HomeMy WebLinkAbout20170905Attachment 93A.pdf AVISTA UTILITIES GAS METER MEASUREMENT PERFORMANCE REPORT 2015 RESULTS Submitted 4-19-16 Staff_PR_093 Attachment A Page 1 of 40 2 GAS METER MEASUREMENT PERFORMANCE REPORT GAS METER PERFORMANCE FOR THE PERIOD JANUARY 1 – DECEMBER 31, 2015 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. SCOPE ..................................................................................................................................................................... 3 2. GENERAL .............................................................................................................................................................. 3 3. DEFINITIONS ........................................................................................................................................................ 6 4. RANDOM SAMPLING METER PERFORMANCE ......................................................................................... 7 RANDOM SAMPLING - SUMMARY .................................................................................................................... 7 RANDOM SAMPLING METER FAMILIES STATISTICAL RESULTS - DOMESTIC METERS 1000 CFH AND SMALLER ....................................................................................................................................................... 9 5. PRESCRIPTIVE TESTING ................................................................................................................................ 15 PRESCRIPTIVE TESTING SUMMARIES ........................................................................................................... 15 DIAPHRAGM METERS 1001 - 3000 CFH ................................................................................................. 15 DIAPHRAGM METERS GREATER THAN 3000 CFH ............................................................................. 15 PRESCRIPTIVE TESTING DATA, DIAPHRAGM METERS 1001-3000 CFH .................................................. 16 PRESCRIPTIVE TESTING DATA, DIAPHRAGM METERS 5000 CFH ........................................................... 27 SUMMARY - PRESCRIPTIVE TESTING, ROTARY METERS ......................................................................... 31 PRESCRIPTIVE TESTING DATA, ROTARY METERS ..................................................................................... 32 SUMMARY – PRESCRIPTIVE TESTING, TURBINE METERS ....................................................................... 39 PRESCRIPTIVE TESTING DATA, TURBINE METERS .................................................................................... 40 Staff_PR_093 Attachment A Page 2 of 40 3 1. SCOPE This report covers the methodology, test results, and proceedings of the Avista gas meter measurement performance testing program for in-service meters for the period from January 1, 2015 thru December 31, 2015. 2. GENERAL COMPLIANCE Washington: Gas meter testing requirements for Avista are promulgated by Washington Administrative Code, Chapter 480-90 “Gas companies - operations”, Section 333 (Initial accuracy of meters), Section 338 (Metering tolerance), Section 343 (Statement of meter test procedures), and Section 348 (Frequency of periodic meter tests. Avista gas tariff Rule No. 170, Section 20, effective November 30, 2011, has been approved and is in compliance with the requirements of WAC 480-90 and prescribes the minimum inspection and testing requirements. Oregon: Gas meter testing requirements for Avista are promulgated by Oregon Administrative Rules, Chapter 860, Division 023 “Service Standards”, Section 0015 (Testing Gas and Electric Meters). Avista gas tariff Rule No. 18 with varying approval dates between January 1, 2009 and January 1, 2012 has been approved is in compliance with the requirements of OAR 860-023-0015 and prescribes the minimum inspection and testing requirements. Idaho: Gas meter testing requirements for Avista are promulgated by Title 31, Chapter 1, “Service Rules for Gas Utilities”, IDAPA, Rules 151-200 (Standards for service). Avista gas meter testing program is completed in accordance with IDAPA* and Avista Gas Meter Testing Program dated 1/1/2012. *(Rule 152 – Avista’s random sampling program is completed for meters 0-1000 CFH and in accordance with ANSI/ASQ Z1.9, Inspection by Variables. The IDAPA rule refers to the obsolete military standard 105D, Inspection by Attributes.) SIGNIFICANT UPDATES OR CHANGES In February of 2015, Avista changed the system of record for meter testing results from Workplace to Maximo. Maximo cannot easily distinguish between temperature compensated (TC) and non-TC meters when exporting the meter testing results. After examining the testing results in 2015, it was decided to combine temperature compensated (TC) and non-TC meter families. The results were found to have no significant statistical difference by doing so. This change does not conflict with existing tariff language. Also as a result of the Maximo implementation, some of the meter counts contained in this report may differ when comparing the beginning of the year to the end of the year. Staff_PR_093 Attachment A Page 3 of 40 4 Historically this report was created separately for each of the three states. Since the meter families are no longer state specific, this report will grow to incorporate to cover the complete program, not just the program specific to either Washington, Oregon, or Idaho. METER CATEGORIES Meter populations exist within the following gas meter categories. Meter category inspection and testing requirements are summarized as follows for installed meters: • Domestic (Diaphragm) Meters 1000 CFH and smaller – Random sampling and proof testing per ANSI Z1.9, testing to begin during the 10th test year after meter installation. • Diaphragm Meters 1001 – 3000 CFH – Prescriptively inspected and proof tested every ten (10) years or sooner. • Diaphragm Meters >3000 CFH - Prescriptively inspected and proof tested every five (5) years or sooner. • Rotary Meters – Prescriptively inspected and tested via differential testing every five (5) years or sooner. • Turbine Meters – Prescriptively inspected and tested annually via a spin test and every ten (10) years via a calibration. METER PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS Random Sampling - Meter inspection performance for randomly tested meters is per ANSI Z1.9 with a tolerance of +/- 2%. The intent of the testing standard is to verify the following: Overall Performance - Verify with approximately 90% certainty, that the portion of non- conforming meters does not exceed 10% of any installed meter population. For overall performance, equal weight is given to both the upper and lower specification limit (fast and slow reads are equally weighted and are averaged). The “standard deviation – double specification limit method with variability unknown” as detailed in the ANSI Z1.9 shall be used to determine the overall acceptability of a meter population. Acceptable Quality Limit (AQL) for analysis will equal 10.0. Fast Direction Performance- Verify with approximately 90% certainty that the portion of non- conforming fast meters does not exceed 10% of any installed meter population. For testing equal weight is given to both the upper and lower specification limit (fast and slow reads are equally weighted and are averaged). The “standard deviation – single specification limit method with variability unknown” as detailed in the ANSI Z1.9 shall be used to determine the fast direction performance (disadvantageous to the consumer) acceptability of a meter population. Acceptable Quality Limit (AQL) for analysis will equal 10.0. Staff_PR_093 Attachment A Page 4 of 40 5 Prescriptive Testing - Meter inspection performance for diaphragm meters >1000 CFH, rotary, and turbine meters that are proof tested shall be 100% +/- 2%. Rotary meters that are differential tested shall determine that the meter is operating within 150% of the manufactures differential pressure requirements at the metering pressure. Turbine meter spin tests shall exceed the manufactures minimum prescribed spin duration. ANSI Z1.9 TESTING REQUIREMENTS A summary of the meter population performance requirements per ANSI Z1.9 are as follows:  Meters to be included in the meter test population will be selected at random.  All meters within the meter test population are eligible for testing except that individual meters tested within preceding five (5) years are excluded from random sample selection.  Annual meter population sampling requirements will be as prescribed by the ANSI Z1.9 and in accordance with appropriate meter testing category the meter population falls within.  Meter Testing Categories o “Normal Inspection” – Default meter population sample category as detailed by the ANSI Z1.9. Meter population sampling shall be switched from “Normal” to “Tightened” or “Normal” to “Reduced” as described below. o “Tightened Inspection” – Increased meter population sampling as detailed by the standard when 2 out of 5 preceding annual tests have been found non-conforming. Meter population sampling may be returned to “Normal” from “Tightened” when 5 consecutive batches have been determined acceptable. o “Reduced Inspection” – Decreased meter population sampling as detail by ANSI Z1.9. Meters with a 5 year test history are eligible for reduced inspection requirements. Meter population sampling may be switched from “Normal” to “Reduced” when 5 annual tests have been found acceptable. Meter population sampling shall be returned from “Reduced” to “Normal” if a single annual sampling is rejected.  Failure of a meter population – A meter population shall be deemed failed when: o Three (3) consecutive yearly inspections for a population under tightened inspection are found non-conforming for overall performance or; o Two (2) consecutive yearly inspections fail tightened inspection as non-conforming for fast meters or; o Two (2) consecutive yearly inspections exceed a total of 20% non-conforming meters (total of fast and slow meters) under tightened inspection. Staff_PR_093 Attachment A Page 5 of 40 6 3. DEFINITIONS PMC – Refers to Avista’s gas meter measurement performance program, commonly referred to as a Periodic Meter Change-out (PMC) program. Meter Population – Often referred to as Meter Family. Group of meters from the same manufacture, same model, and manufactured in the same year. Temperature Compensation does not distinguish a new population (i.e. 1995 AC250TC is the same as 1995 AC250). Open Test – Meter proof test completed at 100% of meter rated capacity or the maximum rated capacity of the test equipment. Check Test – Meter proof test completed at approximately 20% of the meter rated capacity. Staff_PR_093 Attachment A Page 6 of 40 7 4. RANDOM SAMPLING METER PERFORMANCE DOMESTIC METERS 1000 CFH AND SMALLER RANDOM SAMPLING - SUMMARY Beginning of Report Year, In-Service Meters 1/1/15 Total Gas Meter Populations, Random Testing Models 338,490 Total Number of Test Families, Including families not eligible for test (a) 283 Number of Test Families >= 10 yrs old (b) 239 Number of Test Families w/ Size More Than 10 (c) 223 Number of Test Families w/ Size Less Than 10 16 Number of Test Families Administratively Declared Failed (d) 0 Number of Test Families >= 10 yrs, Size>10, not declared failed (e) 230 Failed Family By Performance (f) 2 Meter Families That Were Scheduled For Normal Inspection, Report Year 98 Meter Families That Were Scheduled For Reduced Inspection, Report Year 113 Meter Families That Were Scheduled For Tightened Inspection, Report Year 16 Report Year Meter Testing Quantities, End of 2015 Test Results Number of Meters Tested 4423 Number of Meters Passed, (+/-) 2% 4017 Number of Meters Failed, (+/-) 2% 340 Number of Meters, Uniquely Defective Test Result, (+/-) 10% 66 Meter Families With an Overall Fail Result 1 Transition to 2016 Test Year Total Number of Meters, Start of New Test Year 342,837 Total Number of Test Families, Start of New Test Year (a) 218 Number of Test Families >= 10 Years Old, Start of New Test Year (b) 178 Number of Test Families w/ Size More Than 10, Start of New Test Year (c) 207 Number of Test Families Administratively Declared Failed For New Test Year (d) 5 Number of Test Families >= 10 yrs, Size > 10, AND Not Historically Failed, Start of New Test Year (e) 168 Failed Family By Performance (f) 0 Meter Families Scheduled For Normal Inspection During New Test Year 77 Meter Families Scheduled For Reduced Inspection During New Test Year 80 Meter Families Scheduled For Tightened Inspection During New Test Year 12 (a) Total number of meter populations includes meter test families that are less than 10 years old and are not yet subject to test requirements. (b) Number of Meter Test Populations >= 10 years old. Staff_PR_093 Attachment A Page 7 of 40 8 (c) Avista has many test populations with less than 10 members. Random sampling of those populations results in repeated testing of meters with no perceived benefit to customers. Avista has begun a prioritized program which is replacing meters that are more than 20 years old in populations of less than 10 meters. Small populations less than 20 years old are tested but with the restriction that a meter will not be retested within five (5) years. (d) Number of meter families that were declared failed for administrative reasons. Includes families with less than 10 meters population and meter populations that were observed to be trending towards failure. Meter populations trending towards failure, but not yet failed by test data, were generally older populations that had been mixed with other populations when the testing program was based on last install date rather than manufactured date. The revision in test family grouping uncovered these suspect families which the earlier test family criteria had hidden. In some instances, not enough tests had been performed to statistically declare the family failed; however, manual inspection of results indicated some obvious trend to failure for those groups. Avista has chosen to proactively begin retirement of meter test populations with these characteristics. (e) Number of meter test families subject to standard random testing procedures: over 10 years old, with more than 10 members, and not a failed family. (f) Meters populations failed due to performance. Staff_PR_093 Attachment A Page 8 of 40 9 RANDOM SAMPLING METER FAMILIES STATISTICAL RESULTS - DOMESTIC METERS 1000 CFH AND SMALLER Test Family Average of Open Test Average of Check Test Number Tested Number in Test Family at End of the Year Results: T-R-N-F-AF (1) 5B_1959 100.3 101.3 27 1,130 N 5B_1960 100.3 101.3 22 830 R 5B_1961 100.0 100.7 17 933 R 5B_1962 100.4 101.1 21 904 R 5B_1963 100.2 101.1 24 641 R AC250_1980 99.7 100.3 8 905 T AC250_1983 100.2 100.4 7 800 N AC250_1984 100.6 100.8 14 1,313 R AC250_1985 100.2 100.7 6 623 R AC250_1986 99.7 100.0 18 1,923 N AC250_1987 100.2 100.4 17 787 N AC250_1988 100.2 100.6 10 1,633 R AC250_1989 99.7 100.0 43 2,947 R AC250_1990 99.6 100.0 86 7,553 R AC250_1991 99.6 100.0 78 7,401 R AC250_1992 99.9 100.3 97 9,646 N AC250_1993 99.9 100.1 91 11,611 R AC250_1994 100.4 100.6 56 5,494 R AC250_1995 100.1 100.5 12 1,037 R AC250_1996 100.3 100.7 79 7,499 R Staff_PR_093 Attachment A Page 9 of 40 10 Test Family Average of Open Test Average of Check Test Number Tested Number in Test Family at End of the Year Results: T-R-N-F-AF (1) AC250_1997 101.0 101.2 134 13,759 R AC250_1998 100.9 101.0 111 12,866 R AC250_1999 100.9 101.0 75 10,590 R AC250_2000 100.6 100.8 81 11,769 N AC250_2001 100.6 100.8 37 4,059 N AC250_2002 100.8 101.0 56 8,578 N AC250_2003 101.2 101.4 57 10,527 N AC250_2004 101.4 101.9 77 12,585 T AC250_2005 101.2 101.5 56 10,670 T AC630_1998 101.3 101.1 6 248 N AC630_1999 100.3 100.5 5 223 N AC630_2003 101.0 101.0 2 183 N AC630_2004 101.7 102.4 3 257 T AL1000_1990 100.4 100.4 1 67 T AL1000_1992 101.3 102.1 1 115 N AL1000_1994 102.4 104.0 1 268 T AL1000_1997 100.7 101.4 2 159 N AL1000_1998 100.5 100.2 1 208 N AL1000_1999 101.2 101.8 2 237 R AL1000_2005 101.7 102.0 1 125 N AL175_1962 100.0 101.3 6 125 R Staff_PR_093 Attachment A Page 10 of 40 11 Test Family Average of Open Test Average of Check Test Number Tested Number in Test Family at End of the Year Results: T-R-N-F-AF (1) AL175_1964 100.3 101.1 17 584 FAIL AL175_1965 101.0 101.1 94 363 FAIL AL175_1967 101.7 102.2 21 484 T AL175_1968 100.4 101.9 15 247 T AL175_1969 100.4 101.4 160 1,912 FAIL AL175_1970 100.2 100.8 70 3,453 R AL175_1971 99.9 100.1 44 2,754 R AL175_1972 100.3 100.6 54 3,843 R AL175_1973 100.3 100.8 72 2,675 R AL175_1974 100.3 100.6 14 950 R AL175_1975 100.7 101.0 12 318 N AL175_1976 99.7 100.1 5 137 N AL175_1977 100.0 100.3 20 497 T AL175_1978 98.9 99.6 5 236 N AL175_1979 99.9 100.2 54 2,433 R AL175_1980 97.3 99.6 5 692 R AL175_1981 100.3 100.5 23 812 R AL175_1983 100.1 100.2 9 537 R AL175_1984 100.1 100.3 8 557 R AL250_1976 99.8 100.3 2 23 N AL250_1989 99.5 99.9 8 502 R Staff_PR_093 Attachment A Page 11 of 40 12 Test Family Average of Open Test Average of Check Test Number Tested Number in Test Family at End of the Year Results: T-R-N-F-AF (1) AL425_1964 100.8 100.9 2 63 R AL425_1965 100.3 100.3 2 81 R AL425_1966 100.3 100.3 2 128 R AL425_1967 100.3 100.3 3 120 R AL425_1968 101.6 101.1 1 129 R AL425_1969 99.5 99.2 3 147 R AL425_1970 99.9 99.4 2 116 N AL425_1972 101.7 101.3 1 122 R AL425_1973 101.5 100.9 1 158 R AL425_1978 100.7 100.9 1 78 R AL425_1979 100.7 100.4 1 205 R AL425_1981 100.5 100.6 2 70 R AL425_1985 99.3 99.0 1 66 R AL425_1992 100.5 100.6 2 219 R AL425_1993 100.3 100.3 2 128 N AL425_1994 99.9 100.5 1 386 N AL425_1995 100.3 100.3 1 165 N AL425_1997 100.9 100.8 1 244 T AL425_1998 100.0 100.3 2 210 N AL425_2002 99.7 100.3 1 102 N AL425_2003 101.3 101.4 2 145 N Staff_PR_093 Attachment A Page 12 of 40 13 Test Family Average of Open Test Average of Check Test Number Tested Number in Test Family at End of the Year Results: T-R-N-F-AF (1) AL425_2004 100.8 100.8 1 240 N AL800_1966 99.7 99.7 1 47 R AL800_1968 100.2 99.8 1 100 R AL800_1970 100.1 100.6 1 56 N AL800_1971 100.3 100.7 1 78 R AL800_1973 101.5 102.0 1 43 R AL800_1980 100.2 99.9 1 35 N AL800_1981 100.4 100.9 1 69 N AL800_1985 100.3 101.2 3 50 R R275_1993 100.8 100.9 11 1,261 N R275_1994 100.9 101.1 96 11,435 R R275_1995 100.9 101.6 40 2,449 T R275_1996 100.6 101.0 35 3,767 R R275_2003 100.4 100.5 1 384 N R275_2005 101.0 101.1 14 1,448 N RA175_1966 100.1 100.7 1 54 R RA175_1967 99.6 100.0 1 30 N RA175_1971 99.6 100.8 1 76 R RA175_1973 100.4 101.1 1 104 R RA275_1980 100.1 100.1 5 149 N RA275_1993 102.2 102.0 4 415 R Staff_PR_093 Attachment A Page 13 of 40 14 Test Family Average of Open Test Average of Check Test Number Tested Number in Test Family at End of the Year Results: T-R-N-F-AF (1) RA275_1994 101.4 101.7 38 2,464 R RA275_1995 100.9 101.2 38 2,058 R RA275_1996 100.7 101.0 70 4,303 R SA175_1964 101.0 101.5 1 8 AF SA175_1968 100.4 100.1 2 14 N (1) T-Tightened, R-Reduced, N-Normal, F-Failed, AF-Administratively Failed Staff_PR_093 Attachment A Page 14 of 40 15 5. PRESCRIPTIVE TESTING PRESCRIPTIVE TESTING SUMMARIES DIAPHRAGM METERS 1001 - 3000 CFH See test results in section “Large Diaphragm Meters Data” 10-Year Periodic Testing Meter population (1) 2517 Meters tested and adjusted, 2015 test year(2) 128 Meters failed (2) 24 (1)As of 1/1/15 (2)As of 12/31/15 (does not include > +/- 10%) DIAPHRAGM METERS GREATER THAN 3000 CFH See test results in section “Large Diaphragm Meters Data” 5-Year Periodic Testing Meter population (1) 163 Meters tested and adjusted, 2011 test year(2) 41 Meters failed (2) 5 (1)As of 1/1/15 (2)As of 12/31/15 (does not include > +/- 10%) Staff_PR_093 Attachment A Page 15 of 40 16 PRESCRIPTIVE TESTING DATA, DIAPHRAGM METERS 1001-3000 CFH Asset Number Meter Number Sampling Group Test Date Test date Year Open In Test Check In Test Open Out Accuracy Test Check Out Accuracy Test Avg In Test P/F 14852523 00042615 AL1400_1963 5/14/15 12:00 AM 2015 96.8 99.6 96.8 99.6 98.2 P 14852525 00042618 AL1400_1963 6/9/15 12:00 AM 2015 104.8 104.1 104.7 104.2 104.45 F 14852542 00042651 AL1400_1963 7/24/15 12:00 AM 2015 99.1 100.1 99.1 100.1 99.6 P 14852547 00042661 AL1400_1963 6/9/15 12:00 AM 2015 98.1 99.2 98.1 99.1 98.65 P 14852548 00042665 AL1400_1963 9/9/15 12:00 AM 2015 101.8 101.2 101.8 101.2 101.5 P 14853245 00045487 AL1400_1964 11/4/15 12:00 AM 2015 97.5 98.6 97.5 98.6 98.05 P 14853531 00046802 AL1400_1964 11/13/15 12:00 AM 2015 99.1 98.8 99.1 98.8 98.95 P 14853655 00047791 AL1400_1965 8/4/15 12:00 AM 2015 96.8 97.4 96.8 97.4 97.1 F 14853663 00047817 AL1400_1965 11/13/15 12:00 AM 2015 96.8 98.1 96.8 98.1 97.45 F 14853666 00047827 AL1400_1965 7/24/15 12:00 AM 2015 98.1 101.2 98.1 101.2 99.65 P 14853904 00053000 AL1400_1965 11/2/15 12:00 AM 2015 101.1 102 100.9 102.1 101.55 P 14853924 00053640 AL1400_1966 11/4/15 12:00 AM 2015 100.2 100.5 100.2 100.5 100.35 P Staff_PR_093 Attachment A Page 16 of 40 17 Asset Number Meter Number Sampling Group Test Date Test date Year Open In Test Check In Test Open Out Accuracy Test Check Out Accuracy Test Avg In Test P/F 14853925 00053652 AL1400_1966 8/31/15 12:00 AM 2015 102 102.8 102 102.8 102.4 F 14853926 00053659 AL1400_1966 8/6/15 12:00 AM 2015 98.2 99.3 98.2 99.3 98.75 P 14853927 00053660 AL1400_1966 7/24/15 12:00 AM 2015 101.2 101.6 101.2 101.6 101.4 P 14853928 00053661 AL1400_1966 7/24/15 12:00 AM 2015 95.6 97.7 95.6 97.7 96.65 F 14853930 00053664 AL1400_1966 9/1/15 12:00 AM 2015 105.5 105.3 105.5 105.3 105.4 F 14853932 00053678 AL1400_1966 8/31/15 12:00 AM 2015 98 98 98 98 98 P 14854348 00057052 AL1400_1967 6/9/15 12:00 AM 2015 98.8 100.7 98.8 100.7 99.75 P 14854353 00057062 AL1400_1967 8/6/15 12:00 AM 2015 98.6 99.6 98.6 99.6 99.1 P 14854795 00061494 AL1400_1968 11/13/15 12:00 AM 2015 97.4 98.4 97.4 98.4 97.9 F 14854799 00061500 AL1400_1968 6/9/15 12:00 AM 2015 98.6 99.9 98.6 99.9 99.25 P 14856206 00065943 AL1400_1969 11/13/15 12:00 AM 2015 96.8 98.2 96.8 98.2 97.5 F 14856580 00066796 AL1400_1969 6/9/15 12:00 AM 2015 98.7 99.3 98.7 99.3 99 P 15163504 05406150 AL1400_1969 11/13/15 12:00 AM 2015 100 99.9 100 99.9 99.95 P 14858292 00070238 AL1400_1970 7/24/15 12:00 AM 2015 98.9 98.9 98.9 98.9 98.9 P Staff_PR_093 Attachment A Page 17 of 40 18 Asset Number Meter Number Sampling Group Test Date Test date Year Open In Test Check In Test Open Out Accuracy Test Check Out Accuracy Test Avg In Test P/F 14858293 00070239 AL1400_1970 9/9/15 12:00 AM 2015 95.9 98.2 96.1 98.4 97.05 F 14862647 00077889 AL1400_1971 7/29/15 12:00 AM 2015 194.4 196.6 194.4 196.6 195.5 F 14868845 00086879 AL1400_1973 11/20/15 12:00 AM 2015 198.8 200.4 199.5 200.4 199.6 F 15046313 00300475 AL1400_1973 11/13/15 12:00 AM 2015 97.5 99.3 97.5 99.3 98.4 P 14868867 00086918 AL1400_1974 7/8/15 12:00 AM 2015 97.6 99.4 99.9 100.2 98.5 P 14869489 00089481 AL1400_1974 5/19/15 10:00 AM 2015 94.6 94.4 100.2 99.8 94.5 F 14869500 00089494 AL1400_1974 7/30/15 12:00 AM 2015 105.3 107.5 100.1 100.1 106.4 F 14869502 00089496 AL1400_1974 7/28/15 12:00 AM 2015 98.3 100.3 100.2 100.1 99.3 P 14869505 00089499 AL1400_1974 7/28/15 12:00 AM 2015 97.6 98.5 100.1 100 98.05 P 14869587 00089664 AL1400_1976 11/18/15 12:00 AM 2015 123.3 114.1 129.3 116.8 118.7 F 14869639 00089775 AL1400_1976 9/2/15 12:00 AM 2015 99.8 101.1 100.1 100.2 100.45 P 14869682 00089849 AL1400_1976 11/20/15 12:00 AM 2015 192 193.8 196 195.9 192.9 F 14869686 00089853 AL1400_1976 7/23/15 12:00 AM 2015 98.7 99.3 99.6 99.9 99 P 14869749 00089938 AL1400_1977 11/19/15 12:00 AM 2015 98.1 99.5 98.1 99.5 98.8 P Staff_PR_093 Attachment A Page 18 of 40 19 Asset Number Meter Number Sampling Group Test Date Test date Year Open In Test Check In Test Open Out Accuracy Test Check Out Accuracy Test Avg In Test P/F 14869749 00089938 AL1400_1977 11/19/15 10:00 AM 2015 98.1 99.5 99.9 100.4 98.8 P 14870004 00090425 AL1400_1977 11/20/15 12:00 AM 2015 202.2 201.8 200.8 200.9 202 F 14870007 00090428 AL1400_1977 8/6/15 12:00 AM 2015 101.6 103.6 100 100.1 102.6 F 14870438 00091187 AL1400_1979 7/15/15 12:00 AM 2015 194 196.2 196.8 198 195.1 F 14870438 00091187 AL1400_1979 7/15/15 1:58 PM 2015 97 98.1 99.8 99.9 97.55 F 14872505 00094355 AL1400_1979 7/7/15 12:00 AM 2015 99.6 99.9 100 99.9 99.75 P 14872508 00094358 AL1400_1979 7/13/15 12:00 AM 2015 107.5 107.3 100.5 100.5 107.4 F 14873376 00097321 AL1400_1980 11/2/15 12:00 AM 2015 196.2 199.4 197.9 199.8 197.8 F 14873451 00097425 AL1400_1980 7/14/15 12:00 AM 2015 194.4 196.2 197.1 198.4 195.3 F 14873451 00097425 AL1400_1980 7/14/15 2:00 PM 2015 97.2 98.1 99.9 100.3 97.65 F 14873459 00097433 AL1400_1981 11/2/15 12:00 AM 2015 198.8 197 199.2 198.3 197.9 F 14874234 00099212 AL1400_1982 5/19/15 10:30 AM 2015 100.6 101 100.2 99.9 100.8 P 14875821 00102446 AL1400_1985 8/20/15 12:00 AM 2015 98.6 99.5 100.1 99.7 99.05 P 14876615 00103664 AL1400_1985 8/31/15 12:00 AM 2015 98.6 100.4 100.5 100.4 99.5 P Staff_PR_093 Attachment A Page 19 of 40 20 Asset Number Meter Number Sampling Group Test Date Test date Year Open In Test Check In Test Open Out Accuracy Test Check Out Accuracy Test Avg In Test P/F 14877322 00104681 AL1400_1985 6/11/15 11:19 AM 2015 95.4 96 100 99.9 95.7 F 14877322 00104681 AL1400_1985 6/10/15 12:00 AM 2015 190.8 192 195.4 195.9 191.4 F 14877357 00104748 AL1400_1986 7/15/15 12:00 AM 2015 201.4 202 201.2 201.5 201.7 F 14877357 00104748 AL1400_1986 7/15/15 1:45 PM 2015 100.7 101 100.5 100.5 100.85 P 14877377 00104768 AL1400_1986 6/11/15 11:17 AM 2015 97.8 98.6 99.7 99.7 98.2 P 14877377 00104768 AL1400_1986 6/10/15 12:00 AM 2015 195.6 197.2 197.5 198.3 196.4 F 14878480 00106371 AL1400_1987 7/15/15 12:00 AM 2015 192.6 196 196.5 198.3 194.3 F 14878480 00106371 AL1400_1987 7/15/15 2:00 PM 2015 96.3 98 100.2 100.3 97.15 F 14878482 00106373 AL1400_1987 11/18/15 12:00 AM 2015 198.2 200.5 198.5 200.2 199.35 F 14878484 00106375 AL1400_1987 8/4/15 12:00 AM 2015 103.3 106.2 100.3 100.3 104.75 F 14878513 00106425 AL1400_1987 11/2/15 12:00 AM 2015 197.6 198.2 198.7 199 197.9 F 14879688 00108004 AL1400_1988 7/15/15 12:00 AM 2015 104.9 106.1 99.6 99.7 105.5 F 14894267 00125353 AL1400_1991 11/2/15 12:00 AM 2015 198.2 199 199.3 199.7 198.6 F 14901012 00133035 AL1400_1992 7/13/15 12:00 AM 2015 100.1 100.5 100 100.2 100.3 P Staff_PR_093 Attachment A Page 20 of 40 21 Asset Number Meter Number Sampling Group Test Date Test date Year Open In Test Check In Test Open Out Accuracy Test Check Out Accuracy Test Avg In Test P/F 14901015 00133038 AL1400_1992 7/28/15 12:00 AM 2015 103.7 104.5 100.2 100.3 104.1 F 14904111 00136505 AL1400_1993 7/15/15 12:00 AM 2015 101.6 101.9 99.7 99.6 101.75 P 14917357 00151532 AL1400_1994 6/11/15 11:15 AM 2015 101.5 100.8 100.1 100.5 101.15 P 14917357 00151532 AL1400_1994 6/11/15 12:00 AM 2015 203 201.6 201.6 201.1 202.3 F 14917474 00151721 AL1400_1995 5/14/15 12:00 AM 2015 197.6 197 199.1 198.5 197.3 F 14917474 00151721 AL1400_1995 5/14/15 8:03 AM 2015 98.8 98.5 100.3 100 98.65 P 15046060 00300051 AL1400_1997 7/14/15 12:00 AM 2015 199.4 201.2 200 200.8 200.3 F 15046060 00300051 AL1400_1997 7/14/15 2:15 PM 2015 99.7 100.6 100.3 100.2 100.15 P 15163477 05329411 AL1400_1997 7/21/15 12:00 AM 2015 99.2 100.6 100 100.2 99.9 P 15163517 05415310 AL1400_1997 11/13/15 12:00 AM 2015 98.2 99.2 98.2 99.2 98.7 P 15163568 05585638 AL1400_1997 7/29/15 12:00 AM 2015 98.8 100.1 100 100 99.45 P 15163579 05601000 AL1400_1997 11/19/15 12:00 AM 2015 204.8 205.6 202.3 203.3 205.2 F 15163591 05607505 AL1400_1997 8/19/15 12:00 AM 2015 105 106.9 100.3 100.3 105.95 F 15163622 05654742 AL1400_1997 8/4/15 12:00 AM 2015 194 197 195.5 197.4 195.5 F Staff_PR_093 Attachment A Page 21 of 40 22 Asset Number Meter Number Sampling Group Test Date Test date Year Open In Test Check In Test Open Out Accuracy Test Check Out Accuracy Test Avg In Test P/F 14964510 00208499 AL1400_2001 7/21/15 12:00 AM 2015 100.3 100.3 99.7 99.8 100.3 P 15046100 00300112 AL1400_2002 7/7/15 12:00 AM 2015 97.1 98.5 99.7 99.8 97.8 F 15046102 00300115 AL1400_2002 7/8/15 12:00 AM 2015 100.2 101.4 100.2 100.3 100.8 P 15046108 00300122 AL1400_2002 8/4/15 12:00 AM 2015 100.3 101.9 100 100.2 101.1 P 15046109 00300123 AL1400_2002 7/14/15 12:00 AM 2015 101.9 102.3 99.7 99.7 102.1 F 15046112 00300127 AL1400_2002 8/7/15 12:00 AM 2015 99 101.8 99 101.8 100.4 P 15046113 00300128 AL1400_2002 10/14/15 12:00 AM 2015 99.8 101.7 99.6 99.7 100.75 P 15046134 00300152 AL1400_2003 11/19/15 12:00 AM 2015 198.6 198.6 199.3 199.4 198.6 F 15046135 00300153 AL1400_2003 11/20/15 12:00 AM 2015 196.2 195.2 198.4 197.8 195.7 F 15046143 00300161 AL1400_2003 5/19/15 9:00 AM 2015 99.4 99.8 100.3 100.5 99.6 P 15046144 00300162 AL1400_2003 7/15/15 12:00 AM 2015 197.8 199 198.7 199.6 198.4 F 15046144 00300162 AL1400_2003 7/15/15 1:00 PM 2015 98.9 99.5 99.8 100.1 99.2 P 14852532 00042631 AL2300_1963 5/19/15 11:15 AM 2015 99.8 100.4 100.1 P 14853257 00045519 AL2300_1964 11/4/15 12:00 AM 2015 102 103.1 102 103.1 102.55 F Staff_PR_093 Attachment A Page 22 of 40 23 Asset Number Meter Number Sampling Group Test Date Test date Year Open In Test Check In Test Open Out Accuracy Test Check Out Accuracy Test Avg In Test P/F 14853258 00045521 AL2300_1964 9/9/15 12:00 AM 2015 99.9 101.1 99.9 101.1 100.5 P 14853528 00046790 AL2300_1964 9/9/15 12:00 AM 2015 100.8 100.5 100.8 100.5 100.65 P 14853850 00052092 AL2300_1965 11/2/15 12:00 AM 2015 99.3 100.3 99.3 100.3 99.8 P 15163480 05334163 AL2300_1965 11/13/15 12:00 AM 2015 100.3 100.9 100.3 100.9 100.6 P 14853934 00053682 AL2300_1966 7/29/15 12:00 AM 2015 98.6 99.1 98.6 99.1 98.85 P 14853936 00053687 AL2300_1966 7/29/15 12:00 AM 2015 98.6 100 98.6 100 99.3 P 14854052 00055194 AL2300_1966 9/9/15 12:00 AM 2015 98.4 99.6 98.4 99.6 99 P 15046410 00300709 AL2300_1966 11/13/15 12:00 AM 2015 99.2 100.8 99.2 100.8 100 P 14854356 00057075 AL2300_1967 11/4/15 12:00 AM 2015 97.7 98.6 97.7 98.6 98.15 P 14854360 00057087 AL2300_1967 7/14/15 12:00 AM 2015 98.6 99.1 98.6 99.1 98.85 P 14854813 00061527 AL2300_1968 9/1/15 12:00 AM 2015 100.7 100.9 100.7 100.9 100.8 P 14854882 00063251 AL2300_1968 9/9/15 12:00 AM 2015 99 99.3 99 99.3 99.15 P 14858289 00070233 AL2300_1970 9/9/15 12:00 AM 2015 98.4 99.8 98.4 99.8 99.1 P 14858290 00070235 AL2300_1970 11/13/15 12:00 AM 2015 98.4 99.2 98.4 99.2 98.8 P Staff_PR_093 Attachment A Page 23 of 40 24 Asset Number Meter Number Sampling Group Test Date Test date Year Open In Test Check In Test Open Out Accuracy Test Check Out Accuracy Test Avg In Test P/F 14862650 00077904 AL2300_1971 9/25/15 12:00 AM 2015 97.1 98 97.1 98 97.55 F 14863715 00079412 AL2300_1972 11/13/15 12:00 AM 2015 101.3 102.2 101.3 102.2 101.75 P 14863812 00079584 AL2300_1972 9/1/15 12:00 AM 2015 98.9 99.3 98.9 99.3 99.1 P 14863842 00079638 AL2300_1972 7/24/15 12:00 AM 2015 98.1 98.8 98.1 98.8 98.45 P 14863882 00079700 AL2300_1972 8/25/15 12:00 AM 2015 98.1 100.9 100.3 100.4 99.5 P 14867152 00084339 AL2300_1973 6/11/15 11:24 AM 2015 97.2 98.3 100.5 100.5 97.75 F 14867152 00084339 AL2300_1973 6/11/15 12:00 AM 2015 194.4 196.6 197.7 198.8 195.5 F 14867175 00084371 AL2300_1973 11/18/15 12:00 AM 2015 198.6 200.6 199.2 200.4 199.6 F 14869495 00089488 AL2300_1974 7/29/15 12:00 AM 2015 197.4 198.2 198.4 198.8 197.8 F 14869512 00089511 AL2300_1974 6/11/15 11:21 AM 2015 99.4 100.5 100.2 100.3 99.95 P 14869512 00089511 AL2300_1974 6/11/15 12:00 AM 2015 198.8 200.6 199.6 200.6 199.7 F 14869674 00089839 AL2300_1976 8/7/15 12:00 AM 2015 98.5 100.5 100.3 100.3 99.5 P 14869786 00090088 AL2300_1977 7/21/15 12:00 AM 2015 99.4 101.4 100.2 100.3 100.4 P 14870416 00091156 AL2300_1978 7/22/15 12:00 AM 2015 98.6 101.1 99.9 100.3 99.85 P Staff_PR_093 Attachment A Page 24 of 40 25 Asset Number Meter Number Sampling Group Test Date Test date Year Open In Test Check In Test Open Out Accuracy Test Check Out Accuracy Test Avg In Test P/F 14871801 00093237 AL2300_1979 8/18/15 12:00 AM 2015 100.1 102.5 100 100.5 101.3 P 14871802 00093238 AL2300_1979 8/11/15 12:00 AM 2015 98.7 101 100.3 100.3 99.85 P 14873369 00097314 AL2300_1980 8/14/15 12:00 AM 2015 100.3 102.3 100.2 100.2 101.3 P 14874246 00099224 AL2300_1983 6/11/15 11:22 AM 2015 99.2 99.9 99.6 99.9 99.55 P 14874246 00099224 AL2300_1983 6/11/15 12:00 AM 2015 198.4 199.8 198.8 199.8 199.1 F 14874255 00099233 AL2300_1983 8/26/15 12:00 AM 2015 98.9 100.7 100.4 100.4 99.8 P 14876622 00103671 AL2300_1985 5/19/15 11:30 AM 2015 100.3 100.2 100 99.8 100.25 P 14877370 00104761 AL2300_1986 8/18/15 12:00 AM 2015 99.6 101.8 99.9 99.9 100.7 P 14885992 00115785 AL2300_1990 4/8/15 12:15 PM 2015 98.97 100.55 99.9 99.98 99.76 P 14894215 00125299 AL2300_1991 6/9/15 12:00 AM 2015 100.6 102.4 100.3 100.1 101.5 P 14894270 00125356 AL2300_1991 7/30/15 12:00 AM 2015 99.5 101.8 99.6 100.1 100.65 P 14894272 00125358 AL2300_1991 2/3/15 12:00 AM 2015 199.6 201.2 199.9 200.9 200.4 F 14894272 00125358 AL2300_1991 2/3/15 1:37 PM 2015 97.54 99.29 100 100.3 98.415 P 14894272 00125358 AL2300_1991 2/4/15 12:00 AM 2015 202.4 200.4 201.3 200.3 201.4 F Staff_PR_093 Attachment A Page 25 of 40 26 Asset Number Meter Number Sampling Group Test Date Test date Year Open In Test Check In Test Open Out Accuracy Test Check Out Accuracy Test Avg In Test P/F 14902520 00134709 AL2300_1992 4/6/15 7:15 AM 2015 98.05 99.91 100.27 100.47 98.98 P 14902522 00134711 AL2300_1992 7/30/15 12:00 AM 2015 100.2 100 100.2 100.1 100.1 P 14904000 00136344 AL2300_1993 9/9/15 12:00 AM 2015 98.8 101.3 100.2 100.4 100.05 P 15163519 05440615 AL2300_1998 6/11/15 12:00 AM 2015 96.9 99.5 -2323 100.7 98.2 P 15163524 05442593 AL2300_1998 8/31/15 12:00 AM 2015 98.9 100 98.9 100 99.45 P 15163596 05612201 AL2300_1998 8/14/15 12:00 AM 2015 98.6 99.7 100.4 100.5 99.15 P 15163602 05614038 AL2300_1998 6/11/15 12:00 AM 2015 99.1 100.7 99.7 100.2 99.9 P 15163530 05447874 AL2300_2002 8/7/15 12:00 AM 2015 99.9 100.6 100.2 100.3 100.25 P 15046119 00300134 AL2300_2003 9/25/15 2:56 PM 2015 96.4 97.6 96.4 97.6 97 F 15046123 00300139 AL2300_2003 8/31/15 12:00 AM 2015 97.7 99.8 100 100 98.75 P 15046151 00300169 AL2300_2003 8/26/15 12:00 AM 2015 97.7 99.9 100 100.4 98.8 P 15046159 00300180 AL2300_2003 6/11/15 12:00 AM 2015 98.9 101.5 99.8 100.3 100.2 P 15046157 00300178 AL2300_2004 11/13/15 12:00 AM 2015 98.7 100.4 98.7 100.4 99.55 P 15046355 00300620 AL2300_2007 7/14/15 12:00 AM 2015 98.6 100.2 98.6 100.2 99.4 P Staff_PR_093 Attachment A Page 26 of 40 27 PRESCRIPTIVE TESTING DATA, DIAPHRAGM METERS 5000 CFH Asset Number Meter Number Sampling Group Test Date Test date Year Open In Test Check In Test Open Out Accuracy Test Check Out Accuracy Test Avg In Test P/F 15163483 05340667 AL5000_1963 10/16/15 12:00 AM 2015 101.6 102.9 101.1 102.8 102.25 F 14853671 00047844 AL5000_1965 11/9/15 12:00 AM 2015 96.7 98 96.7 98 97.35 F 14854362 00057092 AL5000_1967 8/31/15 12:00 AM 2015 97.7 98.6 97.7 98.6 98.15 P 14854363 00057093 AL5000_1967 9/25/15 12:00 AM 2015 98 99.7 98 99.7 98.85 P 14854812 00061526 AL5000_1968 9/25/15 12:00 AM 2015 99.1 99.4 99.1 99.4 99.25 P 14854826 00061549 AL5000_1968 11/12/15 12:00 AM 2015 99 99.3 98.8 99.3 99.15 P 14854827 00061550 AL5000_1968 11/12/15 12:00 AM 2015 97.9 98 97.9 98 97.95 F 14855315 00064172 AL5000_1969 8/31/15 12:00 AM 2015 98.3 99.1 98.3 99.1 98.7 P 14856208 00065948 AL5000_1969 11/2/15 12:00 AM 2015 98.8 99.6 98.8 99.6 99.2 P 14856209 00065949 AL5000_1969 7/24/15 12:00 AM 2015 97.5 98.5 97.5 98.5 98 P 14856581 00066803 AL5000_1969 7/24/15 12:00 AM 2015 98 99.1 98 99.1 98.55 P 14856583 00066807 AL5000_1969 7/29/15 12:00 AM 2015 98.9 99.6 98.9 99.6 99.25 P Staff_PR_093 Attachment A Page 27 of 40 28 Asset Number Meter Number Sampling Group Test Date Test date Year Open In Test Check In Test Open Out Accuracy Test Check Out Accuracy Test Avg In Test P/F 14856970 00067663 AL5000_1969 11/2/15 12:00 AM 2015 98.3 99.3 98.3 99.3 98.8 P 14861039 00075341 AL5000_1970 11/12/15 12:00 AM 2015 101.7 101.8 101.7 101.8 101.75 P 14862721 00078044 AL5000_1971 8/10/15 12:00 AM 2015 99.3 100.1 100.2 100.4 99.7 P 14862722 00078047 AL5000_1971 8/31/15 12:00 AM 2015 100.2 99.8 100.2 99.8 100 P 14867172 00084367 AL5000_1973 11/12/15 12:00 AM 2015 199.4 198.8 199.6 199.2 199.1 F 14869482 00089472 AL5000_1974 7/15/15 12:00 AM 2015 100.5 100.6 100.5 100.6 100.55 P 14869482 00089472 AL5000_1974 7/15/15 1:45 PM 2015 100.5 100.6 100.55 P 14869510 00089506 AL5000_1974 8/10/15 12:00 AM 2015 100.4 101.5 100.1 99.9 100.95 P 14869533 00089547 AL5000_1974 4/9/15 8:30 AM 2015 100.2 100.8 99.97 100.2 100.5 P 14869761 00089951 AL5000_1977 10/15/15 12:00 AM 2015 97 97.4 100.2 100 97.2 F 14870419 00091159 AL5000_1979 8/25/15 12:00 AM 2015 99.5 100.1 99.9 100.1 99.8 P 14873382 00097328 AL5000_1980 6/12/15 12:00 AM 2015 100.1 101.2 100.3 100.1 100.65 P 14873383 00097329 AL5000_1980 7/15/15 12:00 AM 2015 197.8 198.4 198.9 199.5 198.1 F 14873383 00097329 AL5000_1980 7/15/15 1:45 PM 2015 98.9 99.2 100 100.3 99.05 P Staff_PR_093 Attachment A Page 28 of 40 29 Asset Number Meter Number Sampling Group Test Date Test date Year Open In Test Check In Test Open Out Accuracy Test Check Out Accuracy Test Avg In Test P/F 14873385 00097331 AL5000_1980 8/12/15 12:00 AM 2015 99.6 100.9 100.3 100.3 100.25 P 14873387 00097333 AL5000_1980 11/9/15 12:00 AM 2015 199.6 200.4 200.1 200.7 200 F 14874864 00100315 AL5000_1983 8/11/15 12:00 AM 2015 100.2 100.4 100.2 100.2 100.3 P 14874865 00100316 AL5000_1983 9/14/15 12:00 AM 2015 98.9 100.1 99.9 99.8 99.5 P 14874915 00100416 AL5000_1984 11/12/15 12:00 AM 2015 99.6 100.5 99.6 100.5 100.05 P 14874915 00100416 AL5000_1984 11/13/15 2:00 PM 2015 100 100.5 101.6 101.6 100.25 P 14875894 00102552 AL5000_1985 4/10/15 11:00 AM 2015 97.49 98.93 100.16 100.27 98.21 P 14875895 00102553 AL5000_1985 11/18/15 12:00 AM 2015 195 197 197.8 198.4 196 F 14884679 00114270 AL5000_1990 7/15/15 12:00 AM 2015 200.8 201.2 200.4 200.9 201 F 14884679 00114270 AL5000_1990 7/15/15 1:45 PM 2015 100.4 100.6 100 100.3 100.5 P 14884680 00114271 AL5000_1990 4/10/15 2:00 PM 2015 101.18 101.92 100.22 100.5 101.55 P 14894330 00125433 AL5000_1991 8/10/15 12:00 AM 2015 99.5 100.3 100 100.1 99.9 P 14894332 00125436 AL5000_1991 7/15/15 12:00 AM 2015 198.8 201 199.1 200.6 199.9 F 14894332 00125436 AL5000_1991 7/15/15 1:30 PM 2015 99.4 100.5 99.7 100.1 99.95 P Staff_PR_093 Attachment A Page 29 of 40 30 Asset Number Meter Number Sampling Group Test Date Test date Year Open In Test Check In Test Open Out Accuracy Test Check Out Accuracy Test Avg In Test P/F 14901024 00133047 AL5000_1992 11/12/15 12:00 AM 2015 191.8 193.4 195.7 196.8 192.6 F Staff_PR_093 Attachment A Page 30 of 40 31 SUMMARY - PRESCRIPTIVE TESTING, ROTARY METERS ROTARY METERS – Individual test results included for reference. In-Service Meters 1/1/15 2049 Number of Tests Number of Failed Tests Number of Passing Tests Number of Retirements Net Meter Additions In-Service Meters 12/31/15 (1) - (1) In Service Meter count is suspected to be off due to the difference in reporting between the Maximo and the legacy system. Avista will continue to research this perceived anomaly in 2016 and ensure any necessary changes are made. Staff_PR_093 Attachment A Page 31 of 40 32 PRESCRIPTIVE TESTING DATA, ROTARY METERS Asset Number Meter Number Model Mfg Year Test Date 13088904 00005984 RM16 2000 8/11/2015 13088905 00006627 RM11 1999 8/14/2015 13088916 00007176 RM5 2000 10/19/2015 13088922 00007514 RM2 2000 4/1/2015 13088924 00007816 RM16 2000 7/6/2015 13088933 00011912 RT11 1994 6/8/2015 13088942 00011935 RM3 2001 9/16/2015 13088954 00011947 RM11 2001 2/26/2015 13088958 00012491 RM3 1993 2/18/2015 13088985 00014876 RM11 2001 8/6/2015 13088987 00014922 RM7 2001 3/30/2015 13088990 00014926 RM3 2001 8/17/2015 13088997 00015419 RM5 1992 2/18/2015 13089001 00016514 RM23 2001 7/8/2015 13089004 00017275 RM11 1993 2/16/2015 13089013 00019779 RM11 1993 9/16/2015 13089017 00021110 RM3 1971 2/26/2015 13089028 00023575 RM3 2002 8/12/2015 13089031 00023578 RM3 2002 4/2/2015 13089033 00023581 RM5 2002 7/2/2015 13089034 00023582 RM5 2002 3/23/2015 13089040 00024601 RM7 1993 7/14/2015 13089041 00024665 RM3 1992 4/21/2015 13089054 00027831 RM3 1993 4/1/2015 13089059 00028872 RM3 1993 9/16/2015 13089060 00029604 RM5 1994 7/7/2015 13089064 00031137 RM11 1994 8/25/2015 13089065 00031142 RM11 1994 2/5/2015 13089076 00032564 RM7 1994 2/16/2015 13089080 00032587 RM7 1994 7/2/2015 13089081 00032663 RM3 1993 4/21/2015 13089116 00034171 RM5 1994 3/19/2015 13089131 00035933 RM7 2003 8/25/2015 13089135 00035938 RM11 2003 2/16/2015 13089145 00036676 RM5 2003 9/16/2015 13089152 00037212 RM7 1993 7/14/2015 13089154 00037779 RT11 1994 11/30/2015 13089158 00037821 RM7 1992 5/28/2015 13089167 00038412 RM2 1994 4/1/2015 13089169 00040049 RM11 1994 6/4/2015 13089174 00042222 RM5 2004 3/30/2015 13089175 00042223 RM5 2004 2/18/2015 13089178 00042438 RM23 2004 10/5/2015 Staff_PR_093 Attachment A Page 32 of 40 33 Asset Number Meter Number Model Mfg Year Test Date 13089186 00044420 RM23 2004 7/13/2015 13089207 00051314 RM16 2005 4/29/2015 13089210 00056661 RM7 2005 8/11/2015 13089214 00056666 RM7 2005 6/4/2015 13089217 00301393 RT7 2006 7/1/2015 13089218 00301394 RT3 2006 4/22/2015 13089218 00301394 RT3 2006 7/1/2015 13089231 00301408 RT11 2008 7/7/2015 13089238 00301416 RT5 2006 4/1/2015 13089239 00301417 RT3 2006 3/23/2015 13089240 00301418 RT3 2006 3/24/2015 13089246 00301448 RT5 2006 7/17/2015 13089252 00336194 RT2 2003 4/28/2015 13089261 00340588 RT3 2003 5/19/2015 13089263 00340590 RT3 2003 2/16/2015 13089265 00340593 RT3 2003 5/19/2015 13089278 00500947 AM5.5 2011 10/1/2015 13089286 00513214 AM5.5 2012 12/29/2015 13089293 00513388 AM5.5 2012 11/11/2015 53080187 00553217 AM3.5 2015 6/23/2015 53080186 00553218 AM3.5 2015 6/23/2015 53080185 00553219 AM3.5 2015 6/23/2015 53080184 00553220 AM3.5 2015 6/23/2015 53080183 00553221 AM3.5 2015 6/23/2015 13089320 00628103 RT3 2006 2/16/2015 13089322 00628105 RT3 2006 3/23/2015 13089324 00628107 RT3 2006 3/30/2015 13089326 00628109 RT3 2006 3/24/2015 29326333 00629611 RT5 2006 4/22/2015 13089328 00653736 AM3.5 2009 5/20/2015 13089329 00653737 AM3.5 2009 4/28/2015 13089335 00653743 AM3.5 2009 8/26/2015 13089337 00653745 AM3.5 2009 9/14/2015 13089340 00653748 AM3.5 2009 8/25/2015 13089343 00653751 AM3.5 2009 10/29/2015 13089346 00653754 AM3.5 2009 5/20/2015 13089348 00653756 AM3.5 2009 7/8/2015 13089350 00653758 AM3.5 2009 7/9/2015 13089352 00653760 AM3.5 2009 8/27/2015 13089357 00653765 AM3.5 2009 2/9/2015 13089357 00653765 AM3.5 2009 4/29/2015 13089361 00653769 AM5.5 2009 9/14/2015 13089384 00653792 AM7 2009 7/7/2015 13089387 00653795 AM7 2009 9/15/2015 13089395 00653803 AM7 2009 4/14/2015 Staff_PR_093 Attachment A Page 33 of 40 34 Asset Number Meter Number Model Mfg Year Test Date 13089399 00653807 AM16 2009 11/30/2015 13089404 00653812 AM3.5 2009 4/27/2015 13089406 00653814 AM3.5 2009 3/12/2015 13089406 00653814 AM3.5 2009 5/12/2015 13089409 00653817 AM3.5 2009 6/8/2015 13089417 00653825 AM3.5 2009 2/9/2015 13089417 00653825 AM3.5 2009 2/19/2015 13089419 00653827 AM3.5 2009 8/20/2015 13089419 00653827 AM3.5 2009 6/9/2015 13089423 00653831 AM3.5 2009 4/21/2015 13089440 00653848 AM5.5 2009 7/8/2015 13089465 00653873 AM1.5 2009 8/4/2015 13089472 00653880 AM3.5 2009 8/17/2015 13089473 00653881 AM3.5 2009 3/17/2015 13089473 00653881 AM3.5 2009 9/14/2015 13089474 00653882 AM3.5 2009 8/12/2015 13089475 00653883 AM3.5 2009 7/23/2015 13089477 00653885 AM7 2009 9/8/2015 13089482 00656720 AM3.5 2010 8/3/2015 13089483 00656721 AM3.5 2010 4/21/2015 13089484 00656722 AM3.5 2010 8/4/2015 13089485 00656723 AM3.5 2010 11/4/2015 13089486 00656724 AM3.5 2010 4/2/2015 13089487 00656725 AM3.5 2010 4/30/2015 13089490 00656728 AM3.5 2010 4/27/2015 13089491 00656729 AM3.5 2010 7/22/2015 13089492 00656730 AM3.5 2010 12/2/2015 13089493 00656731 AM3.5 2010 10/1/2015 13089494 00656732 AM3.5 2010 6/18/2015 13089496 00656734 AM3.5 2010 9/1/2015 13089497 00656735 AM3.5 2010 9/10/2015 13089498 00656736 AM3.5 2010 8/17/2015 13089501 00656739 AM3.5 2010 9/24/2015 13089502 00656740 AM5.5 2010 9/22/2015 13089503 00656741 AM5.5 2010 8/25/2015 13089506 00661234 AM16 2011 4/28/2015 13089530 00724691 RT3 2007 6/22/2015 13089561 00746426 RT11 2007 4/2/2015 13089564 00746430 RT7 2007 3/31/2015 13089569 00746435 RT7 2007 4/23/2015 13089570 00751415 RT3 2007 8/24/2015 13089571 00751416 RT3 2007 3/23/2015 13089580 00751425 RT5 2007 6/2/2015 13089651 00836810 RT2 2008 4/1/2015 13089654 00836813 RT3 2008 2/26/2015 Staff_PR_093 Attachment A Page 34 of 40 35 Asset Number Meter Number Model Mfg Year Test Date 13089660 00836819 RT3 2008 3/30/2015 13089675 00848553 RT16 2008 1/22/2015 13089685 00862981 RT2 2008 7/6/2015 13089693 00862990 RT3 2008 5/26/2015 13089696 00862993 RT5 2008 2/16/2015 13089699 00862996 RT5 2008 4/1/2015 13089702 00862999 RT5 2008 7/2/2015 13089706 00863003 RT7 2008 2/19/2015 13089709 00863006 RT7 2008 2/19/2015 13089710 00863008 RT11 2008 3/30/2015 13089712 00863010 RT11 2008 3/30/2015 13089713 00863011 RT11 2008 3/31/2015 13089718 00919283 RT11 2009 11/9/2015 13089724 00932397 RM5 1993 8/3/2015 13089730 00940704 RT5 2009 6/15/2015 13089733 00940707 RT5 2009 3/26/2015 13089734 00940709 RT5 2009 6/23/2015 13089735 00940710 RT3 2009 6/18/2015 13089736 00940711 RT5 2009 8/4/2015 13089740 00940715 RT7 2009 7/8/2015 13089772 01034462 RT5 2010 8/20/2015 13089773 01038348 RT3 2010 7/13/2015 13089779 01038354 RT5 2010 8/21/2015 13089781 01038356 RT7 2010 12/2/2015 13089793 01136492 RT3 2011 9/10/2015 13089796 01136495 RT3 2011 9/10/2015 13089797 01136496 RT3 2011 8/17/2015 13089803 01136502 RT5 2011 8/4/2015 13089829 01227154 RT2 2012 12/1/2015 13089845 01250428 RT5 2012 6/24/2015 13089855 01254374 RT5 2012 1/29/2015 13089866 01255839 RT3 2012 5/18/2015 13089869 01257119 RT11 2012 8/3/2015 13089870 01257120 RT11 2012 4/16/2015 13089870 01257120 RT11 2012 4/23/2015 13089900 01414019 RT5 2014 1/19/2015 13089902 01414021 RT3 2014 9/2/2015 13089903 01414022 RT3 2014 4/23/2015 13089904 01414023 RT3 2014 8/21/2015 13089906 01414025 RT3 2014 10/5/2015 13089907 01414026 RT3 2014 6/12/2015 13089908 01414027 RT3 2014 1/29/2015 13089910 01414029 RT5 2014 1/19/2015 13089911 01414030 RT5 2014 4/15/2015 13089912 01414031 RT5 2014 11/30/2015 Staff_PR_093 Attachment A Page 35 of 40 36 Asset Number Meter Number Model Mfg Year Test Date 13089918 01420912 RT3 2014 7/8/2015 13089919 01420913 RT3 2014 11/30/2015 22102005 01423340 RT7 2014 8/20/2015 22102013 01423348 RT16 2012 6/16/2015 13089921 01423351 RT7 2014 4/15/2015 13089921 01423351 RT7 2014 4/28/2015 13089923 01423353 RT7 2014 12/1/2015 13089924 01423354 RT7 2014 6/22/2015 13089926 01423356 RT7 2014 9/2/2015 13089929 01423359 RT11 2014 6/24/2015 78028593 01547047 RT3 2015 8/17/2015 78028589 01547051 RT3 2015 8/17/2015 78028586 01547054 RT3 2015 8/17/2015 78028583 01547057 RT3 2015 8/17/2015 78028652 01547058 RT5 2015 8/17/2015 78028651 01547059 RT5 2015 8/17/2015 78028650 01547060 RT5 2015 8/17/2015 78028649 01547061 RT5 2015 8/17/2015 78028646 01547064 RT5 2015 8/17/2015 78028645 01547065 RT5 2015 8/17/2015 78028644 01547066 RT5 2015 8/17/2015 78028643 01547067 RT5 2015 8/17/2015 13089942 06990213 RM3 1999 2/18/2015 13089950 06990221 RM3 1999 11/11/2015 13089951 06990222 RM3 1999 2/25/2015 13089972 06990245 RM11 1999 3/31/2015 13089978 06990271 RM3 1999 3/30/2015 13089979 06990272 RM3 1999 4/22/2015 13089979 06990272 RM3 1999 6/22/2015 13089981 06990274 RM3 1999 8/26/2015 13090013 08829323 RT3 1988 8/4/2015 13090018 08924405 RT3 1990 8/25/2015 13090019 08924629 RT5 1989 10/7/2015 13090036 09128804 RT11 1991 4/28/2015 13090047 09235981 RT16 1992 4/28/2015 13090049 09238117 RT3 1993 10/22/2015 13090058 09321211 RT16 1993 4/28/2015 13090063 09321297 RT5 1993 8/24/2015 13090067 09333703 RT3 1993 8/25/2015 13090068 09333704 RT3 1993 4/21/2015 13090068 09333704 RT3 1993 4/23/2015 13090070 09333706 RT5 1993 4/15/2015 13090073 09422211 RT11 2008 8/27/2015 13090079 09425265 RT5 1994 12/9/2015 13090103 09431902 RT5 1994 9/15/2015 Staff_PR_093 Attachment A Page 36 of 40 37 Asset Number Meter Number Model Mfg Year Test Date 13090110 09431945 RT3 1994 7/27/2015 13090111 09432386 RT7 1994 5/26/2015 13090112 09432387 RT7 1994 12/9/2015 13090113 09432389 RT16 1994 4/14/2015 13090124 09438003 RT3 1994 8/25/2015 13090157 09535004 D15C 1995 9/16/2015 13090169 09541848 RT7 1995 12/21/2015 13090175 09545004 RT3 1995 2/25/2015 13090182 09545294 RT7 1995 4/21/2015 13090188 09547409 RT3 1995 8/24/2015 13090200 09620821 RT11 1996 4/20/2015 13090201 09620823 RT11 1996 8/25/2015 13090204 09620826 RT5 1996 4/29/2015 13090207 09620829 RT5 1996 3/31/2015 13090213 09620835 RT3 1996 3/19/2015 13090217 09621493 RT3 1996 4/30/2015 13090218 09621494 RT3 1996 8/19/2015 13090223 09621607 RT16 1996 4/14/2015 13090224 09623408 RT3 1996 7/9/2015 13090225 09623409 RT3 1996 8/4/2015 13090227 09623411 RT3 1996 7/9/2015 13090232 09623422 RT5 1996 4/15/2015 13090235 09623425 RT5 1996 8/4/2015 13090251 09623442 D15C 1996 8/10/2015 13090252 09623444 RT5 1996 4/16/2015 13090254 09623447 RT5 1996 12/2/2015 13090260 09623455 RT11 1996 8/4/2015 13090269 09624700 RT3 1996 2/23/2015 13090271 09624702 RT3 1996 4/20/2015 13090274 09637945 RT16 1996 6/26/2015 13090279 09645123 RT5 1996 11/3/2015 13090289 09645988 RT7 1996 7/17/2015 13090291 09645990 RT7 1996 6/3/2015 13090292 09645991 RT7 1996 11/11/2015 13090293 09646372 D15C 1996 10/13/2015 13090313 09648326 RT3 1996 1/27/2015 13090317 09649412 RT5 1996 5/14/2015 13090318 09649413 RT5 1996 4/28/2015 13090320 09650079 RT11 1996 8/14/2015 13090323 09650082 RT3 1996 12/8/2015 13090324 09650083 RT3 1996 4/1/2015 13090326 09650085 RT3 1996 6/25/2015 13090328 09650087 RT3 1996 4/23/2015 13090329 09650088 RT7 1996 1/29/2015 13090330 09650089 RT7 1996 6/4/2015 Staff_PR_093 Attachment A Page 37 of 40 38 Asset Number Meter Number Model Mfg Year Test Date 13090332 09650091 RT7 1996 4/28/2015 13090346 09722924 RT3 1997 4/2/2015 13090348 09722928 RT3 1997 7/29/2015 13090361 09725130 RT7 1996 8/11/2015 13090383 09734793 RT5 1996 4/28/2015 13090384 09734794 RT5 1996 8/27/2015 13090387 09734797 RT5 1996 8/17/2015 13090390 09734800 RT3 1996 6/23/2015 13090401 09740646 RT5 1997 5/20/2015 13090415 09746198 RT7 1997 4/13/2015 13090415 09746198 RT7 1997 4/14/2015 13090418 09746203 RT5 1997 6/1/2015 13090419 09746204 RT5 1997 8/19/2015 13090425 09747804 RT3 1997 4/30/2015 13090430 09747809 RT3 1997 6/2/2015 13090441 09749530 D15C 1997 2/24/2015 13090448 09749539 RT3 1997 3/18/2015 13090453 09749544 RT3 1997 7/9/2015 13090458 09756152 RT11 1997 7/21/2015 13090461 09756155 RT16 1997 4/27/2015 13090462 09756156 RT16 1997 8/5/2015 13090465 09825187 RT3 1996 11/16/2015 13090471 09825193 RT3 1996 2/18/2015 13090474 09825196 RT3 1996 3/30/2015 13090476 09825198 RT3 1996 5/20/2015 13090493 09825215 RT7 1996 4/15/2015 13090496 09825218 RT11 1996 3/30/2015 13090502 09827490 D15C 1998 10/6/2015 13090512 09827505 RT3 1998 8/17/2015 13090514 09827508 RT3 1998 4/29/2015 13090518 09827512 RT5 1998 4/22/2015 13090527 09843422 RT3 1998 8/4/2015 13090530 09843425 RT5 1998 4/28/2015 13090543 09846164 D15C 1998 11/3/2015 13090544 09846168 D15C 1998 3/19/2015 13090558 09849574 RT3 1998 9/23/2015 13090560 09849577 RT5 1998 8/12/2015 13090569 09850945 RT11 1998 3/31/2015 13090570 09850946 RT11 1998 4/1/2015 13090571 09850949 RT16 1997 4/30/2015 13090577 09852233 D15C 1998 8/26/2015 13090578 09852234 RT3 1998 3/23/2015 13090583 09853804 RT16 1997 10/30/2015 13090584 09853863 RT16 1998 7/15/2015 Staff_PR_093 Attachment A Page 38 of 40 39 SUMMARY – PRESCRIPTIVE TESTING, TURBINE METERS Summary Results 42 42 0 0 55 Staff_PR_093 Attachment A Page 39 of 40 40 PRESCRIPTIVE TESTING DATA, TURBINE METERS Asset Number Meter Number Model Mfg Year Test Date 13090588 00022002 4TURBO 1974 10/1/2015 13090589 00025063 6TURBO 1971 9/15/2015 13090590 00025201 8TURBO 1974 4/29/2015 13090591 00025499 8TURBO 1974 9/15/2015 13090593 00025800 4TURBO 2002 10/27/2015 13090594 00025899 4TURBO 1972 9/22/2015 13090595 00026115 8TURBO 1976 9/30/2015 13090596 00027535 6TURBO 1976 4/7/2015 13090597 00032511 4TURBO 1977 3/12/2015 13090598 00032518 4TURBO 1977 8/11/2015 13090601 00032573 4TURBO 1980 9/21/2015 13090605 00032706 8TURBO 1976 3/10/2015 13090606 00032760 6TURBO 1986 6/29/2015 13090607 00032798 6TURBO 1989 4/16/2015 13090608 00032818 8TURBO 1987 9/23/2015 13090610 00032871 6TURBO 1987 2/10/2015 13090618 00033546 4TURBO 1992 10/29/2015 13090623 00036711 6TURBO 1992 9/21/2015 13090625 00042677 8TURBO 1972 5/19/2015 13090631 00300184 3GT 2004 10/1/2015 13090634 00300996 3GT 1998 9/3/2015 13090635 00300997 3GT 1998 9/17/2015 13090638 00301409 6TURBO 1988 9/29/2015 13090639 00415720 4TURBO 1971 12/24/2015 13090641 00935898 6TURBO 1991 3/9/2015 13090642 00935899 6TURBO 1991 4/28/2015 13090644 00957276 3GT 2000 3/13/2015 13090646 00967870 3GT 1997 5/19/2015 13090649 01822015 6TURBO 1993 7/15/2015 13090651 04111226 4TURBO 1980 9/8/2015 13090652 06848033 4TURBO/30 1999 11/4/2015 13090653 07602204 4TURBO 1999 9/30/2015 13090655 08996021 4TURBO 2001 9/10/2015 13090657 08996023 6TURBO 2001 10/29/2015 13090658 08996855 4TURBO 2001 5/5/2015 13090659 09819763 6TURBO 2003 9/30/2015 13090661 14324855 4TURBO 2006 3/9/2015 13090663 16129323 6TURBO 2009 6/8/2015 13090665 16129325 4TURBO 2009 6/17/2015 13090666 16129326 4TURBO 2009 9/15/2015 13090667 16129327 6TURBO 2009 7/15/2015 13090669 16307880 4TURBO 2010 9/30/2015 End of Report Staff_PR_093 Attachment A Page 40 of 40