HomeMy WebLinkAbout20180223Protective Agreement 2.pdfP.ICIIVED PROTECTIVE AGREEMENT BETWEEN IIYDRO ONE (acting through its acquisition subsidiary Olympus Equity tLq, "Td ., I ^ , _ .,AVISTACORpORATIONAITD , _,,,,toliUii CLEARWATER PAPER CORPORATION (AND OTHER PARTIES AS APPLICABLE) rN cAsE NO. AVU-17-09/AVU-G-17-05 This ProtectiveAgreement is entered intothis-..lghayofDecember 2017byHydro One (acting through its acquisition subsidiary Olympus Equity LLC) (hereafter "Hydro One"), and Avista Corporation (hereafter "Avista") and the Clearwater Paper Corporation (hereafter "Clearwater"), in connection with Case No. AVU-E -17 -09 / AVU-G- 1 7-05. Recitals: l. WHEREAS, Hydro One and Avista and Clearwater anticipate that parties to this proceeding may make requests to provide, or make available for review, certain information, considered by its custodian to be of a ftade secret ptivileged or confidential nature (as defined in Idaho Code $$ 74-107 through 74-109 and48-801). 2. WIIEREAS, Hydro One and Avista and the undersignedparties agree that entoing into a Protective Agreement will expedite the production of documents; will afford the necessary protection to Hydro One and Avista and the undersigned parties' employees and/or representatives in the proceeding who might review the information and subsequently be requested to reveal its contents by setting forth clear cut parameters for use of Confidential Information and Highly Confidential Information, both as defined below, and will protect Confrdential Information and Highly Confidential Information which might be provided during the course of the proceedings, now therefore, IT IS HEREBY STIPULATED AND AGREED AS FOLLOWS: l. This.Asreement Governs This Agreement governs all access, review, use, and disclosure ofanymaterial designated by the parties to this Agreement as Confidential Information or Highly Confidential lnformation, as defined below, in this proceeding. 2. Confrdential and Hiehlv Confidential Information (a) Confidential Information "Confi dential lnformation" is information that: PROTECTIVE AGREEMENT 500840027 v15 iliS r[B 23 PH 2: 36 I i. falls within the scope of Idaho Code gg 74-107 ttuough 74-109 and 48-801 (trade secret, proprietary, privileged and/or other confidential information); and ii. is not publicly available. (b) Hiehlv Confidential Information "Highly Confidential Information" is information that: i. falls within the scope of Idaho Code $$ 74-107 tluough 74-109 and 48-801 (tade secret, proprietary, privileged and/or other confidential information); ii. is not publicly available; and iii. is Confidential [nformation to which even more restricted access is necessary to ensure the information is not disclosed to the detriment of the provider (or the party designating the information as confidential, if not the provider). (c) Desis4ation of Confidential Information and Hishlv Confidential Information All documents, data, information, studies and other materials furnished pursuant to any requests for information, subpoenas or other modes of discovery (formal or informal), and including depositions, that are claimed to be of trade secre! proprietary or confidential nature (herein refened to as "Confidential Information") shall be so marked by the party or entity providing the information by stamping the same with a designation indicating its trade secret, proprietary or confidential nature and printed on "yellow" paper. IDAPA "Highly Confidential lnformation" shall be so marked and printed on "green" paper. Any claim of confidentiality must be accompanied by an attomey's certificate that the material is protected by law from public disclosure and cite the specific legal authority to zupportthe claim. IDAPA 3 (d) Protection of Conlidential Information and Hiehlv Conlidential Information Access to and reviewof Confidential Information and Highly Confidentiallnformationshall be strictly controlled by the terms of this Agreement. Unless otherwise ordered, Confidential Information, including transcripts of depositions containing information to which a claim of confidentiality is made, shall remain under seal, shall continue to be subject to the protective requirements of this Agreement and shall not be disclosed to individuals who have not executed the nondisclosure agreement set forth in Exhibit "A." PROTECTIVE AGREEMENT 500849027 v15 2 "Highly Confidential lnformation" will be provided in hard copy only or otherwise made available for viewing at a time and place agreed upon by the parties. [t may not be duplicated, or otherwise distributed electronically. Parties must store the *Highly Confidential Information" in a locked room or cabinet dedicated to the storage of "Highly Confrdential Information". (e) Use of Confidential Information and Hishlv Confidential Information All persons who may be entitled to review, or who are afforded access to any Confidential Information (hereaffer, unless otherwise noted, including "Highly Confidential lnformation") by reason of this Agreement shall neither use nor disclose the Confidential Information for purposes of business or competitiotL or any purpose other than the purpose ofpreparation for and conduct of the proceedings, and then solely as contemplated herein, and shall keep the Confidential Information secure as trade secret, confidential or proprietary information and in accordance with the purposes and intent of this Agreement. (f) Persons Entitled to Review Access to Confidential Information shall be limited to counsel of the undersigned parties, employees, experts, agents or representatives of the r:ndersigned parties, who have executed an Exhibit "A" to this Agreement and who have a legitimate and non-competitive need for the Confidential Information and not simply a general interest in the information. Such informationwill be clearly marked and protected from unauthorized public disclosure. (g) Non-disclosureAereement Confidential Information shall not be disclosed to any pe$on who has not signed a non- disclosure agreement on this form, which is attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and incorporated herein. The non-disclosure agteement or Exhibit "A" shall require the person to whom disclosure is to be made to read a copy of this Protective Agreement and to certify in writing that he or she has reviewed the same and has consented to be bound by its terrrs. The Agreement shall contain the signatory's full name, permanent address and employer. Such agreement shall be delivered to counsel for the providing party, before disclosure is made. 3. Cooies No copies or transcriptions of the Confidential Information shall be made by the recipient except as necessary to make the information available to indMduals who have executed an Exhibit "A" to this Protective Agreement. PROTECTIVE AGREEMENT 500849027 vl5 J 4. Non-waiver of Obiection to Admissibilitv The furnishing of any document, information, data, study or other materials pursuant to this Protective Agreement shall in no way limit or waive the right of the providing party to object to its relevance or admissibility in any proceedings before this Commission. 5. Challense to Confidentialitv (a) Initial Challenee This Protective Agreement establishes a procedure for the expeditious handling of information that a party claims is confidential. Any party may challenge the characterization of any information, document, data or study claimed by the providing party to be a trade secret, proprietary or confidential information. A party seeking to challenge the confidentiality of any information shall first contact counsel for the providing party and attempt to resolve any difference by stipulation. Resolution may include removing the confidential classifications, creating a non-confidential sr,mlmary, reformatting the information, etc. (b) Subseouent Challense In the event that the parties cannot agree as to the character of the information challenged, any party challenging the confidentiality may petition the Commission to rule upon the disputed information. The Petition shall be served upon the Commission and all parties to the case who have signed on Exhibit "A" as provided in this Protective Agreement. The Petition shall designate with specificity the document or material challenged and state the grounds upon which the subject material are deemed to be non-confidential by the challenging party. (c) Challenge Ilearine The challenging party shall request that the Commission conduct arr in camera proceeding where only those persons duly authorized to have access to such challenged materials under this Protective Agreement shall be present. This hearing shall be commenced no earlier than five (5) business days after serving the Petition on the providing party and the Commission. The record of the in camera hearing shall be maTked "CONFIDENTIAL - Subject to Protective Agreement." To the extent necessary, the transcript ofsuch hearing shall be separately bound, segregated, sealed, and withheld from public inspection by any person not bound by the terms of this Agreement. PROTECTIVE AGREEMENT 500849027 vl5 4 (d) Determination The parties will ask the Commission to issue an Order determining whether any challenged information or material is not properly deemed to be exempt from public disclosure pursuant to the Idalro Public Records Act(Idaho Code $$ 74-101 through 74-126). If informationis fourdto benot exempt from disclosure, no parfy shall disclose such challenged material or use it in the public record or otherwise outside the proceedings for at least five (5) business days unless the providing party consents to such conduct. This procedr:re enables the restrictions of this Agreement frorn material claimed to be confidential. Such relief may be sought from the Commission or a court of competent j uri sdiction. 6. (a) Receipt Into Evidence Provision is hereby made for receipt into evidence in this proceeding of materials claimed to be confidential in the following manner: (1) If the requesting party intends to use Confidential Information or to make substantive reference to Confidential Information supplied to it under this Agreement, it shall give reasonable prior notice of such intention to the providing party and shall provide copies ofthe used Confidential Information or substantive reference to Confidential lnformation only to the providing party, and such other parties, if any, who have executed an Exhibit "A" to this Protective Agreement. (2) One (l) copy of theused ConIidential Informationorsubstantivereferenceto Confidential Information or substantive reference to Confidential Information described in paragraph 6(a)(1) shall be placed in the sealed record. (3) The copy ofthe documents to be placed in the sealed record shall be tendered by counsel for the providing party to the Cornmission, and shall be maintained in accordance with the terms of this Protective Agreement. (b) Seal While in the custody ofthe Commission, materials containing Conlidential Information shall be marked "CONFIDENTIAL - SUBJECT TO ATTORNEY'S CERTIFICATE OF CONFIDENTIALITY AND PROTECTM AGREEMENT" and shall notbe examined by any person except under the conditiors set forth in this Agreement. Highly Confidential Information PROTECTIVE AGREEMENT 500849027 v15 5 shall be marked "IIIGIILY CONFIDENTIAL - SIIBJECT TO ATTORI\IEY'S CERTIFICATE OF CONFIDENTIALIIY ANI) PROTECTIVE AGREEMENT" and shall notbe examinedby any person except under the conditions set forth in this Agreement. (c) 1z Ccrzera Hearins and Transcripts Any Confidential lnformation that must be orally disclosed at a hearing in the proceedings shall be offered at an in camera hearing, attended only by percons authorized to have access to the information under this Protective Agreernent. Similarly, any transcription of any examination or other reference to Confidential lnformation (or that portion of the record containing Confidential lnformation) shall be marked and treated as provided herein for Confidential Information. (d) Access to Re.cord Access to sealed testimony, records, and information shall be limited to the Commission and persons who have signed an Exhibit "A" as provided in this Protective Agreement unless such information is released from the restrictions of this Agreement either through agreement of the parties or after notice to the parties and hearing, pursuant to the order of the Commission and/or the final order of a court having final jurisdiction. (e) Aooeal Should an appeal frorn the proceeding be taken, sealed portions of the record may be forwarded to any court of competent jurisdiction for purposes of an appeal, but under seal as designated herein for the information and use of the court. If a portion ofthe record is forwarded to a court under seal for the purposes of an appeal, the providing party shall be notified which portion of the sealed record has been designated by the appealing pafiy as necessary to the record on appeal. 7. Use in Pleadinqs Where references to Confidential Information in the sealed record or with the custodian is required in pleadings, briefs, arguments, or motions (except as provided in Paragraph 5), it shall be by citation to title or exhibit number or some other description that will not disclose the substantive Confidential lnformation contained therein. Any use of or substantive references to Confidential Infomration shall be placed in a separate section of the pleading or brief and submitted to the Commission pursuant to Paragraph 5. This sealed section shall be served only on counsel of record who have signed the nondisclosure agreements set forth in Exhibit "A" attached to this Protective PROTECTIVE AGREEMENT 500849027 vl5 6 Agreement, and may, in turn, be disclosed by them only to individuals who likewise signed Exhibit ..Arr. 8. Summarv of Record If deemed necessary by the Commission, the providing parties shall prepare a written summary of the Confidential Information referred to in Orders to be issued to the public and the parties. 9. Beturn or Destruction of Confidential Information (a) Upon request of the providing party, all original documents and copies of the Confidential Information shall be: (1) returned to the providing party; or (2) or at the option of the recipient destroyed within thirty (30) days after the final settlement or conclusion of the proceedings, including adminisnative or judicial review thereof. After return or desffuction of documents pursuant to this paragraph, and upon request, a written receipt veriffing retum or destnrction shall be provided by counsel. (b) Any notes maintained by a recipient of Confidential Information which embody or reflect any of the Confidential Iuformation provided under this Agreement shall, upon request of the providing party, be either retumed to the providing party or, at the option of the recipient, destroyed. 10. Notice of Compelled Production in Other Jurisdictions If a signatory to this Agreement is compelled to produce Confidential Information in any regulatory or judicial proceeding by the body conducting the proceeding, the signatory must provide notice to the party ttrat provided the Confidential Information. Such Confidential Information must not be produced for at least ten ( I 0) business days following notice, to permit the party that provided the information an opportunity to defend the confidential nahue of the material before the regulatory or judicial body that would compel production. Disclosure after that date, iu compliance with an order compelling production, is not a violation of this Agreement. PROTECTIVE AGREEMENT 500849027 vl5 7 11. Effective Date This Protective Agreement shall become effective on the date hereof. DATED tni, @aay of Decembe r,2017. K&L GATES, LLP AVISTA CORPORANON BY BY Elizabeth Thomas, Partter, [pro hac vice] Kari Vander Stoep, Partner, $ro hac vice] K&L Gates LLP On Behalf of Hydro One Limited .Olympus Equity LLC 925 Fourth Avenue, Suite 2900 Seattle, WA 98104-1158 Liz.thomas@klgates.com kari.vanderstoep@kl gates.com David J. Meyer, ISB No. 8317 Chief Counsel for Regulatory and Goverrunental Affairs Avista Corporation 1411 E. Mission Ave., MSC-27 Spokane, WA 99220-3727 David.meyer@avistacorp. com CLEARWATER PAPER CORPORATION fl*-0. ltrl-,,-ny* Peter J. Richardson Richardson & O'Leary PLLC 515 N.27th Street Boise, ID 83702 Representing Clearwater Paper Corporation PROTECTIVE AGREEMENT 500849027 vl5 8 D., EXI{IBIT,.A,' I have reviewed the foregoing Protective Agreement dated oecemberl!!zo l7 inCaseNo. AVU-E-I7- 09/AVU-G-17-05 and a$ee to be bound by the terms and conditions of such Agreement, lk{\ Name Qir,Lrnrrt^ ft,{amt fttc Employer or Firm 5 l< fui r/1+4- g fioisz tD E {tqz- Business Address Wd-fu'r to/urart; lL-t,l .Zon Date Party PROTECTME AGREEMENT s00840027 v'15 9 EXHIBIT *A', I have reviewed the foregoing Protective Agreement dated Decembe , /? .ZOfi in Case No. AVU-E-I7- 09/AVU-G-17-05 and agree to be bound by the terms and conditions of such Agreement. Name Q.ichar,d.sn lcuu Employer or Firm 5t5 N L* ,9r I& lD Butrz- Business Address w Parfy Date PROTECTIVE AGREEMENT 500849027 v15 fi, 7 9 EXIIIB T '6A'' I havo rwiemedtbs forwoing ProEottvo Agreonmt datedDocemkr l,l ,2Ot7 in CascNo. AVU.El7- 09/AVLr4-17-05 and agrcc to bc bomd by thc tersrs and conditions of srroh Agromcnt Name"*-:D*q 7"* Slrwoon /|cbo. EmployerorFirm zo?o // Bushess Addresg I Party Date I PROTECTTVE AGREEMENT 5(,08480f, vl6 9 14 r{ / zort EXHIBIT "A" I have revierved the tbregoing Protective Agreement dated December_, 2017 inCaseNo. AVU-E-17- 09/AVU-G-17-05 and agree to be bound by the terrns and conditions of such Agreement. Marvin A. Lewallen Name M. A. Lewallen & Assoc. Employer or Firm 7408 SW Mapleleaf St, Portland, OR 97223 Business Address Clearwater Paper Party December 14,2017 Date PROTECTIVE AGREEMENT 500849027 v1 5 I EXIilBIT "A'' I have reviewed the foregoing Protective Agreement dated December_, 2017 in Case No. AW-E-17- 09/AW-G-17-05 and agree to be bound by the terms and conditions of such Agreement. ItL -V*,'A Name L\cdr- ,.},.ar C-or ol^ c'-t'otf Employer or Firm Bos /N(t Q.oA . /-ct,ts4on 9D 635ot Business Address Parfy Date PROTECTIVE AGREEMENT 500849027 v15 9 EXIIIBIT "A' Name r ra{r Employer or Fimr Business Address t?- tg' lf Date PROTECTTVE AGREEMENT 500E 10027 v15 Party 9 I have rcviewod the forogoing horcstive Agreunent dated December 4 2017 in Case No. AVU-B I 7- 09/AVU.G-17{5 and agree to be bound by the terms and conditions of such Agreement fr,;) hn ,n - EXHIBIT (A" I have reviewed the foregoing Protective Agreement dated Decsmb€t -, 2017 in Case No, AW-E- l7- 09/AVU-G-17-05 and agree to be bound by the terms and conditions of such Agreement. Name Employer or Firm 60t t/ [,tru,r;lr4rrc +ttoo Business Address fto r Parly /2 g b/ Date PROTECTIVE AGREEMENT 500840027 v15 9