. Specifically, monthly Idaho transfer to plant balances can be seen in Column AO through Column BA; the associated year is listed by project in Column J. The Company intends to update Pro Forma Adjustments 3.09 - 3.10, 22.01 -22.02 with Ql actual 2021 transfers to plant and a re-forecast of April - December 2021when available. The system re-forecast is expected to be available in late Apnl 2021, with the jurisdiction reallocation available to update Pro Forma Adjustments 3.09 - 3.10, 22.01 - 22.02 the first two weeks of May In response to Staff-PRs- 79-95, the requested information relates to approximately 30 specific Business Cases as shown in Table No. 1 of Mr. Kensok's testimony. Please note, that for 2020, these Business Cases represent approximately 270 projects that allow the Company to track and record the activities in each business case at a more granular level. Due to the large quantity of projects listed under these business cases, additional cost estimates and timelines can be provided for those projects that have started (are in fligh| on a sample basis. The Company would also be happy to produce the requested information for certain select projects of Staff s choosing. AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATTON JURISDICTION: CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO.: IDAHO AVU-E-2 I -0 I /AVU-G -21 -0r IPUC Production Request Staff -085 DATE PREPARED: 0312612021WITNESS: James Kensok RESPONDER: Karen Schuh DEPARTMENT: ET PMO TELEPHONE: (509) 495-2293 REQUEST: Please provide descriptions, cost estimates, and timelines for projects included in the Enterprise Communications Systems business case. Kensok, Schedule I at75. RESPONSE: Please see the Company's response to StaflPR_08l Attachment A for a detailed list and description of the projects included in Enterprise Communications Systerns business case. Timelines for these individual projects consist of the estimated start date and estimated transfer-to-plant date. StaflPR_08l Attachment A provides more details surrounding the different projects underneath this business case. See Avista's response to StaflPR_043 for an updated Pro Forma Adjustment 3.08 - 2020 Pro Forma EOP to reflect actual 2020 transfers to plant, including retirements, for both electric and natural gas. The Company has also updated Pro Forma Adjustment 3.09 - 2021Pro Forma EOP to reflect variances between final2020 expected transfer to plant amounts and2020 year-end CWIP (as described in Company Witness Ms. Schultz's testimony) for both electric and natural gas. The cascading effect of updating Pro Forma Adjustments 3.08 - 3.09 can be seen in Pro Forma Adjustments 3.10, 22.01, and 22.02. Please see Staff PR_043 Attachment A for the updated adjustments. Both the "Electric SUM 2020-2021Update" and 'Nat. Gas SUM 2020-2021Update" tabs show the variance between adjustments from the Company's original filing and this 2020-2021update. Staff PR_043 Attachment B contains the electric and natural gas transfers to plant detail for years 2020-2023, which is the basis for the monthly plant additions inputs in StaflPR_043 Attachment (see tabs "Summary-Cost-E" and 'oSummary-Cost-G"). In StaflPR_043 Attachment B, on the "CAP 2020-2023 Plant Additions" tab, the user can filter Column A - "ID Witness" for the desired Company witness. Specifically, monthly Idaho transfer to plant balances can be seen in Column AO through Column BA; the associated year is listed by project in Column J. The Company intends to update Pro Forma Adjustments 3.09 - 3.10, 22.01 -22.02 with Ql actual 2021 transfers to plant and a re-forecast of April - December 2021 when available. The systern re-forecast is expected to be available in late April 2021, with the jurisdiction reallocation available to update Pro Forma Adjustments 3.09 - 3.10, 22.01 -22.02 the first two weeks of May In response to Staff-PRs- 79-95, the requested information relates to approximately 30 specific Business Cases as shown in Table No. I of Mr. Kensok's testimony. Please note, that for 2020, these Business Cases represent approximately 270 projects that allow the Company to track and record the activities in each business case at a more granular level. Due to the large quantity of projects listed under these business cases, additional cost estimates and timelines can be provided for those projects that have started (are in fligh| on a sample basis. The Company would also be happy to produce the requested information for certain select projects of Staff s choosing. AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION ruRISDICTION: IDAHO CASE NO: AVU-E-21-01/AVU-G-21-01 REQUESTER: IPUCTYPE: Production Request REQUEST NO.: Staff -086 DATE PREPARED: 0311812021WITNESS: James Kensok RESPONDER: Karen Schuh DEPARTMENT: ET PMO TELEPHoNE: (s09) 49s-2293 REQUEST: Please describe the equipment, systerns, and projects included in the Environmental Control and Monitoring Systems capital investments business case. Kensok, Schedule I at92. RESPONSE: Please see the Company's response to StaflPR_0Sl Attachment A for a detailed list and description of the projects included in the Environmental Control and Monitoring Systems business case. AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION JURISDICTION: IDAHO DATE PREPARED: 0312612021 CASE NO: AW-E-21-01 / AVU-G-21-01 WITNESS: James Kensok REQUESTER: IPUC RESPONDER: Karen SchuhTYPE: Production Request DEPARTMENT: ET PMO REQUEST NO.: Staff -087 TELEPHONE: (509) 495-2293 REQUEST: Please describe the significant increase in proposed investments for the Atlas business case and provide a list and description of projects, cost estimates, and timeframes for completion. RESPONSE: In2020 and202l, this business case was expecting to spend $2.5M in each year. However, due to budget constraints this business case was reduced to only allowing a maximum spend of $2M. Therefore, projects were deferred out of each year and are scheduled to complete in 2022whenthe funding was available. The following is a list of a few of the projects that have been deferred to 2022:o Utility Network Release 2 - Gas Compliance. Utility Network Release 3 - Gas Engineering. Utility Network Release 5 - Electric Foundation (partially moved to 2022, will begin late 2021). Please see the Company's response to StaflPR_08l Attachment A for a detailed list and description of the projects included in the Atlas business case. See Avista's response to StaflPR_043 for an updated Pro Forma Adjustment 3.08 - 2020 Pro Forma EOP to reflect actual 2020 transfers to plant, including retirements, for both electric and natural gas. The Company has also updated Pro Forma Adjustment 3.09 - 2021Pro Forma EOP to reflect variances between final2020 expected transfer to plant amounts and2020 year-end CWIP (as described in Company Witness Ms. Schultz's testimony) for both electric and natural gas. The cascading effect of updating Pro Forma Adjustments 3.08 - 3.09 can be seen in Pro Forma Adjustments 3.10, 22.01, and 22.02. Please see Staff PR_043 Attachment A for the updated adjustments. Boththe "Electric SUM 2020-2021Update" and'Nat. Gas SUM 2020-2021Update" tabs show the variance between adjustments from the Company's original filing and this 2020-2021update. StaflPR_043 Attachment B contains the electric and natural gas transfers to plant detail for years 202U2023, which is the basis for the monthly plant additions inputs in Staff PR_043 Attachment (see tabs "Summary-Cost-E" and "Summary-Cost-G"). In Stafl PR_043 Attachment B, on the*CAP 2020-2023 Plant Additions" tab, the user can filter Column A - "ID Witness" for the desired Company witness. Specifically, monthly Idaho transfer to plant balances can be seen in Column AO through Column BA; the associated year is listed by project in Column J. The Company intends to update Pro Forma Adjustments 3.09 - 3.10, 22.01 -22.02 with Ql actual 2021 transfers to plant and a re-forecast of April - December 2021when available. The system Page 1 re-forecast is expected to be available in late April 2021, with the jurisdiction reallocation available to update Pro Forma Adjustments 3.09 - 3.10, 22.01 -22.02 the first two weeks of May ln response to Staff-PRs- 79-95, the requested information relates to approximately 30 specific Business Cases as shown in Table No. I of Mr. Kensok's testimony. Please note, that for 2020, these Business Cases represent approximately 270 projects that allow the Company to track and record the activities in each business case at a more granular level. Due to the large quantity of projects listed under these business cases, additional cost estimates and timelines can be provided for those projects that have started (are in flight) on a sample basis. The Company would also be happy to produce the requested information for certain select projects of Staff s choosing. Page2 ruRISDICTION: CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO.: AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION IDAHO DATE PREPARED: 0312012021 AW-E-21-01 / AW-G-21-01 WITNESS: James KensokIPUC RESPONDER: Michael Mudge Production Request DEPARTMENT: IS/ITStaff-088 TELEPHONE: (509) 495-2293 REQUEST: Please provide descriptions, cost estimates, and timelines for projects included in Outage Managernent Systems and Advanced Distribution Management. Kensok, Schedule I at 155. Please describe how projects and technology investments for outage management and electric and gas real time editing are separate from outage managernent and edit tools included in business cases for Atlas and Energy Delivery Modemization. RESPONSE: Projects within the Outage Management Systems and Advanced Distribution Management business case will not start until2022 and are not expected to transfer to plant until 2024. T:he approximately $4.984M (System basis) that was estimated to transfer-to-plant should be removed from a part of this request. The Company intends to update Pro Forma Adjustments 3.09 - 3.10, 22.01 -22.02 with Ql actual 2021 transfers to plant and a re-forecast of April - Decernber 2021 when available. The system re-forecast is expected to be available in late April 2021, with the jurisdiction reallocation available to update Pro Forma Adjustments 3.09 - 3.10, 22.01-22.02 the first two weeks of May. The Company will update for this change at that time as well. AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR TNFORMATTON JURISDICTION: IDAHO CASE NO: AW-E-21-01/AW-G-21-01 REQUESTER: IPUCTYPE: Production Request REQUEST NO.: Staff-089 DATE PREPARED: 0312412021WITNESS: James Kensok RESPONDER: Michael Mudge DEPARTMENT: IS/IT TELEPHONE: (509) 495-4422 REQUEST: Please provide a list of Commercial offthe Shelf Solutions that the Company already has, and a list of those the Company intends to acquire as part of the Energy Delivery Operational Efficiency business case. Kensok, Schedule 1 at 163. RESPONSE: Below is a list of Commercial of the Shelf Solutions that Avista has as part of the Energy Delivery Modemization and Operational Efficiency business case. Please note, Energy Delivery Modernization and Operational Efficiency is a new business case which combined work that occurred under the previous Energy Delivery Modernization and Energy Delivery Operational Efficiency and Shared Services business cases. o Advanced Meter Infrastructure (AMD o Arcos o Aspen Oneliner o Audodesk lnventoro AvailabilityWorkbencho Crow o Cymcapo Fixed Network o Fleet Assetworks o Flight Tracko Designero Global mapper - Unsure o iRASo Maximoo MV90 oPI o Power DataBase Pro o Synergi Electric o TWACs There are no firm plans to acquire any new Commercial off the Shelf solutions as part of this business case, however there is potential to acquire a replacement for the current Engineering Drawings solution as well as PSCAD software. AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR TNFORMATTON JURISDICTION: CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO.: IDAHO AW-E-2 1 -0 1 /AVU-G -21 -01 IPUC Production Request Staff -090 DATE PREPARED: 03/2612021WITNESS: James Kensok RESPONDER: Karen Schuh DEPARTMENT: ET PMO TELEPHONE: (s09) 49s-2293 REQUEST: Please provide a cost breakdown for capital costs included in the Energy Delivery Operational Efficiency business case. Kensok, Schedule I at 162. RESPONSE: Please see the Company's response to StaflPR_08l Attachment A for a detailed list and description of the projects included in the Energy Delivery Operational Efficiency business case. Timelines for these individual projects consist of the estimated start date and estimated transfer-to-plant date. StaflPR_08l Attachment A provides more details surrounding the different projects underneath this business case. See Avista's response to Sta[PR_043 for an updated Pro Forma Adjustment 3.08 - 2020 Pro Forma EOP to reflect actual 2020 transfers to plant, including retirements, for both electric and natural gas. The Company has also updated Pro Forma Adjustment 3.09 - 2021Pro Forma EOP to reflect variances between final2020 expected transfer to plant amounts and2020 year-end CWIP (as described in Company Witness Ms. Schultz's testimony) for both electric and natural gas. The cascading effect of updating Pro Forma Adjustments 3.08 - 3.09 can be seen in Pro Forma Adjustments 3.10, 22.01, and 22.02. Please see Staff PR_043 Attachment A for the updated adjustments. Boththe "Electric SUM 2020-2021Update" and "Nat. Gas SUM 2020-2021Update" tabs show the variance between adjustments from the Company's original filing and this 2020-2021update. StaflPR_O43 Attachment B contains the electric and natural gas transfers to plant detail for years 2020-2023, which is the basis for the monthly plant additions inputs in Sta[PR_043 Attachment (see tabs "Summary-Cost-E" and "Summary-Cost-G"). In Stafl PR_043 Attachment B, on the*CAP 2020-2023 Plant Additions" tab, the user can filter Column A - o'ID Witness" for the desired Company witness. Specifically, monthly Idaho transfer to plant balances can be seen in Column AO through Column BA; the associated year is listed by project in Column J. The Company intends to update Pro Forma Adjustments 3.09 - 3.10, 22.01 -22.02 with Ql actual 2021 tratsfers to plant and a re-forecast of April - December 2021 when available. The system re-forecast is expected to be available in late Apil 2021, with the jurisdiction reallocation available to update Pro Forma Adjustments 3.09 - 3.10, 22.01-22.02 the first two weeks of May In response to Staff-PRs- 79-95, the requested information relates to approximately 30 specific Business Cases as shown in Table No. 1 of Mr. Kensok's testimony. Please note, that for 2020, these Business Cases represent approximately 270 projects that allow the Company to track and record the activities in each business case at a more granular level. Due to the large quantity of projects listed under these business cases, additional cost estimates and timelines can be provided for those projects that have started (are in flight) on a sample basis. The Company would also be happy to produce the requested information for certain select projects of StafPs choosing. AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR TNFORMATTON JURISDICTION CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO.: IDAHO AVU-E-2 I -0 1 /AVU-G -2t -01 IPUC Production Request Staff -091 DATE PREPARED: 0312612021WITNESS: James Kensok RESPONDER: Karen Schuh DEPARTMENT: ET PMO TELEPHONE: (s09) 495-2293 REQUEST: Please provide a cost breakdown for capital costs included in the Energy Delivery Modernization & Operational Efficiency business case. Kensok, Schedule 1 at 167. RESPONSE: Please see the Company's response to Staff PR_081 Attachment A for a detailed list and description of the projects included in the Energy Delivery Modernization & Operational Efficiency business case. Sta{_PR_081 Attachment A provides more details surrounding the different projects undemeath this business case. See Avista's response to StaflPR_043 for an updated Pro Forma Adjustment 3.08 - 2020 Pro Forma EOP to reflect actual 2020 transfers to plant, including retirements, for both electric and natural gas. The Company has also updated Pro Forma Adjustment 3.09 - 2021Pro Forma EOP to reflect variances between frnal2020 expected transfer to plant amounts and2020 year-end CWIP (as described in Company Witness Ms. Schultz's testimony) for both electric and natural gas. The cascading effect of updating Pro Forma Adjustments 3.08 - 3.09 can be seen in Pro Forma Adjustments 3.10, 22.01, and 22.02. Please see Sta[PR_043 Attachment A for the updated adjustments. Boththe "Electric SUM 2020-2021Update" and "Nat. Gas SUM 2020-2021Update" tabs show the variance between adjustments from the Company's original filing and this 2020-2021update. StaflPR_O43 Attachment B contains the electric and natural gas transfers to plant detail for years 2020-2023, which is the basis for the monthly plant additions inputs in Sta[PR_043 Attachment (see tabs "Summary-Cost-E" and "Summary-Cost-G"). In StafLPR_043 Attachment B, on the*CAP 2020-2023 Plant Additions" tab, the user can filter Column A - "ID Witness" for the desired Company witness. Specifically, monthly Idaho transfer to plant balances can be seen in Column AO through Column BA; the associated year is listed by project in Column J. The Company intends to update Pro Forma Adjustments 3.09 - 3.10, 22.01 -22.02 with Ql actual 2021 transfers to plant and a re-forecast of April - December 2021 when available. The system re-forecast is expected to be available in late April 2021, with the jurisdiction reallocation available to update Pro Forma Adjustments 3.09 - 3.10, 22.01 -22.02 the first two weeks of May In response to Staff-PRs- 79-95, the requested information relates to approximately 30 specific Business Cases as shown in Table No. I of Mr. Kensok's testimony. Please note, that for 2020, these Business Cases represent approximately 270 projects that allow the Company to track and record the activities in each business case at a more granular level. Due to the large quantity of projects listed under these business cases, additional cost estimates and timelines can be provided for those projects that have started (are in fligh| on a sample basis. The Company would also be happy to produce the requested information for certain select projects of Staff s choosing. AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION JURISDICTION: CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO.: IDAHO AW-E-2 I -01 /AVU-G-2t -0t IPUC Production Request Staff -092 DATE PREPARED: 0312612021WITNESS: James Kensok RESPONDER: Karen Schuh DEPARTMENT: ET PMOTELEPHONE: (s09) 49s-2293 REQUEST: Please provide the project charter of costs, schedule, deliverables, and benefits for projects included in the Energy Delivery Modernization & Operational Efficiency business case. Kensok, Schedule I at167. RESPONSE: Please see the Company's response to Staff PR_081 Attachment A for a detailed list and description of the projects included in the Energy Delivery Modernization & Operational Efficiency business case. Timelines for these individual projects consist of the estimated start date and estimated transfer-to-plant date. Staff PR_081 Attachment A provides more details surrounding the different projects underneath this business case. See Avista's response to Staff PR_043 for an updated Pro Forma Adjustment 3.08 - 2020 Pro Forma EOP to reflect actual 2020 transfers to plant, including retirements, for both electric and natural gas. The Company has also updated Pro Forma Adjustment 3.09 - 2021 Pro Forma EOP to reflect variances between ftnal 2020 expected transfer to plant amounts and 2020 year-end CWIP (as described in Company Witness Ms. Schultz's testimony) for both electric and natural gas. The cascading effect of updating Pro Forma Adjustments 3.08 - 3.09 can be seen in Pro Forma Adjustments 3.10, 22.01, and 22.02. Please see Staff PR 043 Attachment A for the updated adjustments. Boththe "Electric SUM 2020-2021Update; *d "Nut. Gas SUM 2}2}-2021update" tabs show the variance between adjustments from the Company's original filing and this 2020-2021 update. Staff PR_043 Attachment B contains the electric and natural gas transfers to plant detail for years 2020-2023, which is the basis for the monthly plant additions inputs in Staff PR_043 Attachment (see tabs "Summary-Cost-E" and "Summary-Cost-G"). In Staf{_PR_043 Attachment B, on the "CAP 2020-2023 Plant Additions" tab, the user can filter Column A - 'oID Witness" for the desired Company witness. Specifically, monthly Idaho transfer to plant balances can be seen in Column AO through Column BA; the associated year is listed by project in Column J. The Company intends to update Pro Forma Adjustments 3.09 - 3. 1 0, 22.01 - 22.02 with Q I actual 2021 transfers to plant and a re-forecast of April - December 2021 when available. The systern re-forecast is expected to be available in late Apil 2021, with the jurisdiction reallocation available to update Pro Forma Adjustments 3.09 - 3.10, 22.01 - 22.02 the first two weeks of May In response to Staff-PRs- 79-95, the requested information relates to approximately 30 specific Business Cases as shown in Table No. I of Mr. Kensok's testimony. Please note, that for 2020, these Business Cases represent approximately 270 projects that allow the Company to track and record the activities in each business case at a more granular level. Due to the large quantity of projects listed under these business cases, additional cost estimates and timelines can be provided for those projects that have started (are in flight) on a sample basis. The Company would also be happy to produce the requested information for certain select projects of Staff s choosing. AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION JURISDICTION: CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO.: IDAHO AW-E-2 I -0 1 /AVU-G -21 -01 IPUC Production Request Staff -093 DATE PREPARED: 0312612021WITNESS: James Kensok RESPONDER: Karen Schuh DEPARTMENT: ET PMO TELEPHONE: (s09) 495-2293 REQUEST: Please provide a detailed list and description of projects and cost estimates included in the Enterprise Security IS/IT Capital Project business case. Kensok Schedule I at223. RESPONSE: Please see the Company's response to Staff PR_081 Attachment A for a detailed list and description of the projects included in the Enterprise Security IS/IT business case. Timelines for these individual projects consist of the estimated start date and estimated transfer-to-plant date. Staff PR_081 Attachment A provides more details surrounding the different projects underneath this business case. See Avista's response to StaflPR_O43 for an updated Pro Forma Adjustment 3.08 - 2020 Pro Forma EOP to reflect actual 2020 transfers to plant, including retirements, for both electric and natural gas. The Company has also updated Pro Forma Adjustment 3.09 - 2021Pro Forma EOP to reflect variances between final2020 expected transfer to plant amounts and 2020 year-end CWIP (as described in Company Witness Ms. Schultz's testimony) for both electric and natural gas. The cascading effect of updating Pro Forma Adjustments 3.08 - 3.09 can be seen in Pro Forma Adjustments 3.10, 22.01, and 22.02. Please see Staff PR_043 Attachment A for the updated adjustments. Boththe "Electric SUM 2020-2021Update" and "Nat. Gas SUM 2020-2021Update" tabs show the variance between adjustments from the Company's original filing and this 2020-2021update. StaflPR_043 Attachment B contains the electric and natural gas transfers to plant detail for years 2020-2023, which is the basis for the monthly plant additions inputs in Sta[PR_043 Attachment (see tabs "Summary-Cost-E" and "Summary-Cost-G"). In StafLPR_043 Attachment B, on the "CAP 2020-2023 Plant Additions" tab, the user can filter Column A - "ID Witness" for the desired Company witness. Specifically, monthly Idaho transfer to plant balances can be seen in Column AO through Column BA; the associated year is listed by project in Column J. The Company intends to update Pro Forma Adjustments 3.09 - 3.10, 22.01 -22.02 with Ql actual 2021 transfers to plant and a re-forecast of April - December 2021 when available. The system re-forecast is expected to be available in late April 2021, with the jurisdiction reallocation available to update Pro Forma Adjustments 3.09 - 3.10, 22.0I - 22.02 the first two weeks of May In response to Staff-PRs- 79-95, the requested information relates to approximately 30 specific Business Cases as shown in Table No. I of Mr. Kensok's testimony. Please note, that for 2020, these Business Cases represent approximately 270 projects that allow the Company to track and record the activities in each business case at a more granular level. Due to the large quantity of projects listed under these business cases, additional cost estimates and timelines can be provided for those projects that have started (are in flight) on a sample basis. The Company would also be happy to produce the requested information for certain select projects of Staff s choosing. AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO RE,QUEST FOR INFORMATION JURISDICTION: IDAHO CASE NO: AVU-E-21-01/AVU-G-21-0L REQUESTER: IPUCTYPE: Production Request REQUEST NO.: Staff -094 DATE PREPARED: 0312612021WITNESS: James Kensok RESPONDER: Karen Schuh DEPARTMENT: ET PMO TELEPHONE: (sog) 495-2293 REQUEST: Please provide a detailed list and description of security related projects, timeframes, and cost estimates included in the Generation, Substation, and Gas Location Security business case. Kensok at Schedule l,page234. RESPONSE: Please see the Company's response to Staff PR_081 Attachment A for a detailed list and description of the projects included in the Generation, Substation, and Gas Location Security business case. Timelines for these individual projects consist of the estimated start date and estimated transfer-to-plant date. Staff PR_081 Attachment A provides more details surrounding the different projects underneath this business case. See Avista's response to StaflPR_043 for an updated Pro Forma Adjustment 3.08 - 2020 Pro Forma EOP to reflect actual 2020 transfers to plant, including retirements, for both electric and natural gas. The Company has also updated Pro Forma Adjustment 3.09 - 2021Pro Forma EOP to reflect variances between ftnal 2020 expected transfer to plant amounts and 2020 year-end CWIP (as described in Company Witness Ms. Schultz's testimony) for both electric and natural gas. The cascading effect of updating Pro Forma Adjustments 3.08 - 3.09 can be seen in Pro Forma Adjustments 3.10, 22.01, ail 22.02. Please see Staff PR_043 Attachment A for the updated adjustments. Both the "Electric SUM 2020-2021Update" and 'Nat. Gas SUM 2020-2021Update" tabs show the variance between adjustments from the Company's original filing and this 2020-2021update. Staff PR_043 Attachment B contains the electric and natural gas transfers to plant detail for years 2020-2023, which is the basis for the monthly plant additions inputs in Staff PR_043 Attachment (see tabs "Summary-Cost-8" and "Summary-Cost-G"). In Staff PR_043 Attachment B, on the*CAP 2020-2023 Plant Additions" tab, the user can filter Column A - "ID Witness" for the desired Company witness. Specifically, monthly Idaho transfer to plant balances can be seen in Column AO through Column BA; the associated year is listed by project in Column J. The Company intends to update Pro Forma Adjustments 3.09 - 3.10, 22.01 -22.02 with Ql actual 2021 transfers to plant and a re-forecast of April - December 2021 when available. The system re-forecast is expected to be available in late Apil 202L, with the jurisdiction reallocation available to update Pro Forma Adjustments 3.09 - 3.10, 22.01-22.02 the first two weeks of May In response to Staff-PRs- 79-95, the requested information relates to approximately 30 specific Business Cases as shown in Table No. 1 of Mr. Kensok's testimony. Please note, that for 2020, these Business Cases represent approximately 270 projects that allow the Company to track and record the activities in each business case at a more granular level. Due to the large quantity of projects listed under these business cases, additional cost estimates and timelines can be provided for those projects that have started (are in flighQ on a sample basis. The Company would also be happy to produce the requested information for certain select projects of StafPs choosing. AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION ruRISDICTION: CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO.: IDAHO AVU-E-2 1 -0 I /AVU-G -21 -01 IPUC Production Request Staff-095 DATE PREPARED: 0312412021WITNESS: James Kensok RESPONDER: Andy Leija DEPARTMENT: Enterprise Security TELEPHONE: (509) 49s-4602 REQUEST: Please describe how the projects, systems, and investments included in the Enterprise Security business case are different from security projects and investments included in Facilities and Storage Locations, and Generation, Substation & Gas Location Security business cases. Kensok Direct at27-28. RESPONSE: The projects, systems, and investments in the Enterprise Security business case are specific to cyber security solutions. The ever-evolving threat landscape requires updated and new solutions to bolster Avista's cyber security posture to protect its critical infrastructure and provide reliable energy to its customers. Example projects of cyber security solutions that have been funded by this business case include increasing Avista's security posture with improvements in firewalls, intrusion prevention systems, endpoint protection, anti-virus, system logging and alerts. The projects, systems, and investments included in Facilities and Storage Locations, and Generation, Substation & Gas Location Security business cases focus on physical security solutions. These solutions protect Avista property such as offices, storage yards, generation sites, and substations from hespassing, theft and vandalism. Example projects include new and updated improvements to walls, fences, gates, card access readers, and video surveillance. Maintaining good physical security at Avista's sites also increases public safety by protectinghazardous and high traffic areas.