HomeMy WebLinkAbout20121206Avista to Staff 61,75,77,80-84.pdfI Avista Corp. 1411 East Mission P.O. Box 3727 Spokane. Washington 99220-0500 Telephone 509-489-0500 Toll Free 800-727-9170 10: 09 iiVISTA corp. iDAHO PUi3UC December 5, 2012 JT;L1nES Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 W. Washington St. Boise, ID 83720-0074 Attn: Karl T. Klein Weldon B. Stutzman Deputy Attorney General Re: Production Request of the Commission Staff in Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G- 12-07 Dear Mr. Klein and Mr. Stutzman, Enclosed are an original and three copies of Avista's responses to IPUC Staffs production requests in the above referenced docket. Included in this mailing are Avista' s responses to production requests 061, 075, 077, and 080 - 084. The electronic versions of the responses were emailed on 12/05/12 and are also being provided in electronic format on the CD included in this mailing. Also included are Avista's CONFIDENTIAL responses to PR 075C, 081C, 082C, and 083C. This response contains TRADE SECRET, PROPRIETARY or CONFIDENTIAL information and is separately filed under IDAPA 31.01.01, Rule 067 and 233, and Section 9- 340D, Idaho Code, and pursuant to the Protective Agreement between Avista and IPUC Staff dated October 16, 2012. It is being provided under a sealed separate envelope, marked CONFIDENTIAL. If there are any questions regarding the enclosed information, please contact Paul Kimball at (509) 495-4584 or via e-mail at paul.kimball@avistacorp.com Sincerely, 1L Paul Kimball Regulatory Analyst Enclosures CC: all parties AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION JURISDICTION: IDAHO DATE PREPARED: 11/28/2012 CASE NO: AVU-E-12-08 / AVU-G-i2)? WITNESS: Scott Kinney REQUESTER: IPUC RESPONDER: Warren Clark/Scott Kinney TYPE: Production Request DEPARTMENT: System Operations REQUEST NO.: Staff-061 TELEPHONE: (509) 495-4186/4494 REQUEST: Regarding the power factor penalties incurred by Avista due to reactive power violations at interconnections to BPA (Kinney pg. 8, lines 10-23 and pg. 9, lines 1-3): a.What is the BPA-required reactive power threshold? b.Are there any potential reductions to power factor penalties at BPA interconnections attributable to transmission capital projects scheduled for 2012 or 2013? See Kinney pg. 29, Table 3 and pg. 42, Table 5. Please explain. RESPONSE: a.Staff _PR_061 Attachment A is an excerpt (BPA Power Factor Penalty Charge.pdf) from the BPA 2012 Transmission and Ancillary Service Rate Schedules - General Rate Schedule Provisions. This document describes how any party that is interconnected with the Federal Columbia River Transmission System (FCRTS) shall be charged for its reactive power requirements. In summary BPA customers are charged a power factor penalty at any interconnection that has a lagging or leading power factor of less than 0.97 per unit and real power from the customer's system never flowed into the Federal Columbia River Transmission System for more than one an hour in a given month. b.The Lancaster 230 kV Interconnection project scheduled for energization in the fall of 2013 will help reduce the loading on the Company's 230 and 115 kV transmission lines connected to BPA's Bell substation in northern Spokane. The reduced line loading should also reduce the reactive flow from BPA's Bell interconnection to Avista during peak load conditions. However the current reactive charge for the Bell interconnection is only $274 per month. None of the other scheduled capital projects in 2012 and 2013 are anticipated to reduce the BPA power factor penalty. C. POWER FACTOR PENALTY CHARGE 1.DESCRIPTION OF THE POWER FACTOR PENALTY CHARGE Any party that is interconnected with the Federal Columbia River Transmission System (FCRTS) shall be charged for its reactive power requirements as described in this section, unless otherwise specified in an agreement existing prior to October 1, 1995. Each point of interconnection or point of delivery shall be monitored and billed independently for determining the party's total reactive power requirements and all associated billing factors, including the Reactive Deadband. If a party is taking transmission service under multiple rate schedules, the party will pay for its reactive power -requirements as if it is taking delivery under only one rate schedule. 2.CONDITIONS FOR APPLICATION OF THE POWER FACTOR PENALTY CHARGE a.Measured Data The Power Factor Penalty Charge will apply to only the party's reactive power requirements for which measured data exist. b.Party's Generating Resource Connected to the FCRTS Irrespective of the direction of real power flow, the Power Factor Penalty Charge shall apply to points of interconnection where a party's generating resource is directly connected to the FCRTS, unless the party's generating resource is either: (1)a synchronous generator equipped with a voltage regulator, or (2)equipped with reactive power control devices that comply with BPA-TS ' s applicable interconnection standards. Such resource must actively support the voltage schedule at the point of integration at all times when the resource is in service, as determined by BPA-TS, for this exemption to apply. Generating resources that do not satisfy the above criteria shall not be exempt from the Power Factor Penalty Charge. Adjustments, Charges, and General Rate Provisions Page 82 Staff—DR-061 Attachment A Page 1 of 4 C. Bi-directional Real Power Flow For points other than those specified in section 2.b, the Power Factor Penalty Charge will not be applied, and no new Ratchet Demand for reactive power will be established, at a specific point if the metered real power (on an hourly integrated basis) flows from the party's system to the FCRTS at that point for as little as one hour during the billing period. However, the party will still pay any previously incurred demand ratchet charges. The direction of the real power flow will be determined based on metered quantities, not on scheduled quantities. d.Service by Transfer Points of delivery that are served by transfer over another utility's transmission system will not be subject to the Power Factor Penalty Charge unless there are significant BPA-TS Network facilities between the party's points of delivery and the transferor's system. e.Specific Points Exempt from the Power Factor Penalty Charge The Power Factor Penalty Charge will not apply to the following points: Nevada-Oregon Border (NOB) Big Eddy 500 kV Big Eddy 230 kV John Day 500 kV Malin 500 kV Captain Jack 500 kV Garrison 500 kV Townsend 500 kV f.Special Circumstances The party may submit requests to BPA-TS for consideration of unique circumstances. BPA-TS will evaluate the request and may make arrangements with the party to address the special circumstances. 3. RATES BPA-TS will bill the party for reactive power at each point each month as follows: Reactive Demand $0.28 per kVAr of lagging reactive demand in excess of the Reactive Deadband during HLH in all months of the year. Adjustments, Charges, and Page 83 General Rate Provisions Staff—DR-061 Attachment A Page 2 of 4 $0.24 per kVAr of leading reactive demand in excess of the Reactive Deadband during LLH in all months of the year. No charge for leading reactive demand during HLH. No charge for lagging reactive demand during LLH. 4. BILLING FACTORS a. Reactive Deadband The Reactive Deadband (measured in kVAr) is used to determine the Reactive Billing Demand and Ratchet Demand for the Power Factor Penalty Charge. The Reactive Deadband for each billing period is the maximum hourly integrated metered real power demand (measured in kW) at each point during the billing period multiplied by 25 percent. The Reactive Deadband for either HLH or LLH: (I) is computed once per billing period (the same quantity is used for both HLH and LLH), (2)does not vary during the billing period, and (3)is based on the maximum hourly integrated metered real power demand during that billing period. b. Reactive Billing Demand The party's Reactive Billing Demand shall be calculated independently for lagging reactive power and leading reactive power at each point for which a Power Factor Penalty Charge is assessed. All reactive demands shall be established in the particular HLH or LLH at each point during which the party's maximum applicable reactive demand is placed on BPA-TS, regardless of the time of the real power peak at each point. All reactive demand at each point shall be established on a non- coincidental basis, regardless of whether the party is billed for real power or transmission at such point on a coincidental or non-coincidental basis, unless otherwise specified in the agreement between BPA-TS and the Adjustments, Charges, and General Rate Provisions Page 84 Staff—DR-061 Attachment A Page 3 of 4 party, or coincidental billing is, in BPA-TS's sole determination, more practical for BPA-TS. There will be separate reactive demands for lagging (HLH) and leading (LLH) demands. The party's Reactive Billing Demand for each point for the billing month shall be the larger of: (1)the largest measured reactive demand in excess of the Reactive Deadband during the billing period, or (2)the Ratchet Demand for reactive power. The Ratchet Demand for reactive power is equal to 100 percent of the largest measured reactive demand in excess of the Reactive Deadband during the preceding 11-month period. Each point shall have a separate Ratchet Demand for lagging (HLH) and leading (LLH) reactive demand. 5. ADJUSTMENTS FOR REACTIVE LOSSES Measured data shall be adjusted for reactive losses, if applicable, before determination of the Reactive Billing Demand. Adjustments, Charges, and Staff—DR-061 Attachment A Page 85 General Rate Provisions Page 4 of 4 AVLSTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION JURISDICTION: IDAHO DATE PREPARED: 12/03/2012 CASE NO: AVU-E-12-08 / AVU-G-12-07 WITNESS: Dave DeFelice REQUESTER: IPUC RESPONDER: Bill Abrahamse TYPE: Production Request DEPARTMENT: Application Support REQUEST NO.: Staff-075 TELEPHONE: (509) 495-4500 REQUEST: Please provide a description and supporting documentation showing how Avista selected the lowest cost vendor for its Next Generation Radio Project. Please include all expenses to date. RESPONSE: Please see Avista's response 075C, which contains TRADE SECRET, PROPRIETARY or CONFIDENTIAL information and exempt from public view and is separately filed under IDAPA 31.01.01, Rule 067 and 233, and Section 9-340D, Idaho Code. The Next Generation Radio project selected the best fit vendor, TaitMobile, based on a two step process. The initial step was a Request for Information (RFI) followed by a Request for Quotation (RFQ). The RFI process brought forward two qualified vendors. The RFQ process followed, and based on the evaluation criteria, TaitMobile was selected. Avista acquired the services of a telecommunication engineer firm, Gillespie, Prudhon & Associates, to assist in the evaluation of the vendor responses to insure prudency of the investment. Please see Staff PR 075C CONFIDENTIAL Attachment A for the recommendation from Gillespie, Prudon & Associates. Please see below for a summary of expenses to date and Staff_PR_075 Attachments A and B for details of expenses to date. Description Capital Expenditures for Period January 1, 2012 through October 31, 2012 3,649,951 Construction Work in Process at December 31, 201 l(for Transfer to Plant in 2012/2013 10,953,553 Total Spend as of October 31, 2012 14.603.504 Sum of Transaction Amount Er Project Number 5106 109905464 INext 09905464 Total 09905504 INGR INGR Generator Refresh Total 09905504 Total 09905299 Next Gen Radio sites INext Gen Radio sites Total 09905299 Total 09805309 INextGen Radio South Region IRadio Spectrum Purch Total 09905389 Total 09805306 INextGen Radio North Region North Exoenditure Cateaor AFIJDC Centralized Assets Contractor Employee Expenses Labor Material Overhead Transportation Vehicle AFUDC Labor AFUDC Contractor Employee Expenses Labor Overhead Transportation Vehicle Voucher Contractor Employee Expenses Labor Overhead Transportation AF U DC Contractor Employee Expenses Labor Overhead Contractor Overhead Total 1,044,267.07 137,483.24 2,854,399.64 25,105.74 719,695.79 232.52 776,838.89 53,188.55 7,225.52 5,600,740.46 11,219,177.42 11,219,177.42 398.06 1,046.70 11,998.10 94,844.01 108,286.87 108,286.87 (10,136.48) (256,038.48) (2,598.06) (49,725.86) (35,399.42) (0.00) (60.06) (19.41 7.33 1,850.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,850.00 0.00 0.00 (0.00) (0.00) 0.00 000 0.00 0.00 0.00 000 0.001 IFTSIne 09805309 Total 09905389 Staff—PR— 075 Attachment A - CWIP 12.31 .12.xls Page 1 of 2 5106 09805306 Next Gen Radio East Region AFUDC (0.00) Contractor 0.00 Labor 0.00 Overhead - Next Gen Radio East Region Total 0.00 09805306 Total 0.00 20205011 Next Gen Radio Little Fall HED AFUDC (3.12) Contractor (130.19) Overhead (0.52) Next Gen Radio Little Fall HED Total (133.83) - 20205011 Total (133.83) 30405022 Next Gen Radio Cabinet HED -AFUDC (3.12) Contractor (130.19) Overhead (0.52 Next Gen Radio Cabinet HED Total (133.83 30405022 Total (133.83 40105051 Next Gen Radio Noxon HED AFUDC (3.12) Contractor (130.20) Overhead (0.52) ____ Next Gen Radio Noxon HED Total (133.84) 40105051 Total (133.84) 20305022 Next Gen Radio Long Lake HED AFUDC (3.12) Contractor (130.19) Overhead (0.52) Next Gen Radio Long Lake HED Total (133.83) 20305022 Total (133.83) 09805307 Next Gen Radio West Region AFUDC 0.00 Contractor - Labor - Overhead - Next Gen Radio West Region Total 0.00 _________ 09805307 Total 0.00 5106 Total 10,953,553.27 Grand Total 10,953,553.27 11,219177.42 265,624.15 Staff—PR— 075 Attachment A - CWIP 12.31 .12.xls Page 2 of 2 Avista Corp. Capital Spend from 01.01 .2012 - 10.31.2012- ER 5106 Sum of Transaction Amount Er Project Number Project Desc Expenditure Category Total 5106 09905464 Next Generation Radio Project AFUDC 768,835.39 Centralized Assets 350,896.61 Contractor 645,121.00 Employee Expenses 5242.37 Labor 330,659.00 Material 40.69 Overhead 293,804.76 - Transportation 22,509.65 Vehicle 2,021.56 Voucher 1,230,819.78 5106 Total 3,649,950.81 Grand Total 3,649,950.81 Staff PR 075 Attachment B - Spend Jan-Oct 2012.xls Page 1 of 1 AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION JURISDICTION: IDAHO DATE-PREPARED: 12/04/2012 CASE NO: AVU-E-12-08 / AVU-G-12-07 WITNESS: Dave DeFelice REQUESTER: IPUC RESPONDER: B.Abrahamse/G.Smith TYPE: Production Request DEPARTMENT: Application Support REQUEST NO.: Staff-077 TELEPHONE: (509) 495-4500 REQUEST: Please describe any synergy or overlap of the Moducom project and Next Generation Radio project. RESPONSE: The Next Generation Radio project is refreshing the Land Mobile Radio (LMR) system. The LMR system is used for critical communication between System Operators and crews working on the electric and gas infrastructure. The Moducom project is refreshing the Radio Telephone Command Console System (RTCCS) which is a communication console the System Operators use to interface to the LMR and telephone systems. This communication console facilitates the communication between all of the parties involved in the work on the electric and gas infrastructure. The two projects are complementary and there are technical dependences between them. The existing RTCCS (Moducom) system is not compatible with the narrow-band technology being implemented in the Next Generation Radio project. AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION JURISDICTION: IDAHO DATE PREPARED: 12/04/2012 CASE NO: AVU-E-12-08 / AVU-G-12-07 WITNESS: Dave DeFelice REQUESTER: IPUC RESPONDER: Karen Schuh TYPE: Production Request DEPARTMENT: Application Support REQUEST NO.: Staff-080 TELEPHONE: (509) 495-2293 REQUEST: Please provide the 2012 expenses to date for the following projects, including the budgeted and actual costs. Please update when end of year 2012 numbers are available. A.Failed Electric Plant B.Transmission Minor Rebuild RESPONSE: A.Please see Staff PR 080 Attachment A for details of capital spend from January 1, 2012 through October 31, 2012 for ER 2059 - Failed Electric Plant. Also, please see the Company's response to Staff _PR_012 for details regarding capital spend from 2007 - 2011. B.Please see Staff PR 080 Attachment B for details of capital spend from January 1, 2012 through October 31, 2012 for ER 2057- Transmission Minor Rebuild. Also, please see the Company's response to Staff _PR_013 for details regarding capital spend from 2007 - 2011. For both of these ER's please refer to the Company's response to Staff_PR_038 for details of budget to actual costs. Avista Corp. Capital Spend from January 1-October 31, 2012 lFercAcct 1 107000 I Sum of Transaction Amount Er Project Number Project Desc Jurisdiction Total 2059 90101520 Electric Failed Plant-CDA ID 76,964.86 90701520 Electric Failed Plant-Kellogg ID 170,621.26 - 91001520 Elect Failed Plant-Grangeville ID 7,000.55 91101520 Electric Failed Plant-Kamiah ID 7,247.75 91201520 Elect Failed Plant-Craigmont ID 13,817.28 91301520 Electric Failed Plant-Orofino ID 4,748.54 91501520 Electric Failed Plant-Elk City ID 12,124.12 91701520 Electric Failed Plant-Deary ID 93001520 Elect Failed Plant-Sandpoint ID 243;749.93 93201520 Elect Failed Plant-Lewiston ID 43,441.97 93301520 Electric Failed Plant-Moscow ID 27,753.73 93601520 Elect Failed Plant-Genesee-Id ID (288.78) 93701520 Elect Failed Plant-Tekoa - Id ID 3,269.90 93801520 Elect Failed Plant-Palouse-Id JID 4,301.21 2059 Total 657,998.89 Grand Total 657,998.89 Staff—PR-080 Attachment AxIs 1 of 1 Avista Corp Capital Spend January 1, 2012 through October 31, 2012 I Ferc Acct 1107000 I Sum of Transaction Amount -Er Project Number Project Desc Jurisdiction Total 2057 _________ 29905103 9CE 3HT 115kv Minor rebuild AN 129.42 29905104 ADD KET 11 5k Minor Rebuild AN 16,797.66 29905109 Lind Shawnee Minr Rebuild Pt 2 AN 17,086.73 29905110 Add DGP 115kvXarm Replacement AN 80,014.92 29905111 BEAROS 11 5k Minor Rebuild AN 24,836.17 29905119 Strat Sum Falls Minor Rebuild AN 8,845.34 29905120 Devils Gap NM Minor Rebuild AN 373.24 29905121 NM Westside 11 5k Minor rebld AN 3,447.35 29905122 Airway Hts DG 11 5k Minor rbld AN 2,025.13 39905087 BEN-PIN 115kv Minor Rebuild AN 634.21 39905089 CDA Pine Ck 115 RepI 4 Strs AN 172.21 39905090 JPE/NEZ-ORO 11 5K rebuild ID 7,593.26 39905096 BUR PIN4 115kv Minor Rebuild AN 78,940.52 39905097 BUR PIN3 115kv Minor Reubild AN 107,522.68 39905099 CDA Rathdrum 115kv Minor Rbld AN 36,206.20 39905102 Ramsey Rathd 11 5k Minor Rebld AN 9,537.75 39905103 Clwtr Lolo 2 115kv Minor rbld AN 10,658.39 39905104 Clwtr Lolo 1115kv Minor Rebid AN 44,780.41 42105001 Cabinet Noxon 230kv Minor RbId AN 220,574.00 V2057 Total 670,175.59 Grand Total 670,175.59 Staff—PR-080 Attachment B.xbs I of I AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION JURISDICTION: IDAHO DATE PREPARED: 12/03/2012 CASE NO: AVU-E-12-08 / AVU-G-12-07 WITNESS: Dave DeFelice REQUESTER: IPUC RESPONDER: Chris Schlothauer TYPE: Production Request DEPARTMENT: Fleet Service REQUEST NO.: Staff-081 TELEPHONE: (509) 495-2727 REQUEST: Please provide the Company guidelines for replacing transportation equipment. RESPONSE: Please see Avista's response 081C, which contains TRADE SECRET, PROPRIETARY or CONFIDENTIAL information and exempt from public view and is separately filed under IDAPA 31.01.01, Rule 067 and 233, and Section 9-340D, Idaho Code. Please see Staff _PR_08 IC Confidential Attachment A for the Current Vehicle Replacement Model (VRM). AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION JURISDICTION: IDAHO DATE PREPARED: 12/03/2012 CASE NO: AVU-E-12-08 I AVU-G-12-07 WITNESS: Dave DeFelice REQUESTER: IPUC RESPONDER: Chris Schlothauer TYPE: Production Request DEPARTMENT: Fleet Service REQUEST NO.: Staff-082 TELEPHONE: (509) 495-2727 REQUEST: Please list the transportation equipment expected to be replaced in 2013. RESPONSE: Please see Avista's response 082C, which contains TRADE SECRET, PROPRIETARY or CONFIDENTIAL information and exempt from public view and is separately filed under IDAPA 31.01.01, Rule 067 and 233, and Section 9-340D, Idaho Code. Please see Staff PR 082C Confidential Attachment A for the Current 2013 Projected Spend. Page 1 of! JURISDICTION: CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO.: AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION IDAHO DATE PREPARED: 12/03/2012 AVU-E-12-08 / AVU-G-12-07 WITNESS: Dave DeFelice IPUC RESPONDER: Chris Schlothauer Production Request DEPARTMENT: Fleet Service Staff-083 TELEPHONE: (509) 495-2727 REQUEST: Please list the transportation equipment replaced in 2012, with the respective costs. Please also list any other transportation equipment expected to be replaced in 2012, with the budgeted costs. RESPONSE: Please see Avista's response 083C, which contains TRADE SECRET, PROPRIETARY or CONFIDENTIAL information and exempt from public view and is separately filed under IDAPA 3 1.01.01, Rule 067 and 233, and Section 9-340D, Idaho Code. Please see Staff_PR_083C Confidential Attachment A for the 2012 equipment replacement list along with additions. Page 1 of 1 AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION JURISDICTION: IDAHO DATE PREPARED: 12/04/2012 CASE NO: AVU-E-12-08 / AVU-G-12-07 WITNESS: Dave DeFelice REQUESTER: IPUC RESPONDER: Karen Schuh TYPE: Production Request DEPARTMENT: Application Support REQUEST NO.: Staff-084 TELEPHONE: (509) 495-2293 REQUEST: For the natural gas pro forma capital additions, Adjustment 3.08 listed on Exhibit 10, Schedule 2 page 9, please provide updated actual and/or revised plant-in-service dates and Idaho dollar amounts for each project separately. For each project with a plant-in-service date beyond December 31, 2012, please identify , the revenue requirement in the original filing associated with each project and specifically identify the adjustments necessary to depreciation, taxes, rate base and other expense items to reflect test year ending December 31, 2012. Please provide the printout of this information and the underlying electronic file in Excel format with formulas activated. RESPONSE: Please see the Company's response to Staff PR 045 for details regarding actual plant-in-service dates through October 31, 2012 for each project. There are no projects with a plant-in-service date beyond December 31, 2012 listed in Exhibit 10, Schedule 2 page 9 adjustment 3.08. All projects listed in this exhibit are expected to transfer to plant by December 31, 2012.