HomeMy WebLinkAbout20140113AVU to Staff 21,25,43-45,49,50,53,57,60-67.pdfAvista Corp. 1411 East Mission P.O. Box 3727 Spokane. Washington 99220-0500 Telephone 509-489-0500 TollFree 800-727-9170 #rynisr:fr Corp. ,t.:,,. ll t i-_ .:I 1.." Enr' '-,.,.',: : ,: ,- -.' I U Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472W. Washington St. Boise,ID 83720-0074 Aun: Karl T. Klein Deputy Attorney General Re: Production Request of the Commission Staff in Case No. AVU-E-l3 -091G-13-02 Dear Mr. Klein, Enclosed are an original and three copies of Avista's responses to IPUC Staffs production requests in the above referenced docket. Included in this mailing are Avista's responses to production requests 21r25, 43, 44, 45, 49r 50, 53, 57, and 60-67. The elechonic versions of the responses were emailed on 0llt0ll4 and are also being provided in electronic format on the CD included in this mailing. If there are any questions regarding the enclosed information, please contact Paul Kimball at (509) 495-4584 or via e-mail at paul.kimball@avistacorp.com Sincerelv-'2-- Paul Kimball Regulatory Analyst Enclosures CC (Email): IPUC (Klein, English, Donohue, Karpavich) AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR TNFORMATTON JURISDICTION: IDAHO CASE NO: AVU-E-I3-09/AVU-G-13-02 REQUESTER: IPUC StaffTYPE: Production Request REQUEST NO.: Staff-21 DATE PREPARED: 0110912013 WITNESS: RESPONDER: DEPARTMENT: TELEPHONE: Lori Hermanson DSM Policy, Planning & Analysis (50e) 49s-46s8 REQUEST: Please explain the purpose of the General Population Survey and how it differs from the Residential Building Stock Assessment (RBSA) conducted for the region by Northwest Energy Effi ciency Alliance (NEEA). RESPONSE: The General Population study provided additional benefits and information not measured by the RBSA. The RBSA sample was not statistically significant within Avista's service territory, while the General Population Study was. The General Population study measured the saturation of residential progftrms within our service territory, gathered market characterization data to inform impact, process and market evaluations such as our periodic Conservation Potential Assessments. In addition, the General Population study contrasts participants with non-participants. The General Population Survey was the first market-sharacterization and saturation study performed for Avista's service territory. AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQTIEST FOR INFORMATION JURISDICTION: IDAHO CASE NO: AVU-E-13-09/AVU-G-13-02 REQUESTER: IPUC StaffTYPE: Production Request REQUEST NO.: Staff-25 DATE PREPARED: 0110912014 WITNESS: RESPONDER: DEPARTMENT: TELEPHONE: David Thompson/ Gr eta Zir.Jr. DSM Policy, Planning & Analysis (s09) 49s-46s8 REQUEST: Please explain why the electric Energy Smart grocer program does not use energy savings estimates from the RTF. If Avista believes that the program mechanism or delivery method is substantially different from what the RTF evaluated, please explain the differences in detail. RESPONSE: The Energy Smart grocer program used the energy savings values provided by PECI as a component of their management of this third-party progam. During the2010-2012 program years, Avista was in the process of developing its Technical Reference Manual (TRM) that compiled the results from Impact Evaluations. This TRM was intended to represent the most accurate valuation of energy effrciency acquisition relative to the program's delivery method and impact within Avista's service territory. The Regional Technical Forum's (RTF) body of work was used as a principal input to the TRM development. Following the filing of the Company's Biennial Conservation Report for 2010-2011 in Washington, direction was given to Avista to leverage the RTF's unit energy savings information wherever possible in late 2012. At this time, the priority of Impact Evaluations was shifted to the use of RTF values for any program that was determined to be consistent with the methods described by the RTF. The RTF-based approach became standard practice with Idaho programs beginning in2014. AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION JURISDICTION: IDAHO CASE NO: AVU-E-13-09iAVU-G-13-02 REQUESTER: IPUC StaffTYPE: Production Request REQUEST NO.: Staff-43 DATE PREPARED: 0l/0912013 WITNESS: RESPONDER: DEPARTMENT: TELEPHONE: Bruce Folsom DSM Policy, Planning & Analysis (s09) 495-8706 REQUEST: Please provide all internal communications that led to the Company's decision to dissolve the independence of the internal evaluation and the implementation teams. RESPONSE: Please see Staff PR_43 Attachments A and B that summarize the outcomes from meetings held to help clarify roles and responsibilities of the intemal evaluation and the implementationteams. The internal evaluation team will continue to engage independent EM&V contractors as outlined in Avista's EM&V Framework and in Avista's soon-to-be-released EM&V RFP for the 2014-2015 period. "Internal evaluation" is one function, of several, performed by Avista's Policy, Planning and Analysis (PPA) Team. The PPA Team provides, and was always intended to provide, internal planning and analysis for the Implementation Team. The meetings summarized in the two PowerPoint Documents further supported that planning (e.g., integrated resource planning and annual DSM business planning and budgeting) and analysis (i.e., cost-effectiveness determinations, tariff calculation support, compliance reporting, etc.) are shared activities. a =Jaot E(uoF =oz o,C (,).f-, c(E =cr)O EEl-o(\a ;s6 B-ro =g IJJ IIFois ?,4 3flin() =1H6 s o(oooloo- E;q oo)cl L 9 = E $s -.- - L -LoE G !{tr; - \r,L!EAo.9,I cO- >zi G9 Li(/)Fom.. cBTO H PE E =, t = fr e r EEEiEEH!Et om..o =Ep' gfl-E P.E i frEE E E E €EbEgilEeeFs, E a $ g E E E 9Eom.. Eo E.Eo -g (t, =lt TL tloo ooor-COO (U+r C'F X.9 (UE--(JrrLL,o x c'= 2 H6 X BA t-q,6 5*.=.= -H:F€B iiB ,r = E $Eom.. +,Co Eo-oo oo E(U 0)F 'loao(r) (U+,a ffi o EF oo E!?6F t!o,F +, Oq>F=o g)Flo.= E',L.\ (Ue#rtr5.6ot g.\o 'iF k ,4t a.t*x {)r ()(,(, ED >.tr6\ E irI EtF O,aO'S at EEEtr< o=gfE. EEP EH:eE€ES sE B,g f;E* E sEB o- Jot-(r) EC G (U Coal- o)o-l-o+tl- Ioo)C(u -O r+-oao+.,(U !F' U) b4,F() iia75 =fd(,, coE!og (ool to- +lru U) EEo'=e-5 :o oc cn o EE.e=, eset fi ;a;1cn pord leuogezg ue6r9/ueal cD .E L.o (,(L o o oE o a-E"o g o oa tr .9o't, (r (! () o CL -9o oo a; E.Eo os o oE"o Lrb >o-oE$iOO6,g) o5(Ds6o - t iotrooo'o o- 6 trOq)F=6 pso.= E',L,\oegrE5.- U,otr CL =o 0o |- EII >.tr6\.E .\ .Ytr 6.6I atFUtaO'S tzt -o.E=F tl(atr< o =oa E IJJ rlt o=9,3 .EEP EH:eb<ES €E E,g HE^e I sEE o o fi, .9 E oo .C cn .E L.olr ;-'EE.r- FEH,T E$€* fi ;n;1cn pord tEuollez! UBOrO/ueeI o:>!l-i Ji Oi oi OJ -(E ?o o.CF st o(o o)o)o(L o T_ o o)(r) C G o o +, o io o o =ot-o.C = cc) E.co(g (aol do EI(ua o9 7taFZILoo Ibq =alI.F E2IIl.l.t IIJ A FO ,/ b4.taul(r-{JS .l-6ID<I \ { *H:HfigU \ { *t,rlr {u ,,- Eo *.JJ:.-t,Frl ltJL EoU \ o;sEJn$ttoEdH { tr*lsY- ,alo .La $ ..sa?a6 l- OJ UU { \ r{-,C o) Eo-o o oo E (U o)F IFo aCo rts,OC:ltla o EC (U aCo #)oe =tL aCo{-,oCf a o Ec (U aCo*-,oE JtL o tl o) F Eo)EEog (t)$ tl(L tsl([o * oo ocnauo- ,T.c,C..oG2Ea"i==.f-, O Artsc5E-9i-\ O -Y -O :=vi=_#{JsEpg E sE =ET E EffflE Eg o u' q, Khi E nEH sa =a;$e: I; Er_gE :5EeE6L' o.L=6IE Ef ooG'= sx5i,s; ESE:-Et E [[rEE r;Ege = EgggEEgreEtE* A $ gU..'orE.=i I! o-;=r s<of F=f ggEEgE aaa aaaaaaa EoE,Eoo (.)ol E.o- el(Ea $ o ocD(E(L oE o(E (.,ol t(L rl(!a EiEe,o 3, .e,: =il a sEs EE ,.? P€=fr ;e H EE BEs EEe ? I= €EF s s!gr;gFggEtgtgr oa ES,EF 6 *rr'ts E * EEngr ;rgtF** ' FEIEEEiiiEiEEI; aa aaaaaaa Cl..tlr, .9 I{rcoo l- =$o.C t-orF'ao'lo =-Go =o :E s oN oo)(5(L Ec) EEoau (?)ol E.(L ul(!a SC Eo o qE Eo E EE€:E€g E aI EHEEEEE;E ':a€sE;FEf;;Et E ;gltA il E;EBfr Et 3 E E[$ E;E EBEEEEflEHEgii *fiE*g*,;EgggrlEii[B = I gttEIEiirBEegggg;gg aa $ o(a oq)oo- c0) E-cos, (t)ol E. TL rl(Uo J-r-(o EF EE EH E E EH IE gE, E EE5 g o (0'6 d o)E= Eq ;n t? oE.' od EHaE€Ee3EeE a*E nPe Etfr}g=ifrE=,=fr =E€+EEps H= Eg 9Egbo,sg E P 5 Esg 6, k E E =i P iq1 I5 F E E :5Et g EE frLfr EEE 3EgAgI b=i O E HE E H fr.;E *Eis Fe n q x 5 3EEEf;E=$EE s= c\. .= II .cr (E+,tr IJooo(E oo)Gl- JooC o) o =f (Uo =o - t ot oo)(g(L E(treEOc BE E(J--./)YC co) E-cog (o$ nl(L qlo U) g,3.=aO=-o (-' *^g Ao -E E;g HEH p€ E E g s €EfiEEE r.r- -oo) a\ ri-izb(ul(U --.=o=Ga o-= 69 -c o) flrL-39=toouCDC=v E Po(-lb- -.--iE o* 61-ol- Fo 6Gi'=aageo=N (J-#3EEI- I- r\8.9!E E g,frsE $8T a ./ (oI(\ a =t-t- $rq (v) \ ./ o)q C{ .o Eoo q (9 \ ,/ S r.i co, E.= E Eoo t\E \ F-q C! @fi, (Y) ttt =:loox. ,/'(t q c{ =5(U Jooo (v)x id!(,)H-h*.-c -6E_86 e E S 3€ F* E E g;; OE;g HAH -aot-ttsoM ao.{-, :E'o Coo-ao M. od ao oM.p @;o= t UI Naq = IIJ I t IJJ o Fo IU?o tr, o- (oN o (f) o)cn(,& ioo.9o=u.=tsoEES\Ja'- -C. E HEf o 9,\-LYoo r*E E E€EX 5 E e Ptn E E*g: rt E E e E+fi E s fi;g E*p ti H 8E:EE E s !EE;E6:loc #gE€qsE gEcaEE FEO 15 E O o_7T rJ) Ele,iE EEF6 ==OtrN DtrE o (U'Afoco-Eoo)c(U(0#ro(U.2 UE.= fE:=o -o E9ox UEoo-EEhaAEo F=.r.i - l-,I Gs EP H€EssEB.. * oee IE:.o o[E gof o E } Po -'.j'Fot a<D= aoCorF,a E od Oi .>irlr, ;O!Oir-i -oioi rtsr;oioi'pl o-i trt EoEto(u (o\t tlo- elo U' (oN osfoo)(E(L d! coE-coo (t)ol tL EI.Ea IcOU,tro EE''= (t, r€r-o9=EEcc =.98 u,A --=68EE OGEEA E 5EE; H EE5E 5 E.ooI o sE.izE o) = J-O- 15 A tsrF \J7 o5E,P*obi,E,EEEPEeEr;5r EsEB g!r 6.9 oo o o. da?o0aru a.g-caco G6at-O E= EEo J-j=3 iO<J - ll--oos8-aa &b+i,-ako+< X.s6=.E=6-.=FoE6i<Pd oY\ \ aioi.-i{-, i'=i i-ir{-, :oi<i.5r ioioi.-ioil-i O-i \\\ CO o- -II CNzo -F J IIJ E, oU Fafu 1- (oN o(o oo)(go- E EEhP tIEIEHEg S H 3 3ul E E-g = = E o- o l- -Jo o U) -l- Ge -fJ o? -*, o*r oo+, G!, CLf d) c o) EEo(t (o{ tl(L tl(oo @C! o F.()o)o(L o ooa P'3.=AO=-o (J *^g Ao -o rE q-COO ,l\ ri---Yb|fl,Fl +,U ='cu(f)o-= qg -c c>)(-^. 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E9lE# o;o ro =a e sxo o4s a €8I e Ilr .= J O-\r*E A AO(J- A_ t-.. i = o 9l o I#EEEEEEtsdfi>d>(,o E rcl :o o-9.o^--()ttro?iEs5o=tr:-c:G Ec Et4 =(U0HrB E-E€- o-oCXI- EBg agE(f loo efi fr ='E5gi",oE EP bP F#rLE 8eb,P.e6-L*o oAr--= E H5oU)cE ;.9JLsoiu9:0 b= >Eoro'6l::cc'E(U0ocotJ t-7;P5.AE() E.= a oEo -(U Co.Er{-,oC =tL @N o o, |l)cn(uL o)cA'=L-Jt, 6'q k6F--. E-EgE p 'rE8 E: E€ 5tr _(59E = 6tECo a - O)'*' (UAtr o) coF;===Errhiqil(5 *€# E ? e # s iP +, o Eoo, TEc(s =o rts,ct(g!, c...9 i) i5O fifficvE5E(6E C 5 qEEE L7- T-c.oE0)AA -ZLl_ L!-.-l': o=1; ']9 (I) Y', BE*E E b6 Eaza L bo (tr =u)o cD o)=o c fl8 3o E+ E Er&,!ro(/)o-qrx(5co(li o= ^Pr F P: b .E"EEH:o a(oxE==gSsff ao$G. .. lll dt co EEo(u COol t.L tlG' U' b5 E -'= c E a EiEE* g E -1 .XtSlas to;=g g,H$qE t EEEgt*AtE$Eggg EEEgEHEE+Hfi$#igiEoL1L......O... Na-t-o.l-, t-l- O @N ooNoo)o(L oco -$Coa-.f-t c)C EJ LL ot- =tF, =tL J zoE IIJktN3rl-iqflrO'a (o(\l o NN 0,cnoL dl c0)E.cog (r,ot E.o- EI(U U) a oo sbftrE;ie5, EEoGEE E9gF OE(L< (U t-o{-,t-o6Eo EoEo-cooEEfo,c-;BEq= == 0).3fi o o si [3E s$ E ON = EEEE UE E s(U F = dr (UE ETEEtrEgaE A ao'5 5 ro(UdO(U.o. -ei=_e o =oJ a Eco (tr .NCGo, o o o Eo 'a op o o =(U o o O)C =o E o.CF O' trDtrtr (U a-l-o.f-, l- C) oil-: -:J;l riOi -iJil-i+ri U)i ri$iCi .9i.{-, Ioi .Nici O!o)l-ioiaiOi @ioiGot- o_ (o6l o$Noo)(!o o EoEEog (o$ tlo- EI.E @ (U o o o:oo Eo6o-coog.E aa-t-=J9et E*, aE EE *E E ; alE sE H p EUN= EEsEEE UH E e E e *E Fg aEEg.='s6.Fs'I8588aP A aE'= 3o(E6o(Uo.... -ei=_9 (U o o o(Uoc'6 $ o :bo o co Eaaoaa \\\\ +,a o)F (U l-t-o*,a-!- O a o- lUFa Fx IJJz (oN o(oNoo)(!o-EE-= BEa=.a6 g g,EE =E 5 tE E.qaeEg'Erc0; a Eg-q g E E E FEfs P -H838,;s gEE€ E Hg ;Efi HT€E sEES;qH F,EEAEEs !$pE s Es bHs; Ee EEU,E= F oEE o Es = PEn E =E E;OO E sE FEE. o O()=EOO trtr\\tr aio-io#, cf) {-,Xoz AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION JURISDICTION: IDAHO CASE NO: AVU-E-13-09/AVU-G-13-02 REQUESTER: IPUC StaffTYPE: Production Request REQUEST NO.: Staff-44 DATE PREPARED: 0110912013 WITNESS: RESPONDER: DEPARTMENT: TELEPHONE: Bruce Folsom DSM Policy, Planning & Analysis (s09) 49s-8706 REQUEST: Please explain why Avista never discussed the change in the independent status of the internal evaluation team with Avista's Energy Efficiency Advisory group. RESPONSE: Management decisions regarding potential improvements for internally aligning Avista's Policy, Planning and Analysis (PPA) Team with the Implementation Team remain ongoing and are part of the review of roles and responsibility initiative and when the review is complete, the Company will certainly discuss any further changes with its Energy Efficiency Advisory group. As noted in the Avista's response to StafLPR_43, the PPA team will continue to engage with independent EM&V contractors. The internal evaluation is one function, of several, performed by Avista's PPA Team and was always intended to provide, intemal planning and analysis for the Implementation Team. AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATTON JURISDICTION: IDAHO DATE PREPARED: 0110912013 CASE NO: AVU-E-13-09/AVU-G-13-02 WITNESS: REQUESTER: IPUC Staff RESPONDER: Bruce FolsomTYPE: Production Request DEPARTMENT: DSM Policy, Planning & Analysis REQUEST NO.: Staff-45 TELEPHONE: (509) 495-8706 REQUEST: Please explain how Avista's intemal evaluation team can effectively evaluate the work of Avista's implementation team if it is no longer independent from the implementation team. RESPONSE: Independent evaluation of Avista's Implementation Team is performed by third-party contractors with the Avista's Policy, Planning and Analysis (PPA) Team continuing to be accountable for managing the evaluation, measurement and verification (EM&V) third-party contracts. The changes being made as a result of the roles and responsibility review regarding the independence role of the PPA Team was intended to provide for increased sharing of information thereby improving the technical review process and increasing the effectiveness of the both teams. AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION JURISDICTION: IDAHO CASE NO: AVU-E-I3-09/AVU-G-13-02 REQUESTER: IPUC StafTTYPE: Production Request REQUEST NO.: Staff-49 DATE PREPARED: 0110912013 WITNESS: RESPONDER: DEPARTMENT: TELEPHONE: Bruce Folsom DSM Policy, Planning & Analysis (s09) 49s-8706 REQUEST: The planned process improvements include a Technical Review and Administrative Review (formalized as "Top Sheets"), both of which are conducted by the implementation team. Please explain how having the implementation team check its own work is a suffrcient replacement for the previously independent review of the PPA group. RESPONSE: The Top Sheet procedures accomplish multiple improvements. This provides a structured documentation protocol for each project. It ensures second review, at a minimum, for each project. This procedure places quality assurance at the source, or beginning, of a project as a 'obest-practice" with the intent of increasing quality control. Third-party contractors perform the independent review. To complement the deployment of the Top Sheet procedures within the Implementation team for project, policy, and contract review, the PPA team also performs an internal review of a subset of completed site-specific and prescriptive projects. The projects selected for internal review are generally randomly selected. The information resulting from the internal review is communicated back to the Implementation Team to be incorporated into the continuous process improvement activities. AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR TNFORMATTON JURISDICTION: IDAHO DATE PREPARED: 0110912013 CASE NO: AVU-E-I3-09/AVU-G-13-02 WITNESS: REQUESTER: IPUC Staff RESPONDER: Bruce FolsomTYPE: Production Request DEPARTMENT: DSM Policy, Planning & Analysis REQUEST NO.: Staff-50 TELEPHONE: (509) 495-8706 REQUEST: Please explain how having the evaluation team "spot check" the implementation team's work after the project has entered into a contract or after the incentive has been paid protects ratepayers against funding imprudent incentive expenses. RESPONSE: The referenced o'spot checks" are for process improvement regarding future projects. This is a means to review appropriate protocols to ensure compliance measures are in place for documentation of source data and calculations. This allows for improved controls and corrective actions for incentive expenses. AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION JURISDICTION: IDAHO CASE NO: AVU-E-13-09/AVU-G-13-02 REQUESTER: IPUC StaffTYPE: Production Request REQUEST NO.: Staff-53 DATE PREPARED: 0110912013 WITNESS: RESPONDER: DEPARTMENT: TELEPHONE: Patrick Lynch Energy Solutions (s09) 4es-4246 REQUEST: Please provide the number of employees or FTEs by whichthe natural gas DSM team was reduced after the suspension of Idaho natural gas DSM. If there was no reduction in staff, please explain why not. RESPONSE: Avista does not have a separate o'natural gas DSM team." Program delivery supports measures that may be dual-fuel. For example, residential programs are offered for new construction or existing homes and have both electric and natural gas measures. Electric and natural gas projects are integrated and natural gas savings often follow electric savings in project analysis. We still continue to run natural gas programs in Washington and we continue to manage natural gas DSM contracts as they wind down in Idaho, though we are not charging any natural gas DSM labor to Idaho customers. With all that said, we have reduced DSM staff by 2 % positions in the past year: 1 DSM program manager; 1 DSM engineering tech; and I commercial-industrial account executive who charged 25 percent of his time to DSM. AYISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION JURISDICTION: IDAHO CASE NO: AVU-E-13-09/AVU-G-13-02 REQUESTER: IPUC StaffTYPE: Production Request REQUEST NO.: Staff-57 DATE PREPARED: 0110812014 WITNESS: RESPONDER: DEPARTMENT: TELEPHONE: Jon Powell DSM Policy, Planning & Analysis (s09) 49s-4047 REQUEST: Please provide the amount of measures ("legacy measures") and incentives that were paid after each DSM tariff revision from 2010 through 2012. Please provide the date the rebate was calculated and subsequently processed. RESPONSE: Please see Staff PR_57 Attachment A. The Company established transition policies to govern the treatment of site-specific projects impacted by (1) the imposition of a l3 year maximum energy simple payback in Schedules 90 and 190 revisions; and (2) the suspension of incentives available under Schedule 190. Projects paid after the effective date of this tariff that would not otherwise qualifu are defined as "legacy" projects. The site-specific projects paid during the 2010-2012 period under these two "legacy" provisions sum to $728,471in total payments. AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQTTEST FOR TNFORMATION JURISDICTION: IDAHO DATE PREPARED: 0110912014 CASE NO: AVU-E-13-09/AVU-G-13-02 WITNESS: REQUESTER: IPUC Staff RESPONDER: Lori HermansonTYPE: Production Request DEPARTMENT: DSM Policy, Planning & Analysis REQUEST NO.: Staff-60 TELEPHONE: (509) 495-46s9 REQUEST: Please explain how Idaho ratepayers benefit from paying for a Conservation Potential Assessment every two years. RESPONSE: The updated potential studies incorporate changes in measure/equipment pricing, saturation levels, updates in market characteristic, known impacts from codes and standards, changes in levels of non-incentive utility costs, updates in unit energy savings (UES), as well as changes in Avista's assumptions such as anticipated changes in retail rates, customer growth, weather forecast and other variables such as income data, home sizes, persons per households, price elasticity's, and changes in avoided costs. Avista has transitioned from completing this intemally to contracting with an independent contractor to perform this assessment. AYISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQTTEST FOR INT'ORMATTON JURISDICTION: IDAHO DATE PREPARED: 0110712014 CASE NO: AVU-E-13-09/AVU-G-13-02 WITNESS: REQUESTER: IPUC Staff RESPONDER: David ThompsonTYPE: Production Request DEPARTMENT: DSM Policy, Planning & Analysis REQUESTNO.: Staff-61 TELEPHONE: (509) 495-2821 REQUEST: Please explain Avista's "new approach" for reviewing site-specific projects (Cadmus memo, August 2,2013). RESPONSE: Please see Avista's response to Staff PR_49. AYISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQIIEST FOR TNFORMATTON JURISDICTION: IDAHO DATE PREPARED: 0110312013 CASE NO: AVU-E-13-09/AVU-G-13-02 WITNESS: REQUESTER: IPUC Staff RESPONDER: Tom LienhardTYPE: Production Request DEPARTMENT: Energy Solutions REQUEST NO.: Staff-62 TELEPHONE: (509) 495-4985 REQUEST: Please explain how the 2012 claimed energy savings for the non-residential Standby Generator Block Heater program increased by 54% from 2011, but only increased by I rebate (from 4 rebates in 2011 to 5 rebates in20l2). RESPONSE: The savings for each Standby Generator Block Heater rebate are calculated individually using the engine liter size and if they are located in a conditioned or unconditioned space. Each rebate will differ depending on the individual factors involved. For example, one customer rebate was for a 50 liter engine in a conditioned space with a savings of 1,034 kWh/yr and another customer rebate was for a 6.6 liter engine in an unconditioned space with a savings of 1,867 kWh/yr. The table below includes all Idaho standby block heaters for 201I and2012: lncentive Payment MeasureElec Kwh Date Cost Liters Space 50 50 16 400 400 400 400 06-L7-20Lt 07-22-20LL 07-22-201L 08-L2-20L7 s1,250.54 52,st3.z7 52,693.97 Sooz.so 7867 LO34 1034 2239 6.6 Unconditioned Conditioned Conditioned Unconditioned 2011 total 400 400 400 400 400 07-L3-2072 o7-t3-2072 07-L3-20L2 07-L3-20L2 04-27-2072 5s6e.oo Ssoa.zs ss68.7s s1,178.84 s8s6.s0 6L74 1873 2000 1988 1885 1696 4.4 Unconditioned 8.7 Unconditioned 8.3 Unconditioned 7.5 Unconditioned 2.5 Unconditioned 2012 total 9442 AYISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION JURISDICTION: IDAHO CASE NO: AVU-E-13-09/AVU-G-13-02 REQUESTER: ' IPUC StaffTYPE: Production Request REQUEST NO.: Staff-63 DATE PREPARED: 0110912013 WITNESS: RESPONDER: DEPARTMENT: TELEPHONE: Bruce Folsom DSM (s09) 4es-8706 REQUEST NO. 63: How many educational training sessions did the Company host for Residential New Construction vendors? Please provide the information by year and location. RESPONSE: Educating Residential New Construction vendors about Avista's programs continues to be an on-going commitment. This education aims to provide information about program availability, requirements and rebate levels. The education component is presented in a variety of formats; from scheduling one on one meetings with a contractor, vendor or builder group, presenting at trade shows and association meetings, to hosting the Company's own information session. In 2010 and 2011, most of the outreach was through the commercial account executive (AE) responsible for the builder/developer segment. ln2012, an expanded and more formalized effort for vendor outreach was established, in addition to the ongoing AE efforts. Avista also supported NEEA's regional emphasis on new homes which included its own outreach efforts. Avista vendor outreach events, formalized in 2012, provided an overview of rebates including those related to new construction. During the timeframe in question, new construction rebates were available for high efficiency equipment (e.g. furnaces, boilers, heat pumps, hot water heaters, variable speed motors) or Energy Star certified homes. Below is a list of the events that would have incorporated a reference to programs or rebates available for new construction projects. Vendor Outreach 2010 Every Little Bit campaign - a multi-year effort that involved television, print, radio, billboard and website information throughout the year explaining different ways people can make small energy efficiency improvements to their homes. Call to action always involved at a minimum a link to the everylittlebit.com website where more details about programs were listed. Builder/Developer Meetin gs The commercial Account Executive responsible for builders and developers met with those entities and contractor associations (i.e. North Idaho Building Contractors Association, Panhandle Building Council, Spokane Home Builders Association) in primarily one on one meeting formats throughout the year to educate on Avista's Energy Star Home rebate. Interested builders were referred to the NEEA regional program that trained builders and certified homes. Green built homes and incentives were promoted in the 2010 Homebuilder shows in Spokane and Coeur d' Alene. Page I of2 Vendor Outreach 2011 Every Little Bit campaign - ongoing effort as described for 2010. Builder/Developer Meetings Builder meetings also included efforts to re-write local Built Green certification requirements to incorporate Energy Star and increase throughput. In addition, there was coordination with North Idaho Builders Contractors Association to display an Energy Star certified home in the construction phase. The home was made available to the general public, realtors multiple listing service and appraisers to showthe components involved in this type of construction. The Company also participated in the "At Home in North Idaho Expo" at the Coeur d' Alene Resort; a free event to the public that offered information about building products, buying and selling homes that included builders and developers. Vendor Outreach 2012 Every Little Bit campaign - ongoing effort as described for 2010 and 2011. Builder/Developer Meetings On-going involvement with builders, developers and contractor associations to continue the discussion around green building and promotion of Energy Star Home rebates. Avista met with and co-promoted Energy Star Homes with the local utility co-op in north Idaho. Avista Sponsored Meetings Face to face and webinar presentations to vendor groups in Idaho and Washington that provided a general overview of the Company's rebate programs and more detailed information involving residential and commercial opportunities. Total vendors attended: 103 Feb. 1Oth Feb 24th Feb 28th Mar. Tth Mar. 20th June 20tr June22"d June 27th Residential and General Program Meeting - Spokane l0 vendors attended Commercial Lighting Meeting - Spokane 12 vendors attended Webinar Commercial_Li ghting l2 vendors attended Residential and General Program Meeting - Coeur d' Alene 7 vendors attended Commercial Lighting Meeting - Lewiston 9 vendors attended Residential and General Program Meeting - Lewiston I I vendors attended Webinar Residential and General Program 7 vendors attended Commercial Lighting Meeting - Spokane (NW TAN) 35 vendors attended Page2 of2 AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION JURISDICTION: IDAHO CASE NO: AVU-E-I3-09/AVU-G-13-02 REQUESTER: IPUC StAffTYPE: Production Request REQUEST NO.: Staff-64 DATE PREPARED: 0110912013 WITNESS: RESPONDER: DEPARTMENT: TELEPHONE: Bruce Folsom DSM (s09) 49s-8706 REQUEST NO. 64: Why did the Residential Energy Star Homes program decline by over 50% from 2010? What outreach was done by the Company to solicit participants? Please delineate by year. RESPONSE: Energy Star Homes is a regional program offered by NEEA that has its own outreach, training and certification process. Avista has also promoted the Energy Star Homes rebate and encouraged builders to learn more about the regional training and certification. Anecdotally, Avista found that most Energy Star Homes builders used the program to promote energy effrciency and differentiate their product, especially when the new homes market was robust. Furthermore, as new construction starts declined local builders began building smaller and lower first cost homes at the expense of energy efficiency upgrades. This is supported by the regional program findings. According to the *2012 NEEA Northwest Energy Star Homes Market Progress Evaluation Report" the Energy Star Homes program was declining throughout the region. Higher costs for Energy Star homes are a key purchasing barrier as the regional homes market softened and existing home prices were on the decline. Although homebuyers value energy efficiency and will pay somewhat more for it, they remain very cost-conscious and can quickly be priced out of the market they want to buy into. Energy Star homes also appear to be targeted by higher-income households and broader market transformation will require selling more program homes to lower-income households when the housing market expands. Increasing state energy codes are a goal of the program, but also make it difficult to achieve high program market share, since the program is leading a changing market. Lastly, compared to 2009, builder recruitment into the Energy Star Homes program declined in Washington indicating there may be fewer builders building to Energy Star standards in our service tenitory. Please see the Company's response to StaflPR_63 for a broader overview of outreach on rebates, including new construction. Below is a summary of outreach directed at builders to encourage participation in Energy Star Homes. 2010 A variety of meetings were scheduled throughout 2010 with local and regional organizations as well as monthly presentations at various home builder events (i.e. North Idaho Building and Contractors Association, Spokane Home Builders Association and Panhandle Building Council). Outreach promoted Energy Star Home building through on-going "Green'o Building programs through each association. The Avista Builder/Developer Account Executive sat on the Green Building Council Board for both Home Builders Associations in Spokane and Coeur d' Alene in Page I of2 an effort to promote higher construction standards through Energy Star and to communicate information about the Energy Star Homes rebate. Both organizations held "Green" Home shows that year specifically to promote Energy Star homes and sustainable building practices. The Company also hosted a booth at the Premier Home Improvement Show and featured Energy Star Home rebates as part of the four day event. 20rt The recession continued for the 3'd year in our region and bank lending criteria tightened creating a large decline in overall new home construction starts; this resulted in a significant decline in certification for Energy Star. Many builders who may have been certified began to drop from the program or fell out of the industry all together. Conversations with local inspectors and certif,rers for Energy Star reported that builders and end-users were making decisions based on limited funding. There were also a limited number of qualified home buyers at the time who were challenged to qualify for the additional costs to build to Energy Star specifications. Outreach continued through the monthly builder networking meetings. The Company continued to identify ways to showcase the value of Energy Star certification by meeting with local realtors and appraisers to see if there was an opportunity to designate Energy Star certified homes on the MLS system. 2012 The lack of builder participation has caused both home builders organizations to step away from the promotion of green building practice as many builders are filing bankruptcy. The Company relies on the regional effort through NEEA's Northwest Energy Star Homes to assist with promotion and implementation. Avista continues to attend monthly meetings with both home builder associations green teams and promotes the Energy Star rebate availability but very little construction is taking place. One builder has recently dropped their 100% Energy Star builder status as the cost to meet Washington State Energy Star code in Idaho is too high and home buyers are still seeking lower cost options. Page2 of2 AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST F'OR INFORMATION JURISDICTION: IDAHO DATE PREPARED: 0110212014 CASE NO: AVU-E-13-09/AVU-G-13-02 WITNESS: REQUESTER: IPUC Staff RESPONDER: Lori HermansonTYPE: Production Request DEPARTMENT: DSM Policy, Planning & Analysis REQUESTNO.: Staff-65 TELEPHONE: (509) 495-4658 REQUEST: Please provide all labor costs charged to the DSM rider for DSM rider for the years 2008-2012, both in dollar amount and as a percentage of total DSM expenditures. RESPONSE: Please see StafLPR_65 Attachment A for the Idaho electric and natural gas labor and labor loadings charged to the DSM rider in dollar amount and as a percentage of total DSM expenditures for the requested years. PR-55 and PR-55 ldaho Labor as Percentage of Expenditures and ldaho FTE Electric DSM Expense (S) Natural Gas DSM Expense (S) Electric Labor (S) Natural Gas Labor ($) Electric Labor % of Expenditures Natural Gas Labor % of Expenditures Electric Labor (FTE) Natural Gas Labor (FTE) 2012 7,3OL,079 7,453,221 668,041 347,825 9Yo 24Yo 2011 7,269,052 1,960,552 685,098 393,415 9% zo% 2010 5,44L,L24 1,956,919 607,L36 378,L36 tlYo L9% 2009 5,335,909 2,469,529 539,793 337,67L LO% t4% 2008 4,365,9L7 188,665 458,L97 265,L96 LO% 741Yo 4.86 2.s3 5.24 2.92 4.65 2.86 4.04 2.70 3.99 2.53 Staff_PR_65 Attach me nt A.xlsx Page 1 of 1 AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST ['OR TNFORMATTON JURISDICTION: IDAHO DATE PREPARED: 0110212014 CASE NO: AVU-E-I3-09/AVU-G-13-02 WITNESS: REQUESTER: IPUC Staff RESPONDER: Lori HermansonTYPE: Production Request DEPARTMENT: DSM Policy, Planning & Analysis REQUESTNO.: Sraff-66 TELEPHONE: (509) 495-4658 REQUEST: Please provide the number of FTE's funded by the DSM rider for the years 2008-2012. RESPONSE: Please see Avista's response to Stafl PR_65 for the Idaho electric and natural gas FTE funded by the DSM rider for the requested years. AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATTON JURISDICTION: IDAHO DATE PREPARED: 0110912013 CASE NO: AVU-E-13-09/AVU-G-13-02 WITNESS: REQUESTER: IPUC Staff RESPONDER: Bruce FolsomTYPE: Production Request DEPARTMENT: DSM Policy, Plaruring & Analysis REQUEST NO.: Staff-67 TELEPHONE: (509) 49s-8706 REQUEST: Please indicate if there is an incentive threshold at which incentives require approval from the intemal evaluation team or PPA team. RESPONSE: The PPA team does approve or disapprove incentives for the Implementation Team. The level of "signing authority" for DSM expenditures, within the Implementation Team organization, mirrors that of other Avista account payable procedures based on the amount of the payment.