HomeMy WebLinkAbout20110928Exhibits Staff.pdfORIGINAL.BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF AVISTA CORPORATION DBA AVISTA CASE NO. AVU-E-11-01 UTILITIES FOR AUTHORITY TO CASE NO. AVU-G-11-01 INCREASE ITS RATES AND CHARGES FOR ELECTRIC AND NATURAL GAS SERVICE IN IDAHO EXHIBITS BEFORE .COMMISSIONER MACK REDFORD (Presiding) COMMISSIONER MARSHA SMITH COMMISSIONER PAUL KJELLANDER PLACE:North Idaho College 1000 West Garden Avenue Coeur d' Alene, Idaho DATE:September 13, 2011 VOLUMES I-II - Pages 1 - 58 . CSB REpORTING Constance S. Bucy, CSR No. 187 23876 Applewood Way * Wilder, Idaho 83676 (208) 890-5198 * (208) 337-4807 Email csb(Weritagewifi.com c.lTi:N0" ~ '!(.\. .ATTACHMENT 1 David J. Meyer. Esq. Vice President and Chief Counsel of Reglatory and Governenta Affairs A vist Corration 141 i E. Mission A venue P.O. Box 3727 Spokane. Wasngon 99220 Phone: (509) 495-4316, Fax: (509) 495-8851 Donald L. Howell. 11 Krstne Sasr Deputy Attorneys Gener Idao Public Utilties Commission Sta P.O. Box 83720 Boise. 10 83720-0074 Phone: (208) 334-0312, Fax: (208) 334-3762 . BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILmES COMMISSION IN TI'IE MA ITER OF THE APPLICATION ) OF AVISTA CORPRA nON DBA ) CASE NOS. AVU-E-l 1-01 AVISTA UTILITIES FOR AUTHORITY TO ) AVU-G-l'-01 INCREASE rrs RA rES AND CHAGES ) FOR ELECTRIC AND NATURAL GAS ) SERVICE IN IDAHO ) STPULATION AND SETTEMENT This Stipulation is entered into by and among A vista Corpration. doing business as Avista Utilities ("Avista" or "Compay"), the Staff of the Idao Public Utilties Commission ("sta, Clearwater Paper Corption ("Cleaater"), Idaho Forest Grup, LLC ("Idah Forest"). th Community AetionParerhip Assiation of Idaho ("CAPAI"), and the Idao Consrvation Leage ("Conservation League"). These entities ar collectively referrd to as the "Panics," and rereset all paics in the above-refernced cass tht paricipated in seement discussions. The Pares understand this Stipulation is subjec to approval by the rdaho Public STIPULA nON AND SE"rfLEMè"NT - AVU-ElG-tl-0t Exhibit No. 101 Case No. AVU-E-l 1-0l/AVU-G-1 1-01 R. Lobb, Staff 9/0911 I Page I of 26 Utilties Commission ("IPUC" or the "Commission"). . . I, INTRODUCTION 1. The ter and conditions of this Stipulation ar set forth herein. The Paries agee th this Stipulation represents a fair, jus and reasonale compromise of all th issues rase in the preedng and that this Stipulation and its aceptace by the Commission reprnt a reaonable resolution of the multiple issues identified in this Stipulation. Th Paries, threfore, recommend tht the Commssion, in acèordance with RP 274, approve the Stipulation an all of its term an conditions withut marial chage or condition. II. BACKGROUND 2. On July 5. 201 i. Avista fied an Application \\;th the Commission for authority to increase revenue from electc and natura gas serce in Idaho by 3.7% and 2.7%. resptively. rf aproved. the Company's revenues for electic base retal rates would have increas by $9.0.milion annualy; Company revenues for nal gas seice would have increa by S 1.9 milion anualy. The Compay reuested an effective dae of Augut 5, 201 J for its prposed elecc and natul gas rate increass. By Order No. 32292, dated July 14. 201 I. the Commission sunded the propose schedules of rates and chares for electrc and natural ga seice for a peod of thrt (30) days plus five (5) months, from Augu S. 201 1, until such time as the Commission enters an Orer accepting, reecting or modifyin the Application in this mattr. 3. Petitions to intervene in ths prong were fied by Cleater. Idaho Forest, CAPAI and the Idaho Conservation Leage. By varous order, the Commission grted these interv("'ßtions. See, IPUC Order Nos. 32296 and 32317. 4. A seemnt confernce wa notice and held in the Commission offces on August 17. 20 i l. and was attended by signtories to this Stipulation; furer discussions ensd. .STIPULATION AND SElTEMENT - A VV-E/G- i 1-01 Exhibit No. 101 Case No. AVU-E-l I-OIlA VU-G-l 1-01 R. Lobb, Staff 9/09/1 I Page 2 of 26 . Bas upon the settement discussions among the Pares, as a compromise of positions in this cas, and for other considertion as set fort below, the Panes agee to the following term: III. TERMS OF THE STIPULATION AND SETTLEMENT 5. Overew of Settemt an ReVenue Reguiement. Th Pares agr tht Avist should be allowed to implement revise taff schedules designed to recover S2.8 milion in adtional anua electnc revenue. and $1. milion in additionl anua natu gas revenue, which represet a 1.% and 1.6% increas in electc an natu gas anua ba taffrevenues. respevely. New electrc and naturl gas ras would beome effective Octor 1.201 i. The Paries agree that this Settlement is not contingent upon any specific methodology for individual components of the revenue reuirement deterination, but all Paries suprt the overl increas to the Compay's revenue reuirment. and age tha the overal incase resents a fai, jus and reable comprmise of the issues in this proceeding and tht ths.Stipulation is in the public intert. 6. Net Impa of All Propose Revenue Adjusnts on Octobe I. 2011. By means of sepae filings. several other rate adjusents ar proposed to also tae effect on Octobe i, 2011. With respet to electric sece. these prpose adjustments include the following': a decreas of $2.2 millon in Schedule S9 for Residential Exchage beefits for residential and sml far cusomers; a dereas oUIS.S millon in Schedule 66 Power Cost Adjusent (PCA) rates. In addition, an incree of $8.7 milion tor the previously-approved adjustment tor Deferr State Income taes CDS IT) in Schedule 99, as par of the Settlement approved in Case No.(s) A VU-E.IO-01 and A VU-G-I0-01 will tae effect on Ocobe 1,2011. After taing into account the agree-upon increas of S2.8 milion in elecc general rae incre reenues, the net overl reuction resulting from all of th prposed aforeentione adjustments, if apprved i Thes prpo ra chages ar included for ilustrtive purp and ar not pan afthis Stipulaion. STIULATION AND SETTLEMENT-AVU-E/G-l 1-01.Exhibit No. 101 Case No. AVU-E-I 1-01/ A VU-G- i i -0 1 R. Lobb, Staff 9/09/1 1 Page 3 of 26 . as fied would tota approximately 56.2 millon.2 Attachment A sets fort these proposed Ocobe 1 adjustments in more detal, and by seice schedule. The followi table summani.e these proposed revenue adjustents: Elctr . Oeber ). 101 i Revenu eil!e Scheul 99 - 1)8IT Increas Scheul 59 - Reiden F. Scheul 66 . PCA Dere GRC Rate Inre Total Revenu Cbe $ 8,698.844 $ (2.207,088) S (15,517.483) S 2.800,000 S (6,225.727) With respet to na lias seice, the following rate adjusents. by meas of sepaate filings, ar proposed to tae effect on October 1. 201 13: an increas ofSO.8 millon in Schedules iso/iss for Punha Gas Costs (PGAt; a decreas of $2.9 millon in DemaSide Mangement (OSM) tariff rider Scheule 191. In addition, an incre of $0.5 milion for the prviously-approved adjusent for Oeferr Staie Income Taxes (OSln in Schedule i 99, as.pa of the Selement apprved in Cas No.(s) A VU-E- 1 0-0 i and A VU-O- 1 0-0 1 will tae effect on Octobe i, 20 i i. After takng into account the ag-upon increa of $1.1 millon in naur gas general rate revenues, the net overall decre resultig frm all of the proposed aforentioned adjusent.t. if approved as filed would be SO.525 milion. Attchment A sets forth these proposed October I, 201 i adjustments in more detail, and by sece schedule. The folJowing table summarzes these proposed reenue adjustments: J As pa of lhli Selement. AvÎsia ha also ag to withw its tied-for decea of SO.74 milion in electrc Demad-Side Manemen (DSM) TaritTScheule 91. and will do so by mean ofa se tiing. J Th pr me changes ar included for ilustrive purp and ar not pl of this Stipulaiion.~ On Augu 26,2011, Avist wil upe its peing PGA (Cas No. AVU-G-I 1..4) to reßect a decline in forward naii ga pres sinc the Aug IS, 2011 POA fiini which, if apoved by the Commission. would reult in a 0.98% overl incre verus th prviouly-file 1.3o/. increas. Th revise propose rates have ben incornned into the net prosed Olbe 1. iOJ i Revenue Chage an Atthments A and C to this Stipulation. STIPULATION AND SETTLEMENT - A VU-E/G- i 1 -0 i Exhibit No. 101 Case No. AVU-E-I 1-0l/AVU-G-II-01 R. Lobb, Staff 9/09111 Page 4 of 26 . .Natu Gu . October l. iou Revenu Cba Scheul 199 .. DSIT Incre $ Scheul 150/155 - PGA Incre $Schedul 191 - DSM Deas $GRC Ra Increase $ Tota Revenu Calle $ 470,423 776.190 (2.871,236) 1, i 00.000 (514,623) 7. Effective Date for New Rat In Ths. Proeein. The Paries agr, as an integrl pa of the Setement, that the effective date for new electrc and natua! gas rates should be October 1.2011. 8. Limitaion on Effective Pat of AnY New Ras Estalishe By Subseyet General Rate filng. lbe Compay agrees tht it will not seek to make effective a change in bas electrc or natul gas rates pnor to April t. 2013. by mean of a genera rate filing. (Any fiing ora general ra case, however, may be ma prior to Aprl 1,2013, but shal not request an effective dae prior to April 1.2013.) This wil not prvent the Company, however, frm ouu..rwise seking to implement other rate changes affecng the rates biled to customer..including, but not limited to, adjustents under the power cost adjustment (peA) mechaism, purha gas cost adjustments (PGA); DSM taff rider adjustments; etc. 9. PÇA Authorize Level of Expens. The new level of power supply expese, retail load and Clearater Paper generaton. and Load Change Adjustment Rate reulting from the settlement revenue requireent for purse of the monthly peA mechansm caculations, ar detaled in Attchment B. i o. Cost of Serice. As par of this rate cas, the Company preared an analysis ()f using a peak credit method of clasifying producion costs. allocating 100% of lrasmission costs to demad, and allocating trasmission cost to reflec any peak and otl..peak seasnal cost differces on a weighted twelve month bais. The Paries have agrd to exchage infonnaton an convene a public workshop, prior to the Compay's next gener rate cas, with respe to STIPULATION AND SETTLEMENT - AVU-EiG-II-01 Exhibit No. 101 Case No. AVU-E-1 I-OllA VU-G-11-01 R. Lobb, Staff 9/09/1 1 Page 5 of 26 . . the method of allocaton of demad and energy among the customer clases such as th possible us of a revised pe credit method for classifyng prouction cost. as weU as consideration of the us of a 12 Coincident Pea (CP) (wheter "weghted" or not) vers a 7 CP or other method for allocing trission costs. This workshop will also address the merts of inclining 'or declinig block rates fOT sece schedules I i, 2 I, is and 31. The Panics agr, however. to spred the electc rate increas on a uniform petage bais for purses of this Setlement. As for natul gas, the Company prepaed a cost of servce stuy and proposed th all rate schedules be moved to unty. For settement purse. the Pares ag to spre the natu gas rate incre on a uniform peentage bais. i i. Rate Sirete Deisi. (a) As indicated above. the Pares agree that the increas in ba revenue would.be spred to all electrc an natul gas rate schedules on a unform peentage basis. (b) The Paries ag that ther wiU be an increa in the baic charges. monthly minimum charges. and demand charges in Schedules i 1, 2 i. 25 and 146. as shown in Attachment C. (c) A uniform percentae incrase will be applied to each energ rate within eah electrc seice schedule excluding Schedule 1, reidential service, where the block differtial rens constt. In addition, the send block in Schedule i 1 will be reucd by $0,00773 as contemplated in the Compay's origin filingS. and the remaining revenue reuirement, after accounting fOT the chages in the basic chage an demand charge, wil be applied to the firs energy block. .5 Se Diret Testimony of Patrck Ebar. Page 1 S. STIPULATION AND SEITLEMEN - A VU-ElG- 11 -01 Exhibit No. 1 0 1 Case No. AVU-E-1 l-0l/AVU-G-1 1-01 R. Lobb, Staff 9/09/11 Page 6 of26 . (d) Th Panics agree that the curnt residential electic baic charge of 55.00 pe month wil be incre to $5.25, and th reidential naturl ¡a baic charge of $4.00 per month will be incrasd to $4.25. (e) Atthment C prvides a summar of the curnt and reised ra~s and chages (as per the Setlement) tor electric and natur gas service. 12. Resultig Penenty Increase by Schedule. The following tables ret1ect the agreed-upon pecentae incr by scheule for elecc and natu ga service: . FJeetr "ic~..e PeReDlUe bv Sddu IDC~ase ID Base Net Illrea.e in Rate Schedu Rates Bi1 Ratei. Resident Scheul I 1.%-2.1%Ge Sere Schedul I i II i 1.%-1.% Il. Ge Ser Schedul 21/22 t.%-1.4% Ex l.a Ge Ser Schedul 25 1.%-3.9% Car Paper Schedul 2SP 1.%-5.2%PUDÌI See Scheul 31/32 1.%0.0% Str k Area Lki Scheuls 1.%2.7010 OvenD 1,10/0 .2.4% · Net Incre iilues th etlet of th propose clw in Schedul S9 (Residen Exha). Schedul 66 (powe Cost Adjusnl). Scheul 99 (Deiè State 1Æm: Tax) an tb General Ra Increas, aD eflcti on Octobe I, 20 i 1 if apro~d. Natu Gas laei.e PereeDtle by ~bedu laerease iD Bue Net Jørease iD Rate Sehedu Rates BII Rates.. Gera Sere Scheul i 0 1 1.6%-0.5% La Genel Sere Scheul i 1 1/112 1.6%-1.8% ti1c Sale Serv Scheul 131/132 1.6%-10.6% Trartix Sere Scheul 146 1.6%3.0010 OvenD 1.6%-0.8% . .. Net Incas iih.s th eftcts of th prpose chas in Schedul 150/155 (POA), Scheul i 91 (Enrg E.iency Rier). Scheul i 99 (Defèed State Income Tax) an th General Rate lo:reas, aD etlctiv on October 1, 20 I i if approve. STIPULATION AND SETTLEMENT - A VU-ElG-l 1-01 Exhibit No. 101 Case No. A VU-E-I I-OI/A VU-G-I 1-01 R. Lobb, Staff 9/09/11 Page 7 of26 . 13. Customer Service-Related Issues. (a) Funng for Outreach for Low-Income Conservaton. The Pares agree to anua fuding of 550,000 to CAP AI for purpses of providing low-income outrach an education concerng conservation (representing an incre of 510,000 frm previous fuding levels). This amount wilJ be funded thugh the Energy Efficiency Tariff Rider (Schedules 91 and i 9 i), and will be in addition to the 5700.000 of Low-Income Weatherzation fwding curtly in place. (b) Collaboraon on Low-Income Weatherzaion. The Compay and interested paies will meet and confer prior to the Compay's next generl rate tiing in order to asses the Low Income Weatherzation and Low Income Energy Conservation Educaton Programs and discus appropriat levels of low-income weatheri7.ation fuding in the futur..14. Ot ACCOunting Mattferrals. The Pares agree to the followig accounting treaunent for the following ites: (a) Cost Assiate With Acquisition From Palous Wind LLC. The Compay has signd a 30-yea power purha ageement with Palous Wind, LLC, to acquire a11 of th powe produced by a wind prject tht is expete to prouce approximately 40 aMW. Deliveres ar expete to begin in the second half of 20) 2. The anual cost of the Idaho shar of the purhasd power under the contract is expeed to be approximately $6.5 milion. Under ten of this Settlement, the Compay shal includ i 00% of the cost assoiatd with power puha'Us from the wind project though the Power Cost Adjustment (PCA) until such costs, subject to pruence review, ar reflecte in gener rates. .STIPULATION AND SEITLEMENT - A VU-E'G- I i -0 i Exhibit No. 101 Case No. AVU-E-1 1-0l/AVU-G-l 1-01 R. Lobb, Staff 9/09/11 Page 8 of26 . (b) Deferd AccoW'ting Treatent For Thc Varabilty In Cen Genetin¡ Pla Opon an Mainte (O&M) CQst. In order to address the large vanabilty in year-to-year O&M cost, begÌMing in 2011 the Company will be allowed to defer changes in O&M cost relat to its Coyotc Spnngs 2 (CS2) natura ga-fire genering plat located nea Boardm Oregon, and its fiftee (15') perct ownerhip sh of the Colsp 3 & 4 coal-fired generting plants located in souteaser Monta. The Company wil compa ac. non-fuel, O&M cxpe for th Coyote Spn 2 and Colstnp 3 &. 4 plants with th amount of exses autonz for recovery in ba rates in the applicale defer yea. and defer th differnce frm that curntly authorized. The deferr will occur anualy, with no caring chage. with deferr cost being amortized over a th-year peod, beginnng in Janua of the yea following the period costs ar defer. The amowit of expe to be include for revery in futuc.genera rate cas would be the actua O&.M expense recorded in the tes period. les any amwit deterrd durng the tes peod plus th amol1..tion of preously deferd cost. The Company would defer the operaons an mantenance expenses referenced above in Account I 82.3 - Other Regulatory Assets. The defers would be allocate to the Ida and Washington jursdictons ba on the Production I Traission allocion percentages in place at the time the deferrls ar mae, an placed in searte Idao an Washington sub-acunts. Account 182.3 - Oter Regulatory Assts would be debite. an Account 407.4 - Regulatory Crets will be credited as th defers are recordd. Amonition will be reorded by debiting Account 407.3 - Regulatory Debits, an credting Account 182.3 - Oter Reguatory Assets. STIPULATION AND SETTLEMENT -AVU-E/O-1l-0I Exhibit No. i 0 I Case No. A VU-E-l 1-011 AVU-G-II-O i R. Lobb, Staff 9/09/1 I Page 9 of26 . . IV. OTHER GENERA PROVISIONS i 5. The Paries agr tht this Stipulation reprents a compromise of the positions of the Paries in this ca. As prvided in RP 272. other th any testmony filed in suprt of the approval of ths Stipulaon, and except to the extent necessa for a Pary to explain before the Commission its 0\\11 staments and positions with respet to the Stipulation, all sttements made an positions taen in neotiations relating to ths Stipulation shall be confidential and will not be adssible in evidence in ths or any other prceeding. 16. The Pares submit this Stipulation to the Commission an recommend approval in its entiret puruat to RP 274. Pares shall supprt ths Stipulation before the Commission, and no Pary shall appe a Commission Order approving the Stipulation or an issue resolved by the Stipuation. If ths Stipulation is chllenged by any persn not a pa to the Stipulation. the Pares to ths Stipulation rerve the right to fie tesimony. cross-examine witnesses and put on.suh ca as they deem apprriate to repond fuly to the issues presnted. inluding the righ to rase issu that are incorprated in the selement ters emboed in this Stipulation. Notwithstading ths reervation of rights. the Paries to this Stipulation ag that they wil continue to supprt the Commission's adoption of the ter of ths Stipulation. 17. rf the Commission rejects any pa or all of this Stipulation or impses any additiona matal conditions on approval of this Stipulation, each Pary resees the right, upon wrtten notice to the Commion and the other Pares to this procing. within 14 days of the date of such action by the Commission, to withdrw frm thi41 Stipulation. In suh case. no Par shal be bound or prjudced by the ter of this Stipulation, and each Par shall be entitled to sek reonsideration of the Commission's order. fie testimony as it choose, cross-examin witnesse, and do all other things necsa to put on suh ca as it dems apprprate. In such STIULATION AND SETTLEMENT -- A VU-E/G-l 1-01 Exhibit No. 101 Case No. AVU-E-I 1-0I/AVU-G-l 1-01 R. Lobb, Staff 9/09/tl Page 10 of26 . . ca, the Pares immediately wil reues the prmpt reconvening of a preheang conferce for purses of estalishing a proceurl schedule for the completion of the ca. The Paries agree to cooperate in development of a schedule tht concludes the prceeding on the ealies possible dae, tang into account the nee of the Pares in paicipating in hearngs and preng temony and briefs. 18. Th Paries agr that this Stipulation is in the public interst and tht all of its tens and conditions ar fair, jus and reasnable. 19. No Pary shall be bound, beefited or prejudiced by any position assertd in the negotiation of this Stipulation, excep to th extent expressly stted herin. nor !lhal ths Stipulation be consed as a waver of the rights of any Pary unless such rights ar expressly . waved herein. Execution of this Stipulation shal not be deeed to constu an acknowledgment by any Par of the validity or invalidity of any parcular method. thry or principle of regulation or cost revery. No Par shl be deemed to have ageed tht any met theory or principle of regulation or cost recovery employed in anving at this Stipulation is appropriate for reolving any issues in any other proceeing in the futur. No findings of fact or conclusions of law other th those state herein shal be deeed to be implicit in ths Stipulon. 20. The obligations of the Paries under this Stipulation ar subject to the Commission's approval of ths Stipulation in accordance with its term and conditions and upon such approval being upheld on appe. if any, by a cour of competent jursdiction. 21. Ths Stipulation may be exeuted in counte and eah signed counterp shall constute an original document. STIPULATION AND SEITLEMENT - AVU-E/O-1 1-01 Exhibit No. 101 Case No. AVU-E-l 1-01/AVU-G-I 1-01 R. Lobb, Staff 9/09/1 1 Page 1 1 of 26 . . . . 08/26/2811 08: 83 2083344045 ¿.DATED ths ~ day of AuJU 201 1 . A vist Corption By' !k? i. . Attor fo Avi Cor Clea Pap Coipraon By:Pe Rich Att for Clcv Pape Comun Acton Parp Aøtion By: Bni M. Pu Attorey fo CAP AI IPI PAG 81/82 Idoh \Au".:em- Slod By: .. C Ood L. Howell, n Weldo Stu Depu Attrn 0ee: Ida For Orup By: Dc J. MiU. Altey fo Id Fol' Orup LLC Ida Conaton Lee 8y: SnPUTION AND SE1TEM - A Vl-ElG-11-01 ße 1. Ot Attomey for reL Exhibit No. 101 Case No. A VU-E-1 1-0I/AVU-G-1 1-01 R. Lobb, Staff 9/09/11 Page 12 of26 .-t DATED ths ')5 day of Au¡ 2011. Avist Corpraon By: David 1. Meyer Att for A vi Coraon ~miBy:ß . /~Pet RichanAttrn for Clea Pap Comi Acton Parhip Asiaon By: Br M. Puy Attor fo CAP AI. Ida Pulic Utilities Comion Sta By: Donad L. Howell, n Kr A. Sas Dety Attys Geer Idao Fore Grup By: De J. Mille Attrn for Ida Fore Grup LLC Ida Conson Leag By: Bejam J. Oto Att fòr rCL STIPUL nON AN SEITEMET - A VU-ElO-11-oi.Exhibit No. 101 Case No. AVU-E-1 I-OllA VU-G-1 1-01 R. Lobb, Staff 9/09/1 I Page 13 of26 . DATED this _ day of Augu 20 i 1. A vista Cortion By: David J. Meyer Attey fo A vi Corpraon Cleaer Pap Corraon By: Peter Richn Attrney for Cleaat Pap Communty Action Parerp Asation By: Bra M. Pury Attory for CAPAI. Idaho Public Utilities Commisson Sta By: Doald L. Howell. IIKrst A. Sas Deut Attorney Gener J. Miler Attrny for Ida Foret Gr LLC Idaho Conseaton League By: Benjamin J. Ot STIPULTION AND SETEMNT - AVU-FJG-l 1-01.Exhibit No. 101 Case No. AVU-E-l I-Ol/AVU-G-I 1-01 R. Lobb, Staff 9/09111 Page 14 of26 . DATE th _ cl of Aup 2011. Avi Corpon By: Davi J. MeyerAtt for A vist Cor Cle Pap Coraon By:Pet RihaAu for Clel Pap , AA I' Aula~ .~ 0 tá .drt"1 M. P\y (J ~ - Atty for CAP AI. Ida Public Utilities Coision Sta By:_ Dona L. HowL, 11 Weldo StuDe Att Ge Ida For Grup By: De J. Mile At1 for Ida Fort Grup LLC Ida Co Le By: Bejemin J. Ot Att for ICL STIULATION AN SETEMENT - AVU-ElG-l1..l.Exhibit No. 101 Case No. AVU-E-11-0l/AVU-G-11-01 R. Lobb, Staff 9/09/11 Page 15 of26 . DATE th~ day of Augu 2011. A vi Corporon By: David J. Meyer Attey for A vist Corpraüon Cleaate Pape Corpration By: Peter Richan Attey for Cleaat Pap Communty Acton Parrsp Assoiation By: Bra M. Puy Attorey for CAPAI. Idao Public Utilites Commisson Sta By: Donald L. Howei~ n Weldo Stutmn Depu Attrneys Generl Idao Fore Grup By: De J. Miler Attorey for Idao Fore Grup LLC Idaho C. ~.ti.. '-By: ~ Benjamin J. Oto Attrney for leL .STIULATION AN SE'EME - A VU-ElO-l 1-01 Exhibit No. 101 Case No. AVU-E-11-01/AVU-G-11-01 R. Lobb, Staff 9/09/11 Page 16 of26 . STIPULATION AND SETTLEMENT Case Nos. AVU-E-ll-Ol & AVU-G-ll-Ol ATTACHMENT A .Summary of Proposed Net Rate Changes Electric and Natural Gas .Exhibit No. 101 Case No. AVU-E-1 I-OI/A VU-G-I 1-01 R. Lobb, Staff 9/09/1 I Page 17 of 26 \C , . ( " m Õ. e ; ~ \C t " t Ð _ . -- 0 C T - C T Z : : . -~ C T ? Z ~v i ) - ? ~ f t ~ _ (' : : c : 0 - , - 00 t r o ; . .. - tv i 0' 0 -~~6i--b. . . Av I U t Id a h o R a A d m e - E l RE S I D E N GE N E R A s v LG . G E N . s v EX L G G E N S V aE W A T E R PU M P I N G Sf I i A R E A L T G lO A ! SC E D U L E 1 SC . 1 1 , 1 2 SC . 2 1 , 2 2 SC E D U L E 25 SC E D U L E 2 5 P SC . 3 1 . 3 2 SC . 4 1 - 4 9 $ 25 8 . 6 7 9 , 2 9 5 $ 10 2 . , 7 1 1 $ 3l . 4 3 , 4 6 $ 54 . 9 0 7 . 1 6 6 $ 1 5 , 3 1 7 , 3 5 8 $ 46 , 4 4 1 . 4 7 8 $ 4, 7 1 3 , 2 2 $ 3, 3 7 1 , 8 $ 8. 9 8 , 8 4 $ 4, 1 3 1 , 4 1 7 $ 78 2 6 2 7 $ 1. 7 9 , 9 5 8 $ 47 3 , 8 $ 1. 1 9 1 . 8 5 9 $ 20 , 1 9 2 $ 11 5 , 9 6 7 $ (2 . 2 0 7 , 0 8 1 $ (2 . 1 3 . 9 5 ) $ (3 7 , 5 7 8 $ (2 3 , 8 7 6 1 $ - $ - $ (1 0 , 6 ) $ $ (1 5 . 5 1 7 , 4 8 3 ) $ (5 , 3 0 2 5 ) $ (1 . 4 2 2 9 5 $ (3 . 5 1 , 4 5 3 1 $ (1 . 1 , 4 0 5 1 $ (4 , 0 9 1 , 4 5 6 ) $ (2 4 8 , 1 0 5 ) $ (6 3 . 5 8 2 ) $ 2. 8 0 , 0 0 $ 1, 1 4 3 . 3 0 $ 34 U O $ 58 8 , 6 0 $ 15 9 . 8 0 $ 4n , 7 0 $ 51 , 4 0 $ 38 , 0 0 $ .& . n . n 7 l $ (2 , 1 & , $ (J H . n D l $ (7 9 1 , 7 7 $ (5 9 . 7 U $ (i . 7 l $ 80 $ 90 , 3 3. 4 " 4. O K 2. 5 " 3. " 3. 1 " 2. 6 % 4. 4 " 3. 4 " -D . 9 K -2 . 1 " -0 1 " O. O K 0- 0 am . -D . 2 " O. O K -6 . O K -5 . l " -4 . 5 " -5 . 7 K -B . O K -8 . n -5 . 3 " -1 . 9 K 1. " 1. " 1. 1 " 1. 1 " 1. 1 " 1. 1 " 1. " 1. " -z . . -Z . I " -1 . " -1 . - -3 . ' " -5 . 2 0. ' " z. n . 1 T o t a l P r e t B i l l e d R e v n u e 23 R e v n u e C ! ! l 4 S c u l e 9 9 - D S T I n c a s e · 5 5 d d u l e 5 9 - R e l E x c n a e 6 S c u l e 6 6 - P C D e s e 8 G R C R a t e I n c r a s . . 9 T o U R e _ C h n p 1011 P e r c c e Q i a n g 12 S c u l e 9 9 . D S I T A d j u s t n t 13 S c u l e 5 9 - R e s i n t i E x a n i e 14 S d e d u l e 6 6 - P C A d j u s e n t 16 G R C R a t e A d j u s t m e n t 17 T o t l P e C h n p 18 1920 A s l l 21 S C h e d u l e 9 9 D S I T P e r A V U - E I O - 1 22 R e s i d e n t i a l E x a n a e a s F n e d ~ u s 2 0 1 1 23 P C D e s e a s F l e d J u l y 2 0 1 1 24 25 26 · A s n o t e i n t h S c u l e 9 9 t a r i , a n y r e s i d b a l a n c e w i l l b e t r u p I n a f u P C f i l e b y t h C o m p n y 27 . . G R C R a t e S p r e I s a u n l f n n p e r t n t q I n c s e At c h m e A St i p u i . a n d 5 e t Ot N o . A V U - e U - o i i A v u - U - o Ai Pa l l l o f 2 . - ( j r r ~ r - ~ ~ ~ t " ~ = : -- 0 c : -c : : z ; : . - ~ c : ? : z "' e n " " 0 ~ ¡ ¡ . . . ~ ~ ( § õ .. . I . . \0 r r o ~ .. - N i 0\ 0 -~iaI--b- . . Av I U t e s Id h o R a A d j u . " - t v n i l G a GE S E LR G E S V IN TR T TO A L SC U L E 1 0 1 SC H . l l 1 & 1 1 2 SC 1 3 1 & 1 3 2 SC H E U L E 1. $ 68 , 5 5 0 , 3 6 3 $5 3 , 1 U , 4 3 0 $1 4 , 8 5 5 , 1 3 $2 5 5 , 5 3 5 $3 2 7 , 2 6 $ 41 0 , 4 2 3 $ 39 4 , 9 6 $ 69 , 4 2 2 $ 1. 2 5 2 $ 4, 1 8 3 $ "6 , 1 9 $ 58 6 , 7 6 1 $ 20 , 2 $ (1 8 , 8 3 6 i $ $ (2 . 8 1 1 , 2 3 6 ) $ (2 , 0 7 1 , 2 7 1 1 $ (7 8 6 , 1 3 ) $ (1 3 , 8 2 9 ) $ $ 1, 1 0 , 0 0 $ 85 0 . 0 $ 24 0 , 5 0 $ 4, 3 0 $ 5, 2 0 0 $ (S 2 4 . & ) $ (2 3 , 5 ) $ (2 6 , 9 $ (2 7 . 1 1 3 ) $ 9. 9 1 o. n ¡ 0. 7 " 0. 5 " 0. 5 " 1. 5 " 1. 1 " 1. " 1. 4 " -7 . 4 " 0. 0 % -4 . 2 % -3 . 9 % -5 . 3 " .5 . 4 " 0. 0 % 1. 6 " 1. 6 " 1. 6 " 1. 6 " 1. 6 " -o -c . s " -1 _ -1 O 3. " 1 T o t l Bi l l e d R e n u 23 R e u e C h n g 4 S c u l e 1 9 9 - D 5 1 T I n c · 5 S c u l 1 5 0 1 5 5 - P G I n c e a s 6 S C l e 1 9 1 - D S M D e s e 7 G R C A 4 e I n c r e s e . . 8 T o t l R e u e a u . 910 P e r . C h n g 11 S C l e 1 9 9 - D S I T I n a s U S C l e 1 5 1 5 5 - P G I n c a s e 13 S c l e 1 9 1 - D S M D e a s 14 G R C R a I n a e s e 15 T o t l P e O u 16 1718 A g m p t 19 S c h l e 1 9 D S I T P e A V U - G - l Ð - l 20 P G I n c r e a s e a s R i e q u s t 2 0 1 1 21 D S M D e s e a s R i e J u n e 2 0 1 1 22 23 . A s n o e d i n t h e S c u l e 1 9 9 t a r i , a n y r e u a l b a l a n c W U L b e t r u u p i n a f u u r e P G A f i l e d b y t h e C o p a n y 24 . . G R C R a t e S p r e a d i s a u n i f o p e r c e n t . i n c At e n t A St i p u l a t a n d s e l e m e n t 0I N o . A Y U E - I I - G i a n A V U - G . l l - G l Av i Pa 2 o f 2 . STIPULATION AND SETTLEMENT Case Nos. AVU-E-ll-01 & AVU-G-ll-Ol ATTACHMENT B .Electric PCA Authorized Expense and Retail Sales .Exhibit No. 101 Case No. AVU-E-1 1-01lAVU-G-l 1-01 R. Lobb, Staff 9/09/1 i Page 20 of 26 \0 ; : ( J t T -- . $ : ~ ~ t ' r i : : :: g . z ~ -, ? P z ~ e n ; i p (J S " ~ _ tÐ : ; c : 0 tv , _ - t T ,--b-~~6i--b- o""tv0' . . . Av l C o r p Pn i l o n n a J a u i . D e b e PC A i d n . E x a n d R a l s a . . Pe A i , . 1 M . I ! _ - l i N y 1 1 :r .. fI MI &i MI .I .i .. ~ í 2 ! I I i Ai 5 5 - ~ " - Aa 5 0 1 . n . F l l Aa 5 4 7 . N i G 8 F l l li . 3 4 8 . 6 5 5 1 0 . 1 2 2 J 0 7 1 1 . 5 . 6 8 1 1 . 0 1 ' . 0 i 5 7 . 5 . 8 5 5 , 2 1 . . 1 5 . 4 1 . 1 . s i . o , l 1 S I . 4 l $ 5 , 5 1 . 7 3 1 1 5 . 4 4 7 . 4 1 0 $ 1 , 5 1 , 5 1 1 . 5 . 2 13 . 0 4 . 4 5 S 3 . 0 7 2 . l 1 2 . 7 8 . 3 1 2 , 1 4 , 6 1 2 . 2 . 1 0 6 5 1 . 1 ' . l I 5 1 . 1 1 8 , 1 1 1 2 " ' 0 . 0 1 3 . 0 i . 1 1 1 1 3 . 0 2 . 5 1 7 1 3 . 1 2 1 . 4 6 1 3 . 0 3 , 5 S 3 . l l . D _. 2 . 6 S I , I . 0 1 0 $ 1 . 8 0 . 3 7 5 S 5 . I i , I 1 2 . 5 0 6 7 5 1 , 2 1 , 7 0 5 1 . 8 2 , 1 1 5 7 , l , 1 5 1 0 . 0 1 1 . " s i . . . . n 5 1 1 . M , 5 5 1 1 . 1 1 0 . 1 7 4 5 1 1 . 6 . 0 2 Aa 4 4 7 . S * f a R n S 4 . 3 1 . 7 1 3 1 3 . 5 . 1 1 3 . 4 2 . 2 1 2 . 3 4 . 8 0 1 2 1 1 1 , 4 4 1 1 3 , 5 , 2 1 3 1 2 . 5 3 , 8 $ 4 , 4 4 8 ' 5 5 1 , 3 , 8 S 3 , 5 , 2 1 3 . 9 5 . 3 7 1 $ 4 . " ' . 7 8 2 S 3 , 7 2 , 8 P- 1 I e x 51 7 4 . 3 4 . _ 5 1 1 . 1 & . 4 2 5 1 7 . 7 4 1 . 1 4 3 5 1 5 . 3 4 4 . 8 2 Sl A 7 7 . 5 7 4 14 . 7 7 1 , 0 1 S5 . . 7 & . . 5 1 1 . 4 5 . . 0 . S 2 . C . 2 . 5 1 4 . 8 7 1 . 1 5 1 1 , 2 . 0 I 5 1 . . 1 1 5 , 2 S 2 . 4 8 1 . 5 0 T. . l i e x ., 7 . . . , . 1 7 8 51 . 5 . . 51 . 4 7 4 . _ 51 . 5 . 7 1 7 11 . 4 2 . 0 0 11 . 4 3 . 4 & 11 . 4 3 . 7 & 11 . 4 7 7 . 8 11 . 4 4 1 . 4 0 11 . 4 5 . l 51 . 4 3 , 3 51 . 4 7 3 , O 11 . 5 3 . I ~ T_ _ l i . - 51 1 . 2 4 . 1 3 11 . C , 2 17 8 7 , 2 1 3 1l . 5 8 57 5 1 . . .. . 7 8 11 . 1 5 2 . _ 51 . 1 I . , 2 7 51 . 0 2 1 , 1 1 51 . 0 1 4 , 5 51 . 0 i , 0 _1 . 3 5 _. 3 1 PC A i . . . . . . I8 .. fI li &i MI .I .i .. ~ Ql -- J; "- . . e - e : I I 2, l l , 2 1 3 21 1 . 3 4 26 1 , 0 0 24 0 . 0 4 1 22 . 0 1 & 21 . , 5 20 . 7 5 4 23 . 1 1 7 22 . 5 4 1 22 . 1 5 7 23 1 1 7 2 2& . 5 30 . 7 1 c- . . . G e _. 1 5 3 37 . 4 5 34 . " " 21 m 1 38 . 0 i 38 , 1 l 31 . 7 8 37 . _ 37 . 6 0 35 . 1 I 38 . 1 2 1 38 . 2 4 31 . _ Lo C . . . . t . . 12 7 M I M (I ) M u . , . . b r 3 4 . l . . 1 0 e i i d . . . AI B s. _ S e c. N ø . A W E 1 1 ~ I _ A w . I I ~ 1 Al P. , a f l .\ STIPULATION AND SETILEMENT Case Nos. AVU-E-ll-0l & AVU-G-ll-0l ATIACHMENTC Electric and Natural Gas Rate Design. .Exhibit No. 101 Case No. AVU-E-11-01/AVU-G-1 1-01 R. Lobb, Staff 9/09/11 Page 22 of 26 .ilu i~¡S!55 lido e :: _ l~l~.. ii I ilu ~~~cc~~~.. ~ .. .. .. .. ..oJ l~ i Ul ~.~~~I~I i ¡ I §l¡iæ¡i i..l II ~êg==I~~. . ia ~ "leliflil- ~e- II !,llia¡1i i: ¡å l i..al~i~I!ll J i e :I ii ii ... i ~ii III e gill§l!B.. iY ii ...~l j ~~~CC~~~l~ .. 1;lly i:.. .. .. .. .. .. ..oJ l I is J u l" I .¡ã.~¡~~~ I.~ .. IIJN¡ lii .111 !ai:¡ii I -Ixi .. 11 "i "i 'i 'i "i "i il il JIJ)E :::;~:;::::::0- J!11.oJ II!Jlj~lllijlil ~;; a ~ ¡IJ ¡ -:; ..II J. 1111 ail!§IIB lj ! 1).-I-~Ñi:ii' Ii!2liii ¡J l g iIi -~9lQl~!I JI.. N ft ..¡i iii i I i l~i il i l i l;IIlšlfl l w !i III.lI .. N l' .. VI CD ... Exhibit No. 10 I Case No. AVU-E- I i -0 1/ A VU-G- i i -0 i R. Lobb. Staff 9/0911 I Page 23 of 26 AVISTA UTIUTIES.IDAHO ELECT, CASE NO. Avu.1100 PRESENT AND PROPOED RATE COMPONTS BY SCtEDULE P..nt o.nel Billin Pro PropoeiseTimrERM&Prent RI Ra Billing BaTartScb, Bl OIrAdU1) Bb 8*Iri'Qt Pt.. (2) 8*sa(i)(b)(e)(d)(eJ (f)(eJ (hJBlldtnt St . SCul 1auicCher $5.00 $5,00 SUi SUi SI.&Eney Charg: First 60 kWh $O,07n5 $0,0028 $0,0793 So.0073 (So.0287)s0.7eii $0.0714All ovr 60 kWl $0,0891 $0.00128 $0.0819 $0.0073 ($0.0087)$0.08605 $0.0871 Gtra Søcn . Seblyii 11aMicCher S9.50 SUO SUO 510.00 510.00Ene Charg: First 3,650 kW $0,09 $0.0076 $0.099 $0.00271 ($0.0020 $0.017 $O.0tAll over 3,6t kWl.$0.On31 $0,0076 $0,08207 (50.00173)($0.0020)$0.07227 $0.06Dend Charg: 2OkWorle no charg no che no ch no ell", Ovr 20 kW S4.75/S4,751W $O,5C $5.251W S5.25/kW lI Gt' StCI . Sebeult 21Ene Charg: Fira 250,00 kWh.$0,06109 $0.0093 $0,06502 ($0.0070)($0.00118)S0.623 $0.01'Allover 2 (2) __ in pr $0.05214 $0,0093 $0,0567 ($O.oo)(50.0118)$0.53.$0.01154Dend Charg: 5OkWorIe $325.00 $325.00 S25.oo $310.00 $310.00Over50kWS4,25I S4,251W $O.5C $4.751W S4,751WPrlry Vol DlIunt $O,20/kW $O,2OlW SO.2OW SO,2OW Ex!! Ltrp Gtl leMCl . Scbeulp 21.Ene Charg: Flrsl sooo kWhs $0.0506 $O.()7 $0,0512 ($0.008)($0.00283)$0.0521 $0.017Allover 50.00 kWh SO,0429 $O,()7 $0,04737 ($0.001)($0.0213)$0.04'$0.041Dend Charg: 3,00 kVl or II..S12,oo $12.00 $5 $12,50 $12,50Ovr 3.00 kva S4.00va $4,OOa SO.5Ova $4.5Oa S4,5OvaPriry Vol. DInt SO.2OW $O,201W $O,2OW $O.2OlWAnnua Mlninum Prsent:$62.400 $6,170 C... Scbu" 25P Enery Charg: all kW.$0,04166 $0,005 $0,041 ($0.00)($O.00326J $0.4301 $O.0414lDeind Charg: 3,00 Ita or In.S12.oo $12.00 $5 $12,50 $12,_Over 3.00 kva S4.00 S4.OOa SO,5Ova $4.5Ova S4.5OlvaPrlry Vol. Disnt $O,201W $O,2Q $O.2OW SO.201WAnnual Mlninum Prsent:$62.26 $8,08 Pymplm Ina. Scbule 31 Bi.icChar $7,50 57.0 $0.50 58.00 $8.00Ener Charg: First 165 kWJVV $0.0852 $0,0027 $0.0979 10.0087 (So.0074)$O.ot $O.08tAl addll kWh.$0,0754 $0.007 $O.om3 $0.004 ($0.0074)$0.7173 $0.0762 (1) Ji all preset rate adjust: Sct1e 59. Reidenal & Farm Energ Rat Adlint. Schecle 66. TempryPow Cos Adjustmt. Schule 91 . Energ Ellcy Rider Adjustmt. and Sclule 99. Def8 Stae Inco Tax Adjustrt (2) Incde pro rae adjustmrU: Scle 59 . Riildtiai & Farm Energ Rate Adjustment. Scule 66 . Tempciry Powr Cos Adustmt, ind Sclule 99 . Derr Stae Inco Tax Adjustmrt Stipulan ind SelTnt Cas No. AVUE.11.Q1 and AVl11-o1.AvistAttme C Pag2of4 Exhibit No. 101 Case No. AVU-E-l 1-01/AVU-G-l 1.01 R. Lobb, Staff 9/09/1 I Page 24 of 26 .pi! lllii ii I 1~l!51 UIi ¡ d!li SSSS5S I l" tJli!¡~mãii.. .. l ~iiia!10 IeF! i l il~iaiJilgi l§Jlla I.iiia§! ¡j ,š¡ J)le I~:iia!!u..... a..Illig ~ il i l l1~lh i~!âli 0 Jllli l li=!S!!!!ji111i uli. i "Iii 111811 ll!1~ia5 , l~lz l lJI3t II:illa!I...¡; JjJ¡v J~ãgiS l jJ l -.. .. l lilê0:::;".. .. - - - I lJ J Iliz §i !!i j l l i i J l l Jl .. U)l llil-C"Pl"'lßtØ.E IS Exhibit No. 101 Case No. AVU-E-II-0l/AVU-G-I 1-01 R. Lobb, Staff 9/09/11 Page 25 of26 AVISTA UTIUT.IDAHO GAS. CASE NO. AVU-G.11.o1 PRESENT AND PROPOSED RA TE COMPNENTS 8Y SCHEDULE Ge..Prpo Ot Propoe PropoBuPrPrRI.PG-o COlt RI 8111ng ø.ßI RII Ad.(2) ana Rat !!BI CIlin.la)BI !l(i)(b)(e)(d)(i)(f)(g)(II)(I)GIDtnl Styg . Schtult 101BIle Cil $4.00 $4.00 $0.1 $4.21 $4.1UugCha: Allttnni $0.11102 ($0.02548)$0.81563 $O.OO ($03101)10.110 lo.0701 $0.1H2 Llrp. GI",' Strylc. Schtdult 111 UugCherg: Flr 200 \Il 10.86103 ($0.0296)$0.83188 10.00272 (10.03101)10.00 10.81334 100S2l20 .1.00 thei 10.82885 (.0.28)10.78 1O.00 (10.03101)10.000 10.71713 10.11,00 .10.000 thei '0.754 (10.295)'0.72488 10.0013 ($0.03101)10.00 10.71'.10.7301Al ov 10.00 thi $0.704 ($0.0295)'0.117583 10.00 (10.03101)10.000 10.18127 10.lI2MIimum C_ge: pe mo '78.03 '78.03 $1.18 $80..SlU'pe tllm 10.5187 ($0.029)$0.536 ($0./~)($0.03101)10.00 $O.510M 10.52873 IDtuuPiblt Sfryls'. Schtul '32UugChI: AlITIma 10.62748 ($0.04357)'0.58381 10.0071 (10.0371)$0.01103 10....10.514 Tnnipgrt Sfryg. Sc!ilt 111 BIle Charg '200.00 '20.00 $25.00 $225.00 '22.00UugCh: Al TIml 10.10568 ('0.00158)$0.104 $0.0012 10.001"10.10171 10.10171 (1) Inc Scl 150 - Pued G"eotAdUltmt.(2) Inclu Sch 155 - G" Rat AdUitmen. Scul 181 - Ene E1len Ride Adnt ind Sche 188. Deni Slit. Inc Til AdJUI .All C Stpu an S.ttt Cu No. AW.E-"-0' tnAVU-G.11.o1Avi Pl4of4 Exhibit No. 101 Case No. AVU-E-I I-Ol/A VU-G-I 1-01 R. Lobb, Staff 9/0911 1 Page 26 of 26