HomeMy WebLinkAbout20121211Avista to Staff 58-60,62-68,70-74,etc.pdfAvista Corp. 1411 East Mission P.O. Box 3727 Spokane. Washington 99220-0500 Telephone 509-489-0500 Toll Free 800-727-9170 December 10, 2012 1!?DEC II ANIO: 13 u YTILITES MiSSiOr AV1STA' Corp. Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 W. Washington St. Boise, ID 83720-0074 Attn: Karl T. Klein Weldon B. Stutzman Deputy Attorney General Re: Production Request of the Commission Staff in Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G- 12-07 Dear Mr. Klein and Mr. Stutzman, Enclosed are an original and three copies of Avista's responses to IPUC Staffs production requests in the above referenced docket. Included in this mailing are Avista' s responses to production requests 058 - 060, 062 - 068, 070 - 074, 076, 078, and 079. The electronic versions of the responses were emailed on 12/10/12 and are also being provided in electronic format on the CD included in this mailing. Also included are Avista's CONFIDENTIAL responses to PR 060C, 063C, 066C, 068C, 070C, 072C and 076C. This response contains TRADE SECRET, PROPRIETARY or CONFIDENTIAL information and is separately filed under IDAPA 31.01.01, Rule 067 and 233, and Section 9-340D, Idaho Code, and pursuant to the Protective Agreement between Avista and IPUC Staff dated October 16, 2012. It is being provided under a sealed separate envelope, marked CONFIDENTIAL. If there are any questions regarding the enclosed information, please contact Paul Kimball at (509) 495-4584 or via e-mail at paul.kimballavistacorp.com Sincerely, Paul Kimball Regulatory Analyst Enclosures CC: all parties AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION JURISDICTION: IDAHO DATE PREPARED: 11/28/2012 CASE NO: AVU-E-12-08 / AVU-G-12-07 WITNESS: Scott Kinney REQUESTER: IPUC RESPONDER: Scott Waples/Scott Kinney TYPE: Production Request DEPARTMENT: System Operations REQUEST NO.: Staff-058 TELEPHONE: (509) 495-4462/4494 REQUEST: The following requests pertain to the Canada to Northern California (CNC) Transmission Project: a.Why did Avista originally enter into a CNC Stage 1 Project Development Agreement (i.e., for $537,000), and what were the additional planning expenditures (i.e., for $221,000)? See Kinney, pg. 10, line 23 and pg. 11, lines 1-6. b.Were the additional planning expenditures for the CNC project part of an agreement or obligation? Please explain. See Kinney, pg. 11, lines 5-6. c.Why is Avista amortizing the CNC Stage 1 Project Development Agreement costs over a three-year period starting in 2012? See Kinney, pg. 11, lines 6-11. d.If the Idaho share of the amortized amount of $253,000 is $88,000 for each of the three years, why is the test year expense listed as $127,000, and why is the pro forma amount $253,000? See Kinney, pg. 11, lines 8-11, Table 1, and Exhibit 9. e.Why did Avista receive a refund from the Stage 1 Project Development Agreement? See Kinney Workpaper G, line 5, Column 9. RESPONSE: a.See Avista's response to Staff PR-030 for the reasons the Company entered into the CNC Stage 1 agreement. Avista signed the Stage 1 Project Development Agreement as a vehicle for funding expenditures associated with the hiring of consultants, contractors, lawyers, system studies, and environmental issues. The Stage 1 Agreement defined a cost sharing mechanism among the participants. The additional expenditures were associated with Company employee costs to attend CNC related meetings. Avista employees participated in several CNC committees including Stage 1 Stakeholder, Project Review Group, Environmental and Right of Way and Public Relations. b.The additional expenditures for the CNC project were required for Avista to determine if an interconnection between Avista and the main stem project were both technically and financially feasible, and to assure that the two projects were being properly coordinated (from a technical standpoint) as the study work for the two sub-projects (the main stem and the Devils Gap interconnection project) proceeded. All Stage 1 signatories had participation on the different CNC related project committees. c.Avista is amortizing these expenses over a three-year period beginning in 2012, resulting in a 2013 rate period amortization expense of $253,000($88,000 Idaho share). The amortization period expense represents the method proposed in the Company's last general rate case (AVU-E- 11-01) that was resolved through a "black-box" settlement. The three-year amortization method is consistent with how the Company has expensed other Page 1 of Transmission costs (Transmission Line Ratings Confirmation Plan NERC Alert) and Transmission revenue (OASIS Non-Firm and Short-Term Firm Transmission Service and PacificCorp Dry Gulch) in previous rate cases. d.The expenses shown in Table 1 are adjustments from the test year to the pTroforma year. The test year started in July of 2011 and ended in June of 2012. The CNC costs are amortized on a monthly basis so only 6 months of CNC costs ($127,000) were expensed in the test year since amortization of the CNC expenses started in January of 2012. Transmission expenses are typically discussed in terms of system costs which is why the total proforma amount is shown as $253,000. Actual expenses for Idaho are only $88,000 in the proforma period. e.Avista entered into the Stage 1 CNC agreement with the initial project participants (British Columbia Transmission Corporation, PacifiCorp, Pacific Gas and Electric, and Transmission Agency of Northern California) and the Company's share of the Stage 1 agreement was $665,000. The Stage 1 effort was completed without using all of the initial funds. Therefore the Company received a refund of $121,000. AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION JURISDICTION: IDAHO DATE PREPARED: 11/28/2012 CASE NO: AVU-E-12-08 / AVU-G-12-07 WITNESS: Scott Kinney REQUESTER: IPUC RESPONDER: Scott Kinney TYPE: Production Request DEPARTMENT: System Operations REQUEST NO.: Staff-059 TELEPHONE: (509) 495-4494 REQUEST: Please explain why training and travel expenses for the ColumbiaGrid OASIS staff are increasing by $8,550 over the test year amount of $450. See Kinney pg. 7, lines 22, 23 and pg. 8, lines 1-6. RESPONSE: The $9,000 in expenses associated with the OASIS staff is for travel and training for 3 employees. The employees attend training provided by the Western Electricity Coordinating Council (WECC) and the Northwest Power Pool NWPP. The OASIS staff also attends industry conferences provided by WECC and the NWPP. These conference and training sessions keep the employees up to date on current and developing NERC Reliability Standard requirements associated with OASIS functions and Transmission scheduling. The staff also attends steering committee and user group meetings held by Open Access Technology International (OATI), which is the Company's OASIS and transmission scheduling application provider. Due to increased work load the employees were not able to attend these industry conferences during the test year. The OASIS staff will attend these sessions in the proforma year. AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION JURISDICTION: IDAHO DATE PREPARED: 11/30/2012 CASE NO: AVU-E-12-08 / AVU-G-12-07 WITNESS: Scott Kinney REQUESTER: IPUC RESPONDER: Dan Knutson TYPE: Production Request DEPARTMENT: Electric Distribution REQUEST NO.: Staff-060 TELEPHONE: (509) 495-5481 REQUEST: Avista Utilities' 2011 Electric Service Reliability Report provided to the Washington Public Utility and Transmission Commission identified Colville as an area of concern because it has the lowest reliability ratings of Washington's operating areas. The following requests seek to obtain similar information on Avista' s analysis of Idaho's distribution reliabilities and associated reliability improvements investment. See Kinney testimony, System Distribution Reliability Improve Worst Feeders (Kinney Table 4 and pg. 38, lines 10-27). a.Please describe the process the Company uses to select areas of concern for Idaho. b.Does the Company identify areas of concern for each of its distribution offices? If so, please describe the individual areas of concern of each distribution office in Idaho. c.What metrics or criteria does the company use to measure circuit reliability? d.Does the Company have a goal or target timeframe to improve the reliability of underperforming circuits? e.What have the reliability target values been over the past 3 years (i.e., the specific 5-year averages with the major event day removed, plus 2 standard deviations)? f.Please describe the work plans and budgets developed to improve Idaho's operating areas and include a list of the feeders, feeders' abbreviations, office codes, towns or cities, and counties for each substation located in Idaho. g.Please provide a 5-year history of the reliability performance data for Idaho organized by distribution office and by circuit number. RESPONSE: Please see Avista's response 060C, which contains TRADE SECRET, PROPRIETARY or CONFIDENTIAL information and exempt from public view and is separately filed under IDAPA 31.01.01, Rule 067 and 233, and Section 9-340D, Idaho Code. a.Avista uses the same methodology system wide to select areas of concern. A composite method that takes into account 40% SAIFI, 40% SAIDI, and 20% MAIM indices along with review of the overall CEMIn plots. One area is emphasized in the WUTC annual report, but other areas are analyzed for inclusion in budgets. See below for definitions of SAIFI, SAIDI, MAIM, and CEMIn. b.Avista does not specifically identify areas of concern for each office area using the methodology above, however it does show potential areas of concern that are reflected by the CEMIn plots. The CEMIn plots include major event day incidents, but that provides.a representation of what the Avista electric customer is experiencing. Page 1 of 2 c.The IEEE indice SAIFI is the most influential metric used to measure reliability, but it is also used in conjunction with SAID! (CAIDI is SAIDI divided by SAIFI) and also CEMIn. d.There is no specific reliability goal for each improvement or target. Each improvement expenditure may or may not perform as expected for that specific area or feeder. The improvements may also take more than a year to show up in the reliability numbers, depending on when the improvements were completed. e.The reliability targets for the last three years as provided in the WUTC annual report(s) are: 2009 2010 2011 SAIDI 160 147 204 SAIFI 1.44 1.70 1.65 CAIDI 137 137 128 f.Avista plans to spend a total of $2,000,000 annually for the next five years on distribution projects to improve reliability. There are four projects slated for 2013 for Idaho. These projects were developed as a result of the CEMIn map results for 2011 (Staff _PR_060 Attachment A), as well as past reliability performance. The four feeders to have improvements are St Manes 633 - Convert OH to UG, Wallace 543 - equipment replacement, poles, arms, Julietta 662 - equipment replacement, install tree wire, poles, arms, and Deary 651 - equipment replacement, poles, arms, convert OH to UG. Please see Staff PR 060C Confidential Attachment A for feeder detail and locations. g.Please see StaffPR_060 Attachment B. Definitions: SAIFI - System Average Interruption Frequency Index • The average number of sustained interruptions per customer • = The number of customers which had sustained interruptions Total number of customers served MAIFIE - Momentary Average Interruption Event Frequency Index • The average number of momentary interruption events per customer • = The number of customers which had momentary interruption events Total number of customers served SAID! - System Average Interruption Duration Index • Average sustained outage time per customer • = Outage duration multiplied by the customers effected for all sustained interruptions Total number of customers served CEMIn - Customers Experiencing Multiple Sustained Interruptions more than n. • CEMIn • Total Number of Customers that experience more than n sustained interruptions Total Number of Customers Served Page 2of 2 j 2011 Incident Distribution Coeur D Alene Office t J .;pill \ StafLPROeO Attachment A Legend Inalclonts at Service Point Print$&- W112019 0 2.5 5 10 Mies Note.I I I I I I I Page 1 016 __ Lj5T 2011 Incident Distributionl N / ipangle Worley Palouse Office Ohmat Upper St. Joe nwer sprag — I War i fPIummer 1] i newah Creek iaicien Rosalie A / ' . Tekoa •11 r :11 Tensed 2- Benewah Creek D2 I . Oãkésdale ,t Joh rnngto : ' Onaway \_ j &Endicott Potl Palouse —' 'Bovill ',o Elk River Legend IC as Albion — ,P4 ary Rlve Incidents at Service Point C0unIOfINCIDENT KY ' 0 — PuIlman 12 13 14 15 - KhndrIr 16; 17; 18; 19 Colton uliaetta Pierce Pierce Top T iLpi2 nesee / A ka Orofino \ 2009 L 2010 ________________________________________________ South Pierce 2011 mepy Peck HjelmerJohron/ Upper Fords Cr:ek fl&ne to sat loOts 010111% Ioc*000 00 OIl, 010% 001 I0001010rlatt 011%. NOTICE:THISISNOI Printed: 411/2012 0 10 20 40 Miles Note: Nap 2 of No oat POW ThI. Il. 10.1011 t22.o d.ono0Ioodoa0fllO0I AA110k0.00t1*W0& I I I I I I I Staff rm00. 7i 2011 Incident Distribution Lewis — Clark Office Legend Incidents at Service Point CountOIINCIDENT_KY 0 • 1-3 • 4-8 7-10 11; 12; 13; 14; 15 • 16; 17; 18; 19 Top Ten 2009 cJ2010 2011 \ Avis.*NOTIC thOifl&MlttIflf.c*OflOflthkfl1.pflUpVOU,Idflf*. THIS NOT Ch.o .yhv.NONr.d th Printed: 4/1/2012 j ALEOALDOGUMENT ROW TN lR,d,.pN N.*.wOp oo.N.I v4thd..nnrOWCr Note:Staff PR 060 liaA 0 2.5 5 10 Miles I I I I I I Legend ) incidents at Service Point CountOf INCIDENT_KY 11; 12; 13; 14; 15 • 16;17;18;19 Top Ten • =2009 E2010 2011 ( ..0 F i—er LA 2011 Incident Distribution Kellogg Office .0 WorIoy r-'Plummer 7rden Tracts r Upper AM* Upper St. Joe River Benewah Creek * 1 Beewt Crook j Printed: 4/1/2012 0 5 10 20 Miles Note ROW 1RdWW tMkd..noWo*i,rOWC.W I Staff PR 060 Alt neflA I I I I I I p 4 of P Stafl_PR_OeO Attachment A Page 5 of 6 Legend Incidents at Service Point CountOfINCIDENT_KY 0 • 1-3 • 4-6 7-10 11; 12; 13; 14; 15 • 16; 17; 18; 19 Top Ten 2009 c 2010 2011 2011 Incident Distribution Sandpoint Office W+E - Cusick I;, - _ Newport Priest River ZF / Dover S T- SpIrItLak ~x~ Athol r m"m 4iisr d ITh Printed: 4/1/2012 0 5 iö 20 Miles ww,RCWmS IS. dM54. IflwtScbScbdnndflIeSInørOntCSr e. _ A SAM Office Feeder 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 CDC APW111 0.09 0.04 0.02 1.13 0.13 CDC APW112 0.22 0.02 1.09 0.10 1.09 CDC APW113 2.71 0.21 0.31 0.36 0.01 CDC APW114 0.01 0.01 0.02 0.10 0.00 CDC APW116 0.01 CDC AVD151 0.19 0.43 0.11 0.37 0.00 CDC AVD152 0.12 1.48 0.01 0.18 0.00 CDC BLU321 1.83 0.54 0.91 10.72 5.89 CDC CDAl21 1.13 0.24 0.18 1.50 0.15 CDC CDAl22 1.52 0.03 0.01 0.04 0.26 CDC CDAl23 0.64 0.15 0.12 0.45 1.11 CDC CDAl24 0.03 1.01 0.01 0.12 0.24 CDC CDAl25 0.06 0.16 0.28 0.44 1.20 CDC DAL131 0.42 0.60 0.29 0.10 2.32 CDC DA1132 0.03 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.01 CDC DAL133 0.20 0.03 0.60 0.23 1.07 CDC DAL134 0.14 1.04 0.00 3.06 CDC HER 1.00 3.00 1.00 1.00 CDC HUE141 0.02 1.05 2.10 0.82 0.16 CDC HUE142 1.04 0.01 0.02 0.23 0.05 CDC 1DR251 0.02 1.09 CDC 1DR252 0.02 1.03 CDC 1DR253 0.07 1.27 7.53 CDC LKV341 1.00 1.05 0.05 CDC 1KV342 1.00 0.10 0.93 1.10 CDC 1KV343 3.28 2.60 608.00 2.20 0.64 CDC PF211 0.06 0.10 0.18 0.06 2.30 CDC PF212 2.30 0.05 0.01 1.15 0.12 CDC PF213 0.00 0.18 0.51 2.10 1.36 CDC PRA221 0.03 0.01 0.06 0.00 0.16 CDC PRA222 1.19 0.05 1.24 1.25 1.37 CDC PVW241 0.05 2.17 2.35 0.08 1.38 CDC PVW243 0.33 2.02 7.52 0.00 0.01 CDC RAT231 1.00 0.14 1.30 0.53 0.30 CDC RAT233 0.14 CDC SPL361 0.26 1.40 2.02 1.85 1.36 GRC C0T2401 4.09 2.45 2.37 3.98 2.10 GRC C0T2402 5.48 2.40 6.76 4.32 4.07 GRC CRG1260 2.40 0.00 0.00 2.00 1.04 GRC CRG1261 2.11 1.25 2.74 3.17 2.35 GRC CRG1263 2.11 1.22 0.00 2.22 1.00 GRC GRV1271 1.25 2.26 1.09 3.33 3.66 GRC GRV1272 1.03 2.02 0.01 4.45 2.06 GRC GRV1273 11.25 17.85 36.57 20.17 27.44 GRC GRV1274 0.07 3.10 1.13 3.30 2.18 Staff_PR_060 Attachment B.xlsx Page 1 of 9 GRC JPE1287 6.75 7.94 1.35 4.87 6.34 GRC KAM1291 0.57 2.53 4.39 2.37 2.19 GRC KAM1292 0.41 2.63 1.31 3.17 3.49 GRC KAM1293 0.11 2.25 2.09 2.13 1.02 GRC K001298 0.48 4.52 2.31 3.09 2.62 GRC K001299 0.67 1.03 0.10 2.07 1.99 GRC NEZ1267 0.67 0.12 2.04 3.15 2.16 GRC 0R01280 0.77 2.62 5.30 2.14 0.03 GRC 0R01281 0.45 3.06 2.02 2.12 0.33 GRC 0R01282 1.11 1.67 2.08 1.43 2.00 GRC WE11289 9.19 8.82 0.96 4.06 3.35 GRC W1K1278 1.00 2.00 0.00 1.00 2.00 GRC W1K1279 2.08 3.24 4.08 2.01 3.66 KEC BIG411 0.43 1.92 0.65 0.24 0.15 KEC B1G412 1.09 1.10 0.35 1.27 1.20 KEC B1G413 0.25 1.00 KEC BUN422 0.14 1.00 0.09 0.24 1.17 KEC BUN423 1.08 1.00 0.01 0.01 0.01 KEC BUN424 0.00 1.00 0.21 KEC BUN426 1.15 1.01 0.04 0.04 2.13 KEC LKY511 0.00 0.00 1.02 1.00 0.00 KEC M1S431 5.12 2.69 3.21 4.92 2.18 KEC OGA611 1.05 3.72 1.47 4.93 3.93 KEC 0SB521 4.16 0.19 0.11 2.60 1.14 KEC 0SB522 4.00 0.00 0.11 1.00 1.00 KEC P1N441 1.09 0.16 0.17 0.34 0.17 KEC P1N442 0.08 0.16 0.43 0.34 0.03 KEC P1N443 0.97 1.41 2.11 0.91 0.66 KEC STM631 0.47 0.48 3.09 7.69 2.52 KEC STM632 1.00 2.04 6.04 4.00 2.00 KEC STM633 2.79 7.92 5.21 12.27 6.91 KEC WAL542 2.09 2.06 5.43 3.00 3.17 KEC WAL543 4.52 3.60 0.64 4.35 3.98 KEC WAL544 2.31 2.27 0.07 3.62 2.24 KEC WA1545 2.03 1.24 3.85 3.71 0.92 LCC H011205 0.49 2.24 0.37 1.03 1.01 ICC H0L1206 1.03 1.24 0.13 1.08 0.02 LCC H011207 0.01 1.15 0.03 0.03 ICC L0L1266 1.42 0.24 1.60 1.19 0.03 LCC L0L1359 3.45 0.14 0.10 0.11 1.02 ICC N131222 1.05 0.01 2.06 0.69 1.76 LCC N131321 1.02 0.11 0.02 0.05 0.01 LCC PDL1203 3.05 1.05 0.20 0.09 0.14 ICC SLW1316 0.01 0.09 0.23 0.08 2.34 LCC SLW1348 0.01 0.10 0.64 0.11 0.13 ICC S1W1358 0.06 0.15 0.17 0.38 0.54 LCC SLW1368 0.36 1.03 0.88 1.19 0.19 Staff-PR-060 Attachment B.xlsx Page 2 of 9 ICC SWT2403 3.05 1.35 1.71 3.38 3.38 LCC 1EN1253 1.19 0.34 0.09 0.16 0.00 ICC TEN1254 0.87 0.29 0.05 0.26 0.03 LCC TEN1255 0.03 0.05 2.14 2.19 1.21 LCC TEN1256 0.09 0.13 0.17 0.27 0.23 ICC TEN1257 2.03 0.01 1.03 2.26 0.33 PAC DER651 11.74 9.85 7.27 17.40 9.65 PAC DER652 5.11 2.74 3.09 6.08 4.93 PAC JUL661 2.04 1.03 8.64 4.29 4.91 PAC JU1662 4.80 3.28 1.13 5.95 5.14 PAC LE061I 5.17 0.07 3.21 1.02 1.15 PAC LE0612 2.78 0.13 1.88 2.04 0.59 PAC M15511 0.00 0.39 1.48 0.29 1.10 PAC M15512 0.07 1.28 1.47 0.33 1.30 PAC M15513 1.18 2.65 2.68 0.21 1.33 PAC M15514 0.21 0.19 0.60 1.09 2.14 PAC M15515 0.45 0.26 2.26 0.26 1.17 PAC M23621 1.11 4.23 1.97 2.22 2.87 PAC NM0521 0.02 0.14 1.08 2.03 1.08 PAC NM0522 0.00 1.00 5.16 2.33 1.08 PAC PAL311 1.05 3.07 2.45 1.07 3.64 PAC PAL312 1.68 4.41 2.01 3.20 3.26 PAC P0T321 1.01 2.16 4.68 0.41 2.19 PAC P01322 1.23 3.55 0.40 2.12 4.10 PAC W0R471 0.08 0.98 3.11 0.99 SAC BLA311 3.18 3.18 0.58 1.48 1.12 SAC CGC331 0.14 0.17 2.00 1.00 SAC CKF711 1.97 5.02 7.42 2.19 4.40 SAC CKF712 0.00 SAC 0DN731 1.63 2.73 4.12 1.56 2.71 SAC 0DN732 2.01 1.46 6.41 4.79 7.00 SAC 0LD721 2.18 2.29 2.00 3.00 2.91 SAC 0LD722 1.00 1.00 2.00 0.00 2.00 SAC PRV4S40 0.35 0.52 0.92 3.03 5.56 SAC SAG741 1.02 4.24 2.57 3.54 SAC SAG742 0.14 0.53 2.09 1.86 SAC SPT4S21 1.48 5.36 2.07 0.65 3.94 SAC SP14S22 0.04 1.32 2.09 1.26 1.51 SAC SPT4S23 0.16 2.06 0.11 0.25 0.15 SAC SPT4S30 0.36 1.92 2.33 1.09 0.07 Staff-PR-060 Attachment B.xlsx Page 3 of 9 Office CDC CDC CDC CDC CDC CDC CDC CDC CDC CDC CDC CDC CDC CDC CDC CDC CDC CDC CDC CDC CDC CDC CDC CDC CDC CDC CDC CDC CDC CDC CDC CDC CDC CDC CDC CDC G RC GRC GRC GRC G RC GRC GRC GRC G RC 2008 1:04 0:38 0:55 0:11 0:50 0:22 23:05 2:44 0:06 1:25 0:27 0:25 0:17 0:00 0:39 0:00 3:28 0:28 17:55 16:37 22:53 0:14 1:30 2:37 0:00 0:28 0:17 0:00 1:05 5:08 3:05 6:29 4:01 6:08 1:48 4:08 4:46 40:30 3:39 Feeder 2011 2010 2009 APW111 0:07 0:04 0:01 APW112 0:32 0:01 0:27 APW113 0:55 0:29 0:49 APW114 0:00 0:00 0:03 APW116 0:00 AVD151 0:14 0:48 0:11 AVD152 0:16 1:34 0:01 BLU321 3:44 1:30 2:03 CDAl21 0:53 0:36 0:19 CDAl22 1:57 0:02 0:01 CDAl23 3:15 0:12 0:14 CDAl24 0:03 2:28 0:01 CDAl25 0:04 0:08 0:07 DAL131 0:54 1:47 0:37 DA1132 0:02 0:00 0:00 DAL133 0:12 0:01 0:45 DAL134 0:22 0:26 HER 1:23 4:22 4:42 HUE141 0:01 0:49 2:51 HUE142 0:24 0:01 3:38 1DR251 0:02 1:29 1DR252 0:00 1:20 1DR253 0:12 2:03 0:00 LKV341 6:07 LKV342 6:07 0:25 0:28 1KV343 37:25 16:28 4:51 PF211 0:06 0:07 0:12 PF212 2:47 0:07 0:12 PF213 0:00 0:50 0:00 PRA221 0:01 0:00 0:29 PRA222 1:31 0:03 0:08 PVW241 0:03 3:30 1:22 PVW243 1:47 3:02 428 RAT231 3:34 0:42 2:26 RAT233 0:22 SP1361 0:59 4:17 3:37 C0T2401 6:48 3:08 3:44 C0T2402 8:08 2:32 10:59 CRG1260 3:30 CRG1261 2:21 2:29 2:36 CRG1263 2:16 1:50 GRV1271 1:21 3:59 0:54 GRV1272 0:29 2:42 0:00 GRV1273 49:03 80:57 105:10 GRV1274 0:03 5:34 2:44 2007 0:09 2:00 0:02 0:00 0:00 0:00 11:36 0:18 0:42 2:13 0:17 0:42 1:39 0:01 2:35 12:22 2:50 0:07 0:06 0:05 8:04 3:00 0:12 2:40 0:42 2:20 3:04 0:00 0:36 3:53 1:19 45:36 1:39 5:17 1:27 7:17 6:12 62:32 6:25 Staff_PR060 Attachment B.xlsx Page 4 of 9 GRC JPE1287 23:49 GRC KAM1291 2:09 GRC KAM1292 1:14 GRC KAM1293 0:17 GRC K001298 3:19 GRC K001299 2:07 GRC NEZ1267 2:46 GRC 0R01280 1:15 GRC 0R01281 1:32 GRC 0R01282 1:22 GRC WE11289 26:36 GRC W1K1278 1:30 GRC W1K1279 2:08 KEC BIG411 0:32 KEC B1G412 4:10 KEC B1G413 0:03 KEC BUN422 0:04 KEC BUN423 0:50 KEC BUN424 0:00 KEC BUN426 1:39 KEC LKY511 0:00 KEC M1S431 11:45 KEC OGA611 4:17 KEC 0SB521 10:11 KEC 0SB522 3:38 KEC P1N441 1:01 KEC P1N442 1:03 KEC P1N443 1:22 KEC STM631 1:14 KEC STM632 0:08 KEC STM633 8:21 KEC WAL542 1:59 KEC WAL543 9:46 KEC WA1544 3:04 KEC WAL545 1:52 LCC H011205 0:42 ICC H0L1206 0:58 LCC H0L1207 0:01 LCC L0L1266 3:36 LCC L011359 14:42 ICC N131222 5:21 LCC N131321 5:14 LCC PD11203 4:45 ICC SLW1316 0:00 LCC SLW1348 0:01 ICC SLW1358 0:05 LCC SLW1368 0:50 22:12 10:32 11:1S 8:28 7:34 0:34 0:24 8:04 5:12 3:31 34:32 2:19 3:54 3:13 1:47 1:33 1:21 1:20 1:33 1:21 0:00 6:18 13:25 0:31 0:00 0:19 0:03 2:05 1:07 1:48 17:52 1:42 6:51 2:43 1:16 2:09 2:12 0:52 0:14 0:00 0:08 1:43 0:05 0:30 0:30 2:05 27:14 0:24 2:52 0:39 2:26 2:18 0:02 30:38 10:30 8:50 21:05 0:00 1:15 1:21 0:15 0:07 0:00 0:06 0:02 0:00 3:07 13:58 0:53 0:06 1:17 0:09 0:09 6:36 6:53 14:56 0:04 7:59 0:13 0:06 0:01 0:03 0:08 0:31 11:05 7:03 0:11 0:47 1:04 0:13 0:23 13:46 4:58 6:59 4:05 6:20 3:11 4:10 0:56 1:04 1:02 9:45 0:30 3:00 0:22 2:53 0:23 0:00 0:02 1:26 10:54 7:34 1:38 0:26 1:42 0:58 1:58 8:36 4:02 22:35 6:57 6:08 2:25 3:01 0:28 1:11 0:02 1:09 0:12 1:42 0:06 0:09 0:15 0:17 0:30 1:13 18:02 5:04 8:03 1:43 5:06 3:50 14:43 0:01 0:41 5:15 14:30 0:41 4:49 0:20 5:12 1:13 0:00 2:55 0:00 5:51 6:03 1:02 0:41 0:36 0:06 1:40 3:10 2:51 24:29 5:01 9:08 2:21 0:45 1:08 0:02 0:01 0:05 1:52 4:41 0:00 0:14 4:08 0:13 1:09 0:29 Staff—PR-060 Attachment B.xlsx Page 5 of 9 ICC SWT2403 4:28 2:55 7:35 16:10 13:42 LCC TEN1253 1:11 0:47 0:06 0:35 0:00 LCC TEN1254 1:06 0:23 0:04 0:29 0:04 LCC TEN1255 0:03 0:05 0:05 4:58 1:57 LCC TEN 1256 0:09 0:17 2:23 0:46 0:21 LCC TEN1257 2:19 0:01 0:15 3:30 0:30 PAC DER651 22:33 28:20 12:02 24:22 18:58 PAC DER652 9:59 4:23 4:27 6:08 10:57 PAC JUL661 1:01 2:34 0:55 4:35 10:59 PAC JU1662 4:06 9:21 8:41 8:49 16:59 PAC LE0611 8:29 0:05 5:16 1:21 2:34 PAC LE0612 3:41 0:11 4:46 11:05 0:52 PAC M15511 0:00 0:27 0:13 1:13 0:21 PAC M15512 0:10 12:12 0:17 0:22 0:32 PAC M15513 1:33 1:32 0:09 0:29 1:02 PAC M15514 0:12 0:22 0:41 1:57 0:49 PAC M15515 1:35 0:41 0:46 1:22 0:39 PAC M23621 1:41 8:58 2:47 4:05 3:21 PAC NM0521 0:06 0:24 0:45 5:22 2:09 PAC NM0522 0:00 1:01 0:41 5:08 2:15 PAC PAL311 0:31 7:57 1:25 2:17 3:33 PAC PAL312 2:28 10:12 0:54 11:27 3:26 PAC P0T321 0:24 4:12 1:05 1:21 1:28 PAC P01322 0:55 44:36 3:08 5:06 2:22 PAC W0R471 0:09 2:01 14:01 7:10 4:27 SAC BLA311 6:08 6:22 2:33 4:05 2:35 SAC CGC331 0:14 0:19 0:44 5:38 SAC CKF711 3:02 8:22 8:40 9:17 15:05 SAC CKF712 0:00 SAC 0DN731 1:36 2:40 3:13 3:15 6:44 SAC 0DN732 3:56 1:24 1:10 9:50 9:30 SAC 0LD721 2:28 4:20 6:47 6:36 5:44 SAC 0LD722 0:34 1:53 5:15 0:00 2:59 SAC PRV4S40 0:48 1:04 2:58 7:25 11:34 SAC SAG741 2:19 11:23 0:54 10:30 SAC SAG742 0:13 1:08 4:46 6:26 SAC 5P14521 0:49 7:30 3:02 2:00 5:11 SAC SPT4S22 0:02 1:08 1:12 1:05 0:59 SAC SPT4S23 0:13 1:00 0:44 0:25 0:24 SAC SPT4S30 0:38 1:07 0:10 0:30 0:11 Staff_PR060 Attachment B.xlsx Page 6 of 9 CAIDI Office Feeder 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 CDC APW111 1:25 1:48 1:08 0:57 1:10 CDC APW112 2:28 0:57 0:25 6:24 1:50 CDC APW113 0:20 2:22 2:36 2:35 2:47 CDC APW114 0:57 1:05 2:05 1:52 1:32 CDC APW116 0:14 CDC AVD151 1:17 1:52 1:46 2:16 CDC AVD152 2:22 1:03 1:40 2:03 CDC BLU321 2:02 2:48 2:15 2:09 1:58 CDC CDAl21 0:47 2:35 1:49 1:49 2:05 CDC CDAl22 1:17 1:17 2:05 2:57 2:45 CDC CDAl23 5:03 1:23 1:53 3:10 2:00 CDC CDAl24 1:36 2:26 1:45 3:39 1:10 CDC CDAl25 1:21 0:56 0:26 0:58 0:35 CDC DAL131 2:10 2:59 2:12 2:51 0:42 CDC DAL132 1:13 1:43 2:49 2:53 4:55 CDC DAL133 1:01 1:01 1:15 2:47 2:25 CDC DAL134 2:40 0:25 2:36 4:02 CDC HER 1:23 1:27 4:42 2:50 CDC HUE141 1:26 0:47 1:21 4:15 0:44 CDC HUE142 0:23 2:05 174:08 2:03 2:15 CDC 1DR251 1:59 1:21 CDC 1DR252 0:54 1:18 CDC 1DR253 2:44 1:37 0:00 CDC LKV341 6:07 17:08 2:07 CDC 1KV342 6:07 4:12 0:30 15:06 CDC LKV343 11:25 6:19 0:00 10:23 12:33 CDC PF211 1:44 1:13 1:08 4:11 1:18 CDC PF212 1:12 2:22 32:02 1:18 1:48 CDC PF213 0:21 4:37 0:01 1:14 1:58 CDC PRA221 0:51 0:55 8:42 2:02 4:30 CDC PRA222 1:17 1:08 0:06 0:22 1:42 CDC PVW241 1:06 1:36 0:35 3:40 2:13 CDC PVW243 5:28 1:30 0:35 1:10 CDC RAT231 3:33 5:00 1:53 2:03 2:01 CDC RAT233 2:39 CDC SPL361 3:45 3:04 1:47 2:46 2:51 GRC C0T2401 1:39 1:16 1:34 0:46 0:37 GRC C0T2402 1:29 1:03 1:37 1:30 11:12 GRC CRG1260 1:27 2:01 1:35 GRC CRG1261 1:06 1:59 0:57 1:56 2:15 GRC CRG1263 1:04 1:30 0:49 1:27 GRC GRV1271 1:05 1:46 0:49 1:14 1:59 GRC GRV1272 0:28 1:20 1:11 1:04 3:01 GRC 6RV1273 4:21 4:32 2:52 2:00 2:16 GRC GRV1274 0:52 1:48 2:24 1:06 2:56 Staff—PR-060 Attachment B.xlsx Page 7 of 9 GRC JPE1287 3:31 2:47 20:12 2:49 2:50 GRC KAM1291 3:49 4:09 0:05 2:05 2:18 GRC KAM1292 3:01 4:17 2:11 2:12 2:18 GRC KAM1293 2:44 3:45 0:19 1:55 1:41 GRC K001298 6:55 1:40 1:03 2:03 1:57 GRC K001299 3:08 0:33 23:05 1:32 1:55 GRC NEZ1267 4:08 3:29 0:01 1:19 6:49 GRC 0R01280 1:38 3:05 5:46 0:26 0:54 GRC 0R01281 3:25 1:42 5:12 0:30 2:06 GRC 0R01282 1:14 2:06 4:14 0:43 2:37 GRC WE11289 2:53 3:55 22:04 2:24 4:20 GRC W1K1278 L30 1:09 0:30 0:20 GRC W1K1279 1:01 1:12 0:18 1:29 1:19 KEC B16411 1:15 1:40 2:05 1:32 2:19 KEC B1G412 3:49 1:38 0:44 2:16 4:20 KEC B1G413 0:12 1:33 KEC BUN422 0:32 1:21 1:24 1:38 1:02 KEC BUN423 0:46 1:21 1:22 1:00 2:02 KEC BUN424 1:33 0:32 KEC BUN426 1:26 1:20 0:50 1:09 1:22 KEC LKY511 0:00 1:26 KEC M1S431 2:17 2:20 0:58 2:12 2:41 KEC OGA611 4:04 3:36 9:29 1:32 1:32 KEC OSB521 2:26 2:44 8:02 0:37 0:54 KEC 0SB522 0:54 0:56 0:26 0:41 KEC P1N441 0:56 1:59 7:31 5:04 3:37 KEC P1N442 13:12 0:22 0:22 2:51 4:00 KEC P1N443 1:24 1:29 0:04 2:10 2:31 KEC 5TM631 2:36 2:19 2:08 1:07 1:15 KEC STM632 0:08 0:52 1:08 1:00 1:25 KEC STM633 2:59 2:15 2:52 1:50 3:32 KEC WAL542 0:57 0:49 0:00 2:18 1:35 KEC WAL543 2:09 1:54 12:31 1:24 2:17 KEC WAL544 1:19 1:12 3:21 0:40 1:03 KEC WA1545 0:55 1:02 0:01 0:48 0:50 LCC H0L1205 1:26 0:57 0:04 0:27 1:07 LCC H0L1206 0:57 1:46 0:27 1:06 1:28 ICC H011207 1:29 0:00 1:36 1:09 LCC 1011266 2:32 3:39 0:05 0:58 2:30 LCC L0L1359 4:15 1:42 5:05 1:59 1:49 ICC N131222 5:05 0:53 5:22 2:28 2:40 ICC N131321 5:07 1:13 310:53 2:07 1:18 LCC PDL1203 1:33 1:39 0:57 1:43 1:43 LCC S1W1316 1:47 1:03 3:31 3:12 1:46 LCC SLW1348 2:01 5:09 1:40 2:33 1:45 LCC S1W1358 1:32 3:21 1:20 1:21 2:07 ICC S1W1368 2:20 2:02 0:26 1:01 2:32 Staff—PR-060 Attachment B.xlsx Page 8 of 9 LCC SWT2403 1:28 2:10 4:26 4:47 4:03 ICC TEN1253 0:59 2:19 1:10 3:49 0:43 LCC TEN1254 1:16 1:19 1:34 1:53 2:04 ICC TEN1255 2:00 1:52 0:02 2:16 1:36 LCC TEN1256 1:44 2:18 13:52 2:51 1:33 LCC TEN1257 1:08 1:22 0:14 1:33 1:31 PAC DER651 1:55 2:52 1:39 1:24 1:57 PAC DER652 1:57 1:36 1:26 1:00 2:13 PAC JU1661 0:30 2:29 0:06 1:04 2:14 PAC JUL662 0:51 2:51 7:43 1:29 3:18 PAC LE0611 1:38 1:15 1:38 1:19 2:13 PAC LE0612 1:19 1:25 2:32 5:27 1:29 PAC M15511 0:34 1:11 0:09 4:08 0:19 PAC M15512 2:18 9:32 0:11 1:09 0:25 PAC M15513 1:18 0:34 0:03 2:21 0:46 PAC M15514 0:58 1:58 1:09 1:47 0:22 PAC M15515 3:32 2:38 0:20 5:13 0:34 PAC M23621 1:31 2:07 1:25 1:50 1:10 PAC NM0521 5:14 2:55 0:42 2:38 1:59 PAC NM0522 1:01 0:08 2:12 2:04 PAC PAL311 0:30 2:35 0:34 2:08 0:58 PAC PAL312 1:28 2:18 0:27 3:34 1:03 PAC P01321 0:24 1:57 0:13 3:18 0:40 PAC P0T322 0:45 12:34 7:51 2:24 0:34 PAC W0R471 1:57 2:04 2:18 4:29 SAC BLA311 1:56 2:00 4:24 2:46 2:18 SAC C6C331 1:39 1:56 0:22 5:38 SAC CKF711 1:32 1:40 1:10 4:14 3:25 SAC CKF712 SAC 0DN731 0:59 0:58 0:47 2:04 2:29 SAC 0DN732 1:57 0:57 0:11 2:03 1:21 SAC 0LD721 1:08 1:53 3:23 2:12 1:58 SAC 01D722 0:34 1:53 2:37 1:29 SAC PRV4S40 2:17 2:03 3:14 2:26 2:04 SAC SAG741 2:16 2:41 0:21 2:57 SAC 5AG742 1:35 2:09 2:17 3:28 SAC SPT4S21 0:33 1:23 1:27 3:03 1:18 SAC SPT4S22 1:04 0:51 0:34 0:52 0:39 SAC SPT4S23 1:30 0:29 6:46 1:38 2:41 SAC SPT4S30 1:45 0:34 0:04 0:27 2:40 Staff—PR-060 Attachment B.xlsx Page 9 of 9 AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION JURISDICTION: IDAHO DATE PREPARED: 11/28/2012 CASE NO: AVU-E-12-08 / AVU-G-12-07 WITNESS: Scott Kinney REQUESTER: IPUC RESPONDER: Jeff Schiect TYPE: Production Request DEPARTMENT: Transmission Services REQUEST NO.: Staff-062 TELEPHONE: (509)495-4851 REQUEST: Please explain in greater detail how the BPA/Avista Parallel Capacity revenue is computed based on the services provided by Avista. See Kinney Table 2, pg. 14 and pg. 24, lines 5-17. Has BPA previously provided this revenue to Avista? Does Avista expect similar revenues from BPA in the future? RESPONSE: As of the date of this response, Avista and BPA have agreed in principle to settlement terms for a long-term Parallel Operation Agreement ("Agreement") but have not yet executed the Agreement. Ongoing revenue under the proposed Agreement is to be calculated based upon: (i) the amount of parallel capacity support being provided to BPA by Avista, and (ii) Avista's transmission system cost, represented by Avista's then-current long-term point-to-point transmission service rate as filed with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission ("FERC"). The initial amount of parallel capacity support being provided to BPA by Avista under the proposed Agreement is 133MW and Avista's monthly point-to-point transmission service rate as filed with FERC is currently $2.00/kW-month. Accordingly, the initial monthly and annual revenue for parallel capacity support under the proposed Agreement would be: (133 MW) x ($2.00/kW-month) = $266,000/month, or $3,192,000/year BPA has not previously provided any long-term payment stream to Avista associated with any such parallel capacity support. Avista and BPA entered into a prior interim settlement agreement on January 21, 2011, wherein BPA provided Avista with interim amounts totaling $1,380,732. This interim settlement agreement expired under its own terms in October, 2011. Avista does expect similar future revenues under the proposed Agreement. The Agreement will have a term of 30 years but incorporates a provision that allows BPA to terminate the Agreement upon no less than one year's prior notice in the event BPA's need for such parallel capacity support goes away. At this point in time, BPA would need to construct new transmission facilities to mitigate its need for parallel capacity support from Avista. Accordingly, Avista expects that similar revenues will continue for a period of time commensurate with the time it would take BPA to construct such new transmission facilities. AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION JURISDICTION: IDAHO DATE PREPARED: 11/28/2012 CASE NO: AVU-E-12-08 / AVU-G-12-07 WITNESS: Scott Kinney REQUESTER: IPUC RESPONDER: Erin McClatchey TYPE: Production Request DEPARTMENT: Compliance REQUEST NO.: Staff-063 TELEPHONE: (509)495-2818 REQUEST: Please provide the schedule of self-reported and NERC/WECC audits over the past three years, and state what the anticipated audit schedule will be for the different Avista services and responsibilities in the future. Please also provide copies of the self-reported and NERC/WECC Audit results received within the past three years. See Kinney pg. 36, Table 4 and pg. 49, Table 6 and associated capital investment testimony. RESPONSE: Avista is required to annually certify its compliance with certain NERC and WECC Reliability Standards. Avista's self-certification for 2012 is scheduled to be submitted to WECC during the period January 1, 2013 through March 1, 2013. Avista is also subject to compliance audits of certain NERC and WECC Reliability Standards approximately every three years. Avista's last compliance audit was conducted by WECC in October, 2010. Avista is scheduled for another compliance audit in April, 2013. Please see Staff PR 063 Attachment A for Avista's FERC Order 693 2010 Compliance Audit Report. Please see Avista's response 063C, which contains TRADE SECRET, PROPRIETARY or CONFIDENTIAL information and exempt from public view and is separately filed under IDAPA 31.01.01, Rule 067 and 233, and Section 9-340D, Idaho Code. See Staff _PR_063C Confidential Attachments A - C for copies- of Avista's annual Self-Certification submittals for 2009, 2010 and 2011, and see Staff_PR_063C Confidential Attachment D for Avista's FERC Order 706 2010 Compliance Audit Report. Do to the voluminous nature of the files they are being provided in electronic form only. Please see also Avista's response to Staff _PRj64. Western Electricity coordinating Council Compliance Audit Report - FERC Order 693 Public Version Avista Corporation ("AVA") NCR# 05020 Confidential Information (including Privileged and Critical Energy Infrastructure Information) - Has been Removed Date of Audit: October 04-15, 2010 AVA Compliance Audit Report December 3, 2010 Staff_PR_063 Attachment A Page! of 14 Page 1 of 14 Confidential Information (including Privileged and Critical Energy Infrastructure Information) - Has Been Removed ExecutiveSummary ...................................................................................................... 3 AuditProcess..........................................................................................................4 Objectives................................................................................................................ 4 Scope.............................................................................................................................5 Confidentiality and Conflicts of Interest .....................................................................5 Methodology ............................................................................................................ 5 CompanyProfile......................................................................................................6 AuditParticipants .................................................................................................... 6 AuditResults................................................................................................. Findings...................................................................................................................7 ComplianceCulture ..............................................................................................13 ExitBriefing...........................................................................................................13 AVA Compliance Audit Report December 23, 2010 Page 2 of 14 Staff—PR-063 Attachment A Page 2 of 14 Confidential Information (including Privileged and Critical Energy Infrastructure Information) - Has Been Removed Executive Summary The Western Electricity Coordinating Council ("WECC") performed a compliance audit of Avista Corporation ("AVA") NERC ID# 05020 on October 04-15, 2010. At the time of the audit, AVA was registered on the North American Electric Reliability Corporation ("NERC") Compliance Registry for the following functions: Balancing Authority ("BA") Distribution Provider ("DP") Generator Owner ("GO") Generator Operator ("GOP") Load Serving Entity ("LSE") Planning Authority ("PA") Resource Planner ("RP") Transmission Owner ("TO") Transmission Operator ("TOP") Transmission Planner ("TP") Transmission Service Provider ("TSP") Purchase Selling Entity ("PSE") The Audit Team evaluated AVA for compliance with one-hundred seventy-four (174) requirements found in NERC Compliance Monitoring and Enforcement Program 2010 Implementation Plan ("CMEP IP") which includes an additional requirement due to expanding the original scope of the audit. Additionally twelve (12) requirements in the WECC Regional Reliability Standards were audited. The Audit Team assessed compliance with the NERC Reliability Standards and applicable Regional Reliability Standards for the period of July 12, 2007— October 15, 2010. AVA submitted information and documentation for the Audit Team's evaluation of compliance with requirements. The Audit Team reviewed and evaluated all information provided by AVA to assess compliance with standards applicable to AVA at this time. Based on the information and documentation provided by AVA, the Audit Team found AVA to be compliant with one-hundred thirty-three (133) applicable NERC Reliability Standard requirements. The Audit Team determined that thirty-seven (37) NERC Reliability Standard requirements were Net Applicable to AVA. AVA had no Outstanding Violations. The Audit Team also found AVA compliant with ten (10) requirements in the WECC Regional Reliability Standards audited. The Audit Team determined that one (1) WECC Regional Reliability Standard requirement was Not Applicable to AVA. The Audit Team identified three (3) applicable NERC Reliability Standard requirements as New Possible Violations and one (1) WECC Regional Reliability Standard requirement as a New Possible Violation. New Possible Violations were identified for COM-001 -1.1 Telecommunications R5, EOP-005-1 System Restoration Plans RI, IRO-STD-006-0 Qualified Path Unscheduled Flow Relief WR1, and PRC-005-1 Transmission and Generation Protection System Maintenance and Testing R2. The WECC Audit Team lead certifies that the Audit Team adhered to all applicable requirements of the NERC Rules of Procedure ("RaP") and Compliance Monitoring and Enforcement Program ("CMEP"). AVA Compliance Audit Report December 23, 2010 Page 3 of 14 StaffPR063 Attachment A Page 3 of 14 Confidential Information (including Privileged and Critical Energy Infrastructure Information) - Has Been Removed The WECC Audit Team expanded the scope of the audit to include FAC-003-1 R3, which is currently not actively monitored in the 2010 NERC CMEP IP, and found AVA to be compliant with the Requirement. FAC-003 R3 clearly identifies the Transmission Owner (AVA) to report quarterly to its RRO (WECC) sustained transmission line outages determined by the Transmission Owner to have been caused by vegetation. Due to AVA's 2500 miles of 115 kV and larger transmission lines and it serves 485,000 customers in multi states and terrain such as Eastern Washington, Northern Idaho, and Southern & Eastern Oregon the audit scope was expanded to include Requirement 3 for FAC-003. R3 was also added to the scope of the audit to ensure AVA maintains its tracking, identifying, and reporting vegetation outages in their area to the RRO. AVA provided verification that as a TO it submitted all Category 3 outages to WECC. AVA reported that it did not experience Category 1 or Category 2 outages. AVA provided the most recent quarterly outage reports. Per NERC, as of May 2010, IRO-006-4 R2 is not applicable to TOs. Although WECC audited this requirement, it does not apply to AVA based on the functions for which it is registered. hftp://www.nerc.com/filez/enforcement/index.html Audit Process The compliance audit process steps are detailed in the WECC Compliance Monitoring and Enforcement Program ("CMEP"). The audit process generally conforms to the United States Government Accountability Office Government Auditing Standards ("GAGAS") and to other generally accepted audit practices. Objectives A Registered Entity is subject to audit for compliance with all Reliability Standards applicable to its registered functions. The audit objectives are to: • Review compliance with the requirements of Reliability Standards that are applicable to AVA, based on the functions that AVA is registered to perform; • Validate compliance with applicable Reliability Standards from the NERC 2010 CMEP Implementation Plan list of actively-monitored Reliability Standards and any applicable NERC Reliability Standards selected by WECC; • Validate compliance with applicable Regional Standards from the WECC 2010 CMEP Implementation Plan list of actively monitored standards; • Validate evidence of self-reported violations and previous self-certifications; AVA Compliance Audit Report December 23, 2010 Page 4 of 14 Staff—PR-063 Attachment A Page 4 of 14 Confidential Information (including Privileged and Critical Energy Infrastructure Information) - Has Been Removed • Observe and document AVA's compliance program and culture; • Review the status of mitigation plans. Scope The scope of the compliance audit included the NERC Reliability Standards from the WECC CMEP 2010 Implementation Plan. In addition, this audit included any self- reports, self-certifications, outstanding mitigation plans or remedial action directives which have been completed or pending in the year of the compliance audit. At the time of the audit, AVA was registered for the functions BA, DP, GO, GOP, LSE, PA, PSE, RP, TO, TOP, TP, and TSP. The Audit Team evaluated AVA for compliance during the period of July 12, 2007- October 15, 2010. WECC notified AVA of the audit on July 30, 2010. WECC informed AVA that the Audit Team would perform the audit in accordance with the CMEP and the 2010 NERC Compliance Questionnaire and Reliability Standard Audit Worksheets ("RSAW"). In preparation for the audit, the Audit Team reviewed the RSAWs and other documents submitted by AVA to evaluate compliance with each applicable Reliability Standard. Confidentiality and Conflicts of Interest Confidentiality and Conflict of Interest of the Audit Team are governed under the WECC Delegation Agreement with NERC, and Section 1500 of the NERC Rules of Procedure. AVA was informed of WECC's obligations and responsibilities under the Delegation Agreement and Rules of Procedure. On September 30, 2010, WECC provided the work history for each Audit Team member to AVA. AVA had the opportunity to object to an Audit Team member's participation in the audit on the basis of a possible conflict of interest or because of other circumstances that could interfere with an Audit Team member's impartiality. Section 3.1.5 of the WECC CMEP requires the AVA to submit any objections no later than fifteen days prior to the start of the audit. AVA did not submit any objections regarding any Audit Team members. There have been no denials of information or access limitations placed upon this Audit Team by AVA. Methodology The Audit Team reviewed the information, data, and evidence submitted by AVA and assessed compliance with requirements of the applicable Reliability Standards. Submittals of information and requests for data were sent to AVA at least thirty days before the scheduled date of the audit. Additional information relevant to the audit could be submitted until the last day of the review at the audit site. After that date, only data or information which was relevant to the content of the report or its findings can be submitted upon agreement by the Audit Team lead. AVA Compliance Audit Report December 23, 2010 Page of 14 Staff—PR-063 Attachment A Page 5 of 14 Confidential Information (including Privileged and critical Energy Infrastructure Information) - Has Been -Removed The Audit Team requested and received additional information and sought clarification from subject matter experts during the audit. The Audit Team reviewed documentation provided by AVA. Data, information, and evidence submitted in the form of policies, procedures, emails, logs, data sheets, etc., was validated, substantiated and cross checked for accuracy as appropriate. Where sampling is applicable to a requirement, the sample set is determined by a statistical methodology augmented with professional judgment to ensure that the sample set is representative of the requirement's significance to the reliability of the Bulk Electrical System ("BES"). Findings were based on the Audit Team's knowledge of the BES, the NERC Reliability Standards and team members' professional judgment. All findings were developed based on the consensus of the Audit Team. Company Profile Avista Corporation (d.b.a. Avista Utilities) is a vertically integrated, investor-owned electric and gas utility organized and incorporated under the laws of the State of Washington with its principal offices in Spokane, Washington. Audit Participants The following is a list of WECC Audit Team members and AVA personnel who participated in the audit. Audit Team Members Audit Team Role Title Company Audit Team Lead Compliance Engineer WECC Member Compliance Engineer WECC Member Senior Compliance Engineer WECC Member Compliance Engineer WECC Member Consultant WECC Member Consultant WECC Observer Senior Compliance Engineer, Cyber Security WECC Observer Director of Audit and Investigations WECC Observer Managing Director of Compliance WECC Coordinator Compliance Program Coordinator 1 WECC AVA Compliance Audit Report December 23, 2010 Page 6 of 14 Staff—PR-063 Attachment A Page 6 0114 Confidential Information (including Privileged and Critical Energy Infrastructure Information) - Has Been Removed AVA Audit Participants Title Compa fly Reliability Compliance Manager AVA Compliance Specialist AVA Substation App. Eng. AVA Manager Engineering Protection AVA Senior Counsel AVA Transmission Design Manager AVA Transmission Design Tech. AVA Chief System Operator AVA Director Transmission Operations AVA Senior Power System Consultant AVA Director of GPSS AVA Director of Internal Audit AVA Chief Generation Engineer AVA Transmission Ops Engineer AVA Maintenance Engineer AVA Sr. VP, General Counsel & Chief Compliance Officer AVA FERC Compliance Manager AVA Audit Results The Audit Team evaluated AVA for compliance with one-hundred seventy-three (173) requirements in NERC Compliance Monitoring and Enforcement Program 2010 Implementation Plan ("CMEP IP"). The audit included an additional requirement due to expanding the original scope of the audit. Additionally, twelve (12) requirements in WECC Regional Reliability Standards were audited. The Audit Team assessed compliance with the NERC and the Regional Reliability Standards for the period of July 12, 2007 - October 15, 2010. AVA submitted information and documentation for the Audit Team's evaluation of compliance with requirements. The Audit Team reviewed and evaluated all information provided by AVA to assess compliance with standards applicable to AVA at this time. Based on the information and documentation provided by AVA, the Audit Team found AVA to be compliant with one-hundred thirty-three (133) NERC Reliability Standards applicable requirements. The Audit Team determined that thirty-seven (37) NERC Reliability Standards requirements were Not Applicable to AVA. AVA had no Outstanding Violations. The Audit Team also found AVA compliant with ten (10) requirements in the WECC Regional Reliability Standards audited. The Audit Team determined that one (1) WECC Regional Reliability Standard requirement was Not Applicable to AVA. The Audit Team identified three (3) NERC Reliability Standard AVA Compliance Audit Report December 23, 2010 Page 7 of 14 Staff—PR-063 Attachment A Page 7 of 14 Confidential Information (including Privileged and Critical Energy Infrastructure Information) - Has seen Removed applicable requirements as New Possible Violations and one (I) WECC Regional Reliability Standard requirement as a New Possible Violation. New Possible Violations were identified for COM-001-1.1 Telecommunications R5, EOP-005-1 System Restoration Plans Ri, IRO-STD-006-0 Qualified Path Unscheduled Flow Relief WRI, PRC-005-1 Transmission and Generation Protection System Maintenance and Testing R2. The WECC Audit Team expanded the scope of the audit to include FAC-003-1 R3, which is currently not actively monitored in the 2010 NERC CMEP lP, and found AVA to be compliant with the Requirement. The audit scope was expanded to include FAC-003- 1 R3 due to AVA's 2,500 miles of 115 kV and larger transmission lines and it serves 485,000 customers in Eastern Washington, Northern Idaho and Southern & Eastern Oregon. Requirement 3 instructs that the TO shall report quarterly to its RRO, or the RRO's designee, sustained transmission line outages determined by the TO caused by vegetation. AVA provided verification that as a TO it submitted all Category 3 outages to WECC. AVA reported that it did not experience Category 1 or Category 2 outages. AVA provided the most recent quarterly outage reports. Per NERC, as of May 2010, IRO-006-4 R2 is not applicable to TOs. Although WECC audited this requirement, it does not apply to AVA based on the functions for which it is registered. Findings The following table details the findings for compliance for the scope identified for this audit. The Finding column may contain any one of the following: Compliant, New Possible Violation, Not Applicable, Outstanding Violation, Retraction Requested, Self-Reported Violation, Expanded Scope, or other appropriate description. Standard Req. Finding BAL-STD-002-0 WR1. Compliant BAL-002-0 RI. Compliant BAL-002-0 R2. Not Applicable BAL-002-0 R3. Compliant BAL-003-0.1b Ri. Compliant BAL-003-0.1b R2. Compliant BAL-003-0.1 b R5. Compliant BAL-004-WECC-1 RI. Compliant BAL-004-WECC-1 R2. Compliant BAL-004-WECC-1 R3. Compliant AVA Compliance Audit Report December 23, 2010 Page 8of14 Staff—PR-063 Attachment A Page 8 of 14 Confidential Information (including Privileged and Critical Energy Infrastructure Information) - Has Been Removed Standard Req. Finding BAL-004-WECC-I R4. Compliant BAL-005-0.1b R2. Compliant BAL-005-0.1b RIO. Compliant CIP-001-I RI. Compliant CIP-001-1 R2. Compliant CIP-00I-1 R3. Compliant CIP-001-1 R4. Compliant COM-001-I RI. Compliant COM-00I-1 R5. New Possible Violation COM-002-2 RI. Compliant COM-002-2 R2. -Compliant EOP-001-O Ri. Compliant EOP-002-2 Ri. Compliant EOP-002-2 R2. Compliant EOP-002-2 R3. Compliant EOP-002-2 R4. Compliant EOP-002-2 R5. Compliant EOP-002-2 R6. Compliant EOP-002-2 R7. Compliant EOP-002-2 R8. Not Applicable EOP-002-2 R9. Compliant EOP-003-1 Ri. Compliant EOP-003-1 R2. Compliant EOP-003-1 R3. Compliant EOP-003-1 R4. Compliant EOP-003-1 R5. Compliant EOP-003-1 R6. Compliant EOP-003-I R7. Compliant EOP-003-1 R8. Compliant EOP-005-I RI. New Possible Violation EOP-005-1 R2. Compliant EOP-005-I R3. Compliant EOP-005-1 R4. Compliant EOP-005-1 R5. Compliant EOP-005-1 R6. Compliant EOP-005-I R7. Compliant EOP-005-1 R9. Compliant EOP-005-1 R11 . Compliant AVA Compliance Audit Report December 23, 2010 Page 9 of 14 Staff-PR-063 Attachment A Page 9 of 14 Confidential Information (including Privileged and Critical Energy Infrastructure Information) - Has Been Removed Standard Req. Finding EOP-008-0 RI. Compliant FAC-001 O Ri. Compliant FAC-001-O R2. Compliant FAC-001-0 R3. Compliant FAC-002-0 Rl. Compliant FAC-003-1 RI. Compliant FAC-003-1 R2. Compliant FAC-003-1 R3. Compliant Expanded Audit Scope FAC-008-1 RI. Compliant FAC-008-I R2. Compliant FAC-008-1 R3. Compliant FAC-009-I RI. Compliant FAC-009-1 R2. Compliant FAC-010-2 R2. Compliant FAC-014-2 R5. Compliant IRO-001-1.1 R3. Not Applicable IRO-001-1.1 R7. Not Applicable lRO-001-1.1 R8. Compliant IRO-001-1.1 R9. Not Applicable IRO-004-1 Rl. Not Applicable lRO-004-I R2. Not Applicable IRO-004-1 R3. Not Applicable IRO-004-1 R4. Not Applicable IRO-004-1 R5. Not Applicable lRO-004-1 R6. Not Applicable IRO-004-1 R7. Compliant IRO-005-2 Ri. Not Applicable IRO-005-2 R2. Not Applicable IRO-005-2 R3. Not Applicable IRO-005-2 R4. Not Applicable IRO-005-2 R5. Not Applicable IRO-005-2 R7. Not Applicable IRO-005-2 R8. Compliant IRO-005-2 R9. Not Applicable IRO-005-2 RIO. Not Applicable IRO-005-2 RI 1. Not Applicable IRO-005-2 R12. Compliant IRO-005-2 Ri 3. Compliant AVA Compliance Audit Report December 23, 2010 Page 10 of 14 staff-PR-063 Attachment A Page 10 of 14 Confidential Information (including Privileged and Critical Energy Infrastructure Information) - Has Been Removed Standard Req. Finding IRO-005-2 R14. Compliant IRO-005-2 R15. Not Applicable IRO-005-2 R16. Not Applicable IRO-005-2 R17. Not Applicable IRO-STD-006-0 WR1. New Possible Violation IRO-006-4 RI. Not Applicable IRO-006-4 R2. Not Applicable IRO-006-4 R3. Not Applicable IRO-006-4 R4. Not Applicable IRO-006-4 R5. Compliant NUC-001-2 RI. Not Applicable NUC-001-2 R2. Not Applicable NUC-001-2 R3. Not Applicable NUC-001-2 R4. Not Applicable NUC-001-2 R5. Not Applicable NUC-001-2 R6. Not Applicable NUC-001-2 R7.. Not Applicable F4UC-OW -2 RB. Not Applicable NUC-001-2 R9. Not Applicable PER-001-0 Ri. Compliant PER-002-0 Ri. Compliant PER-002-0 R2. Compliant PER-002-0 R3. Compliant PER-002-0 R4. Compliant PER-003-0 Ri. Compliant PRC-001-I Ri. Compliant PRC-001-I R2. Compliant PRC-001-1 R3. Compliant PRC-001-1 R4. Compliant PRC-001-1 R5. Compliant PRC-001-1 R6. Compliant PRC-STD-001-I WR1. Compliant PRC-STD-003-0 WRI. Compliant PRC-004-I Ri. Compliant PRC-004-I R2. Compliant PRC-005-1 Ri. Compliant PRC-005-1 R2. New Possible Violation PRC-STD-005-1 WRI. Compliant PRC-008-0 Ri. Compliant AVA Compliance Audit Report December 23, 2010 Page!! of 14 Staff—PR-063 Attachment A Page 11 of 14 Confidential Information (including Privileged and Critical Energy Infrastructure Information) - Has Been Removed Standard Req. Finding PRC-008-0 R2. Compliant PRC-01 7-0 RI. Compliant TOP-001-1 Ri. Compliant TOP-001-1 R2. Compliant TOP-001-I R3. Compliant TOP-001-1 R4. Compliant TOP-001-1 R5. Compliant TOP-001-I R6. Compliant TOP-001-I R7. Compliant TOP-001-I R8. Compliant TOP-002-2 RI. Compliant TOP-002-2 R2. Compliant TOP-002-2 R3. Compliant TOP-002-2 R4. Compliant TOP-002-2 R5. Compliant TOP-002-2 R6. Compliant TOP-002-2 RI I. Compliant TOP-002-2 R13. Compliant TOP-002-2 R14. Compliant TOP-002-2 R15. Compliant TOP-002-2 R16. Compliant TOP-002-2 R17. Compliant TOP-002-2 R18. Compliant TOP-002-2 R19. Compliant TOP-003-0 RI. Compliant TOP-003-0 R2. Compliant TOP-003-0 R3. Compliant TOP-003-0 R4. Not Applicable TOP-004-2 Ri. Compliant TOP-004-2 R2. Compliant TOP-004-2 R4. Compliant TOP-004-2 R5. Compliant TOP-006-1 .R2. Compliant TOP-006-1 R6. Compliant TOP-006-1 R7. Compliant TOP-007-0 RI. Compliant TOP-007-0 R2. Compliant TOP-007-0 R3. Compliant TOP-007-0 R4. Not Applicable AVA Compliance Audit Report December 23, 2010 Page 12 of 14 Staff-PR-063 Attachment A Page 12 of 14 Confidential Information (including Privileged and Critical Energy Infrastructure Information) Has Been Removed Standard Req. Finding TOP-STD-007-0 WR1. Not Applicable TOP-008-1 Ri. Compliant TOP-008-1 R2. Compliant TOP-008-1 R3. Compliant TPL-001-0.1 Ri. Compliant TPL-002-0 Ri. Compliant TPL-003-0 Ri. Compliant VAR-001-1 Ri. Compliant VAR-00I-1 R2. Compliant VAR-001-1 R5. Compliant VAR-001-1 R7. Compliant VAR-001-1 R8. Compliant VAR-001-1 R9. Compliant VAR-00I-1 RiO. Compliant VAR-001-1 R12. Compliant VAR-002-1.1 a RI. Compliant VAR-002-1.1 a R2. Compliant VAR-002-1.1a R3. Compliant VAR-002-1.1 a R4. Compliant VAR-002-1.1 a R5. Compliant VAR-STD-002a-1 WR1. Compliant VAR-STD-002b-1 WR1. Compliant Compliance Culture Information pertaining to the compliance culture of AVA can be found in the Internal Compliance Survey. Exit Briefing To conclude the audit, the Audit Team leader gave a PowerPoint presentation for AVA's personnel summarizing the Audit Team's preliminary findings. The Audit Team leader also explained the next steps in the audit process and how WECC handles possible violations under the CMEP. In Accordance with WECC CMEP Section 3.1.6: AVA Compliance Audit Report December 23, 2010 Page 13 of 14 Staff_PR_063 Attachment A Page 13 of 14 Confidential Information (including Privileged and Critical Energy Infrastructure Information) - Has Been Removed WECC provided the draft of this audit report and an Entity Comment Form to AVA on November 04, 2010 for review and comment. On November 15, 2010 AVA provided comments. The Entity Comment Form on file in the WECC Compliance Department provides and record of these comments and WECC's consideration of them for inclusion in this final report. Management Approval This report was reviewed and approved by John McGhee, WECC Director of Audits and Investigations on December 23, 2010. AVA Compliance Audit Report December 23, 2010 Page 14 of 14 Staff_PR063 Attachment A Page 14 of 14 AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION JURISDICTION: IDAHO DATE PREPARED: 11/28/2012 CASE NO: AVU-E-12-08 / AVU-G-12-07 WITNESS: Scott Kinney REQUESTER: IPUC RESPONDER: Erin McClatchey/Scott Kinney TYPE: Production Request DEPARTMENT: Compliance/System Ops REQUEST NO.: Staff-064 TELEPHONE: (509) 495-2818/4494 REQUEST: Has Avista incurred any NERC/WECC fines for non-compliance, either via self-reported or NERC/WECC audits? Do any identified standard violations or actual standard violations directly relate to the Reliability Compliance projects? Please explain. See Kinney pg. 36, Table 4 and pg. 49, Table 6 and associated capital investment testimony. RESPONSE: a.In December 2009 Avista self-reported possible violations of NERC Reliability Standard Requirements. In March, 2011, Avista was issued a Notice of Alleged Violation ("NOAV") by WECC relative to the self-report. Avista disputed certain matters in the NOAV and entered into settlement with WECC to resolve such matters. As a result of the settlement, Avista agreed to a pay a penalty amount of $18,000. In October 2010, Avista was audited by WECC on certain NERC Reliability Standards. As a result of the audit, WECC issued Avista a NOAV for alleged violations of certain NERC and WECC Reliability Standard Requirements. Avista disputed certain matters in the NOAV and entered into settlement with WECC to resolve such matters. As a result of the settlement, Avista agreed to pay a penalty amount of $65,000.00 but neither admitted or denied that its actions or non-actions constituted a violation of the Reliability Standards. See Avista's response to Staff _PR_063 and 063C for copies of Avista's responses. b.The large capital transmission line and substation construction projects described as Reliability Compliance projects are planned, designed, and constructed before they become compliance issues. Avista's Transmission Planning department conducts annual system assessments to review the performance of the Avista Transmission System up to 10 years into the future. If a system need is indentified during the annual analysis, a specific project is developed to address the need through a more thorough system study. A preliminary project plan is developed for the project and reviewed by the Electric Infrastructure Technical Work Group (EITWG). The EITWG develops a final project plan and submits it to the Electric Infrastructure Steering Committee (EISC) for final approval. Once the project plan is approved by the EISC, it is submitted to the Engineering Department to develop a project design and to the Capital Planning Committee to be approved for capital construction. After the project is designed it is inserted into the construction schedule and eventually constructed. This entire project development process is completed prior to the date needed to meet the initial system deficiency. Page 1 of In response to one of the alleged violations associated with the October 2010 WECC audit of NERC Reliability Standards the Company purchased and installed door alarms and video recording equipment to monitor the physical security perimeters of its control center. The costs associated with this project were $42,000 and were -funded from the SCADA Replacement Program. Page 2 of 2 AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION JURISDICTION: IDAHO DATE PREPARED: 12/04/2012 CASE NO: AVU-E-12-08 / AVU-G-12-07 WITNESS: E. Andrews/D. Kopczynski REQUESTER: IPUC RESPONDER: M.Faulkenbeny/K. Schuh TYPE: Production Request DEPARTMENT: Gas Engineering REQUEST NO.: Staff-065 TELEPHONE: (509) 495-8499 REQUEST: Please completely describe the Atmospheric Testing Program. Please include all plans, timelines, budgets, and deliverables. Also, please provide a cost-vs-actual breakdown of Idaho's 2011 cost for the program ($390,000), and describe each cost category as it relates to the overall program. RESPONSE: Atmospheric Corrosion inspections, in addition to a review of a need for painting, involves an inspection of whether the riser valve or meter body is buried; whether sufficient wrap exists at the ground level for steel risers; whether the meter set has settled after installation placing stress on the piping; whether the meter set assembly is overgrown to the point that it can't be properly maintained; whether the meter set is overbuilt to where it can't be accessed in an emergency; whether the regulator vent is oriented properly so that it won't take on water; whether the meter set needs to be barricaded; and other miscellaneous safety concerns. These additional safety inspections, many of which have been at the request of pipeline safety staff, became too burdensome for meter readers to review in addition to their meter reading tasks and therefore are managed through the hiring of contractors that specialize in this type of work. Please also see the Company's response to Staffs Production request No. 038 for the O&M budget for 2011. Please see Staff_PR_065 Attachment A for details of the 2011 actual expense. Page 1 of 1 Avista Corp. Atmospheric Testing Program Detail Project Number - 03805123 Jurisdiction ID Accounting Year 2011 Sum of Transaction Amount Expenditure Category Vendor Name Voucher Number Total Contractor - - 0.00 HEATH CONSULTANTS INC 623251 623253 635211 635212 635213 645486 645487 647596 647597 647598 653979 653980 656396 664055 664063 38,257.92 22,861.60 32,927.92 17,092.08 15,934.24 7,435.76 938.08 42.64 8,974.08 1,160.10 3,293.12 1,374.32 5,680.96 3,735.92 5,562.88 Contractor Total 165,271.62 Employee Expenses - - 0.00 BOJACKS BROILER PIT 617425 23.25 CONNIES CAFE 658959 32.74 GAMBINOS 680571 17.00 GENEVIEVE D BUSHNELL - 114.75 HAPPY DAY RESTAURANTS 619623 628531 628994 10.80 30.91 30.91 HOOT OWL CAFE 655795 9.75 SAND IDA SERVICES INC 662609 664526 - 50.88 SHARIS MANAGEMENT COF 623258 15.52 TANYA CHRISTENSON -_____________ 38.25 TRINITY AT CITY BEACH 651299 655759 655865 12.72 12.54 22.26 Employee Expenses Total 422.28 Labor I- I- 61,387.95 Labor Total 61,387.95 Material I- I- 25,089.70 Material Total 25,089.70 Overhead - - 49,701.54 Overhead Total 49,701.54 Transportation I- I- 7,143.10 Transportation Total 7,143.10 Vehicle IENTERPRISE RENT A CAR 1619624 377.50 Vehicle Total 377.50 Voucher - - - CORP CREDIT CARD 619682 97.93 ELECTRONIC DATA SOLUTI 616313 377.19 Staff_P R065 Attachment A. xlsm I of 2 Voucher HEATH CONSULTANTS INC 638589 15,399.60 638594 12,286.88 638595 18,938.72 641827 8,537.84 651286 10,545.20 651289 3,243.92 656281 3,749.04 HIGH DESERT PROMOTION 607284 686.17 Voucher Total 73,862.49 Grand Total 383,256.18 Staff—PR-065 Attachment A.xlsm 2 of AYISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION JURISDICTION: IDAHO DATE PREPARED: 12/05/2012 CASE NO: AVU-E-12-08 / AVU-G-12-07 WITNESS: Don Kopczynski REQUESTER: IPUC RESPONDER: Larry La Bolle TYPE: Production Request DEPARTMENT State & Federal Regulation REQUEST NO.: Staff-066 TELEPHONE: (509) 495-4710 REQUEST: Please provide a description and supporting documentation showing how Avista selected the lowest cost vendor far its Customer Service Information System Replacement Project. RESPONSE: Please see Avista's response 066C, which contains TRADE SECRET, PROPRIETARY or CONFIDENTIAL information and exempt from public view and is separately filed under IDAPA 3 1.01.01, Rule 067 and 233, and Section 9-340D, Idaho Code. AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION JURISDICTION: IDAHO DATE PREPARED: 12/05/2012 CASE NO: AVU-E-12-08 /AVU-G-12-07 WITNESS: Don Kopczynski REQUESTER: IPUC RESPONDER: Larry La Bolle TYPE: Production Request DEPARTMENT: Federal & State Regulation REQUEST NO.: Staff-067 TELEPHONE: (509) 495-4710 UVI Please provide a description and supporting documentation showing how Avista selected the lowest cost vendor for its Enterprise Asset Management Support System Replacement Project. RESPONSE: Please see Avista's response to Staff_PR_066. AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION JURISDICTION: IDAHO DATE PREPARED: 12/05/2012 CASE NO: AVU-E-12-08 / AVU-G-12-07 WITNESS: Dave DeFelice REQUESTER: IPUC RESPONDER: Rodney T. Staton TYPE: Production Request DEPARTMENT: Facilities Management REQUEST NO.: Staff-068 TELEPHONE: (509) 495-4131 REQUEST: Please describe and justify the $13,800,000 ($4,300,000 + $9,500,000) HVAC Renovation Project. Please include the financial analysis used to determine the size and scope of the project and to ensure the project is least-cost. This should include a detailed description, cost (budget vs actual), and timing of specific 2012 and 2013 capital project amounts proposed to be pro formed in this filing. If vendors were used, please explain how Avista selected them and summarize the results. RESPONSE: Please see Avista's response 068C, which contains TRADE SECRET, PROPRIETARY or CONFIDENTIAL information and exempt from public view and is separately filed under IDAPA 31.01.01, Rule 067 and 233, and Section 9-340D, Idaho Code. The HVAC Project originated several years ago as a capital replacement project for the aging Avista Headquarters HVAC delivery system. The project includes replacing the HVAC infrastructure in the General Office building, the Service building and the Cafeteria and Auditorium buildings. Together the buildings essentially make up the corporate campus of the Avista Corporation. Constructed in 1956 and 1957 the 3 main buildings house approximately 700 employees, including many critical assets such as the Data Center, System Operations and Distribution Dispatch. The need to renovate the system was due primarily to the age of the equipment. The HVAC equipment was 50 years old and had far outlived its' useful life. The equipment was held together with makeshift parts as replacement parts were no longer available. The equipment operated 24/7 as it was designed to do in 1956, consequently heating and air conditioning bills were expensive. MW Engineering of Spokane had advised replacement of the system as early as 1996. In 2007 Facilities Management searched for a reliable Mechanical Engineering firm to design the project. MW Engineering of Spokane and Mckinstry of Spokane were the two finalists chosen to design the HVAC Renovation project. The choice to interview only two firms was due to the "up front" costs associated with designing a very large HVAC Renovation project. MW Engineering and Mckinstry provided detailed resumes, and made presentations to the Facilities Management Department outlining their plans for the HYAC renovation project. Design ideas and construction techniques, along with Project Management plans and budgets were presented in day long meetings by each firm. After the presentations, follow up reference check phone calls were made by Avista Facilities Management staff to past customers from both firms. It was obvious to the Facilities Management team that Mckinstry of Spokane had the most detailed package and their GMAX budget model insured level budgets moving through the years. Staff _PR_068C CONFIDENTIAL Attachment A shows an Executive summary sheet from the original selection meetings. The decision to go with Mckinstry was based upon their successful HVAC renovations for Washington State University, Eastern Washington University and the University of Washington as well as Microsoft in Seattle. Their System Selection Matrix was impressive and energy savings modeling provided valuable information to our selection team. By choosing Mckinstry, the Facilities Management team needed only to add one Project Manager and one Administrative Assistant to handle the contract administration and manage the Project. By choosing the Design Build Model which included a Guaranteed Maximum Price, staffing could be kept at a minimum as Mckinstry provided on site management teams within their pricing structure. The MW Engineering presentation was a Design-Bid-Build model which would have required Facilities Management to significantly staff up to handle the contract administration and potentially a significant number of change orders. A presentation in 2007 by Mckinstry to the officer team confirmed the selection result and the project began. The Scope of work for the HVAC Renovation Project is as follows; 1.Replace the HVAC System in the entire 156,000 square feet - General Office building. 2.Install Siemens Energy Management HVAC control system 3.Remove Asbestos fire proofing from the entire General Office Building Facility 4.Remove Asbestos pipe insulation in all plumbing chases and replace all piping 5.Remove and replace all ceilings and old metal panel wall systems 6.Install a fire sprinkler system in the building 7.Reduce lighting fixtures and replace with energy efficient lighting fixtures and controls in the General Office building, Service Building, the Cafeteria Auditorium Building 8.Replace the HVAC system in the 110,878 square feet Service Building built in 1956 9.Replace the HVAC system in the 18,068 square feet Cafeteria and Auditorium built in 1956 10.Remove asbestos containing materials in Service Building and Cafeteria and Auditorium Building 11.Replace worn plumbing pipes in the Service Building and Cafeteria and Auditorium Building 12.Relocate employees to swing space and abate the asbestos on each floor of the General Office Building, perform the HVAC renovation on each evacuated floor. For years 2012 and 2013 the HYAC Project is concerned with completion of the 2" floor of the General Office Building and the beginning of the Vt floor and basement renovation. Employees were returned to the floor upon completion of the work in September of 2012. In October of 2012 employees were moved from the Vt floor and basement to the swing space modular buildings in our parking lot and work has begun. Asbestos abatement'is occurring on the first floor and in the basement. We expect the 1st floor and basement to be very near completion in 2013. Avista has received LEED Gold ratings for Commercial Building Interiors from the Green Building Council of America for floors 3 through 5. Floor 2 is under review for LEED Gold at this time. Please see the Company's response to Staffs Production Request No. 38 for budget to actual details under ER 7101. Also, please refer to the Company's response to Production Request No. 45 for details of updates to transfers to plant through October 31, 2012 and Company witness DeFelice' s workpapers for transfers to plant in 2013. AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION JURISDICTION: IDAHO DATE PREPARED: 11/27/2012 CASE NO: AVU-E-12-08 / AVU-G-12-07 WITNESS: Dave DeFelice REQUESTER: IPUC RESPONDER: Eric Bowles TYPE: Production Request DEPARTMENT: Facilities REQUEST NO.: Staff-070 TELEPHONE: (509) 495-2210 REQUEST: Please describe and justify the Dollar Road Land Purchase and Facility Expansion Project, including the financial analysis used to determine the size and scope of the project to ensure it is least-cost. Include any comparisons of different alternatives for both the 6,000 sq. ft. storage facility and for the 12,900 sq. ft. 6-bay fleet facility. If vendors were selected to perform the work, please explain how they were selected and summarize the results. Please see Avista's response 070C, which contains TRADE SECRET, PROPRIETARY or CONFIDENTIAL information and exempt from public view and is separately filed under IDAPA 31.01.01, Rule 067 and 233, and Section 9-340D, Idaho Code. The Dollar Road Land Purchase in 2009 was necessary due to increased storage needs of gas construction materials and equipment, gas servicemen crew vehicles and trucks, and employee parking. The Facility Expansion Project was originally scheduled for completion in 2013 and included a new office building and other facility upgrades; some of which have been deferred until 2016. We have moved forward with the Fleet Maintenance Facility and a storage facility as explained below. Storage Facility: The 6000 sq. ft. storage facility was completed in 2010 and houses, among other thing, bore rigs with components that would be damaged in freezing temperatures. An alternative was to continue renting heated garage space at a facility approximately 10 mm. one-way from the Dollar Road site. The general contractor who built this was selected through a bid process of 6 companies, and had the lowest qualifying bid by $49,000. Fleet Maintenance Facility: The new 6-bay fleet maintenance garage is slated to be complete in March 2013. An alternative would be to maintain the current leased facility. However, the leased facility is not code compliant to properly maintain the CNG vehicle fuel systems in our Avista fleet. Due to the lack of CNG infrastructure in this area, there are few facilities equipped to maintain CNG fuel systems. The new building will solve this issue. Building the structure also saves O&M costs on the leased facility and would provide time savings by eliminating travel for Dollar Road truck drop offs to the leased building (15 min one-way). The Facility was also designed to provide relief to the number of vehicles serviced at the undersized Avista Corp. main fleet garage, and allow Fleet vehicles located at Dollar Road to be serviced onsite without the need to transport back to the Avista Corp. main office. The general contractor who is currently building this was selected through a bid Page 1 of process of 5 companies, and had the lowest qualifying bid by $140,000. See Staff_PR_070C Confidential Attachment A. Page 2 of 2 AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION JURISDICTION: IDAHO DATE PREPARED: 12/04/2012 CASE NO: AVU-E-12-08 / AVU-G-12-07 WITNESS: Thive DeFelice REQUESTER: IPUC RESPONDER: Kris Ransom TYPE: Production Request DEPARTMENT: Energy Solutions REQUEST NO.: Staff-071 TELEPHONE: (509) 495-6776 REQUEST: Please explain how the Company plans to allocate the cost of the CNG filling station at the Dollar Road facility between regulated and non-regulated business now and in the future. Please provide the cost allocation being used in this filing. RESPONSE: Costs for the CNG filling station at our Dollar Road facility will be allocated 100% to our regulated business. This facility can provide compressed natural gas to the general public. The Company plans to file a tariff at some point in the future to establish pricing for this service. AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION JURISDICTION: IDAHO DATE PREPARED: 12/03/2012 CASE NO: AVU-E-12..08 / AVU-G-12-07 WITNESS: Dave DeFelice REQUESTER: IPUC RESPONDER: Mike Faulkenberry TYPE: Production Request DEPARTMENT: Gas Engineering REQUEST NO.: Staff-072 TELEPHONE: (509) 495-2293 REQUEST: Please describe and justify the following projects and how the Company ensures they are completed at least-cost. This should include a detailed description, cost (budget vs actual), and timing of specific 2012 and 2013 capital project amounts proposed to be pro formed in this filing. If vendors are used, please explain how the Company selected them and summarize the results. Projects include: a)Jackson Prairie Storage Project; b)Gas Reinforce Minor Blanket; c)Replace Deteriorated Pipe; d)Regulator Station Reliability Projects; e)Natural Gas Replacement Street/Highways; f)Cathodic Protection Projects; g)Gas Distribution Non-Revenue Blanket; h)Isolated Steel Replacement; i)Overbuilt Pipe Replacement Blanket; j)Gas Telemetry; k)Replacement 6" PE; 1) Old Hwy 95 Relocation; m)Klamath Falls Lateral; and n)Reinforce Chase Rd Gate Station in Post Falls. RESPONSE: Please see Avista's response 072C, which contains TRADE SECRET, PROPRIETARY or CONFIDENTIAL information and exempt from public view and is separately filed under IDAPA 3 1.01.01, Rule 067 and 233, and Section 9-340D, Idaho Code. Avista's Business Cases for the Programs and Projects for letter a. through n. above are provided in Staff PR 072C Confidential Attachments A-M. The Business Cases describe and define the need for the Program or Project and weigh the alternatives considered. Please note that these business cases were completed as a part of the 2012 budgeting process and the expected costs have not been updated since then. Therefore, the most current budgeted amounts are included in DeFelice workpapers as mentioned below. Also, a business case was not provided for the Klamath Falls Lateral project as this project relates solely to Oregon operations. Following is more specific information regarding each Page 2 Jackson Prairie Storage Project: Jackson Prairie (JP) is managed by Puget Sound Energy. Avista is a 1/3 partner in this underground storage project with Williams Pipeline and Puget Sound Energy. Avista participates in upwards of 4 project meetings yearly to assure that its funding is spent appropriately. Usually at least one of these meetings occurs at the site. Avista sends an Engineer and a Management representative to each of these meetings. The Management representative has voting rights among the partners and protects the interest of Avista's ratepayers. Key decisions require a unanimous vote of the partners. The engineer advises our Management representative as needed. Gas Programs: The following list represents what Avista terms "Gas Programs". These are also referred to as "Gas Blankets". Each is made up of many small projects. • Gas Reinforce Minor Blanket; • Replace Deteriorated Pipe; • Regulator Station Reliability Projects; • Natural Gas Replacement Street/Highways; • Cathodic Protection Projects; • Gas Distribution Non-Revenue Blanket; • Isolated Steel Replacement; • Overbuilt Pipe Replacement Blanket; • Gas Telemetry; These Programs are budgeted and monitored throughout the year by the Manager of Gas Design. Many of these projects are designed within Avista's Gas Engineering Department, but some are designed within decentralized Operation offices. These Programs are reviewed at monthly Gas Manager's meetings to assure that projects within these programs are on track and running smoothly. Most of these projects have field inspectors that monitor construction process and report back to the local Gas Managers or Gas Engineering Department engineers. Replacement 6" PE and the Old Hwy 95 Relocation: These two specific projects were conducted at the request of the ID DOT to make way for road reconstruction of both the Old Hwy 95 frontage road and the existing Hwy 95. These projects were designed by Gas Engineering. The Design Engineer acted as the Project Manager participating in all facets of the project from coordination, design, contract assignment, ongoing project support and project close out. The bulk of the work associated with the Old Hwy 95 Relocation project was competitively bid. Klamath Falls Lateral: The project evaluation supporting this pipeline purchase from William's Pipeline is complete in the Business Plan and is pertinent to OR customers only. A thorough review of the pipeline assets with regards to maintenance records and pipeline records was conducted by Gas Engineering prior to the purchase. Reinforce Chase Rd Gate Station in Post Falls: The project evaluation and supporting documentation for the reinforcement in this area is complete in the Business Plan. Work has not Page 3 yet begun on this project. The Design Engineer assigned to this project will act as the Project Manager and will participate in all facets of the project from coordination, design, contract assignment, ongoing project support and project close out. Please see the Company's response to Staffs Production Request No. 45 for updated transfers to plant through October 31, 2012. Company witness Dave DeFelice's testimony and workpapers provide the requested budget information for 2012 and 2013. Pages 53 through 63 of the workpapers list 2012, and pages 89 through 101 list 2013 projects by ER and details the expected month the project will be completed and will be transferred to plant in service. The source of this data is the Company's 2012 capital budget. Both hardcopies and electronic copies were provided with the original filing. AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION JURISDICTION: IDAHO DATE PREPARED: 11/30/2012 CASE NO: AVU-E-12-08 / AVU-G-12-07 WITNESS: Dave DeFelice REQUESTER: IPUC RESPONDER: Karen Schuh TYPE: Production Request DEPARTMENT: Rates and Tariffs REQUEST NO.: Staff-073 TELEPHONE: (509) 495-2293 REQUEST: Please provide the line item detail of the Structures and Improvements by project for 2010, 2011, 2012, and 2013. Please include both budgeted and actual costs to date for each project. RESPONSE: Structures and Improvements transactions are included under ER 7001. Please see Staff_PR_073 Attachment A for line item details of capital expenditures for 2010, 2011 and 2012 through October 31. Company witness Dave DeFelice's testimony and workpapers provide the requested budget information for 2012 and 2013. Pages 53 through 63 of the workpapers list 2012, and pages 89 through 101 list 2013 projects by ER and details the expected month the project will be completed and will be transferred to plant in service. The source of this data is the Company's 2012 capital budget. Both hardcopies and electronic copies were provided with the original filing. Please see the Company's response to Staff _PR_045 for updated transfers to plant by ER through October 31, 2012. Also please see the Company's response -to Staff _PR_038 for details of budget to actual capital spend for 2011 and 2012. jFercAcct 1107000 Sum of Transaction Amount Accounting Year ______ Er Project Number Project Desc Expenditure Category Junsdiction 2010 2011 2012 f Grand Total 7001 02805446 N Crescent Property Purchase IWA 1568.53 1,568.53 Overhead IWA 1379.49 1,379.49 02805448 Total 2,948.02 2,948.02 09805372 Beacon Vehicle Storage Canopy AFUDC AN 1.63 3921.34 3922.97 Contractor AN 746,457.69 (940.00) 745,517.89 Employee Expenses AN 52.95 52.95 Labor AN 69.78 12,000.89 164.07 12,234.74 Overhead AN 50.98 14,150.68 152.71 14,547 Transportation AN 111.20 _1 9805372 Total 122.39 776,69435 (623.22) 771 09905709 AFCB1 2 COF Sync Clock System I Overhead JAA 1,082.68 1,08 Voucher IAA 11,342.78 11,342.7 9905709 Total 12,425.46 12,425.46 11005073 Cafeteria Remodel 2008 Spokane Contractor M (4,365.70) (4,365.7 Overhead AA (8.73) (8.7 11005073 Total (4,374.43) (4,37443 11005083 5th floor carpet replacement I Contractor JAA 11,277.63 11,277.63 Labor IAA 589.20 589.20 Overhead IAA 605.45 605.45 11005083 Total 12,472.28 12,472.28 11005084 5th floor improvements centr Labor M 691.11 691.11 Overhead JAA 605.73 605.73 11005084 Total 1,296.84 1,296.84 11005087 Mission Campus Light Retrofit Overhead JAA 501.77 501.77 JAA 7,384.33 7,384.33 11005087 Total 7,886.10 7,886.10 11005095 Old Basement Mailroom remodel Labor AA 248.10 248.10 Overhead PA 236.20 238.20 11005095 Total 484.30 484.30 11005005 Multi Purpose Room Centralized Assets PA 10,786.82 10,786.82 Contractor PA 27,763.07 27,763.07 Employee Expenses AA 2.75 2.75 Labor AA 3,444.49 3,444.49 Overhead AA 4,435.18 4,435.18 Voucher AA 4,747.64 4,747.64 11005096 Total 51,179.95 51,179.95 11005097 Landscaping Curbing at Corp Contractor PA 114.20 114.20 Overhead PA 0.86 0.86 11005097 Total 115.06 115.06 11005099 Parapet Replacement on the GOB Contractor PA 56,290.00 56,290.00 IOverhead AA 422.18 422.18 11005099 Total 56,712.18 56,712.18 11005100 Data Center SCADA ExpansionContractor PA (60,067.73) (60,067.73' Overhead AA (756.21) (756.21) Voucher IAA (4,498.99) (4,488.99) 11005100 Total (65,322.93) (65,322.93' 1005102 Fleet Canopy Doors IContractor IAA 8,130.76 8,130.76 11005102 Total 8,130.76 8,130.76 11005107 General Foreman office Spokane Contractor AA 3,591.54 3,591.54 Overhead PA 26.94 26.94 11005107 Total 3,618.48 3,618.48 11005110 Line Dock Radiant Heaters Contractor PA 16,126.87 16,126.87 1 1-abor PA - 1,706.00 1,706.00 Overhead PA 1,897.52 1,897.52 Voucher IAA 24,479.27 - 24,479.27 11005110 Total 44,209.66 44,209.66 110051-11 COF Const elec mtr shop door - Contractor AA 6,488.47 6,488.47 Labor AA 1,698.30 1,698.30 Overhead PA 1,496.34 1,498.34 11005111 Total 9,683.11 9,683.11 11005112 COF Vehicle Storage Bldg IAFUDC AA 0.00 0.00 Employee Expenses PA (0.00) (0.00) Labor PA (0.00) (0.00) Overhead PA (0.00) (0.00) 11005112Total (0.00) (0.00) 11005113 Canopy 11 Building addition AFIJOC AA 7,894.10 7,894.10 Contractor PA 821,078.83 821,078.83 Labor AA 10,497.99 166.38 10,664.37 Overhead AA 15,964.94 130.66 16,095.60 Voucher PA 4,051.22 4,051.22 11005113Total - 859,487.08 297.04 859,784.12 11005115 Fleet Serv Brk Rm Foreman off Contractor PA 78,853.90 78,853.90 Labor AA 6,205.87 123.41 6,329.28 Overhead AA 5,400.11 48.47 5,448.58 Voucher AA 195.65 195.65 11005115 Total 90,655. 3 171.88 90,827.41 11005116 Wellness Center Expansion AFUDC PA 1,264.32 1,264.32 Contractor AA 179,388.70181,965.14 361,353.84 EmployeeExpenses PA 27.53 27.53 Labor PA 5,164.892,095.31 7,260,20 Overhead PA 6,441.173,462.57 9,903.74 Voucher PA 46,885.94 46,885.94 111005116 Total 190,994.76 236,700.81 426,695.57 11005117 ICorp Lighting Upgrades IAFUDC JAA 1 191.73 191.73 Staff PR 073 Attachment Axis I of 11 1001 11005117 Corp Lighting Upgrades Contractor AA 10984.99 (7,782.96) 3,202.03 Labor M 290.55 951.70 1,242.25 Overhead AA 2976.56 1071.98 4,048.54 Voucher AA 48,567.77 5,401.68 53,969.45 11005117 Total 62,819.87 (1-65.87) 62,654.00 11005118 North Crescent Final Improve AFUDC AA 3,099.65 3,099.65 Contractor AA 19,966.70 29,778.44 49,745.14 Employee Expenses AA 8.55 8.55 Labor AA 883.74 1,710.44 2,594.18 Material ,AA 137.78 13778 Overhead 1AA AA 1,195.20 1,736.09 2,931.29 Voucher 6,849.97 2,209.16 9,059.13 11005118 Total 28,895.61 38,680.11 67,575.72 11005119 Reroof Warehouse Spokane Contractor 132,263.01 132,263.01 Employee Expenses AA 24.03 24.03 Labor M 1,123.66 1,123.66 0verhead AA 1,900.24 1,900.24 11005119 Total 135,310.94 135,310.94 11005121 Environmental Lab Labor AA 72.32 72.32 Overhead ,AA 109.28 108.28 Voucher JAA 1,494.29 1,494.29 110051 21 Total 1,675.89 1,675.89 11005122 4th floor Conference Room AFUDC AA 498.08 498.08 Contractor M 75,000.00 75,000.00 Overhead AA 562.50 562.50 11005122 Total 75,562.50 498.08 76,060.58 11005124 4Th Floor Lighting upgrade I Contractor 1AA 150,000.00 150,000.00 Overhead JAA 1,134.20 1,134.20 Voucher JAA 1,938.73 1938.73 11005124 Total 153,072.93 153,072.93 11005126 4th floor Window Coverings AF DC AA 265.27 265.27 Contractor AA 29,229.43 29,229.43 Overhead AA 1,615.47 1,615.47 Voucher AA 9,389.29 9,399.29 11005126 Total 40,244.19 265.27 40,509.46 11005127 4th Floor restroom renovation lContractor JAA 138,374.02 138,374.02 Overhead JAA 1,037.80 1,037.80 11005127 Total 139,411.82 139,411.82 11005130 4th Floor Carpet Spokane 1 Contractor JAA 49,999.89 49,999.89 Overhead JAA 237.50 237.50 11005130 Total 50,237.39 50,237.39 11005131 Purch hse 1622E North Cresc Labor 1AA 2,653.75 2,653.75 Overhead 1AA 2,522.08 2,522.08 Voucher IAA 136,221.41 136,221.41 11005131 Total 141,397.24 141,397.24 11005132 Tool Crib Warehouse remodel AFUDC AA 118.86 118.86 Contractor AA 9,953.31 3,487.78 13,441.09 Overhead 1,060.68 122.23 1,182.91 Voucher AA 6,549.09 834.27 7,383.36 11005132 Total - 17,563.08 4,563.14 22,126.22 11005133 Corporate Campus Metering AFUDC WA 70.82 83.26 154.08 Contractor WA 3,381.08 3,381.06 Labor WA 1,281.60 1,281.60 Material WA 283.07 2,781.00 3,064.07 Overhead WA 883.18 2,350.92 3,234.10 Transportation WA 180.00 180.00 Voucher WA 236.21 8,904.00 9,140.21 11005133 Total 6,315.94 14,119.18 20,435.12 11005135 Feb Aud Courtyard Handrails - Contractor 1AA 8,793.83 8,793.83 Overhead JAA 65.95 65.95 11005135 Total 8,859.78 - 8,859.78 11005137 Service yard Asphalt Replace - I Contractor JAA 44,043.00 44043.00 Overhead JAA 330.32 330.32 11005137 Total 44,373.32 44,373.32 11005143 AFCB1 2 Canopy 9-and 10 Caoyov AFUDC ,4A 9,799.85 9,799.85 Contractor AA 1,106,736.41 11,694.77 1,118,431.18 Employee Expenses .4A - - - Labor AA 25,255.52 2,691.23 27,946.75 Material AA 3,648.64 14.82 3,663.46 Overhead AA 26,552.98 2,417.97 28,970.95 Transportation A 3,979.25 3.97925 Voucher AA 14,749.68 94.19 14,843.87 11005143 Total 1,190,122.33 16,912.98 1,207,635.31 11005144 Dock 14 Block Wall Main office AFUDC AA 33,23 33.23 Contractor AA 7,674.83 7,674.83 Overhead AA 38.37 38.37 11005144 Total 7,746.43 7,746.43 11005145 Gen Prod Windows serv Spok AFUDC AA 908.78 908.78 Contractor AA 109,661.70 109,661.70 Labor AA 5,481.05 5,481.05 Overhead AA 5,401.26 19.07 5,420.33 Voucher AA 1,811.83 13.22 1.825,05 11005145 Total 123,264.62 32.29 123,296.91 11005146 Service Bldg Lower Windows AFUDC AA 541.87 541.87 Contractor AA 113,101.80 113,101.80 Labor AA 3,139.49 3,139.49 Overhead AA 3,958.99 3,958.99 Voucher AA 6,057.25 6,057.25 StaffPR_073 Attachment Axle -- 2 of 11 7001 11005146 Total 126,799.40 126,799.40 11005149 Cafe Auditorium Reroof 2011 AFUOC AA 722.34 722.34 Contractor AA 49194.70 49,194.70 Labor PA 2,904.02 2,904.02 Overhead AA 18,105.23 1,084.91 19,190.14 Voucher AA 133,650.36 1,310.70 134,961.06 11005149 Total 204,576.65 2,395.61 206,972.26 11005150 Service Building reroof 2011 AFUDC PA 12,500.46 12,500.46 Contractor AA 409,834.05 (5,242.58) 404,591.47 Labor AA 5,003.56 5,003.56 Overhead 1AA AA 10235.19 (16.69) 10,218.50 Voucher 656,838.79 (80,488.39) 576,350.40 11005150 Total 1,094,412.05 (85,747.66) 1,008,664.39 11005152 RepI Elect Panels 4th 5th fl AFUDC PA 148.37 148.37 Contractor AA 10,343.34 10,343.34 Overhead PA 425.53 425.53 Voucher IAA 3340.89 3,340.89 11005152 Total 14,258.13 14,258.13 11005154 3rd Floor Carpet Replacement Overhead PA 129.19 129.19 Voucher PA 39,715.14 - 39,715.14 11005154 Total 39,844.33 - 39,344.33 11005155 3rd Fl ER71 General lmprov, AFUDC PA 8,230.74 8,230.74 Contractor PA 343,990.09 343,990.09 Overhead PA 2,375.47 2,375.47 Voucher IAA 21,456.37 21,456.37 11005155 Total 376,052.67 376,052.67 11005156 Window covering for 3rd floor AFUDC PA 581,67 581.67 Contractor PA 192.94 192.94 Overhead PA 3,558.19 3,558.19 Voucher PA 31,545.53 31,545.53 11005156 Total 35,878.33 35,878.33 11005157 ConvrtStrge2Brkrni 3rd ft AFUDC PA 30.69 30.69 Contractor PA 10,723.34 10,723.34 Overhead PA 562.49 562.49 Voucher PA 1 4,575.61 4,575.61 11005157 Total 15,892.13 15,892.13 11005150 RossParlc new storag steel deck AFUDC PA 1 1,671.78 2,996.79 4,668.57 Contractor PA 1 355,010.93 (3,498.49) 351,512.44 Employee Expenses PA 1 289.13 289.13 Labor PA 13,950.17 6,799.24 20,749.41 Overhead PA 8,330.72 6,492.16 14,822.88 Voucher PA 1,341.54 1,341,54 11005160 Total 380,594.27 12,789.70 393,383.97 1005161 [Mission Campus Asphalt RepI Contractor PA 139,821.07 139,821.07 Ove rhead PA 978.75 978.75 11005161 Total 140,799.82 140,799.82 11005162 Campus Irrigation Project AFUOC PA 142,21 142.21 Contractor PA 47,745.51 47,745.51 Labor PA 250.28 250.28 Overhead PA 1AA 1,202.78 1,202.78 Voucher 5,875.44 5,875.44- 11005162 Total 55,216.22 55,216.22 11005163 Convrt Strg Rm to Brk Rm lstFl AFUOC PA 18.35 18.35 Contractor PA 7,473.41 7,473.41 Overhead PA 86.48 86.48 Voucher PA 419.13 419.13 11005163 Total 7,997.37 7,997.37 11005184 Siemens Control Panels Upgrade 1 I Contractor A 31,477.91 31,477.91 Overhead JAA 220.35 220.35 11005164 Total 31,698.26 31,698.26 11005167 Fl2 Fleet Carpet Install AFUDC PA 141.31 141.31 Contractor PA 11,745.49 11,746.49 Employee Expenses PA 3,116.20 3,116.20 Labor PA 1,690.54 190.26 1,850.80 Overhead PA 1,489.02 207.42 1,696.44 Voucher PA 490.40 490,40 11005167 Total 18,183.56 888.08 19,071.64 11005168 Fl2Ext Door Gas MtrStorage AFUDC PA 0.38 0.38 Contractor PA - 4,181.69 4,181.69 Labor PA 95.14 95.14 Overhead _PA 106.47 106.47 11006168 Total 4,383.68 4,383.68 11005170 Fl2 Ross Park Electrical AFUOC PA 230.45 4o4.69 635.14 Contractor PA 52,473.47 11.917.47 64,390.94 Labor PA 3,308.941,411.13 4,72007 Material PA 9,202.23 9, Overhead AA 3,892.231,384.93 5,277. Transportation PA 17.00 17.00 Voucher PA 1,416.45 1,416.45 11006170 Total 1 69,124.3216,534.67 85,658.99 11005171 F1 Mission Campus 5th ft kit AFUDC PA 41.40 41.40 Contractor PA 12,285.77(2,120.68) 10,165.09 Overhead PA 47.43 148.83 196.26 Voucher PA 229.982,120,68 2,350.66 11005171Total 12,604.58 148.83 12,753.41 11005172 F 1 Mission Campus 2nd Fl Kitc AFUDC PA 45.13 176.78 221.91 Contractor _ PA 13,513.82(3,438.00 10,075.82 Overhead _ PA 43.69 241.21 284.90 Staff-PR-073 Attachment A.xls 3 of 11 7001 11005172 Fl 1 Mission Campus 2nd Fl Kitc Voucher IPA - 136.31 3,436.92 3,573.23-] 11005172 Total 13,738.95 416.91 14,155.86 11005173 F 1 Windows Multi Purpose rm AFUDC PA 108.86 208.62 317.48 - Contractor PA 32,021.10 227.99 32,249.09 Labor AA 507.39 1,863.60 2,370.99 Overhead PA 500.98 1,739.30 2,240i8 Voucher AA 68.79 68.79 11005173 Total 33,138.33 4,108.30 37,246.63 11005174 AFCB12 Design Stormwater Swale AFUDC PA 98.87 287.39 386.26 Contractor PA 30,000.00 (24,525.00) 5,475.00 Overhead AA 264.30 264.30 JAA 4,405.00 4,405.00 11005174 Total 30,098.87 (19,568.31) 10,530.56 11005176 AFCB12 Pond Piping Improvement AFUDC AA 6 3.67 63.67 Contractor PA -- 26,97.47 26,971.47 Labor PA 1,687.37 1,687.37 Overhead 1AA AA 2,461.93 2,461.93 Voucher 14,830.33 14,830.33 11005176 Total 46,014.77 46,014.77 11005177 AFCB12 Wellness EquipAtloc AFUDC AA 513.57 513.57 Employee Expenses AA 78.52 78.52 Overhead AA 1.309.39 1,309.39 Vehicle PA 95.97 95.97 Voucher AA 19,223.99 19,223.99 - 11005177 Total 21,221.44 21,221.44 11005178 AFCB12 2nd fl General lmprov AFUDC PA 20,083.37 20,083.37 Contractor PA 362,881.42 362,881.42 Overhead AA 7,293.09 7,293.09 Voucher IAA 82,923.47 82,923.47 11005178 Total 473,181.35 473,181.35 11005179 Fl 2 New Parking Lot Service Yd AFUOC PA 1,688.99 1,688.99 Contractor AA 36,381.11 36,381 .1-1 Labor PA 5,596.84 5,596.84 Overhead PA 5,098.44 5,098.44 11005179 Total 48,765.38 48,765.38 11005180 AFCB12 Energy Star Meters AFUDC AA 360.99 360.99 Contractor AA 6,871.06 6,871.06 Overhead JAA 992.87 992.87 Voucher IAA 16,256.77 16,256.77 - 11005180 Total 24,481.69 24,481.69 11005181 Irrigation lie In and upgrade IAFUDC PA 328.41 328.41 Contractor PA 22,879.33 22,879.3 Labor PA 1,361.65 1,361.6 Material PA 1,335.55 1,335.5 Overhead AA 2,168.43 2,168.4 Voucher PA 12,364.22 12,364.22 11005181 Total 40,437.59 40,437.59 11005182 AFCBI2 rapt carpet serv bldg AFUDC AA 16.02 16.02 Contractor AA 4,887.00 4,887.00 Labor AA 2640 26.40 Overhead AA 30.95 30.95 11005182 Total 4,960.37 4,960.37 11005183 ]Fleet Cardboard hopper Overhead PA 154.94 154.94 Voucher AA 2,344.66 2,344.66 11005183 Total 2,499.60 2,499.60 11005185 Const Ross Court parking Lot AFUDC PA 1,647.19 1,647.19 Contractor AA 231,162.68 231,162.68 Employee Expenses PA 38.85 38.85 Labor PA 3,598.08 3,598.08 Material PA 1,119.62 1,119.62 Overhead AA 1AA 4,408.79 4,408.79 Voucher 5,304.38 5,304.38 1005185 Total 247,279.59 247,279.59 1005186 Sidewalk Replacement Spokane AFUDC PA 400.02 400.02 Contractor PA 52,964.49 52,964.49 Labor AA 2,567.50 2,567.50 Material AA 470.10 470.10 Overhead PA 2,605.02 2,605.02 11005186 Total 59,007.13 - 59,007.13 11005188 COF Fleet Water Pipe Rapt AFUDC PA 16.00 16.00 Contractor PA 6,343.73 6,343.73 - Labor PA 1AA 1,003.72 1,003.72 _Overhead 392.98 392.98 11005188 Total 7,756.43 7,756.43 11005189 COF Front Entryway Planters AFUDC PA 9.23 9.23 Contractor PA 3,147.95 3,147.95 Labor PA 444.34 444.34 Overhead PA 378.65 378.65 Voucher PA 1,538.49 1,536.49 11005189 Total 5,518.66 5,518.66 11005190 COF Install Swale Landscaping AFUDC PA 25.60 25.60 Contractor PA 1AA 8,003.32 8,003.32 Overhead 1 60.02 60.02 11005190 Total 8,088.94 8,088.94 11005191 Gas Meter Covered Canopy - AFUDC PA 3.29 3.29 Employee Expenses PA 3.33 3.33 Overhead JAA 1 20.57 20.57 Voucher JAA 1 1,575.72 1,575.72 Staff-PR-073 Attachment AxIs - 4 of 11 7001 11005191 Total 1,602.91 1,602.91 11005195 COF 1mg Drips to Planters AFUDC AA 16.03 16.03 Contractor PA 1252.22 1,252.22 Overhead IAA 9.39 939 11005195 Total 1,277.64 1,277.64 11105017 Garbage Hopper I Overhead IWA 147.30 147.30 Voucher IWA 1,900.84 1,900.84 11105017 Total 2,048.14 2,048.14 11105018 Eli Dollar Road Aspht and Gate 1MUDC 13.41 13.41 Contractor WA 4,039.94 4,039.94 Overhead IWA 28.28 28.28 11105018 Total 4,081.63 4,081.63 11105021 Dollar Rd self dumping Hopper Overhead IWA 142.34 142.34 Voucher IWA 2,179.81 2,179.81 11105021 Total 2,322.15 2,322.15 11105023 Carport Covers for gas mtrs LLabor WA 65.00 65.00 lOverhead WA 51.77 51.77 11105023 Total 116.77 116.77 11105024 Dollar Rd Office Remodel Contractor WA 4,497.50 4,497.50 Overhead WA 35.62 35.62 Voucher WA 124.60 124.60 11105024 Total 4,657.72 4,657.72 11205011 Jack Stewart Gutters I Contractor AA 5,791.91 5,791.91 Employee Expenses PA 15.60 15.60 Labor IAA 493.62 493.62 Overhead IAA 413.13 413.13 11205011 Total 6,714.26 6,714.26 11205014 Fl I Sitework and Asphalt JSTC AFUDC AA 212.86 256.56 469.42 Contractor PA 38,387.29 1,584.43 39,971.72 Employee Expenses PA 40.39 40.39 Labor PA 727.47 338.51 1,065.98 Overhead PA 767.48 346.58 1,114.06 Voucher PA 385.28 385.28 11205014 Total 40,135.49 2,911.36 43,046.85 11205015 Jack Stewart Storage Lockers AFUDC PA 86.88 86.88 Contractor PA 9,040.58 9,040.58 Employee Expenses PA 5.77 5.77 Overhead PA 67.80 67.80 Voucher PA 8,317.00 8,317.00 11205015 Total 17,518.03 17,518.03 11205016 Jack Stewart TC Landscaping 1AFUDC PA 14.45 14.45 Overhead IAA 658.62 658.62 Voucher IAA 8,440.55 8,440.55 11205016 Total 9,113.62 9,113.62 11205017 JackStewart handicap ramp rapt AFUDC PA 39.64 39.64 Contractor PA IAA 6,195.90 6,195.90 Overhead 46.47 46.47 11205017 Total 6,282.01 6,282.01 11405004 Deer Park Remodel Contractor WA 11,079.24 11,079.24 Overhead IWA 147.98 147.96 Voucher IWA 1,007.85 1,007.85 11465004 Total 12,235.05 12,235.05 11405005 Deer Park Storage Building AFUDC WA 230.84 230.84 Contractor WA 21,284.77 21,284.77 Labor WA 383.79 383.79 Overhead WA 477.82 477.82 Vehicle WA 50.02 50.02 Voucher WA 262.52 262.5 11405005 Total 22,669.76 22,669.76 11405006 Replace Damaged Deer Park gate Contractor WA 2,722.74 2,722.74 Overhead WA 20.42 20.42 11405006 Total 2,743.16 2,743.16 11405007 Deer Park Strge Shelving slab Employee Expenses WA 24.30 24.30 Labor WA 279.12 279.12 Overhead WA 204.24- 204.24 Voucher WA 6,004.49 6004.49 11405007 Total 8,512.15 6,512.15 11405008 Fl 1 Deer Park Lighting Upgrade AFUDC WA 20.90 20.47 41.37 Contractor WA 3,074.55 3,074.55 Overhead WA 242.20 0.21 242.41 Vehicle WA 85.26 85.26 Voucher WA 3,026.36 3,026.36 11405008 Total 6,364.01 105.94 6,469.95 11405009 Eli Deer Park Asphalt and Gale AFUDC WA 5154 51.54 Contractor WA 15529.32 15,529.32 Overhead WA 126.53 126.53 Voucher WA 230.21 230.21 11405009 Total 15,937.60 15,937.60 11405010 Rapt Deer Park line dock roof IAFUDC IWA 497.34 497.34 Contractor IWA 60,654.40 60,654.40 Overhead IWA 335.93 335.93 11405010 Total 61,487.67 61,487.67 11405011 Deer Park Out Bldg upgrades AFUOC WA 96.31 96.31 Contractor WA 8,793.48 8,793.48 Labor WA 1,527.51 1,527.51 Overhead WA 1,427.29 1,427.29 11405011 Total 11,844.59 11,844.59 11405012 Deer Park New Yard Asphalt IAFUDC WA 165.82 165.82 Staff_PR_073 Attachment AxIs 5 of ii 7001 11405012 Deer Park New Yard Asphalt Contractor WA 7,020.00 7,020.00 Employee Expenses WA 82.56 82.56 Labor WA 4,093.36 4,093.36 Overhead WA 3,600.70 3,600.70 Transportation WA 74.65 74.65 11405012 Total 15,037.09 15,037.09 11405013 Deer Park Breakroom Remodel AFUDC WA 80.98 80.98 Contractor WA 12,613.38 12,613.36 Overhead IWA WA 97.52 97.52 Voucher 43.02 43.02 11405013 Total 12,834.88 12,834.86 11705002 Post St Floor Covering Contractor M 163.05 163.05 Overhead IAA 5,787.44 5,787.44 Voucher IAA 67,974.46 67,974.46 1705002 Total 73,924.95 73,924.95 11705003 Post Street Roof Replacement Contractor AA 111,008.14 111,008.14 Overhead AA 535.62 535.62 Voucher JAA 72.25 72.25 1706003 Total 111,616.01 111,616.01 11705004 AFCBl2 Post St Workout Rm AFUDC AA 72.73 72.73 Contractor Ai 7,03311 7,033.11 Employee Expenses AA 7.98 7.98 Labor IAA AA 221.97 221.97 Overhead 210.96 210.96 11705004 Total ______ 7,546.75 7,546.7 11705005 Post St Roof Access AFUDC p.. 57.23 57.2 Contractor AA 13,478.80 13,478.80 Overhead Mi 85.99 85.99 11705005 Total 13,622.02 13,622.02 11800004 Steamplant Suite 221 Buildout AFUDC AA 52.69 52.69 AA Contractor 3,258.77 3,258.77 Overhead AA 52.25 52.25 Voucher AA 4,205.88 4,205.88 11800004 Total 7,569.59 7,569.59 11800005 Seehom windows at Steam Pint AFUDC AN 38.68 38.68 Contractor AN 9,597.11 2,513.14 12,110.25 Labor AN 1,149.96 1,149.96 Overhead AN 2,229.64 3.77 2,233.41 Voucher AN 16,076.73 16,076.73 11800005 Total 29,092.12 2,516.91 31,609.03 12305002 Chewelah Office Roof Replace I Contractor 1WA 8,024.81 8,024.81 Overhead IWA 58.17 56.17 12305002 Total 8,080.98 8,080.98 12500002 Doorcontrols CoIv Service Cen AFUDC WA 47.21 47.21 Overhead WA IWA 99.5a 99.58 Voucher 14,225.57 14,225.57 12500002 Total 14,372.36 14,372.36 12500003 Lighting 4 Colville Mini Strge AFUDC WA 60.75 97.57 158.32 Contractor WA 16,869.34 (8,000.00' 8,869.34 Material WA 1,375.39 309.85 1,685.24 Overhead WA 188.16 207.26 395.42 Voucher WA 3,139.92 3,139.92 12500003 Total 18,493.64 (4,245.40) 14,248.24 12500004 lnstl snow melt walkway Colv AFUDC WA 52.38 52.38 Contractor WA 8,188.36 8,188.36 Overhead WA 61.41 61.41 12500004 Total 8,302.15 8,302.15 13005005 F1 Davenport Lighting Upgrade AFUDC WA 30.56 198.33 228.89 Contractor WA 8,397.37 8,397.37 Overhead WA 664.62 20.99 685.61 Voucher WA 8,607.60 8,607.60 13005005 Total 9,302.78 8,616.69 17,919.47 13105000 Davenport expand storage bldg AFUDC WA 1 0.87 0.87 Contractor WA 14,215.09 14,215.09 Labor WA 488.46 488.46 Overhead WA IWA 500.18 500.16 Voucher 50.02 50.02 13105000 Total 15,254.60 15,254.60 13305004 Barb Wire fencing Othello P Yd Labor WA 995.68 995.68 Overhead WA 806.31 806.31 Vehicle WA 157.37 157.37 Voucher WA 4,846.50 4,846.50 13305004 Total 6,805.86 6,805.86 13305005 Othello HVAC System replace Contractor WA (1,987.81) (1,987.81) Employee Expenses WA 769.20 205.16 974.36 Overhead WA 1,681.03 0.51 1,681.54 Voucher IWA 11,500.71 11,500.71 13305005 Total 11,963.13 205.67 12,168.80 13305006 AFCB1 2 Othello ServCent Add AFUDC WA 1 1,764.50 1,764.50 Contractor WA 37,300.08 37,300.08 Labor WA 7,090.63 7,690.63 Overhead WA 6,870.64 6,870.64 Vehicle WA 278.15 278.15 Voucher WA 1,195.00 1,195.00 13305006 Total 55,099.00 55,099.00 14005009 Carpet call cent and reorg Frin IAFUDC ID 405.27 405.27 Contractor ID 19,626.91 76,691.52 96,318.43 Employee Expenses JID 198.10 679.74 877.84 Staff_PR_073 Attachment AxIs 6 of 11 7001 14005009 Carpet call cent and reorgFan Labor II) 752.18 6,977.10 7,729.28 Overhead ID 819.17 5,169.55 5,988.72 Vehicle ID 47.71 63.42 111.13 Voucher JID 8,884.05 (118.96) 8,765.09 14005009 Total _____________ 30,328.12 89,867.64 120,195.76 14005010 CDA Asphalt Replacement AFUOC ID 23.41 23.41 Contractor II) 3,500.00 3,500.00 Overhead ID 52.50 52.50 14005010 Total 3,552.50 23.41 3,575.91 14005011 CDA Handicap Door AFUDC ID 39.82 39.82 Contractor ID 251.00 251.00 Overhead ID 789.30 789.30 ID 5,000.20 5,000.20 14005011 Total 6,040.50 39.82 6,080.32 14005012 Lighting Efficiency Upgrades AFUDC ID 185.64 185.64 Contractor ID (849.50) (849.50) Labor ID 1,279.15 1,279.15 Overhead ID 1,845.46 1,845.46 Voucher ID 14,110.23 14,110.23 14005012 Total 16,570.98 16,570.98 14005013 CDA Line Dock Heating AFUDC ID 674.42 674.42 Contractor ID 21,844.78 21,844.78 Labor ID 7,226.44 7,226.44 Overhead 111) ID 8,304.67 8,304.67 Voucher 14,719.18 14,719.18 14005013 Total 52,769.49 52,769.49 4005014 CDA install 2 ton bridge crane AFUDC ID 13.11 13.11 Contractor ID 325.00 29,550.00 29,875.00 Employee Expenses ID 73.48 73.48 Labor ID 718.75 109.11 827.86 Overhead ID 643.27 180.03 823.30 Voucher ID 1,548.73 1,548.73 14005014 Total 3,322.34 29,839.14 33,161.48 14005018 AFCBl2CDARepl toilets IinoI AFUDC JID 216.75 216.75 Contractor ID 44,656.45 44,656.45 Employee Expenses ID 36.74 36.74 Labor ID 1,042.80 1,042.80 Overhead ID 1,161.13 1,161.13 14005018 Total 47,113.87 47,113.87 14005019 CDA dock office HVAC replace AFUDC ID 69.80 69.80 Labor ID 1,431.20 1,431.20 Overhead ID JID 1,626.52 1,626.52 3,566.28 3,566.28 14005019 Total 6,693.80 6,693.80 14005020 CDA SC Feeder Replacement AFUOC ID 21.55 21.55 La-bor ID 711.74 711.74 Overhead ID 723.17 723.17 Voucher ID 716.93 716.93 14005020 Total 2,173.39 2,173.39 14005021 ReRoof CDA Service Center AFUDC ID 3,636.40 3,636.40 Contractor ID 398,102.60 398,102.60 Labor II) 629.14 629.14 Overhead ID 4,524.05 4,524.05 Vehicle ID 103.86 103.86 Voucher ID 8,467.40 8,467.40 14005021 Total 415,463.45 415,463.45 14105009 Reroof Sandpoint Service Cen Contractor ID 87,274.78 67,274.78 Overhead ID 453.95 453.95 141 05009 Total 67,728.73 67,728.73 14105010 Sandpoint Lighting Upgrades AFUDC ID 71.34 71.34 Contractor ID 8,849.44 1,033.00 9,882.44 Overhead ID 431.59 2.58 434.17 Vehicle ID 82.41 82.41 ID 9,216.96 9,216.96 14105010 Total 18,651.74 1,035.58 19,687.32 14105012 Fli Sandpoint Office HVAC I Overhead ID 218.50 218.50 Voucher JID 2,819.68 2,819.68 14105012 Total 3,038.18 3,038.18 14105013 Sandpnt ToolCent and bath remd AFUDC ID 27.67 27.67 Contractor ID 10,969.32 10,969.32 Labor II) 1,007.51 1,007.51 Overhead II) 980.92 980.92 Vehicle ID 84.27 84.27 14105013 Total 13,069.69 13,069.69 14105014 Sandpoint New Yard Asphalt AFUDC ID 114.05 114.05 Contractor II) 6,198.46 6,198.46 Employee Expenses ID 25.16 25.16 Labor ID 2,53506 2,535.06 Overhead ID 2,202.90 2,202.90 14105014 Total 11,075.63 11,075.63 14205007 Kellogg asphalt parking Labor ID 206.99 206.99 Overhead JID 181.41 181.41 14205007 Total 388.40 388.40 14205009 Kellogg Window Replacement Contractor ID 13,337.00 2,112.21 15,449.21 Employee Expenses ID 138.60 138.60 Lar bo ID 383.79 383.79 Overhead ID 386.52 10.56 397.08 14205009 Total 14,245.91 2,122.77 16,368.68 Staff-PR-073 Attachment AxIs - 7 of 11 7001 14205010 Kellogg Remodel Restrooms lContractor ID 38623.06 38,623.06 bor II) 697.81 34.89 732.70 erhead FO, ID 1,077.08 27.51 1,104.59 ehicle ID 21.87 21.87 14205010 Total 40,397.95 84.27 40,482.22 14205011 AFCB1 2 GasWrkMat Vehicle canop AFUDC ID 8,371.83 8,371.83 Contractor ID 437,876.86 437,876.86 Employee Expenses ID 1 59.74 59.74 Labor ID 1 8,516.10 8,516.10 Overhead ID 10,698.67 10,698.67 Transportation ID 103.35 103.35 Vehicle IlD ID 763.72 763.72 Voucher 20,768.93 20,768.93 14205011 Total 487,159.20 487,159.20 14405009 StManes New Prop Purch Contractor ID 685.13 685.13 Employee Expenses ID 146.84 146.84 Labor ID 3,802.33 3,802.33 Overhead ID 4,890.12 4,890.12 Vehicle ID 218.45 218.45 Voucher ID 250,629.54 250,629.54 14405009 Total 260,372.41 260,372.41 14405010 St Mades New Material Yd dev AFUDC ID 2,968.48 2,968.48 Contractor ID 313,428.97 313,428.97 Employee Expenses ID 131.80 . 131.80 Labor ID 15,070.80 430.17 15,500.97 Material ID 7,728.65 7,728.65 Overhead ID 15.829,59 300.91 16,130.50 Transportation ID 2,645.50 2,645.50 Vehicle ID 1,169.67 49.28 1,218.95 Voucher ID 7,308.69 7,308.69 14405010 Total 366,282.15 780.36 367,062.51 14405011 StManes Office and lSlTrms AEUDC ID 9.82 9.82 Contractor ID 16,893.76 16,893.76 Labor ID 4,985.91 4,985.91 Overhead ID 4,188.19 4,188.19 Vehicle II) 116.44 116.44 Voucher ID 1,240.77 1,240.77 14405011 Total 27,434.89 27,434.69 14405012 F 1 St Manes Lighting Upgrade IAFUDC ID 7.18 - 718 Labor ID 1,382.06 1, Overhead II) 147.65 1,216.47 1 Voucher ID 2031.50 2 14405012 Total 2,186.33 2,598.53 4, 14405014 St Manes Tool Locker Room Labor 11D 1,123.80 1 Overhead IlD 872.27 872.r7 Voucher IlD 727.10 727.10 14405014 Total 2,72317 2,723.17 5205006 [Truck Garage and Paving Pull IVouther [AN (5,105.00) (5,105.00) 15205006 Total __________ (5,105.00) (5,105.00) 15205012 Pullman Service Cent addition Contractor AN 27,321.46 27,321.46 Employee Expenses AN 475.53 475.53 Labor AN 1 5,126.97 5,126.97 Overhead AN 4,695.90 4,695.90 Transportation AN IAN 1539.55 1,539.55 Voucher (974.93) (974.93) 15205012 Total 38,184.48 38,184.48 15205014 Purch Adjoin land Pullman s C Contractor IAN 11,180.00 11,150.00 Labor IAN 1,953.87 1,953.87 Overhead AN 1,635.53 1,635.53 Vehicle AN 212.44 212.44 Voucher AN 19,584.96 19,584.96 15205014 Total 34,546.80 34,546.80 15205015 Pullman Serv Cent Dev Land pur AFUDC AN 2,589.46 2,589.46 Contractor AN 202,305.28 202,305.28 Employee Expenses AN 121.98 121.98 Labor AN 8,538.88 139.57 8,678.45 Overhead AN 31,099.58 109.71 31,209.29 Transportation AN 264.00 264.00 Vehicle AN 832.45 18.14 850.59 Voucher AN 143,105.95 143,105.95 15205015 Total 388,857.58 267.42 389,125.00 15205016 Pullman Lighting Upgrade Contractor AN 11,795.00 (371.00) 11,424.00 Employee Expenses AN 104.34 104.34 Labor AN 488.46 488.48 Overhead AN 528.54 (1.86) 526.68 15205016 Total 12,916.34 (372.86) 12,543.48 15205020 Pullman HVAC Upgrade AFUDC AN 735.62 735.62 Contractor AN 454.76 454.78 Employee Expenses AN 2,538.93 2,538.93 Labor AN 10,568.00 10,568.00 Overhead AN 11,442.16 11,442.16 Transportation AN 549.75 549.75 Vehicle AN IAN 227.34 227.34 Voucher 19,192.72 19,192.72 5205020 Total 45,709.28 45,709.28 15205022 Pullman facil service yd impro llkFUDC IAN 1,250.72 1,250.72 Contractor AN 118,607.33 118,607.33 Labor AN 790.63 790.63 Staff-PR-073 Attachment A.,ds 8 of 11 7001 15205022 Pullman fact service yd impro Overhead AN 1,551.19 1,551.19 Vehicle AN 339.67 339.67 15205022 Total 122,539.54 122,539.54 15205023 Pullman Sery cent Wtr Softner JAFUDC AN 3.58 3.58 Contractor AN 2236.80 2,236.80 Overhead JAN 16.78 16.78 15205023 Total 2,257.16 2,257.16 15205024 Pullman 11 paneled serv doors AFUDC AN 1.30 1.30 Contractor AN 44,204.16 44,204.16 Labor AN 71.88 7188 Overhead IAN AN 284.87 284.87 Vehicle 168.66 168,66 15205024 Total . 44,730.87 44,730.87 15505000 Tekoa Roof Project AFUDC AN 79.98 79.98 Contractor IAN 12,500.00 12,500.00 Labor IAN 615.36 615.36 Overhead IAN 583.85 583.85 15505000 Total 13,779.19 13,779.19 16005002 Lewiston Call CIr HVAC Project Labor 1ID 172.50 172.50 Overhead JID 151.19 151.19 16005002 Total 323.69 323.69 16005004 Lewiston Glass Door Rapt Contractor AN 5,634.33 5,634.33 Overhead AN (12.86) (12.86) Voucher JAN (371.00) (371.00) 16005004 Total 5,250.47 5,250.47 16005005 Lewiston Rooftop unit RepI 1 Contractor AN 5,811.10 5,811.10 Overhead AN 87.17 87.17 16005005 Total 5,898.27 5,898.27 16005006 Lewiston Landscaping AFUDC AN 36.47 36.47 Contractor AN 4,195.00 4,195.00 Employee Expenses AN 77.30 77.30 Labor AN 284.62 284.62 Overhead AN 288.28 288.28 Vehicle AN 140.04 140.04 16005006 Total 5,021.71 5,021.71 16005007 Lewiston Paving Improvements AFUDC AN 3.84 3.84 Contractor AN 4,900.00 4,900.00 Labor AN 467.22 467.22 Overhead AN 415.19 415.19 16005007 Total 5,786.25 5,786.25 16105008 Clarkston Security Upgrade Labor WA 172.50 172.50 Overhead WA IWA 151.67 151.67 Vehicle 63.28 63.28 16105008 Total 387,45 387.45 16105010 Inst Oper on Power Gate Clarics Contractor AN 7,193.81 7,193.81 Labor AN 1,500.28 1,500.28 Overhead AN 1,244.55 1,244.55 Vehicle AN 47.71 47.71 16105010 Total 9,986.35 9,986.35 16105011 Remodel Lunch room Cab Clark Contractor AN 728.53 728.53 Employee Expenses AN 2,720.00 2,720.00 Labor AN 5,093.97 34.89 5,128.86 Overhead AN 4,084.10 27.40 4,111.50 Voucher AN 667.12 667.12 16105011 Total 13,293.72 62.29 13,356.01 18105012 Insul 9 service doors Clarkst Contractor AN 29,859.30 29,859.30 Labor AN 1,360.71 1,360.71 Overhead AN 1,239.23 1,239.23 Vehicle AN 47.71 47.71 Voucher AN - 50.02 50.02 16105012 Total __________ 32,556.97 32,556.97 16105013 Clarkston Asphalt Replacement AFUDC AN 45.40 45.40 Contractor AN IAN 8,331.25 8,331.25 Overhead 3225 32.25 16105013 Total 8,408.90 8,408.90 16105014 AFCB12 Clarkston Dock Heating AFUDC AN 1,284.81 1,284.81 Contractor AN 12,335.92 12,335.92 Employee Expenses AN 4,272.57 4,272.57 Labor AN 16,105.60 16,105.60 Overhead AN 17,208.76 17,208.76 Voucher AN 42,777.34 42,777.34 16105014 Total 93,985.00 93,985.00 16105015 Clarkston paving and improve AFUDC AN 110.00 110.00 Contractor AN 82,954,28 62,954.26 Labor AN 1,329.78 1329.78 Overhead AN 1,640.20 1,640.20 16105015 Total 66,034.24 66,034.24 16105016 lclarkston Flagpole Overhead AN 111.10 111.10 Voucher JAN 1,635.13 1,635.13 16105016 Total 1,746.23 1,746.23 16105017 Clarkston Landscaping 1AFUDC AN 7.38 7.38 Contractor AN 4,611.75 4,611.75 Overhead AN 34.59 34.59 16105017 Total 4,653.72 4,653.72 16205001 Insulate 3 serv doors Orofino Employee Expenses ID 7,538.61 7,538.61 Labor ID 314.01 314.01 Overhead ID (154.69) (154.69) Vehicle ID 132.22 132.22 Staff-PR-073 Attachment A.xls 9 of 11 7001 16205001 Insulate 3 serv doors Orofino jVoucher JID (2538.00) (2,538.00) 16205001 Total 5,292.15 5,292.15 16205002 OrofTno Lighting Upgrade JAFUDC JID 193.20 193.20 Contractor ID 9625.00 9,625.00 Overhead ID 144.38 144.38 16205002 Total 9,769.38 193.20 9962.58 16205003 Orofino Roof Damage AFUDC ID 1,253.44 1,253.44 Contractor ID 9,315.56 61,760.92 71,076.48 Employee Expenses ID 242.74 242.74 Labor ID 1,073.97 1,073.97 Overhead ID 3,694.29 1,339.22 5,033.51 Vehicle 111) ID 112.73 112.73 Voucher 22,626.09 2,079.87 24,705.96 16205003 Total 35,635.94 67,862.89 103,498.83 16205004 AFCB12Orofino Facil Impro AFUDC ID 442.96 442.96 Contractor ID 30,396.54 30,396.54 Employee Expenses ID 297.94 297.94 Labor ID 4,097.15 4,097.15 Overhead ID 3,721.36 3,721.36 Vehicle ID 726.90 726.90 16205004 Total 39,682.85 39,682.85 16305005 Grangeville office remodel Contractor ID 32,246.24 246.24 Employee Expenses ID 302.66 Labor ID 2,385.58 2, Overhead ID 2,435.00 2,435.00 Transportation ID 500.40 500.40 Vehicle ID 136.53 136.53 Voucher ID 320.46 320.46 6305005 Total 38,326.88 38,326.88 6305007 Grangeville Lighting Upgrade JAFUDC ID 20.74 20.74 Contractor ID 3,100.41 3,100.41 Overhead JID 46.51 46.51 16305007 Total 3,146.92 20.74 3,187.68 6305008 Fl 1 Grangeville Line Dock Heat Labor ID 766.66 768.66 Overhead ID 732.93 732.93 Voucher ID 2,374.82 2,374.82 6305008 Total 3,874.41 3,874.41 16305009 Grangevllle Paving improvem JAFUDC ID 17.63 17.63 Contractor JID 15,325.00 15,325.00 Labor ID 1,078.20 1,078.20 Overhead ID 980.06 980.06 16305009 Total 17,400.89 17,400.89 16305010 GrangevilleATS Overhead ID 2.58 2.58 Voucher ID 20.57 20.57 16305010 Total 23.15 23.15 16705001 Construct Pole Bldg Contractor ID - - Employee Expenses ID (126.18) (126.18) Labor ID (410.75) (410.75) Overhead ID (359.92) (359,92' Vehicle ID (136.58) (136.58) Voucher ID - - 16705001 Total (1,033.43) (1,033.43' 16705002 - Const Equip stor bldg Elk City Contractor ID 29,200.20 29,200.20 Employee Expenses ID 428.78 428.79 Labor ID 2,150.75 2,150.75 Overhead ID 2,149.15 2,149.15 Transportation ID 408.00 408.00 Vehicle ID 273.89 273.89 Voucher ID 14,317.74 14,317.74 16705002 Total 48,928.52 48,928.52 17005008 Awning outside weld shop I Contractor JOR 27,305.79 27,305.7 Labor OR 697.80 697.8 Overhead OR 702.26 702-2 Voucher OR 2,286.10 2,2861 17005008 Total 30,991.95 30,991.9 17005010 AFCB12 Medford facil impr AFUDC OR 1 62.58 62.58 Contractor OR 21,518.22 21,516.22 Employee Expenses OR (57.86) (57.86) Labor OR IOR 2,048.57 2,048.57 Overhead 1,921.89 1,921.89 7005010 Total 25,491 .40 25,491.40 17105001 LaGrande Install Power Gate AFUDC OR 340.78 340.78 Labor OR 837.36 837.36 Overhead OR IOR 1,621.18 1,621.18 Voucher 20,000.00 20,000.00 17105001 Total 22,799.32 22,799.32 17105002 LaGrande Facilities Improvernnt AFUDC OR 70.09 70.09 Contractor OR 3,750.00 3,750.00 Labor OR IOR 646.87 646.87 577.02 577.02 17105002 Total 5,043.98 5,043.98 17205002 Lean To Add storage KIam Falls Contractor OR 19,994.00 19,994.00 Labor OR IOR 104,67 104.67 Overhead 229.46 229.46 17205002 Total 20,328.13 20,328.13 17305006 AFCB12 Roseburg Facil Improve JAFUDC OR 676.42 676.42 Contractor OR 12,997.34 12,997.34 Employee Expenses OR 22.49 22.49 Staff-PR-073 Attachment AxIs 10 of 11 7001 17305006 AFCB12 Roseburg Facil Improve Labor OR 3,270.45 3,270.45 Overhead OR 3,52826 3528.26 Voucher JOR 8,095.28 8,095.28 17305006 Total - 28,590.24 28,590.24 17605002 Grants Pass Site Improvement Contractor OR 36,507.78 36,507.78 Labor OR 1,010.45 1,010.45 Overhead OR 1,076.57 1,076.57 Voucher OR 41,417.85 41,417.95 17605002 Total 80,012.75 80,012.75 - 17605003 AFC812 Grants Pass AFUDC OR 129.19 129.19 Contractor OR 12,688.82 12,688.82 Employee Expenses OR 1,479.38 1,479.38 Labor OR 3,486.17 3,486.17 Overhead OR 3,298.07 3,298.07 Vehicle OR 511.39 511.39 Voucher OR 3,109.95 3,109.95 17605003 Total 24,702.97 24,702.97 18000003 Replace Airport Handicap ramp Oontractor PA 16,598.49 16,598.49 Overhead JAA 110.26 119.26 18000003 Total 16,717.75 16,717.75 18000004 Airport Carpet Replacement Overhead PA 7.95 7.95 Vou cher PA 3,177.03 3,177.03 18000004 Total 3,184.98 3,184.98 18500007 - SV Call Center R7i]Voucher Contractor PA 153,171.95 153,171.95 Employee Expenses PA 119.55 119.55 Labor PA 1,561.65 1,561.65 Overhead PA 2,266.77 2,266.77 PA 4,822.83 4,822.83 18500007 Total 161,942.75 161,942.75 18500008 SVSC Notification System Contractor JAA 10,087.36 10,087.36 Overhead JAA 151.31 151.31 18500008 Total 10,238.67 10,238.67 18500009 - F1 Spokane Valley Service Can 1AFUDC PA 6.84 6.84 Labor PA - 1,104.32 1,104.32 Overhead JAA 971.44 971.44 18500009 Total 2,082.60 2,082.60 18500010 Spokane Valley Shower Install AFUOC PA 159.80 159.80 Contractor PA 26,016.00 26,016.00 Employee Expenses PA 10.10 10.10 Overhead PA 173.90 173.90 Voucher PA 328.81 - 328.61 18500010 Total 26,688.41 26,688.41 18700001 Beacon Gate Operator AFUDC AN 8.63 8.63 Contractor _ AN -2,697.93 2,697.93 Overhead _ _AN 20.23 20.23 18700001 Total 2,726.79 2,726.79 7001 Total 3,619,116.816,264,521.052,712,419.07 12,596,056.93 Grand Total 3,619,118.816,264,521.052,712,419.07 12,596,056.93 Staff—PR-073 Attachment Axis 11 0111 AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION JURISDICTION: IDAHO DATE PREPARED: 11/30/2012 CASE NO: AVU-E-12-08 / AVU-G-12-07 WITNESS: Dave DeFelice REQUESTER: IPUC RESPONDER: Karen Schuh TYPE: Production Request DEPARTMENT: Rates and Tariffs REQUEST NO.: Staff-074 TELEPHONE: (509) 495-2293 REQUEST: Please provide the line item detail of the Transportation Equipment by project for 2010, 2011, 2012, and 2013. Please include both budgeted and actual costs to date for each project. it1S)JJac Transportation Equipment transactions are included under ER 7000. All of the projects included in this ER are treated as blanket projects. Since these projects are blankets, the total amount spent in a month transfers to plant-in-service at the end of that month. Please see Staff _PR074 Attachment A for line item details of capital expenditures for 2010, 2011 and 2012 through October 31. Company witness Dave DeFelice's testimony and workpapers provide the requested budget information for 2012 and 2013. Pages 53 through 63 of the workpapers list 2012, and pages 89 through 101 list 2013 projects by ER and details the expected month the project will be completed and will be transferred to plant in service. The source of this data is the Company's 2012 capital budget. Both hardcopies and electronic copies were provided with the original filing. Please see the Company's response to Staff _PR_045 for updated transfers to plant by ER through October 31, 2012. Also please see the Company's response to Staff_PR_038 for details of budget to actual costs for this ER for 2011 and 2012. Forc Acct 107000 Purch bkt trk 67909 Chewelah Overhead 235 235 Vehicle 3,362 3,362 Purch Boom 67910 Chewelah Overhead (32) (32) Vehicle (3,168) (3,168) 3) Purch FB 56941 Spa Electric - Overhead -- 146 146 Vehicle 2,148 2,148 ffi19r 56992 Warehouse Overhead - 185 185 Voucher 24,599 24,599 58032 and 85032 DOLLAR ROAD Labor 580 580 Overhead 2,416 81 2,497 Vehicle 6,096 381 6,477 Voucher 188,456 - JiIJLTTh 188.456 58033 and 85033 Dollar Rd Labor 439 439, Overhead 2,548 81 2,629 Vehicle 7,724 381 8,104 Voucher 188,456 - 188,456 Purch AN #77543 Othello Labor 83 83 Overhead 388 388 Vehicle 354 354 Voucher 1,157 1,157 rTr -ri 01,111 1 !urch truck 46484 Dollar rd Overhead , 431 431 Vehicle 3,009 3,009 Voucher 29,056 1 "ii.r 29,056 IiI'i 56972 DOLLAR RD ' - Labor 134 134 Overhead 1,457 (349) 1,109 Vehicle 5,583 (4,800) , 783 Voucher 94,156 94,156 - 56974 Spokane Labor 251 251 Overhead 1,635 (349) 1,286 Vehicle 6,224 (4,800) 1,424 Voucher , 94,156 , 94,156 Staff-PR-074 Attachment A.xlsx Page 1 of 36 56975 Spokane Electric Overhead 1,695 (349) 1,346 Vehicle 8,136 (4,800) 3,336 Voucher 102,682 102,682 56976 DOLLAR RD Overhead 1,512 (349) 1,163 Vehicle -. 7,340 (4,800) 2,540 Voucher 90,199 90,199 Staff-PR-074 Attachment A.xlsx ow 56977 DOLLAR RD Employee Expenses - - Labor 345 345 Overhead 2,192 (349) 1,843 Vehicle 10,842 (4,800) 6,042 Voucher 90,199 90,199 - r 46507 Dollar Rd -Labor 63 Overhead 686 686 Vehicle 6,395 6,395 Voucher 25,528 25,528 UWZ1_ 46506 Dollar rd Overhead 736 736 Vehicle 7,779 7,779 Voucher 27,611 27,611 ii[iT rt1ii Purch trk 46488 Spok fid serv Overhead 359 . . Vehicle 2,675 2,675 Voucher 23,395 23,395 Ii.:. - ................. Purch flatbed 56981 Othello Overhead 4,701 4,701 Vehicle 2,843 2,843 Voucher 22,689 22,689 Ptireh ATV 77544 Test Treat --j-11111, 1 111 Labor -'L 31 31 Overhead 467 467 Vehicle 6,448 6,448 46044 SPOKANE Overhead 721 721 Vehicle 6,691 6,691 Voucher 31,832 J1LIU 31,832 46043 SPOKANE Overhead - 721 721 Vehicle 6,691 6,691 Voucher 31,832 31,832 46042 SPOKANE --- ...M Overhead .. .............. 6818 Vehicle 6,262 6,262 Voucher 31,832 31,832 Page 2 of 36 346ol5POK - Overhead 754 754 Vehicle 7,132 7,132 • Voucher 31,832 31,832 I1IjJJjII46039 SPOKANE Overhead 1,009 1,009 Vehicle 11,038 11 038 Voucher 31,832 31,832 - - JJDiF 111T JL ii1IL1* Fleet 2011 Labor 320 320 Overhead Vehicle 932 2,112 932 2 112 Voucher 23,780 23,780 & 85018 Fleet CDA .'56018 AFUDC • 1,470 (1,470) - Labor 19 (19) Overhead 628 (628) (0) Vehicle (4350) 4,350 Voucher 142,135 (142,135).. (0) - 76729 Noxon - Labor 103 103 Overhead 5,275 5,275 Vehicle . 54,350 54,350 $Purch Van 56007 Medford Overhead 17 17 i Vehicle 255 . 255 __.--.-......................... Purch tr uck 46483 Medford --..-....-••-......--•..-- Overhead ........ - - • Voucher - iLJL9IT __ 46482 Medford Overhead - 1,054 1,054 11,072 Vehicle 11,072 Voucher 26,681 26,681 rEiJ JL 3' 46502 Medford Overhead 358 358 Vehicle 2,679 2,679 Voucher 23,442 23,442 46487 Medford Overhead 618 618 Vehicle 8,521 8,521 Ir Q1 56878 GEN Employee Expenses 180 180 Labor 292 292 Overhead 8,699 (7,651) 1,048 Vehicle 58,357 (54,174) 4,183 Voucher 49,995 4,250 I III 1 111 11111111 54,244 56884 Purch trk Gener supp iii 1Li TIL Overhead *11 519 )IIIIII __ 519 Vehicle 674 674 LI1*J ilEir - _1LJiiT1U TLT $6882 purch truck substa sup Vehicle . - iI . 56883 GEN .. ........ Employee Expenses 180 180 Labor 260 260 Overhead 8,723 (7,703) 1,021 Vehicle 58,708 (54,174) 4,533 Voucher 49,995 4,250 54,244 - 66873 Purch trk substa supp Labor 126 126 Overhead 10,661 10,661 Vehicle 120 120 Voucher 8,923 8,923 1T iiL I1I4 Purch trks6892 sub stasuppt .Labor . 63 63 Overhead 59 59 TII Purch bkt trk 67912 Wallace Labor 78 78 Overhead 211 211 Vehicle 2,290 2,290 - JiI1TitW IITT1* 87001 Spokane Labor 306 306 Overhead 1,934 295 2,229 Vehicle 16,669 16,669 Voucher 43.062 43,062 67032 Generation Labor 520 520 Overhead 8,264 (5,936) 2,328 Vehicle 49,106 (40,583) 8,523 Voucher 83,650 - 83,650 JL TilL WIN uUTJffLF'i !urd trailer 86901 Generation .rh (23) (23) 46475 Generation Overhead 115 212 327 Vehicle 1,000 1,184 2,184 Voucher 30.144 30,144 Staff-PR-074 Attachment A.xlsx . . . - . . . ..... . . Page 4 of 36 Staff-PR-074 Attachment A.xlsx 46472 Generation Overhead uS 278 394 Vehicle 1,000 1,663 2,663 Voucher 34,437 34,437 MUM 56900 Generation - Overhead 1,138 692 1,831 Vehicle 6,254 3,133 9,386 - Voucher 80,321 1111 11111 - 3,248 83,569 56902 Generation Overhead . 11 549 549 Voucher 74,051 74,051 56901 Generation Overhead . 554 -..w 554 Voucher . . 74,744 . 74,744 ITr'1T1L ,,_IEJ j[I[ruiP 99 - 56903 Generation Overhead 35 35 Vehicle (4,800) (4,800) Voucher 79,279 79,279 - -IiiJ1JIJJ_ I Now 56984 Generation Overhead 363 291 655 Vehicle (4,262) (4,262) Voucher 48,431 41,398 89,829 56999 Generation Employee Expenses 180 180 Labor 552 552 Overhead 8,864 (7,429) 1,435 Vehicle 56,342 (54,174) 2,168 Voucher 93,171 4,250 97,421 56990 Generation Employee Expenses 180 180 Labor 422 422 Overhead 8,864 (7,539) 1,325 Vehicle 56,342 (54,174) 2,168 Voucher 93,171 JII 4,250 97,421 76985 Generation 1III1IJJLJ. Overhead 363 291 655 Vehicle (4,262) (4,262) Voucher 48,431 41,398 89,829 ii11L - - Z22 46503 Generation - Overhead 373 373 Vehicle 2,671 2,671 Voucher 25.528 . 25,528 IIIt 'Purch flatbed 56942 Fleet tran Overhead . (2,505) (2,505) Vehicle (4,009) (4,009) Voucher (103,601) (103,601) 1 - JET 1L . Page sof36 80,5302 ... 56904 Facilit Labor 63 63 •... • . - . Overhead 1,081 .. 1,081 Vehicle 11,245 11,245 -: - Voucher 34,162 34,162 4 Purch Digger Derdc 66899 Fleet Vehide 192 192 T 041 Substation Support Labor 63 63 Overhead 327 327 Vehicle 689 689 Voucher 29,056 29,056 56011 GenSup Labor lL 220 220 Overhead 178 178 M. Vehicle (3794) (3794) Voucher 83,152 83,152 56010 Gen Sup Labor 274 274 Overhead 364 364 Vehicle (1409) (1,409) Voucher 84,157 84,157 86903 Generation Support Centralized Assets Labor 282 282 Overhead 741 741 Vehicle 5,620 5,620 46047 Communications - Labor 162 162 Overhead 477 477 Voucher 67331 flrUiUJr Ti 67331 . .. 46049 Communications Labor 162 162 p4 Overhead 477 477 • . . . Voucher 67,331 67,331 ..--I mill., 111 111111111111111 46048 Communications Labor 81 81 Overhead 415 415 . Voucher 67,331 67,331 to 48852 Fleet Labor 830 1,805 2,634 ________________• uj Addftions Overhead 931 1,487 2,418 Vehicle • 2,037 364 2,401 -.-..-.-..................-•. ...-- Additions to 48851 Fleet .................. Labor 717 951 1,668 Overhead 672 797 1,469 Vehicle 1,063 381 1,444 Staff—PR-074 Attachment A.xlsx . . . ..S Page 6 of 36 85894 Substation support Labor 66 66 Overhead 988 988 Voucher . 66,603 66,603 86006 Generation Support Labor . . Overhead 1,085 . 1,085 1inhii Vehicle 5,620 - wwlr 5,620 IJJI4 86009 Generation Production iJ$r1iT Labor 480 480 Overhead 2,233 (704) 1,529 Vehicle 14,588 (7,066) 7,522 1IIM TI89tJift 86008 Generation Production Labor 384 384 Overhead 2,233 . (785) 1,447 Vehicle 14.588 (7,066) 71522 1i1IIl JOT I - 86010 Generation Production [i11LI- i Labor -J$ .iW*L_ 369 369 Overhead 2,233 (798) 1,434 . Vehicle . 14,588 (7,066) 7,522 86013 Facilities Labor . . 122 122 Overhead 1,305 1,305 Vehicle 9,599 9,599 .-J1W-' .Ib40 . 46052 Generation Overhead 278 279 Vehicle 1,663 1,663 Voucher . 34.437 34.437 - 46063 Environmental Overhead 420 420 Vehicle 2,642 2,642 Voucher 32,305 32,305 46054 Communications Overhead 203 --- 203 Vehicle 311 311 Voucher . 66,980 66,980 46055 Communications Overhead 198 198 Vehicle 311 311 Voucher . 66,980 66,980 46056 Communications Overhead 198 198 Vehicle 311 311 . Voucher . 66,980 66,980 Staff-PR-074 Attachment A.xlsx Page 7 of 36 Staff-PR-074 Attachment A.xlsx 46057 Communications Vehicle 311 311 Voucher 66.980 66,980 flni 1W tJJUWt - 46062 Cabinet Generation AFUDC - 302 302 Overhead 363 363 Vehicle 2,465 2,465 Voucher 29,501 - 29,501 PAMMONA Substation Relay Overhead 1,852 1,852 Vehicle 15,507 15,507 Voucher 43,551 43,551 L1LT_i 56017 & 85017 Fleet AFUDC 449 (449) Overhead 897 897 Transportation 200 200 Voucher 135,056 135,056 I I1Po _i1r 66005 Generation Support Spo Overhead . 725 725 Vehicle 1,375 1,375 Voucher - . 110,375 110,375 66004 SubstatIon Support Spo Overhead . 546 546 Voucher 109,261 109,261 L_U$j8O1 57251 Generation Support Labor 298 298 Overhead 941 641 1,582 Vehicle 5,351 5,351 Voucher _____ 141,210 141,210Jaw - -- __ - - Generation Spokane Overhead 2,175 2,175 Vehicle 32,551 32,551 Voucher - - 46078 Tekoa Labor 173 173 Overhead 2,704 2,704 Vehicle 40,091 40,091 46192 Hydro Post Street Overhead 2,175 2,175 Vehicle 32,551 32,551 Voucher . - - 56019 Warehouse Labor . . 176 176 Overhead 2,082 2,082 Vehicle . . 30,845 30,845 - - 46080 Generation support Labor 180 180 Page 8of36 L5 46080 Generation support Overhead ... . 2,560 2,560 Vehicle 35,958 35,958 46084 Generation Support Labor 133 133 Overhead 2,211 2,211 Vehicle 33,428 33,428 • •87021 Generation Spokane Labor . 257 257 • Overhead 2,301 2,301 Vehicle 30,249 30,249 • 46076 Generation Support Labor 245 Overhead 2,616 2,616 Vehicle 35,958 35,958 • 48992 GeneratIon Spokane Overhead . • . . . . 2,932 4932 Vehicle . . . . . 43,494 43,494 56021 Generation Spkane Overhead -._____ ....................................- 226 226 • Voucher. . 43,293 . 43,293 460S5 Communications Labor . 293 293 Overhead 4,584 4,584 Vehicle 68,286 68,286 56022 GeneratIon Spokane Overhead 3,027 3,027 • •• •. Vehicle . . 45,594 45.594 56018 85018 Fleet Spokane Labor 19 19 Overhead 422 422 Vehicle (2,891) (2,891) Voucher 142,135 142,135 -8so16GeneratlonSpokane Overhead 248 248 Vehicle 3.805 3,805 ...... 46329 Hydro Nine Milee Overhead •• . ••• 1,829 1,829 Vehicle .. . . . 26,030 26,030 46325Hyd..Long Lake Overhead . Z103 • •. 2,103. Vehicle . • . . • •• •• . 29,978 . 29.978 46324HydroLong .Lake - ........- ......Overhead .. .. -......................... ..... .............1,8 1,822 • . • - • . Vehicle - . •::: 25.958 25,958 . .46332 Facilities Overhead . 2,869 2,869 Staff _PR 074 Attachment A.xlsx . . .. . . . Page 9 of 36 .. 9 6332 Facilities Vehicle 39,486 39,486 - 46341 cabInet Overhead 222 222 •••••--- . 4 .---- Voucher . 30,198 30,198 . . . ... . . ... : • • . . .. Purch truck 48977 FT dept Vehicle • . . (1.095) • . (1.095) ... . ... : - fu!'Ch trailer 87004 Warehouse Overhead (27) ... . (27) Vehicle (400) (400) ... . Purch 86002 trailer Facilities Overhead (33) (33) & Vehicle (492) (492) 8 Purch trailer 86003 Warehouse Overhead (46) (4 6) Vehicle (683) (683) Purch flatbed 56996 Fleet r Overhead 0 0 Voucher (60.730) . (60,730) Purh flatbed 56987 Fleet Overhead Voucher (60130) (60,730) 46065 Claims Overhead 398 398 Vehicle 2,730 2,730 Voucher 30,562 30,562 2OS8j 76705 Kettle Falls Overhead - 2,166 2,166 Vehicle 35,167 35,167 , 48182 Kettle Falls Labor 150 150 Overhead 4,678 4,678 Vehicle 69,116 69,116 446342 Kettle Falls • Overhead 220 220 Voucher 30,061 30.061 56885 purch truck CDA elect Labor 94 94 Overhead 265 265 Vehicle 2,245 2,245 ' . Voucher (21,575) (21,575) . Puh bkt trk 67902 CDA Overhead 135 135 • Vehicle 2,255 2,255 . •• Purch 56982 CDA Gas 4,526 4,526 Overhead Vehicle 598 598 Staff-PR-074 Attachment A.xlsx Page 10 of 36 . . Purch 56982 CDA Gas • Voucher 22.689 IN 22,689 56979 cDA• s Voucher MIMMI 26,967) . (26,967) 111 1 1111 IN 011,111111111 .. . i # Purch 56980 CDA elect Overhead 4,526 4,526 Vehicle 598 598 . . .. . ... Voucher . . 22,689 ..... . 22,689 Purch 56978 CDA gas Voucher (26,967) (26,967) 11: IMOMW . . .... . . ,Purch hydr reel 56991CDA elec . . Overhead 1 017 1 017 Vehicle 5,925 5,925 _ Voucher 48,754 48,754 ,695 Purdi derrick 66990 CDA Elec Overhead 1,833 1 833 !- Vehicle 4,230 4,230 . Voucher 52,571 52,571 Pu, 46983 CDA elect th Vehicle 976) (976) 6 - Purch trailer 86666 CDA gas Overhead (27) (27) Vehicle (399) (399) . Jill I . . Purch trailer 87002 CDA Overhead 144 144 Voucher 1,088 1,088 ' 58031 and 85031 CDA Overhead 2,207 46 2 253 Vehicle 7,694 293 7,987 Voucher 188,456 188,456 JJJ 56971 CDA Overhead 1 489 1,489 Vehicle 7,565 7,565 Voucher 83,609 . 83,609 66955 CDA Overhead 4 710 4,710 Vehicle 26,423 26423 MY Voucher 397,50 397,530 48990CDA Labor 422 422 Overhead 7 856 862 Vehicle 77 1 143 1 219 Voucher 72,417 72,417 • TZiVC'48982 CDA Labor 568 568 Overhead 7 1,007 1,013 Vehicle 77 1,167 1,244 Staff-PR-074 Attachment A.xlsx - - • . - Page 11 of 36 48982 CDA Voucher 72,393 72,393 !urch Air Compressor 85892 CDA Labor 183 183 Overhead 1,402 1,402 Vehicle 18,033 18,033 48178 CDA Labor 244 244 Overhead 7 732 739 Vehicle 77 1,167 1,244 Voucher 72,393 72,393 Ir Purch bckt trk 68917 CDA Overhead (1,824) (1,824) Voucher (243,228) (243,228) - J245052) 86902 CDA electric Overhead 207 207 Vehlde 2,650 2,650 I. ... NMI' MW 87011 CDA Electric Overhead 308 308 Voucher 1kR 21,230 n11Z 21,230 87012 CDA Gas -I Overhead 308 308 Voucher 21,230 21,230 87709 CDA Overhead 1,563 85 1,649 Vehicle 9,900 594 10,494 Voucher 540 (540) 76709 CDA Overhead 1,803 1,803 Voucher 120,231 120,231 86012 CA Electric Overhead 429 429 • Vehicle 21587 145 2,731 - 67977 CDA Electric Employee Expenses 52 52 Labor 21 21 Overhead 548 50 598 Vehicle 3,317 489 3,806 Voucher - 122,700 1 L1IU 122,700 T11 IIL - 168924 CDA Electric • Employee Expenses 333 333 Overhead 685 685 Voucher 273,227 • 273,227 FIN [68922 CDA Electric Employee Expenses ......... 52 52 Labor 321 321 Overhead 684 312 996 Staff-PR-074 Attachment A.xlsx Page 12 of 36 68922 CDA Electric Vehicle 902 902 Voucher 247.373 247,373 56006 CDA Gas Labor . 83 83 Overhead 161 80 242 Voucher 64,487 64,487 L. 48983 CDA Gas Labor . 244 244 Overhead 724 724 Vehicle 11161 1,161 Voucher 74,331 74,331 48739 CDA Gas Existing unit Overhead 216 216 Voucher .43•795 . 41,795 76726 CDA gas Overhead 545 . 545 Voucher 78,112 2,726 80,838 76722 CDA Electric Overhead . . 559 559 Voucher 78,112 ... 4,687 82,799 .76720 CDA Electric Overhead 567 193 760 Vehicle 3,132 3,132 . Voucher 80,974 80,974 535 and 85035 CDA Gas Overhead 688 688 Vehicle 4568 4,568 Voucher . 76,425 76,425 ... 56038 and 85038 Fleet CDA Overhead 2 635 2,635 Vehicle i MONSOON 42,510 42,510 56023 CDA Electric Employee Expenses 43 43 Overhead 3,174 3,174 Vehicle . 45,574 45,574 57026 CDA Elect Overhead 688 Mw 688 Vehicle 4,568 4,568 Voucher 76,125 76,125 56889 St Manes Labor 157 157 Overhead 2,247 2,247 Vehicle 16,615 16,615 Voucher 91,925 91,925 77546 St Manes Overhead . . 1,333 1,333 Staff-PR-074 Attachment A.xlsx . . Page 13 of 36 St Manes Vehicle 11,447 • 11,447 !i Voucher (16) (16) iI1JIJUWiI784 "66957 St Manes Labor 462 462 p Overhead 1,139 441 1,580 :fr Vehicle 3,109 3,109 : Voucher 365,198 365,198 68923 St Manes Employee Expenses 52 52 , 1{ Labor 431 431 Overhead 664 417 1,082 2 ----i:_ -w-r-- Voucher 265,476 265,476 !iML_ 46058 St Manes Overhead 385 385 Vehicle 2,647 2,647 Voucher 30,041 30,041 __ -- 87132 St Manes Overhead 1,538 1,538 x Vehicle 22,426 22,426 78548 St Manes Overhead 922 922 Voucher 181,145 181,145 86019 St Manes Labor 150 150 Overhead 315 315 Vehicle 2.533 2,533 77545 St Manes Overhead 709 709 Vehicle 4,587 4,587 Voucher 23,656 23,656 1.0 111 Purch AN trailer 85669 keIlog Overhead 254 254 Vehicle 3,286 3,286 iiIi 1LJI i JJi 56996 Kellogg - Overhead 4,526 4,526 Vehicle 598 598 Voucher 66,014 66,014 66958 Kellogg Employee Expenses 64 64 Labor 418 418 Overhead 1,139 399 1,539 Vehicle 3,109 3,109 Voucher - 365,198 - -- - 365,198 . AM Kellogg Ovehead 164 164 Staff-PR-074 Attachment A.xlsx . . . Page 14 of 36 56005 Kellogg - Voucher - 65.429 65,429 ~w WON , 87023 Kellogg Overhead 2 449 2,449 , Vehicle . 21.646 21,646 ,III iI( -. - [I1LLL4o 78547 Kellogg Overhead 604 461 1,065 Vehicle 5,878 915 6793 Voucher . 168,808 168,808 68009 Kellogg Employee Expenses 64 64 Overhead 0 0 Kellogg Overhead 475 475 Vehicle . 6,148 6,148 j7 46320 Kellogg j ---- i WIN, i Overhead . -. .. 227 . 227 - Voucher . 30,937 30,937 INS 46485 Grangeville Overhead 526 526 I Vehicle 4,624 4,624 Voucher 28,282 28,282 *WiIIii 1iL 66992 Grngeville Contractor 1,625 1,625 Labor 417 417 Overhead 5,210 5,210 Vehicle 26,644 26,644 Voucher 371,475 . 373,475 1 6 8918 Contractor 1,757 1,757 Labor 429 429 Overhead 2,588 2 588 Vehicle 3,580 3 580 Voucher 271,365 271,365 1TII iJ IIb7'1 JJLif __ - Grangeville Overhead 2,799 2,799 Vehicle 6,434 6,434 Voucher 103,601 103,601 -- - -- - ___ 87008 Grangevllie Overhead•- .............. . 308 Voucher 21,230 21,230 67974 Grangeville Employee Expenses 52 52 ' Overhead 548 30 578 Vehicle 3,317 489 3,806 Voucher . 122,700 . 122,700 jw Staff-PR-074 Attachment A.xlsx . . . . Page 15 of 36 87027 Grangeville Overhead 1,741 1,741 Vehicle 19,913 19,913 Voucher 1,131 1,131 57252 Grangevllle il - - Overhead . . . 243 243 Voucher. . .. 115,977 115,977 - I1l Lfl4zzi 46330 Grangeville Overhead .227. 227 Voucher 30,937 30,937 67031 Orofino TLJ1TL. Labor 188 . 188 Overhead 1,525 1,525 Vehicle 2,669 2,669 Voucher 150,055 150,055 67970 Deary Employee Expenses 52 52 Overhead 559 30 589 Vehicle 3,382 489 3,872 Voucher 125,131 125,131 77549 Deary Labor 152 152 Overhead 129 129 Vehicle 4,620 4,620 IL I!o Purch 33k chassis 57894 Clark Labor 94 94 Overhead 88 - 88 -- -- Purch bkt trk 68006 Clarkston - Labor - 126 - 126 Overhead 2,266 2,266 Vehicle 11,686 11,686 Voucher 7,589 - s 67918 Clarkston bor. 235 . 235 Overhead 2,066 2,066 Vehicle 5,092 5,092 Voucher 172,409 172,409 67968 Clarkston Labor 188 188 Overhead 2,028 2,028 Vehicle 5,092 5,092 Voucher 172,409 172,409 66956 Clarkston Labor 141 141 Overhead 5,043 5,043 Vehicle 25,643 25,643 Voucher 390,617 390,617 Staff-PR-074 Attachment A.xlsx . Page 16 of 36 87128 Clarkston Labor 128 128 Overhead 772 772 Vehicle 9,566 9,566 46030 Clarkston Overhead 469 469 Vehicle 3,699 3,699 Voucher 29,056 J91LiIT1IL 29,056 IT - 86668 Clarkston Overhead 864 864 Vehicle 12,650 12,650 - - Purch Trencher 76517 Clarkston Overhead 660 660 Voucher 43,985 43,985 46483 Clarkston WAMU Overhead 531 531 Vehicle 4,870 4,870 • Voucher 26,681 - - 26,681 87009 Pullman Overhead . 310 310 Voucher 21,718 21,718 - 4UL__ ItLIIII 1.448 . 1.448 87010 Pullman Overhead Vehicle . i1 I$L(ILII 9,413 .. TIIILW 9,413 - 48984 Clarkston -1LII_ Labor 211 211 Overhead 714 714 Vehicle 1,161 1,161 Voucher 74,331 74,331 -- 76550 Clarkston Overhead Voucher 0 0 76712 Clarkston Overhead itL1L 6,151 • 6,151 Vehicle 53,236 53,236 i - - -rTTIJ11r'!c-iITT' 48996 Clarkston Labor 150 150 Overhead 544 544 Vehicle 2,367 2,367 Voucher 71,966 71,966 ' __ 46326 Clarkston •• Overhead . . .................. 2,428 2,428 ............... Vehicle • • ... • • • 33,675 • 33,675 - 2,36" 46327 Clarkston Overhead Vehicle 31,911 31,911 Staff-PR-074 Attachment A.xlsx . Page 17 of 36 Purch 66899 derrick Pullman . Overhead (2,436) 68007 Pullman Labor 109 109 Overhead 2,766 2,766 Vehicle 10,463 10,463 Voucher 167,918 167,918 aiiiii - iiUh1 TIITIJ - __ Purch trailer 87003 Pullman Overhead •. 147 147 - Voucher 1,415 - I IUI* 1,415 58029 and 85029 Pullman -- TILIiIiJI1 Labor 581 - 581 Overhead 3,846 60 3,906 Vehicle 21,837 381 22,218 Voucher 175,270 175,270 lTfl1UL 4UL1 48977 Pullman Labor 568 568 Overhead 7 947 953 Vehicle 77 1,198 1,274 Voucher 74,294 74,294 Purch flatbed 56997 Pullman Overhead 618 618 Vehicle 3,641 3,641 Voucher 30,926 . 30,926 1 1T4 67967 Pullman Labor 677 677 Overhead 2,428 2,428 Vehicle 5,092 5,092 Voucher 172,409 172,409 110,1111111111111111'11111! Sit jI*604 11111111 MIN L - 56710 Pullman Overhead 1,725 1,725 Vehicle 10,081 10,081 . Voucher 45,803 45,803 JE ILTllhin1k - 76549 Pullman Labor . 26 .26 Overhead 372 372 Voucher 43,423 43,423 ifffl iiJi - 67979 Pullman Employee Expenses 52 368 420 Labor 453 453 Overhead 1,199 433 1,632 Vehicle 10,082 10,082 Voucher 186,201 186,201 - [I1I IJI 58009 Pullman Labor 2,393 2,393 Staff-PR-074 Attachment A.xlsx . . . . Page 18 of 36 1,088. 1,088 4,242 4,242 44,208 44,208 (15,781) (15,781) JII;' 152 152 2,245 2,245 IIIJLILI1at 431 431 3,221 3,221 28,282 28,282 431 431 3,221 3,221 8,282 28,282 433 433 Page 19 of 36 58009 Pullman Overhead 243 •3,267 3,510 Vehicle 26,431 26,431 - Voucher 97,313 (806) 96,508 J - ................. fl - - J.68911 Pullman Employee Expenses . 64 64 Overhead . . o . 0 87020 Pullman Overhead 148 148 - Vehicle 2,402 2,402 Voucher 187 187 11III-r - 56037 85037 Pullman Overhead . .85 85 Voucher 42,976 42,976 67030 Tekoa Overhead 9,293 9,293 Vehicle 6,651 6,651 Voucher 145,571 145.671 .. 48995 Pullman Labor 167 167 Overhead 570 570 Vehicle 2,458 2,458 Voucher 71,966 71,965 Field Services Pullman Overhead 2,029 2,029 Vehicle 28,045 28,045 Purch trk 56888 Sandpolnt - Voucher -.----..- Purch trailer 87636 Sandpoint - _ Voucher -... Purch flatbed 56959 Sandpoint Overhead Vehicle Voucher Purch trk 56968 Sandpoint Overhead ..-..-- Vehicle Purch truck 46022 Sandpoint Overhead Vehicle Voucher 46023 Sandpoint Overhead Vehicle Voucher 16024 Sandpoint Overhead Staff-PR-074 Attachment A.xlsx 46024 Sandpoint Vehicle 3,244 31244 • Voucher 28,282 28,282 46025 Sandpoint Overhead 505 505 Vehicle 4,143 4,143 Voucher . 28,282 . 28,282 76710 Sandpoint Overhead 903 - 903 . Vehicle 1,696 1,696 - • Voucher 80,370 80,370 87019sandpoint Overhead - 310 ... 310 Voucher 21,230 21.230 • 66959 Sandpoint •.. Employee Expenses . ............................. 64 64 Labor 643 643 Overhead 0 1,538 1,539 Vehicle 975 565 1,540 Voucher 303,160 33,111 336,271 67975 Sandpoint .... Employee Expenses 52 52 Overhead 0 575 575 Vehicle 3,761 3,761 Voucher 115,755 6 990 122 745 67976 Sandpoint Employee Expenses 52 52 Overhead 548 30 578 Vehicle 3,317 489 3,806' Voucher 122,700 122 700 ..fj68921 Sandpoint Employee Expenses 52 52 Lr Overhead .. 664 664 Voucher 265,476 265,476 •:k ••. 78480 Sandpoint Modifications • Labor 0) (0) • ••• 4:4 Overhead (0) (0) • 87026 Sandpoint Overhead - 1,741 1,741 Vehicle 19,913 19,913 Voucher . 1,131 1,131 - •.. 7754 Sandpoint Labor 324 324 Overhead 3,768 3,768 Vehicle ••• 53,324 53,324 86018 Sandpoint ... 160 160 . Labor .. Staff-PR-074 Attachment A.xlsx . . Page 20 of 36 86018 Sandpoint Overhead 325 325 Vehicle 2,533 2,533 purch trk 56889 Deer Park lJu1WM., 11111111 Overhead (550) TiJ1_iiTi4I (550) Vehicle (4,0p9) (4,009) Voucher (57,251) (57,251) - 68004 Deer Park Labor - - TO . Overhead (710) (710) Vehicle - - Voucher (94,678) (94,678) JilLil 1 T1L •r: 46505 Deer Park Labor 110 110 Overhead 481 481 Vehicle 2,721 2,721 Voucher 25,528 25,528 - 5008 Deer Park Overhead 1,482 1,482 Vehicle 4,811 4,811 Voucher 103,825 103,825 Li U - - J*o118 .,.. 87013 Deer Park Overhead . ....... .... .. .... 313 313 Voucher -- 21,718 LII 21,718 58919 Deer Park Contractor 1,757 1,757 Labor 689 689 Overhead 1,958 1,958 Vehicle 213 213 Voucher 278,755 278,755 IW ' Deer Park Employee Expenses 52 52 Overhead 0 590 590 Vehicle 2,716 1,162 3,878 jr Voucher 115,755 9,608 125,363 L ...,.57250DeerPark . . -- -- . Overhead . 85 283 . 367 Voucher 127,046 19,832 146,878 Field Services Deer Park Overhead . 3.L......... (2,327) - I46069 Vehicle 37,179 . (37,179) 0 .U_UIL 66006 Deer Park Employee Expenses 64 64 Overhead .. 0 0 - 46090 Deer Park Overhead 2,764 2,764 Vehicle 33,829 33,829 Staff-PR-074 Attachment A.xlsx Page 21 of 36 48872 Spokane Gas Service Overhead . . .. •.• (109) (109) Voucher . (27.330) . -. (27.330) 48871 Spokane Gas Service Voucher . 27,330 27,330 Purch truck 56887 Spokane elec Labor - - Overhead (1,832) (1,832) Vehicle (6,262) (6,262) 56877 purch flatbed Spok elect Labor 63 63 Overhead 247 247 Vehicle 2,424 2,424 Voucher (21575) (21,575) 66874 Purch trk Spok elect Overhead 1,705 1,705 Vehicle 22,854 22,854 JL 66875 purch trk Spokane ele Overhead 1,708 1,708 ii_I Vehicle 22,854 JII1 -_ 22,854 - _ 66876 purch trk Spokane Elect 1,739 Overhead 1,739 -Vehide 6,939 6,939 UUIi - iii -- JIQ UJDL 11 56880 DOLLAR RD Overhead (409) (409) Vehicle (3,412) (3,412) Voucher (38,332) (38,332) !U11 65898 sup ch Labor 31 31 Overhead 381 381 Vehicle 5,604 5,604 - JLW Voucher 1LU 114,305 JU1flIiIIiI - 114,305 II Purch trk 66897 Gas construct Labor 331 331 Overhead 841 2,497 317 3,655 Vehicle 6,006 16,208 22,214 a_r Voucher . 297,448 o 27,448 !urd sterling bullet 56955 Overhead iiii JI -- 954 954 Vehicle 8,835 8,835 Voucher 46,317 46,317 Purchtraller#876375pok Voucher . 1,578 : 1,578 -- 1iLITii J$ Purch flatbed 56998 Spok elec Labor 63 63 Staff_PR...074 Attachment A.x!sx Page 22 of 36 Purch flatbed 56998 Spok dec Overhead 4,535 4,535 Vehicle 598 598 Voucher (4,338) (4,338) Purch flatbed 56997 Spok gas - Voucher IiIT $a (26,967) (26,967) 1Purchflat bed 56996Spo kgas iuJL_I iii1UTii (26,967) Voucher (26,967) JJL L -L L. - I)296 I11ILIllLffig67) .turch flatbed 56995 Spok elect Overhead 4,526 4,526 Vehicle 598 598 Voucher 39,047 1P 39,047 Purch flatbed 56994 Spok elect 1IIkL Labor 63 63 Overhead 4,551 4,551 Vehicle 598 598 Voucher (4.338) (4,338) Purth hydr reel 56993 Spok ele Overhead 1,015 1,015 -. . Vehicle 5,663 5,663 Voucher 6.523 6,523 Purch46007FIbergIasscap Vehlde (2,211) JLLflh1Uh (2,211) 2,211) (2,211) 'J.", Purch 46011 fiberglass cap Vehicle JJii) 11 IN i IN Purch 46010 FIberglass cap Vehicle (2,211) ........................................... (2,21) R 1L4 (2,211) iiTIJ •Purch 46009 FIberglass C2, ..... Vehicle _ -- 68005 Spo ele 1iIL_ itIJIii Contractor TUTJ iiI J[it 2,413 2,413 Labor 344 344 Overhead 2,892 2,892 Vehicle 10,463 10,463 Voucher 150,056 150,056 IIIIIIII1 NOW 111111 1111 M~~, al •68003 Spokane Contractor 656 656 Mlb Labor 126 126 Overhead 3,051 3,051 Vehicle 13,107 13,107 Voucher 176,613 176,613 Purch trailer 86665 Spo Gas Overhead (39) (39) Vehicle (579) .-.-.---- (579) 68008Spok Labor 1,506 ........................ 1,506 Overhead 5,075 5,075 Staff-PR-074 Attachment A.xlsx Page 23 of 36 68008 Spok Vehicle 7,582 7,582 Voucher 392,105 392,105 -- z$ - Prch bullet chassis 56888 Spok Overhead 542 .. - Vehicle 3,022 3,022 Voucher 42,561 42,561 Purch reel stand 56983 Spok Overhead 985 985 Vehicle 5,512 5,512 Voucher 49,995 49,995 J 58A92 48981 Dollar rd - Labor 276 276 • Overhead 7 748 755 Vehicle 77 1,198 1,274 • Voucher 74,294 74,294 J1ULL - 48980 Dollar rd -- Labor . 244 244 Overhead 7 746 752 Vehicle 77 1,198 1,274 Voucher 74,294 74,294 r4L 564 57247 Spokane El Labor 78 78 Overhead 1,231 1,231 Vehicle 3,974 3,974 Voucher 118,496 118,496 IL 57248 Spokane El Labor • 110 110 Overhead 1,259 1,259 Vehicle 3,974 3,974 Voucher 118,496 118,496 i_t___ I loom 46038 SPOKANE Overhead 668 668 Vehicle 5,963 5,963 Voucher 31,832 31,832 Jii1I:Is_ .46031 SPOKANE -- Over 668 . 668 Vehicle 5,963 5,963 Voucher • 31,832 31,832 1L 56008 SPOKANE • • . Overhead •.• . . . .. - . . . . - voucher 56009 SPOKANE • Labor • . -... . - Overhead (0) (0) Voucher • (0) (0) Staff-PR-074 Attachment A.xlsx Page 24 of 36 66993 Spo Elect Contractor 1,625 1,625 Labor 47 47 Overhead 2,709 2,709 ;. Vehicle 333 333 , Voucher 359,161 359 161 66994 Spok elect Contractor 1 625 1 625 ' ' Labor 439 439 4' Overhead 4,303 4,303 Vehicle 15 325 15 325 ; Voucher 359,161 359,161 .- - PF-----,__i - Q533L 68920 Spo elect Contractor 656 656 , Labor •' • . y Overhead 2 729 2 729 V Vehicle 3,580 3,580 Voucher 283,575 283,575 I 1J f11NiL ,iUrchbckt trk 68919 Spo Elect Overhead 627 - - - _627 VOchr IW Purch flatbed 56887 Spok elec Overhead 1,707 1,70T Vehicle 437 437 Voucher 46,350 46,350 __ UIfflUN S335 Purch 56978 Spok Electric Overhead 4,679 4,679 Vehicle 777 777 Voucher 65,269 65,269 9S3* Purch flatbed 56979 Spo elect Overhead 4,526 4,526 Vehicle 598 598 Voucher 22,689 22,689 _ 76547 Spo Elec Labor 100 703 100 703 Overhead Voucher 81,036 81,036 Labor Overhead 153 322 153 322 Voucher 23,420 23420 57897 Spo Ele Overhead 2,524 2,524 Wi am; Vehicle 3,974 3,974 •_ . ,. Voucher 108,506 . 108,506 66995 Spo ele Contractor 2,625 2625 Staff-PR-074 Attachment A.xlsx Page 25of 36 • Pi 66995 Spo ele Labor 460 460 Q. Overhead 3,301 3,301 Vehicle 861 861 Voucher 403,568 403,568 67969Spokel Overhead 8,031 8,031 Vehicle 2,696 2,696 Voucher 151,223 151,223 Overhead 80 80 ' Vehlde 1,182 i Ifl'-LLLi - 1,182 5698$ Spokane Overhead 665 665 Vehicle 2,245 2,24S It Voucher 65,269 65 269 . 56986 Spokane Overhead 670 670 Vehicle 2,245 2 245 t• Voucher 66,014 66,014 and 87005 Spokane Elect Labor 329 329 Overhead 1,965 1,965 Vehicle 10,316 10,316 Voucher 125,650 125,650 3000 Spokane elect Overhead 250 250 Voucher . . . 33,315 • 33,315 85893SpoElect Labor 335 335 Overhead 1,134 1,134 Voucher 122,771 . -. 122,771 56989 Spokane Gas Labor 220 220 Overhead 1,671 1,671 içk Vehicle 6,878 6,878 Voucher 92,701 92,701 ... . . bucket on 76532 Dollar rd Overhead 85 85 Vehicle 1,239 • . ... . 1.239 • 56555 Spokane Electric Overhead • 654 654 • ,..... Vehicle 3,988 3,988 Voucher • 26,659 26,659 87007 Spokane Electric Overhead 1,444 1,444 Vehicle 9,388 9,388 Staff-PR-074 Attachment A.xlsx Page 26 of 36 - 48190 Spokane Gas Overhead 7 540 546 Vehicle 77 1,198 1,274 Voucher 74,294 74,294 48181 Spokane Gas Labor 162 162 • . Overhead 7 677 •• 683 Vehicle 77 1,198 1,274 Voucher 74,294 74,294 _i ii_JiiiFL - 11 JJUJ1 NFAMWIPMOW 87014 Spokane Electric Overhead . . 313 Voucher 21,718 21,718 Ii . 1LiiJT ti 87016 Spokane Electric Overhead 313 313 Voucher 21,718 21,718 •IJ EIb - - - I 1W - JT - 48983 Spokane Gas Labor Overhead 0 0 Vehicle Voucher - - 87018 Spokane Elect Labor .. 327 ••• 327 Overhead 883 883 Vehicle 5,212 5,212 IF1LiuIIIT1 LJJLIIJ__ . 87017 Spokane Electric Labor 271 271 Overhead 837 837 Vehicle 5,212 5,212 m.rjIia -ii - _ 56012 Spokane Gas Contractor 3,179 3,179 Overhead 1,172 1,172 Vehicle 8,020 8,020 Voucher 131,869 131,869 85895 SpoElectric Labor .. (16) (16) Overhead 394 168 562 Vehicle 1,036 1,448 2,484 Voucher 28.552 .1 28,552 [85896 SpoElec Overhead 394 182 576 Vehicle 1,036 1,448 2,484 Voucher 28,552. 28,552 03 Spokane Gas 767 -............. Labor 212 212 Overhead 2,148 2,148 Voucher 264,894 264,894 Staff-PR-074 Attachment A.xlsx . Page 27 of 36 - . - 76701 Spokane Electric Labor 53 53 - Overhead 545 545 Voucher 67,343 67,343 .-. - --..-. ____ 76706 Spokane Gas Overhead . 668 668 Voucher 82,417 82,417 87708 Spokane Electric Overhead 1,567 1 1,568 Vehicle 9,900 9,900 Voucher 783 T• 78 861 L 76708 Spokane Electric Overhead 11 0 • .. 1,909 Voucher 127,288 127,288 - --- 76711 Spokane Electric Labor 26 26 Overhead 1,256 1,256 Voucher • 82,417 82,417 48871 Spokane Spokane Gas Existing unt Overhead . 765 765 Vehicle 1,594 1,594 Voucher 41,795 41,795 48850 Spokane Gas Existing unt Overhead 24 565 589 Vehicle - - Voucher 160 43,229 43,389 I -------- Jr - 48835 Spokane Gas Existing unt - - Overhead . . 589 589 Vehicle - - Voucher 11110 IN I 43,389 43,389 48872 Spokane Gas Existing unt Overhead 771 771 Vehicle 1,570 1,570 • Voucher 41,819 41,819 56014 Spokane Gas Meter Shop Contractor . 2,550 2,550 Labor 174 1,334 198 1,706 Overhead 160 1,553 181 1,894 Vehicle 3,755 3,755 • • Voucher 89,070 61 89,131 1* 66960 Spokane Electric Employee Expenses 128 128 Labor • 1,252 1,252 Overhead 1 2,172 2,173 Vehicle 1,370 598 1,968 Voucher 293,412 39,538 332,950 Staff-PR-074 Attachment A.xlsx Page 28o36 '- . - iEri11$LJt4TT .. 46061 Spokane Electric 488 :::& -. Voucher 30562 30562 L6E 46064 Spokane Gas Overhead 398 398 .. . • • .;.? Vehicle 2,737 2,737 ; Voucher I'll' I 30 276 ii11I*L 30 276 57249 Spokane Electric Overhead 277 277 I • - Voucher 110,711 110,711 WON __1I1J 88 - 67978 Spokane Electric Employee Expenses 52 52 I I Labor 333 333 ' Overhead 0 1,900 1,901 ½ Vehicle 5,891 685 6,576 Voucher 209,949 18,685 228,634 48986 ElectrIc Meter shop Overhead 5,875 5,875 - - Vehicle - - - 56391 -- - 56,391 46053 Spokane Electric AFUDC Overhead 4,325 4,325 Vehicle 40,383 40,383 Voucher 2,580 *4I11 J1$ 2,580 __ LUL 46050 Spokane Electric Contractor 600 600 Employee Expenses 493 493 Overhead 1,361 1,361 Vehicle 12,984 12,984 Voucher 31,568 31,568 - - 46051 Fleet Contractor 600 _______ 600 Employee Expenses 293 293 Overhead 1,254 1,254 Vehicle 11,784 11,784 L?"1 Voucher 31,568 31,568 467.3. Reid .!s5po .5e Overh.ead ..2,338 .954 .3,292 I Vehlde - 37,328 2,242 39,570 Field Services Spo Labor -- - 54 54 Overhead 2,338 1,005 3,343 Vehicle 37,328 2,242 39,570 46071 Field Services Spo Labor 1 1 Staff-PR-074 Attachment A.xlsx . . Page 29 of 36 46071 Field Services Spa Overhead 2,338 955 3,293 Vehicle 37,328 $fltiIiIi 2,242 39,570 IMrL 46068 Field Services Spo Labor - 15 15 Overhead 2,338 969 3,307 Vehicle 37,328 iiLru IILitrT 2,242 39,570 - 46067 Field Services Spa Labor . . 63 63 Overhead 2,338 1,015 3,353 Vehicle 37,328 21242 39,570 rr - 46066 Fleet Overhead 2,816 2,816 Vehicle 39,344 39,344 Voucher - - 76719 Spokane Electric iiii Overhead 581 581 Voucher 83,036 83,036 IL -= iIiI JJLJF1 76717 SPOKANE GAS Overhead 642 642 Vehicle 1,250 1,250 Voucher 78,112 6,796 84,908 PI 76716 Spokane Gas - Overhead . 581 73 654 Vehicle 1,188 1,188 Voucher 83,036 83,036 inmiiia '-e __ 16714 Spokane Gas Overháad . 581 581 Voucher 83.036 83,036 WINI 1T 76713 Spokane Gas Overhead . . 564 564 Voucher 78,112 iir 6,796 84908 __ 76715 Spokane Electric T1f Overhead . . 581 581 Voucher 83,036 . 83,036 66007 Spokane Electric .meExpenses ......... • . .• Overhead . . 0 0 68010 Spokane Electric Employee Expenses ...- ••.. •..64 64 Overhead . . . .. . . iiiTJLiI'11 0 0 76721 Spokane Gas 1T1T Overhead .. 777 Voucher . 110,983 110,983 58084 and 85034 Spokane Gas Overhead 149 149 Voucher 83,227 83,227 Staff-PR-074 Attachment A.xlsx . Page 30 of 36 : 9W*' 4508I Spokane Electric Labor 415 415 Overhead 2,833 2,833 'c , Vehicle 39,454 39,454 3 46074 SP Gas Engineering Labor 141 141 - Overhead 2,458 2,458 Vehicle 37,012 37,012 460ll Spokane Gas Overhead 2,175 2,175 Vehicle 32,551 32,551 Voucher 2t 46083 SpoElectric Labor 280 280 Overhead 2,626 2,626 Vehicle 38,183 38,183 56028 AND 85028 Fleet Overhead 88 88 Voucher 43,641 43,641 48993 Dollar Rd Labor 244 244 Overhead 666 666 . . ................................................. . Transportation 35 35 Vehicle 2,701 2,701 -... Voucher 71,966 71,966 • -. 48991 Electric meter shop Labor 104 104 Overhead 3,752 3,752 . ................................................ . . . Vehicle 58,495 58,495 .... 46070 Field Services Spokane Overhead 2,964 2,964 • . . Vehicle 39,239 39,239 _JLV_ 46069 Reid Services Spokane Overhead 2,972 2,972 . . Vehicle 39,356 39,356 46060Field Services Spokane • .......... •. •... 2.910 . 2,910 • . . . . • Vehicle • . . . 41,560 . 47798 Gas Engineering Spokane Labor 154 154 Overhead 3,930 3,930 • • Vehicle 59,430 59,430 Voucher - . 86014 Spokane Electric Overhead 541 541 • .... Vehicle 10,663 10,663 Staff-PR-074 Attachment A.xlsx Page 31 of 36 47001Spokane Relay Shop Labor 130 130 Overhead 3,816 3,816 Vehicle 55,885 55,885 TLI 86017 Spokane Gas Overhead 460 460 Vehicle 6,702 6,702 Voucher 583 IIJIE1 583 86020 SpokaneElect .nc Overhead . .. . -. -. .. . 1,057 1,057 Vehicle . 10,517 10,517 46088 Field Services Spokane Overhead . 2,055 Vehicle . 28,252 . 28,252 46089 Field Services Spokane Overhead 2,055 2,055 Vehicle 28,252 iiII 28,252 WL 46091 Spokane Gas iJL Overhead 2,41 2,471 Vehicle 3018 34,018 - - -- 46339 Elect Mtr Shop Overhead . 2,055 2,055 Vehicle 28,252 28,252 - - IIIIILLI - i--_-O,3O6 46340 Elect Mtr Shop Overhead . . 2,055 2,055 Vehicle 28,252 28,252 56026 Spokane Gas Vehicle IE*ii1JL 39,674 _- 39,674 _-_JJIu 46102 Spo Gas Engineering Overhead . 2.566 2,566 Vehicle . . 32,257 32,257 7 Spokane Network Overhead 2,429 2,429 Vehicle 253 85253 Network Overhead 149 149 truck 56879 Colville Labor 31 31 Overhead 512 512 Vehicle 6,067 6,067 Voucher 57,654 57,654 Staff-PR-074 Attachment A.xlsx Page 32 of 36 Purch bkt trk 67905 ColvIlle Vehicle - - !urch 67965 truck Colville - Overhead 353 353 • Vehicle 2,788 2,788 Purch truck 67966 Colville Overhead 151 151 Vehicle 2,519 2,519 Purch truck 57895 Colvli(e ole Labor 111 111 Overhead 106 106 86004 Colville Labor 388 388 - Overhead 1,202 1,202 Vehicle 11,906 11,906 Voucher 2,718 2,718 48976 Colville Labor - 374 374 Overhead 7 855 862 -- Vehicle 77 1,198 1,274 • - - Voucher 74,294 74,294 804 46059 Field Services Colville Overhead . 259 259 • . Vehicle 1,658 1,658 Voucher 24,934 24,934 87022 Colville Overhead 2,472 2,472 Vehicle - 21,972 21,972 - . 78546 Colville Overhead 544 461 1,004 Vehicle 4,954 915 5,868 Voucher 171,356 171,356 87025 Colville Overhead 1,844 1,844 - Vehicle 21,345 21,345 Voucher - - ,18 $7024 Colville Overhead 1,844 1,844 Vehicle 21,345 21,345 Voucher - - 76718 Colville Overhead 575 575 Voucher 82,196 82,196 66008 Colville 64 64 Employee Expenses Overhead 0 0 Staff-PR-074 Attachment A.xlsx Page 33 of 36 PurTrk 67944 Othello Overhead . 18 . 18 1iLL 46037 Othello Overhead 373 373 Vehicle 2,671 2,671 Voucher 25,528 25,528 Purch trailer 86005 Othello Overhead (9) (9) Vehicle . (125) . (125) -- 66991 Othello Labor 345 345 Overhead 5,056 5,056 Vehicle 25,958 25,958 Voucher 370,407 370,407 68919 Othello Contractor - - Labor - - Overhead 0 0 IL 68004 Othello Contractor 656 656 Labor 516 516 Overhead 3,705 3,705 Vehicle 13,107 13,107 iL Voucher - 11IU'L 257,789 257,789 Purch one trk 68915 Davenport Overhead 69 69 Vehicle 1,154 1,154 Voucher 190,657 jjJlThfl - 190,657 Purch Space Kap 46404 Daven Overhead 86 - 86 Vehicle 1,267 1.267 Purch trailer 87663 Davenport Overhead .. . 587 587 Vehicle . . 5,201 5,201 :1E?u1E11 jI Depot . . . . . 4.486 .. . Voucher 66,014 66,014 67972 Davenport Employee Expenses 52 52 Labor 61 61 Overhead 559 89 648 Vehicle 3,379 489 3,868 Field Services Davenport Labor - Staff—PR-074 Attachment A.xlsx Page 34 of 36 46070 Field Services Davenport Overhead 2,322 (2,322) (0) Vehicle 37,105 (37,105) - 46486 Medford Labor 51 . 51 Overhead 735 735 Vehicle 7,206 7,206 IL Voucher - 26,681 -''u: 26,681 48179 Medford Employee Expenses 86 86 Labor 861 861 Overhead 7 1,128 1,134 Vehicle 77 1,134 1,211 Voucher 68,295 68,295 48985 Medford Construction Contractor r i 383 383 Employee Expenses 86 86 Labor 503 503 Overhead 3 850 853 Vehicle 1,134 1,134 Voucher - i1 68,295 68,295 -- ILiIi_1L 47788 Medford Existing unit Overhead 763 763 Vehicle 1,640 1,640 Voucher 39,067 39,067 VON 56013 Gas Meter Shop Medford Contractor 2,550 2,550 Overhead 38 2,092 2,10 Vehicle 17,506 17,506 Voucher 42,367 42,367 56020 and 85020 Medford Employee Expenses 883 883 Overhead 63 63 Voucher 40,052 40,052 46079 Medford Labor 131 131 Overhead 2,335 2,335 Vehicle 35,346 35,346 47799 Medford Orerhead . 4,767 4,767 • Vehicle 37,955 37,955 :48979 Roseburg Employee Expenses 86 86 Labor 309 309 Overhead 7 759 765 Vehicle 77 1,134 1,211 Voucher 68,295 68,295 Staff-PR-074 Attachment A.xlsx Page 35 of 36 . 48978 Roseburg Employee Expenses 86 86 Labor 617 617 Overhead 7 922 928 Vehicle 77 1,134 1,211 Voucher . 68,295 ] . 68,295 CNG Fueling Appliance Roseburg Overhead I' 1,100 1,100 Vehicle 7,000 . 7,000 48994 Roseburg Labor 167 167 Overhead 264 264 Voucher 71,966 71,966 - ... 48972 Klamath Falls existing ...1 Overhead 763 763 Vehicle 1,640 1,640 Voucher 39,067 39,067 if'i - MIs7o - 46086 Klamath Falls Overhead 2,658 2,658 Vehide 38,207 38,207 LIILJi _jL__ - 863 48832 LaGrande Existing Overhead . . 740 Vehicle 1,445 1,445 Voucher 38,450 38,450 Staff—PR-074 Attachment A.xlsx . Page 36 of 36 AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION JURISDICTION: IDAHO DATE PREPARED: 12/04/2012 CASE NO: AVU-E-12-08 / AVU-G-12-07 WITNESS: Dave DeFelice REQUESTER: IPUC RESPONDER: B.Abrahamse/G.Smith TYPE: Production Request DEPARTMENT: Application Support REQUEST NO.: Staff-076 TELEPHONE: (509) 495-4500 I REQUEST: Please provide a description and supporting documentation showing how Avista selected the lowest cost vendor for its Moducom Replacement. Please include all expenses to date. RESPONSE: Please see Avista's response 076C, which contains TRADE SECRET, PROPRIETARY or CONFIDENTIAL information and exempt from public view and is separately filed under IDAPA 3 1.01.01, Rule 067 and 233, and Section 9-340D, Idaho Code. We engaged telecommunications engineering and consulting firm RCC Consultants Inc. to assist with the request for information (RFI) and the request for proposal (RFP) preparation and review. Avista issued an RFI (R-37199 - due April 2011) and subsequently an RFP (R-37342 - due August 2011) to solicit responses from qualified radio-telephone console vendors for replacing the existing Moducom system. Upon review of the RFP technical scores and the five year financial analysis a recommendation was made to award the contract to Zetron. The decision to select Zetron was put forth in the September project steering committee and received unanimous approval from the project steering committee. Please see Staff PR 076C CONFIDENTIAL Attachment A for details of the scoring on the Moducom Replacement. Please see Staff PR_076 Attachments A and B for details of expenses to date and a summary of spend below: Description Amount Capital Expenditures for Period January 1, 2012 through October 31, 2012 1,326,800 Construction Work in Progress (CWIP) at December 31, 2011 (forTransfers to Plant in 2012/2013) 1,165,244 Total Spend as of October 31, 2012 2,492,044 I Avista Corp. CWIP Balance 12.31.12 ER 5119 Sum of Transaction Amount Er Project Number Project Desc Expenditure Category Total 5119 09805287 RTCCS Moducom Replacement AFUDC 9,482.05 Centralized Assets 92,249.40 Contractor 850,951.24 Employee Expenses 885.33 Labor 22,412.73 Overhead 25,530.77 Transportation 74.00 Vehicle 72.47 Voucher 101,090.09 09805287 Total 1,102,748.08 09805439 Real Time Communication Sol AFUDC 205.31 Centralized Assets 57,410.00 Contractor 705.79 Overhead 4,175.07 _________ 09805439 Total 62,496.17 5119 Total 1,165,244.25 Grand Total 1,165,244.25 StaffjDR 076 Attachment A - CWIP 12.31 .12.xls Page 1 of 1 Avista Corp. Capital Spend 01.01.2012 - 10.31.2012 ER 5119 Sum of Transaction Amount Er Project Numbei Project Desc Expenditure Category Total 5119 09805287 RTCCS Moducom Replacement AFUDC 90,547.06 Centralized Assets 160,382.24 Contractor 341,032.63 Employee Expenses 722.03 Labor 55,367.85 Overhead 57,415.08 Transportation 6,807.10 Voucher 524,948.12 09805287 Total 1,237,222.11 09805439 Real Time Communication Sol AFUDC 3,687.18 Centralized Assets 14,659.87 Contractor 51,582.13 Labor 8,661.14 Overhead 8,776.07 Voucher 2,211.64 __________ 09805439 Total 89,578.03 5119 Total 1,326,800.14 Grand Total 1,326,800.14 Staff _PR_ 076 Attachment B - Capital Spend 10.31.12.xls 1 of 1 AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION JURISDICTION: IDAHO DATE PREPARED: 12/05/2012 CASE NO: AVU-E-12-08 / AVU-G-12-07 WITNESS: Elizabeth Andrews REQUESTER: IPUC RESPONDER: Karen Schuh TYPE: Production Request DEPARTMENT: State & Federal Reg. REQUEST NO.: Staff-078 TELEPHONE: (509) 495-2098 REQUEST: Please provide the square footage amount and proportion of floor space associated with non-regulated business units that are being supported Long Term Campus Re-Structuring Plan. RESPONSE: Please see the Company's response to Staff's Production Request No. 69. The same amount of square footage proportion of floor space would be supported by the Long Term Campus Re-Structuring Plan. AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION JURISDICTION: IDAHO DATE PREPARED: 12/03/2012 CASE NO: AVU-E-12-08 / AVU-G-12-07 WITNESS: Dave DeFelice REQUESTER: IPUC RESPONDER: Karen Schuh TYPE: Production Request DEPARTMENT: Rates and Tariffs REQUEST NO.: Staff-079 TELEPHONE: (509) 495-2293 REQUEST: Please provide the line item detail of all expenses for Long Term Campus Re-Structuring Plan. Include budget for all separate projects and actual costs to date. RESPONSE: The Long Term Campus Re-Structuring Plan transactions are included under ER 7126. Please see Staff PR 079 Attachment A for details of CWIP at December 31, 2011 expected to transfer to plant during 2012 and 2013. Also, please see Staff _PR_079 Attachment B for details of plant expenditures through October 31, 2012. Summary of Spend as of October 31, 2012: Description Actual Transfer to Plant for Period January 1, 2012 through October 31, 2012 53,759 Construction Work in Process at December 31, 2011 (for Transfer to Plant in 2012/2013) 957,738 Total Spend as of October 31, 2012 1.011,497 Company witness Dave DeFelice's testimony and workpapers provide the requested budget information for 2012 and 2013. Pages 53 through 63 of the workpapers list 2012, and pages 89 through 101 list 2013 projects by ER and details the expected month the project will be completed and will be transferred to plant in service. The source of this data is the Company's 2012 capital budget. Both hardcopies and electronic copies were provided with the original filing. Please see the Company's response to Staff _PR045 for updated transfers to plant by ER through October 31, 2012. Also please see the Company's response to Staff_PR_038 for details of budget to actual capital spend for 2011 and 2012 by ER. Avista Corp CWIP at 12.31.2011 ER 7126 Sum of Transaction Amount Er Project Numbe Jurisdic Project Desc Expenditure Category Total 7126 11005159 AA Construct New Warehouse 201 AFUDC 649.85 Contractor 45,010.50 Employee Expenses 2,691.35 Labor 2,981.03 Overhead 2,426.16 11005159 Total 53,758.89 7126 Total 53,758.89 Grand Total 53,758.89 StaffPR_079 Attachment A.xls I of i Avista Corp. Capital Spend from 01.01.2012 - 10.31.2012 ER 7126 lFercAcct 1107000 I Sum of Transaction Amount Er Project Number Project Desc Expenditure Category Total 7126 09905662 New Warehouse Techn In AFUDC 755.72 Contractor 16,265.76 Labor 5,544.50 Overhead 4,872.11 09905662 Total 27,438.09 11005159 Construct New Warehouse AFUDC 18,946.32 Contractor 661,624.54 Employee Expenses 30.64 Labor 75,735.61 Material 2,867.64 Overhead 69,875.69 Transportation 261.00 Vehicle 59.99 Voucher 72,902.61 11005159 Total 9021304.04 11005169 Construct New Warehouse AFUDC 0.01 Contractor - Labor - Overhead 0.00 11005169 Total 0.01 11005187 Conv old warehouse to off AFUDC 419.16 Contractor 17,270.97 Employee Expenses 1.44 Labor 975.10 Overhead 1,090.01 Voucher 3,502.50 11005187 Total 23,259.18 11005192 IT for Service Building AFUDC 5960 - Contractor 1,313.24 Labor 1,804.87 Overhead 1,558.83 _________ 11005192 Total 4,736.54 L7126 Total 957,737.86 Grand Total 957,737.86 U Staff—PR-079 Attachment B.xls 1 of 1