HomeMy WebLinkAbout20110824ICL 1-6 to Avista.pdfRECEIVED Benjamin J. Otto (ISB No 8292) 710 N 6th Street PO Box 844 Boise, ID 83701 Ph: (208) 345-6933 x 12 Fax: (208) 344-0344 bottotPidaoconservtion.org 2011 AUG 24 AM 10: 13 IOM'IO UTILITIES Attorney for the Idao Conservtion Leag BEFORE TI IDAHO PUBliC UTUTES COMMISSION IN THE MAITR OF A VISTA CORPORATION REQUESTIG APPROVAL TO DECREASE ITS ENERGY EFFCIENCY PUBliC PURPOSE RIDER SCHEDULE 91 AND 191 ) ) ) ) ) ) CASE NO. AVU-E-1l-02 AVU-G-II-03 IDAHO CONSERVATION LEGUE'S FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST COMES NOW the Idao Conservtion Leage ("ICL") with the followig prouction requess. Along with the answer to each quesion, pleas provide any supporting documents, workpapers, calculations, or information sources Avia relies upon to support its answer. As requied by IDAPA, plea indicate the witnes who ca answer question redig the response and who wi spnsor the reponse at any potential heang. If any renses include Excel spreadsheets or other electronic fùes, pleae provide them with all formulas intact and activated. As allowed by IDAPA, if the volume of any response indicates it would be more feaible to do so ICL agrees to the Company depsiting the response in an electronic depository. Ths production request is ongoing. Accordigly, ICL resctfuly asks Avia to provide additional documents and information that may supplement any initial rense ICLs First Production Request to A vista 1 Augut 24,2011 REQUEST No 1. On page 2 of the Application Avita mentions energ efficiency tarets established throug the Integrted Resource Plans (IRPs). Pleas provide a copy of the IRPs usd to establish the effciency tarets for both electric and ga If Avita us additional analysis, or relied upon additional resources to establish thes tarets, pleas provide these also. REQUEST No 2. Pleae provide the most recent study or other document that quatifies the DSM potential for both ga and electric applicable to Avista's Idao servce terrtory. REQUEST No 3. The Application states, on page 2, Avista achievd 105% of the IRP go for electricity, but only 85% of the IRP goal for natur ga Pleas explain why thi recrd of achievment supports a larer reduction in the ga rider tarf than the electric rider tarff. REQUEST No 4. The Application states on page 3: "Avista has long encourged the diect-us of natur ga by its electric cusomers. As an electric efficiency progr, the Compay is continuig this effort with residential rebates for the conversion of electric and natur ga space and water heat loads as well as a broad progr for any non- residential electric to natur ga conversions meeting spcific criteria for relative British Thermal Unit (BTU) effciency. The cos-effectiv potential for thes measures has been incorprated into Avista's Integted Resource Planning effort and are contaied withi the identified acquisition goal." For electric to natur ga conversions pleas explai: a. Whch IRP, electric or ga, the compay uss to establish the cost effective potential and acquisition tarets for thes programs. b. Whch tarff rider, electric or ga, provides the funds for these progrs. ICLs First Production Request to A vista 2 Augut 24,2011 REQUEST No 5. The Application states on page 6: "For 2010, the Company's portfolios were cost-effective with TRC and PAC ratios of 2.33 and 5.02, repectively for its electric portfolio and 1.62 and 3.60, respectively for its natur ga portfolio." Please provide: a. The documentation supporting these calculations. b. The results of any cost effectiveness tests at the progr level for both ga and electric. REQUEST No 6. Pleas explai why Avista proposes to reduce fundig for DSM when the Company's portfolios are cost effective. DATED this 24th day of Augt 2011. ~~ Benjamin J. Otto Idao Conservtion Leage ICLs First Production Request to A vista 3 Augut 24, 2011 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certif that on thi 24th day of Augut, 2011, I delivered true and corrct copies of the foregoing IDAHO CONSERVA nON LEAGUE'S FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST to the followig persons via the method of servce noted: Hand delivery Jean Jewell Commission Secretar (Original and three copies provided) Idao Public Utilties Commission 427 W. Washigton St. Boise, ID 83702-5983 Emai only: David J. Meyer, Esq. Michael G. Andrea Bruce Folsom A vista Corpration P.O. Box 3717 1411 E. Mission Ave. Spokane, WA 99220-3727 David.meyertavistacorp.com MichaeL.andreatPavistacorp.com Bruce. folsomtPavitacorp. com & &0\~ Benjamin J. Otto -- ICLs First Production Request to A vista 4 Augut 24, 2011