HomeMy WebLinkAbout20100706AVU to CAPAI 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 8-13.pdfAvlsta Corp. 1411 East Mission P.O. Box 3727 Spokane. Washington 99220-0500 Telephone 509489-0500 Toll Free 800-727-9170 RC('r:í\/....!-v.~t";¡ AII'STJI. Corp. ZOIU JUt -6 PM 3: 48 July 1,2010 Brad M. Purdy Attorney at Law 2019 N. 17th St. Boise, il. 83702 Re: Production Request of the Communty Action Parership Association of Idaho (CAPAI in Case Nos. A VU-E-10-0l and A VU-G-1O-01 Dear Mr. Pudy, Enclosed are an original of Avista's responses to CAPAI production requests in the above referenced docket. Included in ths mailng are Avista's responses to production requests 001, 002,003,005,006,008 through 013. If there are any questions regarding the enclosed information, please contact me at (509) 495- 4584 or via e-mail atpaui.kiabll~avistacorp.comS~k Paul Kimball Regulatory Analyst Enclosures CC (Email): all pares electronic . . . JUSDICTION: CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYE: REQUEST NO.: REQUEST: AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMTION IDAHO AVU-E-1O-01 / AVU-G-10-01 IPUC Production Request CAPAI-001 DATE PREPARD: WITSS: RESPONDER: DEPARTMNT: TELEPHONE: 07/0112010 Elizabeth Andrews Paul Kimball State & Federal Reg. (509) 495-4584 Please provide the Company's two most recent FERC Form 1 report. If the report can be readily obtaied (and prited) through the interet, or some other equally accessible means, then please simply provide instrctions on how to access it. RESPONSE: Please see CAPAI_PR_001 Attachment A for the 2008 Form 1 and CAPAI_PR_001 Attchment B for the 2009 Form 1. Due to the voluminous natue of ths data, it is being provided in electronic format only . . . JUSDICTION: CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYE: REQUEST NO.: REQUEST: A VISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMTION IDAHO AVU-E-10-01 1 AVU-G-10-0l IPUC Production Request CAPAI-002 DATE PREPARD: WITSS: RESPONDER: DEPARTMNT: TELEPHONE: 07/0112010 Elizabeth Andrews Paul Kimball State & Federal Reg. (509) 495-4584 Please provide the Company's two latest anua report to shareholders. As with the FERC Form 1, directions to a readily obtaiable, alterative source will suffce. RESPONSE: Please see CAPAI_PR_002 Attchment A for the 2008 Shareholder report and CAPAI_PR_002 Attchment B for the 2009 Shareholder report. Due to the voluminous natue of ths data, it is being provided in electronic format only . . . JUSDICTION: CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYE: REQUEST NO.: REQUEST: AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMTION IDAHO AVU-E-10-01 1 AVU-G-1O-01 IPUC Production Request CAPAI-003 DATE PREPARD: WITSS: RESPONDER: DEPARTMNT: TELEPHONE: 07/0112010 Elizabeth Andrews Paul Kimball State & Federal Reg. (509) 495-4584 Please provide the Company's two latest anual reports to the Secuties and Exchange Commission or directions on how to obtai said reports though equaly accessible means. RESPONSE: Please see CAPAI_PR_003 Attachment A for the 2008 10K report and CAPAI_PR_003 Attchment B for the 2009 10K report. Due to the voluminous natue of ths data, it is being provided in electronic format only . . . JUSDICTION: CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYE: REQUEST NO.: REQUEST: A VISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INORMTION IDAHO AVU-E-1O-011 AVU-G-1O-01 IPUC Production Request CAPAI-005 DATE PREPARD:WISS: RESPONDER: DEPARTMNT: TELEPHONE: 06/30/2010 Patrck Ehrbar Patrck Ehrbar State & Federal Reg. (509) 495-8620 Has the Company conducted, contracted for, or relied upon any price elasticity studies or models in analyzing the consumption levels of its two-tiered block rate strctue for residential customers? By this question, CAP AI seeks to know whether A VISTA has attempted to calculate a minimum level of consumption for residential customers, regardless of the price. RESPONSE: The Company has not conducted or relied upon any price elasticity stuies specificaly related to its curent electrc two-tiered block rate strctue for residential cutomers. However, the Company uses its weather normalization model to estiate base load consumption. The two blocks for Schedule 1 residential electrc customers generally reflect base-load (fist 600 kwhs) versus non base-load consumption (over 600 kwhs) based on the results of regression analyses used to determine weather-sensitive consumption. As is discussed in Mr. Ehrbar's testimony at page 15, that the first block, which is the first 600 kWh's of usage, is stil representative of base-load, with base-load being the minimum level of consumption for residential customers. . . . JUSDICTION: CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYE: REQUEST NO.: REQUEST: A VISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMTION IDAHO AVU-E-1O-0l 1 AVU-G-I0-0l IPUC Production Request CAPAI-006 DATE PREPARD: WITSS: RESPONDER: DEPARTMNT: TELEPHONE: 06/30/2010 Patrck Ehrbar Patrck Ehrbar State & Federal Reg. (509) 495-8620 If your answer to the preceding Request is in the affrmative, please provide a copy of said study(ies) or model(s). RESPONSE: Please see the Company's response to CAPAI-005. . . . JUSDICTION: CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYE: REQUEST NO.: . REQUEST: A VISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMTION IDAHO A VU-E-1O-01 1 A VU-G-1O-01 IPUC Production Request CAPAI-008 DATE PREPARD: WITSS: RESPONDER: DEPARTMNT: TELEPHONE: 06/30/2010 Patrck Ehrbar Patrck Ehrbar State & Federal Reg. (509) 495-8620 On page 15 of his direct testimony, Mr. Ehrbar, relying upon a document produced by the U.S. Deparent of Housing and Urban Development, quantifies the average residential monthy usage at an average of 571 Kwh's. Does ths quantification include electrcity consumed for the purse of electrc space heating? RESPONSE: Ths quantification was the average usage for lighting, refrgeration, and cooking and does not include electrc space heat. . . . JUSDICTION: CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYE: REQUEST NO.: REQUEST: AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMTION IDAHO AVU-E-I0-0l 1 AVU-G-1O-01 IPUC Production Request CAPAI-009 DATE PREPARD:WISS: RESPONDER: DEPARTMNT: TELEPHONE: 06/30/2010 Patrck Ehrbar Patrck Ehrbar State & Federal Reg. (509) 495-8620 In any of his calculations of average monthly residential consumption, and the assumptions he made in calculating said consumption, did Mr. Ehrbar take into account the degree of weather effciency of low-income housing and the potential impact that varable might have on monthy consumption? If so, please provide elaboration of Mr. Ehrbar's analysis in ths regard. RESPONSE: The calculations of average monthy residential consumption were derved from the average anual usage tables included in Mr. Ehrbar's testimony (Tables 11 and 12) and as a result did not take into account any other factors. . . . JUSDICTION: CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYE: REQUEST NO.: REQUEST: A VISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMTION IDAHO AVU-E-1O-01 1 AVU-G-1O-01 IPUC Production Request CAPAI-OlO DATE PREPARD: WITSS: RESPONDER: DEPARTMNT: TELEPHONE: 06/30/2010 Patrck Ehrbar Patrck Ehrbar State & Federal Reg. (509) 495-8620 On page 13 of his direct testimony, Mr. Ehrbar makes a monthy comparson of electrcity consumed anually by non-LIHAP residential customers, to a sample group of LIHEAP-recipient, residential customers. Based upon this sampling, what is the average total monthy consumption for all residential customers compared to the average monthly consumption of the sample group ofLIHEAP-recipient, residential customers? RESPONSE: As discussed in the Company's response to Staff-085, limited income electrc only customers use, on average, 14,807 kilowatt hours per year, versus 12,908 kilowatt hours for regular income customers. On a monthy basis, that would equate to 1,234 kWhs per month for limited income customers versus 1,076 kWhs per month for all residential customers. . . . JUSDICTION: CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYE: REQUEST NO.: REQUEST: AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION IDAHO AVU-E-I0-0l 1 AVU-G-I0-0l IPUC Production Request CAPAI-0l1 DATE PREPARD: WITSS: RESPONDER: DEPARTMNT: TELEPHONE: 06/30/2010 Patrck Ehrbar Patrck Ehrbar State & Federal Reg. (509) 495-8620 On page 13 of his direct testimony, Mr. Ehrbar, in discussing the possibilty of modifyng AVISTA's existing two-tier residential rate block, states: "(t)urer rate inversion could result in additional fixed costs recovered though an even higher tal block rate...." Please explain what "additional fixed costs" Mr. Ehrbar is referg to and how fuer rate inversion would cause recover of said costs to increase. RESPONSE: The point Mr. Ehrbar makes in his testimony was that, if the Company created a thrd block for residential electrc schedule 1, some of the fixed costs that are being recovered in the existing two block strctue would be shifted to an additional block. The recovery of fixed costs, therefore, would be more volatile, as usage in the thrd block would var considerably based on weather. . . . JUSDICTION: CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYE: REQUEST NO.: REQUEST: A VISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMTION IDAHO AVU-E-I0-01 1 AVU-G-1O-01 IPUC Production Request CAPAI-012 DATE PREPARD: WITSS: RESPONDER: DEPARTMNT: TELEPHONE: 06/30/2010 Patrck Ehrbar Patrck Ehrbar State & Federal Reg. (509) 495-8620 Does A VISTA track and maitain any data specific to residential class customers who are deemed "low-income" by the Company using any crteria including, but not limited to, the critera used in deterinng LIHEAP eligibilty RESPONSE: The only income specific data maintaned by the Company is for those customers who have paricipated in LIHAP and Low-Income DSM programs. In order for customers to quaify for these programs, their income must be at or below 125% of the Federal Pover Guidelines. The varous communty action agencies which administer these programs income qualify these customers. It is only when an agency grants an award that Avista can know that a specific customer is "low-income". . . . JUSDICTION: CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYE: REQUEST NO.: REQUEST: A VISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMTION IDAHO AVU-E-1O-01 1 AVU-G-10-01 IPUC Production Request CAPAI-013 DATE PREPARD: WITSS: RESPONDER: DEPARTMNT: TELEPHONE: 06/30/2010 Patrck Ehrbar Patrck Ehrbar State & Federal Reg. (509) 495-8620 If the answer to the preceding Request is in the affrmative, please state the critera used to deterine whether a customer is "low-income," identify the natue of the data tracked and produce said data. RESPONSE: Please see the Company's response to CAPAI-012.