HomeMy WebLinkAbout20150818AVU to Staff 90 Attachment D.pdfProject Statement of Scope Use Cases and Deliverable Template Version #:6 Avista Confidential Page 1 of 5 Project Name: Project Manager: Clarity Project ID: 8 digit number located beneath the Project Name in Clarity Acctg Project#: 8 digit number – in Clarity this is on the Properties tab, PMO Only menu under Financial Setup 1 Key Roles Fill in the names for each role below. x Project Sponsor: x Steering Committee: x Other Stakeholders: x Program Manager: 2 Project Manager (if known):Project Profile This is a Heading only – do not type in this space. Fill in the sections below to create the project profile. This profile refers to the project as a whole, not just to the “planning” phase. 2.1 Business Need Add two or three sentences describing the purpose of the project. This information can be copied from the ‘Business Need ‘section of the Project Initiation charter and modified if needed. 2.2 Who Benefits? Add two or three sentences describing how Avista stakeholders and customers benefit from the deliverables of the project. Can be copied from ‘Who benefits’ section of the Project Initiation Charter and modified as needed. 2.3 Who is impacted by this project? Describe in detail or provide a diagram showing all systems, processes, and/or teams that are impacted by the project. 2.4 Use Cases Create scenarios that describe how the product or deliverable will be used to accomplish the business need, then use the scenarios to help identify project requirements and deliverables. As an example, Clarity Use Cases might include: x Project Management workflow support in Clarity results in project workflow consistency across all ET projects x Automation of financials, grade of service, and other project data reduces administrative impact on Project Management time. . x x 2.5 Project Requirements and Deliverables Project deliverables define the scope of what is to be delivered in the project. This should include all requirements that, when delivered, will result in the business need being met to the satisfaction of the project sponsors and stakeholders. Begin with the project deliverables described in the project Charter and expand from there. The deliverables as described in the Statement of Scope should be more detailed than what is in the Charter. See requirements examples below which are based on use cases listed above: x Project management methodology as defined in the PMO project lifecycle diagram must be enforced by the Clarity project performance management system Staff_PR_090 Attachment D Page 1 of 5 Project Statement of Scope Use Cases and Deliverable Template Version #:6 Avista Confidential Page 2 of 5 x Project financial data must be imported from discoverer at least once per month x Grade of service attributes must be automatically calculated based on PMO defined criteria 2.6 What will not be delivered? List the functionality that stakeholders might presume to be a deliverable but is not, or related functionality that will be delivered in a future / separate project. Include why the steering committee decided not to include the functionality in the project. x Description: Clarity will replace tracker. Reason for being out of scope: Was deemed too complex for this project iteration 2.7 Where will technology be deployed? List Avista locations where technology will be deployed STOP HERE: See Appendix A for additional instructions 2.8 Task Analysis - Very rough order of Magnitude (VROM) Refer to the VROM (Plan for Planning) document found in the Planning section of the PMOffice > Project Management page for contact names for each discipline. After you have received VROM estimates from each discipline add the estimates to your Gantt and create a cost plan in Clarity. Export this cost plan to Excel and copy/paste the first five columns below following the example. Chg Code Role Planned Hrs Actual Hrs Var Hrs Capital CS Engineer 12 9 3 Capital CS Ops Engineer 6 3 3 Capital CT Tech JM 6 0 6 Capital NS Engineer 83 46 37 Capital Program Engineer 2 1 1 Capital Program Manager 29 17 12 Capital Project Manager 60 35 25 Capital SS Engineer 24 16 8 Expense SS Engineer 30 0 30 Capital SS Ops Engineer 2 2 0 Expense Project Manager 3 3 0 Staff_PR_090 Attachment D Page 2 of 5 Project Statement of Scope Use Cases and Deliverable Template Version #:6 Avista Confidential Page 3 of 5 257.42 2.9 Non-Labor costs in Planning Description Estimated Cost $ $ Total $ 3 Compliance and Controls The Compliance sections are NOT optional. These sections must be filled out for every project. part of the VROM analyses process – 4 Funding Checkpoint x Current approved CPR: x Actual spending life to date: x Estimated cost to complete planning: If the CPR is not sufficient to complete planning, please submit a Change Request for the additional funds needed. 4.1 Clarity Dashboard Copy the Financial Summary from the Clarity Dashboard Actuals Thru Blended Clarity Labor Product Professional Services Other Subtotals AFUDC Total at Completion Funded Amount, Excluding Contingency Contingency Funding Total Funded Amount Staff_PR_090 Attachment D Page 3 of 5 Project Statement of Scope Use Cases and Deliverable Template Version #:6 Avista Confidential Page 4 of 5 Contingency Funds Required Additional CPR Funding Required After the document is complete its recommended to have at least one peer review and then submit for approval via Clarity Staff_PR_090 Attachment D Page 4 of 5 Project Statement of Scope Use Cases and Deliverable Template Version #:6 Avista Confidential Page 5 of 5 APPENDIX A: CLARITY “DETAILED WBS PROJECT TEMPLATE” HELP DELETE THIS APPENDIX BEFORE SUBMITTING THE SCOPE FOR APPROVAL The black text below is copied directly from the Clarity “Detailed WBS Project Template”. These are PM tasks. The blue “help text” below provides additional information for each step of the standard process. Delete this section before sending for approval. x Identify project team members for VROM process & replace roles with workers o In Clarity assign the VROM tasks listed in the “Detailed WBS Project Template” to the associated roles and change the “ready to be filled” field to “yes”. x Draft v1 of Scope Document including Use Cases o Use the “Statement of Scope” template to create “Draft v1 of Scope and use cases”. For Refresh projects the initial scope is usually drafted by the Program Manager and Program Engineer. For Expansion work the initial draft may need input from a few key stakeholders. x Kick Off Meeting o Schedule a Kick off meeting and attach “Draft v1 of Scope Document” to the invite. If the roles have not yet been replaced with resources in Clarity you can invite the Resource Managers (RM) for each role to the meeting and they will forward to the assigned resource. To find the RM for a role in Clarity go to “Overview” and click on the “ET Roster” tab. x Modify Scope Document and distribute to all disciplines for VROM analysis o After the Kick-off meeting make any needed updates to the Scope document and then send the revised scope document to the resources assigned to the project. Attach or include a link to the “VROM (Plan for Planning)” worksheet found in the PMO Templates folder. They will use this to create the VROMs for planning. x Determine whether Business Control Impact Assessment is required (Milestone) o “Infrastructure only” projects may skip this step. For all other projects, send the scope document to Stacey Wenz to determine whether a Business Control Impact analysis is needed. If so, obtain requirements for Business Control Impact Assessment; add associated requirements to the list of Scope items, then mark this milestone in your MS Project file “complete”. x Determine whether Computer Controls Impact Assessment is required (Milestone) o Work with your Security Engineer (assigned above) to determine requirements related to the Computer Control Impact analysis. Add associated requirements to the list of Scope items then mark this milestone in your MS Project file “complete”. x Coordinate obtaining VROMs from all disciplines. o When you receive VROM estimates mark the VROM task for that discipline as complete and update your MS Project file in Clarity with the ETCs provided. o The VROM task list is the work each resource will do to create Work Packages and complete planning. Go to the Work Package section of the MS Project file, assign the Work Package tasks to the associated resources (the resource for Work Packages may differ from the resource for VROM), and input the ETC provided in the VROM analysis. Details about the work can be added as guidance or as individual tasks in the MS Project file. x SC Meeting - Finalize Scope based on VROM estimates o Conduct a Steering Committee meeting to review scope, VROMs, and cost to complete planning. If approved by SC, then make the “Scope Finalized” milestone as complete in your MS Project plan and move forward into the “Work Packages” portion of planning. Staff_PR_090 Attachment D Page 5 of 5