HomeMy WebLinkAbout20170901Avista to Staff 1-7.pdfJURISDICTION: CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO.: AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION IDAHO AVU-G-17-03 IPUC Production Request Staff-O01 DATE PREPARED: 0812212017WITNESS: Patrick Ehrbar RESPONDER: Tara Knox DEPARTMENT: State & Federal Regulation TELEPHONE: (509) 495-432s REQUEST: Please provide supporting documentation for the number of natural gas customers used in the fixed-cost adjustment (FCA) calculations, including workpapers in Excel with formulas intact. Please explain the calculation methodology. RESPONSE: Please see StafLPR_001 Attachment A (electronic only) which provides supporting documentation for all calculations used in the FCA mechanism. The number of natural gas customers used in the FCA calculations were also shown on line numbers 1,7, and22 of page I (residential) and page 2 (non-residential) of Attachment B to the Application. -i.l :!.) i'*J C) AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION JURISDICTION CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO.: IDAHO AVU-G-17-03 IPUC Production Request Staff-002 DATE PREPARED: 08/2212017WITNESS: Patrick Ehrbar RESPONDER: Tara Knox DEPARTMENT: State & Federal Regulation TELEPHONE: (s09) 49s-432s REQUEST: Please provide documentation supporting the therms Avista used for its FCA calculations, including workpapers in Excel with formulas intact. RESPONSE: See electronic workpapers provided as StaflPR_0OI Attachment A. Actual therm usage associated with the FCA calculations were also shown on line numbers 2, 13 and 28 of page 1 (residential) and page 2 (non-residential) of Attachment B to the Application. AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION JURISDICTION CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO.: IDAHO AVU-G-17-03 IPUC Production Request Staff-003 DATE PREPARED: 0812212017WITNESS: Patrick Ehrbar RESPONDER: Tara Knox DEPARTMENT: State & Federal Regulation TELEPHONE: (s09) 495-4325 REQUEST: Please provide the number of new natural gas customers by month for 2016, and for January through June2017. RESPONSE: 2016 new customers by month are defined as billed service agreements of new hookups after the 2014 test year, and were included on line22 of pages 1 and2 of Attachment B to the Application. The following table summarizes the number of new customers by FCA rate group for 2016 and January through June 2017. Month Residential Non-Residential January 2016 1,816 18 February 2016 7,978 t7 March 2016 2,130 18 April2016 2,200 15 May 2016 2,466 t6 June 2016 2,675 t7 July 2016 2,872 19 August 2016 2,973 l9 September 2016 3,129 t9 October 2016 3,323 23 November 2016 3,546 22 December 2016 3,763 27 Jantary 2017 3,872 34 February 2017 3,986 37 March2017 4,098 4t April2017 4,240 39 May 2017 4,357 39 Iune2017 4,542 4t TJ \) AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION JUzuSDICTION: CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO.: IDAHO AVU-G-17-03 IPUC Production Request Staff-004 DATE PREPARED: 0812212017WITNESS: Patrick Ehrbar RESPONDER: Tara Knox DEPARTMENT: State & Federal Regulation TELEPHONE: (509) 495-4325 REQUEST: On page 7, lines 13-15 of the Application, Avista states that "The FCA revenue shonfall associated with weather was approximately $2.4 million residential and $0.2 million non-residential." Please provide support for these calculations including Excel workbooks with formulas intact. RESPONSE: Please see Staff_PR_OO4 Attachment A that contains the calculation of the estimated impact of the FCA surcharge drivers. The revenue impact estimation is calculated on page 1, the weather related usage shortfall estimation is calculated on pages 4 and 5. "I! t\l AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION JURISDICTION CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO.: IDAHO AVU-G-17-03 IPUC Production Request Staff-005 DATE PREPARED: 0812212017WITNESS: Patrick Ehrbar RESPONDER: Tara Knox DEPARTMENT: State & Federal Regulation TELEPHONE: (509) 495-432s REQUEST: On page 8, lines 5-8 of the Application, Avista states that "The estimated FCA revenue shortfall associated with energy efficiency programmatic savings is $0.1 million residential and $0.01 million non-residential." Please provide support for these calculations including Excel workbooks with formulas intact. Please provide the therm reductions on which the above dollar savings are based. Also, please reconcile these results to the Company's pending 2016 Demand-Side Management (DSM) report and any previous DSM reports that apply. RESPONSE: Please see Staff PR_004 Attachment A that contains the calculation of the estimated impact of the FCA surcharge drivers. The revenue impact estimation is calculated on page l, and the DSM programmatic usage savings from the 2014, 2075, and draft 2016 DSM annual reports are identified on page 3. As the Company's natural gas energy efficiency measures were suspended during 2014 and2015, no savings were reported for those years. The 2016 savings as reported on table ES-2 on page 2 of the executive summary of the draft 2016 DSM annual report were used in their entirety to estimate the cumulative savings reflected in2016 actual usage that was not part of the 2014 test year usage used to set the FCA Base in Case No. AVU-G- I 5-01 . JURISDICTION: CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO.: AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION IDAHO AVU-G-17-03 IPUC Production Request Staff-006 DATE PREPARED: 0812212017WITNESS: Patrick Ehrbar RESPONDER: Tara Knox DEPARTMENT: State & Federal Regulation TELEPHONE: (509) 495-4325 REQUEST: Please provide the Company's annual 2016 DSM energy efficiency savings (in therms) for the General Service (Schedule 101), Large General Service (Schedules 1l I and 112), and Other Service Schedules. RESPONSE: Please see page 3 of Staff PR_004 Attachment A .--- ;f, : IJ r$ i*r JURISDICTION CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO.: AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION IDAHO AVU-G-17-03 IPUC Production Request Staff-007 DATE PREPARED: 0812212017WITNESS: Patrick Ehrbar RESPONDER: Tara Knox DEPARTMENT: State & Federal Regulation TELEPHONE: (509) 495-4325 REQUEST: Please provide the actual monthly therm usage from January 1,2016 through December 31,2016 for the General Service (Schedule 101), Large General Service (Schedules I l1 and ll2), and Other Service Schedules. RESPONSE: Actual monthly energy usage (therm) by rate schedule is included in the monthly base rate revenue worksheets provided in Sta[PR_0O1 Attachment A. The following table summarizes the therm information provided therein. Month Schedule r01 Schedulettutt2 Transportation Schedule 146 Special Contracts Schedules 147&1591 January 2016 8,841,051 2,846,717 269,865 5,375,880 February 2016 6,461,869 2,341,568 298,269 5,429,832 March 2016 5,909,720 2,149,728 287,958 4,408,632 April 2016 2,663,108 1,268,963 248,915 3,408,773 May 2016 1,813,664 1,210,358 245,231 3,409,492 June 2016 1,388,507 1,031,812 l97,l2l 2,908,591 July 2016 1,156,092 1,073,939 206,684 6,1 87,589 August 2016 1,109,728 1,314,216 209,932 3,281,582 September 2016 7,373,262 1,021,109 210,659 4,182,650 3,788,602 1,724,188 222,877 8,31 1,309 November 2016 5,746,085 2,045,717 221,790 164,781 December 2016 12,024,731 3,422,458 333,462 5,823,131 J\) Ct-' ' The majority of the throughput shown in this category is related to a contract with Clearwater Paper whereby Avista charges Clearwater a fixed annual fee to own and maintain a small section of dedicated pipe. October 2016