HomeMy WebLinkAbout20150818AVU to Staff 90 Attachment C.pdfProject Management Plan Template Version #:18 Avista Confidential Page 1 of 9 Blue help text is provided to assist in completing this form. It is important to delete the blue help text before submitting this document for approval! Project Name: Project Manager: Clarity Project ID: 8 digit number - in Clarity this is in the Properties tab under the project name Acctg Project#: 8 digit number – in Clarity this is on the Properties tab, PMO Only menu under Financial Setup 1 Key Roles Fill in the names for each role below. x Project Sponsor: x Steering Committee: x Other Stakeholders: x Program Manager: 2 Project Profile Sections 1.1 through 1.6 can be copied from the Scope document. 2.1 Business Need Copy from scope document 2.2 Who Benefits? Copy from scope document 2.3 Who is impacted by this project? Copy from scope document 2.4 Use Cases Copy from scope document 2.5 Project Requirements and Deliverables Copy from scope document 2.6 What will not be delivered? Copy from scope document Staff_PR_090 Attachment C Page 1 of 9 Project Management Plan Template Version #:18 Avista Confidential Page 2 of 9 2.7 Critical Success Factors These are the goals that the project success will be measured against. These should be measurable!! The critical success factors to meeting the goals of this project are: a) b) c) 3 Assumptions, Risks, & Constraints 3.1 Assumptions The following assumptions have been made: a) b) 3.2 Risk Management A risk is an uncertain event or condition that, if it occurs, has a positive or negative effect on a project's objectives. An issue is a risk which cannot be managed by the PM and needs to be referred to the Steering Committee for review/action. The risk register tracks project risks and impacts. Paste or summarize risks from the Clarity Risk Register here. 3.3 Constraints Constraints are a limiting factor that affects the execution of the project. The list of constraints below reflects our adherence to the “iron triangle” - scope, schedule, budget wherein, one side of the triangle cannot be changed without affecting the others. Select the one statement below that best describes this project and delete the others. Additional constraints may be added as needed. x Given a fixed scope, we will choose a level of resources and adjust schedule as necessary. x Given a fixed scope, we will choose a schedule and adjust resources as necessary. x Given a fixed schedule, we will choose a level of resources and adjust the scope as necessary. x Given a fixed schedule, we will choose a scope and adjust resources as necessary. x Given fixed budget /resources, we will choose a schedule and adjust the scope as necessary. x Given fixed budget/resources, we will choose a scope and adjust the schedule as necessary. Place one “X” in each column (one per row) to provide a visual queue as to this project’s Flexibility Matrix. Flexibility Matrix Low Flexibility Medium Flexibility High Flexibility x Note: Quality is always expected to be high 4 Major Milestones Staff_PR_090 Attachment C Page 2 of 9 Project Management Plan Template Version #:18 Avista Confidential Page 3 of 9 Fill in the Actual dates for the listed milestones. Add additional milestones as needed but do not remove the listed milestones unless a Description Actual or Planned Completion Date – Actual approval date – Actual approval date – Actual approval date – Planned date – Planned date – Planned date 5 Compliance and Controls 5.1 Business Controls impact statement and requirements Describe what Business Controls, if any, are impacted and the tasks that need to be done to meet Business Control requirements. If no impact put “N/A” 5.2 Business Continuity impact statement and requirements Describe any impact this project has to business continuity and the tasks needed to meet Business Continuity requirements. If no impact put “N/A” 5.3 Computer Controls impact statement and requirements Work with Security resources to determine what Computer Controls or other security policies may be impacted by this project. Describe major risk areas that will need to be monitored and any known work that will need to be done to mitigate security risk. If no impact put “N/A” 5.4 Test strategy and rollback plan Obtain from engineering. At a minimum the test plan should include validation that all Use Cases, Deliverables, and Success Criteria were achieved. 5.5 Production Migration path Obtain migration plan from engineering. For refresh projects this may be a simple plan cutover from the old device to the new device and media sanitation and disposal of the old device. For more complex projects it may require an in-depth plan to migrate data and validate the data after migration. 6 Budget & Resources 6.1 Labor Summary The labor summary report will be included in the final Project Progress report and is used to help resources improve their estimation skills. After you have created the MS Project plan in Clarity review the tasks and ETCs with the resources who will be doing the Execution work and ensure they know that agree with the ETCs. To fill out this table: x Open the project in Clarity x Select the Team tab x Change “Resource Type” field to Labor x Change “Is Role” field to No x Select Filter x Use the Clarity data to fill in the table below (NOTE: the labor summary assumes that the project has not yet entered Execution therefore “actual” hours are assumed to be hours spent in planning and ETCs are assumed to refer to Execution). Staff_PR_090 Attachment C Page 3 of 9 Project Management Plan Template Version #:18 Avista Confidential Page 4 of 9 o Actual hours are hours used to date for planning o ETCs are remaining labor hours – These are the labor hours for Execution Name Role Actual Hrs Remaining ETC Total of planned labor hours for Execution Phase 6.2 Financial Summary Accounting summary for CPR modification Open the project in Clarity. Navigate to the Dashboard. Update the numbers in this table with the data found in the Financial Summary portlet as indicated by the help text. Delete help text and change font to match other text. Account Summary (Year-to-date plus forecast) Costs DATE <insert the “Actuals Thru” date here> Actuals column Forecast column Total Planned Cost of the Project Estimate at Completion + Contingency Funding Requested Additional CPR Funding Required Total Planned Cost of the Project minus Funded Amount, Excluding Contingency = Additional CPR Funding Required 6.3 FERC Allocation of Project Costs FERC requires the cost of the project to be broken down into fixed asset types for depreciation and asset valuation purposes. Of the total project cost estimate, break out the costs into the following asset categories**. Note that these cost breakouts include the amount of effort (equipment, labor, loadings, and professional services) to put the asset into service. Accounting Expenditure Type Allocation Estimate Example (107600) (108000) Accounting Asset Category Hardware (FERC Account 391) $10,000 $2,000 $0 $12,000 1 Ensure that AFUDC has been calculated and included in the forecast for execution and closing. Do not include project contingency. 2 Use the Clarity Risk Register to quantify risks which will be translated into project contingency funds. After the PMP is approved, add a task called “Contingency” in your project plan (use “aaOther”) with the approved contingency funds. Example Staff_PR_090 Attachment C Page 4 of 9 Project Management Plan Template Version #:18 Avista Confidential Page 5 of 9 (FERC Account 397) (FERC Account 303) Non-capital Costs : (during project) FERC Definitions 1) Hardware examples: personal computers, printers, physical servers, racks, disk 2) Communication Equipment examples: phones, smart phones, radios, fiber optic cable, copper wire 3) Software examples: commercial off the shelf software purchased, virtual servers, operating system, data base software. 4) “Removal” is labor, professional service and other misc. costs that are associated with the removal of equipment that is retired. 5) “Total Capital Cost” amount will equal the CPR amount. 6) “Non-capital” costs expected during the project would include pre-project work, training, data migration, and other costs determined by Project Accounting to be expense. GUIDE: The difference between Hardware and Communications Equipment is from an accounting perspective. Any equipment that facilitates the physical communication between two sites is defined as communications equipment. To clarify, equipment to ‘distribute’ the communications within a site is defined as hardware, not communications equipment. **Please consult with your Program Manager if you have any questions distinguishing Hardware from Communications Equipment in your project. Installation (107600) Removal (108000) Accounting Asset Category Hardware (FERC Account 391) $0 $0 $0 $0 Communications Equipment (FERC Account 3973) $0 $0 $0 $0 Software (FERC Account 303) $0 $0 $0 $0 Estimated Total Cost: $0 $0 $0 $0 7 Operational Impact Obtain these forecasted operational impacts from the product vendor and the Operations team Three year Operational Impact Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Total Total $ $ $ $ 3 Property Removal Notification (PRN) may be due if equipment will be removed. Consult with ET Finance Manager. Staff_PR_090 Attachment C Page 5 of 9 Project Management Plan Template Version #:18 Avista Confidential Page 6 of 9 8 Grade of Service The Business Technology Grade of Service (GoS) is displayed on the Our Focus site (click on the link then select “Agile Technology”). This is the integrated measurement of the success of Enterprise Technology group to align with Avista’s corporate strategy and contribute in achieving Avista’s vision and strategic objectives. The end of planning is defined for GoS purposes as the date this Project Management Plan (PMP) is approved. Once the PMP is approved a baseline is created. During the Closing phase the baseline is compared to actuals to measure how performance deviated from the baseline plan. Execution completion is defined as the date the Steering Committee approves the “Approval to Close” document, which should occur as soon as possible after final Execution tasks are complete. 8.1 Investment Performance to Budget This GoS compares the planned total project cost as of the end of Planning plus approved CRs to the actual cost of the project at Closing. The amount listed below is the baseline. This should match the “Total at Completion” shown in the Clarity Dashboard. The goal is for cost at completion to be within 90% to 100% of the planned cost. If Actual project cost exceeds approved project cost a CR must be submitted prior to closing. 8.2 Finish Performance to Schedule This GoS compares the planned Execution completion date as of the end of planning to the actual Execution completion date. The date shown below should match the date shown in the Milestone table above and the date shown in Clarity for this milestone. The goal is +/- 1 month. 8.3 Labor Performance to Estimate This GoS compares planned labor hours as of the end of planning to actual labor hours at execution completion. The number below should match the total shown in the “Labor Summary” section of this document as well as the labor hours in Clarity for Execution tasks. The goal is +/-10%. 8.4 Project Management Performance to Cost Standard This GoS measures the percentage of total project cost that is attributable to Project Management efforts. The goal is for PM costs to be 10% or less of total project cost. Calculate 10% of the “Planned total cost at completion” listed above and input the result below. The PM should manage PM costs to this number. Remember to classify Business Analyst tasks using the “Input Type” of “Other” on your Clarity Timesheet. If you are not sure how to do this, please check with your program manager. 8.5 Change Order Performance Planned total cost at completion: Planned date of Execution completion: Planned labor hours during Execution: Planned PM labor cost: Staff_PR_090 Attachment C Page 6 of 9 Project Management Plan Template Version #:18 Avista Confidential Page 7 of 9 This GoS is based on the number of Change Requests submitted within 30 days of project closure. There is no baseline number for this measurement. When a PM is monitoring and controlling a project successfully, changes to scope, schedule, or budget should be known in a timely manner so change requests during the last 30 days of project should be uncommon. Please note that Change Requests within the last 30 days of closing only update the Capital Project Request (CPR), which is the total funded amount. They do not update baseline costs, dates, or labor hours for the purpose of Grade of Service. 8.6 Business Value Performance to Strategic Result Area This GoS measures the success of the project in providing value to the company. Results are based upon a survey sent out to the steering committee and stakeholders. The survey should be sent as soon as possible after the steering committee approves project closure so that the project is fresh in the minds of the stakeholders. There are instructions in the “Approval to Close” and “Project Progress Report” templates related to the survey process. Here are the questions asked in the survey: x This project met or exceeded expectations for business process improvement. (our focus) x This project provided adequate opportunity to discuss values and review options before the solution was delivered. (shared values, choice) x This project maintained good priority and completed without negative impact on business opportunities. (priority, opportunities) x This project replaced a technology system or improved a business process with automation. (balanced partnership) x This project improved our ability to run, grow or transform the business. (agility) x This project was aligned with one or more of the strategic result area(s) from Our Focus. (integrated planning) 9 Project Governance and Reporting The purpose of these procedures is to provide effective mechanisms to control the scope of the project manage issues and risks and monitor progress. 9.1 Financial Control Financial Control will be managed through the Clarity Project and Portfolio Management System. 9.2 Change Control Change Control will be managed within the Clarity Project and Portfolio Management System. Below are the steering committee decisions regarding change control for this project: 9.2.1 Describe the level of authority that PMs, Engineering Managers, and Application Leads have to carry out risk mitigation and contingency plans: 9.2.2 Describe types of risks, issues, and changes that must have steering committee approval before action can be taken. 10 Roles and Responsibilities 10.1 Sponsor and Steering Committee Staff_PR_090 Attachment C Page 7 of 9 Project Management Plan Template Version #:18 Avista Confidential Page 8 of 9 The Sponsor will provide oversight, guidance, and approval for all major elements of the Project. The Sponsor works closely with the Steering Committee and Project Manager in reviewing project plans, scope, budget, and change control and facilitates the resolution of issues to ensure successful completion of the initiative. Responsible for: x Champion the project and raise awareness at senior level x Approving strategies, implementation plan, project scope and milestones x Approving key organization/business decision for the project x Resolving certain issues, policies, and change management x Drive and manage change through the organization x Ensuring that an appropriate project priority is established and resources are allocated to the project x Ensuring the timely and effective cooperation of all departments in providing information and other required assistance to the project teams x Actively helping to remove obstacles and solve problems that are beyond the control of the Project Managers 10.2 Project Manager The primary responsibility of the Project Manager is the complete and satisfactory execution of the project. The project manager offers expertise in project management methodologies. Responsible for: x Project planning and execution x Facilitate issue resolution x Resolve scheduling issues x Provide written plans and schedules templates x Define, track and maintain project schedule and budget x Ensure project follows project management principles x Manage communication between stakeholders x Ensure project is delivered to schedule and budget (report on deviations) x Manage project execution x Coordinate resource requirements 10.3 Project Team Responsible for: x Support Project Manager x Identify product or business requirements x Ensure that the project requirements meet the needs and expectations of the project x Ensure adherence to schedule commitments x Reporting on progress/issues x Execute project tasks 10.4 Special considerations for contract PMs and team members from the same agency The project manager will be responsible for managing the project within the approved project budget. Since the project manager and project staff members work for the same contractor the following steps are included in the process to assure financial controls and separation of duties: x The “Application Team Lead / ITD Program Manager” is responsible for reviewing all estimates and forecasts related to contract staff assignments to assure that the estimates are reasonable for the task. Staff_PR_090 Attachment C Page 8 of 9 Project Management Plan Template Version #:18 Avista Confidential Page 9 of 9 x The “Project Manager” is responsible to validate that the work hours reported stay within the approved estimate. x The “Project Manager” is responsible for managing to an approved project plan and to assure that hours worked by individuals on the project are in line with schedule expectations. x The “Application Team Lead / ITD Program Manager” is responsible for validating that the hours invoiced match the expected hours per the approved plan and that they are reasonable for the task. x The “Application Team Lead / ITD Program Manager” is responsible for validating that the hours identified in proposed Change Requests are reasonable. x Audits may be performed at any time to validate that the standard process is being utilized Staff_PR_090 Attachment C Page 9 of 9