HomeMy WebLinkAbout20100706AVU to Staff 147.pdfAvista Corp. 1411 East Mission P.O. Box 3727 Spokane. Washington 99220-0500 Telephone 509-489-0500 Toll Free 800-727-9170 RECEIVE(ì AII'STJI. Corp. July 2,2010 lIfO JU -6 AM 10: 12 IDAHO P¡ :,i,-: UTILlTIES ¿ÒMMlÅ¡SION Idaho Public Utilties Commission 472 W. Washington Boise, il 83702-5918 Attn: Donald Howell & Krstine Sasser Deputy Attorneys General Re: Production Request of the Commission Staffin Case Nos. A VU-E-10-0l and A VU-G-1 0-01 Dear Mr. Howell and Ms. Sasser, Enclosed are an original and one copy of Avista's responses to IPUC Staffs production requests in the above referenced docket. Included in this mailing are Avista's responses to production requests 147. If there are any questions regarding the enclosed information, please contact me at (509) 495- 4584 or via e-mail atpaui.kimabll~avistacorp.com ~ Paul Kimball Regulatory Analyst Enclosures CC (Emal): all paries electronic . . JUSDICTION: CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO.: A VISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMTION REl"'lI'j ""D06/30/201Ô vt: '" tL TarazflJUl-6 AM 10: 12 Tara Knox State & 1£èl1~~.ation (509Il~~~tOf.kt'oA¡SSION IDAHO AVU-E-lO-Ol / AVU-G-IO-Ol IPUC Production Request Staff-l 47 DATE PREPARD: WITNSS: RESPONDER: DEPARTMENT: TELEPHONE: REQUEST: Please provide a Cost of Service model ru of the Company Case incorporating the appropriate corrections identified in Washigton Data Request No. Sta - 056, revised from the curent Washington general rate case. RESPONSE: The corrections referred to in this request directly impact Mr. Kalich's Exhibit No.5, Schedule 2 which is the support for the cost of service peak credit determination of the percentage of production costs that are classified as demand-related. In the Washington data response Mr. Kalich identified two issues with the originally filed exhbit. "First, the allocation factor fell by approximately 1.4% due to some linkage errors contaned in the previous worksheet. The remainig reduction (5.6%) was from the use of a discount rate of 7.08% rather than the 10% assumed in the earlier analysis fied in the case. The earlier analysis was based on a higher discount rate that ultimately was not tied to our 2009 IRP rate of retu because at that time it was not expected to affect the results of the analysis. Furer work showed that the results are affected by the discount rate. The demand classification changed from 38.1 % to 31. i %." Ths is also applicable in Idaho because the same worksheet was used for Mr. Kalich's Idaho exhibit as the equivalent Washington exhibit in the Company's original fiings. Attched please find the following: StaC PR _147 _Attchment A is a hardcopy printout of the cost of service exhibit pages (Exhibit 13, Schedule 3) incorporating the corrected demand percentage applied to all production costs and the corrected supporting workpaper (Kalich Exhibit 5, Schedule 2). StaCPR _147_ Attchment B is a hardcopy excerpt from the rate design model showig how ths change to the cost of service results would impact rate spread using the same 25% movement in the retu ratio that Mr. Ehrbar proposed in the Company's filing. The purose of this attchment is to ilustrate that from a rate spread perspective ths change would have had minimal impact compared with the Company's originally fied proposal. StafCPR_147 _Atthment C is a zip fie contaning both the electronic cost of service model ru . that produced attchment A and the electronic rate design model that produced attchment B. .Sumcost AVISTA UTILITIES Idaho Jurisdicton Scenario: Company Base Case Cost of Service Basic Summary Electc Utilit 05-05.10 Rev Peak Credit & Trans by Demand w 7CP For the Twelve Months Ended Decmber 31, 2009 PROPOSED METHODOLOGY (b)(c) (d) (e)(n (g)(h)(Q OJ (k)(I)(m) Residential General Large Gen Ex Large Ext Large Pumping Stret & System Service Servce Servic Gen Service ServiceCP Servce Area Lights Description Total Sch 1 Sch 11-12 Sch 21.22 Sch 25 Sch25P Sch 31-32 Sch 41-49 Plant In Service 1 Producton Plant 382.726,000 136,669,650 37,131,303 81,302,633 28,044,793 92,015,580 6,338,876 1,223.165 2 Transmision Plant 170,049,000 70,622,984 17,520,718 35,508,635 11,426,915 32,620,274 2,165,658 183,816 3 Distrbution Plant 410,445,000 206,186,645 56,987,812 99,180,942 9,287,227 2,268,27 15,505,289 21,028,809 4 Intangible Plant 46,342,000 18,901,603 4,871,993 9,133,032 2,954,066 9,365,282 800,213 315,811 5 General Plant 70,516,000 37,697,287 8,857,537 11.126,235 2.793,592 7,528,124 1,364.732 1,148,93 6 Total Plant In Service 1,080,078,000 470,078,170 125,369.362 236,251,477 54,506,592 143,797,538 26,174,768 23,900,09 Accum Depretion 7 Proucton Plant (152,862,000)(54.586,299)(14,830,362) (32,472,534)(11.201.181)(36,751,320) (2,531,767)(488,536) 8 Transmision Plant (58,268,00)(24,199,261)(6,003,547) (12,167,182)(3,915,480)(11,17,473)(742,072)(62,985) 9 Distrbution Plant (129,591.000)(64.259,461)(16.546,189) (30,894,151)(2,772,170)(808.124)(4,740.513)(9,570,391) 10 Intangible Plant (9,222,000)(4,221.061 )(1,043,255)(1,677,265)(501,145)(1,517.088)(166.031)(96.155) 11 General Plant (28,309.000)(15,133,764)(3,555,902)(4,466,683)(1,121.501)(3,022,203)(547,878)(461,068) 12 Total Accmulated Depreciation (378,252,000)(162.399,847)(41,979,256) (81,67,814)(19.511,477)(53,276,208)(8.728,261) (10,679,136) 13 Net Plant 701.826.000 307,678,324 83.390,105 154,573,662 34,995,115 90,521,330 17,44,507 13,220,958 14 Accmulated Deferrd FIT (104,938,000)(45,718,316)(12.150,767) (22,757,765)(5,332,880)(14,221,934) (2.506,924)(2,249,415) 15 Miscllaneous Rate Base 11,074,000 4,292,422 1,207,324 2,613,620 652,064 1,812,139 266,870 22,561 16 Total Rate Base 607,962.000 266.252,430 72,446,663 134,429,517 30,314,298 78,111,534 15,206,453 11,201,105 17 Revenue From Retail Rates 229,698.000 90.495,000 29,245,000 50,597,000 12,455,000 39,455,000 4,404,000 3,047,000.18 Oter Operating Revenues 25,572,000 9.594,367 2,569,358 5,61,414 1,77,788 5,589,748 439.691 145,635 19 Total Revenues 255,270,000 100,089,367 31,814,358 56,058,414 14,226,788 45,04,748 4,843,691 3.192,635 Operating Expenses 20 Proucton Expense 128,873,000 46,036,099 12,505,971 27,377,830 9,441,861 30,966,665 2,133,586 410,988 21 Transmission Expenses 9,720,000 4,036,809 1,001,484 2,029,673 653,162 1,864,575 123,789 10,507 22 Distrbution Expenses 8,627,000 4,109,043 1,097,220 1,994,914 234,221 94.201 30,111 797.290 23 Customer Accnting Expenses 4,287,000 2,995,672 634,527 276.791 114,627 193,509 54,658 17,217 24 Customr Information Expense 1,304,000 580,895 141,782 226,894 77,250 253,406 20,152 3,621 25 Sales Expenses 243,000 82,806 22,845 51,304 18,173 62.642 4,237 993 26 Admin & General Expenses 22.849.000 11,902,061 2,844,424 3,776,664 938,581 2.548,714 454.909 383,647 27 Total O&M Expenses 175,903,000 69.743,386 18,248,253 35,734,070 11.47,874 35,983,711 3,091.441 1,624,264 28 Taxes Oter Than Income Taxes 7,760.000 3,163.261 849,740 1,696,001 452.882 1.307,869 167,780 122,468 29 Oter Income Related Items 56,000 19,997 5,433 11,896 4,103 13,464 927 179 Depreation Expense 30 Proucton Plant Depreatin 9,987.000 3,566,311 968,919 2.121,542 731,812 2,401,090 165,409 31,918 31 Transmision Plant Depreation 3.442.000 1,429.496 354.641 718,738 231,295 660,274 43,836 3,721 32 Distrbution Plant Deprecition 10,538,000 5,207,718 1,414,120 2,775,282 271,741 55,791 420,552 392,796 33 Genel'l Plant Depreciation 6,473,000 3,460,414 813,076 1,021,330 256,37 691,02 125,275 105,426 34 Amorttion Expense 1,314,000 472,250 127,794 278,945 95,969 313,387 21,564 4,089 35 Total Depreciation Expense 31,754,000 14.136,189 3,678,549 6,915,838 1,587,254 4,121,585 776,636 537,950 36 Income Tax 8,265.000 1,882,854 2,677,353 2,971950 (92,741)472.087 132,359 221,138 37 Total Operating Expenses 223,738,000 88,945,687 25,459,328 47,329,755 13,429,373 41,898,716 4,169,143 2,505,998 38 Net Income 31,532,000 11,143,680 6,355,030 8,728,659 797,414 3,146,032 674,548 686,636 39 Rate of Retum 5.19%4.19%8.77%6.49%2.63%4.03%4.44%6.13% 40 Retum Ratio 1.00 0.81 1.69 1.25 0.51 0.78 0.86 1.18 41 Interest Expense 18,847,000 8,253,903 2,245,868 4,167.354 939.752 2,421,480 471,404 347.238. File: 102010 Elec Case I Corrcted Elec COS Proposed Method I Sumcost Exhibits Page 1 of4 StafCPR_147 _Attachment A Page 1 of 5 Sumcst AVISTA UTILITIES Idaho Juridicon Scenario: Company Base Case Revenue to Cos by Functonal Component Summary Elect Utlit 05-05-10 Rev Peak Creit & Trans by Demand w 7CP For the Twelve Months Ended Decmber 31,2009 PROPOSED METHODOLOGY.(b)(c) (d) (e)(n (g)(h)(i)OJ (k)(I)(m) Residentil General Large Gen Ex Large Ext Large Pumping Strt & Systm Service Service Service Gen Servce ServiceCP Service Area Lights Desption Total Sch 1 Sch 11.12 Sch 21-22 Sch25 Sch25P Sch 31-32 Sch 41-49 Functonal Cost Components at Current Return by Schedule 1 Producton 140,478,450 49,134,979 14,970,663 31,014,289 9.666,235 32,936,439 2,293,682 462,163 2 Transmission 16,772,245 6,13,541 2,352,652 4,001,207 869,349 2,913,602 201,813 20,080 3 Distrbution 43,022,890 19,664,772 7,860.396 10,706.152 831,371 546,745 1,346.848 2.066,605 4 Common 29,424.415 15.281.709 4,061,288 4,875,352 1,088,Q4 3,058,214 561,656 498,152 5 Total Currnt Rate Revenue 229,698,000 90,495,000 29,245,000 50,597,000 12,455,000 39,455,000 4,404,000 3,047,000 Expreed as $IkWh 6 Proucton $0.04120 $0.04264 $0.04710 $0.04334 $0.03736 $0.03691 $0.03890 $0.03345 7 Transmission $0.00492 $0.00557 $0.00740 $0.00559 $0.00336 $0.00327 $0.00342 $0.00145 8 Distbution $0.01262 $0.01707 $0.02473 $0.01496 $0.00321 $0.00061 $0.02284 $0.14958 9 Common $0.00863 $0.01326 $0.01278 $0.00681 $0.00421 $0.00343 $0.00953 $0.03606 10 Total Currnt Melded Rates $0.06737 $0.07854 $0.09200 $0.07070 $0.04814 $0.04422 $0.07470 $0.22054 Functonal Cost Component at Unifrm Currnt Retrn 11 Producton 141,234,327 50,437,820 13,702,951 30,002,759 10,348,804 33,951,834 2.338.986 451,173 12 Transmision 17.056,053 7,083,543 1,757,342 3,561,545 1,146,129 3,271.840 217,217 18,437 13 Distrbution 41,914,937 21,701,279 5,768,508 9,419,562 1,072,887 572,225 1,463,344 1,917,132 14 Common 29,492.684 15,702,785 3,698.708 4,693,683 1.175,057 3,163,701 574,161 484,588 15 Total Uniform Currnt Cost 229,698.000 94,925,426 24,927.509 47,677,548 13,742,877 40,959,601 4,593.709 2,871,330 Expresed as $/kWh 16 Proucton $0.04142 $0.04378 $0.04311 $0.04193 $0.04000 $0.03805 $0.03967 $0.03266 17 Transmission $0.00500 $0.00615 $0.00553 $0.00498 $0.00443 $0.00367 $0.00368 $0.00133 18 Distrbution $0.01229 $0.01883 $0.01815 $0.01316 $0.00415 $0.00064 $0.02482 $0.13876 19 Common $0.00865 $0.01363 $0.01164 $0.00656 $0.00454 $0.00355 $0.00974 $0.03507 20 Total Currnt Uniform Melded Rates $0.06737 $0.08239 $0.07842 $0.06662 $0.05312 $0.04590 $0.07792 $0.20783.21 Revenue to Cost Rao at Currt Raes 1.00 0.95 1.17 1.06 0.91 0.96 0.96 1.06 Functonal Cost Components at Proposed Return by Schedule 22 Proucton 152,103,104 53,140,728 16,187,554 33,587,222 10,493,474 35,718,714 2,486,606 488,805 23 Transmission 21,909,893 8,474,063 2,924,225 5,119,793 1,204.876 3,895,446 267,425 24,066 24 Distrbutin 55,789,105 25,927,834 9,868,883 13,979,519 1,124.147 616,571 1,843,059 2,429.093 25 Common 32,009,898 16.576,376 4,409,339 5,337,465 1,193,503 3,347,269 614,910 531,035 26 Total Proposed Rate Revenue 261,812,000 104,119,000 33,390.000 58,024,000 14,016,000 43,578.000 5.212,000 3,473,000 Expreed as $IkWh 27 Proucton $0.04461 $0.04612 $0.05092 $0.04693 $0.04056 $0.04003 $0.04218 $0.03538 28 Transmission $0.00643 $0.00735 $0.00920 $0.00715 $0.00466 $0.00437 $0.00454 $0.00174 29 Distrbution $0.01636 $0.02250 $0.03105 $0.01953 $0.00435 $0.00069 $0.03126 $0.17582 30 Common $0.00939 $0.01439 $0.01387 $0.00746 $0.00461 $0.00375 $0.01043 $0.038 31 Total Proposed Melded Rates $0.07679 $0.09037 $0.10504 $0.08108 $0.05418 $0.04884 $0.08840 $0.25138 Functional Cost Components at Uniform Requested Return 32 Proucton 152,814,458 54,573,030 14,826,432 32,462.730 11,197.355 36,735,947 2.530,782 488,182 33 Transmission 22,17,77 9,210,642 2,285,050 4,631,032 1,490,297 4.254,332 282.445 23,973 34 Distrbution 54,731,378 28,166,704 7,622.857 12,549,249 1,373,203 642.097 1.956,652 2,420.615 35 Common 32,088,393 17,039.293 4,020.042 5,135,509 1,283,233 3,452,948 627,103 530,266 36 Total Uniform Cost 261,812,00 108,989,668 28.754,381 54,778.521 15,344,088 45,085,325 5,396,981 3,463,037 Expreed as $IkWh 37 Producton $0.04482 $0.04736 $0.04664 $0.04536 $0.04328 $0.04117 $0.04293 $0.03533 38 Transmission $0.00650 $0.00799 $0.00719 $0.0067 $0.00576 $0.0047 $0.00479 $0.00174 39 Distrbution $0.01605 $0.02445 $0.02398 $0.01754 $0.00531 $0.0072 $0.03319 $0.17520 40 Common $0.00941 $0.01479 $0.01265 $0.00718 $0.00496 $0.00387 $0.01064 $0.03838 41 Total Uniform Melded Rates $0.07679 $0.09459 $0.09046 $0.07655 $0.05931 $0.05053 $0.09154 $0.25065.42 Revenue to Cost Rao at Proposed Rates 1.00 0.96 1.16 1.06 0.91 0.97 0.97 1.00 43 Currnt Revue to Proposed Cost Rato 0.88 0.83 1.02 0.92 0.81 0.88 0.82 0.88 File: 102010 Elec Case I Corrctd Elec COS Proposed Method I Sumcost Exhibit Page 2 of4 StafCPR_147 _Attachment A Page 2 of 5 Sumcost AVISTA UTILITIES Idaho Jurisdicton.Scenario: Company Base Case Revenue to Cost By Classifcation Summary Elecc Utility 05-05-10 Rev Peak Creit & Trans by Demand w 7CP For the Twelve Months Ended December 31, 2009 PROPOSED METHODOLOGY (b)(c) (d) (e)(n (g)(h)(i)OJ (k)(I)(m) Residential General Large Gen Ext Large Ex Large Pumping Strt & Systm Service Serice Servic Gen Service ServiceCP Service Area Lights Description Total Sch 1 Sch11.12 Sch 21.22 Sch25 Sch25P Sc 31.32 Sch 41-49 Cost Classifications at Current Return by Schedule 1 Energy 104,878.265 35.022,006 10,834.755 23,023,499 7,369,633 26,382,917 1,803,896 441.558 2 Demand 103,634,943 41,224.174 14,173,854 26,892.141 5,000,457 13,060,890 2,326,587 956.839 3 Customer 21,184,793 14,248,820 4,236,391 681,360 84,910 11,92 273,517 1,64,603 4 Total Currnt Rate Revenue 229,698.000 90,495,000 29,245,000 50,597,000 12,455,000 39,455,000 4,404,000 3,047,000 Expreed as Unit Cost 5 Energy $/kWh $0.03076 $0.03040 $0.03408 $0.03217 $0.02849 $0.02957 $0.03060 $0.03196 6 Demand $/kW/mo $13.98 $14.72 $18.88 $15.36 $10.33 $9.80 $9.29 $21.29 7 Customer $/Custmo $14.50 $11.92 $18.34 $38.97 $884.48 $932.70 $17.37 $1,116.94 Cost Classifiatons at Uniform Current Return 8 Energy 105,496,467 35,949,735 9,918,082 22,273,319 7,889,446 27,195.325 1,839,486 431,073 9 Demand 103,239.968 44,020,965 11,547,715 24,805,670 5,764,143 13,752,781 2,463,966 884,727 10 Customer 20,961,564 14,954,725 3,461,712 598,559 89,287 11,495 290.256 1,555,530 11 Total Unifrm Currnt Cost 229,698,000 94,925,26 24,927,509 47,677,548 13,742,877 40,959,601 4,593,709 2,871,330 Expressed as Unit Cost 12 Energy $/kWh $0.03094 $0.03120 $0.03120 $0.03112 $0.03049 $0.03048 $0.03120 $0.03120 13 Demand $/kW/mo $13.92 $15.72 $15.39 $14.17 $11.91 $10.32 $9.83 $19.68 14 Customer $/Custlmo $14.35 $12.51 $14.99 $34.23 $930.8 $957.88 $18.3 $ Revenue to Cost Rat at Currt Ra 1.00 0.95 1.17 1.06 0.91 0.96 0.96 1.06 Cost Classifatons at Proposed Return by Schedule 16 Energy 113,551,805 37,874,427 11,714.679 24,931.661 7,999,620 28,608,989 1.955.454 466,977 17 Demand 123,647,117 49,825,020 16,695.173 32,200.317 5,926,165 14,956,991 2,911,732 1,131,720 18 Customer 24.613.078 16,19,553 4,980.148 892,022 90,215 12,020 344,815 1,874,304 19 Total Propose Rate Revenue 261,812,000 104,119,000 33,390,000 58,024,000 14,016,000 43,578,000 5,212,000 3,73,000 Expressed as Unit Cost 20 Energy $/kWh $0.03330 $0.03287 $0.03685 $0.03484 $0.03092 $0.03206 $0.03317 $0.03380 21 Demand $/kW/mo $16.68 $17.79 $22.24 $18.39 $12.25 $11.23 $11.62 $25.18 22 Customer $/Custlmo $16.85 $13.74 $21.56 $51.02 $939.74 $1,001.68 $21.90 $1,269.85 Cost Classifications at Unifrm Requesed Return 23 Energy 114,137,579 38,894,343 10,730,462 24,097,705 8,535,663 29,422,868 1,990,157 466.382 24 Demand 123.193,241 52,899.722 13,875,531 29,880,840 6,713,696 15,650,134 3,045.688 1,127,630 25 Customer 24.481,180 17,195,603 4,148,388 799.975 94,729 12,323 361,137 1,869,025 26 Total Uniform Cost 261,812,000 108,989,668 28,754,381 54,778,521 15,344,088 45,085.325 5,396,981 3,463,037 Expresed as Unit Cost 27 Energy $/kWh $0.03348 $0.03376 $0.03376 $0.03367 $0.03299 $0.03297 $0.03376 $0.03376 28 Demand $/kW/mo $16.62 $18.89 $18.49 $17.07 $13.87 $11.75 $12.16 $25.09 29 Customer $/Custlmo $16.76 $14.39 $17.96 $45.75 $986.76 $1,026.89 $22.94 $1,266.28 30 Revenue to Cost Ralo at Proposed Rat 1.00 0.96 1.16 1.06 0.91 0.97 0.97 1.00 31 Currnt Revue to Proposed Cost Ratio 0.88 0.83 1.02 0.92 0.81 0.88 0.82 0.88. File: 102010 Elec Case / Corrcted Elec COS Proposed Method / Sumct Exhibits Pagè 3 of4 StafCPR_147 _Attachment A Page 3 of 5 Sumcot AVISTA UTILITIES Idaho Jurisdicton.Scenario: Company Base Case Customer Cost Analysis Elecc Utilit 05-05-10 Rev Peak Creit & Trans by Demand w 7CP For the Twelve Months Ended Dember 31,2009 PROPOSED METHODOLOGY (b)(c) (d) (e)(n (g)(h)(i)OJ (k)(Q (m) Residential General Large Gen Ex Large Ext Large Pumping Str & System Service Servce Service Gen Servic Servic CP Service Are Lights Description Total Sch 1 Sch 11.12 Sch 21-22 Sch25 Sch25P Sch 31-32 Sch 41-49 Meter, Services, Meter Reading & Billng Costs by Schedule at Requested Rate of Return Rate Base 1 Servic 43,010,000 35,231,923 6,808.946 504,880 0 0 464,251 0 2 Servce Accm. Depr.(15,854,000)(12,986,908)(2,509,859)(186,105)0 0 (171,128)0 3 Total Servics 27,156,000 22,245,015 4,299,087 318,775 0 0 293.123 0 4 Meters 28,99,000 15,036,787 8,398,398 3,878,773 78,316 12,995 1,093,731 0 5 Meters Accum. Depr.(1,938.000)(1,022,537)(571,111)(263,766)(5,326)(884)(74,376)0 6 Total Meters 26,561,000 14.014,249 7,827,287 3,615,008 72.990 12,112 1.019.355 0 7 Total Rate Base 53,717.000 36,259,265 12,126,374 3,933,783 72,990 12,112 1,312,477 0 8 Retum on Rate Base im 8.55%4,592.804 3,100,167 1.036.805 336,338 6,241 1.036 112,217 0 9 Revenue Conversion Factor 0.63676 0.63676 0.63676 0.63676 0.63676 0.63676 0.63676 0.63676 10 Rate Base Revenue Requirement 7,212,770 4,868,659 1,628,251 528,203 9,801 1,626 176,21 0 Expenses 11 Servces Depr Exp 670,000 548,835 106,068 7,865 0 0 7,232 0 12 Meters Depr Exp 389,000 205,246 114,635 52,944 1,069 17 14,929 0 13 Services Operations Exp 418,000 342,407 66,174 4,907 0 0 4,512 0 14 Meters Operating Exp 141.000 74,395 41,551 19,190 387 64 5,411 0 15 Meters Maintenance Exp 39,000 20.577 11,493 5,308 107 18 1,497 0.16 Meter Reading 368,000 274,231 52,998 4,012 29,462 3.683 3,614 0 17 Billng 2,553,000 2,067,638 399.593 30,253 22,859 2,857 27,245 2,554 18 Total Expenses 4,578,000 3,533,330 792,513 124,479 53,885 6,00 64,40 2,554 19 Revenue Conversion Factor 0.99384 0.99384 0.99384 0.99384 0.99384 0.99384 0.99384 0.99384 20 Expense Revenue Requirement 4,606,375 3,555,231 797,425 125,250 54,219 6,842 64,839 2,570 21 Total Meter, Service, Meter Reading, and 11,819,145 8,423,889 2,425,675 653,453 64,020 8,468 241,070 2,570 22 Total Custmer Bils 1,460,714 1,194,961 230.939 17,484 96 12 15,746 1,476 23 Average Unit Cost per Month $8.09 $7.05 $10.50 $37.37 $666.87 $705.67 $15.31 $1.74 Distribution Fixed Costs per Customer 24 Total Customer Related Cost 24,481,180 17,195,603 4,148,388 799,975 94,729 12,323 361,137 1,869,025 25 Customer Related Unit Cost per Month $16.76 $14.39 $17.96 $45.75 $986.76 $1,026.89 $22.94 $1,266.28 26 Total Distrbuton Demand Relate Cost 46,148,426 22,014.762 5.895,100 13,06,529 1,402,816 422,574 1,960,489 1,046,157 27 Dist Demand Related Unit Cost per Month $31.59 $18.2 $25.53 $766.79 $14,612.67 $35,214.47 $124.51 $708.78 28 Total Distrbuton Unit Cost per Month $48.35 $32.81 $43.49 $812.54 $15,599.43 $36,241.36 $147.44 $1,975.06 File: 102010 Elec Case I Corrcted Elec COS Proosed Method I Sumcost Exhibits Page 4 of4 . 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AV I S T A U T I L I T E S ID A H O E L E C T R I C PR E S E N T & P R O P O S E D R A T E O F R E T U R N B Y R A T E S C H E D U L E 12 M O N T H S E N D E D D E C E M B E R 3 1 , 2 0 0 9 To t a l 60 7 , 9 6 2 , 0 0 0 22 9 , 6 9 8 , 0 0 0 25 , 5 7 2 , 0 0 0 25 5 . 2 7 0 , 0 0 0 21 4 , 0 1 3 , 0 0 0 1, 4 6 0 , 0 0 0 8, 2 6 5 , 0 0 0 22 3 , 7 3 8 , 0 0 0 31 , 5 3 2 , 0 0 0 5. 1 9 % 1. 0 0 Sc h 1 26 6 . 2 5 2 , 4 3 0 90 , 4 9 5 , 0 0 0 9, 5 9 4 , 3 6 6 10 0 , 0 8 9 , 3 6 6 Sc h 1 1 / 1 2 72 , 4 4 , 6 6 3 29 , 2 4 5 , 0 0 0 2, 5 6 9 , 3 5 31 , 8 1 4 , 3 5 8 Sc h 2 1 1 2 2 13 4 , 4 2 9 , 5 1 7 50 , 5 9 7 , 0 0 0 5, 4 6 1 , 4 1 4 56 . 0 5 8 , 4 1 4 Sc h 2 5 30 , 3 1 4 , 2 9 8 12 , 4 5 5 , 0 0 0 1, 7 7 1 , 7 8 8 14 , 2 2 6 . 7 8 8 Sc h 2 5 P S c h 3 1 1 3 2 78 , 1 1 1 , 5 3 4 1 5 , 2 0 6 , 4 5 3 39 , 4 5 5 , 0 0 0 5, 5 8 9 , 7 4 8 45 , 0 4 4 , 7 4 8 4, 4 0 4 , 0 0 0 43 9 , 6 9 1 4, 8 4 , 6 9 1 Sc h 4 1 - 4 9 11 , 2 0 1 , 1 0 5 3, 0 4 7 , 0 0 0 14 5 , 6 3 3, 1 9 2 , 6 3 5 86 , 4 8 7 , 6 3 1 2 2 , 5 9 6 , 0 8 9 4 4 , 0 3 6 , 2 0 2 1 3 . 4 4 2 , 9 4 8 4 1 , 1 7 5 , 8 4 8 4 , 0 0 8 , 7 9 1 2 . 2 6 5 , 4 9 3 57 5 , 2 0 2 1 8 5 , 8 8 6 3 2 1 , 6 0 3 7 9 . 1 6 6 2 5 0 , 7 8 3 2 7 , 9 9 3 1 9 , 3 6 7 1, 8 8 2 , 8 5 4 2 , 6 7 7 . 3 5 3 2 . 9 7 1 , 9 5 0 - 9 2 , 7 4 1 4 7 2 . 0 8 7 1 3 2 , 3 5 9 2 2 1 . 1 3 8 88 , 9 4 5 , 6 8 7 2 5 , 4 5 9 , 3 2 8 4 7 . 3 2 9 , 7 5 5 1 3 , 4 2 9 , 3 7 3 4 1 , 8 9 8 , 7 1 6 4 , 1 6 9 , 1 4 3 2 , 5 0 5 , 9 9 8 11 , 1 4 3 , 6 7 9 4. 1 9 % 0. 8 1 oo 32 , 1 1 4 , 0 0 0 1 3 . 9 8 % 32 , 1 1 4 , 0 0 0 ~ 26 1 , 8 1 2 , 0 0 0 3 2 . 1 1 4 , 0 0 19 7 , 0 0 0 11 , 4 6 7 , 0 0 0 51 , 9 8 2 , 0 0 0 2 0 , 4 5 0 , 0 0 0 8. 5 5 % 1. 0 0 8. 5 % 51 , 9 8 2 , 0 0 0 51 . 9 8 2 , 0 0 0 71 , 7 1 4 , 0 0 0 46 , 1 4 2 , 0 0 0 21 4 , 0 1 3 , 0 0 0 1, 6 5 7 , 0 0 0 32 , 1 1 4 . 0 0 0 26 1 , 8 1 2 , 0 0 0 13 . 9 8 % 32 , 1 1 3 , 0 0 0 26 1 , 8 1 1 , 0 0 0 0. 8 5 7. 3 0 % 19 , 4 4 9 , 4 5 9 19 , 4 4 9 , 4 5 9 26 , 8 3 2 , 3 3 6 17 , 2 3 7 , 9 7 0 86 , 4 8 7 , 6 3 1 66 0 , 6 5 7 13 , 8 9 1 , 2 5 9 10 4 , 3 8 6 , 2 5 9 15 . 3 5 % 13 , 8 9 1 , 0 0 0 10 4 , 3 8 6 , 0 0 0 6, 3 5 5 , 0 3 0 8. 7 7 % 1. 9 1. 5 2 13 . 0 4 % 9, 4 4 6 , 3 0 9, 4 4 6 . 3 0 13 , 0 3 2 , 0 5 5 10 , 4 6 2 . 6 9 7 22 . 5 9 6 , 0 8 9 21 0 . 5 6 1 4, 0 2 4 , 3 4 6 33 , 2 6 9 , 3 4 13 . 7 6 % 4, 0 2 4 . 0 0 0 33 , 2 6 9 , 0 0 0 . 8, 7 2 8 , 6 5 9 6. 4 9 % 1. 5 Un c o l 1 e c t i b l e s Co m m i s s F e e St a t e I n e T a x Fe d e r a l In c T 8 ) 1. 1 9 10 . 2 2 % 13 , 7 3 5 , 2 1 5 13 , 7 3 5 , 2 1 5 18 , 9 4 9 , 0 0 5 13 , 4 8 7 , 5 9 1 44 , 0 3 6 , 2 0 2 36 6 , 3 8 5 7, 2 9 3 , 1 7 8 57 , 8 9 0 , 1 7 8 14 . 4 1 % 7, 2 9 3 . 0 0 0 57 , 8 9 0 , 0 0 0 79 7 , 4 1 5 2. 6 3 % 0. 5 1 0. 0 0 4 8 0. 0 0 1 6 6 0. 0 1 4 2 0 3 0. 3 4 2 8 7 3 0. 6 3 5. 4 3 % 1, 6 4 5 , 8 5 3 1, 6 4 5 , 8 5 3 2. 2 7 0 . 6 0 7 49 8 , 8 1 9 13 , 4 4 2 , 9 4 8 88 , 7 9 9 1, 5 7 5 , 5 6 6 14 , 0 3 0 , 5 6 6 12 . 6 5 % 1, 5 7 6 , 0 0 0 14 , 0 3 1 . 0 0 0 3, 1 4 6 , 0 3 2 4. 0 3 % 0. 7 8 0. 8 3 7. 1 4 % 5, 5 7 6 , 6 4 5 5, 5 7 6 , 6 4 5 7. 6 9 3 , 5 0 0 2, 1 0 3 . 7 5 2 41 , 1 7 5 , 8 4 6 27 5 , 6 6 0 4, 1 0 0 , 2 5 8 43 , 5 5 5 , 2 5 8 10 . 3 9 % 4, 1 0 0 . 0 0 0 43 , 5 5 5 , 0 0 0 67 4 , 5 4 4. 4 4 % 0. 8 6 0. 8 9 1. 5 % 1. 1 6 3 , 6 5 1 1, 1 6 3 , 6 5 1 1. 6 0 5 , 3 6 4 1. 1 6 5 , 6 7 3 4, 0 0 8 , 7 9 1 32 , 9 5 8 80 3 , 4 2 2 5, 2 0 7 , 4 2 2 18 . 2 4 % 80 3 , 0 0 0 5, 2 0 7 . 0 0 0 68 6 , 6 3 7 6. 1 3 % 1. 1 8 1. 0 1 8. 6 1 % 96 4 , 8 7 3 96 4 , 8 7 3 1, 3 3 1 , 1 3 3 1. 1 8 5 , 4 9 8 2, 2 6 5 , 4 9 3 21 , 9 8 0 42 5 , 9 7 1 3, 4 7 2 , 9 7 1 13 . 9 8 % 42 6 , 0 0 0 3, 4 7 3 , 0 0 0 . ..õ~0.i:1:~'5II~.. 1..;10. lt 1c7