HomeMy WebLinkAbout20170905Attachment90B.pdfAvista Corp. Power Supply Pro forma - Idaho Jurisdiction System Numbers - 2016 Actual and 2018 Pro Forma Test Year Load Line 2016 2018 No.Actuals Adjustment Pro Forma Page Confidential 555 PURCHASED POWER 1 Modeled ST Market Purchases $0 $13,664 $13,664 Exh 6, Sch 1 2 Actual ST Market Purchases 50,274 -50,274 0 P1 3 Rocky Reach/Rock Island Purchase 12,044 2,559 14,603 P2-P5 Confidential 4 Wells - Avista Share 1,772 672 2,444 P6-P7 5 Priest Rapids Project 6,801 813 7,614 P8-P10 6 Douglas Settlement 1,081 -254 827 P11-P12 7 Lancaster Capacity Payment 22,657 889 23,546 P13-P15 Confidential 8 Lancaster Variable O&M Payments 2,701 210 2,911 P16-P17 Confidential 9 WNP-3 15,637 -70 15,567 P18-P19 10 Deer Lake-IP&L 8 0 8 P20 11 Small Power 1,362 -147 1,215 P21 12 Stimson 1,856 -85 1,771 P22-P23 13 Spokane-Upriver 3,002 -90 2,912 P24-P25 14 Spokane Waste-to-Energy 5,664 351 6,015 P26-P27 15 Non-Monetary 21 -21 0 P28 16 Ancillary Services 1,823 -1,823 0 P29 17 Palouse Wind 20,525 -20,525 0 P30-P31 Confidential 18 Total Account 555 147,228 -54,132 93,096 147,227 557 OTHER EXPENSES 19 Broker Commission Fees 411 0 411 P32 20 WA EIA REC Purchase - 100% WA Allocation 437 -437 0 P33 21 REC Expenses (offset to REC Revenue)51 0 51 P34 22 Rathdrum Solar, Buck-a-Block 1 -1 0 P35 23 Natural Gas Fuel Purchases 66,110 -66,110 0 P36 24 Total Account 557 67,010 -66,548 462 501 THERMAL FUEL EXPENSE 25 Kettle Falls - Wood Fuel 6,318 -471 5,847 Exh 6, Sch 1 26 Kettle Falls - Start-up Gas 14 0 14 P37 27 Colstrip - Coal 22,371 -1,088 21,283 Exh 6, Sch 1 28 Colstrip - Oil 199 0 199 P38 29 Total Account 501 28,902 -1,558 27,344 547 OTHER FUEL EXPENSE 30 Coyote Springs Gas 36,449 -9,749 26,700 Exh 6, Sch 1 31 Coyote Springs 2 Gas Transportation 5,716 679 6,395 P39-P40 32 Lancaster Gas 27,817 -1,154 26,663 Exh 6, Sch 1 33 Lancaster Gas Transportation 4,922 507 5,429 P41, P40 34 Gas Transport Optimization 0 -9,000 -9,000 P42 35 Gas Transportation for BP, NE and KFCT 46 0 46 P43 36 Rathdrum Gas 1,556 3,101 4,657 Exh 6, Sch 1 37 Northeast CT Gas 44 1,003 1,047 Exh 6, Sch 1 38 Boulder Park Gas 528 139 667 Exh 6, Sch 1 39 Kettle Falls CT Gas 122 332 454 Exh 6, Sch 1 40 Total Account 547 77,200 -14,141 63,059 77,200 Staff_PR_090 Attachment B Workpaper Index Case No. AVU-E-17-01 W. Johnson, Avista Page 1 of 2 Avista Corp. Power Supply Pro forma - Idaho Jurisdiction System Numbers - 2016 Actual and 2018 Pro Forma Test Year Load Line 2016 2018 No.Actuals Adjustment Pro Forma Page Confidential 565 TRANSMISSION OF ELECTRICITY BY OTHERS 41 WNP-3 943 0 943 P44-P45 42 Short-term Transmission Purchases 38 0 38 P46 43 BPA PTP for Colstrip, Coyote & Lancaster 12,249 145 12,394 P47, P45 44 BPA Townsend-Garrison Wheeling 1,499 9 1,508 P48, P45 45 Avista on BPA - Borderline 1,285 0 1,285 P49, P45 46 Kootenai for Worley 45 0 45 P50 47 Sagle-Northern Lights 134 0 134 P51 48 Northwestern for Colstrip 415 0 415 P52 49 PGE Firm Wheeling 643 0 643 P53 50 Total Account 565 17,251 154 17,405 17,251 536 WATER FOR POWER 51 Headwater Benefits Payments 989 10 999 P54-P55 52 TOTAL EXPENSE 338,580 -136,215 202,365 447 SALES FOR RESALE 53 Modeled Short-Term Market Sales 0 24,478 24,478 Exh 6, Sch 1 54 Actual ST Market Sales - Physical 82,549 -82,549 0 P56 55 PGE Capacity Sale 19,278 -19,278 0 P57 56 Nichols Pumping Sale 953 -21 932 P58 57 Sovereign/Kaiser DES 150 0 150 P59 Confidential 58 Pend Oreille DES & Spinning 601 0 601 P60 Confidential 59 Energy America 13,462 -2,582 10,880 P61 60 COB Optimization 0 216 216 P62 61 Intracompany Generation 1,823 -1,823 0 P63 62 Total Account 447 118,816 -81,558 37,258 118,816 456 OTHER ELECTRIC REVENUE 63 Non-WA EIA REC Sales 5,355 -1,851 3,504 P64 64 Gas Not Consumed Sales Revenue 79,528 -79,528 0 P65 65 Total Account 456 84,883 -81,379 3,504 453 SALES OF WATER AND WATER POWER 66 Upstream Storage Revenue 357 16 373 P66, P55 67 TOTAL REVENUE 204,056 -162,921 41,135 68 TOTAL NET EXPENSE 134,524 26,706 161,230 Staff_PR_090 Attachment B Workpaper Index Case No. AVU-E-17-01 W. Johnson, Avista Page 2 of 2