HomeMy WebLinkAbout20121015Avista to Staff 1-5.pdfJean Jewell From: Kimball, Paul [Paul. Kimball©avistacorp.com ] Sent: Monday, October 15, 2012 2:53 PM To: Karl Klein; Jean Jewell Subject: Avista's Responses to IPUC Staff Production Requests AVU-G-12-8 Attachments: Staff PR - Attachment A.xls; Staff_PR_01 .doc; Staff—PR-02 - Attachment A.xlsx; Staff_ PR 02.doc; Staff —PR 03.doc; Staff PR 05.doc; Staff PR 04.doc October 15, 2012 - c Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 W Washington St Boise, ID 83720-5918 - Attn: Karl I Klein Production Request of the Commission Staff in Case No AVU-G-12-08 Attached is Avista's response in connection to Staff production requests in the above refereiced dtket. Included in this email is Avista's response to the following Production Request: 1 - 5. If there are any questions regarding the attached information, please contact me at (509) 495-4584 or via e-mail at paul.kimball@avistacorp.com Thank you, Paul Kimball Senior Regulatory Analyst State & Federal Regulation Avista Corporation 1411 E. Mission Ave. Box 3727 Spokane, WA 99220-3727 (509) 495-4584 direct (509)368-0141 cell paul.kimball@avistacorp.com AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION JURISDICTION: IDAHO CASE NO: AVU-G-12-8 REQUESTER: IPUC TYPE: Production Request REQUEST NO.: Staff-01 DATE PREPARED: WITNESS: RESPONDER: DEPARTMENT: TELEPHONE: 10/01/2012 N/A Kelly Irvine Natural Gas Resources (509) 495-4335 REQUEST: Regarding Appendix 3.3 WA/ID Base Coefficient Calculation (page 40 of the Appendices), please provide the following tables: a.Average Actual Demand by Class b.Average Actual Customer Count by Class c.Base Coefficients. Please provide in electronic format with all formulas intact. RESPONSE: Please see Staff PR 01 -Attachment A. Appendix 3.3 - Demand Coefficients January February March April May June July August September October November December I/ Average of DEC JAN FEB heat coefficients Staff_PR01 -Attachment Axis Page 1 of 1 AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION JURISDICTION: IDAHO DATE PREPARED: 10/01/2012 CASE NO: AVU-G-12-8 WITNESS: N/A REQUESTER: IPUC RESPONDER: Kelly Irvine TYPE: Production Request DEPARTMENT: Natural Gas Resources REQUEST NO.: Staff-02 TELEPHONE: (509) 495-4335 REQUEST: Please send the data used to derive the WA/ID regression statistics found in Appendix 3.3 (page 41 of Appendices). Please provide in electronic format. RESPONSE: Please see Staff _PR 02 - Attachment A. 2 Year Wa/Id GIN f Residential Wa/Id GTN I Commercial Wa/Id GTN I Ind FirmSale Roseburg I Residential Roseburg Commercial Roseburg I Ind FirmSale Roseburg I Transport Medford NWP I Residential Medford NWP Commercial Medford NWP Ind FirmSale La Grande I Residential La Grande I Commercial La Grande I Ind FirmSale La Grande I Transport 11am Falls Residential KIam Falls I Commercial KIam Falls I Ind FirmSale KIam Falls J Transport Wa/Id NWP I Residential Wa/Id NWP f Commercial Wa/Id NWP Ind FirmSale Medford GTN I Residential Medford GTN I Commercial Medford GIN I Ind FirmSale Medford GTN I Transport Wa/Id Both Residential Wa/Id Both I Commercial Wa/Id Both I Ind FirmSale Wa/Id Both Transport 3 Year Group Nov-11 0.008774087 0.04287308 0.178925712 0.008486228 0.036873163 1.581557558 Dec-11 0.009863653 0.050088127 0.143417491 0.010043809 0.044522004 1.166637493 Jan-12 0.0098 18 189 0.049403831 0.11545407 0.010087806 0.040390189 0.833145177 0.009818189 0.049403831 0.11545407 0.010249396 0.039532163 0 Feb-12 0.00887057 0.044273785 0.10258779 0.009910946 0.039257211 0.899149141 0.00979417 0.040970076 0 0.007893255 0.041114085 0 0.00887057 0.044273785 0.10258779 0.00979417 0.040970076 0 Mar-12 0.008639801 0.041828776 0.077120198 0.009425033 0.038230214 0.837669192 0.009804776 0.03489062 0 0.007848894 0.036383987 0 0.008639801 0.041828776 0.077120198 0.009804776 0.03489062 0 Apr-12 0.007844567 0.035885106 0.063390999 0.008479853 0.030255276 0.027990288 0.009036321 0.027465589 0 0.007 139885 0.030627231 0 0.007844567 0.035885106 0.063390999 0.009036321 0.027465589 0 May-12 0.0056353 0.023949054 0.050773951 0.006973721 0.020350199 0.0152799 0.006840492 0.022950454 0 0.00546792 0.021506874 0 0.0056353 0.023949054 0.050773951 0.006840492 0.022950454 C 0.008774087 0.009863653 0.04287308 0.050088127 0.178925712 0.143417491 0.009000404 0.010440368 0.039339868 0.041822597 0 0 0.009000404 0.010440368 0.010249396 0.039339868 0.041822597 0.039532163 0 0 0 0.007898422 0.008783538 0.00875414 0.036579385 0.041437827 0.042981192 0 0 0 0.006908636 0.00806908 0.008155816 0.007514022 0.007458501 0.006273175 0.004668191 0.028609611 0.031599789 0.031022316 0.030095299 0.027472071 0.021219656 0.014857044 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.008774087 0.009863653 0.009818189 0.00887057 0.008639801 0.007844567 0.0056353 0.04287308 0.050088127 0.049403831 0.044273785 0.041828776 0.035885106 0.023949054 0.178925712 0.143417491 0.11545407 0.10258779 0.077120198 0.063390999 0.050773951 Nov-11 Dec-11 Jan-12 Feb-12 Mar-12 Apr-12 May-12 Staff-PR-02 - Attachment A (2).xlsx SENDOUT_INPUTS Page 1 of 6 0.009844497 0.049978045 0.129008542 0.010387258 0.040461844 0 0.008975558 0.045348934 0.115247756 0.010081776 0.040622406 0 0.008869664 0.043362661 0.0948062 0.010032583 0.036424152 0 0.008028585 0.037282468 0.084500696 0.008932892 0.029252135 0 0.005689813 0.024075694 0.041487475 0.006663115 0.022165633 0 Wa/Id GTN I Residential Wa/Id GIN I Commercial Wa/Id GIN I Ind FirmSale Roseburg I Residential Roseburg I Commercial Roseburg I Ind FirmSale Roseburg I Transport Medford NWP I Residential Medford NWP I Commercial Medford NWP f Ind FirmSale La Grande I Residential La Grande I Commercial La Grande I Ind FirmSale La Grande I Transport KIam Falls I Residential Kiam Falls I Commercial KIam Falls Ind FirmSale Kiam Falls I Transport Wa/Id NWP I Residential Wa/Id NWP f Commercial Wa/Id NWP I Ind FirmSale Medford GTN I Residential Medford GTN I Commercial Medford GIN I Ind FirmSale Medford GIN I Transport Wa/Id Both I Residential Wa/Id Both I Commercial Wa/Id Both I Ind FirmSale Wa/Id Both I Transport 5 Year Group Wa/Id GIN I Residential 0.008695213 0.009962245 0.009844497 0.008975558 0.008869664 0.008028585 0.005689813 0.042430755 0.050434673 0.049978045 0.045348934 0.0433 62 661 0.037282468 0.024075694 0.164946307 0.170179963 0.129008542 0.115247756 0.0948062 0.084500696 0.041487475 0.00847663 0.010124057 0.010207961 0.01018421 0.00951694 0.008513573 0.006722065 0.036871328 0.044178165 0.041387999 0.039173031 0.037761981 0.031762565 0.022073058 1.166406843 0.839548803 0.560088307 0.639564834 0.609581699 1.794675998 0.050433553 0.009031279 0.010507109 0.010387258 0.010081776 0.010032583 0.008932892 0.006663115 0.039079527 0.04203632 0.040461844 0.040622406 0.036424152 0.029252135 0.022165633 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.007776698 0.008920865 0.008773593 0.008135275 0.00806009 0.007466051 0.005424053 0.034627962 0.040280918 0.042444919 0.04054651 0.03703053 0.031324856 0.021079166 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0068389 0.007860587 0.008035196 0.007601401 0.007340407 0.006311879 0.004454224 0.028057996 0.031164693 0.031882962 0.030028158 0.027044273 0.021792485 0.013739514 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.008695213 0.009962245 0.042430755 0.050434673 0.164946307 0.170179963 0.009031279 0.010507109 0.039079527 0.04203632 0 0 0.008695213 0.009962245 0.009844497 0.008975558 0.008869664 0.008028585 0.005689813 0.042430755 0.050434673 0.049978045 0.045348934 0.043362661 0.037282468 0.024075694 0.164946307 0.170179963 0.129008542 0.115247756 0.0948062 0.084500696 0.041487475 Nov-11 Dec-11 Jan-12 Feb-12 Mar-12 Apr-12 May-12 0.008917104 0.009936686 0.009971556 0.009195791 0.008893915 0.007725574 0.0054732 Staff-PR-02 - Attachment A (2).xlsx SENDOUT_INPUTS Page 2 of 6 0.0108535 0.042649504 0 0.009314621 0.043385148 0 0.010392239 0.04147792 0 0.00858034 0.04102 1626 0 0.009883234 0.036731506 0 0.008255801 0.036785783 0 0.009009387 0.031124593 0 0.007376929 0.030306902 0 0.006677531 0.022211433 C 0.005345856 0.020549636 0 0.00812199 0.007464475 0.007148889 0.006363793 0.004493338 0.03338311 0.030193656 0.026720287 0.021971672 0.013532199 0 0 0 0 0 0.009971556 0.051386503 0.163060906 0.0108535 0.042649504 0 0.009195791 0.008893915 0.046965149 0.043325551 0.137456077 0.110348886 0.010392239 0.009883234 0.04147792 0.036731506 0 0 0.007725574 0.035851704 0.07527455 0.009009387 0.031124593 0 0.0054732 0.022926767 0.029972081 0.006677531 0.022211433 0 0.009971556 0.009195791 0.008893915 0.007725574 0.0054732 0.051386503 0.046965149 0.043325551 0.035851704 0.022926767 0.163060906 0.137456077 0.110348886 0.07527455 0.029972081 Wa/Id GIN I Commercial Wa/Id GIN I Ind FirmSale Roseburg I Residential Roseburg I Commercial Roseburg I Ind FirmSale Roseburg Transport Medford NWP I Residential Medford NWP I Commercial Medford NWP Ind FirmSale La Grande J Residential La Grande I Commercial La Grande Ind FirmSale La Grande I Transport KIam Falls Residential Klam Falls f Commercial KIam Falls Ind FirmSale KIam Falls I Transport Wa/Id NWP I Residential Wa/Id NWP I Commercial Wa/Id NWP J Ind FirmSale Medford GIN I Residential Medford GIN I Commercial Medford GTN I Ind FirmSale Medford GIN I Transport Wa/Id Both Residential Wa/Id Both Commercial Wa/Id Both I Ind FirmSale Wa/Id Both J Transport 0.009280494 0.010732513 0.040082872 0.042840143 0 0 0.008339755 0.00918645 0.035764912 0.040554323 0 0 0.006990474 0.007912934 0.02897859 0.032051972 0 0 0.008917104 0.009936686 0.043662256 0.049874816 0.163246862 0.176101805 0.009280494 0.010732513 0.040082872 0.042840143 0 0 0.008917104 0.009936686 0.043662256 0.049874816 0.163246862 0.176101805 0.043662256 0.049874816 0.051386503 0.046965149 0.043325551 0.035851704 0.022926767 0.163246862 0.176101805 0.163060906 0.137456077 0.110348886 0.07527455 0.029972081 0.0089967 0.010522821 0.010709655 0.010654795 0.009689781 0.00882545 0.007013222 0.039774604 0.045169176 0.045126689 0.041274656 0.038347453 0.033173101 0.025229011 0.928955211 0.583731148 0.40659574 0.527838928 0.534582514 3.399800406 0.106390406 Staff-PR-02 - Attachment A (2).xlsx SENDOUT_INPUTS Page 3 of 6 Jun-12 Jul-12 0.003236648 0.001418976 0.014058838 0.006852795 0.040271059 0.026588184 0.004119456 0 0.007933824 0.001488227 0 5.647634092 Aug-12 0.000933082 0.007834899 0.15069464 0 0.002279629 6.895291608 Sep-12 Oct-12 0.002466234 0.006344523 0.018173981 0.035892967 0.178945446 0.256833176 0.000959185 0.003875912 0.016376603 0.020868636 5.033417162 1.887167231 Nov-12 Dec-12 0.004262923 0.010752994 0 0.002615727 0.009617667 0 0.002215955 0.002272603 0 0.003 167656 0.000630374 0.016019782 0.007968575 0 0 0.000180766 0.010223629 0.010959922 0.076284855 0 0 0.00248093 0.006119302 0.019184285 0.035631918 0 0 0.000140513 0.002900546 0.004622604 0.018917053 0 0 0.000254513 0.000443641 0.001317964 0.004339423 0.000338429 0.00463228 0.007707914 0.021750728 0 0 0 0 0.003236648 0.014058838 0.040271059 0.004262923 0.010752994 0 0.001418976 0.000933082 0.006852795 0.007834899 0.026588184 0.15069464 0.003167656 0.000630374 0.016019782 0.007968575 0 0 0.002466234 0.018173981 0.178945446 0.00248093 0.019184285 0 0.006344523 0.035892967 0.256833176 0.006119302 0.035631918 0 0.003236648 0.001418976 0.000933082 0.002466234 0.006344523 0.014058838 0.006852795 0.007834899 0.018173981 0.035892967 0.040271059 0.026588184 0.15069464 0.178945446 0.256833176 Jun-12 Jul-12 Aug-12 Sep-12 Oct-12 Staff-PR-02 - Attachment A (2).xlsx SENDOUT_INPUTS Page 4 of 6 0.002903862 0.021345382 0 0.000742044 0.008149919 0 0.006473882 0.038324684 0 0.003046619 0.018321714 0 0.001305856 0.004338331 0.008292339 0.023550893 0 0 0.003686459 0.001173698 0.016816525 0.004929633 0.055783015 0.044625063 0.00503812 0.000614775 0.010826 0.003070018 0.307866797 3.765089394 0.000826461 0.007712715 0.132057167 4.93693E-05 0.002933236 4.759542558 0.00238834 0.006412228 0.01978081 0.036017179 0.198660758 0.283820092 0.001527313 0.004755629 0.020028191 0.027221003 4.064707745 1.47662742 0.004633661 0.002111771 0.000941211 0.014469459 0.010679854 0.009588349 0 0 0 0.003396429 0.000489695 0.010525255 0.012466839 0.009405361 0.076632518 0 0 0 0.002572739 0.000169675 0.000560013 0.004543931 0.00022562 0.006201806 0 0 0 0.003686459 0.016816525 0.055783015 0.004633661 0.014469459 0 0.001173698 0.004929633 0. 04462 5063 0.002111771 0.010679854 0 0.000826461 0.007712715 0.132057167 0.000941211 0.009588349 0 0.00238834 0.006412228 0.01978081 0.036017179 0.198660758 0.283820092 0.002903862 0.006473882 0.021345382 0.038324684 0 0 0.003686459 0.001173698 0.000826461 0.00238834 0.006412228 0.016816525 0.004929633 0.007712715 0.01978081 0.036017179 0.055783015 0.044625063 0.132057167 0.198660758 0.283820092 Jun-12 Jul-12 Aug-12 Sep-12 Oct-12 0.003547188 0.000810258 0.000940467 0.002480541 0.006553968 Staff-PR-02 - Attachment A (2).xlsx SENDOUT_INPUTS Page 5 of 6 0.015300194 0.003055603 0.009202847 0.021576632 0.0366818 0.035508376 0.030425963 0.124324722 0.206144392 0.301992317 0.006190533 0.00091849 0.000292351 0.002009007 0.005786017 0.010888881 0.003710617 0.006422107 0.021450003 0.034100911 0.497882165 2.259053637 6.480937934 2.893306694 1.207744563 0.004700794 0.001267062 0.014650086 0.006407913 0 0 0.00396093 0.001023495 0.013793933 0.008756069 0 0 0.000564727 0.005753009 0 0.010951334 0.077143601 0 0.003047621 0.006560697 0.021576415 0.039214621 0 0 0.000793156 0.003437031 0.008513077 0.019099468 0 0 0.002655451 0.000449834 0.000430013 0.001794192 0.004547713 0.004296613 0.001291212 0.006028015 0.012167122 0.026461189 0 0 0 0 0 0.003547188 0.015300194 0.035508376 0.004700794 0.014650086 0 0.000810258 0.003055603 0.030425963 0.001267062 0.006407913 0 0.000940467 0.009202847 0.124324722 0.000564727 0.005753009 0 0.002480541 0.021576632 0.206144392 0.003047621 0.021576415 0 0.006553968 0.0366818 0.301992317 0.006560697 0.039214621 0 0.003547188 0.000810258 0.000940467 0.002480541 0.006553968 0.015300194 0.003055603 0.009202847 0.021576632 0.0366818 0.035508376 0.030425963 0.124324722 0.206144392 0.301992317 Staff-PR-02 - Attachment A (2).xlsx SENDOUT_INPUTS Page 6 of 6 AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION JURISDICTION: IDAHO DATE PREPARED: 10/01/2012 CASE NO: AVU-G-12-8 WITNESS: N/A REQUESTER: IPUC RESPONDER: Kelly Irvine TYPE: Production Request DEPARTMENT: Natural Gas Resources REQUEST NO.: Staff-03 TELEPHONE: (509) 495-4335 REQUEST: Please clarify why Figure 6.8 shows Existing Resources vs. Average Day Demand (Net of Demand-side Management (DSM)) and Figure 6.12 shows WA/ID Existing Resources vs. Peak Day Demand (Net of DSM) in light of the filings to suspend DSM programs in Washington and Idaho. Please provide updated figures that are not net of DSM. RESPONSE: The IRP is the starting point for the DSM operational business planning process. At the time of IRP development DSM programs were still in effect. Until completion of the IRP analysis the resultant avoided costs cannot be passed to our DSM department for programmatic evaluation. Additionally, there are inherent differences in how DSM is modeled within SENDOUT® and how actual DSM programs are evaluated within the business planning process. DSM is modeled at an aggregated level within the SENDOUT® model. The results of model selected DSM savings are then passed to our operations department for program development. When broken down to the program level and assessed for cost effectiveness using the TRC test, it was determined the natural gas DSM programs were not cost effective. Appendix 3.9 shows the difference between demand with and without DSM. You can see from the graphics that DSM is a very small component and does not significantly change the results of our anticipated resource deficiency. Also refer to Table 6.4 which shows the volume served by DSM on the peak day. AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION JURISDICTION: IDAHO DATE PREPARED: 10/01/2012 CASE NO: AVU-G-12-8 WITNESS: N/A REQUESTER: IPUC RESPONDER: Grant D. Forsyth, Ph.D. TYPE: Production Request DEPARTMENT: Finance and Analysis REQUEST NO.: Staff-04 TELEPHONE: (509) 495-2765 REQUEST: Please provide the formulas used to forecast the number of customers and a detailed description of the data used. Does your forecast implicitly assume that the penetration of gas appliances remains constant in all types of new construction across time? If so, please provide your support for this assumption. RESPONSE: The forecasts of residential electricity and gas customers are based on the following equation estimated by ordinary least squares (OLS): [1]ACa 0 ±aj S.+E.fort= 1997 )...2011 Here AC t is the annual change in total residential electric and gas customers in our WA, ID, and OR service areas between years t and t-1; S t is the number of housing starts (single family homes and/or multi-family units) reported at time t for Spokane, WA Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA) or Kootenai, ID MSA; and Ct is the error term. For gas customers, St is restricted to single family permits since apartments do not typically use gas. The current estimation period is 1997-2011 and produces the estimated equation: [2] Here the "a-hats" are the OLS estimated coefficients and AC t,p is the predicted change in residential customers based on S. Customer growth for the 2012-2035 period predicted by using Global Insight's (GI) housing starts forecasts as the measure for S. GI is nationally recognized forecasting consultancy used by both the public and private sectors. Since most of the schedules for commercial and industrial customers demonstrate long-run stability, customer forecasts typically represent current customer counts carried forward in time. For commercial and industrial schedules showing a trend in customer counts, the trend tends to be very gradual; in these cases, simple trend forecasting is applied. No specific adjustments are made for the penetration of gas appliances. AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION JURISDICTION: IDAHO DATE PREPARED: 10/10/2012 CASE NO: AVU-G-12-8 WITNESS: N/A REQUESTER: IPUC RESPONDER: Linda Gervais TYPE: Production Request DEPARTMENT: State & Federal Regulation REQUEST NO.: Staff-OS TELEPHONE: (509) 495-4975 REQUEST: Please provide a copy of the Risk Management Policy referenced on page 5.15. RESPONSE: Please see Avista's response 05C, which contains TRADE SECRET, PROPRIETARY or CONFIDENTIAL information and exempt from public view and is separately filed under IDAPA 31.01.01, Rule 067 and 233, and Section 9-340D, Idaho Code. Please see Staff PR —05C Confidential Attachment A.