HomeMy WebLinkAbout20181120Avista to Clearwater 5-6.pdfAVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION JURISDICTION: CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO.: IDAHO AVU-E- I 8-03/AVU-G- I 8-02 Clearwater Paper Production Request Clearwater-05 DATE PREPARED: WITNESS: RESPONDER: DEPARTMENT: TELEPHONE: l:flIl\,'ED tUr2l20t8N/A :'-',' 20 .t,11 9: 5l Karen Schuh/Justin B. Regulatory Affairs - ,l!,, y. . l_rl ;(s0e) 4es-22e3 REQUEST: Avista's Application in this Docket states, "Consistent with Order No. 29962 in Case Nos. AVU-E-05-09 and AVU-G-05-03 (consolidated), Avista shall recover costs associated with asset retirement obligations ("AROs") through depreciation expense based on Commission-approved depreciation rates." [Application, AVU-18-03, p. 8.] In Response to Clearwater's First Request for Production, PR02, the Company provided a Workpaper spreadsheet titled; 'Clearwater_PR02 - Attachment 9 Workpapers - Depreciation Study Summary - Attachment A, B I -2,and Summary WPs. On tabs,'Att BI123116 Depr_Chgex trans', and'Wkpr-stdy Bal (ex. Tmsptn)'in column L Row 38 is the value So/o,that is the 'Proposed Study Rate' for Colstrip Units 3 8.4 ARO 1317.1Asset Retirement Obligationl. A.) Please provide all documents, reports, studies, electronic copies of the workpapers and spreadsheets used in support of the 50% Proposed Study Rate. B) Has the Commission approved the 5o/o ARO Proposed Study Rate in any past depreciation Dockets? If so please provide the Case Number and the Commission's Final Order Number in the Docket. RESPONSE: A.) The Company is requesting to account for the ARO related to Colstrip Units 3 & 4 and to match up the amortization of the ARO with the remaining life in this depreciation study. In order to do this, the Company calculated a straight-line depreciation rate for the remaining life from 2016 to 20361 (20 years) to compute a 5Yo rate. Therefore, there are no workpapers available with regards to this 5Yo rate. The Company is currently in the process of reviewing this rate, due to the pending settlement agreement in Avista's merger dockets in Washington, which would accelerate the depreciable life of Colstrip 3&4 to 2027, and accelerate the amortization of the ARO. When the Company has finished its review, the Company will provide an update to this production request. B.) The Commission has not approved a 5Yo proposed study rate in a past Avista Docket, as this is the first time the Company is requesting recovery of the Colstrip 3&4 ARO. I A remaining life of 2036 for Colstrip Unit 4 is provided by the Company's third party depreciation study consultant as the remaining life. For simplification purposes, the Company chose to have the proposed rate reflect the longer lived assets of the two units. AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION IDAHO AVU-E- I 8-03/AVU-G- I 8-02 Clearwater Paper Production Request Clearwater-06 DATE PREPARED: llll2l20l8 WITNESS: N/A RESPONDER: Adam Munson DEPARTMENT: Corporate Accounting TELEPHONE: (509) 495-2471 REQUEST: Avista's 2Al7 lO-K states, "ln addition to an increase to our ARO, it is expected that there will be significant compliance costs ot Colstrip in the Juture, both operating and capital costs, clue to a series of incremental infrastructure improvemenls which are separale,from the ARO. We cannot reasonably estimate the future compliance cosls; however, we v,ill update or.r ARO and compliance cosl e.ctimates a.y data becomes availahle.fAvista 2017 10-K, p. 75] Even though the final compliance costs are known at this time, please provide a list the items that these expected significant compliance cost wor"rld irrclude and provide an explanation of each. RESPONSE: Avista is not certain that legal requirements will be consistent with current law prior to the final closure and remediation of the Colstrip facility. As future compliance legislation is not known, the company is not in a position to reasonably estimate the final capital cost to comply, nor to speculate on what the potential operating activities will be. However. the anticipated costs to comply with the EPA's Final Rule for the regulation of coal combustion residuals (CCRs) under Subtitle D of the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) (refbrred to as the CCR rule) were used in deterrnining the net present value of the ARO. 'fhese ad.iusted costs amounted to -$14.8 M for the design, construction, closure and rnonitoring of the required evaporation ash ponds as follows: Design costs Construction Costs Closure Costs Post Close Monitoring Total : $0.4 M : $4.7 M :$5.7 M : $4.0 M $14.8M JURISDICTION: CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO.: