HomeMy WebLinkAbout20170111AVU to Staff 1-6.pdfAvista Corp. 1411 East Mission P.O. Box3727 Spokane. Washington 99220-0500 Telephone 509-489-0500 J.iVISTJI" Toll Free 800-727-9170 January 10, 2017 Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 W. Washington St. Boise, ID 83720-0074 Attn: Daphne Huang Deputy Attorney General Re: Production Request of the Commission Staff in Case No. AVU-G-16-03 Dear Ms. Huang, \~ .. ;_ ~' ... _, , ... :;..: :-; -\J-4 ~;-- (fl~ (J) 0 z Corp. ~ = ......., L-;;o :;:... ~ rn 0 rn < ::P" rn ::i:: CJ C) -.J Enclosed on a separate CD and on paper, are copies of Avista's responses to IPUC Staffs production requests in the above referenced docket. Included in this mailing is A vista's response to production request Staff 001-006. The electronic versions of the responses were emailed on 01/10/17. If there are any questions regarding the enclosed information, please contact Wendy Manskey at (509) 495-4565 or via e-mail at wendy.manskey@avistacorp.com Sincerely, Wen Manskey Rates Coordinator Enclosures CC (Email): IPUC (Holt) JURISDICTION: CASE NO.: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO.: REQUEST: AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION IDAHO A VU-G-16-03 IPUC Production Request Staff-01 DATE PREPARED: WITNESS: RESPONDER: DEPARTMENT: TELEPHONE: 01/12/2017 NIA Tom Pardee Natural Gas Resources (509) 495-2159 Page 1 of the A vista 2016 Natural Gas IRP Appendix lists organizations and representatives that participated in the 2016 Natural Gas IRP TAC meetings. Please provide the telephonic and in­ person attendance records for each of the TAC meetings, including attendee names and corresponding organizations. Additionally, please provide copies of any notifications, flyers, or publications sent to the public regarding the 2016 Natural Gas IRP. RESPONSE: Please see Staff_PR_Ol Attachment A for the attendees at each Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) meeting during the 2016 Natural Gas IRP. Throughout the planning phase of the 2016 IRP, the presentations and meeting locations were all posted to the Avista Utilities website (www.avistautilities.com) under the "Inside Avista" section link to "Resources and Transmission Services". More importantly there is contact information for any individual or entity requesting to participate in this planning process. Page 1 of 1 Avista 2016 Integrated Resource Plan - Technical Advisory Group Meeting '&·f~~- Name I T~V"'"-r!nt!f2Z!~~~ 'lr~w E t.-A-M /fl, t: /A,;e./ ~-//c. -1 C ~(\S \Jv\.ch_~, ,re_ ,~f!~tI~ Jr~wn~ ~1). ~ r<-Q..-'('(VJ 5 ~ti ·~ ~~&~ Staff_PR_01 Attachment A Company VwfJ~ A\j1SCA Afh) Jl/attva ! Y:-da!t.o Puc /I v: ~ f.. Wu..K­ )j(lr5f~ A\J LS1A A~ ,-s\t'--' trVl~ January 21, 2016 Email Address ~ ~ '"~ t . "!.' c '""'' ,..,,.._ .o> r. w /\ c.. I: <Av :1. /. c.:. i Yv, 1:3/@nw /lttl/;vtf'! t" c:J/77 /'vf~ ft;? ( ,::(A,(@ p~c_, t'da."1..>., 7" ,J ,n,·k, ) , /f b-'1 (!! 4.. v . S f.... cc,,/· C-c.~ C.\'V\(..~v-, re.@ v...h. w e ... ~ c,/ . i rlff.11 <!.f:.., #16 w~ ? ~ r,'fq (;_"'I · Q.IYVL­ (f n.A"-fl . fi, -o.S''1 n-,. '2. A.vi "'"A wi-p . u N\. ke... i" \. S \. """'-' ~ ON · ,)-n ... cfc.V.vO , ('\)(If'. ~ -. J I l<Mj(,P,,yU,, ~ ~ ltM~-t(!>'Yl Page 1 of 7 Avista 2016 Integrated Resource Plan - Technical Advisory Group Meeting Name f;{l{.t. Cvtv1 u.,~ £!) ,-:{AJ /tLf'( ffl Nl i( 5C'v0<,& S-1/ A().G HA) L-t51\ G, '()f2S.~f. Kc;v w Ke rt Company oRPu<L AW rJ 8 v._ c ,;1~0 e:- 6 PUC- I pu Cl. [)CMl1 ;{, rsdtner !Ju) Staff_PR_01 Attachment A January 21, 2016 Email Address Page 2 of 7 Avista 2016 Integrated Resource Plan - Technical Advisory Group Meeting Name ~ )~ V/1\...) 1' :~>J;- f;r ,·c. { o/ vtl I'-..... Na, J: (\ e. II(). II ha.{\ Tirr i c"I, (' I Ov\<... .:..JO O y f-/Jol?E l+(}uSE ~L-ttl') F7ne~; vc ~r <:M E 1::J7. e ~~~ 2- l~:::.1Cu\ Robcrhof\ -~.LJ() R~"" Boc-<-l c ,, f't I c. _j) C-0 -rr- :· '·r<> ei.t.,y ..:S-A~ ~,--/ n ci s J M.C/&tuJ ,-.tJ -.JO.n'\~5 G:,e;. \ '\ ~~" l 7 0 '(\~ 0£ /313.t~ .5 ,· /)') 0 c..k r;: V 1 \( ~V/lll\ "J ,Jc e--µ; ~.s ri_. l(:/1c ( 1 I Ml).~ Sl, ()/'OWf\ L l ~t:t. U')o r..c ,.,..~ Ka.co.,e.-0V1to.Ad. l if S1aff_PR_01 Attachment A A v,~1-;1 4 //Si C1 Company ,A v:j,rq -/fvl¥tffJ 7Fan.s~~~ C c. ':>c lLcie !V,../1µ rt / f;« s A/ttJ ;(_( ttf tcra1 1\/ \IV t\/ .,,r-, n / /A,, ;,'J/) ( lj~~ \rA,.~:>~N~ \)J l\.T"L At ,s.\-A /:t-J \ ~\O\ A,v:->"Hr A.v' r, \t; w~ 1\v,~:.+,, orv<- orv<... Pf£ February 18, 2016 Email Address ~· y r 'V C . .Z-o/:lPO. Go l ,,a". 'J b {:! i \.v-'rlc... h --,.c,l, (,..: ,I-\ '{;e,c, S t..o JJ O AVI.S1Z}Col2f. u /\o. j~-5~ @~~~ck.. ~ C..'t-4--L'j lA,.~ f ~Q V..tt... ~.Jo .J le>\,\~~ \'i d"'S<!Jctvf5{>i.Corf. t o~ J_ e.hb; e., S • 1\"i O ~e:> ft IJ/$/-A torl-p. Q_a '7 ev1\t....Sor~~ @Qv,.,'\~c.o.,.r .c.o w1 ,.,,,A'-,/. L>.;pp.r~.t~<Z/ M//~ . .e---. \ Page 3 of 7 Avista 2016 Integrated Resource Plan - Technical Advisory Group Meeting Name , h tL 1lt, v S:duc((~ , [hr,\ NllCjll1l<L- i f fr(., Col t/i ({ e... lZ-.e,~ Stu/1 ~ r r i C ~ r / ~('- j'\ (X 5-1. i3 (/Jv)n l ;')'1_ l,,-,u r5.JV/\. oc iM,{l .... ~~ C\L \\~ {\ \ \\.l\ \c.a.a L C VlM& \e,,r ' \) 1 I ()J\ ~O~Q,,( \ <;o "'. 1 ~) 1-\ I\IJV ~\},.~ [\ w tf,f (") w ,..J or>'/ IY)o~~ e Da,-r",J n10..ci10..clo ~i-6'1 '9£~u H G-n-l't-"-1'1"° ~. 1; o-~'-( Ti+ Staff_PR_01 Attachment A A~fl l.J ~ UT l oPu~ IPUl o'Jt O"{,f/L CI( )Cl{~l- N uJ rJ Av 1-S,174 AVI STA frV/~-A A \/ 1..rr-A Company '3() March 3:6; 2016 Email Address Page 4 of 7 Avista 2016 Integrated Resource Plan - Technical Advisory Group Meeting Name -, , tt1u·u /J/l !...Jrr:.. l1ur .. V\ p;!,\e':::> .J vu (J)~01 'f-12, tf,{\ \)a"-t<',rsc~ j Ck YY"\.P s 0 c.. (1 [')..Z0/J I & ~, h,D c_,...--..)0 /, I l ';.? vt.) -) °'-' rl\ L, S1aff_PR_01 Attachment A Company IF-, .,.:'1 Av i·~J c, ~lf\J Gos Asset1cr1 ion ,. A-v\S,A- i; ..s/~1 Jv,'~ /.., t,C cuf) 3a March 16, 2016 Email Address ----d~«;C:~,~~}~r:r J '-J 4 VAc:>$ -C, c.. Ll ~ ~~s ~ c 0rp (.._..___ dc.bb: e . ~1 r.,o;;/Jd_=)R-1./,'.s+f) <!..o,<P, e._1J ,,.,, /o h,1 /t/0 ,'iJ{JC'fv j ~ {()I'/ --Cuvz,, Page 5 of 7 Avista 2016 Integrated Resource Plan - Technical Advisory Group Meeting Name t v•Ll I lU (Jc/ CU".,_,_ ~tf'~n'?. t:. IJ1~w'lll 13t i J.g cl ~t-ev Ch f I > v'A C.. Gt~ v-0-... H ~1.S o/\ \<aN-,o f\. Lill t_ (!_ l) Li../' <-LE If~. I. ~ tlrl 1-}e:-b- WV-TC- ~ U <,'\.- Company C) pu<L YV\.A'? ST f51lewAJ D /JU Q_ ~(L,K.__ ~ vf.tW:,~ tJ (]_ ,,\,SC IH)"e l) IL 1 /'\-N ~ r?,1.:.c.JuN ('__ M e~t:?'i.. C.M-n;" 'Sr-Acy f Pa c_ I Pue;. C '* ~D s-rn ()S-~ ('~~~ Staff_PR_01 Attachment A tJ vJ I G l{ /)~£ April 21, 2016 Email Address blus-h~Y Q ~w' ieJ~V\Q_Yt) 'f 5Y()v'-p ;( <ft/VI c_,~3v...\~~--+z... ~-~OJ Page 6 of 7 Avista 2016 Integrated Resource Plan - Technical Advisory Group Meeting Name ~///V~~ ~Dy /L/l OR_£tf(/US€ ofZ.P.~ I). ~o -0 ..S ' I 'H-1 -rd,v 1 L 1c,.,)li_ 1 ·M~10I rt ~,M Kj an Fin e_s i I vvr Staff_PR_01 Attachment A Company /~UC A11rVA A \.11..S TA l v1Si v1 ~vv (y s Ass« '°'11vr1 A v15+u. April 21, 2016 Email Address ~ ...... z,•./. /c::z;-y Ir® /~C. /L//9/../~ . Got/ 1cir/.+~~hl~#'.;~r~ Page 7 of 7 JURISDICTION: CASE NO.: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO.: REQUEST: AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION IDAHO A VU-G-16-03 IPUC Production Request Staff-02 DATE PREPARED: WITNESS: RESPONDER: DEPARTMENT: TELEPHONE: 01/12/2017 NIA Tom Pardee Natural Gas Resources (509) 495-2159 On page 133 of the Avista 2016 Natural Gas IRP, the Company states: "Over the longer-term, targeted conservation programs may provide a cumulative benefit that could offset potential constraint areas and may be an effective strategy." Please describe any targeted conservation programs that have been considered in Idaho. As part of the response, please explain how the Company evaluates and measures the cost-effectiveness of these programs. If the Company has not considered targeted conservation programs in Idaho, please explain why not and describe plans for future consideration. RESPONSE: The Company has not offered targeted locational DSM programs in Idaho to date, primarily due to difficulty in measuring individual projects on a complex interconnected system. The Demand Side Management group will work closely with Gas Supply and Gas Engineering to determine projects that are 5 -10 years and may fit within a pilot program. These projects will include targeted marketing and "super" incentives to help determine the effectiveness of targeted locational DSM offerings. Page 1 oft JURISDICTION: CASE NO.: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO.: REQUEST: AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION IDAHO A VU-G-16-03 IPUC Production Request Staff-03 DATE PREPARED: WITNESS: RESPONDER: DEPARTMENT: TELEPHONE: 01/12/2017 NIA Tom Pardee Natural Gas Resources (509) 495-2159 On page 46 of the Avista 2016 Natural Gas IRP, the Company states: "Since the benefits of deferred capacity are a one-time cost, the benefits would be spread over the life of a typical distribution upgrade (35 years) as an avoided payment. This component of avoided costs was not included in this IRP and will be discussed with A vista's DSM Advisory Group as well as the TAC to determine the correct approach for the 2018 IRP." Please explain why this component of the avoided cost was not included in this IRP. Furthermore, please provide schedules for discussions and meetings with the DSM Advisory Group and TAC where the topic of distribution avoided costs will be addressed. If schedules have not been established, provide best estimates for when discussions and meetings will occur. RESPONSE: The analysis for deferred distribution capacity was not complete in time to be included within the 2016 IRP. While specific schedules have not been formulated for the 2018 IRP, this item will likely be covered at the Spring Advisory Group meeting and the first TAC meeting of the 2018 IRP, where conservation is presented and discussed. Pagel of l A VISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION JURISDICTION: CASE NO.: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO.: REQUEST: IDAHO AVU-G-16-03 IPUC Production Request Staff-04 DATE PREPARED: WITNESS: RESPONDER: DEPARTMENT: TELEPHONE: 01/12/2017 NIA Tom Pardee Natural Gas Resources (509) 495-2159 On page 111 of the Avista 2016 Natural Gas IRP, the Company states that no supply resource deficiencies exist under the Average Case or Expected Case scenarios within the 20-year planning horizon. However, the Company shows that several distribution resource projects will be required within the planning horizon. Please explain how the Company considered DSM as a least-cost way to defer or avoid the distribution projects listed in Table 7 .1 of the Avista 2016 Natural Gas IRP, particularly when it did not include the value of deferred distribution capacity in the avoided cost calculation. RESPONSE: The projects listed in table 7.1 have been identified as necessary distribution reinforcements to maintain system capacity. Gas distribution load study analysis results have found capacity constraints and the inability to maintain minimum pressures in each area (LaGrande, North Spokane, Coeur d ' Alene, and Schweitzer Mountain Rd) under cold weather conditions. Although DSM can reduce total demand, the effects of DSM on the specific geographic areas (listed in table 7.1) are either too little or negligible to defer or avoid any of the projects listed in Table 7 .1. _,_ -Location 2018 2017 2018 La Grande High Pressure $3,500,000 Reinforcement North Spokane $2,000,000 Reinforcement Coeur d'Alene High Pressure $250,000 $4,000,000 $4,000,000 Reinforcement Schweitzer Mountain Rd High $1,500,000 Pressure Reinforcement *Details of project described in IRP as of August 2016 Page 1 of 1 JURISDICTION: CASE NO.: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO.: REQUEST: A VISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION IDAHO DATE PREPARED: 01/12/2017 A VU-G-16-03 WITNESS: NIA IPUC RESPONDER: Tom Pardee Production Request DEPARTMENT: Natural Gas Resources Staff-05 TELEPHONE: (509) 495-2159 Please provide a detailed description of the Coeur d'Alene High Pressure Reinforcement project listed in Table 7 .1 to include why the project is needed, how much capacity will be added, what alternatives the Company explored, and why this is the least-cost solution. RESPONSE: A Description of the Coeur d'Alene High Pressure Reinforcement project can be found on page 136 of the 2016 Natural Gas IRP. This project will reinforce the Coeur d'Alene distribution system as well as greatly improve the Hayden Lake distribution system, which currently cannot maintain adequate pressure during cold winter conditions. Approximately 17,200 feet of High Pressure (HP) steel gas main and two district regulator stations will be designed in 2016 with construction in 2017 and 2018. This project is needed because on a 70 HDD, the eastern part of the Coeur d' Alene distribution experiences low pressure. The Coeur d' Alene High Pressure Reinforcement will allow the system to maintain necessary pressures up to an 82 HDD (design day conditions). Since the Williams Northwest Pipeline's CDA Lateral is at capacity the Coeur d'Alene High Pressure Reinforcement project will help shift existing load from that lateral to GTN-TransCanada's pipeline. Upon completion of the project, the additional capacity of the high pressure reinforcement with two proposed regulation stations added will be 428 Meth (82 HDD projected load + 20% growth factor). There were numerous alternatives explored for this project, including analysis of several combinations of routes and pressure levels. This resulted in six proposals for engineering evaluation and design considerations. Contracting with Williams NWP to add capacity to their CDA Lateral is more costly and does not allow the flexibility to purchase gas from either pipeline during off-peak times to maximize gas purchasing. Finally, contracting for additional capacity from Williams NWP does not build any additional reliability into Avista's distribution system as it does not bring in a second gas source (GTN) like the high pressure reinforcement does. The Coeur d' Alene High Pressure Reinforcement project will consist of the least cost route because of its maximum system pressure improvement, shortest route, and it provides the ability to coordinate with local city road projects to reduce the impacts to the public and the cost of construction. Page 1 ofl AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION JURISDICTION: CASE NO.: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO.: REQUEST: IDAHO A VU-G-16-03 IPUC Production Request Staff-06 DATE PREPARED: WITNESS: RESPONDER: DEPARTMENT: TELEPHONE: 01/12/2017 NIA Tom Pardee Natural Gas Resources (509) 495-2159 Please explain differences in A vista's projections of customer growth, consumption, and demand. For example on page 39, the Company projects customer growth of 1.1 %, but only predicts that demand will grow at a rate of 0.36%. Please provide any relevant workpapers with formulae intake. RESPONSE: Customer growth does not equate 1: 1 to demand growth. Customers are one aspect in calculating demand, but there are various other assumptions that influence demand. In addition to customers, the "achievable potential" measures of demand side management (DSM), along with a .015 price elasticity adjustment are the contributing factors to the rate at which demand is forecasted to grow. Table 1 below shows the varying assumptions between the Reference Case and Average Case. Use per Customer Prices Price curve Carbon Le islation ($/Ton) 3 yr Flat No Normal Expected None 3 yr Flat+ Price Elasticit Yes Normal Expected $9.89 -19.93 Using the Reference Case as a baseline, the chart contained in Staff PR 06 Attachment A illustrates how demand is influenced by layering on the varying assumptions. Also depicted in the chart is the direct effect on demand from the upward trajectory of DSM. Essentially, DSM programs and price elasticity are the reasons growth in demand is largely offset across the customer base. Page 1 of 1 Dth 30,000,000 25,000,000 20,000,000 15,000,000 10,000,000 5,000,000 C Reference Case and Average Case Demand vs. DSM and Elasticity WA/ID ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ y ~ ~ * @ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~v ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 0 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 0 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ -Reference Case WA/ID Demand (Dth) -DSM Impact on Demand -WA/ID (Dth) Staff_PR_06 Attachment A.XLSX Avg Case WA/ID Demand, including elasticity (Dth) -Elasticity Impact on Demand -WA/ID (Dth) -Avg Case WA/ID Demand, including elasticity & DSM (Dth) lof 1