HomeMy WebLinkAbout20180907Avista to Staff 1.pdfAvista Corp. 141 1 East Mission P .O. Box 3727 Spokane. Washington 99220-0500 Telephone 509-489-0500 TollFree 800-727-9170 Afrinsrfr RECE IVED ifftfi StP -7 AH 9: 02 Corp. September 6, 2018 'i Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472W. Washington St. Boise, ID 83702-0074 Attn: Sean Costello Deputy Attorney General CoRe: Production Request of the Commission Staff in Case No. AVU-E-I8-03 Dear Mr. Costello, Enclosed are Avista's responses to IPUC Staffs production requests in the above referenced dockets. Included in this mailing are the original and two paper copies of Avista's responses to production requests: Staff 001. Also enclosed on CD are copies of Avista's responses to the production requests. The electronic versions of the responses were emailed on 09106118. If there are any questions regarding the enclosed information, please contact Paul Kimball at (509) 495-4584 or via e-mail at paul.kimball@avistacorp.com Sincerely, Paul Kimball Regulatory Analyst Enclosures CC (Email):I PUC (Hanian. Stockton) JURISDICTION CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO.: AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION IDAHO . AVU-E-18-03 (FCA) TPIJCU Production Request Staff-001 DATE PREPARED: 0910612018WITNESS: N/A RESPONDER: Tara Knox DEPARTMENT: Regulatory Affairs TELEPHONE: (509) 495-4325EMAIL: tara.knox@avistacorp.com REQUEST: On page 8 of its Application, the Company estimates that the Company's DSM programs reduced residential usage by approximately 282,000 therms/yr and non-residential usage by approximately 70,000 therms/yr in20l7. Please answer the following: What was the base year used to determine the 2017 reduction in consumption? Please provide the Company's estimate of the total weather-normalized change in consumption over the same time period for the same customer groups. RESPONSE: a. The base year used to determine the 2017 reduction in consumption was calendar year 2014, which was the test year associated with case number AVU-G-15-01 that established 2017 rates. b. Please see "Staff PR_00lFCA Attachment A" for the total weather-normalized change in consumption. The weather-normalized data is in the'Nat Gas Weather Correction" tab of the workbook. Additionally, we inadvertently reported the reduction in residential usage as 282,000 therms and it should have been reported as272,000 therms as shown in Attachment A. a. b. ldaho NaturalGas DSM Savings Sector Residential Non-Residential Total 20t4 2015 20L6 L54,7L3 34,582 20t7 234,326 7L,L82 Total 389,039 705,764 189,295 305,508 494,803 Sector Residential Non-Residential Total tlz2Ot4 20L5 20,6 t54,7t3 34,582 tl22OL7 LL7,\63 35,591 Total 27L,876 7O,773 189,295 L52,754 342,049 Note l.: Residential includes Low lncome Note 2: Natural Gas programs were suspended during 2014 and 20L5,20L6 is unverified reported gross, 2017 is Note 3: There were no industrial/transportation customer projects in 2016 or 2077. Sources: Avista lD 20L4 DSM Annual Report, Avista lD 2015 DSM Annual Report, Avista lD 2016 DSM Annual Rep Staff_PR_001FCA Attach ment A.xls (002).xlsx Page 1 of 10 verified gross. rort, Avista lD 2OL7 DSM Annual Report. Staff_PR_001 FCA Attach me nt A.xls (002).xlsx Page 2 of 10 12.2017 Normal DDH Actual DDH Unbilled DDH -194 -3,636,546 145,451 -759,008 12,009 -9,412 77 -58,449 277 -1,270,959 2,550 -31,603 52 -46,315 20 -1,654,043 72,721 -36 r,609 7,572 -5,273 58 -265 -726,404 12,049 0.2275 -8,701 79 0.4156 -62,640 280 0.8442 -1,27 5,142 2,495 r.9286 -33,230 52 2.4t15 -58,162 22 9.9764 -1,676,943 72,321 0.0875 -349,100 7,558 0.1743 -4,820 58 0.3 136 -82 -1,137,1 10 144,450 0.0960 -225,035 12,063 0.2275 -2,692 79 0.4156 - 19,591 283 0.8442 -399,791 2,528 1.9286 - 10,283 52 2.4115 -17,997 22 9.9764 -518,631 72,283 0.0875 -108,266 7,575 0.1743 -1,569 6l 0.3136 Total 6,531 6,725 January 1,1 14 1,379 February 910 992 March 772 741 April s39 556 Rate Group WA Res Sched l0l No of Cust Usage/DDH WA Com Sched 101 No of Cust Usage/DDH WA Ind Sched 101 No of Cust Usage/DDH WA Res Sched I I I No of Cust UsageiDDH WA Com Sched I I I No of Cust Usage/DDH WA Ind Sched I I I No of Cust Usage/DDH WA Com Sched l2l No of Cust Usage/DDH ID Res Sched l0l No of Cust UsageiDDH 928 72 0.4156 3l 430,937 144,804 0.0960 84,736 12,015 0.2275 -17 -t96,040 144,690 0.0797 -32,654 I 1,990 0.1602 -342 77 0.2610 -3,875 279 0.8169 -67,462 2,536 1.5648 -2,146 52 2.4276 -3,693 22 9.8732 -90,574 72,390 0.0736 -16,206 7,542 0.1264 -197 58 0. l 998 ID Com Sched l0l No of Cust Usage/DDH ID Ind Sched l0l No of Cust Usage/DDH 7328 280 0.8442 152,157 2,545 1.9286 3,887 52 2.4115 6,804 22 9.9764 196,450 72,424 0.0875 40,665 7,526 0.1743 554 57 0.3136 Staff_PR_001 FCA Attachment A.xls (002).xlsx Page 3 of 10 -3,670,178 144,268 0.0960 ID Res Sched I I 1 No of Cust Usage/DDH ID Com Sched I I 1 No of Cust Usage/DDH ID Ind Sched I I I No of Cust Usage/DDH WA subtotal ID subtotal Summarize by Schedule wA l0l WA lII wA l2l ID IOI ID 1II -5,812,292 -5,834,457 -1,812,499 686,777 -306,212 -2,490,865 -2,479,098 -766,620 290,440 -126,991 -l7,2ll 106 -433,466 1,302 -19,263 37 -4,404,966 -1,361,01I -46,315 -2,020,925 -469,940 -17,207 105 0.6184 -414,543 1,297 t.2061 -16,485 37 r .6813 -4,405,293 -1,371,012 -58,162 -2,030,863 -448,235 -5,274 104 0.6184 -127,779 1,292 1.2061 -5,101 37 1.6813 -1,364,837 -429,665 -t7,997 -628,466 -138,154 2,013 105 0.6184 48,830 1,306 1.2061 1,928 )t l .68 l3 516,601 163,372 6,804 237,669 52,771 -904 107 0.4968 - l 8,659 1,298 0.8456 -451 37 0.7 t64 -229,036 -73,483 -3,693 -106,977 -20,014 Source: Washington Commission Basis 2017 Weather Normalization Adjustment workpapers Staff_PR_001FCA Attachment A.xls (002).xlsx Page 4 of 10 May 311 )1) June 139 66 July 29 August 31 3 September 158 166 November 864 8lt December 1,138 October 0 526 560 I r79 39 449,065 144,473 0.0797 74,549 11,932 0.1602 784 77 0.2610 8,729 274 0.8169 154,338 2,529 l.5648 4,828 5l 2.4276 9,241 24 9.8732 207,541 72,304 0.0736 37,253 7,557 0.1264 444 57 0. I 998 73 843,473 144,974 0.0797 141,423 12,093 0.1602 1,467 77 0.2610 16,876 283 0.8 r 69 293,801 2,572 1.5648 8,684 49 2.4276 17,298 24 9.8732 388,883 72,380 0.0736 69,841 7,569 0.1264 831 57 0. I 998 0 145,026 0.0000 29 28 0 145,494 0.0000 -8 0 145,915 0.0000 0 I 1,955 0.0000 0 77 0.0000 0 272 0.0000 0 ? (ss 0.0000 0 52 0.0000 0 23 0.0000 0 72,880 0.0000 0 7,581 0.0000 0 57 0.0000 -34 -397,289 146,612 0.0797 -65,269 I I,gg3 0.1602 -674 76 0.2610 -7,777 280 0.8169 -135,934 , ss5 1.5648 -4,209 5l 2.4276 -7,721 23 9.8732 -183,21I 73,214 0.0736 -32,524 7,568 0.1264 -387 57 0.1 998 53 621,471 147,125 0.0797 1 02,1 08 12,026 0.1602 1,079 78 0.2610 r 1,950 276 0.8169 213,058 2,569 L5648 6,304 49 2.4276 6,279 t2 9,8732 286,966 73,566 0.0736 51,068 7,623 0.1264 -41 -580,875 147,580 0.0960 -112,462 12,057 0.2275 -1,261 74 0.4156 -9,449 273 0,8442 -205,984 2,605 t.9286 -5,438 55 2.4115 1,636 -4 9.9764 -264,524 73,735 0.0875 -54,340 7,604 0.1743 -733 57 0.3 r 36 0 I 1,948 0.0000 0 I 1,99 I 0.0000 0 79 0.0000 0 275 0.0000 0 2,543 0.0000 0 53 0.0000 0 24 0.0000 0 72,493 0.0000 0 7,560 0.0000 0 57 0.0000 0.0000 0 274 0.0000 0 2,57 | 0.0000 0 50 0.0000 0.0000 0 72,666 0.0000 0 7,598 0.0000 0 57 0.0000 0 77 0 24 Staff_PR_001FCA Attachment A.xls (002).xlsx 604 5',1 0.1 998 Page 5 of 10 2,034 105 0.4968 42,674 1,294 0.84s6 1,034 37 0.7164 524,398 167,895 9,241 245,238 45,742 3,881 t07 0.4968 80,680 1,307 0.8456 1,935 37 0.7164 986,363 3 19,361 17,298 459,555 86,496 0 107 0.0000 0 1,295 0.0000 0.0000 0 106 0.0000 0 1,309 0.0000 0 36 0.0000 0 107 0.0000 0 1,299 0.0000 0.0000 -1,807 107 0.4968 -37,577 1,307 0.8456 2,817 107 0.4968 58,083 1,296 0.8456 1,329 35 0.7164 724,658 231,312 6,279 338,638 62,229 -2,764 109 0.6 r 84 -65,17 5 1,318 1.2061 _? (sl 5l I .68 l3 -694,598 -220,871 1,636 -3t9,597 -70,490 0 36 0 36 -901 37 0,7164 701,534 1,323,022 290,980 546,051 0 0 0 0 0 -618,873 962,249 -913,833 0 -256,407 400,867 -390,087 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -463,232 -147,920 -7,721 -216,122 -40,285 Staff_PR_001FCA Attachment A.xls (002).xlsx Page 6 of 10 Natural Gas Deferral Drivers Abnormalweather Energy Efficiency Measures since test year Test Year Residential Usage 55,7L4,OLL FCA Revenue Avg Margin Rate (existing) Weather Adj Usage Weather Adjusted Use/Cust FCA Margin Energy Efficiency Cumulative Savings Energy Efficiency Savings Use/Cust FCA Margin Weather + Energy Efficiency Savings Actual Deferral Other Customer behavior impacts Test Year Non-Residential Usage Customers Use/Cust Customers Use/Cust FCA Revenue Avg Margin Rate (existing) 908,483 61 5 26,6oL,464 5 0.47746 22,947,786 L6,647 7,378 5,193,815 o.22633 2017 62,549,247 964,267 65 S 28,431,589 s 0.47800 (2,020,925) (2.1) 27L,876 0.3 20t7 25,594,zLt 77,39L L,473 S s,s96,5295 o.zztto (469,940) (27) 70,173 4 lmpact 3,4t4,203 3.5 1,630,161 33,395 1,663,555 s (964,920) s 129,956 s (834,964) $ (7,632,373) 5 tgt,qog lmpact L,634,6L1_ 369,964 24,665 394,630 s (106,815) S ts,gso 5 s S S s s 94 S S Weather Adj Usage Weather Adjusted Use/Cust FCA Margin Energy Efficiency Cumulative Savings Energy Efficiency Savings Use/Cust Staff_PR_001FCA Attach ment A.xls (002).xlsx Page 7 of 10 FCA Margin Weather + Energy Efficiency Savings Actual Deferral Other Customer behavior impacts s 5 s (90,865) (377,L8L1 286,316 Staff_PR_001FCA Attachment A.xls (002).xlsx Page 8 of 10 Driver ResidentialGroup Use-per- Customer FCA Revenue Non-ResidentialGroup Use-per- FCA Customer Revenue Weather Energy Efficiency Other Total 2.7 (0.3) L,7 3.5 51.00 (So.re1 So.zo $r.eg 27 (4) 7L 94 So.rr (So.oz1 5o.zg $o.gs 60/o 60/o 7o/o Staff_PR_001FCA Attachment A.xls (002).xlsx Page 9 of 10 7% Staff_PR_001FCA Attachment A.xls (002).xlsx Page 10 of 10