HomeMy WebLinkAbout20191121Staff 1-3 to Avista.pdfMATT HLINTER DEPUTY ATTORNEY GENERAL IDAHO PUBLIC U'|ILITIES COMMISSION PO BOX 83720 BOISE, IDAHO 83720-0074 (208) 334-03 l8 IDAHO BAR NO. I0655 ,llilll\r[:t) ,.1! lllY 2l PH L: tr3 1.,-,,,,.,,.,:lla;l Strcet Address for Express Mail: 472 W. WASHINGTON BOTSE. IDAHO 83702-5918 Attomey for the Commission Staff BBFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF AVISTA ) CORPORATION'S PETITION FOR LIMITED ) WAIVER OF PENALTY TERMS SET FORTH IN) ITS NATT]RAL (;AS TARII.'I-.FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE, COMMISSION STAFF TO AVISTA CORPORATION The Staff of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission, by and through its attorney ol'record, Matt Hunter, Deputy Attomey General, request that Avista Corporation (Company) provide the following documents and inlbrmation as soon as possible. or by THURSDAY, DECEMBER 5,2019.r This Production Request is continuing, and the Company is requested to providc, by way of supplementary responses, additional documents that it or any person acting on its behalf may Iater obtain that will augment the documents produced. Please provide answers to each question, supporting workpapers that provide detail or are the source of information used in calculations. The Company is reminded that responses pursuant to Commission Rules of Procedure must include the name and phone number of the person preparing the document, and the name, location and phone number ofthe record holder I Staffis requesting an expedited response. tfresponding by this date will be problematic, please call Staffs attorney at (208) 334-03 18. FIRSl' PRODUCTION R,EQUEST TO AVISTA CASE NO. AVU.G-19-08 ) ) ) ) ) I NOVEMBER 2I. 20I9 and if different the witness who can sponsor the answer at hearing il'need be. Relerence IDAPA In addition to the wfitten copies provided as response to the questions, please provide all Excel and electronic files on CD with formulas activated. REQUEST NO. l: Did any other Idaho tr.ursportation cuslomers exceed their daily nominations during the 2018-2019 winter time period? If yes, please provide by customer, the number ofoccurrences, the number of therms exceeded, and ovcrrun penalties applied by the Company. REQUEST NO.2: Please provide all work papers used to calculate the overrun entitlement penalty ol $926,202. In your response, please provide the lollowing information in a spreadsheet with lormulas intact ior each ofthe eight dates the daily nomination was exceeded: a. The daily amount of nomination Clearwater was entitled to; b. The daily amount Clearwater consumed; c. The net (amount of nomination exceeded) of items a and b; d. Ovemrn penalty; and e. Total ovemrn penalty. REQUEST NO. 3: The Company stated in its Petition that it did not have to buy additional gas to make up for Clearwater's use during curtailment and no financial harm was incurred. Petition at 4. Please explain how the Company was ablc to accommodate Clearwater's consumption during each ofthe eight days nominations were exceeded. Additionally, please explain how the Company avoided financial harm. Dated at Boise, Idaho, this )/ i umisc:prodreq/avug l9.Smhtncrk prod rcql FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST 1'O AVISTA -ttday olNovember 2019 Matt Hunter Deputy Attorney General 2 NOVEMBER 21.2019 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE THIS 2I't DAY OF NOVEMBER 2019, SERVED THE FOREGOING FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF TO AVISTA CORPORATION, IN CASE NO. AVU.G.Ig.O8, BY MAILING A COPY THEREOF, POSTAGE PREPAID, TO THE FOLLOWING: PATRICK EHRBAR DIRECTOR REGULATORY AFFAIRS AVISTA CORPORATION POBOX3727 SPOKANE WA99220-3727 E-mail: patrick.stacom.com SECRET Y CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE MICHAEL G ANDREA SENIOR COUNSEL AVISTA CORPORATION POBOX3727 SPoKANE WA99220-3727 E-mail: rnichael.andrea(.@avistacom.com