HomeMy WebLinkAbout20180124Avista to WNIDCL_Attachment C H1-19.PDF This document may have been revised since it was printed. Approved current version is posted in HODS SP0312 Page 1 of 19 HODS Document Number SP 0312 R6 Document Name HSE Requirements for Purchase of Contractor Services Posted Date: 2016/05/16 When in printed form or used offline, this document is uncontrolled. It is the user's responsibility to verify that this copy matches the document on the HODS website. © 2016 Hydro One Networks Inc. HODS and its contents are the property of Hydro One Networks Inc. Unauthorized reproduction is not permitted Purpose and Scope  Purpose: To provide additional guidance, beyond that outlined in SP1233, specifically related to health, safety and environment requirements for the purchase of Contractor Work/Services including: o Local Purchase Order (PO) $25,000 or Less “Executed by the Line of Business (LOB)”, and/or; o Non Local Purchase Order (PO) Greater than $25,000  Scope: The requirements of this document apply to Hydro One Inc. including all subsidiaries. The requirements of this document do not apply to the purchase of goods. Notes:  See SP1233 for procedures governing all purchases.  See SP0707 for specific guidance when purchasing Consultant and Professional Services  See SP1768 for providing Contractors access to E-Learning  Contracts will be managed to ensure that health, safety and environment responsibilities of Hydro One and its Contractors are clearly defined. Revision History Version Brief Description of Revisions R6  Reorganization and rewrite of document to incorporate SP0155 “HSE Requirements for Local purchase of Contractor Services”  Updated and/or Added the following Appendices: o NEW - Appendix A: Health, Safety & Environment (HSE) Requirements for Purchase of Contractor Services (Flowcharts)  Provide a visual presentation (i.e., process flowchart) of the HSE Requirements for Purchase of Contractor Services. o NEW - Appendix B: Contractor Work/Service Package  Provide a definitive list of Mandatory/Optional/Reference documents that are applicable when Purchasing Contractor Services.  Assists Contract Administrator and Contract Monitor to acknowledge and agree to specific accountabilities prior to the start of Work/Service. o NEW - Appendix C: Contractor Health, Safety & Environment (HSE) Questionnaire WNIDCL_PR_019(H1) Attachment C 1 of 19 This document may have been revised since it was printed. Approved current version is posted in HODS SP0312 Page 2 of 19 Version Brief Description of Revisions  Replaces Appendix A from SP0155. o NEW - Appendix D: Contractor Health, Safety & Environment (HSE) Questionnaire Evaluation Criteria  Assists Contract Administrator/HSE Subject Matter Expert in determining Approval. o REVISED - Appendix E: Contractor Equipment Safety Certification o NEW - Appendix F: Waiver from Health, Safety & Environment (HSE) Prequalification  Template created to assist versus using a non standardized email. o NEW - Appendix G: Constructor Examples (Flowcharts)  Assists Contract Administrator determining “Constructor” status. o NEW - Appendix H: Registration and Notice of Project Requirements  Assists Contract Administrator determining who is to issue Notice of Project and whether work is deemed Maintenance or Construction. o NEW - Appendix I: Notice of Trench Work  Template created to assist in notifying Ministry of Labour of Trench Work. o REVISED - Appendix J: Pre-Job Meeting Checklist (Permit to Work)  Updated to combine both ACL and Non ACL into one checklist and incorporated additional detail. o REVISED - Appendix K: Contract Monitor Evaluation  Updated to incorporate additional detail. o REVISED - Appendix L: Post Contract Contractor Performance Evaluation  Updated to incorporate additional detail. o NEW - Appendix M: Health, Safety & Environment Subject Matter Expert Contact Info  Added Contact Information to assist Contract Administrator(s)/Contract Monitor(s) in execution of this document. o NEW - Appendix N: Requirements for Contractor Project Specific Health and Safety Plans R5  Added requirement for LoB/BU Leaders/Managers to inform Contract Administrator and Contract Monitor who the Constructor is for each project  Updated Contractor Safety & Environment Questionnaire among other items it now requires vendors to have Ministry of Labour Basic Health and Safety Training or equivalent.  The following forms have been updated; Equipment Safety Certificate Form, Contract Monitor Report Form, Contractor HSE Pre-Job Meeting Checklist WNIDCL_PR_019(H1) Attachment C 2 of 19 This document may have been revised since it was printed. Approved current version is posted in HODS SP0312 Page 3 of 19 Contents 1.0 Definitions/Acronyms 2.0 Accountabilities and Authorities 3.0 Procedures 3.1 Types of Work/Service to be delivered by Contractor 3.2 Contractor delivers “Work/Services” that are Exempt or Not Exempt from HSE Prequalification 3.3 Local Purchase Order (PO) ($25,000 or Less) “Executed by LOB” 3.3.1 Contractor is NOT on Approved Contractor List (ACL) 3.4 Non Local Purchase Order (PO) (Greater than $25,000) 3.4.1 Establishing a Contractor on the Approved Contractor List (ACL) 3.5 Specific WSIB Requirements 3.6 Waiver from Health, Safety & Environment (HSE) Prequalification 3.7 Contractor delivers Work/Service Independent of Hydro One 3.8 Contractor delivers Work/Service as part of Hydro One Crew 3.9 Monitoring Contractor 3.10 Records Management 4.0 Training 5.0 References 6.0 Appendices Appendix A: Health, Safety & Environment (HSE) Requirements for Purchase of Contractor Services (Flowcharts) Appendix B: Contractor Work/Service Package Appendix C: Contractor Health, Safety & Environment (HSE) Questionnaire Appendix D: Contractor Health, Safety & Environment (HSE) Questionnaire Evaluation Criteria Appendix E: Contractor Equipment Safety Certification Appendix F: Waiver from Health, Safety & Environment (HSE) Prequalification Appendix G: Constructor Examples (Flowcharts) Appendix H: Registration and Notice of Project Requirements Appendix I: Notice of Trench Work Appendix J: Pre-Job Meeting Checklist (Permit to Work) Appendix K: Contract Monitor Evaluation Appendix L: Post Contract Contractor Performance Evaluation Appendix M: Health, Safety and Environment Subject Matter Expert Contact Info Appendix N: Requirements for Contractor Project Specific Health and Safety Plans WNIDCL_PR_019(H1) Attachment C 3 of 19 This document may have been revised since it was printed. Approved current version is posted in HODS SP0312 Page 4 of 19 1.0 Definitions/Acronyms Approved Contractor List (ACL) A listing of Contractors that have been subject to the rigor of “pre-qualification” by Supply Chain and Health, Safety and Environment in the minimum areas of Insurance, WSIB and Health, Safety & Environment. The Approved Contractor List (ACL) is used for Local purchases. Site Specific Safety Plan, Quality Plan, and Environmental Plan A Contractor may be required to develop a Site Specific Safety, Quality or Environmental Plan as specified in the RFx documents. These plans will be used as a guide to evaluate the Contractor’s adherence to specific contract requirements. See: “Requirements for Contractor Project Specific Health and Safety Plan” (Appendix N) for additional information. Constructor A person who undertakes a construction project for an owner and includes an owner who undertakes all or part of a project by himself or by more than one employer. See: “Constructor Example (Flowcharts)” (Appendix G) for specific examples. Constructor Requirements Specific requirements that a bidder must have to be considered as a potential Constructor for Hydro One. Contract Administrator The individual who has the responsibility to manage contracts for their work unit. This includes an evaluation of a Contractor’s health, safety and environment performance along with their compliance with the terms and conditions of a contract. For complex construction projects with multiple Contractors, a single individual may be assigned the responsibility of administering all contracts associated with the Construction Project. This includes ensuring Contractors adhere to schedules and contract terms and conditions. These individuals are the single point of contact between Hydro One and the Contractor(s). May also be referred to as “Contract Manager”. Contract Monitor The individual chosen by the Contract Administrator to monitor the Contractor’s performance and advising the Contract Administrator of any health, safety and/or environmental issues. These individuals are the Hydro One site contact. May also be referred to as “Site Inspector”. Contractor A business or independent individual that is retained by Hydro One to supply general, construction or maintenance services and is deemed not an employee of Hydro One. High Risk Hazards Activities where there is a higher risk of critical injury or fatality. Local Purchase A purchase of materials and/or services made directly by an employee with a Contractor in the course of conducting authorized Hydro One business. Local Purchases may not exceed $25,000. Local Purchase PO Contract Contract form that is to be completed whenever using a Contractor that is not on the Approved Contractor List (ACL). WNIDCL_PR_019(H1) Attachment C 4 of 19 This document may have been revised since it was printed. Approved current version is posted in HODS SP0312 Page 5 of 19 Person in charge (PIC) Contractor Requisitioner Contractor RFx     Waiver from HSE Prequalification Contractor Contractor Contractors 2.0 Accountabilities and Authorities Accountable (organizations/parties/persons) Accountability and Authority VP Health Safety and Environment (HSE) (or designate)  When a Contractor does not meet the requirements of the “Contractor Health, Safety & Environment (HSE) Questionnaire“ (Appendix C), review the reason(s) for the disqualification and determines if the non-compliance(s) are material.  Considers “Waiver from Health, Safety & Environment (HSE) Prequalification” (Appendix F) of WSIB, health, safety or environmental requirements and informs requester of decision. Director Health & Safety/ Director Environment  Establish Health, Safety and Environment (HSE) Prequalification criteria.  Ensure that Contractor management training programs are available for Contract Administrators and Contract Monitors.  Ensure Health, Safety and Environment (HSE) Prequalification Evaluations are completed for all Contractors (exception: Local Purchase Orders (PO) $25,000 or Less “Executed by LOB”) LoB/BU Leaders/Managers  Ensure that all health, safety and environment criteria are incorporated into contract documentation (e.g., RFx)  Determine Hydro One’s Owner/Constructor status for the work to be contracted. See: “Constructor Example (Flowcharts)” (Appendix G) for specific examples.  Designates Contract Administrator (s) for their work unit.  Informs Contract Administrator and Contract Monitor who the Constructor is for each project.  Provides a Contract Monitor when requested by a Contract Administrator.  Ensure Health, Safety and Environment (HSE) Prequalification Evaluations are completed for all Contractors that are Local Purchase Orders (PO) $25,000 or Less “Executed by LOB”.  Ensure all contract conditions are adhered to and managed through; WNIDCL_PR_019(H1) Attachment C 5 of 19 This document may have been revised since it was printed. Approved current version is posted in HODS SP0312 Page 6 of 19 Accountable Accountability and Authority Site Specific Safety Plan, Quality Plan Environmental Plan  Contractors Contract Administrator  Contract Monitor Contract Administrator Contract Monitor  Contractor Contractors Approved Contractor List (ACL).   ontractor  Contractor  Contractor ContractorConstructor  Contractors  Contractor Contract Monitor  Contract Administrator Contract Administrator Contract Monitor  Contractor Contractor Constructor Contract Administrator.  ontractor Contract Administrator Person in Charge (PIC)  Contractor  ontractor WNIDCL_PR_019(H1) Attachment C 6 of 19 This document may have been revised since it was printed. Approved current version is posted in HODS SP0312 Page 7 of 19 3.0 Procedures Note: For a visual presentation (i.e., process flowchart) of Section 3.0, please use: “Health, Safety & Environment (HSE) Requirements for Purchase of Contractor Services (Flowcharts)” (Appendix A). Specifics include:  Summary (Page 1)  Local Purchase Order (PO) $25,000 or Less “Executed by Line of Business (LOB)” (Page 2)  Non Local Purchase Order (PO) Greater than $25,000 (Page 3 and 4) 3.1 Types of Work/Service to be delivered by Contractor Accountable (Organizations/Parties/Persons) Action LOB/BU Managers/Supervisors/ Supply Chain/INERGI 1. Identify scope of work/service to be delivered. 2. Determine if the work/service is to be delivered by a Contractor.  Hire Contractors for work/services that are NOT core to Hydro One’s Transmission and Distribution business including (but not limited to):  “Field” Services (work program and facilities)  Rental of Industrial Equipment/Operators  Construction Services  Consulting and Professional Services 3.2 Contractor delivers “Work/Services” that are Exempt or Not Exempt from HSE Prequalification Accountable (Organizations/Parties/Persons) Action LOB/BU Managers/Supervisors/ Supply Chain/INERGI 1. Determine if the Contractor to deliver work/service is Exempt or Not Exempt from HSE Prequalification. “Exempt” The following “Work/Services” are Exempt from the HSE Prequalification process and the requirement for completing the “Pre-Job Meeting Checklist (Permit to Work)” (Appendix J):  Extended staff supervised by Hydro One employees (e.g., temporary clerical, trade or engineering staff hired from agencies and agency-like firms).  Consulting and professional services including technical and engineering staff, working in office settings or doing work where no additional health, safety or environmental controls are required beyond the site visitor procedures.  Work being done for Hydro One in a supplier’s workplace.  Where the Contractor is only on site for delivery (e.g., items handled through warehousing, courier, and bottled water delivery) where no additional health, safety or environmental controls are required beyond the site visitor WNIDCL_PR_019(H1) Attachment C 7 of 19 This document may have been revised since it was printed. Approved current version is posted in HODS SP0312 Page 8 of 19 Accountable Action  Not Exempt        3.3 Local Purchase Order (PO) ($25,000 or Less) “Executed by LOB” Accountable (organization/parties/persons) Action Contract Administrator Uses “Contractor Work/Service Package” (Appendix B) to assist in determining what flowcharts /forms, etc., are required to complete specific Work/Service, who is accountable for completing the required documentation and who is accountable to retain the required documentation. 3.3.1 Contractor is NOT on Approved Contractor List (ACL) Note: This section does not apply when Contractors are selected from the ACL. It is preferred that LOBs make every effort to use a Contractor on the ACL versus using a Contractor not on the ACL. Contractors that are on the ACL have been subjected and approved to rigor of prequalification by Supply Chain and Health, Safety & Environment in the minimum areas of Insurance, WSIB and Health, Safety & Environment. Accountable Action Contract Administrator Contractor WNIDCL_PR_019(H1) Attachment C 8 of 19 This document may have been revised since it was printed. Approved current version is posted in HODS SP0312 Page 9 of 19 Accountable Action Contractor Contractor Contractor Contractor a) Contractor Meets HSE Prequalification Requirements Contractor Contractor  Contractor  Contractor b) Contractor Does Not Meet HSE Prequalification Requirements Contractor ContractorContractor Contractor Contractors Waiver from HSE Prequalification  Contractor o 3.4 Non Local Purchase Order (PO) (Greater than $25,000) Accountable (organizations/parties/persons) Action Contract Administrator Uses “Contractor Work/Service Package” (Appendix B) to assist in determining what flowcharts /forms, etc., are required to complete specific work/service, who is accountable for completing the required documentation and who is accountable to retain the required documentation. WNIDCL_PR_019(H1) Attachment C 9 of 19 This document may have been revised since it was printed. Approved current version is posted in HODS SP0312 Page 10 of 19 Note:Contractor ACL. 3.4.1 Establishing a Contractor on the Approved Contractor List (ACL) Note: This section applies when contractors are selected from the ACL. It is preferred that LOBs make every effort to use a Contractor on the ACL versus using a Contractor not on the ACL. Contractors that are on the ACL have been subjected and approved to rigor of prequalification by Supply Chain and Health, Safety & Environment in the minimum areas of Insurance, WSIB and Health, Safety & Environment. Accountable Action ACL. ACL          ACL        WNIDCL_PR_019(H1) Attachment C 10 of 19 This document may have been revised since it was printed. Approved current version is posted in HODS SP0312 Page 11 of 19 Contractor Constructor  RFx  RFx   RFx Note: Contractors Contractor Contractor HSE Prequalification Evaluation a) Contractor Meets HSE Prequalification Requirements Contractor b) Contractor Does Not Meet HSE Prequalification Requirements Contractor ContractorContractor Contractor Contractors WNIDCL_PR_019(H1) Attachment C 11 of 19 This document may have been revised since it was printed. Approved current version is posted in HODS SP0312 Page 12 of 19 Waiver from HSE Prequalification  contractor  Note:   o o o ContractorContract Administrator/Monitor a) Contractor Did Not Meet HSE Prequalification Requirements (Rejected) Contractor Contractor b) Contractor Meets HSE Prequalification Requirements (Approved) Contractor Contractor Contractor ACL Contractor  Contractor  Contractor WNIDCL_PR_019(H1) Attachment C 12 of 19 This document may have been revised since it was printed. Approved current version is posted in HODS SP0312 Page 13 of 19 3.5 Specific WSIB Requirements Hydro One WSIB requirements for Contractors and Constructors are listed below into four (4) different “types” depending on legislative criteria and risk. If the work/service fits into any two (2) of the types below – the lower numbered type of requirement applies (e.g., if work fits into Type Two and Type Three – then Type Two applies and the Contractor must have WSIB coverage). Type One - WSIB is required by the Workplace Safety and Insurance Act  Under Class A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I (Classification groups i.e., A-Forest Products or G-Construction)  All construction Contractors must have WSIB coverage, including independent operators Type Two - WSIB is required by Hydro One but is Optional in the Workplace Safety and Insurance Act. If the Contractor can’t or will not obtain WSIB coverage and the Contractor is still required for the work/service, a waiver can be considered and approved by the VP HSE.  Non-Construction services performed in the field  Contractors performing high risk hazards,  Work requiring the use of personal protective equipment  Includes Independent Operators Type Three – WSIB is requested but not required The RFx will request WSIB coverage however coverage is not required. This includes employers who are not required by WSIB to have coverage, but have the option of obtaining coverage by WSIB. These employers are referred to as an employer by application. Lower risk services that are not mandated by WSIB to have coverage – typically services performed in the office environments other than those services identified in Types One and Two (as indicated above). Type Four – WSIB is not requested Material purchases or services performed at Contractors own location. WNIDCL_PR_019(H1) Attachment C 13 of 19 This document may have been revised since it was printed. Approved current version is posted in HODS SP0312 Page 14 of 19 3.6 Waiver from Health, Safety & Environment (HSE) Prequalification Accountable (organizations/parties/persons) Action Contract Administrator/HSE Subject Matter Expert 1. Forwards completed “Waiver from Health, Safety & Environment (HSE) Prequalification” (Appendix F) to VP-HSE for consideration. VP-HSE 2. Reviews information provided and considers approval. 3. “Approves” or “Rejects” Contractor. a) Contractor is “Rejected” Marks the “Waiver from Health, Safety & Environment (HSE) Prequalification” (Appendix F) as “REJECTED”. b) Contractor is “Approved” Marks “Waiver from HSE Prequalification” as “APPROVED”. Any additional controls are specified to be applied by the Contractor to be able to deliver the work/service safely. 4. Signs “Waiver from HSE Prequalification” and returns to the Contract Administrator/HSE Subject Matter Expert. Contract Administrator/Supply Chain/INERGI 5. Receives “Waiver from HSE Prequalification” from VP HSE and acts as follows: a) Contractor was “Rejected” by VP HSE Solicits another Contractor for their submission for work/service. b) Contractor was “Approved” by VP HSE Ensures any additional controls specified by the VP HSE are applied. 6. Continue to the following section in this document, based on the type of Contractor to be hired:  Section 3.7 “Contractor delivers Work/Service independent of Hydro One“ OR;  Section 3.8 “Contractor delivers Work/Service as part of Hydro One Crew“ 3.7 Contractor delivers Work/Service Independent of Hydro One Accountable (organizations/parties/persons) Actions Contract Administrator 1. Prior to Start of Work/Service, completes the following actions:  Ensures all purchasing requirements in SP1233 “Supply Chain’s Requisitioner Procedure” are followed.  Assigns the role of Contract Monitor and establishes monitoring frequency (based on hazards to which the Contractor will be exposed, the complexity of the project and experience of the Contractor).  Discusses the specific assignment of accountabilities with WNIDCL_PR_019(H1) Attachment C 14 of 19 This document may have been revised since it was printed. Approved current version is posted in HODS SP0312 Page 15 of 19 Accountable Actions Contract Monitor  Contractor  ContractorContractor o Contractor) o o Contractor Constructor o o o o o o Contractor o Contract MonitorContractor  Contract Monitor Contractor WNIDCL_PR_019(H1) Attachment C 15 of 19 This document may have been revised since it was printed. Approved current version is posted in HODS SP0312 Page 16 of 19 Accountable Actions Note:Contractor Contract Administrator     Constructor  Contractor During Work/Service  Contractor 3.8 Contractor delivers Work/Service as part of Hydro One Crew Note: When a Contractor works directly with a Hydro One crew, the Person in Charge (PIC) manages health and safety of the Contractor and Hydro One employees. In these situations a Contract Monitor is not required. Accountable Actions Person in Charge (PIC) Prior to Start of Work/Service  Contractor   Contractor  Contractor Contractor During Work/Service  Contractor WNIDCL_PR_019(H1) Attachment C 16 of 19 This document may have been revised since it was printed. Approved current version is posted in HODS SP0312 Page 17 of 19 3.9 Monitoring Contractor Accountable (organizations/parties/persons) Actions Contract Monitor or Person in Charge (PIC) 1. During Work/Service, monitors Contractor at predetermined frequency:  Completes “Contract Monitor Evaluation” (Appendix K) at predetermined frequency.  Raises observed concerns with the Contractor's On-Site Supervisor using guidance provided in SP1233 “Supply Chain’s Requisitioner Procedure – Appendix E “5 Stage Procurement Process” - Section - Non Compliance with Contract Requirements.  Takes whatever action is appropriate to protect life, if an observed work practice or defect is life threatening and the Contractor's On-Site Supervisor is not immediately available. 2. Facilitates Contractor performance if it has not been acceptable at the end of the using the “Post Contract Contractor Evaluation Form” (Appendix L) . 3. Forwards “Post Contractor Evaluation Form” to Contract Administrator and Supply Chain Evaluation Coordinator for recording and future reference. Assurance Control Representative 4. If Contractor is deemed to be “Constructor”:  Evaluate the constructor using the Site Specific Health & Safety Plan, Quality Plan, and/or Environmental Plan. See: “Requirements for Contractor Project Specific Health and Safety Plan” (Appendix N) for additional information.  Report results of the evaluation to the Contract Administrator. 3.10 Records Management Accountable (organizations/parties/persons) Actions Contract Administrator For either: a) Local Purchase Order ($25,000 or Less) Executed by LOB (Local PO Contract File) OR; b) Non-Local Purchase Order (Greater than $25,000) (Bid File) Retain the following original records in accordance with applicable Records Management Procedures:  Local PO Contract(s) OR Outline Agreement (OA);  “Contractor Work/Service Package” (Appendix B)  “Contractor HSE Questionnaire“ (Appendix C)  “Contractor HSE Questionnaire Evaluation Criteria” WNIDCL_PR_019(H1) Attachment C 17 of 19 This document may have been revised since it was printed. Approved current version is posted in HODS SP0312 Page 18 of 19 Accountable Actions        Contract Monitor or Person In Charge (PIC)   4.0 Training The table below identifies the training required/applicable to this document. Duty/Role Training Course Name Retraining Requirements Person In Charge (PIC) Contract Administrators Contract Monitors Note - SJOBP1 or SJOBPC is adequate only for contracts where the Contractor has been hired to work as part of the Hydro One Networks crew, and the Contractor employee’s sign on to the Networks' Job Plan. 5.0 References  SP0707 Consultants and Professional Services Policy  SP1233 Supply Chain Requisitioner’s Procedure  SP1768 Access to E-Learning for Hydro One Contractors WNIDCL_PR_019(H1) Attachment C 18 of 19 This document may have been revised since it was printed. Approved current version is posted in HODS SP0312 Page 19 of 19 6.0 Appendices Appendix A: Health, Safety & Environment (HSE) Requirements for Purchase of Contractor Services (Flowcharts) Appendix B: Contractor Work/Service Package Appendix C: Contractor Health, Safety & Environment (HSE) Questionnaire Appendix D: Contractor Health, Safety & Environment (HSE) Questionnaire Evaluation Criteria Appendix E: Contractor Equipment Safety Certification Appendix F: Waiver from Health, Safety & Environment (HSE) Prequalification Appendix G: Constructor Examples (Flowcharts) Appendix H: Registration and Notice of Project Requirements Appendix I: Notice of Trench Work Appendix J: Pre-Job Meeting Checklist (Permit to Work) Appendix K: Contract Monitor Evaluation Appendix L: Post Contract Contractor Performance Evaluation Appendix M: Health, Safety and Environment Subject Matter Expert Contact Info Jeff Kovach Work Methods Manager, NO3 Hydro One Networks Inc. Tel: (905) 681-4413 Cell: (905) 517-9752 Email: jeffry.kovach@hydroone.com Appendix N: Requirements for Contractor Project Specific Health and Safety Plans WNIDCL_PR_019(H1) Attachment C 19 of 19