HomeMy WebLinkAbout20140114AVU to Staff No.57.pdfJean Jewell From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Attachments: Jean, Kimball, Paul [Paul.Kimball@avistacorp.com] Tuesday, January 14,2014 10:53 AM Jean Jewell Nikki Karpavich RE: Avista's Responses to IPUC Staff Production Staff_PR_57 Attachment A.xlsx .,.:: i-ri.: I :jr: j..,. i. Requests AVU-E-13:09 - l'mattachinganattachmenttoPR5TincaseAVU-E-13-09/AVU-G13-02. ltwasinadvertentlyleftoffoftheoriginalCD as reverenced below. Please let me know if you have any questions. Thanks, Paul Kimball From : Nikki Karpavich [ma ilto : N i kki. Ka rpavich@ puc. ida ho.qov] Sent: Tuesday, January 14,20t4 9:46 AM To: Kimball, Paul Subject: RE: Avista's Responses to IPUC Staff Production Requests I just checked with legal for clarification. lf you email the omitted response directly to Jean Jewell, the Commission Secretary, we will not need a physical CD. Thank Paul. lean. iewell@ puc. ida ho.gov From : Kimball, Paul [mailto : Paul. Kimbal l@avistacorp,com] Sent: Tuesday, January L4,2014 10:25 AM To: Nikki Karpavich Subject: RE: Avista's Responses to IPUC Staff Production Requests Nikki- lt was not on the CD. Would you like to send a new CD? Thanks, Paul From : Nikki Karpavich Ima ilto : N i kki. Karpavich@puc. ida ho. gov] Sent: Monday, January t3,20L4 4:09 PM To: Kimball, Paul Subject: RE: Avista's Responses to IPUC Staff Production Requests Thanks Paul. Willyou please make sure this response was included in the electronic CD mailed to the PUC on L/10/1,4? From : Kimball, Paul [ma ilto : Pa ul. Kimbal I @avistacorp.com] Sent: Monday, January L3,2014 5:07 PM To: Nikki Karpavich Subject: RE: Avista's Responses to IPUC Staff Production Requests Nikki, Sorry. See attached. Thanks, Paul From : Nikki Karpavich [mailto : N i kki. Ka rpavich@puc. ida ho. gov] Sent: Monday, January 13,20L43:47 PM To: Kimball, Paul Subject: RE: Avista's Responses to IPUC Staff Production Requests Hi Paul- I am looking for the discovery answer to #57. The attached word A, but I did not locate an attachment "A" in the email. Thanks, Nikki document for #57 referred to Staff PR 57 Attachment From : Kimball, Paul [mailto : Paul. Kimball@avistacorp.com] Sent: Friday, January t0,20L4 4:11 PM To: Karl Klein Cc: Gervais, Linda; Folsom, Bruce; Hermanson, Lori; Donn English; Stacey Donohue; Nikki Karpavich Subject: RE: Avista's Responses to IPUC Staff Production Requests January I0,2Ol4 Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472W. Washington St. Boise, ID 83720-5918 Attn: Karl T. Klein Deputy Attorneys General Production Request of the Commission Staff in Case Nos. AVU-E-13-09 and AVU-G-13-02 Attached is Avista's response in connection to Staff production requests in the above referenced docket. Included in this email are Avista's responses to the following Production Requests: PR's - 21r 25, 43, 44, 45, 49,50, 53, 57, and 60-67. Hard copies of Avista's responses, along with electronic files on CD, were mailed today, 0lll0l14. If there are any questions regarding the attached information, please contact Paul Kimball at (509) 495-4584 or via e-mail at paLr I . ki mbal I @) av i stacorp.conr Paul Kimball Senior Regulatory Analyst State & Federal Regulation Avista Corporation 1,411, E. Mission Ave, Box 3727 Spokane, WA99220-3727 (509) 495-4584 direct (509) 720-9633 cell Paul.Kimball@avistacorp.com o o@6 Eo '6cG G(, NdNNNdoooooooooodNdd dNNdNN oddd @oNtsm6<606 0 066mO{6060m ts @oNd do6N6{ @ 6qi4oo' j o+.i+ d d4 doi o @440 o ooN 6hoN60NN66N@@ Om@nodts 6 6 (O6H ri d .idid ooooggegoo o 6<6 +6 oHd o646 06@n44 .94 .c 55t 86555ogooooouoo !!!!!!EEEE !-9-g!g.c-9!-gsqooaooooooEEEEEEEEEEooooooooooUUUUOUUOUO H6m6AHts6@6mNts60GO660 od66<<66 E! i.F-Z rBrsis * *EEuuu q !-c-9 = = = I I er s s s6<6-E- o9o*J>fffa!66 a-. c c c c E s E r'tgttttt't;t !.!!!!!!!! o-6d666666 CgTEEEE.9 .9 .9 .9 .9 ,9 .9 .! .! .! .! .! .! .!CCEEEEE oooooooaaacccc.9 .9 .q .9 .9 .9 .9 = o@ >= - E ts d d d e d! i: o!J! E ' fo oo 6 6 gErgggggggogl o o o o o o oo! o o o o o o o oYgOYYYYYYY - AFE6 000E -I---4-ouui E sn s s s- 66o*6iii F Ez..c.co oooooooT+EE??EEEE.5 rr.E.!.!.!.!.!.!.!ozoccEaccabi6PBPgPPPooUOOOOOOOU69 E<'<o =T=EEOEEEEq060uooooo,u, ooooooor= y G d d E G e d:3 0! o o9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0US L> CE!EE o-sg o o o o o o oorooooooooY9OYYYYYYY I,,i N go EE 6 N-leq G