HomeMy WebLinkAbout20181212Technical Hearing Transcript Vol II.pdfo a ORIGIIYAL CSB REPORTING C e rt ifrc d S ho rt h and Reporters Post Office Box9774 Boise,Idaho 83707 csbreportin g@,yahoo. com Ph: 208-890-5198 Fax: 1-888-623-6899 Reporter: Constance Bucy, CSR BEEORE THE IDAHO PUBL]C UTTL]TIES COMMISS]ON IN THE MATTER OF THE JOINT APPLICATION OF HYDRO ONE LIMITED AND AVTSTA CORPORATION FOR APPROVAL OE MERGER AGREEMENT CASE NOS. AVU_E-17-09 AVU-G-17-05 BEFORE f!:! =(3:rnd? r'i] r\) t'Tl ta- =rflf\) (:) (^) cr1COMMISSIONER PAUL KJELLANDER (Presiding), COMM]SSIONER ERIC ANDERSON COMMISSIONER KRIST]NE RAPER PLACE:Commission Hearj-ng Room 472 West Washington StreetBoise, Idaho DATE:November 26, 20L8 VOLUME II - Pages 129 - 450 o ) ) ) ) ) ) a 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 9 10 o 11 72 13 t4 15 76 77 1B 19 20 27 22 Z5 24I CSB REPORT]NG 208.890. s198 APPEARANCES For the Staff:Brandon Karpen, Esq. Deputy Attorney General- 472 West WashingtonBolse, Idaho 83120-0074 Eor Avista Corporation:David Meyer, Esq.Avista Corporation Post Office Box 3127 Spokane, Washington 99220 For Hydro One Limited:EJ.izabeth Thomas, Esq. and Kari Vander Stoep, Esg. K&L Gates, LLP 925 Eourth Avenue, Suite 2900Seattle, Washi-ngton 98104-1158 -and-Deborah A. Fergiuson, Esg. FERGUSON DURHAM, PLLC 223 North 6th StreetSuite 325Boise, Idaho 83102 For Clearwater Paper Corporation: Peter iI. Richardson, Esq. Richardson Adams, PLLC 515 North 21lh Street Boise, Idaho 83102 For Idaho Eorest Group:Ronald L. Wi].].i:ms, Esq WILLIAMS BRADBURY P.O. Box 3BB Boise, Idaho 83701 Eor CAPAI:Brady M. Purdy, Esq.Attorney at Law 2Ol9 North 17th StreetBoise, Idaho 83702 25 APPEARANCES a 11 72 o 13 74 15 76 71 18 19 20 27 22 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 B 9 10 t 23 24 CSB REPORTING 208.890.5198 APPEARANCES (Continued) For Idaho Conservation League: Benjamin J. Otto, Esq. Idaho Conservation League 710 North 6th StreetBoise, Idaho 83102 For Avista Customer Group: Norman M. SenankorEsq. PARSON BEHLE & LATIMER 800 Vrlest Main Street Suite 1300 Boise, Tdaho 83102 For IDWR:Garrick L. Baxter, Esq. Deputy Attorney General 322 East Front StreetBoise, Idaho 83720-0098 25 APPEARANCES I 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 8 9 10 11 !2t13 74 15 76 t7 1B 19 20 2t 22 23 24I CSB REPORTING 208.890.5198 ]NDEX WITNESS EXAM]NATION BY PAGE David H. Leroy (Avista ) Mr. Meyer (Direct) Prefiled Rebuttal TestimonyMr. Karpen (Cross) Mr. Semanko (Cross) Commissioner Kj ellander Commissioner Anderson 1rnIJU 133 741 156 784 186 Paul M ( Hydro Dobson One ) Ms. Vander Stoep (Direct) Prefiled Supp. TestimonyPrefiled Rebuttal TestimonyMr. Williams (Cross)Mr. Semanko (Cross) Commissioner Kj ellander Ms. Vander Stoep (Redirect) 193 191 201 270 272 223 22s Christopher F (Hydro One) Lopez Ms. Thomas (Direct)Prefiled Direct TestimonyPrefiled Supp. TestimonyPrefifed Rebuttal- TestimonyMr. Karpen (Cross) Mr. Semanko (Cross) Commissioner Kj ellander Commissioner Raper Commissioner Anderson Ms. Thomas (Redirect) / )A 233 211 315 333 343 395 395 400 402 Jason Fitzsimmons (Hydro One) Ms. Vander Stoep (Direct) Prefiled Direct Testi-mony 410 414 Wil Gehl (CAPAI ) Mr. Purdy (Direct)Prefiled Direct Testimony 429 433 25 INDEX t 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 x Y 10 o 11 72 13 74 15 I 76 71 18 19 20 27 22 23 24 CSB REPORT]NG 208.890.5198 EXHIBITS NUMBER DESCRIPTION PAGE FOR HYDRO ONE LIMITED: 4 Curriculum Vj-tae for Christopher Lopez, along with Schedul-es 2 & 3 Premarked Admitted 232 B Schedules 1 & PauI Dobson 2 sponsored by Premarked Admitted 196 15 Schedules 1 David Leroy 6 sponsored by Premarked Admitted 131 71 Schedule 'rB, Draft Afflrmation Ident i fied Admitted 792 196 1B Post-Closlng Corporate Structure Revised November 26, 2018 Identi fied Admitted 23L 232 FOR AVISTA CUSTOMER GROUP: 801 Ontario Energy Board, Decision & Order Identified 341 802 IPUC Order No. 28273 Identified 341 803 Montana Order No. 1511a Identified 347 25 EXH]BITS I I 2 3 4 5 6 1 x 9 10 11 72 I 13 74 15 16 71 1B 79 20 27 22 23 zt+ CSB REPORTING 208.890.5198 BOISE, ]DAHO, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 26, 2OLB, 1:OO P. M COMMISSIONER KELLANDER: Good afternoon. We'11- go back on the record and before we broke for lunch, we had concluded the first witness and we're looking to see now if it's still- the intent of Avista to put on Mr. Leroy. MR. MEYER: It is, thank you. COMMISSIONER KELLANDER: If you would call the witness. MR. MEYER: Call- to the stand Mr. David Leroy. While he is situatj-ng himself, I understand there may be a motion to strike and I'd still like to 1ay the f oundat.ion, exhibit and and then when I move the admission of his the spreading of his testimony, it can be taken up at that time, So just a then we're into then perhaps very the motion, ifpreliminary it comes. foundation and COMMISSIONER KELLANDER: Fair enough. Let's see where we go. MR. MEYER: MS. THONIAS:you mind if we Thank you. David, do explain this affirmation before we start? COMMISSIONER KELLANDER: Excuse me, we'reI25 729 COLLOQUY T 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 I 9 10 11 72 a AJ 14 15 15 L1 1B t9 20 2t 22 Z3 24t CSB REPORTING 208.890. s198 LEROY (Di) Avista Corporation gettlng a you all, lot of cross tal-k that might but not so much to me, and so Meyer proceed. Thank you. was on and 1et's l-et Mr be very helpful to your microphone to form an i-ndependent non-application of an Idaho proposed application and MR. MEYER: DAVID H. LEROY, produced as a wj-tness at the instance of the Avista Corporation, having been first duly sworn to teII the truth, was examined and testified as fol-Iows: DIRECT EXAMINATION BY MR. MEYER: o A o A 0 A o assignment ? A opinion of the Code provision transaction. Counselor. For the My name And have I have. And what Good afternoon, Mr. Leroy. record, please state your name. is David H. Leroy. you been engaged by Avista? was the nature of that I was employed applicatj-on or 67-327 to this 25 130 t t 1 2 3 4 6 6 7 U 9 10 11 L2 13 74 15 16 71 1B 19 20 2t 22 Z3 .AZ1 CSB REPORTING 208.890.5198 LEROY (Di) Avista Corporation a provided a testimony? A either Very copy of good, and to that end, as part of have you your prefiled f have. O Do you your prefiled such opinion have any corrections to make to or your exhibit, which has been marked Exhibit testimony No. 15? A I do not. MR. MEYER: Thank you; so with that, I woul-d move the admission of Exhibit 15 and all of its subparts, ds wel-l as ask that Mr. Leroy's testimony be spread as if read. COMMISSIONER KELLANDER: So anticipating your question, is there any objection? Therers no objection, then the testj-mony will be spread across the record as if read and the exhiblt admitted. (Avlsta Corporation Exhibit No. 15 was admitted into evidence. ) MR. MEYER: So all of my Iega1 research has gone for not. COMMISSfONER KELLANDER: f t's your l-aw degree, not mine. MR. MEYER: Okay. MR. KARPEN: That's a little piece of paper.o 25 131 t 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 9 MR. MEYER: Thatrs all- the research I did. (The fol-lowing prefiled rebuttal testimony of Mr. David Leroy is spread upon the record. ) 10 11 72 I 13 74 15 76 71 1B t9 20 27 22 23 24 o CSB REPORTING 208.890.5198 LEROY (Di) Avj-sta Corporation 25 732 I 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 B 9 10 11 72 I 13 74 15 16 t1 1B 79 20 27 22 23 24 Leroy, Supp. Reb. 1Avista Corporation r. INTRODUCTION O. Please state your name, business address, and present posltion? A. I am David H. Leroy, attorney at law of Leroy Law Offices, P.O. Box 793, Boise, fdaho 83701. O. What is your professional- background? A. I am a 7911 doctorate graduate of the Universit.y the Idaho Of Idaho College Of Law and was admitted to Bar that year, some 41 years ago. I hold a Laws, from New Yorkpost-doctoral- degree, Master of University and was admitted to I have been 1n both the public that State's Bar in 7912. and private practice of law for nearly half a century. O. Do you have public policy experience? A. Yes. I served two terms as Ada County Prosecuting Attorney in the 1970's, a term as Idaho Attorney General- and presided over the Idaho State Senate as Lieutenant Governor from 1983 to 1987. In the absence of the Governor from the state during that period, I served as Acting Governor of Idaho for 254 days. I was a presidential appointee, confirmed by the United States Senate, during the administratj-on of President G.H.W. Bush, with the title of United States NucLear Waste Negotiator. a 25 133 t 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 B 9 Subsequent to that service, I have featured the practice of administrative Iaw in my legal career and am frequently hired by clients, public and private, including members, committees and even chambers of the Idaho State Legislature to give them opi-nions on matters of statutory interpretation. I have al-so argued or briefed cases frequently before the Idaho Supreme Court and various federal courts and have appeared three times before the United States Supreme Court. O. Have you prevlously testified as an expert witness in lega1 or political matters? A. Yes. On dozens of occasions before trial courts, local boards or commissions, state agencies, the Idaho Legislature and committees of the United States House of Representatives and Senate, it has been my duty and privilege to give testimony on widely varied matters of fact and opinion. O. What is your connection to the instant case? A. I was engaged by Avista Corporation ("Avista") to give it an independent interpretation as to the appli-cation or non-application of Idaho Code S61-327 to the proposed sale of Avista to Hydro One Limited ( "Hydro One" ) , as such transaction j-s pendlng approval before the Idaho Public Utilities Commission (the "Commission"). 10 11 72 I 13 74 15 16 71 1B 79 20 27 22 23 24 o Leroy, Supp. Reb. 2Avista Corporation 25 ]-34 o 1 2 3 AL7 5 6 1 I 9 10 t 11 L2 13 74 15 t6 L1 1B 79 20 27 ZZ 23 .AZ1 o Leroy, Supp. Reb. 3Avista Corporation O. What is meant by an "Independent Opinion"? A. By that term I mean that I had no prior famil-iarity with the j-ssues involvedr oo predisposition as to the questions presented and advised the client that I would make and render judgments independently of any party's preferred outcome. I explained that I would collect data from alI avallabl-e sources and broadly research all extant and casestatutory, regulatory a reasoned conclusion.precedent to o. Are testimony? Exhibits: reach you sponsoring any exhibits in this A. Yes, I am. I will refer to the followi-ng Exh. No. 15, Schedule 1 of October 77 , 2078. My Engagement Letter Exh. No. 15, Schedule 2 October 26, 20L8. My Legal Opinion of Exh. No. 15, Schedule 3 - Extracts of the Legislative Journals of the Idaho House of Representatj-ves and Idaho State Senate, January 22, 1951. Exh. No. 15, Schedule 4 1951, Chapter 3. Exh. No. 15, Schedule 5 - AnReport of the Idaho Attorney pages 10 and 11. fdaho Session Law Extract General from the 1951-7952, Exh. No. 15, Schedule 6 - An Extract from the Idaho Daily Statesman, January 23, 1951, page 6. 25 135 o 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 8 9 O. In reaching your opinion what resources did you consult ? A. In additi-on to those items listed as Schedules 3 through 6 above, I reviewed the Joint Application for an Order Authorizing Proposed Transactlon in this case, the transcripts of public hearings hel-d by the Commissi-on in Moscow, Sandpoint and Coeur drAlene, the Supplemental Testimony of K. Coll-ins Sprague (Avista), six prior relevant decisions or final orders of the Commission issued between 1989 and 2016, and the June 20, 20L8 Joint Comments in Support of Stipulation and Settlement filed by Avista and Hydro One. I also, as noted in the Opinion ltself, researched and found several- useful Idaho and related federal appellate cases, two early briefs on appeal and examined the wording of Idaho Code 561-327 itself in the context of those cases and histories. I al-so reached out to Commission staff counsel- to receive a brieflng as to the background of this case and those statutory issues of most concern to them. I also l-eft two unreturned phone messages for the lawyer identified to me as l-ead counsel- for the Avista Customer Group, hoping to obtain from that group any other 1egal guidance, references or reasoning. 10 11 L2 I 13 74 15 t6 T1 1B 19 20 27 22 23 24 o Leroy, Supp. Reb. 4Avista Corporation 25 135 o t_ 2 3 4 5 6 1 U 9 10 t 11 t2 13 74 15 76 L1 1B t9 20 27 22 ZJ anz,+ o Leroy, Supp. Reb. 5Avista Corporatj-on a. Woul-d you begin by reciting the language of Idaho Code S6L-321? A. Yes. It reads as foll-ows: ACQU]S]TION BY CERTAIN PUBLIC AGENCIES PROHIBITED. No titl-e to or interest in any public utility (as such term is defined in chap ter 7, titl-e 67, Idaho Code) property l-ocated in this state which is used in the generation, transmission, distribution or supply of electric power and energy to the public or any portion thereof, shalI be transferred or transferable to, or acquired by, directly or indirectly , by any means or device whatsoever, any government or municipal corporation, quasi-municlpal corporation, or governmental or political unit, subdivision or corporation, organi-zed or existing under the laws of any other state; or any person, firm, association, corporation or organization acting as trustee, nominee, agent or representatj-ve for, or in concert or arrangement wlth, any such government or municipal corporation, quasi-munJ-cipa1 corporation, or governmental or political- unit, subdivision orcorporatlon; or any company, association, organizatj-on or corporation, organi-zed or existing under the l-aws of this state or any other state, whose issued capital stock, or other evidence of ownership, membership or other interest therein, ot in the property thereof, is owned or controlled,directly or indirectly, by any such government or municipal corporation, quasi-municipal corporation, or governmental or political unit, subdivision orcorporation; or any company, association, organization or corporation, organized under the l-aws of any other state, not coming under or within the definition of an electric public utility or el-ectrical corporation as contained in chapter 7, title 61, Idaho Code, and subject to thejurisdiction, regulation and control of the public utilities commission of the state of Idaho under the pub11c utilities l-aw of this state; provided, nothing herein shall prohibit the transfer of any such property by a public utiJ-ity to a cooperative 25 731 t 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 o 9 10 t 11 72 13 74 15 t6 71 1B 79 20 27 )) 23 24 Leroy, Supp. Reb. 6 Avj-sta Corporation electrical corporation organized under the laws of another state, which has among its members mutual-nonprofit or cooperative e1ectrical corporations organized under the laws of the state of Idaho and doing business 1n this state, af such public utllity has obtained authorization from the public utilities commission of the state of Idaho pursuant to section6I-328, Idaho Code. (Emphasis added) O. What questions did you examine? A. In particular, both Avista and the Commission Staff were especially concerned as to whether the language of Idaho Code 561-327 which refers to the preclusion of the ownership of utility property used to generate or supply el-ectric energy by any government or corporation existing under the l-aws of "any other state" would apply to the Province of Ontario, since Hydro One was formerly a Canadian provincial entity. In addition, as the Provi-nce would remain the holder of approximately 43?" of the stock outstanding in Hydro One, both Avista and the Commi-ssion staff wlshed to know whether such ownership constituted "direct or indirect" control by a government. O. Were you able of whether a Canadian language of Idaho Code to reach province s6t-321 ? to entities organized States of the United an opinion on the concept was a "State" under the under the laws of States of America and A. Yes. In my opinion the Idaho Legislature referred only another did not of the referI25 138 t 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 B 9 10 o 11 72 13 14 15 16 71 1B 79 20 27 22 23 24I Leroy, Supp. Reb. 1 Avista Corporation thereby to foreign nations or their subdivisi-ons by the term "states. " As made cl-ear by the legislative history, it did not contemplate Canadian Provinces. Therefore, the Province of Ontario is not a "state" wj-thin the meaning of the statute. O. What is the basis for A Upon undertaking this Engagement (Exh. No. examined the statute Number 25 which became your opinion? assignment pursuant to my 15, Schedule 1), f ln Letter of initially House Bi-11 its original form, Session Laws of 1951, 4). The Journafs of theChapter 3 (Exh. No. 15, Schedu1e Idaho Legislature for the House 22, 1951 (col1ective1y Exh. No.15, Idaho Code S61-327 was passed under rufes through both chambers in a and the Senate, January Schedule 3) show that suspension of the single day. The Report 15, Schedul-e 5)(Exh. No.of the Attorney General- clarifies the "statute was patently aimed at preventing Public Utility Districts of the State of the operatlng acquisition by Wasi!49!q4 of properties located in of the Washington Northern Idaho. "Water Power Company ("WWP") (Emphasis added) Although no official notes or transcripts of committee hearings or fl-oor debates on the Bill exist, the Idaho Daily Statesman of January 23, 1951 contained verbatim and summary descriptions from the passage process which confirmed and ,)tr, 139 I 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 B 9 10 a 11 L2 13 74 15 76 t7 1B 19 20 27 22 23 24I Leroy, Supp. Reb. B Avista Corporation expanded upon the Attorney Generalrs comment. Most specifically, the Legislators are recorded as fearing a l-oss of property tax revenue and, to a lesser degree, Commission regulatory control, if the utility operating property became owned by Washington State utility districts. The following is excerpted from the January 23,1951 edition of the Idaho Statesman, at p. 6 (See Exh. No. 15, Schedul-e 6): Then Rep. David Doane (Ada), dssistant Republlcan floor leader, opened the debate for thebil-l's supporters. He explained that the major purpose was to protect power users of ldaho, partlcularly those in North Idaho, 'to be sure that the electric utility properties be owned in Idaho and not escape taxation.' He told the house that there was now pending negotiations between the Washington Water Power company and the PUD group from Washington for the sale of the former's north Idaho properties. 'How soon they are going through with the deaI, we don't know," said Doane, tbut it is essential- that this bill be passed right away.' This context makes it cl-ear that the phrase "state" arose in the context of, and intended most broadly to apply to, the units or municipal subdivisions of ldaho's sister states notably Washington. In its ordinary, plain and simple meaning, "state" means "state, " not a foreign province or al-ien nation. 0. Is there additional- evidence providing context for this legisJ-ation? 25 140 t 1 2 3 4 5 A 1 o 9 10 a 11 72 13 74 15 76 l1 18 19 20 2l 22 24I Leroy, Supp. Reb. 9Avista Corporatj-on A. Yes. The "Thirty-Eirst Biennial Report of the Attorney General of Idaho (1951 - L952)", at p.10, (see Exh. No. 15, Schedu.l-e 5) describes the genesj-s of this legislation, noting that it was "patently aimed" at preventing acquisition by Washington public utility districts ("PUD's") of the operating property of Washington Water Power ("WWP", the company name changed from WWP to Avista) in State of Idaho: The 1951 Legislature enacted a statute which: forbade acquisition by a municipal corporation of another state of facilities for the generation or transmission of electrlcal energy in Idaho. The statute was patent.ly aimed at preventing acquisitionby Public UtiJ-ity District of the State of Washington of the operating properties of the Washington Water Power Company located in North Idaho, The enactment of the statute was productlve of the most time consuming litigatj-on in which theoffice has been engaged in the period reported j-n this report. Our efforts were directed at the problem of securing enforcement of the new statute. O. Has this Commission expressed a position on foreign ownership? A. Yes. My understanding is that the Commission has not been historically concerned when foreign-related utilities, some with shareholding by governmental units or subdivisions organized under the l-aws of other nations, have been involved in prior uti-lity regulatory acquisitions, merely because some foreign ownershi-p was invol-ved. To the25 l4l I 1 2 3 4 trJ 6 7 U 9 10 a 11 t2 13 74 15 16 71 1B 79 20 27 22 23 24t Leroy, Supp. Reb. 10Avista Corporation contrary, the Commission has recognized the reality that "j-ncreased globa1izatj-on" has made the concept of an "American" company more obscure and that an entity named "Scottish Power" does not constitute the government of Scotland.l Idaho Code 561-327 has no bearing on Province of Ontario's involvement with Hydro One by virtue of any reasonable interpretation of "state". O. Were you able to reach an opinion on the second question as to what concept of governmental corporate control is precluded by Idaho Code S6L-321? A. Even if "state" coufd be somehow construed to cover the Province of Ontarj-o, there stil-l is no "direct or i-ndirect" transfer of property from Avista to the Province of Ontario or even to Hydro One within the meaninq faw. The control tt minority of a corporation sharehofders was of the statute (Idaho Code 561-327), under fdaho emerging and modern definition of the statute concept of "effective some block or combination of within the intended adopted by the ldaho by not AS Legislature in 1951. Nor woul-d the Idaho Supreme Court, per its prior decisions, impute such a concept to the statutory words in Idaho Code S61-321 of "controlIed, 1 Bl-ack's Law Dictionary, 1Oth Editj-ons, (2074), p.40325 742 I 1 2 )J 4 5 6 1 I 9 10 I 11 72 13 74 15 t6 l1 1B L9 )i 21 22 23 24 o Leroy, Supp. Reb. 11 Avista Corporatj-on directly or indirectly. " that law, means majority Control of a corporatj-on, under shareholding. O. What is the basis for your opinion? A. Idaho Code 567-321, as noted, was designed to prevent a Ioss of tax revenue and regulatory authority. The words of the l-aw "acquired by, directly or indirectly" and "owned or controlled, directly or indirectly" were chosen to prevent those ends. Neither the Commission nor the taxpayers of the State of Idaho suffer any such debility here as a resul-t of the retained minority stock holding of t.he Province of Ontario, since Avista remains ful1y subject to l-ocal taxation and regulatory enforcement obligations. Where "effective, " or less than majority corporate control has been proscribed or intended by the Idaho Legislature, the wording of such statutes have specifically so stated, with detail-ed descrlptions. In the absence of such extended language, using the plain, simple and ordlnary test of the Idaho Supreme Court, "control" within 6l-327 means "ownership of more than 50% of the shares of a corporation. "2 The threat perceived and prevented by House Bill 26 in 1951 was the complete divestiture of utility assets to the ownership and control of a government entity. 2 Black's Law Dictionary, 1Oth Editions, (2014), p.403 25 ]-43 t 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 B 9 The Idaho Supreme Court, has not, 1n the best of my knowledge, applied a more re1axed understanding of "corporate control" where a majority ownership was not present, dt least absent specific statutory language to that effect. None of Hydro One, its indirect subsidi-ary, Olympus Equlty LLC or Avista is a government entity owned or controlled, directly or indirectly by the Province of Ontario, within the simple "majority of ownership" test envisioned by Idaho Code 56l-327. 0. What, then, is the meaning of the reference to "indirect" control- is the statute? A. As is typical in any legislature drafti-ng, the objective is to prevent the doing of something that is specifically proscribed in the statute, by use of a stratagem that "skirts" the legislature by some other means. For example, were the Washington PUD's to set up a special purpose entity (non-PUD) to directly "own" the property of WWP, they cou1d have attempted to "skirt" Idaho Code 567-321. O. To what degree of professional certainty do you hold these opinions? A. I am very comfortable, given the sources examj-ned, legislative history and reasoning expressed above and with Leroy, Supp. Reb. 12 Avj-sta Corporation 10 o 11 t2 13 74 15 16 77 1B 19 20 2t 22 23 24 o atrLJ 744 t 1_ 2 3 4 5 6 1 I 9 the additional detail as explained in my written opinion, that the conclusions reached are so1id, substantial- and defenslble. The Commission endeavors to be consistent and predi-ctable in its decision-making process to assure and protect the public interest. The Idaho Supreme Court is a conservative body which practices and defends strict construction of statutes and the discernment legislative intent. My oplnions here expressed are consistent with my professional experj-ence and objectivity and with the tradltions of the Court. O. Since issuing your written opinion on October 26, 2078, has any other matter arj-sen or testimony been presented whlch should be discussed as to these issues? A. Yes. f have now al-so read the November 6th, 20!B Testimony of Terri Carlock, Idaho PUC Utilities Division Administrator, which provides the Staff analysis of the proposed Avista transaction. At pages 2 and 3 of her comments, Ms. Carlock addresses, without any real discussion or elaboration, the issue of "foreign ownership. " She raised the concern that ldaho Code 561-327 "may" provide a total- bar to the proposed merger, but is quick to note that she is not an attoro€y, and is simply of f ering Staf f ' s bel-ief that 10 11 72t13 t4 15 t6 l1 1B 19 20 27 )) z3 24 o 25 1,45 Leroy, Supp. Reb. 13Avista Corporation I 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 I 9 10 11 72 I 13 L4 15 l6 t1 1B t9 20 2t 22 23 24I Leroy, Supp. Reb. 74Avista CorporatJ-on "the Commission should analyze this possibility prior to maki-ng a final determination."3 I believe that my research, reasoning and opinions as explained above are well-supported and can be relied upon by the Commission to reach a final- determj-nation that fdaho Code 561-327 is not applicable to thls transaction. A. In summary, how should the Commission regard this issue? A. As the utility operating property remains in Avista's ownership, the Commissi-on retains unfettered regulatory control over the entity and no loss of state property taxation base is experienced. Accordingly, the Legislature's concerns addressed in Idaho Code S61-327 do not come into play with this transaction. O. Does that conclude your testimony? A. It does. 3 Carl-ock testimony at p, ]f25 146 o 1 aL 3 4 5 6 1 B 9 10 I 11 72 13 74 15 76 l1 1B t9 20 27 22 24 CSB REPORT]NG 208 .8 90. s19B LEROY (X) Avista Corporation (The following proceedings were had in open hearing. ) MR. MEYER: He's ready for cross. COMMISSIONER KELLANDER: Okay; so he's ready for cross, and l-et's move back to Mr. Purdy. MR. PURDY: I have no questJ-ons. COMMISSIONER KELLANDER: Mr. Richardson. MR. RICHARDSON: Thahk you, Mr. Chairman. I have no questions. COMM]SSIONER KELLANDER :Did I mi-ss a body thenover there? Is someone underneath the table? Okay, we're going to pass on you. Mr. Williams. MR. WfLLIAMS: No questions. MR. BAXTER: No questions. COMMISS]ONER KELLANDER: Staff. CROSS_EXAMINATION BY MR. i(ARPEN : O Yes, good afternoon, Mr. Leroy. How are you? A a regard to the transaction. Counsel-or. You provided testimony application of 67-327 on I just have a couple of and research with the proposed questions. We cano25 741 o 1 2 3 4 q. 6 1 I 9 10 11 72t13 74 15 76 71 18 19 20 2t 22 z3 24 o CSB REPORTING 208.890.5198 LEROY (x) Avista Corporation maybe plug a few holes that First of all, I didn't see proposed holding curious, the Commission might have. in your analysls of the relates to thetransaction anything as it company, the Olympus holding did you examine that? company. I'm A Yes, I don't believe the resul-t is any different as to Olympus. As to state, the question was did it apply to the Province of Ontario. That doesn't particularly translate any differently as to Olympus and as to the issue of control. It didn't apply any differently as to Olympus per my result. a So if I were to tell- you that Olympus was incorporated in the State of Defaware, you would assume that it did not apply to state under your analysis; is that correct? A No. The State of Del-aware is certainly not the Province of Ontario, but and I understand the Staff has made a further dialogue and stipulation as to redomesticate Olympus into Idaho. I think that further emphasj-zes that there's no 321 issue, but there's no 32'l issue if Olympus remains j-n Del-aware either. O Okay. Are you familiar with Idaho Code 73-1_13? A Not off the top of my head. O Okay; so 73-1-13 is an Idaho Code that's25 148 o 1 2 3 4 6 6 1 I 9 10 t 11 72 13 74 15 76 77 1B 19 20 27 22 23 24 CSB REPORTING 208.890.5198 LEROY (X) Avista Corporatlon t it Ied, dlrect s "Constructi-on of V[ords and Phrases" and that the language of statute should be plain, usual-, and ordinary meaning and not legislative intent as the guide. Rather, 1aw gives it what is the plain meaning. look it given its to the trier of A That's fine. I'm comfortable with that definition. Itrs consistent with the fdaho Supreme Court cases that T've cited in my memo to reach the conclusions I've reached. O Okay. Now, with regard to your analysis of state, I think you go into kind of a lengthy legislative history as far as the legislature's j-ntent with regard to state. You dldn't rea1Iy expand, and I'm assuming I can get you to do so now, on what you believe the plain meaning of state is. A We1l, I believe that I address both in my memorandum, the exhlbit at page 10, where I dlscuss the concept of state. I initially conclude that state does have a plain and ordinary meaning. In English parlance, it's either a condition, a state of consciousness, or one of the 50 United States as is typically used j-n our language. In the context of what the legislature did in 1951, it's clearly state of the United States. O Okay; so now, as far as control goes, you deferred to a dictionary definition, Bl-ack's Lawa25 749 t 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Dictionary. In fact, is that accurate in your testimony? A Thatrs correct, I made reference to that, yes - 0 Okay; so if I read to you from Black's Law Dictionary the definition of state being the political system of a body of people who are politlcally organized, a system of rules by which jurisdiction and authority are exercj-sed over such a body of people, would you challenge that ? A No, not at al-I. There's certainly a generic definitlon of state and that is such a definition. If you conclude that that's ambi-guous, then we would look at the legislative hlstory. O Now, your testimony today is that the definition is not ambiguous; is that correct? A My testimony is as I outl-ined that under either condition, deeming it to be p1ain, ordinary, and simple in the context in which it was drafted, which I do, state means state of the United States, but if one were to take the al-ternative position that it's ambiguous, the legislative history makes it even more cfear that it means state of the United States. O Coul-d a dictionary definitj-on make it cl-ear? A Cou1d a dictionary definition make it CSB REPORTING 208.890. s198 LEROY (X) Avista Corporation 10 t 11 72 13 14 15 76 t7 1B t9 20 2t 22 Z3 24t25 150 I 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 B 9 cl-ear? O Yeah, lega1 definition. A Certainly, it's re1evant once you take all things into consideration. O How about Supreme Court precedence? A Certainly. O Now, are you familiar with, I bel-j-eve it's, a 1983 ldaho Power case that spoke to the issue of 67-321 ? Tt's Idaho Power v. State. A Yes. O Are you familiar with their conclusion as to the prohibitlons on 6l-327 and if they came to a conclusj-on with regard to what state meant? A If you'd read me the deflniti-on, f 'd be f amiliar wit.h it. O WelI, if I told you that they did not come to a concl-usion on what state meant, would that -- woul-d you agree with that? A I don't recall the language which you're referring to, which j-s why I asked you to read it. O I do not have it in front of me, but if I were to tel-l you that the Supreme Court came to the conclusion that it was a preclusion on governmental entities, would that woul-d you disagree with that? A Again, if you're not precise, f can't be 10 11 t2 o 13 t4 15 L6 1,1 1B 19 20 2L ZZ 23 24t CSB REPORTING 208.890.s198 LEROY (X) Avista Corporation 25 151 t 1 2 3 4 q A 7 H 9 10 11 t2 o 13 t4 15 t6 l1 1B 79 20 27 22 24I CSB REPORTING 208 .8 90. 5198 LEROY (X) Avista Corporation precise either. O Okay, I'l-1 move on. Now, with the of control-, again, I'm referring to your testimony but it also defines control in a concept and your memo with regard to 50 percent, I thi-nk, is what your conclusion came to based on the dictionary definition of what control- means; is that accurate? A More than 50 percent, yes, under the Black's Law Dlctionary definition of corporate control. O Yes. Now, you also refer to a couple of different provisions of Idaho Code, including Idaho Code Section 26-2102 regarding banks and banking. A I do as examples of when the legislature could specify particul-ar thresholds of control that would be utilized for specific subsets of statute and specific subsets of enforcement, not necessarily applicable to this word control-. O Okay. Now, I'm assuming you also investigated fdaho Code Section 30-1601, which is the conrmerce section. You don't have it directly in here, similar way that 26-2102 does. A Yes, I did slte that at page 74 of my memo O Now,' both of those definitions of control, controlling, or controlled by contemplate, and I quote25 752 t 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 d 9 10 t 11 t2 13 74 15 76 1"1 1B t9 20 2t 22 )? 24t CSB REPORT]NG 208.890.5198 LEROY (X) Avista Corporation here, "A person's beneficial ownership of 10 percent or more of the voting shares" is what i-s power of a defined as difference between corporation' s outstanding control-r So how do you or the preference for theexplain the Bl-ack's Law definition Dictionary definition of control-? versus the legislative A Well, the legislatlve definition of control-r ds T've outl-ined again on page 14 of my memoranda, applies in those two subsections to particular sets of 1aw, to particuLar acts, and to particular enforcement situations; one by the Secretary of State, one by the Department of Finance. As I noted, also, in page t4 of my memo, I cited an Idaho Supreme Court case wherein the holding is that simply because one section of the Idaho Code defines a word in the same way or in a particular way does not mean that it would be exported into other sections or acts of the Idaho Code and utilized for other purposes, so the word control- can mean different things for different purposes in different statutes, just as it does in the two that I cited. One of them says for a certain purpose, 10 percent control is appropriate. The other statute says 20 percent controf is appropriate; so what that does is indlcate that you simply must l-ook to the particular statute, the particular act to determj-ne what control- is25 153 t 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 H 9 10 11 72 a 13 74 15 76 71 1B 19 20 21 22 ZJ 24t CSB REPORT]NG 208.890.5198 LEROY (X) Avista Corporation f or a parti-cul-ar purpose. That's what I've done in my memorandum to conclude that in this instance, the Idaho legislature in 1951 wanted us to l-ook for corporate controf of 50 percent or more of the outstanding stock of an entity. O So do you believe, then, that that's stiIl a plain and unambiguous definition of control? A If you in the first alternative, the Blackrs Law Dictionary definltion of corporate control-, it's 50 percent or more. thi-nk the case is If you want to assume it's ambiguous, I Again, I think you can wlsh to assume that it's approach it either simple and used asway. r did the even stronger, legisfature was because you go examining and back to therelook at what were looking that was the at a situation of 100 percent takeover they and kind of control that they were concerned about, control of property and giving that property a characterization of non-taxable or not subject to regulation. In that instance, in fact, they were talking about 100 percent control. O Okay. Now, on page 10 of your speak a little bitsupplemental rebutta1 testimony, you about the Scottish Power merger excuse me, page 9 and 10, and you recognlze the reali-ty of increased globalization in the concept of an American company. In25 154 t 1 2 3 4 q 6 7 x 9 10 11 72t13 74 15 76 t1 18 L9 20 2t aaZZ 23 24 CSB REPORTING 208.890.5198 LEROY (X) Avista Corporation your examinatlon of t.he Scottish familiar with how much a share of Power case, are you ownershi-p Scotl-and owned in Scottish Power or the province or district it was in? A I think as I cited in my memorandum, the rel-evance of the Scottish Power citation is that there for the first l-ooked at. the with a foreign forward way lndicated that the of an American corporation is foreign ownership O Let me stop knowMy question is do of Scottish Power AMy I'll- state it more examine this issue you was in place preface was precisely. time in 1999, this Commission issue of foreign ownership of sounding name and I think in corporation or changlng. The took on and utility very the nature nature of a a you. That wasn't my question. ownershlphow much government during that transaction? to get What I to the point and did and determine whether was relevant and the dicta of this Commission was relevant, I asked of stockhol-ding at stock registry, I 15 million shares sounded as if they were I'm unaware of whether 1n trying to or not that case to receive information about the nature that time and per a United Kingdom believe there were 15,000 I'm sorry, of some dozen or more entities that a government-type entity hol-ding. the Scottish government held anyo25 155 a 1 ) 3 4 5 6 1 B 9 10 11 72t13 74 15 I6 !7 1B 19 20 2t ')aLL 24 CSB REPORTING 208 .890.5198 LEROY (X) Avista Corporation position in government time of its o you know if percent of A private holdings. entity that held 40 that corporation, but there sounding sharehol-ders of that merger. Okay; so 1et me ask this were at l-east 12 that question as to there was no public entity at the another way: Do there was any owner that owned 40 plus Scottish Power? I did not examine f'm aware that percent or more. O Okay, and then my last question for you is what rate are you billing at right now? A $400 an hour. MR. KARPEN: Thank you. Nothing further. COMMISSIONER KELLANDER: We coul-dn't have gotten him up earl-ier? A11 right, Mr. Semanko. MR. SEMANKO: Thank you. CROSS-EXAMINATION BY MR. SEMANKO: Good afternoon, Mr Counselor. Leroy. Before we started, you won't hol-d it.get foragal-nst me that I voted you for Governor in 1986. t, A O o 25 156 t 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 B 9 10 I 11 72 13 L4 15 76 I1 1B t9 20 27 22 23 24 a CSB REPORTING 208 .8 90. s198 LEROY (X) Avista Corporation You were the first bumper sticker on my car. I just had to get that out of the way. A Had you voted 3,500 more times, I would have been Governor. 0 I'l-l- take that as a no, you won't hold it against me. Mr. Leroy, in your rebuttal- testimony on page 2, l-ines 6 and 7, you mention that you've argued frequently before the Idaho Supreme Court,' correct? We're at page 2, lines 6 and 1 . A I bel-ieve the adverb frequently was to describe appearances not only before the Idaho Supreme Court, but various federal courts, that is correct. a You're much too modest, so it's true that you were the Attorney General- of the State of Idaho at the time of the Idaho Power Company versus State decision in 1983; correct? A That's true. O Did you in fact through the office of the Public UtilltiesAttorney General represent the Commission in that case? A As wel-l as the Idaho Department of Water Resources, yes. O And Fish and Game as wel-1? Likely, yes. Are you famll-iar with the findings and 1\ O25 157 I 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 t2t13 L4 15 76 71 1B 79 20 21 22 23 24 a CSB REPORTING 208.890.5198 LEROY (X) Avista Corporation conclusions in that decision? A Generally, yes. O So in the case of the famous 661, Pacific 2nd 1 41 104 Idaho read to you heading No. 61-331, the subordinated electricity, and 67-328. a couple of provisions. 3, Effect of Idaho Code court's 1oca11y 575, I'm going to No. 1 under the Section 6t-327 to attorney is that for correct ? A The position of the state was that water rights were operatj-ng utility properties and, therefore, this statute should apply. The holding in the case was PUC asserts that if Idaho Power has water rights used in the generation of it has vlolated Idaho Code Section 6l-327 My question is so in this case, you as the the PUC was arguing a viol-ation of 67-321 ; rights were not utility property and the of whether or not 321 appli-ed to that of circumstances was never reached by the But you did argue that positlon for the that such water so the question particular set court. o PUC? A The PUC made state water rights issue O Very good. Idaho Code Section 67-321 of a catch-a1I approach on the 321 and 328, it is true. The next sentence says that provides generally thatz5 158 o 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 I 9 10 11 t2I13 74 15 t6 t1 1B 19 20 2t )) 23 24 o CSB REPORT]NG 208.890.5198 LEROY (X) Avista Corporation property in transmission of electricity out-of-stateany manner to entities, or PUC. Is that court overturning that? A No, the decision in that single remains the hol-di-ng of so general and attempts particularly useful in this transaction. O Nevertheless, organizatj-ons, governmental- subject to regulation by the A Yes, and the the state used the PUC. in the generation or shall not be transferred in organizations, governmental- any entity not subject to regulation by the do you have any reason to disagree with that statement? Has there been a further decision by the attempt by the court in the sentence using the word generally the court, but it is because it is to compress the statute not guiding the application of 321 to j-t does say out-of-state entities, or any entity not PUC, correct? modifier is not sub;ect to regulation by transaction, PUC. entity? As applied subject to to the instant regulation by the O fs the Provj-nce of Ontario a governmental- Yoc Is it subject to regulation by the PUC? No. Avista is A I n25 1s9 o 1 aZ, 3 4 5 6 1 B 9 O The next sentence, the l-ast one I'11 read in this sectj-on says, Idaho Code Section 67-328 provides that any transfer of such property must be approved by the PUC after public hearings, so my question is if a transaction does not survive the bar in 67-327, is the Commission obligated to look at it under 6L-328? A No, and I think that's why this opinion of mine was sought. I think that's why my opinion is important. That's why I think it's j-mportant that the Staff has asked for additional concessions on this question by domesticating Olympus Equity in Idaho, but clearly, 327 1s as you suggest by your question a precursor. O And then finaI1y, on the next page of the opinJ-on, it says, while we agree that the language of the statute, Idaho Code Section 6L-327 to 61-331, is very broad in forbidding any transfer "directl-y or indirectly in any manner whatsoever" neverthel-essr we hold they're inapplicabl-e to abandonment or forfeiture of a water rightr so again, was the determination based on a narrow interpret.ation of what type of entity was forbidden from ownership or was it based on the type of facility that was in question as being owned, the water rights? A As f indicated in my earlier answer, this decision turned on the water rights question and not on 10 I 11 72 13 74 15 76 71 1B 79 on 2t )) 23 24 o CSB REPORTING 208.890.5198 LEROY (X) Avista Corporatj-on 25 160 o 1 2 3 4 5 5 1 I 9 10 11 72t13 74 15 76 t1 1B l9 20 27 22 23 24 o CSB REPORTING 208.890.5198 LEROY (X) Avista Corporation the entity question. a AndI different attorneys might get dj-fferent oplnions from and politicians on this question, but is that decision good law? A As to the water rights question? O As to the questions it addresses. A It has set a 1aw in Idaho at the present. O I'm so glad Mr. Karpen asked how much you're getting paid. On page 3 -- A Page 3 of O your testimony, I'm sorry, you mention that you've collected data, broadly researched the statute 6!-327 and then you have a list of oh, fj-ve or six things t.hat you consul-ted on page 3. Do you reca1l that testimony? A I do. 0 So you reviewed the 1951 legislative journals, 1951 session Iaw, report of the Attorney General from 1951 and an Idaho Statesman article from 1951, I assume, because that was the year the Act was passed? A Correct. 0 Are you aware of any amendments to the Act ?25 161 I 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 I 9 10 11 L2 I 13 74 15 t6 71 1B 79 20 27 22 ZJ 24 CSB REPORTING 208.890. s198 LEROY (X) Avista Corporation A Iam. O And when were those made? A 1982. O And did you review I donrt see on the Iist here that you reviewed any of the documents around that amendment. A This list is not complete as to what I reviewed. This l-ist is merely those exhibits which I have proposed to the Commission which are rel-evant to the points that I make and relevant to the decision f think the Commission musL make. As you'1I note in my memorandum, f reviewed a consi-derably broad -- a broader set of documents and materials and among them was the l9B2 amendment, of course. O And do you recaff the legislation that was enacted in 7982, the Bill number? A Do I recall- it? O The Bill number. A I donrt recal-I it, but I know that it's Exhibit B to a motion you filed on behalf of your client submitted. to someone and contained in an affidavit that you have O Was it a motion or a response else's motion? ft's styled response in opposition. Does House Bill 412 sound right for the A OI25 762 I 1 ) 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 O 13 t4 15 t6 t1 1B 79 20 2t 22 Z3 .AL.aI CSB REPORTING 208.890.5198 LEROY (X) Avista Corporation 7982 amendments? it, yes. revi-ew House BiIl 412?Did you I have. And what stood out A The word -- amendment is contained 1n existing statute 327. It content of 321. It deals we1I, A o A That is seven l-ines at to you, first of if anything? all, the the end of the does not address the principal only with cooperative electrical corporations organized under the laws of another state. The word state is used four ti-mes in the text: once with regard to the l-aws of another state; once with regard to the l-aws of the State of Idaho; once with regard to the phrase this state; and again with regard to the State of Idaho within that seven lines. What that tel-ls me is that the legislature in L982 was concerned with electrical co-ops organi-zed under laws of another state, and that further confirms my earlier opinion that 31 years earlier, the Idaho legislature was dealing with states, although I don't think it's particularly useful- to try to impute legislative history from 31 years l-ater into what the legislation did 31 years previously. O This was, was it not, one year before the Idaho Power Company decision by the Idaho Supreme Court,25 163 I 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 B 9 10 a 11 72 13 t4 15 t6 71 1B L9 20 27 22 23 24I CSB REPORTING 208.890.5198 LEROY (X) Avista Corporation though? A Say that again. O One year before the 1983 Supreme Court opinion in the Idaho Power case? A I am not sure of the effective date of this statute, but that is when the legislature met, yes. 0 Did you look at the title of House BitI 47 2? I see it. Do you notice the word foreign? I do. It applies to foreign cooperatj-ve notwithstanding the fact that A n A o el-ectrical corporations, the language in the Act do you explain that? tafks about another state. How A I explain that because the word foreign is used in many contexts and it makes cIear, in my opinion, though the title of a bill is not part of the l-aw itself, the l-aw itsel-f is written independently, but I concl-ude that it's a natural reference to the other states or states other than Idaho by virtue of the text that f ol-lows in the seven l-ines of the amendment. Foreign doesn't mean foreign nation in that context. It means foreign state, a state other than the State of ldaho,25 L64 t 1 2 3 q 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 72 a 13 74 15 76 71 18 t9 20 2T 22 23 Zqt CSB REPORTING 208.890.5198 LEROY (X) Avlsta Corporatj-on just as the text below states. O So the titles in your experience and opinion assist in determining J-egislative intent? A A title can be useful, certainly, but againr ds I've indicated in my prior answer, the title is an attempt to summarize briefly the contents of what fol-Iow for legislators who are swiftly reading the bi11. The tj.tl-e does not become l-aw and in this context, the word foreign has nothing to do with anything other than a state except Idaho as the text of the statute makes cl-ear. O How about a statement of purpose? Can a statement of purpose be helpful in determining leglslative intent? A Yes. 0 Did you look at the statement of purpose for Idaho House Bill 412? A r did. O And does the first sentence say that the amendment a1l-ows forelgn Idaho entities not subject to regulatlon by the acquire electrical-utility property in this state if such regulated Idaho public utili-typroperty is not owned by a and it goes on? A That's the way it reads, yes. Public Utilities Commission to 25 16s I 1 2 3 q 5 6 1 B 9 10 11 12t13 t4 15 76 t1 18 79 20 2L )) 24I CSB REPORTING 208.890.5198 LEROY (X) Avista Corporation A The word state or another state of the union is not included therein; correct? A Not in the text of the statement of purpose. O So did you look up the definition of a foreign entity? A It was not necessary for me to do so. O Are committee minutes helpful in defining Iegislative i-ntent on a bill? A Yes. O Did you look at the legislatj-ve committee minutes on House Bill 412? A I have, your exhibit as to your affidavit, yes. O So on page 3 of the February Bth, 7982, State Affairs Committee meeting, the legislation which wil-l- alIow the witnessr "explained foreign entities not subject to regulation by He didn't use the words the Idaho PUC, " and it other states or states goes on. of the union j-n his testimony; correct? A No, it referred to the entities referred to in the statute. O And this is testimony before the Senate State Affairs Commi-ttee, members of the legislature; correct?25 L66 o 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 d 9 A Those committees those committee members who were present would have been involved in this testimony, yes. O So is it fair to say that this witness' understanding was that it applied to foreign entities? A Itrs fair to say that in the context of the speclfics of the legislation, either the secretary to the committee or the witness himsel-f used the word foreign to mean other states than Idaho, y€s. a And, of course, it is in the statement of purpose as well-; correct? A Correct. O In your experience, is a statement of purpose something that legislators often l-ook to before they vote or consider a bill? A Yes, as wel-l- the title to the legislation. O Did you have occasion to look at the session l-aws after the adoption of House Bill 472? A r did. O Was that again in looking at my affldavit? A It is. 0 And agai-n j-n the titl-e, doesn't it use the word foreign? CSB REPORT]NG 208.890. s198 LEROY (X) Avista Corporatlon 10 I 11 72 13 74 15 t6 71 1B t9 20 2t 22 23 24 o 25 761 o 1 2 3 4 trJ 6 1 I Y 10 o 11 72 13 l4 15 \6 71 1B 19 20 27 22 23 24 o CSB REPORTING 208 .8 90 . s1 98 LEROY (X) Avista Corporation A It simply reprints the title of House B11I 472, both of which use the word foreign, O Have you had occasion to Attorney General opinion or, I'm sorry, 7982?covers the year The which, sir? the year 1982. summary of time ? could have been, yes. 0 Always a A f have not. O Do you know if it includes any klnd of thls particular legislative amendment? A Because f've not reviewed it I do not. O Were you the Attorney General at that A It depends on exactly which period, but I yes - review the report that dapper suit in the phot.os; so that none of this 7982 you rea11y look at in depth until A O The Attorney General report that covers would it be fair to legislative history you had a chance to say did look at my affidavit? A I examj-ned the wording of the amendment. I did not go beyond it and research it simply because it clearly did not pertain to this transaction. You have researched it in greater depth and my testimony would stand as to the val-ue of that additional research, though25 168 I 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 B 9 10 11 72t13 74 15 t6 71 1B t9 ZU 27 22 23 24 CSB REPORTING 208 .8 90. 5198 LEROY (X) Avista Corporation I think it was a worthy effort. O In response to your statement I'm sorry I didn't return your phone call-s. on page 4, rr did reasonableprompt me to do some determining what the the legislation was dictionary from that research. Wou1d it be l-n definitlon of state was at the ti-me in 1951 to look at apassed time period? As I indicated to counsel withA Certalnly. the PUC, looklng at ordinary, plain meanings, it's not uncoflrmon that courts, both federal- and state, begin with a dictionary definition. O Are you familj-ar with the state legislative library? A Yes. 0 Where is it l-ocated? A The Capitol Buildi-ng. O First fl-oor and it's separate and distinct and different than the state law library,' correct? A Correct. O Are you aware that there's a 1953 Webster's New International Dictionary, Second Edition, Unabridged 1953 in that legislative library? A I am not. O And are you aware that the definition of state in that dictionary from 1953 incl-udes a politicalo25 769 t 1 2 3 A.{ 5 6 1 o 9 body or body politic; any body of people occupying a definite territory and politically organized under one government, one that is sovereign or not subject to external- control? A f am not familiar that that dictionary had that definition, but frm not surprised. The definition of state can be very generic. That's why it must be examined in context in particufar legisJ-ation. O Are you familiar with some of the other Public Utility statutes that use the word state? A Not specifically. O Are you famil-iar with Idaho Code 6l-7L4? Are you familiar with that? Do you have it in front of you? A Not off the top of my head, Dor sir. O A11 right. 61-114, Eoreign and Interstate Commerce. Neither this Act, nor any provision thereof, except when specifically so stated, shal-I apply or be construed to apply to commerce with foreign nations or commerce among the several sLates of the unlon, and it goes on from 1913, so by that language, does the legislature know how in the PUC statutes to use the term several states of the union? A They did in that instance, y€s. O Did they do that in 61,-327 38 years 10 I 11 t2 13 l4 15 t6 t1 18 t9 20 2t 22 23 24 a CSB REPORTING 208.890.5198 LEROY (X) Avista Corporation 25 710 o 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 B 9 10 11 t2t13 74 15 76 l1 1B t9 20 27 )) )? 24 o CSB REPORTING 208.890. s198 LEROY (X) Avista Corporatj-on later? A u They did not. Are you familiar with Idaho Code Sectlon 62-7 05? A No, sir. O Dealing with utilities enacted in l-903, railroads and other public rights of way for electric of America or any or corporation be incorporated in t.he United States Any person, company, that may hereinafter power companies agency thereof. incorporated or under the l-aws of this state or any state or the United States and it goes oo, so in that statute, did the legislature know how to use any state or territory of the Unlted States? A Yes, they did. O And did they do that 48 years 6t-327 ? A No, they did not. O Have you had a chance to of comments submitted by the public in A The which comments? territory of particular the phrase later in review hundreds this matter? O The hundreds of comments submitted by the public in this matter. A f have not. O Can you please turn to page 5 of your25 777 o 1 2 3 q 5 6 1 U 9 10 11 t2t13 74 15 T6 71 1B 79 20 27 22 Z3 24 o CSB REPORTING 208.890. s198 LEROY (X) Avista Corporation testimony? That's the statute in question; correct? A Thatrs the what? O On page 5, that's the statute in question, 6L-321 . A It is. 0 On the next page, ofl page 6 of your testimony, you discuss what question you were asked to examine, whether the language refers to the preclusion of the ownership of util-ity property used to generate or supply electric energy by any government or corporation existing under the Iaws of any other state, whether that would apply, et cetera. Do you reca1I that testimony? A I do. 0 Can you indicate on page 5 which portion of the statute that question examines by lines? A It would be the first portion of the statute prior to the f irst semicol-on in l-ine 24, that section between line 72 and line 24. O Woul-d it maybe be the first semicofon on l-ine 77 ? you directing asking you if said the first Are I'm at line 24 or you semicolon is on l-ine yourself to line your examination ended semicol-on. The f irst A o A Not on 7f, 1s it not? the copy of the testi-mony that I25 112 o 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 o 9 10 t 11 t2 13 74 15 t6 l1 1B 19 20 27 22 23 24t CSB REPORTING 208 .8 90. 5198 LEROY (X) Avista Corporation have at page 5 o semicolon. Line 7f, under the laws of any other state f'm referring to copy f have with me , perhaps we have the same semicolon up here it's I'm sorry, AOh di f ferent you are, Iine 24. I apologize. pagination. yes. On the I'm looking ends under on at your the faws O Okay, supplemental of any other rebuttal state; page 5, correct ? so it A Correct. O fs provisions beyond weren't asked to it fair to say that the additional- that you didn't spend any time or rea1Iy l-ook at? A No, that's not true. I 1ooked at the entirety of the statute. O So what does a semicol-on j-n a statute indicate? What is that l-ine of demarcation indicating? A Wel-l-, there's no generic answer to that. You'd have to l-ook at the statute itsel-f . In this case, there are three separate "or" clauses fol-lowing that and the "or's" in a sense relate back to the initial clause, which talks about the prohibition of transfer of utility property. O So is it fair to say that there are four different grounds or scenarios barring a transaction25 113 t 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 B 9 10 I 11 72 13 t4 15 16 L1 1B t9 20 27 22 23 24I CSB REPORT]NG 208.890.5198 LEROY (X) Avista Corporation under the statute? A There are three that were adopted in 1951. O A11 right; so starting on line 13 after the words directly or indirectly, by any means or devj-ce whatsoever, f assume that's the first one, any government or governmental- or politicaf unit organlzed or existing under the l-aws of the state of any other state, that would be precluded from ownership,' correct? A Yes, although because we have different pagination, it wou1d be better for the record and better for me MR. MEYER: Excuse me, ildy I provide, I think, the same page with the right paglnation so we can communicate better? COMMISSIONER KELLANDER: Without objection, please approach the witness. MR. SEMANKO: Thank you, I apologize. I'm not sure why it's different. (Mr. Meyer approached the witness.) THE WITNESS: Thank you, counselor. MR. SEMANKO: So I'11- withdraw my previous question si-nce I referred to line numbers. No, I'11 keep my same questj-on now that you're on the same page with me.25 714 t 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 o 9 10 o 11 72 13 t4 15 15 71 1B t9 20 2\ 22 23 24 CSB REPORTING 208.890.5198 LEROY (X) Avista Corporation THE W]TNESS: MR. SEMANKO: Literally. I'11 wi-thdraw and start over O BY MR. SEMANKO: So after the words in l-ines 72 and 13, directly or indirectly, by any means or devi-ce whatsoever, the clause that starts any government and ends on line L1 before the semicolon of any other state, is that the first bar in the statute? A Yes, as you and I have discussed in the l-ast couple questions, that would be the principal provision. O Then startlng on line 71 after the semicolon, or any person, firm, association, corporation or organization acting, and it goes oD, in concert or arrangement with any such governmental or political unit, going al-I the way down to l-ine 24 to the semicolon, is that the second type of bar? A Yes, I call that the first "or" cl-ause. O So we've got two so fari correct? A Correct. O And then starting on line 24, or any company, corporation, organized or existing under the laws of this state or any other state, whose j-ssued capital stock, controll-ed directly or indirectly, by any such governmental- or political- unit, a1J- the way down tot25 175 I 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 I 9 10 a 11 L2 13 74 15 t6 t1 18 19 20 2t ZZ 23 24t CSB REPORTING 208.890.5198 LEROY (X)Avista Corporation line 33, the semicolon there, is that a third separate bar? A f refer to that as the second 'rorrr clause. 0 And then line 33 starts at the end after the semicolon, or any company, association, organi-zation or corporation, organized under the l-aws of any other state and it goes on to the next semicolon, that wou1d be a fourth one; correct? A Yes, if you consider it. O And then the 1982 amendments pick up after the semicolon on line 42; is that correct? A Correct. O And qualify that last, that fourth, one; correct ? A Correct. O And you examj-ned all four of these? A Yes, although as I indicated, the principal provision in the first two "or" provi-sions are those most applicable here. 0 You testified earl-ier about corporate control- and your written testimony includes discussi-on of corporate control. Do you recal-l that? A I do. O Did you say that or something to the be dictated or modifiedeffect that corporate control can25 L]6 t 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 I 9 by statute, what constitutes corporate control? A Corporate control can be defined by statute as it is i-n the two j-nstances we previously discussed, yes. O Can it be defined or characterized in an agreement? A Certainly. O Does your definition or understanding of corporate control- change in an instance where a two-thirds vote is required as opposed to a simple maj ority? A There's no such reference i-n the statute and so that is not subject of my opinion. a Woul-d it change if a 40 percent vote could determine the outcome of a particular matter? A Not so far as the language of the statute and the Iegislative intent. O And you'd have the same answer about an agreement? A About what? O About an agreement. A Correct. O Were you present for the testimony of Hydro One Chair Woods this morning? A I was. 10 11 t2 a 13 74 15 76 71 1B 79 20 2l 22 Z5 24I CSB REPORTING 208.890. s198 LEROY (X) Avista Corporation 25 111 I 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 9 10 a 11 12 fJ L4 15 76 L1 1B t9 20 2t 22 23 24I CSB REPORTING 208 .890. s198 LEROY (X) Avista Corporation O Do you disagree with anything that he testified to this morning? A I sitting 1n the far back corner could not hear al-I of the testimony. Those portions I heard seemed to be consistent with the written testimony that I've seen prefiled. O On the bottom of page 6 going forward to page 'l of your testimony, you talk about states not referring to foreign nati-ons. Do you recal-l- that testimony? A I do. O Does your opi-nion there change or need to be qualified at all after reviewing the 1982 amendments and legislati-ve history? A No, not at all. O Even after use of the term forei-gn entities throughout? A As I indicated in my the word foreign to the extent that 1982 amendment can ifl-uminate what testimony, the use of anything about the happened 31 years statute itself makes to is state other than in that sense, but earl ier, it clear the State foreign foreign because of the text of the that the foreign referred of Idaho, a foreign state as to the United States, not a reference to nation.25 718 I 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 I 9 10 11 t2I13 t4 15 76 77 18 19 20 2l 22 23 .ALA CSB REPORT]NG 208.890.5198 LEROY (x) Avista Corporation O So from your and as an efected official, is it unusual for a piece experience in the Statehouse attorney in other capacities, of legislation to be advanced by use of an example? you'11 have to amplify that more. I don't understand it. by a particular A O A question a bit O legislator By use of? An example. I 'm af rai-d For example, fear of if 6I-327 was advanced with the example of the public utility districts in the State of Washington taking over Washington Water Power Company assets in north Idaho, is that an example that was used to pass that legislation? A I don't believe f would use the word example to character:-ze what we have reported through the Idaho Statesman as the deta1l of that legislative history or from the Attorney General's report of 1951 and '52 that recounts that legislative history. I don't mean to quibble, but j-t's not merely an example. ft's a statement of fact that was a principal motivation for a swift, immediate, irregular acti-on by the Idaho legislature under suspension of rules passing a bill- on the same day wlth the Governor signing it the next day. It certainly is an example looking back, but j-t was the state of fact at the time.o 25 I19 o 1 aZ. 3 4 5 6 7 B 9 10 t 11 t2 13 74 15 L6 71 1B 19 20 2\ aaZZ )? 24 CSB REPORTING 208 .8 90 . 5198 LEROY (x) Avista Corporation O Is that particular I'm sorry, f forgot the words you used. I'11- use scenario. Is that particular scenario of the PUD 1n Washington taking over WWP the only transaction, potential- transaction, that's barred by this statute? A No, I think you must read the words of a statute and apply it to future transactions, includi-ng this one. Now, that's the reason I was retained here, but if you conclude that there's ambiguity in the statute, then it certainly is instructive as to what was intended to be barred then and in the future. O government in this property; A u Province of A government Do you think Ontario be abl-e of certain profile, yes. that they intended that the to acquire that property in So the legislature clearly intended that a Washington State not be abl-e to acquj-re correct ? 1951? A As f conclude in my opinion, I think the Province of Ontario was beyond the pale, beyond the thrust and definitions of this legislation. O So as the legislature consj-dered that Iegislation in 1951, it woul-d have been okay for the Province of Ontario to do what the State of Washington's Pub1ic Utility District coul-d not do; is that correct?o 25 180 t 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 B 9 10 t 11 72 13 l4 15 t6 l1 1B L9 20 2l 22 23 24 o CSB REPORT]NG 208.890.5198 LEROY (X) Avista Corporation A As the Idaho legislature adopted this statute using the words they used, they never i-ntended it to apply to the Province of Ontarj-o, that's my concl-usion. O Do the t982 amendments, statement of purpose, titIe, committee testimony all using the words foreign entities in their understanding of the statute change that conclusion at all? MR. MEYER: Mr. Chairman, I object. This Iine of questioning has been asked and answered, what is the effect of the '82 amendments, what is the effect of the nomencl-ature of "foreign entities", so we've been around this track at least twice, maybe three times. I woul-d object on that basis. COMMISSIONER KELLANDER: Mr. Semanko. MR. SEMANKO: My l-ast questi-on. COMMISSIONER KELLANDER: Let's hear it. O BY MR. SEMANKO:Okay. 1951 to On page protect B was the impetus of the legislation in Page B ofA o portion there legislatlon in Idaho? A Of your testimony, f'm sorry, the indented design of theI'm looking at. Was the 1951 to protect power users in north Correct, ds well as the general impacts of25 181 t 1 Z 3 4 5 6 1 I 9 10 I 11 T2 13 l4 15 15 l1 18 79 20 2t 22 ZJ 24 CSB REPORTING 208.890.5198 LEROY (X) Avista Corporation regulation through the Idaho PUC and to avoid the l-oss of general property tax revenues to the entirety of the state. O Thank you. Would your analysis change if the Province of Ont.ario owned 100 percent of Hydro One? A No. O Why not? A It's not a state. O If it was a state, would it change your analysis ? MEYER: Object. SEMANKO: I can ask that question, can't L? MR. MEYER: Well, it's a circular. You're asking the witness to assume MR. SEMANKO: I'11- withdraw the question. I can see where we're going here. O BY MR. SEMANKO: The statute 6l-327 does not 1iteral1y say majority shareholding is required for control; correct? A No. O Are you aware that the Province of Ontario has another role with Hydro One other than being a shareholder? A I need more specifics as to what you're MR MR t 25 782 o 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 B 9 10 I 11 L2 13 L4 15 76 71 1B t9 20 27 23 24 o CSB REPORT]NG 208.890.5198 LEROY (X) Avista Corporation inquiring about. O Are you Province of Ontario has controls certain aspects familiar with the role that the r_n passr_ng of Hydro read some legislation that One? of the testimony with there are lssues of are addressed A Yes, I've regard to that and understand that that nature, all of appropriately by the Section 328. O Does which I bel-ieve Commission under the provisions of the Commission have control or authority or jurisdiction over the Province of Ontario? A It does not generally have such jurisdiction, DO. O On the top of page 14, the fast page of your rebuttal testimony, supplemental- rebutta1 testimony, you note that Commission Staff states, "the Commission should analyze this possibility, " referring to 67-321 being a potential bar to the transaction, "pri-or to making a final determination. " Do you agree or disagree with that suggestion? A What I was quoting there was Ms. Carlock's subsequently fil-ed testimony fil-ed subsequent to my reaching of that opinion. I bel-ieve that it was important for the Staff and for the participants as it is for the Commission to examine 327 and that's why I was25 183 a 1 Z 3 4 5 6 1 6 9 10 t 11 t2 13 l4 15 t5 t1 1B 19 ZU 27 22 23 24 CSB REPORTING 208.890.5198 LEROY (Com) Avista Corporation retained. That's why I bel-abored as hard as I did to express the concl-usions that I have here today and I have in writing. It's an important issue. MR. SEMANKO: Thank you very much for your time. I have no further questions. COMMISSIONER KELLANDER :Thank you, and do Commission? I justwe have questi-ons from members of the have maybe one. EXAMINAT]ON BY COMMISS]ONER KELLANDER: O Mr. Leroy, welcome. fs this your first time here? A As a witness, y€s, sir. O Okay. Wel-l-, welcome. I guess I 'd like to get to, and it's perhaps quibbling over words, but the word independent you rai-se in your testimony on page 2 for the flrst time, in essence, saylng it's an independent interpretation, and I guess when I see the word independent and I look at some of the proceedings here, that generally means alI the parties got together and sald, "Look, hre're going to look for a facil-itator. We're going to look to somebody to give us an independent opinion on X, Y, Z matter and we're al-l- going to agree ono25 184 o 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 B 9 10 11 72t13 L4 15 76 71 18 19 20 2L )) 23 24 o CSB REPORTING 208.890.5198 LEROY (Com) Avista Corporation who that indlvidual is that provides that." Is that what the independence to which I refer was my understanding with Avista when hired that I had no predispositi-on on this issue, that I woul-d broadly research it and reach a conc1usion on a reasoned basis given my professional- background and expertise. That's the independence to which I refer. happened here? A f don't was contacted or I was O Okay. I'm going to ask it I didn't ask it, so say that your 1ega1 position in support be here today on the know by what process, Mr. Chair, I singled out to be contacted, but f feel bad about asking this, but feel bad ifI would probablyanyway. I'ff go position ahead and ask it, but let's didn't of the merger, support Avista's do you think you would witness stand? I don't have any idea whether I would have but I would have faithfully reported my have renderedAvlsta and I faithfully woul-d them the same bill that I rendered them for thls concfuslon. COMMISS]ONER A been called, position to answer. By the funding, you do fees. I'm ;ust KELLANDER: Appropriate looking for intervening as your basis for 1egal out. Mr. Leroy, thank you wdy, anybody not use $400 Iaying that25 185 t 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 B 9 10 I 11 72 13 t4 15 16 l1 1B 79 20 27 )) 23 24 CSB REPORTING 208.890.5198 LEROY (Com) Avista Corporation very much apologies for your testimony. Oh, we have a question, oy Commissioner Anderson. EXAM]NATION BY COMMISSIONER ANDERSON: O Thank you, Mr. Leroy, and I have an observation and a question. When you go to your exhibit on this particular article and it I just have one question quickly. I served in the legislation myself. Oftentimes legislation moves forward very quickly and it's usually the fear component that is part of that moving quickly and from your previous testimony, this was aII done wlthin a day and the Governor signed it the next morning and I know how it is to be excluded sometimes in that environment. One thing this article does touch on is that not even the north Idaho legislators were informed prior, nor did they have an opportunity to even consuft with their constituenci-es, and that's part of the language in that articl-e, and so when you use that as a reference, I mean sometimes hasty legislation isn't the best legislation, and al-l this does to me more than anything is perhaps raise red flags. Do you concur with my assessment? A Commissioner, f think your recitation anda25 186 I 11 72 a 13 1 aZ 3 4 5 6 1 B 9 your unique experience as a legislator give you an understanding that this Bill was broadly drawn, hastily drawn, hastily advanced. As you know, one member of the minority in, I believe, each House expressed a need for more time or a desire for more consideration or consultation, but the timing of this unknown in its sculpted transaction in New York clearly was either fearful- or a great motivator for the legislature to suspend the rules and hastily adopt this legislation. O Just one folIow-up question. In trying to fol-l-ow the train of thought that Mr. Semanko was going down, I think that the question I have from his inquisitive essay there, if your definition of state, which you've outl-ined quite well what your j-nterpretation of state means, by extension, if we were talking about states or cooperatives or whatever el-se and those were prohibited from having an action to be abl-e to take property from Idaho, wouldn't by extension the legislature al-so bel-ieve that that woul-d be a foreign entity? A f'm sorry, I donft understand your question, Commissioner. O Forgive me, I probably didn't phrase that well-. If your definition of state A Meaning state of the United States. CSB REPORTING 208.890.5198 LEROY (Com) Avista Corporation 10 l4 15 76 71 1B 79 )i 27 22 23 24t25 187 I 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 I 9 0 State of the United States and the State of Washington in this particular case was prohibited by this J-egislation, by 32'l , from taking possession of a utility here in fdaho, wouldn't by extension that it wou1d also mean foreign entity, a foreign power? Could you extrapolate on that? A Sure, I think it's an important concept in terms of statutory interpretation that we l-ook first at the ordl-nary, simple, plain meaning. The ordinary, simple, plain meaning of state, ds I indicated in my earliest testimony, was either a condition of some kind, a state of consciousness or in the typical usage in our language State of Washington, State of Idaho, that sort of thing if referring to a governmental entity in this country. Can the term state in the broadest sense and the dictionary sense incl-ude something more amorphous or include a foreign nation, certainly, and if you determine that you donrt want to l-ook at the simple, plain meaning of state, which I just described, then you Iook at the legislatj-ve history, assuming that there's some ambiguity about the word state, and in that context where you're deallng with the State of Washington and the State of Idaho, it makes it in my opinlon even more clear that you're not talking about a foreign nation or a 10 11 72 a 13 74 15 16 t1 1d 1,9 20 27 22 23 24 CSB REPORTING 208.890.5198 LEROY (Com) Avista Corporation I ZJ 188 t 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 B 9 10 11 72 o 13 t4 15 76 L1 1B 79 20 27 ZZ 23 24I CSB REPORT]NG 208.890. s198 LEROY (Com) Avista Corporation provj-nce of Canada. COMMISSIONER ANDERSON: Thank you. THE WITNESS: To add a final sentence, the question is not what's in the dictionary, the question is what was in the mind of the legislators using that word state in 1951 and clearly, most narrowly, it was the State of Washington. COMMfSSIONER ANDERSON: Thank you. COMMISSIONER KELLANDER: And we're ready for redirect. MR. MEYER: I have no redirect. Thank you. COMMISSIONER KELLANDER: Mr. Leroy, thank for your testimony today. We appreciate your appearance. This would probably be an appropriate point for me to reference that I wll-l- be asking for lega} briefs on Title 67-327 and just to give everybody a heads-up, unless anybody has a problem, f'm going to say 10 days at the conclusion of this hearing, and on that, because I think it's a significant enough secti-on of statute, I'd like to see Avista, as well- as the holding company Olympus and al-so Hydro One, because I think included in that analysis of 6L-321, it is important for the Commission to very ful1y understand and vet that section of statue as we prepare to deliberate, so just to put you all on)q 189 t I 2 3 4 5 6 1 U 9 10 I 11 72 13 74 15 t6 71 1B t9 20 27 23 24I CSB REPORTING 208.890.5198 notice, that's our intent. MR. MEYER: Thank you. COMMISSIONER KELLANDER : MR. KARPEN: Mr. President, for Thank you. a matter of clarity, real fond of if they can extra credit do you wish to impose any page limitations? COMMISSIONER KELLANDER: You know, I'm 10 pages and I give everybody bonus points do it in l-ess than 10. There will be no for extra pages. Thank you. Mr. Leroy, thank you. (The witness Ieft the stand. ) COMMISSTONER KELLANDER : of respect to everyone's bladders, we 10-minute break. (Recess. ) COMMISSIONER KELLANDER : the record and I know that there was a Leroy to be excused for the remainder that was made, I think, initiall-y this granted. MR. MEYER: Thank you. COMMI SS IONER KELLANDER : will take a And I think out Let's go back on request for Mr. of this hearing and morning, so that's while we're on the topic 6L-321, is there anything MR. MEYER: And Mr. Meyer, of testimony in reference to else I need to be aware of? Yes, there is. We wil-J, no25 190 COLLOQUY I 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I 9 10 t 11 72 13 74 15 76 l1 1B 79 20 21 22 24 o CSB REPORT]NG 208.890.5198 longer be of Coll-ins offering the testimony, supplemental- testimony, Sprague. COMM] SSIONER KELLANDER :Okay, greati so, then, officially for notice, that testimony which comprises basi-caIly 11 pages will not be in the record and will not considered as we move forward eventual-Iy to deliberate on this case, so thank you. MR. MEYER: Yes, thank you. ThankCOMMISS]ONER KELLANDER : will strlke him from the l-ist of witnesses Okay,' so we're, then, ready to proceed and forward, I believe, on that magic lj-st, we as being the next witness. Is that still- AS AS you, and we we11. we move had Mr. Dobson the case? MS. VANDER STOEP: Yes, President Kjellander. Before that, I wou1d like to address something that came up earlier this morning regarding the board affirmation that. was addressed during Mr. Woodsr testimony and there was a request for the ful-l affirmation that was considered by the board of directors. COMMISSIONER KELLANDER: Yes. MS. VANDER STOEP:We right after the it to all of thelunch break distri-buted of parties in the can provide you a copy have now, and then, additionally, have seven room. We copies of it here that I 25 191 COLLOQUY t 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 B 9 10 11 72t13 74 15 76 t1 1B 79 20 27 22 o 23 24 CSB REPORT]NG 208.890. s198 copies to present to be entered into the record. COMMTSSIONER KELLANDER: ExceIl-ent. As we enter it into the record, exhibit numberr so do you with regard to exhibits? MS. VANDER it's 1ike1y going to need an have any idea where we're at STOEP: Seventeen. COMMISSIONER KELLANDER :Seventeen, okay; what we'11 referso sub;ect to to it and Mr. check, itrs 11 and that's Semanko, that MR. SEMANKO: addressed your concern? Abso1utely, thank you. COMMISSIONER KELLANDER: Thank you very much. That w1ll- be Exhibit 71 and if you would, please go ahead and give that to us. MS. VANDER STOEP: Okay. COMMISS]ONER KELLANDER: ThanK (Ms. Vander Stoep distributing (Hydro One Limited Exhibit No. marked for identification. ) COMMISSIONER KELLANDER: And, a1so, when you return to attorney who your microphone, since you are not the same you. documents. ) L'l was cross, if you could just record as you call up Mr.identify yourself for Dobson. Thank ready to continue. did the l-ast the you very much. f be1ieve we're 25 t92 COLLOQUY I 1 2 3 .} 5 6 1 B 9 10 11 72 I 13 74 15 1,6 71 1B 19 )i 2L )) Z5 24 e CSB REPORTING 208.890.5198 DOBSON (Di) Hydro One Limited MS. VANDER STOEP:Your Honor, fry name is Hydro One Limited and weKari Vander Stoep. wou]d call like to next witness. I represent call acting CEO Paul Dobson as the COMMISSIONER KELLANDER: Mr. Dobson, if you would take the stand. PAUL M. DOBSON, produced as a witness at the instance of Limited, having been first duly sworn to was examined and testif ied as fol-l-ows: Hydro One tel-l the truth, DIRECT EXAMINATION BY MS. VANDER STOEP: a Good afternoon. A Good afternoon. O Please state your name,your business have with Hydroaddress, and the One Limited. present positions you A CEO for Hydro Bay Street in 0 acting CEO? My name is Paul Dobson. One Limited. My business I'm the acting address is 483 Toronto, How long Canada - have you held your position as 25 193 I 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 B v 10 11 T2 I 13 74 15 76 \1 1B 79 20 27 22 23 24 a CSB REPORT]NG 208.890.5198 DOBSON (Di) Hydro One Limited A Since July 11th of this year. a And prior to that, did you have other positions with Hydro One Limited? A Yes, I was the chief financial officer sj-nce March 1st of this year. O What are your current duties and responsibil-ities as President and acting CEO of Hydro One? A As the acting CEO, I manage the affairs of a day-to-day basis assuring that we reach I also i-nteract with the external such as investors, bondholders, the press, the company on our targets. stakeholders, analysts, et O and professional One? A Uni-versity an MBA from and CMA. I financials, cetera. Can you please describe your educational background prior to coming to Hydro Sure. I have a bachel-or's degree f rom the of Waterloo in management accounting. I have the University of Western Ontario. f'm a CPA worked for CIBC for 10 years in various finance strategy, and business I also worked for Centrica plc, which is a They own Direct Energy in North America, the U.S. f worked for them 15 years in rol-es and operation and customer servi-ce l-n development. UK company. Canada and various finance rofes as welI;25 194 o 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 H 9 10 11 72 I 13 74 15 16 1,1 1B 79 20 27 22 23 24 o CSB REPORTING 208.890.5198 DOBSON (Di) Hydro One Limited most recently as chief financiaf officer of Direct Energy Houston, whichNorth America, which is a company based in has about $15 bill-ion in revenue. O Did you sponsor supplemental testimony that was fil-ed on September 24Lh, 2078? A Yes. O And if I asked you the questions in that testimony today, would your answers sti1l be the same? A Yes, it would. O Did you al-so sponsor rebuttal testimony that was f iled on November l-4th, 2018? A Yes. O And if I asked you those questions today, would your answers still be the same? A Yes. O Did you al-so sponsor Schedule l- of Exhibit B to the supplemental testimony that you fil-ed which was your biography? A Yes. O Is that stilI an accurate exhibit? A Yes, it is. O Did you sponsor Schedul-e 2 to Exhibit I which was Avista's l-etter extending the merger agreement to March 29th? A Yes.25 195 I 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 8 9 O And is that still an accurate exhibit? A Yes, it is. MS. VANDER STOEP: Your Honors, Hydro One moves for the admission and spreading of the supplemental testimony dated September 24th, 20L8, of Mr. Dobson as well as his rebuttal testj-mony of November 14th, 2018, and Exhibit 8, Schedules 1 and 2. COMMISSIONER KELLANDER: Thank you. Without objection, we'11- spread the testj-mony across the record as if read and admit the re]evant exhiblts as described by counsel-. (Hydro One Limited Exhibit Nos. 8 e L'7 were admitted into evidence. ) (The fol-lowing prefiled supplemental- and rebuttal testimonies of Mr. Paul Dobson are spread upon the record. ) 10 o 11 T2 13 74 15 t6 71 1B 79 z3 24 20 2l 22 I CSB REPORTING 208.890.5198 DOBSON (Di) Hydro One Limited 25 ]-96 1 2 3 A.t 5 6 1 9 o 10 11 t2 13 14 15 t6 71 1B t9 20 27 ZZ 23 24 I o I. INTRODUCTION O. Please state your name, business address and Hydro One Limited.present positions My name is 483 Bay wit.h A is PauI M. Dobson, and my business address Street, South Tower, 8th F1oor, Toronto, Ontario M5G 2P5. I am the acting President and Hydro One LimitedChief Executive Officer ( "CEO" ) ( "HYdro One" 1 . r O. Have you fil-ed direct this proceeding? A. No. O. Are you sponsoring any for and rebuttal testimony in exhibits that accompany your testimony? A. Yes. Attached ' Exh. No. 8, Biography ' Exh. No. B, to my testimony is: Schedulel-PaulM.Dobson Schedufe 2 - Avista Extension of End Date to March 29, 2079 1 Prior to September 6, 2O\8 I was afso the Chief Financiaf officer ("CEo") of Hydro One. On Septemlcer 6, 2018, Christopher Lopez was appointed as Acting CFO of Hydro One. I will continue my role as Hydro One's Acting Presj-dent and CEO. See AVU-E-7'l-09, AVU-G-17-05, Supplemental Report on Hydro One Management Chanqes (Sep. 7, 20LB) . Dobson, Supp 1 Hydro One Limited 25 791 o 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 U 9 10 t 11 1,2 13 74 15 76 71 1B t9 20 2t 22 23 24 Dobson, Supp 2 Hydro One Limited A tabl-e of contents for my testimony is as follows: I. INTRODUCTION 1 II. BACKGROUND ) ITI. COMMITMENT TO MERGER 3 Summary of Testimony 0. Pfease summarize your testimony. A My testimony introduces myself President and CEO and reiterates as Hydro One's acting Hydro One's commitment to the merger. II. BACKGROI'IID 0. Please descrj-be your professi-ona1 background. A. I hold an honours bachel-or's degree from the Unlversity of Waterloo as well as an MBA from the University of Western Ontario and I am a CPA, CMA. I worked at CIBC for 10 years in finance, strategy and business development roles in both Canada and the United States. Since 2003, I have held senior leadership positions in finance, operati-ons, informatj-on technology and customer service across the Centrica Group, the parent company of Direct Energy. Prior to joining Hydro One in 2018, I served as CFO for Direct Energy Ltd. (Direct Energy), Houston, Texas, where I was responsible for overall- financial leadership of a $15 billion revenuet25 198 t 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 B 9 10 11 L2 a 13 74 15 l6 71 1B 79 .>^ 2l 22 23 24I Dobson, Supp 3 Hydro One Limited business with three million customers in Canada and the United States. Pl-ease see my attached Biography (Exh. No. 8, Schedule 1) for more detail-. O. When did you become CFO of Hydro One? A. I became CFO of Hydro One on March !, 2018. 0. What was your role as CFO of Hydro One? A. I was responsible for the following l-ines of busj-ness: Corporate Finance (incl-uding Treasury) , Risk, Regulatory Affairs, Internal Audit, Investor Relations, Technology, and Pensions. O. When did you become acting President and CEO of Hydro One? A. I became acting President and CEO of Hydro One on July lL, 2018. O. When you became acting President and CEO of Hydro One, did you continue your rofe as CFO? A. Yes, I continued my role as CFO until Christopher Lopez was appointed Acting CFO on September 6, 2078. III. COMMII!{ENT TO MERGER Does Hydro One Yes. We remain remain committed to this merger?o. A. strategic !9, 2otg affirming committed rational-e for the merger the Hydro One Board passed Hydro to the merger and the remains. On September a resolution 25 799 t 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I 9 10 11 72 I 13 1,4 15 16 71 1B 19 20 21, 22 )') 24I Dobson, Supp 4 Hydro One Limited One's obligations under the Merger Agreement and Hydro One's intent to consummate the transaction. See Supplemental Testimony of Thomas D. Woods. On the same dry, Avista uni1aterally extended the end date for the Hydro One-Avista merger from September 30, 2018 to March 29, 2019. See Exh. No. 8, Schedule 2. A t, A When do you anticipate this merger closlng? of this year.We anticipate closing in Q4 Does this concl-ude your testimony? Yes it does. 25 200 t 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 8 9 10 11 t2 I 13 t4 15 L6 l1 18 t9 20 2L 22 a1 24t Dobson, Supp. Reb. 1 Hydro One Llmited I. INTRODUCTION O. Please state your name, business address and present posi-tions with Hydro One Limited. A. My name is Paul M. Dobson, and my business address is 483 Bay Street, South Tower, Bth Floor, Toronto, Ontario M5G 2P5. I am the acting President and Chief Executive Officer ( "CEO" ) for Hydro One Limited ("HYdro One").l 0. Have you filed direct, rebuttal, and supplemental testimony in this proceedi-ng? A. Yes. I filed supplemental testj-mony on September 24, 20!8. O. Are you sponsoring any exhibits that accompany your testimony? A. No. A tabl-e of contents f or my testi-mony is as fol-l-ows: DESCRIPTION Page I INTRODUCTION I]. COMPL]ANCE W]TH IDAHO CODE 561-328 2 1 Prior to September 6, 2018, I was also the Chief Einancial Officer ("CEO") of Hydro One. On September 6, 20L8, Chri-stopher Lopez was appointed as Acting CEO of Hydro One. I will continue my role as Hydro One's Acting President and CEO. See AVU-E-17-09, AVU-G-17-05, SuppJ-emental- Report on Hydro One Management Changes (Sep. 7, 2078\ . 1 25 207 t 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 8 9 10 11 72t13 l4 15 76 t1 18 79 20 2t 22 23 aALAt Dobson, Supp. Reb. 2 Hydro One Limited Summary of leEligtcny O. Pfease summarize A. Hydro One agrees Utilities Commission Staff the transaction is in the testimony. the Idaho Publ-ic your with ("Staff") testimony that: (a) public interest, (b) the cost will not be increasedof and rates for supplying service by reason of the transaction, and (c) Hydro One has the bona fide intent and financial ability to operate and maintain Avista in fdaho public servj-ce Code S61-328. in Idaho, all as required by II. O. fn direct testimony filed Terri Carl-ock is asked on November 6th, the coMPLrAlrcE wrTH rDArro coDE s61-328 Staff witness following believe the be met?" Are you question on page 4, l-ines 9-10: "Do requirements of Idaho Code S61-328 familiar with that testimony? A. Yes, I am. you wiIl O. In response to states, oD page 4, l-ines that question, Ms ll-25 z Carlock Yes, I befieve Idaho Code 562-328 (3) requirementswill be met. The transaction is consistent with thepublic interest because the Stipulated Commitmentsprotect Idaho customers, provide financial ratecredits, provide funding for other customer benefits and enhance programs. The Stipulated Commitments also assure that the cost of and rates for supplylng service will- not be increased by reason of such transaction. Rating agency reports and publicly availabl-e fi-nanclal statements document that Hydro One has the bona fide flnancial-25 )o) t 1 Z 3 A.t 5 A 1 9 10 11 t2t13 74 15 76 \1 1B 19 20 27 LL Z3 24 o Dobson, Supp. Reb. 3 Hydro One Limited ability to operate and maintaln said property in the public service. The testimony of Hydro One and the Stipulated Commitments reinforce that Hydro One has the bona fide intent to operate and maintain said property in the public service. Do you agree with Ms. Carlock that this transactj-on meets the approval requirements of Idaho Code S61-328? A. Yes, I agree that the transaction meets the requirements for approval under Idaho Code 561-328. o. wirh respect to Idaho the following, on , of her November Code S61-328 (3) (a), Ms. Car]ock states page 7 , l-ine 20, through page B, lj-ne 3 6th testimony: . For the transaction to be in the public interest, overall there must be no harm. Throughout this case, it has been the intent of Staff to see customers receive a net overall- financial- benefit. Commltments including ring-fencing provisions have been agreed to in the Settlement by most Idahoparties that I believe wil-l- provide financialbenefits that 1ike1y will not occur absent the merger while protecting customers from negative operational, structural- or financial harm. 25 203 Do you agree with Ms. Carlock's testimony regarding the public interest prong of fdaho Code 561-328 (3) (a) ? A. Yes, I wholeheartedly agree that the transaction goes beyond the no harm standard and provides an overall benefit to Avista customers. In addition to the benefits described by Ms. Carlock, the transaction provides the following additional benefits to Avistars Idaho customers, among others: (1) Avista's Idaho customers wilI receive a t 1 Z 3 4 5 6 1 R 9 10 t 11 t2 13 74 15 76 L1 1B t9 20 27 22 23 )ALA o Dobson, Supp. Reb. 4 Hydro One Limited rate credit totaling approximately $15.8 mil-l-ion, (2) approximately $5.3 mi-l-l-ion j-n funding for energy efficiency, weatherization, conservation, and low-income assistance programsi and (3) increased charitabl-e contributions, al1 of which woul-d not occur absent the proposed transaction.2 O. Ms. Carlock discusses the proposed transaction' s with Idaho Code Sectioncompliance in a couple67-328 (3) (b) testimony. Iine B, Ms. of places in her November 6th First, ofl page 3, l-ine 74, through page 4l Carlock states: Any customer rate increase must be approved by the Idaho Commission before Avi-sta can increase rates to Idaho Avista customers. Idaho Code S61-328 requlres t.hat "the cost of and rates for supplying service wil-l not be increased by reason of such transaction" . In the normal course of its responsibil-ities Staff audits all costs to verify the costs are actually incurred, correctly recorded but more importantly that al-l- costs are reasonably incurred to provide services to ldaho customers. Greater scrutiny is made for any transactions, activJ-ties or all-ocationsto Avista from any affiliated entities. Tn thisinstance fol-l-owi-ng the merger, an affll-iate woul-d incl-ude Hydro One, any subsidiary, or jointly ownedentities directly assigning or al1ocating costs to Avista. Staff wil-1 verify that no costs are incl-uded in customer rates that are not at the lower of the actual cost or market comparison. Although this is a normal part of the Staff audit function it 1s al-sopart of the ring-fencing provisions and the commitments f rom Avj-sta and Hydro One. 2These benefits and others are more fu11y described and discussed in Section fI of Scott L. Morris'Rebuttal Testimony filed on November L4, 2OLB.25 204 t 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 B 9 10 I 11 L2 13 l4 15 L6 71 1B 19 20 27 22 23 24 o Dobson, Supp. Reb. 5 Hydro One Limited A. Yes. O. Ms. of service on page 5, l-ines that customer result of the Are you famil-iar with this testimony? Carlock next addresses the costs and rates page 5 of her November 6th testimony. On 1-3, she is asked: "How can you be assured rates will- not increase at Avista as a merger transaction?" Ms. Carlock responds, lines 4-27, ds follows: The regulatory responsibility of the Commission Staff and ultimately the Commissioners making the final- decisions for the Idaho Publ-ic Utilities Commission will not change. Staff will continue to rigorously revi-ew capital investments, ongoing operating costs, changes in revenues and the overall- operations of Avista. When unreasonable costs are identified or operating decisions by management donot support just and reasonable costs to provide safe and reliable utility services to customers at reasonable rates, Staff recommends fj-nanclal- adjustments and changes to programs during proceedings before the Commission. This will- not change depending on the ownership of Avista. The requirement and commi-tments assure customerrates will not increase as a resul-t of the merger transaction. It isn't however an assurance that rates will not i-ncrease due to normal operating requirements and cost increases. Are you famil-iar with that testimony? A. Yes. 0. Do you agree with Ms. Carlock that the transaction meets the requirements of ldaho Code s6L-328 (3 ) (b) ? A. Yes, I agree that the cost of service and rates25 205 t 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 B 9 wil-l- not increase as a result of the Proposed Transacti-on. f n 10 11 72t13 74 15 76 11 1B L9 20 2I 22 .) ')LJ 24 Dobson, Supp. Reb. 5a Hydro One Limited o 25 206 o 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 o 9 10 I 11 72 13 74 15 t6 71 1B !9 ZU 27 22 23 24 Dobson, Supp. Reb. 6 Hydro One Limited addition to the ]daho PubIic Utilities Commission's and Staff 's rol-es in reasonable, ensuring One has that rates are just and provided assurances, in Commitment Hydro No. 76,that customer rates w1l-1 not increase as a resul-t of the Proposed Transaction. Commitment No. L6 reads as follows: 16. Treatment of Net Cost Savings: Hydro One commits that Avlsta customer rates will not increaseas a result of the Proposed Transaction. Hydro Onewill hold Avista customers harmless from any suchrate increase. Further, any net cost savings thatAvista may achieve as a result of the ProposedTransaction w11l- be reflected in subsequent rateproceedings, as such savings materialize. To the extent the savings are refl-ected in base retail rates they wifl offset the Rate Credit to customers, up to the offsetable portion of the Rate Credit. In addi-tion, under Commitment No. 66, Avista is prohibited from seeking cost recovery for any of the commitments funded or arranged by Hydro One, and Hydro One may not seek to recover those funds from ratepayers in Canada or the United States. Commitment No. 66 reads as f ol-l-ows: 66. Sources of E'unds for Hydro One Comnitnents: Throughout this list of merger commitments, any commitment that states Hydro One wil-1 arrangefunding is not contingent on Hydro One's ability to arrange funding, particularly from outside sources,but is a firm commitment to provide the dolfar amount specified over the time period specified andfor the purposes speclfied. To the extent Avista has retaj-ned earnings that are available for payment ofdividends to Olympus Equity LLC consistent with the ring fencing provlsions of this list of merger commitments, such retained earnings may be used. Funds available from other Hydro One affiliates may be used without limitation. Avistao25 201 o 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 B 9 10 t 11 t2 13 t4 15 76 71 1B 19 20 21, 22 24 o Dobson, Supp. Hydro One Reb. 1 Limited wil-I not seek cost recovery for any of the commitments funded or arranged by Hydro One in thisl-ist of merger commitments. Hydro One will not seek cost recovery for such funds from ratepayers in Canada or the United States. 0. With respect to Idaho Code 561-328 (3) (c), Staff witness Ms. Carl-ock concludes, on page 4, lj-nes t9-25, that: Rating agency reports and publicly available financial statements document that Hydro One has the bona fide financial abilj-ty to operate and maintain sald property in the public service. The testimony of Hydro One and the Stipulated Commitmentsreinforce that Hydro One has the bona fide intent to operate and maintain said property in the publ1c service. Are you famil-iar with that testimony? A. Yes. O. Do you agree with Ms. Carlock's concl-usions regarding Hydro One's bona flde intent and financial ability to operate and maintain Avista in publj-c service? A. Yes, I certainly agree that Hydro One has both the bona fide intent and the financial ability to operate and maintain Avista in public service in Idaho. Mr. Lopez, Hydro One's acting Chief Financial Officer, addresses Hydro One's bona fide intent and financial ability to operate and maintain Avista in public service in further detail in his rebuttal- testimony in Section III of Christopher F. Lopez's Rebuttal Testimony fil-ed on November 74, 2018.25 208 o 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 q 9 10 t 11 t2 13 74 15 76 71 1B 19 20 2L 22 23 24 o Dobson, Supp. Reb. B Hydro One Limited O. Do you have any reason to believe that the Province of Ontario would affect Hydro One's bona fide intent and/or financial ability to operate and maintain Avista in public service in ldaho? A. No. As di-scussed in the rebuttal- testimony of Mr. Woods, Chair of the Hydro One Board of Directors,3 the Province is an investor in and not a manager of Hydro One. The Province, ds Hydro One's largest sharehol-der, has some ability to infl-uence Hydro One's governance. Apart from its authority over certain executj-ve compensat.ion matters under the Hydro One AccountabiTity Act, however, the Province does not have the authority to manage Hydro One's business affairs, j-ncluding Hydro One's bona fide intent and financial ability to run Avista after the close of the proposed transaction. O. Does this conclude your rebuttal testimony? A. Yes it does. 3 See AVU-E-17-09/AVU-G-17-05 - Rebuttal Testimony of Thomas D. woods at SS II-III (Nov. 14, 20tB) . 25 209 t 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 9 10 I 11 72 13 74 15 76 71 1B 19 20 2l 22 23 24I CSB REPORTTNG 208 .8 90. 5198 DOBSON (X) Hydro One Limited (The fol-lowing proceedings were had in open hearing. ) MS. VANDER STOEP: Mr. Dobson is now availabl-e for cross-examination. COMMISSIONER KELLANDER: Thank you. Let's move to the back row, Mr. Purdy. MR. PURDY: I have no cross. Thank you. COMMISSIONER KELLANDER: MT. Otto. MR. OTTO: No questions, Mr. Commj-ssioner. COMMISSIONER KELLANDER: Mr. Richardson. MR. RICHARDSON: Thank you, Mr. Chairman, no questions. COMMISSIONER KELLANDER: Thank you. Mr. Williams. MR. WILLIAMS: Just a couple of questions, Mr. Chair. COMMISSIONER KELLANDER: Please proceed. CROSS_EXAMINATION BY MR. WILLIAMS: Good afternoon, Mr. Good afternoon. Dobson. O My name is Idaho Eorest Group, which Ron Wll-l-iams and I represent is a large industrial customer o A 25 270 I 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I 9 10 11 l2 O 13 74 15 t6 t7 1B 79 20 21 22 23 24 o CSB REPORT]NG 208.890.5198 DOBSON (X) Hydro One Limited of Avista and were you here this morning when I asked Mr. Woods a couple of questions? A Yes, I was. O And so I'm going to ask you roughly the same guestions, but do you understand why there could be a fear of foot-dragging or backsliding by fdaho Forest Group -- backsliding by Hydro One when it comes to some of the commitments that Avi-sta and Hydro One have made in this case? A Do I understand that I understand that there could be a concern, but I would also state that Hydro One is fu1Iy committed to everythlng that we've put forth in that agreement. O And some of that fear arises because Idaho Eorest Group has no establ-ished relationship with Hydro you understand as Mr. Woods alsoOne, so do you testified that some of the settlement we11, settlement commitments contained in the jurisdicti-on of the A Yes. O And do we the document submit Hydro One to Idaho Commission; correct? al-so have your word and pledge in thls case CEO of Hydro ensure that rn your One that One capacity you will does notHydro withbacks Iiding respect to the as the acting President and use your authority to engage in foot-dragging or commitments it has made25 277 o 1 aZ 3 4 5 6 1 B 9 1U o 11 72 13 L4 15 76 l1 1B 79 20 2t 22 t 23 24 CSB REPORTING 208.890.5198 DOBSON (X) Hydro One Limited to the Avista ratepayers? A Yes, absolutely. O One last question, are you a candidate to be are you part of the candidate pool for the next CEO position of Hydro One? A Yes, I am. MR. WILLIAMS: Al-l- rightr Do further questions, Mr. Chairman. COMMISSIONER KELLANDER: Thank you. Let's move to Mr. Baxter. MR. BAXTER: Thank you, Mr. Chairmanr Do questions. COMMISSIONER KELLANDER: MT . Karpen, thank you. . Semanko. . Chairman. MR. KARPEN: No questions, MR. SEMANKO: Thank you, Mr CROSS-EXAMINATION BY MR. SEMANKO: COMMISSIONER KELLANDER: MT A A Mr. Dobson, wel-come to Boise. Thank you. Appreciate you being here today. This is a beautiful- city. I'm going to refer to your supplemental25 2t2 I 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 B 9 10 11 72 a 13 l4 15 76 l1 1B 19 20 27 22 23 .>ALAI CSB REPORTING 208 .8 90 . 5198 DOBSON (X) Hydro One Limited testimony that was just front of you? A I believe 0 AndIam discuss the extension of September 30th of Do you recalI that A I'm O ilm Are we on the admitted. Do you have that in sor yes. on page 4 and on that the end date for the page, You merger from this year to March 29Lh of next year. testimony? sorry, I -- sorry, page one again? 4, Dobson's supplemental. wrong Coul-d be.Page 4 you said? I'm under the titl-e CommitmentI'm sorry, to Merger, Roman Numeral III. MS. VANDER STOEP: Mr. Dobson, make sure you're looking at your supplemental testimony as opposed to your rebuttal- testimony. THE WITNESS: If you could remind me what tab it is. MR. MEYER: May I just approach the witness ? COMMISSIONER KELLANDER: If you coul-d give him a copy of that quickly, that woul-d be very helpfu1. Thank you. (Mr. Meyer approached the witness.) THE WITNESS: Irm sorry, page 4 you said? A 25 213 I 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 9 10 11 72 I 13 74 15 I6 71 1B 79 20 21 22 23 24 CSB REPORT]NG 208.890.5198 DOBSON (X) Hydro One Limited O BY MR. SEMANKO: Yes, page 4. It should start, "One's obligations under the Merger Agreement" at the top. A Right. Okay, of the your testimony talks roughly about the extension merger of next date from year. Do O 2078, to March 29Lh September 3Oth, you recal-I that anticipate correct ? everyone, what is in quarter one of testimony? A Yes. O And then you further say you closing in the fourth quarter of this year; A That's correct. 0 Just so it's clear to the consequence, if dny, of closing next year as opposed to quarter four A The consequence is not of this year? terribly material. We would have to raise in terms of consolidating our that for 2018. If wefinancial records, we would not do hadn't closed the transaction in 2018, then we woul-d not consol-idate the companies together. We would be raising our financing in Ql as well to coincide with the closing, and we woul-d anticipate doing that aII before March 29th. O Am I correct in assuming that the consequences of closing beyond March 29th of next yearI25 274 I 1 2 3 4 E 6 1 d 9 10 t 11 72 13 t4 15 t6 71 1B 19 ZU 27 22 23 24 o CSB REPORTING 208.890.5198 DOBSON (X) Hydro One Limited would be much different than that? Thatrs correct. Can you explain what those consequences would be, if A o understandlng Hydro One, to u now actually that in front A a you can? We11, is that decide Thank to your of you? I do. have to agree, to come up with in time, and so a whole new that matter I'm not a lawyer, the parties would but my have to to agree, eitherAvista and Hydro One would extend the transaction or transaction at that point would have to be referred to the board, our board of how to proceed. you for clearing that rebuttal testimony. up, so f am Do you have And I'm on page 4 of that as weII, some questions, you talk about the rate credit at the top of page 4; correct? more clarifying of $15.8 mill-ion A o or wou]d be A a five-year O A Yes. How much of that roughly is a rate credit a rate credit to fdaho customers of Avista? AII of it to be paid out, I believe, over period. A11 of the 15.8 is Idaho? Yes.25 275 I 1 2 3 q 5 6 7 9 10 I 11 t2 13 74 15 76 71 18 79 20 27 22 23 24 o CSB REPORTING 208.890.5198 DOBSON (X) Hydro One Limited O And thls rate credit is temporary, as you i-s that correct?said, the first five yearsi A To be paid out over five years, Yes. in the recordO So the earfier discussion about year six through ten is not applicable anymore? A I believe year six through ten also refers to the 5.3 million in funding, which is on line 2 of page 4, that is to be paid out over ten years, so I think the year six to ten may refer to that. O And these rate credits would not precl-ude Avista/Hydro One from seeking a rate increase in front of the Commission; correct? A Only to the extent that the rationafe for the rate increase and for the cost increases had nothing do with this merger agreement, so if costs went up, sdy, the cost of steel, for example, went up, nothing to do with this merger agreement, just generally went up in the economy, you know, something along those l-ines, something material along those lj-nes, Avista could ask for a rate increase to offset that. O But there is no freeze or stay-out provision or anything l-ike that? If the circumstances warrant, you can come for a rate increase to the Commission; correct? A I'm not sure I understand what you're25 276 a 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 B 9 10 t 11 72 13 t4 15 1,6 t1 1B 79 20 2t 22 23 24 o CSB REPORTING 208.890. s198 DOBSON (X) Hydro One Limited asking O Is there anything that prohibits you from seeking a rate ir? A a rate hearing increase if the circumstances require No. Under the normal course of going for and rate increases, there would be nothing the costs andto stop us. The Commission would examine make sure that they with were prudent and right and had nothing to do the merger. if there were aO And rate increase during this credit period, would the credit serve to reduce the amount of the rate increase? A I bel-ieve that's how it would work, yes, I believe that'sso it would be applied against that how it woul-d work. O Thank you; discuss Ms. Carlock of the rate increases and costs. testimony? A Yes. so the remainder of page 4 you regardingStaff's testimony Do you recal-I that O Can you tell service after the A The cost, if you mean the cost us what will- be the cost of supplying merger cl-oses? f could understand your of supplying service inquestion, Avista?,)tr 271 I 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 B 9 10 t 11 t2 13 74 15 t6 71 1B 19 20 27 22 ZJ 24 a CSB REPORTING 208 .8 90. 5198 DOBSON (X) Hydro One Limited o Yes. A Yes, I mean the costs will be pretty much as they are today and the Avista team would come forward to the various commissions with the cost and a busi-ness plan and an investment plan and ask the Commission to review those costs, ensure that they're prudent and right, and ask for a rate increase on top of that, simil-ar as to exactly the samer ds a matter of fact, as what they do today. O So just to be clear, you're saying the day effective, the cost of serviceafter the merger would be the same becomes as 1t is today, basically? Nothing is going to change? A There will to think is there be no increase in cost. I'm trying going to be credits. Other than the credits that we're talklng about here, the rate credits, more or less everything will be the same. MR. MEYER: ft's not my witness, but Mr. Patrick Ehrbar, head of the rates department, would be maybe a more appropriate witness and they're good questions, but I think these are Avista-type questions. COMMISSIONER KELLANDER: Mr. Semanko, woul-d you be willing to accept that and when we get that witness up if you need to ask specific questions in reference to the impact on Avj-sta and its rates and how25 278 a 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 B 9 10 t 11 t2 13 74 15 76 L1 18 19 20 27 22 23 24I CSB REPORTING 208.890.5198 DOBSON (X) Hydro One Limited that process woul-d move forward, woul-d that might suffice ? MR. SEMANKO: Your Honor, if I could, I will attempt to taylor my questions to the Hydro One witness to Hydro One's end of the cost equation for Avista. COMMISSIONER KELLANDER: Fair enough. O BY MR. SEMANKO: So what costs are a1l-ocated to Avista by Hydro One the day after the merger closes ? A There won't be any costs that Irm aware that are going to be allocated from Hydro One to Avista. O How about at the end of year one, will there be any costs allocated from your company to Avista? A There will- be no costs al-l-ocated. O How about the end of year two? A As far as I'm aware, there will be no costs allocated for which rate recovery wil-1 be sought. O So is it your testimony that no costs wil1 be assigned A from Hydro One to Avista? If you're referring to costs, you know, corporate overheads to Avista, that's correct, none wil-l- Hydro One corporate and such be assigned be assigned to25 279 o 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 I 9 Avista. 0 By anyone in the Hydro One family? A You mean other legal entities wlthin O f 'm sorry, wil-l they be assigning any costs to Avista? The reason I'm asking these questions is there's a whole the stipulatj-ons are replete with book reviews and potential- audits and we're going to l-ook at costs that are allocated and so lrm just trying to get an understanding w111 there be any costs allocated by the Hydro One family of corporations to Avista? A No, the costs of Avista will- not increase as a resul-t of the merger. I think that's commitment 16. O Is this something that could be summarized and put in writlng and submitted to the Commission in the form of a stipulation? A I believe it's already covered under commitment No. ]-6. a Can you read what you're referrj-ng to? A Commitment 76, "Hydro One commlts that Avista customer rates will not increase as a resul-t of the Proposed Transaction. Hydro One will hofd Avista customers harmless from any such rate increase. Further, any net cost savings that Avista may achieve as a result of the Proposed Transaction will be reflected in 10 11 72t13 L4 15 76 t1 1B 79 20 2t 22 23 24 o CSB REPORTING 208.890.5198 DOBSON (X) Hydro One Limited 25 220 o 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 B 9 10 t 11 L2 13 74 15 I6 I1 1B 19 20 2t )) z3 24 o CSB REPORTING 208 .8 90 . 5198 DOBSON (x) Hydro One Limited subsequent rate proceedings, as such savings material-ize. To the extent the savinqs are reflected in base retail rates they will offset the Rate Credit to customers, up to the offsetable portion of the Rate Credit. " O So in your review of that commitment, Hydro One would not be assigning any costs to Avista; is that correct? That's correct. And if the Commission required addltional clarification using the word cost, would Hydro One be amenabl-e to that? A I would have to 1et my legal counsel- review such wording. O Fair enough, thank you. If costs were al-located to Avista, those woul-d be recoverable in ordinary course; correct? A Costs from Hydro One? O To Avista. A There will not be any costs from Hydro One all-ocated to Avista. O But if there were, they would be recoverabl-e; correct? A They woul-d be reviewed by the Commission. If we felt that they were just and prudent costs borne by Avista, generated by Avista, not as a resul-t of this A O 25 227 o 1 2 3 q 5 6 1 B 9 10 I 11 I2 13 T4 15 t6 71 1B L9 20 2L 22 23 24 a CSB REPORTING 208.890.5198 DOBSON (X) Hydro One Limited transaction, they wou1d be reviewed by the Commission and they woul-d opine and/or approve or disallow the incl-usion of those costs in rate setting. O But stipulatj-on No. 16 would preclude that; right? A If they were related to the merger, yes. "related to theO What does that mean, mergertt ? A Transaction costs, corporate overhead a1location as well. I can't predict, you know, wel-I into the future what other costs may come up, but it is our intention that none of those costs would be a]located to Avista, and so Avista's cost base would stay the same more or less as it is today, subject to the other credits that we have agreed to. MR. SEMANKO: That's all the questions I have for this witness. Thank you. Thank you, sir. COMMISSIONER KELLANDER: Thank you. Are there any questions from members of the Commission? COMMISSIONER KELLANDER: I have just one. 25 222 I 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 B 9 10 a 11 t2 13 T4 15 t6 71 1B 79 20 21 22 23 24t CSB REPORTING 208.890.5198 DOBSON (Com) Hydro One Limited BY COMMISSIONER KELLANDER: EXAMINATION heard he Mr. Woods. I was a with the Minister of actually would cast to the Province's votes, and one I asked your colleague earlier, Iittle confused with the relationship Energy who I believe is the one that a vote for shareholders in reference O It's in listening to hls was elected and then f heardresponse, I think I he was appointed by the Premler. I guess I'm just trying theto understand exactly how this person becomes Minister of Energy. A Sure. Wel-l-, 1i-ke in many other jurisdictions, he is an el-ected member of the Provincial parliament. O Okay; so that's how he gets elected. A And of that pool of members of the Provincial parliament, the Premier selects who he wants as the minister of each one of the departments. O Thatrs very he1pfu1, so that helps me distinguish, then, between the elected and the appointed component of it, so once they're appointed, do they serve dt, we refer to it as serving at, the pleasure of your appointing authority? fs there a fixed term or can the Premier on their own if they want to shift gears pick25 ZZ5 I 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 B 9 someone else out of that el-ected pool? A I'm not an expert in these such matters, but the Premier can, I believe the Premier can, reshuffl-e their cabinet and does from tlme to time, similar to what they do 1n the U. S. as wel-l. O Okay, and while you're here, and I apologize for this question, but the relationship of Canadian governments to the Queen, for example, are unique to me from my perspective, and f see the reference to the Queen in the testj-mony here, help me with that. Tel-l me about that relationship. I'm just curj-ous, does she come over and say hey or what? A She comes over occasj-onaIly, yes, or the Royal Eamily visits from time to time, but it stems back from the time of the Commonwealth and the Queen and Canada is still- part of the Commonwealth, but their power and influence is very, very l-imited. It's very much more of a figurehead. They don't really direct in any way, materia1 wdy, the direction of government policy in any way. They are more of a figurehead and so they have very litt1e power to influence the affairs of the Canadian government at any l-evel-. COMMISSIONER KELLANDER: Okay, thank you. Any other questions? Any redirect? MS. VANDER STOEP: Yes, Your Honor. 10 a 11 TZ 13 T4 15 t6 l1 1B 19 20 27 22 Z3 Z4 CSB REPORTING 208.890.5198 DOBSON (Com) Hydro One Limited I 25 224 t 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 8 9 10 O 11 t2 13 L4 15 T6 71 1B 19 20 2t 22 z3 24 CSB REPORTING 208.890.5198 DOBSON (ReDi) Hydro One Limited BY MS. VANDER STOEP: from Mr. Semanko regarding A Yes. O Is it your example, Avista and Hydro products that are necessary the coststerritories that example, through a O Mr. Dobson, do you recal} REDIRECT EXAMINAT]ON al-l-ocation of the questioning costs ? understanding that One engaged in the af, for purchase of utility poles would be allocated to Avista for service in their alfocable to Avista for, for here at the Commisslon? companies together costs for ratemaking process A Yes, that's a coming together to and I would assume both Hydro One and example of the procurement sourcing going to lead to lower good bring that's for Avista and that would be passed, that cost savings woul-d be passed, to Avista. O Are Mr. Lopez with cost al-focation issues and Mr. Ehrbar more famil-iar than you are? A Much more so. 0 Is Mr. Scarlett more familiar with the constitutional- rel-ationship between the Province and the Commonwealth? A I bel-ieve he is. MS. VANDER STOEP: Thank you. Thatrs all-t 25 225 t 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 x 9 10 I 11 t2 13 74 15 t6 71 1B 79 20 27 aaZZ 23 24I CSB REPORTING 208 .8 90. 5198 LOPEZ (Di) Hydro One Limited I have. COMMISSIONER KELLANDER: Thank you, but I think you did well enough. THE WITNESS: Thank you very much. (The witness left the stand. ) COMMISSIONER KELLANDER: We're ready for the next witness. I think next on the schedu]e we had Christopher Lopez and since we'11 be shlftlng Iegal counsel again, we'11 just have you identlfy yourself for the record once you get situated. MS. THOMAS: This is Ltz Thomas again on behalf of Hydro One. CHRISTOPHER F. LOPEZ, produced as a witness Limited, havlng been at the instance of first Hydro One tell the truth, was examined and testified duly sworn to as follows: DIRECT EXAMINATION BY MS. THOMAS: name, your with Hydro O Mr. Lopez, could you please state your business address, and your present positions One? A My name is Christopher Lopez and my25 226 o 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 o 9 10 t 11 72 13 74 15 16 71 1B 19 20 27 22 23 24 o CSB REPORTING 208.890.5198 LOPEZ (Dr) Hydro One Llmited business address is 483 Bay Street, Toronto, and I'm the acting chief financial- officer of Hydro One. O How long have you held that position? A Since September 6. Prior to September 6, 20L8, I was a senior vice president of Hydro One. O What are your duties and responsibilities as the acting CFO? A I'm responsibl-e for lines of business such as corporate fj-nance, including treasury and tax, internal- audit, investor relati-ons, daily governance, and pensions. 0 Could you please descrj-be your educational- and professional- background? A I received a Bachelor of Commerce in accounting and finance from Edith Cowan Uni-versity in L996. I qualified from the Institute of Chartered Accountants in Austral,ia in 1999. I received a graduate diploma in corporate governance and directorships from the Australian Instit.ute of Company Directors in 2007. Prior to joining Hydro One, I was a vice president of plannlng and mergers and acquisitions at TransAlta from 20Ll to 2015. Prior to that, I was director of operations finance at TransAlta in Calgary from 2001 to 2071,. I was country financial- controller for TransAl-ta in Australia from 2002 to 2001 .25 221 o 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 9 10 t 11 72 13 74 15 t6 71 1B 79 20 27 22 Z5 24 o CSB REPORTING 208.890.5198 LOPEZ (Di) Hydro One Limited O September L4, A o your prefiled the same? A o Did you sponsor direct testimony filed on 2OLB? Yes, I did. If I asked you testimony there, the questions set forth in would the answers today be Yes. Did you 24, I fil-ed on September sponsor supplementa1 testimony 2078? did.A O Yes, And again, if I asked you the questions set forth there, would your answers be the same? A Yes. 0 Did you sponsor supplemental rebuttal testimony filed on November 14, 20L8? A Yes, I did. O And again, if I asked you the questions there, would your answers be the same? A Yes. O Did you sponsor certain exhibits to accompany your testimony? A Yes, I did. O Did you sponsor Exhiblt No. 4, Schedule L, your resume? A Yes, I did.25 228 t 1 2 3 4 q 6 1 8 9 10 t 11 T2 13 t4 15 76 71 18 19 20 2t 22 Z5 24 o CSB REPORTING 208.890.5198 LOPEZ (Dr) Hydro One Limited O Is that exhibit still accurate? A Yes, it is, now acting chief financial except for the fact that f'm officer. At that point f was a senl_or vl-ce president of finance. Did you sponsor Exhibit No. 4, Schedule 2, and post-transaction corporate structure of Hydro Limited with your direct testimony on September 14, a pre- One 20]-1 ? Yes, I did. Is that exhibit Yes, except as still- accurate? was discussed this morning in two respects on the post-closing org chart, which is page 2 of that exhibit. First, w€ drop the two intermediate LLC's, because they are no longer needed now that U.S. tax enacted tax reform in early 20L8. Second, Olympus LLC w111 now be an Idaho entlty instead of a Del-aware entity. We did this at the suggestion of the Staff and we understand that this change wlth this change Staff believes that the transaction fu11y complies with Idaho Code Section 6L'327. MS. THOMAS: Your Honor, I have prepared a that had that org chart. in the errata this witness, I can hand it substitute page for the exhibit Itrs the same org chart that was A n A morning. If I may approach the out or if you would rather not have it25 229 t 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 8 9 10 I 11 12 13 74 15 I6 T1 1B 19 20 2t 22 24I CSB REPORTING 208.890.5198 LOPEZ (Di) Hydro One Limited COMMISSIONER KELLANDER: That sounds fine. Why don't you go ahead and do that. That wdy, we'1l al-I be on the same page. (Ms. Thomas distrlbuting documents. ) O BY MS. THOMAS: Mr. Lopez, do you have before you a document that's designated Exhibit No. 4 and on the very bottom line it says revised November 26, 2078? A Yes. 0 Is this a revised page 2 of the Exhibit No. 4 that was fil-ed in 201,'l? A Yes. 0 Does this exhibit refl-ect the current proposed post-closing corporate structure with the revisj-ons that you described? A Yes, it does. MS. THOMAS: We would like to ask that this Exhibit 4 be made an exhibit in the record. I think it woul-d be Exhibit 18. COMMISSIONER KELLANDER: Okay; so I think are probably right, it last one? L'7 was the would be Exhibit 18. What was one we just added, so Exhibit would be correct, state for and as further clarification if we you the 18 could just No. 4 right the record, it does now, again the relationship say Exhibit just for the25 230 o 11 72I13 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 U 9 10 o 74 15 76 t1 1B t9 20 2L 22 23 24 CSB REPORT]NG 208.890.5198 LOPEZ (Di) Hydro One Limited record so we can keep it c1ean. MS. THOMAS: Yes, this is a revised page 2 of Exhiblt 4 and we're asking that it be designated as Exhibit 18. COMMISSIONER KELLANDER: Thank you. (Hydro One Limi-ted Exhibit No. 18 was marked for identification. ) COMMISSIONER KELLANDER: Pl-ease proceed. MS. THOMAS: Thank you, Your Honor. O BY MS. THOMAS: Mr. Lopez, did you also sponsor Exhlbit 4, Schedule 3, Hydro One's 20\6 Annua1 Report and 2016 Annual fnformation Eorm? A Yes, I did. O Is that exhibit still- accurate? A Yes, it is. MS. THOMAS: Your Honor, Hydro One woul-d like to move the admission of the fol-lowing documents: Mr. Lopez's supplemental testimony filed on September 24, 2078, his rebuttal testimony filed on November 74, 20!8, his direct testimony filed on September 74, 2017, his Exhibit 4, Schedules 1, 2, and 3, and we've already addressed the revised page to Exhibit 4. COMMISSIONER KELLANDER: So without objection, we w111 admit the testimony and spread it across the record as if read and admit the exhibits.25 237 o 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 B 9 (Hydro One Limited Exhibit Nos. 4 and 18 were admitted into evidence. ) (The following prefiled direct, supplemental-, and rebuttal- testimonies of Mr. Christopher Lopez are spread upon the record. ) 10 t 11 72 13 14 15 16 71 1B 79 20 27 22 23 24 o CSB REPORT]NG 208 .8 90 . 5198 LOPEZ (Di) Hydro One Limited 25 232 o 1 2 3 q 5 6 7 I 9 10 a 11 12 13 74 15 76 71 1B 79 20 2t 22 23 24 o Lopez, Di 1 Hydro One Limited I. INTRODUCTION O. Please state your name and business address. A. My name is Christopher F. Lopez, and my business address is 483 Bay Street, South Tower, 8th Eloor, Toronto, Ontario M5G 2P5. O. By whom are you employed and in what capacity? A. f am Senior Vice President of Finance for Hydro One Limited ("Hydro One"). Hydro One is a major North Amerj-can electric transmission and distribution utility, serving more than 1. 3 mil-l,ion residential and business customers in Ontario, Canada. O. Please summari-ze your education and business experience. A. I received a Bachelor of Commerce in accounting and finance from Edith Cowan University in 1,996. I qualified from the Institute of Chartered Accountants i-n Australia in 1999. I received a graduate diploma in corporate governance and directorships from the Australian Institute of Company Di-rectors in 2001. Prior to joining Hydro One, f was the Vj-ce President of Planning and Mergers & Acquisitions at TransA1ta from 2071 to 2015. Prior to that, I was Director of Operations Finance at TransAlta in Calgary from 2001 to 201L, and was Country 25 233 o I 2 3 4 5 6 1 B 9 10 11 72t13 74 15 16 71 1B 19 ZU 27 22 23 24 a Lopez, Di 2 Hydro One Limited Financial Control-1er for TransAlta j-n Austral-ia, from 2002 to 2001. 0. Have you provided A. Yes, a copy of my experience prior to joining Exhiblt No. 4, Schedu]e 1. su@ a copy of your r6sum6? r6sum6 that covers my Hydro One is j-ncl-uded as O. What is the purpose of your direct testimony in this proceeding? A. The purpose of my describe the testimony is as f oll-ows: Proposed Transactj-on; discuss Hydro One's corporate structure and where Avista Corporation ("Avista") wifl reside withln that structure; discuss Hydro One'sfi-nancial strength; capital structure and describe Hydro One's financing for, andthe mechanics of, the Proposed Transaction; describe Avista's post-transaction accessto capit.al; enumerate certain financlal, structural, and ring-fencing commitments that Hydro One and Avista are proposing as part of their request for approval of the Proposed Transaction; and describe the Rate Credits i-ncluded as part of the Proposed Transaction. A table of contents of my testimony is as follows: 25 234 t 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 B 9 10 I 11 72 13 74 15 76 71 1B 19 20 2t 22 23 24 Lopez, Di 3 Hydro One Limited Description Paqe I SUMMARY OF THE PROPOSED TRANSACTION.3 I]. POST-TRANSACTION CORPORATE STRUCTURE 5 III. HYDRO ONE'S CURRENT CAPITAL STRUCTURE AND EINANCIAL STRENGTH 7 IV. PROPOSED TRANSACTION EINANC]NG 13 V. AVISTA'S POST_CLOSING ACCESS TO CAP]TAL.15 VI. RATE CRED]TS. . . .21 0. testimony? A Are you sponsoring exhibits with your Yes. Attached to my testlmony are: , Schedule 1: ChristopherExhibit No. 4 Lopez R6sum6 Exhibit No. 4, Schedule 2z Post-Transaction Corporate Hydro One Limited Pre- and Structure of Exhibit No. 2016 Annual Information 4, Schedul-e 3: Hydro One's Report and 2015 Annua1 Form I. ST'MMARY OF THE PROPOSED TRA}ISACTION O. Please describe Hydro One's proposed acquisition of Avista. A. The boards of directors for Hydro One and Avista unanimously approved an all-cash transactj-on pursuant to which Avista shareholders wil-l- receive $53 per common share, representing a 242 premJ-um to Avista'sI25 235 t 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 B 9 closing share price of $42.14 on July 18, 2071. Avista shareholders will receive cash consideration totaling approximately $3. 4 bil-l-ion. Lopez, Di 3a Hydro One Limited 10 I 11 72 13 74 15 t6 71 1B 19 20 2L )) 23 24I25 236 t 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 q 9 Upon completlon of the transaction, based on pro forma financial information at March 31, 201,7, following the merger, Hydro One's total- assets will increase from approximately C$25.4 billion to approximately C$34.9 bil-l-i-on. Together, Hydro One and Avj-sta will serve more than two mil-1ion end*use customersl and will- operate across multiple North Amerj-can jurisdictions, including Ontario, Washington, Idaho, Oregon, Montana and Alaska. Once acquired by Hydro One, Avista wil-l be operated much as it is today, with the same management team, and it wil-1 continue to be headquartered in Spokane, Washington. The terms of the transaction are set forth in the Agreement and Plan of Merger (the "Merger Agreement") dated as of July 79, 2077 among Hydro One Limited, Olympus Holding Corp., Olympus Corp. and Avista which has been provided as Exhibit No. 3, Schedu1e 3 to Avista Thies' testimony and i-n Appendix 2 to the Joint Application. Under the terms of the Merger Agreement, Hydro One would acquire Avista through the merger of Olympus Corp. with and i-nto Avista, with Avista as the surviving corporation and a wholIy-owned, indirect subsidiary of Hydro One. No material changes are expected to 10 11 72t13 74 15 16 l1 18 79 20 27 22 .A I Lopez, Di 4 Hydro One Limited 25 231 t 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 B 9 1 Including 1.3 million Hydro One electric customers, 378,000 Avista electric customers, and 342,000 Avista natural gas customers. Lopez, Di 4a Hydro One Limited 10 a 11 t2 13 74 15 t6 t1 1B 79 20 2t 22 ZJ .\Az- .+t ZA 238 t o o the operations, management, or corporate structure of Avista and its subsi-diaries - II. POST-TRJA}ISACTION CORPORATE STRUCTTJRE O. Please explain Hydro One's post-transaction corporate structure. A. Upon completion of the transaction, Avista will be an indirect, wholly-owned subsidiary of Hydro One as il-lustrated in the following organizational chart, which is included in Appendix 1 to the Joint Application and is Exhibit No. 4, Schedule 2 to my testimony: I].]-ustration No. 1: i I Lopez, Di 5 Hydro One Limited 239 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I 9 10 11 t2 13 74 15 76 71 1B 19 20 2! 22 23 24 25 I! I I 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 o 9 10 I 11 72 13 l4 15 76 t1 1B 79 20 27 22 23 Zq o Lopez, Di 6 Hydro One Limited O. Why is Hydro One employing this type of structure ? A. The structure has been set up to provide segregation between the rate-regulated business in the United States and the Ontario rate-regul-ated business, which is hel-d by Hydro One Inc. Subsequent to the transaction, Avista will be a who11y-owned subsidiary of Olympus Equity LLC, which 1s a bankruptcy-remote entity with no debt. Together with the ring-fenclng provisJ-ons described later in my testimony, this structure insul-ates Avista and its customers from any potential- financla1 weakness at Olympus Equity LLC or other entities up the chain from Olympus Equity LLC. O. Why is Hydro One creating three intermediate subsidiaries between Avista / Olympus Equity LLC and the Canadian Sub? A. The entities are created for Canadian tax planning purposes and to manage intercorporate funds f l-ows. O. Will this corporate structure result in any additional- costs that will be recovered through Avista ratepayers? A. No.This corporate structure wiII not resul-t in any additional costs to be recovered from Avista ratepayers.25 240 o 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 R 9 0. Have Hydro One and Avista offered commitments to ensure that Avista ratepayers protected ring-fenclng w1l-] be Lopez, Di 6a Hydro One Limited 10 I 11 72 13 74 15 76 71 18 19 20 2I 22 23 24 o 25 247 1 2 3 4 5 A 1 U Y o 10 11 12 13 74 15 76 71 .l_ o 79 20 2t 22 Z3 24 I o from any transactj-ons that wil-f occur in relation to these subsi-diaries ? A. Yes. These ring-fencing commitments will be explained in more detail l-ater in my testimony. Olympus 2 LLC will not operate or own any business and will- limit its activities to investing in and attending to its sharehol-dings in Olympus Equity LLC, which, in turn, wi-1I not operate or own any busi-ness and wil-l- limit its activities to investing in and attending to its sharehol-dings i-n Avista. Furthermore, there will be no cross-subsidization of unregulated activities by Avista customers, and Avista will provide access to books and records required to verify or examine transactions with Avista or that resul-t in costs that may be allocable to Avista. III.HYDRO O}IE ' S CT'RRENT CAPITA], STRUCTT'RE A}iID FINA}ICIAI, STRENGTH 0. Does Hydro One have financial statements that a 10K or 10Q in the United States?are similar to A. Yes. Exhibit No. 4, Schedule contains Hydro One's 2016 AnnuaI Report 3 to my testi-mony and 2016 Annual Information Form filed with regulators. These are al-so the Joint Application. Canadian Securities contained in Appendix 6 to Lopez, Di 7 Hydro One Limited 25 242 t 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 8 9 10 e 11 12 13 1-4 15 l6 l1 18 t9 20 2L aaZL ZJ 24 t Lopez, Di B Hydro One Limited a. PIease descrj-be Hydro One's current capital structure. A. Table 1 bel-ow shows that, on a consolidated basis, Hydro One's balance sheet as at December 31, 2016, reflects a capital structure that is approximately 538 debt and 47? equity. r*lc1 Ar at DEEElntE[:il,llE5: Long-tcrmdefrt payattle wiiltit orc ye* Shrt-tErm mtespqPtle {.orE-t€rmd€tt raar- (Esh andcdr eeriva{ents Totd Oebt characterize the its bal-ance sheet, how would financial strength of Hydro f cao x of rdc cqird 602 4E lop7E you One? {so} 1.1,OSg Tgtal shsEholders' Eqdty 10,O17 Tota! capitat 21,1L6 a. To what extent has Hydro One employed long-term debt in its capital structure? A. As at December 31, 2016, of the 538 debt in Hydro One's capital- structure, approximately 51% is long-term debt., which is defined as debt instruments with maturj-ty of 12 0. Given months or greater. 53fr 47t A. As in my Exhibit shown in the financiaf statements contained No. 4, Schedu1e 3 , Hydro One maj-ntains a it with access to capital.strong bal-ance sheet providing This is25 243 o 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 B 9 10 t 11 t2 13 74 15 76 l1 1B 19 20 2I 22 23 Z4t Lopez, Di 9 Hydro One Limited recognized by strong ratings O. What the rating agencies, dS reflected in the of Hydro One. are the credlt ratings that are currently One by the major credit rating did the ratings agencj-es respond to assigned to Hydro agenc j-es, and how announcement of the transaction? A. On July 19, 2011, following the announcement of the transaction, Standard and Poors ("S&P") affirmed an 'A' long-term corporate credit rating for Hydro One and revised the outlook to Negative from Stable. It mentioned the negative outl-ook on Hydro One refl-ects its view that the Avista acquisition signals a shift in Hydro One's business strategy, whi-ch will align the company with its global peers. On July 79, 2071, fol-lowing the announcement of the transaction, Moody's affirmed the ratings of Hydro One fnc.'s: (i) senior unsecured regular bonds (A3); (ii) senior unsecured medium-note program ( (P)A3) ; and (ij-i) senior unsecured commercial paper (P-2). At the same time, Moody's changed the outlook on Hydro One Inc. to Negative from Stable. It mentioned that the negative outlook on Hydro One Inc. reflects 1ts view that the probability of extraordi-nary support from the Provi-nce of Ontario ("Province") will be reduced fol-lowing the transaction.25 244 o 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 B 9 10 I 11 l2 13 L4 15 76 71 1B 19 20 27 22 23 ZLlt Lopez, Di 10 Hydro One Limited The rating agency DBRS (originally known as Dominion Bond Rating) rates Hydro One Inc. 's long-term debt at A (High) and its short-term debt at R1 (Iow). It expressed its view that, should the merger be financed as contemplated on Hydro One in the announcement, it will- have no impact Inc. ts credit profile. equity does the Province own in HydroO. How much One? A. As of June 30, 2011, the approximately 49.92 of Hydro One's Province owns common shares. o. of equity Please explain the laws that govern the level that the Province must maintain in Hydro One. A. The Province has a preemptive right to subscribe to up to 45% of any new equity. If the Province's ownership in Hydro One drops below 402, then the Provi-nce has an obligation to increase ownership to meet or exceed 402. No other shareholder may own more than 10% of Hydro One, so Hydro One is essentially take-over proof. 0. How do the provincial- laws requiring the Government of Ontario to maintain a 402 equity interest in Hydro One impact Hydro One's abll-ity to issue addi-tional equlty? Under theA of the issuance of Electricity Act, additionaf voting 1998 , if as a resul-t securitj-es by Hydro25 245 o 1 2 3 4 B 6 1 9 One Limited, the Province of Ontario owns less than 40e" of the outstanding number of voting securitj-es of Hydro One Limited, Lopez, Di 10a Hydro One Limited 10 I 11 72 13 l4 15 16 71 1B 19 20 2L )) 23 24t25 246 o 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 B 9 10 t 11 t2 13 74 15 76 71 1B 19 20 2L 22 23 24I Lopez, Dl 11 Hydro One Limited the Province is required to take steps to increase its ownership to not l-ess than 409. of the outstanding voting securi-ties. In order to assist the Province in meeting its ownership obligations under the Electricity Act, 1998, under the governance agreement with the Province, Hydro One has granted the Province a preemptive right to subscribe for and purchase up to 452 of any proposed issuance by Hydro One Limited of voting securities or securities that are convertible or exchangeable into voting securities (other than certain specified excl-uded issuances). Any offered securities not subscribed for and purchased by the Province pursuant to its preemptive right may be issued to any other person pursuant to the proposed offering. Hydro One is permitted to issue voting securities or securities that are convertible into or exchangeable for voting securities at any time, provided that it must first give the Provj-nce the opportunity to subscribe for the number of securities to which it is entitled to pursuant to its preemptive right before offering them to others. O. Does the fact that Hydro One is only traded on access to capital? on the Toronto the Toronto Stock Exchange impact its A. Hydro Stock Exchange One Limlted's Iisting (TSX) requires it to comply with25 241 I 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 U 9 applicable TSX rul-es regarding additional- listlngs in the event that the company Lopez, Di 11a Hydro One Limited 10 11 72 a 13 L4 15 76 71 1B l9 20 2t 22 23 24I25 248 I 1 2 3 4 trJ 6 1 B 9 10 o 11 72 13 74 15 76 71 1B t9 20 2t )) 23 24 Lopez, Di 12 Hydro One Limited proposes to j-ssue additional- common shares in the future. Any such listing will require prior approval of the TSX and, depending on the size of the issuance or other factors, the TSX could require shareholder approval of the issuance as a condition of j-ts approval. However, TSX in and of itsel-f does not limit thelisting on the company's access to equity. Hydro One Limited may in the future determine that listing its increase its access to equity. Under agreement required with the Province, Hydro One to maintaj-n a listing of its the Toronto Stock Exchange, but it is on any other stock exchange in common shares on a second it maintai-ns its exchange would the governance Limited is common shares on not prevented from the future (solisting long as o. approve A approve o regulate fs the Ontario TSX listing as weII). Electric Board ( "OEB" )requlred equity?to approve Hydro A. No, the approve issuance O. Does One's proposals to issue more OEB has no jurisdlction to of new equity by Hydro One. review and Hydro No, Hydro What Hydro the OEB have jurisdiction to review and One's acqulsition of Avista? the OEB has no jurisdiction to revj-ew and One's acquisition of Avista. styJ-e of rate regulation does OEB use to One?t 25 249 t 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 B 9 10 a 11 t2 13 l4 15 t6 l1 IU 19 20 )1 22 )? 24t Lopez, Di 13 Hydro One Limited A. The OEB's scheme for regulating Hydro One Networks Inc. is a hybrid of cost-based rates with an allowed equity return and performance-based regulation. O. Please describe the steps that wil-l- be taken to effectuate the transaction. A. Olympus Holding Corp., a Delaware CorporatJ-on, and an indirect who1ly-owned subsidiary of Hydro One, proposes to acquire al-l of the shares of Avista through a merger of a who1Iy-owned indirect subsldiary, Olympus Corp., and Avista. After the merger, Avista will be the surviving corporation and Olympus Corp. wil-l cease to exist. O. Please describe how the acquisitj-on of Avista by Hydro One wj-Il be financed. A. Hydro One is committed to maintaining an investment-grade balance sheet through and after completion of the acquisition. Hydro One plans to flnance this aIl--cash transaction using a mix of long-, medium- and short-term debt together with a convertible debenture instal-lment receipts offering. Hydro One is plannlng to issue the debt financing in U.S. dol-l-ars totaling US$2.6 billion (and issued convertibl-e debenture installment receipts in Canada of C$1.54 billion or approxlmately US$1.2 billion). We expect25 250 IV. PROPOSED TR;A}ISACTION FINA}ICING I 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 a 9 10 a 11 72 13 74 15 76 77 1B 79 20 27 22 23 24I Lopez, Di 74 Hydro One Limited the convertibl-e debenture to be fully converted to of the transaction. equity Thearound the time of the closing planned US$ debt financing contemplates a combination of and 30-year US$ denominated notes.5-year,10-year o. will Avista pJ-edge any assets or guarantee any purpose of the acquisitionof these transactions for the of Avista by Hydro One? A. No. Avista has not and will not pledge any assets or guarantee any of the transactions necessary for this acquisition. O. What is Hydro One's current estimate of the excess of the purchase price over the vafue of Avlsta as of the expected closing date? A. The boards of directors for Hydro One and Avista approved an al-l-cash transaction through which Avista shareholders will receive $53 per common share, representing a 242 premium to the market val-ue of Avista's shares of $42.14 on July 18, 2011. The estimated excess of the purchase price over the book val-ue of Avista's net assets is approximately $1.1 biflion as of June 30, 2071. O. In and of itself r ds a resul-t of the closing of this transaction, will Avista's financial statements change? A. No. Avista's U.S. financial statements,25 257 t 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 9 prepared using generall-y accepted accounting principles ("GAAP" ) , wil-l- Lopez, Di L4a Hydro One Limited 10 I 11 72 13 74 15 76 l1 1B 19 20 2I 22 23 24I25 252 1 2 3 4 q 6 1 B 9 O 10 11 72 13 14 15 I6 l1 1B t9 20 27 22 23 24 t not be impacted by the closing of this transaction. Avista will maintain its own accounting system, separate from Hydro One's accounting system. The acquisition will be accounted for in accordance with GAAP. The premium paid by accounts utility As below, Hydro One the acquisition rates. on the wi]-1 continue indicated by Holding Corp. access to all Hydro One for Avista will- be recorded in the of the acqui-sition company and not in the accounts of Avista. indicated in the merger and Avista wi-l-l- commitments described not O A premium in Avista's Will the proposed transaction have any impact availability of Avista's books and records? No. Al-1 Avista financial- books and records propose to recover regulated retail and Avj-sta wi-ll provide below, Olympus the Commi-ssi-on records of of accountr ds wel-l- as all documents, their affiliated interests, which the acquisition by Hydro One affect capital ? to be avail-abl-e to the Commission. As the commitments described books data, and pertain to interests. transacti-ons between Avista and its affil-iated V. AVISTA'S POST-CLOSING ACCESS TO CAPITAL O. How wil-l- Avista's access to Lopez, Di 15 Hydro One Limited o ,tr a-^aLJJ o 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 8 9 A. We bel-ieve Avista's access to capital will be enhanced in l1ght of Hydro One's strong bal-ance sheet. On July Lopez, Di 15a Hydro One Limited 10 t 11 72 13 74 15 76 71 1B 19 ZU 27 22 23 24 o 25 254 o 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 I 9 10 11 t2 I 13 L4 15 76 t1 1B t9 20 2L 22 /< '>/ o Lopez, Di 16 Hydro One Limited t9, 20L1, S&P affirmed its BBB' issuer rating on Avista and revised the outl-ook to positi-ve from stable. S&P noted that the positive outl-ook refl-ects the potential- for higher ratings on Avista if the acquisition is completed as proposed. Higher ratings would provide Avista with enhanced access to debt capital. O. Wilt Avista maintai-n its own capital structure and, if so, how w1l-l- that affect its cost of capital for ratemaking? A. Yes, Avista will maintain its own balance sheet. We have committed that Avistars cost of capital for ratemaking purposes wil-1 be no greater than it would have been absent this transaction. O. Will Avista maintain separate credit ratings? A. Yes, Hydro One rating for Avj-sta from at statistical- rating agency O. Please describe and Avi-sta wil-l- seek a separate recognizedleast one nationally ( "Rating Agency" ) . opportunities for Hydro One and Avista to share certain costs. A. Initlally, Hydro One and Avista do not expect there to be signiflcant opportunities for cost sharing. Over time, however, Hydro One and Avista will l-ook for opportunities to share certain costs such as IT investments. Further, Hydro One and Avista wilI benefit from increased purchasing power.25 255 1 2 3 A.t 5 6 1 B 9 t 10 11 L2 13 74 15 t6 1aLI 1B 19 20 2L )) 23 24 I O. Does Hydro One make any commitment with respect to how corporate costs will be allocated? A. Yes. Commitment 23 provides that Avista will file cost al-l-ocation methodologles used to allocate to Avista any cost related to Olympus Holding Corp. or its other subsidiaries and that Avista will bear the burden of proof in any general rate case that any corporate and affiliate cost all-ocation methodology it proposes is reasonabfe for ratemaking purposes. Also, Avi-sta witness Ehrbar sponsors as Exhiblt No. '7 , Schedul-e 3, the "Protocol for Direct Assj-gnment of Costs Between Avista and Hydro One". Avista will notify the Commission of structure that affects Avista's any change in corporate andcorporate affiliate revisions cost allocation methodologies and will propose to such cost allocation methodologies to accommodate such changes. O. Do the Joint Applicants make any coflrmitment with respect to Commission auditing of such allocations? A. Yes, Olympus Holding Corp. and Avista commit to provide audit rights with respect to the documents supporting any costs that may be allocabl-e to Avista. Pl-ease refer to "Access to and Maintenance of Books and Records" (Commitment No. 22) in Appendix B (Master List of Commitments) to the Joint Application. Lopez, Di 71 Hydro One Limited I 25 256 o 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 9 .LU t 11 L2 13 L4 15 76 71 1B 19 20 2L )) 23 .Az- .+ Ring-Fencing Merger Commitments a. Please describe the "ring-fencing" protections the Jolnt Applicants wifl employ to isolate Avista from Hydro One and Hydro One's other subsidiaries. A. Hydro One commi-ts to the following ring-fencing protections to isolate Avista from Hydro One and Hydro One's other subsidiaries. The following descriptions are merely summaries of these commitments. The complete text of these ring-fencing commitments is set forth in Appendix B to the Joint Application and in Exhibit No. 3, Schedule 4 sponsored by Avista wj-tness Thies. ' Olynpus qg)4y Ll9: Commitnent 42 provides that Hydro One will include an entity, designated as "Olympus Equity LLC, " between Avista and Olympus 2 LLC. Fol-l-owing closing of the Proposed Transacti-on, all of the common stock of Avista will- be owned by Olympus Equity LLC, which is a Delaware 1imited liability company. Olympus Equity LLC is a whoIIy-owned subsidiary of Olympus 2 LLC. Olympus Equity LLC is a bankruptcy-remote special purpose entity, and will not have debt. Independent Directors and Managers: Commitment 40 provides that at l-east one of the nine members of the board of directors of Avista Lopez, Di 18 Hydro One Limited o 25 251 a 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 a 9 will- be an Independent Director who j-s not a member, stockholder, director Lopez, Di 1Ba Hydro One Limited 10 11 72 I 13 74 15 16 l1 1B t9 20 2t 22 z3 24 o 25 258 1 2 3 q 5 6 1 o 9 t 10 11 t2 13 1,4 15 76 t1 18 19 20 2t 22 23 Zq I I (except as an independent director of Avista or Olympus Equity LLC), officer, oL employee of Hydro One or its affiliates. At least one of the members of the board of directors of Olympus Equity LLC wil_l_ be an independent director who is not a member, stockholder, director (except as an independent director of Olympus Equi-ty LLC or Avista), officer, or employee of Hydro One or its affiliates. The same individual may serve as an independent director of both Avista and Olympus Equity LLC. Bankruptcy Protections: Commitnent 40 provides that the organizational documents for Avista will- not permit Avista, without the consent of a two-thirds majority of all its directors, including the affirmative vote of the independent director (or if at that time Avista has more than one independent director, the affirmative vote of at least one of Avista's independent directors), to consent to the institution of bankruptcy proceedings or the inclusion of Avista in bankruptcy proceedings. Non-Con so l- idat ion Op inion :Connitllent 41 provides that wlthin ninety (90) days of the Proposed Transaction closing, Avista and Olympus Holding Corp. will file a non-consolidation opinion wlth the Commission which concludes, subject to customary assumptions and Lopez, Di 19 Hydro One Limited 25 259 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 B 9 I 10 7L 72 13 74 15 t6 L1 1B 19 20 2L ZZ 23 24 t I exceptions, that the ring-fencing provisions are sufficient that a bankruptcy court would not order the substantlve consoli-dation of the assets and liabilities of Avista with those of Olympus Holding subsldiaries (other thanCorp. Avista and its subsidlaries) . Separate Books and Records:Commitmeat. 2L provides that Avista wil-l- maintain separate books and records. Restriction on Pfe of UtiLity Assets: Commitrnent 43 provides that Avista wilI agree to prohibitions against loans or pledges of utility assets to Hydro One, Olympus Holding Corp., or any of their subsidiaries or affiliates, without Commi-ssion approval. Hol-d Harmf ess; Notice to Lenders; Restr-z ction on Acquisitions and Dispositions: Commitment 44 includes a number of provisions designed to ensure Avista's customers are held harmless from certain events and that such events are subject to regulatory supervision : ' Avlsta customers must be held harmless from any buslness and flnanciaf risk or its afflllates or exposures associated with Olympus Corp., Hydro One, and Hydro One's Holding other Lopez, Di 20 Hydro One Limited 25 260 I 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 B 9 af f il-iates. Prospective lenders must receive a notice explaining the ring-fencing provisions. Lopez, Di 20a Hydro One Limited 10 a 11 t2 13 t4 15 76 l1 1U 79 20 2t 22 ZJ .A2.1I25 261 I 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 I 9 10 O 11 t2 13 74 15 L6 L1 1B 19 ZU 2t 22 I 23 24 Lopez, Di 2L Hydro One Limlted Avista commits that Avj-sta's regulated utility customers will- be held harml-ess from the liabilities of any unregulated activity of Avista or Hydro One and its affil-iates. In any proceeding before the Commission involving rates of Avista, the fair rate of return for Avista will be determined without regard to any adverse are demonstrated to bethatconsequences attributable to unregulated activities. Measures provlding for separate financial and accounting treatment will be establ-ished for each unregulated activity. Olympus Holding Corp. and Avista wil-l- notify the Commission subsequent to Olympus Holding Corp.'s board approval and as soon as practicabl-e foll-owing any public announcement of: (1) any acquisition by Olympus Holding Corp. of a regulated or unregulated business that is equivalent to five (5) percent or more of the capitalization of Avista; or (2) the change in effective contro1 or acquisition of any material part of Avista by any other firm, whether by merger, combination, transfer of stock or assets.25 262 I 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 R 9 Neither Avista nor Olympus Holding Corp. wil-1 assert in any future proceedings that, by virtue of the Proposed Transaction and the resulting corporate structure, the Commission is without jurisdiction over any transaction that resul-ts in a change of contro1 of Avista. Within sixty (60) days fol-l-owing the notj-ce required by this subsectj-on (c) (ii) (2), Avista and Olympus Holding Corp. or its subsidiariesr ds appropriate, will- seek Commission approval of any sale or transfer of any material part of Avista. The term "materlal part of Avista" means any sale or transfer of stock representing ten percent (10%) or more of the equity ownership of Avista. If and when any subsidiary of Avista becomes a subsidiary of Hydro One or one of its subsidiaries other than Avj-sta, Avista will so advise the Commission within thirty (30) days and wil-l- submit to the Commission a written document setting forth Avista I s proposed corporate and affiliate cost al1ocation methodologies. Lopez, Di 22 Hydro One Limited 10 o 11 t2 13 t4 15 76 1aLI 1B 19 20 2T )) 23 24t25 263 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 o 9 o 10 11 t2 13 74 15 16 l1 1B 19 20 27 22 z3 24 I I Corporate Structu Cost Al-l-ocation: Conmitnent 23 establishes that Avista wil-l- provide cost allocation methodologies used to allocate to Avista any costs related to Olympus Holding Corp. or its other subsidiaries, and commits that there will- be no cross-subsidization by Avista customers of unregulated activities. Avista wil-l- notify in corporate structure corporate and affiliate the Commission of any change that affects Avista's cost allocation methodologies. Avista will propose revisions to such cost allocation methodologies to accommodate such changes. o1 : Commitnent 45 provides that Olympus 2 LLC will- not operate or own any business and will- l-imit its activities to investing in and attending to its shareholdings in Olympus Equity LLC, which, in turn, wil-I not operate or own any business and w1l-l limit its activj-ties to investing in and attending to its shareholdings in Avista. Access to and Maintenance of Books and Recordsz CommitmenL 22 provides that Olympus Holding Corp. and its subsidiaries, including Avista, wil-l provide reasonable access to Avista's books and records; ACCCS S Lopez, Di 23 Hydro One Limlted 25 264 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 8 9 o 10 11 72 13 74 15 76 t1 18 19 20 27 22 23 24 t o to financial information and filings; audit rights with respect to the documents supporting any costs that may be all-ocable to Avista; and access Avista's board minutes, audit reports, and information provided to credit rating agencies pertaining to Avista. Utility-Level Debt, Preferred Stock and Ratingsz Commitment 34 provides that Avista will maintain separate debt and preferred stock, if dny, to support its utility operations. Ratemaking Cost of Delt and Equity: Commitment- 24 +^ provides that cost of debt Avista's cost been absent ratemaking debt costs purposes: wifl be no Avista will not advocate for a higher what (a ) Determinat j-on of Avista ' s higher than such costs would or equity of debt capital as compared to or equity capital- would have Hydro One's ownership. For future have been assuming Avista's credit ratings by at least one lndustry recognized rating agency, including, but not limited to, S&P, Moodyrs, Fitch or Morningstar, in effect on the day before the Proposed Transaction closes and applying those credit ratlngs to then-current debt, unless Avista proves that a l-ower credit rating is caused by circumstances or devel-opments not the resul-t of Lopez, Di 24 Hydro One Limited 25 265 o 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 B 9 financial risks or other characteristics of the Proposed Transaction; (b) Avista Lopez, Di 24a Hydro One Limited 10 I 11 72 13 t4 15 L6 L1 1B 79 20 27 )) Z3 24 o 25 266 o 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 B 9 10 11 L2 I 13 74 15 76 t1 1B 79 20 27 22 23 24 o Lopez, Di 25 Hydro One Limited bears the burden to prove prudent in a future general rate case any pre-payment premium or increased cost of debt associated with existing Avista debt retired, repaid, or replaced as a part (c) Determination rate cases wiIl incl-ude equity in future sel-ecti-on and use of the Proposed of the allowed Transaction; and return on general of one or common more proxy group(s) of companies engaged in buslnesses substantially si-milar to Avista, without any limitation related to Avista's ownership structure. Avista CapitaT Structurez Commitnent 25 provides of thethat at al-l- times following Proposed Transaction, Avista the closing wil-l- have a equity ratio of not less than 44 percent (as calculated for ratemaking purposes) except to the extent the Commission establ-ishes a lower equity ratio for Avista for ratemaking purposes. Restrictions on Upward Dividends and Distributions: Cornnitment 36 imposes the following restrictj-ons on and distributions:Avista's upward dividends If either (i) Avj-sta's corporate credit/issuer rating as determined by at least one industry recognized rating agency, including, but not limited to, S&P, Moody's, Fltch, or o 25 261 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 o 9 t 10 11 t2 13 L4 15 76 71 1B 79 20 2t 22 23 24 I I o Continued Morningstar is investment grade or (il) the ratio of Avistars EBITDA to Avista's interest expense is greater than or equal to 3.0, then distributions from Avista to Olympus Equity LLC shal-I not be limited so long as Avista's equlty ratio is equal to or greater than 44 percent on the date of such Avista distribution after giving effect to such Avista distribution, except to the extent the Commission establ-ishes a lower equity ratio for ratemaking purposes. Both the EBITDA and equity ratio shal-l be cal-cul-ated on the same basis that such calcul-ations would be made for ratemaking purposes for regulated utility operations. Under any other circumstances, distributions from Avista to Olympus Equity LLC are allowed only with prior Commission approval. Credit Ratinqs: Commitnent 35 provides that each of Hydro One and Avista wil-I continue to be rated by at least one nationally recognized statistical "Rating Agency. " Hydro One and Avista will use reasonable best efforts to obtain and Lopez, Di 26 Hydro One Limited 25 268 I 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 I 9 maintain a separate credit rating for Avista from at l-east one Rating Agency Lopez, Dj- 26a Hydro One Limited 10 t 11 t2 13 74 15 76 71 1B 19 20 27 22 23 24I25 269 o 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 8 9 10 11 t2I13 t4 15 t6 l1 1B 79 20 27 22 23 24 o Lopez, Di 2"1 Hydro One Limited within the ninety (90) days following the closing of the Proposed Transaction. If Hydro One and Avista are unable to obtai-n or maj-ntain the separate rating for Avista, they will- make a filj-ng wj-th the Commission explaining the basis for their failure to obtain or maintain such separate credit this proceeding rating for Avista, and parties to opportunity to commitments. No Amendment of partj-cipate and propose additional- Ring Fenclng Provis j-ons: Comitment 46 provides that Olympus Holding Corp. and Avista commit that no material amendments, revisions or modifications will be made to the ring-fencing provisions as specified in these regulatory commitments without prior Commission approval- pursuant to a limited re-opener for the sole purpose of addressing the ring-fenci-ng provisions. VI. RATE CREDITS O. Will Avista wil-l- have an provide Rate Transaction? Credits to customers as part of the A. Yes. Proposed Customers will see immediate financial benefits in the form of proposed retaj-l- ("Rate Credj-ts") beginning at the cl-ose of Rate Credits the Proposed and Hydro OneTransaction. Through Cornmitment 18, Avista25 210 a I 2 3 4 5 6 1 B 9 are proposing to flow through to Avistars retail- customers in Idaho, Lopez, Di 21a Hydro One Limited 10 I 11 72 13 l4 15 L6 l1 1B 19 )n 27 22 23 24 o 25 21L I 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 I 9 10 I 11 t2 13 15 16 l1 1B L9 20 2t )) ZJ Z1 t4 t Lopez, Di 28 Hydro One Limited Washington, and Oregon a Rate Credit of $31.5 mill-ion over a 1O-year period, beginning at the time the merger closes. The Rate Credit consists of two components, and reflect.s an increased level of savings in years 6-10 as illustrated in the table be1ow. Two-Step Rate Crcdit Proposal Annual Crcdit Yean l-5 Annual Credit Yean 6-10 Total Credit Total Credit $2.65 Millbn $3.65 Million $31.50 Million Oftetable Credit $1.70 Millbn $2.70 Million $22.00 Million Comqitment 18 further provides that the Total Rate following and the Credit to customers for the first five years the closing would be credit woul-d increase $2.65 millJ-on per year, to $3.65 million per year for the last five years of the 1-0-year perlod. A portion of the annual total- Rate Credit would be offsetable, as indicated in the tabl-e above. During the 1O-year period the financial- benefits will be flowed through t.o customers either through the separate Rate Credit described above or through a reductlon to the underlying cost of service as these benefits are reflected in the test period numbers used for ratemaking. At the tj-me of25 212 t 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 B 9 the cl-ose, the $2.65 million benefit will customers through a separate Rate Credit, reduction in costs has be provided to as long as the Lopez, Di 2Ba Hydro One Limited 10 a 11 72 13 74 15 76 71 1B 19 20 27 aa 23 t 24 25 213 1 2 3 A 5 6 1 o 9 I 10 11 t2 13 74 15 16 t1 1B 19 20 2t 22 23 24 o I not already been refl-ected in base retail- rates for Avistars customers. Commitnent 18 also provides that to the extent Avista demonstrates in a future rate proceeding that cost savings, or benefits, dj-rectly related to the Proposed Transaction are already being flowed through to customers through base retail rates, the separate Rate Credit to customers would be reduced by an amount up to the offsetable Rate Credit amount. The portion of the total- effectively represents rate of return durlng not offsetabl-e finally provides that the $31.5 Rate Credit that is acceptance by Hydro the 1O-year period. Commitnent 18 One of a fower mill-ion represents flowed through to Avistars customers, elther through the Rate Credit or through benefits otherwise included in base retail rates. To the extent the identifiable benefits exceed the annual offsetable Rate Credit amounts, these additional benefits will- be ffowed through to customers 1n base retail rates in general rate cases in total Rate Credits foras they occur. The increase years 6-10 will provide time for Avlsta and Hydro One to fevel- ofidentify and capture over time benefits, directly related to that can be fl-owed through to the "floor" of beneflts that will be an increased the Proposed Transaction, customers. Avista and Lopez, Di 29 Hydro One Limited 25 214 I 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I 9 Hydro One believe additional efficiencies (beneflts) will- be real-ized Lopez, Di 29a Hydro One Limited 10 a 11 72 13 t4 15 76 71 1B 79 20 27 22 Z3 24t25 215 a 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 B 9 over time from the sharing of best practices, technology and innovation between the two companies. It wil-l- take time, however, to identify and capture these benefits. The l-evel of annual net cost savings (and/or net benefits) will be tracked and reported on an annual basis, and compared against the offsetabl-e l-evel of savings. Mr. Thies provides additional- detail-s rel-ated to the proposed Rate Credit. O. Does this conclude your direct testimony? A. Yes, it does.10 11 t2 I 13 14 15 76 71 1B 19 20 2\ 22 23 24 a Lopez, Di 30 Hydro One Limited 25 zl6 o 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 I 9 10 11 72 I 13 74 15 76 7'l 1B 79 20 2t 22 23 24 o Lopez, Supp 1 Hydro One Limi-ted I. INTRODUCTION O. P1ease state your name, busj-ness address and present position with Hydro One Limited. A. My name is Christopher F. Lopez, and my business address 1s 483 Bay Street, South Tower, 8th El-oor, Toronto, Ontario M5G 2P5. On September 6, 20LB I was appointed as Acting Chief Financial Officer ( "CFO" ) for Hydro One Limited ( "Hydro One" ) . Prior to September 6, 20LB I was Senior Vice President of Finance for Hydro One.1 O. Have you filed testimony in this proceeding? A. Yes. My prior testimony describes the proposed merger ("Proposed Transaction"), the corporate structure, financing arrangements, ring-fencing, access to capital, rate credits, cost all-ocatj-ons and related benefits to Avista's customers. 0. Are you sponsoring any exhibj-ts that accompany your testimony? A. No. A tabl-e of contents for my testimony is as fol-l-ows: I. ]NTRODUCT]ON.1 II. SUMMARY OE RECENT DEVELOPMENTS IN ONTARIO 3 II]. FINANCIAL STRENGTH OE HYDRO ONE....1 ]V. AVISTA'S ACCESS TO CAP]TAL 71 25 271 o 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 8 9 1 See AVU-E-17-09, AVU-G-17-05, Supplemental- Report on Hydro One Management Changes (Sep. 7, 2078\ . Lopez, Supp 1a Hydro One Limited 10 11 72 o 13 74 15 76 t1 1B L9 20 27 )) 23 24 o 25 218 o 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 x 9 10 I 11 t2 13 t4 15 76 L1 1B 79 20 27 )) 23 24 o Lopez, Supp 2 Hydro One Limited V. RING_FENCING COMMITMENTS. .79 V]. PROPOSED TRANSACTION EINANCING 25 V]I. AV]STA'S FUTURE FINANCIAL HEALTH 26 Sunmrary pf ferliniqrry 0. Pl-ease summarize your testimony. A. My supplemental testi-mony will describe recent events and demonstrate that the benefits of this transactj-on for Avista ratepayers remain unchanged since the parties' settlement documents were filedz and that recent political developments in Ontario create no risks for Avista or its customers. Specifically, I wilI: ' Summarize the recent developments in Ontario; ' Summar)-ze and reaffirm my previ-ous testimony explalning how Hydro One is financially healthy and Avista will benefit from having a parent with strong access to capital markets,' ' Review the merger commj-tments relating to Hydro One's financial support for Avista; Confirm that Hydro One stands by these commitments benefits associatedand conti-nues with having a and to provlde financially the healthy parent company; 25 279 o 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 B 9 2 evu-e-17-09, AVU-G-17-05, Stipulation and settlement (Apri1 13, 2018) (i-ncluding Appendix A, "Master List of Commitments in ldaho"); see afso, AVU-E-17-09, AVU-G-17-05, Avista and Hydro One Joint Comments in Support of Stipulation and Settlement (June 20. 2018). Lopez, Supp 2a Hydro One Limited 10 I 11 t2 13 74 15 76 l1 18 79 20 27 )) 23 24I25 280 o 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 B 9 10 I 11 l2 13 74 15 l6 t1 1B 19 20 2t 23 Z4 Lopez, Supp 3 Hydro One Limited Explain why the Ontario el-ection, the Letter Agreement between the Province July 11, 2018 of Ontari-o (the "Province") and Hydro One (the "July 2018 Letter Agreement") and subsequent events have effect on these commitments and benefits. no II. SI'MMARY OF RECENT DEVELOPMENTS IN ONTARIO O. Pl-ease summarj-ze recent developments relating to management of Hydro One. A. There are four developments that I wiff summarize: the June '7, 20tB election; the July 20J.8 Letter Agreement,' the Hydro One AccountabiLity Act, 2078; and the August 14, 20tg appointment of new board members. O. Please describe the June 7, 2018 electj-on as it rel-ates to Hydro One. A. On June '7, 20L8, voters in the Province elected a new majority government 1ed by Premier Doug Eord of the Progressive Conservative Party, which replaced the previous Liberal- government 1ed by former premier Kathl-een Wynne. The new government was sworn in on June 29, 2018. During the campaign, Mr. Ford stated that he wanted to remove Hydro One's chief executive officer ( "CEO" ) Mayo Schmidt and some or a1l of the members of Hydro One's Board of Directors ( "Board" ) .I 25 2Bt o 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 B 9 10 o 11 72 13 t4 15 76 L1 1B 79 )i 2t )) t 23 24 Lopez, Supp 4 Hydro One Limited During the campaign, members of a different political party, the New Democratic Party or "NDPs, " stated that they would try to "bring Hydro One back into public hands" by buying back some or al-l of Hydro One's shares held by entitles other than the Province. The NDPs did not win enough seats to form the provincial members of thegovernment. Mr. Ford and other Progressive Conservative Party (the "Conservatives"), by contrast, made no suggestion that they would support returning Hydro One to Crown Corporation status. Although the NDPs and the Conservatives were essentially tied in votlng po11s, the Conservatives won a majorlty of seats in the legislature. O. Please describe the July 2018 Letter Agreement. A. On July 71, 2078, the 1st Session of the 42nd Parl-iament of the Legislative Assembly of Ontario commenced. The same dry, Hydro One, on beha1f of itself and 1ts wholIy-owned subsidiary, Hydro One Inc. ("HOI"), announced that following an approach by Hydro One to the Province, they had entered into an agreement for the purpose of the orderly replacement of the Hydro One and HOI boards and the retirement of Mayo Schmidt as the CEO effective July 71, 2018. See prefiled Supplemental Testimony of James Scarlett ("Scarl-ett Testimony") and Exh. No. 10, Schedul-e 1 thereto (July 207825 282 t 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 U 9 Letter Agreement). The Scarl-ett Testimony describes the July 2078 Letter Agreement in detail-. 0. Please describe the Hydro One AccountabiTity Act, 2018. A. On July 16, 20!8, the new Provincj-al- government introduced Bill 2, the Urgent Prioritjes Act, 2078, which enacts or amends various statutes via Schedules to the Bil1. It received Royal Assent on July 25, 20L8, and is therefore i-n fu1l force and effect. The Schedules come into force as provided in each Schedule. Schedule 1 is a new Act entitled the Hydro One Accountabil-ity Act, 2078 (the "Act") and took effect on August 15, 2078. This Schedule deal-s with the compensati-on framework (and related discl-osure obligations) for the directors, CEO and executives of Hydro One and its subsidiaries (except subsidiari-es incorporated in jurisdictions outside Canada). The Scarlett Testimony describes the Act in detail. Exh. No. 10, Schedul-e 2 Lo the Scarlett Testimony contains a copy of the Act. This legislatj-on has no impact on (1) Hydro One's contractual commitment to proceed with its acqulsition of Avista, (2) the settlement stipulations Hydro One negotiated with parties in Idaho and other statesr or (3) the Commisslon's authority to continue to regulate Avista if the merger with Hydro One is consummated. Lopez, Supp 5 Hydro One Limited 10 I 11 t2 13 74 15 76 11 1B 19 20 27 22 23 24 o 25 283 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 I 10 11 72 13 74 15 l6 71 1B 19 20 2t 22 23 24 t t O. Please descri-be the new Hydro One Board. A. The new Hydro 74, 20L8. The members One Board was announced on August and the process for detail in the prefiled Chalr Thomas Woods of the Board their appointment are described in Supplemental- Testimony of Hydro One and the Scarl-ett Testimony. O. Do any of these developments affect Hydro One's proposed acquisition of Avista? A. No, they do not affect the Proposed Transaction, and Hydro One remains committed to the Proposed Transaction. The transaction was designed to stand the test of tj-me, through changes in personnel at any l-eve}. The Hydro One AccountabiLity Act has no appli-cation to Avista because it specifically refers to Hydro One and its subsidiaries (except subsidiaries incorporated in jurisdictions outside Canada). The appointment of the new Hydro One Board, consist.ent with the Governance Agreement,3 demonstrates that Hydro One is continuing to operate as it has in the past. Hydro One is stable and financially strong. Hydro One remains ful1y capable of performing all- of its obligati-ons under al-1 the merger commitments. 3 See Scarlett Testimony, Exh. No. 10, Schedule 3 Lopez, Supp 6 Hydro One Limited 25 284 I 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 B 9 10 o 11 L2 13 74 15 t6 t1 1B 79 20 2t 22 )? 24t Lopez, Supp 1 Hydro One Limited III. FINAI{CIAI STRENGTH OF HYDRO ONE O. You previously testified that Hydro One was financially strong and is viewed by credit rating agencies as a prudent, wel-l--managed company. Is that still the case? A. Yes, the credit rating agencies continue to view Hydro One as a prudent, wel1-managed company. This is demonstrated by strong investment grade credit ratings from Moody's Investors Service ("Moody's"), Standard & Poor's ("S&P"), and Dominion Bond Rating Service ("DBRS"): (i) HOI has an "A- (CreditWatch Negative)" Iong-term credit ratlng from S&P, a "Baa1 (Stable Outl-ook)" rating on senior unsecured debt from Moody's, and an "A (High) (Stable Outlook) " rating from DBRS; and (ii) Hydro One has an "A- (CreditWatch Negative)" j,ssuer credit rating from S&P. By comparison, Avista's credit ratlngs are "BBB (CreditWatch Positi-ve) " from S&P and "Baa1 (Negative Outl-ook) " f rom Moody' s. Hydro One' s investment grade credj-t ratings indicate that the company has access to capital on reasonabl-e terms and conditions. O. Have rating agencies commented on the recent developments that you describe? A. Yes, several have commented. For example, oo July L6, 201,8, Moodyrs published its "Credit Outl-ook" report. This is a bi-weekly report outlining Moody'satr 285 I 1 2 3 4 trJ 6 1 I 9 outlook JuJ-y 76, on credit implications of current events. The 20!B report 10 11 l2 o 13 74 15 76 71 1B 79 )i 2L 22 23 24 Lopez, Supp la Hydro One Limited t 25 286 I 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 8 9 10 a 11 l2 13 74 15 L6 71 1B 19 20 2l 22 23 24 Lopez, Supp B Hydro One Limlted includes a section on Hydro One entit1ed "Hydro One's Board and CEO Are Forced Out, a Credit Negative." The report concl-udes that "Ontario's willingness to force out the current board clearly demonstrates that the utility is not immune to direct political interference, a credit negative. " The report al-so concludes that if the Province foll-ows through on its promise to reduce some customer rates by L2Z, and that reduction reduces Hydro One's revenue and cash fIow, it woul-d be materially credit negative for Hydro One. Reiterating previous statements by Moody's,a the report states that Hydro One's completion of the acquisition of Avista is credit negative for both Hydro One and HOI. Fina11y, the report notes that Hydro One woufd be fol-Iowing an established process for establishment of a new board. On September 13, 2018, S&P issued a report titled "Hydro One Ltd. And Subsidiary Downgraded To 'A-' On Lower Governance Assessment; Ratlngs Remaj-n on Credit Watch."5 S&P lowered its issuer credit ratings on Hydro One and its subsidiary t 25 )41 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 8 9 a 10 11 L2 13 t4 15 16 t1 1B 79 20 27 22 23 24 t t 4 See Moody's Investor Service, Rating Acti-on: Moody's downgrades HoI to Baal from A3; ratj-ng outlook stable (June 20, 2018),https: / /www moodys. com/ research/Moodys-downgrades -Hydro-One-Inc-to-Baa1-f rom-A3-rating--PR 3B 552 3 ; see also, Moody's Investor Service, Rating Action: Moody's Affirms Hydro One's senior unsecured A3 ratings; outfook changed to negative (July 19, 2011), https : / /www.moodys . com/research/Mood s-Affirms-Hvdro-One s - seni o r- unsecured-A3-ratings-outf ook-changed--PR 37 0 02 1 . 5 A.rista filed a copy of thls report in this docket on September 11 , 2018. Lopez, Supp 8a Hydro One Limlted 25 28B t 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 8 9 t o Lopez, Supp 9 Hydro One Limited Hydro One Inc. to 'A-' from 'A'. Al-1 ratj-ngs remain on CreditWatch with negative implications. S&P explained the one-notch downgrade as follows: The Government of Ontario recently implemented Teqislation, requirinq Hydro One's board ofdirectors to estabfish a new executive compensation framework for the board, CEO, and other executiizes. The legisTation al-so amends the current Ontario Energy Board Act, requiring the Ontario Energy Boardto excl-ude any compensation paid to the CEO and other executives from consumer rates. We consider such action as a qovernance deficiency rel-ated to Hydro One's ownership structure and are lowerinq our management and governance (M&G) assessment on Hydro One Ltd. (HOL) and Hydro One Inc. (HOI) to fair from satisfactory. Hydro One's credlt rating remains investment grade. Further, the legislation clted by S&P as the reason for the downgrade, the Hydro One Accountability Act, 2078, applies only to Hydro One's subsidiaries in Canada, and therefore, would not appfy to Avista if the proposed merger is consummated. o. Did change Moody's A. No, O. Have the publication credit rating it did not. the recent of Moody's Credit Outlook of HOI or Hydro One? developments you described credit ratlngs of Hydro One byresulted in Moody' s or any changes to DBRS ? 289 10 11 t2 13 t4 15 L6 7't 18 79 20 2I 22 23 24 25 o 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 o 9 10 t 11 t2 13 14 15 t6 71 1B 79 20 27 22 23 24 o Lopez, Supp 10 Hydro One Limited A. No, they have not. Neither Moody's nor DBRS have ratings for Hydro One (that is, Hydro One Limited). HOI, the company that hol-ds our regulated utility in Ontario, has ratings from Moody's and from DBRS. Those ratings likewise have not changed as a resul-t of recent developments. O. Are these sorts of comments from rating agencies cause for concern about the flnancial health of Hydro One and its suitability as a parent company for Avista? A. No, they are not. O. Please explain. A. First, the ratings themselves demonstrate that the rating agencies believe Hydro One remains financially commented onsound. None of the issues that the agencies resulted in a change to the actual- ratings. Strong investment grade credit ratings indicate that the company has access to capital on reasonabl-e terms and conditions. Hydro One's second quart.er resul-ts, announced on August !4, 2018, underscore its financial stability. Hydro One reported earni-ngs per share (EPS) of Canadian $0.34 and adjusted EPS of Canadian $0.33, compared to Canadian $0.20 in the prior year, an increase of 102 and 652, respectively.6 Our "culture of conti-nuous improvement yielded high25 290 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 o 10 11 l2 13 L4 15 L6 t1 1B 19 20 2L ZZ 23 24 t 6 News Refease, Hydro One, Hydro One Reports Strong Second Quarter Results, (Aug. 14, 20lB),nttp://nva.oo"e.m .9onl2Q!B Qq LLEyq!9 4!e:B9p9I!!(Iast visited Aug. 74, 2078).Strong-Se rter-Resufts Lopez, Supp 10a Hydro One Limited a 25 297 t 1 2 3 4 q 6 7 d 9 10 I 11 l2 13 t4 15 76 t1 1B L9 20 2t 22 23 aAZqt Lopez, Supp 11 Hydro One Limited performance metrics at the contact centre, billing accuracy further in excess of regulatory requi-rements and a Canadian $6 mi111on decrease in overdue accounts receivable due to proactive support programs. "7 Paul- Dobson, our Actlng President and CEO, stated that, "'Hydro One's strong second quarter financiaf resul-ts coupled with continuously improving operational and customer service metrics hiqhlight the underlying strength of the business as well as the Company's positive momentum since the Initial- Publ-ic Offering in 2 015 . "'B In Q2, Hydro One obtained Canadian $4.4 biIlion in credit l-ines. HOI obtained Canadian $1.4 bil-l-ion i-n long-term debt. The long-term debt incl-uded a Canadlan $750 million 31-year tranche that was issued at a 3.632, the lowest interest rate in the history of the company. Second, Hydro One remains a very suitable parent company for Avista for al-l- the reasons discussed in prior testlmony. The companies are cultural-1y aligned. Hydro One's market capitalization 1s approximately three times the size of Avista and will provlde Avista with improved access to capital markets as described in Section IV below. Hydro One is a strategic lnvestor, rather than a financial investor, and its 25 292 I L 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 't rd. 8 rd. 10 I 11 72 13 74 15 t 76 71 1B 79 20 2L 22 23 24 Lopez, Supp 11a Hydro One Limited 25 293 o 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 B Y interests are aligned with Avista's for long-term success. Hydro One has made a number of commitments to preserve Avista's ability to run its own business on an ongoing basj-s, for the benefit of Avista's customers. Eina1Iy, Avista is wholly protected from any potential financial turbulence at Hydro One by the financial and ring-fencing commitments described in Section V below. O. Have the recent developments you described resulted in any changes to Hydro One's stock price? A. Hydro One's stock price has changed, although it is impossi-ble to know all the causes for the changes. Hydro One's stock price decreased Canadian $1.21 (or 6.0U) in the month ended July 31 to close at Canadian $19.0. This decline was greater than the average decl-ine of 3.9eo in the Utilities - Regulated sector for the same period.9 During the month of August, Hydro Oners stock price stabilized, and cl-osed at Canadian $19.28 on August 31. The stock price has continued to fj-rm, closing at $19.85 on September 18. O. Are changes in Hydro One's stock price cause for concern about Hydro One's abiJ-ity to finance the Proposed Transaction and to satisfy such merger commitments as providing equity on an as-needed basis and maintaining Lopez, Supp 12 Hydro One Limited 10 t 11 t2 13 t4 15 76 71 1B 19 )i 27 22 z3 24 o 25 294 I 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 6 9 9 News Bites Canadian Markets, Monthly: Hydro One foses CAD620 niLLion (US$474 niLfion) in I4Cap i-n Ju7y, biggest drop in UtiLities - Regulated sector (July 31, 2018), LexisNexis Newsdesk (subscription req'd). Lopez, Supp 72a Hydro One Limited 10 I 11 L2 13 74 15 76 77 1B 79 20 27 22 23 24t25 295 t 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 B 9 investment-grade ratings for Hydro One and Avista? A. No, the changes in Hydro One's stock price have no meaningful impact on the Proposed Transaction. O. Please explain. A. Since May 2018, Hydro One's access to capital and its ability to flnance Avista remains largely unchanged. The decline in Hydro One's stock price does not impact Hydro One's ability to finance the Proposed Transaction. We expect the convertible debentures to be fulIy converted to equity at the previously agreed equity price around the time of the closing of the Proposed Transaction. The equity from the convertible debentures, and the planned US$2.6 biltion debt financing, which is supported by the US$2.6 billion in bridge financing, is sufficient to fund the Lransaction. Within our current plans we have sufficient financing flexibil-ity to satisfy the merger commitments. Shoufd Hydro One need to access equity markets to meet the merger commitments, it would issue new equi-ty at the prevaillng price at that time. O. Is the !22 el-ectricity rate reduction proposed by the Provincial government cause for concern about Hydro One's ability to finance the Proposed Transaction and to satisfy its merger commitments? 10 11 72 I 13 74 15 L6 11 1B l9 20 2t ZZ 23 24I Lopez, Supp 13 Hydro One Limited 25 296 0 t 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 I 9 A. No, this proposal has no impact on the Proposed Transaction. 0. Please explain. A. First, it should be noted that Hydro One has not proposed any rate reductions. Moreover, Hydro One does not anticipate that any eJ-ectricity rate reductions proposed by the Province of Ontario wil-l have any impact on Hydro One's ability to either: a) operate and maintain Avista operations in Idaho, or b) fund the rate credlt and other commitments stipulated in the Idaho Stipulated Settlement. Hydro One does not intend its acquisition of Avista to supplement Hydro One's rate revenue in lts Ontario service terrltory. To the contrary, the acquisition of Avista is a strategic investment: (a) it expands Hydro One's reach into a new geographical market and into the gas distribution business, (b) it creates geographic diversification and (c) it increases scale. Like Avista, Hydro One earns a regulated rate of return and the regulatory constraints on rates are a universal fact of the utility business, not something specific to Hydro One. This deal is in no way intended to subsidize the rates of Hydro One customers, but rather, it is part of a strategy of diversification and growth with a partner that is a strong cultura1 match. Lopez, Supp 74 Hydro One Limited 10 O 11 72 13 14 15 16 71 1B 19 20 27 22 23 24I25 291 t 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 B 9 With respect to operations in Idaho, Hydro One remafns Lopez, Supp L4a Hydro One Limited 10 a 11 72 13 t4 15 76 71 -LO t9 20 27 .)a 23 24IZ3 298 I 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 B 9 an effective and competent parent company for Avista. The numerous ring-fencing commitments agreed to in Idaho were developed to ensure, among other things, that Avista wou1d not be subj ected to inf l-uence by the Province of Ontario. Indeed, Avista's ability to operate and maintain its business would not have been dlrectly affected by any of the recent actions by the Province of Ontario. O. Several- of the commj-tments (collectively, "stipulated Commitments" and individuallyr "Stipulated Commitment") in the Tdaho Stipulated Settlement require Avista's shareholder, Hydro One, and not Avista's ratepayers, to provide funding for certain programs (Stipul-ated Commitment Nos. 11 Community Contributions; 19 Rate Credits; 58 Funding for Energy Effi-ciency, Weatherization, Conservation, and Low-fncome Assistance Programs, 6l - Community Contributions; 10 - Montana Community Transition Fund). How can the Idaho Pubfic Utilities Commission (the "Commission") be certain that funding wil-l- be avall-able for these Stipulated Commitments in liqht of the developments described above? A. First, with respect to the $15.8 mil-l-ion rate credit provided in Stipulated Commitment No. 79, that credit wil-l- slmply flow through to Avista customers in the bills j-ssued by Avista without Hydro One having to take any action. Lopez, Supp 15 Hydro One Limj-ted 10 I 11 72 13 74 15 I 76 I1 1B 79 20 27 22 23 24 25 299 a 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 8 9 10 11 72t13 74 15 76 71 18 t9 20 2\ 22 23 24 o Lopez, Supp 16 Hydro One Limited Shortly after the merger, Avista will fil-e a tariff rider requesting approval, which wil-1 ensure Avista's Idaho customers begin receiving the benefit of the rate credi-t immediately. Although no funds will fl-ow from Hydro One to Avj-sta, Hydro One wil-I bear the burden of these rate credlts, ds they will reduce the earnings potentially availabl-e to Hydro One as dividends. The rate credit constitutes the bulk of Hydro One's funding commitments. Second, Stipulated Commitment No. 66 establishes that if Avista has retained earnings that would otherwise be available to Hydro One as dividends, those retained earnings can be used to fund Stipulated Commj-tment Nos. ll, 58, 6L, and 70: "To the extent Avista has retained earnings that are available for payment of dividends to Olympus Equi-ty LLC consistent with the ring fencing provisions of this list of merger commitments, such retained earnings may be used. Eunds avail-able from other Hydro One affiliates may be used without limitation. "10 In essence, funds otherwise avail-able for payment of dividends to Olympus Equity and on up the chain will- j-nstead be directed to funding these commitments:(i) $5,308,847 over 10 years weatherlzation, conservation, to fund energy and }ow-incomeefficiency, assistance 25 300 o 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 B 9 10 Avista's abitity to use retained earnings to meet these commitments also wilf be qoverned by Hydro One's commitments in Stipulated Commitment Nos. 26, 34, 36-37. Lopez, Hydro 10 t 13 11 72 74 15 76 L1 1B 79 20 27 23 o 24 Supp 16a One Limlted 25 301 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 B 9 o 10 11 t2 13 74 15 t6 71 1B 19 20 2l 22 z3 24 I o programs (Sti-pul-ated Commitment No.58); (ii) $4,500,000 fund (Stipulatedfor a Colstrip community transition Commitment No. 10); and (iii) the charitable contributions in Stipulated Commitment Nos. 11 and 67. With thi-s approach, there is no need for cash to flow from Hydro One Third, as above, Hydro One remains I have no reason to think thatfinancially wil,l change. Fourth, healthy and the Commission wifl- have full enforcement authority over the binding commj-tments incl-uded in the Stipulated Settlementr ds described in more detail j-n the Scarlett Testimony. to Avista. discussed Fina11y, to the extent that the Province will not provide the commitments, the Province will not holding company, Avista's access to Avista is a relatively small utillty there is concern that funding for be i-nvolved these in meeting of Hydrothese commitments the obligations are those One, not of its shareholders IV. AVISTA' S ACCESS TO CAPITAI O. How will having Hydro One as a parent affect Avista's access to capital? A. By being part of a larger,financially strong capital wil-1 improve. company as compared Lopez, Supp tl Hydro One Limited 25 302 a 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 B 9 with other utility companies in the U.S. As shown in Avista CEO Lopez, Supp 7la Hydro One Llmited 10 I 11 t2 13 l4 15 t6 71 IU t9 20 27 22 Z3 24t25 303 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 B 9 I 10 11 T2 13 74 15 76 71 1B t9 20 2L 22 23 24 I I Scott Morris's testimonyr ll Bank of America Merril-l Lynch determined that at the time the Hydro One acquisition was announced in July 2071, Avista's market capitalization of $2.7 billion was smaller than all but four publicly-traded U.S. el-ectric utilities covered by Value Line. Post-merger, the combined Hydro One/Avista company woul-d have a market capitallzation of approximately $13 bill-ion, placing the new combined company near the middle of U.S. electric util-ities by market capitalizatj-on. Being part of the larger Hydro One organization wil-I provide Avlsta with increased scale that may enhance its ability to compete for capital with larger utility holding companies in the U.S. Hydro One has deep and broad banking relationships. Banks aggressively pursue Hydro One's business. Once Avista is part of Hydro One, it too may real-ize the benefits of Hydro One's strong f inancial- rel-ationships. Many small- and medium size utility companies, such as Avista, are finding that mergers that allow them to increase their size and financial strength are important in order to a1low them continued access to capital- markets on reasonable terms to finance the ongoing capital needs associated with serving their customers. 11 Morris Exh. No. 1, Schedul-e 1 Lopez, Supp 18 Hydro One Limited 25 304 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 B 9 o 10 11 t2 13 74 15 L6 71 1B 19 20 2I 23 24 t t V. RING-FENCING COMMIT!{ENTS a. Please describe the merger commitments that "ring-fence" Avista's financj-a1 posltion and insulate Avista's customers from any adverse financial impacts associated with the Proposed Transaction. A. Hydro One, Avj-sta, and a1I parties (coll-ectively, the "Parties") f1led a Stipulated Settlement on April 73, 2078. The Parties negotiated numerous commitments designed to provide separate governance and financial ring-fencing between Avista and Hydro One. Certain of these merger commitments were developed to ensure that Avista cannot be subjected to political interference or influence by the Province. Key provj-sions include: Avista Board Conposition. Avista will have a nine-member board separate from Hydro One that wil-l- govern Avista's management and operations. Three of the five Avista directors sel-ected by Hydro One (not by the Province) must be independent under NYSE rul-es. Further, those three directors must be residents of the Pacific Northwest. See Stipul-ated Commitment No. 3. Ollmpus g . Olympus Equity LLC's three-member board must include one independent director. See Stipulated Commitment No. 43. Lopez, Supp 19 Hydro One Limited 25 30s 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 B 9 o 10 11 72 13 74 15 76 71 1B t9 20 2t 22 23 24 I t Avista Executive Management. Avista will seek to retain the executive management currentJ-y in p1ace, and replacements must be sel-ected by Avistars board -- not Hydro One. See Stipul-ated Commitment No. 2. EnpJ.oyee Retention. Avista' s employees will- be retained. See Stipulated Commitment Nos. 9, 10. Equity Support from Hydro One.Hydro One is required to provide Avista with enough equity so that Avista can access debt on reasonable terms. See Stlpulated Commitment No. 34. Therefore, neither Hydro One, nor the Province, can deprive Avista of its capital and assets. Separate Avista Credit Ratings. Avlsta wilI continue to have 1ts own credit ratings. Hydro One and Avista agree to notify the Commission within two business days of any downgrade of Avj-stafs credit rating to a non-investment grade status. See Stlpulated Commitment Nos. 36, 31. Therefore, again, neither Hydro One, nor the Province, can deprive Avista of its capital and assets. Restrictions on Dividends. Avista wil-l- be prohibited from issulng metrics reJ-ating to the debt coverage keep retained dividends if certain equity floor, credit are not met. BaslcalJ-y, this earnings at the Avista level financial ratings and operates to where they Lopez, Supp 20 Hydro One Limited 25 306 o 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 B 9 wil-I improve Avista's financial strength. See Stipul-ated Commltment No. 38. This too Lopez, Supp 20a Hydro One Limited 10 I 11 72 13 74 15 l6 71 1B 19 20 27 22 23 24I25 307 I 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 B 9 10 11 L2 a 13 t4 15 76 71 1B 79 20 21 22 z3 24t Lopez, Supp 2l Hydro One Limited Bankruptcy Proceedings. Several of the Stipulated Commitments protect Avista proceedings that from being are not in drawn into the best interestbankruptcy of Avista and its customers. Avista will i-ssue a s ingle Shareshare of preferred to an independent Schedule 1). The place Avista into Commitment No. 42. stock referred to as the Gol-den third party (see Thies Exh. vote of this share will be vol-untary bankruptcy. See Further, Avista's entry No. 72, required to Stipulated lnto vol-untary bankruptcy woul-d require the consent of a two-thirds majority of al-l- of its directors, including the affirmative vote of at least one of the Independent Directors at Avista. See Stipulated Commitment No. 43. Hydro One and Avista must also provide a non-consolidation opinion to confirm the effectiveness of the rJ-ng-fencing measures to prevent the substantive consol-idation of the assets and Ilabilities of Avista with t.hose of the entities above it in the corporate chain of ownership. See Stipulated Commitment No. 44. The corporate structure al-so incl-udes Olympus Equity LLC, a bankruptcy-remote special purpose entity that will have no debt. See Stipulated Commitment No. 45. Therefore,neither Hydro One, nor the Province, can obtain Avistars25 308 prevents Hydro One from depriving Avista of its capital and assets. Golden Share and Other Protections agrainst I 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 B 9 10 11 72t13 L4 15 76 71 18 19 20 27 22 23 24t Lopez, Supp 22 Hydro One Limited capital and assets through that would be in the best a bankruptcy proceeding unless interests of Avista's customers. Restriction on Pledge of Assets Avista's utility assets can be pledged only for the benefit of Avista, not. Hydro One. See Stipulated Commitment No. 46. Therefore, neither Hydro One nor the Province can strip Avista of 1ts capital and assets. O. In 11ght of recent events, have Hydro One and Avista proposed any additional- commitments? A. Yes, Avista and Hydro One have additional commitment to provide further such that Avista will- agreed upon an protection to be able toAvista's employees, continue to recruit employee tal-ent base and retain the most highly qualified for our customers: Avista Employee Compensation: Any decisionsregarding Avista employee compensation shal-1 be madeby the Avista Board consistent with the terms of the Merger Agreement between Hydro One and Avista, andcurrent market standards and prevailing practices ofrelevant U.S. el-ectric and gas utility benchmarks. The determination of the level of any compensation(including equity awards) approved by the Avista Board with respect to any employee in accordancewith the foregoing shall not be subject to change by Hydro One or the Hydro One Board.12 O. In addition to the above commitment which Hydro One and Avista have already proposed, would you adopt any 25 309 I 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 B 9 12 avu-s-17-09, AVU-G-17-05, Letter from Joint Applicants Regarding Update on Recent Changes in Hydro One Management (Jul-y 18, 2018), pp. 5-6. Lopez, Supp 22a Hydro One Limited 10 o 11 72 13 74 15 76 l1 1B 79 20 2t 22 ZJ 24t25 310 I 1 2 3 4 trJ 6 1 8 9 10 11 72 a 13 !4 15 76 71 1B 19 20 2t 22 23 24I Lopez, Supp 23 Hydro One Limited addltional commitments relating to financial matters? A. Yes, although Hydro One and Avista believe the current Idaho commitments are sufficiently Idaho from management, or rate any potentlal- changes at wllling to adopt Oregon commitments in Idaho. Oregoa Stipulated Comitueat No. 39 (ao corytarablecomituent in ldabo) Foreigzt Exchange and Hedging on Dividends Payments and AJ-J-ocations Avista and Parent agree that Avista ratepayers wlfl be held harmless from any currency exchange or related cash fl-ow smoothing or hedging costs pertaining to activities beyond Avista's Oregon utility operati-ons and not usual and customary prior to cfose of the Proposed Transaction. Or gon StiPulated Cowitunt Stitr:ulated Conl,nitlaer:t No. 25) Cost of CapitalAvista and Parent agree that Avista's Cost ofCapital, including Avista's Rate of Return (ROR), common equity, and Long-Term Debt, shall not be morecostly after the close of Proposed Transaction than they would have been absent the ProposedTransaction. Consistent with Commitment 35 (a) ,Avista bears the burden of proving that increases inAvista's Cost of Capital, including Avista's ROR, common equity, and Long-Term Debt, is caused by cj-rcumstances or developments that are unrelated tothe financial risks or other characteri-stics of the Proposed Transact j-on. Oregion StiP.uJ-ated Contrnifueat No. 54 (no coryarablecomitueat in Id.aho robust to insulate Avista's customers in effects of Hydro One, any of the political, Hydro One fol Iowing and Avlsta would be 25 311 t 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 B 9 10 I 11 72 13 74 15 76 71 ''l oAU 19 20 2L 22 23 24 Lopez, Supp 24 Hydro One Limlted Avista Cash FLowsAvista commits, and Parent agrees, that prior to upward dividends from Avista to Olympus Equity LLC,Avista cash flows wifl not be comingled in common accounts with cash flows for other purposes ateither of Olympus Equity, LLC or Hydro One,including all Hydro One subdivisions and affiliates. Hydro One will ensure that all of the Parent's corporate entities maintain accounts and subaccountsthat are separate from Avista accounts and subaccounts, sufficient to cause handling of cashflows to be entirely consistent with Avista's corporate purposes. VI. PROPOSED TRA}ISACTION FINAI{CING 0. Please describe how the acquisition of Avista by Hydro One wilf be financed. A. As I previously testifi-ed, Hydro One is committed to maintainj-ng an investment-grade bal-ance sheet through and after completion of the acquisition. Hydro One plans to finance this aIl-cash transaction using a mix of long-, medium- and short-term debt together with a convertibl-e debenture instal1ment receipts offering. Hydro One is planning to issue the debt financing in U.S. dollars totaling US$2.6 bil-l-ion (and j-ssued convertibl-e debenture instal-l-ment receipts in Canada of Canadian $1.54 bil-l-ion or approximately US$1.2 bil-lion). We expect the convertible debenture to be fulJ-y converted to equity around the time of the closing of the Proposed Transaction. The planned US$ debt financlng contemplates a combination of S-year, 1O-year and 30-year US$ denominated notes.t 25 372 o 10 t 11 72 13 74 15 76 l1 1B t9 20 27 Z3 24 o Lopez, Supp 25 Hydro One Limited O. Have recent developments led to any changes IN this plan? A. No, the financj-ng plan described above is stil-l- l_n place. VII. AVISTA'S E"UTURE FINANCIAT HEJAI,TH O. Do the commj-tments in the Application ensure that Hydro One will- preserve Avistars financial health? A. As previously discussed, there is evj-dence that Avista's credit rating may be improved as a result of the Proposed Transactj-on in fact, Avista's credit rating outl-ook was revised from Stable to Positive by S&P upon announcement of the deal-. Further, Hydro One has specifically committed to maintain Avj-sta's actual common equity ratio at a level- no l-ess than 44 percent. See Stipulated Commitment No. 26. Hydro One is committed to provide equity to support Avista's capital structure designed to aIlow Avista access to debt financing under reasonable terms and on a sustai-nable basis. See Stipulated Commitment No. 34. An interlocking provision, Stipulated Commitment No. 25, provides that, "Avista will not advocate for, and Hydro One agrees Avista wil-I not advocate for, a hlgher cost of debt or equity capital- as compared to what Avj-sta's cost of debt or equity capital woul-d have been absent Hydro Oners ownership." Thus,25 313 1 2 3 I 5 6 1 e 9 o 1 2 3 4 q 6 1 8 9 Hydro One has fuI1y protected Avista's financial health against any negatlve effects from the Proposed Transaction. O. Does this conclude your supplemental testimony? A. Yes it does. 10 11 t2 I 13 74 15 16 71 18 19 )a 2t 22 23 24 Lopez, Supp 26 Hydro One Limited o 25 314 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 o 9 o 10 11 !2 13 74 15 16 t1 1B 79 ZU 2t 22 23 24 t o I. INTRODUCTION O. Pl-ease state your name, business address and present position with Hydro One Limited. A. My name is Chrlstopher F. Lopez, and my business address is 483 Bay Street, South Tower, 8th Floor, Toronto, Ontario M5G 2P5. On September 6, 2078 I was appointed as Acting Chief Einancial Officer ( "CFO" ) for Hydro One Limited ("Hydro One"). Prior to September 6, 2078 I was Senior Vice President of Einance for Hydro One. 1 O. Have you filed direct, rebuttal, or supplemental testimony in this proceeding? A. Yes. I fil-ed direct testimony on September L4, 2011 and supplementaf testimony on September 24, 201,8. 0. Are you sponsoring any exhibits that accompany your testimony? A. No. A table of contents for my testimony is as follows: ]. INTRODUCTION II. NEW SETTLEMENT COMMITMENTS DESIGNED TO ADDRESS PROV]NCE'S MINORITY SHAREHOLDING IN HYDRO ONE. .....2 ]II. COMPLIANCE WITH IDAHO CODE S 67-328 1 See AVU-E-17-09, AVU-G-17-05, Supplementaf Report on Hydro One Management Chanqes (Sep. 7, 20LB) . 1 4 Lopez, Supp. Reb. 1 Hydro One Limited 25 31s 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 d 9 o 10 11 72 13 74 15 16 t1 1B 79 20 27 22 23 24 I Summary of Testimony O. Please summarize your testimony. A. I wil-l- discuss how we worked with IPUC Staff and other parties to modify certain Stipulated Commitments and add others to resolve concerns that the Provlnce as a minority shareholder in Hydro One might somehow undermine Avistars financial integrity; and how the Proposed Transaction meets the standards of Idaho Code S 6L-328. II. NEW SETTLEMENT COMMITI{ENTS DESIGNED TO ADDRESS PROVINCE'S MINORITY STIAREHOLDING IN HYDRO ONE O. fPUC Staff testified that amendments to Stipulated Commitment No. 3B help resol-ve concerns that the Province will- attempt to undermine Avista's financial- integrity by demanding dividends from Avista.2 Can you provide more detail on those amendments and why they will protect Avista? A. The amendments provi-de additional- protection to Avista in two ways. First, Stipulated Commitment No. 38 establishes a 44e" mlnimum equity ratio for purposes of allowing dividends. As agreed to in Apri1, the 442 floor for purposes of dividends in Stipulated Commitment No. 38 would have been automatically adjusted downward if Lopez, Supp. Reb. 2 Hydro One Limited I 25 316 o 1 2 3 4 5 6 '7 B 9 Avista's equity ratio for ratemaking 2 avu-e-11-Og/Avu-G-17-05 - Direct Testimony of Terri Carlock at pg (Nov. 6, 20LB) ("Car1ock Direct Testimony"). 1 Lopez, Supp. Reb. 2a Hydro One Limited 10 I 11 72 13 74 15 L6 71 1B t9 20 2t 22 23 24I25 371 o 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 x 9 purposes were set below 442. As amended, the commitment no longer provides for an automatic adjustment. Instead, the Parties have agreed that if Avista's equity ratj-o for ratemaking purposes is set below 442, the Commission shoul-d consider whether any adjustment should be made to the minimum equity ratio for divi-dend purposes. This provides additional- protection to Avista by giving the Commission a opportunity to review the proper minj-mum equity ratio for divi-dend purposes if there is a proposal to drop the equlty layer for ratemaking purposes to 44%. Second, as amended, Stipulated Commitment No. 38 now contains a new subparagraph d. This prohibits the comingling of Avista cash flows with cash fl-ows at Hydro One and its other af f iliates prior to Avj-sta's j-ssuance of dividends. It also requires that Avista's accounts and subaccounts be kept separately from accounts of the other entities. O. Di-d Hydro One, Avista, IPUC Staff , and other parties to this proceeding develop further amendments to the Stipulated Commitments to address concerns of Provincial- influence that could harm Avista? A. Yes. These other amendments are detail-ed in the Rebuttal Testimony of James Scarlett for Hydro One Limited, filed November L4, 20lB ("Scarlett Rebuttal- Testimony" ) . Lopez, Supp. Reb. 3 Hydro One Limited 10 I 11 72 13 l4 15 t6 71 1B 79 20 21 22 24t25 318 t 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 8 9 10 11 l2t13 74 15 76 t1 1B 79 20 2t 22 23 24I Lopez, Supp. Reb. 4 Hydro One Limj-ted III. COMPLIAT{CE WITH IDAIIO CODE S 6L-328 O. Does IPUC Staff conclude that the Proposed Transaction complies with fdaho Code S 67-328?3 A. Yes; IPUC Staff concl-udes that (i) the Proposed Transaction 1s consistent with the public j-nterest (Idaho Code S 6L-328(3) (a)),4 (ii) Avista's cost of and rates for supplying service will- not be increased by reason of the Proposed Transaction (Idaho Code S 6L-328 (3) (b) ),s and (iii) Hydro One has the bona fide intent and financial- ability to operate and maintain Avista in the public service (Idaho Code S 6l-328 (3) (c) ) 6 O. Do you agree with IPUC Staff that the Proposed Transaction complies with Idaho Code S 67-328? A. Yes. 0. Which of the Stipulated Commitments in Exhibit 101 to Terri Carlock's Direct Testimony Proposed Transaction is consistent with interest (Idaho Code S 67-328 (3) (a) ) ? A. Hydro One, Avista, IPUC Staff, Paper Corporation ("C1earwater"), Idaho (Idaho Forest Group), Idaho Conservatlon ensures that the the public and Cl-earwater Forest Group, LLC League ("ICL"), 3 Carlock Direct Testimony at pgs 4 Carfock Dj-rect Testimony at pgs 5 Carlock Direct Testimony at pgs 6 Carlock Direct Testimony at pgs 2-( 4, f ines 71,-25 . ?-q 4, lines 19-25. 25 319 I 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 x 9 10 o 11 l2 13 74 15 76 t1 18 79 I 20 27 22 ZJ 24 Lopez, Supp. Reb. 5 Hydro One Llmited the Communi-ty Action Partnership Association of Idaho ("CAPAf") and the Washington and Northern Idaho District Council of Laborers ("WNIDCL") agreed to numerous Stipulated Commitments that ensure that the public interest wil-l- be served by the Proposed Transactj-on.7 They fall- into several groups. Financlal- Integrity. As noted by IPUC Staff,s the following Stipulated Commitments protect Avista's financial integrity after the Proposed Transaction is consunrmated: ' 34 - Capital Structure Support: Hydro One wilf provi-de equity support designed to allow Avj-sta access to debt financing on reasonable terms. ' 35 Utility-Level Debt and Preferred Stock: To protect Avista's financial integrity, Avista wil-1 maintain separate debt to support its utillty operations. 36 - Continued Credit continue to be rated Ratings: Avista wil-1 by at least one credit rating agency. 31 Credit Ratings Notificatj-on: notify the downgrade Commi-ssion in the event Avista will of a ratings status.to non-investment grade 7 Revised Exhibit A to Flrst Amendment to Stipulation and Settl-ement (sponsored by Staff Witness Carl-ock as Exhibit 101). 8 Carfock Direct Testimony at pg. 9.25 320 I 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 o 9 10 o 11 l2 13 74 15 76 71 1B 79 20 27 22 23 24t Lopez, Supp. Reb. 6 Hydro One Limited ' 38 Restrictions on Upwards Dividends and Distributions: Avista is prohibited from making upwards distributions of dividends under certain circumstances that could be indicators of f i-nancial weakness. ' 39 - Pension Funding: Avista will maintain a sound pension fundlng policy. ' 40 - SEC Reporting Requirements: Avista wil-l- comply with applicable SEC reporting requirements. ' 4L - Compliance with the Sarbanes-Ox1ey Act: Avista will comply with applicable requirements of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act. Protection against Bankruptry. As noted by IPUC Staff, e the following Stipulated Commitments establ-ish ring-fencing to protect Avista from bankruptcy in the event of financial distress at entitles above Avista in the corporate chain: 42 Golden Share: Avista's entry into require thewouldvoluntary bankruptcy affirmative vote of the hol-der of the Gol-den a Share. 43 Independent Directors:Avista's entry into inclusi-on of Avistavoluntary bankruptcy or the in bankruptcy proceedings would require the25 327 t 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 B 9 consent of 9 Carfock Direct Testimony at pg. 9 Lopez, Supp. Reb. 6a Hydro One Limited 10 o 11 72 13 74 15 16 t1 1B I9 20 2t ZZ 23 24t25 JZZ t 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 U 9 10 a 11 t2 13 t4 15 t6 71 1B 19 20 2l 22 23 24I Lopez, Supp. Reb. 1 Hydro One Limited a two-thirds majority of al-l- of its directors, including the affirmative vote of at l-east one of its Independent Directors. 44 - Non-Consol-idation Opinion: Avista and Hydro One will provide the Commission with a non-consolidation opinion to confirm that with these ring-fencing measures, a bankruptcy court woul-d not order the substantive consolidation of the assets and liabilities of Avista with its' parent companies. 45 - Olympus Equity LLC: Avista's immediate parent, Olympus Equity LLC, wil-l- be a debt-free and bankruptcy-remote special- purpose entity. 46 Restriction on Pledge of Utility Assets: Avistars utility assets can be pledged only for the benefit of Avista, not Hydro One. Thus, the Hydro One and assets lnterests. 41 HoId cannot strip Avista of its capital for the benefit of the Canadian Harmfess; Notlce to Lenders; and Dispositions: harmless for Hydro Restriction on Acquisition Hydro One' s One will hold Avista business risks and wil-l- notify lenders of the ring-fencing requirements. 25 323 I 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 B 9 10 I 11 72 13 74 15 76 l1 1B t9 20 27 22 ZJ Z4 o Lopez, Supp. Reb. B Hydro One Llmited 48 - Olympus Hol-di-ng Corp. and Olympus Equity LLC Sub-entities: Avista's immediate parent, Olympus Equity LLC, wiII l-imit its activities to Avista, and Olympus Holding Corp. wil-l- limit its activities to Olympus Equity LLC. 49 - No Amendment: None of the commitments may be amended without prior Commission approval. 50 - No Inter Company Debt: Avista wil-l- obtain Commission approval before enterj-ng into any inter-company debt transactlons with Olympus Holding Corp., Hydro One, or any of their subsidiaries or affiliates. 51 - No Inter Company from lending money to Lending: Prohibits Avista Olympus Holding Corp., thei-r subsidiaries orofHydro One, affiliates or any without prior Commission Staff also notes approval. that theRegulatory Commitments. IPUC 10 Carlock Direct Testimony at pg. 925 324 Regulatory Stipulated Commitment Nos. 20 - 33 constitute part. of the overall financial protections. l0 f agree. o 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 I 9 O. Besides these Stipulated Commitments, what other factors demonstrate that the Proposed Transaction is consistent with the public interest (Idaho Code S 6t-328 (3) (a) ) ? A. The Proposed Transaction is consistent with the public interest in many ways. Avista's Idaho customers will receive $15.8 mill-ion rate credits and a number of financial protections that do not exist today, such as the restrictions on dividends in Stipulated Commitment No. 38. Avista customers can expect benefits as a resul-t of the financial- and business stability associated with being owned by a larger utility. Avista's customers will- benefit from the backing of another, larger utility with a strong balance sheet, a credlt rating higher than Avista's, and a customer base somewhat similar to Avista's. Furthermore, the broader public in Idaho will benefit from the Stipulated Commitments relating to funding of approximately $5.3 million for energy efficiency, weatherization, conservation, and low-income assistance programs (No. 5B); 1oca1 staffing (No. 10), charitabl-e contributions (Nos. 11 and 67) , community j-nvolvement (No. 72) , and economic development (NO. 13); efforts to improve the penetration of low income programs (No. 64); and outreach to trlbal communities (No. 65) . Lopez, Supp. Reb. 9 Hydro One Limited IU t 11 t2 13 74 15 16 7'l 1B 79 20 27 22 23 24 o 25 325 o 1 2 3 4 trJ 6 1 6 9 10 I 11 T2 13 74 1tr 76 71 1B 19 20 27 22 z3 24 o Lopez, Supp. Reb. 10 Hydro One Limited O. Which of the Stipulated Commitments ensure that Avista's cost of and rates for supplying service will- not be increased by reason of Code S 61"-328 (3) (b) )? A. Several of the in tandem to ensure that the Proposed Transaction (Idaho Stipulated Commitments funct.ion the Proposed Transaction wil-l- not result in any increase to Avj-stars cost of and rates f or supplying service. These incl-ude: ' L6 - Treatment of Net Cost Savings: Hydro One commits that Avista customer rates will not increase as a resul-t of the Proposed Transactj-on. Hydro One wilI al-so hold Avista customers harmless from any such rate increase. Any net cost savings attributed to the Proposed Transaction wil-l be refl-ected in subsequent rate proceedings. ' 71 - Treatment of Transaction Costs: Costs associated with the Proposed Transaction cannot be recovered from Avista customers. ' l-B Travef Expenses: Limits Avista's corporate travel- expenses recoverable in rates. ' 19 - Rate Credits: A Rate Credit totaling approximately $15.8 million will fl-ow to Avista's 25 326 o 1 Z 3 4 5 6 1 B 9 retail customers in Idaho in the first five (5) years after the merger cl-oses. ' 24 - Avista's customers wilt not cross-subsidize unregulated activities. Hydro One costs will not be al-l-ocated or charged to Avista's ratepayers absent specific Commj-ssion authorization. ' 25 - Avista will not advocate for a cost of debt or equity that is higher than what Avista's cost of debt or equity capital would have been absent Hydro One's ownership. ' 50 and 51 There will be no inter-company debt or lending with out Commission approval. ' 66 - Sources of Funds for Hydro one Commitments: Hydro One's funding commitments are not contlngent and are not rate-recoverabl-e . O. Besides these Stipulated Commitments, what other factors demonstrate that Avista's cost of and rates for supplying service will- not be increased by reason of the Proposed Transaction (Idaho Code S 6l-328 (3) (b) ) ? A. The Commission wil-l- have ample opportunity in Avista's next Idaho general rate case and all subsequent rate cases to review all- costs that make up the revenue requirement and assure itsel-f that Avista and Hydro One Lopez, Supp. Reb. 11 Hydro One Limited 10 t 11 t2 13 74 15 t6 t7 1B 19 20 27 )) Z5 Zq o 25 327 I 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 I 9 have lived up to their commitments that are designed to ensure Avistars cost Lopez, Supp. Reb. 11a Hydro One Limited 10 I 11 t2 13 t4 15 76 71 1B 79 20 2t )) 23 24I)q, 328 o 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 B 9 10 I 11 72 13 14 15 t6 77 1B 19 20 2t )) 23 24t Lopez, Supp. Reb. L2 Hydro One Limited of service and rates will not increase by reason of the Proposed Transaction. The Commission, not Avista, nor Hydro One, sets rates for Idaho customers. Those rates are developed based on a thorough and substantial- evidentiary record of expert written and oral- testimony, exhibits, and work papers that include detailed accounting and cost allocation records, which document Avista's cost to provide service to Avistars Idaho customers. a. Which of the Stipulated Commitments in 101 to Terri Carlock's Direct Testimony ensures the bona fide intent and financiaf Exhibit that abilityHydro One to operate has and maintain Avista in the public service (Idaho Code S 67-328 (3) (c) ) ? A. A number of the commitments relating evidence of record, the bona fide intent and to financial integrity, as weII as demonstrate that Hydro One has other financial abillty to operate and maintain Avista 1n the public service. The relevant Stipulated Commitments incl-ude: ' The many commitments that impose specific financj-al burdens on Hydro One, such as Stipulated Commi-tment Nos. 11 and 6L (charitable contributions) ; t9 (rate credits) ; 10 (Montana Community Transiti-on Fund)25 329 o 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 a 9 10 11 72t13 74 15 t6 l1 1B 79 20 2T 22 24t Lopez, Supp. Reb. 13 Hydro One Limited 34 Capital Structure Support: Hydro One will provide equity support desJ-gned to a1low Avista access to debt financing on reasonabl-e terms. ' 66 Sources of Eunds for Hydro One Commitments: Hydro One's funding for specific commitments is not contingent on Hydro One's ability to arrange funding, but is a firm commitment to provide the dollar amount speclfied. O. Besides these Stipulated Commltments, what other factors demonstrate that Hydro One has the bona fide intent and financiat ability to operate and maintain Avista in the public service (Idaho Code S 67-328 (3) (c) ) ? A. Hydro One's financial ability to operate and maintain Avista is demonstrated by its strong credit rating, which is hlgher than Avistars; its size; its ready access to capital on reasonable terms and conditions; and the fact that convertibl-e debentures are already in place as an element of financlng for the transactlon. This is detailed in my prior testimony in Section III of my supplemental testimony filed September 24, 2018. Hydro One's bona fide intent to Avj-sta is demonstrated by the effort invested in this transaction and the operate and maintain that Hydro One has work we have already25 330 t 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 6 9 done to identify areas where we can achieve efficiencies and 10 11 72 I 13 t4 15 76 t1 1B L9 20 2t 22 ZJ 24t Lopez, Supp. Reb. 13a Hydro One Limited 25 331 t 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 B 9 implement best practices. See Direct Testimony of Mayo M. Schmidt at pg. 28 (Sept.14,2011). 0. Does this conclude your rebuttal- testimony? A. Yes 1t does. Lopez, Supp. Reb. 74 Hydro One Llmited 10 a 11 t2 13 14 15 \6 71 1B 79 20 27 )) 23 24t25 332 t 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 x 9 10 11 72 o 13 t4 15 t6 t1 1B t9 20 2t ZJ 24 CSB REPORTING 208.8 90.5198 LOPEZ (X) Hydro One Llmited (The following proceedings were had 1n open hearing. ) MS. THOMAS : Mr. Lope z Ls avail-abl-e f or cross-examination. COMMISSIONER KELLANDER: Thank you. Mr. Purdy. MR. PURDY: I have none. Thank you COMMISSIONER KELLANDER: Mr. Otto. MR. OTTO: No questions. COMMISSIONER KELLANDER: Mr. Richardson. MR. RICHARDSON: Thank you, Mr. Chairman, no questions. COMMISSIONER KELLANDER: Thank you. Mr. Wil-Iiams. MR. WILLIAMS: No questions. MR. BAXTER: Mr. Chai-rman,no questions. questions, andCOMM]SSIONER KELLANDER: No Mr. Karpen. MR. KARPEN: So I only have a couple. CROSS_EXAMINAT]ON BY MR. KARPEN: O On page !4 of your supplemental testimony, the three reasons that Hydro Oneyou explain or expand is acquiri-ng Avista; on geography and into a gasI25 333 I 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 I 9 10 o 11 t2 74 15 76 L1 1B t9 20 2L 22 z3 24I CSB REPORTING 208.890. s198 LOPEZ (X) Hydro One Limited distribution business, geographic diversification, and an increase in scal-e. I'm assumj-ng it also makes financial sense. You're looking to get some financial gain from the merger; A o is that accurate? stipulation to the first five accurate? A O That's correct Now, in effect, that Iimits or represents of returnan acceptance by Hydro One of a fower rate during that period; is that accurate? you are Avista? A That's correct. O Can you identify the rate of return that expecting during that first five years from A I canrt specifically, but what I That's correct. Now, you have also committed in the provide a rate credit of 15.8 million over years after the merger closes; is that earns woul-d say today inis that the rate of return that Hydro One Ontario 1s roughly nine percent. The rate Washington and fdaho is higher than that, adjusted that in terms of what we think is we can move forward on that basis. of return in so we just acceptable and O And after the five years, f'm assuming that you expect glven the efimination of that rate credit25 334 I 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 B 9 10 11 72 o 13 t4 15 76 77 1B 19 20 2t 22 23 24t CSB REPORT]NG 208.8 90.5198 LOPEZ (X) Hydro One Li-mited that that rate of return would go up; is that accurate? A Correct. O And how is Hydro One going to be receiving, I guess, money from Avista? How are they going to make the money from Avista? Can you explain that ? ASo equity under the so that would be external shareholder, record, so we get the Avista today makes a return on its current arrangements with various PUCs, the same. Instead of paying it to an we're now the one shareholder of same return that woul-d have gone to its shareholders in the past, so that's exactly the way it wlll- be done. o something like So for a simpleton the dividends that you would say to customers by 12 if you've got a point me to like me, would go shareholders now goes to the single sharehol-der; is that accurate ? A CorrecL, the dividends and the earnings, yeah. O Okay, you have spoken a little bit about the Province of Ontari-o's commitment to reduce rates by 72 percent, Hydro One rates to Hydro One percent. You're famil-iar with that? A I'm familiar wlth it, but question on my testimony, if you coul-d lust25 335 t 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 B 9 10 11 72 I 13 74 15 l6 l1 1B 19 20 27 22 23 .Az.] CSB REPORTING 208.890.5198 LOPEZ (X) Hydro One Limited where it is, that would be heIpful. O Page 13 of your supplemental- testimony, you say eJ-ectricity government not a cause A 0 three provisions as as I explained in my first question, that you're also financial galn through those and perhaps even before that rate the question is, "Is the 12 percent rate reduction proposed by the Provincial cause for concern?" Is 1t fair to say it's for concern? Yes. And then you explain and you include these as why you're purchasing Avistafar looking to Avista for a dividends. I'm curious credit runs out, woul-d Hydro One be any more that 72 dividends out of Avista in looking order to to squeeze accompli-sh percent rate reductj-on? A No, therers no l-ink between the 72 percent rate reduction for Ontario and Avista. We made investment in Avista and we'fI get a return for that. We will seek to become as efficient as we can be in Ontario under that construct as wel-l-, and to give an example for the Commissioners, since 20L5, so since Hydro One was taken pubJ-ic, had public ownership, we've reduced total O&M expense by six percent in normal terms, so over, you know, r 15 Do, you go to '16, 'tl , we reduced j-t, so think about inflation woul-d take you up two to fouro25 336 a 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 B 9 10 11 72 I 13 l4 15 75 t1 1B 79 20 2t )) 23 24 o CSB REPORTTNG 208.890. s198 LOPEZ (X) Hydro One Limited percent per O&M expense everything be. We'II should have gone up six percent, so we four, the actual are doing utility we can and we'l-l- year, w€ went down we can to be the most efflcient continue to do that in Ontario continue to do that with al-l- other energy producers and those that provide the energy to So f guess maybe wdy, there's kind of got the reducing Hydro One stream expenditures and One,separate You're consumers in Ontario. to put it again in a more0 simpleton' s got. You've to focus on within Hydro income fl-ow and thatrs coming in accurate ? streams that you've and you're trying controlling costs from the Avista keeping those two two that's separate; is that A corporately and Correct. They are completely separate they are going to be regulated by Ontario has the same construct where theyseparate regulate PUCs. the a rate case sponsored by returns that we 9et, so we go there. Avista would present a their board of di-rectors. We in and present rate case here do the same in Ontario, so they're completely separate. We would hope that we would share knowledge on how to reduce costs, how to use lnnovation to bring better outcomes to our customers, so that's the way we woul-d hope to expand on that. O Now, once the dividend that flows out of)\ 337 o 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 9 Avista into Hydro One makes its way up the chain back to Hydro One, is there an ability for the I guess what happens to that money once it flows out of Avista back up to Hydro One? Does it go to Hydro One shareholders or A It goes into corporate resources effectively, so Hydro One pays a dividend to each shareholder. It's published. It's set between 70 and 80 percent of consolidated earnings, So as those earnings come up, we wil-l- pay a portion of those dividends out to shareholders. Avista will retain the funds that it needs and we've got also a commitment to give the equity it requires, when required, to fund its business, and Hydro One does the same thing on the Ontario side. O Okay; so theoretically, if the Hydro One entity, which I believe Mr. Woods' testified is in l-ine with the goals of the Province in reducing those rates, were to try to do that, it could do it effectively in two ways, it sounds l-ike to me: one, through reducing costs and expenditures from Hydro One; ot t two, increasing its income stream through efficiencies gained at Avista, which theoretically in turn would increase the dividend that flows through to Hydro One; is that accurate? A I think the earnlngs in Hydro One, so think about it as Avista runs its business and there's a return on that, the customers get a servi-ce for the price 10 11 l2 I 13 74 15 76 71 1B 79 20 27 22 23 Z4 o CSB REPORTING 208.890.5198 LOPEZ (X) Hydro One Limited 25 338 a 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 B 9 10 I 11 1,2 13 l4 15 l6 71 1B 79 20 27 22 ZJ .A2,1 CSB REPORTING 208 .8 90 . 5198 LOPEZ Hydro One Limited that they agreed Once the profits onr the same thing goes on j-n Ontario. from those two businesses roll out, that at that point, so I don't see those rates to be used to belongs to the sharehol-ders dividends and earnings above reduce electricity rates at all-. I think j-n Ontario we're entitled to a fair rate of returnr so we would still expect to see that occur. they can question how quickly we'reNow, the assets.reinvesting in you can reduce down the 1J-ne, documents that the record. I If you want to i-nvest slower, you need to expect some outages coul-d make if they wanted to reduce rates, but that would be completely separat.e to Avista. O Okay, and then as far as the rate of return goes in Idaho, ds you understand it, this Commission stil1 has jurisdiction over that issue? A Absolutely. MR. KARPEN: Okay, thank you. I have no further questions. COMMISSIONER KELLANDER: Thank you. Mr. Semanko. MR. SEMANKO: Mr. Chairman, before I start my cross-examinati-on, I mentioned earfier I had some rates, but so those are the kind of trade-offs they I was golng have handed to be referring to that are in those out to counsel-r so Io25 339 o 1 2 3 4 5 A 1 9 woul-d like to ask the witness about some of those documents. I guess I'm looking for a littl-e guidance here. They're in the record. The excerpts coul-d certainly be marked as exhibits. They are an Ontario Energy Board decision from earlier this year,' a previous decision of this Commission in Scottish Power; and the Montana Merger proceeding decision from July. COMMISSIONER KELLANDER: And did you say they were already in the record? MR. SEMANKO: They're in the record. COMMfSSIONER KELLANDER: Why don't we go ahead and put exhibit numbers on them and that wll-l- make it a l-ot cl-eaner and easier to track. What are your numbers? MR. SEMANKO: Ontario Energy Board decisi-on would be 801. COMMISSIONER KELLANDER: Okay. MR. SEMANKO: The PUC decision Order No. 28273 wou]d be 802, and the Avista cover l-etter with the Montana Merger Proceedings decision would be 803. These are al-l- excerpts. I don't have every page. COMMfSSIONER KELLANDER: Which makes sense that we give them separate exhibit numbers, whj-ch is fine. MR. SEMANKO: I don't know if there's a CSB REPORTING 208 .8 90. 5198 LOPEZ Hydro One Limited 10 t 11 72 13 74 15 I 76 t1 ,1 Q 79 ZV 2t 22 z3 24 25 340 O 1 2 3 A.+ 5 6 1 B 9 10 11 72 I 13 t4 15 76 l1 1B 1,9 20 2t ZZ ZJ 24t CSB REPORTING 208.8 90.5198 LOPEZ Hydro One Limited question of the admissibility. These are all Orders and decisions of the COMMISSIONER KELLANDER: The Commission can The always other I have to get a that's 801, 802, and 803 (Avista 801-803 were marked for MR. SEMANKO: Absolutely. COMMISSIONER KELLANDER: Fantastic, and its own Orders, so we're fine. is would 1t be possible for us Customer Group Exhibit Nos. identification. ) review one of questlon copy? MR. SEMANKO: If I may approach? COMMISSIONER KELLANDER: Absolutely, thank you. (Mr. Semanko approached the Bench. ) COMMISSIONER KELLANDER: Just while we're at somewhat of a breaking point, just a reminder as far as Commission Rules are considered, if I shoul-d somehow fail- to mention towards the end of all this that all- these exhibits that have been previously presented and put into the record, we have a rule that sort of catches everything that says once they've been admitted, they're therer so if I fail- to say anything at the end, just recognize they're all- part of the record at that point, so Mr. Semanko, if you would fike to proceed.)q 341 o 1 ) 3 4 5 6 1 I 9 10 o 11 72 13 74 15 76 71 1B 79 20 27 22 23 24 CSB REPORTING 208.890.5198 LOPEZ Hydro One Limited MR. SEMANKO: May I ask counsel and the witness if they would time to review any of 11ke the witness to have additional- these before we get started? I t.hink Mr. Lopez will let us additional time. We don't yes. f don't Power decision to object to the admission of the exhibits, but we wou1d like the opportunity to present complete copies of the exhibits if after revj-ew we that think a complete copy woul-d be more useful. COMMISSIONER KELLANDER: That sounds fair enough and unless I misheard you earlier, Mr. Semanko, these are segments of exhibits that are already in the record? MS. THOMAS: know as he goes if he needs MR. SEMANKO: Excerpts, think you would want the whole Scottish be COMMISSIONER KELLANDER: f've read that one enough. Thank you. MR. SEMANKO: Just to be clear, the testimony or, f'm by Avista Customer sorry, the comments Group Exhibit A was that were submitted the Exhibit 801. Exhibit B was the entirety of entirety of what's 802, and Avista submitted the Montana decisionr So those are al-l- in the record. COMMISSIONER KELLANDER: Okay, thank yout25 342 o 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 b 9 10 11 t2 I 13 l4 15 16 71 1B 79 20 27 22 23 24 o CSB REPORTING 208.890. s198 LOPEZ (x) Hydro One Limited and we'11 also take your comments into consideration as wel-l-, counsel, so please proceed. CROSS_EXAMINATION BY MR. SEMANKO: O Mr. Lopez, Can I ask you, how far is A Itrs closer thank you for being here today from Calgary, so I live in Calgary, but Toronto is probably, if you can flight, it would be four hours, but without a flight, it's more like six to seven. get a direct direct it from Toronto to Boise? of your now been direct testimony anda that corporate A o A o I'm on page 5 structure has revi sed,' correct ? Let me just get there. That's correct. Illustration No. 1. Correct. I know the Province is not on here and it woul-dn't be appropriate for them to be included in the corporate structure, but with reference to this illustratj-on, can relationship is in and the Province? other? you describe to us what the your mind as How do those the CFO between Hydro One two rel-ate to each A So Hydro One is a company and it has25 343 I 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 B 9 10 o 11 12 13 74 15 t6 71 1B 19 /tt 2t )) 23 1At CSB REPORTING 208.890.5198 LOPEZ (X) Hydro One Limlted shareholders, so the top box there that says, "Hydro One Limited (Ontario Corporation) , " the Province of Ontario has a 47 percent ownership j-nterest in that box or that company. O How about the Provincers legislative authority and ability to I'11- just l-eave it at that. How about their legj-slative authority as it rel-ates to Hydro One? A I think it's the same as any other legislative Ontario. in Ontario. It has the same corporate trading in weII as certain agreements, correct, between the corporation and the Province? A Correct, that was agreed between the major shareholder. corporate authority testimony busines ses business. over any OAs AI1 about the in the U right, page segregation . S. and the 6, you talk in between rate your regulated there's the governance agreement the government and the company as a And the Hydro One Act applies specifically to Hydro One; correct? It does.A O Does this mean there Ontario regulated are no shared costs going lnto the future between these two regulated business sets ?25 344 I 1 ) 3 4 5 6 1 B 9 10 t 11 72 13 14 15 76 71 1B 79 20 27 22 23 24t CSB REPORT]NG 208.890.5198 LOPEZ (X) Hydro One Limited A I think the way I'd characterize it is there is I heard Mr. Dobson before, there is no intention to aflocate any corporate costs to that area that would be shared with ratepayers of Avj-sta. Avista has some unregulated business that there may be some all-ocation between Hydro One and that part of the Avista business, but again, that woul-d not affect Avista ratepayers in any way/ shape, or form. There may be the opportunity in the future, and I hope there is, that we could purchase material-s together as a larger business and those direct materials would be allocated, so an idea woul-d be how many poles 20 percent would have costs, and 1ater, I'm woul-d be allocated we purchase a year, if we can purchase them at cheaper, w€ would do that together and then we a very transparent way of al-locating those f 'm thinking in the commitments we'l-l get to sure, we actually set out there that no costs until it was approved by the Commission. O Are there IikeIy some costs that will be al-located to Avista from Hydro One? A There could be in the future. There is nothing planned at this point in time, but we would l-ook to work together to say how can we be more efficient and more effective as two companies without impacting the25 345 I 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 B 9 10 o 11 t2 13 74 15 16 71 18 79 ZU 27 22 23 24I CSB REPORTING 208.890.5198 LOPEZ (X) Hydro One Limited ratepayer or if we're going to and again, in the impact the ratepayer in a commitments, it says that relevant commission positive wdy, that would not approved that specifically. o A a]location to occur until- the methodol-ogy and that allocation Which would be when? It would be before it occurred, before any an Avista ratepayer. O So the commitments speak, do they not, about the cost allocation methodology not being required to be submitted until a rate case; is that correct? A So I think Mr. Ehrbar could teII you the exact timing of it. He wiff be more up to speed with it, but the part that f 'm ta1king about is l-et me get it here it is commi-tment 24 of Exhibit A and it's the second paragraph. "Avista wilf not charge to customers expenses al-located or directly assigned by Hydro One except as specifically authorized for recovery in rates by the CommissioD, " and that was a newly-added piece since the first stipulated commitments that were entered into earlier this year. O So 1n your mind, does that answer the question of whether the cost structure for Avista well, strike that. f'1I wait for Mr. Ehrbar for that. If you could l-ook at 803, Exhibit 803, do you have that25 346 I 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 o 9 10 11 12 a 13 l4 15 76 71 1B 19 20 2I )) 23 24I CSB REPORTING 208.890.5198 LOPEZ (X) Hydro One Limited document in front of you? A I do. Just to make sure I've got it correct, what is the title on that document? I'm sorry, 802. Trm sorry, 802. Okay. That woul-d be the Order No. 28273; A Okay, I've got that. O Are you familiar with this document at A I am not. O Are you familiar with the Scotti-sh Power o A correct ? al- l- ? merger, PacifiCorp merger other states in the United that occurred in Idaho and States about 20 years ago? f don't have any to No. 34 in the the service date the date of this A I'm aware it occurred. specifics on it. O So I'm going to take you Order on page 14 and as you can see on on the front, November 15th of 1999 was Order. No. 34 says, "On June 18, " so some six months, seven months before, five months before, this Order was issued, "Scottish Power/PacifiCorp provided the Commissj-onr " this Commission, "and other jurisdictional- state rate regulators a proposed methodology for the all-ocation of corporate and affi-l-iate J-nvestments,25 341 t 1 2 3 4 q 6 7 oo 9 10 o 11 l2 13 74 15 76 L1 1B 19 20 27 22 z3 24t CSB REPORTING 208.890.5198 LOPEZ (X) Hydro One Limited expenses, and overheads and a statement of where each of the Scottish Power principal corporate departments will sit in the corporate structure. This document would constitute a draft of what is to be filed regarding cost allocati-ons with the Securities and Exchange Commission. On October 29th, 7999, PacifiCorp/Scottish Power schedul-ed a conference/meeting with state and other interested regulators to discuss the proposed corporate and affil-iate cost all-ocation methodology. Eurther conferences/meetings will be scheduled as needed to discuss the cost allocation issue. " Do you understand that paragraph? A I do. O So my simple question is why Hydro One/Avista is not providing a proposed methodology to the commissions 1n this proposed merger? A I think the intentlon is not, as Mr. Dobson said the intention is not, to have any direct or all-ocated costs at the outset. If they were to come, it wou1d come some point down the track. I think you asked before, be some ti-me to making would it be one, would it be two, three, it would point in the future. We would have sufficient go through this VI process and agree to it before al-l-ocations.those charges So youO don't need to do it because you25 348 eq apnTcur l,usoop treqf z{qm aui TTetr no.{ ue3 0 'op r v ;r{uouir1se1 f eqf oos nol{ oC , 's.raruolsnc elsrlv z{q saTlT^T1oe poleTnbe:un Jo uorlezTpTsqns-ssoro ou TTTA oraq1,, 'z{es no.d 'II q6no:q1 0T souTT uo z{uourlfsaf f 3o.1rp :noz{ J:o 1 e6ed ug 'nod >1ueq; 0 'paao.rdde e.re set6olopoqleu osoql TTfun polesoTTe aq fou TTTA sJsoc leqf eq ue3 oA se .reeT3sP aq of sueld ou ,{:f aA sluolullrnuoc oqf uI 'sJsoc af,E a-rar-{f 'a1era1ra.r pTnom I >{uTr-{f alecoTTe 1 'uteby of 'leql "raprsuoc of peeu pTnoA aMV z{6o1opoq1au uoTSSTunuoS 0 pasodo.rd e Jruqns ol er{f fT aq esuodsa: 'orurJ ur lurod sTr-{f fe eJSTAV ruo-rJ ruf,oJ ro /edeqs /z{er,r ^due u1 f,olocoJ of lees pTnom or,r trer-{f socrlf,es 6utp'rzro:d dno-r6 aug o.rpz{g e1e:od.roc ar-{f oas 1, uop o/vr os 'umo sfT uo e1e:edo TfTA 1T /z{11et1uosso fnq 'pefsTT eq ;ebuoT ou TTTA lT asnecaq 'seeg: 6ur1sr1 of uoTf,pfa-r ur slsoc f,oTTeus ouros eqdeur 'z{epo1 seq fT slsoo oues er-{f, TTe olpq TTTA fT uotltstnbce ;a1;e {ep oL{? os 'elstzry g:o uolllstnbce aq1 6utt"toTToJ ele.redo TTTA 1T ^,{er'rr eq1 z{11cexe s , JeVJ 'sp-reoq e1e:edes 'd1e1e:edes e1e:edo z{11en1ce r{epol serueduroc ar.lf feqf olarTeq aM V 6z{ue oleq o1 ueld J, uop a/vlou etrsTAV puP noz{ pa.rrnbe: :no[ pTnom feqA oS pefTurTT eug o.rpdg (x) zsdor6Ve 86T9'068'802 9NIIUOdEU SS3 9Zt VZ CZ ZZ IZ OZ 6t BT LT 9t ET VI TII ZI TT OI 6 8 L 9 E v t Z To fpqf sT ufacuoc uoluruoc lsou eqf -ro sT u-recuos TEiu.rou er-{f fnq'set1Tzrtfce pafelnba: uoo/vlJoq uoTJezTprsqns-ssofc ou sr a-roql sr sTql g:o butueau aqf leqf a.roq [1.:ee1c d:al\ fer{f elefs pTnol'^ I os 'fncco lou pTno/vl feql 1Pq1 sr uorJuoluT oql 'u1e6e pue eq pTnoA 1I v 'se^ 0 as.reuolsnc pelpTnbe.z eug o.rp{g oJ, V 'euo o:pAg ol efsTAV ruo.rJ uolezrprsqns-sso-rc aqJ, 0 'puels.repun J,uoP I v afT lrupTno/vr's_reurolsnc elsTl\V 01 asfo^pe oq pTnofir 'oq uec 4",4+ se ele;edes leqf bulrnsue 1q6te:1s fsnI es.rol ecrl puv 0 se fdo>t STqf '6rTq+ ST o.re sesseursnq oAf /ueour I 'loqf ra oqf ler-{f op of pualur l,uop eA 'u1eby 'flgaueq s,:ededeler aqf of poob e eq pTnom feqf sP/yI fer-lfels-!AV ur dltzrrlce os '1t;:aueq pTnom ue ezrprsqns aA uosee.T otuos .reAedele: oqtr'paztptsqns-sso.fc foJ fo6 ]T .znou{ lT ,{pp or{l l:o pue eq1 1e {u-tqf sarlrlrlce peleTnbe: I '1er4f 6urop lou of paffTunuoc o^rorv\ pue fer{f op of uoTfueluT ou sT o.roqf feqf leeTc r{:el1' oq of 6ur{:1 of,reA e.roq os 's1tg:o:d 6ursee:cut pup serfrlTfce pafeTnba.run butzrprsqns sarJrlrJOp pe1e1n6e: oql sT fnoqp peuf,ecuoc sr z{11ensn .ro1e1nbe.z or{1 IeLIM 'o.roq1 lua1ur ou s , of,eqJ, v asoTlr^TfJp poleln6e: Jo uorlezrprsqns-sso-r3 ou pafTurTT aug o:p.dp1 (x) zsdor0Et B6Tq'068'802 DNIJUOdEU gSJ EZo VZ CZ ZZ IZ OZ 6T BT LI 9I EI VT IT ZT TI UL t 6 U L 9 I L e Z Io pofTurTT auo o.rp^H (x) zgaor B6IE'068'BOZ 9NIJUOdEU 8sf,Tqe i{srffoos oqf 'tIZgZ 'oN "rap.ro 'uo fsnI erom at,t fTqTI-{xo oql Jo ZI a6ed o1 nor{ olef o1 6uto6 ui,1 oS 0 'sJuaulTurluo3 eqf uT passefppe sr 1T ler{1 pue pls1^V pue eug o.rpAH uaoAlaq dtqsuorleTe.r ol-{f ssojrppe 01 1q6nos z{11ea: aA os 'sseco:d fel{f of e6ueqc ou aq pTnom o-rol-{f os 'elstay u1q1tm Aem fel{f onurJuoJ pTnom eA sr JuoJur oql s, JeeJ 'elstay uTqfTA d6olopoqlaur aqf L{1Ti"r z{epo1 .dddeq sr uorssrulluoC ol{l f I 'peao.rdde sem .,{6olopoqlaur feql TTfun eJSTAV pue eug o.zp[H uaamleq uor]ecoTTe ou pue 1ua:edsuerf pue .reoTc eq of .,{6o1opoq?eu uorlecoTTe eqf trnoqe po>{Tef aA,aM ':re6.reur aq1 fuosqe esec oqf uaeq osrm.roqlo aleq pTnom ueqf fqop ]o r{1tnba J:o Jsos :eq61q e .roJ 'ure6e ',elecozrpe lou pfnoA e/v\ puno.re se/vl euo puoJas eqJ 'leqf ezro:d 01 eu6 o:p.dH pue eJSTAV uo s,lT pue :46:au oL{1 fuesqe :eqbtq {ue aq lou pTnoA oorl;es l:o JSoo aqf sse.rppe aA sJueulTunuoc oql uT po>{Tef a^ra/v\ os v aufocuoc sTqf ssorppe feql sfueulTnnuoc e.raqJ afv auorssTuIuIoJ eLIf 01 pereJg:o 6u1eq are fer-lf enssr :e1nc11:ed s-!q1 sso.rppe feqf sfueufTillluoJ or-trf fo butpuelsropun :noz{ s,feqM 0 ' bulz-fprsqns-ssorc ou seTfr^rfce pafeTnbe:r Jo onirJ aq pTnom eups er{f pue 'fer-{f op ol 1ou burlJTunuoc a-r r eA aJoH 's1r;o:d elerodroc ospof,cur pue sorlTlTJce pelelnbe:un ezrprsqns Aoqauos sarlrATfce pelelnbe: qZ VZ CZ TZ OZ 6T BT LI 9l 9T VT tI ZI TI OI o t 6 B L 9 q v t Z Io pefTurTT euo o.rp^H (x) zEdor B6TE '06 B 'BOZ 9NrJUOdtU SS3 z9t -roJ uotlsenb oqf sr 1ei.{A '6u11eue1e: e uT 'uotsstututo3 eql 01 polfTuqns s, fT pue ueddeq suoTfecoTTe Jsoc pesodo.rd osor-{f uaqm 6u-r1eure1e.r e Jo ourTf oqf 1e oS 0 '92 UI pa"re^O3 z{pee]1e s, JT olerToq J esnecaq /u.locuoc ou eleq I V ae.req gZ oJ uorlrpuoc rETTurTs e 6u11dope uorssrtinuoO oqf oJ uorloeef, .rnod eq pTnom leqA oS 0 '1ue:redsuef,1 puE -reaTc oq of f ob s , f,eeJ '6urq1.due s-raloc fT 's1soc fceJTp sreAoc fT 'uo'rlezrpTsqns s.roloc 1T luTql I os 'Jna eq1 ^q paao-rdde sem .dbolopoqfou feqf TTf,un ;ededele: elsrlv or-{f Jo lcedur1 oq1 of auo o.rpdg uo-rJ .d11ce:rpu1 :o z{11ce:Tp .rnoco pTnoA sa6;eqc ou 'u1ebe '1nq 'e:eq1 ut alnleTcuoluou s,efor-[J V a f ca.r-roc I q6noq1 'lue;eg:;: tp ofe sp.roA .roqlo AaJ e 'ezrprsqns p-ro1vr oq1 0 'uoTssTurluoc oql ^q parro:dde seA fT TTlun pofecoTTp eq pTnoA slsoc ou lpr{f '92 lueulTunuoo 'e:o;eq nor{ pea.r I luaufTunuoc aqf spm p.rem-ro; 1nd em leqf sJuoiuJrlullroo eqf pue osneTc :e1nct1:ed sTr-trf feqf e^erfoq I oS V e.reTTrueJ IooT feql g:o Aue soog ,,'pe6-reqc dllcerTp .ro pelecoTTe os eq 01 uorsslu.uoJ or{f z{q pezT-roqfne lou sesuedxe d:o3tg-tce6 6ur6.reqc A11ca:tp .ro o1 6urlecoTTe r{q satlrlrlce sfT azrprsqns 1ou TTTA -reAod qsTffocs,, '82 'oN uorf Tpuos '82 'oN '.rep]g f eAod 9Z VZ EZ ZZ IZ UC 6I BI LT 9I 9T vt TT ZI TT OT t o 6 B L 9 I v t Z It Jo Tefol eql sr feqm le IooT [eq+ puT)t esoql /alqeuosee: ':TeJ fnq noz{ 1u1q1 I 'ar,treqf .roI{faI-{A oqf Jo luo.rJ ur 1nd a;e oq1 sr 'ua,{J 'ecua1:adxa :no,,{ eqf go 6u-rpueJS.repun :rnoz{ elsrAV 01 pofecoTTe oq os jqeol v as.rofdr:csop Jo '1uelre1e; 'ur:o1 ar{f pasn fe IooT .da,-{l 'uotsstuluro3 slsoc pesodo:d eq1 eurTf ruo-rJ sseco-rd 6u11eure1e; os Je"fns 0 s:a{ede1e: Jou TrTA fI 's.raz{ede1e-r or.refug 01 1.red ur depol pafecoTTp sT fI '1soc z{ur /sr aldurexe poo6 e 'e1eco11e of uorJualuT ou 'utebe 'sT a.roql os 'depo1 efsrlv fe aldoed atlf ^q peprzro,rd 6utaq .,{pee:1e sr lerlJ '.remod burptrro.zd Jo su-ral ur efsTAV ol ecrl:ras due eptao:d lou op 1 '1ue1uT ou sr e.ror-{J, 's:az{ede1e: or.feJuo oJ ob plnom z{:e1es z{ur g:o 1.:ed os /ot.requg ur s-ralJeu z{:o1e1n6e.r uo luads 1 'eldurexa foJ 'aurTJ l:o Junoue eqf puno:e z{6o1opoq1au .reeTc z{.razr e eq pTnoA e.roql pue papnTcuT 1eb plnom 1T 'sT 1T f I 'pepnToxe s1e6 1T 'Jou s,1T fT pue '.reurnsuoc ar1f of "remod g:o .,{1ddns aqf of JueloTe.r fsoc fpqf sr au6 orplg l:o Jsoc e1e-zod;oc e aleq eA uor-{rvl fe {ooT r{eq+ leqA d11ea,z 'leqf qffm -rerfrueJ u{:azr u:,1 esnecoq 'ot:e1u6 ur Aou{ I 'uoTfsanb fer-lf .re/vtsue 01 fseq aq1 z{1qeqo:d sr .req.rqE '.rN v aauo o.rpz{g uo.r; elsrzrv oT suorlecoTTe JSoc esoql o1 p.re6e: qlTA 1e 6ur>1oo1 A"q+ ore 1ei{M auoTssrultuoc al{f pofTuITT eug o:Pz{g (x) zgdortEt B6IE'O6B'BOZ 9Nr,tEodgu 8sJ 9ZI tz ZZ IZ VZ OZ 6I BT LI 9t ET VT TI ZI TT OT o 6 8 L 9 E i t Z Tt pefTurTT ouo o.lp^H (x) zEdort9t uor.tr/,l oATf .reez{ ut ]eq6rq oq slsoc eq1 uec 0 'o.roqf 6utz{es e:,nod treqiv\ pupls-ropun oJ 6urd:1 ur,1 V ;^,{epo1 a:e Iaql upr-{f aruTl fer-{1 1e .reqbtq oq pTnoc uorssrurluo3 oqf ^q pamarlar ore fer{f slsoc osoql puv 0 'I1e1n1osqe 'eug o.rpr{g 1e burees ar,nor{ feql seroueTcTJfe eqf Jo auos puTqeq sreAr.rp .ro[eu eq1 ]:o ouo s,leel fpqtr s1q1 nod TTol uec 1 'utebe sJ:pJS r{ueduroc eqf uer{f pue s.rau{ede1e: o? fdems sleb fTJoueq aToqA leqf 'osec o1ef, Jxou z{:arr eq1 fV 'fuercrJg:e d;en ouoceq of ruaqf qcfo.l1s tr.,{+ /oruTJ Jo por-rod e:ezro sr s>[JoA ler-{f Aor{ pue 'aATfcaJJo orolu /luatcrg:gre ororu oq of ,{+TTT+n ar-{f fueouT pue d:1 {"ql eroqm 6urleurele: alrJuocuT op tr.,-tr,1 'seore .roqf o o1 6ur:q dToy pTnoc em adoq au 6urqlouos s,JT pue '1ue:eg:g.tp {11qbt1s sr or.reJuo 'f er{f uT ssaco.rd .A:ezroce; JsoO e s , oJoi-{J uaql pup oTqeuosee.r pup rTpf sr srql des of TToA se z{uourlfsef f:adxe eptao]d pTnoA 1eq1 .d1:ed prTq? luepuedepu-r ue sra,roqtr u{11ens61'uorfecoTTe aTqeuosee:r e 1eq1 sT pue sfeprlo.rd :eed pue serueduroc .reed .roqlo 01 e'xeduoc no{ op Aor{ 'pebueqc fT ser{ /vroq 's;eed .ro'r.rd u1 ocueu:roJ:ad :rnoz{ sem leqm fe IooT {eq+ '11e:ezro 1nq 'oqepI ur e:oq sseco:d aqf qfTA rerTTueJ a-rou aq 01 6u1ob sr .req.rq! '-rN 'u1ebe 'pue s6urq1 Jo -roqunu e 86Iq 'O6 B'BOZ 9NITUOdgU gSJ a7ao VZ CZ ZZ I IZ OZ 6T BT LI 9t ET VI IT ZI TI OI t 6 8 L 9 E v e Z Ta fuo.r] ur ofP leqf slceJ oql TTe ua^r6 eseo.Tcur fel-itr sr 'eseercuT ue sr ur pepnTcur s,lI ';aq6tq snld feqf srJI osor-{f TTe / 1ueae1ar /alqeuosea.r 'f sn [ 'tIeJ .for.{faqA fe 'uoqf l:o lou Jo aTqeuosee-r o.reqf fT os 'lei-{f V ; sbu'rq1 s, JT -roqlaqA )tooT r{cue6e fe >{ooT {.q+ d:o1e1nbe.r aql /ueeur 1 op.ro:eq6tq s,fT e saop'ecue1:edxe 'oluTf o.rou auo :nod tuofJ'uorssrlinuoC fT >{SP TT.I 'Alrlenb Jse/vlor eql 0 uo uoTlelcedxa fe ocT^-ros aql V aq1 foJ aptlro.rd pue I.r1 JSoo eTqTssod sr e"rer{J os aM ':aqbtq arP sJsoo eqJ apTes fsnI noA s6u1q1 esoqf TTe e.r,{eq1 loqfeqm fe }iooT nou{ '.req6tq of,p slsoc eqtr -rol{f oi-{A >[oo1 1 , uop nod oS 0 'seofe snoTfPA ssofSeoos of feb uec z{eql fer{tr Tfpc 'feTJ petre1s s,osTa .,{poq.,{,reira lueurbpn [ +eqf lnq '1uec:ed OZ fsn[ fou s,JI dn JuoA slsoc z{ur 6urz{es uorlezrue6.ro auo ' suorleztue6.:o .reed lsulebe pal"reulqcuaq oq pTnoA fr'ute6e 'pue '1cer:o3 .req61q ere sJsoc aqJ 'z{epo1 e:e Aeql uel-{f no.d uoqf pue osec eJe:r Aau e fo; ob notr ;s6u1q1 asoql TTe 'elqeuosee; 'fsnI 6uo1 se 'u{epo1 a:e z{eq1 ueqf eseo-rcur V 0 dgrllsnI of elpq V ':TeJ e.r , z{eq1 se ole.r e foJ ob nor{ pafTurTT auo o:pdg (x) zEdoTEET B6T9'O6B'BOZ 9NIJUOdEU SS3 9Z VZ IZ ZZ TZ OZ 6t BI LI 9l 9T VT II ZT TT OI I t 6 I L 9 E v t Z It of sTqf abe-tnocua oJ uo os pue slealq xef euos 6urzr16 dq solTJuecuT euos peptno:d lueuru:ezrob eq1 '1T Jo slsauab or-lf spm leql os 's.ree^r{ ueJ.ro^o uoTTTTq z'l:o.reez{.rad uotlTTur 0zI l:o]eer{ r{.rezra sburrres qseo aq pTnoA a.reqf fer{f uef of fq6Te of uAop urol{l 6urleprlosuoc pue uAop srofnqT.rlsTp bululquroc z{q feqf pofeurfse .,{aq1 pue 'ZTOZ sem lr 'ggo eql sem fT a^oTToq 1 '1eue6 AorAoU ;olces uorJnqr.rfsTC or.reJuo er{f, spm ouop ef,oA ler-{f scrg:tceds et{J 'qbIL{ eftnb o-reA slsoc pue eo-re a6:e1 A.rezr e s,lT os /sexal ueql -:e6.re1 qcnur sT qoTqm 'a3urrro":6 oqf loT e peq 'pa:n1ce:g: ssofce pofP3oT s-foJnqr,rfsTp z{: err'oT-rPJuo TTPlus Jo ur urelsl{s se/v\ oT.rPluo / slsoc acnpo-T eqf sso.rce sJSoc r.{31e3.fo erto:durr pue z{:1 of o^TleTfTuT uP seA af,oql 'zloz ur IcPq os /uorssturu.ro3 or-{f ro; puno:61ceq fo frq e os iqeel V aoreqf pesodo:d s1 trPqA ,d1;et.rq r{.razr. fsn[ feqf eq1:csap no^d uec puv 0 'uer v afeAod eTTTTf,O Jo uorlTslnbce pesodo:d eu6 o:pFH eqf LIfTl,r .rerTrueJ nod arv 'I08 lnoqe {Tpf srJeT oS 0 'lse1 u.rer{ ou e s r ef aqJ puelsJapun I v asole.r foJ slsoc paseo"r3uT uT fTnse.r TTTlq uoTlcesuef,f eql .reqfeq/vr ourlu:refop of sr 6utpeaco.rd sTr{f uT eT-refT.rc el-trf fo ouo puefs.ropun no1 0 pefTurTT eug o:p[g (x) zsdor99e 85r9'068'B0Z 9NITUOdEU BSf, EZ VZ C7 ZZ IZ OZ 6I BT LI 9I qT VI TT ZI TT OT I t 6 B L 9 E v t Z To d6-raug orfeluo 'auo :e1nct1:ed sTql uo oS V aepnTsuoc p.reog db:euf, oT.ref,ug oql pTp fel{l,t puv 0 'puno.r61oeq oqtr s, fee,l 'uorlrsrnbce al{f, luasqe ueoq oaeq pTnom esrA.roI-{Jo upql /esec sTr-11 o? .reTTuTS '1soc JaAoT sr fsal oql pue 's:eez{ uoJ "rof]P Jsoc .romoT e 1e ocr^f,as eqf .raATTap pTnos a/{ pue uoTfezrue6:o aq1 lio s1:ed fua.ral:l:Tp ofuT uorfr.rlle Te-rnJeu qbno:q1 aldoad aql q.rosqe pTnoc er,r d11e:o1TT os 'uo 6u1ob sem Jel-{r"t s,leq; 'Ilrledtcrunu TTeius e popuno.r-rns {1e1e1duroc eug o.rpz{g 'z{em sTqf fT fnoqe IuTi-11 'sT leqf .roJ: uoseer Ileleurlxo:dde eq pTnom aqf puP 'NTO sbut.rres asor-lf e6e:nocua of seob lT ro Jio luec:ed 09 otr 0E uoTlepTTOSuOC 's:au{ede1e: of >lJeq noz{'slutod srseq 00t eL{f Jo oluos pup SElv\ .d11c1nb 'd::os of lob feqf fnq oruos deel lnoqe -fo^o trerlf l:o O: , nOz{JI 'ue1 :eaz{ pue oATJ reez{ uaeAfoq usruel-{caur 6ut:eqs s6uru:ee ouos oq pTnoA a"roqf ueqf pue ozoe:J oJef, e dn.re;:g:o plnon no.d trsrTf 1e leqf sem pasn {",{+ feqf Jcn.rJsuoc eqf pue f,orT.ree s:eez{ uol seA fEqf pue '>11o3i:o5 pue >{colspooM /ueu:ep1og '1u1od leqf o1 dn ao.rql pa-rrnbce peq eu6 o.rpz{g '17 l:o slsaua6 ol{tr seA f,eql os 'AlezrtlcaJfa urot{f 6uttre.redo Jrue.re/v\ z{aq1 pue slolnqTf,fs-fp TTeurs aseLil Jo foT soTlTledlctunu eqf sem 1eq1 roJ uoseer aI{1 pue e pouAo '.rnoco pof-lurTT eug o.rpAg (x) zsdorLgt B6TE'O6B'BOZ 9Nr,tuodEu 8s3 9ZI iZ ZZ IZ OZ 6T BI LI 9I gT VT TTo ZI TT OT 6, B L 9 I v t Z Io e potrecoTTe 1e6 J,uoP s.ro^edafef eseqf 1el{f l-{cns uoJ .reo^ .rafJe suaddeq feL{A punofe seTn-I lo fos 1u3.roJl:rp e poou op aA lnq 'e:aq1 af,e sbur^es sfsoc oql feqf pa^old eA r eA '1oo1 z{es of ulal{f l:o fuo:;: ur e.rnpecof d .reqloue s, af ar{J /qou fq6Tu 'ssolppe TTTA oA pue guo aI"trf qf TA sse.rppe of per.rl er,t leqf butqleuros srJeL{1 os /s-reulolsnc uorTTTrx t'I ot{1 ssorce pea.rds s1e6 trTJeuoq f eqf '1er-{1 op z{eq1 uai1M 'arourAue ur\o -rTaL{1 uo {e1s J,uop {aq+ os 'sse1c eJe.r .re6;e1 p ofuT paq.rosqe aq 01 A1t1ue meu aqf e,rtnbe: tr.,{l 'qc1ec eql srefeq fnq 'pezres uoaq seq qsec aqf oas a/vr pue feqf ees am z{es daq,l 'a.raq f eq1 qf TA ee;6p op d11en1ce [eq1 pue .raAof sr :emod feqf burplzro:d l:o sJSoc t{sP3 er.{f ler{f erro.rd o1 oTqe uaaqeAroA os 1nd nol{'an;1 sr trEqf os 'uo os pue speel{.ralo al-{l TTe uT ueq/{ TTef,oAo :edeeqc sT :e,,rrod eq1 but:ezrtlep Jo JSoc el-{f 'pe1e:luocuoc afou s,J-f ueqA pue 'se1n-r Jo les uAo rTeql 'trepo1 sseTc elpJ u/vro fraql eleq {at{+ pue pefe:luocuoo z{tea a;e z{aq1 lnq /s:eurolsno 000'tT os 's:euto1sn3 uorTTTur e 'T ser{ eug o:pr{H of pe:edu:oc sf,otuolsns 000'rT s,fT 'er11r:6 g:o asec eqf uTTTeurs e .d11eu:rou fiaq+ 'eloure: of e l:o uIv\ol r{11eu::ou e-fE s,1T OS .d"q+ qbnoql eq1 z{11ee: aqf of lcedurl eqf 'pe1e;1uecuo3 ueAo's.rolnqtrfsTp TTplus aseql st .,{ltxeldutoc pup 'uel .ree{ JalJe aq pTnom :aAedele.r leqm uo uoTfeurf,oJuT a:ou poou [.ql pTes palTurTT eug o.rp.dg (x) zsdorBEI B6TE'O6B SNlrEOdgU BOZgSf, C7 VZ e7 ZZ IZ OZ 6T BT LI 9t 9I VT IT ZI TT OT t t 6 o L 9 E v t Z Ia uI,. '6ur1:e1s qde.rbe.red f,seT oL{f otr puocos ar{f '07 ebed uo fnq /sanlesureql '1re1ap ut sTql :alo o6 'esec feqf uT aq1 {11ee.r sr a/\er{pTnoA osTAreqfo pelsanbe"r 6uraq foJ f,T pPa-r uec uoTssTlrnuof, or_{l 01 JueA J, uop I 0 6utlees sr ggo oL{1 qcTqtvt 'uo11cesuefl {",{+ ueqf -req61q fer_lf JuoluJTllnuo3 oqf JUesqe ueoq ou e-Ie s-rouoJSnc a Jcef,.roc ;eed-ue1 JSeca.roJ e pepr^o:d aug a Jca] .f oc ur uorfeTJur ssaT oseofcur oJeJ a]E feqf seJe-r ar-{f1el{l ocuepr^a er{f uT 'ure6e V a a] ai{ aAPI{ Olvl OC 0 'Jco-r.roD v lstsz{1eue a.rnl3n.rfs JSoc o:p[i1 puy 0 'Jco.r.ro3 v leqf sT iuel ol xTs s-reer{ e uoql puv 0 'Jcef,.roc v aJca.r.ro3 feqf sT ie^Tl. +\, Jsnu efsTAV pue aug o.zp.,{g fel{f sJueuJTlllluoc 'luaurlruluoc e e^eq op olvr fnq 'Jou op oM palfrurqns feqf eITT 6urq1.,{ue q6no.zq1 auo s:eez{ roJ sole: ol{tr uT uoTfcnpa: pesodo:d e ser\A a.reqJ 'uo11cesuEf,1 pasodo:d ler-lf uT os o 'opeu of aA sbulrres aqf 1Pq1 ,,{1.ree1c A.rerr e-req ur epnTcuoo .{11en1ce [.,{l fnq 's:eurolsnc uorTfru t'T .rno Jo ereqs aJeuorl.rodo.rd e 6ur.ded e:,r{eq1 'esrm.reqlo asnecoq '1utod leqf fe aseq olEJ lue-rel:J-ip po?TulTT ouo o:pz{g (x) zuaor6Et B6TE '06 B 'BOZ 9NIJEOdgU 8SJ C71O t-7VL ZZ IZ OZ 6I BT LI 9I EI vt tT ZT TT OT t t 6 8 L 9 E v t Z II f,aprsuoc fou TTTI\ BEO eq1,, 'sAes 1T qfTA JueJSTsuoO,, /looqpueg eqf .repun TTnf puocas ferlf, 'uo11senb ur:eq 'sburputJ s , gf,O ot{f uT I T ebed uo ,,'suorsTcep luoJa"r 'sson6 1 'qde:be.red ou aLIl 1E 6ur1oo1 os0 at,r of,aqn [11cexa ue eprao:d o1 e-t I orrr os 'p:oca: 6uro6 ef r eA pue s,Jeel lnq 'Je z{ddeq pue feqf ar_lf 13a"rf,oc of s, Jegf ofeqA uo l:o oTpp-ful sseco:d e or{f uT qbno.zql . fTs elepdn lq6Tf rceq sserppP of popoeu feqf 1:ed eq1 paleedde mou or',al,r 'pTes I aITT 'feql oA o^arTeq f , upTp oM 'passa.rppe J r useA s,feef os 'r{poqz{:eae ssof3e pofe3oTTe sr JSoc leqf pue Ito Jsoc eqf'eseq e:,daq1 oJuo puo aLIf fe -fe/v\oT 6uraq ur suorlesoT etroue.r sr o.ror{f osneceq 'dn :e6:e1 au6 o:pIg al{f Jo pua aqf 1e fnq z{:err 6u1c1zr.res ob TTTA saJe.r ofuT paq.rosqp 'TTe fT posnJuoc s , JT 'r{ep al-{f J:o leqf l31u o/t'\ pue aql uo acuapT^e oT.reluo .raqbtq e feuolsnc 'z{ep eq1 s, JeQl sasseTc aJel punofe anssT sTqf fnq 'leqf pTes oA,f pue lsof acTlros eq1 6utprlo:d ;.o lsoo uo pesncoJ eM 'sessPTs ale-r puno.rP osuopT^a oqf s ,lT sr uo .reTTf,ee 6u1z{e1a:r sem I fei.{A leqf uT of,eq abuelleqc sseco.rd e sem o.reql >tuTqf I 'I-{eeI V a.rTeJ feqf sr ipoTTf serlacuepTAe paptrro:d oT-rpJuo Mau ou pue onssr eJnJcnfJS JSoc TTeJoAo sTI-lJ uo oq of uoTtreufoJuT Teuorfrppp po"fapJo eqf, 1eq1 Aes of rTef fT sr ,,'L pfPo8 z{6.raug oN -ropJo TP.rnpoco-rd pafTurTT aug o:pAg (x) zsdor09t B6I9 'O6 B'BOZ 9Nr,tuodEu gs3 9Z VZ EZ ZZ L' OZ 6l BT LI 9I ET VT TI ZI IT OT I t 6 B L 9 I v e Z Io pafTurTT ouo o.IpAH (x) zgaor 86IE'O6B'BOZ SNr,tuodEu 8sJ T9t e 6utsodo:d 1ou a-I , aM 'ebueqc Jou TTTI,\ o-rnlcn.rls fsoo pfsrlv eql 'elsrzry u1 ose3 oI-{1 1.ou sT l-i3Tql,t peq]osqe 1e6 ^eql uell/q s:eerl uoJ ra]fv '1T I{f .ro/v\ aq lrupTnom fT /esrruaqlo ifT f,oJ pTed feqA r{11cexe s,feQJ '1eqf op of s6ulaes qsec ai{l pasn eA r eM 's]eer{ uol f oJ trerJ solef f Tar{tr pTeLl azr,oA pup 1u1od feql 111un dn sJunocsrp uroql uezrt6 olraM 'dn o6 TTTir\ sJsoc eLIl s.:eer{ ue1 Jaffv 's.read uel rotrJp slsoc :eq6tq ozrel-{ lou pTnom s:e[edo]pr pTTTTTO oqf fel-{f groo.rd polup/ur [aq+ sr fsel u.rpq ou .rraqJ sT ulebe eral{ ol po.r.roJo.r ea,z{aq1 1eq1 1:ed eq1 leql {uTI1l J 'oTlefuo ur euop eleq eA se a.rou pue esoqf 6ut:n1dec sp:euof lf,ot,t TTTA dlutel;ec oM 'sf,TJauoq esoql e.rnldec of lv\oq uo ueld oql o^eq J, uop ai"r f ei{f 'depo1 sf,eunsuoo of onTel aplno.rd 01 lueuJTurluoc e afe sfrpa-rc aJp.r oqf os v aAeTA :nOz{ ur urel 6uo1 eqf uT TerorJouoq ro oTqeuTelsns z{e,{+ are pue efsr^V pue eug orpr{H fo so,rnlcn-rJs JSoc but^l.repun or-{f Jo elrfcaTJe.r uorJ3esuEJJ sTI-tr1 uT papT^o:d 6u-req ofe feql slTpo.ro elef eql o.re 'sT uorlsanb d61 .r'luJoJ 6uo1 oq1 uT TeTcr;euaq ro eTqeurelsns oq 1ou z{eur pue polTolur sarlrlue aqf Jro so-rnJcn.rls fsoo 6urz{1:epun oqf 'Jo eATJcaTJo-t f,o 'Iq pe1:oddns fou e:e Aeql se rufeq our l:o eATleflsuouep aq 01 'suotslzro.rd [:e:odu:a1 qcns f,el{]o pue /s1uec11dde r{q pasodo;d sasEorcop aJe-r [:e:odural 9Z VZ C7 ZZ I IZ OZ 6I BI LI 9I EI VI tT 7aOL IT OI t 6 B L 9 I v t Z Io eqf Jo s.fauolsnc sfTnser AllecrleuoJne eqf foJ so-rnJcn-rJs JSoc TTPfa/\o uT e sT o.roqf uoTfTsrnbce el{l luo:J sbur;res JSoc Jse3a.roJ Jo fsTT e fPqf peTf srles possncsrp sV,, 'qde:6e:ed 1se1 oqf fou sT glo eqf /erroqe oJ puocas aql 'tI e6ed uo uoqf pue ,,'uooq alpq pTnom asrmraqlo .daq1 uer-{f :eqbrq ou eq TTTA uorfeprTosuoc e 6utmo11og: srauoJSnc pe:tnbce o^fas ol strsoJ er-{1 feql se-rnJcn]Js uo peseq uorlelcodxa elqeuoseaf lsoc 6ut.,{1.repun Aoi{s lsnu sluectldde ',urfeq ou, eJe.f Jsuouep oJ,, fT urolloq eql tre 'U abed uo 1nq 'uo elou TT,oA feqf 'sAes uer.ll pue .rap-ro srr-{J uo uotlsenb erou ouo fsnf 0 .saI sr ;ausue oqf 'uollrsrnbce oql ;e1g:e dep oqf JJo .ro11aq efntrcn.rJs Jsoc ar4f sr os '1eqf uo.rJ fr;auaq TTTA sefeu 'u/v\op ob TTT1"I elsr^V -roJ 6urmo.r.roq fo JSoc aqf /en.r1 spToq 1eq1 f I 'dBS qlTA fuoluou er{J fe >[ooTfno azrrltsod e uo a:e deq; ':eqbtq .{11qbt1s sT 6u11e: frpe"rc ape-rb Juaulsolur s I ouo o:pz{g feql uezrrb s1so3 lse:eluT eqf, J:o 6u1.ramo1 1et1ua1od e fe6 z{eur tr4,{,1 {em fer{f sJsoc acnpaf eA uec 'eu6 orp{tt qrTm ;emod butseqc:nd sr J:o frJ:oueq aqtr fab TTTA {eql fer{M 'pe6ueqc lou eAeI{ so,rnlcn.rJs fsoJ '-re1;:e .dep aql auoTppuels s,JI 'e.ro;aq Aep oq1 ouoTepueJs sAels ef sT^V 'elsrlv Je e.roq burees a-z,no.,{ leqA pue osec erTfr.ro oq1 uaaAlaq ecuo-roJJTp eqf s,fpuJ 'auo o:pz{g oluT elsT^v Jo uotle:6a1ur elelduroc palTurTT eug o:pz{g (x) zgdorz9t. B6IE'O6B'BOZ ENIIEOdSE 8sf, 9Zt VZ tz ZZ IZ OZ 61 8I LT 9T ET VI tTI ZI IT OI 6 B L 9 I v t Z Io 6uto6 lou sT fpq;, 'sseTo aler ouo aleq of pafuem Bf,O eqf 1eltrtr oarql fsf-If elif lro a-InTreJ e sPM 1I . fT qbnorql lqbTf, p.reoq 6uteq g:o sseco:d eq1 {ceq 6utob a.r r eM 'Aou uT sT fer-{f, os '1tJleueq Jno eao:d ^,{1a1n1osqe TTTA feqf sseTc oJef, Aau TTTA sfauolsnc ETTTTfo er{f fer.{f pue e1e;edes eTTTTTO e sr mou fo] pe{sE pue 'dn seob Jso3 ar1f 'sse1c oler euo {3eq o:p,{g leqf sdeel euob aL{l al\ro/vt fPqM pue dno.:6 osol-{f aq; '1uac.rad o:pAg .ropeo.rq aqf olur tre,11 ueqm fer{f sr lob JSoc leqf ee:6e s.rauolsnc eTTTTfo ezr, {eq1 abuelleqc ouo T TOf 09 ol 0g '1:oda: rTeqf i{trTu truotrsrsuoc {11en1ce pa:rnbce S.trT Aaq,l 6utaq pue /epeur ueoq oleq s6ulzres 'ouo o;pIg ofuT pale:6e1u1 sr fT 'z{r:os 'et11t:6 3:o 'utebe'acue:ag:g:tp oqtr ,{TTnJ uar-{f pue osec oqf, uT eJsrAV feql sr seq 6urqlou oS V auorleuTu]olep u.req ou 1eq1 e>{pru uoTssrnliuo3 sTql ueo Aoq 'a:aq paptzro.rd fpr-tr1 a>iTT butqlou uaaq s,e.roqJ lT oS 0 .PTP AM V alcoJ;oc ,s.reeI ua1 foJ slsEco.roJ JSoc peptzro:d noA 'asec feqf ur sr a^er{ pTnoA 6u1z{1.repun e>{eu 01 peTreJ eq pTnom [.q+ uo-rlsenb .,{ur os l,,uoTtrTsrnbce aql fuasqe ueeq {er.{+ uer{f :a1ea:6 ou eq pTnom sef,nJcnfJs JSoc oqffer_{l po.fnssP aq uec guo oqf leqf asec oqf seq eug o:pz{g 'uo-rJeprTosuos er{f fnoqfTA ueql .reqbrq ou o:e ler-{f ,{ITTT+n pe:tnbce polTurTT eug o:p.,{g (x) zsdort9tB5T9'O6B'BOZ ,NLIUOdSU gS3 VZ ZZ IZ OZ 6l 8T LI 9l 9T vt TI ZI TT OT I I 6 I L 9 I v t Z Tt aJuouncop lel{1 qlTiv\ .reTTTueJ no^ o.re 'eue1uo61 ruo.rJ ':ep:g TeuTf eq1 lio se6ed ee.rql fsrTJ oqf lsn[ ':ep:6 TeUTJ er-trf pup eJSTAV iuo.rJ .reffaT -reloc aqf 'e;eq1 noI Lo luo.rJ uT t08 oS 0 'trcoJJoc v a Jcaffo3 iuorssrruuro3 sTr-{f dq petldde slsal er-lf buoure sr 'JseJ u-req ou oql 'BgO eql .dq petldde fsaf er{1 lng 0 'sse]ppe of spoou gg9 eq1 leqf uotlsenb TecrJeuoqfeur e s | 1eq1 pup ual .zeeI -re1Je pofPcoTTe 'oTqeTuapun sJso3 qses op noz{ JT 'uotlcesuell ,{:f et"t pue s r feQ? aLIf Jo pue eTTTTTO 1e 1ooT uec no.,{ 1utq1 l, uop I os lue-raJJTp tr.rer' e 'Ao.r.roulof urar-{f a1e.r6e1uT o1 urel{? e;rnbce ol,t uorltr pue uoqf puno.r.rns aA pue oL{PpI ur o-rarl o>tTT eq pTno/v\ ef,e soJef, eqf os '1uac:ed 09 ;oo:d eq1 ees Ivlot{ puno.fesT enssT ot{,I ua1ef 6uraq ol 0q 11 , nOz{ 'Jno 'pTTTI:O fP >tooT lrpalc fToql ur eseeJ3ur ,{+TTT+n TTeurs .d;eae aaeq noA d-rezr sT esec os ':emod burseqc:nd eq1 eTTTT]O eqJ, 'acua.feJJrp aqf s,feqJ 'uor1e:od:oc :e6:e1 E uof,J lTJroueq e aq pTnom lutod rol{fo ol{f pue 's.reurolsnc f,oJ f I '1ua-reJJrp sJSoJ ocnpar TTTrur r{cTt-{A '6u11e: ue z{11et1ua1od st pebueqcsel{ feqf6rTq+ [1uo eq,t 'e:o;;eq z{ep aq,l 'af,nlcnJJs lsoc eues aqf sr :a1g:e Aep aqf 'uor1e:r6ofuT ou sr e.raqf 'elstzry g.o esec eql uI ')irot,t of pafTuiTT auo o:p.dg (x) zudorv9t B6TE'O6B'8OZ 9NIIEOdEU gS3 SZ VZ tz 77 IZ OZ 6I BI LI 9I 9T VT CI ZI TT OI I I 6 B L 9 E v e Z It ,.'paTJTluenb fou parJTluapT .raqlrau ofe Te^o.rdde f.roddns on6.re sfuecrTddV aql qcTI-{A lueure6eueu Jo ser6;eu.{s pue aTpcs ]o saTuouoso oqJ 'sp]Ppuef s s.reuolsnc oJ u.rell-ou pue slTJauoq lau oqf ^JSrles of sTTeJ ,{te>tTt 'uotsstunuo3 or{f ol peluase:d sP /p:oca: oqJ,, V asacuaJuas o/vtJ fsf,TJ or-{f 'I afoulooJ peel no{ uec os l.de1g 0 'uorlorpsr.rnI o+ uoTfcTpsTrnI uo.rJ roJJTp TTT/vl SluauJrnltuoc aqf Tenlce eqf {uTr{1 I 6utpuedep fua-roJJrp lnq /oures oqf sT JTosfT 'uorlcrpsrrnI qcee Jo aq pTnorv\ tre,-{+ >{uTr-{f I ':e6:eur sTr-{f .ro uoTlcPsuE-rJ speou or{f uo V Jo lerro.rdde uoTf,pcTldde i1 EqT V suorlcrpsrJn I errT;r eq1 .,{11erlueJsqns noz{ erv alTqTqxo uPc 0 aeueluoN uT roJ suorJcrpsr.rnI elTl oqf of petrfTurqns pue uorlpru.ro;ur .reTruTS {11et1uefsqns asuorleotldde aues afolfeiu sTqf uT TTp of peffTuqns a.rem suoTfpcTldde eues fo oluPs aqf -reqfaqA Jo o]el e 1er{f fo e6ed fseT al-{f of o6 no{ peao.rdde ueeq s,1T a.f,eme urI V -re6.reur sTqf J:o snlels oql l:o a:eme noA e.fv 0 afou of, rnol 0 'Jou lurI v 'Jou rurl v pafTurTT eug o-rpdg (x) zsdorE9t 86rE'068'802 SNIIUOdSU 8SJ VZ 9Z tz ZZ IZ OZ 6I BT LT 9I EI vt IT ZI TT OT t I 6 o L 9 I v t Z TI feql aunsse pTnoM I s,JEQJ fnq 'sleed sfT sfcaTJa.r euo o-rp^H uo seA lr al\ r ^ot{f ofp.^H efe oq/{ 'a:eq1 eT lCarrp -tno^ of {3eq .rno^ l:o 6 abed uO 'no^ pue l.rode-r e 01 6ur-r.roJor sr sTql {uTql I :noz{ afe ol{la 'snor.rnc1snI ur, 1 q6no:q1 II s I f,ood pue p.repuels 'qee^ v ;s:eed 1eqo16 ;s:ead 1eqo16 s,ouo seurT uo 'z{uourtlsel 'dss ^q o1 1eqo16 lnoqe IooTfno pel.raJe.r s.reed 1eqo16 s>[Tetr 1T ]Pr-{1. AarA anrle6eu oi-{f pauorlueu o6 TT r at,t t,iou'z{uourllsef f3ofTp TTV O 'uolbutqseM puP {uei.lf 'f r{6Tr 's:reurolsnc J:o spuesnoqf snsf,ol s.rauoJsnc 1eq1 1no 6urlutod 1snI ur,1 os 's:eurolsnc s,+f /u1e6e '1nq /saop fI V 1T feqA sz{es eloufooJ eqf,, 0 'sonssT f otuolsnclo sJTpo.rc aJPJ uo lueds 6ut:eeq aqf uI 'dt:1s1o3 ourTtr eTllTT d:ea seA oraqf, UO elolu Serr oqepl ur ve 6utz{es a J3ef,.roc 'des s,f,T osTe i sles euefuoN Jo foT e puads sn3o] er{,I 'sf euolsnc l,upTp eA os 'Vt. '0t led 'fT AouI J,uop elsrAV or-{f s , JT >{uTr{f aldoed asPo aqf uT feqf V 0 01 eru JueA uo eluTf 1 'uorlsanb l:o eql fe/\,\sue uPc ur 's:aurolsnc Jo slurol ur eueJuoN Jo osec lutod sTr"lf 1e Jno lutod p, 1 luTql I '^eIO noz{ 1ueq1 'sa^ ldo1s noz{ of,oqA 1eq1 sTlurod sTql le Jno 1u1od p, 1 >tuTql I polTurTT eug o:p.,{g (x) zEdor99t B6Tg '06 B 'BOZ 9NIIUOdEU BS3 9Z h7 77vw IZ OZ 6T BI LI 9I qT vt IT ZI TT OI I I 6 8 L 9 E v e 7 TI pafTurTT auo orp^H (x) zsdorL9t B6TE '06 B 'BOZ 9NIJUOdEU gS3 's:aed :no of IJeq sn burbuTrq sT 6utop e.r,r{aq1 TTe os 's,es1e euoAue ueqf :aqbrq z{11qbt1s efam s6u11e,r .rno 'lueuru:ezro6 aqf qfTt"t dtqsuotlpTe.r ou fnq 'oseq eues eq1 dllcexe qfTA or.reJuo ur ,{+TTT+n .reqloue fe polool no.,{ JT os 'feTTeq leql Jo esnecaq pocuequa ofet,t s6utler frpa.rc :no ,,{lsnorzre:d l.eqf Jno 1u1od pTnoA I '1ueuu:azro6 Tercur^of d orteluo oql uo.rJ fno-Treq fo puTI f,eqf 1a6 plnom om fer{l ,{te>tTt sseT sr 1T )tuTr1f {e,{l leqf loeJ oqf 1no 6u11utod fsnI e.r,z{eq1 ,ot.re1ug uT osfe pue fsomr{1.roN orJrced eql ur suo11e:ado aleq Aou aA aJeqA esec er-{f uI 'f.roddns f rpe-rc .ro 1-roddns eptao;d pue ur dals pTno/vr luauru.re.nob eqf feql l:orTeq e spm o.raqf 'o1-re1ug u1 peueddeq .reTTurs burqlauros ro eruf,o;TTe3 ur umop 'eldurexe roJ 'setrg: Elgd eqf a{TT 'sueddeq butqleuios leL{l aseo eql uI 'oT.reluo uo posncoJ .d1e:nd lsn[ :a6uo1 ou sem r{ueduroc aqf 'elsrzry Jo uorlrsrnbce aq1 t{fTA pTps {.q+ sr polTo l{e.{l feq/{ pue z{cuebe 6ur1e; e Jo AarA e sr sTql 'utp6e o1 .rot:d os iqeel V aueeu leql seop leqM ,r'uorJcESue.rJ eq1 6urrroTTof pacnpa-r eq TTTrv\ aournoJd oqf uioJJ 1;oddns z{:eutp;roef,Jxa Jo AfTTTqeqo.rd oeJ,, 'sz{es fT '1tode.r e fnoqe 6ut11e1 utebe 'ebed feql Jo uroffoq eqf 1e uoqf puv 0 'OZ dof eqf uT sorfTTTln .raqfo oq pTnoA lr os 'seTfTTTJn ue3r.rourv' r{1.roN Jo OZ dof eql uT ar, eA efsT^V Jo uoTfTslnbce eqf lsod s, l-f 9ZI VZ CZ ZZ TZ OZ 6T BT LT 9t qT vt tII ZI IT OT 6 t, L 9 I v t Z TI 1, uop deq,l 'ocueTeq of 1q6Tf, e oleq of Toof e se fer{f uT eledrcrl:ed pTnorv\ tre,4+ fei{f serlrnbe onssr of 6uto6 e.r,eA lualxe aqtr 01 treqf sT [11ectseq fsn[ o.roql dn .roJl:o pTnoA I 6uTqf {1uo aqtr, 'sale:ado leql Aoq Jo sru.raJ uT ctlsrlebel ofolu s,1I 'ure6e 'ouo ler-{f fomsup of auo fsoq eq1 .,{1qeqo.rd sr lloT.recs '.rl^l>iu-!qf r v ureldxe noA ueC 'fr-{6Tr a treqf elrtldurea;d e 6u-pprzro:d r{q fer{] e^eTq3e uec z{eq1 orns a{eu dteq of acuTlo.rd oql qlTA pal.rom spq eu6 o:pAg 'JcV fer.{f puo{eq sTqf puels-zapun .roqJrn; 01 uar.{f puv 0 '1pq1 Jo scrg:rceds eq1 no{ ezrrb uec lleT.recs '-rN fnq 'fet{f aITT 6ulqleuros ro uot1e1s16e1 ur e6ueqc ou s,o.reqtr JT s,JeVl fnq '1uac:ed OV of >{Jeq trob otr sdals a>{ef of s.read oml urqlrA sr butpuels.ropun crseq z{u-r urqltm pue ueld e eTTf o1 pe;tnbe: e:,^,{eq1 mou lqbTg '>[rom pTnom 1eqf, moq z{11cPxe Jo scTftcads aql no.d a.rrt6 of l1aT.recs 'rld 01 -raJ:ap TTrI '866T Jo 1cy A11crrfceTg or{f uT s,lrosuoJues Jxau eqtr ur s,JT o^erToq I v a f uaueJTnbe.r 1eq1 Jo ecf,nos eqf sr f eqg 'f eqf AoToq peddo.rp s , f T a,roqA esec aqf uT ,,'1uec:ed OV upt{f ssaT fou of dtqs:aur,ro slT eseo.rcur of sdals o{ef o1 pertnbe.r sr e3urlo:d oeJ,, 'sl{es TT g:o do; 'qo[ 1ee:6 e pTp ^,{eq+ os 'sesseultm AoTTaJ l{q pe.zerrsue fob feql suollsenb 1ee.r6 Jo loT e peq I 'Aou II abed uo tu,I 'no{ lueq; 0 pofTurTT eu6 o.rpIg (x) zgdor89t B6TE'068'BOZ 9Nr,ruodEu gs3 9ZI VZ EZ 77(, (- IZ OZ 6I BT LI 9I ET bI tIo ZI II OT 6 I L 9 E v t Z TI pafTur-tT auo o.rp^H (x) zEdor B6Iq '06 8 '802 9Nr,tuodEu ss3 69e o1 6ur;:eJer a: , noz{ lpL{A uleldxa nou{ up3 'slsa-roJur polerTTl:l:e strr pue eJSTAV ueomleq suoTfsesueftr o1 u1e1:ed feql sbutql esor{f sopnTcur fT 1pr.{f sdes 1I e.reql puo eqf 1V ,,asp.roca.r pue s)tooq s,eJsrAV Jo ^lTTTqeTTe^e oql uo 1cedul1 due alpq uorlcesue.rf pasodo:d aq1 TTTM,, 'ebed aql Jo aTppTur oqf uT 'gT abed '1qbT: TT\i 0 'feq? op Jouuec aug o:p[H os 's:eurolsnc elsr^V Jo lTJouoq aqtr .roJ strosse osoqf ebpeld uec etrsT^V Fluo 1pq1 palcr.rfse.r {11ec1gi1cads sr 1T sJuorulTllnuoc oql uT os '1ou a:e z{aq; V ;.ze6.reur sTqf .rotrJe elqlssod s6u1q1 esoql g:o ^due erv 'sJesse esoqf esn 'slesse esoqf TTes 'slesse esol{f lsurebe Aof,f,oq /slesse osoqf, ebpeld Aor-{oluos pTnoc eu6 o:p{g feqf urocuoo e s , a;eqI 'seceld .req?o ur pup oqppl qJ"rou ur serJTTTceJ o:pz{q sumo elsT^V 'slesse 6ut6pa1d fnoqe u.racuoc altr? a.ror-tr noz{ >1se o1 6u1o6 ur,1 os 'ufecuoc sTql aAPr{ poffruqns ueaq oAEI{ 1pl-trf sJuotutuoJ ctlqnd aq1 Jo otuos fel1tr o.rEAe eq r{eur noz{ os 'vI e6e6 'noz{ >1ueq; 0 '6ut:e;:g:o f,PTncrl:ed feqf uT eledtcrl:ed 1ou pTp IoqI '.d1rnbe aql pe.rncas .dpee:1e ezr r ar"t eroqm uorlcesuef J ef srAV oqf f o uorldacxe ol-trf qfT/{ '1utod sTql 1e fou op el{ I-tr3Tl-trIt'\ ',rt.rTJ eqf ofu-t z{1rnbe r"rau pe.rrnbe: er"r fT :o 6utt{o;b aJalur aA fT eq {1uo pTnou lI '1pq1 op o1 .d11nbe enssr of sn laduroc of lqbTr aql alpq qZ VZ ZZ TZ OZ 6I BT LI 9T qI VI ET ZI TT OT I o 6 B L 9 q v t Z Io uo ropro Jnd oqepl ar-trf 'ZOg 1e 6ut1oo1 oS 0 'asTA-raqlo fo f,Tpne 'uotlot;1ser ou sT e-ror-tr1 'z{:e.rroce: auos :o osec oJe-r e Jo 1.red suroJ 1T areqm burqldue 1eq1 u{es 01 uorJceuuoo eqf epeu eA os '1n;:6u1ueau trruse/v\ slse.raJur -ror.trfo Jo -requnu e seq fT uaq/vl eu6 o.rpdil 1p sarfrTTqe lTpne pafJr-rfso,run 'ruroul nor{'>{ooT l{es of fT fTurTT fsn[ seu op of per,r] oA leqM 'slunoue osoql puP suorJeTncTe3 esoql Jo srspq aqf fTpne o1 ssocce po.refleJun seL{ uorssrtliluo3 eL{f ,s-rez{eda1e.z luoJJ pefaAosef, eq of speou feqtr lunoue up f,o efsTAV 01 e6;eqc e Jo srspq eql su"ro; leqf op otr 6utq1z{ue 1eq1 sT 1T oes 1 .derr aq; 'os )turqtr l,uop I V aocuoreJJrp e e-roql sI 'lTpne sns.ral oTqeTTeAe 6u1eq slooq /uotleuruexo >{ooq fnoqp uorsnJuor Jo lTq oTtfTT V 0 .SOA V asfsoo oTqe.ra^oce.r aq pTnoc asor-{f puv 0 'uoTlcpsupf 1 eqf e:oJreq z{ep aqf seA f T se seA efsT^v JT se aTqETre^e f er-{f, puno.re ssaco.rd s , JOd eq pTnoA s>iooq 01 oqf ol pel3e[qns ssacce puE efe eA feqf fT uteldxa sT e.raL{1 pTnoc 'ure6eIUTI-{tr I .ro .{1r1ue uorJueJuT aql fnq 'TTefep af,ou ur ':eq.rqg fed'sorn.f s IuoTSSTirrluoJ otlf lopun A1t1ue poleTTTJJepoleTo.r z{ue pue efsT^v uaa/!1leq uoTlcesue:1 .r{ue s r JT os .,r{ea^ v ;z{uourrlsel :noz{ uT o-roqf palTurTT auo o:p[g (x) zEdor0Lt B6TE'O6B'BOZ 9NIIUOdEE gS3 9ZI VZ C7 77 IZ OZ 6T BI LI 9I gT VI ITt ZI IT OT 6 L 9 I v t Z Ta LTZ of :reT-lurTS e6en6ue1 qf Tr,r urelqo;d e oler4 1, uplnom no{ oS 0 '1UAUlTllnUOC Otues Ar-{f err16 eM 'OTqe.relocef o;e lpr-{f sa6.zeqc os 'd:o3t3:1ce6 of se6-zeqc :o;: sTseq ai{f s , trT e.roqm lnoqe slTel fT '6utq1z{ue f I 'uoTlcTrlse.r eues oqf sr sTr-tr1 'utebg' 'lTpne opnTruT pTnom ?eLIf 'pe1cr:1sa.run slooq of ssocce 'slueurltunuoc eq1 qbno:q; V afe polecoT s,JT a.rer{A eur 11e1 no{ ue3 0 -uoTfsesuefJ aqf uT of paf lTllnuos ol1 I a1vl f er{Ivl s , f,eQ1 e^aTToq I v auoTJcesuefl sTr{f .roJ suoTfTpuoJ aq1 uT pepnTcur 6ureq uoTSTlord :elrurrs e oJ uoTlcee.r -rno{ oq pTnom f,eq/{ -- oleq nor{ plnog ,,'sJrpne uoTssrurluos r-{cns qfTA ,{tTnJ e1e:edooc TT-iA fo/v\od r.lsTffocs 'd:o319:Tced,, '{1TTT1n pa:tnbce aL{1 ,,'oJ se6:eqc roJ srspq er{f a.re qcTr{M feAod r{sTffocs,, 'z{ueduroc eqf asec fpqf uT ,,'Jo sproco-r or-lf fTpne z{eur sluebe sf,T .ro uorssrtrruroJ eql 'sa6;eqc fca.rrp :o uorJpooTfe of lcelqns slunoue pue d;o3rg:Toed 01 slsoc ubrsse oI,, 'TZ 'qeel 0 '.reTTurTS v a.rerTrueJ I11a:d IooT 0 'lco-r.roJ v alco-r]oc feqtr sr lsJSe.foJurpafeTTTflre pue of utel:ed qcTql,r d:o3r;:tce6 's4ooq 01 sseo3e fnoqe 'Jou lT soop 's>[Te] ZZ sluouncop 'ZI ebed uaoAleq suorlcesuPJl palTurTT euo o:p,r{g (x) zEdorTLE B6TE 'O6 B '8OZ ENIIUOdIE 8S3 9Z VZ tz ZZ IZ OZ 6I BT LI 9I ET VI TI ZI TT OT t t 6 B L 9 E v t Z II papeou ser-reTprsqns .rno^ pue /o1 pepeeu nod 1eq1 pTes pue 'Z lred 'JcV ,{+TtTqe+unooov eug o:pIH aqf pessed oT.reluo Jo acurlord aqf lT ueddeq pTnoA feqm oS 0 'ssacce aql of fTrxTT ou sr e.raql 'fT ofuT seob 1T 1uTql f V 'no{ >1ueq; 0 ' eZ JuaulTrlnuoc'slueurltuuoC z{:o1e1nbeg 'eZ uoTlces s , Jf 'eTlTl oql uT s , JI V aaTlTl eqf uT s , trer{f puv 0 'lnoqe po>{Tef fsnI nod uollces eqf sf,eloc feqf olarToq oM 'popnTcxa oq lsoo feqf leql uo1111ed uec r{1:ed due pue lTtrTT ou 'u1e6e 'pue 'sp.zoceg pue sloog Jo eoueueluTe6 pue 01 sseccv 'lTpnv s,JT 'tZ '13eJ uJ 'qeal V 'f Tef s , trPe,l 0 'slooq ol ssacoe 'poo1s:epun lsn[ s,]I V apoolsf,apun 1snI fT sr ro struolufTulluoc er{1 uT asTe e.reqmdue ?Tpne prom eqf of aur lutod nod uec 'fTpne pJo/v\ ot{l sesn 1eq1 sJueulTultuoc Jo uoTfcas ouo Jo oTfTl ol{f uel-{f reqfo 'q6noua f,TeJ 0 '1,\OU e.rAql S,1T O^eTTeq nod mo11e treql sluaurtrTuiuloc eA lnq oA1 ls6uoure 'feqf e^aTqce of aq deur 11 '{epo1sluorulTunuoc aqluT s , JeLlA uotsrzlo:d 01 1T oTTJuocor oJ poou pTnom eA 'ure6y or-trf Jo ure aqf LI1TA urelqo;d e aleq J, uoP I V polTurTT eug o.rp.dg (x) zEaorZ LI. B6Tq'068'802 cNrJuodEu gs3 9Z bZ C7 ZZ IZ OZ 6t BT LI 9l 9I VT tT ZI IT OT t o 6 B L 9 q v t Z Io elsT^V lo a.rnJon.rls olp.rod.ro3 eqf feql 'peuleluoc-JTas sT eJSTAV feqf sr o-req f:ed fuef:oduiT ot{,1 ' fue.raJJTp 6uTr{loluos op pTnor deq+ uorJeTsrbel pessed z{eq1 lT ^fTTTqrssod e s, JT 1nq '1sa:a1ur fsoq aql ur s,JT >tuTr-lf J,uop eM esnecaq /u{1e1n1osqe 'feq1 fr-i6Tf pTnou p;eoq eqJ 'uorJeTSTbaT Aue sspd pTnoc z{epo1 Juoiuufalob z{ue 6utu:our sTql pTes spoog ueu-rreq3 IuTr-{1 f 'oTqTssod s,JT 'elstay ut drqs:eumo s1T Jo 1.red e TTas ol peTTeduroc aq pTnom .dueduloc oqf eror-{A posTer el, no.{ eldurexa oq,l 'sr lT z{em aQ1 uo sanurtruo3 ef sT^v o-rnsue leqf suorJceJo.zd g:o foqunu e afp a-for-lf os 'srseq uT.roJuTuE uo uale ':eq1:ngi peJnpo.r s1e6 lurod feqf fe ecelde: 01 eug o.rpz{H Jo ,{+TtTqe eq1 leqf 'e:eq1 s.rol3o.rrp eldurexeeuo uezrrb ezr,nol 'uo11ce {ue elpf pTp or.reluo JT fnoqe >{Tef '.,{1t1ue o,rer{f lqep fSN[ 3TT ssed Jou ou '{1r1ua z{1tnbg eqf pTnoc {".{f eqf no{ fer.{f sJueuJTiirluocuT suorJcr"flso] of,e o-roqJ, feqf ol op pTnos6utqlou s,a-reqJ os'TTe fP pelcefo:d-.dc1dn.r>{ueq e sT fT aloqe pue peurefuoc-JTes eq pTnoA eJSTAV leql 'elsrrry o1 lcedurr ou aq pfnom e.rer.lf aq pTno/vr f,a/{sue fsfTJ el-{f >{uTr{f I os v afeql qlT/{ Teap nod plnon luroH afeqf of oq uorlopa.r rno.d pTnon ]eq/q 'ecutrto.z6 eqf Aq pou/qo eq pTnom sr fT f,aAaJeqA :o luac:ad ZV qcTqr,r /s:aploqoreqs oqf -roJ otuocuT Jo upa.TJs ureJfoo p elea"rc pue sJesse ure?fac ffos 'o1 pefTurTT eug o-rpIg (x) zsdortLe B6TE'O6B'BOZ SNIIUOdEU SS3 EZ VZ CZ 77OO IZ OZ 6I BT LI 9T qT vt TI ZI IT OT t t 6 B L 9 E v t 7 Io or{ sasruof d ei-{J fdal s r eI-{ reJ os seop aq pue ubtpdurec or{f J:o leaq er4f uT apeu asluro.rd e sem lT fer{1 selur'JeTTeq leuos;ed e sr sTr{f '1et1eq d61 'esturo:d ubtedurec e opeu deql '>[ooJ [".{+ fpq] [11en1ce preoq eqf sem fT 'TTem - p.reoq eq1 6utaq -rar-{fo or{l pue OUJ aq1 6uteq ouo '>{oo1 {".{+ leqf suoTtrce ot,rf eq1 'rncco o1 6uto6 srfT o^aTTaq l, uop eM 'onTel rapToqa.reqs 1ce1o-rd oJ uec arur 6urq1tr:erre op pTnoA a/vr fPqf pTes 6utu:our sTql spooM upru.rTpr{C 'urebe 'mou1 no{ ':eploqa.rpqs e Jo onTel e1e1:do-rdxe of s3dua11e fpql luauru-relo6 eql ^q uo11ce z{ue 'qee1 V efeqf of eq d1t1ue e1e:odaoc e se uoTfoeaf .rnor{ pTnoA fpqM 'f, pue ,g ,V op 'e;og:e;eqf pue Icualentnba auos eq pTnoqsereqf pue e.req a: , z{aq1 /mou1 aq1 'ecutrro.r6 1e slooT oleu o:pz{p1 aqfro 13v uoTlezrTrqels 'urebg' 0 'rup I V ; es luro.rd 'uotlsanb oues feqf qfTA .rprTriue; noI orv 'ued:ey'.rN qlTr\ fTq oTffTT luecred ZI aqf lnoqp Iv\oH aepPu pfoJraruard feqf sesruro.rd u6tedurec oqf qfTA fnq '.ze11tueg: se Jou er,nor{ eqr{eur os 'lT fua.faJJTp e ur e:,noA oS 0 ferTTueJ nort afe elef 1 'ecutzro:d 'u:oJ ro 'edeqs /z{pu dup ur abueqc Jou TTTA dn e.re otnr upr-{J a.reqf noz{ 'sdes pue 1T oqf 'JcV dcuelezrrnbg efe6 o-rpdg el{f foT e burAed :arura.rd Jxeu uAop ssoT e feql lnoqe pa{Tef no^ auoTfcnpaf pafTurTT eu6 o:pz{g (x) zgdorV L€. B6TE'O6B'BOZ 9NrJUOdgU 8SJ 9ZI VZ tz ZZ IZ OZ 6l 8T LI 9I EI VT ITa ZT TT OI 6 L 9 q v t 7 Io .raloJeqA op of peTtrrlua sr -ropfol{a:eqs p 's:eploqereqs -raqfo pup ecurlord eqf of 1no pted a-re spuepT^Tp auo o:p,,{g or-{f pue eu6 o.rpz{g of dn pred o.re spuepT^rp aqf acuo os 'leql Jo To.rJuoc TTnf seq p.reoq efsrlv oqJ, 'elsrlv uo.rJ dn pled a:e spuaprlrp eqf e3uo {TuO V ATTO1,\ se AoTJ s I ef s-fl\V qf T1v\ auop aqfeqf uec oS 0 dluo er{f Jou s,1T fnq 'feqf esn uec [.,-{lfeqf euo ;o eldurexe op lqbTur z{eq1 rroqauo s, feQf os .depol 'f JeT z{:ezre ol puaprlTp eq1 z{ed erur /spun; asor-{f /satuoui osor{f osnecoq '.dem .[ue fcoJJe Jrusaop 1I 's:ez{ede1e: of, soJP-r ezrprsqns of lei{f asn pue ler{f op pTnoc z{eq1 os 'senue-a.ef, xpf e)iTT s,]I '1Pi{1 op 01 peTfTlua e:,2{eq; '1eqf op ue3 {eq+ os 'sa1e: azrprsqns 01 1T asn pue au6 o:p{H ruo.rJ puopr^Tp ar{f a>{e1 Tf ,treql '-rapTor{o"reqs e a-:e z{eq1 ':aqureure: os 'auo o.rp{g uo.rJ puopr^rp eql osn TTTA {"q+ sT TToA se c11qnd aq1 ur a.raqf Jno s,1eqtr z{es pTp ^ar-if 6rT,{+ auo 'apTS z{1rc"r:1ca1e ei-{f uT se11.red TTe lsbuoure ?rolrlre pol.racuoc e aq 01 spq 1I 'sf,equnu asoqf ur u.roJ ro 'adeqs 'z{em z{ue uT eug o-rpdH Jo 1no buluroc Jou s,JT os 'TTTq z{1tcr:1ce1a Telof or-{f fo luac:ed gT .,{1qbno: or,or,r '6u1u.rour sTqf pTes spoog ueu.rreqJ luTqf 1 'utebe 'd1tct.r1ceTo oJ uorl3npef, luec.red ZI oLIl fo suf,eJ uf . pTes ':eploqeleqs z{pea:1e aleq uT ouo o-zpAg pefTurTT eug o.rp[g (x) zsdor9Lt EZI VZ ZZ IZ UC 6I BT LI 9t EI vt tII ZI II OT 6 B L 9 E v t Z It 86rE'068'802 'N]TUOdEU BSJ sT f,ob.reur sTr-{f f,olJP efsTAV pue ouo o.rp^H uee/vlfoq uoTJse.reJur luPcrJrubrs aq TTTA o.ror-{f la^ 0 'pecnpo.r eq pTnoc slsoc osoql Aor-{ fp ourlooT o.r,^oqf pue eleq pJeAroJ o^olu de,-tr+ se /mou1 nor{ ':ee1c r{.rezr eq TTTA '>{uTr{f 1 '1eq1 pue oT-reluo ur s.raz{ede1e: .roJ ur.rel 6uo1 TeToTJoueq eq fou pTnom /z{em aql Iq 'euo o:rp{g sf.rnq leqf e{ef [eq+ a]nseou ulaf -f ror{s ,{uV 'eTqTSSod z{erq f soq or{f lueuu;ezrob ar.{f r{lTrur d11ce:tp 1eq1 ssa-rppe of {ooT pTnom aA 'euo o.rpr{g uo e.rnsse:d seA o-rar.{J JI '1eq1 aITT sburql fo s1eo6 u.ref -l.roqs op of f T ernsse:rd o1 6urob Jou ar I oM 'umo sfT uo uec daql se ^,{lazrtfcel:fe pue {lluercrJJo sp efe:edo otr feql fupm eM 'ssoursnq euoTepueJs e sT plsrlv sr fT fe >looT pTnom 1 Aem eq1 'urebe 'ueour I -- pfsTAV lea-rf pTnom o/u\ 'ou 'oN V aoT:refuo Jo opTStrno acueiu.roJ:ed eq1 dn of e;alec fa 'su:n1e: .ropToqe-rpqs foJ peau eql bu:rzruboce: afnsse:d true oq e.raql pTnom 'ot:e1u6 g:o ocurlo;d oql ur lunoue urel.roo e ^q euTf Jo por-rod ure1.:ac e Jerro pecnpa.r oq ol ppr{ salef,'u{::os ur,1 /.ro eq 01 peq slsoc JT aug o:pz{g uTqfTrur e:nsse.rd z{ue aq :o .deptloq pted e.re noA 'r{epo1 a-raql 'no.d e uo ob of luem nod lT spuepT^rp esoql sefer-{s u/v\o no,,{ e3uo 'puepr^rp eq? f I 'spunJ osol{l qfTA luem Aaq+ pTnoA os of dn s,leeJ, osooqs uP3 0 'JSAAUTO.T noA'noz{ o1 e pled tob pofTurTT ouo o:pztg (x) zEdor9Lt BSTE '06 B 'BOZ DNIJUOdEE BS3 9Zo VZ tz ZZ IZ OZ 6I BI LT 9T ET VI tTI ZI II OI 6 I L 9 E v t Z To aslue^e uTel.re3 o+ dTdde dluo ssaTureq pToI{ oqf soop 'VV JuauJTunuoc ssaTu.rer.tr pToq at{1 fnoqe >11e1 nofi 'ereq1 VT auTT fe 6ut1.re1s os /sselur:eq pToq oql fnoqe {Tef s,JaT 'sJasse 6ur6pe1d fnoqe po>{Te1 {pee:1e ozrrno1 0 'ef,oqJ ur I v 'eseeld 'e;eq1 o6 plnom no{ JT loo-rTp rnod Jo OZ e6ed uo ru,f 0 .EUTN V Jo Jno o^Tf s,lpq,l 0 .,{1uo uec oA pup oATf elpr{ oA 'slueurltuluoc eqf uT uo oq of esooqc TTTA eA oql\ Aou>{ J r uoP I v oAJ OAer{ fnq 'lT aJ3ef,fo3 ip-reoq ElsrAV er{f uo eq pTnom OUC s , ou6 o:p.dg oS 0 's]epToqe>ie1s TTe Jo f rl:ouoq or_{f of r{lezrtlceg:;e 6u-r1e-rado sr elsT^V o;nsue of ^fTTTqeJunoJce aL{1 alpq TTTt,t treq+ os 's:o1ce:1p luepuedaput af,p fI 'Tosunoc pTnos fPql os 'suf nJa] asoql p.rPoq eqI 'ereq ur fnq 1e6a1 foTr{o oq pTnoc fI 'eug o:pr{il fo seaz{oldure lpoq.due oq pTnoc 'o.{) 'ogJ oqf oq ale treqf oAJ seq aug o:pz{g 'OgJ oqf slutodde umo slT seq eJSTAV sfoqlo eqf TTV 'p]eoq fer-Itruo JJefs er , r{eq; /p"rpoq f,oJ alqtsuodsa: 'preoq eferedes /uorlce:o1uT aqTTTA a]eqJ V elcelfoc lper'o:dde pefTulTT auo o:pz{g (x) zEdorL LI. B6Ig '06 B 'BOZ 9NTJUOdEU BS3 EZ VZ tz ZZ IZ OZ 6T BT LI 9I 9I vt II ZI TT OI I I 6 B L 9 E v t Z Io ,r 'eseaf JUT aJe"T qCnS pToq TTTA euo o.rp^H e se eseo:rcuT lou auo o.rp^H, /auo {ue uro:g: ssaTufeq sfauolsnc efsrrrv 'uorJcesuerJ pasodo;6 oqf Jo lTnse.r TTT/v\ selef foluoJSnc eJSTAV 1eq1 sJTllrluoc 1ueur1:ed lsolu oqf s , JPqJ olv\l fs.rTJ eqf 'noz{ of sar-{cJec z{11ectseq 1T pea"r fsn[ f T,I 1eq1 euo 1e:eue6 foJ aruTf osnecoq 'seut1 pue 6urq1.,{:arre f sour er.{f s , JevJ 6ur>1oo1 1snI ur,1 -ralo pabueqc s, trT euo eql sT 'ffefs qf,Tt"\ 'urebe 'pue 9l JuAuJruruos o1P,r uorJerJo6eu qbno-rq1 AOUa.raqJ uT s I Jer{A os iqeetr v 'soTtrrATf ce paf e1n6e.run lz{1tl11ce pof pTnbe:un 'e euTT ;z{1tzrt1ce uotlcalo:d fsn[ .ro seTlT^Tfoe pofeTnbe: lr'6 eu tT pelelnbe.run uo:J opnTcuT lvlou Lv JuauJTllnuoc 'ssen6I 'uT pofoeTla-r s, trT 'IZ ebed g:o do1 eqf se uorsrzro:d sseTrurpq pTor{ feqf soop tre s, fe91 auo alif '1e:eue6 'laTTnq prTqf feqf oS 0 erou e-z,.deq1 pue :e6:eu aq1 Jo f,Tnse"T aqf afe feqf soseofcur eJef uo-rJ ssoTu.req s-rauoJsnc 6urploq fnoqe ITel f,eqf slueulrlrnuoo aqf urr-{1rm suotstzro:d -req1o o.re o-ror-trf fnq '1cedui1 ue 6u1r'eq suorJTSodsTp pue suorlTsrnbce uo pasnco; sr uorsrlo:d :e1nct1:ed sTqf 'esec sTI-lf uT os 'suotltsodst6 pue suorlrsTnbcy uo uorlcT-rf sau : sf,apuoT 01 acTloN : ssaTuf eH pToH ' LV JueuJTu[uoc posT^o.r s , ]I 'sfueulTnlluoc pasr^or eqf pue duourllsel 1eu161:o .Aur ueenlaq 6u1cue.roJof, dae>1 of f ob oA, I 'soop f T osec :e1nct1-red sTqf uI V pafTurTT eu6 o:p[g (x) zgdorBLT B6IE'O6B'BOZ SNI,IUOdEU BSC 9ZI VZ tz ZZ IZ OZ 6T BT LI 9I EI VI TT ZI TT OT t 6 B L 9 E v t Z II uorssrlusuef 1 e eJeq/vl eef e ue 01 06 p r aA a.roqA ure.r6of d luauaoeueu uoTf ela6a^ e pTp ofv\ or.retruo uI 'oTdurexo poo6 e no^ eAT6 TT,I pue sPepr uTe1.ro3 trnoqe loeu sueol eql peq eA 'pTes I o>iTT 'lurod sTr{f le troN v asn qfrA o-rer-{s ueo no^ feqf sburles Terluetrod esoql g:o .due Jo uor?ecrpur -to g:oo:d z{ue erreq no,,{ oC 'uorJelouur pue 'r{6o1ouqca1 'soJrlce:d fsaq g:o 6ur:eqs ol{tr ruof,J oluTl fa^o pozrTea-r eq of sfrJauoq puP Teuorf rppP fnoqe 11e1 noz{ t 67 wotl '1ce:1p :noz{ g:o 0t e6ed 'e6ed fseT oq; '1ou turl 'oN fo Jo 1:ed uoTSSTlrnuoJ >{oos trps no.,{ 0T euTT uo ur ZZ abed uo os oles pasodo:d 1et-ze1eu due qcns Aue Jro J:o Jo]sue.rJ TTTA 6urp1o11 a"reAe noA .7o afes Aue sndui.d16 pue seTsueTcTJJo .relo 6ur^d::ec 0 v afaJ suefl e.rv 'eJSTAV Jro lerro:dde PISrl\V fer_{]. 6utqt:csep n 'sluaurllunuoo esaqf J:o aiuos lno.d 1ueq1 'poob z{:e4 'rTe-qcfec oqf sT 9l fnq 'e.req1 ut s.ror{1o are e.roql pue 'qea.tr V L9I snld LV oS 0 'auo 1e:aueb ar{f s,JpU1 fnq /sp:eu1no 6ut1ce[o:d o.roiu s,JT os 'feqtr e>{TT sbutql pue 6u1:rncco suorJoesup.rJ ol-{l Jo efeme s;epuaT 6u11eur fnoqe >lTE1 leql sJuotulTulluoc c1;:1ceds f,eqlo a.re e.reqtr, 'a,I\Pq o1vl f eql lueulTulluoc peo.rq lsou aql sr leq,l pofTurTT eug o:p[g (x) zsdor6Le 86IE'O6B'BOZ ENITEOdEU gS3 EZ VZ tz 77 IZ OZ 6I BI LI 9l EI VI IT ZT II OI t t 6 B L 9 E v t Z II aql 01 papr^o-rd aA,no^ feql sbuT^es lsoc Jo sJuoueJeJs Te]oue6 Jo puT>{ aues aq1 asoi{f e.re os 0 'po^o.rdde sr re6.raul oqf ueq/{ dolezlep TT,eA fetu\ s,1eQ,l 'luo-rJ euoc TT,daqf efeqA .d11cexe sr stql des of .depo1 feqf fo ocuoprla er{f oler{ J,uop oA fnq /esoq1 feb 01 6ur^.rf uT fuapTJuoc er, aA 1eq1 des of sr f rpo.ro olE.I aq1 f o osod.rnd or{J 'saTduexa 1e:eueb aql e"r ,.deq1 os 'z{em fEr-tr1 slsoc acnpof z{11en1ce uec oA ':aprao:d /{6o1oul{ce] leqf qfTA uorJerJobeu "re6"re1 e s,e"ror.lJ lT fnq ,ortJ er-{f ourquoc 01 puefuT 1,uop oA /srseq z{6o1ouqce1 euES eql uo I-{foq af , et,t JT 'z{6olouqcaJ ur sluoluJsaluI '1eql op pTnoA o/v\ aruTl -rolo elerToq at,t feqf auo :aqloup a:p soTod 'eldurexe ue s I o.rar-{J 's{em qf oq ef e;ado aM 'trpqf Jo f rl:ouoq aqf 1ob .d11ea: seq oT:pfuo 'elsrly :oJ slsoo .raAoT z{11ce;rp ut fTnsof, lsnI pTnom ]eqf 'u1e6q' 'efsrAV .roJ osuos e{eu fer-{f soop oA f Pql 's:eu:o1snc oos 01 etrsTAV ol pocnpoJJuT J:o Jf,os fo] auocJno -roffeqe '1soc -remoT P os 'z{11ect1eue.Tp -ro uoTJPAouuT dn Jo eldurexe poo6 p s , ef oqJ luol,\ F1-r1rqet1e: -rno pue :alctnb ma-rb feqf sea.rJ uo pasn3oJ eM '.f oAoT 3-to1vt slsoc aqJ 's.reez{ aolqf .d:eae eoJe up ol ob e1,1 e]oqA uo ESDa r-{f Trnr pa>{-rom d11en1ce oA, er"r leql u:p.z6o.rd Aeu e qf Tr,r dn euoc alrom sT aJaqf peueddeq feqm os 'se1e; fue:eJ;Tp 1e rro.rb saa.rJ lnq 's.Teed euru .d:aae ocuo se/,l eurT palTiuTT ouo o:p.dg (x) zsdor0Bt 85TE'068'B0Z 9NIJUOdSU SS3 9Zt VZ C7 ZZ IZ OZ 6I BT LI 9I 9T NI TIt ZI IT OI 6 B L 9 Y v E Z To ,{:t of 6u1o6 ur,1 'nod 1ueq1 'qbnoue 'sso-rppe ol z{11ncr;:3:1p e sT aql fnq 'a:aq1 sesseTc aJe.r paou ["r{+ Jcn.rJsuoc f eqJ 'f rl:oueq oqf uo 1T peaf TTTA suoTssTurluos eql aaurTl ralo ueddeq ol 6uto6 leqf aJe;lsuoruop of ^fTTTqeuT f,TEJ O {.ro1e1n6e: oqf qlTA f 06 J, uop sf oluolsnc 'uAo fTaqf Jsoc aseql afe sburrrps lsoc aqf Aou{ treql 'ute6e puno.re uoTSnJuocf,er{f s , Jr 'ure6y V o.Te s6utzres sdes uorsTcap BgO ar{f >{uTqf J, uop '1eql 6uturerqce Jo 'glOZ eours luec.red xts umop oT.reluo ue oJ ob ,,{epo1 aql fnoqe noA puy p"rocaf >[38-rf e auo6 oAEi-{ A"q,l slsoc fno Jsoc osollf os esTe 6u1q1.due 0 oAEq eA os '.reAedale: lo fsoN 'strsoc uP3 nor{ 'pTeS I 'urebe sseco.rd o>{TT 'o.raql afe suorJcnpo-r eql q6no-rq1 6uto6 er, am z{qr,r TT,oA fnq 'anssr aq1 butsnec hJgO 'slercueutg: TeuroJxe f,no fp Ioof s , leQJ S , JPQJ pue 'feqf s:ee{ ual ler{f qcns o1 lceq 1eb felJE SSeT3 6utleurale: aq ol spaeu elef u/v\o f Tor-1tr ureJo.r 1, uop 4.,{+ orJeJuO Jo e.rnJcnJJS oqf s,JT os 'pesse:ppe f er{I 's:eer{ uaf .f aJJE pTTTTf o otr peqcetrle ssPTc aJef cr;:1ceds e eleq tr,upTp r{eq+ esnecaq sr suoTf,cnpo.r osoqf l:o slrJauoq eql feb l,upTp sreuolsnc eTTTTTO u{qm uosee: eqf 'sTqf, of >{Jpq bulnoc deel 1 '.requreureg 'trel{1 ees prp d11en1ce z{eq1 os 'luecred 09 J:o sJsoc NtO pales eA feql polq6TTq6tq ,{eq1 os 'pazretqce el,r I{cTqM V auorlTsrnbce fa/qod pTTTTJO el{f uT p"reog z{6.:eug or.reJuo pofTurTT eug o:pz{g (x) zEaorT8e 86T9 '06 B'802 9NIJUOdSU gS3 I VZ CZ ZZ IZ OZ 6I BT LI 9I 9T vt ETo ZI IT OT R B L 9 I h t Z Ta aq1 0zrT6 01 oceTd uT sJuorulrunuoc pue 6ulcuag:-6ur: q6noue 1nd arur e^eq lnq 'u1e6e ueddeq pTnoc fT 'e:o;ieq 1T ouop ezr,.deq1 '6u1q1euros op pTnoc ]uauu-relob o1:e1ug eqf fer-lf )tsTr e o.ueltrl sT 'sT I{fTA f.rpfs noz{ fei{A osneceq 'dem feqf )t sTf, ou s,o.Teqtr -- )tsTf er-lf pTes er,r z{qrui s,leQJ os 'e:eq1 of,aJf,eJuT 1 r ueo treq; 'ef srAV Jo a.rnJcn.rls eL{1 ebueqc o1 ..{11ec1g:tceds op pTnoc oT"rEluo f eql 6u'rq1ou s , aroqJ fnq '[epo1 .rapToqa.rpqs fue;eJJrp e s r o.roqI 'a"ro;aq peq .,{eq1se p.reA.roJ aAer{ {.,-{l 6urob eJSTzlV otr sueddeq feqm .ralo To.rfuoc TTnJf Er-{lsuoTssrrrrluoS sear6 fei{l s:ez{ede1e: eqf of pTnoc fT 'oouo s ,1I 'e.roJaq f eqf pTPs eA I aM 'oT,f EtruO Jo acuT^o-rd aLtr1 qlTA ueddeq pTnoc 6urqleuros u{11et1ue1od o^orTaq eA feqtr fcPf aqf 01 s.roJe-r fueiuolels aqf,, v ;uotutdo :no.,{ ur ofnTosqe fer{f eq d11ee: no^,{ ueJ ,,'s.roruolsnc sfT -ro elsTAV foJ: s>isr: ou oleo.rc or.reluo ur slueurdololap TecrfTTod luace-2,, '0T euTT 1e r{es nod '..{uourrlsoJ Jo d:eururng .ropun 0 ol-{f pue PfsT^v J:o 6ut.rn1cn:1s pue sT e^orToq oA feqM 6ulcuag:-6ur: Jio 'ure6e ueddeq ;notr Jo fuo.rJ ur feqf eleq acuapTJuoc fes alelduroc 'op r noz{ op e o^eq o^1 pauaddeq V 'lelueurelddns TEfueureTddns '1e11nqe.r lou :noz{ Jo 7 ebed os /eraq {uout1se1 'z{;:os u, 1 '.,tuourt1se1 uo 'sexoq lJoqs I se eu qfr/t feaq Telueurefddns :no.,{ q6no:q1 peeds o1 palTuITT eug o.rpz{g (x) zgdorZBE B6r9'068'802 9NIIUOASU SSf, 9Z VZ C7 77 TZ OZ 6I BT LI 9I gT VI IT ZT IT OT I t 6 B L 9 :l v t Z Io per{ ^oqf fI ,,'spupt{ o>iTT pTno/v\ {",-{+ feqf AaN eqf, z euTT of paou J,uop e/vl por-trsrurJ fsn[ 'V ctlqnd ofuT IOeq euo sfueuelels oqtr pue uo ecnpo]fur op no.,{ o":p.{g 6ut:q,, of, tr1:e6 cTfe-rcoueq f,nq'feqf Aerla.r g e6ed uo 6ut11e1 TTV7U 'sf ueuf Trrnuo3 JO pou.resuo3 eqf os 'f et{f To]fuoc TTnJ e^eq 'fer-{f lcedut lou z{ed o1 asooq3 z{epo; 'p.reoq 'p:oJ .feriuo.Td fnoqe abed ;:o dol 'fr46Tt oqf q6no:q1 passa.rppe af,p alorfaq olur eq pTnom .raz{eda1e: e feqf sburql ureu lcedur-r Jouuec oT.refuo '6u11eure1e.r -ralo suoTfoTpsrrnI snol.re^ aqf ur sOnd eqJ oAl pTnoc or-refuo pue plem.roJ 6urob asec er-{f eq TTTA leqf os 'feqf lo Torluoc TTnJ seq 1I 'slasse aql uT Jselure.r of puepr^rp feql pTnoc trr luepuedepur ureJe.r pTnoc '6utpun;:-f Tos z{1e1e1duroc e 1T .fo puopr^rp e z{1ear1ca;:g.a s,fT 6u1ob sr leqtr, 'suoTsTcop a>{piu pTnoc pue To-rJuo3 oq 01 utebpTnoA ?r fPqf qcns Jo p.reoq oqf Jo uorltsoduroc eqf abueqc J,uec 'paurefuoc s,JT feqf qcns pefcelo:rd sr eJSTAV eJST/\V orfeluo 'urebe 'fnq 'ouo o.rpdg lsulebe oTqeoc"roJuo e:,Feq1 'ecu'rlo:6 oqf lsutebe suorsrlo:d 6urcuegr-6u-r.r oq; V aaourlo-rd eqf lsutebe eTqeao.roJuo suorsrlo.rd 6utcuegi-6u1: oqf oJV 0 efe {e,{+ elorToq el,t pue pelcalo:d s:eAede1e.: efsr^V oql of,e '.rncco p1p leqf JT leql lroJiuoc s:ez{ede1e.r pue uorssllnuoJ pofTurTT ouo o:pAg (x) zsdorrBtB6TE '06 B 'BOZ DNI,IUOdEU gS3 EZI VZ tz ZZ IZ OZ 6I BT LI 9I ET VI ITI ZI TT OI 6 U L 9 :] v t Z II 'ecuep"rzre dur u1 s,JT JI 'uoTfsenb oql >{sV V aTTo/u\ uo lnoqe 11e1 no{ treqf lcv IfTTrqelunoccv auo fnoqe Ise of .fof?eq aq ffeTf,ecs '.1N pTnoM 0 ' luaurae.r6e ecueu.rezro6 eq1 e ro uor1e1s16e1 ur abueqc e a:tnbet pTnom 1T o6 1, uop tr",{+ 'gV 1{oTeq unop ob z{eq1 ocuo 1r{6Tur 11oT-recs 'rN luTqf I 'pTnoc .,{aq; V afqbT; j00I pue 'gb 'ZV uoeAJaq op pTnoc da,-{,1 afuec.red 00T op of luauru.renob oq1 a:rnbe: pTnom feql burqlou s, af,oqJ 0 se q e6ed o:p.,{g oqf ur ebueqc 'qb eloqP fnoqe Iretr 6urqleuros reTcuTAo.rd 'TTe/q se sTqf uT osec eqf se/vl f eql pue a.roqf Jou sT f f oT ar.lJ 'fqbTr e pup .,{1-:ed f srrJuac e z{11ee: sr oT.refuo ur .zemod g:o ocueTeq Tensn aqJ 'z{1:ed 6utm fJoT e sr sTqf ose3 sTql uI 'z{1:ed 6utm ffaT e pue.,{]:ed 6urm fr{6T-r p oler4 11,noz{ 'sat.:1unoc Jsoru ur luTqf 1 /utebe '6utu:our sTqf pTes spooM uprurrer-{J luTr{l 1 'butuurr,r of osof3 J,ua-reA deql pue UTA fou pTp {.ql '.dct1od treLIf lueureldurT otr >{oas pTnom deql feql eutbeurt 1 /uom A.q+ lT lnq '1soc luecrg:tubrs e le sof,pr4s osoqtr e.ztnbcee; 01 aleq pTnom [.q+ os 'paf sTT ueeq Ipee.rle s , JT esnecaq ,*eq1 roJ e6ue11eqc ?TnrTJJTp e oq pTno/q fI 'eug o:plg e:rnbcee: of sem opeu treq+ sluoualeJs aqf Jo ouo V aAou fr-16Tf, 6urueddeq oq pTnom lcedsns nou{ op fer{A 'uot1ca1e ar{f uom pofTurTT aug o:p.dg (x) zsdor7Bt B6TE '06 8 'BOZ DNIJEOdEU 8sf, 9ZI VZ CZ ZZ IZ OZ 6I BT LI 9t 9T VI tTt ZT II OT 6 I L 9 E v t Z To z{uedu,roc oqtr, 'Jou 'e.ro;:e:eq1 ieJei{f OUf, aql 'mou1 nor{ 'eiuTl folo o6 pue 'pebueqc sdeq:ad seq Teep oqf ou sr Tpop eql pefeununsuos feqf ofasuodsa: ur se/v\ sTqf lu-Iqf I lueurabeueu pue sOE3 'z{ueduroc seLI 1I .rebuol 'let{f aiuoc TTTA z{ue q11m leql sem lueau feql ?eqm os Jqea1 V ,, 'ouTJ Jo f sol aqf puels oJ peubrsep sem uoTlcesuerl oVJ,, '9 ebed uo IT euTT 0 'oJe no{ a-raqA noz{ 1se o1 6utob ur,1 'z{:,zos ur,1 V aof 6u1::a;e: aurTl l:o 1sa1 el{l sr fer-{rv\ '6uos uoTeH upn e l:o Jno euTT TnJ.rapuom e 6uteq ueqf raqfo ,, 'ouTl J:o f sof er{f pupls o1 peu6rsep serq uorlcesup.rl oeJ,. 0 tr"rto V 'o1T.ro^eJ leuos:ad Iur lnoqe no.d >1se 01 fo6 oA,I 'g a6ed'e6ed fxeu eql 'fqbT:r TTV 0 'f er{f Jo TTefop TTnf eq1 no.,{ serrtb duoturlsel f,leT.reos or-tr1 fpql z{es .{11en1cp I 'gI euTT uT uele )tuTqf I V '.reJJo aq1 ;oJ 'q6noq1 'noz{ lueq; 'leqf uo lfoT.recs '.rN -roJ lTeA o1 6u1o6 ur,1 'Ae>[O 0 'lou s, Jf v alcv ,{+TtTqe+unoccv eu6 o.rpAg aqf 'fT sT 'r{uoul.rlsel :nor{ 01 lTqTr{xe ue se peqcelle fou s,leqJ, 0 'fT o1 leeds uec I pefTurTT eug o"rp{g (x) zzao-rEBI B6TE'O6B'BOZ eNI,tuod3u ss3 9Zo VZ c7 ZZ IZ OZ 6I BT LI 9I ET vt ETo ZI IT OI 6 B L 9 I v t Z To /e;eq1 suortrcalo.rd eq pTnom o.reqf 1eq1 parrncco f,eqf fT uolledlcTlue ur eceld ut suoTsT^o:rd esoql 1nd en 'a6ueqc eat1e1st6a1 luo.raJJrp e peq acutlord aqf fT 'pelq6TTqbTq fsnI no{ eldurexe oqf 'utp6p 'os ':oJ peubtsep e.r,z{eq1 1Pr{A s,fPQI 'TofJuoc fno apTsfno ofe fEqf sJue^e 6u11ce1o:d a:e 6urcueg:-6ut: uo suoTfcalo.rd eq1 J:o oruos 'ece1d u1 uorl3eJo;d e 1nd no{ JT 'ou 'oN V 'e>{Tr spunos fT To.rJuoc upc nou{ ferlA butsse.rppe e:,nor{ lnq 'feqf pefefs z{pee:r1e e/\ I no^ 'acuT^o.rd aql To.rJuoc aTo.rJuo3 pTnoc a1v\ lpql ;.des otr 1 | UeC nOI 6utq1{ug e 'lueurebeueu ur o1 peu6tsep sem fT uec ari z{ddeq a.r r a/,1 sf,oua^JeJUT puP uaeq s ,lT >{uTqf rTeJ iToJJuoc pTnoc nod pue lsurebe fcefo:d of 0 Ito frJ:eueq el{f abueqc e 'mou>1 0 V 6utq1.due paTrf no{ pue 6urq1A:azre aledtcrlue plnoc noz{ fsaq se oITT spunos fI 's.lopToL{elels TTe of Juourufalob ut abueqc noz{ 'Jo 1so1 al{f puEls op oA os 'elepoururocoe feqf of anTe^ pappe aAeI{ >tuTr.{f eM'peueq1buof,ls ler-{f a^erTaq pue ssecord JJPfS ar-{f feqf eM 'lUeUrU:ezlo6 orf,efug oql ruo.rJ uorlce due peluezre;d aleq pTnom elorTeq a/q leql e;aqf ur 6utcue3-6ut: peq eM 'o.zoqf lnoqe 6ur11e1 of,,al,t leqm d11ee: s,feel pue z{epo1 Teep poob e TTTfs sr e;oJoq Teop poo6 e set,t fer-{M 'z{1t1ue 1e6e1 6u-r1se1.rolo ue sT z{ueduroc aqtr, 'TEop aqf saleu pelTurTT eug o.rp[g (x) zsdor9Bt B5Iq'O6B'BOZ 9NIJUOdEU SSJ 9Z VZ C7 ZZ IZ OZ 5I BI LI 9t EI VT EI ZI TT OT o o 6 B L 9 I v t Z Ia {oof .deq+ 'Z TTTS uI 'eldurexe poob e s,1ee1 {uTqf, ] pue '6urr"to:6 or.feluo uT sarupduroc ro or.reluo ur ?uauJsolur ebe:nocsTp of lueA lou op oM 'ssouTsnq .roJ uedo sr or.reJuo f,er{f pTps osTe proJ raruard fnq '1:romeure;g: uoTJesueduroc aqf uo uorJoe sTqf >{oof {.,{+ pue pafoe {e,-{+ os 'u:aq1 :o;: uoffnq lol{ e sem trT pue 1eq1 uo lqbnec deq+ pue ded O!3 01 esee;our ue sem o-roqJ feqf lueuru;e.rrob aqf ro; [1aurt1 sem 1T pue 'sea.re oAJ asoqf pesse,rppe .deq1 pue uoTloaTa oqf uT c1g:1ceds z{:aa se/v1 asruo:d aq1 'esturo:d e opeu lueuru;eurob er-{f Jo aldurexa poo6 {11ee: e z{1qeqo:d s,lpqf pue snorosuoc ^d:ea sem trueuu:ezrob aql os 'TTTS aqf Jo suorJrurJep oql uT sT pepnToxo s, lT ofor{A eofe eqJ 'popnTsxa z{11ectJ:tceds sr 1I 'or.refuo Jo epTSf,no d.re1p'rsqns r{ue Jo uo-Flesuoduroc eqf ofuT lndur {ue oler-tr 01 Iaas trou pTp Juauulelo6 or.reluo er-{f 'osec fer-{f, ur fnq 'a.ro;eq of peJ.roJa-r noz{ feqf fov ^fTTrqeJunoccv oqf r-{f T1\/i auo sP1,l o-ror-{I 'euo o:pz{g uo uoleJ uorJoe up oq pTnoo e:eql 'se{ os 'treq1 1su1e6e fcelo:d o1 peu6rsep sr 6utcueg:-6u1.2 oqf 'utebe 'oS V aen.rl feqf tr11ca:tput UEJ J , usT i ef sTl\V o>{TT aug o:pz{H eAToAuT fng 0 sor"rerprsqns aqf feqf lueuru:ezro6 lcedurt aql Iqualel suoTlce 'pe;tnba.r ore asoqf ezrt6 opeu efP feqf sJuauJTulluo3 fnq '1ueu:u:aao6 aqJ :alo To.rfuoc aleq fEr-tr1 sTe^oI J.roJuros aqf fer_{f aAeTTeq e/t'I f, uop aA 'pee:6e os pefTurTT eug o.rp.dg (x) zsdorL8e 86rE'068'802 9Nrluoagu BS3 qZI L7v<, EZ ZZ IZ OZ 6T 8I LT 9t 9T vl tII ZI IT OI 6 B L 9 I v t Z TI pafTurTT auo o.Ip^H (x) zEdor 86IE'O6B'BOZ SNr,tuodEu gs3 Jo aouTlora or{J uoauleq dtqsuoTfeTar eqf su:eao6 fpqf lueuree-zbe ecueu:errob e peq noA os 'lueuree:6e ecueu:erro6 eL{1 .ralo seA lueu:ee;be .ra11oT oI-{,1 's6utq1 ele.redes o/{1 a: , deql IUTI-{f J 'luoruaa:6e .ra6:eut aqf, pue luauraa.rbe "re11aT oql ueemleq drqsuoTfeTe; e Ae-tp o1 6utz{,21 of r no1 'uo"rlsenb al-{f ^q pesn;uoc tu r I V afcaffoc jauo o:pdg l:o ecueu:ezrob aqf strceJJe fT puv 0 'ocurlo.rd oqf I-{fTA sem Juoruee.r6e .roflaT aqtr, 'elsrlv qlTA seA Juauae:be :46:aur eq1 'd::og V aoluT pereJue ueeq seq lueurea:6e :e6.reur eq1 ocurs luauree:6e .raffoT e poau no.d ptp.dqm'sT lT l{em eq1 ouTJ sT butqld.rale ]T '"rT1 Jo lsaf oqf puels 01 eTqe sT :a6:eur aq1 JT oS 0 .SEI V alcerroc l:ee.d sTr-{f J:o qflI ,{Tnf ofuT po.rafuo sem Juouee:6e ;ellel oqf oS 0 'uar-{f, puTJ 11 , noz{ ef er-{I,I sr suoTlrurJap eqf uI 'sr 1I v auorleTsTbeT Jo ecerd relnctl:ed f eqf uT uoTsTlo.rd Ig:rceds e s r let{I 0 'aldu:exe ue s,lpe,l 'or-zefuo Jo opTsfno .remod errtlelsrbal elrPq Jruop der{+ fcef el{f fo snorcsuoc [:ezr a"r,Aeq1 os 'o1:e1ug ;:o epTSlno z{-relptsqns z{ue 6utpnTsxa Jo uorlcE c'r];tcads oql EZt VZ C7 ZZ TZ OZ 6T BT LI 9I gT VI ITI Z1 IT OT 6 L 9 E v e Z It BBT or,no^ pue fuouroo.rbe ue oluT JeJuo no^ liI 0 Te6aT pue slue^a elefedes o/ur1 a:p ^oql 1nq 'uotlsenb rnoz{ butpuelslapunsru eq fr-{6Tru 1 '.{::os ur,1 'e1e:edes s,JeqJ os ,elsrzry pue 'r{ueduroc aqf 'pefTurTT aug o-rp.dH uaomlaq sr luautaa:6e .re6,reur eq; 'luouoe.rbe :e6.reu ar{f ol drqsuorleTo.r f ca;rp z{ue eler4 I r usoop f I 'aug o-rpAg pue or;ptruo uoouf aq dlqsuorleTa.r aqf s ,1eq1 u{es o1 truourtf sef sp pef lruqns sem lueuree.rbe ecueu.reaob oql 'r{ee1 V af,etrleiu sTq] uT acuapT^e :o z{uourrfsof se poffTuqns luaurea:be ecueu.rezrob eql l,usI LJce.r-roc lluaurea.rbe acueureaob or{1 .ropun e1e-redo of onurJuoo TTTA eug o:pi{g treqf seledrcrlue lueuree:6e ;a6;eur eq; 'pesnJuoc u,I Aou oS 0 'z{em r{ueur pofcaJJe aCueu.rezrob aqtr .ropun peq [aq+ feqf lqbTr ar{1 Jo uorlrsue.rl pa6eupur ot{1 AoTTe otr lueuru:eao6 eqf pue eu6 o:p.dH fo p.reoq or.lf pue lueuabeueu foruos aqf uoamfeq lueurebue::e ue set,t af,or-trtr sem a-rar.{1 peueddeq feqm pue 'p:eoq or{f ecelde: o1 luauree:6e acueu:azrob ar{f 'luauree:6e :e6;aur oql 1ou 'lueuee;be ecueu:aurob oqf -rapun fqbTr rTaqf :e66t.21 o1 6u1ob seA o-r.refuo Jo lueuru:elob oqf 'z{1>1uerg aftnb 'mou1 nor{ 'z{es ol lueurea-rbe lallaT sTql peq Aeql pue 'eug o:pz{g pue :epfoqe.reqs :o[eur e se or.reJuo 1ou seA lueu:ee:6e :a6;eur eq; 'luauree:be pafTurTT aug o;p.dg (x) zsdor6Bt B6Tq'O6B'BOZ ENIJUOdEU gS3 9Zt VZ €.2 ZZ IZ OZ 6t BT LI 9t qT VI TTt ZI IT OT 6 o L 9 I v t Z It paf,TurTT euo ofp^H (x) zudor06t f eqf uo s1q6noq1 z{ue oleq nod pr6 '1noqe po>{Tef er"r souo oql of,am asoLll {uTqf I alueuree;be ro uot1e1sr6e1 ueqf .roqfo paqsrlduroooe eq pTnoo treqf, /{oltr of p"reba.r qfTA .roJJ:o otr s1q6noq1 Tpuorfrppe z{ue erreq nor{ op puv 0 'seA I v aoT-feluo ur salef fauoJSnc ocnpo-r of AoI{ lnoqe {Te1 o1 .,{em-rapun ele feqf suoTssncsTp fnoqe '.r{:;os ur,1 'fo Terfuefod lnoqe spooM ueurreq3 g:o Auou:tfsel aql ro; e:aq noA of,oA oS 0 'pebueqc Jou seq dlqsuorleTa.r leqtr, 'fueuree.rbe acueu:elro6 aqf .rapun fr{6Tr feqf peq sderrle Fer1l '.rnc3o pTnoA f eql /vror{ of se luauree"z6e ue seA o.reqJ os 's:eploqo>{Efs pue s.ropToqereqs of fcedurr lseoT oqf sasnec leql l{em luatcTJJo fsour oqf ur sueddeq fT o.rns o>{eu s r JeT os 'ueddeq o1 6utob sr sTql '>{ooT pTes uopsTm sf -f ur p.reoq aql os 'p:eoq aq1 burcelde: J:o ssaco:d Iq16ua1 e uoeq elpr1 pTnom eJoqf 'lueuee:be acueu;eaob ar{f AoTToJr noz{ lT sr fpqf auop a^eq pTnoA 11 dem aql pue 'feqf ouop oleq pTnoo fT pue preoq eqtr ecelde: of fr-{6Tr aqf peq 1T '1ueu:ae:6e acueu:ezrob eq1 .ropun os '6utpuelsf,apunsru eq z{eur 1 'z{::os 'JruseA 1T 1ng V 6ur;a11e uorlce lueuru:eao6 Terluelod ,{q poo:oJ lueuree;be Teuorf rppe ue [q pebueqc ,,{11e1uauepun; s, JT 'oluT pa.relue sT lueuree:6e oql f,olJe uaql /z{em utel.roc e uT 6u11ce eq of 6utob sr {1:ed ;oqlo oql feql pTol 85TE'O6B'BOZ 9Nr,tEodtu ss3 \c L2VC EZ ZZ TZ OZ 6t BT LI 9I qT vt TT ZI II OI I t 6 L 9 E b E Z Tt spueprlTp felo Torluoo ou aAeI-{ Aeq1'1no pred s , trT oouo esn pTnom z{eq1 leql z{ur ut farTJeo pTes s r JegI 'ouo o.rp.,{g tuo.rJ pafecrpuT peq lueuru:errob puopr^rp eqf eq1 AuourTfsaf I 'ouo .reqJouP sr onua^a] xeJ Tef,euoe 'seore -raqf,o uor; euoJ of 6utob s,JT os 'esuadxa Tetrol fo or.refuo uT pTTnq Tefof oq1 ;:o aM 'esec oql Jouler{f eldulrS s,JI l:o Jno 6ur.des TTe 1T a>{ef lsn['urebe luec:ed qT 'J I upTnoc lsn I TTT/'r 'os 'aulTJ e1\eq nor{ s , JeVf O:P.,{g 'Aldurts r fer-{1 ofTnb'euo slceJ aqf fnoqfrA -Io/\o fuoTcrJJa of,olu oiuoceq seq eug o:pz{g'JUAUJSOAUT oL{I 'uals^s J:o Junoue urelfac e sa:tnbe: ulafs^s lectsdqd e Jo JSoc oql le oq of ur s:eAedele: roJ uted eq1 e puTJ TTTrvl deql 'Aep ol-{f, Jo 6uto6 Jou s , JI 'or-reJuo l:o oruos aferAaTTP of .,{em 'ob plnoc lueuru:eao6 sTr-11 f er{1 fV dem :eqloue s,fee,l 'z{em euos ur feqf ozTpTsqns of sonuolef xel 1e:eueb pasn o^eq slueuru:aaob lsed pue .raz{eda1e: .,{11c1:1coTa eq1 uodn pac.roJ erom feqf se6ueqc z{c11od e:e asaqf os ':eelcnu of Teoc uo:J 6uruotltsue.rf uT sabueqc ouos 'd6:aue uae:6 'z{ct1od ur sabueqc 'p:ocat c11qnd eq1 uo TTe of,e asal1f pue 'eseaf,our oqf .ro;i suoseor aqf Jo euos 'suorlcnpa.r JSoc srlT os 'e1oqm e se A:lsnput ot{f tuo.rJ ouoc 01 6utob s ,1I 's:ez{ede1e: or-reluo ]oJ selef lcedurr Aler'tltsod o1 Iaes TTTA luauru.rerrob ol{f '11e:arro os iLIeoI v aluourrlsal leqf p.reeq nor\ se puo aqf pefTurTT eu6 o:p.dg (x) zuaor16t BSTE'068'802 9NIJEOAEU BS3 9Zt VZ LC ZZ IZ OZ 6t BT LI 9I ET 3t ITI ZT II OT 6 o L 9 I v t Z TI oluTl ar{1 'sanlerr ;o su;al ur .reTTurs sem fpt{l z{ueduroc e roJ pelooT e/{ 'dn lqbnoql fsfTJ se^,r JT uor-lm -- serueduroc or\1 eqf uaI4A 'pau6-r1e A11e:n11nc 'qee1 V ,,' paubrle A11e;nf Tnc o.re selueduroc oe,l ,, 'BI ouTT /r{::os ur,1 0 a-requnu auTT aq1 prPS no^ v aAar^ :noz{ ur peubrle {11e.rn11nc seluedu:oc ar-{f o.re r,roH 'auo o.rp{g pue Ef sT^V 6ulueeur ,,'peu6t1e d11e:nf,Tnc ef e salueduioc ee1,, 'des noI BI ouTT uO '{uourrlsel Teluauefddns :noz{ Jo 'feqf roJ noz{ 1ueq1 'II ebed uo u,J 'ft-{6T:t TTV 0 'uralsAs uoassrlusue-TJ er{1 uo ,{fTTTqeTla.r poo6 r{.relr r{lTA 'JT Jo 1:ed TTeus r{:ezr e erp aM 'or.rpluo uT luac;ed ZI u{q sale: 6urcnpe.r oJ uorlnTos oi{f lou sr au6'o.zplg 'ou sr .romsue eq1 'uoTTTTq JTeq-e-pue-omJ lnoqe sr pueds Tefof rno 'or-reJuo ur d6.reue bulptzro.rd fo Jsoo Tpf,of eql uT uoTTTTq Zs re^o eq pTnoA uoTlcnpor luec:ed ZT oS V alT op of eTqe oq uela nod plnog aeuo o:ptrg uo eleq feqf pTnom lcedu:1 TeroueurJ Jo puT>{ lpqm /mo:.rouro1 luec:ed ZI r{q Sf,otuoJsnc otr salef acnpe-r o1 peq no.,{ ':ededele: ]TOS O oTletruo eqJ f,oJ seJe.r osn TTTA tr"ql azrpTsqns z{11er1ue1od o1 -rno fe 'rrqJ of esor{f fT earbaA UaLIM 'Jno /uot1e:cstp pTEd 6u1eq pofTurTT eug o:p.{g (x) zsaorz6e 86 rq '06 8 ' 802 9Nr,tuodgu gs3 9ZI VZ CZ ZZ IZ OZ 6I BT LI 9I 9T VI CTo ZI TT OT 6 I L 9 E v e 7 To of ssa33P penurluo3 a^eq of,PJSTAV /v\OTTe feqf burAes S Tq] 'nO.r{ of sr .Te6.Taur e: , noz{ >tuTqf eqf l:o strrJauaq I '02 euTT uo fnq 1se z{lureJJoc Tr I I ar-{f l:o ouo 'uotlsenb 'BI e6e6 sasseuJrA efsT^v aq1 >{ueqr 0 '-rPTTurTs z{.razr ':ourolsnc er{f ro; efeJ {4t4+ 'ssoursnq 6utop fnoqe ob z{aq1 Aor{ pue selueduroc oAJ Jo eJnJTnc aqf fnq ':req1o Ltrcpo dTeq TTTIUI {uTt{1 ol,\ qsTI-Uv\ 'uteqc uorle1ouur leqf seq plsrlv pue 'aarlcnpo:d e:our buturoceq 'pesncog:-Jsoo z{:azr sr eug o:p^g 's6urq1 fnoqe o6 oA Aor{ ur socuo.reJJTp 1q6TT5 'luoprle arou uolo spm feqf '.req1e6o1 fob sueol lueure6eueu o/vrJ eq? uoqg 'osuos apeu TTe 1eq1 'pe1e1ue-r:o d:1unoc o:totu 'enlezr fToqf 'pealolra .,{aq1 rroq /sarupduroc 01"11 oqf Jo spuno.r6>13eq aqf os ':e11ur1s d.rea 'r{le.rr 'oues eql lsouTe s,JT 'seq elsT^V ler-{f [.ro1s dueduroc oltrl fe IooT no^,{ uoqrq pue 'e:ebetp ur uep cr:fceTeo:pdq e sem 1ce[o:d :o[eur fs:rTJ eq; s.reer{ 00I .re^o -roJ puno-re ueeq seq 'dn ualo.rq sem fT eroJeq z{ueduroc :e6:e1 ar{f Jo 1:ed 'auo o:pdg 'seoJe Tef,nf, eq1 .dlddns aM 'sr uotlelndod fsou er.{f afor-{tut 'eldurexe roJ 'o1uo.ro;, ut s-reuoJsno of .ramod eprno:d J, uop oM 'saTlro 6Tq aq+ Jou s , 1f 'Te.rn.r dluleur s1 eseq olef, srouo o.zplg 'auo o:plg of -reTTurTs d;ezr seu elsrlv feqf f,eaT3 tr:aa set,t 1T pue 's:eu:o1snc r{fTl,r >{3ef,f d",{+ Xem eq1 'puno:e ueaq peq .deq1 1Eq1 palTurTT euo o:p{g (x) zEdort6tB6Ig'O5B'BOZ SNIIEOdEE SS:) 9Z t7VO C7 ZZ IZ OZ 6T BT LI 9I 9T VI IT ZT IT OT I t 6 o L 9 E v e Z Ia pefTurTT euo orp^H (x) zrdorv6t 85T9'068'B0Z ,NIJUOdEU gS3 9Z VZ tz 77 TZ OZ 6t BT LI 9I qT VI TT ZT IT OT t t 6 U L 9 I v e Z I ob uaql JT pue 'optJ a>{eu TTTA feql eq.deu: eleq I 'r{:1 TT , I 'Ae>[O : SSENJIM EHJ '1ctnb 'ou /sa[ uraql eleu of luem noz{ auoTssTurluoJ ei{f lo s-raquou iuoJJ suorJsenb ,,{uy e se po3uequo ssocce r{fT1vt ,{+TTT+n uosee.r eq1 J:o 1"red : EECNVTTEX UENOT SS INNOJ 'no{ lueq; :SSENJIM gHI 'qcnur r{:aa noz{ >1ueq; 'e.raq qcnu e^eq 1, uop of ef ,e/{ AoN '.,{snq ala/{ no1 'eur-ff :nod e1e1ce.:dde 'fT sT fer.{I 1 '[uoruTfsel Teffnqa] :nor{ 'nod lueq; 0 'f Tnse] salueduioo r-{1oq pue leltdec of e ouoceq eA fPqlsT auTquoc 01 oleq fsn[ oA .rno ur seJef, oq pTnoA oz dof pue 'e:eqs :a6.re1 qonu e 'sbutql Jo spuT>i asoi{l os '.,{.:o1stq s,{ueduioc lsomoT oq1 1e uorTTrq V'I Jo areq Z0 uT fqep f,olo poTTo.r aM 'f qep .relo 6u111o-r z{11ue1s1suoc er , eM 'uorleztue6ro :e6:e1 e lsn[ 'pacueque {1e1r1 ?soiu sT ssacre eq1 sT a:eq1 z{es p,I 6rTq+ [1uo eq;, 'oN V ;d11ue:rnc slel.reu 1e11dec 6urssecce su:e1qo:d butaeq e?sr^V Jo e:eme no^{ o;v 0 'se^ v a?cel.roc feqf sr .'sJo>{reu lelrdect qfTr"r buTr{l artllsod e sem ouo o.rpz{g ut dlqs-zaumo 6u1aeq acurlo.rd er{1 f eqf .duourtlseq snotzre:rd .rnoz{ uT epeu err, noA suorJeluasa.rde: .raleleqm .roJ 'uot1ce1a feqloue qfTA u1e6e s6urq1 ebueqc ol e.rom lueuru:errob oqf lT 'acatd leltdec of ssocJp oq1 o1 p:e6e: I{JTA os 's,.rapupTTafX ueu-rrel-{J of uo-AoTToJ poob e tr11en1ce sr ouTN 0 :UgdVU UENOISSINNOS Ag NOIJVNINVXS ' :adeg .feuorssrrlnuo3 'slueqf 'r{e>{O :UECNVTT3y USNOISSINNOJ seq ouo o.rp.dg ;o eTTe.rquln aql 'pTnoc .,{eqJ V a{sTr Jo ee:6ep auos qfeau.ropun 6utq1z{:a^e lurqf o/vt 'fq6T: 11e butdes pue fer-{1 1e 6u1>1ooT luo.rJ slsdleue loo.rfS TTEM dols pTnoA fel-{f butqlou s , erel{J 'pelcedxeun 6utqler:ros pTp ocurlord oqf fT os l.de1g 0 .ON V a^oqf afe'suorsrlo.rd 6utcueg:-6ut.r aqf fo .due .dq punoq Jou ar,{eqf 's1s.d1eue trea:1s TTeM '6utcueg:-6ut.r J:o ctdol ot{f uo oS 0 :UECNVTTSX USNOISSINIdOS A8 NOIJVNINVXS pofTuITT eug o:pz{g (uroC) ZgdOT96e 86Iq'O6B'BOZ 9Nrruoduu 8s3 9Zt VZ tz ZZ IZ OZ 6T BT LI 9I E1 vt ETt ZI IT OT 6 B L 9 I v e Z To e of slueualo:durr aq pTnom pesturo:d oq feqm .roJr l"tau e Iq poloula: sem pf,eoq oLIl os lz{e16 0 'uorf eTJUT :ro ur oseafour 1eur6:eu e roJ JSoc or.{f uer-if "remoT '1soc seuoolno f,auoJsnc azlo-rdu,rt f nq / suorlcnpa.r of aTqe uoeq o^roA asor-{f fasl:Jo seq se:tnbe: f TaslT uiatrsz{s feqf uAoqs eA I oA Jsoc leltdec or-trf oqf sr or-fPluo ur teture:d os '1uau:1serru1 abuelleqc oL{I fuaTcTJJe efou z{uour11se1 :nod 1q6noq1 I uaqf U 'Feue luom 'pueds NTO .rno ocnpe.r ol eTqe uoaq oA,eM V al3e.r.roc feqf sr isJeuolsns of sJsoc ocnpe-r of eTqe uooq z{11en1ce azr, noz{ leql /t1ou fnoqe TTfun eue-IJ oluTf 9T0z al{l ur pue q3nu ouoceq g:o 6uruuT6aq .d11en1ce seq [11111n aql feqf eq1 :eau {es nol{ p:eaqr f er-{f, 'trero os iuorlecT]T.reTc al-{f foJ noz{ >1ueq1 sf o>{leu lqop aql Jo sez{e aql uT uotlcalo.rd leqI '3nssr ue of,uT fab er,r pTnoqs 6u11ceq Juauu.relob peq er,r lel{tr uorsse;durT aqf peq fT osnecaq satueduoc Jsoiu uel-{f a.rotu )tcTf e 'e>{TT '1o6 em r{lsnorAofd 'epe.rbdn ue se/{ o.raqJ -- deme {oof tr.q+ servr prp da,{l treqr,r 'qee1 V ;6ur1e.r lrpo.rc f,Teq1 epe;6urrrop pue lT lcaJ:Je prp feql os l[e16 0 'l{Tnl ur {oof d",{+ uoTfce oqf TTfun z{1snot.rre.zd seA 1I V 1eq1 .,{es no{ p.reeq I luTqf I 'a3S pofTuITT eug o;pz{g (u:ol ) ZEdOT96r 86I9'068'802 9Nrruodtu 8sf, 9Z VZ tz 77 o IZ OZ 6I BT LI 9I ET VI IT ZI TT OI I 6 B L 9 E v t Z To fsorddeq aLIl. fo euos e^eq sfT qfTA qot poob z{11e;de {eql IuTr-trf I soop /un-t uo lutod 's-reuolsnc TTaA d1:reg: sTr{1 of lPqtr sr /elsrzry ueeu I pue 'uno sf,T ,{+TTT+NE foJ '1utod ezrrlceds:ed rno uo.r; oTqeuoseo: 1T J,usf ')tuTr_{f Iaq1 dlesrce:d sr leqf pug 0 'pofcoTa ruoL{1 trob f T pue poo6 s ,1T pue xoq e e1ef ue3 er-l pue s6utq1 Jo eldnoc e stres oH 'leq1 puef s.repun J, usaop c11qnd eq1 lnq /11rq r{ue uo 1cedul1 ue eas lou TTTA nod 'aldurexe roJ 'ea:q1 otr ulv1op seo6 1T JI 'pal{sTTqnd seA leq/vl sr uorTTTlu 9 sem z{ed s,og3 aqJ 'sosnuofd ^dur uo 6ul;elTTap urJ 'ser{ r{es pue xoq oqf o>{pf ueo or{ lnq 'fT 6u1op paddols sar.remo;q eq1 uoql pup s)ioe/{ 'e{TT 'toJ fer-lf uopoJo^rTap aL{ feLIf, esruro-zd sPA STr.tr]. eprsfno opeu eq uTelra3 eppur fnq 'TTem z{:azr 'r{:orr fT pTp pue feql puP .raaq .rer-lf ouv e lcnq e 'sesruro:d uo pazTes slueuru.rano6 z{ed s,OIC 1T z{es uec z{11cexe l, uoP 3ro pot:ed of qled 1eqf, ;eruie;d e spm e;or{f pup 'burbueqc ofo/vr uoqm eulTf e 1p p.reoq oqf fo ,{ed eq1 osTe pue ar_{f uT asPo-rcuT elPunJ.roJun ue seA o.relll sPA 1 u{er"r lseldurrs oqf os /a:aq peuaddeq srJeqA s , leqf os 'oures oqf sr{em1e J r uaf e sderrle scrltlod pue d111ea: os lse1 V 's.reed e -ro^o 1-F u/"lo{{s z{pea:1e peq pue lueurezrordurr e uo se/t'I oJ z{;:t1se1 noz{ p.zeeq I ler-lf uralstrs petrTurTT ouo o:p.dg (uroC) ZEdOTL6e B6T9 '06 B 'BOZ ,NIJUOdSU SS3 qZt VZ tz 77 IZ OZ 6l BI LI 9t qT vt ETO ZI TI OI 6 B L 9 E t Z TI 1sn[ ]ou /suotlecTTdurT f,eprm r1cnu eq pTnom a,ror{f luTqf 1 'urebe uoTfce leqf 1oof [.ql JI 'uorJce rTaqf ua]ief azl , daq1 luTql I'luepuadopuT 'ueo em r{em uo uoTJse a>[e] sr preoq eqJ fseq 4..{+ el{l fT PTNOf, pAJA/v\SUe er\ r OIvl 'lurou .roJ sdols ob Jruseop 1I qcfou '1.red e/vt a.roJoq os i{pee:1e ore IuTr_{1 I a saJef elsTl\V e^oqe 1T o.raqA '1ec11t1od euo ef r an /vrou pue dn qclou auo e peq Tecrfrfod ",{+ roJ peloou1 6uteq mou s,feq1 os 'fer{1 uer4f :emoT due f oJ sor{cJou onf f rq uaaq ozr r oA os /urtop seqclou Jo .roqunu e sem ouo o:p^dg g:o aqI 'fnoqp uelods aA r e/v\ sepe.rbumop aA pue .,{1r1enb or.{f r.{f-il^JTpe.rc uela '1urodsTqf of soop l,useq fI 'pTnor 1I v ;z{-zetptsqns sfT se eJSTAV uo 'oe.zbe noA J,upTnofi\ /seop ouo o.:p{g lcedurtue o/\PI-{ epe.r6umop UT o:pIg e fnq 'elstlry fooJrJe d11ce.rtp pue ocuT^o:Id oql Aot{ lnoqe ploco.r eqf uT J, UeC OUO .duou:t 1s e 1 Jo loT E s r of,eqJ leqf Aou>i I 'ru\oN 'euo o:p{g epe.rburrop .rol{f.rnl: pTnoc ?T f pqf ,{+TtT+n al{tr J:o eu:p6 TecTfrTod Jo puTI oluos elpu of sesooqc pue ocrJJo oluT s1e6 /1st:1uec e uele f,o uosred 6utm fJaT e 'uos:ed f,uo.roJJrp p f T o)tTT slooT fel-ll 'fr16T: '1en1ce;r snsfel TecrfrTod e>tTt sltooT leql .re6:aut e elro;dde 01 sn 6u11se e:,noz{ pue sn 6u11se e.z,r{aq1 pue lelrdec ol ssocce 1e6 01 oTqe a:,r{eq; '6ut1e: frpa.rc poob p oleq A"t{,1 'TToA un.r 6uteq e;,r{eq; 'afefs oq1 uT s-reuoJsnc pafTurTT eug o.rpIg (uroC) ZEdOTB6t B6TE'O6B'BOZ DNIJEOdSU SSD 9Zt t7VO CZ ZZ TZ OZ 6I BT LI 9t 9T vt tT ZI TT OT I 6 L 9 I h t Z TI 'asruro:d uorJJaTa uE opeu oq oues aql pTPS spooM ueu.rreqS sr r{es pTnoA I feqf f]ed oqtr pue P soluocoq lT lT eTTe.rqurn ,{+TTT+n d:eae o1 6ut6eurep s , f T fPqA s, fevtr lUeUtU:ezrO6 pue 'feqf aqf {.t.{+ fer-{f '6u1u:our sTr-lf 6uT,.l+ >tuTr-{f 1 'uorurdo {ur s,JT 'ee:6e I V s r ouo o:p.{g Juela peleede: uTqlTA sT 1eqtr 'qcnur olorqce v, 'ute6e )tuTr{f I f nq 106 oa, no.{ 'z{epo1 1<>6 ezr, no.r{ 6urop .dq qcnur eAeTqJe J r usaop 'os 'ute6e p.reoq luapuadeput 1ou z{eur lueuru:oao6 aql feqtr ee:6e I p.reoq luapuedepur ue 'ute6e ue e:r , z{aq1 'af eJT 'e:e r{eq1 JT fng V 'pecelder pue pofeuruf,aJ TTe e:,2{eq1 TTfun luepuedepur sr pleoq eqJ, 0 'uorJoe rer1f;nJ e1ed1c11ue lou op I 'z{epo1 rerTree pTes spooM ueu.rreL{C eXfT 1sn[ 'eledtcrlue 1 , uop I pue 1eq1 q6no-rq1 lob seq fiueduroc oqf f nq 'TeapT 1ou s,fT'ee:6e f 'do1 eqf fe osTou Jo aTflTT V 'pelcedurr ueaq seq z{ueduoc aqf fo suorlelado 6utz{1.ropun oql uT burqlou 'ureby ':eer{ sTqf, Jo s:e1:enb-oef,r.{f poob d:e.rr e pel{ or,t os ':ea{ lseT uo"r; butspe:cut reer{ sTql sfTnse.r aqJ, 'euo o:p^g 3ro suorle:ado aqf pelcedurt ,,{11ea: J,useq fI 'TTeurs z{:aa srlT e{TT 'letcrg:.redns z{:an sr fT uaoq s,lpel f,eJ os butqleuros auop S,oH 'aToqm e sE or-reJuo -roJ trnq 's-reAedele: roJ palTuTT euo o.rpu{g (uroC) Zf,dOT66e B6T9 '06 B 'BOZ 9Nr,tuodgE gsf, 9Z VZ EZ ZZ IZ OZ 6I BT I LT 9T ET vt TT 7T II OI I 6 B L 9 E v t Z It esTuo.rd leqf uT sr uorfsanb du 1nq 'eug o:pz{g lsn[ ueql aTecs -repeofq p ssofce uaddeq pTnom fpqf l/roq puno-re su.re dur 1ob oA,I >tuTr{1 I pue luec:rad Zl l{q sale: aJnpa.r 01 asturo:d s r lueuuJezrob ei{f fnoqe opeu ereu f,pr-{f sJuoueJeJs oruos of, IOeq seo6 uorlsenb dpq 'zedo1 '-rN 'pTaTf .rnou{ ur as11:edxa .rnoz{ elerce:dde I puv 0 'aa.rbe I V '.reuoTssririiuoJ e ruo.rJ uotlsenb p1dn1s e se 6rTq+ qcns ou s , e;oql I{f Tr,r sTql ece;re.rd TT , I 0 :NOSUSCNV ESNOTSSTNNOf, A8 NOIJVNINVXS .:epue11e [y f ouorssrurluoJ 'no.,{ lueq; :NOSHECNV UENOISSINI4OJ 'uos-repuv .rouoTssTllltuoc :UECNVTTEX EENOISSINNO3 'eleq I TTe s , JeeJ '.Auourrf sof .rno{ roJ nol{ 1ueql :Ef,dVU ESNOISS]NNOO osor{f lcedxe Jruop I os 'enurluoc o1 sbutql 'elqeuteJsns sr leql 6utqlauros 'suotldo aqf Tfe le 6ut>1oo1 Jo o^orqce o/t,I sseco.rd e qbno.zql Jruseq eq '1uec:ed efou qcnu e s,1T uP3 AOr{ 6uro6 a-re aM '1uec:ed ZI eqf uo paJce ZI sTq ue^o a>{TT 'sseco:d 1ng:1q6noq1 seurl Teu.rou uf 'q6no:q1 moTTo; TT,oA pafTurTT ouo o:plp1 (uroC) ZSdOT00, B6TE '06 B 'BOZ 9NIJUOdSH SS3 9Z VZ I,Z ZZ r7 OZ 5T BI LI 9t gT VI tT ZI IT OT I e 6 B L 9 E v t Z It auPS aql s, lI tre,{+ 'noN 'f Pql asn fa6 of 6urob a:,2{eq1 s r Juoruu.Terro6 eq1 asn pTnom u{eq1 se/vl pTPs 'sole-r uT uoTlcnpo.r e ocnpe.r of f.roJJa ue ur eq1 'spuept.ntp ue 1 'ser{ lnq '1ou ur, 1 '.repToqaf eqs P os 'euo o:pu{g ;:o 01 seob spuopr^rp z{ue os '1uec;ed Zn ol 6urob a:,Aaq1 fer{f luac.red ZV rTeqtr os 'pueptzrrp 'sele:ezrpTsqns otr puepT^rp fTsqf leqm 'ou 'oN V [.,-ll -roJ lusrueqsau e seA leL{J 'soJp.r ou xeJ pue euoC pTnOC lueuru:ezro6 Jo Junoue urelf,ac e pted ur,1 pue r{cTqt,r '-zeploqaf,eqs u,I z{es s,JoT elef TT , I z{es of6uro6 e.re Illeorseq 'sonuela.r xel 1e:eua6 se ufnJa-r fTaql s,JI :oumo luac:ed Zb e esol{l Jo luac:ed ZV f sn I A"q; '6uTql se fT o{ef pTnoc ':e6:aur eq1 -rel;e 'xel e lou s,JT sP lueuru:eaob er-{f '{ed 1eq1 lqbnoql f apuelsropunsru f pTC 0 ralJv '1uec:ad LV seq l:o ecurlord eq1 {epo1 ruaqf lcadxa J, uop I pTnoA spuopT^Tp asoqf feqA Jo feqf I,upTnoA sT astl:edxe oler{ TT , [eq1 'elsray L{f TA aA puepT^rp .:a6:aur eq1 feqtr -repToqereqs oql sT or.reJuo uiar{f lcadxe I 'spuepr^rp xel of of of,aA tr"ql JI aql-rom oq 6ur1e.r J:o J.ros auos lcedurt 'pauteldxosrlu I 'L{eax V 16ur1e: oqf uo lcedurt ue eler-{ ?eql f rupTnom '1no tred {-,{+ fer-{f spueprnTp s r euo o:pdp1 xe1 o1 6uto6 sem lueurureurob oqf JT /spueptzrTp xef pue >1ceq ob lnq 'pue1s.repun I r uop I esneceq popeeu .rno.,{ e.r3qA srefeq pue 'se1P.: ecnpa.r of pofTurTT eug o:plg (uroC) ZgdOTr0v B6 T9 'O6 B ' BOZ 9Nrruodgu gs3 C7I VZ EZ ZZ IZ OZ 6I BT LI 9I 9T VI TTI ZI IT OT 6 B L 9 I v t Z It a.raqfo aql 01 IfTTTJn euo .dq peub'rsse eq 1q6tut sJSo3 AoI-{ aqrrosop TTTA 1oco1o.zd eq1 feltrf lcadxa noz{ p1no14 0 'epTS f eqf uT l.redxe aqf sT .req.rqg ':trr1 Iqm srleqf, pue e.rpAe Jou rurl V 'e aTnpoqcs 'L 'oN fTqTqxE .reqll{E srJf ;.(uotu11se1 s,feq.rqu '.rN LtrtrTA uoTlceuuos ur asec sTql ur peTTf ueeq {pee.r1e seq 1oco1o:d luaurubtsse fco.rrp e 1eq1 arer,re noI eJV 'suorJecoTTe Jsoc lnoqe po{Tef noz{ pue osues Tercueur; appu fr leqf seA elsrzry e:tnb3e 01 suoseaf er{f 6uou:e leql perJrfsel nol{ uo u{1;eg 0 :SVNOHT 'SN Ag NOIJVNINVXI J3TUICEU ':epue11e [y ueu;Ter{C 'nor{ 1ueql : SVNOHI 'SN 'Jsa.rTpa-r f oJ z{pee-r ar,oA puv :UUCNVTTS}1 UENOISSINNOC 'uollsenb ptdnls e lou s,1f : SSSNIIM gHJ auorJsenb prdnls e Jou sr sTr{f feqf f3eJ oql o1 lceq o6 I ueJ :NOSUSCNV UUNOISSI6NOO 'sra[eda1e: 01 lceq fr ezrr6 TT, I pue f,eqf z0v B5Tg'O6B'BOZ 9NI,IUOdUU gS3 EZ VC CZ 77 IZ OZ 6I BT LI 9I 9T vt IT ZI IT OT I t 6 B L 9 I b t Z Tt palTurTT eug o:pdg (lceu) zsaor l:o luau^Ed s r eJSTAV r.{6nofr-{f alorr{ce uec ouo o.rp^H feqf r{em z{1uo eJSTAV ruo]] sonuo^e-r oq1 sr 0 6utlaas eqf ur 6urq1{ue 'sr a;eqf 'so1 V aefsr^v ruo.rJ senuo^o.r paseof3ur ruorJ eu6 o:p[i1 sapnlca:df er{tr :noA sluauJTlirluoJ ofol{1 sI 'ou se/{ ]eAsuepue eJST1lV ouo o:p.dp1 uoTlcnpef zI aL{1 uo uo.rJ spuopT^Tp .f oqf eqA efou uTeJqo uorlsenb e o1 z{:1 of se1v\ a.rar-{J, suotlsenb IooT pTnoA 'lesodo.rd eJef fnoqe lUeC:ed e.roqfr{1TA uoTJsauuoc uT Treso-r JO S1OS Tefa^as e.roA noz{ oC 0 'Junoue Tefof aqf Jo tr.red TTeus d:rezr e sem 1T fnq 'fer-{f Jro 1-red TTeurs e aq ^,{eur o.reqJ, V aefsr^V se:rnbce eu6 o:pIH JT poprole aq TTTA leql slsoc Jo spuT>i .reqfo 'z{xo.rd 's6ut1eau ,rolce.rrp Jo p.reoq uo s?soo butzres se qons sbulaes JSoc aferpauruT pelpurlsa uo poseq fequnu eqf seM 0 'se11"red TTe 01 elqeldecce seA ler{1 pee.rbe seA Junoue ue uoTfcTpsTrnI qcea qlTA uorJerlo6eu q6no-l{f pue Teep eqf pTp el,t uar{l"t purru ur requnu p peq aA qbno:q1 se/vl fI 'pa^To^ur z{11ce:tp JruseA I v auref sz{s oqf ssorce eq pTno/"r lTpa.rc ele-r oqf qcnu 1v\oq Jo uorleuTu.relop aqf uT palTolur nod aram 'esuas TeTcupuTJ burleur 1T r-lf T/./I UoTJCOUUOC ur nO,,{ 1Se osTP p I I 0 'fPqf lcedxa pTnom I V pafTuTT eug o:p[g (Toeu) zsaort03 B6IE'O5B'8OZ ENIJUOdEU gS3 EZt VZ tz cc TZ OZ 6I BT LT 9I ET VT TTI ZT TT OI 6 B L 9 E v e Z Tt ler-{f ^ed of sEr-{ TTTIs 'urebe 'pue uniuTuTru luec:ad 'oE-og s, leef treq1 Jua^o eLIf 'lueurded f eql ;,o z{1rnba eql 'sf,epTor{ef,eqs slT of P]STAV Jo JSa.reJuT p.reoq aqf,, 'elstr'y z{q elsrlv 1ce1o:rd o1 srfeql pue oTlef fnoqe paISP a:em no[ 'a1ou peleTe-ieuo 0 pue eJSTAV 'puaplatp f saq er{f uT s ,1t {es JUOTUJIlUrUO3 esr fPqf z{1tnba lnq'17 VV aql Aq punoq aq TTTIs pTnom a/v\ reprsuoc uorssauuo3 ot{f alpq pue Alddee: of )ieas pTnom ot"t uoi1l 'OV-09 or-reJuo ur 'OV-09 a"rnlcn"rls eqf '^{ps'oJ pe6ueqc lueA fT JT fnq uorssTirnuoJ aqf luec.red VV feq; vv AoTaq e?srAV JT os '1uec:ad OS uI 'z{11ueueur.zed e>{eu 1,up1noc noz{ pecnpo-r 1T uosPaf e.roqf sr '1uac.red auos foJ VV aq 01 spq orle: [1tnbe unruruTu eq] uor.{f pue '1sa:e1ur 01 VCTISS s,.,{poo1n1 pue d3S 'suoTJTpuoc fI '6ur1re; p,remdg saulTf ee.rl{f l:o oTJEf e a^eq of e^eq no,,{ .fo z{q ape-r6 lueuJsolur oq of eleq raqlro no1 oolqf -ro suorJrpuos oAl spq lT pup gt 'oN sT are sessel6 t{61 'suorJnqrrfsrq pup spuapT^Tq uo suoTfcT:fseg 'o6 nor{ o.req; V a8t 'oN oq fT pfnoM 0 'lUetuJTllnUOC lcexo oql f,of 6ut1oo1 1sn[ ur,1 'sr eJer{;, V aeuo o.rpz{g o1 spuapT^Tp z{ed o1 u{111tqe s, elsrlv uo uorlct:1sa: due a.reqf sI 0 'so^ v aspuepr^rp polTurTT auo orpdg (Toeu ) zgao'lv0v B6TE'O6B'BOZ SNIJEOdSU BS3 9Z VZ €,2 ZZ IZ OZ 6I BT LI 9I ET VI TT ZI TT OT I t 6 8 L 9 I v t Z Io 'JCAffOC S,JeU,l V auraql f oJ 6urz{ed aq f r uo1v\ s-rauoJsnc s , eJSTAV oS 0 'euo o.rp^H os 'elstrrq' ;:o s.repToqe.rPqs oqf s,1I v aeq feqf rTTA oi{A puv 0 'seop fT 'se^ v aapeu seq euo o-rp^H ler{1 sluaulnrrluoc TerJueurJ snor.rpl aq1 6utpung: oq otr 6urobo1 leads sTqf sooq'99 'oN Jueulrirnuos / sesnelc ssoTu.req no,tr' 0 pTor{ aLIl trnoqP 'IuTqf J3A-r-rOC aelsr^v of l,upTnoc nor{ /dn Juafi\ lelrdec Jo of u-rnJ sroqA Of nO.,{of, o)iTT 1'os1e p, r fnq 'a>1ods >{ se auos foJ fT fEqf ueeu osTE lel{f s,fer{J v qbno:q1 lsoc JSos feLIf ssed s , ouo o:pz{g uoseof sooc 0 'foJ su.rnJo-t z{1tnbe uoT s s runuoJ pue fqep uo os ':e6.reur aq1 aqf ofuT of 6ut1e1e: oqf o1 .,{1dde c1g:tceds sem luasqe dfrnba pTnoA oA feql feqf feqf 'se{ fo fqop fo JSos etreco^pp Jou TrT/'\ o1,{ lPql s-t 9z JuaiufTlrnuoc ;z{prsqns p roJ pJsrAV 01 1ooT of euo o;p.{g sT -roAsue er{f :aqbrq e :oJ V rof l{1r1rqeur {e1d osTe gZ fuorulruiluoc pTnoM 'suorleooTTe vz luaufTlrrluoc uo sncoJ prp noz{ pue uorfcef,Tp reqlre ur uoTfezTpTsqns-ssofc aq pTnos eJaqf .raqlaqA pofTurTT eug o:pIg (lceu) zs,aot90t 86TE'O6B'BOZ ,NIJUOdEU SSJ 9Z VZ CZ ZZ IZ OZ 6I BT LI 9I ET vl IT ZI IT OT t o 6 L 9 E v t Z Io patTurTT ouo o.rp^H (Toeu) zsaor90b aeuefuoN ur slTpo.rc olef r{ue o.reql a.roM 'sor?r^Tlce laqlo pue s-reuotrsnc auosuT AoT f oJ sJTJouoq ur uorTTTtu t'g se TTaA se pesodo.rd uaaq seq sf Tpe"ro oJe-r ur uorTTrtu B'ET lel4l parJTlsal nor{ oLIPpI ur puP '1ue:e3.3,rp ef,o/v\ sJuoiutrTlliluoc eql lnq 'aures er-{f sem :e6:aul eql f,eTTurs spm 1T leql pauoTluaur nor{ pue .ropJo uorssrlirluo] a3T^.ras c-fTqnd euefuoN aqf fe >{ooT 01 po>{se o.raA no^ 0 'uorssllnuo3 aqf Aq z{:raaoce: roJ pozr-roqJnE ,{11ectg:1ceds se ldecxe eu6 o-rpz{H Aq pau6tsse d11ca.ztp .ro pofeooTTe sasuedxe sreuo?sn3 of e6:eqc lou TTT/vr ef sr^V fnq 'a:req1 TTe s r lT eq1 z{11ecr;1ceds 'utebe pue '1cer;oc sr ler{J 'feqf peer fsn[ au troT V aJca-r.foc feqf sr lvz 'oN aq pTno/vr elsr^V pue aug o:p,,{H .roJ fueufTulluoc 1e11e.red eql 0 .SOA V 's{em uTefroc uT sorfT^Tfce sfT azrpTsqns lou TTTA f,eAod qsrflocs sz{es BZ 'oN .rolvrod l-{srlfocs os ,^-IroS 0 dn qclec ou laT V alT J, usT '1uaur11uruoc 1411e:ed .rno sT VZ lueuJrunuoc lnq 'gZ trueulTrlnuoo 'IuTq1 I '1utod ouo Je po3ua:IoJaf-ssofc no,,{ pue sooTzrfes bu:rzrpTsqns 01 elods LIcTr-{^^ BZ 'oN fuorufTunuoc f,eAod qsrffocs oq1 fe )tooT of po{se e:am noz{ lutod euo fv 0 86IE'O6B'BOZ SNIIUOASE SS3 EZ L2VC CZ ZZ IZ OZ 6t BT LI 9I qI VI IT ZI IT OT I t 6 I L 9 E L t Z TI pTnoo fpql d1ta11ce TeoTlTTod e-zam a.reqtr I'T feqf su-racuoo pue TToA un.r 6u1eq efsT^V' gio uorlsenb eqf fnoqe .redeg .rouorssrunuo3 01 esuodsa; ur parJTfsel no1 0 'Jou pTnoc fT 'oN V ;se1e:edo .d1r1r1n eqf arer"Uv\ suorssnlnuoc soT?TTTfn ctlqnd .reqfo oql Jo uorssrunuo3 soTfTTTln oTTqnd oqepl eq1 J:o leao.rdde oqf lnoq1-!A euop aq lpqf pTnoo 'ospc .roqfre uT puv 0 'pTnoo fT 'sel V aslesse er-if TTos of eprcap ,{lTtT+n e Jo :aumo ef eat:rd e pTno3 'sJosseslT TTes 01 popeou passed acuTlord oql no^ 0 'slessv ,{+ltl+n I ^^ -bg^ V aug o:pA;1 1eL{f 6urz{es uotlelstbel lT ueddeq pTnom feqm lnoqe palse araA l:o a6pa16 uo uor?cr.rJsa6 'sT 1T z9v luaulTurluoc uT pauTeJuos oq leqf pTno6 'plsT^V ueqf .raqfo euoz{ue l:o lrl:ouoq er{f roJ slasse s,eJST^V Jo ebpeld eq1 lsulebe uoTfTqTqo.rd oql fnoqe lurod euo fe elods no1 0 'e6pelmou>1 Aur o1 f,oN V aeupluor{ uT spoau .roluolsns .reTTuTs .reqfo -ro oluocuT AoT f,oJ 6utpungr of JuolulTunuoc ,{ue e;oql seM 0 'dt:1s1oJ Jo uorlrsue.rl o1 crg:1ceds sJueuJrllltuoc e-raql luTqf f 'EuefuoN uT sfTpe.rJ oleJ ef,e/vt a.ral-{l {uTqf J,uoP 1 'z{:ouraur ^{ur 6u-r1se1 ef,rno^ V pafTurTT ouo o:p,,{g (Tcau) zsaorL0v B6Iq'O6B'BOZ 9Nr,tuodEu 8sf, qZ VZ CZ ZZ IZ OZ 6I BT LI 9I qT VI EI ZI TT OT I o 6 L 9 I 3 t Z Tt of ro/vr e.raqA sT 0t:B 'fauoos ffels 01 strueA r{poqauros sseTun '6utu:our Ao.r.roruoJ 0e :B fE dn f-reJs o1 ueld Aur s,JT /dn-speaq e sp fsn[ 'osTV '.,{16urp:occe fT uoql 'feql puoz{eq TToA puoJxe of peeu om f I op TT, oA 'snotce;b ':e.1\er,roq 1ue1:odurr os aq lou joo:E tre s,1eq1 dqm 9I lnoqe a^eq rTTM Iepo1 Ao.rfouroJ feqf asuos e a^eq I dn sburql de.rm o1 ueld I sT pue >[coTc,o 00:E ]:o .rnoq er_{f e.loJeq saJnuru AM :UECNVTTSX UENOISS]NNO3 ('puetrs eqtr trJoT sseullm eq;) 'reuoTssTunuoC 'nod lueq; :SSEN,IIM gH,l 'puetrs ssoulT/vl eqf uo.rl: noz{ osncxa TT , aA pue z{uourTf sef .rnoz{ elerca:dde eA pue 'nod )tueI{J :EECNVTTEX UENOISSINNOJ 'no{ lueq; 'lcaf,Tpa.r r{ur saleldu:oc leqI : svNoH,l 'sN 'sT a.raqf 'se1 V ;6ur1e: frparc epe:6 luolulsolur ue fe eJsrAV urelureu ol ouo o.:pz{g se:1nbe; leqf Jueulnlnuoo e osTe e.reqf sI 0 'sr a-roqf 'sa.tr V ;:re6.reur-e.rd uaaq eleq pTnoA fT uer{1 :e1ea:6 ^,{ue 6uteq uo.rJ dltnbe ro fqap f o lsoo s r eJsrAV slrqrqo.rd +eq+ luorulTlrnuoo e a.reqf sI '1,upTnoc fT pTps no1 'elsrlv lceduit {1es:eape pTnoc leq? ruroq ape:6ururop eug o:pu{g e ur JTnsor pafTurTT eug o.rpAg ( Tceu ) zgao'IB0t 85IE'O6B'BOZ 9NIIUOdEU gS3 9Zt VZ tz ZZ IZ OZ 6I BT LI 9t qT vt TIo ZI IT OT 6 L 9 I v e Z It TASunOc fa6 uec 'fr{6T: TTV a^eq euoz{ue sooo uo "reaq I z{ue 6rTrlse uo aA JT oos uet{] oA 1,uop z{qtr4 'nod >{uer{f adn suounurszlrJ '.r[^l alour aA fT urelqo:d e :UECNVTTSX USNOISSINNO3 'f,co-rrp fpr-trA of 1ce[qns '1utod sTqf, se suorlsenb ueld J,uop f :OXNVN3S 'UN aluTr{f nod mag: e fsn[ ' suorlrlur s zal.E 'oaJr_{f afsTT aqf aq.l :oxNVhiBS'uN 'uorlsanb .,{ur olueuras ':N >{se pup uo sossautrTA o1vltr Jxau s, rvdv3 z{eur 1JT '1se1:oqs .dq puy :UECNVTTEy UUNOISSINNO3 'fse1]oqs eql feJ ,{q eq pTno/{ suolllturszJTJ '11e1:ecg 'seTqtr, :OXNVNES 'UN JXAU Aqf JO :UECNVTTSX UINOISSINNOS noz{ 1ueql peeqe o6 ou faT :EECNVTTEy USNOISSINNOS pue ssouJTA I 'JOa[:e1ut e>{el 01 oTqe eq {eur oA olerTeq 'lueptser6 ' ;N : NEdUVl 'UN z{ueur oo1 aleq aa-rqf Jxau uT ezeenbs of aTqP 1, uop nor{ f eql ai-{f f o 'olueurag eq f,i{6Tui aA JT aJo suorlsenb euo o.ror.{f sT 'sesseulrrrr '.rN 'sseulTA e"rou auo ees otr sr 'q6noq1 'adoq fnq 'sen6ee11oc '1f,efs of 6uro6 .d7q 'Ao.rf,ouoJ lf,els ot{f oq T1TA 0t:B r{ur g.o sortuoua opplu Apee;1e oA, I In00TTOJ60v B6IE'068'802 SNIIUOdEU gS3 9Zt VZ EZ ZZ IZ OZ 6I 8T LT 9I qT VI ITo 7TOL IT OT 6 B L 9 E v t Z Tt auorfTsod feqf pTaq no^ oAeI1 6uo1 /,IoH 0 foJ faJTJJo er-{f ue I pue sseutsnq .{61 efec .reuofsn3 pue 'pafTuITT eug o:pz{g s.rreJJe a1e:od:oc Jo faTqo '1ee"r1g r{eg tBt sr sse:ppe sr eureu A6 V 'ot:e1ug 'o1uo:o;, 'suounuTsZTTJ uosel eu6 o:pAg L{ffA uorltsod luesa:d ;no[ pup 'petrTurTT 'ssa:ppe ssaursnq :noz{ 'aureu :nod ofefs ospaTd 0 : dIO,IS EECNVA 'SN AS NOI.IVNINVXS ,ICEUIC 'qJn:J oqf TTef aug o:pIg : sAoTToJ se OJ UfOl.{S ,{Tnp perJTlsef pue pou-nuExe seA fsrTf ueeq buraeq 'pefTurTT l:o ecueJsur eq1 'strtolnunttszrrJ fe ssauJrm E se pecnpo:d NOSVT 'suorirluTszTI.E .rN 'noz{ }tuPlt,l :EECNVTTEX UENOISSINIdOJ 'ssoulTfir JXoU .rno se suollllurszJTJ uosef '-rhl TTec of, oITT pTnoA oM 'pelTuTT eug o:p.dg 6utluese:de.r deols .repue1 Tf,px sT sTql ';ouog rnol :dEO.lS UECNVA 'SW '{pee:r e: , no.{ ueqm suounurszlTJ 'f,N TTeO of LISTA plnon noz{ JT oos pue peoqe o6 TT , ofi pue palees polTur-fT aug o:p.dg (ro) sNoNWrszrrJ0rtB6T9 '06 B'BOZ DNITEOdEU 8S3 EZI VZ tz 77 IZ UC 6I 8T LI 9I ET VI IT ZI TT OT t 6 B L 9 I v e Z TI pefTurTT euo o.rp^H (TO) SNoNNISzJIJTth B6TE '06 8 'BOZ 9NI.IEOdEU BSC 9Zo VZ tz ZZ IZ OZ 6t BI LI 9t EI vt ET ZI TT OT t 6 o L 9 E v t Z II 'uo11e:euag -romod orrpluo lp suorJTsod ezrtlncexe Jo .requnu e pToq osTe oA,I '.racr;Jo suorletlobeu JaTqc oqf se pedoldure sem I efer.{r,r ocurlo.rd oqf uT suorJp:od;oc leltdsoq LVI peluese;de: qcTqA 'uo11e1cossV leltdsog oT-refuo eqf psTTec or.rpluo uT JrJJno ue fe e^TJncaxa ue sem I 'euo o.rpdg 6u1uro[ of ror.rd 'suorle.redo ecrl"ras .rouoJSnc eql Jo uoTlet-r1eda.: eqf uT aTo"r TeJueunffsuT ue pe.r{e1d J e.fer{/.l suoTJeTof eetroldure pue .roqeT J:o Juaprsard eclrr eq1 se pez{oldure spA f 'auo o:pz(g 1e oTo.r snolae.rd ,,{ur u1 's.zeer{ ot,tJ JoJ ouo o:p.,{g f e uoeq oA, f aug o:p[g tre oTo.r snot,rra]d dur u1 'orfeJug ur folcos dlrct:1ce1e er{f uT ecuar:edxe , s:eer{ 9z ueqf e:ou-r 1o6 3A, I 'ef ns v 'puno:61ceq Tpuorsso;:o.rd .rnoz{ pup puno:61oeq Teuorlecnpe :nod eqrJcsop aseoTd 0 'f ee.r3 v '6ur":emsue f.rels o1 uollsenb e qsruTJ I TTfun lTe& ':a1-rode.r lf,noc eqf l:o asea eqf rof 1sn[ puy 0 '6u11a1:eu pue suoTfeTa.r snouablput .rno 's:teg:g:e e1e:od:oc 'ectlles fauolsnc 'suotle:edo :aurolsno srouo oepz{g eesf,elo I V of,eo loluoJsn3 pue s.rreJJe ele;od;oc l:o lorr{3 eql se seTfTfTqtsuodse: pue sorfnp rnou{ a:e ?eqg 0 's[ep {f,autN V pafTurTT euo o]p^H (TA) SNONNISZJ]Jztv B6Tq '06 B 'BOZ 9NI,tUOdEE gS3 -71Co 'peel lT se z{uourrfsef eq1 peerds TT,oA 'uorlce[qo fnoqfrA puv :uf,cNVTTgy UENOISSINNO3 'p.rocer oqf uo duourrlsel s,eser16n6 ''rN fo butpee:ds oql pue uorssriupe er-{f ro; selou eug o:p.,{g 's.rouo11 -rno1 :dEOIS UECNVA 'SN 'so^ v 6z{uourtlsel lei{f uT ele6 aq leqf s.rolv\sue aues oqf enr6 noz{ plnoi'r '.{uourtlsel sTr.l uT .depo1 suotlsenb oql no{ pa>1se I JT 'punoablceq leuos:ad s,eset16n6 'rN ol suorlsanb eq1 Jo uorldecxe oql qfTM 0 .SAA V aeuo o.rpdg fe sJTeJJe a1e:od.roc pue a:rec Jauolsno roJ JuoprsaJd ecta ezt'TJncaxo -roiu-roJ eqf sr or-lm oserT6na or.roJ g:o r{uourttrsol Joa.rrp oI{1 ldope nod TTTM 0 'lou o^eq I v l6urpeeco:d sTr{f ut duourlfsef r{ue pelr;: no.,{ oAeH 0 ' uoTfeTcossv uorlcn.rlsuoS,rolces Jo/v\od Tecr"rfcoTE ar{f fo Jequou pleoq pue z{lrs.relTufl uos;ez{g fp lueurebeueu .roqeT f,oJ pJeoq z{:ostzrpe oqf J-o requeu ;or;d e seA pue luaurebeupu JoqeT ur esrl:edxo r{1Tt,t Teuorsseg:o:d e3fnose.r upurnq perJTl-re3 P ur,I 'UoTSTl\Tp -rEOTCnu f,Teql foJ seo:noseJ ueunq Jo luoprsaJd acrzr 6urpnlcur VZ EZ 77 TZ OZ 6I BI LI 9t -T:]L VT TII ZI TT OT 6 B L 9 E v t Z Io pofTrxTT auo ofp^H (TA) SNONNISZJIJetv ('p.zoca.r oqf uodn pee:rds sT (suoururlszlTJ uospp '.rN Iq pe.rosuods) esat16n6 or.roJ ':N Jo z{uourtfsaf l3o"rrp paltgia:d 6utmo11o; oqJ) 86IE'O5B'BOZ 9NITUOdgU gSf, 9Z VZ EZ 77 IZ OZ 6I BT LI 9I 9T VI IT ZI TT OT o t 6 B L 9 E v e Z TI HS_gSVIT_OOd OIU_UIVJ pa3unouofd T of f oT.rd acuerf odxE 'or,reluo uf elsaM Jo ^lrs-re^Tun eqf, fe up.r6o.rd fuaudoTa^ac o^rlncexg IgAr ar{f peloTduroc pue uebTqsrN Te.r1ue3 uofJ uorfecnpE fTnpv uT oa.r6op str.rv Jo .ralseH e pe^recof I 'rospurM Jo ^lTs.re^run eqf uro.rJ aaJbap eo.roluruo3 Jo -roTaqceg s.rnouoH ue pue sarpnfs uoTfecrunuuoJ 'ecuetcg Tercos ur ea:6ap sl.rv Jo :oTeqceg s.rnouoH ue pau.rea I 'V 'ecuer.redxe ssouTsnq pue uoTJesnpa :nor{ azTfeununs asPeTd '0 'ouo o-rpIH f o f ueur6as ssaursnq 1sa6:e1 aq1 sr sl]o/t'ifoN aug o:pu{g 'epeuP3 'ot:e1u6 u1 sfeuoJsnc ssaursnq pue TerfueprsoJ uorTTTuI t'T uer1f erou salfas pue (,,auO o.rpdg,, ) pe+TurTT auo o"rp^,{g gro u{:erprsqns peumo-z{1Tor-{r,r I ^ ^'4.:JJTpuT ue sT SI]oAf oN eug o:pz{g ' (,,2{ueduro3,, .TO ilSIfO/vlJAN OUO O:pr{g,,) 'CUI S)i.rOAfeN eU6 O.:pr{g 1e s.rTeJl:V e1e:od:oJ pue a.reO leiuotrsnO 'lueprse:6 ocTA e^Tf,ncoxE of gToz :equraldaS pelurodde se/v\ I 'v ;uot11sod ler-{A ur pue pedoldrle no.d e:e uroqr' u{g 'O or-reJuO'o1uo:o;,'1ee:1g r{eg eB7 sr '9dz e gld ssa.rppp sseursnq d61 sr eueu ^,{61 'v 1 ' eset16n6 'J 'g (or.roJ ) otccn::eg 'sse.rppe ssaursnq pue eueu rnoz{ ofPfs oseoTd '0 NOIECNOOU.INI 'I pofTurTT aug o:ptrg T TA 'eset16n6vIv 9Z VZ CZ ZZ IZ OZ 6I BI LI 9I EI VI tT ZT TT OT t I 6 B L 9 :l v t Z It pofTurTT auo o.rp^H Z IA 'esa116n6ET7 ' sfoluolsnc auocur-AoT ol aouelsTsse acrlfes Tprcos -raJJo pup 'scr1{1eue ebesn d6:reua eprrro:d 'secr:d .d1rct:1ce1e uteldxe 'TTTq rTor{1 lnoqe sfeuolsnc elpcnpo of sure s>{-ro&treN eu6 o:p.dg /s:eutolsnc .rno qfTA suorJcp-IefuT q6no:q; 'sfeuoJsnc ouoour-AoT 01 eoueJsTsse TproueurJ butptao:d pue jure:6o.:d suoTfoaTToo er1f 6u16eueur lslueurtred :aurolsnc 6ulsseco:d ie6esn l{1rct:1ca1e fTer41 .ro]Tuoru oJ srauolsnc -Tno roJ slcnpo:d pue sToof eurTuo 6urprao-rd isTTTq ole;ncce pue dlau:t1 burnsst ls6u-rpea: fatreu bututelqo jsfauJolsnc asn-a6:eT :no foJ aTqeTTeAe sr solrTJncoxo lunocop Jo rueel pofeorpep e 6u1:nsuo i.raluoo TTec aqf JcpJuoo d.,-{l uall/vl ser:rnbuT , sf auoJSnc o1 6utpuodse: sopnTcur sTq[ 'acurlo.rd ;no ut sossoursnq osn-e6-re1 aqtr pue,saluedu-roc uorlnqTrfsTp TpcoT /s.:euJolsnc TeTfuopTsa.r Te-rn.r 6u1pn1cut 'sreurolsno uorTTTur e 'T otr ecTAros {1t1enb qbTLI Jo uorsrlr.o.rd oqf rol: elqtsuodser ue 1 'uollezruebto acTAf os .rauoJsnc aq1 f o .ropeaT o.t-{l sv 'suoTlecTununuoc pue'suor1e1e.r lueuru.rezrob'suotlnlos fol.reur 'suot1e1e: snoua6rpur /ocrlf,as rauoJsnc epnTour s{-ToAfaN eug o:pz{H f,oJ soTlTTTqrsuodse: z{:eu:t:d z{6 'v 'uorllsod lue::nc :no,,{ l:o soTlTTTqtsuodse.r aqf aqT.rcsop eseeTd '0 'T oTnpaqcs '9 'oN 1TqTr.trxtr 'gurnse: z{ur uo pafceTl:o-r sr eug o.rpAil bururoI 9Z VZ CZ ZZ IZ OZ 6I OT9L LI 9I EI VT TI ZI II OT o t 6 B L 9 E v t Z Io 'elsr/!\1 pue euo o-rp^H uaaAJoq drqs.roul.red eqf uro.rJ frJoueq TTTr,r s.rouoJSn3 pJSTAV 'z{qdosolrqd ectrr:es Jeuotrsno peu6tle :no sp pue sncoJ pouTquos TTeA Se Sf,OruOlSnC :no q6no:q1 /ourTJ of lueuJTllrluoc .fa^o feql puP 'entlceds:ed z{uourtlsa+ ,{n /elsray :og: .reu1;ed fq6Tr or.{1 sr eug o-rpz{g "rouoJsno e uof,J 'z{qm ureldxe TTTA 'elsr^v' pue eug o.rp{H fo sfeuolsnc al{l 01 ocrl.ros outzro:durT pue 6urcuequo uo oJe.roqpTToc of elsrAV pue eug o.rpdH roJ serlrunl.roddo Ag:tluept pue jserlTunuuroC suoTfpN lsrTJ burpnlcut'ot.re1ug Jo suot6a: alouaf pue Tefn-r eql ol ecrl.res cT;loeTo 6u1p1.rro:d o1 paleTa-r se111:o1:d pup ecual:adxe , sI-roAJaN ouo o:p[g eqTrcsep J^er,\ lngi6ulueou e ur surelqo":d sso.rppe ,{11ce.r1p 01 Juauilrrrrluoo slT 6u11e.r1suo1uop'peAoldep ueoq elpq leqf socrJoerd peno:durr pue proce.r ocrl.res f oruoJsnc r s{.roAtroN ouo o:pAg eqr.rcsap jsure:6o:d 6ur1:oddns pue dqdosoltqd ocr^]os f,euoJSnc , s>{-roff\JaN ouo o:pIg aqrf ssap : s/vroTTol. sP st duoulrf sol .du-r 10 esod.rnd eq; ;6urpeeco:d sTr-11 UT.,{uourtlsel Jce.rrp :nod Jo asod:nd eq1 sr feqg '0 truou1ase,tr Jo .f,:eururrg V pefTurTT aug o.rpdg e TA 'asar16n69rv C7 VZ CZ ZZ IZ OZ 6I BT LI 9I ET VI TT ZI IT OT o t 6 I L 9 Y v t Z Io pafTuTT ouo o.rp^H 7 TC 'aset16n6LIV 'erqurnToc r{s-!1Tf,8 pue oT.reluo Jo seourlo:d aq1 uT o.rp IIsTI-U',I Jo JTeq tr1q6no: 'Epeue3 sso.rce pee:ds spupq f,o s1ueuru.reao6 suolleN lsfTJ pazlu6oce: pg9 I11ue:f,no ef,e a.raqI 'c-t1clv oqf Jo qlnos epeueC ;o dno.r6 snoue6lpul ?ueu-!1uopa.rd "q1 a.re suoTtrpN lsrTd eeJ Z 'sdno-r6 .repToqo{efs :IauloJSnc f,oIeu sJrt{lTrur drqsuor1eTe.r oseaTd '0 'ouo Juef .rn3 , slf olqJaN auo oJp^H aqr-rcsap orp^H lro ^.lerprsqns pauAo-^TToI-Uv\ auo /1ce;1pu-t up sT 'cuI o.rp^H eITT 'JJer3.rre seJouau z{q ouo o.rp^H aTqT s socse z{leleurrxo:dde 6ut.rezroc uorTrTur t'T fo^o of 's1:om1a5i ,,{1uo auos alouef esoLtrtr 'serlTununuoc suoTJeN fsfTJ ofe qcTqA J:o EI 'uo16a: u.reql:oN s,or.reJuo uT saTf-!unuuoc oJoiuaf TZ ol [trTorrf3eTa sofnqr.rfsrp pue sale-rauob 'cuI soJoiuag ouo o.rp^H 'uotltppe uI 'sarlrunuuoc suorJpN fsf,TJ BB - uofs^s uorlnqT.rfsTp sfT q6no:q1 - sol.res d11ce:1p pue saTlTunufluoc zuoTJeN ]sfTJ EZ uT soTJtrTJeJ uoTssTtusue-rJ seq s>[-ror\^treN eug o:pdg 'or.refuo u.rer{f .roN 6utpnlcut 'ot:re1ug ;:o pare ctqde:6oe6 oqf l-o fuac.rad eatg:-dluelos ipofeTosT o.re seTlTunuuoc sf,oruolsnc ssouTsnq pue Terlueprsef, r{1tct:1ca1e efnqf-rfsTp eM 'V 'or-reluo ur {:o1t::a1 ecrl:es e.rnleu eqq uteldxa eseaTd '0 s r ouo o:pz{g g:o sEsno,Isnc O,I ,INgIi[trII{nOC CINt? SSVE USI{O,ISI}O r SXttOl{,trEN gNO OEG.['H 'I I C7 VZ tz ZZ IZ OZ 6I BI LI 9I ET VI TT ZI II OT I 6 B L 9 E v t Z To polTurTT ouo o.rp^H q TA 'eset16n6BT7 azr111sod 6ututeluteur pue burdoTalep ol peffTunuoo sr eug o:pz{g 'l{6e1e:1s suorfeToU snouebrpul .rno 6utcuplpe ur Tpluaun-rfsuT sr 1eq1 ueel suorfeTa6 snouabrpul pafecTpop e aleq eM 'euo o:pz{g 3:o ocuPlu.roJ:ad eq1 qf TA porJsrf es e.ro/v\ d"q+ palecrpur sluopuodsa; l:o Z9B '11e.zar'g 'sloluolsnc poloauuoc-uorssrlusue.rl .rno qJTm Aaa:ns luaurabebua reuolsnc E pefcnpuoc d11ue3or eu6 o.rp{g 'r{rTTTqe-!To.r uralsds uTefuTeru of -rep;o uT soJef, :eq6rq ,r{11q6t1s tred o1 pa.rede:d a:om {",{+ palecrpur osTe srauoJsnc g-o .d11:oIeu eq; 'uorJe.roJsar ebelno pue z{ltlrqerTa-r 'z{1ag:es a:e sarlr:or:d r sf euoJSn3 e6:e1 :no leqf poTeolo-r lueure6e6ue Teur.roJ Juace-r JSoru lno 'sacuof,agre;d pue speou rTer{1 puels-ropun of sroluolsnc asoltrl qfTA ebebue z{1err-r1ce eM 'sf,eiuolsnc asaql qf T/'r dtqsuo-r1eTe:I slT ebeueur of seATJncoxf, Juno3ov sloldu-ra sIf oAf eN eug o:pAg 'onuelof sroug o-rp{g ;:o d11:o[eu eq1 sele:euab lueurbes :ouo]sn3 e6;e1 eq;, 'sfoJe.rouab pue 'selueduroc uo-rlnqr.rfsTp TeooT /s:ou:o1snc TprffsnpuT esn-puo luasa:de.r s.raruolsnc asaqJ'sf,oluoJsnc paJcauuos uoTSSTlusuEJJ 0BI sapnTcur luaur6es .raiuoJsnJ a6:e1 | sI.roAJaN auo o-rpdg 's.repTor{alpls Tpu.relxe pup js.r3luoJsn3 snouebrput i s.raurolsnc esn-a6;eT apnTcur esar.{J 'sdno:6 ;epTor-{olef s .ro[eu: Tef,elas spr{ sl.romfoN eug o:pz{g 'V EZ VZ tz 77 IZ OZ 6I BT LI 9t ET vt tT ZI IT OT a I 6 B L 9 I v e Z TI epeueS uT seTdoed TeuT6T.roqv pazTu6oceJ oarql aql fo ouo pue 'z{:lsacue snoueblpul pue ueado:ng poxrlu go eldoed e.re srlg6 e u{11:oqg 'f T 6urxr; of peflTunuoc ofe aA 'urelqord e sr o.raqf fT 'mo1eq pessncsrp sV 'sulocuoc .reuolsnc of burpuodsa: ro; ssaco:d aql J:o ssauolTJcaJJe pue seuTTauTJ oqf pue sectlce:rd 6uTttTq reuolsnc , s>iroAJaN ouo o:pz{g ofuT uotle6rlsalur ue poqcuneT ueuspnquro or.reluo oql 'VTOZ z{:en:qeg uI 'sonssr bulttTq pecuet:adxe sreuolsnc l:o ebeluec:ad 11eu:s e 'sTTTq olp;ncce pue Alaurtl pa^Tocef sforuolsnc Jo z{11,roleur eq1 eTTqM 'ecuat:edxe fauolsnc ecuequa pue'z{cuercrg:g:e ezro:durr'.,{6o1ouqce1 pelepfno acelde; of (SfC) urals.dg uorJeu.roJuJ rauoJSnJ /vlau e pelueueldrur s>{.romfeN eug o;p,,{g ';TOZ z{e6 u1 'V 'aST1\.rOS -TAUrOtrSnS ezrO.rdUrr Of Sf-rOJJe rsI.roAJaN auo orpz{g eqr.rosap .d1;er:q eseaTd '0 gcIAuEs ugr{ofsoc 9NTES ITECI No sn30,I s r ENo ouoifi,H 'rI 'r{+ltlqlsuodse: po:pqs pue '1sn:1 pue lcedsa: Tenfnu 'uolletoqeTToO J:o lt.rrds aqf uT or.refuo uT saTfTunuuoc sTf,gN sP TTaA se suorleN ISJTJ qlTA >{.rolv\ of sleos pue epeue] uT seldoed snoua6rpul lto sJse.raluT pup s1q6r; enbtun aLIl sezlu6oce; eug o:p{g 'or"refuo ssoJce s.reuoJsnc pue sorlrunuruoc rsTfghl pue suoTleN fsfTJ qfTA sdrqsuorfeTa.r pafTurTT eug o:pAg 9 TC 'ese116n66rv 1<,I VZ EZ 77 TZ A7U(- 5T BT L1 9I EI VI ITo 7TI,L TT OT 6 lJ L 9 E v e Z Tt pue's:o1ec1put acueur:og::ed sno:o6t: ofotu 6utqstlqeJsa s r JeJuec TTec eq1 butno:durr 1euo11e.rado g:o bur:oJTuoru 'ure:bo:rd acuernsse dltlenb 6utpnlcur' suorlepuoluluooo.r 0g TTe pessa.rppe ueol a.rec reuoJsnS aqJ, 'ocr^.f os f,auolsns erro:dur1 01 suortrepueuuoco] 09 .re^o LIfTA 'lroder TeUTJ strT ponssr upruspnquo or.refuo oqf 'EIOZ z{e61 u1 'stronpo;d pue saqceo:dde 'se1c11od ecrl.ros -rouolsnc posr^er/meu 6urluaureldurl pue 6urqstlqetrso pue iuoqf of .roffeur feqf sanssr fnoqe {Tef of sforuoJsns r-{fTr,r sTTeH umof,, Tenfrr1 burlsoq joJrsqam au6 o:pz{H oql uo uorleufo;ur uotldurnsuoc pue buTttTq butao.rdurr isanssr 6uTttTq dq pelceg:g:e esor{f .roJ sercrlod crrJuoc-roruolsnc aTqrxaTl: 6utcnpo.rlur isTTTq peleurlso Jo spor:ed pe6uolo.rd peq oAeq oqm s-Iauolsnc Jo .requnu aqf 6u1see.:cep ITTTq e burzrtaca.r f,nor-{frA aluTl Jo por.rod pebuolo;d e euo6 eleq oLIA sfeuoJsnc ;ro 6o1>1ceq eL{f 6ut:ea1c lsacrl:os reluac TTe3 Jo .raprlo:d eq1 burcelda.r pue aceld ut ueol ocTl.ras leuoJsno Aou e 6ut11nd :dq e;n11nc ecrl;os foruoJsnc :no 6utbueqo z{q pue satctlod z{1puer.r;:-fauoJsno mau q6no:q1 ecrl:as erro:durt osTe of fnq 'uralsAs 6uTttTq Aeu e 6utcnpo:Jur tuo-rJ paf,fnsa.r trpql suelqo:d TecTuqcol aATose-r Aluo Jou of '1ceIo:d .{:enoceg ocrlres .roiuolsn3 al-lf peleTlTuT s>{f,o/v\JeN eug o.rpz{g '.re13:ee:eq1 pefTuITT auo o:pz{g L Ta 'aset16n60zb 9Z VZ C7 ZZ IZ UL 6I 8T LI 9I qT VI tT ZI TT OT t o 6 B L 9 E v t Z Tt pof TUrTT BTA ouo o"rp^H 'aser16n6tzv feqf uorlecrldde oTrqou oo.rJ uT ,{l-tTTln fsfTf aqf seA s.rouoJsnc sAoTTe e qsuneT 01 epeueJ s{.roAf,oN eu6 o:pz{g : esT^f es .ToiuoJSnc .rno ezro.rdurl .roql.rn] of f-roJl:a ue ur seATfETfrur Tefelos poJerlrut z{11uace.r alpq oM 'z{:lsnpuT ^lTTTfn eq1 uT spue.rq pafsn.rf Jsoru oqf fo euo se eug o:pdH qsTTqelse pue anTel ;alrTop fer-{1 suorlce aTqeJnspau 'lJTAs qlTA bulpuodse.r pup butualstT ^q ecuer:edxe .reuolsnc oql pafelafa sel{ eug o.rpAg 'V 'aJTAJOS f OIUOtrSnC arrO:dUrr 01 UAIeI Seq eu6 o.rpz{g sdals Juecar a-rolu eq1 uleldxe oseeTd '0 '%66 rolo 1e d;o1stq {ueduroc ur lseqbtq eq1 sr pue sJuaua.rTnba: p.rpog d6:eug or-reJuo ssed:ns ol sonuTluoc r{ce.rncce 6uTttTq 'z{11ue1:odurt fso6 ' (ZZA) sluebe roJuec fceluoc I{fTA uorfceJSrles reuo?sno pue (tEB) uorJnTose; TTec fsrTJ '.ra1uec TTec aql of AfITTqrsse3oe auoqdalal 6u1pn1cu1 's1e6.re1 paecxo pue azro:durr 01 sanurluoo acueiu-ro;:ad actl:as -rauoJsnc lpqf 1.rode: 01 pno:d ure I 'JuouJeerl f,TEf aATaoaJ sJauolsno Tfe a:nsue of EI0Z f,oquoloN ur ueurspnquro 'luapuadopuT '1eu:e1ut ue pefurodde osTe eug o.rp[g 'sf ueuf rlrlruoo roluolsnc Jo f es p dolar'ep 01 vToz Jto TTeJ eqf uT Teuea i{.rostzrpy osr^fos rauoJsnJ e pai{sTTqetrso eug o.rpdg 'uoTfTppe uI 'se^rJerfTuT pue slce[o.rd 6utce;:-:rauolsnc J:o lqbrs:arro 6utueq16ue.r1s I 9Z bZ CZ ZZ IZ OZ 6I BT LI 9I gI vt .TLL ZI TT OT t 6 B L 9 E v t Z TI 6urcnpa: pup sltsodap 6urlsrxa 6utu:n1a-: 'slrsodep z{1r;nces TeTfuaprsa.r 11e 6urleutu-rr1e z{q sfauolsno .rno Jo spueq eqf ofur lceq anTel 6ut11nd osTe af,e eM 'ebesn 6utcnpa: pue z{6:aue 6ut.r:esuoc fnoqe uorJpiu-ro;ur eptao:d ro 'sreleur Jfeus qlTi,\ trsrsse 'TTTq rTeqf lnoqe suotlsenb foAsup 'se6:eqc dlrcr:1ca1e rToqf puels.rapun .rotrfaq sreuotrsnc dTeq of oloqf ef p seez{o1due rno 's.rnoq ssoursnq :e1n6e: 6ut:np ut-do:p uec sfeuolsnS e.rolUvt 'ecutzro:d eqtr ssoJce socrJJo eaJql ur s-teuoJsnc elros t,tou oJ pe1q6r1ep olreM 'LI)z uT oseq -reuolsnc efrJua -rno of Topour acrl.res tutau ei4f papualxo orv\ 'ure:6o:d sTL{f Jo ssaocns er{f uo 6urpltng 'sf oruoJsnc uorJeN ls.rTJ .,{ueur qf Tr"t euo-uo-auo folu pue esuT^o.rd or_{f sso.TcP saTJTunuuos suorleN fsrTJ ZI polrsrl seq aug o:p[g 'eJep oJ 'sure-r6o.rd elqelterre oqf l:o TTe ssaoce pue puef sropun sfauoJsno but.rnsua pue'suotlce,ralur ece;:-of-aceJ 'r{lrunuruoJ-ur uo sesnooJ feql serJTununuoc uoTleN fs-rTJ or-reluo Tefe^as of Tepour ocr^.ros Aou e paq3uneT ,{TTnfssocsns eug o.rp.{g '9loz uI 'TTTq rTar{f J:o lunoue aqf aonpa-r pue a6esn rTeqf 1sn[pe o1 uraqf butrurolle ..{qe.req1 'e6esn 6urbeueur uo a3Tzrpe pue uorJdurnsuoc ,,{1rcr.:lceTa uo uoTleur-roJuT pozrTeuos:rad elroceJ s.rauolsnJ'pToqseJqf pourru.refap-e.rd e ueqf :eqbtq 6urpue;1 sr TTTq rTar-{f f T srauolsnr sf "reTe Alazr,rlceo.rd qclqm '9IOZ ur sl;aTv ebesq q6lU pacnpo-rlur osTe s>{rolv\1eN eug o.rpdil 'qLs lunocce sr.rouolsnc polcoJJe ar-{l JTpo.rc TTTrU oA 'saalue.reng asai{f Jo euo z{ue leeu oJ TTef eA Jf 'sJeuoJsnc .rno eptao"rd er"r ecrl.ros aqf puTr-{oq pupfs eA 1eq1 eoueprle e1qt6ue1 6utprr'o;d 'saelue:en6 ecrl.fos lo!:l:o of or"reluo uT A+TTT+n trsrTf aqf sem s{-romfeN eug o:pz{g 'uo {ceq sr ;emod eq1 uaqm pue 'pa:o1sa: aq 01 :emod lcadxa uec Aaql uaqm IV\OU>{ SforuoJsnc 1eT of sJ.roTP TTeua pue fxef ea-rJ ro;Jo am {qm s , f ee1 'abelno ue .raf J:p Alsnorlrpedxe .reAod afoJsor of p.req >{.ToA a/vl os 's.reurolsnc .rno otr ezrtldn:stp aq ueo sebelno ;emod turou)i aM 'sleTqef .ro sauoqdl:euts rTaql uo.rJ (selrur erenbs OO0 '0gZ ^Toleurtxo:dde) z{:o1t::a1 ocrl.ros -rof euoTT1 e.renbs 000'0t9 s,z{ueduro3 or-{tr uT etreqmr{ue sabelno peuueldun pue peuueld g,o snlels eq1 lcaqc 01 pofTur-fT auo o:p.r{g 6 TA 'esarTbndZZV 9Z VZ tz ZZ IZ OZ 6I BT LI 9t 9T VI TI ZI T] OT t t 6 B L 9 E v t Z It pefTuiTT euo o.rp^H OI TC 'oserTbnaezv EZ VZ tz ZZ IZ v<, 6t BT LI 9I ET vl ET ZI TI OI t I 6 o L 9 E v t Z I Ae,.{l fno foJ o.roql eq 01 luem oA 'ocuessa .reuolsnc aseorcur d1a1eu11Tn pue aoueque'r{lTTTqTssocoe ezro:durrTTTAsI-ro/v1f aN 'z{ l eurr 1 aug o:pz{g 'uorqseJ eJe.rncoe pue JuarorJJo e uT uoTJcesup.rl loluolsn3 z{.raaa alalduroc of sT eatlca[qo lno '-reuolsnc tr:ezra qfTru pe-reqs sT JuauJTlrnuoc sTr.ll ofnsuo of scrl[1eue pue elep 6utsn pue uorlelnda.r pue.rq /sa:ocs uorJceJSTfes foiuoJSnc 6ur.ro11uoru ofe oA 'ssoccns rno a.rnseeu of,, 's.reiuolsnc f no r-{JTr,r suo-!lcauuoc 1n;:6utueeur mo.r6 pue {1uedo ue1st1 '1sn:1 ureo {11ecr1uaqfne of sr leob lno 'surecuoc pue suotlsenb fTeqf o1 puodsa.r pue uefsrT retrtraq ol s.reuoJsnc ol lueufTunuo3 mou .rno sT ,,ecJTAS aqf dlt.A,, 'uorJceJsTfes feuoJsnc uT lUeUarro:rdu,i1 snonuTtruoc qfTA'z{ueduroc 3r-rtruo3-feiuolsnc 'sse1c-uT-fsaq e p-rpmoJ burl;orur sr aug o.rpz{g 'V 'uie:6o:6 acrl.raS -rauoJsn3 s1T f,oJ sueld srouo o.rp..{g aqrrcsop eseoTd '0 'I3E-rf uo >loeq fab of e6esn {1tcr:1caTa -rror{f e6eueur sf,auoJsnc padleq eleq sJueua3unouue asaq; 'unr.roJerou -reJurm popuofxo ue pue 6urpung. (aVgf ) u.re:6o:6 acueJsTSSV d6:eug auocuf-MoT Teuorf,Tppe burpnlcur /slunocce rToqf uo so3ueTpq luecrJrubts peleTnunccp eleq oqn sfauolsnc fo] JaTTe-r TeuoTfTppe pocunouue osTe o/v\ 'sercrlod 6utceJ-Jaiuolsnc Jo Aarle.r paTrefap e roffv ueL{A s-reuolsnc uI 'lueure6ebua /uorlectunuuoo qcrqA Jo TTE 'sJSfrJ A:lsnpur uerpeueJ oJatrt sessoursnq:oJ sJueuerrnba: ltsodepI af,oA oqm osoqf f,oJ .dlletcedse /sa6:eqc r{1rct:1ca1a f,eAoT foJ paou eqf 's:o1ec1put leuorle.redo eqf pue I3eqpool: feuoJsno of esuodser ur 'Alrpoururoc Alddns se11.red .roqfo aTTqt,r 'A1uo ocrl;es uorJnqr.rfsrp pue uoTssTlusue.rJ epluro:d o1 z{11e:eua6 sr eTo:r ssaursnq "rno qbnoqlly '.d1rcr;1ceTo fo ^lTTTqppf,ol:Je aql o1 .dllcarTpuT ]o z{11cafTp .raqlTe potreTo.r sfeuoJsnc Jo ulacuoc z{:eurr:d oql peTeelof {ceqpoeJ: .reuoJSnc pue suotle:edo ecrl.res .rauoJsn3 f,no Jo Jueussessp ue 7TOZ g:o Alnp uI 'V ' suoTlnTos r{+-ttTqep-rol Je rs{.roAJoN ouo o.rpz{g aqr-fcsap aseaTd '0 'sounTo^ TTec 6ulcnpe: z{qa:eq1 'uorlelueureldurl Jo s:eed oA1 uei{f ssoT uT 0OO'00t of :eetr .rad 000'06 ruo-rJ suorlcesue.rl ecrlfes-JTos J:o .Taqunu eql eseo.rcur 01 sT 1eo6 rno '.rorseo uoTtrdurnsuoc IllcT"rfoaTa 6u11ce:1 pue 6u16eueu o>[eu of sTool pue 'ecuet.redxa ocrlap eTTqou] paTf rldurrs e'se:n1ee;: olJas-JTes pezro.rdurt burpnlcur'uroo'eugo.rpz{g uo s.roJTSTA pue sforuoJsnc 01 sfTJauoq z{ueur qlTA sauoc af rsqom l,tou :no 'sf auolsnc fno Jo spaau burrrloae aqf loau of '1unoccy.d61 pe11ec '1e1.zod ocrl-ros-f fas puE ofTSqoA peubtsepe.r e peqounel Alluece-r sI;olqJoN auo o.rp.,{g 'sezrtletfTuT cr3:tceds of lcadse.r I-lfTM sn qJTA e6e6ua {",1+ ueq/{ pue/,\oq esooqc 01 sf,oluolsnc o:P.'{g 'z{11se1 'sn Paau :a&odura TTTA s>[-roAfaN euo polTurTT eug o:pdg II TC 'eset16n6vzv 9Z VZ CZ 77 TZ OZ 6t BT LT 9t ET vt o tTI ZI IT OT 6 B L 9 E v t Z II pafTnbef suoTlcnpa-t sel 1T 'errllceds:ed /uorlce lueuru.rezro6 TTTq 1ng:6urueeu feqf fue:edde so]nseou TeuJoJxa uP uof,J 'z{ueduro3 aql Iq pTar{ 1ou pue 's:autolsno .rno Jo slelcod aq1 uT f,a11eq ofa/{ spunJ eser{f palarTaq eA se 's11sodap z{1t:ncas uT sreTTop uorTTrur ZIg popunJo-r osTp aM '{ce.rf uo r{e1s sf,euoJsno esoql dleq pue .rofTuolu otr penuTluoc em ule,z6o.rd sTql J:o 1:ed sg 'uosees .ralurA aq1 oluT butpeeq -remod fnoqfru 6u1zrt1 of,au oqm sfotuolsnc Jcouuocol o1 ure-r6o:d JaTTaU -raluTM ]no pasnpof,furosTe eM 'sf,oluolsnc ]no f,oJ qloours sdleq qJTqA uie:6o:d Teuosees lenba ursreuoJSnJ 000'0EI dleq o1 'sure:6o:d .ro^o 'Icef f uo lceq lueurebeueu pueuep auo3uT-AOT fOJ lob sf,oruolsno 'sue1d JueuTTEtrsur oe.rJ-fsofefuT se qcns lueurz{ed aTqelorqce pue 'e1qtxe1g: 'rTeJ .reJ:l:o of ueol suorJcaTToc aq1 but:emodura pue 6uru1e:1 u{q suorlcaTToc e6e1s ofpT 01 l-{cpo.rdde ;no pe6ueqc er,r {11eu"ra1uI 'Jueuu.roaob .dq uo{ef aq pTnoo feqf soJnseau Teu-rofxo (Z pue 'dlluepuedeput olef.ropun pTnoc z{ueduro3 eq1 f eq1 sef nseou Teu.relur (T : snsoJ Jo seore d:reu:1:d oAl peq d6e1e.r1s ,{+TtTqep.roJlre rno 'r{rTTTqep"roJle sse:ppe o1 z{6e1e;1s e pedoler'ap s>i.romfoN aug o-rpz{g 'u{ed o1 6ur166n:1s slvroT pue sq6Tr-{ e'6uTTTTq trno peTTo.rue afe pue uoTJe^fasuoc 6utpung: dcua6:au:a pue 's:ourolsnc '6u-!TTTq lenbe 'slueure6uP.rre pofTurTT aug o:pIg ZI TC 'asat16n69ZV 9Z VZ tz ZZ IZ UC 6T 8T LT 9T ET vt TI ZT II OI o 6 B L 9 I v Cc Z I t I pafTurTT ouo o.rp^H eI TC 'eset16n49ZV EZI VZ I,Z 77 IZ OZ 6I BI LT 9t 9T VI II OI EII ZT 6 B L 9 E v e Z T 'seop 1T'se^ 'v ;u{uourtlsal seoc '0 aqf uT osTl\Jes TTT/'r s"rauotrsnc J:o sfTJ:euoq eqf f,oluoJsnc f,Taql 'suorlelcedxe lca-rTp paTrJ-ord .rnor{ opnTcuoo sTt{f 'AtuOC 01 Sree^,{ foluolsnc fuaTTocxe o^Taca.r 01 onuTluoc s I PlsrAV f eqf sT uorJcesue.lJ sTqf JO AUO feqf aJnsuo of sasseccns aJTA-ras efel{s TTT/'\ efsr^V pue au6 o:pz{g 'JceJ uI pue feuo?snc spoocxo fo streeu feqf ocT^.ros foruoJsnc JO ro^er e a^Tasa] of onuTluoc sf auolsnc s I eJSTAV 6u1.rnsua ol paf lTurluoc sr eug o.:pAg 'setr 'V aesr^fes fauolSnc uo alp.roqeTToc of eJsr^v eu6 o:p{H .ro; seTlrunl:oddo ees nol{ oC '0 NOI.ICV.ESI lISnO,rSnC CIN\[ SCTAUES UgnO,rSnC NO g,MoSETTOS OI V,ISfA\t CIN\I ENO OUOIH UOg SSIIINA&EOGIaO 'III 'r{+TtTqeproJJe sso.rppe 01s.rauoJsnc .rno eM 'luauru:ezrob ;o fTeqaq uo p.rem.roJ seopr Jsaq rno fnd qfTA uoTfps.ro^uoc ,{+ltrqep.roJ:Je ue a^rf,p of>{ceqpeol: oepz{g pue pue s1q6tsu1 .rauolsnJ pareqs {1azrt1ceo;d eu6t Aue a-roql a.rv :EECNVTTEX UENOISSINNOJ 'noz{ >{ueqJ, ' suorlsanb oN : NUdUVX 'UN ' ued:rey ' :N : UECNVTT3X UENOI SS INNOJ 'noA 1ueql 'suorf sonb ou 'ueuureq3 'JN : UE;XVg 'UN 'f elxe8 ']N :UECNVTTSX USNOISSIIiNOS 'qCnul z{.rezr no,,{ lueq; 'suotlsenb oN :ONNVNIS 'uN 'olueues'rr{ :uEoN\ITTEx UENoISSINNOC suoTlsonb oN :SNVITTIM 'Uhi 'suerTTrM'.rl^l'uosp.rPqcru '.rN 'no{ lueq; :UECINVTTSX USNOISSI}1NOJ 'suorlsanb ou 'ueur:req3 '.rN 'nod lueq; :NoSouVHCIu 'uN 'uosp.reqcru'.rN :ugoNVTTux UENoISSINNO3 . suollsenb oN : o,l,lo . uN 'o11O ';N '.dp:n6 ';N 'nol{ 1ueql :UECNVTTEy UBNO]SSINNOO 'no.,{ lueq; 'sso-rc ou aleq I :ICUnd 'UN 'u{p:n6 '.rN r{1TA u16eq s , 1oT pup qrnu d-rezr noI lueq; :UUCNVTTUX USNOISSINNOJ 'uOTJeuTuexa-ssofc foJ eTqeTTe^e fi\ou ST SuolllluTSzJTJ ..ThI ,fq6T: TTV :dEOJS UECNVA 'SN ('6ut:eeq uado uT peq o.rem sburpaeco:d 6utmoTTof oqI) pelTurTT euo o:plg SNONNI S ZT IJLZV B6TE'O6B'BOZ 9NrJUOdtU 8S3 a7aoo VZ tz ZZ IZ OZ 6I BT LL 9I qT VT IT ZI TT OT t 6 8 L 9 g v t 7O Io JO fno uTq e>{ef of ssauburTTTA ]no^ olersofdde oM .q3nu z{:ezr. notr 1ueql :ESCNVTTEX UENOISSINNOf, 'puefs oqf 01 Tr{49 ITM STTP3 rVdVf, :ICUnd 'UN 'fee:g ae:eq TTTfs ssauJT/vl :noz{ sJ 'no.,{ >1ueq; :Uf,CNVTTEX UENOISSINNOf, '1utod sTr-{l 1e z{ue burzreq eledrcrlue J , uoP I L TqaD '"f N f eqf sI : oXNVNES 'HN UEC I >{UTq1 ] :UECNVTTEX UENOISSINNO3 'l"tou ssoufTm feqf qfTA esuedsrp o1 eurTl aunl.roddo ue eq z{eur sTr-{tr pue Aof,foruoJ foJ suorJeJruTT eurTf auos seq sseuJT/q IVavS oqf o^arToq I :Ngduvx 'uN ('pue1s oqf fJaT ssaulrm eq;) assoufTA IVdvf, .{ueur z{.ren arreq nor{ op /z{p:n6 '.rN fo o-r r om ssouJTA ar-{l se of Pf f eTTUTS p e^eq ruoof, or-{f ur ssaulTA -raLlfo oruos eq 1q6tur f noqe ef e/v\ no^ 'f f oT.reJS '.rN .ropoau fnq 'sn e.rou o^eq TT,aA o>tTT spunos fT olvl feqf fsTT er-1tr qfTA q6no.rq1 fe6 oqf 3:o z{ueur se q6no:q1 fe6 'ued.rey '.rN 'g:gro noz{ Jnc I s,loT ae"rou ouo qJTA >[cnT .rno eqtr roJ suotlsenb JTer{eq uo e.rrnbur 'asncxa of fnoqe fI-{6TuI oqrr depol a.reql 1sa66ns of .rN .roJ suorlsonb lo fuo-rJ ur peq pTnos olv\ feqf sesseuJTA o1 6uru{;1 sem f esneoeq 'TJTr-{t,t e ef,ou euo e1,16 of ep oA oc 'Jca.rTpel ou fab no{ uaq;, auoTssrirrluoO oqf Jo sraquou ruo.rJ suorlsanb pefTurTT aug o.rp^H SNONNISZIIT,BZV 86T9'068'B0Z 9NIJUOdEU gS3 9Z VZ ZZ o IZ OZ 6t BT LT 9I ET bt ITt ZI TT OT A o L 9 I v t Z To sTr-{f 01 /vlau s,aQ osnecaq Ildurts Tt{e3 TeuorlrppE Aol. e I f T ':Tpr{O '-rN 'nor{ ':eatr sTL{f ISP ol ecua6lnpul 'fN fo suorlsenb .rnor{ aleq fqbTur rueq,l fo L{fEI qfEI :.^'CUnd 'UN Xe61 ecutg ;d.r.ros ur, 1 r{e61 acutg V U V 7(U ':eel{ sTI{] l:o euoTfTsod 1eT"{f ur ueeq nou{eleq 6uo1 AoH 'oqepI Jo uorJeT3ossv drqs.reul:e6 uoTfJV .,{lrunuiuro3 oql 1e f,ecTJJo e^TJnsaxe JeTqc oq1 ue I v luotledncco :nor{ sT treqm puv 0 'asrog ur 09t 'oN /ece;:e; eueorreuv f,soM gqtt 'Tqag TTM 'a.rns V assa-rppe ssaursnq pue eueu rnod otrefs eseeld noI plnog 'TqoD '.rN 'uoou.re1;e :o buluela poog 0 : I'OUnd 'UId I.B NOIJVNINVXE JJEU]C :sAoTloJ sE parJTfsaf pue peuruexa sem 'tlfn.rl eqf TTef 01 uf,o/vls dTnp 1sf,TJ uaoq 6u1aeq 'oqepl Jo uorJercossv drqs.rau1.re6 uorlcv z{ltunuruio3 erlf fo acuelsur eqtr tre ssoufTm p se pecnpo:d 'THgg rrM '.depo1 e:aq .rap.ro le.rnpeco.rdJno ]VdV3(TA) THU96ZV B6Tq'O6B'BOZ 9NI,IUOdEE gSJ 9Za VZ tz 77 IZ OZ 6I BI LI 9I 9I VI ITI ZI II OI 6 B L 9 g b t Z Io afxol Jo so6Ed auTu II Jo 6ut1s1suoc ^{uourtfsof lce.rrp .rolfeu sTqf uT pelrg:e:d oq of pasne3 u{lsnorae;d no{ alreH 'felo f.refs ,our osncxa e.raqf sT 'Tqag ' .rN ' f q6Tr TTV 0 .ON V ;no{ elpr{ /uorsstururo3 sTr.lf o.roJoq poTf Tlsof Jou a1!,no^ 0 .PTP T V aUTSUoJSTM uT uorssTunuoS feqf a.roJaq dg:t1se1 noz{ p-rp 'Ae>{O 0 'seTfTTTln srflcoTe pue ;olem .roJ uoTSSTllnuo3 IfTTTln c-FTqnd ursuocsrM ar{1 fe sasec 6utuezr"ralut oluos uT eledtctl:ed prp oA ',os1e fnq /sonssr 6ulsnoq Te.rn-r qfTA fTeep z{1rreurr.:d feql ursuocsrM ur uorlezrue6:o 1r;:o.zduou eprmofe?s e Jo -rolco.rrp elTlncoxo oqf seA I 'sTq1 of for.rd'e.rns eddl or{f V 'pe1re1uo qoI ue1q6t1ua lsnI 0 '1t:ed 'JeTf,q z{:rezr fr-{6Tur puno-r6>iceq sTq s-! sTr.{l 'qoI ae;oqm pue p1p nod feql >[.rom Jo :orrd :noz{ fei-{A lnoqp fTq e uorssmluo3 eL{l eseeld nod plnoc'TqaO'.rN :ICUnd 'EN IS 'nor{ >1ueq1 'f t{6T: TTV : ICUnd 'UN umo .zno.,{ fV :U3CNVTTEy UENOISSINNOJ oq TT,I 'uorssrunuoJ ol-{f of 1n;d1eq aq eTflTT e 'a:eq 6utz{g:t1sa1 ouTf fsrTJ IVdV3(ro) THuO0tt86I9 'O6 B'BOZ SNI,tUOdgE 8S3 VZ :l (. tz ZZ IZ tt/ 6I 8I LI 9I EI VI IT ZI TT OT t t 6 I L 9 g v t Z It 01 o^eq noI op '1et{f luo.rJ oprse 'fqbT: TTV 0 'so^ \1 a?q6Tf, 1eq1 sr jop uo od.dtr 0 'se^ v i,,oflP seTlTTTln .Aueur se,, qlTA spue pue ,,'pauueld peq z{ueduro3 oeJ,, 'qlTm su16aq leqf acuelues aql s, feUJ oS 0 uo.rJ p3^o1uo.r eq pTnoc oeJ,,'6ut1-re1s srler-{1 ;ebueqc o1 "reTncTl:ed e a;aqf '6 of I euTT acuetrues f eqf ,,'pauueld peq z{ueduro3 enurJuoc TTTIs '1:ed fseT fer-{f oA feqf sr 1:ed fseT eq; f,eaLI 1, upTp 1 'z{.r-ros ur,1 sTqf Jo l.roddns senurJuoc TTTf s IVdVJ 'alaqfPql l3offoc f nq 'ue.r6o:d BouTT 6urzroure: fsnI] af,Pc plnom nor{ fer-I1 sr pue '1ee;b '{nr{O 'ure.r6o.rd V g a6ed uo euTT 0 aq1 6u11.roddns V 0 'ure:r6o.:d 01 JUpA pTno/u\ I OS /OSp3 Aql lOU sTqf eleuru.rol of lesodo:dTeTfTuT euos seA o.reqJ seA leqf 1eqtr 6ulpuelsrapunsru e sem o-raq1 {uTqf f 'V fTqTqxS '€9 qde.r6e-re6 'ure:6o:d f ueurr{ed aa-rJ eed er{f 01 eouareJer uI 'uorJca.r;oc ouo oleq op I 'se1 V aareqs of a>{TT p,noA leqf z{uourtlsel feql of suorlco.r.roc r{ue e.rreq nor{ op 'fr{6T: TTV 0 .SEA V IVdVS(ra) rHEeIev B6Tq '06 8 '802 9NIIUOdgU ESC a7:r (. VZ EZ ZZ IZ OZ 6T BI LI 9I ET VI TI ZT TT OI I 6 o L 9 g v t Z T o t IVdVC(ro) THsg 86TE'O6B'BOZ 9NIJUOdgU 8S3 zev ('p-rocer al{f uodn pee.rds sr Tr{oD TTM '.rN Jo duourtlsel Jce-rrp pelrg:e.rd 6utmo11o;: eqJ) 'pPor JT se pfocaJ eL{1 ssofce z{uourtlsel eq1 pee:ds TTrlq o/v\ 'uorllsoddo 3:o puT>{ due fnoqlTM :UECNVTTSy USNOISSINNOJ 'sso.rc -roJ urrq -rapuel pue pee.l lT se p.roce.r oqf uodn pee;ds eq TqeD TTM Jo r{uourtlsel loa.rTp er-{f feqf {se I 'uer{J'1eq1 qfTM '1qbTr TT\1 :ICUnd'UN 'Jce.f -ro3 v aJce"r.roc feql s-f l.duourtlsel .rnou{ of sfrqrr{xa ou orp eJaqf pue 'fqbT: TTV 0 .SOA V aaluPs eL{1 ,,{11e11uefsqns aq s.romsue :no,,{ pTnou /u-re;eq1 peureluoo se suotlsenb oues eq1 no{ 1se of eJer,r I JI 0 'lou op f 'oN V 6r{uourtlsal foo.rrp .zno{ o? sebueqc {ue 9Zt LC ZZ VZ IZ OZ 6I BI LT 9I ET bI TI ZT IT OI 6 B L 9 Y v t Z T o t IVdVf, ZTC ,THE9ttt uorfov .{llunururo3 or.{epI u.rolspg aq1 9 1(yyOIUS) 'cuI /[cua6y uoTfov r{ltunuru:o3 oqepl u:roJseaqlnos aql (g i (dVJJS) drqs.reuf"red uorJcv z{lrunururo3 f e.rlua3 rlfnos or.l,l (V 1(dV)IM) drqs:eu1:e6 uorJcV z{ltunururo3 oqepl u-rafsaM or-{f,, (g .'(ppv Tg) 'cuI 'epv Tg ft 1(ON-dVJ S N-dVO) dtqs:euf-rpd uorJOV .dllununlo3 aq;, (I :oqepl ur {1.ra,rlod 1L{6TJ feqf, suorlpzlue6.ro 1rg:o:duou 'e1ear:d burmollogr or{1 Jo uorlercosse ue sr IVaV3 :V 'esec sTqf uT JuauoAToAuT sfT of JueAeTof 'sur"ro;:.red f,T suorJcunJ or-trf pue e-rnJon.rJs Teuorleztup6:o s,IVdVC eqr-r3sep ospaTd :g GNnOUoXJ\{E S, rvd\fC 'II 'pafTuTT aug o-rpr{H pue uo11e.rod.ro3 elsrl\V ueeAloq .re6:eur pesodo.rd er{f lro fxeluo3 el{f uT PISTAV Jo s.fauolsn3 ouocuT 1u\oT aql 'toJ aleoolpe pue 'uo 1:adxe ue Jo s/{erl aqJ fuese:d of eu pa{se s.roJce.rrc Jo p-reo8 Ivdvc aqJ :v ;6utpaeco:d sTqf ur 6utdg:t1se1 no{ ere JTpr{eq asoqm uO :g '90LtB CI 'esrog '09t afTns 'ece::a; puecr.raug 'M gEtt fe pelpcoT '(MVC) ot{ept J:o uoTJercossg dlqsrouJ.rea uorlcv {ltunuru:o3 ar{f Jo f,oJcarrq e^Tlncaxg oqf ule I 'TqeO TTM sT eureu d6 :V 'sse]ppe sseuTsnq pue aueu :nor{ elPfs asPoTd :0 NOI,ICNGOU,INI 'I EZ VZ t,Z ZZ IZ OZ 6I BI LT 9t ET VT IT ZI TT OT t I 6 U L 9 E v t Z Tt IVdVSp7TC 'THggvtv EZI VZ tz ZZ IZ OZ 6I BT LT 9I 9T vt TII ZT II OT R 8 L 9 E v t Z Tt sasod:nd eql .ToJ ,,'sarouebe .requeu, se oJ pef,f,oJer ore SON pue IJC qfTl,t 6uo1e (,,sdVJ,, se of po.r.reJo-r seurrleuros) sarcuaby uo-tlcv .,{lrunuruo3 xTs eql 'z{1azrt1coTTo3 '.,{lezrtlcedse: / suollelndod rorues pue 1ue.r6tur o1 soor^fos butptzro:d uo posnooJ afp sercuebe osal{J ,,'setouo6e esod.rnd 1erceds,, sp smeldg s,IVdVJ ur paleublsep of,e 'Sf,N pue IJO 'selcuebe or,rJ fseT or{J 'cuI 'sec1zr:eS ueunH pue uoTlezTf,eqlpog '6u16y uo uorJEzlue6:6 [1uno3 uoz{ue3 aqf paueu r{1.reur-:ogr '(SCru) seorlres z{11unuruio3 orloN (B ipue '(tCC) 'cuI 'oqepI J:o Trcuno3 ^dllunururoJ eqJ (t J (aVCf U) 'cuI 'dtqstaufred cTleunueJ6o:d'uo11e1uaua1durr qfTA ocuelsrsse pue u:p:6o:d /sec"rnoso.r Jo uorf,eurp-rooc /acuelsrsse 6uruueld pue 6utute:1 apnTcur socrl:as qJnS 'oqepl suorssru TenpT^TpuT f,Ter{f 1no burAr-reJ ur TesTur-{caf lnoqbno:q1 ureqf trsTSse of s-roqureiu oqJ of socT^]es 3:o per.rr{ur e seprao:d 1eq1 uorJezlue6.ro eTTa.rqun eq1 AlaaTfoaJJra sT IVdVJ :V ; sercuebe .roquou eqf pue IVdVO uoemleq drqsuotleTe-r aqf sr f,eqg :0 'e"rolu q3nu pue 'ssocae olec qfTEoq '6ursnoq ofqep.roJJe 'ocuelstsse r{6:eua'uotlezr-rar-{Jeam euoq,6utq1o1c '1:oddns pue ecuepuadepuT foruas 'pooJ dcuabtaure 'e:ec pTTqo 'ocuelsrsse uorlecnpa /uor1ua1e: pue uoTf prede:d luaur.doldura : apnTcur SdVO z{q peprzro:d sure:6o:6 'r{cuetcrfJns-JTos poseofcur 1:oddns pue efouro:rd o1 eldoed qfTA {.roA TTe fnq 'seotrrJos 6urmo11og: eqtr Jo TTe seprno-rd .dcuebe z{.rele f oN 'seo;e eJrl.ros ezltlcedse: -rTeql uTr-{lTA pofecoT seTfTunuuroc l:o spoou enbtun eqf leour 01 su:e"r6o.rd snorf,el rTor.{1 ubrsep satcue6e oL{I 'pol.ras sr or{epI ur z{1unoc d:ene 'sorouo6e 11e buruTquro3 'ea.re ecrl;es peleubtsep e seq Acuabe f,equeu L{ceE 'so1 :V aepTAefefs sosT^-ros oluocur-AoT aplzro:d setcuebe e^rlcaTToo eqf oC :I '[cue6e esod.rnd letceds e pue dcuebg uorlcv .,{ltunururo3 e uaemleq uorJcuTlsTp JuEAoTe.r ou sT a.raqf '6utpeeco:d stql ut enssr Je uorJeTndTfs :a6.rapq oqf, Jo IVdVStTC ,THSDEt7 EZ VZ EZ ZZ TZ OZ 6T OTOL LI 9t ET VI TT ZI IT OT o 6 B L 9 g b t Z T t t IVdV3etTC ,THE99ev 'sf aquau p.reo8 Ivdvc g l\11ue.rrnc ore ol{f uo sfTs Icuabe 'uoTfTppe uf sebeueur -Tolco.rrC soqsTTqefso leqf o.Teqf 's.qJ'sJoJJe.rrC foqueu qcee Jo .roJco"rrc 'r{cuabe aqf Jo suorJcunJ olrlncoxg oq;, 'dcuebe Jo p"reog IVdvf, oATJnCexg qseo z{ep o1 .,{ep oqf feqf .rol: .,{ct1od s.folco.rTo Jo p.reog u1v\o sfT pup foJcef,ro oATJncexE ue seq trcuabe qceg 'e:e z{eq1 se1 :V amoq 'os JT 'pue s.roJce.rrg Jo p-reog s r JV,dVJ uo peluese.rde-r setcue6e raqueu TenprlTpur eqf arv : O 's6urq1 -raqfo 6uou:e 'oqepI uT euocur-AoT or-{1 -rol: dceconpe pue '1qbrs:eao alrTle-rlsrurupe o EZ bZ EZ ZZ IZ OZ 6I BT LI 9t qI vt II ZI TT OT t 6 B L 9 E v E Z TI uorssrllrluoc eql /s1uec'r1dde qloq z{q peu6ts 1{11e111u1 pue BTOZ 'eI 11rdy uo uorssTulluo3 eI{1 t{fTt"t '9VZ'I0'T0'It VdVCI /a:npeco:6 J:o soTn5 sruorssrllnuo3 or-{f J:o VLZ oTnU ol luens.rnd 'peTTf sem uoTfelndrlg fueuoTflas eqJ 's6ulpeaco:d aseqf ;:o 6utlnpaqcsa-r eql pue s.reqf o uTpl.roc Jo uorluelfofuT oleT or.tr1 o1 -rot.rd satl.red snolounu uaeAloq o?uT pe.relue r{lsnotae:d uotlelndtls fuoueTffas oqf f.roddns of st .r{uorurfsel &u g:o esod.rnd eql :V aesec sTr-{f u-r r{uourtfsof :no.r{ ezTf,eununs eseeTd :I TrITII{'{OS 'III ' suoTfeTlo6eu fuoueTffas ur peledrcrl.red pue 'glOZ 'OZ eunp uo :e6;aur pesodo.rd oqf l:o 1:oddns uT slueuuoc poIIJ 'esec sTr-{? g:o z{1e:r1ue oq1 lnoq6no:q1 ITTnf paledtcrf.red seq IVdVJ :V aase3 sTqf uT JuouolTolur s,IVdVO aqr.rosop aseeld nod plnog :0 'd11un1:oddo aqf ouocTaA I pue uorssrlinuoO sTqf o-roJoq ecue:eedde lsf,TJ Iur eq TTT/,I sTI-{f 'oN :V ; sbulpeeco:d .raqlo uT uoTSSTnmroD sTql o-roJaq paTJTfsel nor{ o/\eH :0 'd:o1t:.ra1 ecTl\.ras serr.Tas (,,dV3,, ) oqepl s , etrsrlv Jo 11e burpnTcur oqepl ql.roN dtqs:au1.re6 uoTlcv z{ltunuruo3 oqI :V ;z{:o1t::e1 aor^.ros s r ef sTAV ol ocupJSTsse eiuocuT-AoT eplzro:d satcuebe ]equau fI-{6Ta al-{f lro q3TqM :8 ]VdVf, vTC ,THg'Lev EZa VZ CZ ZZ IZ i7 6T BT LI 9I 9I VI TI ZI TT OI a 6 B L 9 q v e Z TI IVdVS evTC ,THBEBT' Ito soTnu s r uorssrultuo] eqf f o / sV 'pI'e.rnpeco:6 v LZ oTnu 01 luens:nd '1erro:ddv rof uorfol^l BTOZ ,CT e trq peluedurocce TTrdV uo poTrl: sEt,t uorlelndtlg osTP fueureTffos ar_lJ 'uoTJuo^]eluI foJ suoTtrTlod 'pe1ue.rb o.roA l:o lueurl.redeq pue 'paTTf Alluenbesqns secf,nosag :refeM ol{epI eql pue dno-rg f,euolsnJ elsr^V eqI 'IVdVO pue 's.za:oqeT fo TTcunoJ pue uol6urqseM or-{l 'enbeel 'dno:g lse-roJ oqepl 'uorlerod:o3 JcTJfSTC oqepl u"feL{J"roN uoTJe^lesuoS oqepl eqf -rade6 "raJemreaTJ 'f f ef S 9Z VZ tz ZZ I TZ OZ 6I BT LI 9t 9I VI IT ZI TT OT 6 8 L 9 I v t Z I t t frJeuaq TTTA 'sasseTs f oluolsnc .reqtro TTe feqf suoTsr^ord sureluoJ osTe uorleTndTls 'A;ouraur Juaca.r ur pecuorledxe ueeq Jruoleq oI-{J feql sr{emuT sJoluoJsnc euocuT 1v\oT s, eJSTAV Jo f Tl:euaq ei.ll of arnur TTTA /uoTJeTndlfS oqf uT qfrof ?as se pue pesodo:d sE '.re6:eu eq1 f pr{f s , fVdVf, sr f T ,uo11e:eprsuoc onp pue sasz{Teue 'suo11e11obau snoJounu 6urmo11og 'eToqA eL{1 uo paAorl seA uorlelndrlg fueuoTffas aq; 'IVaVC otr ecuel:odurr Jo t:" araA uotlelndrlg eql uT peureluoo suorsrlo;d :eq1o or-{f leql ueeu of pan.rlsuoc aq fou pTnoqs sTr-{I '.ra6:aur oqf .rofJe pue of :ot:d r-ifoq 's.:au:o1snc euocur t,toT s , eJSTAV uo aleq TTTA f T feqf lcedult aq1 uodn dlt.reu:t:d peseq lueueTffes aql pessosse IVdVO :V '1T s1:oddns IVaVC z{qm pue uorlelndrlg luouaTffes aqf, Jo slsz{1eue :noA uteldxe aseaTd :$ .INg'{EIT.tr,IgS gO S.IIIS'EITE TUT,INSSSE'AI .ON :V 6[uourtlsal :nor{ of slrqlqxe .due a.raqf orv :Q 's:ez{ede1e: ;:o ..{poq 1e.reue6 oi-lf, osfe fnq /s:aurolsno euocuT-IvloT s , elsrlv g:o z{1uo Jou sJSe.roJUT al{f uT sr f uoureTf f os ot{l f eq1 a^oTTaq I AqA ureldxe TTTA 1 '.d11eurg 'lueuaTlfes er{f Jo l.roddns s,IVdVC -roJr ofeuorle.r or{l eprzlo.rd osTe I 'uorssrllnuoC sTqf a.roJaq enssr Je uorJefndTlS fuauraTlfes aql s1:oddns [lleuorlrpuooun ]V6VJ 'no1eq pafTelep IVAVS-:lTC ,TH396ev 9Zo VZ CZ ZZ TZ OZ 6I BT LI 9I 9T vt ITt ZI TT OT 6 8 L 9 I v t Z Io IVdVS eETo ,THED0vv 9Z VZ LC ZZ IZ OZ 6T BT LI 9T ET bI IT ZI TI OI o t 6 B L 9 E v t Z T aS.fOIUOJSn3 AtuOCUT 1u\OT sreJsrAV oJ aoueJsrsse 1n;:6urueou eprlo;d 11tm elerfeq noz{ leqf suorsrlo:d crg,lceds aq1euTTlno eseaTd 'gg qde:6e.re6 U :v lTqTqxE SNOISIAOIIGI SHOCNI ltOT 's:ear{ e^TJ f,o^o pea:ds sf oiuolsnc of lTpa.r3 aJP.r TTe-ro^o uorTTrlu 8'EIs P ol pallillnuoc e^eq slueclldde aqf 1eq1 sr 6utpuels.repun z{6 'sa.tr :V ;.2e6:eur oqf Jo JTnser e se lcedurt ale.r p oq oreql TTTM :0o eoTof, sfT 6ut11tg:1ng: utbeq o1 ouaAuoc TJMS aqf TTTA ueqg :[ 'sJuoruos.rnqslp due ;.o 6uplr1 eqtr uo oTqrxaTl: 6u-ru1er:ra: eTTr-trA se11:ed 11e lro spaeu eqf -raprsuoc TTTA pue uorle.rcsrp s1T fe s:equreu ppe o1 dltltqe oqf oler{ TTTA aeJlTunuoc oLtr,l 'uoTtreJod;o3 .rede6 fefem.reoTJ pue 'dno:g JSaroJ oqepl eLIl '(TJI) en6ee1 uorlel.resuo3 oqepl /.dcue6e dVJ uofsT/"roT or{1. 'JJefS uorssmnuo3 Cnd oqepl /e1stlry :uo"rJ serrTJeJuasa:da: Jo Jsrsuoo TTTA eAllTUrluO3 eqf,l 'z{.rO11:.re1 eCr^"reS OqepI srPJsrAV ur speau ouocur-AoT pue'uotlen:rosuoc'uotlezr.rol-{Jeom 'l{cue1c13:3e {6;aue sso.rppe o1 6ulpungi sTr-11 olTooe.r pTnor-{s surerbo:d Aau .ro 6utlstxe qoTqM 6ututur:e1ap r{lTtvr p3ISel S.repToi{e>lef,s Jo aaJJTllnuoc /vrou E '(,,T3M9,,) oelfTurluoc acuelsrssE euocur AoT pue uoTfe^-resuoc 'uorlezT.roqlpaM'z{cuerclg:g:g .,{6;eug ol-trf 6u1pn1cut sdno.z6 .reuoJsnc ao dno:6 as.ralrp e ^q pas.rnqsrp eq TTTA 6utpung: peuoTfueua.roJe eq;, 'su:e:6o:d acuelsTsse ouocur AoT pue'uot1elr:esuoc'uotlezr.reqJeom'dcuatclg;;:e,,{6.reuo pun; dTaq 01 por.rod :ead-ue1 p .rolo LVB' Bgt'OOES gro 6ulpung: e6ue:r:re TTT/"I aug o:rpIH feqf sofels uo11e1ndt1g aq1 lo BE qdei6er% t[11ect;itcedg 'uorJeTndlfS eq] of ,,V,, fTqTqxE l:o E9-gE sqde:6e.red ur punol: e:e :ood aq1 of eoueJsrsse 6u1p-rao:d Jo pool-lTTo>{TT ol-if eleq fellf uotlelndtlg or{f uTr{trTt,t poureluoc suorsrlo:d g:o d1t.zo[eur eq; :V IVdVJ 9TC ,THSDTVV 9Z VZ CZ 77 TZ OZ 6T LT 9I gT vt IT ZI TI OI o 6 8 L 9 Y v e Z I t o IVdVf, e9TC 'THggzvv 9Zt VZ EZ ZZ IZ OZ 6T BT LI 9I EI VI tT ZI TI OT t 6 I L 9 I v t 7v I 'sarlrunl.roddo 3:o uoTfcoTos elqtssod fseq eqf o.rnsuo o1 p.renbaJes qbnoroql e septzro.rd 11 'filluanbosuoc 'uorle.repTsuos oluT ue{e] e.re sarrtlcads.red pue sJsa.reJuT TTP trer-{f e]nsur otr dreq TTTA pue 6urpung: uoTlelresuoo oruocur-/vroT ^{.resseceu Jo errllceds:ed pacueTeq e oprlof,d TTTn s.rapTor-{a{efs g:o dno:6 olrJe-roqeTToo T3Mg 6urobe.roJ eL{f leqf, elerTeq I.V aTSME eLIf Jo ssouo^TJceJJe pue .dlrlTqerl oqf lo Juorussassp :nor{ sr lpr-lM :0 'papaou 'T ounf Aq sp 'z{11ectpor:ed ueld sTr{f esrlo: TTTIv\ pue luese:d 6IOZeJSTAV o1 ueld 6utpun; dVf, pasod:nd-1y6y3 oqf .reez\- 91 e TTTtut 'uollcesuefll:o asoTc oi.tr1 .raf,Je sz{ep 06 uTqfTA ouo^uoc TTTA Tf,Ms eI-{J :vI IVdVS LTC ,THE9t,v v z{peerle uobe;g pue uolbulqseM se qons soJeJS 6ut:oqq61eg 's.raAedale-r s , eJSTAV ruo.rJ euoc lou seop leql z{euour 6ursn oouefsTsse fueur{ed TTTq 6utpung: ure:6o:d e dolerr"ep 01 spunJ paleTa-r-:re6:reur ozrTrln of o.rrsep e pafecTpuT seq elsr^V '.,{11ec13:tcedg 'u.recuoc .foluolsnc euocur AoT Jio sonssr -Ieqf,o ssefppe of selcuabe auocur-/v\of r-lfTm >t-roA oJ anurluoc TTTA 1T fpr{1 see:6e EfsrAV :V auorfeTndl+S eql 01 uoTsTzro.rd :e1nc11.:ed sTql fo sfrJeuaq peurnse.rd aqf e.re feqg :g :V lTqTqxE '79 qde.r6e.ze6 gCNEISISSV TTIA 's.rauoJsnc euo3uT IvIoT of ocuelsTsse eplno:d pTnoc z{euour aqf qcTqu uT sr{em {g:tluapr 01 sr luolur TTe.reAo oqf,, 'pourJrap ,{TTnf oq ol fe^ '6utaq-eurt1 ar.{f roJ 'st r{euour Jo fod sTL{? fo esod;nd eq; :V ;eprlo:d 01 pepuefuT st ure:6o:d sTqf fpr-{1 sfr]auaq auocur-AoT oqf a.rP fPr{M :0 'uoTssnlnuoJ oql ^q pero:dde sT fT 6ulurnsse ':e6.reur eql g:o 6utsolc butruroTToJ .dlldruord :o tre uorfepunoJ: aTqef r-reqc s , etrsTAV oJ uorJnqT.rf uoc 000 '000 'L$ oruTf -ouo e o{eu 01 elsr^V osnec o1 pee.rbe seq euo o:pIg :V Sqde:6e:ed u1 parJTfuapr frJoueq .re1nct1:ed sTr.{f uo.rJ po^T"rap oq TTTA slrJauoq ouosur t,toT feqM :Q :V lTqTqxg '19 qde:6ere6 sNor,roglrlfNoc .tr'&INn {noc 9Zt VZ CZ ZZ TZ OZ 6I BT LI 9I qT vt TT ZI II OT 6 B L 9 I v t Z T o t IVdVf, eLTC 'THggvvv EZI VZ tz 77 TZ OZ 6I BI LI 9I EI vt ITa ZT IT OT 6 B L 9 :l v t Z T fqep-peq pue slsoc 6uTttTq pue uo-tfcaTToc 6ulcnpe: 's:ourolsnc aATfcp sp sf,eiuoJSnc ouocur-/qoT 6urdee>1 uof,J palr.rop s;ededetre; TTe 01 eJnur fer{l slrJoueq elqtbuelut pue a1qt6ue1 sno-reunu o.re a"roqtr /moTeq passnosrp se pue 'u:n1 u1 's.reuolsno ouo3ur-AoT s r eJsrAV oJ dteq Terfuelsqns u{1n.r1 eprrro.rd pTnom sTq;, 'acueJSrxe ur lpea.rle ure.r6o.rd ouocuT-AoT .raq1o .,{ue JSoiu upl{l s-rauolsnc par{sr.rolodurl fsou el{f 6u1d1eq ut .roi.{freJ qcnu ob plnorur sure:6o:d L{cnS 'fcoJJa ur sure:6o:d lueur{ed f TTq oleqt 's.rauolsnc pres 01 onTp^ oTqeJaprsuos Jo oq 01 elo.rd pTnor-trs pourl:op ,{TTnf f,o pa?Jn.rlsuoo +er{ 1ou q6noq1 pue s.rouolsnc euocur r,toT , setueduroc aqf of z{11ecrg:tceds polcorrp {1:ee1c sT uorsrlo.rd "T,{,1 .e1et.rdo:dde o.roql srs{1eue efep pup qcee;Jno ,6ur1e>1:eu opnTcur r{eur lueurlrunuoc sTq;, 'spToqosnoll uap-rnq u{6:euo qbTq pue 'e1qe:eu1na 'paa:es:epun uo sncoJ e r{fTA 1e:aue6 u1 sute.r6o:d euocur AoT Jo afef uorJprtrauad eq1 6ut.rro-rdurT Jo 1eo6 oql r-{fTi,r lfoJJo pe1e6.re1 e a>[ef.rapun 01 dvc uofsTAoT aqf qlT^l Alesolc I-roA TTTA elsrlv pue eug o;p^dg :V ;lesodo:d sTqf fo s.rouolsnc ofuT lcedurr oruocur-moT uo lcedurt pepuefur ar-{f sr feqM :O :V ?TqTqxS 'lg qde:6e.ze6 Sr$rueOEa E IOCNI-IIOT ,IO NOLI\ftffigNEa EAOE<U{I 'o_rnJnJ of TurJopuT eqf ure:6o:d aalJ aqf, anurJuoJ of aq TfTA :a6:au aq1 Jo ot{,1 sfauolsnc euiaf T 'auoqdalel foJ ooJ ou lsTr sTqf aqf ]e^o sluauz{ed e>{eur of se6:eqc z{11ue.r.rnc eJSTAV l.o sfrJouaq oqf ofe leqM :V ?TqTqxS 'Eg qde:r6e:e6 mru9oua ,INgnrv<I sgE,r qsTl{ or_{/v.\ .V :0 gg.r 'afnlpu ,{tql ssod ure:6o:d e 'g:;:o-a1t:r,r sTr{f g:o ure-r6o:d e:n1ng: e JoJ ebels oqf fes dTer{ pue lcedurr ezrrlrsod z{1puno;:o:de a^el{ pTnoc .raqfo buoure qcns feqf solerTaq IVdVJ 's6urq1 IVdVJ ITC ,THE99VV 9ZI VZ tz ZZ IZ OZ 6I BT LI 9I EI VT TT ZI II OI 6 I L 9 I v t Z T o I 'saTlrununuo3 TeqTf,l s,PISTAV e 01 OsuelsTsse JO Aq ^TO>{TT TTTA aCUelSrSSe fOJ sTenpT^TpuT asar.lf sfabref 1er-{f uref,6o-rd ^ue '.{lluenbosuoJ 'paqsT.razrodurt d1e1euot1:odo.rdstp e.re'elsrzry' Ito s.rauolsnc butpnlcur /suazTlTc peqsr-ralodurr JSolu s,oqepl gio dueur leqf peldecce .,{11e:aue6 sT fI :V :,sforuolsnc euocuT /,TOT fTJ:EUEq SOqT]l TECOT I-{f,TA I-IOA TTTA ^/IOH :O IVdVf, eBTC ,THg,9nv 9Z VZ t CZ ZZ IZ OZ 6T BT LI 9T 9T VI TT ZT IT OT 6 I L 9 I i t Z T o t IVdVS 6TC 'THggL3V 9ZI VZ tz 77OO IZ OZ 6I BI LT 9I qI VT ETo ZT TT OI 6 8 L 9 I v t Z Io seop lT 'se1 : \1 ;.duourr1se1 .rnoz{ apnTcuoc sTql seog :I auocuT /t'toT pTnoqs 'pezro.rdde fT uoaq seq {ueduo3 strT l:o spaau '1eq1 lTnsa.r et{f 6utsse:ppe e 6uruotqse;: ur ol 's-rouolsnc ur f,eJ o6 a1\TJeO-TC eL{I 'S.reuoJsnc s ,.,{ueduro3oltr1 l:o TTe {1tun1.roddo foJ suoTlTpuos oTqE-rTsap sno-raunu uretrqo anbtun e sluasa:de: :e6:eu: pesodo:d oq1'se.L :v ;:e6.raur pesodo:d noz{ oC : Q oqf 6utp:e6e: s)i-reuof, [:eururns i{ue oleq NOISNTCNOC 'A 'sf a>{,reu pue saT-ro1T.r.raJ acr^.ros sno.Teunu s,z{1r1t1n ar{f sso.rJp fueurfeo.rf elqeltnbe sornsse fT 'ourocur AoT-uou lo /s;eurolsnc euocur-AoT foJ .raqfaqm 'uorssecuoc r{ue oATeoo.r alefs due plnoqs 'z{lluenbasuo3 'ssemo;d 6urletlobau -zteqf f o onl.rTA .dq dle.reur .raq1o r{ue ueql JJo as:om r{ue sr 1uedtc11:ed ou 'sseco:d uorfoTpsttn[-t11nur /pe1ce;1o;d e g:o os-rnoc aq1 6ut:np 'leqf o.rnsua of snfels uoTfeu pofoleJ 1solu ureluoc 'pueq fe euo or{f se r-{cns 'suorlctpsr:nI a1d111nu 6u1zr1ozru1 slueueTffes 1eqo16 .{ue6 :V auorsrlo.rd uotleTndTlS "rpTncrf,red stql g;o onTpl aqtr sT f,er_{M :[ :uoTsr^ord Teaeuee a1T lrusoop 'ellour e uofJ ouTT euos o>tTT spunos 1I 'ue I :EECNVTTSX USNOISSINNOS aau 1e 6u11oo1 nor{ ejrv :UgIgN 'UN asuorlsonb Auy 'noz{ a;roubr of JueA l,upTp I /I::os ur,1 'r{O auorssninuo3 eqf fo s.roquou uro.rJ suorlsenb z{ue oror{tr e;p puv :USCNVTTSX UENOISSINNOO 'rTpq3 '.rN 'suollsanb ou eAer{ 1 ,nod >{ueq['auocToA'Tqag':N :NBdUVN'UN ued:ey'-rN :USCNVTTSX UENOISSTNI4OJ ' suorJSonb ou /ueur.r1eq3 ' .rr{ : UgJXVg 'UN 'irolxeg'.rN :UECNVTTSy usNoISSlnNoS 'ueu.rrer{J '.zhl /suollsenb op :OXNVNSS 'UN 'olueuos'.rN :ulcNVTTEy ugNoISSIHNoS 'suoTtrsanb ou'ueut:teq3 ':N : SNVITTIM 'UN 'suIerTTTM'.rN :UECNVTTEX ESNOISSINWOJ 'suorlsanb ou /ueur:req3 ' .rN 'noz{ lueq; : NOSCUVHJIU 'Un 'uosprel{cTu ' .rN : UECNVTTSX UaNoISSINNOJ 'ueu.rreqJ'.rl^1'suotlsenb oN :oJIo'uN 'of lo 'f,N r{f Tl1^ utbeq fT,al,t puv :USONVTTEX ETNOISSINNOJ ur per{ e,roA s6urpeeco:d burmoTToJ aq;,) ('6ur:eeq uedo IVdVJ THg9BVV 85r9'068'B0Z 9N]IEOdEU BS3 EZ bZ e7 ZZ IZ OZ 6I 8I LI 9T ET VI IT ZT II OT o o 6 I L 9 E v t Z Tt 'ob o1,1 oraqA oos TTraA pue 0t:B puno.re 1e 6urf.re1s oq 01 6u1o6 or,eM 'Ao-r.roluo1 dolelep otr p.roco.r ef,ou loT e o^eq i{lsnorzrqo oM '6uo1e e^ou sn 6u-rd1aq .roli nod )tueqf 'u1ebe 'sT lcoTc,o 00:E qceo:dde ar,r se .(epo1 ,rar{J 'JTs etvr erer{A oS :USCNVTTSX USNOISSINNOJ ('pue1s oql fJeT ssoufTm oq;) 'fer.{f elerce-rdde oM '{epo1 sn f,oJ .rop"ro Jo 1no 6utob pue duourtlsal :nod roJ noI 1ueq1 'u1ebe sed 'ftl6T: sr sTrlf, JT ees ou feT suourluTszf,rJ '.f'N ol nod >1ueq1 .des 01 pefrpl: I pue uoTledrc-r1.red stq :o; ssouJrm er.{1 luer{f of truem osTp 1 '.,{epof I.roA pf,eq rTeql tog: .dpoqd:eae >{upr{f of lupm I 'uoql '1utod sTqf 1V 'nor{ roJ fco.rrpe.r ou os i.rnoll OfET Oq] S.1I :USCNVTTEY USNOISSINNOS .ON : NOSUSONV UENOISSIIdNOS AOAI f,SNf :USCNVTTSX UINOISSIIdNOS 'o/vl1 fsnf :NosuECNV ugNoISsINNOS auorssrurluoC aqf Jo sfequau oql uo-rl suorlsenb Fue pue /1ee.rg :UICNVTTSX USNOISSINNOO '-rouoH .rno1'suollsenb ou sPq eug o:pdg :dlOJS UgCNVn 'SN 'set6olode Aut'Aer{O :EgCNVTTf,y Uf,NOISSI6NOJ 'ueuf,TeLIJ 'f,N 'no{ lueqf, fnq 'J,uop f 'oN 'sa1 :USIEN 'UN IVdVS THES6VV 86r9'068'B0Z 9NI,tUOdtU BS3 C7o VZ tz ZZ TZ OZ 6I BT LI 9t ET vt ET ZI TI OI a 6 8 L Y I v t Z Io ( 'u'd EE: ? fe pessaco.r 6ut.zeep1 oq;,) 'Ao-rlouoJ 'ru' E 0t : BTTfun pesseca] se 6uo1 ob 01 oq TT , eA 'pTes lelll os 'mo.r.louro1 01 poeu pualur ot,t 'z{::os fer{f dn-speeq e o^eq of /looqcs uor; spTI ro e;ecAep 01 sp:ebe.r qfT/v\ Teap of arreq nor{ lT os '1ue1ur dur butmold daal o1 6utob o.r r eA '6utuele aq?. A1v1 no{ Juer,r fsn[ ] qf T1,1 senssr oruos s, feeJ 'qbnorql ofuT TTeA puefxa pfnor{s er,r JT 'q6noq1 'noz{ Jo esoL{J roJ In00TTOC0qh B6T9'O6B'BOZ 9NIIUOdEE gS3 9Z VZ tz ZZ I IZ OZ 6t BT LI 9T 9T VI TT ZI IT OT t 6 B L 9 E v t Z II